Author's Note: This story got written some years back. But I only published it online on one other site so I hope you don't mind it is a repost. And I did some slight editing before submitting it here that I hope improve reading.
The two girls haven't had any use for their eyes for a long time. Each had her head strictly packed in a leather hood with padded flaps covering both eyes and ears. The only part of their faces that could be seen were the nose that had been pierced by a thick metal ring and part of the chin.
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The heads were bridled on top of said leather helmets, straps leading down to their mouths that were mauled in a particularity cruel arrangement.
At first glance it might have looked like a Baucher bit where double rings connected the straps of the bridle and the reins. Yet that was only the visible part of the bit arrangement. The bit ended right inside the teeth and were replaced by a rubberized metal ring keeping their mouths wide open. Behind it was a curb bit holding the center of the tongue firmly pressed down.making it a true curb and snaffle arrangement, here employed for human pony dressage.
Most of the time these details were not visible, their Master preferred to keep his slavegirls silenced by a large dildogag that he inserted and locked into place in their mouths by a firm pressure and rotating motion.
The oversized dildos had flanges and a groove that made them sit securely in the ringgag, yet it could easily have been removed by either of the slave girls if they ever had been allowed to utilize their hands. But they never had been allowed the use their hands or arms since they came under this Masters reign.
On the day of arrival their arms and wrists had been cuffed and bound to their back, for a brief time the Master had used them indoors as collared sexslaves. Thus providing him with unlimited erotic adventures where one and even both girls more often than not would end up in his bed for the night.
Yet that phase had come to one end after less than a year, perhaps he had gotten bored of the arrangement, but it was more likely he was a true sadist who enjoyed to cause suffering and get his satisfaction by enforcing his will without limits.
Whatever the reason was for the change. His cruel treatment of his two slavegirls had brought so severe changes that the girls sometimes thought back on the early days, longing that the less demanding times somehow would be brought back again.
The Master had brought them outside the barn and harnessed the girls in a pulling yoke harness locked in place around their chest and shoulders. Those were of a very elaborate design, many hours had been spent designing and sewing these harnesses together.
Both had been made individually, where small details differed. And made to measurement he had taken, since there is not anything like 'one size fits all' in bondage. So the harnesses had been made as tight and secure as possible, yet while permitting breathing at the same time. As they have heard the Master say when the harnesses were fitted. "There are no alternative than to pay the extra for custom work."
Not that the comfort for the slavegirls were of any concern of the Master. It was all to give him as much visual pleasure as possible when he was whipping his draught animals. As each breast were circled by leather circlets enforced by brass studs so that they stood out lewdly bouncing by every step.
On the rear of the pulling harness where a pouch where their hands had been inserted into a small padded compartment, superficially it resembled a small backpack that was fastened with a harness of straps around their shoulders, breasts and upper chest. The lid on top of the "backpack" permitting the Master to do a weekly check-up on the condition of the hands and clip the fingernails.
The collars they had used since their arrival had then been unlocked and removed, but immediately replaced by a high neck collar. This collar were of such a complex design it didn't have a single hinge but had to be put together piece by piece around the slavegirls neck. The Master assembled the parts and screwed them together with hexbolts. Where the lower part covered the upper chest down to the clavicle and then were bolted together with the upper pieces that reached up under the chin and up to the earlobe on the side, holding the head high in the correct posture for a ponygirl.
These mares were naked around their pelvis as well as their tights. They were no showponies, but working chattel. The front of their body's were however not without ornamentation.
Bells hang from the ring that had been pierced trough the aureola of each breast, in addition a spiked ball hang in a chain connecting the two breasts together. This had the purpose of bouncing against the breasts, causing severe pain in case the ponygirl should attempt a running escape.
Both had a number of tattoos on the front of their body, these were certainly not asked for, even less wanted. Yet they were artistic in their own twisted way. The Master had chosen two different styles when decorating the girls breasts, one had gotten a number of circles around each breast as they were targets for the whip, and indeed they often were. The other sported numerous flies and other insects over the belly and visible part of the chest, the largest depicted a stag beetle with the pinchers circling the tip of her left breast. Their status obviously clear, these pony girls were the lowest of creatures.
With the strict regimen of daily exercise and training the belly's and thighs of the ponygirl had grown strong and their muscles could almost be compared to that of any professional bodybuilder. Also their chest and back had grown muscular from the pulling, this stood out in sharp contrast to their slender arms. Even though those were not entirely atrophied, since the girls tended to pull the arms downward when they pulled hard and so the arms did get some limited static exercise. The arms still looked remarkably slender in comparison to the muscular torso.
Between the legs both had a variety of chains, weights and bells that hang from the rings that had been pierced in their labia. This intimate jewellery did provide a pleasant chiming, but also forced the two ponygirls to walk with their legs wide to avoid chafing, one arrangement that provided the Master one excellent view when he walked in the rear.
On their feet they were wearing knee high boots, strictly laced up the calf, they came without any heel and only a horseshoe on the narrow platform. On top of each shoe, near the ankle a metal cuff with D-rings had been fitted, these were at most times chained together with a 30 cm long chain as a remainder from not attempting to run away.
Though details of their gear would change from day to day with whatever idea their Master came up with. Such might be the addition of a cincher, extra reins, or if he decided to train them outside in the wintertime, even the addition of leather chaps. They received daily exercise by pulling the grasscutter or plowing a small field where their master grew the vegetables that was to become their food. Whipped to pull as a pair of horses they worked until sweat started to pour off their bodies without any means to wipe it off. Even though spring and autumn brought pleasant temperatures, it would get unbearably hot now in the middle of the summer, especially near the end of each shift. A heat worsened by the hot black leather or their hoods and harnesses. The faint sounds of whimper and muted yells of anguish under the whip only stimulated their master to push his draught animals harder.
After several hours of work the Master declared a rest and chained the ponygirls to a pole in the open yard between the house and their barn.
While the Master had gone indoors perhaps to eat and drink the ponygirls were standing in the yard trying to rest on their hurting feet, one of the ponies smelled something, her sense of smell enhanced when their other senses had been robbed away from her. She walked in the direction she had sensed until the chain was pulled tight. The smell were unmistakenly that of ripe cherries, her mouth watered, but she soon walked back broken, knowing it was something her mouth unlikely would ever taste again.
There they were left in the Sun, sometimes for up to one hour before the Master would show some compassion and walk over with a bucket of water. But even then his sadistic streak would add to their hardship, he pulled out the dildo that filled the mouth. Then he would slam the head into the bucket keeping it under water, and the poor ponygirl had to drink as fast she could without breathing until the bastard pulled her hooded head up again and leave her panting while the second received the same rough treatment.
They were then brought back to the field for working the afternoon stint. When they eventually had finished the work for the day and were about to be returned to the stables, the Master fastened a chain to the ring on the front of the metal collar each had around the neck. This ring was connected to a mechanism on the inside of each collar that caused a grasping pincher to painfully squeeze the front of their throat robbing them of air any time the ring were pulled out. The girls had soon learned to follow by the slightest pull to avoid that added distress.
Arriving in the makeshift stable each ponygirl were first brought to their separate stall box. Sometimes the two pony's were bent down and fettered in front of a tray and left to eat on their own, yet it was never easy since the thick ring in their mouths made feeding a difficult task for them, having to scoop up the swill with their lips.
But this evening they were not permitted even to eat on their own, the Master was in a hurry so he removed the dildo in their mouths and then he simply inserted a tube trough the ringgag and with a pedal at his foot he pumped swill made from farm surplus into the chained ponygirls mouth.
The poor pony woman simply had to swallow each chunk and breathe as good she managed in the short rest she got before the next lump of swill arrived. After the Master had fed the second pony in the same way he cleaned each of them with a cold water hose and a rough brush, again ignoring the whimpers now heard more loudly when the ponies only had their bridle and ringgag in place.
After the Master had made his arrangements for the evening he brought them back into a larger space of the stables. There he attached chains hanging from one overhead beam to the d-rings at the shoulder piece of their harness and pulled the girls up in a stretched standing position.
He removed the cuffs around their ankles and then also the ponyshoes. Robbed of the platform of the ponyboot they now had to stretch their toes to remain standing. He inspected their stretched pussies and started to remove the chains and bells that had been dangling from the many rings that had been pierced into their labia. Now the time had come for their second role at his small farm, that one of them to be his fuckthing.
With the hoods and gag in place the two girls had always been unable to communicate with each other. Even so the Master still had managed to set up a competitive situation between the two slavegirls.
Sometimes he would let them roam free in the hall outside their boxes, providing him with one unusual pair or exotic dancers, while he would sit in one old sofa, snapping his long whip to enforce them to even more energetic efforts. At other times he would pull one or the other to where he were sitting to receive a lap dance.
Both girls would do their best to present their body to the Master, exposing their vulva or pushing with a hip or thigh onto their Masters cock. Their willingness to cooperate sexually had perhaps been helped along by the fact that their Master had informed them that he had been sterilized, so they were not going to get pregnant under these horrific conditions. They had been told that, as well as getting their final instructions the last time he had talked to them both, on the very night when they received their permanent helmets.
Nowadays they were never given any choice on any matter, even less spoken to as a human being. They sometimes could hear their Masters voice faintly when he was talking to himself, a mumbling monologue that sent a chill trough their spine when they heard the ideas he pondered for their future.
They had not any other option than strive to be pleasing and make themselves likable so he would put those weird ideas away. So they tried their utmost, by pushing against him with their breasts or giving a nibbling widemouthed kiss with their lips against his shoulder whenever they were close enough. That was the best they could do with their bridled and gagged mouths. But since they were two it was always a competition, where only one could win.
The one who lost out in this evening competition would invariably be subjected to a punishment, strapped to the torturing rack for a session that would warm up the Masters sexdrive even further into a throbbing gristle before he proceeded to satisfy his libido on the other slavegirl. Despite the enforced semi-deafness the girls would sometimes hear him bellow. "Don't pass out on me, any defiance would earn you added pain and suffering."
So when the last part of grooming the ponygirls for the night commenced, that of oiling their harnesses. Both would struggle desperately for the best reward the poor girls could hope for, being allowed to provide their owner a with good orgasm. This in the slight hope for receiving somewhat better treatment.
In the end one was picked as the Masters favourite, she was given the dubious honour since she with a last effort had found the energy to rhythmically push her pelvis against the Masters groin while he toweled and oiled the ponygirl. Obviously stimulated by the effort he had continued to oil the ponygirls breasts and crotch as well before he left her standing in one blend of anticipation and fear.
The Master decided that the other girl only should receive her regular evening whipping and then be left standing as she were in her box for the night, fettered with the reins holding her head upright and the legs spread. She stands shivering, with weights pulling on her outer labia trying to rest as well as she could while silently crying.
After the Master had finished the whipping and added the weighted clamps to the one who gotten punished. He walked over to the first girl and zipped down the jeans he wore under the leather chaps to reveal his thick penis. After giving the girl a few lashes between the legs with his flogger he then stepped forward pulling one of her legs up on his side adjusting it at the small of his back while he inserted his cock in her vulva. Then by pulled her other leg up so that she would hug him with her thighs.
Now hanging by the chains at her shoulders the poor girl started to lean backwards, she struggled desperately to avoid sliding backwards and to keep her pussy squeezing the Masters shaft with her well oiled pussy.
And she have learned her lesson to try her utmost, failure have brought the most cruel punishment, being bound to a wooden horse, whipped, then forced to a blowjob and then left for the night cruelly gagged with brutal breast and clit clamps, and with spiked and ribbed dildos inserted in both holes to add to her misery.
When the Master felt that the ponygirl was riding his dick he would let go of his hold of the second leg, rubbing his hand over the tattoo on the girls muscular belly. Originally it had read "Love U" with a decorative pattern beneath, but he had added more with his own needle so it now read "Love Ur Cock Master".
His other hand twisted and pinched the girls breasts, then to insert it behind the curb chain under the cheek to lift her ringgagged mouth for kissing. Pushing his tongue deeper in her mouth she responded as well as she could with the tip of her tongue, but he would grind deeper until it reached against the intimidating training curb bit that permanently pinned the lower part of her tongue down in her mouth while he continued to push with his pelvis.
Despite the rocking from the wild fornication the girl managed to stay in place around the Masters waist, providing him with one odd kind of caressing. And she still managed to hold on, hugging him tightly with her legs.
After having spent many nights crying in despair from slipping off, the girl were so afraid of the terrible whipping and torture she would suffer for loosing the grip, that she now made a superhuman effort to provide their Master with the orgasmic pleasure he demanded.
So she continued to rock with her pelvis pulling with the legs that embraced his torso with her thighs, squeezing and flexing the muscles of her vulva she massaged the cock that was sliding in and out of her vagina. The ponygirl finally feels how the Masters body relax and she stops moving, yet hanging on until she feels his hand loosen the embrace of her thighs.
Shivering by exhaustion but also from unfilled lust she then is left standing in the middle of the floor, and with the removal of her other senses, she have started to crave even for this twisted form of intercourse. But the need to focus on Masters demands have also this time robbed her from the opportunity achieving one orgasm.
The Master returned with thigh cuffs and two spreader bars, after first locking the cuffs in place he added one spreader bar between the cuffs of her ankles and the other one between the thighs holding the ponygirl's legs wide apart. She felt an object poking at her pussy and immediately moved the pelvis forward to allow the insertion of the dildo she expected. This time it felt heavy and cold and she assumed it were one of smooth metal that she only had been subjected to a few times before. Perhaps it was the Masters idea of a reward, she did not know.
Only when the legs were securely spread out would he release the chain from the d-ring at the back of the harness.
Adding a leach to her collar he pulled the ponygirl into her box and then allowed her to sit down on a bench at rear of the box, she felt a small tug at the back of her neck when the short chain hanging from the wall was locked to the ring at the back of her collar. Sitting with her legs wide and too exhausted to move, she hadn't realized that her Master weren't finished yet.
It was not until she felt his gloved fingers between her legs that she understood that he were not quite finished with her for the night.
The Master skillfully inserted a string trough the rings of her pierced labia, he then pulled the string stepwise trough the rings in the same fashion as somebody would string a shoe. After the strings had been pulled in the labia closed shut over the rounded end of the giant metal dildo and her vulva, and she felt a tug as the Master tied the ends of the string to a point between her legs. Now all she could do was to sit upright without moving.
She felt a small thump as the barred door of the box was closed and the ponygirl tried to flex the muscles of her thighs and vulva in one attempt to get some stimulation before the last of the excitement did wear off. She even tried to rocking on her buttock, but it was hopeless. There were nothing that could grate against her clitoris against, as it was safely packed inside folds of her own flesh. She would have to wait until tomorrow, and another day of grueling work and torture before she would get another chance. But that is all she can hope for, with her senses cut off, and the use of her arms lost forever. To feel her Masters cock between her legs is all that matters for this ponyslave now. Inside her padded leatherhood the ponygirl cry in frustration until she falls asleep of sheer exhaustion until the next morning.