Part One
The blackness was all encompassing, as was the silence. Carly could hear her own breathing, but that was all. She was used to it, and the sensation of isolation no longer affected her as it once did. She was not alone, she knew, someone was outside the box, somewhere, watching her.
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The young woman lay perfectly still on the black slab of hard plastic that served as her bed. She knew that to move would provoke pain. It took only a few movements, long ago, to demonstrate the pain to her. It was like everything else she was required to do in the box: follow the precise instruction or feel the pain.
Without knowing if she had slept for ten minutes or ten hours, Carly tried to go back to sleep. Her Mistress would let her know when it was time to awaken. That she desperately needed to go to the bathroom suggested she had slept for quite some time. Time was not a relevant measure of her existence any more, though. She lived outside the boundaries of time.
Her Mistress. How could she know that it was a woman who controlled her life? Why not a man? If it were a man, why would the images that appeared on the monitors within her box be of a woman? The same woman each time. Why would she feel such comfort when seeing the beautiful face? Carly wanted to turn her head to see if her Mistress' image was being displayed on one of the monitors, but to turn her head was to ask for punishment. She would know when movement was allowed. Besides, if a monitor were to come on, she would see the soft glow from it. Then, and only then, would she dare to turn her head.
Controlling her breathing and trying to relax as best she could, Carly managed to drift off to sleep. "The Dream" came to her again. It was not a dream she wished to have any more, having dreamt it so many times. She was not that person anymore! She didn't want anyone to think she was that person, or to even remember her. That was someone else, someone who didn't want to please her Mistress. But she dreamed about the other person, just the same.
She recognized herself, of course. How wild she was! How...untamed. Yes, that's the word - untamed. And, so very naked. She had run her hands over her head and was shocked to find that her curly blond hair had been removed. Further exploration of her body confirmed that her privates were hairless, as well. That was the first of many changes that she had to come to terms with. She had later contemplated to what degree her beautiful hair had defined her identity as Carly Fletcher. But without it, wasn't she the same person? She knew she was, yet...she didn't feel like Carly Fletcher without her golden curls.
The confines of the box had been frightening when she had first awoken inside its smooth square walls. It was pitch black inside the box and terribly stuffy. She screamed and beat against the walls, calling out to anyone who might hear her frantic cries. Exploring her surroundings in the darkness, she estimated the box to be about fifteen feet square. She had jumped up to touch the ceiling, but had failed to reach anything overhead.
There was no door. Oh, she had searched every inch of the smooth surface and could not find a crack. Being fairly intelligent, she suspected there was a hatch or door somewhere, maybe even overhead. She sat against a wall and cried. Even in her dream, the feeling of slow suffocation pressed in against her lungs. It made no sense that someone would kill her like this; she had no enemies that she knew of. But yet, here she was, slowly running out of oxygen.
Her mind searched for an explanation for her situation and found none. The last thing she could remember was laying on the chaise lounge at poolside, sipping a Pepsi, and reading her book. It was so nice and warm, the hot sun caressing her bikini-clad body with its energy. It had grown quiet by the pool, as the family from Indiana had finally gone back to their room to cool off, and she must have drifted off to sleep.
There was no doubt that the drug had been in the Pepsi, and that she had become a statistic, another American student who had disappeared while in Mexico on spring break. The school Administrators had issued warnings against traveling out of the country, but the untamed part of her simply ignored those warnings.
And now she was going to die. Alone.
Breathing had become very difficult for the trapped woman. She leaned over and slumped to the floor, her naked body collapsing in the darkness, unseen by anyone. Little sparkles danced before her eyes, before they began to fade away into the blackness.
One more breath, she thought, and with that breath detected fresh air. An extremely dim glow was coming from the far wall and Carly slowly lifted herself from the smooth cold floor to crawl over towards it. Pressing her hands against the wall, she rose to see an LCD display monitor behind the surface of the wall. Were the walls made of glass? She beat against it with the side of her closed fist, but the wall was solid, unyielding.
The monitor displayed a woman's face. Could she hear her? Who was she? The frightened woman screamed at the monitor, pleading with this unknown face to let her go. But then the screen disappeared, plunging the interior of the box into a black void once again. The fresh air she had been enjoying seemed to disappear as well.
Carly's pounding on the wall intensified, the brief illumination of her prison giving her a reference of space and the knowledge that the darkness was not necessarily permanent. But soon her lungs ached and her thoughts returned to survival, to conserving what oxygen remained in the box. Leaning against the wall, she suddenly felt dizzy and sank to her knees, gasping for a full breath.
This cycle was repeated countless times until Carly stood by that spot in the box, waiting to see the woman's lovely face appear, and waiting for the oxygen to be restored. She didn't beat against the wall now, just leaned there, looking at the woman's image, hoping she would somehow save her. Even in her dream, Carly felt safe when the woman appeared. Even in her dream, she felt herself relax, releasing the stress that the earlier part of the dream had caused her.
Carly awoke with a start, shaking the dream from her head, as she felt a tingling sensation in her bare buttocks. Seconds later the sensation began to spread outwards along the smooth plastic plank she lay on. Seeing a soft glow in the box, she quickly sat up to slide her feet off and onto the floor, before that tingling became a horrible pain.
A tiny ray of light from above illuminated the toilet and she moved quickly towards it. The porcelain fixture was unlike anything she had ever seen and was really a marvel of technology. She had come to realize that whoever had constructed this box she called home must have been a genius. Well, sort of an evil genius, she supposed.
Stepping over the short round fixture, she slowly lowered herself into its womb. Picture one of those plastic trashcans that have the domed tops that swing back and forth, allowing trash to be deposited from either side. Remove the swinging door, shorten the base, construct it out of porcelain, and make it incredibly smooth and contoured. That was her toilet. She knelt with her legs straddling its cool smooth sides, her crotch surrounded by its rounded surfaces.
It took only a minute for the young woman to release her bowels. She assumed the diet she was fed was high in fiber and probably contained ingredients that made such easy defecation possible. Regardless, she was grateful for it, and silently thanked her Mistress for taking such good care of her. It had not always been that way, for when she was still that other person, the untamed one, she couldn't pass her waste so easily and the longer she knelt upon the fixture, the more intense the pain became.
The energy had attacked her knees as she knelt, causing her to jump up away from the toilet. She hadn't realized that the entire floor was electrified and began to hop from one foot to the other trying to cope with the sudden intense pain. The dance continued while she tried to figure out what to do. The sliver of white light still illuminated the toilet, and she finally managed to mount it again. The flow of current beneath her stopped for several minutes before she began to feel the sensation in her knees again. Frantic now, Carly forced herself to expel her waste, the pain of achieving that causing her to scream. But at least the tingling below her knees had stopped.
Now, her eyes closed as jets of water doused her flesh, cleansing her, and then smiled as a waft of hot air dried her. That air felt good against the bare flesh of her groin and had become a sensation she looked forward to each time.
She looked down at the floor, black as night, as were all the walls. But within the surface of the floor, and all of the walls, and every fixture within her box, was the energy that disciplined her. Electricity, controlled from outside the box, controlled by her Mistress. Should she fail to comply with a command, that energy was immediately released.
It had been difficult to understand what was happening to her at first, difficult to understand the commands and what was expected of her. And because of that, she suffered horribly. It didn't take long, however, for her to realize that she was commanded by the tiny rays of light and by the various monitors around the interior of the box. Her first lesson was in the form of an exercise routine displayed on one of the LCD monitors.
Staring at the screen, Carly was bewildered as to why she was being shown these images. It was a black and white video of several dozen North Korean schoolgirls in drab gray uniforms, doing jumping jacks in perfect synchronicity. It was bizarre! Standing before the soft glow of the monitor, Carly felt the current beneath her feet growing in intensity. It felt funny, and she giggled, as it seemed to tickle her bare soles. But then she grew concerned as the tingling changed into something a little more uncomfortable. She began her little dance, hopping on one foot and then the other, screaming out for whoever was doing this to stop!
Looking at the monitor, she had an idea, and began to perform the same exercise as was being shown. The current instantly stopped. She felt silly, jumping naked, her breasts bouncing in front of her. Not that there was that much flesh bouncing, but what she had felt very odd jiggling unrestrained. She continued to move her feet while holding her breasts, but let out a scream as her feet touched the floor and felt a powerful jolt. Falling to the floor, she cried out as the pain assaulted her.
In the soft glow of the monitor she looked up to see the molded bed, jutting out from the wall, and had jumped up to throw herself onto it, only to scream as the energy continued to surge through her. Landing back on her feet, she immediately began to perform the exercise correctly, feeling the painful punishment immediately subside.
And thus she learned how she was to be controlled, how she was to be trained. There were no doubts now that she was being trained, even brainwashed. The realization that her thought processes had been altered was not lost on her. She fully understood that certain things brought her pleasure that would not have done so before.
Thinking about pleasure made Carly thirsty. Well, it made her lick her lips, at least. The thirst part was possibly a response to what she knew she had been conditioned to feel. She glanced to her left to gaze at a fixture in the box that she had come to think of as a sculpture. It was certainly beautifully crafted, made of the same smooth material as most everything else in the box.
The Sculpture of Life, that's what she had come to call it in her mind at least, because without it she would probably die of hunger or thirst. The sculpture was a round pillar, about a foot in diameter, rising two feet from the floor. Sitting atop the rounded top of the pillar was a large phallus. Near the top of the pillar, jutting out horizontally away from it was another phallus, of similar girth as the one atop the sculpture, but half the length. On the opposite side of the rounded sculpture were two 'appendages' about ten inches long and six inches in diameter, in the shape of a vee. Where the two appendages met at the pillar was, for want of a better word, a cunt. One of the few things in the room not made out of the hard black material, the cunt was made out of some sort of material that was soft and pliable.
Carly looked up as she noticed the room begin to darken. The small pin light overhead was dimming. Wishing she could go to the cunt, Carly resigned herself to remain straddling the toilet. After some time her knees grew tired, but she willed herself to remain upright, to not give in to the temptation of resting against the smooth contours of the commode. Experience told her she would receive a shock if she used the structure to support herself. She prayed that the toilet structure's more sinister feature would soon be deployed, and knew that the chance of receiving the abuse she craved grew with each passing moment.
Patience. It was a word that she knew all too well now. Just be patient. Remain motionless and wait for instructions.
The interior of the box was dark again. Quiet and dark. Carly heard the click of the air system and smiled. It had taken a long time to hear that little click. Days, weeks, months? There was really no way to tell. Only that on one occasion she was being patient, yes patient like her Mistress' slave should be, waiting, breathing quietly and waiting patiently, when she heard it. Click! Then she felt air movement in the box. At times, alone in the blackness, that air movement seemed like a welcome friend coming to visit her for a short time.
The little click had always been there, she had just never been quiet enough to hear it. Of course there was a regular exchange of air in the box, otherwise she would have died long ago. But the sound of that little click filled her with hope for some reason. It was a sound from outside the box. She stilled her heartbeat in hopes of hearing other sounds, but there were none.
But now Carly, still kneeling with her legs spread widely over her toilet, heard a different sound, a sound that made her clench her fists, and tense her slender frame. She raised her hands so that her fingers met at the back of her head, her elbows out to the sides, displaying herself for her Mistress. This was the position that the diagram on one of the monitors had revealed to her the first time she received this treatment.
At the time, she had considered the treatment to be punishment, for she was still untamed. But now she considered it to be the prelude to a gift. She knew she had done nothing to be punished for, and hadn't for quite some time. Her Mistress was only using her body, as was her right to do. Her Mistress was preparing her to worship the cunt.
The first few slaps against her exposed ass weren't too painful, but she knew that the little wheel was just getting up to speed. She never saw the straps of whatever it was that struck her, but she guessed they were either rubber or leather. The straps were somewhat soft, simply brushing against her flesh at the low speed, but as the speed increased and the straps extended through centrifugal force, so did the pain. She often wondered what was more painful, the straps striking her flesh, or the energy that would attack her should she jump up? In the back of her mind she feared the energy. No, She would take the abuse to her ass and pussy, and then she would be rewarded.
Moments later she was biting her lip to keep from crying out. Being beat like this was one thing, but to do it with the current attacking her knees and spreading up through her legs would be even worse! She was determined to suffer in silence as long as possible. The little wheel turned slightly from vertical to strike her ass in a different location.
To block out the pain, Carly thought about the punishing device. Where did it come from? She had once taken a chance and peered into the basin, but could detect no compartment from which it might emerge. She had lingered too long looking in, and had received a really nice surge of electricity through her knees. No, she was certainly not alone. Someone was watching her every movement twenty-four hours a day.
The whipping continued, the wheel turning horizontally now to allow the whirling straps to strike her exposed ass from left to right. Whatever shaft the wheel was on dropped two inches in elevation to position the flogger closer to her legs, striking the tender flesh on her lower buttocks with painful precision.
There was no uniform length of time or pattern of abuse to the floggings, but it seemed this session had already been longer and more diverse than any she had suffered through before. Suffered through? Carly smiled, and then smiled even wider when she realized she was smiling. She hadn't even been thinking about suffering, as she had come to think of the prelude to the gift as endurance. Yes, her Mistress had been working on her endurance. She wished to endure even more as she hoped the next step of the prelude would soon begin.
But as always, that decision was not hers to make. Carly's arms were tired but she had no desire to lower them. She would stay in that position for as long as she possibly could in hopes of proceeding to the next step.
When the flogging finally ended, Carly listened for the sound of the device being lowered into the structure. When she heard nothing, the expectation of what she knew would follow raised her heart rate considerably, because, not only would her pussy be abused, but she would be allowed to go to the cunt. That was the protocol, and she licked her lips in anticipation.
Part Two (added: 2012/07/29)
The abuse began just as slowly as it had when the straps were revolving in the opposite direction. But as before, the harshness of each stroke against her naked flesh increased until the wheel was revolving at full speed. It took every ounce of willpower Carly could muster to process and absorb the abuse she was receiving. Her mind was busy, blocking the sensations, while not being able to stop thinking of the protocol.
Every time her pussy had been flogged, she had been allowed to drink from the cunt. Her heart raced as she thought of the last time she had been allowed to drink, how pleasurable it had been, and how much pleasure she had given the cunt. Even with her most sensitive region being struck repeatedly by the straps, Carly grinned. She had pleasured the cunt? Ha! What a ridiculous thing to think! Was she actually losing her mind in this retched box?
But there it was. She had followed the protocol exactly as she had been trained, performing the ritual expertly in the approved manner. The little white laser pointer had not even been deployed to guide her! She had pleasured the cunt on her own, and she felt...Carly searched for the correct word...proud! Yes, she was proud that she had worshipped the cunt in such a pleasing manner as to be allowed to drink from it.
The horrible sting of the straps against her labia was pushed far, far, back in Carly's mind as she remembered the way in which she had worshiped the cunt. She was confident that she would repeat the ritual with the same expertise this time, too, and she desperately wanted to demonstrate her skills again. Certainly she would not do what she had done the first time she had seen the liquid seeping out of the cunt.
What had she been thinking? Of course, she'd been so very thirsty, having not been given anything to eat or drink since being taken captive. She had just suffered the whipping of her private parts and it had not gone well for her. How could they have not heard her screams outside the box?
When the whipping had ceased, the white laser pointer had illuminated a spot on the left appendage of the sculpture. She had figured out already that the tiny beams of light were someone's way of telling her where they wanted her to be in the box. She had risen from the confines of the toilet and knelt down between the two appendages, and heard the sound of water dripping. In the dim light she saw it, seeping from the crack that looked somewhat like...huh, it looked like a vagina! Oh fuck, that was perverted!
But it was water, and Carly had been so thirsty! Her mouth went to that spot, perverted or not, and sucked in the moisture. Oh, it tasted so sweet! The pain was instant and intense, as the floor of the box energized. Simultaneously, her tongue felt like it was on fire as the surface of the sculpture joined in her punishment. The young woman could not even get to her feet to perform her dance of pain, as she simply lost control of her muscles and lay convulsing on the energized floor. When she was able to control herself again, she found that the water was gone.
Apparently, whoever was controlling her decided she needed additional visual instructions, because the next time she experienced the painful little straps within the commode a monitor on the opposite wall displayed a snippet from what must have been a porn movie that displayed a woman kneeling between the thighs of another woman. The kneeling woman was kissing the thighs of the sitting woman, first one and then the other. It was done in such a loving manner that Carly, while not in any way gay, couldn't help but feel some strange arousal from the scene. She watched with interest as the kneeling woman continued to kiss the woman's thighs before moving closer to the vertex of her sex.
Now she understood. When she was allowed to move to the sculpture, she did her best to kiss where the tiny beam of light illuminated. Only after she had kissed the appendages for the appropriate length of time was she allowed to sip the tiny stream of water that flowed from the cunt.
But that was only in the beginning. The next time she was disappointed that, even after kissing the contoured appendages with as much tenderness as she could muster, there was no water there. Yet, the pin light still illuminated the cunt.
Okay...what was going on? She felt the rubbery area of the slit with her tongue, but it was dry. Probing a little, she discovered that she could actually press her tongue slightly inward. There was moisture there! She knelt forward even more, pressing her face against the cunt and forcing her tongue more deeply into the slit. She was rewarded with a real drink! Not the dribbles she had been finding there, but something that required her to swallow to keep up with!
And so the training went. The interior surface of the cunt must have been lined with sensors because, as Carly continued to explore the cunt with her tongue, she found that the water was not being released unless she moved her tongue within the cunt, stroking it, moving her tongue in a variety of motions. Again, she had to marvel at the creativity of the person who had designed her box and its contents. She had effectively been trained to pleasure another woman in a relatively short period of time.
Carly moaned as the little wheel with the straps flaying against her exposed vagina shifted position and attacked a fresh area of flesh. This pain was very hard to push out of her mind and it brought her back to the here and now, a place she wasn't always happy to be in. But still...if she could hold out a little longer...
Yes! The wheel had stopped. She waited in anticipation of the cunt being illuminated, of permission being granted for her to move to the cunt as was the protocol, but instead the interior of the box went black.
Carly realized her heart was beating hard within her chest. Was she so excited to kneel between those legs, her Mistress' legs, to kiss her, to pleasure her, to get to what she wanted so badly? She knew she was. This was torture! Please! Oh, please, please, please!
The box remained dark, dark and silent. And so did Carly, as she tried to calm herself. She should not expect to dictate what and when her Mistress decided to allow her pleasure. Just because it had been one way before didn't mean it would be that way every time. That seemed to make perfect sense. She would wait...yes, wait patiently for her Mistress to command her.
Carly smiled. And waited. Patiently. Even in the silent darkness, Carly felt contented. How different she was than when she had first been taken for her Mistress. She understood that what she was feeling; the calm, the contentment, was not right. She'd been kidnapped, stripped, imprisoned in a big black box, and remotely tortured!
So why did it feel so right? What part of her brain was telling her she was better off now than before? Why didn't she pound the walls and demand to be freed as she had done after being taken? Sure, the electricity that surged through her body when her Mistress had had enough of her protests was a deterrent. But, honestly, she no longer felt the desire to beat against the wall and demand her freedom.
She sometimes wondered if a search for her had been made. What had the University done when it was brought to their attention that she hadn't returned from spring break? Had they tried to contact her parents? Good luck with that! Carly didn't even know where they lived these days. It had been years since she cared enough to look them up, and they had certainly not tried to find her. Too busy with their own success, Carly's parents had long ago left her care to others. They wouldn't miss her.
Was that it? In the darkness of her box, Carly began to ponder the structured life she now led. Did she thrive on being told when to sleep, when to exercise, where to stand, when to...when to pleasure her Mistress?
The woman nearly jumped for joy as the tiny pin of light suddenly appeared, but hesitated when she saw what the light had illuminated. The light fell directly on the tip of the large phallus that jutted up from the top of the short pillar.
The rock hard cock had attracted her attention from the first time she had seen it there atop the Sculpture of Life. How could she not gaze at it, at times with a great yearning? There was no denying that her activities within the box had stoked her inner fires more than once. Several times she had to fight the urge to run to the giant cock and impale herself on it.
But then, there was the energy to contend with. She knew that any movement on her part that was not dictated by her Mistress was met with instant punishment. How, she didn't know. Maybe a computer ran the controls. That would make more sense than having an actual person monitoring her every movement twenty-four hours a day. It didn't really matter, and was just something to ponder while being patient, something to think about to help her from going crazy.
But the tiny ray of light was on it now! Oh God! Carly felt her pussy moisten, and then felt the tingles begin to attack her knees. What was she waiting for?! It was just the shock of it actually being allowed that had momentarily delayed her. She rose to her feet and stepped from the porcelain toilet and the room went black.
"NO!" the tortured young woman cried out, and then instantly regretted it as a strong current attacked the soles of her feet. She had spoken, her voice sounding somewhat foreign to her now.
What had she done? Not only was she not allowed to worship the cunt, but she had been given the opportunity to feel the giant cock inside of her and had not acted appropriately. Why had she hesitated? Why?!
The current was getting stronger, her feet were actually numb. What was she to do? There was no guiding light. Should she kneel back in the toilet? There was no light, no direction. Without direction she knew she was to wait. To be patient and wait. But she had angered her Mistress, surely, with her hesitation. She wished to be punished, and punished harshly. Thinking of what she could possibly do, the thought occurred to her to lie down on the floor, to allow the horrible energy to assault her entire body.
Lowering herself quickly to the floor, she lay flat on her stomach, her breasts mashed beneath her against the hard smooth floor. The sensation of the current felt like a million pins pricking at her flesh. It was more painful than she had imagined, yet less painful than she probably deserved! Why had she hesitated? She wanted to shout out that she was sorry, but kept her mouth clamped shut. Seconds later she was relieved when the painful sensations abruptly ceased.
Turning her head towards the sculpture she saw the tiny light upon the tip of the cock. Carly sprang to her feet and ran to the sculpture, straddling the large cock and lowering herself onto it. Even with the lubrication her juices provided, it was difficult at first to accommodate the length and width of the giant cock. But what she could take inside of her felt so good! Slowly, inch by inch, thrust by thrust, Carly's lust to be filled entirely by the beast penis was overwhelming and she sank fully onto the hard black shaft.
Suddenly her box was awash in light, the brightness causing Carly to shield her eyes momentarily. It seemed that all of the monitors had come on at once, her Mistress' face appearing in each.
What a beautiful face! Carly counted ten monitors, two per wall and two under the floor. Her Mistress surrounded her, her gorgeous face watching as she raised herself again and then sank fully onto the rigid cock, the cock She had allowed her to enjoy. In her mind, Carly knew that the faces on the monitors were merely images of her Mistress, and that if anything, her Mistress was observing her through the spy cameras placed behind the walls somewhere in the box. But she let herself think that those lovely faces were watching her, and she felt her arousal begin to peak.
Bending her knees, Carly began to lower and raise her body on the wonderful gift her Mistress had given her, feeling its massive shape stretching her widely, filling her completely. She gazed at the images around her as she pleasured herself, and fought the desire to touch herself. Oh, she wanted to, wanted to in the worst way! To feel her breasts, to touch her nipples! That was not allowed. She thought she would die from the shocks she had received the few times she had let her lust command her instead of her Mistress.
No, she would not assume she could have that privilege, and be content with the pleasure she was being allowed to experience. And content she was! It felt so good! Her pace picked up as she felt her orgasm rising within. Deeper, faster, the heat was building and she closed her eyes, but opened them instantly when she felt the tingles on her toes.
Eyes open, yes Mistress.
Her passion was close now, she could barely think any more as her mind clouded with the lust of her pending release. It felt so wonderful that Carly almost dreaded the orgasm, as that would surely end the wonderful gift. But what she saw on the monitors both startled her and sent her even closer to orgasm. Her Mistress was nodding.
Never had the image of her Mistress moved. It was just a picture after all.
Carly gazed at the images around her and thought she heard something, a whisper. The gorgeous lips on the gorgeous faces around her were moving. The sounds were clearer now.
Yes words. Carly continued to move against the cock, its length and girth filling her completely with each downward movement. Her Mistress was nodding and saying something to her.
"Cum for me, little one. Cum for me."
Carly screamed as she climaxed, expecting to feel the punishing current against her tender soles, but was surprised to feel none. She was being allowed to experience this pleasure uninhibited by the fear of punishment and the resulting orgasm was even more intense than the first, overwhelming her, embracing her like nothing she had ever known before.
Her Mistress was smiling now. What a beautiful smile. Carly wanted to worship the cunt now, wanted to taste the sweet water only to be found deep within its tunnel. But the monitors began to go black, one by one, and the little light above her hard plastic bed illuminated its surface.
Slightly frazzled and certainly frustrated, Carly moved quickly to the bed and lay down on her back in the approved position, arms at her sides. Her chest was still heaving as she fought to control her breathing.
She had heard her Mistress's voice. She had seen her Mistress's real face, not just a picture. Carly calmed herself with those thoughts as she relaxed her body and thought of the pleasure she had just been allowed. The air inside her home seemed sweet, as sweet as her Mistress' face. She breathed in deeply, delighted with the scent that wafted past her nostrils, and then felt herself drifting off to sleep. She slept soundly, but did not have the dream.
When she awoke, Carly immediately knew something had changed. She could feel things touching her wrists, ankles, and neck. Obviously, cuffs and a collar, but she knew better than to lift her arms to look at them. She would remain still, as always. She would be shown these things when her Mistress wished her to see them. Until then, she would remain motionless.
The pin light was visible overhead, and Carly turned her head to see where it was directed and sat up quickly to move to that spot. The pinprick of light settled on the cock jutting out horizontally from the Sculpture of Life. A grumble rumbled through the room as Carly wondered how long it had been since she last ate. Sinking to her knees before the cock, she moved her head in and took the large imitation organ into her mouth. Not wasting time, she began to suck on the cock, moving her head back and forth on it, simulating oral sex. She knew she would do this for some time before she would be allowed nourishment. As with the cunt, there was a protocol to be followed.
After servicing the large member for some time, Carly saw a tiny red light flash on the sculpture in front of her and she took the cock all of the way in so that the tip actually pressed against the back of her throat. She had long ago overcome the gag reflex such an action created and waited for the nourishment to be dispensed. Pressing harder against the button on the pillar with her nose, she felt the sludge that was her meal ooze out of the end of the cock and down her throat.
Maintaining the position, her nose against the sculpture, Carly continued to swallow. When the little light went out, the woman went to work cleaning the cock, ensuring that she got every last drop of her meal. She had no idea how long it would be until she would be fed again. For now, though, her hunger had been sated.
Her heart jumped for joy as she saw a ray of light settle on the opposite side of the sculpture. There was only one thing there and Carly quickly crawled around the short pillar and began to kiss the left appendage. Her heart continued racing as she poured her love out to her Mistress' thigh.
Slow down! The urge to rush, to get to the right thigh, to continue on to the cunt was driving her into a frenzy. This will not please my Mistress!
More slowly now, with obvious affection, Carly started over, demonstrating her skill and her love as she kissed the appendage and continued on from there. After smothering both of her Mistress' thighs with affection, she was enjoying the sweet water, dispensed from deep within the cunt. She noticed something bright to her right and moved her eyes to peer in that direction.
A solitary monitor was on, her Mistress was watching her. It was not the photo. Turning her attention back to the cunt before her, Carly worked her tongue expertly as she had been taught, swallowing as the moisture leaked out of the tunnel and into her mouth.
The sensation of energy tickled Carly's knees, and the woman looked up. The room was dark again except for four lit circles on the floor. She quickly moved to kneel on these spots, bending down so that her head was against the floor, her hands were behind her back. She had been trained, through video, how and when to strike this pose. It had been required of her almost every day, but the purpose of the pose had never been revealed.
Carly nearly screamed when a loud noise echoed in the box and the floor shook for a moment. Peering to the side without moving her head, she saw the walls of the box lift away from the floor. Terrified, she listened to the sounds of footsteps approaching her, but she maintained her position. As the footsteps approached, Carly determined that they were high heels. The heels came up next to her and then walked slowly around her.
A slight tug on her collar and the feel of a chain, and then another tug upwards, prompted Carly to stand. Before her was her Mistress, holding the end of the chain. Her beautiful Mistress had come for her. Carly's knees felt weak, and she had to concentrate to remain upright.
"Come, little one. It's time for us to go home."
Home! Yes, take me home, Mistress! Carly waited patiently as her Mistress walked around her again, her fingers tracing a line around her naked shoulders. When she came to the front, she held the leash up and began to walk. Carly followed behind, seeing rows of large boxes on either side of them as they walked through a large warehouse. The boxes were exactly like the one she had called home for so long.
The slave smiled. She would have a new home now.