Monica was enjoying a leisurely run, happily navigating the twists and turns presented by a trail someone had cut through a heavily wooded section of Baxter park. It was another beautiful Sunday in paradise. As she ran, Monica realized that moving to the south was one of the best decisions she'd ever made. While Monica's friends and family were inside hiding from the blizzards up north, Monica was outside in shorts and a t-shirt, drinking in the bright warm sun.
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And she wasn't alone.
As she exited the woods and ran up toward the concrete walkway, Monica passed several families picnicking together in the grass. An elderly couple, sitting together on a green park bench just off the walkway, quietly watched the scene. They waved politely as she ran past them. A group of bicyclists sped around her. "To your left," they warned politely before peddling by. In the distance Monica noticed some ducks navigating one of the park's large ponds. Some kids were on its banks fishing.
Life was good.
"bzzzzzzzzzzz.... WHACK!"
Monica smacked the back of her neck as soon as she felt the pinch. She checked her hand for bug debris. Nothing. "Damned mosquitoes," she mumbled under her breath. Okay, so maybe this paradise had a few bugs. No place was perfect. It got too humid in the summer. It often rained. The people drove too slowly. And they all spoke funny.
And she was alone.
But that's what happens when you move to a new town. It takes time to settle in. It takes time to get to know people, to make new friends, to learn the roads. Monica sighed several times as she ran further down the concrete walkway. She knew her social life would improve, eventually. But damn, she hated the process.
Monica tried to hold back the tears that often came when she focused on how far away she was from her family and friends, but a couple teardrops welled up in her eyes nonetheless. Monica slowed to a walk. Being in great shape, her breathing and heart rate came down to normal levels in no time.
"Focus on the beautiful day," she told herself. She took a deep breath. "Things are going to get better." Another, very deep breath. She held it in and counted to twenty. Then she exhaled.
Instantly she felt lighter - much lighter, in fact. Monica looked about. The sky had taken on a very peaceful, diffused, and foggy essence, losing its focus at the edges. The clouds seemed to sparkle. The grass seemed warmer, brighter, softer. The trees glowed - she could see their aura.
She felt wonderful.
Wow! Was it the self talk, the deep breathing, or the endorphins? Maybe a combination of all three? Life really was good.
"Woof woof!"
In the distance, heading in her general direction, Monica spied a young guy walking a large bull dog - or trying his best to walk him. He was straining to maintain his grip on the leash. It looked as if the dog was walking his master.
"Woof! Woof!"
Monica chuckled to herself. Both the dog and the guy were kind of cute. She stopped at an old lamp post and leaned up against it. Monica pretended to watch the kids fishing in the pond, as she intermittently glanced toward the two approaching cuties. The dog wore a dark brown coat of fur with white stripes, while the guy wore blue jeans, a dark green t-shirt, and a black backpack. They came steadily closer.
That's strange. Monica noticed that those weren't white stripes at all. Rather the dog had several loops of white cord in his mouth. You don't see that every day. And the guy - yes that was a black backpack. She got that right. Very right. Besides being cute he was also very well built. Quite muscular - definitely a promising find. She was looking forward to checking out his butt when he passed.
Maybe not. Let's be a little bold, thought Monica, as she rummaged about in her pockets for a doggy treat of some sort. But they were empty. No big deal. The dog was definitely heading directly toward her - or more likely directly toward the lamp post - she probably didn't even need to divert them.
Monica was right. When the bulldog arrived, it immediately leaped up, pushing his paws into Monica's shoulders. She fell back into the soft, warm grass. The dog, now on top of her, deposited the coils of rope on her chest and started licking Monica's face. Instead of being scared, Monica found herself giggling, somehow sensing that her "attacker" was the cuddliest, most lovable pooch in the world.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" the guy said as he pulled the leash back with all of his strength. "Triumph!" he shouted. "No!" After quite a bit of tugging, the guy was finally able to pull his dog off of Monica - who was still giggling.
"Oh man. I am so very sorry." He offered his hand to Monica and helped her up to her feet. "My name is Randy. I'm really sorry. It's just that when my dog catches the scent there's no stopping him."
Once on her feet, Monica shook Randy's helpful hand before letting it go. "Hi, I'm Monica. I'm sort of new in town," she offered, somewhat nervously. "Don't worry. I love dogs. I could tell Triumph was friendly."
"Yeah, I think that explains it," replied Randy.
"Huh? Your dog can smell new people?" Monica got down on one knee and started rubbing her new best friend's head and ears. Triumph purred with pleasure. "I think he likes me."
"He's never had such a strong reaction to anyone in this park before."
Monica shrugged. This was a good sign. "So your dog's name is Triumph? That's a cool name."
Randy handed Monica the leash. "Here, I think he'd like you to have this instead of me." She took the leash. "Yep. His name is Triumph," Randy continued. "Triumph the Bondage Dog."
"Huh?" Monica couldn't help but laugh. "Triumph the Bondage Dog?"
Randy nodded.
"That's a silly name. Why do you call him that?"
"Triumph has this special ability to pick up the scent of women who love to be tied up. I know it sounds crazy but he's absolutely never wrong."
Monica couldn't stop laughing. "You're funny Randy. That's the most original pickup routine I've ever experienced. Is everyone in this town as silly as you?"
Randy shrugged, a sheepish grin on his face. Monica picked up the coils of rope. "So you want to tie me up, huh?" she asked coyly.
Randy shook his head. "Oh no. Not me. Triumph does." Randy held up his palms. "But only if you let him. He'll never tie anyone up against their will." Randy winked. "But since his nose is absolutely never wrong, I'm pretty sure you're okay with it."
"Woof! Woof!" said Triumph, his tail wagging happily.
"Am I right, Triumph?" Randy asked his dog. "You want to tie up the nice lady?"
"Woof! Woof!"
Monica played along. This was definitely strange - but so much fun. "So your dog is going to tie me up? You know, I've never really been tied up before. I actually think about it a lot. I mean, I get kind of hot when I see a girl tied up in a movie and stuff. Like last night. I was watching this old French movie on Netflix called 'The Story of O' for like the fourth time and..."
She looked at Randy, who was listening politely. Damn he was so cute. Monica was a bundle of nervous energy. She took a deep breath and caught herself. Monica realized she needed to stop talking so much. Just continue playing along. All will be well.
"Okay. I'm sorry. Sometimes I ramble." She winked at Randy and gave her full attention to the dog. "Sure Triumph. You can tie me up. What do I need to do?"
"Just relax," Randy answered as he led his dog behind a row of waist-high shrubs. "Triumph is a pro at tying up beautiful girls like you." Randy retrieved a reddish plaid picnic blanket from his back pack. He spread it out evenly on the ground. "Just sit on this blanket and tell him how you'd like to be tied."
Randy was obviously inviting Monica over to join him for a picnic - albeit in a very unconventional way. How sweet.
"What are my options? In what ways can he tie me?" Monica followed them over and sat cross-legged on the blanket.
"Triumph works with animal names. For example, he can tie you up hog tied, frog tied, or spread eagle. Just look deep into his eyes and with authority say either Hog, Frog, or Eagle."
Monica nodded.
"Then close your eyes as tight as you can. Triumph will do the rest."
"This is so funny," Monica replied. "You two are great. Totally creative." She shifted to the center of the blanket. "Okay, what tie-up type does Triumph like best?"
"Oh, he likes the frog tie most. Although it's almost tied with the spread eagle. But that takes more work and a few stakes."
"Gotcha." Monica put her hands on her knees, bent forward, looked Triumph in the eyes.
Triumph returned her gaze expectantly.
"Triumph... FROG!" Then Monica closed her eyes.
A flurry of activity engulfed Monica's once tranquil park scene. It seemed as if she was being sucked into a swirling cloud of dust and wind and feathers. Her skin felt as if it were being rubbed from head to toe with a soft warm towel. Monica offered no resistance as her arms and legs were gently tugged and repositioned. The strange and wonderful feeling of surrender she was experiencing was simply indescribable - "exquisite" was the word that came to her mind. Monica held her eyes shut as long as she could, fearing that if she opened them the amazing feeling would stop.
But it did stop. Monica kept her eyes closed several seconds longer, hoping the feeling would return.
"It's over," said Randy. "You can open your eyes now."
Monica opened her eyes slowly. After a bit of reorientation, Monica found herself lying on the soft warm blanket, face down. Aroused by the experience, she was once again breathing deeply.
"That was so intense!" Moninca gushed, finally opening her eyes fully.
She focused on several objects in her immediate field of vision, just inches from her nose. It was a pile of neatly folded clothing. As she studied the pile, she realized it was her clothing. Shorts, t-shirt, socks, running shoes - her eyes widened in disbelief - sports bra, panties! She reached out to touch the pile but her arm did not respond to her brain's command.
As more fog cleared from her head, Monica came to realize that she was indeed tightly tied up - she was frog tied! Her arms were tightly bound behind her back, loops of rope binding both her elbows and wrists together. Her knees were spread wide, more loops of rope fastening her ankles to her thighs. A light breeze brought a chill to her exposed wet pussy. Monica's running outfit had been completely replaced by the coils of white cotton rope Triumph had delivered.
"Oh my." Her first reaction was to try to cover herself. She quickly closed her legs and pulled her knees up to her chest, attempting to curl up into a ball. Triumph quickly scampered behind the helpless nude girl and started sniffing her bottom. Monica squirmed. "Stop it Triumph!" Triumph whimpered and moved back.
"I think you hurt his feelings," Randy said.
"What happened?" Monica screamed. "How did this happen?" She struggled mightily against her bonds but soon realized it was futile. "What's happening to me?" She looked up helplessly.
Randy moved his finger to his lips. "Don't be so loud. This is a public park. You'll draw attention to us." Monica quickly closed her lips. "Triumph tied you up just like you asked. And now he just wants to sniff your butt. Don't worry, he won't hurt you."
"I don't want that dog's dirty nose anywhere near my butt! Do you hear me?" Monica whispered emphatically. "How do I know where that nose has been?" Exasperated, the helpless girl extended her bottom lip and blew upward, moving a stray lock of hair away from her eyes.
After a short rest, Monica struggled some more. She tried to move her arms. But with her elbows tightly tied together she couldn't move much. She tried to extend her legs, but it was no use. Triumph's rope work was exceptional.
"Wow," was all she could say.
"So what do you think?" Randy asked as he knelt down next to her. "Do you like it?" Starting at her shoulder, he ran his hand slowly down Monica's back, stopping only to explore her firm bare bottom.
Monica considered her plight for a minute. She looked over toward the walkway and realized she was safely hidden by the shrubs. Let's give it one more try. Randy pulled his hand away as she strained and arched her back in every direction, humping the ground several times. Nothing changed.
So there she was. Fully naked. Hopelessly, tightly tied. With this totally cute guy. His hand fondling her bare butt as if she were some sort of play thing. Monica supposed things could be worse.
It was at that point that Monica had an epiphany. This had to be a dream. It was certainly the most realistic dream she'd ever had. But that was the only possible answer. The sky was still diffuse, blurring at the horizon. She looked up at the clouds - still sparkling. The trees still had their ethereal aura. And heck, there's not a dog on the planet that can be trained to do what Triumph just did to her.
Monica sighed deeply, contentedly. Oh yes. This was definitely a dream. A strange, silly, fun, and very erotic dream. But a dream nonetheless. She turned her head to look up at Randy and smiled. He was gorgeous. Yes, if she was going to dream somebody up, this would be the guy.
Monica had experienced episodes of lucid dreaming in the past. But she'd never remembered them to be this realistic. But when you're in a dream, you can never really tell, right? This is the way a dream is supposed to be. It all made sense now.
Monica decided she was all in.
"This is kind of awesome," she told Randy. "I can't explain it but I've never felt so alive!"
"I thought you'd like it," replied Randy. "Triumph is never wrong. He can smell a true bondage aficionado a mile away. Here. Let me help you up." Randy helped Monica shift into a kneeling position. She turned her head to peek over the shrubs. But as she did she lost her balance. Fortunately Randy was there to keep her from tipping over.
"I recommend you spread your knees as far apart as you comfortably can. It'll give you the best balance."
"It'll also give you the best view of my pussy," Monica replied coyly before complying. Monica always strove to keep her private region neatly shaved and was happy this habit transferred so well into her dreams. She appreciated Randy's approving stare.
"You truly do have a beautiful body." Randy knelt opposite her. He reached his hands forward and cupped her full round breasts. Monica purred happily. She was proud of her breasts and loved the way her bondage thrust them forward.
"Would you like to have some more fun?" Randy asked. "Triumph is a very talented dog."
"Sure," replied Monica, amazed by the kinky contrivances of her own imagination. "What do you have in mind?"
"Let Triumph sniff your butt. You'll see."
"Yeah, you'll love it. I promise."
The bound nude girl did her best to shrug. "Okay." But she was sitting on her butt at the moment. "How do we do this?"
Randy motioned her forward with his hands. "Just lean forward and shift your weight over on to your knees. Like you're on all fours. But since your arms are tied behind your back, just rest your shoulders on my legs for balance." Monica did as directed as Randy pulled her forward into position. "Excellent. Now arch your back to give Triumph the best possible access to your pussy."
Monica's heart was racing in anticipation. "This is going to be pretty intense, isn't it? I need to warn you. I'll get really noisy. I can't help it."
Randy looked out over the shrubs. After a few seconds, he smiled. "I've got an idea." After some reconfiguration, Randy's pants were down at his ankles and Monica's shoulders were resting comfortably on Randy's thighs.
Monica found herself eye to eye with the most mouth-wateringly beautiful penis she'd ever seen in her life. As he pulled her forward, Monica's mouth enveloped Randy's manhood. With her butt high up in the air, her pussy wide open for Triumph the Bondage Dog's attention, Monica knew it was showtime.
She closed her eyes. Although Monica knew instinctively that she wouldn't be feeling a real live dog's tongue licking her ass, nothing could have prepared her for what came next. A warm, moist, nose-like appendage rested at the periphery of her ass hole, while a thick, snake-like tongue entered and filled her pussy. The snake's vibrating round head immediately honed in on her g-spot. Finally, what Monica perceived to be a soft lower lip of some sort pleasantly engulfed her clit.
Monica instantly experienced an indescribable explosion of ecstasy as the creature went to work. She channeled the intense sensations Triumph was inducing toward her tongue and her mouth. Randy groaned loudly as Monica's oral efforts intensified. At one point Monica feared their noisiness might indeed still attract the attention of their fellow park goers. Then she remembered - it was only a dream.
Monica and Randy both climaxed together. As the most intense orgasm she'd ever experienced radiated from her pussy, enveloping her entire body, Randy's cock pulsated and sputtered, filling her mouth full of the most delicious cum she had ever tasted. She sucked it down greedily.
Monica panted to catch her breath. Randy gently laid her face down on the blanket. She turned her head and smiled warmly as Randy pulled his clothes back over his body, an option that currently wasn't available to her. After a bit of struggling, Monica was able to roll onto her side. Randy immediately moved toward her and resumed his fondling of her breasts.
"I can't get over how beautiful you are,' he said, running one hand over her hip.
The helpless nude girl, unable to deflect Randy's probing hands, could feel herself blushing. "I work our really hard. I can't do much about my big nose so I compensate by maintaining a killer body."
Randy flicked his finger off of her nose. "Your nose isn't so big. It's perfect."
An embarrassed Monica wanted to turn away. She had never been this open with any guy about her nose.
"Everyone has their best angle. Some people look great when they smile. Others girls look best from their profile." Randy held Monica's chin. "And you know what? I've never seen any girl look as beautiful as you do, with a penis in her mouth."
Monica's face lit up. As silly as it sounded, Monica knew the compliment was genuine. "Thanks, Randy. That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me." Her glance moved down toward his package. "But any girl would look good with your cock in her mouth. It's gorgeous!"
"Thank you," Randy replied with a smile.
"And your cum tastes incredible. I could suck on your cock all day." She licked her lips. "In fact, I wish I was sucking on it right now." Monica looked up at Randy with pleading eyes. "Could I please have it again?"
"Sure!" Randy replied enthusiastically as he started to undress. He was soon naked and lying next to Monica.
Monica's gasped when she got a full shot of Randy's muscular body. "If only you were real," she sighed to herself.
"Sixty-nine?" he offered.
"Sign me up!" replied Monica, spreading her frog tied legs wide.
"Woof! Woof!" said Triumph as Monica once again made her pussy accessible.
"Down boy," Randy said as he scooted closer. "It's my turn." Randy deftly moved himself into the side-by-side sixty-nine position. Once settled, he flicked his tongue off of Monica's clit. She squealed with glee.
At the other end, Monica was once again face to face with the most beautiful cock she had ever seen. She bent forward and took it once again into her mouth. It just felt so right, resting there on her tongue. Monica had never felt so complete. As Randy's tongue work was quickly ramping her up to another monster orgasm, Monica realized she'd better start focusing on her duties. She bobbed her head gleefully on Randy's rigid member, appreciative of the groans of pleasure her efforts produced.
Once again, their timing was impeccable. As a crushing orgasm enveloped her shuddering bound body, Randy filled Monica's mouth with another serving of the best tasting cum in the universe.
Randy got to his knees and moved toward his clothes, which were piled in a heap next to the nice, neatly folded stack that had at one time made up Monica's attire.
"Please Randy," Monica whispered. "Don't get dressed. I want you again."
Randy smiled. "Just a sec," he said as he reached for his backpack. "Let's mix things up a bit." He unzipped the top of his bag, reached in, and retrieved several items. He rolled Monica onto her back and laid four wooden stakes and one red ball gag on her belly.
Monica was perplexed at first. Then she smiled. "Triumph!" she said authoritatively. The friendly pup came over and looked down at Monica. She looked him in the eyes. "EAGLE!" she commanded, before closing her eyes tightly.
Once again, the cloud that enveloped her was disorienting. It lifted her up and guided her gently into position. After the rush of the wind subsided, Monica cautiously opened her eyes. Her view was filled by a hazy wide blue sky peppered with sparkling white clouds. She pulled her arms toward her chest but was not surprised to find that they would not move as directed.
"WEEEEEEENNGGFF!!!" screamed a startled Monica into her gag, as a ridiculously large cock filled her pussy to the hilt - she had almost forgotten about Randy. His reminder was disorienting. Reflexively she tried to pull away, but she was stretched tighter than canvas on a drum. Triumph's competence in tying women was amazing.
Randy's assault on her helpless taut body was both unrelenting and unapologetic. Monica was shocked at the intensity of his onslaught. She was getting fucked hard - and she was getting fucked good. So this was what real sex felt like. Monica's orgasm rocked her like an explosion. She thought she might pass out.
But can you pass out in a dream?
As a panting Monica gazed up at the sparkling sky, Randy removed the ball gag from her mouth.
"That was incredible," she said. "I can't believe how real this all feels to me. It's like I'm the main character in some kinky science fiction story. I'm the misplaced girl who's just starting to figure out the rules." She turned to Triumph, who was sitting contentedly at the head of the blanket. She looked into his eyes. "HOG!" she said before closing her eyes once again.
"You're really getting the hang of this," said Randy as he ran his hands over Monica's expertly hogtied nude form.
"Just thought I'd give it a try," Monica said as Randy helped her up into a kneeling position. As luck would have it, the strictness of the hogtie was such that she could comfortably keep her back straight whilst kneeling. Also, Triumph had chosen not to tie her elbows.
Randy sat in front her her, his legs spread out into a "V". Monica's knees rested near his inner thighs. She arched her back and bent forward. Randy, immediately getting the message, started fondling her breasts again. Monica loved it. "You are so beautiful," he said to Monica's giggles of glee. "Your tits are irresistible."
"Just like your cock." She pulled back, sat up straight, and licked her lips. "May I have more cream please?"
"You're the boss." Randy got back on his feet. He lowered his zipper, pulled out his cream dispenser, and spread his legs, moving the dispenser to a convenient height for oral access. Monica enveloped Randy's cock blissfully, once again relishing the feel of his shaft on her tongue.
"Smile," Randy said. Monica looked up. She found herself gazing into Randy's cell phone camera. She giggled again and started putting on a show for her POV photographer. Moaning, closing her eyes, wiggling her hips... bulging her eyes when Randy once again expelled that huge, sweet load of cum into her mouth. She could barely contain it all.
Monica sat up straight as Randy zipped himself up. "You know," she said, "I know you're not really here, and that you're just part of my imagination, but can I ask you a question anyway?"
"After three killer blow jobs, hell yeah! Ask whatever you want," Randy answered enthusiastically. He sat down cross legged, directly across from her. "What would you like to know?"
"Who are you? I mean who are you really? And who is Triumph really?"
Randy laughed. "I was wondering when you were going to realize Triumph and I were a little different." He reached forward and placed the ball gag in Monica's lap. "I have something I'd like to show you that will help explain. Give Triumph the command 'Horse'".
"Huh? You mean Triumph has more commands?"
"Of course. He can do lots of things."
Monica shrugged. Why not? "Triumph?" The dog quickly jumped over to the kneeling girl. He started licking her cheek. Monica giggled at the friendly pooch's attention. She looked into his eyes and said "HORSE!".
Nothing happened.
Triumph said, "Woof!", and blinked a few times.
"Whoops. Sorry boy. I almost forgot." She tightly closed her eyes.
When she opened her eyes, Monica found herself sitting atop a beautiful white stallion. The picnic blanket was folded and draped over the horse's strong, broad back as a saddle. Monica's bare bottom rested on the blanket. Her legs hugged the horse's sides. She reached down for the horse's main, hoping to pet it's head. But her arms were tightly tied behind her back again, folded under her shoulder blades. In addition to comfortably pinning her arms behind her back, an expertly tied rope harness cozily encircled her full round breasts, bulging them out invitingly. She tried to move her legs. She was not surprised to find that her ankles were also tied, connected by a length of rope running under the horse, forcing her legs to grip the stallion for balance.
"Hmmmnnnfffffggg!" she said into the ball gag, that once again filled her mouth. She looked down to see Randy stuffing her neatly folded stack of clothes into his backpack.
Randy patted the horse on the head. "Good work Triumph." He started walking toward the tree line, away from the path. "We better get a little further away from the walking path."
Monica looked over toward the path. From her perch high atop the horse, she could see everything and everybody very clearly now. And they could also see her. She whined into the gag and struggled a bit, uncomfortable with the fact that she was now on display. But she knew there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.
Several people stared over in amazement at the buxom bound nude woman riding atop the noble white horse. But none of them followed as Randy quickly rushed them away from the path, out of sight into the woods. They were soon plodding along a little used back trail, Triumph the horse obediently following his master.
"Okay, here's the thing," Randy started, as they navigated the windy trail into a valley. "As you might have guessed, Triumph and I are not from around here. Actually we live on another planet. It's in the Andromeda system and we call it Aurora. Neither Triumph or I are from Aurora, though."
"Actually I'm from here - Earth - originally. Or I should say my grandfather was. The Aurorans picked him up about sixty years ago as he was driving his truck through the mountains. He mated with another woman - a native girl they abducted from Tahiti - while the two were in captivity. Their union was quite consensual by the way, and somewhat unexpected by the Aurorans. You see, Aurorans multiply via some sort of cloning. Sex was completely foreign to them. In any event, these two, my grandfather and grandmother, produced my dad. After analyzing the data they decided to make some genetic changes to my biological father's sperm cells. They 'borrowed' another Earth girl - my mom - for about a year, and I was the result."
Monica listened silently to Randy's tale from her comfortable perch on Triumph, as they walked deeper into the woods. From time to time she ducked to avoid low hanging branches.
"So the Aurorans immediately realized that we humans were pretty preoccupied with sex. My dad, like my grandfather before him, loved blow jobs." Randy shrugged and looked up at his captive nude companion. "What guy doesn't, right? So they made my cum taste incredible - like whipped cream almost - even better I'm told. I dunno. I've never tried it. Seems kind of strange to me, to you know, to taste your own, um... well you know..."
Monica groaned. Yes, she knew. Her expression told Randy to get on with it.
"Okay, so they gave me this incredible body and this huge, perfect cock - all by tweaking my dad's sperm a little." He patted his package. "And another thing. I can go forever. As long as I stay hydrated. Pretty cool, huh?"
Monica giggled as Randy comically performed a few pelvic thrusts.
"And that's my story in a nutshell." He patted the horse's head. "Triumph here is another story. Triumph is actually a changeling from the planet Rigel. He's my best friend. Don't ask what he really looks like - he is what he is. He can turn into just about anything. At least any animal that's relatively simple to copy. Like a dog or a horse. He can't imitate people."
Monica looked down at her horse and nodded.
"When he's tying you up he morphs into this multiple-appendaged creature called a swarp which hails from the planet Kryzon. It's not a pretty creature, but it's very versatile. When he was sniffing your butt..." Randy coughed "... among other things..." Monica blushed "...he turned into a zoopter. The zoopter comes from planet Alkara. It's the favorite pet of the Earth girls living on our planet."
Randy stopped and ran his hand along Monica's thigh. "The biggest question you're asking yourself right about now is why are you here, right?"
Monica nodded in agreement and shrugged her shoulders with questioning eyes. Although she knew the real answer - it was all a dream - she was curious to find out what Randy would offer.
"I really like you," Randy continued, his hand now rubbing Monica's bare bottom. "In fact I can't keep my hands off of you, you're so incredibly beautiful. I want you to consider coming back to Aurora with me." He looked directly into her eyes. "It's like this: You are smoking hot, a great lay, and I love the way you suck my cock. But it has to be your decision. So what do you think?" He motioned for Monica to bend forward. She bent down as far as she could. Randy reached up, unfastened the ball gag, and pulled it from her mouth.
"So you want me to come to Aurora with you? For real? What's it like?"
"It's nice - but hard to describe. You really need to come visit to get the full gist of it. But I'd have to get the planetary council to sign off on that before you can come."
"Can you get me down off of Triumph? I need to check something first."
"Oh sure. Just tell him 'Dog'. Triumph is very smart. He'll know what to do."
"Triumph," Monica said. The horse turned its head and looked back at Monica with its peripheral vision. "DOG!'.
Monica could feel Triumph changing beneath her. As Triumph the horse slowly morphed back into Triumph the dog, Monica was slowly lowered back down onto the ground. Once the change was complete, he scampered off from between her legs.
Monica opened her eyes. She was still wearing her rope harness. The length of rope at her ankles, which had kept her tied to the horse, lay loosely on the ground.
Randy knelt down and untied the rope from her ankles. He stood up and re-tied one end to Monica's harness at the point where the cords criss-crossed between her breasts. The nude girl stared with wonder this latest addition to her outfit. It was her leash, officially making her Randy's second pet.
"Why did you do that?" she asked shyly.
"Because I like it. And I know you like it, too. That's why I chose you."
"But how? How did you know? How did you pick me?"
"We Aurorans are accomplished hackers. First I ran a few advanced searches on the Internet. It flagged your Netflix account. That gave me the first clue. Anyone that watches 'The Story of O' four times in one week has a reason. So I did a little more research. I liked your Facebook pictures. I thought you were very pretty. Then I brought Triumph the Bondage Dog along to verify what I suspected about, you know, your ummm..., tendencies."
"Okay, Triumph was probably right," Monica admitted honestly as she studied her leash. "But I still need to check something." Monica stepped forward and kissed Randy fully on the lips. Randy, a little surprised, pulled Monica close and with a smile kissed her right back. After he released her, Monica stepped back with a satisfied smirk. "The sex rocks, but I needed to see what kind of kisser you were." Monica smiled brightly. "You pass. So what now?" she asked.
"Walk me to the star gate."
"Those are for real?"
"Yep," Randy nodded. He raised his arm and dangled a familiar item in front of Monica's eyes. "Gag?"
"Sure," Monica said as she opened her mouth wide to accept the ball.
Monica walked beside her new alien friend and his dog - no clothes, tightly bound, well gagged, content at being at the end of Randy's leash. Sure, she could have denied that she loved her current plight, but what was the point? She was in heaven. Besides, it was still only a dream.
The path turned toward the densely wooded center of the park. At one point it seemed as if the path had disappeared altogether since it had been so lightly traveled. To Monica's surprise it led to a small grass field. At the center of this field stood a rusty, old utility shed. "Here's where the fun stops - for now." Randy retrieved Monica's clothes from his backpack and set them by her feet. He unfastened the gag and removed the ropes from her body.
"When will I see you again?" asked Monica as she stepped back into her running clothes.
"I'll be back next week. If you want you can meet me at the same time, same place. Just be somewhere in the park. Triumph will find you."
"I'll be here."
They kissed one last time.
Randy turned and put both of his hands on the doors of the shed. He stepped back as the doors swung open smoothly by their own volition. The inside of the shed wasn't what Monica expected. The open doors revealed a milky glass-like, nearly transparent disk that glowed eerily. It was the space portal.
"Wait!" yelled Monica. Randy stopped. "Before you go. Can I please suck your dick one last time?"
Randy smiled sheepishly. "Wait. Is that a trick question?"
"Get that genetically enhanced cock over here, space boy!" Monica demanded jokingly.
"Just a sec. Let me make sure I'm adequately hydrated." Randy took off his backpack and retrieved a stainless steel water bottle from it. He took a large drink from the bottle before returning it to his pack. "That should do." He laid the backpack on the ground and pulled down his zipper.
Monica knelt before him. She moaned with pleasure as she took the tip of his cock on her tongue. Monica grabbed Randy's legs for support and went to work. But after bobbing up and down on his cock a few times, she suddenly stopped.
"Something's just not right. I'm sorry. I don't think I can do this." She sat her butt on her ankles and sighed. Suddenly she had an inspiration. "Okay, I know what it is." Monica grabbed Randy's back pack. She reached inside, pulled out several coils of rope, and set them in her lap. Then she motioned to Triumph who obediently walked up to her. She put her arms behind her back before looking deeply into his eyes. "HOG!"
When Monica opened her eyes, she was happy to see her clothes neatly folded in a pile to her right. She was still kneeling before Randy. However she was now completely naked. Her hands were tightly tied behind her back - a short length of rope connected them to her tied ankles. Monica's quick test struggle caused her bare breasts to bounce pleasantly. "Now that's what I'm talking about!" she said. Randy stepped forward and once again deposited his cock on her tongue.
Monica's sucking and bobbing felt much more natural now. She was back in the zone. And she was very pleased to see that Randy was loving it, too. He was soon filling Monica's mouth full of the tastiest super-semen in the galaxy. After taking it all down, Monica licked her lips.
"Thanks Randy," she said as he zipped up his pants. "Your cum just keeps getting better and better." Monica sighed. She looked up at the hazy, unfocused sky with it's sparkly white clouds. "Wow. What a day."
Randy pinched Monica's breast.
"OWWW-mmmmnnnggggggffffff!" Randy forced the ball gag into the startled girl's mouth.
"I'm sorry," Randy said as he fastened the straps tightly behind her neck. "But if I don't do this I have a feeling I'll never make it out of here." He sat down cross-legged across from her. "Look Monica, this has been one of the best days of my life." He cupped her breasts with his hands and kissed them in turn. "I really had no idea things were going to work out this well. So I'm a little afraid. Cause there's something I have to get off my chest if we're going to take our relationship to the next level."
Monica nodded, with smiling, understanding eyes.
"Okay, here's the thing. On the planet Plaxor there's this little creature called the skittle bug. When the skittle bug bites one of the inhabitants of Plaxor, it can put them into a coma."
Monica listened with rapt attention, unsure why Randy was telling her this.
"When it bites a human the effects are somewhat different. It tends to alter our perception of reality. Some people say it makes the clouds sparkle and trees look funny. Stuff like that."
Monica was starting to connect the dots. Although she didn't believe a word Randy was telling her - he was after all just a figment of her imagination - she was amazed at how the events of her day, from the bug bite forward, were all coming together.
Randy continued. "Now here's the thing. The skittle bug venom doesn't change you in any way. It doesn't make you do anything or become anyone different. You're exactly the same person after the bite that you were before the bite. It just changes your perception. It's like instead of being at home you feel like you're in a office building. Like that. It's real subtle."
Monica nodded.
"That bug bite you got a while back, the one you probably thought was a mosquito, was from Triumph - Triumph the skittle bug. But don't worry. The effects only last for a few hours."
Monica nodded again, acknowledging Randy's explanation.
"But now we have to go. But don't worry, I'll be in touch." Randy turned toward Triumph. "Say goodbye to Monica, buddy."
"Woof! Woof!" Triumph ran up to Monica and licked her face. Monica giggled at the dog's ever friendly attention. Then Triumph scampered around behind her. Monica squealed when she felt Triumph's cold nose on her butt. But it only lasted a second. Before she knew it, Triumph ran off toward the translucent disk, jumped up, and vanished into it. Randy waved and quickly disappeared after. The doors to the shed automatically closed, leaving Monica alone with her thoughts.
Monica stared at the old shed for several minutes. What was going to happen next, she wondered. Would the doors open? Would Randy and Triumph reappear?
But nothing changed - except for the park.
The park seemed to be turning back to normal now. She looked up. The clouds were turning back to their normal fluffy white state, with that familiar blue hue. The sky once again looked as she had always remembered it.
A little squirrel scampered out of the trees and stopped a couple feet in front of her. It looked at Monica quizzically. The naked human did not move. Finally the squirrel took off and ran back into the woods.
It took Monica a few minutes to accept the fact that it was time to go home. But she was still butt naked, tightly hogtied, and effectively gagged... And she liked it! Monica carefully tipped over onto her side. And then onto her belly. The grass felt wonderful against her bare breasts. But the dream had ended.
Damn reality!
It took her a full half hour before she fully realized what she had suspected but had subconsciously denied all along. Triumph had loosened one of his expertly tied ropes while he was sniffing her butt for the last time. After about twenty minutes of struggling Monica managed to get mostly free, though ropes still dangled from her wrist and ankle. She got up and immediately ran up to the shed to test its doors. They did not budge. She walked around behind the shed, but there was no other way in. She pounded on the doors for several minutes. There was no answer. Frustrated, the nude girl removed her ropes, threw them at the shed doors, and ran back to her clothing.
Monica got dressed with mixed feelings of sorrow, anger, joy, and confusion. Randy's offer to move to Aurora was very appealing. She'd have to give it some thought. She glowed inside knowing that next week they'd have the opportunity to talk - as well as do other things. However, her run back to civilization was bittersweet. By the time she approached her home, Monica couldn't decide whether the events of the day had actually happened. The rope marks on her skin had faded. The taste of Randy's cum was gone. She was, in effect, exaclty the same person that had left her place in the morning. She just felt a bit more content and whole inside.
What a strange day.
When Monica got home she did what she always did. After unlocking the front door of her apartment, Monica ran to her computer to check her email for messages from home. Although none of her family or friends had written her, she was surprised to find a new message - from a Randy at AuroraPlanet.com. "Hope to see you Sunday," was all the email said. Attached was a picture. She double clicked on it to view it. It was the picture Randy had taken of Monica earlier that day. She smiled, realizing that Randy was right. She really did look very pretty with his penis in her mouth. It was definitely her look.