Update (2012/05/23): Thanks for all the positive comments! I was not as sure on chapter 4, but gave it a shot and hope some of you like it. -Al B
Chapter 1
The cruel experiment otherwise known as high school was almost over. There were only six months left until graduation and I had few regrets. Most of us were already 18, and on our way to college. I was also well on my way to becoming valedictorian, and though I had been skinny and short and made fun of a lot in ninth grade, this last year I had grown 3 inches and also filled out in other ways.
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As I looked up from my locker, I felt the usual pang when I saw Rayna walking by. I had had a crush on her for years. She was half Filipina and half South American, with thick, long black hair and big brown eyes. She was wearing her usual tennis team whites, which contrasted so beautifully with her smooth light brown skin. I had spoken to her perhaps three times in the last four years, and it had not gone well since I was so nervous. About a month ago, I heard Rayna and her longtime boyfriend had broken up. Though I was definitely out of the loop when it came to gossip, I had found out that no one really knew what had happened. I had bribed gossip queens and cool people in the know, with various academic incentives, but even they came up empty. I sighed and prepared to head for class when I realized Rayna was coming straight towards me. I blinked like a deer in headlights, but Rayna smiled in a way I had only seen from afar until now.
"Hey Peter," Rayna said still smiling and looking relaxed while my heart was beating in a crazy rhythm, "I was wondering if you wanted to study for that calculus test together?" I must've replied sure or something but I couldn't really remember, because Rayna continued, "Great, why don't you clear it with your parents and the car will pick us up after school."
The next thing I knew, I was watching her long shapely legs and toned rounded bottom, walking away. A couple of other kids were watching me and her, in that nosey evil high school way, so I quickly headed to my next class remembering to get out my cell phone and text my mom that I would be studying with a "friend" tonight.
The rest of the day was a blur, but fortunately I was ahead in my classes, and before I knew it Rayna and I were waiting in the parking lot for her car to come pick us up while most of the rest of the students got into their school buses. I knew Rayna was pretty wealthy and that she had a car and driver take her to and from school.
"Thanks so much for helping me with calculus," Rayna said, "I've had trouble concentrating lately."
"That's fine." I replied, trying desperately to think of something witty or at least interesting to say.
"My father is out of town as usual," Rayna continued, "and my mother is going to a charity function so we have the whole place to ourselves tonight."
I was kind of distracted, watching her thick, attractive lips move as she talked, and blurted "your parents must not be around much."
Rayna looked at me and her smile faded, "it is a bit lonely at times, yes."
I groaned inwardly and tried to change the topic, "you get pretty good grades I noticed, like B's and stuff." I realized that sounded kind of condescending, but fortunately Rayna's smile came back, "maybe you can help with those grades." And suddenly I was smiling back feeling at least confident in one thing, and the fact that she had mentioned grades in plural.
The car pulled up, and a tough looking driver with a scar over the eye stepped out. The driver looked at me very dubiously but smiled at Rayna, and we were on our way. The house was even bigger than I imagined, with a stone fence surrounding the property and a separate house for servants towards the front. Fountains and a grand staircase led up to the main mansion where Rayna's mom was already on her way out.
"Oh hi Peter," Rayna's mom, a lovely looking older Filipina version of Rayna, smiled at me graciously, "I'm so glad you're studying together. There are plenty of leftovers in the fridge when you two get hungry." And she was already off in a fine dress with the official car and evil looking driver.
"Come on," Rayna said, taking my hand, "I'll give you a tour and we can get some food."
The next hour was a blur with Rayna doing all the talking, about the history of various paintings and statues her parents owned. I would've found it quite interesting, but her holding my hand was distracting to say the least. Finally we heated up some food and brought it upstairs to her gigantic room and got down to studying at a large table that could seat eight.
That's when things took a turn for the worse. We were doing problems together, and Rayna surprised me, easily keeping up, but when we got to the harder ones she became fidgety. Soon Rayna was getting up walking around, even doing some graceful cartwheels which made her white skirt pull down giving me a tantalizing glimpse of her panties.
We did some more math problems, but when we got stuck on a particularly tricky one, she got up and did some more impressive gymnastics, including a backwards flip onto a handstand; I didn't even know anyone not in the Olympics could do that.
Finally, Rayna left and came back holding a thick roll of duct tape. "Sorry," Rayna said with an apologetic look, "this always happens, when I study, you better tape me to the chair." She said pushing the duct tape over to me.
I looked at Rayna in complete amazement and she giggled, "I'm serious, it'll help. Though please don't post any videos of me taped up on YouTube."
I laughed and shrugged, thinking that this was the most unexpected day of my life anyway, so I ran the tape once around her waist and the chair.
"Oh, I can get out of that easily; you better make it more secure." Rayna giggled some more, so I smiled nervously and this time ran the tape more tightly and many times around the back of the chair and her waist. The tape made her breasts push against the fabric of her top on I was staring at her lovely curvature.
"That's much better," Rayna said, "let's get back to work." And so we did, though now I was getting distracted too, but we did make some progress until she started getting fidgety with her legs again.
"Maybe you should get my legs too." Rayna said finally.
"You mean tape them?" I replied, "what if someone comes in?"
"Don't worry, I locked the door and no one comes in here in the evening anyway."
"Okay," I said doubtfully reaching for the tape and crawling under the table. I wasn't really sure how to do it, so I just admired her slender ankles and strong tennis calves for a moment. I had been admiring her legs for years, and here I was about to duct tape them. But I couldn't hang out under the table forever, so I finally just taped each ankle to one of the chair legs. This time I used lots of tightly wound tape since her legs were strong. I caught a glimpse of her panties again, and shuddering, with a fully formed erection, I got back in my seat, trying to calm down.
Rayna struggled a little bit, then smiled and giggled, "Wow, good job I can't even move my legs."
We got back to the math, but we were doing the hardest problems now. I was distracted with the girl of my dreams, sitting so close to me and Rayna had stopped writing and was picking at the tape, around her waist.
"Well," I said, thinking this might be a good time to finish, "we got a lot done today."
"No, we have to keep going," Rayna said urgently," you better tape up my hands also before I break free."
"You sure?" I said incredulously.
"Yeah! I learned so much today," Rayna giggled and she was starting to sound orgasmic to my ears, "make sure it's secure though." Rayna said lifting her arms behind the chair, and putting her wrists close together. This motion also thrust her breasts forward even more and I gulped.
But I didn't really want to leave anyway, and she was asking me to do it very seriously so I got up and taped her wrists together tightly, with lots of tape. I got carried away and even got most of her shapely tennis forearms. Luckily she had no hair on her arms and legs, so the tape would come off easily. I wound the tape immobilizing her arms around her waist again a few more times, so her arms were now pinned to the back of the chair. I realized there was no way she could get out of this without my help. She could barely even move now.
I sat back down, moving my chair closer to her, and then laughing awkwardly together, I continued working on problems, as she listened and watched. It went well for a little while but then Rayna said, "Would you mind scratching my neck, I can't get to it right now." I stared at her but she just smiled so I scratched her neck and then got back to studying.
"Sorry I have another itch," Rayna said, looking down in the direction of her right breast. My eyes widened and my mouth became dry, but I didn't think she really meant her breasts so I scratched underneath where the tape was pinning her torso to the chair. "Better?" I asked nervously.
"No," Rayna replied blushing nervously, "a little higher."
In disbelief, I moved my hand slowly upwards until I was cupping the lower half of her breast.
"Almost there," Rayna said closing her eyes. She wasn't giggling anymore.
I had her entire right breast cupped in my hand down, and it felt like heaven. I felt a hard spot and realized it must be her nipple, pushing through the fabric of her bra and white tennis top. I began massaging her nipple.
"That's it," Rayna said breathing heavier now, her eyes still closed. I continued feeling her breasts and massaging her nipple while watching her face. The lovely dark skin of her high cheekbones was flushed red now and she was licking her full lips.
"Any other itches?" I asked hopefully.
Rayna opened her eyes for a moment, "now that you mention it I do feel an itch between my legs." My hand dropped away from her breast in shock. "I mean if you think you can take care of it," Rayna continued with a hopeful look in her now very dark, pupil dilated, smoldering eyes.
My heart pounding in my neck, I reached down between her thighs, which were already spread because of her taped ankles. Nervously I worked my way up her slender thigh, reaching her panties. Her vagina was warm and very moist and I rubbed her cleft for a bit until Rayna told me to go a little higher. I realized this must be the female clitoris that I had read about on the Internet.
"Circular motions now," Reyna said breathlessly, "harder," and before I knew it she was pressing hard against my hand, as best as she could in her taped state, and moaning harder and harder until finally she let out a little scream and I realized in shock that she had climaxed. I had just masturbated Rayna!
"Well that was a really good study session," Rayna said breathing heavily, "You want to study some more tomorrow? Sorry about all the fidgeting and itching."
"Oh," I replied, "sure we can study more tomorrow, its fine, we got a lot done." I got up and started putting my books in my bag and heading for the door in a daze.
"Uh," Rayna said, "I think you're going to have to help me get out of this tape, there is no way I can get out by myself, the way you duct taped me up, besides I need to give you a ride home in one of the spare cars."
Chapter 2
If I had any illusions that I was now Rayna's boyfriend, they were quickly dispelled the next day at school. I stared at her in class which was not unusual anyway and she ignored me, which was also not unusual. Later in the day I got a text finally saying, Sergei would pick me up at six. I wasn't really sure how Rayna got my phone number or who Sergei was, but I assumed it was the evil looking driver.
When I got home from school I rushed upstairs, worked out a little, took a shower and tried to get my unruly copper hair under control. After that I put on my best jeans and a shirt as my mom walked in looking bemused.
"Are you studying with Rayna again tonight?" My mom asked.
"Yes, yes," I said impatiently, tugging my shirt in.
"Isn't that the very pretty girl on the tennis team?" My mom continued smiling.
"Yes that's her."
"Were you going to ask me for permission?"
"Oh," I looked a little shamefaced, "I was just about to."
My mom just smiled so I packed my books and rushed downstairs. Sergei was early and about as friendly as always. The two miles to Rayna's house went by quickly, and I was getting increasingly nervous. But when I arrived Rayna was all smiles and holding my hand again, talking about how hard training for the tennis tournament this upcoming Saturday was, and I was both reassured and didn't have to talk much which was also good.
Soon we were doing math problems again and I was impressed how much Rayna had advanced since yesterday considering our weird study session. After an hour though, Rayna was starting to fidget again.
"Maybe just try taping my wrists together in front of me today," Rayna said, plunking a new roll of duct tape in front of me.
"Isn't your mom home?" I asked in a mixture of excitement and nerves.
"Don't worry; no one comes in here when I'm in the room." Rayna said.
Rayna was wearing a blouse and skirt today, so she rolled up her sleeves, and presented her wrists. I shrugged trying to look nonchalant, and taped her wrists together in front of her rather tightly with a little more tape that was really necessary. We went back to our problems, but clearly Rayna had other things in mind.
"Maybe you should just hook me up to the chair again." Rayna said apologetically, lifting her taped wrists above and behind her head, which caused her breasts to push against her blouse, "be careful with my hair though."
Unsure but excited, I got up and gently lifted her hair over her shoulder, relishing its thick silky feel and deep black color. I then attached more tape around her wrists, and ran the tape down around the back of the chair so that her wrists and upper arms were pinned. Not waiting for more instructions, I then wound tape around her waist again so that she was now stuck with her arms above and behind her head and her torso tightly taped to the chair. Finally I taped her ankles together and then hooked them to the chair legs with more tape.
It didn't look very comfortable, but Rayna certainly looked good and didn't seem to mind at all.
"Okay let me go get my videophone." I laughed and Rayna groaned and giggled, struggling harder with the tape, but there was no way out.
"Wow," Reyna said giving up with struggling, "you're pretty good at this."
I wasn't really sure what "this" was, but we continued studying a bit, though we were both distracted now.
"You know," Rayna began blushing, "if you were to kiss me there wouldn't be much I could do to stop you."
I didn't need much convincing and though I'd never kissed a girl before, my lips were soon all over hers feeling their full softness and exploring every millimeter, sending electrifying shocks through my body. This went on for quite some time but then I got inspired stepping behind the chair while kissing her neck under her ear I reached around and cupped both her breasts in a hard embrace. Rayna let out a loud gasp and we both froze.
"Maybe you should tape my mouth also," Rayna whispered urgently.
With shaking fingers I quickly applied two strips of tape covering her beautiful mouth, and then went back to work on her breasts. I unbuttoned her blouse and reached inside slipping my finger was under her bra and touching a bare breast for the first time. Her nipple was very hard and I pinched it a little, before caressing some more and then working on her other breast. Though I'd never done any of this before it seemed like I was doing a good job, because Rayna seemed to be in heaven. Finally I unbuttoned her skirt and slipped my middle finger into her vagina, another first for me. She was positively wet and began thrusting her hips against me. I finally found her clitoris, the way she had taught me yesterday, but this time with a finger to her bare area. She climaxed soon after, shuddering and gasping.
Reluctantly I buttoned her skirt and blouse back up but I didn't free her from the tape, except for her mouth.
"So, are we like boyfriend and girlfriend now?" I asked a bit of desperation in my voice.
Rayna looked at me, but for a moment I was afraid her cold indifference would come back but then she smiled and simply said, "Sure."
I smiled in disbelief, but nodded vigorously, "okay, great!" I kissed her again briefly, "well let's get back to studying."
"Aren't you going to free me?" Reyna asked.
"No we still have a ways to go."
"Oh," Rayna said with a little happy sounding sigh.
That night after Sergei dropped me off at home I masturbated and had the craziest ejaculation ever.
Chapter 3
On Friday morning we all had our calculus test, after which there was a long chemistry lab practical. Then Reyna disappeared into tennis team land so I didn't get to see her at all. That afternoon though, the grades were posted for our math test. There were three A's this time instead of the usual two, and one person had a 100, on the summary graph. Since I was kind of the teacher's pet, I picked up my test and saw I only had a 96. I had missed something! This also meant that someone had beaten me. My main rival Sandra usually got low 90s and I realized there was only one possibility.
I texted and e-mailed Rayna a few times but received no response and finally just got on the bus and went home depressed. Saturday and Sunday dragged, and my parents could tell something was wrong, but didn't ask fortunately. I had texted Rayna to see how the tennis tournament went on Saturday but still received no response. On Sunday I didn't even bother texting or e-mailing anymore. I should've studied for school as I usually do but instead I found myself exercising like crazy and researching taping, tying up, bondage, masochism and all sorts of other things on the Internet. There was a surprising amount of material; some of it required a credit card even, to get into.
It was clear that Rayna was turned on by being taped up and I wondered how serious it was. Memories of my hands all over her made me depressed again and I finally got a little studying in though I kept checking my phone a 1000 times.
By Monday, I was mostly just angry and even my teachers noticed. Rayna and I had many classes together but she seemed to be going out of her way to evade me, making me even angrier. Finally I saw her getting ready for tennis practice, surrounded by the cool tennis teen girls and she was even talking to Brad, her ex! Furious, I stomped over, knowing she could not evade me now, but then the cruel high school eyes of all the cool kids were on me, and I hesitated, which was fortunate as Reyna turned to me with a big smile, "hey Peter, I got 100 on that test! Thanks so much for helping me study!"
"Oh, nice job." I replied finding that my fury had drained.
There was an awkward silence but then Reyna said, "We have the biology test on Wednesday so we should get together and start studying."
I was thinking of saying no but then I just shrugged and said, "Sure." And walked away. I heard some giggling behind me and it was like little knives in my heart. That evening though, I was back in Rayna's mansion. This time her father was home and looking, Hispanic, tough and very intimidating.
"So Peter," Rayna's father said without preamble, "I hear my daughter beat you on the last math test. Perhaps you should focus more on your studies and less on her."
"Oh dad," Rayna said, linking arms with me, "Peter is just a great teacher."
Her dad just scowled and walked off. When we got to Rayna's room she locked the door quickly, including a safety chain, and a chair propped against the handle.
"Nice guy." I said sarcastically.
"Don't worry, he's leaving tonight on another trip," Rayna said looking relieved.
I would've asked more about him and why she was barring the door so excessively, but I was too angry still, "Rayna we really need to talk."
"Sure but first things first." Rayna said, getting a small backpack from under the bed, and pulling out three lengths of rope, a ball gag and a vibrator. I actually knew what all these things were from my weekend research.
I was going to refuse at first but then I realized once she was tied up, I could finally talk to her, and if I didn't like the answers I could even ball gag her. So I went to work somewhat angrily, tying her wrists together behind her back. Just like I had seen it on the Internet, I wound the rope's about five times around her wrists horizontally and then ran the rope vertically between her wrists and knotted the rope on the opposite side of her fingers and thumbs. I then did the same with more rope above her elbows, tying them very close together. To make sure the rope didn't slip off her upper arms, I ran the rope over her shoulders and back under her armpits and re-knotted. I got out the second length of rope now and made a harness above and below her breasts, before attaching to her arms. Her torso and arms was now one tight sheath of rope, with her two breasts jutting out sexily.
I helped Rayna sit down in her chair and had her spread her legs then pulled back her ankles as far as she could, so I could connect her spread ankles to her wrists underneath the chair with rope. The remaining rope I simply secured about her waist and the chair for an almost unnecessary pin.
"There you go," I said, sitting down and crossing my arms.
Rayna just looked at me with wide eyes and I enjoyed watching her struggle. It seems I had done my bondage homework well though, because she was helplessly tied up and when she pulled at her arm ropes it pulled on her ankle ropes.
"Where did you learn how to do this so well? Rayna asked breathlessly.
"Why have you been ignoring me, I thought we were together, and why were you talking your ex today?" I asked angrily.
"Are you going to punish me?" Rayna said with mounting excitement.
I looked at Rayna in astonishment, "is that what this is about?"
"What you mean?" Rayna asked looking innocent and desirable.
"You wanted to make me mad so I would treat you roughly?"
"Well maybe a little," Rayna said clearly lying, but with a charming smile.
"Maybe I should ask your dad to come in?" I said smiling a little bit.
"Oh, where do you think I got all the bondage supplies, him and mom are always doing strange things."
"Of course they are," I said sarcastically. There was a silence and I reached over and turned on the vibrator to low setting. Pulling my chair close-up to Reyna, as she looked on helplessly, I hiked up her skirt, pulled aside her panties and pushed the vibrator into her, she was moist already as usual, and it was a medium sized vibrator so it slipped into her easily. I readjusted the panties, to block her from expelling it.
Rayna closed her eyes blissfully, but then opened them a moment later, "could you set it just a little higher?"
"Nope." I said smiling for real.
Rayna groaned, but smiled also.
"So what happened this weekend? I texted and emailed you." I said.
Rayna closed her eyes again bound and humming away. "Well on Saturday I had the tennis tournament, and we won, and then on Sunday my father was back so we had some family activities."
"Hmm," I said not entirely convinced, "what about Brad today?" I said referring to her ex.
"Oh, he wanted to talk." Rayna said starting to look flushed as the vibrator droned away.
"About?" I asked starting to get an erection despite myself.
"We met up later, and he told me to leave you alone because I was crazy and sick." Rayna said opening her eyes and looking at me intensely.
I looked at her in surprise. "Is he right?" I asked.
"Depends, I think we are off to a good start." Rayna said smiling, "are you sure you don't want to touch me." Rayna continued invitingly.
"Well, why do you ignore me at school? Are you ashamed of me?" I said dispiritedly.
"Not at all I check you out all that time when you're not looking, and have been for quite some time."
"What?" I ask in disbelief.
"Well, it's kind of hard since you're always looking at me so I don't get a chance to look at you as much."
I thought about that for a second, it was kind of a fair point. "Well could we have a more normal relationship?"
"If you want, sure. I'll behave. Also this weekend my parents are both away if you want to sleep over. I'll do anything you say."
"You mean you will be my slave?" I asked laughing.
"Yes." Rayna answered dead seriously.
I looked at her, my eyes wide.
"But for now are you going to do something about this situation I'm in?" Rayna asked, looking at herself seductively.
I got up to take care of that very quickly, but not before applying the ball gag. Her jaw would hurt later.
Chapter 4 (added: 2012/05/23)
The rest of the week was a combination of good and weird at school. Once it was obvious that Rayna and I were together, the cool kids that had previously ignored or even been mean to me, were suddenly giving nods of greeting. I was too happy to give them their deserved hatred. The chess club on the other hand, whom I was quite fond of normally, asked all sorts of lewd questions about Rayna's private body parts, when she wasn't around, so I had to avoid them also.
Perhaps the strangest of all, was Brad, Rayna's ex-boyfriend. He just looked at me with foreboding. I was really curious what happened between them apart from the obvious kinky side to Rayna's behavior. Sandra, my academic rival number one, was also strange and I couldn't figure out why. Rayna said it was rather obvious that Sandra liked me and had for some time, and I was baffled. The biology test came and went, I only got a 93, but Rayna and another guy who usually did well in biology both got 91's, and Sandra dropped to an 89!
I was nervous about the weekend, so nervous in fact that I forgot to ask my mom I could even stay over at Rayna's place. When I finally did get around to it on Friday afternoon my mom looked very dubious.
"What do you mean her parents won't be home?" My mom asked, and I realized I had started off on the wrong foot.
"Well, the servants will be there." I said hoping it was true.
"You really like this girl, when are we going to meet her? " My mom asked smiling.
"How about next week?" I said suddenly worried Rayna would act strange around my parents. "She's really smart we've been studying together." I added.
"Well, all right," my mom said giving in, "but make sure you call at least twice a day preferably three times. "
"Okay, thanks mom."
And then it was Friday night. When we got to Rayna's house there was no sign of the servants and it seemed like we had the gigantic mansion to ourselves. At first Rayna and I just did normal things that boyfriends and girlfriends usually do like hanging out, eating and kissing, which was fine by me.
But then around 7 PM, Rayna got very serious and left the room. She was gone for a while and my heart was pounding funny but finally she came back carrying a giant suitcase. Rayna locked her door and disappeared into her private bathroom with the suitcase. When Rayna came out again, she was wearing almost nothing. A lacy bra, held up her breasts, but there were holes from which her nipples poked out prettily. She was also wearing see-through lacy panties, and she had shaved her pubic hair into a neat rectangle at some point this week, and finally platform high heels that made her height even with mine and her legs seem a mile long. Around her neck was most curious thing, some oddly rounded off, metal collar which didn't seem easy to take off.
Though I had seen Rayna often in skimpy summer outfits, actually seeing her almost naked was still a shock. Her breasts were bigger and rounder than I thought and her waist was narrower. Her hips though slender, were curvaceous and I'd never seen so much of her perfectly smooth light brown skin in one go. Rayna had also put on heavy makeup, reddish brown lipstick and rouge, and heavy dark eyeliner. Her hair was combed, swept back, thick straight and black.
Rayna put the heavy suitcase off to the side then knelt before me, "I'm yours to command master."
I was too shocked to answer for a moment but then I blurted, "Is that a slave collar?"
"Yes master, my parents have all sorts of interesting toys." Rayna smiled at me a little nervously. I was glad I wasn't the only one that was nervous. "The key to the collar and other devices are in the suitcase there if you wish to use them on me."
I went over to the suitcase and opened it. Inside were all sorts of devices, metal and leather restraints, rope, gags, hoods, and other things I wasn't even sure of, hard-core. I returned to where Rayna was kneeling, and if she was disappointed that I had not picked up a torture device she did not show it.
"So your parents are into this stuff too?" I asked.
"I've never actually seen it master, but I suppose so." Rayna replied looking down demurely. Looking at her beautiful figure, I wanted her so bad at the moment but I knew I had to play the game, to make her happy. "So what are the rules to this master- slave thing anyway, is there a safe word or something?"
"There are no rules master," Rayna smiled mischievously, "I promise to behave so you won't have to punish me too much."
"So if I told you to suck my dick right now you would do it?" I asked half-jokingly.
Rayna looked surprised but then she just nodded and crawled towards me. I was frozen as she daintily undid my pants, gently pulled down my underwear, and coaxed me into a fuller erection, with experts hand motions, before taking my penis fully into her mouth. She took me deep into her and I thought I would have an immediate ejaculation, so I quickly told her to stop. Rayna knelt back, close to me and looked down calmly, though there was a slight twitch of a smile.
"I had better tie you up a little since you are very tempting slave." I said trying to calm my breathing. I guess I didn't want the game to be over so quickly either now that I had a moment to think about it. I went over to the suitcase while pulling my pants back up, and got out some handcuffs and leg cuffs plus a padlock after looking over the contents.
"Are you sure there are keys to all these things?" I asked.
"Yes master, they are in that smaller compartment there." Rayna answered.
I nodded and walked back to Rayna, pulling her arms behind her back and handcuffing her wrists together tight enough so she couldn't escape but not enough as to cut off circulation. I did the same to her ankles with the leg cuffs and then padlocked the two chains together closely so she was in a kneeling hog tie. I then went over to suitcase and took all the keys out, and placed them high on a shelf where she would never be able to reach them.
"Once again my master has made me helpless." Rayna said pulling at her cuffs and a little bit, and looking flushed and distracted. I sat down near her but didn't touch her, though I couldn't keep my eyes off her breasts and nipples.
"So how long have you been into this kind of thing?" I asked trying to distract myself.
Rayna seemed surprised by the question but answered after a moment's hesitation, "Since I can remember."
"Did something happen?" I asked worriedly.
"I don't think it works that way master, though in my case my father did tie me up and spank me, when I was younger."
My eyes widened in shock, "did he do anything to you?"
"No master, that was all, though sometimes he didn't bother him untying me and my mother had to free me later. She was worse though." Rayna said.
I just looked at her - my eyes couldn't get any wider. "Yes," Rayna continued, "she would lock me in the closet. But it got better after I turned 12."
"Oh, why is that?" Not sure I really wanted to know.
"Because I could at least masturbate, master" Rayna smiled.
"That's an awful childhood," I said, giving her half naked, metal restrained torso a hug, thinking of the word irony. Rayna didn't seem too worried either because she pressed herself against me, her breasts and hard nipples brushing my arm enticingly. I pushed her down to the ground gently, so she was in a sideways hog tie, and caressed and explored her body, her soft breasts and skin contrasting with the hard little muscles she had all over.
"Master," Rayna said breathing heavily, "sorry to disturb you as you use my body as you wish, but I just wanted you to know, I am on the pill and not a virgin, so you may penetrate me without any fear, should you so desire."
I had not expected my first time to be this way, but I knew I wanted it now as well. I had an idea too. "Where is this closet you used to be locked into?" Rayna seemed surprised by this change of tactic, but I followed her dark eyes, to a large walk-in closet. After examining it, I came back and freed Rayna from all her cuffs, and pushed her into the closet. I quickly got some rope, and lashed her wrists above her head to a secure looking grill shelf.
Rayna struggled for a moment testing her rope restraints, and then smiled, "I can never escape any of your tie-ups, Brad always did such a half ass job of it."
I wasn't too interested in Brad right now as I pulled down my pants and also pulled down her panties. Without hesitation I plunged into her and ejaculated almost immediately as I suspected I would. It was too fast for her to come but I could not help it. I pulled out of her, and hugged her for a moment as she stood helplessly stretched out in front of me. I hadn't even realized how high I had tied her wrists above her head.
Feeling a little evil for a moment but hoping she would enjoy it I said, "I guess you can't masturbate in the closet today, can you?" I said stepping out of the closet and closing the door behind me and locking it. I heard a muffled squeal of mixed delight and frustration, behind the door, and wondered what else this weekend would bring and how long I should let Rayna stew in the closet.
Chapter 5 (added: 2012/05/23)
It got quiet for a moment in the closet and I sat down, reliving the moment I had just experienced. Rayna's slender yet curvaceous body stretched helplessly high, the arousal in her eyes and the flush in her cheeks, as I entered her. The feel of her moist warmth and my first time having sex, then the wild ejaculation that quickly followed, with her not saying no and not really being able to stop me at that late point even if she had wanted to.
I must've lost track of time in my self-amazed musings, because when I looked up the clock showed 10 minutes had gone by. I quickly opened the closet, and Rayna was there, still tied and stretched and looking annoyed, but silent. I quickly undid her bonds and could see the marks where her wrists had been crossed and tied.
"Thank you Master," Rayna said with a bit of attitude, which gave me an idea to try. Call it a hunch.
"You may crawl out in gratitude slave," I said pushing Rayna down and slapping her bottom. Rayna looked at me in amazement but then quickly did as she was told. I followed her crawling form out of the closet enjoying the view of her rounded swaying buttocks and decided to slap it again just to enjoy the feel of it. To my surprise I noticed Rayna was trembling.
"Are you all right?" I asked touching her back and noticing how she shuddered under my touch. I realized the humiliation must be increasing her arousal.
"I'm fine, it's nothing master," Rayna lied.
"Oh okay," I said playing along, "why don't you do a handstand if you're not feeling weak."
Rayna hesitated but then smiled confidently, and performed a handstand, though she wobbled initially, she managed to regain her balance standing ever so straight up as I looked on in amazement. "How can you do that so easily? You must be strong." I asked forgetting the game for a moment.
"Oh master, you could do it easily yourself, you're certainly strong enough, it just takes practice." Rayna said projecting appreciation of me as she took some easy hand steps before rolling over gracefully into a ball and standing up smiling with a little flourish.
"I'm not sure but we could test that," I said getting back into the game with a mischievous look, "lie down there on the carpet." I commanded. Rayna tried to suppress a smile and lay down as she was told while I got on top of her. I pinned her legs under my own while pushing down hard with my arms on her wrists held at head level. "Okay now try to break free." I said enjoying the view and the feel of her body under me.
"You're heavier and stronger than me I can't escape master," Rayna said struggling helplessly. I kept holding her down smiling though and so Rayna began to wrestle in earnest. Pretty soon her superior agility served her well and she managed to twist her way out from under me and run to the other side of the room laughing and smiling.
"If you really want to hold me you'll have to use head and arm locks." Rayna said challengingly and sauntered over. I wasn't really sure what she meant but I decided surprise was my best chance so I quickly grasped her wrist and twisted it behind her back with one arm while wrapping my other arm around her neck. I didn't really want to hurt her but I must have got her in a good grip, because she winced in pain and went submissively slack. I had her helpless for a moment but my newly forming erection betrayed me, as I pushed against her from behind and she was able to twist out with an alarming back kick, followed by a knock back with her free arm, and I fell back.
"You almost had me master," Rayna said saucily, enjoyment dancing in her eyes.
Though I was enjoying myself probably as much as Rayna, I decided to pretend I was annoyed with her. "Although you are an admirable and agile little slave you're not very well behaved, so go over to the bed and lie down spread-eagled and don't move."
Rayna's confidence faltering at my pretended stern look, she went over to the bed with her head low and lay down, spreading her legs and arms towards the four corners as she had been told. I got lots of rope from the supplies suitcase and began to leisurely secure first Rayna's wrists and then her ankles so she was now stretched out, one limb to each bed post, not uncomfortably but enough to feel it in her arms especially. The ropes were pretty tight, the knots out of reach, and her skin would probably burn a bit after a while at her wrists and ankles.
Rayna as always tested my work, then looked at me in her now usual mixture of resignation and excitement, "it looks like I won't be going anywhere for a while again master, you tie me up so much better than Brad," Rayna said trying to get comfortable but not being able to move much at all.
I wasn't sure what I was planning next but confident that she wasn't going anywhere, I went back to the suitcase and fished around for a bit, finally finding something rather odd looking. "What's this?" I asked coming back to where Rayna was lying.
"Those are nipple clamps," Rayna said looking nervous yet oddly pleased.
"Don't they hurt?" I asked looking doubtful.
"If your nipples are large enough the pain is sweet, women do better with them than men I think." Rayna answered, a little breathlessly, "I've tried them on myself a few times." Still doubtful, but wanting to play with her nipples that were sticking out of the well-crafted holes in her bra, I began my first massaging her nipples with my fingers, then pinching them a little harder until they were beautifully erect. I could've stared and pawed at her breasts all day long, but I carefully attached the first clamp, tightening the ring so it wouldn't fall off but still at what I thought was a reasonable fit. I watched Rayna' face and she winced a bit, but it wasn't really a look of pain. Emboldened, I attached the second clamp similarly, and then tugged gently on the joining chain watching Rayna's face again, in fascination, as the pain and pleasure merged. It seemed safe to leave the clamps on for a while.
"Well, since were having so much fun, let's see what else I can dig up in the suitcase." I said and Rayna gave a groan that was more anticipation and arousal than anything else. After some searching I found something else that looked fun and brought it back, holding it up so Rayna could see.
"That's a chastity belt," Rayna said referring to the complicated leather expanded belt I was holding, "it fits around the waist and crotch of a woman and can be locked in place with padlocks."
"So like to keep you from pleasuring yourself?" I said, but thinking she was already tied up and stretched it wouldn't really make a difference.
"That's one purpose master, but it can also be used to hold inserted vibrators and butt plugs in place, without a way for the woman to take them out."
"Oh! Have you tried that?" I asked, a little bit in shock.
"Once I put in a vibrator and locked the chastity belt on and went shopping but I left the keys to the locks here. I drove to a mall really far away, and I walked around the shops wondering if anyone could hear the sound of the vibrator. It was so exciting!" Rayna replied as I watched her in more shock.
"You're serious aren't you?" I said and should've known from the look she gave me. "They call it a hum in theory," Rayna said, "though I must've orgasmed so many times I can't really remember that day very well except that it was great."
That gave me another idea though, so I went back to suitcase and picked up a small vibrator and some padlocks. Rayna's eyes widened when she heard the vibrator switch on, though I left it at a very low setting. Pulling aside her flimsy lacy panties that were already stretched from the earlier intercourse we had had, I slowly inserted the vibrator. It slipped in easily as Rayna was moist as always and not resisting. Once it was fully inserted, I rearranged her panties and then locked the chastity belt around her crotch and waist pretty snugly, before padlocking it in the two places.
"I think this is what they mean when they talk about hum." I said smiling as I sat down next to her stretched out body and played with the nipple clamp chain gently.
"Oh God it's too low a setting," Rayna said closing her eyes in frustration, "I'll never climax like this!"
"You are in a bit of a predicament, slave girl." I laughed caressing her breasts and running my hands over her flat abs, until I came to a rest over her chastised crotch.
"How come you are so good at this?" Rayna asked happily, and I noted she wasn't really playing the game anymore since she wasn't calling me master. I didn't answer but kept feeling her body as I pleased, running my hand down one of her long athletic legs.
"Please let me climax, I've been close for hours." Rayna pleaded, trying to push herself against me seductively. It was tempting I must admit, but I was enjoying myself and didn't want her to come yet, or any time soon really.
"Oh, I don't think you'll be coming for quite some time." I said going back to the suitcase and spying some duct tape. I walked back and said, "Well we don't want to forget our first date now do we?" and showed her the tape.
"Where are you going to put that?" Rayna asked in surprise. I smiled and began taping her fingers and thumb tightly on her right hand, then doing the same to her left. Now she had no hope of undoing the knots, or doing much at all with her hands.
"I promise I'll be better next time master." Rayna said struggling a little bit helplessly. I had one more idea though and brought a scary looking head harness back from the suitcase of bondage devices. It looked complicated but it seemed to have a strap that went under the chin, behind the neck and over the head. It also had sturdy leather blindfold and a giant red rubber ball gag. The ball looked to be about 2 inches in diameter I wondered how it would even fit in Rayna's mouth, without causing pain.
"This looks a little hard-core," I said doubtfully.
"It is," Rayna said shuddering, "I tried it on once, and my jaw was hurting afterwards."
"Well, any last words before we put this on, like maybe if you tell me what happened with Brad I'll be merciful." I said.
"You want to talk about my ex-boyfriend?" Rayna asked doubtfully. When I just held up the scary head harness Rayna continued quickly, "What is there to say? He was a great friend, and fun to go to parties with, always so self-confident, but then he called me a crazy bitch. Now you're my boyfriend and I was going to tell you this later but I'm trying to get into the same college as you got into."
"Wow that was a really good answer." I said secretly thrilled.
"I know our relationship has been a bit weird so far but I really do like you Peter."
I kissed Rayna hard on the lips instead of saying anything else. Maybe a little too hard. I kind of wanted to untie her now and snuggle or something but the game had to go on clearly. After all we'd come this far "Well you did redeem yourself a little, slave girl however it is now time to put on the harness. And then I'm going to get a snack from the kitchen and let you simmer here alone for a while."
Rayna's lovely full lips parted in an "O" of surprise, which was perfect to push the ball gag into her mouth. She resisted so I got on top of her and kept pushing it in and lifting her head until I had managed to strap it behind her neck tightly. The ball looked gigantic in her mouth but did fit. Surrendering, Reyna then let me apply the chin strap, as well as secure the sturdy blindfold and overhead strap. I noticed there were even a few places that could fit small padlocks, to make it impossible to take off even with free hands unless you had a key. Deciding to be thorough, and thinking Rayna would like that, I found a few padlocks in the suitcase and snapped them shut on the ball gag harness. Rayna just moaned into the gag, her whole body was trembling now helplessly.
I had never imagined I'd see Rayna like this, tied and spread out on the bed, taped hands, blindfold and gag harness out of a horror movie, nipple clamps, and chastity belt with a vibrator going. And the belt and head piece were even locked so even with free hands she couldn't get them off without a key! It was insane.
Rayna had always been so mysteriously attractive but aloof at school, among the top of the popular crowd, but now she was humiliated and completely restrained, and somehow loving it. I gently caressed her full spread lips under and over the cruel ball gag that separated them. Was Brad right? Was she crazy? Or was I being cruel? Rayna whimpered a little when I pulled on the nipple chain, but then tried to press herself against me, humping the air with her crotch. No, she was clearly enjoying this. And was it such a steep price to pay to be with her? I caressed her body from slender ankle, to shapely leg, over her crotch, squeezing a breast, then finally cupped her jaw, caressing her cheek possessively as Rayna froze under my touch. Then I went down to get a snack, frustrated moans following my retreating footsteps, wondering if we'd do anything normal couples do this weekend.