Author's Note: I wrote this ages ago as an "alternate" story to a novel I was working on. I've changed the context to two flatmates and read through it again.
I'd be keen to know what you think, it's much more sensual than many of my submissions here which are more about the bondage.
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Alex sat at her computer, she was supposed to be working but she was bored. Her assignment for didn't have to be in for another week, Facebook had nothing vaguely interesting on it and even Twitter seemed dull recently. Deciding she needed a distraction she set off to find her flatmate.
Sam met her as she entered the lounge "Hi!" she said brightly "I'm going to make some lunch, hungry?" she asked
"Sure." answered Alex.
Sam rummaged through the cupboards in the kitchen, hoping to find something which was still in date, her head emerged a few moments later a sachet clutched in her hand. "Soup?" she inquired.
Alex nodded.
"So, do you have a boyfriend?" asked Sam looking directly at Alex as she opened the sachet and poured boiling water over the contents.
Alex blinked at the question "No!" she replied, startled. She and Sam had lived together now for several weeks but they'd know each other since their first year at university.
"Girlfriend?" smiled Sam
"No!" replied Alex again, feeling the blood rushing to her cheeks. She was private by nature, perhaps Sam was as uninterested in work as she was and decided to start an inquisition to postpone having to return to it.
"Single?" asked Sam surprised
"Why are you so interested?" asked Alex turning the conversation around.
"I'm just curious, a gorgeous girl like you. You've never mentioned anyone so I was beginning to wonder." explained Sam.
Alex's cheeks were red now and she knew it. No one had ever called her gorgeous before, true she knew she was attractive but this was a step beyond. She worked hard to stay in shape and her high metabolism helped keep her slim. She was petite with her dark hair in its customary ponytail, she was wearing her favourite blue T shirt with her khaki combat trousers.
Sam on the other hand was blonde and curvy, her shoulder length hair was straight and fell effortlessly in a way Alex's could never achieve, she had stunning blue eyes and a bright smile. Her white shirt was very feminine and emphasised her physique, she wore faded jeans and light coloured boots.
The soup was ready, Sam poured it slowly into two mugs and passed one to Alex.
"So why not?" she asked looking directly into Alex's eyes.
"I don't know, I've never really had the chance." admitted Alex "I study, I work... it hardly helps a relationship!"
Sam picked up on the word "Never?" she mouthed.
Alex took a drink of her soup. "It's not like I've never chatted to boys, it's just that we've usually had something more pressing to worry about." she explained.
Sam put down her mug "But you've at least been kissed?" she checked,
Alex paused.
Sam looked Alex straight in the face "We have to do something about that" she said beginning to move towards Alex.
"Erm Sam?" began Alex but she stopped as Sam drew close. Carefully, deliberately Sam placed her hands on Alex's hips, pulling herself closer she reached and pressed her lips against her friend. Alex hesitated for a moment before allowing Sam entrance to her mouth, she trembled at the feeling of Sam's tongue caressing hers.
Sam drew away slowly, Alex shivered slightly. Sam smiled.
Taking control Sam pushed Alex back onto the kitchen table, lying on top of her she began to kiss her again, her hand moving gently over Alex's tense stomach muscles.
"Sam" interrupted Alex, breaking the kiss "What?"
"Erm... I'm not a lesbian" she finally confessed
"Shhh..." whispered Sam as her hand moved to Alex's face "Neither am I. But we can still have a little fun can't we?" she asked.
Alex didn't respond, Sam's other hand had found her breast and was gently massaging her, Alex gasped slightly and let her head roll backwards. Her mind flashed back to several months ago when they'd viewed the flat together. She certainly hadn't expected this then!
Slowly Sam leant higher over Alex and brushed a strand of dark hair out of her eyes. She examined her face, her brown eyes were closed but her mouth was slightly open. She was taking deep breaths, drawing the air in through her delicate lips.
Lying by her side on the table Sam continued to kiss her. Hesitating for a moment Sam pondered her next move, slowly she reached to the back of Alex's knee and gently stroked the sensitive skin through the khaki trousers.
Slowly Sam moved her hand to the inside of Alex's knee and casually, gently stroked from the knee to the top of her thigh. Alex didn't resist. Leaning back towards her they began to kiss again, she laid one hand on Alex's left breast and the other half way down the inside of her thigh. She was a long way from her most intimate areas but for Alex the gentle touch would be electric.
The brunette gasped slightly as Sam's hand moved into the new position, the touch sent shivers up and down her spine. She moved her hand again, ever so slowly higher up until almost as an after thought she brushed Alex's pussy as she continued up to the girl's stomach.
Alex let out a slight moan as the contact was made, waves of excitement shot through her and her body cried out for more contact of her most delicate areas. Sam ran the tips of her fingers down again to the inside of the left thigh this time, again ever so slightly brushing her partner's crotch and sending little whimpers of delight to her ears, still only inches away from Alex's mouth.
Sam broke the kiss and gazed into Alex's eyes, she brought up her left arm and cradled Alex's head with it holding her tight. Without breaking eye contact her right arm began to move again.
Alex's eyes rolled upwards as Sam hand touched her. Her arms grasped out to the side for something to hold onto. The soup mug clattered to the floor as her fingers found the edge of the table. Ignoring the noise she gripped it forcefully.
Sam was being less subtle now, her hand stayed over Alex's pussy, gently massaging the khaki trousers with the length of her fingers. She could hear Alex's pulse quicken as she worked.
Alex held her breath as she came, her knuckles whitened as she gripped the table top. A barely audible whimper escaped from her lips as she looked deep into Sam's blue eyes. Her teeth chattered slightly as the orgasm escaped her. As she regained control she lifted her head off Sam's arm and kissed her passionately.
"Thank you." she whispered.
"For what?" grinned Sam "We're just getting warmed up!" she added seductively.
Alex leant forward and got shakily to her feet. Sam was only inches away, carefully Sam reached for the bottom of Alex's blue T shirt, when there was no sign of resistance she raised her arms and lifted the garment over Alex's head to reveal her perfect round breasts encased in a black sports bra. Sam wasted no time in removing it. Alex stood topless in the centre of the room, the cold air made her nipples stand to attention, her breathing was shallow, excited.
Sam stepped to her and kissed her again. Alex's hands reached the buttons at the front of the white shirt and slowly began to undo them, taking her time she worked from the bottom upwards before sliding the shirt off Sam's shoulders and watching it join her own T shirt on the floor.
Sam was wearing a black laced bra under the shirt, quickly she unhooked it to reveal her chest, her breasts were slightly larger than Alex's. Alex felt Sam's chest push up against her as the pair embraced again. Reaching around Sam she held her tight, determined to hold on to this connection.
Alex moved to kiss Sam's neck, massaging the strong tendons with her tongue. She smiled as she felt Sam's arms move to her waist and undo the button at the front of her trousers. With the button released the material began to slide gently down Alex's long legs. Sam's hands moved onto Alex's backside as she stepped out of the trousers now lying at her feet. With a flick of her foot she kicked them aside.
Sam pushed Alex gently backwards onto the table again, gently she guided her to sit on the edge. Taking Alex's shoe in her hands she untied the laces and pulled it off, the white sock followed, she repeated the procedure with the other foot. Pushing Alex back on the table she leaned over her.
Placing a hand on her hip Sam looked deep into Alex's wide eyes, without breaking her gaze she dipped her head and kissed Alex's left breast, the nipple hardened as she did so and she moved to it and tickling the areola with the tip of her tongue.
Sam leaned forward again so her nose was barely an inch from Alex's face. Very slowly her hands moved to Alex's hips. Her face had an expression of tranquillity as Sam tugged the black panties down her long legs to reveal Alex's pussy. Kneeling on the floor in front of the table Sam guided her partner's legs apart as her mouth approached Alex's clit.
As Sam moved closer she blew gently, Alex's pubic hair rippled in the slight breeze and her eyes rolled backwards in her head again. As Sam's mouth touched her pussy for the first time a small whimper escaped from Alex's lips. She had never known anything like this before, waves of delight ran up and down her spine and she found herself unable to move, gripped in ecstasy.
Alex shook as she came again, this orgasm had been much more intense than the previous one, she felt weak and lay back on the table as Sam moved to her side.
"It's got to be your turn now." whispered Alex as Sam lay by her side.
"If you'd like." replied Sam smiling, she took a deep breath which made her round breasts rise into the air.
"I would!" replied Alex
"Ok" replied Sam brightly "But you're going to have to work for it." she added a twinkle in her eye.
Alex looked at her confused.
"Meet me in the living room." instructed Sam.
Still none the wiser Alex got to her feet again and reached for her panties.
"You won't need them." said Sam quickly.
Alex stood alone in the lounge waiting for Sam to join her, she was suddenly very aware of her nakedness. She knew there was only the two of them in the flat and all the doors were locked but that didn't make her feel any less exposed. Her thoughts were interrupted as Sam appeared at the door holding a black bag.
Alex watched entranced as the light toyed with Sam's curves as she entered the room. She reached into the bag as she reached the ground and pulled out a length of rope.
"You still want to repay me?" she asked her eyes gleaming
Alex hesitated. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she tried to imagine what Sam had in mind. An hour ago she would not have even considered it but she had learned a lot in the last sixty minutes, not least of all that whatever Sam did have planned would probably be incredible.
"Of course." she replied trying to keep the nervousness out of her voice.
Sam stepped behind Alex and took her arms in her hands, sensually she kissed the back of her neck as she wrapped the rope around Alex's wrists. For a moment Alex thought that Sam had underestimated her flexibility and she'd be able to get free with ease until Sam brought the ends of the rope up between her arms cinched the rope, pulling the binding tight.
Sam turned Alex around on the spot and grinned at her, Alex looked straight into her eyes, giving her permission to continue.
Reaching into the bag Sam pulled out another longer length of rope. Folding it in half she threaded it through itself creating a loop which she placed over Alex's head and brought down her body. Tightening the rope she watched as it pulled Alex's breasts to her chest. Taking the free ends of the rope she wrapped it around Alex a second time doubling up the binds. Wrapping it through itself she wound the rope in the other direction underneath Alex's breasts raising them upwards slightly, one final time round with the rope and she tied it tightly at the back.
Alex remained still throughout this but she was not surprised when Sam reached for another length of rope from the bag, a short one this time. Carefully Sam tied the tied the ropes going under and over Alex's chest together tightening them and causing her round breasts to stick out much more prominently. Teasingly she stroked Alex's nipples which were hard again, Alex yelped with surprise at the sudden sensitivity.
Sam guided Alex to the ground so she was kneeling in front of her, picking out another piece for rope she moved to Alex's leg, wrapping the rope tight around it trying her ankle and thigh, quickly she cinched the rope fastening it tight. Quickly she tied the other knee in the same position so Alex was forced to stay in her kneeling position with no hope of escape.
Sam walked seductively around her bound friend. She knew there was no way Alex could get free, she also knew that Alex didn't want to. Excitement shone from her eyes as she looked up at Sam in anticipation.
Pulling a chair from the side of the room Sam placed it a metre in front of Alex, facing her. Slowly she raised her leg onto it and removed her boot and sock. Quickly she threw them aside before removing the other shoe and sock.
Leaning forwards Sam slipped the jeans down her long legs to reveal the black panties covering her round behind. These were quickly discarded leaving Sam posing confidently in front of her captive.
Taking a step backwards Sam sat back in the chair, she didn't need to give any instructions, Alex knew what she was expected to do. Working her way along on her knees she moved into position between Sam's legs. Sam's pussy was clean shaven, her eyes gleaming Alex gently caressed Sam's clit with her tongue, teasing her with the sensation. Sam squirmed slightly as Alex continued and began to massage her own breasts as she rolled her hips.
Sam arched her back and leaned backwards in the chair as she came, she looked deep into Alex's eyes as the ecstasy flowed through her face. She didn't say anything as she stood up and released the knots on Alex's back releasing her hands and letting the rope around her breasts fall away.
"We're not done are we?" asked Alex, disappointment in her voice
Sam smiled but remained silent, if Alex wanted more then who was she to deny? That didn't mean she couldn't have a little fun.
"Over there" she commanded indicating another of the old chairs. Slowly Alex worked her way across the floor on her knees until she was in front of the wooden legs.
Sam turned the chair and sat Alex down so they were back to back, Alex's shoulders rested near the wooden seat with the back high above her head. Grabbing a piece of rope off the floor she took her prisoner's wrists in her hands and tied them above her head, throwing the rope over the back of the seat, she fastened them into place.
Taking the long ropes again she began to retie Alex's breasts, over first she wrapped the rope around first Alex and then the chair back behind her. By the time she had finished the rope underneath Alex was firmly secured to the wooden framework. This time Sam took a longer piece or rope for the middle. Folding it in half she wrapped the two ropes together forcing Alex's chest out in the same way as before, this time however she took one of the loose end and wrapped it twice around Alex's breast before passing it over her shoulder and trying at the back. After repeating the procedure with the second rope Sam stood back and admired her work.
Alex squirmed against the rope slightly, making the show of trying to get loose but she knew there was no way she could. With her hands fastened firmly over her head it was impossible to reach any of the knots. Each time she shook her chest bounced as the ropes held her breasts out. She really did look the part of the helpless slave!
"Now for the fun and games!" though Sam.
"I don't think you need this" she said pulling out the band which held Alex's hair into the ponytail, Alex couldn't resist as her hair fell loose around her shoulders.
"You know I'm tempted to take a photo" she grinned "just to show the guys what you look like with your hair loose."
"Don't even think about it!" scowled Alex.
Sam grinned as she took a new piece of rope. Ticking Alex's nipple as she did, she fastened one end to the rope on Alex's knee and took it behind her back pulling it open, she repeated the step on the other side so Alex's legs were spread giving Sam easy access to her pussy. Alex pulled against the ropes, trying to close her legs but Sam had done her work very well.
Sam stepped up to Alex and crouched down in front of her, softly she stroked the girl's pussy and toyed with the pubic hair. Alex moaned as her fingers made contact, the two orgasms she had already had made her sensitive.
Sam reached out and pulled the final item from her bag, it was a large vibrator. Turning it on Sam placed it gently on Alex's clit. Alex shivered in pleasure as the stimulation moved through her and up her spine. Sam gently massaged her while the vibrator did it's work, there was nothing Alex could do except let the orgasm come.
The third time she came the orgasm sent shivers down her spine leaving her breathless and stunned. This was far more powerful than anything she'd felt before, the bondage added to the sensation and she knew she was completely at Sam's mercy.
Gently Sam removed the vibrator and kissed Alex passionately.
"I think you're getting the hang of this..." smiled Sam
"I've had a good teacher" replied Alex, her face beaming "So, time to let me go?"
Sam grinned, she was having far too much fun "Why would I do that when you look so pretty sat there?" she asked innocently.
Alex raised an eyebrow "You can't keep me here forever!" she argued seductively,
"Well maybe not forever..." whispered Sam as she leaned forward to kiss Alex again.
Sam held her eye contact as the kiss ended, Alex didn't try to move but gazed deep into Sam's blue eyes. Without breaking contact Sam moved her hand and again pressed the buzzing vibrator onto her friend.
Alex gasped as her eyes rolled up, the vibrator seemed so strong on her pussy as Sam licked her fiercely. Alex's chest began to heave and she was just thinking there was no way she'd be able to come again when Sam turned up the setting on the vibrator and the orgasm ripped through her like a tornado leaving her gasping for air.
Alex slumped back against the pole as Sam withdrew the machine. She felt exhausted, as her heart rate returned to normal she watched Sam.
"You're evil." she murmured,
"You're beautiful when you come." she replied.
Alex lay there for a moment, resting against her bonds, her pussy was pink and her whole body ached with tiredness. Her loose hair fell around her face and into her eyes, flickering slightly each time she exhaled.
Sam looked at her as Alex rested against the ropes, letting them take her weight. Wickedly she switched the device in her hand onto its highest setting. Alex's head snapped up, her eyes wide.
"No not again, please!" she begged as Sam advanced on her.