Author's Note: Mistress Simone is a real person and this is a fantasy she has. The Author originally wrote this story for her and is now publishing it to fulfill her fantasy.
If you liked this story or have any feedback please write to me at: www.torquemaster02@hotmail.com I enjoy the feedback and it helps to make me a better writer. I hope you enjoyed reading my work as much as I did writing it.
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You can also see more stories from Torquemaster at: http://www.booklocker.com/books/3777.html
Mistress Simone was the hottest thing to ever hit the live sex show business. Her live web cam shows attracted hundreds every night for months. Her web fans loved it when she would squirt for them on screen. She was so good she could almost come on command. For months her fan base continued to grow and she was rolling in the cash. Then things began to change. The company she worked for began bringing in other girls, newer, younger girls. Not necessarily prettier, in fact these girls we a bit on the edge of being weird. But the fans loved them because; let's face it, her fans were a bit weird too. These girls were definitely far more to the kinky side of sex than Simone.
She was hot, yes very hot. She loved sex, she loved cock, and she loved the feel of multiple cocks penetrating her body, pounding it, stretching it, slamming her with shock waves of orgasm after violent orgasm. Just the thought of cock would make her nipples ache and her pussy drip. But there was no way to express that on a web cam show. So she did the best she could which was damn good by most means of measuring. But there came a point, in the growth of this business where masturbating in front of the camera was just not enough anymore. The girls with the kinky looks and the ropes, chains and kinky sex toys were getting more and more of the fans tuning into their shows. Simone knew she had to pick up her game a notch and too, things had gotten a bit stale for her too. Time to try something new.
So Simone started to experiment with bondage. She met a bondage master on-line. They chatted about bondage and she found what turned him on also turned her on. She began incorporating cuffs, collars, clamps and other toys into her act. She began experimenting with being bound on stage and found her customers liked it and more importantly she liked it to. Her new "Master" would recommend different forms of bondage and even sent her some new toys which she used and grew to enjoy even in her personal life with her "Daddy".
Simone has always been a very competitive person and loved to be challenged. Her Master began giving her simple challenges to do in her personal life, some of which she rejected and in her stage life, the latter of which she tried and enjoyed on stage. Then one day her Master decided to take the challenges to a new level.
When the box arrived it didn't look any different than the other packages he had sent her. It arrived at work and she picked it up only a few minutes before she was due to go on stage. Inside were 3 numbered packages. One labeled "Instructions", the second was labeled "Wear this tonight" and the third at the bottom of the box was labeled, "Do not open until after the show".
Being a woman, she obviously disregarded the numbers and went for number 2 which was the biggest package and quickly tore it open. Inside much to her surprise was a very strange and heavy leather harness of some kind with large steel loops. The bag also held 2 very solid looking padlocks which were open, a set of keys and 2 of the largest dildos she had ever seen. To be atomically correct one was a 9 inch dildo with a large flat base and veins so realistic she expected it to spurt hot cum at her any moment. The other impaler was a large black butt plug tapered at its base but flared in its center to a proportion that made her cringe just a bit when she thought about it passing her rose bud. Because yes, she knew exactly where these impalers were to go and had no doubt she would be using them tonight.
So like the good little Slut Slave she was Simone finally opened the letter marked with a 1 and read her instructions. The leather harness was as she had guessed a leather chastity belt which her Master wanted her to lock on herself before the show after filling her hot and horney holes with the 2 large plugs. The padlocks were to be used to lock the plugs in her and she was not allowed to use the key to release herself from them until the first fan of her live show paid to take her to a private session. This "Game" was not new to her as Master had suggested something similar to her not long ago using a hogtie. It had been fun, her fans really enjoyed it and it did get her a private session quite early in her show. She was also used to wearing dildoes and plugs and Master had been considerate enough to supply her with a generous tube of lube so...what the hell! The final paragraph said for her to put everything back on at the end of the show and then call her Master on the phone. This sounded like a fun opportunity for some HOT phone sex so mentally she agreed with that request.
With time running out before her show started she hurried to finish her makeup, not paying much attention to the 3rd envelope but with a twinkle in her eye she kept glancing over to the belt and its 2 partners. Every time she did a twinge went up her spine. "This is going to be a fun night" she whispered to herself.
Finally ready she went back to the box and pulled out the plugs and harness. She looked at the final envelope. Well it did say not to pen until after the show ...but how would her Master know. Her female curiosity was almost peaking when she noticed the clock. Only minutes until her show. No time to waste.
Simone was no stranger to wearing plugs but these were going to fill her to capacity and then some. With some difficulty, mostly because she was nervous about being late for the show, she lubed up the twin impalers and worked them home into their hot love caves. Her pussy was no problem because just the sight of that huge 9 inch veined cock made her lips part and her cunt drip. It slid home like it was made to be there. A warm ripple went up and down her body and it seated deep inside her cunt. The butt plug was a much bigger challenge. 3 times she tried to work its wide center past her tight rose bud. The pain was more intense every time. "Relax, relax you slut" she kept saying to herself but it was not working. Then a knock at the door and a "Five Minutes Miss Simone" call from the other side broke her concentration. Momentarily distracted from the pain she felt her clenched ass relax and the butt plug "Popped" inside quickly filling every square inch of her ass. " O Fuck, how am I ever gonna get this thing out" she thought. But she had no time left to consider that. She quickly picked up the harness and locks and ran out the door.
5 Steps out the door the pain and shock waves hit her like 2 cattle prods had been rammed inside her cunt and ass. "O Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" she screamed. Running with these bastards inside is like being shot up with hot lead. She was instantly on the edge of Cumming. Every movement was amplified and sent lightning bolts of pure white hot pleasure rocketing straight to her brain. Another step and she was sure the top of her head would have blown off. She froze in her tracks. Sweat was running down her forehead. She put one hand to her mouth to hold back the scream and the other to her chest where it was nearly pierced with the sharp hardness of the nipple it landed on. "Holy Crap, I have to pace myself with these fuckers inside". Slowly she calmed down and got control of her breathing. She took slow deliberate steps now increasing her pace, learning to move forward slowly, all the time doing a balancing act with her nerves ridding right on the razor sharp edge of a volcanic orgasm that she did not have the time to enjoy. By the time she reached her cam room for the night Simone was still on the edge but was maintaining the critical balancing act. When she reached the program director she asked him if he knew how to put on a chastity belt. He looked down at the leather harness in her hand and the open padlocks dangling from it and only smiled. Within seconds he had locked the lap band around her small waist and was passing the crotch strap between her legs and was ready to attach the second padlock when he asked her how tight she wanted it. "Well I don't want anything to fall out" she replied. An instant later the big man completely lifted Simone off the floor with the force of his thrust. The thick belt spread her cheeks to their limit and rammed the 2 rods deep, deep into her holes sending blood rushing to her head and another wave of hot lightening to her already overloaded brain. Almost knocked over by the wave she quickly recovered, focused and looked the big burly man right in the eye, then grabbed him by the shoulders. She yanked him tightly to her chest and assaulted his mouth, plunging her tongue deep inside his and sucking him up into her long, wet, probing, passionate kiss. Then just as quickly she pushed the dumbfounded man away, slamming him into the wall and marching past him into the studio where in mere seconds she would be on the air around the world titillating hundreds of Horney fans. This time she was just as HOT and HORNEY as any of them.
The show was awesome. Simone was on top of her game. She was on the edge of Cumming from the moment the show began. Her raw passion was obvious to everyone who tuned in and they came in record numbers. The sexual tension in the room was so deep you could cut it with a dull knife. Other people from the crew even filled the space behind the camera to see what was going one. Her fans hung on every one of her sultry words and drank her in like she was liquid love potion # 9. It only took minutes for the first fan to order her into the first of many private sessions and he surprisingly teased her with nipple clamps, ropes and a ballgag for what seemed like hours until he finally gave her permission to use the key and release the crotch strap keeping her burning pussy imprisoned. Next he ordered her to use the big cock to bring herself to orgasm. She came in seconds humping the huge member and beating herself with it like a jack hammer. Wave after wave of spasms rippled thru her whole body, tearing at her pussy and ripping her inhibitions to shreds like confetti. She squirted like a fire hose plastering the bed and the scaring the hell out of the production crew who dove for cover like they were under attack. When it was all over she lay in a crumpled heap, already exhausted but burning with a glow that teemed with energy. Finally she re-gained her composure and focused on the TV monitor. There were more fans on line in the private session than she could count. She rolled onto her side to glance at the clock and felt the huge butt plug still filling her ass. Round 2 was coming up soon and the clock told her the show was still very very young.
Simone came 11 times that show. She was on the edge of Cuming thru ought the entire show. She had no idea where the sexual energy was coming from but she was addicted to it now and did not want it to end. Even during her break all she could think about was Cuming. While she ate her meager lunch her free hand could not keep from playing with her swollen pussy lips and diamond hard nipples. During the second half of the show she came 6 more times and she did not even use the belt. At the end of the night she was exhausted but when Simone entered the dressing room the face she saw in the dressing mirror was still wearing a huge smile and she felt that all over glow from head to toe. It had been a magical night. One she did not want to forget.
As she stood before the mirror and tried to bring her brain into focus she suddenly realized she was still wearing the butt plug. That huge monster had almost become a part of her. Now she sighed at the thought of having to remove it. A tear rolled down her cheek. Not because of the pain she knew would come when she removed it but at the thought of this exotic experience coming to a close. Then she spotted the box that this had all come in and the instructions from her Master. Wait! Didn't they say something at the end about putting the belt back on and calling or texting him? Yes Yes she thought and quickly scanned the note. Those were her instructions. With a sudden rush of adrenaline she lubed up the dildo and filled her raw cunt to the brim with its massive girth. As she snapped close the final padlock on the belt her phone buzzed indicating she had a text message. Quickly she picked it up and immediately noticed it was her Master. She opened the message. YOU WERE BEAUTIFUL TONIGHT MY LITTLE SLUT SLAVE GREAT JOB. She texted him back THANK YOU MASTER SIR. ARE YOU WEARING THE BELT he asked? YES MASTER. THEN YOU MAY OPEN THE FINAL ENVELOPE, he responded. Simone reached into the bottom of the box and removed the 3rd envelope and opened its enclosed note. It read
Simone my little Slut Slave the locks on your belt are very special. The keys I gave you are one time only use keys. They will no longer work on those locks. You are now permanently impaled in my chastity belt unless you follow your Master's instructions. You REAL Challenge begins now.
"NOOOOO" Simone screamed as she grabbed the keys and frantically tried them on each lock to no avail. Master was right. She was now his captive. His REAL Slut Slave. This was no longer a game this was serious shit. Before she could catch her breath her phone beeped again. This time the text message was a series of numbers. Simone read them not understanding their meaning. Was this a combination? But the locks were not combination locks. Then another beep and a second message. This message from her Master revealed the meanings of the numbers. They were GPS coordinates. She was ordered to load them into the GPS in her car and drive immediately to that location. She was given 30 minutes. Frantically Simone grabbed some clothes and stuffed her things into her bag. She started to dash out the door to the parking lot when the lightning bolts from her cunt and ass told her otherwise. She almost doubled over when the shock wave hit her. "Shit Shit Shit" she screamed, realizing that she was not in charge of her own body any more. Her impalers were. She stopped and tried to catch her breath. If she had to stop and have an orgasm every 10 steps this was going to be a long, long trip and she did not even know how far she had to go in the time limit given. She tried to call her Master to beg him to release her from this challenge and tell her how to get free of the chastity belt but there was no answer. Instead another text appeared YOU ARE WASTING VALUABLE TIME SLUT. With that she took off, now taking more careful and deliberate steps.
It seemed to take forever but she finally made it to her car. After loading the coordinates, she could see that her destination was about 20 miles away. She would have to hurry. At least it was early evening and there would not be too much traffic. Driving was another very entertaining experience. Every bump in the road, every roar of the engine was transmitted up thru the seats and thru the invading shafts like lightning rods. Several times she had to slap herself or stick her head out the window into the cool evening breeze to distract herself enough to keep from Cumming again and again.
Finally she reached her destination. It was very familiar ground. A small old amusement park she knew well as a child. It did not have many rides but was well known in the city for one very amazing attraction. A giant wooden roller coaster named "The Beast". Simone loved roller coasters and this one was her favorite. She loved the feel and the sounds of the old fashioned steel wheels on steel rails and the clack clack and rumble rumble it made as it roared over and under and around the old picnic grove that surrounded it. She had not ridden it for years but remembered two very distinct features. As a teenager in her puberty she was first aroused by the rumble of the wheels and the vibrations that were transmitted right thru the wooden seat and into her tight little virgin pussy thru the skimpy short shorts she loved to wear in the summer time. As an adult she continued to love that ride for that very same reason although by that time she understood what those feelings were all about and many a boyfriend was thankful for the great time they would have together in the picnic grove after a trip on "The Beast". Funny, she thought now how it was always her idea to come here with her boyfriends. They never seemed to figure it out.
She stood there by her car at the entrance to the park staring at the huge coaster that had given her pussy so many thrills when her phone beeped again. LOSE THE BRA. T-SHIRT AND SHORTS ONLY was the message. "Master Are you here" She cried out. He must be nearby watching her she thought. So she climbed back in the car and did as her Master ordered. She figured he was inside somewhere watching her so she set out again, taking slow and deliberate steps and went up to the ticket window. She purchased admission and entered the park. The first ride she came to was the infamous roller coaster. Looking up at its tall towers she remembered the second reason this coaster thrilled her so much. At the center of the ride was a 150 ft. near vertical drop where the coaster reached speeds of over 65MPH and at the bottom it disappeared into a dark tunnel. Looking down into it from the top, if you could keep your eyes open, you got the feeling you were being hurled into the center of the earth. Somewhere inside that tunnel the drop bottomed out and your whole body was smashed into the bottom of your seat like a jet fighter pilot pulling 4Gs in the pullout of a crash dive. This she remembered amplified all the vibrations into one spot on her bottom and the pulsating and pounding it focused on her wet and swollen vagina had caused many a teenage orgasm. She always ended up with a huge wedgie and needing to removing her soaked panties after those rides.
So lost, Simone was in those luscious memories that she did not hear her phone beep until the 3rd time. YOU MUST RIDE THE BEAST was the message. Immediately her thoughts went to her current predicament and the massive dildo and butt plug that filled her to a now very swollen and aching capacity. "Oh SHIT" she said out loud, thinking of what it would feel like with those vibrations now traveling deep deep inside her very core and pounded home by the impalers locked inside of her. With no hope of removing them and freeing herself from this challenge she cried out loud "No, No I can't, It's too much I can't take it" she yelled out, loud enough for a few people nearby to hear her and turn in her direction. YES YOU WILL IF YOU WANT TO BE RELEASED FROM YOUR TORMENTORS scrolled the message on her phone.
Defeated she hung her head. She knew what she must do. Simone had never walked away from a challenge. This would be her greatest sexual challenge. She did not know if it was her desire to be a good slave, her unwavering competitiveness or a deep dark desire to push herself to the edge of her limits that was driving her now as she walked up to the window, bought her ticket and got in line for the ride.
The line was short and within seconds she was in her seat. Already she could feel the impalers pushing deeper, deeper into her as her tender ass cheeks flattened out on the hard unyielding wooden seat. Suddenly thoughts of doubt started forming in her mind. Are you crazy! What do you think you are doing! You idiot you won't survive this; they will pull you out a babbling insane wreck. Her mind drew a picture of men in white coats strapping her in a straight jacket and hauling her screaming from the exit platform. "This is insane" she said and started to get up from her seat but the lap belt was securely locked in place and the bar trapped her from rising. Suddenly she felt the first jolt, CLANK and the cars started moving up the long hill to the first big drop and the beginning of her impossible sexual challenge. Hopelessly she watched as the coaster climbed further and further up the hill. Click click click her ears were numb but she could FEEL every trip of the chain in her very core.
Suddenly she looked down and saw a man waving to her. She could not make out his face but he held something in his hand. Something like a car remote control. He was pointing it up at her. And then she felt it, CLICK BUZZZZZZZ, CLICK VRMMMMM as both hidden remote control vibrators inside of her torturers sprang to life.
Oh SHIT, I'M FUCKED she mumbled!!!!!!