Author's Note: I wish my school had been more like this!
It was our final year at high school, I was eighteen and looking forward to leaving our small town and going to University, as I wandered home from swim training daydreaming about life in the big city when I received the text message from my friend Jake.
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"Come to the Gym" was all it said
"On my way home now" I replied
"It's worth it" he replied a few moments later.
Shrugging my shoulders I turned around and headed back towards the school.
My eyes widened when I opened the door, nothing could have prepared me for what I saw.
Let me give you a little background, there are about a thousand students at my school and about seventy staff, most had been there since time began but there were several younger teachers. There was also the obligatory gym teachers who held the macho image and led the various football and rugby teams, as a swimmer I didn't even register on their radar. It didn't bother me, the county thought I was good enough - who cared if the school didn't? I digress, one of these PE teachers was a tough, muscular man in his early thirties called Mr Jones. He coached the rugby team and took almost every boy's PE class at least a few times a year. He was dating a maths teacher called Miss Cooke, no one was supposed to know this of course but the story had been all over the common room for weeks.
Miss Cooke was a completely different style of teacher. She was petite, dark haired and quiet. At first impression you would wonder how she ever controlled a group of unruly students. However she had a knack of connecting with her classes, she would let them learn at their own pace and motivate them by working along side them to solve problems. She'd inspired me to pursue maths, it also helped that she was very attractive and I knew she was teaching certain modules of the course that year. Her tight fitting jumpers always hugged her figure, the V-neck emphasising her ample chest. She never wore revealing tops but her small figure made her breasts stand out. Truthfully I'd had more than a few inappropriate thought about the young maths teacher.
Now I've described these two, take a moment to visualise the scene before me when I entered the gym.
Both teachers were naked, they were bound facing each other about two metres apart with their hands tied over their heads and their legs spread. Miss Cooke was noticeably smaller than her boyfriend, Mr Jones was easily six feet tall but with a rope tied to each ankle pulling her legs open her eyes were barely level with his chest.
I blinked, there were six students in the room, including me. I recognised all were from my year but didn't know them all by name. My mind boggled at how this situation had arisen.
Jake saw me enter and quickly crossed the gym
"What do you think?" he asked, my mind was still trying to take in the scene before me. I had this overwhelming sense of terror, we could be expelled. Or arrested. Jake must have seen the panic in my face.
"Relax," he assured me "it was their suggestion." my eyes widened even more.
"Well, maybe not directly." he confessed, the excitement was clear in his voice "Mike was on the web," he explained "he was on, shall we say some..." he made some quotes gestures with his fingers "mature sites." He continued "When he found a bunch of pictures of these two at some bondage club in London. Anyway..." he stopped "I'm sure you can guess the rest." He grinned "Wow that chick knows how to beg!"
My panic slightly averted my eyes scanned over the scene in front of me, it was true. The bound pair were not desperately struggling to escape, true they were not thrilled by the idea but they seemed to appreciate that as embarrassing as this was for them the alternative was far worse. I scanned the students, Jake I knew, Mike I also recognised. There was another guy I didn't know and two girls I vaguely recognised, I looked at one of them could her name be Alicia?
To be honest the situation did seem a bit of a poor show, now the pair were stripped and tied it seemed the elation had subsided. The girl I didn't recognise was making the most of Mr Jones, running her hands up and down his muscular back and shoulders. The guy I didn't know was half heartedly trying to spank Miss Cooke but he was nervous, apologetic even and although she made gasping noises each time his hand gingerly made contact I felt it was more for show. "Give them what they want so they'll run out of ideas and we can go home..."
My eyes jumped to the bound woman, I couldn't help it. The teacher I'd had my crush on for almost three years was naked in front of me. Her legs were as toned and athletic as I'd been led to believe, this led up to glorious round buttocks which curved into her back giving her the slim figured I'd lusted after. Her pussy was trimmed but her dark pubic hair was clearly visible. Her flat firm stomach gave way to perfect full breasts which I saw were just as pert without a bra.
I admit, I'm fascinated by bondage. I'd spent a lot of time on the websites but had never tried anything in real life. I still wasn't sure how to proceed, I had ideas flashing though my mind but I needed to know if they would enjoy what I wanted to do. Jake had implied they were like minded but I knew that if I tried any of my myriad of fantasies and they didn't enjoy it instead of being an erotic experience for the pair it could be catastrophic.
I walked behind my maths teacher, the other guy stepped back giving me access. I was going to start gentle and see if I got a reaction, if I did I would step up accordingly. I placed my hands gently but firmly on the young lady's stomach, her muscles tensed at my touch. A shiver ran down my spine as I fought to control my excitement. I moved my hands around her torso to her behind and squeezed her buttocks, pressing myself against her so she could feel my arousal I let my breath tickle the back of her neck. I felt her shiver as my hands reached her chest, slowly I worked her breasts with my hands.
I glanced over at our other captive, ignoring the girl behind him his eyes were fixed firmly on my hands. I glanced down, my actions certainly seemed to be having the desired effect on him at least, his cock was rock hard and pointed straight at his colleague. I moved my hands down my captive's body. First her waist, then her hips, ever so lightly I briefly stroked the her clit. The shiver which ran through her was all the encouragement I needed.
I stopped abruptly, I could have sworn Miss Cooke pushed against me for a moment as I stepped away trying to maintain the contact "Alicia, give me a hand with something?" I asked.
Apparently I had got her name right because she stepped towards me, uncertain. I spotted the duffel bag lying on the floor a few feet away, I don't know where it came from but I had already seen what I needed. I reached in and extracted some string, it was about three or four metres long and carefully looped up so it didn't tangle.
I undid the knot, stretched out the string and found the midpoint as I had countless times before in the privacy of my bedroom. I walked towards Mr Jones. At this age I was still shy, today I wouldn't have had a problem but I wanted Alicia to do the actual tying. Perhaps it was the fear of touching another man's cock? Perhaps it was more touching it in front of school mates?
"Take this," I instructed Alicia "and wrap it around his balls." She paused for a moment so I provided more information "Hold them in your hand and wrap between your fingers and his cock, make it good and tight and leave me some length left at the end." The girl needed no further encouragement and made her way towards the bound teacher.
I watched from a short distance away as the brunette knelt at her captive's feet. She reached through his legs and grabbed his ass. Ever so quickly, almost as an after thought she let her tongue flicker across the top of his erect penis. She folded the string and created a loop at middle which she folded back on itself to create a tightening noose. I made a mental note that Alicia probably knew more than she was letting on, something to investigate another day.
The girl fastened the noose around the top of her teacher's balls and began to coil the string tightly, each wrap stretching his testicles slightly more. When she'd finished she found her initial loop and tied off the ends. As I'd requested there was plenty of length left, before getting to her feet Alicia hovered her mouth of the man's rock hard cock. She stoked his balls while teasing the tip of his penis. The sudden stimulation cased our captive to take a sharp intake of breath.
I indicated above our heads where the rope from Mr Jones' hands was tied to a beam on the roof. "Can you get that down for me?" I asked. Without waiting for a reply I turned to Miss Cooke, grabbing a rope from the bag I advanced on her grinning. The teacher caught my eye for a moment and it twinkled, her mind was obviously racing in an effort to predict what I was planning to do to her.
She didn't have long to wait, following Alicia's example I knelt in front of my favourite teacher and looped the rope around the young lady's waist and settled the loop in the small of her back. Taking my time I reached through her spread legs and pulled the trailing end of the rope through, while my hand was nearby I took the opportunity to run my fingers over her clit again. The moistness was unmistakeable. Quickly I drew the remaining rope through the loop at her front and looked upwards.
Once I'd managed to throw the end of the crotch rope over the beam I let it hang between our two prisoners. I glanced around the gym and selected one of the weights for the dumbbells, the one I had selected was heavy for me to lift, it would be more than sufficient to hold the unfortunate teacher in place. Reaching for the trailing string hanging from the man's scrotum I looped it around the weight, then pulling it taught I pulled him into a most uncomfortable crouch. The game was simple, keep his knees bent and let his legs burn with the strain or attempt to straighten and have his balls pulled beyond all recognition.
I glanced at Alicia "I reckon he could use some relief about now!" Despite his hands being bound together they were now free from the beam over our heads, he could have resisted if he'd have wanted to. I took this as a good sign.
Grinning, the brunette resumed her position at the teacher's knees, stroking his tormented balls with one hand she leant forward and began performing oral sex on the bound man.
To complete my trap I selected another of the weights, this one was not as heavy as the one I'd selected for Mr Jones, I wasn't that sadistic! Being careful not to let the weight fall on the crotch rope I fastened it to the trailing rope with the knot. Miss Cooke's eyes lit with a mixture of excitement and nerves and for a moment I thought about releasing the weight on her pussy.
I had however another idea, quickly I placed the weight in Mr Jones' outstretched hands. I figured with his balls being stretched and Alicia providing a blowjob he wouldn't be able to hold the weight at arms length for very long. As soon as he failed the pressure would be applied directly to his girlfriends pussy. I bet he regretted the lesson on muscle stresses now!
With Alicia doing her best to distract the PE teacher I returned to my position behind Miss Cooke, I pressed myself firmly against her and began to massage her breasts with my hands. I toyed with her nipples, occasionally and without warning squeezing them firmly between my fingers and causing her to pull backwards pushing her ass onto my hard cock.
Seeing an appropriately sized piece of gym equipment I slid it into position and perched myself on top of it. My cock was now inches from her gasping mouth, it didn't take a genius to work out what I was planning next. I slipped my trousers and boxers down my legs, kicking off my shoes. My teacher didn't hesitate, instantly my cock was in her mouth, her tongue massaging the my full length.
I had to grab onto the side of my makeshift seat as the bound lady got to work, I could see her chest bouncing as she worked furiously on my cock. Somewhere behind me I heard her boyfriend fail, the continued pressure on his balls and arms had obviously proved too much. He sank to the floor Alicia crawling on top of him continuing her assault of his manhood.
I felt the mouth around my cock tighten as the weight swung free, with her boyfriend no longer taking the weight Miss Cooke's pussy was now on it's own.
"I'll take it off when you finish." I assured her, gasping for air between words.
If her motivation had been in question before it certainly wasn't now, her lips traced my balls before resuming their motion on my dick.
It only took her a few more minutes for her to finish the job, pushing her away I held my cock in my hand as I shot warm cum across her face and into her open mouth. The white fluid began instantly to flow from her lips, down her chin and onto her large chest. I quickly dismounted my makeshift seat.
True to my word I removed the weight from her tortured pussy, she relaxed noticeably dropping back on to flat feet from her tip toes. There is not really a lot more to tell, Alicia had finished her work. Another tickle of cum dripped from her left breast, her victim lay unmoving on the floor. Between us we released our prisoners, they didn't say a lot after a few moments they staggered to their feet and after grabbing their clothes vanished into the changing rooms.
It was not until afterwards I saw the photos, Jake had managed to capture it on his mobile phone. I had to admit I was impressed, with a mixture of luck and timing he'd managed to capture perfectly the moment I shot my load over my maths teacher's face. Another, taken a moment later saw her licking the cum from her lips. A professional would be proud of such a shot, I have to admit knowing that it existed at all made me uneasy.
I skipped my classes for the next week, for obvious reasons I didn't want to learn about basic calculus. I was even less enthusiastic to be anywhere near the gym. By the end of the week I realised this was not maintainable, I either had to resume my studies or switch courses. Luckily Miss Cooke solved the problem for me. She caught me in the school yard as I made my way to my swim practice one evening.
"Can we talk?" she asked, I glanced around nervously. There was no one here but equally there wasn't any way I could evade her without running, which would cause too much disturbance.
"It's ok." she assured me before continuing "The other day," she continued "we talked about it afterwards. It was quite an experience!" my heart pounded in my chest as she continued "I wondered if you were free to join us on Saturday evening?"