Author's Note: If you never act to realize a fantasy it will never happen, if you do you may be surprised.
1. Advertising
Justin's home was a mess; he seldom put things away, he only washed dishes when there were no clean ones left, and he only picked up his dirty laundry and washed it when he had nothing left to wear. Perhaps this was in reaction to his upbringing; his parents had been neat freaks; their house was always dusted and clean and everything put tidily away in its proper place.
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Although the interior of Justin's house was dirty, the outside was quite presentable since he lived in a townhouse and maintenance of the exterior and grounds was included in his monthly rent.
It was Saturday morning and he was feeling extremely depressed. In truth he had a lot to be depressed about; his girlfriend had just left him, he hated his job, and he even disliked his messy house.
He looked about at the litter of beer cans, dirty clothes and miscellaneous garbage on the floor and decided he needed a cleaning lady, someone who would also do the dirty dishes and his laundry.
He imagined someone cleaning the room. Then his thoughts slipped into fantasy: he imagined a beautiful young female slave sweeping the floor. She was naked except for a full set of chains joining her ankles, wrists and collar. The heavy chains handicapped her, and he watched her struggle to do her work. The imagery made his penis hard, but rather than masturbate he decided to do something about his fantasy, he would advertise for a cleaning girl on Craigslist.
Cleaning girl? That sounded too biased. Perhaps he should advertise for a cleaning lady or even a cleaning person. In the end he settled for cleaning lady.
What he wanted was a young woman with a beautiful face, large breasts, small waist and long legs. What he thought he might get was an old woman with an ugly face, sagging tits, fat waist and short legs. So he advertised a pay scale well above the going rate in order to increase the chances of finding someone he liked.
He put his telephone number in the ad, which was perhaps a mistake since he received a number of crank phone calls. But he also received a large number of genuine inquiries. He tried to judge the age of the caller and told the older ones and the occasional male that the position was filled. He set up six appointments; four for Tuesday evening and two for Wednesday evening.
He decided that if he found the right person she would be more willing to take the job if his house looked tidy and clean. So he spent all day Sunday tidying up and cleaning, doing his laundry and putting his clothes away.
2. Interviewing
When he returned home after work on Tuesday he decided to leave a pair of handcuffs discretely visible. If he managed to find an attractive girl, he wanted her to be interested in bondage. He began to fantasize about tying up his sexy house cleaner and having sex with her. His previous girlfriend had not been interested in bondage, and his kinkiness was one of the reasons why she had dumped him.
His thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. He opened the door and there stood the first applicant; a middle aged woman with an ugly face, sagging tits, fat waist and heavy legs.
"I'm Janice," she said in a surprisingly sexy voice. "I called you about the position of house cleaner."
"Come in," Justin replied, "I'm Justin."
He showed her around the house, not because he had any intention of hiring her, but rather out of a sense of duty. He felt he owed her this as a reward for making the trip to his house. She ran her finger along a window sill and raised it to look at it. It was black with dirt and dust. She looked at him without saying a word.
"Yes, it hasn't been cleaned in a couple of weeks," Justin said apologetically. But as far as he could recall, that window sill had never been cleaned.
In the bedroom, he kept himself between Janice and the exposed handcuffs. Fortunately she did not see them.
To clean this house will require eight hours of work, and to keep it clean four hours a week," Janice announced at the end of the tour.
"Thank you for coming," Justin replied, "I have a couple more people to interview. I will let you know."
The next three candidates were slightly more presentable, but none came close to Justin's stringent requirements. He began to realize that his fantasy was just that, a fantasy.
On Wednesday evening he opened the door to the fifth applicant, not expecting much since on the phone her voice had sounded rather cold. But when he saw her his heart skipped a beat; she was almost all he had fantasized about. She was young, had large breasts that strained against a tight top that amply exposed her cleavage, a trim waist, and long legs set off by a sexy mini skirt and high heels. Her only physical shortcoming was her face. Although not exactly ugly it could never be called pretty. But despite this she exuded sexuality and Justin felt his penis stir and begin to harden.
"Hi, I'm here for the cleaning job," she said, "My name is Sandra, Sandra Bishop."
'This is the one!' Justin thought. 'Hire her, hire her,' but all he said was, "Come in and I'll show you around."
In the bedroom, he watched to see if she noticed the handcuffs and how she reacted. But she appeared not to notice them or, if she did, she didn't react. Back in the kitchen they discussed her duties.
"I don't do laundry," she announced, "But I can take it to the cleaners for you."
"Oh," said Justin disappointed, "That's OK. I'll do it myself." Then after a pause while his mind was screaming 'Don't let this one go,' asked, "When can you start?"
"Any time. I charge time and a half for Sundays."
"How about Saturday afternoons? Maybe starting next Saturday?"
"Sure. I can be here at 2 and work till 5 or 6."
"Perfect." Justin wanted to be home when she was working, and the timing would give him a chance to invite her out Saturday night. He showed her out and watched as she walked away, her pelvis rocking sexily with each step.
He reluctantly closed the door and began to fantasize that she was naked and cleaning his house bound in chains. He climbed the stairs, picked up the handcuffs, clicked them around his wrists, and began to masturbate.
The doorbell rang again, and he realized it was the last applicant.
Chapter 3 (added: 2012/09/11)
Justin hastily looked around for a handcuff key and realized it was in his closet with all his other keys. He quickly scrambled to get one, dropped it on the floor, picked it up and fumbled to unlock the handcuffs.
The doorbell rang again. He unlocked the second cuff, dropped it on the dressing table and hurried down the stairs zipping up his fly.
When he opened the front door the applicant was already walking away. She looked attractive so he called out "Hi, sorry it took so long to open the door."
She stopped and turned. She had a beautiful face. She looked very young with a slender body, small breasts and narrow hips. She was wearing a high necked top, jeans and sandals.
"Come in," he said as she began to walk back towards him.
As she entered he smelled her perfume. It smelt exotic and reminded him of a lush tropical island, not that he had ever been to one.
"Sorry to keep you waiting," he apologized.
"That's OK." She had a soft voice; gentle with no harsh overtones.
"Tress, isn't it? I'm Justin. Let me show you around."
She didn't speak but nodded in acknowledgment. Justin felt that she was quite shy, and this was difficult for her. He wondered how old she was and whether this was her first job. "I hate to ask, but how old are you?"
"20," she replied. "I know I look younger, but I'm a college student and need a job to help pay the tuition."
He had asked an illegal question, one that violated some age discrimination law. He knew he should have asked something like "Are you 18 years old or older" but he really wanted to know how old she was and thought she wouldn't object to his question.
In the bedroom he saw that his handcuffs were in plain view where he had dropped them. She saw them too and reacted, seeming to blush. "Are you a policeman?" she asked.
"No," Justin replied, "I work in customer service."
"Oh," Tress said in a puzzled voice.
There was an awkward silence and then Justin decided to press his luck. "I see you noticed my handcuffs, would you like to try them on?"
"Um." She hesitated then said, "Not now, maybe some other time."
"No problem," Justin replied smoothly but thinking. 'Wow, this one's a keeper too. Maybe I should have hired her instead of Sandra.'
Downstairs in the kitchen Tress gave what appeared to be a prepared speech. "I really need this job. I'm very good at cleaning; you will be very satisfied with my work."
She sounded a little desperate and Justin thought how inexperienced she was. She should not have said she needed the job, but rather promoted her skills and made him feel that he was fortunate to be able to hire such a valuable and competent person. He felt sorry for her, but was attracted to her and could foresee the promise of doing bondage with her.
"You won't regret hiring me," she said interrupting his silence.
Justin's emotions trumped his logic and he replied, "When can you work?"
"I can start any time, now if you like."
"No, I meant what hours can you work?"
"Well, I have courses during day but could work on the weekends or in the evenings."
Justin realized that the weekends would clash with Sandra, so he replied "Evenings would be best, say Tuesday or Wednesday evening?"
"Tuesdays would be best; I don't have any courses on Wednesday mornings."
They agreed that she would start the following Tuesday evening. As she walked away Justin wondered what he was doing; he had hired two cleaners when one would be more than sufficient. 'I'll see which one works out,' he thought, 'and then let the other one go.'
He tried to imagine Tress naked and in chains. She seemed so young that he thought of her in lightweight chains, not the massive steel fetters and heavy chains with which his imagination had adorned Sandra.
Chapter 4 (added: 2012/09/11)
Justin spent the following Saturday morning tidying up; he did not want Sandra to be overwhelmed by his mess. As he worked he thought it ironic that with two cleaning ladies he was cleaning the house, whereas before he had any he never cleaned. He realized that if he had done some cleaning Julia, his ex-girlfriend, might never have left him. He resolved that he would take more care with his next girlfriend; he didn't want to go through the pain of being dumped again.
At precisely 2 o'clock the doorbell rang. Sandra was at the door when he opened it. He was pleased to see that she again looked very sexy; a tight blue top that revealed considerable cleavage and short denim shorts that exposed her beautiful legs. Instead of heels she was wearing more practical flats. She was dressed to work but still looked incredibly sexy. She was carrying a black leather purse and a large plastic bag with a colorful floral design.
"Come in," he invited as his penis began to stiffen.
"I think I'll start upstairs," Sandra said placing her purse and bag on the kitchen table and glancing around. "I've brought glass cleaner and countertop cleaner in case you don't have any. Show me where your duster and vacuum cleaner are."
"Yes, duster."
"What do they look like?"
"You know; a cloth, or a feathery thing with a handle."
"Well, I dunno. You could use one of my shirts."
"Just give me a roll of paper towels and show me where the vacuum cleaner is."
Sandra carried the vacuum cleaner and paper towels upstairs at Justin watched admiring the firm shape of her ass as outlined by her shorts.
A few minutes later Sandra descended the stairs and confronted Justin. "I found these on the dresser," she said holding out the handcuffs he had deliberately left out.
"Oh," Justin replied in as non-committal a way as he could muster, wondering what she was going to say next. He hoped she would say "Do you mind if I try them on?" but instead she said, "Turn around."
As he was turning she gripped his left wrist and clicked a cuff closed around it. Before he could protest she grabbed his right wrist, pulled his arm back and clicked the other cuff closed around it.
"Now sit down and relax," she said, steering him toward an armchair and pushing him down. "I can see you're getting excited, and don't want any monkey business while I'm cleaning."
Justin had never been bound by someone else and he was overcome with novel sensations, his penis was fully erect pushing out the front of his shorts. His emotions were so confused he could not reply. He felt very aroused, turned on by the sexy look of Sandra, and even more turned on by his inability to do anything about it.
"Now these are not yours," Sandra said thrusting her breasts close to Justin's face and massaging her nipples. "I see you looking at them, but you haven't paid for them, and you don't deserve them. You just paid for my cleaning; you haven't paid to stare at me like you've been doing, so look down at the floor while I get on with my work."
Justin looked down, but at her legs rather than at the floor.
"That's right. Now just sit there quietly and let me get on with my work." She went up the stairs and Justin heard the vacuum cleaner turn on.
He struggled to pull his hands out of the cuffs, but she had closed them too tightly. He felt very strange and very helpless. He had worn the handcuffs before, but only in front of him, and always with the key nearby. He wanted to free himself, and stood up. But he realized the keys, along with the rest of his bondage equipment were in the closet of the room that Sandra was cleaning. He didn't want to confront her, and didn't want to indicate to her where the keys were, she might then discover the rest of his bondage equipment. So he sat down and waited.
Sandra came downstairs carrying the vacuum and proceeded to clean the living room where Justin was sitting.
She turned the vacuum off, moved a chair next to his armchair, and sat down facing him. She leaned forward giving him a close up view of her cleavage, reached out and felt his penis through the fabric of his shorts. "You like being handcuffed don't you?" she said with an air of certainty that made it more of a statement than a question.
"I'm not sure."
"Yes you do. Your Johnny here's nice and hard; I can feel it."
Justin did not reply; his feelings were too confused.
"Now tell me where the keys are."
"That's OK. I can release myself after you've gone."
"No, that's not the way it's going to be. You left those handcuffs out for a reason, and I want to know why."
"No, no reason."
"Those handcuffs were out last week, and they were out today, but in a different position. Were you planning to handcuff me?"
"No, that's not it," Justin said, thinking that he would like to.
"Well then, you must have wanted me to handcuff you, consciously or subconsciously. Now it takes a lot for people to realize exactly who they are and what they want, but I'm here to help you understand. You want to be handcuffed, you want me to control you, isn't that right?"
Justin had wanted the opposite, but so strong was her sexuality and her absolute certainty that she was right that Justin mumbled, "Yes."
"Good, you're beginning to realize just who you are. Now tell me where the keys are."
Justin was silent.
"I'm going to find them. They're probably in one of those dresser drawers, or in that closet upstairs. If you don't want me searching through all your things, just tell me where they are."
"There's no need.. Just go, I'll release myself later."
"So you want to be locked up after I leave?"
"Hmm. I'll see what I can do. But I can't go and leave you like this. I locked those handcuffs on and it's my responsibility to unlock them. If I leave you like this you may never get free, and then what would happen? You just have to trust me. If you tell me where to find the keys I will unlock your handcuffs. Do you trust me to do that?"
"Good. Then tell me where the keys are."
Justin hesitated, and then said, "In the top drawer in the closet uostairs."
"Good, you're learning." Sandra gave his penis a stroke then patted his cheek. She rose and went upstairs.
As the minutes ticked by without her reappearing Justin knew she was examining his bondage equipment stored in the chest of drawers in his closet. A terrible sinking feeling began to afflict him as he worried what she would find and what she would do. Would she use some of his equipment on him? He particularly worried about the punishment hood. He had tried it on himself once and the experience was terrifying; he could not get enough air to breathe and he had begun to panic after what seemed like just a few seconds. He prayed that she would simply get the keys and unlock his handcuffs.
Chapter 5 (added: 2012/09/11)
As he waited nervously for Sandra to reappear, Justin consoled himself with the thought that the act of her handcuffing him gave him an excuse to handcuff her; tit for tat. He began to feel bolder and though he might surprise her next Saturday when she first arrived and put her in handcuffs. He might even make her do the cleaning while handcuffed. He would like her hands handcuffed behind her back to make her helpless. But that might be too restrictive for cleaning; he might have to handcuff her hands in front. But that wouldn't be restrictive enough; he might have to use an additional chain to secure the handcuffs to a waist chain or collar.
He was puzzling over the best way to chain Sandra when she reappeared. "You have quite a collection up there," she said cheerfully. I've selected something that will satisfy your desire to be bound after I've gone." She held up his stainless steel cock cage.
Justin had purchased it on eBay since he was curious about the sensations of having his penis trapped in steel, not for any desire for long term chastity. After it arrived he had put it on. The feeling of his penis pressing against the bars of the cage was so erotic that he became extremely aroused. He stroked the flesh of his penis where is swelled through the bars, and this gave him the orgasm he desired, a very strange one with his penis swollen against the bars and his semen pumping out in little squirts, partially blocked by the tightness of the cage. He had worn it few times since then, but had never been able to achieve orgasm again.
"Now before I put this on you I want to give you what you want," Sandra said as she began to pull her top over her head. "This isn't normally part of my cleaning service but you've been so good sitting there that I think you deserve it." She unhooked her bra and slipped if off exposing her enormous breasts. "Now stand up."
Justin obediently stood up, his penis springing to attention at the sight of her bare breasts with their large aureoles and erect nipples. He wanted to touch them, massage their fullness, close his teeth on her nipples and gently bite and twist them.
Sandra lent forwards, her breasts hanging down, undid his belt and pulled his shorts and underpants down to his angles. She then unbuttoned his shirt and slid it back over this shoulders leaving his penis free and sticking straight out.
"I can see this needs to be taken care of." She grasped it with her right hand and gave it a couple strokes. Justin's his pelvis twitched, he was ready to cum.
Sandra knelt down in front of him, lifted her breasts and pressed them against his penis, one on each side, squeezing it in a soft and warm embrace. She began to move back and forth, and Justin began do so the same, but in the opposite direction. It took but a few seconds before he came, his cum exploding out onto her breasts.
He seemed to ejaculate for an extraordinary long time, pumping out blobs and strings of semen. For him it was fantastic orgasm, his feeling of not being in control, a beautiful sexy woman kneeling in front of him, offering her voluptuous breasts for his pleasure.
When it was over, Sandra stood up. She wiped some of his cum off her breasts with her finger and tasted it. She smiled and said, "Very nice. Now that your balls are empty it should be easy to get this on you." She said picked up the ring of his cock cage, grabbed his balls and then squeezed first one testicle and then the other through the opening. Justin winced in pain.
She left and returned carrying ice and a towel which she wrapped around Justin's limp but still swollen penis. She looked up and smiled at he winced at the coldness.
"Do you really have to do this?" Justin asked.
"No. But I want you ready for me next weekend. You don't seem to have a girlfriend, and I don't want you wasting your cum on selfish masturbation during the week. I want you hot and horny when I see you again."
"I don't think I want this on me."
"You asked me to leave you bound, and that's just what I'm doing. But if you like, I will leave right now, this instant. But I will take your keys with me as payment for what I've done. Oh yes, and I found your spare keys too. I don't know how you will get out of those handcuffs. Are you sure you want me to leave?"
"No, you promised to unlock the handcuffs." Justin pictured himself trapped in handcuffs with his shorts around his ankles and his balls encircled by the heavy steel ring. It was now Saturday evening, and he supposed that a locksmith would not be available till the following Monday. He didn't want to spend the rest of the weekend in handcuffs, and he didn't want the embarrassment of having a locksmith or anyone else anyone seeing him as he was.
"Yes I will, but I also said I would leave you bound as you requested. Do you want me to continue?"
"Yes," Justin said in a resigned voice.
"Thank you, you won't regret it." She removed the towel to reveal his shriveled penis. She gripped it hard to squeeze more blood out of it, she clearly knew what she was doing, then forced his penis through the steel ring. She then tried to slide the cage over the shaft. This was a tricky operation and she had the poke it through the bars of the cage. Eventually its head reached the end of the cage. She then slid the cage onto the matching holes and projection of the steel ring and padlocked the two together.
"There, all secure. Now just sit down while I take a shower," she said. "I need to clean your shower, it's disgusting."
Justin sat down and waited. His penis nestled in its steel cage and his balls protruding through the gap between the cage and the ring. He opened his thighs to give them more room. He wondered what the week would be like; previously he had only worn the cock cage for a few hours. He couldn't imagine going a whole week without sex.
Sandra came downstairs, her hair was wet, but otherwise she looked as she had when she first arrived. "How is it?" she asked indicating his cock cage.
"What d'you mean?"
"No pinching or anything?"
"It's time to release you from the handcuffs. Stand up and turn around." She unlocked the handcuffs, and Justin rubbed his wrists. His shoulders also had a slight ache; he hadn't had his arms bent back for so long before.
"Do you have my money? I don't like asking for it but I really do need it."
"Wait a minute." Justin pulled up his underpants and shorts, carefully feeding then over the cock cage. He buckled his belt and then extracted his wallet from the back pocket. He counted out the notes, thought about adding a tip, half decided not to, then changed his mind and added a generous tip.
"Thank you," she said. "I'll see you next Saturday and I'm sure you will be looking forward to seeing me."
After she had left he wondered if she did such things to all her clients, she seemed quite confident and experienced. It was a sure way of keeping her job, but then he thought his case must be special; very few clients would leave handcuffs out for their cleaner.
He entered the bathroom and examined the front of his shorts in the mirror reflection. The bulge made by the cock cage was visible, but not very pronounced. The cage forced his penis down rather than out. He thought he could be seen in public without exciting comment.
He decided to try to go the week without trying to remove the cage; it would certainly make for great sex with Sandra the next weekend.
When the stood at his toilet to make pee before going to bed, he carefully aimed the cock cage at the bowl. But his piss squirted out in several directions, wetting the wall, the floor and his legs. His urethra was partially obstructed by the bars at the front of the cage. Although there was a small circular hole at the very end, his urethra would have to be perfectly aligned with for the pee to emerge in a single stream. He realized he would have to sit like woman to pee while he was trapped in the cage. He went to sleep thinking that he week might be more difficult than he had anticipated.
He woke up in the middle of the night. It was early Sunday morning, still dark outside. His balls and penis were aching. His penis was trying to get hard and was swollen against the bars of its cage. His scrotum seemed to be larger, there seemed to be fluid trapped in it. He lay still trying to get back to sleep, but the ache was constant not allowing him any respite.
He tried stroking his penis hoping for an orgasm, but that did not work, it only seemed to make the situation worse. He got up and went in search of a key to the padlock. He had put all the spare keys in a box in the bottom drawer, and hoped Sandra had overlooked them.
He turned on the light, found the box and opened it. It was empty. Next he checked for the keys he normally used. They were missing too; she had taken all his keys! The realization that he was trapped aroused him and he became even more aroused. He rubbed his penis. Or at least the parts of it that protruded through the bars, but could not achieve the desired orgasm. He rubbed until his skin began to get sore but to no avail.
Chapter 6 (added: 2012/09/11)
Following Sandra's example he tried putting ice on. This seemed to help, and the swelling and pain subsided a little.
He spent the rest of Sunday trying not to think about sex, or females, or bondage. He went out to buy the cleaning materials Sandra had indicated he needed. He was afraid that people would notice the bulge in his shorts but no one appeared to. He thought a long walk would take his mind off sex, but found that the act of walking, or rather the associated movement of his thighs, stimulated his balls, so he abandoned that idea and returned home.
He awoke early Monday morning with the same problem as the previous morning. His body usually gave him a woody in the early morning. Ice again partially solved the problem, but he could not get back to sleep.
At work he was less sympathetic than usual to customer complaints, and with one became exasperated and criticized her for misusing the product. This made him feel better, but afterwards he feared the customer might complain to his boss, a bitchy woman named Greta.
Monday evening he was so tired by lack of sleep that he went to bed early and fell quickly asleep. He did not wake up early the following morning, perhaps his penis was getting used to being trapped. When his alarm clock awoke him he just had a dull ache in his balls. He began to feel that he might make it until the following Saturday.
Work on Tuesday was uneventful and he made a special effort to be nice to customers.
Arriving home that evening he decided to leave the handcuffs out. Tress had expressed a possible interest in putting them on, and he wanted to give her every opportunity. He wondered whether to leave anything else out, but decided to take it slow, it was better not to rush these things. He rubbed the front of his shorts, feeling the hard metal of the cage with its small protruding padlock. It still felt strange for his penis not to feel his hand, just the applied pressure.
Chapter 7 (added: 2012/09/11)
The doorbell rang and Justin opened it to find Tress standing on the step. She was dressed much as she has seen he the first time; only her top was different, a teal color.
"May I come in?" she asked.
"Of course."
"Where do you keep your cleaning things?"
Justin had a better idea of what was needed after listening to Sandra's comments. On Sunday he had purchased supplies for cleaning counter tops, and windows. He had also purchased oven cleaner, Sandra has indicated that it was disgustingly dirty and would clean it next Saturday. Justin realized he had a problem: both Sandra and Tress might want to clean the oven and would notice if the other had done so. He wondered if he should let Tress clean it and then somehow dirty it ready for Sandra. He decided that the short term solution was to allow neither to clean it, so left the oven cleaner concealed in a shopping bag.
"The house looks a bit cleaner than when I last saw it, Tress observed.
"Yes, I've cleaned up a bit."
"You shouldn't have; you're paying me to clean it."
Tress took the cleaning material and began to clean. Justin told her not to bother with the oven; he said he needed to buy some oven cleaner. He watched her as she cleaned. She was not as fast or thorough as Sandra, clearly less experienced. He wished she was wearing shorts; seeing her bare legs would inspire his imagination and allow him to more easily picture her in chains.
At eight o'clock Tress announced she was finished. "Do you mind if I try on your handcuffs?" she asked hesitatingly. "I saw them lying on the dresser upstairs."
"No, not at all," said Justin his penis springing to life, or at least trying to. He felt it swell against the confining bars of its cage.
Tress brought the handcuffs downstairs and handed them to Justin. "Can you put them on?" she said timidly, "You know how to work them. But don't try anything funny, my friends know I'm here and if anything happens they'll call the police."
"Don't worry, I promise I won't do anything to you," Justin assured her thinking his cock cage would effectively make him keep his word. He gently took her right hand and clicked one cuff close around her wrist.
"Oh my god!" exclaimed Tress as the cold steel gripped her wrist, "That feels so sexy."
"Do you want your hands handcuffed in front or behind?"
She looked at him as if trying to assess his intentions. "Behind," she finally said in a timid voice.
Justin pulled her arms back and locked the open cuff around her left wrist. He carefully tightened both cuffs; her hands were slender and he didn't want her to be able to slip out of them, then he double locked them.
"Wow, this feels so sexy!" she exclaimed as she tried to pull her hands free.
Justin felt overwhelmed with desire; he wanted to embrace her and kiss her. But two things restrained him, he didn't want to frighten her, and he didn't want her to feel the hard metal of his cock cage which she would if he pressed himself against her.
But his lust was so great he had to do something. "Do you mind if I touch you?"
Tess was clearly wrestling with novel emotions. She looked up at him and nodded almost imperceptibly.
Justin reached out and gently touched her left breast. She closed her eyes and pressed herself into his hand. He pushed back and gently massaged her breast, feeling the hard nub of her erect nipple beneath her top. He stroked her other breast and she leaned into him eyes closed and murmuring "Mmmm."
At that moment he felt he could tightly embrace her, kiss her and then make love to her. He wanted it and felt that she wanted it. But his penis was not ready; it was struggling to expand inside its tight barred cage.
"I want to make love to you," he whispered and, desperately trying to find an excuse added, "But I think it's too soon. It's wrong of me to take advantage of you like this."
"Oh," she said in a disappointed voice opening her eyes.
"Yes, I said I wouldn't do anything to you when I handcuffed you, and I will keep my promise."
"Oh, you can ...," her voice trailed off, then after a pause added, "I thank you for that. You can take these handcuffs off now."
"Certainly." But with a sickening feeling Justin suddenly realized that Sandra might have taken the key. He could not remember what she had done with the key after releasing him the previous Saturday, he hadn't seen it since. "I'll go and get the key," he said trying not to sound worried.
He went upstairs and searched his dresser, then more desperately the drawers in his closet, all without success. As he feared, Sandra had taken that key along with all his other keys.
He came downstairs. "I'm afraid I can't find the key, it seems to be missing."
"Is this a joke? Are you trying to kidnap me?"
"No, I'm afraid it's really true, the key is missing."
"I don't believe you, let me go this instant or I'll call the police."
"Calm down and let me think," said Justin, although he was far from calm himself.
"I'll scream if you touch me," Tress cried.
"I'm not going to touch you," assured Justin. "Just be quiet for a minute and let me think." He quickly thought of a solution. "I'll get a locksmith; I think there's one in town." Justin went on the Internet found two within an hours' drive. He called the first but and heard a recording saying their hours were 9 till 5. The recording said to press 1 to leave a message and 2 for an emergency. He pressed 2 and heard the phone ringing. He let it ring for a minute but no one picked up. He redialed and tried to leave a message, but a recording said the message box was full. He redialed and pressed 2 again, but again no one picked up. He thought that since the message box was full the owner must be out of town. He dialed the number of the second locksmith but no one picked up, there was not even an answering machine. "I can't reach anyone," he told Tress.
"Please call the police," said Tress in a panicky voice.
Justin also began to panic; he had handcuffed a possibly underage girl and had no way to release her. What would the police think? He would be charged with kidnapping at the very least.