Author's Note: My first story, developed from a fantasy of my own being fleshed out involving some old school friends
Chapter One - Chloe
Ethan watched from his haven high above in the darkness as the helpless girl down below him came to. A leerish spread across his face as the girl's panicked state made her struggle against her bonds, straining fruitlessly at the ropes securing her to the chair. He had watched her for weeks, he already knew her basic habits but he needed to learn her specific patterns so waited for a moment when nobody was around. Finally his opportunity came when she was leaving a party, slightly intoxicated making his job easier. Sneaking up behind her when she was well away from anyone with a syringe of M99 animal tranquiliser, he deftly slid it into her exposed neck knocking her out for a few hours; more than enough time to transport her across town to his... facility, and prepare her for the new life ahead of her.
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He had started off simple with, leaving her clothes on for the time being as he wanted to let her settle into her surroundings with moderate comfort, or as much as could be gained considering her situation; he bound her wrists together behind her back in rope cuffs with a double loop thread around it and stretching around her waist, holding them down, then cinched her arms together just above the elbow, securing them completely. Spreader bars were padlocked in place at her ankles and above the knees, keeping them separated and her skirt across her thighs.
The finishing touches consisted of a rough cut fabric blindfold strapped tightly over her eyes leaving zero chance of her seeing anything Ethan didn't want her to; along with a bit gag tight in her mouth, as a special treat for his new toy he'd added a dulled razor blade inserted so if she attempted to speak it would cause her pain, not much but enough for her to get the message; with all this together she made a beautiful sight.
She was eighteen with dirty blonde hair that stretched down between her shoulders blades and had light skin that flushed when embarrassed or afraid, as she was right at that moment, very much so. She had a slim, athletic body with well-rounded breasts that presented themselves clearly underneath the strict tie he had her in. Ethan particularly liked her because of her natural beauty, no make-up no fake hair dye or extensions, there was a belly button piercing but no ring to keep the wound open so it was mostly healed by now and little more than a fading pink scar. All in all she was the perfect specimen just waiting to be moulded into an ideal slave, not that she knew it yet.
And her name, the name of this beautiful blonde girl bound, gagged and terrified in the darkness the warehouse, was Chloe.
Chloe was confused to say the least, she remembered leaving her sister Lauren's birthday party after striking a blazing argument with her younger brother Robbie, it wasn't over anything major just a spat but fuelled by bad timing a far too much to drink (why was there alcohol at a 15 year olds birthday party anyway?). It was due to the alcohol in her system that Chloe had been forced to walk home, she wasn't falling over as the wind changed but her mother had been to enough parties to know when someone was too drunk to drive- and Chloe was. So her keys had been taken and she was left to wander home at midnight, what could possibly go wrong? One minute she'd been on her way back to the student accommodation she lived in the next she was waking up god knows where and she couldn't move or see anything.
Struggling against the ropes that held her in place; she tried to listen for anything, anything at all; first immediately near her then anywhere at all. But there was nothing, not even the sound of a tap dripping in the vast distance. She tried screaming out for someone to help her but all that came out was a muffled cry as she was stunted by the gag in her mouth, there was something on it too that scraped against the skin in the corners of her mouth and stung them. As her scream echoed around her, she thought she heard a faint laugh come from somewhere above her and she screamed even harder, begging them to let her go and ignoring the pain she was feeling out of pure desperation and fear.
She screamed and shouted and begged and pleaded until her throat was dry and she needed to stop for breath.
As the intensity of her breathing increased she felt a cold rubbery hand run across her back at just below the neck and the sound of her breathing was joined by another. Clenching her jaw around the metal bit, Chloe tried to bring her body back under control while the stranger paced around her, keeping a single finger on her nape until he was stood directly behind her, then he lowered his hand to the waistband of her blouse and, producing a pair of scissors, cut through the fabric and pulled it apart until her chest, and the leopard print bra holding her breasts was exposed; bringing up his other hand he began to massage them both beneath the cup until she let out a low moan. He continued for a minute before using the scissors to cut through the bridge in-between, causing the elastic to spring back and her breasts to be released into their a natural position.
Putting the scissors down on the desk beside them both, Ethan moved back around in front of her, knelt down and used one hand to pull the hem of her skirt over her legs while the other pulled it up to her naval by the waistband, completely exposing her legs. He then picked up the scissors again and cut through both the skirt and her underwear at the same time. Pulling them off, he took a step back to admire his work; apart from her binds in which she was still struggling futilely in, Chloe was now completely naked in front of him. Moving over to the edge of the lights illuminating the facility he opened the armoire he prepared for her; pulling open the solid mahogany door he reached inside and produced a black leather collar, a red head harness ball-gag and a couple of padlocks. Walking back over to his bound toy, he undid the buckle on the bit-gag, not before whispering a quick warning in her ear.
"One sound, one whimper, and I stuff this down your throat and watch you choke to death" with that he immediately yanked the bit out of her mouth and onto the floor in front of them, then forced the red ball past her teeth and deep into her mouth before locking all three straps behind her head and clicking the padlock through the D-ring locking it shut. Next he took the leather collar and wrapped it tight around her neck, sliding it through the loops and locking it in place with the other padlock. Taking a step back for the second time to appreciate his new pet slavegirl, Ethan felt a dark wave of satisfaction spread through him as he spoke his second sentence ever to the terrified girl.
"Now slave, I think it's time to talk about the rules"