Author's Note: Hope you enjoy the story.
Emanual Caine, Magician Extraordinaire
Erica and I were beating the odds in Las Vegas. We had hoped a plane Friday night after work and had been gambling 24/7 for the last four days. We had more than paid for the trip with plenty left over. Our biggest concern as always was how to hide the winnings from the IRS when we returned to the Corporate Chaos that awaited us next Monday. The casinos were comp'ing everything under the sun in an attempt to recoup their losses. But it seemed we were unstoppable as the chips rolled in hand over fist. Erica had just rolled snake eyes at the craps table to the applause and dismay of the cheering crowds. She had been on a roll literally for the last hour with so-called "beginners-luck". High rollers were dropping thousands with each throw and the money just kept flowing.
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When she finally crapped out and lost her roll she immediately came up to me saying she was tried and wanted dinner. She was impossible to resist in her skimpy black dress, four-inch heels and black nylons. The outfit was something new and daring and expensive, but just one of the perks when the casinos are trying to keep their money in their own coffers. I quickly agreed as she shoved her tongue down my throat as she wrapped her arms around me. It was evident that the eye in the sky was keeping close tabs on us as the pit boss walked over to congratulate us on an incredible run at the table. "Congratulations, I never like to see that much money walk away from my tables, but it was a heck of a run. I am sure I am going to catch Hell over this at the end of the night, but in the end, I am a player, and those were some phenomenal dice." He shook my hand with his right and handed me tickets in a black book in another. "You two must be starving. Why don't you run down to the main hall? We have center stage tickets for this fantastic magician. He has been headlining here for two weeks and tonight's his last of three encore performances. If you two head out now, you will be just in time for appetizers and to order dinner. Take your time, relax, enjoy the dinner and take in the show. You will be the Hotel's guest of honor and get some much deserved down time in the meanwhile." We were both famished and feeling a little light headed so some non-gambling time was definitely in our future. "After the show, come back here and tell me all about the show and give me a chance to break even." He chuckled as he patted us on the back and hustled us off to the show.
True to his word we walked immediately into the sold out show and were seated right in the middle of the building. Best seats in the house. Our scantily clad underdressed waitress took our order and brought a round of drinks as Erica kicked off her shoes to give her weary feet a chance to rest. As we waited for our food, the star of the show and his beautiful assistant were working the crowd and eventually came to sit at our table before the food arrived. They introduced themselves as Mani and Mellissa Caine and asked if they could sit at the table for a while. They chatted with us for some time and were quite entertaining. Once our food arrived, they politely departed allowing us to eat in peace. After meeting the Magician and his Assistant, who turned out to be his wife, we were certain the show would be incredible as they seemed like remarkable entertainers. The meal was fantastic and really hit the spot. The waitress returned with another round of drinks along with our desert choices and quickly cleared the table as the assistant appeared on stage and began her introductions.
She had obviously changed outfits and was wearing a sparkling sequined outfit that was somewhere between a one piece bikini and a tuxedo. She even had an old school top hat that glittered in the spot light. Her long tan legs were covered in absolutely white nylons that disappeared beneath her bikini and ended in her sequined silver shoes. She walked elegantly across the stage in the impossible six inch stiletto heels as she continued speaking into her wireless microphone and headset. She wore black gloves and carried a black cane as she used the cane to help balance herself and begin their last performance. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the show and welcome to sunny Nevada. Please take your seats and prepare to see what is possibly; the greatest show on earth! Tonight it brings me great pleasure to introduce to you; The Greatest Magician, The Best Boss, and the Most Spectacular Husband; Emanual Caine!" Suddenly a cloud of smoke appeared and Mani stepped out onto the stage to a roar of applause from the room. He thanked his lovely wife and gave her a playful smack on the ass and proceeded with the show.
His tricks and showmanship ranged from the borderline cheesy, to the over-the-top amazing. His tongue and cheek sense of humor and the way he carried the show into the crowd made the classic parlor tricks more fun than childish. Somehow pulling a bouquet of flowers from some random guest's drinking glass, and making a live rabbit disappear into her purse was much more entertaining than if had he made either appear from his wife's Prop Hat. As the show continued his tricks became more challenging. Near the end of the show he made his wife crouch down and he covered her using the large cape he removed from his back. With a little hocus pocus and a wave of his wand he pulled the cape from above her body and revealed the large leopard that was lying beneath. His wife had disappeared and the large cat roared to life. With a simple yank of his cape the four legged beast of the wild had instantly appeared on stage. The cat jumped through hoops of fire and towered above him on its haunches responding to his whip like the finest of trained animal. Then with another swop of his cane, she returned to human form this time wearing a full leopard print body suit complete with whiskers, tail and cat ears. The crowd applauded at her return from a four footed feline as he bowed to the audience. "AHEM!" she interrupted the show, "A little more magic dust next time okay dear?" Mani turned to see what she was talking about to find his wife only partially transformed. She swished her tail and wiggled her cat like ears as she held up her hands for the crowd to see. From our vantage point we could easily see what had happened, but the closed circuit camera zoomed in so the rest of the audience could enjoy her predicament on the overhead monitors. "Mani dearest, look at my hands, look at me!" She seemed generally distraught.
"Oh Sweetie, I'm sorry, I am sure I can fix it. You are still cute as ever though! It's a new trick. Next time will be better. I promise." Mani walked over and hugged his wife as he took in her situation. Her cute button nose was now an inverted black triangle with whiskers adorning each side. Her bright red lips had turned black and were nearly hidden by her fur covered chin. Her human ears had disappeared and were now replaced by the yellow and black covered feline ears perched on either side of her black spotted scalp. The heavy steel chain collar was still wrapped around her neck although it had shrunk to fit just as tightly around her human neck as the larger one had fit her Leopard neck. Her dainty feminine hands with bright red nails were no more, now her arms ended in stubby paws with black curved claws at the end. Her shapely ass was now separated by a curved furry tail which curled and swished as she walked across the stage. Her human legs had returned, but instead of incredibly impossible high heels, her feet were now impossibly arched cat's paws with black curved nails that matched her hands. "Let's give a hand to my lovely wife for being such a good sport!" He took her paw in one hand and held it over her head as they bowed to the applause of the audience. "As my dear is, ahhh, humanely handicap, for my next trick, I need the help of an assistant." He walked out in to the audience scanning the crowd for a potential replacement. After his last trick had a somewhat incomplete conclusion, there was a fare amount of reluctance for volunteers. However as he and his wife paraded through the audience, it allowed everyone a chance to see her realistic, if not unfinished transformation back to the human world, up close and personal. "For my next rick, I think I may need a bit more luck, as it has seemed to have run out for my beautiful wife." The two continued scanning the crowd looking for reluctant volunteers. "Before dinner I met a wonderful couple which has had a ton of luck this weekend and can hopefully bring me some luck of my own."
Erica grabbed my wrist and squeezed it tightly as she fidgeted about on the floor to find her shoes and put them back on so she wouldn't be caught needing to find them unexpectedly. I could hear her whispering "Oh no Honey, he isn't talking about us is he?" She was getting very nervous as Mani and his feline wife circled the room and seemed to be converging on our table. "Oh God Brian, I can't find my shoes, how embarrassing." She was now clutching my hand and I could feel my fingers going numb beneath the table cloth.
"Ladies and gentleman, I would like to introduce you to Brian and Erica from Chicago, The windy city so they say." Mani was now standing behind me as Melissa walked up behind my fiancé. "Apparently they have misspelled it as it should be called the Winning City as these two have been cleaning house all week long." He patted me on the shoulders as the crowd clapped. Everyone was excited to hear that at least someone was winning money and wouldn't go home broke. Mani and Melissa gestured for us to stand as Erica frantically slipped on her shoes as Melissa helped her out of her chair. "They seemed like really good sports and since the casino probably can't afford to pay us anymore, the least I could expect is maybe letting me borrow his girl for a little while." Erica was now standing in the middle of the spotlight turning crimson red. "What do you say Erica, care to join us on stage?"
Apprehensive Audience
The crowd was cheering and egging her on as Melissa purred into her ear. "There is nothing to worry about; he does this all the time." She extended her fur covered paw to Erica to convince her to join them. A shiver went down Erica's spine as she grabbed her paw and felt the fur. The claws were real; the rough textured pads on her palm were real. This was not some Halloween store costume; she was somehow part human and part leopard. She was in a state of shock as she looked into her eyes and seen how her round pupils were now narrowed vertical slits. Her human face was no longer human, but molded and shaped and appeared to be a cat. She was mesmerized by the swishing tail as Melissa's lead her up on stage. Melissa whispered with her purring tongue, "This is going to be fun; it will change your life. It changed mine." Erica snapped out of her trance realizing it was too late. Melissa had somehow managed to coax her up on stage and there was no turning back. Erica tried to resist, but any chance of avoiding his next trick was futile, she was committed now and the crowd uproariously approved.
Mani was back on stage and Erica now stood between them both holding his large manly hand in her right hand and her pawed feline hand in the other. "The trick we have tonight is a variation of a trick I am sure you have all seen before. Have you ever seen a woman cut in half?" The crowd applauded. "How about cut two or three times? But yet her hands and feet seem to still be working?" The crowd cheered again. "Well tonight you are going to see a woman transformed, separated from her own body. Cut apart and sewn back together to once again be joined together as one, at least theoretically." He laughed as he paused for effect. "I introduce to you my very own version of The JigSaw." In a flash of light a wooden contraption miraculously appeared behind them. The box appeared to have a slightly human form similar to Da Vinci's Proportionate Man. In the middle was a basically rectangular box. At the top was a semi-circular opening apparently for the assistant's neck. Extending to the sides was a large horizontal plank with leather straps at the wrist and elbow. The bottom of the rectangle had a wide V-Shape to it with two wide planks extending at a narrow angle at each other. On the inside of each the leg plank was two large sides which would keep her from closing her legs once installed. At the opening for each leg and arm was a semi-circular cutout of varying size that would hold her limbs tightly in place. Melissa held Erica's arm tightly in her paw as she and Mani moved to the side of the box to reveal its contents. They opened the hinged sides revealing a baron wooden interior with some very heavy chains and brackets inside the cabinet. Melissa let go of Erica's arm so she could wrestle with the contents inside the box. Erica tried to run, but her feet were frozen to the stage and she couldn't move a muscle. Mani stepped away from the box leaving his pawed and furry assistant to prepare the box for Erica.
While Erica was frozen on stage, she took in the rest of the contraption. Obscured behind the box appeared to be some ancient guillotine arrangement. High above the table was an angled shining blade that glinted from the stage light. There was a heavy wooden dowel behind the box which would allow the vertical box to pivot down and lay flat in front of the guillotine. She practically swallowed her tongue at the prospect of having her head chopped off. Her panic began to grow as she watched Melissa struggle with the chains and restraints inside the box as her clawed hands fumbled with the heavy chains inside. Finally Melissa was done and walked back to Erica to escort her to her magical debut. Melissa purred as she gestured for Melissa to enter the box. She turned her back to the box and attempted to enter the sinister looking device. As she stepped into the box she separated her legs and positioned them onto the angled boards beneath the box. However as the box was built specifically for one person, Erica was slightly shorter than Melissa and her heels not as tall. As she forced herself back into the box, it was apparent that her stay would be less than comfortable. She then lifted herself into the box and let her arms relax as she attempted to stand inside the box. But the leg boards were slightly longer then her gorgeous legs and could not quite reach the ground. The full weight of her body was now supported by the A-Shaped boards between her legs. As the pressure began to build she tried to use her hands to lift her body up, but Melissa quickly grabbed her wrist and placed her arm through the outer wall of the box and strapped it to the horizontal plank. With one arm hoisted out the side of the box, she tried pushing with the other, but Melissa had already walked behind the box and was moving her arm into position on the other side.
Erica was now trapped, her arms tightly buckled to the wooden plank using thick leather straps. Erica could no longer pull herself up off the wooden V that felt as though it was splitting her in half. Her only recourse was to begin moving her hips trying to manipulate her nether regions to a comfortable spot inside the box. Soon her gyrations turned her pain into pleasure as she was soon biting her lip and gently rocking back and forth inside the box. Melissa could see that her guest was enjoying her new found captivity and gently stroked her taunt belly with her clawed hand as she continued restraining her guest. With her arms properly restrained Melissa grabbed the two chains that were dangling through each leg opening. The chains were bolted to the back of the box on either side of her hips. She pulled the chains forward and then crossed them over her belly and threaded them through two large rings just below her breast. Mani had pulled this trick a thousand times before, but it was normally Melissa that was getting locked and strapped strapped into the box by an unknown guest from the audience. This was the first time she was allowed to be the one securing the victim inside. It was taking extra long as Melissa had no fingers and used her paws to do most of the work. As she struggled, Mani showed up to help just in time to pull the chains tight across her naval pulling her back somewhat painfully into the back of the box. He then crossed the chains again this time going between her breasts and over her opposite shoulder. This sudden pressure across her body not only served to snap her from her gyrations, but also eliminated most of the movement of her upper body inside the box. She opened her eyes and strained to watch Mani take the loose ends of the chain and bring them up over her shoulder and through a pair of holes in the back of the box. He placed a slotted washer over the link of the chain on the back of the box that would prevent the chain from retracting back into the box and letting her loose. She was beginning to panic as her body was tightly strapped into the box and the pleasure sensations between her legs began to grow painful and numb.
If she thought she was in trouble before. Melissa arrived with the next set of restraints. She walked back on stage pushing a wheeled cart in her clawed feet and handed five boards to the waiting Mani. With practiced precision he slid each board into place. Each board had a semi-circular cutout and matched the opening of each limb and neck to perfection. With the walls of the box complete, Mani walked to the front of the stage to explain the trick leaving Melissa behind to finish up. Melissa gave Erica a wink and went back to the cart one last time and discretely grabbed something from a hidden compartment on the wheeled cart. With the crowd distracted Melissa walked back to the upright box and quietly spoke to Erica. She stepped directly in front of the box so nobody could see what she was doing to the front of the box. "Don't think your little gyrations went unnoticed you little sexpot. I have done this trick a dozen times and that little divider between your legs can be both Heaven and Hell. But believe me. This little gem will help make things go much faster." Using her one hand, she pulled her panties off to one side and inserted a large penis shaped rubber dildo into her wet pussy. Erica was shocked as the dildo was placed deep inside her and then her panties were placed back over her slit to hold the dildo in place during the next trick. "I think that will help keep your mind off things for just a little while." She pushed the button on the end of her cane and activated the remote control dildo as Erica shrieked a little bit as the dildo began jumping around inside her. With the invader buzzing around deep from within, Melissa grabbed each hinged side of the lid and closed them over the captured Erica further locking each appendage into place. She than used a series of four hinged hasps and a handful of padlocks to lock the hinged panels into place and ensure that Erica could not escape. Erica could barely move her head to see what was about to happen next. Her arms clung uselessly to the boards to her side as she wiggled her fingers and twisted her wrist exemplifying her helplessness. Her feet and legs dangled uselessly as she struggled to take the pressure off her crotch. She thought for certain her body would simply tear in half if her situation didn't change soon.
She really began to panic when Melissa used her claws to pull the heavy red cloth from the wheeled cart to reveal the massive stainless steel blades below. She raised the red cloth above her head as Mani removed the large blades from the wheeled cart and pressed them into the cloth. With even the slightest of pressure the cloth was torn to shreds. As the tempo of the music in the theater increase, Mani took the first of the shiny blades and moved towards the anxious Erica. He inserted the blade into the nearly invisible slit at the opening to her left leg and began to push it into place. Erica was on the verge of a panic attack fearing what would happen next. She knew there were several tricks to make this illusion look realistic; however she was unable to do any of them. The chains held her tightly against the back of the box and it was not deep enough to compress her legs into the thin compartment. The box was simply too small to fold her legs beneath her and pull them out of harm's way. At any second the razor sharp blade would be pushed into her flesh and it was not going to be an illusion, it would be the real thing.
Mani began to push the blade into place as Erica struggled to look over the top of her box as the blade slowly sank into her leg opening. All was fine at first until the blade suddenly stopped. Erica gasped as she felt the blade contact the soft skin of her upper thigh. She looked the magician straight in the eye wondering if everything was going as planned. Mani seemingly ignored her and just continued pushing on the blade and forcing it deeper into her leg. As the pressure increased she began pleading with Mani, quietly at first and then louder as she could feel the blade dig into her leg. "Mani, is everything okay? I think there is something wrong. Mani I can REALLY feel the blade. I want you to stop Mani, I'm afraid." Erica was shaking her head trying to figure out why Mani wouldn't respond. He just kept pushing the blade as it continued disappearing into the cabinet. "Mani, Emanuel!!! This isn't working! Something's gone horribly wrong! YOU HAVE TO STOP!" Erica was almost incoherent as the pain in her leg continued growing. The blade stopped moving as Mani struggled to push against the blade. "Mani! Melissa! Brian, Stop, something is wrong!" The blade had stopped against the bone in her upper leg and no amount of force seemed to help. As Mani failed to insert the blade, he stepped back and lunged toward the exposed blunt edge of the blade. There was a sudden gut wrenching crackle of bone splintering as Erica released a blood curdling scream. In one quick movement the blade penetrated all the way through the box chopping her leg clean off allowing the dismembered member to fall to the stage below. Erica was panting and screaming as she felt her leg drop away from her body. Tears were streaming down her face as she begged the magician to tell her why she chopped off her leg. The crowd was dead silent and a few faint hearted people ran from the theater in shock and horror.
Mani was also looking a little ragged as he reached for the second blade. "No Mani, No! Please don't. No! Don't do it. Why Mani? Why?" She continued pleading as the second blade was inserted over her right leg. She was sobbing in anticipation as she felt the blade contact her supple flesh below her right hip. She was crying and begging uncontrollably as the blade sank deeper into her body. Slowly the pain grew unbearable as the blade seemed to stop against her bone. Again Mani backed up from the box and lunged towards the blade forcing its way through the rest of her leg. She screamed at the top of her lungs rattling the windows as her second leg dropped from her body. She could do nothing now as she resigned herself to a lifetime in a wheel chair as a legless amputee. As if this horror was not great enough, Mani returned a third time with yet another blade and inserted it near her shoulder. She began begging again, but knew it would be in vain.
Between the sobbing and the screaming, Erica did her best to plead for her life to the Magical duo. Mani was like a man possessed and her words had absolutely zero effect on him. As Mani inserted Blade Number three over her right shoulder she turned her head towards the half female, half feline form on stage begging her to stop her husband. She was frantically shaking her left arm trying to sneak it free from the leather straps as the blade cut deeper into her flesh. Melissa had walked over to Erica and placed her paws over her ears and was stroking her sweat drenched hair. Her light brown hair had turned dark and stringy in clumps from the sweat pouring off her body as her limbs were cut from her chest. As Melissa used her sharp claws to comb the hair back from her face she purred into Melissa's right ear "It only hurts for a little while..." right as Mani gave the blade a shove as her bone finally relented and the blade exited the back of her body freeing it from its former shoulder. She watched in utter horror and disbelief as her right arm suddenly went still and was no longer thrashing about under its binds.
Her last and final hope lay within her left hand. Hysterically she tried to free the leather straps and retract her arm into the safety of the wooden box. But between the chains on the inside, the tight hole in the sides of the box and the straps encircling her wrist and elbow, she knew there would be no freedom. As the final blade was lifted from the cart and placed into its slit, she could feel the slow pressure building just below her shoulder. She was now babbling and screaming incoherently pleading for them to save her arm while calling them every name in the book. It was a good thing this was an adult only magic show as the word and explicative's she screamed that night would have made Satin himself blush. She looked forward out into the crowd to see the women burying their heads into their husband's chest as Mani struggled with the last blade. Erica's body was trembling as the last blade seemed to stick like the first three as Melissa tried to console her. "You are doing p-p-p-p-p-puurrfectly little my p-p-p-p-princess. Even I don't think I could have p-p-prompted such a genuine response from the crowd. You even nearly have me convinced that we have just removed your app-p-p-p-p-endages."
Erica was starting to hate the bitch and her wispy sultry voice and told her so by yelling every name under the sun. "Damn you bitch! Look what you've done, I've got no fucking legs you insensitive shit. Stop please stop, just leave me an arm you rotten whore. You crazed cunt, stop, please stop, that's my God damn arms, please stop you ugly bitch stop this isn't fun at all. Bitch." Just when you thought she had run out of insults the blade received its final shove and her screaming tirade just turned into one long scream as her voice nearly went dry. Her arms and legs stayed motionless as Mani turned to face the crowd.
He bowed to the audience as if waiting for their applause, but the women were too scared to look and the men were too convinced he had actually chopped off her limbs to applaud such inhumanity. Mani waited until it was obvious that there would be no applause tonight and then yelled over to his wife.
Erica's Final Curtain Call
"Melissa, you terrible putty-tat you! She is ruining the show, quiet her down!" Melissa held up her less than functional fur covered hands and waited for her husband to recognize her obvious handicap as Erica continued swearing screaming and insulting the pair. "Fine, if you can't help, than I shall take matters into my own hands!" He pulled a release handle on the table and the box began to tilt rearward. Soon Erica was facing straight up into the bright stage lights overhead and directly at the sharp blade of the guillotine which was now positioned right over her neck. She sounded like a woman possessed as her raspy voice could hardly be understood as she envisioned her life coming to an end. Melissa went over to the wheeled cart and removed the plain white five gallon bucket and placed it under her head on the back side of the steel blade as Mani began counting down.
FIVE! Erica begged softly and desperately at first. "Please Mani, please no, don't do this. You'll kill me. Please stop!"
FOUR! Her pleas grew louder. "No! Melissa, you have to stop him. It's murder. This isn't some parlor trick. I am going to die!"
THREE! She begged for help from the audience. "BRIAN! Help me. Save me anyone! PLEASE!. Don't let them do this."
TWO! Her pleas turned to screams as the count neared zero. "Oh God, anyone, I am sorry, Please anyone help me. PLEASE!"
ONE! It was over and the reality set in as Mani's arm jerked on the rope. Her scream became deafening "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHWHHWHHWHWHWHHWHHWHWHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The blade dropped so quickly there was no time to react. It sliced through her neck like a hot knife through butter. Her head seemed to float in space briefly as the blade came to rest, but then gravity took over as the screaming stopped and her head landed in the bucket with a load thud. The theater was absolutely silent. There wasn't a man or women not convinced that the magician and his wife had not just removed her arms and legs than decapitated the innocent girl live on stage. When the trick was over Mani and Melissa joined hands and took a bow, but still no one applauded. This time Mani was disgusted and stormed over to the bucket. He lifted the bucket in one hand and reached into the opening with the other. He grabbed the decapitated head from within and cast the bucket off to the side.
Erica's sweat stained head now hung from her hair as Mani held it at eye level. "Now was that really so bad?" He then waited for a response from the lifeless skull. "I mean was all the screaming and name calling really worth it?" He waited again but nothing. "Seriously! You didn't think I would mess up BOTH of my big tricks one after the other, did you?" Her mouth was still wide open as her dead body was cut off mid-scream. As the cameras zoomed in on her face dangling by it's crown of hair, Erica's lifeless mouth started to move.
"Am I dead?" Erica was still shocked. She wasn't sure how she wasn't still in the bucket. "It seemed so real. You cut of my legs! Then chopped off my arms! Then whacked off my head and dropped it in a bucket! How am I not dead?" The crowd started coming around one by one as a slow applause started to fill the room at the realization of the miraculous talking head held high in front of them.
"All part of the illusion my dear." The crowd was in a full on standing ovation as he walked about the stage showing off the head of the guest of honor like it was some prize from a big game hunt. "Melissa my Sweet. Let's get this place cleaned up. It's a wreck, body parts everywhere, let's do a little cleaning before we move onto the second half, go get the display stand so we can begin reassembly." Melissa quickly bound off stage. The two met in the middle of the stage once more as Melissa carried a large metal disk with a short shaft sticking up from the middle. She placed the large shiny steel disk on the floor making it look like an upside down dinner tray. It was about 30 inches in diameter and had a steel shaft extending upward about 20 inches. On top of the shaft was a metal disk surrounded by a two inch tall flat ring of steel. It looked like a very wide and short tin soup can, but looked ten times as thick. Surrounding the edges were short squared pyramid like spikes that made it look like some funky gothic dog collar. There were two horizontal shafts positioned between the metal base and the top end tray. No sooner did she place the disk on the ground did he command his feline assistant again. "Hold this." He exclaimed tossing his disconnected head to his wife as Erica went flying and screaming through the air. Melissa managed to catch the disembodied head in her paws and then held it in the bend of her elbow as if she was carrying a case of beer. While Erica was happy to not have her hair being ripped from her skull any longer, she was not real fond of the reckless treatment of her head.
Mani reached down and grabbed the shaft and began extending it upward until the circular top tray was just about shoulder height. Each 20 inch section telescoped out of the previous section giving him complete adjustability of the height and distance between each section. He then moved the top horizontal beam so it was just a few inches below the heavy duty tin can on top and moved the second beam so it was approximately at waist height. "Here." He instructed as Melissa carelessly tossed the head back over to her husband eliciting a "WwwoooaaaAAHHhhhhh!" from a dizzy and unsure head of Erica. Mani placed the head atop the tray being careful to make sure all of her flesh neck was resting comfortably inside the metal ring and her cut neck was sitting flatly on the circular floor of the tray. He adjusted the telescoping shaft so they could see eye to eye. "Melissa, can you go get me the rest my Dear?" With cat like grace she proceeded to undo the straps around her arms and brought over her body parts one by one. First the right arm was presented which he hung from the end of the upper bar. Then she returned with the left arm which he hung from the other end of the beam. Then she returned to retrieve her legs. As she lifted the leg from the table she accidentally bumped into the other side knocking the other leg from the table sending it crashing to the floor. Although Erica had her back turned to the Tilting Guillotine Box, she could have sworn she felt her leg fall and hit the ground. "Careful Melissa, we need those parts. Unless you are willing to donate one of your own? Although I doubt Erica would want to have one of your leopard legs anyway." Melissa embarrassingly returned carrying her right leg and presented it to her husband. "Oh oh, look at the nylons. They are ripped and torn something fierce." Erica tried to twist her head to look at her destroyed nylons as Mani held up the tattered ends of the jagged material for the camera to see. "Why don't you run backstage and find her a replacement set. We can't send her home looking like this."
"Of course dear. Let me get the last leg and I will see if I can't find something she would like." She went back to the table and crouched down to grab the last leg. "Ahhh, Mani my Dear. We have another p-p-p-p-p-p-p-roblem." She picked up the leg and placed it under her arm pit and then clumsily reached for something else and brought them back over to the front of the stage. "I think when I knocked her leg off the table I must have broken her heel." She passed the leg to him and handed the remaining remnant over him with her other hand as Erica looked on in disbelief. She just bought those shoes yesterday when she purchased the dress and nylons in the casino boutique. Now she would be throwing them both out.
"Oh you clumsy little tart. Great, now we owe this terrific couple shoes and nylons. That's it. Run back to wardrobe and see what you can find. Something nice as I am sure we mangled her dress in the process. Perhaps we should leave you like some half kitten girl until you learn to be more careful?" Mani threatened.
"Oh Mani, p-p-p-p-please don't. This fur is so itchy and hot in front of these lights. My whiskers tickle and this tail feels bizarre. My toes are getting tired and my feet ach trying to run around on these cat like p-p-p-p-p-paws. Besides how am I to assist you with these crazy paws for hands. P-P-P-P-Please Master, P-P-P-P-Please. As soon as this show is over you need to change me back as soon as p-p-p-p-p-p-ossible." Melissa continued pleading through her pointed teeth for his forgiveness as she disappeared backstage to replace the damaged items. Meanwhile Mani continued on with the show and reassembled Erica's appendages. Her arms were hanging limply to her sides as he inserted each leg onto the end of the lower beam. He then waved his magic wand and said a little incantation and after a puff of smoke and a bright flash of light. Erica was surprised and confused that she could once again mover her arms and legs. "Presto!" The crowd erupted in cheer as Erica's body seemed to be restored.
When the applause died down he began messing with the telescoping pole and adjusting the various lengths. So Erica, did you ever dream of playing basketball?" He quickly loosened the top half and raised her head and arms three feet above his own. Now the gap between her shoulders and hips was easily five feet. The crowd giggled as Erica used her hands to steady her face as her head was now at a dizzying height. "Or maybe wish you didn't have to stand so much." He promptly lowered her hips to within a couple inches off the ground so her legs were now parallel to the ground, not dangling above it like they had for most of her time on stage. He started reducing the gap between her legs and arms until she was only three feet tall. "Or perhaps you always wanted to be the perfect girlfriend?" he positioned her head and arms right at his crotch level and then rocked the metal stand back and forth as if she was giving him head. Everyone laughed at her predicament except for Brian. "Or maybe had a neck like Jennifer Love Hewitt?" He joked as he left her arms down by his crotch but extended her neck an easy three feet away from her shoulders. She was starting to get a little vertigo from the constant up and downing when Melissa returned from back stage.
"I found you something nice my love." She walked back on stage and placed the shoes and nylons on the wheeled cart. She returned pushing the cart still covered in fur and looking no less-leopard-like than she was twenty minutes ago.
"Do you really think this is her style?" He held up the fishnet stockings, a tiny ruffled black and red skirt and a lacy red bustier. The last item he held up was an impossible set of heels. "I thought you liked these?" He said referring to the black shoes in front of them. The was a silver spiked heel in the back that appeared to be eight or nine inches tall and a sole at the front maybe two or three inches thick. The shoe would hold her foot nearly vertically inside the shoe.
"I do love them my dear, but they take so long to put on and it takes forever to get them looking just right that once I get them on, I never want to take them off." She walked over and grabbed a shoe holding it up to the camera. "You see the problem is with the heel. The four cables that intertwine to form the unbreakable metal heel need to be wound and laced around your ankle just right so that the left and right heel are perfectly symmetrical and end up at the same height. It's nearly impossible and never looks quite right when you are done." As she finished her explanation, she returned her attention to Erica and asked Mani to raise her legs. Within a few seconds they adjusted the telescoping rod so that her head, shoulders and hips were all within a couple of inches and her feet were easily four feet off the ground. Melissa used her claws to finish shredding her nylons and cutting the straps to her conservative heels. As Melissa worked on cutting her right leg free, Mani slowly worked the new stockings up her long lean legs. With both legs covered in her new stockings he turned the legs around 180 degrees so Erica could see the seam running up the back of her legs as he bent them rearward in front o f her. She had never seen the back of her legs without using a mirror and was more than a little freaked out at the prospect of having her legs installed backwards and bending in the wrong direction.
"There there Erica, what do you think? Is that seam in the back straight enough for you?" She nodded approvingly to Mani even though she always thought seemed stockings were more slutty than sexy and the combination of thick heavy fishnets made her legs look like they belonged on a Friday night hooker rather than the Conservative Corporate Office worker she was the other 51 weeks of the year. As the stockings were longer than her amputated legs, he allowed the excess material to extend over the tops of her thighs and onto the horizontal bar that was holding her legs in place. "Now let's try these shoes on for size. Let me show you the easy way to install them Mel." He placed her fishnet foot inside the sole of the shoe and did the same with her other foot. Erica struggled to adapt to the extreme angle of her foot as she wiggled her toes at the end of the three inch platform He then waved his magic wand and the thick silver cables came to life and began swirling around her feet. Within seconds the silver heel had braided itself around her ankle and formed a continuous three inch tall sleeve that wrapped around her ankle with the four ends of the cable disappearing into the interior of the sleeve. When the cables finished dancing around her legs, her ankles appeared to be wrapped in a two inch band of braided and intertwined shiny steel cable which did not appear to have any way of unwrapping or removing.
With her legs newly attired, Mani returned his attention to the stand which was now supporting Erica's limbs and head. He lowered the section from the circular base to her metal hips. He walked behind her and had her stand up as her adjusted the angle of the metal base. She was now standing awkwardly on her new impossible heels as the 30 inch circular base was just a few inches below her waist and angled rearward. As she stood and walked around the stage the circular bass covered her would be ass and the backs of her thighs. However her arms were still only a couple inches from her hips. So although she was easily nine inches taller due to the extreme heels, she was barely taller than four feet and could easily reach past her knees without bending over. Bending over would have been impossible with the stiff telescoping metal rod for a spine. As she became more comfortable with her recently re-proportioned self, Mani sent Erica back to her table where I immediately kissed her and hugged her happy to see she was alive. Although she still didn't have a torso and was really just a collection of arms, legs and a head all connected by some bizarre metal stand, at least she was alive and breathing, Actually she wasn't breathing, but I suppose she was still alive. I helped her to her seat and adjusted the stand such that she was sitting in her chair. I then raised her head so we could continue watching the show, but left her hands down low so that she could explore her body and massage her tired fishnet covered legs.
Erica's Second Act
With Erica back off stage and sitting peacefully at her own table Melissa and Mani continued with their show. He returned to the box to retrieve Erica's Torso from the table. He stood the apparatus back to its upright position and then retracted each shiny stainless blade placing it back on the wheeled cart. With all the blades removed, he unlocked the hinged panels revealing the black dress covered torso of the evening's special guest. He carefully lifted her body from within the wooden box as Melissa reappeared with another telescoping silver pole with a circular base. This one only had a pear shaped metal formation on top with no other horizontal bars attached. At the bottom of the pear shaped intruder was a curved rod that connected to a wide waist strap behind her. He raised the telescoping pole to waist height and carefully lifted her torso in front of him. He supported her full body weight on his left hand while grasping her right buttocks. He squeezed and massaged her ass in his left hand while using his right hand to pull her sexy black underwear over her hips and onto his left arm which was now tightly massaging her ass cheek. With her underwear completely removed, he grabbed her left cheek with his right hand and continued groping her incredible ass. With both hands gripping her naked ass Erica was growing anxious as Mani continued fondling her butt while poor she sat quietly with her fiancé unable to protest his advances. As Mani continued the personal exploration of her well rounded butt, he instructed Melissa to force open the closed waist band connected to the back of the U-shaped rod. With the ends spread open, he positioned Erica's body directly over the pear shaped top of the telescoping shaft. He slowly lowered her body until the top of the pole was centered directly over her ass. As the tip of the pole rested on her ass Erica stopped groping her own legs and quickly reached over to grab my knee under the table. Without any warning or worse yet; any lube; he allowed her virgin rosebud to slide over the pear shaped tip and let the full weight of her torso push down onto the shaft. Beads of sweat began to form on Erica's forehead as the large metal shape took up residence inside her ass. She squeezed my leg tighter and was biting her lip as the pressure increase inside of her.
As her body sank deeper into the curved crotch strap of her display pole, the curved side of the waist band closed around the front of her belly. While Erica squirmed in her seat, the invader in her ass continued spreading her cheeks wider and wider, the heavy gage curved rod positioned under the pear shaped plug pushed the black dildo deeper into her pussy. The front of the rod continued thru her legs and rejoined the front of the waist strap beneath her navel. He pulled the ends of the waist band together and pulled the curved rod deep against her mound. He did not even see or feel the monstrous black intruder that Melissa had snuck into her eager pussy before he had chopped off Erica's legs. She was now positioned on top of the pole and the metal waist band was holding her steady as her puffy and excited lips eagerly absorbed the curved rod between them pushing the front and back intruders deeper inside her.
Mani finally released her body slowly running his hands over metal divided pussy and along her trim belly and across her medium sized breasts. Sitting back at her table, Erica used her own hand to swat away his unwanted advances, but as her torso was still on stage and the rest of her was sitting yards away in the audience; the defensive maneuver went unnoticed. With her body steadied on the solitary pole on stage. Mani began to address the audience again. "Ladies and Gentlemen please raise your hands and give a round of applause for our lovely couple and all their help tonight." The crowd stood up and gave a standing ovation to what remained of Erica's body. As the crown continued clapping, Melissa wandered behind Erica's upper torso and used one of her claws to slit her ruined black dress down the back allowing it to cascade down to the base of the shaft. Once the applause died down Mani spoke again, "So folks what do you think of our lovely 'human' assistant?"
While most of the crowd gave a huge round of applause, there were clearly a couple hecklers in the crowd. Way off in the distance she heard one guy scream out "She's too fat!" Then a short time later another voice yelled out from the other side "...and her tits are too small" While a few people laughed at the ridiculousness of the comments, Erica was insulted. It's true her breasts were never big. We actually talked about using their winnings to have them enlarged. But her 26 year old body was rocking by most standards and the little tiny almost invisible bump in her belly never seemed to go away no matter how many Abb Crunches she did every morning. But now she was thoroughly embarrassed and completely humiliated at the insults being hurled at her nearly naked body being displayed on Stage.
Mani stepped in and tried to identify the two hecklers. "Hey! Who said that? Who is the wise guy back there!" Years of performing on stage had taught him how easy it is for members of the audience to be insulted or hurt from tricks gone wrong or drunken members of the audience getting out of control. He motioned to the lighting guys to scan the audience but was unable to find the offenders and nobody was stepping up to take responsibility for it. "I would like to see your beer bellied gut hanging from a pole on stage if you were man enough to show your face." He waited but no one stepped forward to take the challenge. "Erica has a great body even if it is dissected into a bunch of different pieces. What do you think Erica?" She was now thoroughly embarrassed and would have fled if she wasn't attached to this crazy metal contraption.
Reluctantly she shook her head and considered defending herself. But Mani could not hear her voice over the murmur in the audience. To help her out, Melissa strutted over to the table and helped Erica stand to her feet. She extended the pole until her feet were just inches off the ground. Then she changed the other links so her arms legs and head were positioned at the same level as hers. "Well, I would really like to lose maybe five pounds, but every girl does. I would really like to trim my belly up just a little bit. And of course my tits could be bigger, but every girl wants a little upgrade don't they?" The women in the audience applauded her blatant honesty and showed support for her figure despite the hecklers in the crowd. Melissa stood next to Erica and would have applauded her too had she had real hands rather than the cat lie paws that she currently formed the ends of her arms.
"Well," Mani paused for a second. "I tell you what. Since you were such a gracious guest and as Melissa ruined your dress, and your nylons, and your shoes, this is what I can do. You want to trim up your belly a little?" Erica nodded. "Okay. Can you see your body? This is what you do. Suck in your belly and keep sucking it in until you get it where you want it. Ready? Start...Now!" Erica paused for a second and then started sucking in her belly, she was amazed to see her trim stomach grow thinner, then thinner, then thinner, and then she stopped. She lost maybe two inches off her waist giving her a phenomenal wasp like appearance. "Better?" Mani asked to which Erica gave a thumbs up. With the wave of his wand Erica let out her breath but remarkably her stomach stayed trim fit and narrowed just like it had when she was trying to hide her belly. "What do you think?" he inquired. Erica was impressed and reached down with her own hands touching her steel pole thinking she would be able to squeeze her own waist. She was giddy with pride and couldn't wait to run back up on stage and get her full body back. "Excellent. Now how about those breasts, still need a little more up top?" Erica nodded and Melissa was happy to see Erica enjoying herself after being publicly disgraced by the hecklers. "Okay take each one of your thumbs, put them in your mouth and breath into them. Pretend you are inflating a couple balloons and pull your fingers out when you are done. Ready? Set. Go!" She reluctantly inserted her thumbs in her mouth and exhaled. She inflated them a bit more, than more, than more and more, with each puff you could see the smile on her face grow bigger as her tits on stage expanded. She finally retracted her thumbs and admired her new body. She placed her hands at her chest hoping to feel her new breasts but grabbed nothing but air as her hands wrapped around the metal pole holding her appendages together.
"Excellent. I like it!" Mani was on stage and had an up close and personal perspective to the changes. While he thought that she went a little small on the waist and a bit much on the breasts, the decision was completely up to her. "So where are those hecklers now? I bet they would like to change their opinions of her hot little body now wouldn't they?" The crowd erupted in cheers and catcalls as her lace bra stretched and struggled to contain the massive orbs that were spilling out from her ribs. Several men yelled out how they wanted to fuck her brains out and Mani worried that she might not be safe from unwanted advances after the show. He then reached into his bag of tricks and produced a curved triangular shaped metal panel which he placed over Erica's moist and excited pussy. The triangular plate snapped over the waist band and crotch strap and somehow managed to lock the entire arrangement into one solitary unit. He knew now that she would be safely locked away from any unwanted advances until she was released with the key. Mani than asked his wife to bring Erica back on stage to be reunited with her whole body. Melissa and I adjusted the telescoping pole so she could once again walk and carefully guided her on stage. He had already covered her body, in the red bustier and short skirt by the time the two girls arrived on stage. Erica was shocked when she saw her body up close. She definitely went too big on her tits and her waist was impossibly small. But she figured it's only magic, so she could probably have Emanuel make some minor tweaks after the show. The two display poles were aligned front to back and adjusted so they match height precisely. Then with a couple magical incantations, Melissa and Mani pushed the two bodies together and the collision caused a flash of light and in an instant the new and improved Erica was back on two feet.
The crowd gave the threesome a standing ovation and Erica practically ran off the stage and back into my arms. She was so happy to be out of the lime light and free that she hardly noticed the metal straps encircling her hips or the heavy collar now dividing her neck. The curtains drew closed and the show was over. Once the crowd departed we left for our hotel room feeling hornier and luckier than ever before. As we passed through the casino floor it did not occur to either of us that Erica looked more like a Vegas Show girl than a guest of the Hotel. The pit boss flagged us down and asked about the show and dinner and to complement Erica on her 'new look' as we hustled back to our room. We promised we would come back tomorrow to take more of his money. When we arrived back at the room our hopes of an orgasmic good time were dashed upon removing the short skirt around her waist. The shiny steel belt fit snugly onto her body and still held the intruder in her ass and pussy. A two inch stub protruding from her ass remained in place where it was designed to install the display shaft below her. We tried for several hours to defeat the devices, but only managed to make each other hornier with each failed attempt. We finally gave up and went to bed promising to return to the theater first thing in the morning to consult the Magician and his wife.
The next day, after a brief shopping trip to find some better fitting clothing, we went down to the lobby to find anything we could about the show. The concierge had a letter for us and a package.
To Brian and Erica from Chicago,
We wanted to thank you for being such gracious volunteers. We thoroughly enjoyed your participation and hope you did too. As a token of our gratitude, please keep all that you left with last night as our gift to you. The concierge has the mating stand to your chastity belt for yours to enjoy. Feel free to use it whenever the mood strikes you. In addition we apologize for ruining your evening dress and other clothing. A credit line has been opened for you at the shop in the lobby so you can replace anything that we may have destroyed. If you have not already located them, the keys to your chastity belt were discretely 'and magically' placed in your purse last night. Be sure to use the keys and don't try to remove the items forcibly. The magic spell will automatically release your shoes once the belt is removed. Altering or destroying any part of the outfit will cause them to become permanent additions to your body. So make sure you use the keys, cause breaking out will only have the opposite effect. Don't ask me how I did it, a good magician never tells his secrets.
Thank you again for being such good sports, sincerely Melissa and Mani Caine.
We rummaged thru her purse to find the keys and soon uncovered the envelope and made our way back to our hotel room anxious to make up for yesterday evening's restless night of non-intimacy.
In Conclusion: Four Days Later...
"Mani, this isn't funny anymore. I have been stuck as a cat woman since Wednesday." Melissa was growing impatient. You said I had to stay this way for two days for knocking Erica's leg off the table and breaking her heel. I have served my p-p-p-penance and now I want my body back. Look at me; I can't spend the rest of my life walking around as some leop-p-p-p-pard skin woman with whiskers, a tail and p-p-p-p-paws. We have already had to cancel two shows and delay our Europ-p-p-pean Tour. We are a magic act, not a circus freak show. Work your magic and get me out of here!"
"It's not that easy Mel. I've told you time and time again. In order to break the spell I need to remove the collar and it has to be removed, not cut, not destroyed, but simply unlocked and removed. If I try to forcibly remove the collar, the changes become permanent and irreversible. Unless you want to remain like this forever, you just have to be patient." Mani tried consoling her but his efforts were becoming increasingly futile. "Need I remind you that this is partly your fault! You are the one who slipped your keys into her purse accidentally and then kept her keys to yourself." Melissa looked dejected because she did make a legitimate error and mixed up the keys and now she was really paying the price. "Now Brian and Erica; if that is their real names; are off taking another casino to the cleaners. Who knew they were professional gamblers. I bet they weren't even from Chicago. Either way we have detectives from every corner of the globe looking for them. It's been four days and I can't believe they still haven't come looking for us. As soon as I find them, we will get you out of this."