Author's Note: A mild tormenting Story
Julie is my fantastic partner, we've been together for over six years. She has a lovely chassis and takes pride the way she looks, and I have the pleasure of that.
Although we had a full sex life after six years the inevitable started to happen. Not really boredom because we always enjoyed each other, but a sameness started to creep in. Julie worked shift work and sometimes had a nap early in the evening before going to work.
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One evening while she was napping I started amusing myself idly looking at a few BDSM sites on the Net. I got very turned on looking at pictures of men being dominated by women. I looked at a lot of different stuff but kept on going back to the sites where men were the ones in bondage at women's mercy.
I was so engrossed and getting so turned on I didn't notice Julie had crept up behind me to give me a surprise, but she got a surprise as well when she saw what was on my computer screen. I heard her suck in air and say "What are you doing". Embarrassed, I was groping for words and while I hesitated she reached down and grasped my cock which was rock hard from looking at the sites. She quizzically looked at me, "Hell, this stuff has really got you up there hasn't it"? I was concerned she was pissed off about it or disgusted, but she said nothing more and just left for work.
I was in a bit of a turmoil, I couldn't see that just looking was all that bad, but I didn't want to spoil our wonderful relationship. I didn't sleep very well and the turn on had rapidly faded.
I waited anxiously the next morning for her to come home, but when she arrived she greeted me as usual and we had breakfast together as normal. I wondered whether to bring it up, but after a kiss that I thought had a bit more in it than usual I went off to work and Julie went off to bed. I thought great she's forgiven me and I resolved that I wouldn't take that sort of risk again.
Things went along normally and neither of us brought it up again although at times I thought I saw Julie smiling to herself for no reason that I could see. But she did gently refuse any attempts I made to have sex with her that week saying she wanted me to wait a bit and be really frustrated for the next time. In the circumstances I was happy to comply but wondered a bit.
The following week Julie was back on day shift. I always looked forward to that because we could spend more time together. One evening after dinner Julie gave me the look that meant she wanted to go to bed early and said "You should go and have a Shower". I was away to the bathroom like a shot. I was feeling very randy after being on rations for so long. We hadn't had sex since she caught me out actually.
I was half expecting Julie to join me in the shower but this time she didn't. So I happily dried myself off anticipating a night of making love to my lovely Julie. I walked to our bedroom with my soldier already at half mast but I got a shock that sent my senses reeling when I entered the bedroom. My jaw dropped and my mind raced in so many directions that I could hardly speak. Julie looked at me intently half smiling, I could see she was enjoying seeing me being dumbfounded. She merely said "I've been shopping". I managed to stammer weakly" I can see that".
I couldn't believe this was Julie. She looked fantastic, most men's fantasy. She had dressed in a very short black leather skirt that only just cover her sexy black knickers, complete with black fish net stockings. A tiny black leather bra was doing its best to hang on to her very well developed tits.
My soldier was no longer at half mast it was at full attention. When I managed to tear my eyes away from her my eyes shot open even wider when I noticed that she had attached manacles to each side of the bedhead and lying at the foot end of bed lay a leg spreader with a rope attaching the centre of it to the centre of the foot end. Julie laughed at my stunned look and my mouth trying to say something. "I got curious about what you were looking at on the Net and I saw you hadn't deleted the history so I had a look". I felt my face redden a bit because some of the stuff I'd stumbled on was very extreme. But Julie was still smiling "I saw that you mostly looked at sites where men were, shall we say at the disadvantage". "I have never thought about this before but the idea has grown on me and I thought well if this is what my man would like to try, why not?" I couldn't believe my ears or eyes, I didn't know whether to rush over and hug and kiss her or what to do.
My eyes were drawn to Julie's hand picking up a short but solid looking leather braided whip as she gave me a challenging look and tapping her whip on her leg she demanded "Well, are you up for it or do you only like to look at this stuff". Still falling over my words I managed to get out "Yes please darling, you're fantastic".
"Okay then, for as long as I decide, I'm not your darling any more, guess what am I"? "My Mistress I stammered". "Be careful not to forget it". My God this was so exciting I was nearly creaming myself just looking at her and taking it all in.
"Okay lay down on the bed." I hurried to obey and was startled when I felt the sting of her whip on my bum as I moved passed her to get to the bed. I turned and started to say something, but when I saw the determined expression on her face a sort of arousal I had never felt before stirred in the depths of me.
I quickly lay on the bed and eagerly stretched my arms up to the manacles while Julie secured them. I saw Julie's smile of satisfaction and for a brief moment I thought I saw something a bit more threatening in her face but decided she was just being smug.
She went to the foot of the bed and put my ankles into the leg spreader. With the centre of the leg spreader attached to the end of the bed I was well stretched out. Julie stepped back to survey the scene and although we had been naked together for years, I suddenly felt more naked than ever before under her gaze. I tested my bonds but soon realised I had no chance of getting free.
I looked up to see Julie had been watching me "There's no chance of you getting away until I let you. I can do anything I like with you, cant I?" I said, "It looks that way"
"Oh dear, no Mistress!! You're probably wondering why I didn't just tie your ankles to the foot of the bed? It's wonderful what can be learned from the Net. I think now is a good time to show you just how serious I am about this. This is going to be so much fun, ...... for me."
She untied the leg spreader from the end of the bed and attached a longer rope that she threaded though the top rail of bed head then pulled the rope hard so that my feet were pulled up over my head bending me double and tied it so I had to remain like that. I briefly wondered what was the purpose of this but didn't have to wait long to find out. Julie looked very pleased with herself. She tickled my very exposed bum with her whip and then did the same to my balls which were very exposed as well.
"Are you starting to get the idea? I going to whip your bum so you get practice of calling me Mistress. After each whip you're to say Yes Mistress. I'll stop when I'm satisfied you sound convincing enough." Shit this was causing me all sorts of emotions and my arousal was escalating rapidly.
The Whippings were hard enough to sting and make me accept I was at her mercy. My biggest fear was that she didn't miss and whip my balls that were also very exposed. After a few whippings Julie was satisfied at my renditions of "Yes Mistress" which had become more earnest with each time the whip struck.
"There's something I need to demonstrate before I retie the leg spreader to the bottom of the bed. I don't really want to hurt you too much, but I have to let you see I mean business for the next part of your ordeal to work. It seems you're getting off on a bit of pain anyway" she Laughed."
With that she took aim and her Whip struck my Balls. It wasn't a hard strike but enough to make me yelp in pain. "Do I need to give you another one to convince you". I very quickly and fearfully answered "NO no Mistress".
She smiled at me and began untying the rope the held me bent double "I thought that would be enough to convince you. So you wouldn't like ten more like that as hard as I whipped your bum" she menaced. Feeling a bolt of fear I very quickly said "Hell NO Mistress"
I was quite relieved when she tied the leg spreader to the foot of the bed again. At least my precious sensitive balls were not so exposed. Julie's eyes were smouldering with the pleasure and the control she had taken over the situation and was very apparent as she gently stroked my chest gradually working her way down to my ridged cock and the sensitive areas around my thighs and balls. She laughed as she saw my writhing in frustration increase as result of her ministrations.
"You know planning all this and doing all this has made me more randy than I thought it would." She slowly and tantalisingly slid her panties off. This was a thousand times more sexy being tied down and completely unable to get to her, made even more urgent by not having had any for over a week. I could see now why she had held out and made me wait. She straddled my face and positioned herself so I could lick her clit. She reached behind her and took my balls in her hand and squeezed enough to make me wish she would stop and said one word "lick". I licked her enthusiastically and felt relief that her grip on my balls relaxed a little. It wasn't long before I felt her body react and heard her noises of pleasure as she climaxed. While she enjoyed the moment I was acutely aware of my own raging need to cum.
"Now that I'm nicely satisfied I can really get on with torturing you." I wondered what in the hell she planned to do but I was helpless to stop her anyway. Julie moved down in the bed and kneeling at my side she stared at my angry throbbing rock hard cock and smiled as she traced her fingers up and down its length. It was electrifying in the state I was in and I twisted against my bonds but they held fast.
With a thoughtful expression she said "I'm sure when I've sucked your cock you've wanted to cum into my mouth, haven't you and tell the truth". Yu..Yes Mistress". She looked amused and said "well here's your big chance". I couldn't believe my luck. "BUT if you do, two things are going to happen to you. First I'm going to grab and squeeze your balls to make you kiss me while I blow your cum into your mouth and make you swallow it, then I'm going to tie your legs back up over your head and whip your balls and you know how that felt don't you?" A tremor of terror went through me, but then thought, that's okay, all I have to do is not to cum into her mouth.
As if reading my thoughts she said "that should be easy, I Love sucking your cock, but I'll stop whenever you tell me to. The light of realisation of what was in store for me flashed on. There I was randy as hell and frustrated beyond anything I had ever experienced before, and I was going to have to stop the orgasm I desperately needed or suffer the terrible fate Julie had cleverly thought up.
"Are you ready? You can say stop at anytime that I'm holding your balls. If you say 'stop' before
I'm holding them, I won't stop, you'll cum into my mouth, and then you'll get the punishment." Julie prided herself in her ability to extract and give exquisite pleasure with her mouth. She had perfected the technique of circling my cock with her fingers and the base of my cock while sucking and using her tongue. She knows my reactions very well and as my excitement increases she moves her fingers had her mouth up and down on my cock at the same time giving me indescribable sensations, but she always timed it so that I cum into the air or in her pussy, but I have to admit I had fantasied about cuming into her mouth. I've always loved Julie sucking me and looked forward to it with great anticipation. But tonight !!!!!!!!
She looked down at me saying "this is going to be fun but I think I better refresh your memory." She picked up her whip and whipped me a couple of times very firmly on the sensitive area on my inner thighs narrowly missing my cock. I yelped at the pain. "Well that seems to have done it, that's only a tickle compared to having your balls whipped though I imagine" she seriously mocked with a smile.
I was at fever pitch. Julie taking charge and enjoying her advantage and control over me was a huge turn on.
This was a diabolical plan. I was desperate to cum, I'd been given permission to cum in her mouth but I knew she would make good her punishment if I did.
Julie positioned herself and glanced at me again with a devilish look and told me "When you asked me to stop, and I do, you will thank your Mistress or you'll get your legs whipped, understand". "Yes Mistress".
She lowered her gorgeous mouth over my cock and thumb and finger around my rampant frustrated cock and began sucking and pumping. Oh god nothing ever felt so good and after only a few seconds I could feel my cum rising. I gritted my teeth to stop myself and despite it being the only thing in the world I wanted right now I tried to twist way but couldn't. Shit I didn't want that punishment and I was hanging on with all my might praying for her to grasp my balls to allow me to say stop. When it was almost too late I felt her hand on my balls I almost screamed STOP then had the double agony of being forced to edge myself. I was panting with the effort of not cuming. Julie was delighted. "this is working even better than I imagined and we can play this all night."
"Well I heard the Stop she laughed but not the 'thank you Mistress'. I quickly said "Sorry Mistress". "I don't think the Mistresses you've been looking at on the Net would have allowed you away with that so I better not either". She whipped my legs four or five times between my knees and thigh and it certainly hurt enough for me to take notice and respect her.
"Please Mistress I don't think I can take any more of this". "But we've only just got started" she laughed, "We have all night". "I don't think I can stop myself from cuming much longer Mistress." "Well you can cum if you want to, but you know I'll punish you with the whip after I've made you swallow your own cum" she reminded me with a laugh.
Again Julie took my cock in her mouth and the torture began again of her giving me powerful sensations knowing I would again have to seriously edge myself. Julie knew how to make it feel so sensual and her skilful use of her hand, mouth and tongue soon had me dangerously close to cuming in her mouth again. I was twisting straining gritting my teeth trying to fight the losing battle. Again soon as her hand touched my balls I desperately screamed "STOP MISTRESS" from behind clenched teeth. I felt panic when she didn't stop straight away and I screamed "PLEASE STOP". After a few more agonising moments Julie abruptly stopped and my cock and body bucked and convulsed and I screamed again at being right on the edge and not cuming. "Please use your hand Mistress" I blurted and pleaded.
But Julie just repeated this over and over this until sweat was running off me in rivers. I begged her constantly to give me a hand job but she just laughed and said "all in good time, I'm enjoying this far too much to stop too soon. I just love watching you edging yourself".
After Julie had reduced me being completely submissive, begging and pleading and almost physically spent she told me I needed a rest. I begged and pleaded again for her to let me cum. "you've had plenty of chances to cum, but you keep telling me to stop silly boy" she mocked.
"I'll make myself a coffee and think about it". She left me lying there twisting around trying to get some sexual relief. She took her time and by the time she returned I was at half mast. I had been rock hard for hours but going a bit soft didn't make any difference to my frustration and desperateness to cum.
Julie Laughed and asked if I would like her to climb on and fuck me. I instantly said 'YES please Mistress". She went to the drawer and took out a packet of condoms which surprised me because we didn't usually use them. Julie was on the pill and we didn't sleep around.
I watched her with desperate anticipation thinking I didn't really care as she put one on, I was just desperate to cum. By the time she got it on my cock was back to being rock hard and rampant to fuck. Then Julie unwrapped another condom and put that one over the top of the first. I thought what the shits going on here. She didn't say anything but put another two condoms on me. Once done, with a devilish smile she sat astride me and steered my grateful cock into her wet warm pussy. Studying my face she asked "how does that feel." Fuck I understood now, I could hardly feel anything. All those condoms practically insulated the sensitivity of my cock. Julie laughed as she saw the realisation dawn in my face. She gave herself a great fucking and orgasm riding my cock while the only sensation I got was extreme frustration.
"That was great" she said with a dreamy look. "Did you enjoy that". Nearly crying with frustration "I couldn't cum Mistress" I heard myself say in a desperate voice. "Well what are we going to do? I don't really feel like any more now, I'm well satisfied." She taunted. "Mistress PLEASE please give me a hand job, please Mistress." She laughed, "I think I can do better than that" stripping off the remaining condoms she took my cock in her mouth again sucking and pumping madly and she had driven me past caring about any punishment. Fuck it I'm so desperate I'll just have to cum in her mouth and take what comes.
Again I swear she read my thoughts, a hares breath away from squirting my load of cum into her mouth she stopped making me writhe and yell in sexual agony but this time she had only stopped long enough strip herself naked for the first time that night, and to get herself astride me and slide my long suffering cock into her wet warm lovely pussy.
The feeling was unbelievable. Nothing in my whole life had ever felt so good. Julie fucked and pumped me with all she had with my hips rising urgently to crush into hers. Suddenly it came, the surge of my hot cum raging though my cock pumping into Julies pussy. Simultaneously my body convulsed with the most intense sensations of pleasure like I'd never felt before. Struggling against my bonds at that exact moment made it even more intense.
I eventually relaxed back onto the bed utterly satisfied and spent and so very grateful to Julie, my Mistress. She had played me to perfection and made me feel things I'd never felt before.
She has told me she's planning our next encounter like this, but won't say when. I guess I'll just have to wait in impatient anticipation!!