Update (2012/11/02): In the previous episode my fiancee, Angel had made me shop lingerie. It turned out she intended me to wear the panties. Despite having four leather cuffs secured with super glue and a chain hanging padlocked from my left ankle I managed to get the upper hand. Now I'm pushing Angel towards our basement torture dungeon to deliver a good old spanking.
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Part 1
We had been living together for almost a year and I had never heard my fiancee use the F-word. Obviously my suggestion had shocked her.
"You want me to do what?" my she said? "Are you totally out of your f***ing mind? What kind of pervert are you?"
"But darling," I tried to interrupt, to no avail. By now her gray eyes were flashing all 50 shades at me. "Also, what kind of pervert do you consider me to be?" she continued. "Do you even think I have the skills to tie you up safely? I'd probably cut off circulation by mistake, causing gangrene. You know I can't even tell a reef knot apart from the granny one."
My fiancee was really agitated. So upset that she didn't notice or care that her red/white glitter dots Dreamer Flanell Pajama Jacket, Victoria's Secret design, had slipped open in the front. Nothing I hadn't seen a thousand times before but I never tire of looking at her bosom. The red also matched her glowing cheeks very well. Her nipples seemed erect, perhaps just my imagination.
"What are you staring at?" she fumed. "In fact I start wishing that I really could tie you up now." She tightened the Pajama Jacket and crossed the arms over her chest.
"Darling, you are so beautiful when you're angry," I said, trying that old line. "I don't know if I dare to mention it now but the idea is not to actually tie with ropes but rather use some handy leather cuffs. I just happened to buy some stuff over the internet. I got a kit at a very affordable price. Wouldn't harm just to try them, don't you think."
She softened visibly. "Oh, sweetheart, you're always so practical," she smiled. "Well, we can always try. As I'm the one doing the tying, or cuffing, or whatever, nothing perverted can possibly happen, since I'm no pervert. I'm pure and innocent like an angel. Now please show me the stuff and let's put it to good use."
I smiled back at her and collected the cuffs and chains from a box in the wardrobe. "Um, I must admit this feels a bit awkward but this is how it's supposed to work," I said while showing how to use the padlocks to attach the chains to the bedposts and the mechanism for tightening and loosening the chains.
"Oh, I think I get it sweetheart," my fiancee said. "Now we do the same with the cuffs on your wrists and ankles. Please lay down on our bed and close your eyes and I'll take care of the rest. I have a few ideas on how to proceed."
I laid down on our queen size IKEA bed spreading the arms and legs. As I closed my eyes I could feel and hear my fiancee attaching and tightening the leather cuffs. She didn't hesitate much and wasn't angry anymore. I was starting to think she was doing real great.
"Comfy sweetheart?" she asked while snapping the padlocks shut. "Your well-being is of utmost importance to me."
I tried the bondage. "Yes darling," I said. "So far it's perfect. The cuffs are tight but not too tight and there's some slack for my arms and legs."
"There shouldn't be any slack," she muttered, leaning over me. I heard some clicking and the chains tightened. "Still comfy?" she stated rather than ask, while checking the cuffs.
I opened my eyes and found myself looking right at her belly. The Victoria Secret's Pajama was open in the front. I raised my head and kissed the tummy, trying to reach a breast with my lips. This time there was no doubt her nipples were fully erect. She obviously enjoyed the situation.
"Oh no, you stay right where you are," she said, withdrawing and sitting next to me at the bed. " I see you disobeyed and opened your eyes. I'll overlook that this time. However now when I've obliged your strange and peculiar wish, can you please explain what you expect next. How are we supposed to continue this exercise? What do you want from me?"
I hesitated. She started caressing me. All I really wished for was her straddling me and slowly, teasingly, riding me now and tomorrow change places with me. I had plans to use some of the more advanced gadgets from the kit on her, later, when she got used to being restrained. I smiled at the thought, then stiffened.
"Oh, I see 'mr Nice' is enjoying the situation, " she said, alluding to our corny, I admit, nickname of my penis. Her hand had found a semi-erection, it hardened at her touch. She took 'mr Nice' in a soft but firm grip and let her thumb lightly massage my testicles. "Well, sweetheart, let me know if you have any wishes. If I'm in good mood and you behave I may even fulfill them."
I was surprised of my own sudden arousal. My throat went dry and my heart raced. "Um, you're doing real great, darling. I don't think you need any directions. Just let me return the favor to you when you tire of being in charge," I whispered huskily. "And, of course no pain."
"Deal," she said. "Don't worry about the pain. Like I said your comfort is of utmost importance. I would never hurt you. Also you needn't worry about me tiring. I love being in control."
"Let's seal the deal with a kiss," she said reaching for a black leather object I recognized at once. "You may kiss my boot."
The meaning wasn't lost on me. This was not what I had had in mind but the concept was intriguing. I hesitated. My fiancee continued playing with 'mr Nice'. She smiled at me, offering my lips a shining black ankle-high laced leather boot from Manolo Blahnik. I'd always liked those.
"Well sweetheart?" she smiled at me innocently. My fiancee truly looked like an angel with golden hair, radiant face and honest eyes. It was impossible of course but I swear there was even a halo hovering over her head.
I raised my head and kissed the boot.
Part 2 (added: 2012/09/11)
"Wakey, wakey, sweetheart," my fiancee, Angel, called from the kitchen. I tried to reply but only incoherent mumblings left my mouth. I tried to get up but could barely move my arms and legs. I felt the cuffs on my wrists and ankles. Was I still chained to the bed? Had Angel found the ball-gag and used it on me when I was asleep? All I could remember was that after I kissed the Manolo Blahnik boot she had fucked my brains out and then I must have fallen asleep. I opened my mouth. No ball-gag fortunately. "Must remember to get rid of the gag and the other potentially unpleasant stuff from the closet before she finds them," I thought.
"Come on sweetheart, breakfast is ready, Angel called again. I dared open an eye. Fortunately the curtains were still down so I wasn't too blinded by daylight. I saw no chains. Then I remembered, this was my usual morning mode. Tired, grumpy and barely able to move. I hated mornings, especially early Monday winter mornings. Alarm bells going off ungodly early and a chilly room and it just felt awfully wrong to leave the warm bed and the soft Angel laying next to me. Well, today it was Saturday and we were both off work. In fact I am off work all the time nowadays. After the last wave of layoffs hit me we were living of my fiancee's salary and of my savings.
I finally gathered the strength to rise and leave the bed. I briefly tried unbuckling the cuffs but my fingers seemed to slip. No doubt an effect of morning tiredness, no big deal. After a short detour to the bathroom I stumbled into the kitchen, clad in a bathrobe and the leather cuffs. There my sweet and innocent Angel sat prim and proper, fully but casually dressed in blue jeans and a thin white blouse, beaming at me. A halo was hovering in the air above her hair. I suspected this was some kind of halo-hallucination. My Angel had made what the Britons might call a full English breakfast, except we had coffee instead of tea.
"Morning, sweetheart, " she greeted me.
"Morning, darling," I replied. "You were fantastic last night."
"You were incredible too," she said "I had no idea there were so much fun in BDSM. We must explore this path together, starting right after breakfast."
"Strange that she knows the term BDSM," I thought, but settled to assuming that was modern mainstream knowledge. Especially for a librarian like my Angel.
The breakfast was delicious and we were both hungry. We soon cleared the plates. We followed the usual weekend morning routine. Angel prepared the breakfast and I cleaned the table and started the dish-washer. I had just finished tidying up the kitchen as she returned with my wireless laptop.
"Now," she said, "it's time to do some shopping."
"Oh no," I moaned, "you know I hate shopping."
"I think you'll find this shopping endurable," she said. "We'll be internet-shopping for lingerie. Please have a seat and promise you won't run away."
She motioned to the steady wooden kitchen chair, placing the laptop in front of me. I sat down smiling. Shopping lingerie for Angel could be fun. "So, what do you have in mind? Victoria's Secret, Agent Provocateur or should we be frugal and settle for HM and GAP?" I asked, turning the computer on.
"Oh sweetheart," she smiled, "you're always so practical. Let's buy the bulk from the cheap stores and indulge in just one extra luxury item from a trendy boutique of your choice."
I opened the brower and typed in one of the cheap stores' URL's. Angel bent down next to me and reached for my ankle. "Sweetheart," she purred, "I got to go out for a short errand now, just to make sure you don't run away let's use the chain. I do know you don't like shopping."
"Oh, that's not necessary, darling" I said. "I promise to dutifully stay here searching for your fancy underwear."
I heard a click, probably from a padlock. "Don't worry, Sweeheart," my Angel said, while pushing my other ankle nearer the other one. "It's just a tiny little chain to make sure you won't go astray."
An other click was heard. I looked down. A three feet chain was going between my two feet and a metal ring bolted to the floor. Strange, I didn't remember that one. Had it been here since we moved in two years ago? Never mind. Guess I'd be stuck here for awhile. Angel kissed my cheek and left the apartment. I began the internet-shopping.
There were some decent collections. I found lots of semi-transparent mesh thongs in different colors, sexy lace tangas (actual name) a polka dot stretch cotton teeny bikini and some more conventional flowery silky panties. I bookmarked the items, including matching bras. From Agent Provocateur I choose a Syble Tie-Side and matching Sequin pasties. Cute as a cupcake. At last I googled for crothless panties and found a few to my taste. I wasn't sure they were to Angel's taste too but these last 12 hours she had really surprised me.
When finished with the browsing I remembered the wrist-cuffs. I tried unbuckling them, to no avail, my fingers just slipped. "Strange," I thought, "I've tried them a dozen times before and they've never stuck like this."
I was still fumbling with the cuffs when Angel returned. "Sweetheart, I'm home," she shouted from the hall. "Have you been a good boy and finished your homework?"
"Yes, I have," I said, showing the bookmarks.
"Sweetheart, I'm so proud of you," she said, kissing my cheek, "now let's see what you've found."
She sat downt next to me. We did the shopping together. I.e. I suggested the items, she accepted or rejected, decided the size, and finally I paid with my credit card.
First I showed the innocent flowery stuff, saving the more daring ones until last. I needn't worry. My darling Angel was unusually agreeing. She only vetoed one bra she claimed wouldn't fit well. No doubt she was right on that too. For the more transparent ones she winked or kissed me and said things like, "Naughty you!" or "You rascal!"
The crotchless panties she found tacky but "as you're the one wearing them I won't complain," she added.
"What do you mean?" I protested, taken aback. "I can't wear those panties, can I?"
My Angel looked sternly at me, slowly nodding. "Yes sweetheart, you can," she said. "I've decided to start using your very nice boxers so it's only appropriate that you begin to wear panties. Don't you think so sweetheart? You'll get the type of lingerie you prefer also, after all you've just choosen them. Albeit you no doubt assumed you choose them for me. You'll start wearing them as soon as we get the delivery. Until then I fear you'll have to do without since I've already taken ownership of the boxers."
I wasn't sure if I liked this late development, however mr Nice wasn't worried, the little traitor was moving and growing under my bathrobe, further undermining my already weak bargaining position.
"Oh, ok," I said weakly, "but what about the bras? You can't possibly expect me to wear a bra."
"Of course not, stupid," my Angel said. "The bras are for me. Isn't that romantic?" she beamed. "Think about it. We'll have complementing underwear. While I'm at work I wear a bra you've choosen and I know that you're at home dressed in the corresponding panties. During the weekends you can wear the crotchless ones."
Angel unbuttoned her blouse, opened the bra and lifted her full breasts towards me. "You're also right, there's absolutely no way you could fill my bra," she said.
"That's a sure thing," I replied.
I leaned forward and kissed the breast, circling the areola with my tounge. Angel moaned. I nibbled carefully at the nipple while caressing Angel's back with the hands. Slowly but steadily moving lower. Angel breathed harder and started unbuttoning her Jeans, then ripped my boxers off.
"Take me, take me now! Right here on the kitchen floor." Angel shouted.
I obliged her.
Afterwards we were laying on the kitchen mat. A good mat but useless as mattress.
"Darling," I said. "remember what you said about my comfort?"
"Yes, sweetheart," she replied. "Your comfort is of the utmost importance."
"Well," I hinted. "Isn't this floor awfully hard."
"Oh yes, sorry, you're right," Angel said. "I'll set you free now."
I waited in silence as she rose and searched her jeans for the keys. She kneeled beside my right ankle and opened the padlock. I pulled the chain through the floor ring. Finally free. I slowly rose and stretched my stiff limbs.
"Darling, will you now please remove the chain from the other ankle," I said.
"Oh, sweetheart," Angel said. "I can't do that."
"Why not?" I asked.
"I have a confession to make." she said. "I have been really, really, bad today. You see, sweetheart. Last night when I cuffed you spread-eagled to the bed and rode you I had the first orgasms I ever experienced. Sans vibrator, i.e."
"What? You can't be serious" I protested, "We've been having sex, what?, hundreds of times and you climaxed every one of them."
"Sorry to disappoint you sweetheart," Angel said. "I was faking it. Every single time."
I stared at her in disbelief. Faking it? She stuck her tounge out at me.
"Well, the point is," she continued, "this whole bondage situation turned me on so much. When I also had those very real multiple orgasms I didn't want it to end. When you had fallen alseep I secured the cuffs with some super glue, that's why you couldn't unbuckle them. But I'm sure the glue will wear off in a few days."
"Are you kidding? super glue lasts forever. This means I'm stuck like this, at least until we find a way to cut through the cuffs without cutting my veins," I said. "What about the padlock and chain, did you throw the key away, or what?"
"No such thing," she said, "when I went out during your lingerie hunt I went to the library and left the key in my locker. Even if I wanted to I couldn't unchain you now. I'm not sure that I want to either, sweetheart. You look damn great in cuffs and chain."
My Angel gave me that smile that made my knees weak, my hair unruly and mr Nice excited. Resistance was futile. I retreated but tried my last line of defense.
"As you wish darling," I said, "anything to make you happy. The chain stays on as long as you like and I'll wear the panties when they arrive, even the crotchless ones. After all I did kiss that boot. However, I agree with you that super glue thing was really, really bad. You clearly deserve a good spanking and I'm going to deliver it right now."
Angel wasn't impressed by the threat. She made a mock yawn at me.
"In our basement torture dungeon," I added.
Her eyes widened. "You wouldn't dare," she whispered.
"Yes darling, I will," I said, grabbing her arm, turning her around.
Part 3 (added: 2012/11/02)
We didn't have a real torture dungeon in our basement. That was a joke we made when we bought the house. There were plenty of heavy metal rings secured to the walls and to the wooden pillars in the middle of the room. There were also some strange kinds of gym equipment left by the former owner. That had made us saying the basement being a torture dungeon. Both Angel and I hated all kinds of sports, which we considered torture, except for excercises in the bed ;-) Besides that the basement was farily cozy. There were a steady iron framed bed, a cupboard, fake van Goghs on the walls, floor mats and a bathroom. We intended to use the area as guest room. Not that we had many guests since our friends and relatives lived far away.
With a firm grip around Angel's arm I led her towards the stairs and down to the iron framed bed. She didn't put up much of a fight. Only enough not to spoil her implied abductee victim status. That's yet a thing I love with Angel. Her great imagination and willingness to play along. Though sometimes she's too clever for her, or my own, good, I suspect.
I showed Angel the leather straps at the headside bedposts. "Just like in that movie you fancy, 'A Dangerous Method'," I said.
"Oh, Sweetheart," Angel said. "How romantic of you, I really like Cronenberg's movies."
"You may call me doctor Jung, and now it's time for your treatment," I said, trying to sound authoritative.
"Yes, I see now that the leather straps are necessary but before we start the treatment I'd like to discuss the GECK with you," Angel said.
I paled for a moment. The GECK, a corny acronym for the ludicrously named 'Garden of Eden Creation Kit', was the bondage kit my cuffs came from. Besides containing vanilla stuff it also included some advanced gadgets. I was farily certain some of them were too much to stomach for both Angel and me.
"You found it," I said. "Of course you found it. I can't hide anything from you. Um, darling. You know, I bought that kit because it was really good priced. Even if we throw away half of the items we got the other half at a bargain."
"Sweetheart, you're always so practical," Angel said, kissing my chin. "I totally agree with you. Let's go through the content and get rid of the awkward stuff and keep the things we can put to use. If you wait here I'll get the GECK. I'll be right back for my treatment."
Up the stairs she went. Thorough as ususal Angel closed the door to the basement. Did I hear a click? Had she locked me in? No, it was just my imagination. Besides if I really needed to get out there were plenty of windows in the upper part of the basement. Surely I could get out through one of those. Though I wouldn't want to meet any neighbours clad in bathrobe, cuffs and a chain dangling from the left ankle. So I waited and lo, a click was heard, the door opened and Angel appeared with the GECK. A brass padlock key was hanging in a chain around her neck, teasingly resting in her cleavage. Fitting the occasion Angel was wearing a thin white cotton dress.
"Welcome back, darling, for a moment I thought you were going leave me locked in here in our torture dungeon," I said.
"And miss my treatment?" she said. "Don't be silly doctor Jung."
We sat down on the bed, pouring the content of the GECK between us.
"Let's see," Angel said, grabbing an item. "A degrading tag labeled 'Pet'."
"Yes, throw it away," I said.
There were more silly tags, labeled, 'Slave', 'Slut', 'Dog' and 'Whore'. Angel got rid of them one after an other.
A bunch of acceptable thingies followed. Chains, padlocks, a few handcuffs, more leather cuffs, blindfolds, feathers and a remote controlled vibrator.
"I got new batteries for that one," I said.
"Oh, Sweetheart, you think of everything," Angel said. "Now let's continue, shall we?"
She grabbed a small white rubber butt plugs. "What the..." she said.
"Trash," I replied. Angel threw it away.
The next plug was huge. Angel gasped.
"Who would ever consider using these," she said.
"Have no idea," I said. "Just dispose of it and the remaining ones too, will you?"
Angel threw all the plugs away. Next item was a springy leather paddle.
"That'll be perfect for your treatment, darling," I said, slapping it a few times in my hand. Angel giggled. Next came a nastier looking rod. Angel hesitated, then gave it to me.
"Might do the trick if your standard process doesn't cure me," she whispered.
"I'm sure it won't be necessary," I said. "Speaking as a doctor I'm confident your condition will improve soon. But I'm also suspecting you'll need a maintenance dose now and then."
I winked at Angel, putting the rod aside. Then came the gags. A ball gag and a ring gag. "I'm not sure about the gags," I said.
"Yes sweetheart, there's always a choking hazard and they look like they might be uncomfortable," Angel said.
"Especially after longer use," I said. "Let's just put them aside for now, maybe we might want to try them later at some time."
We did the same with the collars, saving them for possible use later. There was a normal collar and a big leather posture collar. They had larger rings for attaching chains and smaller rings for the degrading tags we already had thrown away.
"Strange, I must be more kinky than I could ever have guessed," Angel said. "The posture collar looks horrible but in a way downright sexy too."
"Darling, you are quite an unusual librarian," I said. "Now, there'are only these nipple clamps left."
There were two types, toothed and sans teeth. Angel lowered her dress and fastened the toothless ones on her nipples.
"Not too bad, doesn't hurt at all, maybe you can make me wear them if I really misbehave some time" she said. "Here, let's try the other ones on you sweetheart."
I winced. "No way," I said.
"Not your nipples, stupid," she said. "I did promise you no pain. Try it on your thumb. Just to get a feeling for them."
"Oh, ok, darling," I said, offering a hand. Angel took it.
"Ouch," I said as the teeth bit into my thumb.
Angel dropped the other one. It bounced on the floor. She kneeled, searching for it.
"Ok, sweetheart, let's not use those bity clamps. Let's throw them away," she said, "and please don't spank me right now."
I couldn't resist giving my Angel a few light blows with the paddle on her behind. She complained weakly but continued searching the floor. I rose and took two steps towards the wastebasket throwing the ugly clamp away. A click was heard, then yet a click. I stiffened. I, not mr Nice, mind you.
"Darling, did you just do something you shouldn't have done?" I said, slowly turning around. My ankle chain was now padlocked to an other, thankfully fairly long, chain, that in it's turn was padlocked to one of the extra steady wall rings.
Angel smiled at me. "Dr Jung, I got a hypothesis," she said, "I am sure I can only climax when you're chained. Please let's try that theory now."
As usual I couldn't resist her smile. "Ok, my patient," I said, "let the treatment begin."
She climbed the bed kneeling, making sure the dress didn't cover her breasts. The clamps were still hugging her nipples. I used the leather straps, sans padlocks, got to do it in style, to secure her wrists to the bedposts.
"Dr Jung prescribes a dozen spankings on this lovely but utterly confused patient's bottoms," I said.
"Doctor, do you think a dozen is enough?" Angel asked.
"We'll see," I said while treating Angel's behind with the paddle.
She moaned every time it hit her. I counted the strikes, at twelve I paused and lifted her dress. Angel wore innocent yellow panties. I pulled them down her thighs.
"Barely pink, " I commented. "Definitely you need a stronger dose. Hm, shall we say an other dozen, rod on dress or better paddle sans dress, sans panties."
"Thank you doctor," Angel said. "I hope that will cure me."
Again I counted to twelve, slowly, careful not to overdo it. Angel moaned louder this time. At twelve she shook visibly and cried out loud. Did I hit too hard? Had Angel had an orgasm just from spanking? She was now pinkish but far from red. That could have hurt slightly but not too much, I was sure. Angel exhaled slowly.
"Doctor Jung, please release me now, " she said between clenched teeth.
I admired her for staying very much in style with the movie character. However the mention of a release reminded me my ankle chain. I stepped out of character for a moment, I fear. I quickly and rather deftly, I must say, I inserted the ballgag in her mouth. She probably didn't expect it since we had agreed not to use it now. Angel started making sounds. I ignored her and fastened the straps then added the blindfold.
"I hope you experienced a good orgasm darling," I said. "Because that's the only release you're going to have today. Now it's time for my release from your chain trick. Don't want to hear any complaints either. Thus your ball-gag."
Angel protested behind the gag. At least I think she did. I couldn't hear what, if anything, she said, but she shook her head and sounded annoyed.
"Hush, darling," I said. "I'll remove the gag as soon as I've had a beer and a shower.
I lifted her hair and started pulling her key-chain, while caressing her breasts. As my hand touched the nipple-clamp Angel clearly screamed in her gag. I realised the reason for her discomfort and I felt stupid. Of course, the nipples must hurt like hell by now. I carefully removed the clamps from the swollen tips. Them clamps had no teeth but they hug rather hard. Must have gradually cut off the blood supply. Devious little thingies. First she barely felt them but after some time they started to torment. Better be very careful in the future. I removed the blindfold. The Angel eyes were filled with tears.
"Sorry darling," I whispered in her ear.
The head harness for the gag was slightly stuck when I removed it. I fear I pulled a strand of Angel's hair.
"Sorry again, darling, I fear I got carried away," I said. "Did it hurt much?"
Angel spit the gag out.
"What do you think, stupid," she screamed. "Is the pope a catholic?
I took that as a yes, as in yes it did hurt. Better release her now. I unbuckled Angels wrist-straps. She pulled her panties up, then rose from the bed standing next to me, lifting the white thin dress to wipe the tears. The swollen nipples staring accusingly at me. In her face a miscievious smile.
"Feeling better, darling?" I asked.
Angel nodded.
"In fact I do sweetheart." she said. "I couldn't belive you did that to me but strangely it felt good, and in a way I deserved it too. After all I was being quite naughty. I mean, chaining you to the wall of the basement torture dungeon making you spend the next week imprisoned down here. Stark naked except for your panties, when they arrive. I'll take your bathrobe in exchange for food."
I couldn't believe my ears. I hadn't expected this. Though the traitor, mr Nice, didn't seem concerned. He saluted the new news happily. I, however, didn't give in. A quick step towards Angel. My hand grabbed the key-chain and this time I didn't bother with her hair.
"Ha," I said triumphantly while tearing the thin chain apart.
I grabbed the key and sat on the bed. Bending down I inserted the key in the wrist padlock. Angel calmly collected the GECK and walked to the stairs. The key didn't fit the wrist-padlock. I went to the second padlock, the one joining the two pieces of chain.
"Don't bother with the other locks." Angel said. "That fake key won't fit. In fact the real key is already on its way on an air-mail around-the-world trip. That's why you have to wait a week or so until the post office in Brisbane, Australia, notices the fake address doesn't exist and returns the parcel to the sender. That is me."
"What?" I protested. "That could take forevever, in worst case literally if they loose the parcel, but most likely quite a long time. You expect me to stay here in the basement until then?"
Again Angel smiled miscieviously at me. Her nipples over the short thin dress now mocking me.
"It's not so bad here sweetheart, is it?" she said. "Your chain is long enough to reach our guest-bathroom and you'll get sheets and a blanket for the bed. I'll bring food to you and I'll spend my time off work with you down here. I'm also sure I'll need more of the treatment some other day. You are a terribly skilled doctor, dr Jung."
My head spun. The recent events were totally confusing. Angel had turned in some kind of talented sado-maso playmate. My original idea of dominating her had uttely failed but I didn't mind, not much at least. It sure could be thrilling to explore this path togehter with my Angel love. However one thing Darios had pointed out lingered in my mind. When Angel started walking upstairs I asked her:
"Darling, how on Earth will I get the panties on while stuck with this chain?"