Author's Note: My first story. I have had the idea in my head for a while but made up the story on the spot as I wrote it.
This is, I think, not the default 'tie-someone-up-and-fuck-his/her-brains-out' kinda thing. I think there is a lot more to it. I tried to put some actual build-up and feelings into it and also some rookie mistakes.
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It's for you to decide and comment on if it worked.
Tickticktick, a key slid in the lock. A click and slight squeak. Heels on the floor. The door closed. The heels fall to the floor. She always takes of her shoes when she enters my house. She's the only person besides me who has a key. It's my girlfriend Haruki. What is she doing here?
Scared I try to move. But I can't do much. My legs are wrapped together in plastic film with duct tape circling my legs every 10cm or so. I had wrapped the plastic tightly around me all the way up to my armpits and over my shoulders. 3 or 4 layers thick.
To add to the adventure I had wrapped my head in plastic, too. One of the first times. And also really tight. Several layers thick. And also finished with tape on certain spots to make it just that bit tighter. To make it a bit more exciting I dared to wrap the tape over my eyes making me blind. Because it's self bondage, of sorts, I couldn't wrap my arms. So they're free. I need a way out of course.
Then I heard her voice.
"Hi Da...n" Falling silent almost immediately.
I wasn't sure if I liked this turn of events. And I was confused and scared about the whole thing. Did I want her involved? Yes, I think! Maybe. But it was also my little secret. Now not so secret anymore.
My girlfriend sounded surprised with her find. But didn't seem to freak out. Was that good? I guess so. Perhaps it was a good thing. "Yes" I thought "If she doesn't freak out now, she's the one I should share this with."
But still, what if I told her my fantasies and she would leave me. Confusion and doubt flooded my mind.
"Dammit" I mumbled.
"What was that?" My girlfriend asked in a sort of automated response.
Of course I couldn't reply to her properly. She realized I couldn't and started plucking at the plastic around my head.
"Did you do this to yourself?" She asked.
"mmmpf" I managed while nodding.
"But why? And how?" She asked a bit puzzled. "I mean, do you like it?" Uncertainty in her voice.
All simple questions I couldn't answer right now.
After some pulling and stretching the plastic she realized her efforts were useless and would take a while.
"Wait, I'll get a knife or something" she said while walking off. To return a minute later with scissors that had a rounded tip.
"Smart" I thought. "She's always smart!"
The plastic came off quickly now. She cut the tape that covered my forehead and eyes. Cut the band of tape going under my chin and over my head. But left the band sealing the plastic around my neck as well as all the other tape and plastic. She cut my face free and removed the rolled up sock from my mouth.
I had wrapped the sock around 2 small pieces of 19mm plastic pipe. You know, the stuff they use in electric installations for wiring to go through. This allowed me to breathe. The sock filled my mouth quite well cutting off the air other than what comes through the small tubes.
I still couldn't speak very well. The sock had dried my mouth and my jaw hurt a bit from it's sudden freedom.
But my girlfriend, Haruki, didn't seem to realize. She was very curious and looked a bit worried.
"Are you ok? You're sweaty and red." She asked.
I just nodded.
"Why did you do this? And for how long? What if I didn't come here early? Do you do this a lot?"
So many questions she asked at once. And rightfully so. But I wasn't ready to answer all that now. All I could think of was if she was really interested or just trying to asses the situation and worse if she woulf leave me.
"Don't leave me, please!" I managed to say. I was a bit worried and nervous about all this. I never expected her to come early, she never did.
"I won't leave you." She said. "But you must tell me everything."
That seemed fair. But she would not like it, I was sure of it.
Laying on my back now I dared to ask "Can you cut the plastic and tape around my legs through the middle?"
She said nothing but slid the scissors between my ankles and teasingly slow cut the plastic open until the tip scratched my balls. A faint smile on her face.
The touch of the tip scared me and I twitched pushing into the scissors a bit more. Which hurt a bit.
"Ow!" I exclaimed in a reflex.
Once my legs were free I scurried to the bathroom leaving Haruki in the living room with the mess of plastic and tape and locked the door in a hurry. I didn't want her following me right now. I needed a moment. To sort out a few thoughts. Gain some courage. I removed the remaining plastic and tape from my torso, too. After that I just stood there, uncertain and a bit nervous. What was Haruki thinking right now? I decided I wasn't quite ready to face her right this minute and took a quick shower. Just a few minutes to get rid of the sweaty feeling and feel a bit more manly again.
While in the shower my mind went back to the cling film I'd used on myself. What would it look like on Haruki's skin. Her nice smooth skin. She's japanese after all. Covered in a few layers of transparent plastic. So fucking hot. I imagined. I was scared to ask her about her trying such a thing.
I turned off the shower, slowly toweled myself dry, slipped on some briefs and shorts and walked out the bathroom without a shirt on and barefoot. Now the difficult part and try and explain to Haruki what I'd done. To my surprise she was still sitting in the living room. On the floor where I left her. She had gathered all the cut away plastic and bunched it up. But she was still sitting on the floor, staring. Odd.
"Tell me!" she said without looking up.
Unprepared, I asked her "Tell you what?"
"This, the plastic, why the hell... What the fuck!" She spoke a bit louder. Anger?
"I, umm, I like it" I dumbly replied.
"And me?" She said "What about me?"
"What do you mean?" I asked nervously.
"Come sit with me." She said.
I went and sat down next to her, and suddenly felt like holding her. So I moved close and reached with my arm.
She moved away a bit.
"Are you mad at me?" I asked, not looking at her.
"Should I be? Why didn't you tell me? Am I not exciting enough for you?" She said with a sad voice.
"Don't leave me sweetie, It's not like that" I said meekly. "I love you...." My voice trailed off when I saw her face. She looked mad.
"Oh I won't leave you Dan." My eyes lit up "But I am mad at you!"
"Oh." I said with a sad feeling. "Do you think I'm weird?" I tried.
"I've always thought you're a bit strange" She said "That's why I like you."
"But..." she continued "If you like things like this. You could have told me. You kept me out. Didn't you say you would share everything with me?"
She sounded really disappointed now. But in her eyes I saw she wanted more. This new thing. It seemed to have intrigued her.
"Then let me explain Haruki. Let me tell you..."
"Sure, tell me everything." She said.
And so I explained. How I liked the tight feeling. The restriction. That I kept it from her, at least for now, because I totally expected her to hate me for it. And that it was a secret fantasy of me for a loooooong time. One I sometimes practiced. Just like today.
She just stared at me, with her big dark eyes. Big glistening eyes. I looked away.
When I was done we sat there. She seemed to have regained her cool and wasn't mad anymore, if she ever was. And scooted over so our shoulders touched. We sat there for a minute or so.
"I have had sort of fantasy too" She said softly.
"Oh" I said. Lost in thought. I just shared my most secret ideas.
"But we need more of that plastic and more tape" she continued.
"It's just cling film and duct tape" I replied. A bit absentminded.
Then I realized what she'd just said and I looked at her. She stared in front of her.
"Yes, we need more plastic" she repeated.
"What for?" I asked a bit nervous.
"For you of course, silly!" She quipped.
"Yes, but what do you have in mind?" I asked a bit too excited.
"I'll wrap you up good" she said. "I'll make you mine."
I felt excited. But also unsure.
"But what do you want to do then?" I had asked it a hundred times over the past week or so. Haruki wouldn't say.
She did seem quite content with her discovery of me wrapped up. And not at all did she make me feel weird. But if she really wanted to try something on me, I guess that kinda shapes a special bond. Our secret. Making our relation even more profound and special. At least for me it had that effect.
Haruki seemed her old self. Funny, playful and lovely. She would come to see me or I would go out and meet her as usual. We would play Minecraft together in the little server I had made for us. Nothing seemed different. Except she now knew my fantasy and she had an idea about it which she wouldn't tell me.
To me this felt strangely exciting. To not know what was going to happen or when.
A few days alter a delivery man came to my house with a package. Quite heavy too. I didn't order anything. The box didn't give anything away. So I was ready to refuse delivery. But the label clearly had my name and address on it. So I accepted the package anyway.
Assuming it would be some error I left it sealed for now, expecting the delivery man to come back soon and pick it up.
That night Haruki called me on Skype and asked if I received my package. I showed her the box on the camera and she said not to open it. And announced that she would come over the following day around lunch.
Excited about seeing her and perhaps finally finding out what she was up to I couldn't sleep very well that night.
The following day when she let herself in I was still in bed. Slumbering. Having finally managed to fall asleep a few hours before. I didn't hear her enter, nor did I see her knowing smile.
I woke up soon after as Haruki tickled me awake. And I laughed at her. Seeing her pretty face close to mine. We kissed.
Waking up, I noticed some things. My hands felt weird. She had made fists and wrapped my hands in plastic.
This got me a bit excited. But it also was a bit confusing. She pulled down my shorts so I was naked and led me to the living room. I asked her what was going on. Still not entirely awake. I'm always a bit slow when I wake up and she knew it!
Haruki didn't say anything but had me sit on the couch and set a strange board against the wall. It looked like a plastic stretcher or fieldbed. In a corner I spotted the package, now opened and empty.
I was pre-occupied with waking up and trying to rub my eyes when she pulled me up and placed me against the board.
"Don't you dare move, my love." she said in a stern voice.
"What?" I replied not fully realizing what she was doing.
"Don't move! I said, or you're not getting any" She repeated.
"What are you doing? What's this board?" I asked wearily, realizing something was up.
"Shh" she said "I told you I had a fantasy too, this is it. Now don't interrupt."
A woman on a mission... Clearly.
So I just stood there for a few minutes, watching her work and trying to figure out what she was doing.
Of course I was out of bed now for a bit, the change in temperature and realizing that Haruki was already here made me finally wake up and clear my head. But it was too late. She had wrapped cling film around my knees and around the board. Quickly moving up in clumsy circles to pin me against the board. Soon I was somewhat wrapped in a single layer of cling film. With large gaps between. Then she started to wrap again. From the torso down this time. With more precise movements and layers, covering my body in neat stretchy plastic. She pulled the plastic really tight around me and the board and soon I could fell the pressure on my chest. I noticed she skipped my crotch leaving my penis and balls to stick out from the plastic.
"So this was your plan? To claim me?" I asked curiously.
She said nothing but continued wrapping me to the board.
"Don't ignore me." I said. "Can you at least tell me what you're doing?"
Again she said nothing. She quickly got more handy with the rolls of cling film and soon reached my ankles. Tearing the roll from the wrap she walked away and came back with a sock.
"Open your mouth" she commanded.
"Not unti....mmph" As she stuffed the sock into my mouth and quickly wrapping plastic around the lower half of my face.
"Silly man" she said, laughing at me.
I started to pay more attention now. I've never seen Haruki like this. So in control and clearly enjoying herself. Not that I minded much. Im all for independent and strong women. But usually Haruki was , like so many Japanese girls, a bit shy and quiet. Not today.
Haruki brought a lot of cling film. 10 rolls at least. Was she going to use them all? Certainly that wouldn't be necessary to restrain me. But maybe she didn't know that. Meanwhile I was stuck to a board. Not sure what to make of this. "How could this be a fantasy of hers, what's the point to wrap me up?" "What does she get out of it?" I kept thinking. "Maybe she just likes the control for a change." And many more similar thoughts kept racing through my head at a crazy rate.
She started on her 3rd roll of cling film and wrapped my feet and then wrapped that to the board. Pulling them down a bit. Not too comfortable. So I MMpf'd some. She again ignored me.
Then she finished the roll all the way up to my crotch, again leaving a gap and continued to empty the roll.
"3 layers now" I thought. That'll keep me down. I was getting so excited by all this my cock was already hard and ready for anything. I felt sweaty under the plastic now and against the board.
Haruki seemed to have finished wrapping me and told me to wriggle a bit. To test the tightness. I could hardly move. This seemed to please her a great deal.
However, she wasn't finished with me. She also brought some rolls of tape and decided that she would make good use of it. She wrapped the duct tape around me and the board and pulled so hard on it that it added a new level of tightness for me.
A strip of tape every 5cm. Pinning my feet even flatter to the board. And all the way up to my neck. The last strip pushed my neck to the board but not overly tight.
When she was done with the tape I had to struggle some more.
"Try and move as if your life depends on it" she commands me.
I did. But I couldn't move. And this exercise took away my breath. My chest was wrapped too tight for me. But I couldn't tell her. I "mmpf'd" a bit panicky a few times. But she just laughed at me. Apparently thinking I was enjoying myself.
Clearly satisfied with what she'd done to me she proceeded to grab the board and lay it down. This took some effort. I'm a tall European guy. She's a smallish Japanese woman. It takes some effort to lug around 100 kilos of immobile man. But she managed to get me to the ground. Dropping me the last few centimeters to not squash her fingers. Then she pulled the board with all her strength over the low table so I was stretched out over it. Because the shift in weight I felt the plastic loosen a bit around my chest. But it was still super tight.
Next the got another roll of cling film and started wrapping my head.
"You're so going to get crazy from this" she whispered in my ear.
"mmpf" was all I could answer. "Crazy from what" I thought.
She wrapped my head and then pulled it tightly against the board with more tape. A strip of tape over my forehead and over my chin and mouth. She had covered my mouth with plastic holding the sock in. All i could do now was blink my eyes, which were uncovered, and breathe through my nose. This was not optimal. What if my nose blocked up. I got really scared now but Haruki wasn't looking at my face. She was busy creating a sort of re-inforced tape opening around my penis and balls. Sticking small strips of tape around my penis and balls to the plastic stayed in place and wouldn't tear.
Even though i was a bit scared about all this and the possible lack of air. I got really excited having her feel around my penis and balls. Having her hands bump into them while she sealed me up. I was so hard. It almost hurt. Then suddenly she slapped my cock. That did hurt! And I felt the blood rush out from my cock.
Her face appeared over my eyes and she said "Not yet sweetie."
"Finally!" I thought. "She's talking to me."
Her eyes looked at mine, she seemed happy and totally relaxed.
I stared back, blinking. Nervous and scared. Too scared to stop breathing quickly through my nose because for sure it would block up.
Her face disappeared from view and I saw her step over me. She undressed slowly until she was only wearing her matching black underwear. A simple thong and matching black bra. Made of some shiny material. Not unlike lycra. Except it wasn't lycra. We both loved simple things like that. No fancy garters or other stuff. Just simple, form fitting underwear. She looks stunning in it too.
Also now, when she bent over and I could see her nice breasts in her bra.
My mind screamed "Take it off!!" I was rock hard again. Fully expecting her to sit on my cock and ride me to oblivion.
Of course she didn't. She did, however, step out of view. I heard her in the kitchen. Pouring a drink or something. Then suddenly I felt her hand around my cock. A firm grasp. Pulling slightly. And so, she started jerking me off.
I realized, finally, what she was up to. She was going to jerk me off, make me cum and there was nothing I could do. She pulled and pulled. Speeding up and slowing down. Changing pace all the time. Driving me nuts.
She grabbed my balls with her other hand and squeezed gently. Let go and pushed them down and against my penis, kneading them that way. All the while jerking me off with her other hand. I started breathing faster and faster. Trying to get air. All you could hear was the wheezing of sound from my nose.
And then, she stopped. Leaving me so horny it was almost cruel.
I heard her voice close to my head.
"You can't cum until I tell you. If you do cum too early I will punish you.
Hearing her say that almost made me cum that instant. But I managed to distract myself by staring blankly at the ceiling.
"Blink if you hear me sweetie."
I blinked.
She briefly appeared in my view only to pull a strip of tape over my eyes. Now I was blind. My senses heightened even more. I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. Not even blink anymore. My hearing was impaired. The only part of me that wasn't covered in plastic were my cock and balls. And not being able to feel much anywhere else, my penis and balls were hyper-sensitive.
I felt my cock tingle. But nothing happened. Where was Haruki? What was she doing? Was she close? Or far? I couldn't tell. Suddenly I felt her hands on my cock. She jerked me off again slowly. Pulling the head. Suddenly she went faster. And I couldn't help it but came. I never came harder in my life.
"You came too early" I vaguely registered her voice. "Maybe I'll keep you like this for a day or so more" She threatened.
This scared me a lot but at the moment I was too busy with my orgasm to actually care. She kept jerking me off and to make it worse with her other hand she rubbed the head of my penis. I got short on breath and as feared one side of my nose blocked up a bit. Haruki, obviously, didn't know this and kept jerking me off and rubbing the head of my penis. Which as any man knows is already sensitive. And is even more so when you just came. Haruki knew that, too. And abused it with all her might. She kept jerking me off and rubbing my balls and the top of my penis. This made me come again.
Even then she didn't stop. She started blaming me for the prolonged orgasm and all kinds of things. Apparently I splattered her with my cum. And made a big mess. All my fault, she said.
I wanted her to stop. But she didn't and she slowly kept rubbing my penis with both hands. Keeping it hard and strong. Sometimes going faster. Then slower. Keeping me on edge.
Meanwhile, I was seriously short on air. Breathing and wheezing like crazy. But I couldn't make it known to Haruki. I tried making noise and moaning into my gag. But my panicked screams got muffled of course and, I think, sounded like 'normal' moaning. Or at least close enough so that Haruki didn't pick up on something being wrong.
I started seeing white flashed before my eyes and desperately tried to inhale more air to either get the air or clear the blockage. After a minute of struggling Haruki was still jerking me off. Still rubbing my balls. And called it her punishment for coming too early. She sounded kinda sexy.
The feelings can't be ignored and after a few seconds I tensed and came again and went limp. I had used up my air. My nose was too much blocked up to get enough air in the heat of the moment and I lost consciousness. Haruki slowed her pace once again. feeling me tense up and then everything kinda stopped. I didn't moan anymore. My breathing slowed down a lot quicker than before with several deep uncontrolled breaths. And my faint squirming and struggling stopped. She sensed something was wrong.
"Dan?" She asked.
No response.
"Dan? Still there?"
I snorted through my nose inhaling deep and slow. But didn't respond.
Then she got worried. Not having prepared for my release Haruki didn't have scissors handy so she started pulling at the plastic around my face with her bare fingers. All the while repeating my name and asking me to respond.
Finally she removed the tape from my eyes. Grabbing hold of the plastic above my nose and pulled.
Luckily with my slowed breathing my semi functional nose could handle just enough air to keep me alive. But it wasn't quite enough to get me to consciousness. I was still short on breath and my body was correcting that slowly with deep breaths snorting through a half working nose.
Haruki was a bit panicked and kept pulling on the plastic. She finally tore up the plastic over my nose. Which didn't help one bit in giving me more air. Once she realized this she started working on the tape over my mouth and chin. Then pulled the plastic away and removed the sock.
She slapped me on the cheek a few times and after some 10 seconds I gasped and gasped again. Finally pulling in enough air. Haruki meanwhile freed my head further. Taking deep breaths I slowly regained my senses. When I came to, Haruki looked really worried and hurried to cut me loose.
"What... the... fuck..." I said weakly.
"What the fuck, indeed. I think I overdid it" She said sullen.
She cut away the plastic from my chest.
"No" I said. "No..." Unable to finish my sentence. Still taking deep breaths.
"What no? You like being nearly killed by your girlfriend?"
"Shut up now and just breath deep"
"Do you need an ambulance? Or what? What do I do?" She rambled.
"My nose blocked up, I should have told you that happens a lot to me." I said between gasps
She looked relieved. And stopped freeing me so she could put her head on my chest and her arms somewhat around me.
"But next time don't cover my mouth" I continued.
"There is a next time?" She asked warily.
"Maybe" I said "Aside from me nearly dying, was this what you had envisioned?"
"Yes, and so much more!" She said with a faint smile.
"Then it was worth it honey. Just be careful if we ever try this again"
Soon after, Haruki freed me from the plastic and tape and sent me to the bathroom to freshen up. Meanwhile she cleaned up the living room a bit and joined me in the shower.
I felt weak, tired and was totally spent. Haruki however didn't seem to mind much about taking the lead again...