Author's Note: This is chapter one of a forthcoming novel about the BDSM adventures of a female artist abducted in southern France.
Chapter 1: Abducted
The afternoon quiet had settled over the provincial town of Aix-en-Provence. A bright Mediterranean sun was beating down on the Cours Mirabeau when she emerged from 'Les Deux Garcons.' Paula blinked at the glare as and walked off, a little unsteadily after a luxurious lunch with the gallery owner. They had celebrated the end of a very successful 10-day exhibition. Almost all of her exhibited work had been sold. Each day she had spoken to very interested potential customers. One of them even had talked about a commission to decorate his villa in Antibes....
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'Life is great!' she thought as she entered the underground parking just off the historic town centre. Its entrance was deeply shadowed by tall, ancient plane trees and in the sudden gloom she almost bumped into an elderly couple.
They were obviously provincials, she saw as she made her excuses. The old man looked up to her uncertainly and said in a soft voice 'Excusez nous Madame, est-ce que vous savez que cette adresse est prés d'ici?' He held up a tattered envelope with a barely legible address scrawled on it.
When she lowered her head to have a better look the old man suddenly dropped the envelope and grabbed her wrists. From behind her someone pressed a stinking rag over her mouth and nose. She struggled violently for a moment, trying to get fresh air into her lungs. But the hands and arms holding her were like steel. She gasped for breath but her strength ebbed away and she slowly sank into a deep darkness...
A sensation of movement...
Vibration and random noises, a smell of leather...
She was in a moving car!
Her eyes were stabbed by bright sunlight shafting into the interior.
When she tried to move she realized she lay stretched out on the backseat, with her ankles and wrists cuffed together. Frightened she tried to sit up but two safety belts held her firmly in place. She tried to cry out but she found her mouth was blocked by something hard tasting of rubber. All she managed to produce was a muffled groan and fear ran through her like a flame.
She looked up and saw the elderly couple sitting demurely in the front seats. She moaned and wriggled furiously but they did not react and in the end she gave up...
She intermittently dozed until the car slowed down and turned off the road. The humming of the tarmac changed to the distinctive crunch of car tyres on gravel and looking up she saw the large posts of an imposing gate pass by. They followed a winding lane that was steadily leading upwards, shaded by stately, age-old trees. Finally, the car came to a stop at the foot of an imposing marble staircase, leading up to the grand entrance of a chateau.
The elderly couple opened the passenger door and quickly undid the safely belts. They cautiously took her out of the car and made her lean against the door while they freed her ankles.
There suddenly was the sharp rap of high-heeled footsteps coming rapidly down the stairs. Turning her head towards the sound she could hardly believe her eyes.
Down the steps came a black clad maid on very high heeled pumps and with black stockings, a starched white apron and a creamy pink rose in her glossy black hair. She could have come straight from a John Willie drawing...
'Suivez-moi, madame' said the maid as she took her by the arm and guided her upwards on the flight of steps. Disoriented and dazed she was led into the cool reception hall of the chateau. There was an old fashioned smell of furniture wax, leather and a whiff of lavender.
The maid led her into what looked like a reception room, just off the corridor. She looked around in astonishment. It was like having been teleported into the 17th century. Louis XIV furniture, an ancient clock encased in a sunburst, paintings of ancestors on horses.
The maid locked the door securely with a key suspended from her belt. Then, without saying a word, she unlocked the wrist cuffs and took the gag out of her mouth. Paula said 'Aaaah...' and worked her cramped jaws to get them going again.
Then she noticed that the maid was quickly undressing her.
'Hey, wait a second!' she screamed as her skirt fell to the ground. She started to fight the deft little hands that had already undone her blouse and were now unhooking her bra. 'What the fuck is going on here? Let me go!'
The girl just said 'Non, madame' and quickly removed her bra. Enraged she swept her right hand towards the maid's face. Then the whole room seemed to somersault and she found herself lying full-length on the cold stone floor. Dazed she tried to get up, only to be shoved back by the maid who, as a final touch, quickly removed her slip.
With surprising strength and dexterity the maid pulled her up from the floor and, while she kept her in a wrestlers' grip, frogmarched her into an alcove where an amazing collection of leather garments was neatly arranged.
Before she knew what was happening the maid had closed a pair of leather cuffs around her wrists and secured them to a chain looped loosely around her waist. Then she closed a wide leather collar around her neck. The final touch was a pair of ankle cuffs linked by a short piece of chain that forced her to take small, delicate steps.
She stood stock-still at the sudden thought that she was totally naked, helplessly cuffed and chained, in a chateau, God may know where...
Her feelings were in turmoil. She was outraged and frightened. At the same time and to her surprise she also was excited and very horny. A warm wetness was growing in her loins...
'What...what...?' she spluttered.
'Tout sera expliqué, madame' said the girl as she fastened a leash to the front D-ring of the collar. Then, with a short jerk on the leash, she motioned Paula to follow her.
They went up a wide oaken staircase and through a corridor onto a secluded, flag stoned terrace. A large table and some comfortable looking chairs had been placed in the shade of a huge oak. The maid motioned her to sit down and after she sat down quickly hooked her collar to the big and heavy chair. She disappeared from sight for a moment and quickly came back with a frosty looking glass of rosé that she placed in front of her. Then, with a polite smile, she left her alone.
Paula picked up the glass with trembling fingers and sipped the chilly wine. She looked at her surroundings in frightened curiosity. The terrace was shaded by old, high trees that whispered in the soft, herb scented breeze. The evening sun gave the mountain ridge on the far side of the valley a bright orange colour. Some cicadas chirped and a wild dove fluttered into one of the trees.
Exhausted she leaned back while she tried to organize the turmoil of her thoughts.
'What is this?' Where am I? What is going to happen to me?'
Footsteps sounded in the corridor; heavy, deliberate steps that made the ancient floor creak and came nearer and nearer. Frightened she frantically tried to get up and out of the chair but the short chain to her collar caught her and held her back. As she struggled her naked feet slipped on the smooth stone terrace and she fell, face forward, against the high back of the chair.
The steps halted next to her.
In a desperate effort to untangle herself she struggled again but slipped even lower into the chair, with her face pressed against the back and her hair caught in the collar chain.
Firm, strong hands took her by the shoulders and put her right side up in the chair. She looked up but saw nothing except the dark shape of a male head against the setting sun.
'Good evening and welcome to my castle!' he said in gentle voice. 'I am Antoine de Symiade.' He stepped aside and she saw her captor for the first time. A strong brown face with a small Vandyke; tall but not too tall; dressed casually in a long sleeved white shirt and with tan slacks tucked into gleaming black riding boots. She thought he looked like an old-time fencing master.
'It looks like we have to rearrange some things' he said.
She looked down and flushed. During the struggle her breasts had become entangled in the chains and she had not even noticed. Before she could make a move his hands came down and removed the chains from her breasts. Then he gently stroked her nipples and took one breast in the cup of his hand, as if to weigh it.
She sat transfixed. The casual way in which he had done this! As if she was his personal property and he could handle any part of her at will! She felt her anger welling up and raised herself, shouting curses at him.
A single, sharp slap in her face sent her stunned back into the chair
'If you address me, it has to be respectful. I do not tolerate mindless shouting. Is that understood?'
'You can't...'
He raised her chin with his right hand fingers and looked her in the face.
'I can't what?'
'Treat me like that! Who are you? What is this place? Let me go or I'll call the police! I'll make you smart for this if you don't let me go now!'
'Don't waste your breath. You'll stay here! And you'll love it!'
Furiously she threw her wineglass at him. But the wrist chain jerked taut and the glass missed him altogether. It flew high into the air and splintered on the terrace with a clear tinkle of broken crystal.
A quick staccato rattle of high heels announced the arrival of the maid. She looked questioningly at the man.
'Madame is angry and can't control her feelings yet. It seems we have to do it for her!' he said quietly.
Quick as a cat the maid grabbed the cuffed wrists and locked them behind Paula's back. With a little bow she handed the key to the man.
Smiling he said 'You will have the use of your arms again when you have learned to behave.'
She swore at him and he silenced her with another slap in her face.
'Do you want to be permanently gagged as well?'
She tried to spit in his face and 20 seconds later a large rubber ball gag was securely fixed in her mouth. All she could do was make vague noises through her nose. And, to her surprise, she became excited by her helplessness. She was naked, chained and gagged; completely in the power of some unknown stranger. Her heart beat faster and she felt a strange heat in her loins and a wetness growing between her legs...
Standing next to her chair he said conversationally 'Now that we have established the rules of behaviour in my castle I will tell what will happen next.'
Unable to speak she looked questioningly at him.
'It was necessary for me to have a look at you in the nude. To see your body as it really is. I must say I am not disappointed!'
After a short pause he continued.
'You will consider yourself my honoured guest from now on. Lisette will ensure you're comfortable. I want you to take a bath and relax. Later, Lisette will dress you and we will dine together. After dinner I will tell you why you're here'.
He turned around and clapped his hands.
The maid appeared almost immediately and he said
'Lisette, conduire madame a la salle de bain!'
The maid bowed politely and said 'Très bien, monsieur le Comte'
'Do behave yourself!' the Count said with a sudden smile 'And don't do stupid things like trying to fight or to fly. Lisette may look petite but she is an expert in unarmed combat. I don't want your beautiful body bruised in a fight!'
He softly stroked her breasts when he spoke to her and the touch went like an electric pulse through her body, ending with a spurt of wetness between her legs.
Astonished she thought 'What is happening, for God's sake'? Why do I react like this?'...
Lisette took off her into what looked like a guestroom with a private bathroom. Once released from her bonds she looked at the door. But Lisette stepped in front of it and gestured her towards the adjacent bathroom.
Ten minutes later she emerged again, feeling clean and fresh but exhausted. Lisette locked a leather collar around her neck again and motioned towards the bed. She said in rapid French. 'You are to rest until I come to dress you for dinner.'
She obediently stretched out on the soft bed.
Lisette quickly locked her collar to a short chain and draped a light blanket over her naked body. Then she left the room and locked the door behind her.
As she slowly drifted into sleep thoughts kept popping up in her mind.
'...where am I?...'
'...what is going to happen to me?..'
'...I must escape, must escape, must escape.......'
Chapter 2: Escape and Capture (added: 2012/09/27)
After a short sleep she was woken up and dressed. Half an hour later Lisette opened the door and led her into the main hall. Passing one of the large mirrors she caught a glimpse of herself and stood as if rooted to the floor. A total transformation had taken place and she hardly recognized herself. She was wearing a body clinging lavender coloured silk dress. Her hair was wavy and her make-up had been done to a degree of perfection she had never been able to reach herself. And she was wearing some fabulous old jewellery that glittered in the dimmed lights. Added to the alluring image in the mirror was the seductive feeling of wearing exceptionally sensual undergarments, very sheer seamed stockings and beautiful (but very high heeled) pumps. It excited her and overwhelmed all other feelings. For the first time she fully understood what the expression 'dressed to kill' meant...
She was led into a small dining room, lit by subdued lights and candles, where dinner was laid for two. The count rose from his chair when she entered and seated her comfortably at the table. When he sat down their knees touched and she hastily sat upright. The count smiled and took a bottle of Veuve Cliquot Brut from a champagne cooler. He poured two glasses and said:
'Allow me to compliment you on your appearance. You look very beautiful!'
'Thank you!' she said, blushing.
'What is your first name?' he asked her
'Paula...' she answered.
'Then, Paula, I drink to a pleasant evening!' he said while he held his glass in her direction.
She took a sip from her glass and looked questioningly at the Count. He smiled and said 'I can see by the look at your face that you desperately want to know why you're here. Am I right?'
She shrugged her shoulders and just nodded 'yes' without answering.
In a quick movement the Count bent across the table and slapped her face. He said sharply:
'Paula, if I ask you a question you will answer with 'Yes, monsieur le Comte' or 'no, monsieur le Comte!'
With a flushed face she said 'Y...yes...monsieur le Comte...'
'Good, now relax and enjoy your dinner. Afterwards I will explain all.'
After a light but excellent dinner the Count took her by her arm and they walked out of the dining room, past the staircase and into the central part of the building. They entered a large room that, again, was furnished in the Louis XV style with period furniture and decorations. This room, she noticed with some surprise, was made lively by bouquets of fresh flowers artfully placed around. And as she looked around she suddenly gasped and stood as if riveted to the floor, staring at the far end of the room.
In the exact centre of the wall hung an almost life size painting....
Of her!
An invisible force seemed to draw her towards the painting. She hesitatingly came closer and closer, until she almost could touch it. Gazing in total astonishment she could hardly believe her eyes. The face, the hair, the posture, the expression; they were all an incredible likeness. Only the 17th century court dress was different. She felt as if a twin sister in period clothes was smiling at her from the picture frame, inviting her to step through a hidden door into an unknown past....
The Count said 'do you recognize her?'
She just nodded, still fascinated by the incredible likeness of the picture.
'This is la Comtesse de Symiade, our local legend.'
He took a deep breath and said 'for many centuries the countess of Symiade has been a mythical personality in this area. She watches over the girls and women that live here. She teaches them the virtues of obedience and subservience.
Looking at Paula he continued: 'The countess herself has to set an example of obedience and submissiveness in a yearly ritual attended by all girls that reach the age of maturity.'
He paused and let out a sigh, then continued: 'Late last year the previous countess of Symiade has been killed in a plane crash in the Alps. The council of elders has commissioned me to find a replacement.'
We have searched all over Europe and you have been chosen to fulfil this task. You will be the next Comtesse de Symiade. Forget all you ever were before.'
Her eyes bulged with surprise and a chill of fright spread through her body. She wanted to shout 'NO, NO!' but the words did not come. She shook her head emphatically and stammered: 'No, I can't ...I have other things to do ...I...I...People will miss me and there will be a search...I have to go back home...'
He smiled sardonically. 'When we investigated you, we found that you have told your friends and family that, once your exhibition was over, you would tour continental Europe, looking for a better place to live as an artist. You might even buy a house somewhere if the price was right. In any case you are not expected to be back soon...'
She sputtered: 'But I don't want this ...I'm an artist.. I have other interests!'
His eyes narrowed and he lowered his voice as he said: 'My dear, we've found out more about you than you think. Under that veneer of good manners and artistry you are a very erotic person who is essentially submissive and likes a bit of pain.'
She started to sweat and stammered 'No...no...I refuse...'
His voice hardened as he said 'Be careful. If you definitely refuse we will be forced to take drastic measures!'
She whispered 'What do you mean...?'
'Have you ever heard about an 'Oubliette?'
'It is a small, conical shaped cell dug out under the deepest cellars. During the 17th century Cardinal de Richelieu used them to dispose of his political enemies, those he could not have publicly killed. They were chained to the wall of the oubliette and the entrance was bricked over'.
He paused for a moment.
Then he continued in a harsh voice 'you know too much already. There are two of those 'Oubliettes' left in this building. If you refuse we'll have to put you into one of them'.
Unable to speak, she looked at him with wide, frightened eyes as he added
'Nobody will ever find you...'
He led her out of the room and when he handed her over to Lisette he almost whispered
'It's up to you'.
A blackbird started a melodious song in a tree close to the window. It was answered by another blackbird further away. Smaller birds chirped and twittered and the day was about to begin.
She opened her eyes and looked at the unfamiliar surroundings.
'Which hotel is this?'...
Sleepily she tried to figure out why she had booked into a hotel with a room so grand...and she slowly sat up.
'Where am I?'...
Looking around, the first thing she saw was the beautiful, lavender coloured dress, neatly hanging from a wardrobe door. Suddenly everything came back: the frightening talk with the Count; the walk back to her room and that awful maid undressing her and locking a leather collar around her neck, chaining her to the bed. She had stretched out on the wide, comfortable bed with sheets smelling of lavender and sunlight. And despite the turmoil of her thoughts, she had almost immediately fallen int a deep sleep.
Suddenly, and with an icy clarity, the Count's awful last words came back in her mind: '...You know too much already. There are still two of those 'Oubliettes' left in this building...'
Sweating and trembling with fear she could only think of one thing.
'How can I escape?'
Her eye fell upon her shoulder bag carelessly tossed onto a chair and a thought flashed through her head. She swung her legs out of the bed and walked as far as the chain to her collar let her get to the chair but the bag was still beyond her reach. Disappointed she sat down on the floor, looking at the bag. Impulsively she stretched herself flat on her back and squirmed forward until the chain was taut again. She stretched her leg as far as she could and her toes just touched the bag. Grunting she hooked her foot behind it and with a quick move let it topple towards her onto the floor. She swiped it up and scuttled quickly back into bed.
Looking inside she gave out a sigh of relief. The contents had been tossed around by the tumble off the chair but nothing was broken. They obviously had gone over the contents but had apparently missed the two small compartments inside where she kept things, 'just in case'. Things like an extra comb, some extra lipstick, a couple of condoms... and a small Swiss army knife.
Her fingers trembled when she opened the knife's largest blade. Testing it with her thumb she noticed it was still very sharp. Then she started sawing carefully at her leather collar.
A few minutes later she threw the hated collar on the bed and tiptoed quietly to the window. Careful not to make a sound she shoved the heavy curtain aside. It was very early in the morning. The glare of the sun was still hidden behind the mountain ridge on the other side of the valley. Deep purple shadows covered the chateau. On the far side of the deserted courtyard were some buildings that looked like they had been stables in the old days. Now they seemed to be in use as tool-sheds and garages. She incuriously looked at the few visible cars and she froze.
Her own car was neatly parked between them!
She gasped 'Oh my God! My car, it's here!'
They must have brought it over from Aix!
If I only can reach it I can escape!'
She was suddenly all business and briskly turned away from the window.
Clothes, she must have normal clothes and not this opera-night stuff she had been wearing last night. Hurriedly she went through the wardrobe and a cabinet full of expensive, very beautiful dresses. But the only suitable clothing she found was a heavy, cream colored silk blouse and a long, plum colored skirt.
Next: shoes! Another hurried search yielded nothing but high heeled pumps in various sizes and colors. Desperate, she grabbed a fitting pair of five inch heeled brown pumps and, clutching them in her hand, tiptoed to the door. It was locked, of course! Inwardly she cursed that bitch of a maid with her infernal key chain around her waist. Disappointed she went back to the window where she tried the catches.
To her surprise they opened easily.
A wonderfully fresh stream of free air caressed her face She breathed deeply and as she looked out of the window she thought 'OK, so far, so good. Now what comes next?'...
To her left she noticed a narrow ledge running along the façade. It was about a foot wide and led to the corner of the building, a few yards away. And at that corner was an ivy covered rain pipe...
She looped het bag around her shoulder and tucked the shoes into her waistband. Then, after summoning up all her courage, she stepped out onto the ledge. With her arms spread wide and pressing her body against the already warm stones of the wall she shuffled slowly along, taking care not to look down. Her fingers finally touched the ivy clad rain pipe and she grabbed it with a sigh of relief. Slowly and carefully, she climbed down the creaking and swaying ivy searching with her feet for support. When she was almost down, her naked feet slipped off the ivy and her fingers lost their grip. She fell down a few feet and landed heavily on the gravel where she lay panting for a few seconds.
Soon she caught her breath again and she looked around. The courtyard was quiet and there was nobody in sight. But she somehow had the feeling she was being watched and quickly scuttled out of sight into the bushes.
For several minutes she waited breathlessly, but nothing happened. Reluctantly, she put on the totally unsuitable shoes and made her way to the garage. She kept to the grassy edge of the path and did not dare to walk fast on the unfamiliar six inch heeled pumps. Once she was inside the garage she hurried towards the door of her car and, almost mad with relief, tried to open it.
It was locked.
Tears of frustration came into her eyes as she frantically pulled at the locked door. After a few tries she gave up and looked around. She noticed some sort of office cubbyhole in a corner, with a desk, lockers and shelves.
'Perhaps they keep the keys in there, somewhere?'
The stiletto heels of her pumps rattled on the concrete floor as she hurried over to the little office. It smelt of stale cigarette smoke and oil. Where should she look? After a moment's hesitation she opened the topmost drawer of the desk.
And there were her car keys, neatly stacked on top of her license and insurance papers.
With an immense feeling of relief she reached into the drawer.
But just when her fingers touched the keys there was a sudden, shuffling movement behind her. Before she could look around a strong arm circled around her neck and a hand grabbed her right wrist. She let out a frightened shriek as her arm was turned painfully behind her back. Looking down she saw that both the arm and hand were encased in black, shining latex and she cried out in fright again.
Her invisible assailant hauled her bodily out of the confined space of the office. As they stumbled into the courtyard, she saw Lisette hurrying towards her and behind her came the Count, walking at a rapid but measured pace.
Her heart sank in despair and she started to cry bitterly.
Her escape had failed...
With a quick movement Lisette cuffed Paula's hands behind her back and only then the black latex arms released her from their grip. She turned around and gave another frightened cry.
Behind her stood a...man? Or was it?
It had to be a man, to judge by his build and the very visible bulge in his crotch. He was dressed in a tight fitting black latex corset from which jutted sizeable breasts, the nipples pierced with large rings. His head was completely bald but his face seemed to be made up with mascara, rouge and lipstick. Large, copper coloured earrings hung from his small ears. A heavy leather collar was locked around his neck. His hands and arms were covered by shoulder length latex gloves, hooked by garters to the collar. His latex thigh-highs were also held up by gleaming garters. He wore spike-heeled ankle boots. And he had leather cuffs around his wrists and ankles.
She had never seen such a weird sight in her life.
The Count stopped in front of her.
He gestured towards the latex clad figure with his left hand and said
'Allow me to introduce you to our Lou-Lou!'
The latex-clad travestite grinned and took a step in her direction. She tried to move away but Lisette's grip at her cuffs held her firmly in place.
'We call him Lou-Lou, short for Louis / Louise. You see, Louis was Lisette's half-brother. One day she came home unexpectedly and found him, dressed in her clothes and completely made up as a woman, masturbating in front of a mirror. The Countess interrogated him and it turned out that he had been a lifelong closet travestite.'
Lou-Lou bowed his head as the Count continued.
'She warned him to either stop this behaviour, confess to be a travestite and dress permanently as a woman or go away. He agreed to stop it. But some months later he was caught again, dressed up as a travestite and trying to seduce a very young boy. The Countess told him he had had his chance and spoilt it by his behaviour. She sentenced him to remain half man, half women forever. His body hair has been removed, permanent make up has been applied and he has been given breast implants. The ear and nipple rings are of the permanent kind. He cannot remove them'.
'Lou-Lou is now the servant and guardian of all women in the chateau' said the Count while he motioned Lou-Lou to come forward. He moved Lou-Lou's latex slip aside. A gleaming steel tube showed. 'To make sure we control his urges he has been put into a chastity belt. This ensures he cannot masturbate. And an erection in this thing is very painful'.
She sputtered 'But...but...'
The Count smiled at the unspoken question. 'And Lisette makes sure that every now and then he is allowed to get his relief. She takes off his Latex outfit and allows him to shower or bathe. Afterwards he may dress up as a whore and masturbate in front of a mirror...'
The count looked earnestly at her. 'So you see my dear lady, we have very severe and effective punishments for people who disobey the rules of Symiade! And speaking of punishment, since you have tried to leave us without permission, we have to decide on your punishment too!'
With that he turned around and said 'Lisette and Lou-Lou, take her to the punishment chamber!'
They took her down a narrow staircase and into an arched basement corridor, where their footsteps rang loud on the tiled floor. For a moment they halted while Lisette unlocked an old oaken door. Then down another staircase they went and this time it ended on narrow tiled path, flanked by a sandy bottom.
It was pitch dark down here. The beam of a flashlight carried by the Count revealed curved masonry arches. He lowered the beam and followed the tiles until it shone at a half opened door. He said quietly: 'There's the punishment room. But before we enter it I want to show you something else. It will help you make up your mind...'
She was taken a few yards down the sandy floor. The little group stopped just short of two dark holes that suddenly yawned at their feet. The holes were about three feet across, their dusty hinged covers standing open.
The Count said 'Come closer, Paula, and have a look at the Oubliette waiting for you...'
Lou-Lou gripped her more tightly as he shoved her forward towards the edge of the hole. She looked down in terror. The beam of the flashlight revealed high walls curving down to a brick floor. The beam of the flashlight revealed the dull gleam of rusty steel rings bolted into the walls and off a short chain with a steel collar dangling from one of them...
'You are lucky' said the Count. 'We have no rats here; and no flooding. We first will throw down some straw for you to lie on. Then we will take you down and lock that collar around your neck. Then you will be given a final choice. If you refuse again, we will close the trapdoor and cement bricks over it...'
Cold sweat stood on her face and she felt faint. She suddenly realized it was no idle threat...
In a mindless panic she sputtered 'No...no...please don't! Please...'
'Take her to the punishment chamber!'
Lisette flipped a light switch as they entered and it revealed a wide, circular shaped cell with rough planks for a floor. The walls were adorned with various canes, whips, cords and other BDSM implements.
'Undress her!' commanded the Count and a few moments later she was standing completely naked.
'The boots!' commanded the Count.
Lou-Lou held her in a tight grip again while Lisette quickly put a pair of ballet boots with 8 inch heels on Paula's feet. When they released her she stood tottering on the impossibly high heels, with only the squared off toes to steady her.
'This is punishment number one' said the count. 'You are not used to wearing very high heels. So you will wear these boots until I decide you can take them off!'
Then he said to Lisette: 'Number Two!'
Lisette and Lou-Lou forced her arms into a single glove behind her back. After buckling up the straps very tightly they shoved Paula into the middle of the cell where they fitted a polished steel collar around her neck. It was attached to a chain that came down from a pulley in the ceiling. They fitted a spreader bar between her ankles and pushed a gag into her mouth. Then, when everything was completed, Lisette hooked the end of the single glove to another chain coming down from the ceiling.
Smirking, Lisette hauled it up until Paula's arms were hoisted almost horizontal behind her back, forcing her to bend over. Afraid of toppling over, she stood balancing on the tips of the demeaning ballet boots. Saliva drooled around the ball gag and dripped onto the floor, where it mingled with the tears of humiliation that streamed down her face.
The Count walked over to her, wielding a thin flexible cane.
He stood in front of her and said sternly 'You will never try to run away again! Is that understood?'
She did not react.
His arm swept up and the thin, flexible cane swept down, striking her across her naked buttocks. The stinging lash made her yell but only a moan escaped from her gagged mouth. She frantically tried to move her body away but in vain. Trapped and tied, she could not escape another lash, followed by another and another. Her moans rang around the punishment cell until the Count finally stopped caning her
When he said: Do you now understand? You will never try to run away again?' she nodded assent, while tears of humiliation and pain streamed from her eyes.
'Because you refused to answer me for such a long time, your punishment will be extended by six more strokes' said the Count.
Expertly he lashed the thin cane across the glowing red welts that crossed her buttocks, waiting a few moments between each stroke to ensure she would have to endure the maximum amount of pain.
After the last stroke she hung sobbing and weeping in her chains.
'We'll leave you now to contemplate what you have done and to make up your mind!' said the Count and he walked out of the punishment cell with a measured thread.
Giggling, Lisette grabbed the clothes from the floor and switched off the lights as she left the cell, slamming the door shut behind her.
Paula was left standing in total darkness, inescapably tied and gagged and absolutely helpless as the ominous sound of bolts being shoved home reverberated round the basement.
Chapter 3: Humiliated! (added: 2012/09/27)
How long had she been here?
She had lost all notion of time in the absolute silence and the pitch darkness that surrounded her.
Her legs ached. She had tried to shift weight from the toes to the heels and nearly had lost her balance. She could make no move except standing bent over forward while balancing on her toes. Once again she wriggled her arms in a vain effort to free them from the single glove.
And yet, despite her acute discomfort, the feeling of utter helplessness excited her. With each movement she felt her breasts sway free, dangling in the cool air of the cell, ready for anyone to grab them, squeeze them. Her legs were spread wide apart and her naked cunt was there for the taking. She was totally at the mercy of whoever would open that door and the thought alone made her pussy dripping wet. She moaned as she tried to close her legs and somehow ease the yearning for a cock, a dildo, anything shoved up and into her.
But the spreader bar held her legs firmly apart. All she could do was lean into the collar chain to ease the weight on her legs and moan and wriggle while feverish erotic images drifted through her mind.
The clicking sound of stiletto heels approaching on a stone floor made her raise her head in anticipation. The bolts were shoved back and the light was switched on, almost blinding her after the pitch dark. Through half closed eyes she saw Lisette coming towards her. She was dressed as usual but his time the black dress looked a little bit shorter. Every step she took showed her stocking tops and garter tabs. And her décolleté was wider and deeper, showing most of her fine breasts. And a large strap-on dildo dangled from her left hand.
She stood very close to the bound and gagged Paula and said sarcastically:
'So, how does our would-be Countess feel after her little punishment?'
Paula just closed her eyes and did not react.
'Oh, you don't want to talk about it? But I do think you secretly enjoy it! Here, let me check!' and she reached between Paula's legs.
Paula moaned 'Nnnnnh!' but the spreader bar prevented her closing her lags. So she tried to turn away.
Lisette grinned. 'No, no, stay here!' she said while she firmly grabbed one of Paula's dangling breasts.
She lightly rubbed her fingers in Paula's snatch and cried out 'Ahhh, you're wet! Soaking wet! Just as I thought!' She brought her hand up and Paula tried to move her head away from the fingers that smeared her face with her own cunt juice.
'Aha, madame l'artiste! You're nothing but a dirty submissive slut. I bet you have been dreaming of someone ramming a cock up that tight cunt of yours!' She moved her hand over Paula's pussy lips again and said 'You know, it IS a nice cunt...' Grinning Lisette showed Paula the strap-on dildo and said 'I think you are really ready for some nice extra punishment!'
'Nmmmmmhhhh!' moaned Paula, while she again tried to move away, barely keeping her balance on the absurd ballet boots.
'Ohhh, you don't like to be fucked by a woman?' said Lisette in mock surprise as she hitched up her short skirt and girded the strap-on dildo around her waist. She buckled it up and turned towards Paula, the dildo sticking out obscenely from under the hem of her skirt.
'Ohhh, look what have we here?' she said in mock surprise as she fondled Paula's swollen, wet clit 'Something to play with!' Paula screamed 'Nnnnnnnnnnhhhhh!' as Lisette kneaded and massaged the erect clit. Lisette just giggled while she started to knead one of Paula's nipples, moving rhythmically in sync with the finger that circled and tickled Paula's clit. And with her fingers playing Paula's sensitive spots, Lisette was whispering softly and coaxingly.
'This is what you have always wanted, is n't it? This is what you secretly dreamt of, when you were alone in your bed, with one hand kneading your clit and the other pinching your nipple. This is what you secretly wanted all these years, to be bound and gagged and dominated and used. Used while your pussy grows hot and wet. Used until you beg for a cock deep into your snatch that fucks you hard until you come. Until you come...Until you come...'
Paula wriggled and bucked desperately as she tried to get her dripping pussy away from the circling finger. But Lisette pulled at the chain that held the single glove and raised Paula's arms high behind her back, forcing her to stand deeply bent over. In one swift motion Lisette stepped behind her and quickly rammed the strap-on dildo far up Paula's dripping wet cunt.
Paula shrieked and struggled but there was no escape from the large dildo that moved rhythmically up and down her cunt. And while she struggled and moaned she felt a fire slowly but inescapably building up in her lower belly. A fire stoked by the dildo that went faster and faster inside her. A fire fuelled by Lisette's long-nailed fingers that circled her clit and kneaded her nipple. By Lisette's voice whispering in her ears 'You want to come, you want to come...'Lightning flashes seemed to sparkle before her eyes and suddenly she stopped resisting and surrendered to the incredible waves of lust that shot through her body. Wilder and wilder she moved her hips up and down to meet the dildo with loud, wet smacking sound. And she moaned and whimpered and wriggled as she tried to bend over even deeper, trying to spread her legs even wider, to get the ramming dildo deeper and deeper inside her. Until finally a great wave of fire and ice swept her up and away into a massive orgasm that made her scream and wrestle with her bonds.
Paula hung in the chains, exhausted and sweating, gasping for breath while Lisette leisurely undid the strap-on harness. She took the ballgag out of Paula's mouth and raised Paula's sweat covered head. Smirking she said 'Mmmmm, that was nice, was n't it? And if you behave the Count will maybe do something even better to you. But you have to learn how to behave, little sub!'
Lisette removed the spreader bar and the singe glove and Paula came upright with some difficulty. She was trembling all over, standing stark naked and still wearing the polished steel collar and ballet boots.
'The Count will allow you to have your hands in front today little sub - but only if you behave!' murmured Lisette while she fastened a chain around Pula's waist from which dangled a pair of handcuffs. Paula nodded dumbly and watched meekly as Lisette snapped the cuffs shut.
'Come on - up we go!' said Lisette as she hooked a leather leash to the collar and with a jerk made for the door. Paula stumbled after her in the absurd ballet boots that slipped on the sand covered tiles in the low arched corridor.
When they reached the staircase Lisette halted abruptly and turned to face Paula. Her cat-green eyes flashed angrily and she hissed venomously: 'And don't you forget. The count may call you Madame and Paula. But when we're alone you're in MY power and you're just my little sub. And I can do with you what I like! And whenever I like! Understood?'
The day passed in a nightmare whirl.
Lisette had led her in front of the Count. For several minutes he had just looked at her naked form, without speaking a word. Then he had sighed and while he shook his head he had said in a decisive voice:
'You still do not seem to understand what is required of you. You will have to be prepared for your role: to teach and to give guidance in obedience and submissiveness. But you have shown us that you have no real experience with both subjects. We therefore will re-educate you during the coming weeks, or as long as it takes!'
Then he waved her away and turned back to the papers on his desk.
Her heart sank and icy sweat broke out over her naked body. Re-educate? The coming weeks! As long as it takes! What were they going to do to her? What would happen?
Before she could utter a sound Lisette had taken her down the stairs into a dark cell where she was given a simple meal. Lisette came in when Paula just had swallowed the last bit of bread with the last gulp of coffee. She was followed by Lou-Lou who carried a bundle of oddments she could not recognize.
'Stand in the middle of the room!' snapped Lisette and Paula complied hurriedly.
Quickly and surely Lisette and Lou-Lou dressed Paula in a kind of leather harness with steel studded loops that encircled and pushed up her free hanging breasts. Next they wove a complicated system of straps around her torso. Two separate leather straps went between her legs and came together behind her back. From a wide leather belt around her waist dabbled two leather cuffs and Lisette quickly locked these tightly around Paula's wrists.
Then Lisette held her upright by her shoulders while Lou-Lou removed the ballet boot from her right leg. She stood balancing on one leg while he quickly fitted something that looked like a calf-length boot and pulled the laces tight. A similar boot was fitted to her left leg and soon she stood wobbling on very highly raised heels. But these heels were much wider than those on the ballet boots.
Lisette stepped in front of her, holding a complicated piece of headgear in her hands. It was then that Paula realized what was happening.
It could not be!
They could not...!
'Hey!' she started to shout but Lisette fitted the headgear in one practiced movement over Paula's head. Her mouth was still opened in protest and she closed it just too late. Her teeth came down on the hard leather of the bit and her vision was suddenly restricted by a pair of blinkers.
'Yes my little sub, from now on you're going to be a pony girl. Is n't that lovely?' Lisette purred while she tightened the leather head and chin straps.
Paula gargled and sputtered and shook her head frantically in protest but the bit between her teeth was pulled tight and speaking was nearly impossible.
'Ohhh, you don't want to?' smirked Lisette as she fitted a lavender colored plume to the headgear.
'Nnnnnhhhh' sputtered Paula
'But you'll have to, little sub. It will break that stubborn spirit of yours!' and she giggled nastily.
Paula's eyes filled with tears when Lisette clasped a pair of heavy nipple clamps with bells attached to her swollen nipples. 'You look so cute! And they sound so lovely. Want to hear them?' grinned Lisette and she shook Paula's breasts making the bells dance with a high tingling sound.
'Now the final detail, Lou-Lou!' said Lisette as she stood back.
Paula screamed as suddenly something hard and cold was shoved up her anus. She tried to look behind and down but could see nothing because of the blinkers. She could only feel the horrible thing inserted in her anus and Lou-Lou's hands on her buttocks as he fastened it to the harness. She wriggled as she tried to shake of the headgear and tried to get her hands free. But the wrists cuffs held them in an iron grip close to the belt and she could not reach either the humiliating thing in her ass or the demeaning bit in her mouth.
Lisette hooked a pair of reins to the bit rings and pulled her forward, towards the corridor and past a large mirror. When Paula looked at herself she gasped and a feeling of despair overwhelmed her. 'No, no, nooooooo....' She screamed despite the bit in her mouth and tears streamed down her cheeks.
She saw a woman completely harnessed, in blinkers, with a bit in her mouth and a long and wavy pony tail hanging down between her legs. And the boots had hooves under the soles....
'Come on, little sub or we'll have to use this' said Lisette while she waved a black leather riding crop under Paula's nose. When Paula inadvertently stumbled and stopped walking, Lisette hissed 'It feels like this' and whacked Paula's buttock.
'Ahhhh' cried Paula. She arched her back and involuntary took a step forward.
'Yeah, that's the way, pony girl' hissed Lisette and she whacked Paula's bottom again.
'Aaaggggh' cried Paula and involuntarily started walking forward on the impossibly high heeled hooves. Lisette led her down into a dark corridor and every hesitation of Paula was met with a whack on her bottom. Finally they emerged into a sand filled, courtyard enclosed by high stone walls. To her left Paula saw what looked like a terrace, with some comfortable seats and a table under a parasol. The sun shone directly down on the clear white sand and she noticed something like wheel ruts in a large circle around the pole.
'Lou-Lou, c'est a toi!' said Lisette while she held Paula short reined in place. Paula heard some noises behind her but could not see what was happening. Then she suddenly felt two handles being shoved into her cuffed hands. Involuntary she gripped them and Lou-Lou quickly locked something on to her cuffs. Paula looked down and saw she had been hooked to the towing bars of something behind her.
Then she really panicked. She tried to escape from the handles and the reins and the headgear by throwing herself about wildly. But Lisette held her on a very short rein and smacked her bottom again with the riding crop while she hissed: 'If you don't behave we'll use the cattle prod!'
Finally Paula stood still, shivering in humiliation and fear while tears streamed down her face.
Lou-Lou came into her restricted vision again and she cringed at the presence of that hideous figure. He hooked something to her collar and looked at Lisette.
Lisette pulled the reins over Paula's head. Someone took them and she felt the towing bars shift as if someone stepped into ... a carriage?
Without warning came a flaming, fiery stroke of a whip across her buttocks and the command 'March!'
Involuntary she took a step forward and halted. The whip came again and someone shouted 'March!' She tried to escape the whip by taking some hesitant steps forward. 'Quicker!' but another whiplash seared her bottom, followed by the command 'Quicker!'
She reluctantly trotted forward, dragging whatever it was behind her. When they reached the edge of the circle, the impossible hooves made her stumble in the soft sand and she nearly fell flat. Somehow she regained her balance and soon she trotted moderately fast across the blazing white sand. The reins jerked her head to the left and she headed that way until the line attached to her collar was stretched taut. And then she suddenly understood why there was a pole in the middle of the courtyard. She was driven around in a circle, tethered to the pole....
'Quicker!' came the shout and the whip cut across her back this time. She cried out and stumbled but again she managed to keep running, this time as if she was in a desperate hurry. As she completed the first circle around the pole she managed to look briefly aside. Lisette was sitting in on the armrest of one of the easy chairs. The doors had been closed and in the reflection of their glass she glimpsed herself running, the pony tail dangling from her buttocks. She was pulling a light sulky in which Lou-Lou was sitting, wielding a large whip!
They kept her going round and round the pole until she had lost all sense of time or direction. Running and trotting, then walking with her knees lifted up high, as if she was show horse. In the end she had collapsed on the hot sand, exhausted and gasping for breath. Even Lou-Lou's whiplashes could not get her up and going again.
'You have to learn to drink like pony-girls do!' said Lisette while she had shoved a little basin of water under Paula's face.
Paula had submerged her parched mouth in the basin and had tried to suck and lap up as much as she could. It was not much because of the bit. And all the while Lisette had stood over her, laughing at her humiliation
'I'll ask the Count if I may keep you here as a pony girl. Our guests would like your style around the pole. We only have to work on your endurance a bit more!' she had said jokingly.
She lay panting and exhausted on the sand and could not even summon up enough energy to protest. Lou-Lou undid the line to her collar and unhooked the sulky from her wrists. Once freed Lisette roughly hauled to her feet and while she stood swaying in the slanting rays of the setting sun, cuffed her hands behind her back. Lisette took her by the reins and led her back to the chateau. She followed meekly, stumbling over her own tracks in the hot sand. They went through a kind of stable door and entered a different part of the chateau. She was led into a cubicle that was lined with roughly sawn planks and had some straw on the floor.
'You will stay here tonight 'said Lisette as she removed the headgear and chained Paula's collar to a ring in the wall. With a few swift movements she attached ankle cuffs and a spreader bar to immobilize Paula even further.
"I'll be back tomorrow, little sub!'
She closed the door behind her with a bang, followed by the rattling sound of bolts driven home.
Helplessly chained to the wall and locked-up, Paula looked around her.
It was a bare, dark cell with straw on the floor. Two basins in a corner, one filled with water and the other with something like cold rice and some vegetables. Her hands were still cuffed to her sides. She would have to eat like an animal...
A bucket to pee in stood in a corner.
Crying she collapsed on the straw...
Chapter 4: Living in Hell (added: 2012/09/27)
Paula soon understood the meaning of '...living in a private hell...'
Every morning she was hauled from the straw by Lisette and despite her violent resistance the demeaning headgear was put on and she was tied to the sulky. At first she stubbornly refused to walk but the rapid whiplashes across her buttocks soon made her go forward in a desperate effort to escape the pain. Round and round the pole she went, trotting and running, walking while she lifted her hoof-boots high in the air. Until she finally could not go any further and collapsed exhausted on the hot sand, with tears streaming down her face.
Every time Lisette roughly hauled her to her feet and dragged her gasping and stumbling across the blazing white sand back to her cell in the chateau. There she splashed some water over her to cool her down, chained her to the wall and dumped her handcuffed on the straw.
In the afternoon she was brought out again, this time to amuse a 'visitor'. Most of them were men, sometimes a woman. She was made to drag the sulky on a gravel path around the chateau. For these afternoon rides Lisette added an additional humiliation. An extra boom with a large dildo at the end was fitted between her legs and the sulky. It was held in place by a length of ½ inch knotted nylon rope, tied tightly around her waist and drawn taut. The dildo moved inside her and the knots slid up and down and across her clit with each and every step she took while her free swinging breasts, adorned by the nipple clamps with bells, sent arousing waves of pain down to her belly. Soon the rope and dildo and clamps started an uncontrollable fire in her loins that sent out raging flames through her whole body.
Soon the rub of the rope against her clit and the movement of the dildo in her wet pussy made her stagger and slow down. The passenger in the sulky would lash out with the whip, but the stinging pain would only increase the wildfire in her loins. She would slow down even more until finally, stumbling and shaking, with whiplashes coming down on her buttocks as a flaming rain, she would fall down in a violent orgasm.
After she had been led her back to the cell, the visitors always wanted to fondle her breasts and buttocks and probe her pussy. Slowly but surely a fatalistic mood had come over her. The daily humiliation of a public orgasm and afterwards being fondled and handled by total strangers had changed her profoundly. She no longer resisted the headgear and the sulky. And if a visitor wanted to probe her pussy she did not try to turn away but bent slightly over backwards to allow easy access to her underbelly...
One of them had run a podgy finger through Paula's dripping wet pussy and had whispered in a hoarse voice: 'I will buy you from the Count! Take you home! Keep you as my slave! To make love to me only...' she had just stared ahead and not even reacted.
She had been broken to the bit.
One afternoon she had been harnessed to the sulky again when the visitor took Lisette aside and whispered something in her ear while she handed her some bills. Lisette nodded approval and, after tucking the money away in her décolleté, walked over to Paula with a smirk on her face. She said 'Lucky you! The Baroness von Fulda says it is too hot for a sulky ride. She would rather enjoy you in another way...'
Paula took a quick look at the Baroness. She was a tubby little creature with an ugly, toad like face. Lust was shining from her small, dark eyes.
Before she could get a better look Lisette took her away to 'dress her for the occasion'.
Half an hour later, Paula found herself standing in a circular turret room. Lisette had 'dressed' her rather scantily, if wearing an underslung bra, a garter belt, stockings and high heeled ankle strap pumps could be called 'dressed.' She stood with her arms raised above her head, her wrists cuffed to a short bar that was suspended from the ceiling by a chain. ' After locking the short chain between her ankle-cuffs to a pad-eye in the floor Lisette had left with a sarcastic 'Have a nice time, little sub!.
Some minutes later the baroness came in and Paula gasped at the sight. The baroness wore a tight black elastic corset that exposed most of her large, sagging breasts. It accentuated her massive belly that stuck out like a bass drum. Her thick, podgy arms were covered by elbow-length opera gloves. Her blubbery legs were encased in thigh-high soft leather boots with spiked heels. Black stocking tops were hooked up to the corset by wide garters. A course bush of hair showed under the fat-folds above her crotch. And her face was thickly made up with mascara and eye-shadow.
She looked like the oldest, ugliest whore in the world and was slowly, steadily approaching her...
'So, darling' said the baroness in a guttural voice with a thick German accent 'this is much more pleasant than hauling that stupid little cart around, no?'
Paula had nodded, not knowing what to say. She shivered at the touch of the baroness who had sidled up to her.
'You may speak to me, darling' said the baroness. 'I have instructed Lisette not to gag you, because I want to hear your voice.' And all the time she crept closer and closer until her ugly, toad like face almost touched Paula's. The small, pig like eyes radiated lust as she whispered 'I want to hear your voice when I make you come!' while she put a thick, gloved finger between Paula's pussy lips.
'Oh no, please...don't!' Paula muttered
'What are you afraid of, darling?', the baroness asked while her fingers deeply entered Paula's snatch. 'It's just us two girls having a little fun...'
'Nooooo....' Paula cried
'Why not darling? It will be nice to rub your wet pussy against mine so that you and I come together, no?'
I...I don't...'
'Ahh, you've never been intimate with a woman before! Wunderbar, then you're almost a virgin!'
And all the while her fingers moved deep inside Paula's pussy, her thumb rubbed Paula's clit and her mouth closed on one of Paula's nipples.
'Oh no! Please no! Please no! Paula screamed and she tried to get away from the fat ugly female that was invading her. But it was no use. The baroness simply locked ablubbery arm around her waist and kept the chain to the bar tight. And all the while she rubbed Paula's clit and moved her fingers up and down Paula's pussy. Grunting she lifted her large breasts out of the corset and rubbed her nipples against Paula's while her slavering mouth came down hard on Paula's lips, smothering her cries.
Helplessly trapped and masturbated Paula's body started to react. Her nipples swelled and became more and more sensitive. Flames seemed to radiate from her clit into her belly and involuntary she started to move her hips to the rhythm of the baroness fingers. Finally, she gasped and shook with an orgasm.
'Ach, du bist so shön!' the baroness said 'And now it's my turn'.
She unhooked the chain and, after cuffing Paula's hands behind her back, dragged her towards a comfortable chair in a corner. There she forced Paula on her knees while she settled in the chair. She opened her legs wide and pulled Paula's face towards her dripping cunt.
'Lick!' she commanded
When Paula hesitated, the baroness gripped Paula's hair and yanked her face forward until was buried in the layers of fat overhanging the hairy crotch.
And Paula started to lick the dirty cunt that stank of urine and female juices. She licked and licked until the baroness arched her back and pressed her cunt even tighter in Paula's face. She yelled 'Ja..ja. Ich komme...Ich komme!', her fat legs jerking convulsively and the spiked heels beating a tattoo on the floor.
Paula's incarceration in the stables ended one late afternoon, after she had hauled another visitor around the castle, Instead of dumping her cuffed and chained on the straw, Lisette led her up what seemed endless series of stairs until they reached a bedroom liked the one Paula had been in before. This room was large and comfortable. But the windows had iron bars outside and Lou-Lou was guarding the corridor, looking like a large and angry mastiff lying curled up in some kind of large sleeping basket
Headgear and harness taken off she stood waiting obediently in the middle of the clean and comfortable room and Lisette snapped 'Take a shower and get some rest. I'll be back in an hour or so!' then she walked out and slammed the door behind her. Paula took the few steps to the bathroom as if in a trance. She could not believe it! A wonderful warm shower! To rinse off the grime and sand and sweat of she did not know how many days! When she came out of the bathroom she let herself fall full length onto the inviting softness of the bed and almost immediately fell asleep.
'Wake up, little sub. You have duties to perform!' Lisette snarled while she shook Paula's shoulder sharply. Slowly, Paula raised herself until she sat upright, totally naked except for the towel she had used to dry herself. 'Come on, stop wasting time and get dressed!' Lisette said, pointing to a heap of garments on a chair next to a large mirror. 'You have to be clad properly as you're going to serve our distinguished visitors!'
Twenty minutes later Paula was wobbling on a pair of square toed ballet boots with 8 inch heels. Her body was encased in a tightly strapped black latex corset from which hung six wide garters that held up crotch high black latex stockings. A wide leather posture collar was locked around her neck; her arms were encased in shoulder length latex gloves that were hooked to the collar; but her bosom and crotch were bare and exposed. She numbly looked on while Lisette cuffed her arms behind her back and locked a pair of white leather cuffs around her ankles. The short chain between them had a little bell tied to it.
Then she was heavily made-up. She hardly recognized herself, with a face full of rouge, mascara and eye shadow. Her lips were painted with bright red shining lipstick that contrasted nicely against the black leather bit Lisette placed in her mouth. It was held in place by two large steel rings and a strap that was hidden under Paula's neatly combed and sprayed hair.
'Now the final details' Lisette said and she tied a bright wooden serving platter around Paula's waist. It's front end was held up by two light chains connected to nipple clamps. Paula winced as the clamps bit into her nipples and the weight of the platter pulled at her breasts. 'Oooh... you look marvelous!' cooed Lisette 'But the visitors must hear you coming!' and she grinned while she clamped two little silver bells to Paula's pussy lips.
Lisette led her into a large room full of people, smelling of food, perfume and cigar smoke. At a corner table a servant in a white coat loaded Paula's tray with glasses of champagne. Then he gestured her to go into the crowd and offer drinks. She walked into the room, taking short steps because of the chain between her ankles and the glasses on her tray. The visitors smiled and laughed when the noticed her and some of them had applauded the arrival of the drinks. While they took their glasses most of them made some kind of demeaning remark. And she was touched and fondled by all of them. Most of them kneaded her breasts. Some of them pinched her bottom and a few slipped their hands between her legs to toy with the bells and her pussy lips.
She endured it all in a kind of numbness, as if her body was no longer her own. When a particularly ugly, fat man put the wet end of his cigar in her pussy (...a young woman's juices makes it taste much better, my dear...) she obligingly opened her legs. And nobody observed the single tear that rolled down her cheek.....
Late that night, when the visitors had left, Lisette took off her cuffs and serving platter. She curtly told her to collect the dirty plates and glasses and tidy up the room. Then Lou-Lou led her back to her room and locked the door behind her. Her whole body ached as she wrestled out of the smelly latex garments and the awful ballet boots. For a moment she held them in her hands. Then, in a rage, she threw them into a corner and collapsed sobbing on the bed...
From that day onward, her life consisted of a daily pattern that never varied. Each morning she was fully dressed up as a pony girl that had to tow some visitor in the sulky behind her. Sometimes just in the courtyard but frequently she had to trot along the gravel path that looped around the castle. Each afternoon she was dressed as a cheap whore, available to male and female visitors alike. And each evening she was serving drinks to the guests as a latex-fetish doll, walking around in ballet boots, with her hands cuffed behind her back and a tray full of glasses suspended from her breasts.
She silently endured this humiliating routine, knowing it was useless to protest. It gradually numbed her feelings and made her retreat more and more into herself. Her former life receded until it seemed to be a distant dream. Her old personality faded away with it. Slowly but surely it was replaced by a submissive frame of mind until, in the end, she had no will of her own left...
She had been tamed.
Chapter 5: The rescue (added: 2012/11/02)
The reception room was not as crowded as usual and there was less noise tonight. A raven haired girl she never had seen before played the grand piano much too well for the uninterested group of visitors. They just talked and laughed while they smoked their cigarettes and cigars.
She was on her way to the buffet, balancing on her high heeled ballet boots with her tray full of empty glasses, when an unpleasant looking visitor barred her way. He was built like a prizefighter, tall and broad. His brutish pockmarked face had a sallow complexion and his small, malevolent eyes glinted darkly under bushy eyebrows.
In a gruff rasping voice he said loudly 'Hey you slut! Bring me a glass of champagne and be quick!'
She politely bowed her head and waited a moment while she looked at the other guests for more orders.
'What are you waiting for, cunt? Hurry up!' shouted the man impatiently and he gave her a hard shove towards the buffet. Paula tottered a few steps and stopped, trying to keep her balance on her ridiculously high heels.
'Hurry up, I said' snarled the man while he kicked Paula's bottom violently. She stumbled forward, the chain between her ankles snapped taut and her momentum sent her toppling over. She fell flat on her face and, with a resounding crash of splintering wood and breaking glass, crushed the tray and glasses under her body.
A roar of laughter rose from the group of visitors. They all turned to leer at Paula as she lay slightly stunned, surrounded by crushed wood and splintered glass. With her hands cuffed behind her back she had not been able to break her fall and had banged her chin hard on the parquetted floor. Tears of humiliation and pain dripped from her eyes while she slowly came to her senses.
The well-known staccato rattle of high heels announced Lisette's arrival. She quickly glanced at the debris and turned to the visitors. 'Messieurs, our apologies for this little mishap; you will be served directly!' she said in a loud voice and, after giving the audience a little bow, she turned towards the girl at the piano.
'You there, go to the pantry and get some glasses of champagne, quickly!' The girl immediately stopped playing and obediently ran towards the pantry.
Lisette bent over Paula and hissed: 'Get up, you stupid bitch!' She rudely hauled Paula to her feet and dragged her into to the pantry behind the buffet.
'What the fuck did you think you were doing, smashing all those glasses and destroying the tray?' Lisette shouted with her face less than a foot from Paula's ear.
'...I lost my balance ...'
'Lost your balance?'
'He...he kicked me ...'
'And why couldn't you stay on your feet, you stupid cunt?'
'These boots, it is difficult...'
'That's no apology! You should be used to them by now!'
Paula dropped her eyes..
'You smashed expensive glasses. And a valuable tray! You will be punished!'
Lisette yelled 'Shut up, stupid bitch!' and violently slapped Paula's face left and right with her full hand. Paula stumbled back and ended up against a cabinet. There Lisette quickly pushed a large rubber ball gag in Paula's mouth. After pulling the straps tight she opened the door into the corridor and shouted 'Lou-Lou!'
The latex clad travestite hurried into the pantry and Lisette barked 'take this stupid bitch to the cells and give her punishment number five!'
Lou-Lou grabbed Paula and began to drag her away while Lisette's eyes lit up with malicious glee. She added with a grin 'and come back here for additional orders!'
She had been in the dungeon for half an hour, balancing on her knees with her arms chained high above her head. Another chain ran to a D-Ring on a short spreader bar between her ankles. It pulled her feet off the ground and her full weight rested on her knees, cushioned by nothing but an unyielding wooden floor. She tried to ease the pain by shifting the load of her body from one aching knee to another but even the slightest movement was painful.
Her mind wandered.
Lou-Lou had left hurriedly after chaining her up and switching the lights off. Was this all there was to 'punishment number five? How long would it last? How long had she been here? Must be half an hour or so. But the pain in her knees made it seem much longer. And why should Lou-Lou report back to get 'additional orders'? What were they going to do to her?
Footsteps echoed in the tiled corridor. She recognized by now the determined staccato rattle of Lisette's heels. The lights snapped on, blinding Paula momentarily. Squinting against the glare Paula saw Lisette come in, brandishing a nasty looking riding crop.
'Time for your real punishment' she said brightly while she playfully patted Paula's breasts a few times.
'No!' Paula moaned, trying to turn away on her aching knees but Lisette stepped in front of her and grabbed her hair. With one hand she jerked Paula's head upwards while she held the riding crop in the other.
Without warning she bent forward, over Paula's back, and struck the riding crop down between Paula's spread legs. It landed on Paula's pussy with a violent smack and Paula screamed and squirmed. Lisette snarled 'I can do with you what I like, you stupid cunt!' She swung the crop high and brought it violently down on Paula's exposed pussy again and again. Lisette stood closer and closer and suddenly she pushed her naked, dripping cunt against Paula's face. Moving her pussy up and down Paula's face she swung the crop high and slammed Paula's snatch and buttocks faster and faster, leaving ugly red marks. Paula screamed and bit into the large rubber ball gag. She desperately tried to wrestle away from the biting pain of the riding crop and the pussy riding her face.
'No you don't!' panted Lisette, while her hips moved faster and faster, rubbing her clit harder and harder up and down Paula's face that became smeared with saliva and Lisette's cunt juices. Suddenly Lisette's legs and arms began to tremble. She began to gasp and the sudden spasms of her body made her aim less secure, hitting Paula's legs and even the ground. Finally Lisette's body arched and the riding crop fell from her shuddering hand as. Gasping she pressed her pussy hard down into Paula's defenseless face as she succumbed to a violent orgasm.
A few minutes later Lisette had completely recovered. She smoothed her short dress and re-arranged her hair. Then she snarled to Paula who hung bruised and helpless in her chains 'this is just the beginning, you stupid cunt!'
Paula heard another pair of footsteps approaching. They sounded somehow ominous, as if someone was approaching quietly but deliberately on very high stiletto heels. The sharp click of the high heels came nearer and nearer and when the door opened Paula gasped in horror as Lou-Lou come in.
He slowly approached Paula in the harsh light of the punishment room, silent and menacing, like a vicious fetish dominatrix ready to punish a helpless sub. He was without his black mask. His face was made up as she never had seen before. Lips thickly covered with bright red lipstick, face powdered and rouged, light blue eye shadow and a painted pair of black arched eyebrows gave his face a cynical, cruel expression. His bald head was now covered by a long black wig that he had draped partially across his left shoulder. His breasts were encased in a shiny black satin bra from which his nipples protruded. Beneath his bare, muscular midriff he wore a black satin girdle with six wide garters that held op black sheer nylons. And his feet were encased in black patent leather pumps with heel straps and six inch stiletto heels. The bands across the toes were adorned with a large red bow.
Staring at the approaching menace she suddenly noticed that Lou-Lou was wearing an ordinary lacy slip, bulging with his cock and balls and a wave of fear swept over her.
Where was his chastity belt?
Lisette turned to Paula and hissed 'This is the second part of your punishment! You have damaged valuable property and therefore the ordinary punishment nr 5 is not enough. And purely by coincidence it IS Lou-Lou's bi-weekly night out of latex and chastity, I decided to let him teach you an extra lesson!'
Lisette suddenly giggled and said 'Normally he dresses up as a cheap whore and watches porn videos until I let him masturbate in front of a mirror. But now Lou-Lou will have some 'Lesbian fun' with you. It IS a long time since he had a chance to do it with a real woman. And I will be watching you squirm, you stupid little cunt!'
Paula shook her head and moaned 'No, no!' while she tried to get away, out of her chains and hide from that hideous figure, steadily approaching her with little, mincing steps on his stiletto heels.
It was no use.
Lou-Lou stopped in front of her and without a word kneeled down until his face was at a level with Paula's. Staring her in the eyes he slowly, deliberately stretched out his right hand. When the long nails, painted the same bright red as his lipstick, touched Paula's left breast. She moaned 'Nooooo!' and tried to turn away. But Lou-Lou quickly grabbed the nipple between his hard, sharp fingernails and pulled her back into position. Wrestling to free her nipple from his vicious hold she did not notice his other hand reaching down. When his long nailed fingers touched her clit a shock of revulsion went through her body. As she arched her back to escape from the invading fingers she involuntarily presented her breasts. Lou-Lou's head quickly came forward and his lips closed on Paula's right nipple. She screamed and struggled when he pulled hard with his teeth but there was no escape.
Lou-Lou now had her completely in his power. He had two of his fingers up her wet pussy and his thumb painfully worked her clit, his long fingernails were digging into one nipple and his teeth were chewing the other one. Saliva came from his slavering mouth and dribbled over Paula's breast. She screamed and tried wildly to escape but it only excited her more and more until her body began to follow the unyielding rhythm of Lou-Lou's thumb on her clit. Suddenly she started to move her hips back and forth, faster and faster, riding the fingers in her cunt and the thumb against het clit. Her head fell back and she pressed her breasts up towards the hurting nails and teeth, just to pull them away again to increase the sensation of pain. Faster and faster she moved until she completely lost control and became just a lust filled body that rode into a pain induced climax.
She hung exhausted from the chains and Lou-Lou took the ballgag out of her mouth. Relieved she breathed deeply and recovered a bit, trying to find a more comfortable position on her aching knees. She looked around and saw Lisette sitting in a comfortable chair with her legs spread wide, the fingers of her right hand caressing her naked pussy. As she looked up she saw Paula looking at her and she said 'that was nice little sub. But you will have to do more to make me come!'
And with a smirk she nodded at Lou-Lou who stood silently next to Paula. At the nod his hands went down and he slowly, deliberately, started to remove his lacy panties. He stepped out of them and cast them aside, his rock hard cock pointing straight ahead like a flagpole. Then he turned towards Paula.
Horrified she saw him approaching and she heard Lisette's voice saying 'open your mouth!'
She cried 'No, No!' and turned her head away from the large cock Lou-Lou now almost pressed into her face. He grabbed her hair and turned her face back. She closed her eyes and shut her mouth firmly but Lou-Lou's fingers closed her nose and he waited patiently, the tip of his cock pressed against her lips.
She kept her breath until she nearly suffocated and she finally had to open her mouth. With a lightning movement Lou-Lou shoved his cock all the way up her mouth and throat. She gargled and retched and tried to pull her head back but Lou-Lou had tight grip on her hair and grinning and drooling he fucked her throat, swinging his hips from the knees.
A loud voice suddenly boomed 'STOP THAT!'
Lou-Lou froze and slowly turned his head towards the entrance of the cell.
The Count stood in the doorway. He held a whip in his hand and was flanked by four sturdy looking boys. His eyes flashed with anger as he surveyed the scene, Lou-Lou with his cock still in Paula's mouth and Lisette with her legs spread wide and her fingers deep in her pussy.
The count strode forward with quick steps and lashed out with his whip at Lou-Lou.
'What are you doing here? Where's your chastity belt?'
Lou-Lou cringed and raised his arms in front of his face, as if to fend off another vicious cut of the whip that left angry red welt on his buttocks. He stammered something unintelligible and pointed at Lisette who had jumped out of the chair and stood as if she wanted to run away any second.
'Take him away!' barked the Count and two of the boys grabbed Lou-Lou and dragged him away, stumbling on his six-inch heels and his cock shrunken in fright.
Lisette cried 'No, No!' and tried to run away but two other boys came several paces forward and blocked her escape. At a nod of the Count the boys grabbed her. In one swift movement they turned her arms behind her back and handcuffed her. Lisette wrestled wildly while she kept on screaming 'No! Please! No!' The Count himself shoved a ballgag in her mouth and as he closed the strap behind her head the screams changed into moans and mumbles.
The Count approached Paula slowly and deliberately uncoupled her chains. Sobbing, she fell to the ground, hugging her arms around her knees and shivering as if in shock.
'Thérèse' said the Count quietly and a portly, elderly female appeared in the doorway. On a nod of the Count she came hurrying forward and together they stood next to the sobbing prostrate form of Paula.
'Take care of the Countess' said the Count
Thérèse bowed and the Count went down on his knees to help Paula on her feet. She wept uncontrollably while Thérèse made soothing noises as she draped a gown around Paula's naked body. She put her arm around Paula's shoulders and, slowly and carefully, took her out of the cell, one step at a time.
When they reached the doorstep Paula briefly looked over her shoulder, just in time to see a struggling Lisette being chained up, while the Count stood ready with his whip
Chapter 6 - Lisette's Downfall (added: 2013/02/12)
Paula was sitting in front of the open window, drinking her morning coffee and enjoying the bright sunlight that gave her a feeling of well-being, such as she had not had for a long time. She marveled at how her situation had changed overnight,
Thérèse had taken her upstairs after her nightmare experience in the dungeon. And to her surprise she had been taken to the identical room from which she had once escaped. Thérèse had made her take a luxurious warm shower and afterwards she had used a kind of nice smelling ointment to treat the bruises and welts left behind by Lisette's whipping. Then Paula had crawled into the large bed and had cuddled up between the lavender scented sheets. She had fallen asleep almost immediately, before Thérèse had switched the lights off. After an exhausted dreamless sleep she had been woken up by Thérèse who had put a cup of coffee on a little table near the window and had left again.
By the time she had finished her coffee Thérèse came in carrying a canvas bag. She put the bag on the bed and said 'M. le Comte tells you to dress in these and then to come down with me. You will have serious duties to perform today,'
Paula obediently rose and after taking off her dressing gown she opened the bag and dropped the garments on the bed. She held her breath in surprise. A shining leather catsuit tumbled out, followed by a pair of spiked heeled black leather boots and long leather gloves....
Ten minutes later Paula stood in front of the full length mirror. She had been transformed into a wicked looking Dominatrix, totally clad in shining black leather. Turning this way and that, she marveled at the unbelievable femininity she radiated, with a generous cleavage that showed much of her ample breasts and a small black mask that covered her forehead and upper part of her face. She looked wicked and stern, desirable and untouchable. A warm, moist feeling started to grow in her loins...
Thérèse came in. She eyed her critically and nodded approval before she led her out of the room. They went down some flights of stairs into a part of the castle she had been in before. Thérèse halted in front of a high door at the end of a corridor and, raising a finger to her lips, motioned Paula to go in.
The room was high and dark only illuminated by some candles and two bright spotlights centered on a pair of high backed, hard wooden chairs that stood with their backs facing a heavy oaken table. Paula gasped. Lisette and Lou-Lou were in these chairs. They were on their knees, their arms chained to the back and their ankles to the legs of the chairs. The only thing they could do was face the table. And behind the table sat the Count, dressed in a black suit, looking grim and dangerous..
Not knowing what to do Paula started to walk forward but immediately felt a restraining hand on her arm. She looked aside, straight into the eyes of a black girl, who shook her head and motioned her to stay where she was. Paula looked sideways at the girl. She, too, was dressed in black leather though less severely. She was well built, almost muscular and reminded Paula of an old James Bond Movie with that black actress, what was her name again? Oh, Grace Jones.
The Count spoke in a grave voice.
'Lisette and Lou-Lou, you are here to receive punishment for your misdemeanor last night. You have both violated the rules of Symiade. You are both guilty of gross disobedience and misuse of your position.' The count stopped and looked at Lisette 'what do you have to say in your defense?'
Lisette sputtered and stammered 'that...that presumptuous bitch! That impostor who is not even from here! She needed a real lesson! She is not worthy to be...'
The Count slammed his fist on the table and cut her short. 'I am the judge of that! There is no place for jealousy here!' He looked at Lou-Lou and said 'what do you have to say for yourself?' Lou-Lou just shook his head and remained silent.
After a short silence the Count cleared his throat and said slowly in a grave voice 'You have no plausible excuse for your misdemeanor so your punishments will be as follows. Lou-Lou, you will get fifteen lashes. You are hereby confined to the basement of the chateau. And you will remain in chastity for six months!' Lou-Lou groaned but the Count silenced him and continued. 'Lisette, you will get fifteen lashes. You are demoted to servant and chambermaid, confined to the chateau and you too will be in chastity for six months!'
The Count rose behind the table and said loudly 'prepare them for punishment!
The black girl took Paula's arm and together they walked forward, their spiked heels ringing on the tiled floor. Lisette turned her head as far as she could and Paula saw her eyes open wide in surprise, followed by anger. Her mouth opened and she made some inarticulate noises, as if she did not know what to say.
Paula saw Jo-Jo reaching for a big lever at the side of Lou-Lou's chair and push it down. The bottom of the chair rose and the back tilted forward until it was nearly diagonal. Lou-Lou was now stretched out, helplessly chained to the flat surface. When Paula pushed the lever down Lisette struggled wildly. But it only resulted in her short dress riding up her back, exposing her naked buttocks. With a contorted face and narrowed eyes Lisette whispered 'I'll get you for this; I'll get you for this!'
Paula and the black girl walked up to the table. The Count handed two heavy riding crops to Paula and Jo-Jo and said 'let the punishment begin!' Paula looked uncertainly at him and he said softly 'follow Jo-Jo' while nodding at the black girl, who motioned her to stand between the chairs. The Count said in a loud voice 'Jo-Jo will punish Lou-Lou. And it is only fitting that Paula punishes Lisette!'
Lisette's eyes flashed with anger. Furiously she wrestled with her restraints and turned around as far as she could and tried to spit in Paula's face. She missed and started to shout curses and treats. Annoyed the Count came from behind the table. He calmly took a ballgag out of his pocket and reduced Lisette's shouts to frantic inarticulate mumbles. Then he stood aside and said 'fifteen lashes - on my count!'
Paula raised the riding crop and hesitated. Never before had she deliberately hit someone, neither in anger nor in lust. The Count noticed this and softly said 'she did not hesitate to hit you when you were helpless, all those days and certainly last night...'
A suppressed anger welled up in Paula and she gripped the crop more firmly. 'One!' said the Count and the crops came down. Paula put all her strength and anger in the cut and Lisette jumped and screamed while she yanked at her restraints. 'Two!' and Paula hit Lisette's bottom again. 'Three!' Paula felt a curious sensation coming over her, a feeling of power and domination. The close fitting leather, the spiked boots, the helpless body on the rack before her... 'Four!' and she started to notice wetness between her legs and a glow in her loins. 'Five!' and she gave a particularly severe stroke that made Lisette struggle and scream. Looking aside she saw Jo-Jo hitting Lou-Lou's bottom precisely there where she had hit him the first time. The travestite clenched his teeth and fists and arched his back. 'Six!' and Paula aimed for one of the red welts that were beginning to show on Lisette's bottom. At the twelfth stroke Paula's breath began to come in short bursts and she almost danced on her spiked heels, moving her pussy against the tight leather crotch of her suit. Finally, at the fifteenth stroke she stood shuddering and the crop fell from her hand. Sweat was running from her face and over her body inside the suit. An enormous feeling of relief and fatigue came over her and she realized she had had her first orgasm as a dominatrix.
The Count came quietly by her side and handed Paula a heavy steel chastity belt. He gestured at Lisette and said 'Please complete the punishment.' Paula looked at the wide front plate that was perforated at the crotch and the tough steel loops that came together in a complicated lock on the back. With trembling hands she slipped the steel loops around Lisette's hips and crotch and locked them tight. Lisette turned her head aside and hissed around the ballgag 'I'll get you for this, you stinking whore, you bloody imposter! I'll kill you for this, just you wait!'
Unaware of what Lisette was whispering the Count ordered Jo-Jo '... bring them back to their rooms and make sure they work this afternoon!' Then he turned to Paula and said 'You may go back to your room and change. Thérèse will inform you about your duties for today.'
She was amazed that she had been allowed to walk back to her room, alone. For the first time since her abduction she could walk around like a normal person, not a caged slave. She could walk as she liked and where she liked. No snarling curses or the sharp cut of a whip across her backside whenever she stumbled. No collar and leash or a debasing crotch-rope. She was a human being again. She felt slightly dazed by the feeling of freedom.
Unhurriedly she changed into the clothes Thérèse had laid out on the bed. She put on lacy, expensive looking undergarments that fit her as if they were tailor-made. Over them went a shiny cream colored silk blouse, followed by a long and narrow tan skirt that came down to her ankles. A pair of matching five inch heeled pumps completed the outfit and she went over to the dresser where Thérèse had laid out some jewelry; a beautiful choker that consisted of several strings of pearls, a matching bracelet and a ring with a dark, mysterious stone.
When she walked out of her room she noticed the very tight skirt that made her take short steps. She suddenly understood. The skirt made it impossible for her to run. She would not get far it she tried to leave the castle...
Basking in that wonderful feeling of freedom she started to explore her environment. When she tried the door it opened normally. There was no one in the corridor and she felt emboldened by that. Walking out of her room she went down the staircase and looked around. The central corridor led to a large terrace at the back of the castle. On an impulse she walked outside, to the edge of the terrace and looked out over the surrounding park. For a few minutes she stood in the sunshine, enjoying the rustle of the stately trees, the occasional bird call and the deep country silence around her.
She heard a call from the castle and although she could see nobody, she obediently turned around and hurried back to the castle, walking too quickly in her tight skirt and high heels. She stumbled when she was only a few yards from the door and, as she tried to regain her balance, she took a few rapid steps forward, slipped on the threshold and fell head first into the corridor. Before she could catch her breath there was an enormous crash behind her. Pieces of pottery and lumps of earth flew around and hit her on her legs and back.
Dazed and frightened she got up from the floor and stared at the remains of what must have been a very large flowerpot lying completely smashed on the terrace, not two yards from the door. It lay exactly there where she would have paused to raise her skirt to step across the threshold. She stood there, suppressing a scream by biting her knuckles, knowing this had been an attempt to kill her. She clearly remembered Lisette's hissing voice '...I'll kill you for this!..'
Jo-Jo and one of the boys came hurrying into the corridor with a clatter of footsteps. 'What happened?' snapped Jo-Jo. And while the boy brushed Paula down she stammered out what she knew. 'Look after her!' snapped Jo-Jo and she ran back into the corridor and up a wide staircase, 3 steps at a time.
It was no use. An open door, a balcony with a large flowerpot missing was all the evidence Jo-Jo found.
Paula spent the rest of the afternoon in the library, reading an illustrated book called 'The History of Symiade'. It was fascinating reading that traced the history of the township all the way back to the 7th century AD.
She had sat back a few times, with her thoughts in turmoil. Although she was clean and beautifully dressed she still could not free her thoughts from the humiliation she had endured. Deep inside her was a deep rooted fear that Lisette would again try to kill her. But why?
Later that evening Paula was making her way alone to the dining room. It was a slow walk in that long, narrow skirt. When she came to the wide staircase she paused to raise her skirt just enough to walk down the steps. She just had gathered the folds of her skirt in one hand and held on the bannister with the other when she heard a rustling behind her. Before she could make a sound, a latex clad hand was clasped over her mouth, jerking her head backwards. Strong arms grabbed her violently from behind and dragged her bodily back into a dark alcove. She looked up in panic, straight into Lisette's flashing eyes and she heard her hiss 'this time you won't escape, you whore!' Paula struggled wildly but Lou-Lou held her easily while Lisette stretched a nylon stocking in front of Paula's eyes. 'This is what I like to use! A whore's stocking to kill a whore!' With a quick movement she pulled the stocking fiercely tight around Paula's neck. With her throat completely blocked Paula struggled wildly but Lou-Lou held her in an iron grip. And Lisette pulled the stocking tighter and tighter while she snarled 'you won't get away, you whore!'
As the three dark forms silently struggled in the alcove, Paula summoned all her remaining strength and with a mighty heave managed to dislodge Lisette's grip. The stocking slipped and a gulp of wonderful fresh air came into her lungs. Lashing out blindly backwards with her left foot, the five inch heel hit Lisette's left leg just under the kneecap. She let go of the stocking ends and fell screaming to the ground clutching her knee. Lou-Lou 's arms slipped and, as he tried to get a better grip on Paula, she desperately butted her head backwards into his face. He staggered backwards and as he lost his hold on her, she turned around and butted her knee in his groin. He doubled over and she clawed at his face with her nails. Then Lisette assailed her from behind and they went down on the floor in a tangle of writhing bodies. They were fighting wildly with a clatter of heels, smashing vases and wrecking a little table. Lisette slipped the stocking around Paula's throat again and pulled it tight while she wedged a knee between Paula's shoulder blades. Paula's mouth opened wide and her tongue came out in an ultimate effort to get air into her lungs. But Lisette pulled even harder and slowly Paula's eyes began to bulge and her struggles became slower. She felt her strength ebbing away...
Suddenly the garroting stocking was gone and she could breathe again. While she collapsed she was dimly aware of the sounds of a furious fight around her. There were slams and grunts and curses and the sound of breaking glass and smashed woodwork. But the only thing that really mattered was the sweet wonderful air that flowed into her lungs again.
Somebody lifted her off the ground. She drowsily opened her eyes and looked into the face of the Count who carried her in his arms. A tall, stately person whom she knew to be the major-domo standing next to him, his face furrowed with sorrow and anxiety.
She heard shuffling sounds next to her. Lisette and Lou-Lou, their hands manacled behind their backs, were being held in tight grips by Jo-Jo and a couple of boys. Lisette looked up and when she saw Paula in the arms of the Count her eyes flashed and she mumbled curses. The Count looked contemptuously at her and commanded 'Take them away, Jo-Jo!' Then he turned around and said 'Alphonse, suivez-moi!' while he carried Paula away in his strong arms. And while his boots rang on the wooden floor she closed her eyes like a frightened child and hid her face against his breast,.
'Why did you try to murder the Countess?'
The words sounded harsh and menacing in the low roofed dungeon. There was no answer from the female form suspended in a heavy wooden frame. Seen against the bright interrogation lights she looked like a large black 'X ', her wrists and ankles cuffed to the top and bottom corners of the frame. A stout wooden bar fastened behind her back just above the hips forced her to stand with her abdomen slightly forwards. She was completely nude, her legs opened wide and her breasts jutted out as if she was excited and aroused. Thin cords snaked down from the clamped, swollen nipples. They joined those that were attached to the bottom of a barely visible device held up inside her by two serrated clamps that firmly gripped her pussy lips. Her body glistened with drops of sweat and her breath came in ragged gasps. And all the time she was balancing on the balls of her naked feet, straining to keep away from the sharply pointed, hard-plastic pyramids that were waiting just an inch or so under her heels.
'For the last time; why did you try to murder the Countess?'
She closed her eyes and pressed her lips tightly together. Then she shook her head in defiance, as she had done for hours and hours.
The interrogator silently nodded to a dim form in the shadows that immediately pushed something like a cattle prod against her naked buttock. Screaming she jumped up, then she fell back with her heels full on the hard-plastic pyramids. The sharp tops bit into her flesh but at the same time the spring loaded contacts closed a circuit and a fierce electrical shock slammed through her pussy and her breasts. With a piercing shriek she jumped forward, violently jerking at her bonds. Tumbling back she closed the switches again and another punishing shock made her scream as it ran through her body. She lost control of her reflexes and again and again pressed her heels hard on the needle sharp switches. And again and again the punishing shocks made her scream until the pain nearly drove her insane.
The Count quietly cut the current. He looked pitilessly at the sobbing and panting form that hung spent in the frame, tears streaming down her once proud and arrogant face. Then he said in a low voice 'Lisette, I will go on until you answer my simple question: why did you try to murder the Countess?' He waited a few seconds but when she did not answer he said softly 'Lisette, you are tough and brave. But nobody can hold out against this. Be sensible and answer my question. Then all the unpleasantness will cease. Then you can rest.'
Defiantly she shook her head again. With a sigh the Count firmly pressed another button in front of him. Loud shrieks reverberated in the interrogation dungeon. Lisette twisted her spasming body violently in the frame, jerking at the cuffs as she tried to escape the torturing shocks that slammed through her pussy and breasts.
The Count switched the current off and said: 'this was a different frequency and voltage. Do you now answer my question? Or do you want more and worse pain?' He briefly touched the button again and Lisette gave a loud howl. Then she finally broke.
'Oh no...oh please no...oh, please have mercy monsieur le Comte, have mercy...don't do it again...ohhh...oh I will answer...I will tell everything... but please don't do it again...oh, please...oh, the pain...' she stammered with tears streaming down her face.
'Do you confess to have attempted to murder the Countess?' asked the Count.
Lisette hesitated. Then she timidly said 'Yes monsieur Le Comte.'
'Tell me why, Lisette' said the Count gently and Lisette started crying..
'She's a tramp, a whore!' Lisette blurted out between sobs 'She does not belong here!' and she hung her head in despair, her body trembling with convulsive sobs.
'Is that the only reason?' asked the Count and Lisette turned her hed away and did not answer.
'Watch my hand Lisette!' said the Count 'it is just over that button again!'
Lisette shouted 'No, no please don't!' For a few moments her mouth worked, unable to bring out a word. Then she screamed almost hysterically 'I should be the next Countess! I know everything there is to know! I know everyone! I can deal with the peasants and the kids! I! I!'
And then she wailed 'I should go to bed with you! Not that dirty slut!'
The Count nodded and after a short silence he said gravely. 'So in order to gain this position you were prepared to commit murder.' He looked Lisette straight in the eyes and after a few seconds she turned her head away and whispered 'Y...yes...monsieur Le Comte...'
'Bring the other one over here!' commanded the Count.
A few moments later Lou-Lou was shoved into the bright lights. The travestite had been trussed up with a steel collar around his neck and a chain harness around his body. His wrists were securely locked behind his back and the short chain between his ankle cuffs made him take little dribbling steps on his spiked heels. He stood blinking like an owl against the interrogation lights.
'Lou-Lou, you are accused of having assisted Lisette in an attempted murder. You have heard Lisette confess. Do you confess to your own part?'
The travestite blinked and fidgeted and finally stammered in a high strained voice 'y...yes...m...monsieur Le Comte.'
'What did Lisette promise you if you helped her?'
The travestite looked around to Lisette for support and the Count' clicked his fingers. The next moment a whip lashed out from the shadows and cut across Lou-Lou's naked buttocks.
'Leave her alone and answer me!' snarled the Count.
Lou-Lou stammered 'I...I was to be major domo, the master of the house. So that I could have the pick of the boys and... and...' He hesitated and fell silent.
'And what else?' pressed the Count.
The travestite blurted out 'and I would be out of chastity forever...'
'So now we know' said the Count.
He turned around to Paula who sat pale and trembling in the shadows, out of the direct light. 'I suspected it was something like this.'
Turning to the people in the shadows he ordered 'take her out of the frame and put her in tight bondage!' and soon Lisette was cuffed and chained just like Lou-Lou. Both were made to stand in front of the Count. He rose behind the table and looked at the two helplessly chained and cuffed figures in front of him. Then he spoke in a solemn voice.
'The two of you have confessed to the premeditation and execution of a very grave crime; a crime which would have brought great dishonor on the community of Symiade. This crime might have jeopardized our traditional way of life. Moreover, within a short time both of you have twice gravely abused your position. You have proved you can no longer be trusted. Therefore you will be punished according to the Laws of Symiade.'
He paused a moment and when he continued his voice rang around the dungeon. 'Lisette, hear your sentence! Because of the gravity of your crime you can no longer be trusted and there is no longer a place for you in this community. Therefore you will be sold off to a slave broker. He will have the instruction to sell you somewhere in the Middle East. A place from where there is no escape and where you will live out your life in torment and humiliation!'
Then he turned to Lou-Lou. 'Lou-Lou, hear your sentence. You have assisted in a murder attempt and plotted to continue the crimes you have been convicted for earlier. You have shown no remorse about your earlier behavior and the children in the community of Symiade will not be safe with you present. I therefore sentence you to the maximum penalty - the oubliette!'
Lou-Lou howled as he heard his sentence and dropped on his knees while he incoherently started to beg forgiveness. Seeing this Lisette wrestled furiously but the chains prevented her to get out of Jo-Jo's grip. Hysterically she shouted curses at the Count and Paula.
'Gag them!' said the Count and after a few moments they both were only able to utter inarticulate sounds around their tight gags.
'Carry out his sentence!' ordered the Count. Lou-Lou tried to struggle but he was easily subdued by the boys. And with a tinkle of chains the sobbing travestite was dragged away into the corridor leading towards the dungeons and the oubliettes.
'Carry out her sentence and prepare her for shipment!' ordered the Count.
From the back of the dungeon came two boys carrying a long, coffin like crate that was padded and lined with foam rubber. They placed it upright and Jo-Jo and two boys dragged a wildly struggling Lisette towards it. They shoved her forcibly inside, making sure her neck, waist and ankles fitted into rests, slots cut out in transversely placed pieces of wood. Lisette wildly tried to get out of the crate but the two boys combined strength kept her down. Jo-Jo quickly fitted and locked the top half of the neck restraint. Then Lisette's ankles were clamped and after the waist restraint was put in place and locked she was completely caught. No amount of wrestling could ever move the locked restraints.
Her eyes flashed when the Count walked over towards the crate.
He looked at her and said 'Good-bye Lisette, remember you brought this onto yourself!' Then he nodded at Jo-Jo and turned away. The padded lid was clamped on the crate and Lisette's muffled moans and cries were no longer audible.
'What will happen to her?' asked Paula.
'The crate will be collected by someone and shipped in a private jet to some place in the Middle East. There he will fetch a good amount of money for her...' answered the Count
'But you can't do this!' protested Paula 'You can't sell her off like cattle! It's not humane!'
The Count looked at her and said gravely 'she tried to kill you! If we should hand her over to the authorities she would go to jail for at least twenty years. But that is not the point. She held a position of supreme trust and she misused it. Soon almost everybody in this community will know about what she tried to do to you. And they will hear about the punishment she and Lou-Lou got. They will feel rough but real justice has been done!'
Paula sat stunned in her chair, looking at the crate that held a human being. Tears trickled down her cheeks and she closed her eyes. The Count raised her head and kissed her softly on her lips. Then he said. 'You need some rest; go back to your room and try to relax.'
Chapter 10: My personal property... (added: 2014/08/20)
Exhausted after the ordeal of the 'trial' she had made her way back to her room. After locking it behind her she had collapsed on her bed. Still fully dressed she somehow had drifted off into a disturbed sleep. When Thérèse had woken her up it was long after midday. Drowsily she had watched the elderly woman going around, opening the curtains and adjusting things left and right while she chattered away.
'I know my dear; it has been a very difficult day for you! But it was necessary and it now lies behind you! Please look at it as a new stage in your education, one of the steps to really become our Countess...'
And while she talked the older woman had rummaged through the wardrobe and selected a nice looking silk kimono. Thérèse had lovingly spread it out on the bed and had said 'Now please get up and change into this, then come down when you're made-up and ready. The Count wants to see you in the library in one hour!' With those words and a smile she had left the room.
She entered the library and the Count rose to greet her. Nervously she took a seat opposite him and watched him pour two glasses of champagne. Smiling he gave her one. He raised his glass to her, saying 'to the health of the future Countess de Symiade!'
She closed her eyes in embarrassment and took a sip. It was excellent, faintly tasting of strawberries and summer. She immediately felt the wine go to her head. After all, it had been many weeks since she last had tasted any alcohol. They made small talk about nothing in particular and she relaxed a bit as she leaned back in the comfortable chair. The black shadow of this morning's events was slowly retreating. To her surprise she felt elated and even happy with the close proximity of the Count. He seemed to radiate strength and tenderness at the same time. She could not remember she had ever enjoyed a man's presence so much. She suddenly realized she had emptied her glass and he poured her another. Their eyes met when she took a sip of the sparkling wine and she blushed and looked away.
He asked gently 'Will you please stand in front of me and remove your kimono?' Obediently she got up and a moment later she stood in front of him, just clad in her underwear.
'Please turn around' he said gently.
She slowly turned around, his eyes watching her body critically. When she had completed a circle he smiled and said quietly 'I am pleased; please put on your kimono again and sit down here' pointing to the seat next to him on the sofa.
He refilled their glasses while she slipped back into her kimono and gingerly sat down at the indicated spot, with her knees primly together and her arms folded protectively across her chest. She wondered what would come next.
'You look good' he said quietly after a brief silence 'you have lost some weight you could do without. And there are some muscles in the right places, like your belly! I'm glad the traces of the unfortunate mishap are healing nicely.'
To her total and utter surprise Paula had blushed like a school girl when she heard the Count praise her body.
'You have changed a lot since we met the last time. Now you are obedient and subservient.' He took another sip of champagne and looked her in the eyes, saying 'and believe me; I know how very difficult it all has been for you'.
Paula looked at him in astonishment.
'You now have seen men and women at their very worst', he continued 'worse than you ever could have imagined in your previous, sheltered life!' He took one of her hands and said quietly 'You have been touched by repulsive people who wanted nothing else but to use you and abuse you. You were powerless to prevent them from touching you, abusing you, using you...'
Tears started to form in Paula's eyes. The Count held her hands in his and she heard him say 'But you also have discovered both sides of domination. You have found out that being in control and punishing excites you and sexually stimulates you; even more than being helplessly bound. Because you want to give your body freely, but only to the one who knows how to unlock your deepest feelings ...'
Paula was sobbing by this time. The Count's arm went around her shoulders and he gently drew her towards him, resting her head on his shoulder. She pressed her face against his chest and she wept bitterly, his hand caressing her hair...
She recovered slowly and for a while they sat silently on the couch. He refilled her glass and they took a sip, looking at each other.
'You now are also able to understand the feelings of women in bad marriages' he said in melancholy voice and Paula looked up in surprise as he continued. 'The hopelessness of their situation, being chained for the rest of their lives to someone they intensely dislike, being forced daily to do whatever he commands, without hope of escape, of release... '
A silence fell and she thought about the truth of his words. She had known some marriages that had been like that...
'It was necessary for you to gain this insight, to understand the private hell some women are living in' she heard him say and almost inaudible she asked 'But why?'
'Because, you as the Countess de Symiade to be, will have to pass judgment on bad marriages. You will have to decide on a course of action ...'
She wanted to protest; to say again that she did not want to become the Countess of Symiade. But her protest stuck in her throat and she only shook her head.
'You still say no, but you will soon realize it is your destiny. Being the Countess is a very great honor. You will be respected. And you will have great power. It will be a very rewarding life. And one that is comfortable and luxurious.'
'But before this can happen we have to prepare you better' he said after a moment's thought. 'You now know what humiliation and forced subservience is. I consider that stage completed and closed. From today onwards you will be required to perform very different duties indeed. I have appointed Thérèse and Alphonse as your mentors. They explain your duties and will advise and guide you.'
'But what kind of duties are you talking about?' she asked, slightly alarmed again by the thought of the duties she already HAD performed...
Noticing this he put her at ease. Her first task would be to supervise the domestic staff because he wanted her to become quickly familiar with the castle and its personnel. She would have to supervise them and make sure things were done according to the not only the Count's but also her own wishes. After asking her opinion about those she had met so far he looked at his watch and rose from the couch. Taking both her hands, he raised her gently to her feet. When she stood in front of him, he smiled and kissed her lightly on her lips. Then he let go of her hands and said quietly 'I would be honored if you would dine with me tonight, let's say after sunset'.
Dinner was personally served by Alphonse in a cozy candle-lit room. The Count was charming and attentive during the meal and afterwards they went to his rooms for a final glass of champagne. Seated on luxurious sofa the Count raised his glass to her and said 'You radiate femininity tonight! Do you know that you are a very beautiful woman?'
Paula blushed and shook her head and hid her face behind the champagne glass, not knowing what to say. Nobody had ever said this before. And she had never considered herself beautiful. Good looking maybe...
She lifted her head and looked into his eyes. They returned her gaze calmly, kindly, without guile. Again she realized how attractive a man he was; stern and firm when needed but also warm and considerate. Someone she could fall in love with. Or was she already in love with him?
His arm went around her shoulders and she closed her eyes when their lips met. A feeling of mounting excitement overwhelmed her as he kissed her long and tenderly. She returned his kiss and gently pressed her body against his. For the first time since her abduction she felt a genuine erotic urge creep over her... she had only one urge, to make him take her, to feel him in her, to enjoy him totally, at her terms and her time. To have him now!
Without consciously taking a decision she opened her dress and let it fall aside. His knowing hands cautiously lowered the cups of her bra and lightly caressed her breasts. The touch made her nipples swell and soon they were stiff little playthings for his fingers. And when he dragged his tongue all the way down to her clit she arched her back and gasped with pleasure.
'Let's move to a more convenient place' he said as he took her in her arms and carried her into his bedroom. He gently put her on the large, comfortable bed and kissed her again.
The Count's caresses were different from anything she had ever experienced. No hesitation or fumbling, no blind lust or a boorish grab for her tits. No, he was playing her body as if he was playing an instrument, responding alertly to her reactions and changing the rhythm and intensity of his caresses every time. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to his gentle caresses that seemed to send high voltage waves through her whole body, concentrating way down between her legs. She suddenly realized he quietly had undressed and lay now naked next to her
She was only slightly concerned when he whispered 'I shall add a little helplessness...' He took a pair of fur-lined handcuffs from a drawer and gently locked them around her wrists and held her arms just above her head.
The champagne made her head swim as she lay back helpless, unable to do anything. She pulled her wrists slightly apart, as far as the shackles between the cuffs would allow her. And as she did so she savored the paradoxical feeling of freedom her helplessness gave her.
And he still lay next to her, patiently sucking a nipple, gently massaging the other one while his index finger softly massaged her clit. The fire in her loins now had started in earnest, irresistible, unavoidable. It was sending raging flames through her whole body and she began to gasp and squirm. Her legs seemed to be pried apart by an irresistible force. Soon she lay gasping, whispering '...take me, take me...I want you inside me...'
With one skillful thrust he entered her. His cock slid up her soaking wet pussy and a giant tidal wave of heat and cold and unbelievable pleasure engulfed her. Pulling the short chain between her cuffed wrists taut she arched her back to present her jutting breasts and tilted her pelvis to get his wonderful cock move deeply inside her. In mutual excitement their bodies rose and fell in a quickening rhythm until they both came in a moaning orgasm.
Spent and exhausted she cuddled up in the Counts arms like a contented kitten, the fur-lined cuffs still around her wrists. He kissed and caressed her lightly while she pressed her body tightly against his. She shivered a little and he asked 'are you getting cold?' When she silently nodded 'yes', he pulled an eiderdown duvet over them. She quickly nestled herself against his warm body and he caressed her again. Her hands went down to his hardening cock and she slowly started to masturbate him, feeling his excitement mount. Sliding down under the duvet she took his hard cock in her mouth and licked at the top. Then she closed her lips over it and slid her mouth down the hard shaft. For the first time in her life she enjoyed the taste of a cock and the salty creaminess of pre-cum. She sucked and pumped until she felt his orgasm building up. Quickly she reversed her body and presented her wet pussy to him. The feeling of his lips and tongue against her pussy lips almost drove her mad and she closed her lips on his cock in ecstasy. Their bodies moved in perfect sync and for the second time they came in a mutual orgasm.
Early next morning they were woken up by the birds singing in the ancient tress. They kissed and she felt relaxed and intimate with this man who had so suddenly entered her life. They quietly made love again and when they were recovered he said 'Today I will give you a very special present! 'With his arm around her shoulders he reached beside the bed and brought up a gold and black lacquered box.
'Your feelings are delicate and precious so they must be protected and preserved. From now on I will be the one who controls them.'
She looked in fascination as he opened the expensive looking box and took out a gleaming, black and gold object. It was a beautifully shaped, almost symbolic chastity belt. He made her lay flat on her back and with a deft movement slipped the slender loops around her waist and into her crotch. He locked them with a very definite 'clack!'
Alarmed Paula sat up and looked at her pussy, now sealed off by the chastity belt. She moved her legs and her lower body but the belt remained firmly locked in place. It was definitely an odd sensation, both frightening and exciting...
'From now on you are my personal possession' she heard him say 'you will not be able to touch your most delicate place directly. It means you will also not be able to masturbate; but that won't be necessary because I will be the one who will make sure you get all the release and pleasure you want!'
'And as a token of my esteem for you I also want you to wear this all the time' he said and reached into the box again. She gasped when he fastened a very beautiful gold and ebony collar around her neck. It matched the slender chastity belt perfectly.
'Everyone will know what this collar signifies and they will show you the respect you deserve. These are heirlooms that have been in the family for centuries. And only the reigning Countess may wear them.'
And with a smile that made the little crinkles around his eyes stand out he said 'Step by step you are getting nearer to become the next Countess of Symiade'
Chapter 11: The Health and Pleasure Club (added: 2014/08/20)
She woke up to the sound of a church bell, somewhere in the distance. Through half opened eyes she noticed pale daylight that filtered in through the partly closed window blinds Stretching luxuriously under the light duvet she turned on her other side and closed her eyes again.
It was Sunday and the church bells for mass reminded her that another week had passed. How many already? She had lost count. It must have been months ago since she was brought here and met the Count.
The Count...
After their first night together he had retreated again. Puzzled and annoyed she had asked Thérèse where he was and what his absence meant. With a concerned face, Thérèse had cooingly answered 'Ah, madame, il est très engagé. Mais il n'a vous oublié pas, c'est certain!' and for a couple of days she had fretted and worried.
But this morning Thérèse not only had brought a wonderful fresh cup of coffee but also a message; he had invited her for lunch today.
As she opened the window to let in some fresh air, Paula noticed the weather was getting colder. Some trees were already bare and the cold autumn winds from the mountains blew flurries of dead leaves against hedges and walls. A stray draught searched with chilly fingers under her garments. Shivering, she quickly closed the window and stepped back into the room.
She walked over to the big wardrobe and critically eyed the contents. Now what was she going to wear today? Thérèse had told her it was to be a 'business lunch'. She decided to dress accordingly in a short, dark-blue satin dress with a nice décolleté and a tight bodice. Worn with a pair of medium sized heels it would show her figure at its best. For jewelry she decided on a bracelet with turquoise semi-precious stones embedded in gold settings. It would match very well with the black and gold collar. Once more she looked herself over in the mirror and was satisfied. Whatever he was up to, she was at least dressed for the part!
A bright fire made the small dining room warm and cosy. But when they had finished their light lunch the small talk halted. When a silence fell the Count pushed his plate away. He drained his glass of mineral water and, reaching across the table, took one of Paula's hands. His touch reassured her but slightly frightened her at the same time, as she did not know what would happen next.
He noticed her uncertainty and while he caressed her hand he looked her in her eyes and said in a soft voice 'what happened during the past few days must be very disturbing to you.'
She nodded quietly, not knowing what to say.
'The Elders and I agreed to let you participate in Lisette's trial. To let you have your first experience how justice is done here.'
Paula nodded silently and looked away while the Count continued.
'You may have to pass sentences yourself before long; not as severe as those passed yesterday but still...'
She looked down and said in a voice choked by tears 'but I don't want to!'
Raising her head she looked the Count full in his face. A while a tear trickled down her cheek she sobbed 'why should I?'
'Because all women of Symiade look up to you and follow your example. The example set by their Countess, the justice of the Peace, both in sexual and matrimonial matters' said the Count while he dried her tears with a napkin.
Caressing her hand again he said 'Trust me; your bad days are over. Do not be afraid. I am not playing tricks on you.'
Getting up from the table he looked outside. As the gusting wind whirled a flurry of dead leaves past the window he told her 'you'd better get a coat because we're going out.'
A few minutes later they emerged from the castle. They walked arm-in-arm across the courtyard, Paula wrapped in a dark-blue cloak to protect her from the cold and the wind. They walked past the 'stables' and turned left, down a gradually sloping path towards the wide gravel drive that circled the castle. Paula shivered with a vivid flashback of the times when, as a Pony-Girl, she had been forced to pull a sulky down that drive. When they walked past the walled sand pit with its hated central pole and terrace her unease increased and she looked anxiously at the Count.
'No, please don't worry. Forget the past' he said with a smile and a shake of his head. 'You still have many questions about this place. To give you a better understanding of what we do here I will show you some other aspects of Symiade.'
The path ended at a low-built annexe to the Chateau. The building looked fairly new but somehow it exuded an air of concealment, like a military construction not meant to be noticed. The Count opened a door with a credit card sized plastic pass and they went down a few steps. They passed another locked door and came into a corridor. To the left she caught a glimpse of an basement garage that looked rather full. To the right stretched a row of floor to ceiling windows that gave a view of what looked like an ordinary cardio fitness gym with nearly every piece of equipment in use The Count followed her gaze and commented 'Welcome to the Health and Pleasure Club.'
It looked quite common to her but when she took a closer look she noticed something astonishingly different. There were only by women to be seen. And the all were clad in tight latex. When she turned to the Count with a question on her lips he said 'let's go inside so you can have a closer look.'
Using the plastic pass they entered a nicely ventilated gym. The first difference she noticed was the absence of the harsh, pounding music that had made her give up her fitness sessions at home. Quiet classical music she did not recognize created a calm, relaxed atmosphere. But weirdly enough all women were wearing black gas-masks over tight-fitting latex skull caps from which a single thin cord dangled. Looking closer she saw the cord was plugged into the piece of equipment they were using.
'What...' she started to ask but the Count raised his hand. Another door opened and a newcomer was guided into the gym. Paula had a good look at the newcomer when the 'instructor', a well-shaped muscular young man in a tight fitting tracksuit, passed in front of her. Led by the 'instructor' on a leash his charge dribbled behind him on ankle-strap pumps with a three-inch heel! Paula had to stifle a gasp when she noticed the woman had a leather collar locked around her neck and leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles. She was definitely overweight, middle aged and rather flabby looking. And clad in a skin tight red latex bodice that left her big breasts dangling free.
Followed by Paula and the Count the 'instructor' led the woman towards a treadmill of a kind Paula had never seen before. It was canopied by four curving steel tubes that formed a sort of cage. The four tubes joined directly over the woman's head and a steel chain dangled down. The 'instructor' hooked the chain to the D-ring at the back of her collar. Next he locked the wristcuffs to the grips of the treadmill and fastened a short piece of chain between the ankle cuffs. The woman was now helplessly locked into the treadmill and he pulled a black rubber gasmask over her face, connecting it to flexible tubes coming down from the ceiling. He completed his task by plugging in the dangling cord from the skullcap and a plastic card dangling from the woman's latex suit into slots on the treadmills' console.
Looking at the woman the 'instructor' sharply asked 'Ready?' And when she nodded he pushed a red button on the console. The button flickered on and off for a few moments before it lit up continuously and with a low rumble the treadmill started moving.
'The card holds the programmed cycle for each piece of equipment she's going to use' said the Count. 'She can't alter it or stop the machine. The 'instructor' can do that, but only in an emergency'.
Paula looked in fascination at the woman who tried to stay in place on the treadmill. She did well for a while but when she began to tire the treadmill took her further and further back.
'Watch' said the Count and almost at the same moment a transparent fiberglass pad leapt up from the base of the treadmill and smacked her bottom hard. The woman gave a muffled yelp inside the mask and leapt forward to escape another smack. Paula only then realized why the latex outfits worn by the 'gymnasts' all had an exposed bottom!
The woman struggled on and on. Every now and then she stumbled, only to be hit on her backside, once even a slapping left and right when she did not get back up the slightly ramping treadmill fast enough...
Suddenly the button flickered green and the treadmill stopped. The woman almost fell forward but was brought up sharply by the chain to her collar. After a few moments the 'instructor' appeared again and unhooked her from the treadmill.
'She is one of our recent clients' said the Count 'and therefore she's still on the 'light' circuit.' Silently they watched the woman being chained to the narrow saddle of an exercise bike. Her high-heeled feet were strapped to the pedals and her wrists cuffed to a pair of handlebars. Again, after everything was plugged in, the red button was pushed. The woman frantically whirled the pedals around and Paula soon saw why. Behind the exercise bike stood a kind of mechanical whip. It was a narrow, shining fiberglass rod, curved far back and held in place by what looked like a trigger. It was obvious: once the woman on the exercise bike slowed down the whip would be released...
'You are looking at one of the great incentives to cycle for all you're worth' the Count said with a grin as he took Paula by the arm towards another corner. 'But I personally think these rowing machines are the most satisfying to our female customers.'
They halted at one of those with another woman strapped and chained to it, her legs spread wide apart and strapped to the base of the machine. Her fast rowing made a large black dildo pump quickly up and down her exposed snatch. Slowly the glasses of her mask became fogged all over. Suddenly her whole body started to shake. With a muffled howl her body arced backwards as she tried to ride the dildo deeper and deeper in her orgasm.
Bewildered Paula followed the Count through the gym and looked at the large collection of subtly adapted fitness machines. Such as upper-body workouts with dildo's attached; stepping machines with a paddle behind...
They left the gym and Paula asked 'who are these women? Why do they do things like this?'
'You must have noticed many of them are middle aged and... let's say somewhat overweight?'
'Yes, especially that 'new' client as you said.'
'We offer a two week fitness and weight-loss programme here. And the gym is an integral part of the course.' The Count outlined what sounded like a well-designed though not so revolutionary programme of diet, exercise and indoctrination. At the end Paula remarked 'I understand exercise is good. But why have the machines all these paddles and whips and why do those women wear those hideous masks?'
'There has to be something strange or bizarre in such a programme. Remember the time clinics in Portugal offered treatment guaranteed to make you lose weight? Eight days with nothing but various juices as nourishment.'
'I remember' Paula said 'I was nearly talked into one of that myself...'
'And who tried to talk you into it?'
'A friend' she said with a smile 'a friend who was always overweight at the end of the winter. She spent most of the spring slimming and all summer trying to stay slim. She did not want to go alone...'
'Exactly' said the Count 'it is the same here. These women have seen it all, done it all. They have too much money and they're bored. Then they meet someone over a drink after shopping. And that someone whispers there's a very kinky place where you can slim erotically; where it rains orgasms; where the instructors are real hunks who can be booked if you feel up to it...'
'But still, why the whips?'
'Because it frightens and at the same time attracts them. They're used to do as they please. And now they're whipped if they don't obey. And the whips really help them forward; once they have felt the pain they try to avoid it. And since we strap and chain them to the machines they can't run away. So the only solution is to step faster or cycle harder, whatever. And each orgasm on the rowing machines burns lots of calories...'
'And as for the masks' he paused for a moment 'the masks are something different. We had to think of a way to muffle the screams, both from the whipping but also from the orgasms. We hit upon the masks as a neat way of muffling them while looking suitably bizarre. At the same time we're able to supply them with more oxygen if necessary. These masks are hooked to a breathalyser.'
'And what are those little cords with jackplugs?'
'They can listen to their favourite music, without hindering others. And we - or the machine - insert encouragements' he said with a lopsided smile 'such as 'Faster! Faster! Otherwise you'll be whipped!'
Walking out of the gym and passing the entrance to a sauna they came to a corridor brightly lit by the sun. There were doors to the left each bearing the words 'Consulting Room' and a number. She looked questioningly at the Count as he took her through an unmarked door into a dark corridor. It seemed to run the length of the 'consulting rooms' with a series of dark panels on one side. The Count raised a finger to his lips and whispered in her ear 'This is one of the reasons why the club is so popular. As an optional payable extra, our clients can book a 'personal consult' with the 'instructor' they fancy...'
Holding her hand he took a few steps and stopped in front of one of those dark panels. From straight behind it was not dark at all and she realized it was a one way mirror. Inside the room, she saw a middle aged woman strapped spread-eagled to the bed. One of the 'instructors' swung his legs over her head and pushed his hard cock deep down her throat. Her wrists and ankles pulled at the straps but she raised her head, as if to swallow as much cock as possible. Slowly the young man started to throat fuck her while his fingers played with her pussy and her clit. It was only a matter of time before her arms and legs jerked spastically in a first orgasm. Her wail was audible in the corridor and Paula got an odd, tingling sensation between her legs. She pushed her body against the Count's, rubbing her bottom against his crotch, feeling his hardness against her buttocks. She turned into his embrace and their lips met in a long wet kiss...