Author's Note: This is the beginning of a fairly lengthy story I have been working on. The story itself serves as the introduction to the first character of what I hope to develop into a small series of stories. Having now taken a short break after writing 28 chapters, I am reading back and questioning some of my decisions. Because of this I have decided to post the first nine chapters, the ones I am happiest with, and solicit any suggestions or advice for where readers think the story (or series) should go, or improvements to what I have. Please comment or e-mail me your suggestions. Enjoy!
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Update (2012/11/16): I've added 5 more chapters (9-14) to the story that I'm currently comfortable with, as well as some minor edits to the 8 chapters I've already uploaded. These edits were mostly based on what I heard in the comments but there's nothing major enough to demand a re-read of the first upload. I have had some really great feedback and am seriously considering some of the ideas I have gotten, so please keep them coming. As I mentioned before, this story serves as the introduction to the first character of what I hope to develop into a small series of stories. Please comment or e-mail me your suggestions for this or future stories. Enjoy!
Update (2012/12/04): I've added 12 more chapters, 15-27. Thank You to all the readers who have commented and ranked my story. Please e-mail me any ideas, improvements or criticism you have. Thanks!
Update (2013/01/12): Here are the final seven (28-34) chapters of The Convention. Thank you for all of your support so far. I wasn't really sure how well the last upload would go over, as it was fairly lengthy, but your comments are reassuring. I hope this update brings the story to a satisfying close for you.
Do not fear however that Alex is gone forever. I have already begun considering where she will go next, part of the reason this story moves through to a rather non-dramatic ending. Many of the ideas that commenters have listed are already in my list for the future, especially a return of "the suit". To this end, please e-mail me any further ideas you have for Alex, or add them to the comments and I will gladly consider them. It may take a few months before another story is ready, so I thank you in advance for your patience.
Thank you for all your support and constructive criticisms, -Anuezryk
1. The Background
Alexandra parked her car in the lot of the hotel she would be staying at. She had been driving for about 6 hours, and couldn't wait to get out and stretch her legs. The trip had taken longer than she thought it would, and her chastity belt was beginning to get uncomfortable from sitting in the same position for such a long time.
Swinging her legs to get out of the car, she had to awkwardly twist herself up and out because of the restriction of her thigh bands, which she had only linked with about 2 inches of chain. Standing up, she was nervous that her pleated black skirt would not be long enough to cover the thigh bands and tugged it down a bit, even though she had double checked its length before she left home. Careful to not attract any undue attention to herself, she unloaded her 2 suitcases, one large and one small, grabbed her purse and walked to the entrance as quickly as her restricted stride would allow.
The hotel was nothing special, and online reviews were mixed, but the place was clean and more importantly, was connected by an underground passage to the nearby convention center where one of the world's largest BDSM conventions was about to take place. For the next three days, from Friday to Sunday, vendors and exhibitioners from around the world would be there to showcase, and more importantly, demonstrate their wares to the thousands of visitors. Alex would be there to examine the latest products and see in person many of the things she had seen online, and get inspiration for things she could build herself.
Alexandra had been interested in bondage and control since she was less than 16, but had always struggled to find someone who wanted to indulge her passion for submission in a way that turned her on. Most of the people she considered boyfriends just wanted sex, and Alexandra wanted someone with a more serious commitment to fulfilling her bondage fantasies.
After studying to become a mechanical engineer and making it through 4 difficult years of university, she realized she could probably do better by herself, and began to explore self-bondage. Enrolling in some simple online electronics classes, and applying that to her existing experiences with some metal working and her job working with devices to control the movement of liquids, she quickly built a collection of self-bondage devices that she used at home, and with each new device came more ideas for future attachments and add-ons that would further restrict and control her actions. Alexandra loved the feeling of being secure, and the ever-present uncertainty that existed with self-bondage. It didn't take long then before she had ways to restrain herself effectively in her small house for sometimes a few days at a time.
As her setups became more and more complex and the risks became greater, Alex had to work harder and harder to maintain the level of safety and redundancy that would be required to guarantee her personal safety. She had had more than a few close calls over time, and with each one she considered finding the right person who would indulge her fantasies and ensure she was safe, but always came back to the machines she had built to fulfill her desires.
Alexandra decided to invest in a chastity belt shortly after she discovered self-bondage, as a way to control her urges when she was working on a new project, and as a new toy to play with and modify for her pleasure. Her first belt was a secure over the waist model, fitted with a continuous crotch band and contoured hip bands, with separate locks on the front for the belt and crotch shield and an opening at the back for her anus that could also be covered and locked. Although wearing the belt was difficult to adjust to at first, over time she designed and built multiple additions, including programmable vibrating plugs for both her vagina and anus, and a custom time lock safe to put her keys in for enforcement, leading to many nights of intense uncontrollable pleasure as the belt held her captive.
Growing accustomed to the belt, she began wearing it more and more, enjoying the power it exerted over her, as well as the power it gave her, reminding her of all of the guys she had slept with before she got into self-bondage. The belt was not without its limitations however, and the high waist was a drawback when she began wearing the belt out of the house, as it was visible above the waist of her low rise jeans. Because of this, and her constant desire for more control, Alex soon bought the chastity belt she was wearing now. This belt was similar, but was a low rise contoured waist model with a cable in the rear, rather than the continuous band. This one was also lined in pink, and with her time lock safe keeping the keys, she began wearing the new belt in place of panties to work each day, enjoying the feeling it gave her of security and control. With this second belt, she also bought matching thigh bands to restrict her stride and further prevent herself from masturbating when she became frustrated during the days she had locked herself into the belt. This also forced her to wear skirts, which weren't her favorite, but knowing she was safe in her belt made her more comfortable wearing less conservative clothing in her male dominated work environment. To complete her outfit, she also included a metal bra in her order to cover her C cup breasts and prevent her from touching her nipples, which she had found herself doing more and more often with her sex locked away.
Alex was glad she had gone without the locking metal bra in the car ride there, as the temperature was over 30 degrees Celsius and her car's AC was not particularly powerful. The bra would have caused her breasts to bake in their restrictive metal prisons, and likely would have been visible through the tight fit of her short sleeved tee shirt. Luckily the hotel and convention center were air-conditioned throughout, so her plan could continue as envisioned. The coming 3 days would be the culmination of over 3 years of work for Alexandra, and she couldn't wait to experience what she had devised for herself.
2. The Preparations
Checking into the hotel midafternoon Thursday, she obtained her room keys from the front desk and took the time to decline room service for her 4 night stay, as it would be an unnecessary intrusion on her activities. Putting the room key into her purse, she saw the pass for the convention center she had purchased online and remembered to ask the front desk staff for directions from her room to the tunnel that lead to the exhibit halls, as she didn't want to have to figure it out later.
Although her suitcases were inconspicuous, there was nothing ordinary about the larger one. Arriving at her room, she opened the door and heaved the 75 pound monstrosity onto the luggage rack. The room was a standard hotel room, with a washroom just inside the door and a single king bed past that. Closing the curtains and turning up the air conditioning, Alexandra removed her small black and white PUMA athletic shoes, realizing it would be the last time she got to experience the comfort of flats until at least Sunday night.
Having sweat quite a bit on the car ride, Alex quickly stripped off her shirt, bra and skirt to have a shower. The keys to her chastity belt and thigh bands were intentionally buried deep in her suitcase, and she resisted the urge to unpack it and masturbate herself to orgasm right there. Self-control would be important if she wanted to follow through with her plan later.
Putting the clothes she'd stripped out of into the drawer of the dresser, Alexandra entered the washroom. In her Chastity belt, urine simply flowed out through small holes in the crotch plate, however the rear cable meant evacuating her bowels could create a bit of a mess. With what she had planned for the weekend and the issues going to the washroom in her belt, Alex had packed a small disposable enema bag in her purse, and unrolled it on the counter. After pulling on the included latex gloves, Alexandra filled the 1 liter bag under the tap with lukewarm water, and hung it on the shower rod. With the included packet of lube she greased the tip, before slowly sliding it past the rear cable of the belt and into her anus.
Anal play was one of Alex's first kinky experiences, and she had experimented with it as early as high school, but she had never been very comfortable with administering enemas. The chastity belt made it a necessity however, and after giving an involuntary shudder as she inflated the tip in her rectum, she removed the small plastic clip and allowed the water to fill her bowels. After a minute the bag was ¾ empty, and just as she felt a cramp Alex sat down on the toilet and reached under herself to deflate and pull out the nozzle. With nothing stopping it, the foul brown water sprayed out of her ass and around the cable. Wiping herself clean, Alexandra finished her business and flushed the toilet. She then emptied the remaining water from the bag and disposed of it and the gloves into the trash, in a sealed plastic bag.
Running the shower for a minute to allow it to warm up, Alex carefully stepped into the tub, a difficult process with the restriction imposed on her thighs. Massaging shampoo through her long brown hair, she began to run through the steps of the plan in her mind, and her hand instinctively reached to caress her throbbing clit, only to be met by the unyielding steel of her belt. Knocking her off of the train of thought, Alex finished her shower by scrubbing around her belt and attempting to clean her pussy under the shield, and shut off the shower. Toweling herself dry, she carefully hung the towel up and stepped back into the room.
3. Unpacking
Having cleaned herself up, Alexandra began unpacking for her weekend. Removing the convention pass and room key from her purse, she placed them on top of the television and put her purse in the drawer below with her clothes. Moving around the room wearing nothing but her pink chastity belt and thigh bands, Alex opened her large suitcase and began to pull out its carefully packed contents. First was a blue fabric bag, the contents of which she carefully laid out on one side of the bed. Returning to the suitcase, she laid a small pile of clothes on the other side of the bed, followed by a bundle of various cords and tubes.
Then things got more interesting, as Alex removed a pair of thigh height ballet boots, a leather overbust corset and a similar leather neck corset, laying each of them on the bed. This left a 1 small cardboard box in the bottom of the suitcase, about 1 foot square, as well as a bundle of assorted metal tubes and pieces. Carefully placing the cardboard box on the dresser, she removed the bundle of metal and put them on the floor next to the desk at the end of the room. The bottom quarter of the suitcase was filled by a rectangular control unit, which Alex pulled out and placed on the floor.
Putting her smaller suitcase on the chair next to the desk, Alex opened it up and checked its contents. At the bottom was a small selection of clothes she had brought for the trip home, which she removed and placed in the dresser. Taking up the rest of the suitcase was a black plastic case, about 22 inches tall, 14 inches wide and 10 inches deep, with a series of hooks and connectors on the bottom side. Opening it up, most of the case was filled with a large bag containing a coarse grey powder. Removing the bag, she also took out a small bottle, and placed both of them on the table.
This left only two items left in the case that weren't attached: a small industrial tablet computer, about 7 inches across, and the envelope with the keys that opened her chastity belt. Placing the tablet and envelope on the table, Alex's urge to immediately unlock the belt and finger herself was reduced when she plugged the tablet into control unit and turned on the tablet, revealing a countdown timer currently at 1 hour and 38 minutes. Although she had laid out her plans carefully to ensure she would have enough time to prepare when she arrived, the trip had taken longer than she thought it would, and she didn't want to face the consequences of not being ready when the timer hit zero.
4. The countdown
Slowly starting to panic, Alex took a deep breath. She had done almost all of this before when she was testing her system, and knew if she tried she should be able to beat the deadline. Grabbing the now lightweight and nearly empty large suitcase, she pulled it into the washroom as quickly as her restricted stride would allow. With it lying open on the floor, she pulled out a few feet of the tube that was coiled on the bottom of the suitcase. The tube was attached to a large plastic bladder that lay folded below it across the bottom of the case.
Taking the hose she placed the end against the spout of the faucet and, like a condom, unrolled a tight sheath over the spout. This effectively allowed her to fill the water bladder in the suitcase, without leaking or wasting any water. The bladder would be filled with her entire supply of water for the weekend, about 75 liters worth, and she turned on the tap and watched the water slowly start to fill the suitcase.
Leaving the tap running in the washroom, Alexandra grabbed the bundle of metal tubes next. Opening it up, she pulled out what was essentially a large overbuilt camera tripod, that when assembled stood just over 6 feet tall. Picking up the control unit from the floor, Alex placed it against the back wall of the room next to the air conditioner. The control unit had a hole in the top of it that one leg of the tripod slid into, and Alex lifted the tripod up and slipped the back leg into the hole.
Next, Alex removed two pulleys from the bundle and hung them from the top of the tripod. Opening the top of the control box, she slowly pulled out two reeled up cables, and threaded each of them over one of the pulleys. Returning to the bundle, Alex removed a 18 inch metal bar with an eye in the centre and a special cuff on each end, and hung it from one end of the dangling cable. The final two pieces of the bundle were more complex. One was a spreader bar similar to the first, but this one only 12 inches across, and with a threaded screw hole in the centre. The other was a bar about 2 feet long, with an eye in the middle. One end of the bar threaded into the spreader bar joining them together in a T, and the other end had a special fitting, with another similar fitting about 2/3 of the way down. Hanging this T shaped setup from the second cable; Alex went and turned off the water running to fill the suitcase in the washroom.
The suitcase was full, and weighed almost 170 pounds, making it a struggle to lift one end from the floor. Detaching the hose from the faucet and shutting the valve off next to the bag, Alex removed the hose and placed it on the counter. Struggling to drag the bag across the floor, the sweat began to glisten on her nearly naked body. Finally Alexandra had it next to the tripod, under the desk at the back of the room. Grabbing the bundle of cables and hose from the bed, she opened the top of the control unit and began hooking things together.
First, she plugged the control unit into a power outlet. Then a short hose ran from the water bladder in the suitcase to the unit and another 2 hoses from the unit up the back leg of the tripod where they dangled about a foot off the floor. More cords were then added, connecting each of the 4 dangling cuffs to the unit and another one to the special plug that was attached midway up the T shaped bars. Finally, Alexandra picked up the bag of grey powder from the table and hung it high up the back leg of the tripod, and ran a hose down from it to a port on top of the control unit.
Alexandra then went back to the case that was sitting on the chair. Attached to the inside of it was a microcontroller as well as various small pieces of equipment and a lithium battery pack. Taking the small bottle she had removed from the case earlier, she carefully removed the cap and holding the case upright screwed the bottle into the case so it hung inside. Next, Alexandra went to the bed where she had laid out the contents of her blue bag and picked up one of the items she had laid out, a small key. Making sure the locks that sat with it were all left open, she took the key and slipped it into a small pocket in the back of the plastic case, placing her hotel room key and convention visitor pass in two more similar pockets in the case. Finally she reached into the case and held down the button that booted the microcontroller finishing her preparations.
5. The Intruders
With the tripod setup at the end of the room and the controller sitting below it, the devices that would control Alex for the next 72 hours were ready. Her water supply sat on the floor, and the portable control unit waited on the table. None of the equipment was particularly specialized, with the control unit primarily consisting of an industrial controller and some pumps and winches, but when looking at it all finally laid out before her ready to go Alex realized that her pussy was already dripping with anticipation. When the tablet screen flashed that it had successfully connected wirelessly to the microcontroller in the plastic case, Alex closed the clamshell lid of the case and made sure the lock clicked shut. Now the only thing missing from the setup was Alex.
Quickly getting back to the task at hand, Alex looked at the tablet. Only 44 minutes remained, she had lost almost an hour setting up the control system. Tearing open the envelope with the keys to her belt, Alex unlocked the two padlocks holding the chains from the thigh bands to the waist belt and slipped the bands down her legs. Taking a few large steps across the room, she was reminded that she would quickly loose that freedom again when she carried out her plan. Facing a sudden pang of doubt that she should go through with the scheme that she had spent years working towards, she quickly removed the chastity belt and placed it along with the keys and bands in the dresser.
Trying to concentrate on what to do next, Alex sat down on the bed next to where she had laid out all of the items from her blue bag. Picking up the sterile package of a 24 french urinary catheter, Alexandra began to have more doubts. Alex wasn't very fond of catheters, and knew that after three days of wearing one she would probably not be enjoying it. However it was hard to pass up the level of control it presented, and with a small sigh, she peeled open the package and pulled on the gloves. Wiping the swab around the opening to her urethra to sterilize it, she used the included lube to cover the tip and first few inches of the rubber tube. Holding the end steady with one hand and separating her labia with the other, she pushed the catheter slowly up her urethra and into her bladder.
The sensation of having something inserted up your urethra could best be described as unnatural, and doing it to herself made Alexandra somewhat uneasy, however when a small amount of golden yellow piss dripped out of the tube and onto the protective sheet, she quickly clamped the end shut and grabbed the syringe filled with saline, screwing it in and filling the inflatable bladder deep within herself. Removing the syringe from the attachment point on the side of the catheter, Alex was left with about 12 inches of off white latex hose dangling from her vulva. As she cleaned up, her hand brushed past her clit, the first time it had been stimulated since she had locked herself in her chastity belt almost a week before. Rubbing her engorged clit while fingering herself, it took all of the willpower she could muster to not bring herself to orgasm, and Alex knew her reward would be sweeter if she could resist temptation.
Placing the syringe back into its package, Alexandra removed the gloves and put the catheter kit back into her blue bag. Picking up the next object off of the bed, Alex's sex glistened with her juices in anticipation of what was about to come. In her hand, Alex held the latest model of a device she had been working on for years. The pink and black dildo was roughly seven inches long and an inch and three quarters across, and had a gentle curve from the halfway point to the tip. The bottom of the dildo had an accordion covering allowing it to extend, and the top portion was designed to rotate, allowing all sorts of interesting sensations. The parts of the dildo that didn't extend or expand were then covered in smooth shiny metal studs over pink silicone.
The large phallus was the tenth or twelfth version Alex had built, and the most capable and biggest so far. Preparing to insert it, Alexandra picked up her tube of lube from the bed and generously coated the tip of the device in it. Lining up the dildo with the opening of her sex, Alex gently pushed the dildo up into herself. The base of the dildo was attached to an oval shaped smooth metal plate which Alex snugged up against her vulval vestibule, and labia minora. Doing this pushed the dildo home, and the plate now rested just below her clit and its hood. The plate had 8 metal bolts protruding from it, four in a row down each side, that lined up with 3/32nd grommets she had pierced and inserted in her outer labia few years earlier. Gently stretching her labia majora outwards, she settled each of the grommets over one of the small bolts, her own lips now holding the dido snug inside of her.
The next item was a rounded oval shaped metal plate similar to the one attached to the dildo, but this one had holes in it rather than bolts and was much larger. It also had a few small attachments that would rest over her clitoris when it was attached. Carefully pulling the catheter and wire that extended from the dildo through a hole in the plate, she left the fill valve for the catheter's balloon between her lips and slid the plate over the metal studs protruding from her sex. With her fingers she tightened down a nut on each bolt, and then slid a u shaped piece of metal through a hole in the top of each bolt. A small padlock linked the bottom of the U with the metal plate, preventing her from removing it or the nuts that secured the plate. With the keys to the padlock secured in the plastic case, Alex could no longer remove the dildo or touch herself, as the metal plate securely covered her entire vulva. Even the catheter was now stuck, as the valve to release the saline balloon in her bladder was trapped in the sandwich. There was no turning back now.
Similar to her collection of dildos, Alexandra got ready to insert her fifth generation of custom butt plug. The massive anal intruder was shaped like a stainless steel torpedo, with a rounded tip. The entire plug was almost 6 inches long and over two and a half inches across, and narrowed to an inch and a half across at the bottom where her sphincter would rest. Having dabbled with anal penetration for quite some time, Alex was comfortable with fitting smaller things inside of her, however in order to include all of the functionality she desired this plug was larger than any she had used before. Grabbing more lube, she applied a very generous amount and coated the entire plug in it, making it difficult to hold onto, and then wiped some across her asshole for good measure.
Lining the tip of the torpedo up with the greasy puckered ring of her anal sphincter, Alexandra bent over, her breasts shaking as they hung below her. Flexing her ass, she began to push the fairly blunt tip of the plug against her puckered rosebud, but was met with only resistance. Taking a deep breath, Alexandra hunched over even further and relaxed, and finally felt the pop can sized device begin to make progress into her rectum.
As the full girth of the plug made its way into her lower opening, Alex's eyes began to water, the plug pushing the limits of her fairly tight asshole. With a tear starting to roll down her cheek from the intense pain she was enduring, Alex considered removing the plug and giving up, but instead leaned backwards, and sat down on the bed. Suddenly forcing the plug home, her sphincter relaxed, but only slightly as it wrapped around the thick shank at the bottom of the plug. Standing up again, Alex was grateful she had cleaned herself out earlier with an enema. The plug made her feel beyond full, and combined with the dildo she had filling her cunt, her lower abdomen was feeling the pressure of the dual intruders.
Moving around with the plug in her made Alex feel like she was waddling, but the time on the counter was ticking ever closer to zero and she had no time to dwell. Taking the end of the catheter and electrical connecter that were dangling from her chastity plate, she carefully attached each of them to the exposed bottom of her butt plug. Removing the clamp from the catheter, Alexandra felt a small amount of relief from her bladder as urine was allowed to flow out and into her rectum, negating the requirement for a separate collection bag.
6. The Outfit
Walking around the bed, Alexandra unfolded a dark pink spandex leotard that she had unpacked earlier. The leotard had been custom made for her, and she had modified it further for her purposes. Featuring high cut leg openings, the leotard had a tall neck that extended to under her chin like a turtleneck. To allow her to put it on, a circular hole was cut in the back, just between her shoulder blades. From above her mons pubis in the front between her legs and around her anal plug, a thick neoprene liner had been sewn in, similar to the chamois in a pair of biking shorts. Similar neoprene circles, these ones thinner than in the crotch, had also been sewn in where her nipples would go. Sitting on the bed and putting her legs through the hole in the back, Alex stretched the heavy weave spandex up her legs and lined up the stopper on her butt plug with a hole in the liner, pulling it through. Before pulling the straps over her arms, she reached down between her legs and grabbed a connector up that was set into the liner, attaching it to the plug. Hanging from the back of the leotard in the small of her back was a similar connector on a short cord, and another one extended from behind the collar.
Pulling the suit over her breasts, Alexandra stretched her head through the opening and extended her arms out the sides. Adjusting the front of the suit so the neoprene pads lined up with her nipples, she couldn't help but notice as the fabric between her legs pulled her two plugs deeper into her holes, and she could feel the two plugs bump against each other. Picking up the other item of clothing on the bed, Alex stretched out a navy blue metallic latex bodysuit. The suit was made of a midweight latex, and had attached feet, gloves and a hood that left her face exposed. Similar to the leotard she already wore, a hole was cut where her butt plug would be, as well at the top back of her neck. A short zipper ran up the center of the back, with dual pulls allowing it to be closed from both directions. Opening the zippers, Alexandra slipped her feet down into the legs of the suit.
The suit had been powdered inside before, but it remained a struggle to pull up and smooth out the latex. The suit had been made to fit her extremely snugly, as Alexandra hated the idea of unsightly wrinkles or bunching around her joints when she moved. When she had finally pulled the suit up to around her waist, she picked up the last item from her blue bag off the bed. A small flesh toned plastic ring, Alex reached behind her and pushed the suit deep into the crack of her ass. Finding the hole in the suit, Alex lined up the ring with the hole and snapped the ring onto the end of the plug that protruded from her asshole, holding the latex suit in the cleft of her ass cheeks.
Pulling the suit up and over her shoulders, Alex grabbed the connector hanging from her neck and pulled it through the hole in the rubber suit. Lifting the hood up, she smoothed out her hair and pulled the hood up and over her head, leaving only her face and ears not covered in a shiny rubber coating. Straining to stretch her arms around her back and find the zippers, she pulled one end up and the other down until they met in the middle of her lower back, with the connecter from her bodysuit poking through between them. Alex loved the warm embrace of the latex gripping her body, especially her legs and ass.
With only a few items remaining on the bed, Alex touched the tablet to wake it up and glanced at the timer. Only 12 minutes were left, and it would be unlikely she would be ready in time. Knowing that the faster she moved the less punishment she would endure for being late, Alexandra picked up the corset she had laid on the bed earlier and wrapped it around her abdomen. The corset was a beautiful black leather overbust style, with dark red highlights on the edges and accents. Measuring 20 inches around when fully closed, Alex could lace her well-toned abdomen down to 22 if she tried, but usually left it at 23 if she was going to wear it for any length of time.
Like most of what Alex bought, this corset had been modified to fit her needs. Instead of laces on the back, a simple set of clasps held it around her, but didn't allow it to be pulled tight. Attached to the solid steel boning in the back, 4 metal hooks protruded out, whose purpose would become clear later. The corset was also equipped with a set of straps that began under Alex's armpits and wrapped around the front and over her shoulders, crossing behind her back. Attaching these to similar clasps to keep them in place, Alex noticed how even without being tightened the corset lifted and amplified her already sizeable breasts, making them stand proudly on her chest. Another modification to the corset was another small hole in the back that the connector from her bodysuit under layer ran through, as well as two buckles that were attached to the bust of the corset above her breasts.
With only minutes now remaining on the timer, Alexandra grabbed the neck corset off of the bed. This corset, really a posture collar, matched the first one's black and red design, and extended from a flare above her shoulders up her neck to just below her ears. Where her mouth would be hidden behind the leather that wrapped around the front, 3 holes were visible. Behind them, on the inside of the mouth plate was a large black rubber gag. The gag was semicircular, with a set of tooth shaped indentations around the edges like a mouth guard. Constructed from rubber coated metal, Alexandra pulled open the back of the corset and lined the gag up with her mouth. Gags were another favorite past time of Alex's, and this one was designed to push her limits. Pulling the corset around her neck, she had to open her jaw wide to sink her teeth into the pockets, and ran her tongue around the rubber that now sat where her teeth were a moment before.
Unlike the first one, this corset had laces, and Alex worked quickly to pull the lace from grommet to grommet up the back of her neck, with the neck connector from her bodysuit going between the laces. The latex gloves of her suit were thicker than the rest of the suit and hindered her progress slightly, coupled with the fact she couldn't see behind her. Alex checked her progress in the mirror that hung on the closet door as she finished, tying the lace into a knot at the back of her head. Pulling a leather panel across the laces, Alex attached a padlock to it at the top and bottom, sealing the laces within it and preventing them from being undone.
Having finished lacing the corset and pulling it closed around her neck, Alex took two straps hanging from the front of the collar and ran them through the buckles that were attached to the top of her corset. Pulling them tight, Alex used a small padlock to lock each buckle closed. Two more straps hung from the back of the neck corset, and Alex attached these behind her back next to the straps from around her shoulders. Her neck was now held rigidly upright in its leather enclosure, and only her eyes, nose and ears remained uncovered.
Just as Alexandra picked up the final item from her bed, a beep was emitted from the tablet, signaling that the timer had run out. "Shit!" Alex thought, trying to remember what punishment she had programmed for being late. Sitting down quickly on the bed, she yelped as the massive anal plug was forced deeper inside of her, although little sound made it out around her gag. Quickly stuffing her legs down the leather tubes of her ballet boots, she pointed her toes into their shoes and began the fairly slow process of lacing up the boots.
When Alex first saw a picture of a model wearing ballet boots on the internet, she wasn't sure what to think. Like any girl, she had a collection of high heels at home, but none of them were more than a couple of inches tall. Intrigued by the boots, and reminded of the time she once practiced ballet as a young girl, Alex ordered a cheap pair from a Chinese reseller and waited for them to arrive. Although poorly made, the ankle height boots had a 7 inch heel and wearing them had an immediate impact on Alex. The reduced stride they forced on her matched her thigh bands and she forced herself to wear them for entire weekends, gradually getting somewhat accustomed to the pain of supporting the entire weight of her body on only her toes.
The boots she was now lacing were constructed much better than her first pair. Made in Germany, the black leather boots matched her corset with dark red accents and soles. They were also taller than her original pair, towering on nearly 8 inch spikes. Lacing them up was taking longer than she had anticipated with the loss of dexterity in her rubber gloved hands, and every minute that passed the timer beeped to remind her of her plight. When she was done lacing, the custom made leather gripped her rubber clad leg from the tips of her toes all the way up the inside of her thighs, ending just short of her inaccessible crotch. Taking the final two padlocks off of the bed, Alex closed two leather flaps across of the laces on the front of the boot, and ran the zippers up the inside of her legs. With a click, she closed the last two padlocks over the zipper pulls, preventing her from removing her boots.
7. Lockdown
With only two things left, Alex stood up off of the bed. Now forced to stand on the tips of her toes, she waited a moment to catch her balance before teetering over to where the black case sat on the chair. Picking it up, she turned to the tripod and the cables that dangled from it. Plugging the hoses and loose wires that hung from the connectors into the bottom of the case, she confirmed on the tablet that the connection was good and turned around. Stepping backwards towards the black case hanging behind her, she reached around and plugged the connector that hung out the back of her suit into the bottom of the hanging case. She then stooped down a bit and lined up the latches protruding from her corset with similar ones on the black case and pulled down on it, hearing a click as the two mated. The tablet screen acknowledged that the connection was complete, and the hoses that hung from the tripod automatically popped out of their connector on the bottom of the pack.
Taking a step forward, Alexandra now wore the black case containing the keys to her freedom like a backpack, and it in turn was connected to the plugs in her lower body as well as the cable hanging out of the back of her neck corset. The tablet continued to display the passing minutes, and taking a few steps around the room Alexandra grabbed the last piece of the puzzle that was her bondage and control suit.
Opening the cardboard box she had carefully placed on the desk earlier, Alexandra marveled at how good it looked. In the box was an ovaloid glass orb that she had had custom blown for her. The orb had been perfectly cut from top to bottom, and had a circular hole in its bottom. Inside, the laminated safety glass had been painted a dark blue to match her suit, and was then filled with a variety of different mechanisms. Separating the two halves and placing them side by side on the bed, Alexandra stared down at their foam filled interiors at the space her head would soon occupy.
Alexandra began to breathe deeply as she examined the back half of the helmet. Custom fit to envelope her head, the back contained most of the support equipment as well as the earpieces. Carefully placing it at the top of the bed, Alexandra laid down, the backpack holding her head a few inches above the unit. Reaching under her neck, she found the connector that ran under the suit and down to the backpack and plugged it inside the back of the orb. She then located the earpieces on each side of her head and with a twist, inserted each of them deep into her ear canal. The in ear monitors were the same that musicians wore on stage at concerts, and had been custom fitted to her ear making them quite efficient at blocking noise. Although she could no longer hear the beeping of the tablet, Alex didn't stop and slowly lowered her head down into the foam filled recess.
The fit was designed to be snug, and Alexandra felt the earpieces get pushed in deeper. Her leather wrapped neck rested in the back half of the circle that was cut to fit tight around it. Shaking her head until it was comfortable, she reached forwards and picked up the front piece of the orb off of the bed beside her. Holding it above her, Alex stared up into the front of the mask she would wear for the remainder of the weekend.
Like the back half, the front half was also designed to wrap around her head. Where her mouth was, 3 small connectors protruded that would line up with the holes in her neck corset and gag. Moving up, there were two tubes about a half inch long that would extend up her nose. Finally, in front of her eyes were two shiny grey rectangles that would eventually show video. Above her head, another two inches of foam concealed connectors between the front and back of the helmet as well as electronics and sensors. Around the edges of the mask were the latches to align and hold the two halves together, and seal them shut.
Well past the deadline she had set, Alexandra was ready to seal herself into the suit that would control her for the next three days. Lowering the bottom of the mask towards her face first, she aligned the connectors up with the holes of her mask and pushed them in. She then guided the small tubes into her nostrils, holding back a sneeze as she slid them up to her sinuses. Pulling down on the top of the mask, the foam pressed around her eyes, blocking out all light. With another tug down the latches fell into place and with a click locked the mask together.
The inside of the mask pressed tightly against Alex's leather and rubber wrapped head. The hole in the orb that her neck went through was barely large enough, and she felt it like a clamp around her neck. She began to panic for a moment in the dark before a beep in her ears signaled the system was working. The OLED screens in front of her eyes flashed a test pattern, and then the view of the hotel room ceiling appeared in her vision.
Standing up again, Alex took a few slow steps around the room. The two high definition cameras that fed the screens in front of her eyes were located within the orb above her head, and the different perspective took a few moments to get accustomed to. It was then that Alex began to notice her corset was beginning to tighten around her. Her breaths became more labored as the backpack automatically pulled the corset tighter, but it was not only the corset. Although she could breathe through both her mouth and nose, all of her air was drawn in from an intake at the bottom of her backpack, before being filtered and sent up her back and over her head. The device could also restrict her breathing, limiting what she could do.
Standing in the middle of the hotel room dressed as she was, Alex knew she must have been quite a sight. The backpack stopped when it had pulled her waist down to under 23 inches, but would continue tightening throughout the weekend. Finished with her waist, the machine on her back then pulled on the straps around Alex's shoulders. The posture straps forced Alex to stand straight and tall with her shoulders back, which was a challenging position to maintain when she was teetering en pointe. Finally the machine pulled tight the two straps connected to her neck corset, tilting her head back slightly and pulling the straps at the front tight. She then felt a slight whir from her mouth, and realized she could no longer move her jaw. The gag had tightened down, clamping itself to her upper and lower teeth, holding her jaw securely.
Finally, a computer synthesized female voice spoke into her ear "System ready for testing. Countdown timer stopped." Not sure how much time had passed since the timer had reached zero, Alex took her last opportunity as a comparatively "free" woman for the next few days to admire her handiwork in the mirror.
Alexandra gasped when she saw herself and realized what she had become. Standing five foot eleven in her bare feet, the ballet boots stretched her already long legs until they were stunning. From the top of the orb almost two inches above her head to the floor, she stood over six foot eight. Her entire body was covered in perfectly smooth tight metallic latex, accented by the red in her corsets and boots. Around her crotch, the thick neoprene perfectly obscured the metal plate and padlock that rested there, making her vulva smooth and featureless. With her corset now tight, Alex thought her breasts were nothing short of fantastic, and the neoprene liners didn't allow any of her nipples to show through. Perfectly round, and lifted high by the bust of the corset, Alex's hand dropped down to try and masturbate at the sight of herself, only to be met by the suit's neoprene and metal liner preventing any feeling from getting through to her sex organs. Slowly rubbing her hands around her body, she could feel the plastic ring deep in her crack that was attached to her anal plug, one of the only signs she was actually human.
Still feeling around herself, she made a halfhearted attempt to open her boots, but was left rubbing her hands over the supple leather they were made of. Her waist was a perfect hourglass, and her posture was immaculate, but nothing compared to her head, or what was now where her head used to be. The glass sphere was absolutely featureless, even the seam where the two halves met was nearly invisible. The entire orb appeared dark blue, even where the cameras were hidden, looking out from the top. The gap between her neck and the orb was so tight she couldn't fit a finger in it.
Alex looked exactly the way she had imagined. Nearly bringing herself to orgasm looking at her reflection, she decided it was time to hand over the final control of her body to the computer.
8. Testing
Moving to the desk, Alex picked up the tablet from the table. It now displayed an options menu, one of which Alex selected. The screens in front of her eyes flashed, and her vision disappeared, replaced by the menu that was displayed on the tablet. Moving her finger across the tablet screen she could no longer actually see, she moved a cursor up and down the menu displayed in her helmet. Before beginning the test however, she had to link the backpack with the umbilical cord that hung from the tripod. Turning around to re enable her vision, Alexandra lost her grip and the tablet slipped out of her smooth rubber hand.
Unable to see out of her helmet without the use of the tablet to engage the camera, Alex slowly bent down on her hands and knees, and began to feel around on the floor. After searching for a few moments, she began to panic. Her breathing still restricted, she worked to calm herself down and began a logical search pattern. Crawling around the floor in her incredibly restrictive outfit, she stopped when one of her boots bumped into a tripod leg. Following it, she was able to find the control unit at the base of the back leg and the cord that the tablet was attached to. Following it to the device, she was once again able to move the cursor and reengage her vision.
The potentially harmful situation averted, Alex placed the tablet on the table and stood under the tripod. Holding the umbilical cord from the base unit, she reached behind her and plugged it in to the bottom of her backpack. This time forgoing switching the screen on the tablet onto her mask, she found the button for complete systems test in the menu and pressed it.
Her vision disappeared automatically this time, and remained off. Then she noticed a gentle vibration emanating from deep within her, followed by a fairly powerful one. The same cycle repeated in her ass, and then below the plate next to her clitoris. Just as soon as the cycle began, it ended, and was replaced by a light electric shock that pulsed up and down the dildo and plug. Increasing aroused by the light pleasure the suit provided, Alexandra gave a piercing scream when she received a sharp electric shock in her vagina, then her asshole and finally right on her clit. Although she had calibrated the shocks so they wouldn't hurt her, they were entirely unexpected, and were met with a test of the gag. As she screamed, Alex felt the gag inflate, pushing out slightly. The suit ran through more cycles, both gently and painfully shocking her neck, nipples, and breasts, before running through the user tests. Words appeared on the video panels, telling Alex to suck on her gag, bend over, sit down, take a step forwards and so on, until the computer announced that testing was complete.
Her vision back, Alexandra looked over at the display on the tablet and was presented with the test results. Scrolling through the list, she was presented with two options at the bottom, ACCEPT and DECLINE.
Clicking accept would finalize the suit's commands, commands that Alex herself had written, and remove any control Alex had left. The decline option was a safeguard that Alex had programmed in just in case anything went wrong during testing. Selecting it would immediately unlock the backpack and orb around her head, allowing her to remove the suit. Contemplating the years she had spent toiling away in her work area and at her computer, she knew she was no expert programmer. There were so many different things that could go wrong, from a broken wire in her leotard to a mechanical pump or solenoid failure, and no amount of testing could ever account for every possible outcome. Taking a deep breath, at least to the best of her ability, Alex made her decision. Putting her finger over the button and closing her eyes, she pushed ACCEPT.
9. Taking Over Control (added: 2012/11/16)
A moment after she hit the button, a beep indicated that the command had registered. The voice then spoke.
"Control Transferred. This is version 6.8.2 of the Human Automation Controller." Alexandra was well aware what version of the controller this was, after all she had programmed it herself, as well as all of the parameters it would be using to carry out its duties. The voice continued its initial speech.
"The time is now 7:39, and initial servicing will commence in 21 minutes. Please prepare for servicing."
Alexandra knew that she was already going to be punished for not having the suit on in time, and she did not want to give the suit any other reasons to punish her. Quickly getting about her preparations, Alex stood in front of the tripod with her back to it. Reaching up, she grabbed the small spreader bar that hung from the tripod and pulled it down to her ankles. Ratcheting the cuffs around her legs, she then reached behind herself and found the t shaped metal bar that hung from above. Giving it a pull, she turned the T upside down, so the cross piece with the cuffs at the ends was at the bottom. Raising it up, she slid the thin latch on the end of the vertical bar between the back of her neck corset and the orb, until it clicked in. She then pulled the cross piece forwards towards her back, and the stud that protruded from it clicked into a hole on the outside of her backpack.
Pulling her arms back until her forearms were parallel to her torso, she placed each wrist in the open cuffs, and they sprung shut automatically. When the cuffs detected the wrists of her suit, they locked, trapping her arms behind her. Overlaid in the bottom corner of her vision a small green padlock appeared, and the process was complete.
Standing with her feet spread and her arms in cuffs behind her, Alex had to work to maintain her balance with no way to stop if she started to fall. Soon however she felt the winch on the tripod slowly start to pull up on the metal T that was attached to her head, backpack and wrists. The corset's tight grip around her waist pulled up and up until she could feel the toes of her boots lift off of the ground, and then the winch stopped. The second cable then began pulling, bending Alexandra's legs at the knees until she could feel the spreader bar touching her ass.
Hanging under the tripod in what was essentially a vertical hogtie, Alexandra was powerless as the vibrations began deep in her love tunnel. Growing stronger and stronger, similar vibrations then began to torment her clit, and soon Alex was thrashing around under the tripod on the brink of her first orgasm in almost a week. The suit knew from its sensors what Alex was going through, and as she tried to pant it relieved the restrictions on her breathing, the rush of oxygen stimulating her even further.
Just as the waves of pleasure were about to hit her, the vibrations stopped. Instantly, they were replaced by a sharp, continuous pulse of electricity straight into Alex's clit and through to the dildo. Alexandra's brain took a moment to react to what was happening, as it was still floating on the pleasurable sensations from just a moment earlier. When her mind finally registered what was occurring, Alex screamed along with the painful shocks that ran through her most private areas.
The shocks were low level compared to what the suit was capable of, however the pain was still unexpected and intense for Alex as she hung in the suit's tight and restrictive embrace. Struggling to reach down and rip the crotch plate and dildo out, Alex knew it would be a hopeless cause. Even if her arms weren't cuffed behind her back, the plate and dildo were hidden under layers of foam and rubber, and held securely by her own labia.
The shocks continued on for what seemed like forever and Alex continued to scream into her gag. The suit automatically compensated for her screaming by inflating a bladder in the gag in her mouth. This pinned her tongue down, and acted as both a punishment for screaming as well as to prohibit any noise from escaping. When the shocks subsided after what seemed like more than enough time, the computer then spoke again.
"Punishment administered for tardiness. Punishment consisted of 18 seconds of level 3 shock, 1 second for each minute late."
Alexandra was stunned. If that was only 18 seconds of level three punishment, she would die if she received anything close to level ten, and she know the suit was capable of it. After a few minutes of hanging suspended with no further stimulation from the suit, Alex began to feel her stomach growl, and realized how thirsty she was. The near orgasm had made her sweat, and she hadn't eaten or had anything to drink since lunch on the road.
Then the screens went blank. The words Initial Service flashed on the screen, and then Alex was plunged into darkness again. To her it felt like nothing was happening, but behind her the control unit was working away. One of the things Alexandra had built at her job was a system to liquefy bagged powder for use in restaurants, so they could ship dry bags of powdered mixes and then pump out a fully reconstituted paste, such as condiments or batter. Her use was a little more unique than that. This system was currently filling the bag of grey powder that hung from the tripod with water, mixing it into a paste. At the same time, the control unit was pumping five liters of water from the suitcase into a bladder located in her backpack.
Alex felt her gag begin to deflate. Then a trickle of water began to flow from it, as water from her backpack was pumped into her mouth. Although it tasted a bit like plastic, Alex gulped it all down, and soon the flow stopped.
When the bagged powder had had time to get thoroughly saturated, the pump went to work again, forcing one liter of it through the umbilical cord and into Alex's backpack. When the backpack was full, the pump in the control unit stopped, and the automatic feeding began.
Hanging under the tripod with no external stimulus, Alexandra' mind was blank. Then she felt something hit her tongue. The grey paste was a formula she had created, containing everything she would need to survive. The thick paste was gritty and greasy like someone had mashed potatoes with gelatin and oatmeal. The mixture had little to no taste and Alex had almost choked it up the first time she had tested it, amazed at how awful it felt.
Now it was being forced into her mouth, and with her stomach growling Alex did her best to swallow it, a difficult task when her jaw was locked shut. Letting it slide down her throat, Alex wondered when the feeding would stop, and began to gag as more and more of the miserable paste was forced into her mouth. When her cheeks were beginning to fill with the miserable paste, the pump stopped and Alex used the reprieve to get down the rest of it.
Sucking on the gag, Alex was able to get some more water and clean out her mouth. Then, after another few minutes, she felt the winches running again. This time the winches pulled in tandem, raising her off of the floor until she hung from the top of the tripod. Then the winch pulled the spreader bar at her feet again, tilting her body forwards until she hung horizontally six feet in the air, her hands almost able to touch the tips of her boots pulled behind her like a hogtie.
The winches stopped, Alexandra swung gently back and forth, suspended in the air under the apex of the tripod. Then the voice spoke.
"Service complete. Seventy One hours and 41 minutes remaining."
Working the math in her head, Alex knew that the suit would release her at eight o'clock on Sunday, so the current time must be around 8:20. The suit was programmed to ensure she got enough rest each night, but would also randomly pleasure and punish Alex's body until the she had to wake up. Hanging from a metal frame in her hotel room, her body bent and constricted into a tight corset, she began to think about the plugs buried deep inside her, her vaginal muscles contracting around the phallus that she had locked into herself. With no sense of time, Alex closed her eyes and waited, unsure of exactly what would come next.
The gently vibrations started deep inside her pussy, the tip of the dildo beginning to shake. The feeling began to move around, as the slow vibrations ran down the shaft of the dildo and began to pleasure her clitoris. The vibrations of her crotch plate continued as her anal plug began to move, buzzing on and off like the ringer on a phone. The vibrations were nowhere near powerful enough to bring her to climax, but Alex tried in vain to bring herself nearer the edge, squeezing down on the dildo again and again.
Alexandra let out a moan as the vibrations picked up speed and continued to alternate between her pussy, ass and clit. Beginning to breath deeper and deeper, she was sure only one good rub of her clitoris would be all it would take to push her over the edge. Then the vibrations stopped, literally and figuratively leaving Alex hanging. She began to weep softly inside her suit, all she wanted was to experience the pleasure of an orgasm. But the suit had different plans for her body.
This time the sensations started around her nipples. Electrostim pads embedded in the pink spandex underwear sent caressing shocks through her nipples and areolas, alternating in their power and intensity. The vibrations then returned to her lower body, ramping up speed again before coming to another sudden stop. After a minute of delay, the cycle repeated, again and again.
With no sense of time, Alexandra had no idea how long she had been hanging there, held on the brink of orgasm. When the fifth cycle began, tears were streaming into Alex's mask (which efficiently drained them away) and she longed for the suit to bring her over the edge. Waiting for the suit to cruelly cut out again, her outlook improved when the vibrations got even faster than they had before. With her nipples aroused by the shocks and her anal plug and clitoral stimulator vibrating, the dildo in her cunt began to extend and retract slowly, stretching itself out inside of her.
Now squirming in her bounds, Alex's breathing began to labor, air whistling in and out of the holes in the bottom of her backpack. Restricted by her corset, she panicked for a moment but was overwhelmed when the dildo inside of her began to thrust in and out rapidly, and the vibrations pulsed across her clit in sync with it. With a cry of pure bliss she climaxed, and rode the wave of pleasure for what seemed like an hour as the pulsing vibrations continued deep inside of her.
Thrashing back and forth in her suspension, the muscles in her vagina tried in vain to grip down on the thrusting, shaking, greasy phallus to no avail. Screaming into her gag, it once again began to inflate, intensifying the situation. Even as the orgasm began to subside, and Alexandra struggled to catch her breath, the stimulation continued. With the dick pounding and vibrating away deep within her cunt, and the vibrator working away on her engorged clit, she once again began to feel waves of pleasure begin to wash over her.
Closing her eyes tight, not that she could see anything in the dark of the helmet, she moaned in ecstasy as another orgasm hit her, followed shortly by a third. Her heart pounding with intensity, the vibrations slowed to a stop, leaving Alexandra to calm herself down.
10. Overnight Arrangements (added: 2012/11/16)
The exhilarating orgasms had left Alex with little energy, and she began to drift to sleep. Dangling in midair with her wrists cuffed together behind her, it was an awkward position to fall asleep in, but soon the suit entered night mode and restricted her breathing down to minimum levels. With absolutely no light or sound getting past her helmet, Alex drifted to sleep in the warm embrace of her corset.
The screens in the helmet glowed softly at first, and then brighter and brighter to simulate the rising sun. In reality, the lights in her hotel room were on all night, but with no vision, she didn't notice. As bird songs began to softly play into her ears, Alexandra slowly awoke, moving to stretch her arms only to be met with the harsh resistance of the cuffs. Alexandra had slept well for someone as trussed up as she was, but finding her arms bound behind her before she was fully awake jolted her out of her drowsiness.
Stretching her body the small amount that she could, she realized how full her ass felt. The pop can size device resting in her rectum felt like it had grown overnight. Her mouth dry, she sucked on her gag to get some more water, and quickly swallowed what she could. Thinking of last night and the incredible pleasure that the suit had forced her to endure, she was interrupted by another feeling from her already packed asshole.
The enema was being administered automatically, and the machine could pump over two liters of fluid into her lower intestine in one go. Groaning as the warm fluid flooded into her, she realized that this wasn't just water. The backpack was adding soap from the bottle she had screwed into it to the mix, irritating the lining of her bowels. The flow stopped automatically when the pressure in her rectum reached the preset limit, but the pump resumed again a moment later forcing more soapy solution into her. The feeling of the soap cleaning her out was slightly painful, but the pump stopped again before she began to cramp up.
Alex knew she had programmed the morning cleaning cycle to last 15 minutes, but had absolutely no idea of how the time was passing. After what felt like an hour but was really only a few minutes, the anal plug began sending powerful vibrations up through the fluid and into her colon. The purpose of the vibrations was twofold; it made the soap form suds and travel further insider her, and it also broke up any solid fecal matter, mixing it into solution. After a few minutes of the plug shaking violently away inside of her, she began to tear up. The solution in her ass made it feel like it was burning, and Alexandra tried in vain to force the massive intruder out of her. Her distended sphincter felt like it was on fire, but finally the vibrations stopped.
Still full, Alex could feel herself being tilted back upright and lowered to the floor. When her boots touched the ground and the weight from the backpack began to rest on them, she noticed that not only was she carrying the weight of 6 liters of water and food on her back and one more liter in her ass, but the corset was also almost an inch tighter than it was the night before. The machine must have pulled it down to 22 inches overnight she thought. Her vision returned when the cuffs automatically released from her arms, and she pulled down on them to release the suspension mechanism.
Feeling the click as the umbilical cord detached leaving her standing freely, she glanced at the time on the room's bedside alarm clock, 8:13. Alex had programmed in the hours the convention centre would be open to ensure she maximized her time there, and doors opened at nine am. Picking up the tablet, she read the instructions on the screen, and proceeded to walk slowly on her toes across the room and into the washroom. Alex moved carefully as to not upset the fluid in her bowels too much, although this was nearly impossible and she could feel the plugs bump and swing as she moved. Sitting on the toilet, she waited as the burning sensation inside her continued, until with a pop she felt the pressure in her bowels reduce.
Soapy brown waste was pouring out of Alexandra's ass and into the toilet through her plug, and she hunched over and pushed to get it out of her as fast as she could. When a double beep indicated the process was done, she wiped around the plastic ring that was her new asshole to remove any residual enema solution and flushed the toilet.
Returning to the room, Alex laid face down on the bed, her legs hanging off of the edge. The next step in the morning routine was arguably worse than what she had just endured, as more water was pumped from her backpack into her rectum. This time the water was clear, but Alex knew that the pump would not stop at the one liter mark. Her bowels already stretched out and mostly empty, and she quickly began to cramp up. The pump stopped for a moment and the vibrations began again to try and force the enema up into her further, and then the pump came back on. The purpose of the cycle was to remove any lingering soap from her rectum, but the combination of the corset and massive anal plug taking up space made Alex want to vomit.
Before she could retch, the pump began pouring water into her gag, followed by the foul nutritional paste. Knowing she would choke if she didn't, Alexandra dutifully swallowed the paste down, but the feeling that the machine was stuffing her from both ends was hard to ignore. More water followed the paste, and Alex did her best to rinse the sticky goop from the insides of her mouth. Waiting in silence on the bed, the excruciating abdominal cramps made Alex weep. She knew that she would rather deal with multiple daily enemas than have to deal with the even more painful feeling of constipation while wearing her plug, but she wondered if she might have been a bit overzealous when she was programming in the parameters.
Laying still on the bed, Alex clenched her neoprene and latex clad buttocks together when a small electric shock was emitted from her plug. Standing up, the water sloshed around in her bowels, and the painful cramps intensified. Walking quickly and carefully towards the washroom, she sat down on the toilet again. This time a small counter appeared, overlaid on the screens that were her limited view to the world. When it hit zero, Alex sighed as the massive enema was expelled into the toilet. Flushing again, the computer relayed her next instructions.
"Return to Base unit for Morning Service."
Standing next to the tripod, Alexandra plugged in the umbilical cord, and a double beep signaled the connection was made. Alex pulled the chair over to the base unit and sat down. The backpack made her perch her beautiful round butt on the edge of the seat, forcing the rear plug deeper. Waiting as the machine did its work, Alex picked up the tablet that now showed the statistics of her suit. She watched as the water and food filled to 100%, and the battery neared full charge. With another double beep the suit indicated it was finished and the umbilical cord disconnected automatically.
"Morning service complete. 59 hours 12 minutes remaining. Day rules now in effect."
Day rules were the set of parameters that would govern Alex's actions whenever she was out of her hotel room. The day rule parameters also overlaid a digital clock in the corner of Alex's vision; something she thought would be handy. Standing up, she felt the weight of her full backpack again, and began walking towards the door.
11. Public Display (added: 2012/11/16)
Stepping into the hallway, Alexandra didn't see any other hotel guests, but her vision was limited because she couldn't turn her head. Beginning her slow walk down to the elevator, Alexandra could feel the intruders in nether regions shift and bump into each other with every step, an erotic sensation. Reaching the elevator, she pushed the button and waited for it to arrive. When the doors opened, three other people were already in the descending car with their luggage. The mother, father and child were stunned when they set their eyes on her, their conversation stopping mid-sentence so they could stare at her.
Leaning against the railing on one side of the elevator, her backpack bumped into the mirror and forced her to lean forwards a bit. The woman quickly averted her stare, but the man continued to look at Alexandra, his growing erection hiding behind the large rolling suitcase. With no visible eyes, the man didn't know Alexandra could see his reaction clearly, and she felt his eyes watching her pert breasts bounce as the elevator came to a stop on the lobby level. At first Alexandra felt violated by the man's unwavering stare, but then realized the power she held. Nobody knew who she was, and she felt secure with her sex and other orifices locked safely away from external contact.
When the doors opened, the man stuttered the words "After you" and Alex alighted, stepping into the lobby. It was a large two story atrium with the restaurant overlooking from the second floor, and it was busy with guests checking out and eating breakfast. Looking around, Alexandra located the stairs down to the tunnel to the exhibition center, and headed in their direction. As she walked across the stone floor, her boots clicking on the ground, Alex focused on where she was going. Although her peripheral vision was limited by the field of the cameras, she knew that every set of eyes in the building was beginning to stare at her. Alex looked and felt extremely sexy.
The earpieces in her helmet were fed sound from four omnidirectional microphones on her suit, 2 in her helmet and 2 in her backpack. Although she couldn't see the patrons eating upstairs, she could hear more than one couple change the course of conversation to focus on her, as well as a few people in the line at the front desk, with the common themes of conversation being her shoes, waist and breasts. As she neared the stairs, she realized how striking she must appear. Walking in the punitive boots, she placed one front in front of the other, her hips and rubber clad ass swaying back and forth. Her sizeable breasts were held high aloft by the corset, which also pulled her waist in tight. Most striking would be the orb that surrounded her head, with no visible way for her to breath, drink or even see. Best of all, nobody knew who she was.
Reaching the stairs, Alexandra firmly grabbed the handrail. She knew there were still people staring at her butt, and she didn't want an embarrassing fall. Slowly stepping down, the neoprene crotch of her leotard pulled and bumped her plugs together with every stair. Reaching the bottom, she stepped through the doors and into the short tunnel.
Passing posters for the BDSM convention, Alex could see more people attending the event walking ahead of her. Her boots kept her from catching up to them, and the cameras weren't focused on the distance, but she could make out a leash being held by one person attached to the collar of the other. She watched as they stepped into an elevator and disappeared.
Pushing the button, the elevator appeared immediately and Alexandra rode it to the next level. The convention took up three large halls, each with a different focus. The first hall had the main demonstration stage, as well as booths for the larger manufacturers of fetish wear and related services. The second hall had more flexible space for displays from smaller manufacturers, as well as booths from some of the subscription websites that were running live demonstrations and play times, and a few art exhibitions. The final hall was entirely filled with small shops, offering a wide variety of products and services for sale. Many of the exhibitors there were smaller entrepreneurs, looking to drum up interest and connect with likeminded individuals, although there were some of the larger retailers present as well.
Stepping out into the lobby of the convention center, Alex joined the crowd of visitors waiting to get in. The doors had just opened a few minutes earlier, and the ticket checkers were overwhelmed trying to process the group waiting at 9 AM. Dozens of people dressed in all manner of clothing waited in line, from people wearing street clothes to women in only latex lingerie and men with their cocks and balls locked in cages. More than a few couples appeared to be dominating each other, and Alex spotted the couple that she had seen in the tunnel. A man dressed in a leather thong was being lead around on a leash attached to his collar, his hands cuffed behind him. His mistress wore a stunningly tight corset, with a short matching leather skirt. Dark stockings disappeared into towering boots, and she held a small discipline paddle in her gloved hand.
Alexandra jostled forwards in the crowd. Even amongst the most hard core fetish aficionados, she could tell her outfit was turning people's heads. Before she got to the door, she reached under her backpack and pulled down on a plastic tab, her weekend pass sliding out. The pass was attached to a spring loaded cable, and she held it out to the attendant. Accustomed to working events for politicians and car shows, the attendant looked somewhat put off by the strangely dressed crowd, and was caught off guard when Alexandra got to her. Hesitating and shaking her head, she scanned the barcode and waved Alexandra through the doors.
12. Fellatio (added: 2012/11/16)
Walking onto the floor of the first hall, Alex was greeted by large signs directing her to the different areas. Overhead, she could see banners hanging above the booths for all of the major fetish retailers she had viewed and purchased from online. Having researched the convention online before her trip, Alexandra had a mental plan to see everything she was interested in, and had programmed the suit's day rules to allow her do to so, but this didn't mean it would always comply. Alex had added a bit of randomization code to spice things up as she wandered the floor, and she had no idea when any of the things were going to occur. She had also added a pedometer to the suit. Knowing the difficulty she would have remaining on her toes all day, the suit had a goal of 30 000 steps each day, and also kept track of how long she spent sitting down. Punishment and rewards would be granted for meeting her goals. Although the target may have seemed high, with her short stride and constant walking around the convention floor, Alex had calculated that it should be attainable.
Starting down the main aisle, Alexandra walked around the three halls, getting her bearings while she waited for the floor to get busy. Many of the booths were still in the final stages of being setup and staff was just arriving, and she watched as they glanced up and stared as she walked past, their eyes fixed on her featureless head. Although the Halls were air conditioned, Alex could feel herself start to sweat in the confines of her dark rubber suit and sucked on her gag to draw some water out of her backpack. Alex was caught off guard when instead of water coming out, a small rubber penis extended from between her teeth. Her vision began to darken, and the sound from her earphones faded away.
Gagging as the rubber dong hit the back of her throat, Alex realized what was occurring. The fellatio simulator would not retract the phallus until she had satisfied its requirements. With her lips wrapped around the outside of her gag and her teeth securely clamped into it, she was limited to using her tongue and sucking until the suit was satisfied with her performance. Standing still in the middle of the aisle, nobody around her knew that Alexandra was busy giving a blowjob to a rubber cock, and she had absolutely no sense of the world outside of her suit.
As she began to suck and slide her tongue around the phallus, the similar intruder buried in her vagina began to respond in sync with her movements, gently vibrating and pulsating as she sucked. Inspired by the stimulation of her nether regions, Alex worked harder, trying to remain focused on the rubber dildo and not the stimulation she was receiving down below. With a shudder, the cock in her mouth sprayed water down her throat and retracted back into the gag. Although satisfied with the drink she received, Alexandra's performance displayed onscreen as only a 4 out of ten, not enough for the suit to grant her sexual release, and the vibrating stopped.
Her vision returning, Alex began to walk a loop back to the main entrance. There she picked up a guide map of the convention hall layout, noting the locations of the washrooms around the building. The time was now was 9:40, and the keynote speech would be staring in 20 minutes. Heading out into the lobby, Alex began the trek down to the theatre where the speech would be made.
13. The Convention (added: 2012/11/16)
On her way to the theatre, Alex noticed arrows on the floor, pointing to the "Stables". Alex was somewhat intrigued by this, as she had no idea what animals would be doing at a fetish convention. Arriving at the doors to the theatre, she walked in and waited a moment for the vision cameras to adjust to the dark room. Finding a seat, Alex sat back as far as she could and was already relieved to have the weight off of her legs and toes, although most of it now rested on her anal intruder. Soft music was playing over the speakers and the stage was awash in colored lighting. Waiting, alone in the suit that was controlling her most basic functions, Alex watched as the remaining seats filled and the lights began to dim.
A video presentation began on screen highlighting footage from last year's convention, and welcoming guests this year's event, bigger than ever. Then a man dressed in a suit walked onto the stage. He was introduced as the CEO of CyberFun, and he began the presentation by discussing relationships, and what they meant to people interested in BSDM. Moving on, he discussed physical presence, and what it meant to bondage and fetish aficionados. Directing the audience to the screens on the sides of the stage, another video started.
In the video, the narrator once again touched on the themes of time and place, before announcing the latest line of CyberFun equipment. Claiming to go beyond teledildonics, the video showed men and women struggling in various pieces of bondage equipment, as others watched and controlled the scenarios remotely. They then went on to show couples playing with their new cybersex equipment, allowing both partners to enjoy each other's company from anywhere in the world, both in an emotional and sexual way. The video coming to a close, stage crew pushed a table and display case onto the stage, where the CEO welcomed their head of product development to talk about the new products.
Alex wasn't terribly enthused by most of the items, as many of the capabilities were ones she had already built herself or had no need for, however the rest of the audience did seem very interested. The rather dull man talking about the products went over the various control setups, from shock collars or cuffs that were connected via cell phone, to complicated telepresence setups allowing professional dominatrixs' to entertain clients anywhere in the world. The only thing that caught Alexandra's interest was really the cybersex devices, and she took note when they announced that demonstrations and hands on time would be available later in the afternoon.
After the CEO thanked the attendees for their support, Alexandra waited until the crowd had thinned before she got up and headed slowly to the exit. Walking across the lobby, Alex stopped in her tracks when she saw what was coming towards her. Two women, dressed as horses and in spandex suits and elaborate leather harnesses were pulling a small cart with a man on it, reins from their heads being used to guide them along. Alexandra had never seen anything like it before, and she immediately realized what the "stables" were referring to. Intrigued, she added it to her list of things to see before she left.
Just after 11 already, Alex had some time to browse before lunch, and decided to look at the latex display in the 1st hall. Walking past the booth for SecureSteel Chastity belts, a model wearing a Chastity Belt stood out front talking to other guests. Deciding she would look later, Alex continued until she reached the booth for Hanna-Fetish, one of the larger manufacturers of latex wear and accessories. Passing through the displays, Alex admired the clothing in the women's section. Hanging from overhead, on mannequins and stuck to the walls, the space was overflowing with every style of clothing including catsuits in incredible animal patterns like Alexandra had never seen before. Staff wearing rubber corsets, lingerie, dresses and stockings circulated through the displays, helping and answering questions.
Alex of course couldn't ask questions, and was stuck browsing. She did however overhear two of the staff members comment on her suit and how well the latex it fit, a complement Alex was grateful for. Browsing through the many masks and inflatable products, Alex suddenly had an uneasy feeling wash over her before realizing what was occurring. Her suit had begun to administer her midday enema, and Alex could feel a cramp coming on as the water was forced up into her.
Walking as quickly as she could towards the washrooms, Alex passed a man wearing rubber shorts, a bag half full of liquid dangling between his legs. Recognizing the shorts as piss pants, Alex longed for the control of her own bladder. Reminded of uncomfortable 8mm rubber hose that currently sat occupying her urethra and 30 cc saline balloon in her bladder, Alex always felt like she sort of needed to go to pee but was never able to.
The cramping in her abdomen getting worse the pump finally shutoff, but Alexandra knew it would not release the pressure until it had managed to force 2 liters of water into her, a difficult task with the corset crushing her waist. Reaching the washroom, Alex bent over stabilizing herself against the sinks, let out a deep breath and tried to relax. The pressure now lower, she felt the pump start again. When Alexandra felt like she was going to burst, the pump finally stopped and a green circle appeared next to the clock on screen. Standing up, she noticed some of the other women in the washroom staring at her and turned into a stall to avoid their gaze.
When designing her suit, Alex ran into a problem. It was easy to carry around liters of potable water on her back, but used enema water was not something she wanted leaking out behind her if something went wrong. Instead, the suit automatically flushed enemas right out of her when she was sitting down. Closing the stall door, Alex sat and waited for the green indicator to slowly fade to red, while trying to ignore the pressure in her abdomen forcing out on her corset. When the indicator finally flashed, Alex could hear and feel the relief as the valve in her plug opened and the combination of enema and stored urine shot out of her into the bowl.
Taking a deep breath as the enema emptied out of her, Alex gagged. The air intake of her suit was located on the bottom of her backpack just above the toilet, and the smell was beyond awful. Attempting to breathe through her mouth instead, her programming anticipated what she was trying to do and blocked off the air, forcing her to endure the rank smell through her nose. Even flushing the toilet didn't help much, and Alex waited until the valve closed and the green circle appeared again indicating that the suit believed she was empty.
Stepping out of the stall Alex received disapproving looks from the other women who had heard and smelt the explosion from her ass, but there was nothing she could do. Relieved that her backpack was now almost 5 pounds lighter, Alex set out to see more of the exhibitors.
14. Lunch (added: 2012/11/16)
Strolling back towards the bigger booths, Alex felt her front plug begin to gently shock her. The device had 12 individual points of electrical contact, and by varying the location and intensity of shocks it could deliver intense pleasure or pain to her most sensitive region. The stimulation increased and fell off a few times before her anal plug, nipple pads and clitoris cover joined in on the action, each gently stimulating her. As Alexandra's mind began to wander from the convention to her own desires, a small water droplet appeared in the notification area on screen. A gentle stream of water was fed through the gag, and Alex swallowed it readily. As the level of stimulation increased to include a gentle vibration, a spoon notification also appeared, marking the delivery of food.
Alex had no control over when the suit decided to feed her, only that it would happen at around lunch, and the suit had apparently decided that it would feed and pleasure her at the same time. As the paste was forced into her mouth, the plugs in her orifices began to vibrate faster, and Alexandra would have moaned with pleasure if she was no busy trying to swallow the nutritional slop. Gagging down the last of it, Alex was next to the CyberFun booth when the stimulation at her clitoris suddenly increased. Stopping in her tracks, the suit began to dim her vision and lower the volume, isolating Alexandra in her own sexual prison.
The suit held her at the edge of climaxing and, Alex's hands reached down to her crotch as she attempted to push herself towards the cliff. Her attempts at stimulation stifled by the thick rubber and metal plate, she tried for her nipples, rubbing them through her corset, her left hand remaining between her legs, of course with no success.
When the suit decided it had teased her long enough, it turned up the stimulation another notch and Alexandra gasped with pleasure. The orgasm hit her like a train and waves of intense pleasure coursed through her body. Trying to increase the stimulation Alex thrust her pelvis back and forth, even though the dildo was locked securely to her labia. Alex realized she was screaming when the gag filled her mouth, and her vision had gone completely dark.
As she began to calm down, Alex's vision slowly came back and she realized she was bent over in the middle of the aisle, her hands on her knees and her round ass up in the air. Standing up, she saw several people were staring at her, the unusual performance attracting a small crowd. Sweating vigorously in the warm latex enclosure, she could feel the suit sticking to her skin when she moved. Swaying on her ridiculous boots, Alex took a few more slow breaths to collect her thoughts before continuing on.
The CyberFun demo was set to begin at 1:30, so Alex had just over half an hour to make her way to the demonstration stage. On her way she stopped at the SecureSteel booth to look at the various chastity belts and accessories. Occupying one of the larger booths in the first hall, SecureSteel was well known for its custom products and was the same manufacturer Alex had purchased her two belts and accessories from. They had nearly 100 belts on display on pedestals and in cases, and in addition to the model she had seen earlier two staff members wearing black SecureSteel shirts stood at the back with a measuring booth and catalogue, ready to take orders.
Browsing the front of the booth, Alex noted the three different crotch band styles on display, taking interest in the chains style belts. The engineer in her had written off the chains a potential weak spot, but Alexandra was impressed with the construction and how much easier it would be to use the washroom. Wandering through the displays, Alex noticed the model standing to her left with a few people and a photographer gathered around her. She wore a high waist ergonomic cut belt with continuous crotch band like Alex's older belt, and when she turned Alex could see her anus through the uncovered access hole at the back. From the sides of the belt chains ran down to thigh bands connected by a rigid bar less than an inch long, limiting her stride considerably. Her ankles were wrapped in similar bands of steel above her 5 inch patent red pumps, and were joined by about 16 inches of chain. More chains ran up her sides from her waist band to a metal bra, which was obviously a size or two larger than Alexandra's. A short chain connected it a collar, and her wrists bore similar cuffs. The cuffs appeared to be connected by about 12 inches of chain, and each was connected to her collar with 14 inches of chain, preventing her from touching her belt. The entire system of cuffs and belts was finished with bright red silicone liner, matching her heels.
The slender blonde didn't need to touch her belt, as she was inviting others to try and gain access to her vulva through the metal plates, of course to no avail. Alex didn't need to test the system's fit, she knew all too well how effective it could be but was turned on by the cuffs and collar and reached down and rubbed on her crotch plate, back and forth. The apparent attempt to masturbate in public got her an odd look from one passerby, but Alex ignored her.
Alexandra was not actually trying to pleasure herself, but rather trigger the suit to capture a picture. Alex knew she wouldn't be able to carry a camera or any brochures she may be offered, so she programmed the suit to take a snapshot when she rubbed herself back and forth across the crotch plate, activating a pressure sensor. Now surrounded by people, the idea of the rather humiliating procedure triggering such a simple action had seemed like a better one at the time.
With a fake shutter sound the suit saved her snapshot of the model and Alex continued to browse through the belts. In the center of the booth stood three pedestals lit by spot lights, each with a belt like nothing Alexandra had ever seen sitting on them. The belts themselves were massive! Unlike the fairly thin spring steel her belt was constructed from, these were made of gleaming 1/4" plate. A massive 3/8" shackle padlock held them shut, and hinges allowed them to be wrapped around the wearer's torso. Also unlike Alex's belt, there was no silicone lining, the belts were entirely constructed from polished steel.
The belt on the left was labeled "For Her" and was similar to the one Alex already owned with a straight crotch band and rear hole for her to go to the washroom through. The one on the right, labeled "For Him" made Alex wish she had found a boyfriend who enjoyed her games. Like the ladies model it featured a continuous crotch band, but rather than a smooth plate in the front, a polished metal tube stuck out 4 inches, curving over its length until the end pointed straight down.
If anything, the middle belt was the most amazing. Sitting above an ornate plaque that read "For Fun", it was a female belt like the other, but with no hole in the back to pass waste through. Instead, two gleaming metal plugs stood inside, lined up with the respective holes of the wearer. The rear plug had a rounded tip and expanded to about 1 ¾ inches across at the biggest point, before narrowing to connect to the belt. The front plug was as large if not larger than the one that Alexandra's vagina currently entertained, and looking at she could feel her sex get warmer deep inside her suit. Taking lots of pictures, Alex must have looked like she was trying to get off at the sight of the belts. When she noticed one of the SecureSteel employees was staring at her unenthused and Alex discretely took a few more pictures before looking around some more.
Alex didn't spend much time looking at the male belts in the booth, but took her time examining the different female belts available. In particular she looked at the case displaying all of the available accessories; travel cases, extra D rings, and the lineups of available lock in plugs for both the front and rear of the belt, arraigned by size.
From small to massive, Alex estimated that the plug in her front hole was only 1/3 of the size of the largest one available, and she wondered how it must feel to have something so large locked into one's belt. Her anal plug was unique, but Alex figured it was nearly as large as the biggest one in the case; although some larger ones were on display Alex wondered if anyone could fit them up their bottom. Staring at the plugs the female staff member came over and asked if she had any questions. The first time anyone had spoken to anyone while she was in her suit she reflexively tried to answer, but having her teeth locked together quickly halted that plan. She was also unable to shake her head, and finally settled on waving her hand to indicate she was alright. The staff member told her to ask if she had any questions, not that she could, and left her alone.
With only a few minutes until the demonstration began, Alex turned to leave but spotted one last distraction. It looked like someone had taken a chastity belt and attached it to chastity bra with a metal corset in between, and the end effect was stunning. The belt at the bottom had a chains style rear, and was joined in the back to each side of the corset. With no locks in front, the wearer entered through the back, slipping their legs and arms through the chains that extended from the belt and metal globes of the bra. Four metal latches then secured the unit closed, and twist latches pulled it tight where it could be locked shut. Taking a few more pictures and imagining herself wearing the restrictive outfit, Alex walked out past the model and her followers.
15. Demonstration (added: 2012/12/04)
Alex was lucky to find a bench to sit on near the demonstration stage, and watched as workers in shorts and black tee shirts carried out equipment and conducted AV checks. Soon a CyberFun representative walked onstage and welcomed the small assembled crowd, before inviting two models up to join him. Both models wore translucent blue latex catsuits with small solid blue latex corsets, and silver sandal style heels with straps wrapping around their feet and ankles.
Stepping behind the podium, the representative, wearing a blue dress shirt and khakis, opened a laptop and began displaying his desktop on the large screen behind him. Speaking to the crowd he introduced Laura and Lexi, and pointed out that each of the models was wearing a standard CyberFun control collar. The collar served as the command uplink, maintaining cellular connection at all times and also contained a camera that could stream real time video.
The rep then showed the crowd as he logged into CyberFun's web portal and opened the control panel for each of the girls, available to him from anywhere in the world. On the screen he could see the feeds from their collars as they looked at the crowd. Then he instructed Laura to put on a ball gag, and she picked up a large red ball attached to a web of leather straps and wrapped them around her head. The harness locked remotely, holding the ball behind her teeth.
Lexi was instructed to put on a similar gag, but when she hesitated a click of the mouse was all it took to apply a mild electric shock via her collar and convince her gag herself. Moving on, Laura was then told to secure her hands to her neck with a rigid fiddle. The rep pointed out that the device had been specially modified to work with the Cyber Fun system of components, and that almost any piece of bondage equipment could be adapted to work with their system. Lexi was then told to put her wrists and ankles in four cuffs connected to a box and climb onto an empty table. Laying down on her ample breasts, the rep used the computer interface to shorten the cable and pull Lexi into a hogtie, immobilizing her.
Alex recognized the hogtie system as similar to the suspension system she had setup in her hotel room, and was intrigued by how small the unit was. She had already made remote locking cuffs for herself, but they had to be in range of a base unit. The cellular connection in the collar added all sorts of interesting possibilities, and she wanted a closer look when the demonstration was over.
With Laura in a rigid fiddle, and Lexi in a hogtie, Laura had to bend over to pick up a dildo off the table when instructed. The rep explained that the top of the line model was capable of expanding in length and girth, shaking, vibrating and applying electroshocks, a list of features Alex found reasonably impressive. When the rep used the computer to demonstrate, Alex watched the dildo move as Laura was forced to hold it up in front of her face. A small amount of saliva had already dripped out from around Laura's gag onto her latex covered breasts, and watching the dildo move made Alex wish the shaft inside her wasn't lying dormant.
Knowing what to do, Laura carefully pulled open the zipper between Lexi's thighs, exposing her twat. Leaning over her, Laura slid the mechanical dong into Lexi and pulled the zipper shut. The rep then held up a fake pussy, the other half of the telesex system, and the crowd watched it move. The dildo in Lexi was covered in sensors, and her contracting muscles would cause the replica to expand and contract to mimic her motions.
Pulling out a basic rubber phallus, the rep began the finale of the demonstration and activated TeleSex mode on the laptop. As he slid the artificial pussy down onto the rubber cock, the crowd could tell Lexi was feeling the robot move within her. Demonstrating that he could also add vibrations to the dildo he upped the stimulation until Lexi was shaking in front of the crowd. With this, he announced that the demonstration was complete and the public was welcome to come up and see the equipment.
The crowd moved forwards to get a closer look at the equipment and Lexi, who remained hogtied on the table. The rep handed the artificial pussy to a man in a sleeveless shirt and leather thong, who quickly grabbed his dick and began fucking the contraption, and Lexi's body flexed in response. Alexandra wasn't too interested in most of the system, it seemed more flash and showmanship then actually interesting products, but she picked up one of the dildos to get a closer look. What surprised Alex the most was the weight of the unit, it felt like it was solid lead. Getting a close look at the mechanics of the system, she browsed through the remaining items on the table before moving away from the stage.
16. Physical Presence (added: 2012/12/04)
Passing the chastity belts and latex wear Alex moved slowly through the crowds. Her calves were aching from the restrictive boots tightly wrapped around her legs, and it was only 2:30 on her first day. Reaching the far side of the main hall, two subscription fetish websites had setup demonstration booths. Alex wasn't a fan of paying to see pictures of stuff she could make or experience firsthand, but the first website was one that appealed to Alex's interests. A woman wearing tall platform boots and a leather body harness that proudly displayed her breasts and nipples had an assortment of crops hanging from the body harness, but she wasn't using them at the moment.
Instead, her attention was focused on the small girl that was currently pulling on a black latex catsuit. Alexandra could see that lined up with her three holes were transparent latex condoms built into the suit, and when it was done up fully there were no holes for her eyes. Securing the girl down to a bed spread eagle, she pulled out a pair of latex panties, showing the crowd the two dildos built into the crotch. Before fastening down the girl's legs she slid the panties up until the dildos sat at her entrances to the latex tunnels. She then began to tease the girl with a large vibrator, and Alex could see the girl try to lift herself off the bed to increase the stimulation.
The woman on top then pulled out a penis gag and strapped it into the girl's mouth. Guiding the dildos with her hand, she pulled up on the panties, forcing the dildos into the condoms, and the condoms into the girl's orifices. She then went on with the vibrator, pleasuring the girl but keeping her well away from the edge. Alex soon became tired of the live performance, and standing still was only increasing the pain on her feet without helping her pedometer count.
Continuing along the aisle, the next booth was from a website Alex had seen but never really been interested in. A woman sat in a chair, her arms strapped down and legs spread, a dildo rhythmically being thrust in and out of her by a fucking machine. This didn't have much appeal for Alex, but what did was the box that her head was locked into. Unlike Alex's perfectly smooth, polished mask, this box was rusty, and it was obvious that the girl inside would have a very distorted sense of the outside world. This turned Alex on, as she could relate to the girl's situation, and she was glad that she still had her freedom to move, albeit not much.
Although the setup was interesting, there wasn't much else to see so Alex continued past. Entering the second hall, a few rows of shops were laid out, and Alex began wandering down the first one, in the direction of hall three. Stopping at the first booth, she was captivated by the selection of heels and boots on display. Since she had tried her first pair of ballet boots Alex had begun to grow her collection of higher and higher heeled shoes, and couldn't pass up the temptation to browse through the hundreds of styles stacked on display.
The shop had a mix of fetish shoes, heels and boots and more vanilla styles, but almost all of the heels were over three inches tall. Pumps in dozens of colors and styles including a variety with 5 inch stiletto heels were displayed down one wall. Peep toes, sandals, patterns, frills, bows, rounded and pointed toes and other styles filled the racking, and Alex moved slowly through them admiring the different types. On the other wall wedge and kitten heels were on display, and they even had PUMA shoes just like hers but with heels. Alex picked up a pair of red slingback peep toe wedges that she thought would look great with a dress and bikini in the summer. She would have tried them on like others were doing, but her locked on ballet boots ensured a fitting would remain an unfulfilled desire.
At the back of the store were the fetish boots, and Alex's attention was immediately caught by a pair of thigh height black patent leather boots. The boots had leather beige soles like her current footwear, and also laced in the front but with only 4 inch stiletto heels they were much more reasonable than ballet boots. The combination of height, polish, highlights and semi round toe was beautiful, and Alex wished she could take them with her right then. Staring at the boots through her isolating vision system, Alex broke her stare when she realized how many people were staring at her.
The shopkeeper, herself wearing an extremely high pair of black and yellow stilettos had her gaze locked on Alex's choice of footwear in disbelief. She wasn't alone; a man wearing massive boots accented with polished studs was also watching her as were a few others nearby. Alex decided that this would be her cue to move on and put the boots down, but not before taking a picture. The shop woman gave a questioning glare when Alex rubbed her crotch, and when she was done Alex moved along down the row.
Walking only a few paces Alex had to stop and catch her breath as she neared the back of the second hall and tip toed over to the booth at the end of the row. The man running it manufactured his own extensive line of metal restraints, and dozens of styles were out for the show as well as photos of more being worn by users and models. Multiple styles of wrist and ankle cuffs hung from hooks, as well as a selection of heavy looking spreader bars. The man running the booth was occupied securing a man wearing a black leotard and boots into a large stock, and based on his effort it looked quite heavy. With the captive man's hands held out from his head there was no way he would be able to unlock himself alone.
The most interesting equipment in Alexandra's opinion was the dungeon equipment. She imagined herself locked like the people in the pictures on the walls, her hands and feet locked into a spreader bar forcing her to lie or kneel with her ass in the air, her holes available for the use of her captors. Shackles on her neck, wrists and ankles could be linked by chain to prevent her from standing up, or her legs could be held wide open by a rigid spreader bar while her head was incased in a rigid steel harness preventing her cries from being heard in the outside world. Her favorite fantasy though was the spreader bar with dildo pole, and she thought about being forced to work while wearing the contraption. Her legs spread, walking would be nearly impossible while the rigid pole extending from the spreader to a dildo in her twat prevented her from kneeling or bending over. Lost in her own world, Alex nearly fell over when the man in the stock turned around, the end of the bar hitting the side of her backpack. The man began to apologize before he got a good look at what he had done, and when his eyes came to rest on Alex he began to stammer. Alex was ok, and did her best to acknowledge his apology.
Having looked over most of the items in the shop, Alex decided to move on. The convention hall was getting warmer as the HVAC system struggled to keep up with the brutal heat outside, and Alex could feel it in her suit as she sucked more water out of her gag. Coming up on four o'clock Alex was beginning to feel tired but knew that she had to keep moving if she wanted to see everything and please the suit's pedometer.
17. A Little Fun (added: 2012/12/04)
Passing into the last hall, Alex was overwhelmed by the variety of exhibitors and products. She had read that the convention was going to be large, but the websites didn't do justice to the scale of the event. The booths showcasing different products and services were incredibly varied and Alex pressed on to see what else was on display.
The last hall had dozens of small spaces for trades people and hobbyists, and the first was an entrepreneurial couple who specialized in producing gags. Their booth was simple, with only a table at the front, but fit in with the many others like it in the third hall. Stepping closer, another man was chatting with the couple about his experiences, so it was a great opportunity for Alexandra to examine their display without anyone trying to engage her in an awkward conversation.
There were a few dozen gags on the table, as well as a binder with pages of more styles that could be ordered. Alex wasn't taken by the selection of ball gags, however the other options were far more devious. Penis gags, spider gags, utility gags, ring gags, spreaders, utility gags and inflatables were also laid out, along with a selection of harnesses to hold them in place. The utility gag on display was attached to a complex leather harness that wrapped over a foam display head, with straps over the top, around the back and under the chin locked together, but in front was a twist lock connector. On the table sat a funnel, rubber dong, toilet brush and duster that could be attached to the panel, and a large pear shaped piece sat behind the plate to stabilize the connector. Alex imagined the humiliation of being forced to complete menial tasks while wearing the gag.
As Alex examined the inflatable gags the other man browsing moved on and the focus of the man and woman behind the table shifted to her. Alex was surprised when the women greeted her with a resounding and deep "Hello There!", and Alex could only wonder if his wife was the reason the man had started into gag manufacturing. The woman wore a leather halter and skirt that matched her husband's leather vest and shorts. He commented on how nice Alex's attire looked, and asked if she currently wore a gag. Trying to nod, Alex got the message across and the woman went on to explain the harness of the inflatable butterfly gag Alex was looking at. This harness was their middle security option, and wrapped around the head and under the chin, but not over the face. The man and woman continued on in a rather one sided explanation of their products, obviously very enthusiastic about their hobby.
Having heard all she needed to hear about gags, Alex feigned interest (an easy thing to do in her suit) and watched the minutes tick by on her clock until another couple walked up and took over the conversation duties. Alex took this opportunity to slip away, and stepped over to the next booth.
The gag making couple were not the only ones incredibly knowledgeable and interested in their art. The rope boutique next door also showcased the same level of attention to detail, and at the back a man with a French accent stood discussing the merits of different materials and weaves of rope for bondage purposes. The walls of his shop were filled with coils of different colors, thicknesses, and lengths of rope as well as a wall of chain in different styles and strengths. The art of rope bondage wasn't something Alex had experimented with due to the difficulty of integrating it into self-bondage, but chain had all sorts of uses. Taking pictures of the various styles, the two men never even glanced at Alexandra's unusual behavior.
Turning slowly around as she scanned the many styles, Alex stopped, unsure if she believed what she was experiencing. Holding still, she could feel the slightest buzzing beginning to emanate from deep within her loins. Concentrating on the weak sensation, Alex decided it would be best if she was not in the middle of someone's small display should the stimulation increase, and walked slowly out into the centre of the aisle. Each delicate step increased the sensation of the vibrations, but Alexandra was nowhere close to cumming and pushed on while she could, not knowing what else her suit would throw at her.
One exhibitor that caught Alex's eye, or rather her cameras vision, had a small booth filled with heavy steel cages and structures. Wishing she could both ignore and intensify her current stimulation, she joined a small crowd that was gathered in the booth. A man wearing a black rubber suit and a gasmask over his mouth and nose was being strapped into a large cross shaped frame constructed from six inch steel I beams. When he was tightly secured to the frame, a woman in bright pink pumps and a white bikini slowly unzipped the crotch of the rubber suit, releasing the man's erect member. The woman began rather seductively rubbing his cock, and his eyes were wide with the public attention he was receiving.
Watching the scantily dressed woman play with the man's genitalia turned Alex on, and she swore she could feel the vibrations deep inside her pick up, even if only slightly. As the show continued the crowd began to turn over, and Alex was able to get a closer look at the dungeon furniture that was on display. As well as the large cross, three different steel cages were on display, one to stand in, one to lie down in and one that was not big enough for either. The smallest cage also had a hole for the captive individual to put their head through, and Alex realized that when held in this position they would be conveniently held for easy access to the fucking machine bolted opposite. All of the equipment must have been fabricated by an extremely competent welder.
The walls were also covered with other medieval designs, including a set of three metal balls, two small and one large, obviously designed to lock around a head and two hands. Other implements of pleasure and torture were also packed into the booth, and Alex marveled at the rigging, lifting and suspension equipment and other bondage toys that hung from the racks, along with pictures of complex dungeon setups. As she watched the woman gently zip the man's junk back into his suit, Alexandra knew the vibrations in her suit were intensifying. The dildo was expanding, stretching her out and pushing the gentle vibrations deeper.
The vibrations getting faster, Alex did her best to maintain her composure as she slowly moved away from the crowd. Without warning she clasped her hands to her breasts as the e stim system went to work, her nipples becoming engorged with the gentle shocks stimulating around her breasts. Similar shocks began running up and down the expanded dildo, but without any clitoral stimulation Alex was left without much hope of the sexual release she desired.
While the vibrator in her cunt was capable of pleasuring her delicate parts at high speeds, the one in her ass was much slower and more powerful, rattling back and forth when it turned on and off three times in quick succession before pausing and starting again. Alex leaned back as she took a deep breath, feeling the restriction of the corset pushing back at her. The suit pushed on, and the phallus she had created flexed sideways into a slight arc before the top half began to rotate, the tip pushing around in a circle. Alex could feel as her natural lubrication allowed the device to slide gently around inside her.
Shuddering with the continuous stimulation, Alexandra found a bench and dropped down, taking her weight off her toes and transferring it to crotch, driving the plugs deeper and increasing the sensations. Her vulva remained isolated behind its metal plate, her clit crying out to be caressed. Alex barely noticed when her vision began to close in on her and the sounds of the convention faded away. Wrapping her arms around her small corseted waist in a self hug, she began to rock back and forth in sync with the dildo's rotations, shifting the dildos in and out of her.
The suit was pushing her slowly towards her peak, but not fast enough for Alexandra, who remained isolated in her self contained torture device. The stimulation around her breasts and nipples was driving her nuts, and although it was just under her fingers it was miles beyond her control. The vibrations in her ass continued, and she wondered if the shaking would be visible in her butt cheeks if she stood. Her tender vagina was still being ruthlessly fucked by the expanded, vibrating pole that was now pulling back and forth as well as spinning, thrusting its electrical stimulation in and out as it moved. All that was missing was her clit, but the suit had the power to hold her on the edge for as long as it's electronic brain desired.
Her mind floating in a sea of endorphins, Alex spread her legs and pounded down on her featureless crotch, shaking the metal plate that prevented her touch. This futile act was countered by the suit, and Alex screamed as loudly as she could when a powerful shock ran through her sensitized nub. As her gag quickly pumped her mouth full in another reactionary measure, Alex thought someone must have heard her scream, but a voice deeper inside her pointed out that she had tested and designed the suit to prevent noise from escaping.
Although extremely painful, the stimulation only pushed Alexandra closer to euphoria, and she could feel her breathing become more restricted. Alex began to panic, sucking air in as hard as she could through the suit's many hoses and restrictions, but the lack of oxygen made her mind feel like it was riding a sexual high. Panting in and out as best she could she cried out when she felt a gentle vibration teasing her clit. Her limbs began to spasm and Alex moaned deeply when she was pushed over the top.
The suit suddenly ramped up the stimulation, her friend down below pumping in and out vigorously, and the clitoris and breast stimulators doing their best to draw out the event. Her breathing no longer restricted, the sudden rush of oxygen prevented Alex from fainting while helping her ride the wave. Her labored breathing continued as the stimulation faded away, leaving her alone to collect herself. With no outside reference Alex had no sense of time, but when the suit detected her breathing was nearing normal levels it turned the LCD screens back on and enabled the microphones.
Proving the efficacy of the suit at completely isolating herself from the outside world and the outside world from Alex, nobody seemed particularly interested in the featureless woman who had just experienced a mind blowing orgasm in their midst. Having rushed to sit down, Alex took the opportunity to get her bearings and set a plan for the rest of the day. Sitting about halfway back in the third hall, Alex was surprised at what sat across from her. A child's crib was setup with a highchair next to it, and large baby clothes and equipment hung on display.
Standing up, Alex's toes once again bore the entire weight of her body, and she wandered over to the crib. Laying down in it was a man dressed in a baby's bodysuit, with snaps holding the crotch shut over what appeared to be an adult sized diaper. A large pacifier stuck out of his mouth, but Alex noticed that it was somewhat unusual. A rubberized strap ran around his head, holding the pacifier in place with a small lock. The entire crib was covered in a thick screen that zipped around the top, with a padlock in one corner preventing escape. Surrounding the man were stuffed animals and even a baby rattle!
The entire booth was filled with Adult sized baby products, from diapers to clothes as well as jars containing "Adult Formula", obviously designed to be mixed and fed with a bottle. The entire scene gave Alex a somewhat uneasy feeling. The diapers were OK with her, but forced infantilism just seemed like a little too much.
It was almost six, and Alexandra was feeling the stress of the suit's constant sensory overload. She needed to sit down, and began to head towards the theatre that the keynote presentation had been in earlier. Various artists had been presenting their bondage talents on the stage all day, and the night would be capped with a show after the halls closed at seven.
Taking her time as she walked, Alex began back down towards the second hall, where the friendly couple with the gags sat. Coming up to the steel cages again, Alex could see that the man had been released from the cross and stood talking in a group, his gasmask hanging from his neck. As she got closer, Alex realized that she had missed another booth in the row, distracted by the suit when she walked by the first time.
A woman in a leather dress sat at the back of the small space, and around her hung dozens of whips, canes, paddles and floggers. Impact sports held nothing for Alex, but she was amazed by the fine craftsmanship the products exhibited. All of the work was obviously done by someone highly skilled in the craft, and Alex could see why people would want to be the one holding such a finely made device. The smell of the leather was strong, and Alex could even get a whiff of it inside her helmet, a rare case of the world outside her suit making its way in.
The woman exhibiting the leather implements was staring at Alex closely, and normally this would have made her feel vulnerable, but securely held inside her latex suit Alex felt confident. Flaunting her body as she moved around, she took time to look at each of amazing products before moving out of the booth.
Past six o'clock the halls began to empty and exhibitors began to wind down for the day. Passing slowly through hall one Alex watched the staff at SecureSteel unlocking their belt and bra from the girl who had been modeling it all day, proving that she was actually held in the belt beyond her direct control. As the belt and thigh bands were slipped down her legs, Alex noticed the girl discretely rub herself, and wondered how well she would endure a few days of enforced chastity let alone a few hours. With the belt cuffs and collar gone the bra was unlocked from around the girl's ample bosom and she pulled out a blue sundress, slipping it over her naked body.
Past the demonstration area and into the hallway, Alex stopped and leaned against a wall when the spoon icon flashed. Dinnertime had arrived and the suit began to inject the greasy nourishment up her back, through her helmet and into her mouth. Alexandra was getting better at just letting it slide down her throat, and soon the demeaning process was over and she could suck some water to rinse her mouth with. The feeding made her compressed stomach feel full, and Alex was glad that she didn't have to endure an enema immediately as well. Gathering herself she moved on towards the theatre where the show would be starting in fifteen minutes.
18. Live Entertainment (added: 2012/12/04)
Joining the crowd at the door they slowly moved into the theatre and Alex took a seat in one of the upper rows, the cameras slowly adjusting to the dim house lights. Alex thought it was great to finally be off her feet for more than a minute, but the theatre seats weren't as deep as she would have liked, forcing her to sit forward in the seat and concentrate her weight on the exposed plastic ring of her anal toy. She could feel the awkward pressure from the top of the plug as it pressed into the soft folds of her lower intestine, but it was a worthy tradeoff for not having to stand on her aching feet.
A minute before seven the house lights dimmed to black, and Alex decided to test an additional feature she had worked into the suit. As a contrast to the many debilitating features of the suit, Alexandra had included some "superwoman" features. With two fingers she pushed between the metal plate over her crotch and the anal plug, and the screens filling her vision flashed from a view of the dim room to a multicolor spectrum. An additional camera above her head picked up infrared light, and the various colors indicated temperature from blue at 20 degrees through green, yellow, orange, red to white at over 45 degrees. This painted the room in a new light, and Alex could see the backs of people's heads stand out above the tops of their seats. Pressing between her legs with one finger split the video feeds, with the right screen showing temperature from the IR camera and the other normal video. Alex's view of the show was going to be unique.
Soon the stage lights rose and the audience was asked to give a warm welcome to "The Rigger". A man in black jeans and a black sleeveless shirt with his website printed across it came out onto the stage and welcomed the audience to his show. Behind him, stage crew pushed out a pegboard rack with rolls and rolls of royal blue rope hanging on the many hooks. The Rigger was an expert in intricate rope bondage, and he was going to demonstrate his talent for the audiences' enjoyment. To begin, the man asked the audience to give a warm welcome to Sasha, his willing "assistant".
Alex estimated that Sasha was 3 or 4 years younger than her, although it was hard to tell through her pixilated vision at a distance. She wore only a blue thong that matched the color of the ropes, and her reddish brown hair came down to the tops of her exposed breasts. Standing on stage half nude Sasha looked around awkwardly until the man began wrapping her in rope.
Holding both ends of a long piece of the blue rope in his hands, The Rigger had quickly wrapped the rope snugly around the base of each of Sasha's breasts, pushing them out. Moving quickly, he wrapped around her torso above and below her breasts, connecting them in an elaborate web. When he stopped, Sasha's breasts were bound and held aloft by what was essentially a restrictive rope bra.
The Rigger moved fast, but with precision. Music accompanied his performance, and the crowd watched with intent as the man wove a bondage harness around the girl's torso. Alex noted that the man had skillfully knotted the ropes before he pulled them tightly through Sasha's crotch, the knot resting just over her sensitive parts. The binding continued for another few minutes until the music came to a lull and the man stopped to show what he had done.
Sasha now sported an intricate bondage harness wrapped around her torso, with the rope zigzagging up and down her stomach from her breasts to her crotch. As The Rigger continued explaining his process, Alex began to slip away into her own world. Resting her hands on her crotch, Alex could feel gentle, pulsing, caressing vibrations and stimulation over her clitoris. Shifting back and forth in her seat, the massage was arousing but monotonous, and Alex pushed and rubbed the hidden plate to try and increase the sensations.
Her suit being designed to prevent external stimulation, Alex was left with no option but to sit out its tortures. Gripping the ends of the armrests, she tried to focus on the presentation, where Sasha's arms were being tightly wrapped behind her. It looked like she was wearing a backwards straight jacket. Blue rope encircled her wrists as well as above and below her elbows, linking with the rope that wrapped below her breasts and holding her arms tight.
Alex's double vision gave her more information about Sasha's reaction to being bound. She could see the temperature rising under the girl's thong as she became aroused, obviously enjoying the tight roping, although her face didn't show any reaction. The Rigger had now taken a cord hanging from above and was attaching it to her back. A rope around her leg held her foot tight against her ass, forcing her to balance on one foot, before another rope wrapped around her other ankle. With a swift tug, Sasha's leg was pulled out from under her, and tied up so she lay facing the floor at chest height. Her breasts were darker with the increased pressure from the lift, but it didn't look too painful.
The pleasurable sensations Alexandra was sitting with were getting on her nerves, as her body's natural reactions weren't conducive to watching a stage performance. Alex's vision blurred and her mind began to wander, thinking about having a powerful man to tie her breasts up and suspend her unwillingly. Her daydream came to a sudden close with a cry of pain as a powerful shock was emitted from the anal plug, as well as multiple contact points across her ass. The burning in her rectum was enhanced as she sat on the plug and Alex leapt up out of her seat at the sudden shock.
A few of the people sitting nearby stared at Alex as she stood in the theatre grabbing at her ass, and motioning to the people sitting next to her she squeezed past them and out into the aisle, nearly losing her balance and falling onto one woman in the process. Waiting at the top of the theatre she was fairly sure she knew what had happened to cause the searing pain. The rest timer had expired, and the suit decided that Alex had been sitting down for too long. Forced to stand on her toes for the remainder of the show, Alex waited at the top of the theatre by the exit.
While she was distracted, the man had swung Sasha upside down so she now hung with her legs in the air, and was moving ropes around her body to tie her legs in different positions. Alex was able to concentrate on the show, and she noticed that the suit had stopped pleasuring her crotch. Void of any sensation, she wished the suit would have continued, but there was not much she could do about it.
Alex began to daydream again, swaying back and forth slowly. Stepping against the back wall, she leaned back against a radiator, perching her bottom on the edge of the heater. Almost instantly the tremendous shocks returned to her ass, and Alex jumped up to try and stop the pain. This time however, the burning continued for a few more seconds after she moved, reinforcing the no sitting policy.
Damn, thought Alex. The suit was extremely sensitive, just as she had designed it, and she had no option but to stand on her sore toes. Sasha was being spun around, with both her legs tied up above her, and the man appeared to be working on the ropes going up to the ceiling. Alex watched as the girl was lowered down, then flipped upright onto the ground. While she was in the air, The Rigger had woven an extension to his intricate harness around her legs, and they now stood pinned together tightly. Undoing the suspension knot with a pull, Sasha stood in front of the crowd, and both of them took a bow before he picked up the immobile woman and carried her off stage.
With the house lights rising, Alexandra switched her vision back to normal and stepped out the exit. She couldn't beat the crowd, but she could get a head start. Focusing on stepping carefully as the crowd flowed around her, Alex could still feel the residual burn from the scorching pain. Through the tunnel and up into the lobby of the hotel a different shift was working the front desk, and Alex could hear their conversations trail off as they noticed her presence. Keeping her focus on the goal of reaching her room, Alex ignored them as she waited for the elevator.
19. Bed Time (added: 2012/12/04)
This time Alexandra had the elevator to herself, and she closed her eyes as the car accelerated to her floor and the doors opened. Stepping out and moving down the hall, the suit beeped when it was within range of the base unit. Stopping at the door to her room, Alex reached behind her and under her backpack where her room key stuck out, and pulled down on it with a swift tug. Opening the door and pushing the key back into the slot, she stepped into the room and the door swung shut behind her, latching with a click. Flipping the security latch and the deadbolt on, Alex collapsed face first onto the bed, her vision blacking out as the cameras pushed against the thick hotel bedding.
The pressure of the corset was unyielding, and with the weight off her toes Alex was reminded of its iron grip around her waist. Pushing on the thick leather it barely flexed, and when she breathed in Alexandra could feel it strain around her, its grip unwavering. Her breasts were covered by the similar thick leather of the corset's cups, but she could still push and squeeze them through the suit, although her sensitive nipples felt next to nothing through the thick foam rubber sublayer.
Her thoughts slipping from her mind, Alexandra closed her eyes and began to slip into a dream when she felt the familiar warm feeling of another forced enema filling her from the bottom up. Sure enough, the red indicator on screen was blinking, its rate increasing as the water was pumped in. Grabbing the tablet off the table, Alex put in on the bed in front of her and pulled her legs up, holding her ass in the air like a cat stretching its front legs.
The tablet showed the status of the various systems of the suit. She watched as the quantity of water in the backpack ticked down, now under 2 liters. The battery had held up well with over 40 percent remaining, and she had plenty of food and soap left. Groaning as the cramping returned, Alex shook her ass to try and speed the process of the suit filling her as the pump clicked on and off. With a final push the circle in her vision held a solid red, indicating the vigorous filling process was over. Stepping down from the bed, she moved slowly to the bathroom and sat on the toilet, remaining as vertical as possible to try and reduce the painful cramps.
When the light was finally green, Alexandra felt the suit uncontrollably void her bowels as the water poured out of her. A few moments later the process was complete, and the ominous voice returned to instruct her to prepare for sleeping arrangements. With a sigh, she stepped under the tripod, clipped her feet into the spreader and attached the umbilical cord to her pack. She then attached her backpack to the suspension cable and clipped her wrists behind her, completing her overnight arrangements. With a flash her vision went dark and the suit spoke.
"Service complete. Forty Six hours and 56 minutes remaining."
Alex could feel the corset begin to lift as the suit pulled her into the air, quickly winching up on the spreader bar until she once again hung horizontally below the tripod. Swinging gently back and forth in her rubber prison with no sight or hearing, Alex was disconnected from the outside. Closing her eyes, she drifted to sleep.
Alex thought she was dreaming. She could feel a vibrator working on her clit as a giant cock was gently thrust in and out of her. She did not know who was pleasuring her and she did not care, all she wanted was for them to continue. Subconsciously reaching down to rub herself as she would normally when she dreamed of these situations, Alexandra's dream came to a crashing end when she realized it was just the suit. She had no idea what time it was, but the suit had woke her up in the middle of night with its stimulation, which she herself had programmed.
The feelings were still distant from Alex's groggy mind, but she could feel her body reacting to the sensations, the pleasure building when she was rudely awoken by the punishment features of the suit. Her breathing restricted to the minimal amount required for sleeping, Alex struggled to scream as the punishing shocks ran through her nipples and deep inside her between the tips of her plugs. After what felt like an eternity the punishment finally stopped and Alex was left struggling to breath. The darkness closing in on her from the lack of oxygen, Alexandra drifted back to sleep.
Twice more that night the suit ran thought the same series of pleasure and pain, waking Alex from her sleep each time. When the suit was finished for the third time Alexandra still felt tired, but sleeping was no longer an option as the cameras turned back on for the day. Saturday was the busiest day of the convention, and there would be lots to see and do. Helped by the painful shocks that had only subsided only moments earlier, Alex was wide awake when the warm soapy enema solution began filling her insides. Sweating as the irritating mix was forced deep, Alex began to cramp almost immediately, and the pump was still working away.
The soapy enema was not as large as the others, but the irritating soap didn't help and Alex endured fifteen minutes of pain as the powerful ass vibrator cleaned her out before the device began to lower her to the floor. With the full weight of the backpack hanging from her corset, Alex knew from the feel that her corset was tighter than it had been. Putting the thoughts of the enema aside for a moment Alex grabbed the tablet and opened the stats page, which confirmed that her waist was now close to 21 inches around, extremely tight and almost a full inch smaller than what Alexandra could lace on her own.
Expelling the enema into the toilet, the suit once again began filling Alex's bottom with clear water, her rinse cycle. She didn't even bother to get up from the toilet, sitting still while the machine worked. The cramps came back immediately and just as Alex began to tear up she was distracted by the force feeding and watering. Sitting on the toilet sucking down the gristly paste between sobs, by the time the feeding was complete the suit was only just finishing its work pumping 2 liters of water into Alex's compressed belly.
Suddenly Alex felt the relief of the suit letting the water flow into the toilet, and when it was done the suit instructed her to return to the base. Following along Alex attached the umbilical cord to the suit and waited for the backpack to refill with water before the suit spoke again.
"Morning service complete. 35 hours 24 minutes remaining. Day rules now in effect."
Everything was working as it should and Alex headed for the door, clean, fed, and ready to start her day. Glancing at the mirror as she tiptoed past she was once again taken by how stunning she was. Her waist had never looked so good, and Alex was proud of what she had done, building a device capable of such feats. In the hall she looked around, but the one other person was a long ways away and heading the other direction, so Alex continued on.
20. Ponies (added: 2012/12/04)
Riding the elevator down all by herself, Alex stepped out into the lobby. She felt more naked than she ever did before, her assets on display for all to see, but at the same time less vulnerable than ever. It helped that she was not the only person dressed strangely, as she could see others sitting eating breakfast in interesting outfits. A man in a zentai suit with the hood folded down sat across from a woman in a latex dress enjoying bacon and eggs together, and Alex salivated at the thought of being able to eat what she wanted when she wanted.
Moving on, Alex made the short walk back to the convention centre and joined the growing crowd waiting for the doors to open. Standing straight and tall, Alex could feel the posture straps on the corset pulling her head and shoulders back as she looked down on the crowd. The cameras were a few inches higher up than most of the crowd was tall, and Alex had a good view of the people waiting.
It was the first time Alex had the chance to actually get a good look at the different people in attendance. Men and women of all ages stood dressed in all manner of clothing. Most of the crowd was clad in rubber or leather, but some stood out in street clothes and others in bondage. Some women wore quite fashionable latex outfits, and one man sported an entire latex suit. Others were more casual and interesting, one man wore a skirt that came down to his ankles where he sported a pair of high heels, another woman wore only a leather bikini to the indoor event.
The people that interested Alex the most however were those who were bound and controlled. One man wore a strait jacket and shorts, a large leather panel wrapped around his mouth kept him silent. A few people wore collars or leather and metal, and others had their hands and ankles cuffed and linked together. Amongst all of the intriguing different people, one woman stood out. Naked except for a pair of ankle high ballet boots, Alex estimated that she was likely 6 or 7 years older than herself. The man escorting her was dressed casually and was talking to her, but he kept a firm grasp on a thin gold chain.
The tiny chain was a few feet long, and about halfway down its length it split into three parts. Two of the ends ran to the woman's nipples, where tiny padlocks held the ends securely to rings through her flesh. The third part of the chain descended to the woman's clitoris where a similar padlock secured it to a ring running through her sensitive nub. Even her boots were locked on with straps, and although her arms were free the woman was powerless. With even the smallest tug, the man had complete control over her, and Alex found herself staring at the setup, marveling at the amazing power the man held.
When the doors finally opened, the crowd began to slowly enter the halls. It would be busier today, and Alexandra moved quickly to see everything she wanted to look at. Just inside the doors to the right, a small crowd was gathering. A sign read "Shuttle to the Stables", and at the end of the line a large wagon was being filled with other guests. What was interesting was not the wagon itself, but rather what was being used to pull it. Like she had seen the day before, six women were attached to the front of the cart. As the line moved forwards, Alex got a closer look at them. Each was wearing a thick black spandex suit, with a complex web of leather wrapped around their torso and attached to the wooden drawbar of the cart. Their legs ended in amazing looking boots. Like high heels with no heels, instead large horseshoes were attached at the front, holding their feet at a sharp angle.
More leather wrapped around the pony's heads, complete with blinders and large rubber bits. Their wrists locked to the wagon, they stood still, moving from side to side as they waited for it to fill with people. The wagon driver was a man dressed for the part, with a long dress coat, pants, boots and a bowler hat. When the benches on the wagon were loaded he closed a small gate and hopped on the front of the cart, grabbing the reins. Alex watched as the six women began to strain in their harnesses, their feet slipping slightly on the hard floor. The full wagon was heavy, but eventually got moving and disappeared around the corner towards the stables.
Waiting in line, it was only a few moments before another wagon appeared around the corner. This one was similar, but moved faster since the six women pulling it didn't have any passengers. Alex also noticed small bells clamped on each of the woman's nipples, biting through the white spandex suits. This cart was also driven by a woman, and with a pull on the reins she slowed the ponies and guided them in a small circle, stopping to load the growing crowd. The woman was dressed as a sort of horse rider, with a dark jacket over a white shirt, tight black spandex capris, riding boots and a helmet.
Jumping off, the woman opened the door at the back of the wagon and assisted riders into it. Alex had to use the hand rail to balance herself up the steep steps, which were extremely challenging in her boots. Inside the open wagon, two benches ran down each side and two down the middle, and Alex got a seat on the side towards the back. When the rest of the riders had boarded, Alexandra could tell that her unique outfit was attracting attention, but the trip was soon underway as a distraction.
With the wagon gate latched, the driver climbed on the front of the cart and flicked the reins. There were about 20 others on board with Alex, but the smooth floor made the cart roll without too much effort. Alex watched from behind as the six women pulled at their harnesses, their toned butts and legs visible through the spandex bodysuits. Soon the wagon was moving at a good clip, the women pulling raising their legs with every step in a brisk trot. The sound of the bells on their nipples rang through the hallway to the stables area, and they passed the other wagon just before they began slowing to a stop.
The stable was in a large open ballroom, but it was impressive nonetheless. Two rows of steel and wood horse stalls had been erected down the sides, and various pieces of tack hung from the far wall. There were a few different manufacturers showcasing their products in the centre, including various setups for training and care.
Walking past the stalls, Alex could see that each was constructed differently. Some were simply short wooden walls, others were full height, with the bottom half made of stout timbers and the upper part solid steel bars. One in particular was highly secure, with steel bars overhead to keep even the most eager and unruly pony contained. The doors either slid or swung open, and some of them split allowing the captive animals to poke their heads out, just like real horses.
Some of the stalls held either men or women dressed as animals, and one was even drinking water from a feeding bowl on the wall. Each was dressed differently, some in rubber and others in spandex, and one was even nude. Alex took in all of the different things on display which she had never known people to do as she walked towards the back. There, hanging on the wall were all of the various harnesses that could be worn, and Alex was impressed by the construction. There were webs of leather straps that wrapped around the wearer's torso and head, as well as the various bits. Some of them were extremely intricate and detailed, and others were obviously built for work animals, with extra strong leather and stitching.
Alex imagined herself as one of the women towing the shuttle, a show pony. Dressed by her master in the amazing harness, with a colorful plume of feathers above her head, she would pull the cart around, unable to make human sounds. Sleeping in a barn with other animals, Alex dreamed of what it would feel like to no longer be human but to actually be a pony.
The vendors in the stable were working on making the dream a reality. As well as the harnesses and barn equipment, there were automatic exercise machines, realistic horse heads, anal plugs with tails as well as crops like Alex had seen the day before. The selection of things Alexandra was unaware of piqued her curiosity and made her wonder what other kinky bondage niches there must be that she was unaware of.
21. Anika (added: 2012/12/04)
Having circled around the room Alex decided to press on since there was a lot more to see in the main halls. Skipping the growing lineup for the shuttle Alex took the short walk into the back of hall three. Just inside the doors were a couple of booths devoted to the local BSDM user groups. Alex had heard of them online and was amazed by the knowledge and dedication some of the members devoted to their somewhat unusual hobbies.
There wasn't much going on at the groups' booths this early in the day, so Alex moved on after a quick look. She wanted to see a demonstration of SecureSteel's products at 11:30, but there was more than enough time to continue browsing before that. The next booth in the row was offering fake breasts and other similar items, and although it wasn't really Alex's cup of tea she would admit that the man standing out front was somewhat convincing as a woman.
Further along were some booths that Alex thought were more interesting. A small company made vacuum devices, including breastplay and milking machines. Drawings showed a woman dressed as a cow with the silver cones attached to her "udders" and Alexandra wondered what a strange sensation it must be to be to have one's breasts sucked in such a way. A demonstration was setup with a set of the suction cups and some silicone breasts, and the strong suction made it difficult to pull the cone away from the nipple. The woman representing the manufacturer was obviously unsure what to think about Alexandra, and she stood silent in the corner staring in a state of disbelief. Alex decided to leave, but kept thinking about future projects where suction might be a useful addition.
The larger boots in hall 2 were all that stood between Alex and the demonstration stage where she was headed, and she still had some time to kill. Moving through the crowds, she came upon a display filled with leather restraints and immediately walked in. Dozens of styles of cuffs, harnesses and other equipment was on display, all of constructed out of thick, solid cow hide. Most of the products were available in either tan or black leather, and there were lots to choose from.
Wrist and ankle cuffs came in a variety of styles, including with attached bondage mitts to render the wearer's hands useless. There were collars of all types, including a tall posture style that caught Alex's gaze. Even through her thick latex gloves Alex could feel the strong, supple leather of the high quality products. A mannequin sported a large muzzle attached to a head harness, and next to it hung a variety of bondage harnesses that looked quite imposing.
The leather chastity belts did not impress Alexandra, since anyone forced to wear one would only have to endure it for a few moments before cutting it off, but this would be much more difficult if they were also held in one of the straightjackets on display. One in particular, the "enthusiasts" model, impressed Alex with internal arms as well as two thick locking straps that ran between the legs so the wearer could not pull it over their head, which would be difficult because of the attached discipline hood. She could have stared at the amazing handcrafted products all day but the demonstration was starting soon and there was no way she was going to stand for longer then she had to.
Taking a seat for the demonstration, Alex could see the gleaming chastity belts already on the small stage. Others were also taking their seats, including one couple who were obviously quite close. Both wore heavy rubber suits that loosely covered their entire bodies, and tall rubber boots came up to their knees. What brought them together were the matching gas masks they both wore, with thick round goggles built in and the hoses connecting them. From a distance Alex was pretty sure that the man was breathing the air from the output of the woman's mask, truly allowing her to set their pace. By the time they had shuffled down the row and taken their seats the demonstration was beginning.
The two SecureSteel staff members took to the stage, followed by the model that had been showing off her belt yesterday. She still wore her red pumps, but instead of her chastity belt and bra she wore a simple white dress. The man representing SecureSteel stood at the podium, and thanked all of the loyal users of their products, pointing out the few in attendance who were currently wearing theirs visibly. After some more introductions the demonstrations began, focusing on upgrades and new products.
As the model began showing off some of the minor improvements that had been made to the manufacturing process, Alex noticed a girl sitting a few rows up and maybe ten seats over. She was obviously taken by Alexandra's unique attire, and although she tried to hide it the girl was spending more time looking at Alex than the presentation on stage. Alex watched as the she, likely a couple of years younger than her, sat sideways in her seat, her eyes transfixed by Alex's suit. Alexandra did notice that the girl seemed uncomfortable sitting the way she was and kept shifting and moving around, trying to find a more comfortable position.
Alex continued watching the presentation, ignoring the girl. The focus had shifted to male products, and Alex stared at the new designs that would totally prevent access to the man's penis or testicles. Although she was happy right now without a partner, she dreamed of a future with a man, both of them locked in chastity belts and holding each other's keys. Of course she could also be forced to wear thigh bands or a chastity bra, accessories that weren't as useful for a male wearer, so her partner would always have the upper hand, but she would always have some control.
Finishing up the presentation of the male belts, the staff announced that it would be time to get their model ready for the day. With only a bit of hesitation the model pulled the dress she was wearing over her head and laid it on a table, revealing her fit and tanned body. Then the man at the podium announced that today Anika, their willing model would wear something that had never been displayed in public before. With a flourish Anika and the other staff member pulled the cover off a table revealing her outfit for the day. Laid out on the table was one of the heavy steel belts Alex had seen the day before, and along with it a matching set of heavy polished steel restraints.
The staff picked up the belt first, and revealed to the crowd the massive plugs that sat inside. Even the girl who had been staring at Alex was now focused on the stage as the staff rubbed down the plugs with lubricant before approaching the model. Alex could tell that she might be having second thoughts as she stood naked on stage, but held herself together as she took the belt and wrapped the waist band around her. The belt locked differently than the normal models, rather than locking the crotch band over the waist belt the waist band locked to the crotch band, forcing her to insert the plugs first.
The model bent forwards as she reached behind herself and pulled the fair sized cylinder past her anal sphincter. The look on her face made it seem like she might regret this later, but it faded when the plug was seated. Grabbing the front of the crotch band, she was obviously more comfortable with the large dildo, and slid it quickly into her. Holding the bands Anika had to breathe out to slip the two sides of the waist band over the post protruding from the crotch band. Similar posts stuck out from the sides of the belt, to connect to the other accessories.
The woman from Secure steel picked up one of the large padlocks on the table and snapped the hasp shut through the post, securely locking the belt onto Anika's body, and the plugs into her. The next piece on the table was the matching chastity bra. The steel cups were large to fit over Anika's sizeable breasts, but were still solid steel a quarter of an inch thick. Unlike Alex's chastity bra, which locked in the front between her breasts and had chains over her shoulders, the one Anika was holding had steel straps and three places to attach large padlocks in the back.
Putting on the bra required the assistance of the woman from Secure Steel, and she helped Anika lift the metal contraption up and over her torso, sliding her breasts into the unyielding cups. With a click, she secured the chest band shut behind her, pulling the cups tight against Anika's torso. With two more locks the shoulder straps were attached to the chest band behind Anika's back, making self escape impossible. Showing the crowd, three large padlocks now hung below across the band behind her back, making hiding them under clothes impossible.
The next piece was a metal collar, made out of the same thick polished steel. Hinged in the front, Anika wrapped it around her neck. The collar was tall, and held her head high, making it difficult to look down on her imprisoned breasts. Another large padlock held the collar shut behind her neck, adding to the four already hanging from her body.
Thigh bands were next, but these were not normal bands either. The two rings of steel were actually welded together in the middle, reducing the wearer's stride to miniscule steps at best. Slipping off her red shoes Anika slid the bands up her legs as far as they would go before the other woman picked up the connecting chain. Unlike the normal chain designed to lay flat, this chain was links of heavy hardened steel and roughly five feet long. With a click the end of the chain was attached to the side of one band and run up to the side of the belt where another padlock held it secure. The chain then went up between the cups of the bra where another lock held it, before running down the other side to the belt and thigh bands. Ten padlocks now held the belt, bra, thigh bands and collar shut and linked them together but there was one more thing. With one lock on each side the collar was attached to the bands from the bra, holding it collar straight and preventing Anika from turning her head.
Stepping back into her shoes Anika turned around, showing off her new attire. Alex liked the thought of the heavy steel holding her body, and she imagined herself in Anika's place on stage, nearly naked and showing off the bands of steel that would be impossible to hide under clothing. Lost in her own world, Alex realized a moment later that the presentation had ended and the crowd was leaving. Glancing around she noticed that girl who had been looking at her was standing and looking around. Dressed in a loose pink tank top and white skirt, Alex watched her fidget with the waist band of her skirt as she stood. The girl was definitely much younger than Alex, and her long wavy blonde hair highlighted her cute, innocent face and grey blue eyes. Alex wondered what she was doing at the fetish convention, watching the model carefully walk down the stairs from the stage, her stride shortened by the bands around her legs.
22. Meeting (added: 2012/12/04)
Alex stood and waited for the crowd to clear before she moved down the row. Contemplating what to do next, she was interrupted by the familiar and uncomfortable warm feeling filling her bowels. Sure enough, it was past noon and her midday cleaning was beginning. Alex knew what to expect and headed for the nearest washroom, the water in her bowels moving with every step and intensifying the building cramps. Turning the corner into the washroom, Alex cursed. A chain across the entrance indicated that it was closed for cleaning, and the woman inside told her to try the one in the next hall.
Standing upright, Alex's tight corset made taking the entire enema painful, and she took a deep breath to try and calm down. The cramping was getting worse, and Alex took her time walking to the next washroom. She swore again when she reached it, as a dozen other women were waiting in line to use the facilities. Relieved for a moment that the pump had stopped, Alex bent over, putting her hands on her knees to support herself. With the reduction in pressure the pump resumed its work, and Alex began to feel nauseous. She wanted to scream at the suit, but knew her efforts would be fruitless. Its brain was nothing more than a simple industrial automation controller, and all it knew was what the sensors and parameters Alex had programmed told it. Until the conditions were met, Alexandra's automated torture would continue.
When the green circle indicating the filling was complete appeared, Alex breathed a short sigh of relief. Standing up again she could feel the tightness of her corset pulling at her, but there was nothing she could do but try and take her mind off the situation. Alex then noticed that the girl who was looking at her during the SecureSteel demo was behind her a few places in line, obviously still taken by Alex's suit. After a few moments of looking at the girl, who obviously couldn't tell that Alex was looking back at her, Alex waved at her to say hi, but the girl quickly looked elsewhere.
Alex was only halfway down the line after 5 minutes, and the indicator in her suit had faded from green to red, indicating the enema was ready to be released. Alex had to be careful, the last thing she needed was to sit down somewhere and have the suit release accidentally. A few seconds later, the indicator began to blink and her rear plug began to vibrate and shock her, as if she needed any other reminders that she had to find a toilet. The vibrations travelled through the water deep into her belly intensifying the pain, and Alex grabbed at the ring that formed her plastic anus to try and relieve the stress, of course to no avail.
As much as she hated to admit, the emotions the suit was causing Alex did turn her on. The complete loss of control was exactly what she desired, and Alex could feel her mind begin to float away from conscious thought. Her dream ended when the line finally moved forward enough that she was next, and when a stall opened Alex moved as quickly as she could towards the open door. The suit released her load suddenly, and the relief was instant. Sitting alone in the stall, Alex breathed a sigh of relief as the foul water poured out of her ass, only to have the suit once again lock her breathing and force her to endure the smell through her nose. When the suit finally let her leave, Alex flushed the toilet and slowly stood.
Stepping out so another woman could use the facilities, Alex was met just outside the door by the girl who had been staring at her. Obviously unsure how to start the conversation, the girl managed to stammer "Was that an... enema?" Realizing how unusual her comment sounded, the girl continued. "I mean... I saw you in line and wondered why you were acting so... uncomfortably... and then I was in the stall next to you and I had to wonder..."
The girl's sentence trailed off as she stared at where Alex's eyes would be on the featureless ovoid. Alex was surprised that the young girl had managed to work up the confidence to speak to her, and attempted to shake her head to say yes but was stopped by the neck corset. The girl smiled when she realized Alex's plight and continued on with her line of questioning. "So for the enema... is it... inside you?"
Alex pointed at her asshole, crotch and mouth to show the three places where the suit invaded her body. The girl seemed to get what she meant and her eyes lit up a little bit. She stammered on. "And the boots and corset... where did you get this stuff?"
Alex had some trouble acting out an answer, but through a combination of hammer motions and pointing at herself she seemed to get the point across that she had done the work herself. The girl's curiosity was only growing as she learned more, and the one sided conversation continued. "Is someone making you wear this?" the girl pondered, looking at the small padlocks that hung inside Alex's thighs from the tops of her boots "And for how long?" she continued.
Alex shook her head, and pointed at herself again, before holding up three fingers.
"You did it to yourself... for three... hours.... days!"
Alex shook her head no when the girl said hours, then yes when she said days. The girl seemed genuinely amazed, having seen nothing like this before. She was getting more comfortable "taking" to Alex, and continued. "I wish I could try it. I just have this right now."
Looking to see who was around her, the girl quickly lifted the front of her lacy white skirt revealing the shiny steel of a chastity belt.
"It's my first day with both the plugs in. I left the keys at home and decided to come here." the girl said sheepishly. Alex was suddenly reminded of her own actions when she got her first belt, slowly pushing the boundaries of what she was comfortable with. Alex was about to give the girl a thumbs up sign when the suit interrupted her. Feeding was starting, and as the gruel was being forced down her throat. Having not received any response from Alex when the girl showed her belt, she seemed concerned until Alex made a motion in the air with an invisible utensil.
"Feeding?" the girl asked another question to try and learn more about Alex's predicament. Alex shook her head yes as best she could while focusing on the task at hand. The girl stood and waited until the feeding had stopped and Alex held her thumb and forefinger up in the OK sign. As she did so however, more stimulation began.
This time the suit was gently vibrating against Alexandra's clit. Rubbing her crotch, Alex pointed at the girl's belt and then to her crotch, indicating the torment that the two of them shared, before shaking her hand like a vibrator. It took the girl a few tries to guess what was occurring, but eventually she figured it out.
"Ohhh, there's a vibrator." She announced, staring into Alex's crotch. After a few awkward moments of silence the girl decided it was time to move on and said a polite thank you before disappearing into the crowd.
23. Exploring (added: 2012/12/04)
The vibrations were low level, Alex estimated maybe two or three out of ten, so she decided to move on and ignore the stimulation as best she could. The washroom Alex had ended up at was in the second hall, and across the aisle was another row of booths Alex had yet to explore. The closest was a maker of small stainless steel toys and jewelry. Most of the stuff was for men, but some items were designed for women so Alex took a quick look.
Most of the women's stuff was a selection of labia spreaders, some designed to work with piercings and others not, but there were also some small dildos made out of steel as well as numerous butt plugs and weights that could be used for fun and games. All of the pieces looked to be extremely well made, and the high polish glinted under the lights in the booth. Moving around the displays Alex stopped when she found something else interesting, a large display of chastity devices.
Most of the devices were designed to be locked over a man's cock and scrotum, and Alexandra could only imagine how it must feel for a man to have his cock stuffed into one of the small metal tubes and his balls locked into the connecting pocket. Some of the devices even had a curved metal sound running up the centre of the tube, absolutely preventing an erection from forming. Next to the male chastity devices was a much smaller collection of female ones, as most women did not possess the piercings necessary to ensure chastity without wearing a belt, but Alex did. There were a few clitoris shields, designed to prevent stimulation as well as other shields to hold the labia together, but next to them was one Alex desired.
Like the two metal plates that were currently locked over Alex's front entrance, this system was similar but had some improvements. The first plate had two long slots down each side to pull the wearer's outer labia through, before folding them out and over the line of four posts that ran down the edge of the plate. Another plate then sat overtop and latched on with an integrated locking mechanism, securely covering the wearer's clitoris and preventing anything from being inserted into her cunt. Unlike Alex's current chastity plate system however, the locking mechanism was much simpler and the labia were held spread, increasing the mental aspect and improving hygiene over long term use. Alex took a number of pictures of the device before moving on to see other things.
The next booth was offering the services of dominatrixes, but Alex had no interest when she could provide the same services with her suit. The gentle vibrations on her clit were making Alexandra incredibly horny, but there was no hope that she would reach the edge at the suit's current rate. Moving on, the following booth was much more interesting. A real corset maker had come to demonstrate their craft, and there were a wide variety of styles on display. Overbust, underbust, half cup, ones with front latches and different colors and materials were on laid out, but as Alex moved through the booth she started to find some more interesting styles.
As Alex browsed, she realized that most of the corsets were not limited to being fetish toys. Some of the styles even came with attached skirts, and Alex wondered if a corset dress and chastity belt combination wouldn't make a great outfit for a night out. Moving through the booth she ran across more amazing corsets, including a rubber one piece swimsuit corset complete with neck halter. The public bondage scenarios of the many corsets on display began to run through Alex's mind, and she hadn't even seen the discipline and bondage corsets yet.
The discipline corsets were on display across the back of the showroom, and Alex took a close look at each of them. The first one was similar to what she currently wore, but came up below the breasts. The back however almost reached the wearer's neck where two straps emerged to wrap around the wearer's shoulders and reattach down at the back of the waist with a small padlock. A similar strap pulled back around the neck, once again locked to the back of the corset to enforce proper posture.
The rest of the bondage corsets were all variations on the same theme. Most of them were made of heavy leather with steel boning, and each sprouted a variety of straps to better control its user and places to lock them shut. One of the corsets ran all the way up and around the neck and shoulders, leaving only arm holes, and another integrated a slip at the bottom with places to attach front and rear plugs.
As Alex continued through the booth one of the craftsmen noticed her and commented on her stunning figure and corset, before pointing her to the back corner of the booth. There, wrapped around the torso of a mannequin was the most stunning corset Alex had ever seen. The black corset began above the wearer's bust, but rather than ending at the hips it continued down below the knees for a true hourglass shape.
The combination of the maddening stimulation of her clit and the sexy corset on display turned Alex on, and as she took pictures of the corset she wished she was actually able to rub herself off. This was of course impossible, and Alex resigned herself to moving on to see what else there was at the convention. It was past two in the afternoon, and Alex didn't think she had seen half of the displays yet.
Now into hall 3, Alex knew she could move quickly through the small exhibitors and shops, but she was quickly slowed at her first stop. Another kink that was right up her alley, there was an entire shop devoted to long term mummification. Alexandra had faced some difficulties dealing with managing her human needs when she was under the suit's control, and here was an entire booth full of solutions. As well as some simple solutions like camelback hydration systems, rubber piss pants and diapers there were also more specialized options. Urinary catheters in sizes Alex had never imagined would fit up her urethra, enema systems and feeding solutions were all on display, but some things even took it a step further. Alex had never thought about automated ventilators and feeding tubes before, but looking at them now she could see how they would perfectly integrate with the suit.
24. Reflection (added: 2012/12/04)
The thought of being even more controlled than she currently was turned Alexandra on, and she began to get angry at the frustrating vibrations that simultaneously pushed her towards the edge and held her back from it. Tearing up, Alex closed her eyes for a moment and reevaluated her current predicament. Her toes definitely hurt, and her calves were beginning to ache from the unrealistic posture forced on her by the boots. The vibrations on her clit were driving her nuts, but the secure metal and rubber padding over it prevented her from having any influence over that.
The muscles in Alex's cunt hadn't stopped trying to grab onto the shaft filling her most intimate area, but her natural lubrication prevented any success in that effort. The anal plug still felt huge, and it rolled side to side as Alex shifted her weight, further reminding her of its presence. The heat in the building and Alex's internal stimulation was causing her to sweat, and while the spandex bodysuit absorbed some of it the rubber against her skin caused the perspiration to get caught making her feel slimy.
The corset around Alex waist certainly didn't feel any looser, and she never forgot the posture straps on her shoulders let alone the neck corset that held her head immobile. Her head itself was of course secure in its prison, wrapped in latex, leather and the snug embrace of her helmet. The breathing restriction was ever present, and Alexandra was still getting accustomed to the view from the cameras above her. Overall, the sensory overload Alex was experiencing was beyond her dreams, and she craved more in an irrational fashion.
Opening her eyes, Alex found herself back in the real world. She had only zoned out for a moment, but being completely cut off from the outside world made it easy to lose track of time. There wasn't anything else to see in the area where she was standing and she couldn't stick around to chat, so Alex moved on to the next thing.
The next shop in the row was absolutely packed with spandex. The booth had all three walls covered in racks and more were setup in the centre. Garments of every conceivable shape and size hung from the walls, and the seamstress who ran the business was also taking orders for custom designs. Alex loved the feeling of tight clothes clinging to her body, and she spent quite some time looking through the racks of different leggings, leotards, costumes, bodysuits, skirts and other pieces in a huge variety of different colors and finishes. By the time she had made it through the entire store, it was three thirty in the afternoon, leaving only two and a half hours left to see everything she wanted.
Having reached the end of the small row of booths, Alex walked over to the next row to continue browsing. On the way there she began to feel uneasy, like there was someone watching her. The next store offered simple lingerie, and Alex ducked inside. Peering back out into the aisle she realized who was watching her. A small group of photographers with large DSLR cameras had gathered, and along with a few others they were definitely discussing their thoughts on her unusual attire. Apparently word had gotten out about the mysterious featureless woman. After a moment of panic Alex reminded herself that she was completely anonymous, and decided to use her time in the lingerie shop to flaunt herself in front of the cameras.
Lacy, frilly lingerie didn't really appeal to Alex, mostly because she had nobody to impress by wearing it. Instead, while she was carefully planning her movements around the store to be as sexy as she could Alex found a collection of sheer bodysuits and bodystockings that had much more appeal. Alexandra loved the second skin feel of hosiery, and looking through the different styles she could imagine the feeling of the tight fabric hugging her curves.
There were quite a few styles and Alex looked through them all, putting on a show for the cameras. Bodysuits with and without arms, open crotch variants and bodystockings with arms and various neck styles were all available in different colors and weaves. Some styles were somehow even made without any seams, something Alex though would be a big bonus when she wanted to wear them under something else.
Having satisfied her curiosity in the lingerie booth, Alex decided to move on to the next shop. The suit's torment of her clitoris hadn't let up, and Alex used the building sexual frustration to her advantage. Walking as seductively as she could manage in her shoes she carefully placed one front in front of the other, her bottom swaying from side to side with each step. As well as being a terrific show for the remaining photographers, Alex's gait also caused her two plugs to bump and shift. It was only fitting then that the next booth in the row happened to specialize in female sex toys.
Like a jewelry store, most of the products were located in brightly lit glass cases, with staff ready to take out products for interested visitors. Unable to ask to see anything up close, Alex was forced to crouch to give the cameras a good view of the cases. Squatting down, she could hear the photographer's cameras click as the small pink ring that marked her anus was exposed, her rubber suit stretching tighter over her buttocks.
In the cases were dozens of different toys aimed at satisfying a woman's needs. Phalluses made of silicone, plastic, rubber, glass and numerous combinations of those materials were laid out in every imaginable size and style. Next to that was a similar collection of vibrators, and Alex looked closely at the one labeled "Most powerful vibrator on planet earth". There were dozens of other toys including supposed copies of celebrities' junk formed out of silicone, clitoral stimulators and harnesses for strap-ons.
Alex was comfortable she had seen everything she needed to and stood up to leave, suddenly realizing how tall she felt, towering over a woman dressed as a french maid that was holding a colorful vibrator. Turning around Alex found that most of the photographers had moved on, so she walked as normally as she could manage down the aisle.
Passing some booths she had already seen, Alex did a double take at a small booth hidden where she hadn't noticed it before. Lined with dozens of pictures, the short man running the booth was promoting his line of bondage and dungeon equipment made entirely of bamboo. Alex knew that the fast growing bamboo was becoming widely used in construction and other industries, but this was certainly the most unique application she had heard of for it.
Bondage chairs, cages and even shackles had all been made of bamboo, and where pieces joined they appeared to have been wrapped with more strands of bamboo under a thick coat of lacquer. Although the items didn't fit her lifestyle, Alex thought the concept was interesting. One particular picture, a man trying to break out of a small bamboo cage really drove home how strong and versatile the material was.
Standing just inside the threshold of the booth, the man promoting bamboo was staring intently at Alexandra. Put off by his actions, she decided to move on. The never ending stimulation from the suit made concentration difficult, and she almost tripped when she turned to leave. She was also getting tired of walking, and decided that the next exhibitor would be her last for the day.
25. Things to Consider (added: 2012/12/04)
If Alex thought the next booth would be a distraction from her clit's constant torment, she was wrong. The dark stall was offering tattoos and piercings, including numerous examples of female genital piercings. Alex hated tattoos, but she thought of piercings differently. With the exception of her ears which she had pierced as a child, all of her piercings were functional and not just decorative.
Alex found the area for female piercings and was amazed at all of the styles. As well as the usual tongue, nipple, ear and belly button piercings, there were silicone models of ones Alex had never thought possible. As well as her outer labia piercings which Alex had currently holding the incessant vibrator over her sensitive nubbin, there were also inner labia piercings available as well as numerous piercings around the clitoris. Alex had considered getting either a clitoral hood piercing or clitoris piercing to go along with her labia, but in the end wasn't sure which would work better for her and never mentioned it. Looking at the anatomical models, she could see uses for each and decided to look into it further when she got home.
Nipple piercings were another option Alex thought might be fun to play with, but she had never worked up the courage to put jewelry on her sensitive nipples. Looking at the pictures of various women, Alex added it to her mental list of things to think about later.
It was getting past five in the afternoon and the convention was only open until six to allow attendees time to go to the annual ball later in the evening. Without a partner Alexandra had decided before she arrived that it was probably best to skip it, and instead began the long walk back to her room. Passing through hall two Alex began to notice people who were obviously prepared to go to the ball. Alex wasn't sure how to describe BSDM Formalwear but she did see many examples. Many people were wearing fairly vanilla formalwear with the addition of cuffs, bondage mitts and other kinky additions, but some wore their finest straightjackets or other leatherware. One woman in particular wore a short evening dress which was accentuated by her matching ballet boots. Unlike Alex's locked boots these ones only covered her foot with straps, and judging by her awkward stance the woman probably wouldn't be wearing them for long.
As Alex descended in the elevator to the hotel tunnel, she was once again totally isolated from the world around her. With nothing to think about but the constant torment from the suit she realized that the suit had not granted her release all day, and tried to remember what her programming instructions were. The sensations were overwhelming, and Alex struggled to concentrate on walking across the hotel lobby, ignoring the people watching her. Waiting for the elevator up to her room, Alex didn't even care that she was rubbing her crotch in public, even though it gave her no release from the suit's continuing torment.
Entering her hotel room and closing the door behind her, Alex stepped right into the washroom and sat down on the toilet, anxious to relieve the pressure from her feet. Hormones swirling through her body, she closed her eyes and waited for the familiar feeling of an enema to fill her. Overtired and overworked, Alex ignored the pressure from the enema until it was too much to bear. The vibrations were still going strong, and when Alexandra tried to take a deep breath to calm herself she was hindered by the suit's limited breathing capacity. This caused her to begin to panic, and she could feel the darkness begin to close in around her.
With a pop like a cork, the majority of Alex's waste was expelled into the toilet. A few moments later the suit confirmed that she was empty, and Alex was instructed to prepare for her bedtime. The vibrations didn't relent when Alex clipped her ankles into their spreader, nor when she attached the umbilical cord or suspension rig to her backpack. When she engaged her wrists in the cuffs behind her back the suit finally spoke:
"Service complete. Twenty Six hours and 7 minutes remaining."
26. Coping (added: 2012/12/04)
Her vision and hearing off for the night Alex stood waiting for the winches to hoist her up into the air. With no way to keep track of time she had no way of knowing how long it had been but she guessed the suit should have pulled her up into the air by now. Growing concerned that something was broken Alex thought back to the programming she had done for the suit months before and realized what was happening. Although her nighttime preparations were set to occur as soon as she returned to her room, the actual winch setting was on a clock, and she would have to wait at least another hour if not more until the unit was once again active.
Standing on her toes with her legs spread Alex's calves cramped quickly. With her arms behind her back there was not much she could do about the continuing stimulation of her most sensitive areas. After a few minutes of waiting Alex decided to see what she was able to do.
Swinging her feet forwards carefully, Alex found that there was enough slack cable in the system to allow her to reach the bed. With no way of seeing what she was doing, she took a leap of faith when she reached it, and just as she had hoped landed face down, her breasts and head forced to absorb the impact. With her legs hanging over the edge, Alex had to wriggle to move without the use of her hands or feet, but eventually she pulled her entire body onto the bed.
Laying down Alex was alone with her emotions. The torment had been going strong for close to six hours, and unlike the vibrator Alex had locked in her cunt when she got her first chastity belt, her suit would not allow itself to run out of battery power. After what seemed like hours of further torment Alex panicked for a moment before she realized what was happening. Sure enough, her feeding was scheduled for some time after six, and the suit was wasting no time pumping the nourishment into Alex's mouth.
Laying down with her arms pulled behind her, Alex struggled to swallow the greasy paste. Just as she began to choke the feeding stopped, and Alex managed to clean most of the foul tasting mash out of her mouth with her tongue and some water.
It was another two and a half hours before Alex's predicament changed and in that time she made it through four of the five stages of coping, stopping just short of acceptance. By the time the feeding was over Alex was long past the denial stage and began trying to take her anger out on whatever she could, which wasn't much. With her arms captive behind her and her ankles spread she took out her rage on her gag, biting down repeatedly on the hard rubber. This was quickly met with resistance from the suit, which inflated the gag until Alex's mouth felt like it was going to burst. When she continued it took only two powerful shocks from the gag to put an end to her unwanted retaliation. Changing tactics, Alex began thrashing around, swinging her legs back and forth and repeatedly smashing her head into the soft bed until she grew tired and passed into the bargaining phase of the coping process.
It was of course impossible to bargain with the industrial computer that controlled Alex's torments, but that didn't mean she didn't try. Although Alex didn't believe in a higher power, she found herself praying for something to change, and mentally considering what worse pain she would rather endure than the continuous arousal that tormented her body.
Alex's prayers unanswered, she began to cry. Sobbing uncontrollably as she entered her eighth hour of continuous torment, Alex lay alone in the hotel room when she felt her corset begin to pull on her waist. Realizing that the winch was running to hoist her into the air, Alex panicked as she was pulled over the edge of the bed, her feet luckily landing on the floor first. Swinging her legs Alex tried to keep up as the base unit pulled her back under the tripod, but the spreader bad and her complete lack of vision made it impossible. Falling backwards with her hands locked behind her and no way to cushion the impact, Alexandra's butt was mere inches from the floor when the winch cable pulled tight.
Panting as the cable slowly continued lifting her into a standing position and then into the air, Alex realized that her own stupidity and lack of foresight had nearly broken her arm or wrist. After the second winch started, it took a minute for the slack cable from her legs to be spooled in before her feet were pulled up from behind her and she hung face down under the tripod in her sleeping position.
Then, the vibrations stopped, however Alex only had time to draw in a small breath before they were replaced by something far more sinister. An incredibly powerful, pulsing electrical charge was being run through her buttocks, breasts, nipples and already battered clitoris. The burning sensation caused Alex to cry out in pain, but her gag was already inflated to stifle any sound. Tearing up, the incredible pain continued for what felt like a lifetime, and Alex could only wonder what she had done to demand such a punishment. When the incredible shocks finally ceased, the suit spoke in its computer generated voice.
"User failed to meet daily step requirement. Punishment administered for laziness. Punishment consisted of 20 seconds of level six external punishment."
Alex shook her head in disbelief, wondering how she could have forgotten about the pedometer. She had spent a large part of her day sitting or standing still, and clearly hadn't met the target she herself had set. The worst part was that she had no idea how badly she had failed, which made it impossible to know how much more walking she would have to do tomorrow. Continuing to mentally kick herself for her mistakes, Alex realized that the suit was finally leaving her alone and drifted off to sleep.
Alexandra didn't get to rest for long before the suit decided to continue tormenting her again. Unlike previous nights where Alex was allowed to build towards climax before the suit defeated her with a punishing shock, this time it engaged in both simultaneously. While the dildo in her cunt was expanding, shaking, spinning and thrusting and her clit was bombarded with vibrations like she had never felt before, her anus and her breasts were brutally assaulted by powerful shocks.
The feelings were overwhelming, and Alex was ashamed to admit that the incredibly punishing and demeaning shocks did nothing but turn her on. The torture cycle ran for close to an hour during the night, and even when it was finished it took Alex another two hours to fall asleep again.
Alexandra slept so soundly that she didn't even notice that the cameras had come on and the soapy enema was being administered. Only when the powerful vibrations in her rectum began to break up any solid matter did she begin to wake up, and before she knew it she was standing on the ground, her body free from the clutches of the cuffs and suspension equipment.
It was only when she tried to yawn that Alex realized what was different. Not only could she not open her jaw, but she could barely breathe her chest was so compressed by the corset. Picking up the tablet confirmed what Alex had suspected. Her waist was now a miniscule 20 inches around, a full 2 inches smaller than she could obtain if she was lacing herself. The restriction on her ability to breathe was a constant battle, and even walking across the room to expel her load she was quickly out of breath.
As the waste was drained from her, Alex could feel the corset was marginally looser, but not much. The feeling didn't last for long before the second enema was on its way, and twice as large as the first. It took only seconds for the pump to shut off this time, reaching its pressure cutoff almost instantly. Exhaling as much as she could the pump was able to force more of the enema into Alex's bottom but it was still nowhere near two liters and the cramping was back with a vengeance.
Tearing up at the incredible pain, Alex got off of the toilet and lay on the floor, hoping gravity would help the suit perform its required duties faster. It did help somewhat but the tightness of the corset was simply too much. She lay on the ground in the washroom writhing in pain for ten minutes before the suit timed out and Alex could feel the relief of the corset slackening, if only just a bit. Although the cramps were just as bad, Alex knew the horrible experience was almost over now.
Sitting on the toilet again, the plug and corset worked in unison to clean Alexandra out. As the valve opened Alex could feel her backpack pull the corset back down to 20 inches, forcing the enema out of her in record time. Overjoyed that the process was over, Alex knew that she would have to endure two more cleanings before her release, and they would be just as painful and demeaning.
Her relief was short lived however when breakfast arrived. After three days of eating the gross nutritional paste Alex wished she had added something, anything to make the taste more bearable. At least the suit had waited until after the enema had been expelled today before the feeding began, but Alex still struggled to swallow all of her food, her stomach compressed and feeling full. When complete Alex reattached the umbilical cord and reviewed her mental plan for the day.
Sunday was the last day of the convention, and Alex had less than a dozen booths to see before the doors closed at five. When her backpack was refilled the suit spoke again.
"Morning service complete. 11 hours 02 minutes remaining. Day rules now in effect."
Ready to start her day Alexandra walked towards the door, but stopped in front of the mirror first. Her waist was unbelievably small, and although it was difficult for her to breathe the tradeoff might just be worthwhile. With her featureless crotch, miniscule waist and accentuated, nipple-less breasts Alexandra knew she looked exactly like a Barbie doll. Down the elevator and through the lobby Alexandra moved slowly, the small corset now limiting her breathing rate rather than the restrictions she had added to do so.
27. Sunday (added: 2012/12/04)
Stepping out of the second elevator into the lobby of the convention centre, most of Sunday's smaller crowd was already into the halls and exploring, with only a small group left waiting to get their passes checked at the gates. Although there were less people, that didn't mean Alex was any less amazed at what they were wearing or doing.
One couple was wearing matching heavy rubber suits and gas masks, rubber boots coming up to their knees. Although it was difficult for them to speak through the heavy rubber masks, Alex could tell they they were enjoying their time together in their own kinky way. She did however wonder if they would last all day in their heavy suits, as Alex was already sweating profusely under her rubber enclosure, and she hadn't even ventured outside.
Alex did spot someone who was dressed better for the weather, although she was stunned when she realized what the woman was actually wearing. Barefoot, a simple ball gag and strap held the woman's mouth open, but it was what she showed off when she turned around that stunned Alex. A small gold circle covered the area around her clitoris, and from it extended a fine gold chain, arcing down and up into the hand of a casually dressed man.
As the line moved forwards, the woman moved quickly to ensure the short chain was not pulled taut, and Alex could only imagine what would possess a person to subject themselves to such a torture. Finally it was her turn to enter, and after showing her pass Alex continued into the first hall. There were no more demonstrations, and Alex noticed the lack of signage for the Stables which must have already closed as the convention wound down. There was still a lot to see though and Alexandra wanted to get in as much as she could before the end of the day.
Of the few large booths in the first hall there was only one that Alex had stayed away from, mostly because of the crowds that always seemed to hang around it. Figuring now was her best chance, Alex headed for Empire Leather, one of the largest booths if not the largest at the convention. Most of the booth was displays of new and improved products, but there was a back area where staff were taking and filling orders out of a cargo trailer containing their products.
Alex wandered through the endless displays of leather clothing and accessories. Pants, shorts, various tops and skirts and dresses were all hung under bright lighting, gleaming before the patrons browsing the shop. Not only was there "normal" clothing made of leather, there were also masks, underwear and corsets, and even some bondage items such as cuffs, bondage hoods and straightjackets. It didn't take long before Alexandra was feeling the heat inside the tightly packed confines of the displays, exacerbated by the bright spotlights causing her to sweat inside her rubber enclosure.
Reflexively sucking on the gag to quench her thirst, Alex was met with a moment of resistance before she felt the rubber dick nudge the back of her throat and her vision and hearing fade away. Resigned to the fact that she would have to work for her drink, Alex began to suck on the flexible rubber and slide her tongue up and down its length. Moving slowly at first, she quickly picked up the pace when her vaginal dildo began to mimic her oral movements. Knowing that if she gave it her all there was a good chance the suit would grant her an orgasm, Alex worked the lifeless cock as hard as she could.
Sure enough, when the dick finally shot it's load of water the screen showed Alex's performance was a 7 out of ten, and the movements of the dildo buried in her nether regions picked up. Within moments she came, and all of her pent up sexual energy from the past night was released in an all-consuming orgasm. When her vision was re enabled a minute later, it was clear that in the tight confines of the leather showroom her actions had not gone unnoticed. All of the people Alex could see in the store were staring at her, and she thought it was probably best to move on and leave the leather behind.
The crowd was building as the morning wore on, and Alexandra moved deftly through the crowds, careful to maintain her balance on her precarious shoes. There were a couple of stalls she hadn't had a chance to peruse in the second hall, and then more in the third, so she planned her time out to be able to see them all.
Tip toeing down the aisle, Alex walked up to the displays of Rubber Origin, a company specializing in custom and heavy rubber products. Alexandra had ordered from them before, but it had been a while since she had been to their website. In the front of the store was a display of their anatomically correct face masks, available in many different patterns and designs. One that caught Alex's eye had snaps in various places, allowing accessories like gags, blindfolds and others to be added to a helpless victim with ease. Further into the booth were some heavy rubber suits, the thick 4mil rubber hanging stiffly from the racking.
At the back of the booth was a device Alex had always wanted to see in person; a vacuum cube. Alex had always dreamed of the feeling of being trapped in a vac bed like Han Solo must have felt when he was frozen, and the vac cube took it to the next level. Suspended in space, unable to move the person inside was held nearly completely motionless, an almost perfect bondage scenario. Alas, without a second person to help both the vac bed and cube were beyond Alex's reach for safety and usability reasons, but that didn't keep her from watching as willing guests had the opportunity to try out the cube. Alex was captivated for almost half an hour watching the rubber stretch and mold to their bodies, the seams pulling tight as the air was removed from within the box.
Knowing that she must be moving on, Alex found the next booth she had yet to visit. Another manufacturer of dungeon equipment was present, but this one focused more on accessories and smaller items. The largest item was an adjustable bondage chair that allowed complex control of the captive's limbs, but without a partner to strap her into it Alex had little use for the chair. Instead she focused on the other stuff, starting with a line of fucking machines.
There were about a dozen machines laid out on a long table, each with a large phallus extending from it, but that was where the similarities ended. Alex identified the three major types on display, those powered by an electric motor spinning a crank arm, the pneumatic ones connected to an external air compressor and the models which were simple reciprocating saws with dildos instead of saw blades. Alex liked these because they were multipurpose and could either be powered by a rechargeable battery or plugged in, and could also be used as a regular saw should the need arise.
The pneumatic ones were also interesting, because of the incredible control available. The extension length, cycle time and speed of extension and retraction could all be varied independently, making it possible to deliver incredibly varied stimulation. When coupled with additional features such as electro stim and rotation, Alex liked the incredibly complex devices.
Beyond some furniture and fucking machines the store had everything needed to completely furnish a dungeon. Welded eye bolts, attachment rails, grab bars and complex locking systems were all on display for sale or order, and Alex poured over everything, examining the selection to see what might be useful to her in the future. By the time she thought she was done it was almost eleven, and Alex had barely seen three booths.
28. Sanitation (added: 2013/01/12)
There was only one large booth left to look at in the second hall before only small ones remained, and Alex found it easily. The booth was mostly a showroom for dozens of different custom latex products, since each was custom made. It looked like a department store combined with a rubber factory, with dozens of different pieces of clothing on display.
The section for women was larger than the men's side, and Alexandra wandered through the racks of tops, bottoms, dresses and accessories. Most of the items on display were formalwear or business wear, and Alex noticed some pieces that she owned similar looking vanilla versions of. Jackets, shirts and blouses were all available in multiple colors of latex, along with matching skirts in different lengths and cuts. Wearing latex to work was out of the question however Alex imagined that some of the apparel would be a great option in the rare times that she went out to a club.
Moving through the displays Alex was passing the men's section complete with matching jackets and trousers when her conscience was interrupted by the nearly instantaneous cramping of her lower abdomen. Alex knew she wasn't going to avoid the pain and humiliation of her daily public enema, and dreaded its arrival. Moving swiftly towards the nearest washroom before the pain got the better of her, Alex nearly tripped and fell on a cable tray taped to the floor, but caught herself before she hit the ground.
The sudden movement shook Alex, and the pump momentarily shut off providing scarce seconds of relief before it continued it's slow, relentless battle. Like earlier in the morning the pump quickly hit its pressure cutoff again, the tight corset preventing the entire two liters from being pressured up her rectum. Alex waited in a stall, writhing from the intense pain. She had underestimated the impact her corset would have on her ability to take a full enema, but counted herself lucky she had included an override.
Sure enough, after ten minutes Alex could feel the grip of her corset relax, if only slightly, allowing the pump to kick back on and complete its business. Alex's teary eyes fogged up the screens inside her helmet as she waited for the plug buried in her lower intestine to open its valve and release the captive fluids. When the process was finally over Alex was incredibly relived, and felt the backpack shake as it strained to reduce her waist back down to its diminutive minimum circumference.
Having survived the torturous ordeal for the last time Alex wandered back into the convention hall. As the end of the convention drew closer the crowds had begun to thin, with many people having to make the drive back home for work the next day. Luckily Alex had been able to take the Monday off, meaning she had a few more hours to browse through the remaining small booths in hall 3. It had been an experience beyond Alex's wildest dreams, but the lack of sleep was starting to get to her and Alex could feel her eyelids feel heavy as she pressed on to see the remaining exhibitors.
One booth Alexandra had yet to look through was a maker of unique gasmasks and accessories. There were dozens of different masks on display, from modern recreations of classic designs to futuristic looking masks with tubes and hoses wrapped around the wearer's head. From masks that only covered the user's mouth and nose to whole head coverings with built in lenses and other additions, each of the masks looked unique. Some of the designs reminded her of the features her suit, with its built in air filter and complex tubing while others were simpler and looked like they would be available at a common hardware store.
Unable to try on any of the masks Alex moved on to the next exhibitor, a small booth featuring suspension equipment. Some of the more common items Alex was familiar with from a job she had when she was getting her degree, but the others were more unique. On top of the usual hand winches, rope and links there was an assortment of leather slings and cuffs designed to support the human body in nearly any orientation, ready for any activity. However like the vacuum beds suspension posed challenges for self-bondage play, and Alex had to use her imagination as she browsed through the items.
Feeling like she had seen all she could and with the desire to continue moving and see the last few remaining displays, Alex left the displays of suspension supplies, keenly aware that it was nearing one in the afternoon and her next meal would be forced upon her in the near future. Each small element of randomness that Alex had included in her suit, such as meal times, made her feel less in control of her body. Collecting her thoughts as she stood in the aisle and took in the sights of the convention, Alex was reminded of how fun it was that people had no idea she was staring at them. One particularly good looking man was wearing only an armbinder, shorts and shoes. His arms pinned behind his back, she watched his follow along behind the woman who was obviously his mistress.
Separated from the world outside by a layer of rubber and the electronics of her suit, Alexandra pondered what kind of relationship she would like to have with her eventual lover. Having spent most of the weekend browsing through both male and female restraints and equipment, she wondered if the man for her would share her need for submission and self-control, or be the opposite and dominate the relationship. Before she could make up her mind, the suit began its automated feeding sequence.
Alexandra gulped down the nutrition, happy to note that only one more of the horrible feedings was still to come before her eventual release from her portable torture device. Fed and ready to make the most of the last few hours before the show wrapped up, Alex pushed on. Her calves were cramping from close to three days of being trapped in their punitive leather sleeves and the sweat was becoming thick under the rubber suit but the end was in sight.
29. Wrapping up (added: 2013/01/12)
Passing more small booths she had already looked at, Alexandra found one she had missed when she had first wandered by and was amazed to find another extension of the pony play genre. The thing she noticed first was not a thing but rather a person, a man in a dark red spandex bodysuit with hooves for feet and hands. What completed the look was a realistic horse's head wrapped around his skull. With a leather strap tying him to a post that his large hooved gloves could not undo, he wasn't going anywhere and stood near the front of the small booth. When Alex drew closer he held out his hoof clad hand and used it to point to her head before enthusiastically pointing at his own, drawing comparisons between their masks.
Alex could see that some of the masks on display were similar to her helmet. With eye pieces and a mouth gag that allowed the wearer to suck water up the snout like a straw, the top of the line model would be a restricting thing to wear. Other heads were simpler, and available in horse colors, ready to be paired with some of the other horse equipment she had seen in the stables the previous day. There were also other animals including cats and dogs. Alex imagined herself as a feisty feline, lounging around the house and purring like a cat, unable to make more human sounds. The domestic animal masks even locked with a red collar around the wearer's neck, just like a real pet.
The range of animal play scenarios interested Alexandra, but the range of masks was limited and there were less than three hours until the convention was over to see the last few booths. Finding one she had yet to visit; Alex approached another booth run by a man and woman team selling their products. The concept of wearing a burka had little appeal for Alex for a few reasons, but based on the fact that the woman was currently wearing one she assumed that they were into it. Their booth was full of the ghost like coverings, most in black or white but some in other colors as well. Alex supposed there was something to being able to wear restrictive restraints in public without anyone noticing, but she preferred skin tight fabrics that would show off her fit and curvy body.
The steely demeanor of the man watching over both the woman and their products didn't encourage Alex to browse through the unusual clothing, so she moved past. Knowing there were only three booths she had yet to see, Alex wandered through the back of hall three. Sure enough, tucked in a corner Alex found the displays she was looking for, and was pleased to see some things that might interest her. The first small shop looked pedestrian at first glance. Racks on the walls were covered in swimwear, mostly women's bikinis and one pieces but there were some male shorts and speedos.
Only when she got close to one of the bikinis did Alexandra realize why the swimwear fit in at a BDSM convention. The blue bikini had a slit in the front, conveniently lined up with the vagina of the woman wearing it. Flipping a one piece swimsuit inside out she found a small bumpy rubber piece, obviously designed to stimulate the wearer's clitoris. Others even had rubber dildos built into the crotch. Each one of the suits had either an obvious or hidden modification, and the male ones even featured butt plugs.
Alex wondered who would want to wear one of the suits, but after giving it more thought she began to like the concept more and more. She sometimes went to a pool to workout, swimming laps. The one piece swimsuit with the clit stimulator would rub each time she made a flip turn at the end of the pool, and with each kick. Talk about an incentive to exercise!
Browsing through the racks and displays with an explanation of each of the modifications, Alex found more and more oddities disguised as ordinary swimwear. Neoprene and rubber suits were decidedly kinky, but wouldn't stand out as unusual on the beach. Getting hot thinking about the possibilities, Alex wished she hadn't programmed the suit to leave her alone on Sunday, a feature allowing her to see the last few things she might have missed without the distractions she was now craving. Alas it was too late to complain, and in only a few hours she would be a free woman again and then she could do as she pleased.
As Alex moved slowly out of the shop, she noticed the lack of people. The few she did see were workers, waiting out the last two hours until they could pack up and get out. Alex had no incentive to leave quite yet though, so she moved further along towards the last two displays.
At first unable to discern exactly what the small booth was promoting, Alex realized that she had finally found the horse and pony tack shop that had been involved in creating the stables. Many of the items that had been used in the now closed stable display were cluttering up the small showcase, but it did allow Alexandra to get a close look at them. The high quality, rough leather was sewn into dozens of lengths, linked together with buckles and rings. Alex visualized the women she had seen the day before, straining at their harnesses, the leather she was now holding digging into their flesh.
As well as the different styles of body harness, there were also a variety of head harnesses, with attachment points for colorful plumes of feathers and blinders to endure the unruly animals kept their focus on the task at hand. Seeing the imposing craftwork in person struck Alex even more than watching the powerful women wearing it, and the familiar stirring in her loins return. Noticing that the showroom was devoid of any staff, Alex used the awkward gesture to take photos and resumed looking through the shop. More leather was everywhere, with long strips for reins as well as some cuffs and accessories to attach the wearers to a cart or wagon.
At the back were the other accessories, animal print catsuits, anal plugs with long bunches of hair streaming from them and a variety of bits that could be attached to the head harnesses. There were normal replicas of regular bits in both rubber and metal, but what caught Alex's gaze was one with a clip designed to go through a tongue piercing. The total control provided by the relatively simple metal spring sent a wave of chills over Alex. She didn't like the idea of getting the sensitive flesh of her tongue pierced, and the idea of someone then attaching it to a metal gag and leash nearly made her gag. Averting her eyes from the medieval looking device, Alex noticed the selection of riding crops, hanging in the corner, and imagined the uncaring sting of the leather as the animal was prompted to go faster.
Feeling somewhat awkward alone in the stall without any staff present, Alexandra tiptoed back into the hallway. Her calves had reached the limit of their resistance to the punishment her boots were forcing upon them, and the mental and physical exertion of seeing the entire convention for three days would have been tough even for someone who was prepared normally. Alex was ready to fall asleep standing upright, and she pressed on with the knowledge that she would be rid of the ridiculous suit after she saw the last exhibitor.
30. The Shoemaker (added: 2013/01/12)
Alex wasn't sure the last booth she was walking towards was offering, but she smiled inside when she recognized what it was. Surrounded by a rather sparse display was a small, older man, his button up shirt and weathered hands revealing his trade as a craftsman. Indeed, it was the man who Alex had ordered the ballet boots she wore from, after the disappointing experience with her first pair. Although not designed for what she was putting them through, she did have to give them man credit for his work as Alexandra had had no issues wearing the shoes beyond what was expected.
The man looked up from polishing a pair of black patent open front shoes with an ankle strap to see Alex staring at him. His puzzled look lasted only a moment before he saw Alex's footwear and recognized it as his own. Glancing at his watch before removing his spectacles, he rose from his chair and greeted Alex.
The man's accent was thick, but he held out his hand for a handshake which Alex returned. He man didn't immediately release her latex covered hand, but bent down and kissed it on the back before addressing her again.
"You must be quite practiced; I don't know many who can walk like you and for so long."
Alexandra was flattered by the man's comments, and did a twirl in her boots before taking a small bow. Although her legs cried out from the unnatural pounding they had taken, she did feel more confident in her footwear. The challenge was made even harder by the constant pressure of her posture straps and the weight of her backpack pulling her off balance.
"I think I may have something you might be interested in, if you don't mind waiting a moment."
The man turned and hustled to the back of his small space, where he began searing through a pile of boxes and bins. While he was busy, Alex looked around in his small corner space. There weren't many items on display, only an example of each of the few different styles of ballet boot that could be made. Each was set on a pedestal, with one boot standing on it. The taller boots on display, like Alex's thigh high ones, obviously had plastic fillers in them to keep them up. There were also boots that went below the knee, as well as ankle height ones. The knee height ones were even coloured red, the bright colour standing out from the drab black of the others.
"These might even fit you, if you'd like to try them on"
The craftsman had returned from his search through the boxes with two knee high boots. Handing them to Alex she had a close look, her eyes immediately drawn to the sole of the shoes. Unlike her boots, which had her balancing on a small toe box and long, fragile stiletto that descended from her heel, these were styled as wedge heels. A solid block extended down from the heel, but with the heel nearly vertical above the toes, the length of the combined sole was less than three inches from front to back. The tips of the toes were integrated into the sole, so the wearer stood not only on their toes but also on platforms that were nearly two inches high. Overall, the footprint was oval shaped, about two inches by three.
Alex thought about the challenged of walking in the new boots compared to her own. Although there was more sole under the tip, and her arches would be better supported, the distance from the heel to toe looked shorter than the distance between the tip of her toes and the separated heel of her boots. Combined with the rounding at the front and back of the sole and the extended platform, Alex was confident that these boots would be a larger challenge than her current ones.
"You can try them."
The craftsman was looking up at Alexandra's head, his relatively short stature noticeable compared to her towering presence. Alex only had to point down to the small padlocks holding the sturdy leather panels over her laces for the craftsman to get the message.
"Oh... well then I guess you can't. You are special if you have managed to wear those all day."
Alex handed the redesigned boots back to the man. If only he knew how long she had actually been held captive in the boots, that would have been something to comment on.
"So what do you think of them?"
Alexandra looked down at the boots the man was holding. The rough leather indicated that they were just a work in progress, but there was something about the challenge they presented that made her want them more. Struggling to communicate without words, facial expressions or moving her head, Alex settled on holding her hand over her mouth in an expression of disbelief. The man smiled back.
"You want?"
He paused, allowing Alex to give him a thumbs up at the prospect of owning a pair of the boots.
"You should get in touch, I might have some other things for someone of your talents."
Alex had never considered herself to be special, or talented. She wasn't a model, she wasn't there to make money or sell something. She was there because she wanted to, and to have someone so impressed by her abilities warmed her heart.
"Let me show you something else."
The man turned back to the pile of boxes to put away the new style boots. It was getting late in the afternoon, and standing still was making her entire body ache. Swinging her arms behind her and stretching them above her head, she pressed her eyes shut as her muscles tensed. As she held the stretch, the burning in her nipples came instantaneously. Jumping out of her state of mind, she grabbed at her breasts to try and relieve the pain from the electric current coursing through them. The cups of the corset held the electrodes tight against her nipples and areolas, preventing her frenzied attempts from affecting the powerful shocks.
The electricity stopped just as craftsman turned back around, but with his head down he didn't notice Alex rubbing her nipples to try and relieve the pain. By the time he looked up again holding the shoes he was polishing when she arrived, Alex had her hands off her nipples and was biting down into her gag to stifle the burning sensation.
The black shoes he had been polishing were shiny patent leather unlike Alex's matte boots, but shared the same level of craftsmanship. Alex tried to pay attention to what he was showing her, but it was a challenge with the thought of the powerful shocks still fresh in her memory. Unsure why the suit had suddenly punished her, she got her answer when a small eye and three Zs appeared on screen. Another one of the suit's daily counters had timed out, this one to prevent her from falling asleep or taking too many breaks with her eyes closed. The annoying mystery solved, she tried to focus her attention back onto the craftsman, who had no idea what Alex had been subjected to just feet away from him. He was making a point of showing her the large metal buckle that held the ankle strap shut. The strap itself was wider and thicker than Alex was expecting, and its purpose was made clear when she got a look at the buckle. The round metal ring was clearly designed to allow a lock to hold the buckle shut, preventing the wearer from removing the shoes, much Like Alex's own.
"It was a proof, people wanted more security. I can add it to any shoe."
The man waived his hand at the three other styles of high heeled ballet shoe on pedestals opposite the boots. The first one was shiny white patent leather, and laced up the front to below the ankle. The next one was unpolished black leather, and had a small strap and buckle below the ankle to prevent the shoe from falling off. The last one was black patent and similar to the middle one, but as well as the horizontal band below the ankle it had two x shaped straps across the wearer's foot as well as a small strap and buckle around the ankle, but this one wouldn't lock. Holding one of the shoes he had been working on in her hand, Alex found it to weigh more than she was expecting, the size of the heel and thick leather contributing to its heft. It looked no different from the others on the outside though, and Alex wondered how much another set of heels would cost her.
Realizing that it was now well after three and she had to start heading back, Alex tapped her wrist where a watch would be and handed the shoe back to the craftsman. He too had lost track of time, and checked his watch.
"Almost three-thirty, well I'm sure you must be going, and I must start packing."
After thanking Alex and making sure she knew where to find his website, she began the long walk through the convention centre to the hotel. Only a few stragglers were still moving through the aisles, and with the halls empty the place seemed that much bigger and the walk that much further. Staff at many of the booths had started pulling out boxes to pack up, and ahead Alex could see workers on a boom lift lowering the signs over the major vendors in hall one. The three days had been hectic and tiring, but the experience was something she would never forget.
31. Non-Critical Systems (added: 2013/01/12)
The convention staff who had started taking down signs and electrical work stopped and stared at Alexandra, but she didn't care. Walking out of the last hall and towards the elevators she was proud of what she had accomplished, but she couldn't wait to get a full night's sleep. Focusing on swinging one leg in front of another, Alexandra passed through the hotel lobby for the last time. It was quiet, being late afternoon on a Sunday, and she had the elevator to herself for the ride back to her floor.
Stepping into her room, Alexandra dreaded what was next, but knew it was her last. Lacking the strength to even sit on the toilet she lay on the floor, biting down on her gag as the water was unsuccessfully forced into her rectum. Waiting for the corset to loosen she struggled to lift herself up when the suit indicated she was full, her feet and legs having given everything they could. When the last of her final enema was drained the programming still forced her to reconnect to the umbilical cord for the pack to be refilled, but allowed her to leave the cuffs undone. Lying face down on the bed, She waited for the umbilical cord to disconnect when the suit announced:
"Final service complete. 4 hours 22 minutes remaining. Non-Critical systems unlocked."
Alexandra lay on the bed, unmoving. Finally able to rest without risk of punishment, she still had to endure over four hours in the suit before it would release her.
After enjoying a few minutes of not doing anything, Alex was feeling less tired. Reaching over and grabbing the control tablet she turned it back on and was presented with a screen of options. The suit had handed over control of all of the suit's functions except for a few. Unable to release herself, relax the corset or posture straps or undo her boots, she did have control over both of her plugs and decided to make the most of her last few hours.
Staring at the options, Alex wasn't sure where to start. Moving the sliders up and down to control each of the plug's different abilities she fiddled with the screen. First, she extended and retracted the length of the dildo buried in her pussy. Then she extended it again, but this time left it out when she increased its girth, stretching her in both directions. Another slider began the dildo's slow rotation, the curve over its length spinning around inside her.
Leaving the artificial penis to itself she switched to the anal plug controls. It wasn't nearly as feature packed as the dildo, as it served a different purpose, but Alex wondered what she could do. Looking at the options, Alex gradually started the butt plug vibrating, but stopped almost immediately. Her rectum was already tender from 3 days of abuse, and shaking the massive weight of the anal plug back and forth was extremely unpleasant.
Returning to the options for the still rotating front device, Alexandra gently increased the vibrations coming from the plug. Savoring the feeling that had been denied all day, she waited a few minutes as her sexual energy built. Finally in control of her torments, she decided to add some electricity to the mix. The gently shocks ran up and down the length of the shaft, and surrounded her clitoris and inner labia. Releasing a slow moan she turned up the vibrations from the dildo and enabled the vibrator over her clitoris, rapidly bringing her to the most satisfying orgasm of the weekend, and a celebration of her success.
Turning down the shocks and reducing the size of the dildo back to its smallest regular size she left it to vibrate away happily while she opened another screen on the tablet. The tablet now showed all of the statistics from the past three days, including the amount of supplies consumed and waste processed, as well as total steps, time sitting, sexual events and other things Alex found interesting. She would take a closer look at all of the data later, but for now she was happy that everything was working as planned.
Laying down with her head buried in the pillows Alex closed her eyes and enjoyed the feelings of the vibrator deep inside her. When she felt ready she lifted herself off the pillow only long enough to turn the dildo on automatic, and felt the vibrations ramp up. Rubbing herself hopelessly through the suit, Alex waited as the dildo expanded and retracted, fucking her repeatedly. After only a few minutes she climaxed in another wave of relief, but the dildo paused for only a minute before starting on a new tactic. This time it focused on electric shocks, and when Alex pressed the button screen her nipples were joined in on the caressing action.
Holding her in a state of heightened sexual arousal, Alexandra had her third orgasm only a short while after the second. Squirming back and forth on the bed, unable to roll over due to her backpack she could feel the computer building her up to another climax, using every tool she had given it to tease her most sensitive area. Her body out of reach of her own hands she had no choice but to let the computer work her up to another release if she desired one.
The pleasurable feelings ended suddenly, and Alex could feel the dildo shrinking back down to its normal size. Alexandra mumbled expletives into her gag when the awful food was forced into her mouth. Using all the energy she could muster, Alex sat up and choked down the end of the awfulness. With the hormones fading, she had little desire to re-enable the features the suit had shutoff to allow it to feed her, and instead turned off her vision allowing her to get some rest.
32. Release (added: 2013/01/12)
Alex drifted in and out of a content slumber for the next few hours, struggling to find a comfortable position to rest in with the heavy plastic case hanging off her back. Finally finding a comfortable position face down on the bed, she awoke and laid still when she heard a soft beep over the in ear monitors. Laying still, she could feel the backpack shake momentarily, and then the relief of her corset loosening its grasp around her waist. Taking a deep breath to test the corset, she was once again reminded of the breathing restriction. Slowly but surely Alex was able to fill her lungs with as much air as she wanted.
A moment later, Alexandra felt the gag move in her mouth, and she waited for a moment in apprehension. Slowly lifting her head off of the pillow, she could feel the rubber tubes being pulled out of her nostrils, and light filtering into her peripheral vision. Lifting her head further, she blinked to get accustomed to the sudden brightness and saw the front of the helmet had unlatched from the back and lay in front of her. Rolling sideways, the back half fell onto the bed, and she removed her ear pieces. Fiddling behind her head she unplugged the connector from the helmet, and sat up looking down at the space her head had been trapped in.
Carefully picking up the two halves of the helmet, Alex inspected them quickly before getting up off the bed. Although her feet ached again, she put the pain aside in her mind. Picking up the two halves of her headpiece again, she clipped them together, marveling at the sphere that had been her head for three days. Carefully lowering it back into its cardboard box, Alex moved onto the next job.
Crouching down, balanced on her toes Alex caught the bottom of the plastic case on the edge of the bed. With a sharp yank down it popped free of her corset and rolled back, now attached only by its wiring harness. Undoing that, Alex stood up, free of the weight of the liters of water, food and batteries. Like a kid on Christmas, she rushed to tear open her present. Opening the case, she located the small brass key and pulled it out, the key to her freedom.
Alex stared at the key for a moment, trying to decide what to remove first. In the end, it was an easy decision. Reaching down between her legs, she slipped the key into the small padlock and twisted. Placing the lock on the desk carefully with the key, she sat down on the chair and slid the zippers down the length of the booth, revealing the laces below. Working as fast as she could manage, Alexandra could feel the pressure slowly being removed from her thigh, then her knee, calf and finally her foot. Pulling her left foot out of the boot, she flexed it back and forth, such a glorious feeling. Unlacing and removing the other boot, Alex stood slowly, placing her weight on the bottom of her latex clad feet.
Walking around slowly, the pain in Alex's toes was subsiding. She guessed she would be sore for a couple of days, but knew that her practice had paid off. Moving around slowly, Alex was reminded of the two devices remaining stuffed into her lower orifices, and she continued work removing the rest of her suit.
Next up was the neck and head corset. First, Alex unlocked the two padlocks above her breasts holding the posture straps down. Removing them, she opened up the two locks on her head and quickly undid the laces from top to bottom. Unhooking the four posture straps from the back of her corset, Alex was once again able to move her head and neck freely, and she pulled open the sides of the leather neck corset, withdrawing the rubber and metal gag from her mouth.
Sliding her tongue back and forth across her teeth, Alex opened and closed her jaw a few times. The taste of the nutritional paste remained in her mouth, and she walked to the bathroom to get a drink of water. Just the act of drinking felt special to Alex after she had been banned from doing it, and she finished off two glasses of water in short time. She also brushed her teeth, replacing the taste of gruel with the minty clean feeling of her toothpaste.
Returning to the desk, Alexandra was only a few steps away from ridding herself of the infernal devices occupying her love holes. Unlatching the loose corset from around her waist, Alex's hands immediately went to her neglected nipples. Through the latex, spandex and neoprene she could feel her sensual touch, and she shuddered with delight at the prospect of self-satisfaction on her own schedule.
Reaching behind her, Alex opened the zippers that closed down on the connector extending from the small of her back. Pulling down the hood and slipping her head out through the neck, Alex's matted brown hair fell down to her shoulder blades. Pulling her arms free from the latex, she could feel the sweat sticking to the insides of the bodysuit. The fresh air hitting her, she worked faster to roll the latex off her spandex leotard clad body. Pulling it down below her pert butt cheeks, Alex suddenly faced resistance. Concerned for a moment, she realized what the problem was. Reaching down to her anus she twisted the flesh toned ring from around the bottom of the anal plug, allowing her to strip the bodysuit off her legs.
The air conditioned air washed over Alexandra's bare legs, and goose bumps on her skin. It was a good feeling, and she could feel the sweat that permeated the leotard clinging to her skin. Pulling her head out the back of the garment, then her arms, Alex pulled the leg openings down and unplugged the connector from that ran through the suit to the butt plug. Slipping the pink suit off her legs she added it to the pile of clothing she had stripped. Alexandra was now nude except for the exposed base of her anal device and the chastity plate.
Finding the blue bag that held her toys when she arrived, Alex removed a pair of disposable gloves and some plastic zipper bags. It was finally time to withdraw her tormenters, and although the process was possibly worse than putting them in the relief of having them gone would make it well worth it. Stretching the gloves down her hands and opening a baggie, Alex removed the catheter kit from her bag and used the clip to close off the tube running into her anus. Unplugging it and the electrical connectors, she grabbed the base of the butt plug firmly and bent forwards. Alex's sphincter had cried out when she inserted the plug, and rather than getting any relief it was forced open around the shank of the plug. Three days of bumping and sitting had battered it, and pulling it open with the plug wasn't going to go easily.
Taking a deep breath, Alex collected herself and then began to pull. Like when it went in, the plug didn't want to go at first, but with enough effort it began to slide, dilating her anal sphincter to its limit. Breathing deeply, the pain was excruciating. Alexandra's entire bottom was tender, and withdrawing the oversized device was almost more then she could handle. Once she was stretched as far as the plug needed, she pulled quickly, the heavy weight swinging free and her anus snapping shut in a clap of joy.
Alex held the formerly polished metal device in front of her. The smell was intense but the device was fairly clean, with only a few brown spots to identify where it had spent the last three days. Slipping it into the plastic bag Alex reached behind her and gently fingered her anus. She had no trouble slipping her finger past her loose muscle, which had certainly been stretched and was quite raw. Pulling off her soiled gloves, she dropped them in another plastic bag and sealed both the gloves and the plug in the cellophane.
Walking the few steps to pick up the key, Alex felt the heft of the anal plug noticeably absent from her behind. Slipping the key into the lock and removing it, she withdrew the U shaped clip that held on her outer chastity plate and put it into another zipper bag. The plate went into the bag next, revealing Alex's clitoris and the wiring to her dildo. She could smell the unmistakable scent of her sexual juices, which had been trapped by the heavy neoprene layer on her bodysuit. Recognizing this as a problem she would have to fix in the future, she made a mental note to investigate a solution.
The next step was to unhook the metal plate, and Alex gently pulled the folds of her labia up and off the pegs that pierced through them, allowing her to withdraw the dildo from her vagina. The pink and silver device glistened under the yellow light of the hotel room, and Alex had to commend the job her little friend had done. Slipping it into the bag with the rest of her chastity devices, she sealed it up and placed it with the butt plug back into the blue bag.
The catheter was the only thing Alex dreaded removing more than the butt plug, although she knew any pain would be much shorter lived. With the syringe, she sucked the saline back out of the balloon in her bladder, immediately giving her a feeling of relief. Disconnecting the syringe Alex took a deep breath and exhaled as she had been told to do, and steadily pulled the yellow latex out of her urethra. The burning sensation was piercing but only lasted a moment, a single tear trickling down her cheek. With that last step the entire, controlling suit was removed, and Alex slipped the disposable catheter and syringe in with her gloves, and tossed them in the trash.
Standing naked in front of the hotel mirror, Alex looked at her reflection. Her skin had red marks where the seams of her leotard had pressed into her, and her disheveled hair clung to her head and shoulders. Large circles around her eyes and bags under them revealed how little sleep she had received over the weekend. Staring into her tired blue-green eyes she couldn't help but smile at what she had just put herself through. Turning to the pile of pile of equipment she had required for the weekend, the suit, the backpack, the tripod and the controls she decided to pack up in the morning after some much deserved rest.
33. A Well Deserved Rest (added: 2013/01/12)
When she was testing some of the individual components of her suit for long term use, Alexandra ran into issues after removing her butt plug and catheter. The mostly liquid diet and frequent large enemas coupled with the dilation of her sphincter after removing the shaft from her anus made her prone to leaks, especially when she went to bed and couldn't make it to the toilet when she felt the sudden urge to go. At first concerned about the long term effects on her health she solicited the opinion of a doctor who acknowledged that some leaks would not be uncommon for someone practicing what she did. The doc said that is shouldn't last more than a day at the most, and sure enough, Alexandra never experienced an issue past the next morning.
Not wanting to soil her personal mattress or explain to the hotel how she ruined one of theirs, Alex did as she always did and searched for the most effective and fail proof solution she could find. Pulling the adult diaper out of her suitcase she unfolded it on the bed and smoothed it out. The large plastic garment was the best one Alex could get her hands on easily, and was apparently tested to absorb over 2 litres of water without leaking. Sitting down over the narrow part of the hourglass shaped pad she could feel the padding under her bum, nearly an inch thick. Folding up the back and front of the diaper she pulled the sides tight before neatly fastening the tabs in the front.
Standing up in front of the mirror, Alex looked at the massive white brief wrapped around her hips. The plastic backing extended up to her navel and was designed to catch any leaks when lying down, but Alex didn't want to leave that to chance. Digging through the small pile of clothes in her suitcase she pulled out the pair of funny looking translucent blue vinyl panties she had purchased with the diaper. Massively oversized compared to the photo online, the crinkly underwear had almost 9 inches of material between the leg holes.
Alex drew the plastic panties up her legs, stretching the waistband over her diaper and letting it rest above her navel. She could feel the leg elastics stretch as they went up her legs, forming the water resistant seal she hoped would prevent any accidents. Well aware that the outfit was overkill, Alexandra knew that she was better safe than sorry and turned off the light in the bathroom. Climbing into bed, Alex was nude except for the diaper and plastic underwear. Flicking off the light next to the bed, she rolled onto her back for the first time since she left home.
Finding a comfortable position to sleep in, Alex could feel the thick padding between her legs, and she had to force to get her knees to touch. If it weren't for the temporary medical necessity there was no way she would be caught dead in the huge wad of fabric between her legs. Under her bottom she could feel the layer of thick padding which spread from between the crotch, an effective design to catch any leaks when lying down.
Although the sanitary and visual aspects of wearing a diaper didn't impress Alex too much she couldn't say she didn't like the feeling of the plastic and cloth swaddling her bottom. The feeling was like a warm hug, and it brought back biological memories of comfort as a small child. Closing her eyes in the dark room she quickly drifted off to sleep.
When her long eyelashes fluttered open the next morning, Alexandra looked at the clock. It was early, and she stretched he arms and legs out. Light was beginning to filter in around the edge of the curtain, and she quickly pressed her eyes back shut to try and get more sleep. The fact that Alex felt like she needed to pee was a good sign that she was recovering but when she moved her legs she could definitely tell that the diaper was soiled, if only lightly. Her body and mind having different objectives, Alex wanted to get up and relieve her bladder, but her muscles ached for more rest.
Waiting for a moment contemplating what she was about to do, Alex decided a few more minutes of shut eye would be worth it. Slowly at first, she began to empty her bladder into the diaper. She could feel the urine run down the inside of her leg and under her into the absorbent material, so she rolled over allowing it to flow freely. Alex could feel the warm spot growing under her vulva, but slipping her hand into the plastic pants she could feel no leaks through the outer covering, only the thickness of the absorbent diaper.
Getting a few more minutes of rest, Alex rose when she knew it was futile to keep sleeping. She had a long drive ahead of her to get home, and there was a lot to do before she could leave. Standing up, Alexandra pulled the plastic panties off, pleased that there were no marks on the bed. The sweaty used diaper hung off her hips, and Alex wanted a shower badly. Walking towards the washroom, Alex could feel the diaper had expanded through the crotch when it absorbed her urine, and she was no longer able to close her legs completely even if she tried. This forced her to waddle slightly, and she could feel the inside of her thighs rubbing on the diaper's crotch.
In the washroom, Alex tore the tabs of the diaper open and stepped out of it. She could where her faeces had stained it, but there was no way she had filled it anywhere near capacity. Placing the used diaper in a bag and sealing it tightly, Alex ran a hot shower and stepped in. The heat relaxed her sore muscles, and she rinsed the days of sweat off her skin and out of her hair. Knowing that if she didn't exercise before she left her muscles would be sore for the car ride, Alex decided to go for a morning run after she ate.
Taking her time to clean up, Alexandra stepped out of the shower and toweled dry. Digging a hair elastic out of her purse she brushed her chestnut brown hair out before putting it up in a ponytail. Walking back into the room naked, Alex dug through her suitcase and pulled out her sports bra and running shorts. Checking the drawers and the floor, she was sure she had a pair of comfortable panties somewhere. Rummaging through the pile of bondage equipment, she realized what she must have done. Wearing her chastity belt on the trip there, she completely forgot about the need for regular underwear on the way back!
Because some of her other exercise shorts had a liner built in, Alex usually didn't have to wear anything under them for modesty. The shorts she packed however lacked that protection, and Alex usually wore something under them to hide her genital piercings. Wearing the chastity belt under her shorts was not an option since it would both be more visible and chafe. Alex could wear it if she was just going to drive home, but her obsessive need to exercise overruled. Knowing she had to eat first, Alex decided she would forgo underwear and wear sweatpants over her shorts when she went to breakfast. She had to return her purse to her room after breakfast anyways, so she could take off the sweats then.
Picking up the small black stretch shorts, Alexandra slipped them up her toned legs and over her cute bum. They had a 2 inch inseam and covered more than the bunhuggers or running briefs that her high school running team was forced to wear, but the shorts still only barely clung to the bottom of her ass. Alex was well aware that their semi opaque mesh sides didn't help hide anything, and the diminutive length highlighted her long runner's legs. She was happy they had at least had small gusset in the crotch, reducing the chance of her grommet filled labia showing through.
Alex then pulled the 34C sports bra over her head and ample bosom and fastened the clasp on the bottom of the racer back. After adjusting the moulded cups of the magenta bra under her breasts, she did manage to find a clean pair of ankle socks in her luggage and pull them on. Digging out her sweats, she also found her purple tank top, and slipped the wicking material over her head. Ready to run, she pulled on the sweatpants for some modesty and with her purse and running shoes headed down to eat.
Sitting alone at a table for two in the hotel's restaurant, Alex overlooked the lobby from the same seats she had heard others comment on her from as she walked below. Opening the menu, Alex relished the opportunity to eat foods that would actually taste good, or even edible. Giving her order to the server, he took her menu as went into the kitchen.
Grabbing a newspaper off the empty table next to hers, Alex read the front page, catching up on what little she had missed over the weekend. Not reading anything terribly important, the local news headlines down the side of the page caught her attention. Kinky Convention Wraps Up read the title, and Alex leafed through until she found the article's page. Flipping open the broadsheet in front of her, she stared at what she saw. Down half of the left page was a narrow photo of herself just days before, standing to the side of the demonstration stage. Alex was still staring when the waiter, a man only slightly older than Alex returned.
"Oh Yea."
Alex nearly jumped when she realized the waiter was standing next to her, closing the newspaper quickly to hide the photo of herself. He placed her plate down on the table and continued his remarks.
"That convention sure does draw some interesting people. From what I hear the person in the picture was staying here."
Alex could barely muster a response she was so spooked by the thought of the waiter recognizing her, but based on his comment she guessed there was no connection. Mulling over the significance of the photo she began to eat her meal. Alex had pancakes with delicious, sugary syrup and a small side of breakfast sausage, along with half a grapefruit and a glass of milk. It was a marked departure from what she had consumed over the weekend, and although she rushed to get out of the restaurant she savored the meal in its entirety. When the waiter came back to take her payment, she was certain he had no idea that the woman in the photo and the woman he was serving were one and the same, and she relaxed a bit.
Waiting for her server to return her card, she saw the current outside temperature on the TV. Barely past nine AM it was already climbing past 30 with the humidex, although the hotel's AC did a good job keeping it bearable inside.
34. Departure (added: 2013/01/12)
Back in her room, Alex slipped her room key into the pocket in the waistband of her shorts and pulled off her sweatpants. Opening the curtain, she could see a smoggy haze was forming over the city already. Not wanting to overheat in the weather, she pulled off her running top, leaving her stomach and lower back bare. Alex liked to feel good about herself when she exercised, and didn't mind flaunting the body she worked so hard for if nobody she knew was around. Deciding that sports bra and shorts was the best way to go in the heat, she left her room. Down the stairs and through the lobby, she went past the stairs to the tunnel she had taken the other mornings and out into the sunshine. Starting into a jog, she headed down the street.
Running towards the trail that ran along the water, Alex's route took her past the back of the convention halls. Through the massive rollup doors she could see that all of the displays were gone, the bare concrete floor covered only in remnants of carpeting and wiring. Outside, workers loaded racking and boxes into rental vans, preparing to ship them back to the exhibitors.
Alex jogged along the water, passing cyclists and joggers heading the other direction. Sweat dripped from their red faces as Alex imagined it did from hers, and she was glad to have stripped down to her bra. As she moved, Alex could feel the muggy air push through the fabric of her shorts, and with nothing underneath them it tickled her genitals, sensitive after the weekend's abuse. Her lack of underwear was also allowing the tight fabric to pull itself deeper into the crack of her ass, highlighting her butt cheeks. Running along past condo towers, Alexandra turned back when she felt she had gone far enough. She knew that no matter how hard her bra worked to contain them, her bouncing breasts and tight shorts were attracting glances from both the men and women heading the other direction. The first time Alex had been out in public without a chastity protector in weeks, she felt vulnerable although her rational mind knew there was nothing to be afraid of.
Returning to the hotel, Alex walked up the stairs, cooling down after the run. Back in her room she immediately started packing her equipment away, along with the clothes she wouldn't need. Opening the drawers she emptied the clothes she wore for the journey out onto the bed before turning around and picking up her unlocked chastity belt. Holding the pink wrapped bands of steel in her arms, her mind flashed to the feeling of the metal snug against her skin, the concave shield preventing anything from coming into contact with her clitoris.
Before making any decisions, Alex put the belt down on the bed with her clothes. Unhooking the clasp on the back of her sweat soaked sports bra she pulled it over her head, letting her breasts move freely. Her nipples quickly became hard in the cold air conditioned room, and Alex put her other bra on over them, fastening it up. Looking at the pile of clothes, she decided to go with the purple running top she hadn't worn for her jog and pulled it back over her head. With no underwear Alex considered leaving her running shorts on instead, but like her magenta bra they were soaked with sweat. Resigned to wearing her chastity belt, she stripped off her running shorts and tossed them on the pile with her clothes.
Picking up her pink chastity belt again, Alexandra marveled at its construction and the power it could hold over her. Separating the two sides of the curved waistband she lifted them over her hips and pulled tight, slipping the left side over the pin projecting from the right. Reaching through her legs she found the shield hanging from its cable, and lifted it up to meet the pin. As she did, the cable pulled deep into the crack of her ass, resting snugly over her anus. Pulling down on the waist belt and up on the shield Alex popped one over the other, holding the device firmly against her skin.
Checking to make sure she still had the keys to her belt, Alex attached the lock and with an ominous snap secured the belt shut. Carefully putting the keys in her purse she decided that her sweatpants would be more comfortable than her skirt and still cover the belt. Testing the fit with her finger, Alex was satisfied that the belt was working as designed and pulled on her sweatpants. Hastily, she threw the rest of her clothes in to her small suitcase along with her thigh bands. Removing her room key from her purse she left it on the table, and after checking the bathroom and under the bed to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything, Alex took her purse and luggage and walked out of the room.
Down the elevator to the lobby, Alex could see the server in the dining room above her setting tables. To him she looked no different than she did earlier, her baggy pants hiding the device that was locked over her hips. Looking at the desk she saw the same two employees who were working the morning shift Friday, the ones who stared as her unusual sight crossed the lobby. Alexandra wondered if they had any idea she was that same person, and watched one of the women glance up at her as she walked out the doors, quickly returning to her work. Nope. They were none the wiser.