Author's Note: Second effort, please comment. Hope you enjoy. Not the way I had planned it. Part 2 may follow.
Part 1
I am forty years old and have been married for twenty of those. The kids are off in college and I am currently retired thanks to six lucky numbers. My wife is a good woman, did a great job raising the kids. My only complaint is in regards to sex. It does not interest her and she has never initiated sex after we had kids. She will give it up if I ask but I try not to because I know she does not like it. I do not want to wander because I am a target. I have tried everything but she is happy with a vibrator. I bought it as a supplement, not a replacement.
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I had a girlfriend in my younger days and we played at bondage and I have been hooked every since.
I have had to resort to self bondage because I have not tried to find a partner. I got caught in a very bad situation by my wife and she freaked! It was a good thing she found me because much longer in that situation and I would have most likely lost the use of my hands, or worse. Bad decisions, poor planning and a series of mistakes left me helpless and bound slowly loosing circulation in my hands. This happened prior to the lottery, she was mad and dismayed that I put myself in that situation and she almost left. We are still together but have very separate lives.
She had a weekend away planned with some of her girlfriends and so I thought it would be a good time for some self bondage. I have become very good at releases since my mishap. The week prior to her trip I was planning and getting totally horny at the thought of the planned session.
The big day arrived and I saw her to the door, told her to have fun and watched her drive off. I got naked right away as I made my way around the house making sure everything was locked. I had a hard on and was very excited. I took a Viagra and headed to the garage.
I love to be bound and helpless with a rock hard dick and no way to do anything about it until my release. Today was very simple and I should have two to three hours of play before release. I almost think about a pair of panty hose but decide against it because I can stimulate myself and get off in a pair of those. So, no kinky outfit, just a penis extension. I like this one because it is very comfy and hangs on really well and is a little on the heavy side.
I get everything laid out and double check and decide it is time to do it.
I lube up the extension and start to work it on my dick, it takes a couple of good pushes to get all the air out and I can feel my dick getting suctioned into this thing. I get a rush it feels so good. I look at myself in the mirror on the wall and get turned on. I almost wish I had a dick this big but am happy with my size. I start to jack off the sleeve and it feels really weird having this giant dick in my hand but no matter how hard I wack it, I cannot get myself off through this sleeve. I get it spinning and break it loose and start jacking myself off with the sleeve and my hand. I take it really show and the next thing I know I am on the edge and have a hard time stopping.
It has been too long and my body is loving it. I push the sleeve back into place getting all of the air out, give it a couple of tugs and it is secure and totally sucking my dick. I let it go and walked to the freezer with this big dong pulling down on my cock and flopping everywhere. This feels so good, my body and mind are tingly and I love this.
I put the arm and ankle cuffs on and get even more excited. They have a soft lining but are impossible to escape once bound. I am going to be bound with a spreader bar on my ankles and my arms spread eagle.
My homemade timer is easy to make. I take an old aerosol can and cut the top off inside of the outer top rim. I take a six foot length of small link chain and with the two loose ends at the top of the can I feed the chain into the can on top of itself and then freeze it, the chain fills the can to the top. I sometimes insulate the can but decide on a shorter time today. I would normally use a second escape method but this one is so reliable, I do not.
Dumbass! Breaking all the rules.
I tie two pieces of rope too each link of the chain in the release device. I tie one end of the rope off to a vertical support at shoulder height and the other end has a short clip that attaches to my wrist cuff. I measure off where I will be standing when the rope is pulled tight. I unclip the cuff and walk over to the side garage door and tie off to the doorknob. This is an industrial type of door and is heavy duty and has spring hinges to close it. I walk back to the prior spot and measure things out, make a couple of adjustments and am satisfied and ready to go.
This is the only part I do not like about this setup. I open the side garage door and peek out hiding the monster cock and all is clear. It is my back yard; I just do not want a neighbor getting a glance. I close the door. I take a drink of water, go over the situation and decide it is time. I take a couple of tugs and turns on the cock extension and start to get euphoric. I almost want to take the sleeve off because my dick is so hard and just pounding but I leave it on just swinging away.
I clip the cuff to the door rope and get butterflies in my stomach. I open the door and peek out again and find the coast is clear. I hold the door open with the rope and make my way to the other rope, put the spreader bar on and clip my free hand. It is the moment of truth. I pull tight on the release devise rope and allow the door to start to swing close. I get it to just before closing and stop. The distance seems right, maybe a little tight but I will start getting slack once the timer starts to melt.
I am so high on this, full of nervous energy. My body and mind are in a state of horneyness and I don't know........
Before I had another thought I pulled the door open and then pulled all the slack out of my left cuff and pushed toward the door and she closed the first time. I think to myself, I really just tied myself up really good. I have next to no slack in the arm ropes. I give them a couple of pulls and then pull really hard, as hard as I can at this angle and nothing gives at all! I am spreader bared at my feet and have no wiggle room with my arms. I am looking in the mirror and see that I am tied very securely. No knots to reach, there is no way to reach the clips on the cuffs and this monster cock is fighting my cock in a gravity contest. I get it swinging around and hitting my legs but not enough stimulation to orgasm. I would not want to anyway.
The bonds are struggling against me, I try and relax and can get nothing as far as wiggle room. I am not in pain but this is really tight. I look in the mirror, struggle a little and get that feeling. I cannot explain it, but will try. It is like a high, very euphoric. My body and mind are in a state of frenzy? My cock is rock hard and pounding being sucked / vacuumed into this sleeve with no hope of release. I am hopelessly tied spread eagle and should be this way for quite some time. I pull and struggle in vain a little more weakly. Here I am stuck and feel really, really good about it! It will be a very good orgasm when this is over.
I feel like I have seventh grade wood and it feels like it is going to explode on its own but will not. I have been shaking and swinging the monster around and feels like I am in a John Holmes peter pump but no release, just frustration. I give the bonds a really good pull with all I have and still get nothing. I am somewhat comfortable but can tell I will be sore after this is over. I am there, in my own garage, tied by my own hand, with a big giant dick over mine in a state of endorphin induced bliss? I look over and realize I did not lock the side garage door. Oh shit. Should not be a problem as my back yard it gated and locked.
I fall back into my euphoric daze after testing the bonds. I am getting a little weak due to the struggle and my knees are a little shaky, not due to the weight or angle either. I normally get a little slack at this point out of the release device but it is melting slowly. I can see frost on the outside of the can so I know it is going to melt.
My dick is so hard; it is actually starting to hurt a little...in a good way. I start to do kegels and just holding them. I am getting more and more excited and start to make headway toward orgasm. I find if I just hold the kegel, which I can at this moment I am on the way. My cock is being blown by this sleeve and I can feel it is getting close. I start working with all I have doing a marathon kegel and am getting very close to exploding when I hear a car, pulling into a driveway, really close and then realize it is my driveway.
I hear it pulling beside the house and making the sharp turn left as the automatic garage door opens and my wife comes motoring into one of the three spaces in the garage. I come out of my daze and pull for all I am worth but nothing gives. SHIT!
She turns the car off and gets out and heads for the door and walks right into the house calling for me. She left the automatic garage door open, oh shit! My garage faces the side of my neighbor's house, luckily the two story side with only two small bathroom windows and I am behind the door that rarely gets opened but there is a very minor view of the sidewalk from where I am. I pull with everything I have trying to break the release device and I hear it crack a little but I cannot get it. I hear her calling me. I am not sure what to do; I do not want to call her and just stay there silent, breathing, sweat pouring off of me. I hear her coming back to the garage door, she opens the door and I just see her hand reach for the switch and closed the roll up. The door starts to close and then she sticks her head out and with a look of startle she sees me.
She walks out of the house into the garage and walks over to just in front of me eying the bondage and this monster cock I have over my dick. I am looking down the whole time not making eye contact at all. She smirks as she walks over to the release device. She reaches up and takes the loose ends of the rope which was tied through the chain links and ties the two links tightly together. I can say tightly because I felt it as she walked behind me following the ropes and my shoulders all the way around the bondage until she stood right in front of me and stopped.
I made a futile attempt at pulling but knew with the links tied together, I was done. She reached down and grabbed the monster and gave it a tug and then just held it outright. She stepped right in front of me and said nothing. I was looking down at the floor and her hand on the monster sleeve when she said. Well, it looks like you did it this time. She was bouncing the giant dick in her hand and giving it a tug here and there when she let it go and stepped back a little. She walked to the cuffs and checked tightness and looked at all the clips and knots and spreader bar. She locked the side garage door and walked behind me. She stood there for a minute and as she headed for the door into the house she said not to go anywhere, she will be right back.
As the door closed and I heard her walking down the hall. I wait a few seconds and start pulling for all I am worth. I am looking at her tie on the links and a knot rolls over and becomes a double half hitch. I give it my all again just to see the knot tighten. Shit! I am done. I cannot see anyway of escape. I would have normally tied a second release to the ceiling above my hand with a knife so I could cut my way out if needed but I am sure she would have seen it. I am bound. I cannot escape. Now, the feeling I have is not a really good one, although my dick is still rock hard and fighting this sleeve.
I can hear nothing in the house and a good half hour goes by, I think? The door opens and here is my wife with a bottle of water. She asks if I would like a drink. I shake my head and she walks to right in front of me and opens the bottle. She starts to move the bottle toward my mouth and when I look up to drink she holds it just out of my reach. I am looking anywhere except her eyes and she just stood there staring right into my eyes.
Do you want a drink or not? I again shook my head. Then look me in the eyes. I slowly made eye contact clearly ashamed. I drank the whole bottle and when I was done, she spoke.
She said she was not surprised to find me here in this situation. She said she had given thought to what she would do in this event and that the plan was in motion. There would be a visitor shortly that wanted to speak with us. I will let you know when they arrive. She walks over and toyed with the rope giving it a good tug down, she walks behind me checking the cuffs and puts her hand on my upper back and gives a slight caress. She turns and leaves the room. As the door closed I again try for escape only to find all is solid. Tight as tight can be.
My shoulders and neck are really starting to feel stretched and cramped. I am spread eagle at the legs, this sleeve is trying to pull my dick off of my body and I am over the feeling of euphoria and trying to decide it I should call her, so, I just wait. Time is dragging; I am sorry I am in this position and know if she had not intervened I would be at least half out of this. The can has no frost and has a puddle under it but that does not matter now. I am getting tired and my legs are starting to cramp, my nose itches and there is a fly starting to buzz me.
I call out for her and she walks in. She is dressed in a pair of yoga pants and a tank with no bra and asked what I wanted.
Please untie me, I beg, please untie me.
No. You got yourself into this; you can get yourself out if you can.
I said I would be out by now if she had not interfered.
Too bad she said. It could have been a lot worse. What if one of the kids had come home unexpectedly, or a burglar walked into the side garage door. She said I would just have to wait, someone would be here shortly. She got a matt and started working out right in front of me. Those yoga pants and her tits got me going. I begged for release and told her I wanted to have wild sex with her. She got up and left the room only to come back wearing thigh high bright red socks, a vibrator and nothing else. She laid on the matt in front of me, turned the vib on and started pleasing herself. She held nothing back as she started playing with her nipples and driving that vibrator home. She had three or four big orgasms and on the last one she just laid there motionless. A little movement here and there, a little brush of her nipple or clit, a little moving of her hair.
I was out of my mind and trying to get off but was having no luck. Her phone rings and I hear her giving last turn directions. She gets up and leaves the room. I am begging as she is going but the door just slams and I can hear no more.
WTF! I hear a car pull up and turn off. I can hear footsteps and then hear the doorbell. I cannot hear what is being said but I hear footsteps, then heels, then the door opens. In walk two women and my wife. They walk in front of me and stop, they are looking at me and both the women have smiles on their faces as they ask if this is how she found me. My wife tells them that the only thing she did was to tie to release together. The two women walk behind me checking all the bonds before walking up and smacking my ass, hard!
I wince in shock and try to move but I cannot.
They all walk a little away and I can hear them talking about ten days and limits when I started to protest. One of the women, a little heavyset got in my face and told me I did not have permission to speak and not to speak or grunt or moan unless I had permission. She looked down and grabbed the extension, gave it a turn or two and started pulling it off. She had to break the suction at the base and then slid it off. She stepped back and said, that boy looks ready! Too bad that aint gonna happen.
I started to protest and the heavy girl was in front of me and forced a gag into my mouth and strapped it on. She then put a pump into this thing and now I have a dick working its way down the back of my throat. I am struggling to breathe and not gag and still stay standing. I can hear talking but cannot quite understand what is being said.
They walk back in front of me and stop. The heavy girl walked behind me and put her hand on my ass, gently caressing it; she then stepped back and slapped my ass cheek. I reeled and got another, and another. My wife motioned and she stopped and then my wife stepped right in front of me. The bitch behind me grabbed my hair and made me look at my wife.
My wife said she knew this day would come and she kind of understood but did not. She knew she had not been the most romantic but did not want to come home and see this. She thought I would have learned the lesson from the last time but apparently I had not. There were two options. Divorce or ten days.
Ten days? I asked with my eyes?
You are a good guy and have done very good by me; I like the situation and want to keep it. If you don't after ten days then I will understand. These women have been hired out, very well for the next ten days to give you what you want, or what they want. If you agree to the terms. Otherwise divorce and the news of a perverted bondage wacko would surely follow.
She stood in front of me with a normal look.
I am standing there with a rock hard, throbbing, red dick. She reaches down and grabs it as I wince. She just smiles and starts tugging and squeezing and gets me close. She turns and tells the girls I am all theirs for ten days. I look up but do not protest. We all stand there and wait. They start to discuss boundaries and my wife tells then she has no idea and that she will leave it up to them. I start to protest and the big bitch walks up and grabs my balls in a choke hold and starts pulling. She tells me to shut up and does not stop pulling until I stop hollering, whining and then whimpering, and then nothing. And then she let go.
I see the two of them walk out. My wife turns and opens the garage door and pulls her car out and a minivan pulls in. The garage door closes and these two women are on me. A collar and my cuffs latched to the collar. My feet hobbled we stumble over and into the back of the van. The big one gets in and puts a belt on and ties my feet to my back and then to one of the seat braces. She checks the gag and steps out. She has my wife place her foot to right in front of my face and tells me to kiss it. I hesisate and the big girl gives me a glare. I moved what little I could but could not quite get within range. My wife moved her foot a little closer and I kissed it. She shyly pulled away.
The two women came up and gave her a hug and told her everything would be all right and not to worry. I hear them asking my wife if I had ever hit her, or abused her, or forced myself upon her. I see my wife clearly shake her head no and said only this. The door slammed closed and there I was, naked and gagged in the back of a minivan, tied to a seat with a raging hard on. As the garage door opened and the van pulled out of the drive, I had a feeling, and it was fear.