- Author - FictitiousSlave
- Rating -
   [ 3.84 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1268 of 2955
- Story Codes - f-self, Other-f, consensual, non-consensual, bondage, self-bondage, waterplay
- Post Date - 10/29/2012
Author's Note: I have to admit I'm not as pleased with this submission as I have been with others, I like the principal but I feel I struggle with self bondage stories, they don't seem to click. I'd been keen to hear any comments or suggestions as I have another potential self bondage story.
Excitement pounded in my chest as I picked up the thin cord. I'd double checked the winch the previous night, the sun was shining outside and pieces I'd collected from the DIY store were laid on the kitchen table in front of me. Whether it's harder for a female bondage enthusiast to purchase various thicknesses and lengths of rope and cable ties than a male I'm not sure. All I know is that I'd always felt extremely embarrassed whenever I tried, I was sure the teenage boy behind the counter saw right through my apparent innocence.
Innocence was something I lacked, to the outside world I was little Mary Bowmore, barely nineteen years old and home for the summer after her first year at university. I lived with my parents in a tiny village not far from Nottingham, played the clarinet and worked part time in the local bookshop. What the outside world didn't know was my secret desire to be tied up, dominated and fucked. I'd been furthering my education with the help of the internet since I was sixteen and was more than familiar with hogties, frogties, savage folds and many others. What I'd always lacked was someone to share my passion with. This had led me along the same route as so many lonely kinky individuals and I was now more than proficient with self bondage. I did pity the doms, what could they do without a partner?
In a stroke of luck some friends of my parents had asked me to house sit for a week during the summer. They were a well off family, the size of the house, the pool and the secluded location went to prove it, this made the home a dream for someone like me! My other find of the summer had come from a car boot sale at the local sailing club, it was a winch. I'd seen potential in it immediately, had made some excuse about it being ideal for a university friend's garage and had paid a mere £20 for the device.
Upon closer examination the winch had proved to be better than I could have hoped for, not only could it be set to wind until a preset length but it was also entirely waterproof. I'd spent most of last night experimenting and testing the device in anticipation of today's exploits, ideas had driven me to distraction and I'd slept with some frightfully erotic dreams (after a spectacular session with my vibrator).
The thin rope ran out through my hands, out the door and into the pool at the end of the garden. Two black marks decorated the length, the first indicated how much length I had for my tie, the second the depth of the water at the point the winch lay submerged. My plan was simple, I would bind my ample breasts with the trailing rope then I'd allow myself to be led (or dragged) out of the house across the garden and into the pool. I'd spent several hours yesterday calibrating my winch so it would stop once I was standing above it in the cool water. The house was several miles from the nearest village and well away from any footpaths, there was next to no chance that I would be seen. The remaining risk was just part of the fun!
I quickly looked out the kitchen door into the bright garden, a gentle breeze fluttered the grass. The rope in my hand led over the doorstep, along the garden and into the pool. The black power lead for the submerged winch came back in the opposite direction and plugged into the wall via a timer set for thirty minutes, as soon as I was ready all I had to do was activate it. Show time!
Quickly I stripped my clothes and threw them to one side, I shivered as the breeze caught my naked body. I'm proud of my appearance, I enjoy tennis which helps keep me slim, I have a round firm backside and average breasts. I used to have hangups about the size of my chest, my breasts never seemed as pert or large as the silicon enhanced ones I saw so often online but I've grown to love them. They're certainly large enough to attract attention when I wear a low cut top and they are a perfect size for tying (not that I've tied many other pairs of breasts however). I have light blonde hair and blue eyes which I often hide behind my glasses. When I'm not indulging my kinky side I would describe myself as a cute bookworm.
I decided to start with my breasts, I didn't bother with a full chest harness as it would probably restrict the tightness of the winch ropes. Instead I simply wrapped each end tightly around the base of each breast and tied the ends behind my neck. As I'd expected when I tugged on my makeshift leash the coils around each breast tightened significantly, I hoped I could keep up with the slow winch or this could become very painful!
Slowly I activated my bullet vibrator and slipped it inside, my knees buckled slightly as it found it's position but I forced myself back into control and swiftly tied my knees and ankles together. This trapped the powerful little device deep inside me.
Finally I slipped my hands into the coil of rope I'd prepared, this held my hands firmly behind my back. A cable tie rested between each hand and by crouching then standing on the end I was able to pull it tight cinching my wrists. I was now trapped until the winch released me and I could retrieve the scissors beside the pool.
Feeling the thrill of the moment I hopped up onto the counter and turned on the power. The tug from the submerged winch was instantaneous, I quickly dismounted the counter and took advantage of my few moments grace to bounce out of the kitchen door. The winch quickly took up the slack, I saw the rope tighten forcing me to hop forward again, I was on soft grass now, I could feel the long blades between my toes... I should cut it at some point!
I was running out of slack rope, I hopped again as far as I could. My entire chest bounced as I jumped forwards, the coils of rope making the movement even more pronounced. Another hop, another corresponding bounce from my chest.
The movement caused the bullet inside me to shift position and before I knew what was happening I was gripped by the powerful sensation. My knees bent but I couldn't relocate the vibrator. I realised too late that the slack had vanished from my leash, with a furious tug on my poor breasts the winch pulled me forward onto my knees. I'd half expected this although I'd hoped I would be closer to the pool. The winch pulled relentlessly forward, with my hands and feet bound there was nothing I could do beside fall onto my bound breasts in the grass.
The next few minutes were a torturous game of tug-a-war, occasionally I'd squirm forward through the grass and gain a little slack, suddenly I'd feel the vibrator spur onwards, the distraction would cost me and the next thing I'd know was the painful stretching of my breasts as they were dragged irresistibly towards the ever approaching water.
Finally I rested on the rubber matting I'd placed along the edge of the pool, the water looked cool in the afternoon sun. I knew I was going into the pool whether I wanted to or not at this point so taking a deep breath I rolled myself into the water below.
I gasped as I hit the cold water, I struggled towards the surface on instinct and began to panic when my bound hands and feet failed to respond. Slowly I regained focus and managed to stand in the neck deep water. Quickly I took my position over the winch, I knew once the last of the slack was spent I'd be trapped here for approximately twenty minutes to enjoy my vibrator wishes. My heart thudded in anticipation.
A familiar tugging began again in my chest, my already tortured breasts screamed in protest as the winch took in the slack and forced me downwards, my mouth was now perfectly lined up with the water surface forcing my head back to breath. Beneath the surface my knees were bent slightly to relieve the pressure on my chest, deep inside my trusty bullet vibrator buzzed away relentlessly. How long would I be able to hold this position? I knew the answer, around fifteen minutes remained in the timer so that's how long I would have to endure.
I began to panic as the drag of the winch continued it's irresistible downward pull, why wasn't it stopping? I took my final few desperate gasps of air as my nose and mouth were dragged inevitably below the water's surface...
My legs were out behind me as the rope continued to drag me towards the bottom of the pool, there was no way to reach the surface and release the burning in my lungs. Somewhere in my head logic kicked into play, if I couldn't reach the surface I would drown, my lungs were bursting with the pressure already, I didn't have long left. I'd managed to drag the heavy winch to the pool, I could lift it. The difficulty was that I had lifted the device with my hands, the only way to escape a certain (and very humiliating) death now would be to bear the entire weight on my already suffering breasts. The knots I'd tied were designed to transfer all the weight through to my chest, I'd gain no relief there!
The sudden realisation that I could actually die here choked me, for what seemed like minutes I froze, I heard my heart pounding, I heard the vibrator buzzing. Eventually I snapped back. Slowly, with nothing else to try I managed to pull my legs under me, there was only a foot or so remaining between my chest and my tormentor. Slowly, feeling every excruciating movement I began to lift. Objects are supposed to weigh less in the water, I found that hard to believe as I lifted the entire weight through my tightly bound breasts. After several more agonising moments I reached the surface.
Air rushed into my lungs as I broke the surface. Half relief, half torture. I knew that at least I wasn't going to drown although my chest was going to be sore long after I escaped!
Thankfully the winch had finally stopped winding an inch from my breasts I didn't know what had caused it to finally stop its relentless approach but I had no intention of stopping to investigate. I needed to reach the steps, from there I could rest the weight on the metal footplates and reach my scissors. Before I attempted to move however I needed to rest.
Taking a deep breath I allowed the weight of the winch to pull me beneath the surface. The panic had gone now the threat of my death had subsided, in its place was a determination. I was going to beat the situation I'd got myself into!
I knew the momentary relief I'd bought for my breasts couldn't last, all too soon I was dragging myself up to the surface for air. It wasn't far to the steps and my escape but I needed to rest a further two times as I crossed the water. Exhaustion ran through me as I collapsed against the frame, the metal held the winch off my chest and form the first time I could relax. The scissors were in easy reach and in a few moments I was free.
The vibrator continued to buzz inside me as I rested alongside the pool, somehow I'd managed to drag myself to dry land before I'd collapsed. The adrenaline continued to pump through my small body and I rubbed furiously at my clit to try and coax the orgasm which had evaded me during my time in the water.
I gasped silently as I came, the sensation swept through me from my still sensitive breasts to my tingling pussy. I needed to examine the winch again I decided, it was spectacular but perhaps some refinement was needed!
Slowly I removed my small bullet vibrator and opened my eyes. It wasn't until that moment I spotted the security camera hiding under the eves of the big house, it's red light blinked knowingly at me...