Author's Note: Summary: Sian works at a high tech company when a new arrival with a new invention unlocks her hidden desires.
Notes: This was inspired by a female friend (Athy) who was telling me about remote controlled collars on Second Life. She also has a thing for forced orgasm. So I wrote her a story.
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Part 1
Sian had worked at the company for 3 years. She was head of Infrastructure Management and enjoyed the job. It paid well, she worked with some great people and she was part of the HQ staff so she got to see all the really interesting things that went on. A new guy joined the company. Scarlet McAlpine. He was in his early-thirties, about 6ft tall, brown hair, athletic build. She saw him going running each lunchtime. The girls in the typing pool were also very interested They said he was very polite, friendly and quite charming; he would hold doors open for female co-workers for example. He was quite the English Gentlemen; he even had that funny accent the Brits had. More importantly he was also single.
Sian was curious. She went and spoke to Jenny in HR. Scarlet worked in the Product development group. He was not a 'geek' as his predecessors had been described, but had been hired due to his expertise in security and defence matters.
Jenny said all she could find about his past was that he had been in the British Army, an officer by all accounts. Didn't you hear about how he got his job here?
Sian said no she hadn't. Susan, the chairman's teenage daughter; was on work experience in the HR Dept. She had been shopping in the local town after work. She was in the main street when a man snatched her handbag and ran up the street. She shouted at someone to stop him when this guy about 30 metres away stepped out and tripped the thief up. The thief got up, this guy asked for the handbag, the thief told him to fuck off and pulled a knife, as he lunged forward, the guy stepped to the side, grabbed the thief's wrist, before hitting him twice in the side of the head. Apparently he knocked him out cold. By now the cops are running up the street when this guy walks back over to Susan. He gives her the handbag back, cool as a cucumber and says 'I think you dropped this'. He then went back to talk to the police. Apparently once she told her Father about it; he managed to track him down and invited him over for dinner.
After this the Chairman said he wants this man on-board, so after An interview with HR, bingo her he is, Mr Mystery. Ideally replacement for Dave H who retired last year.
By now Sian was intrigued, she wanted to know more about this new guy. She tried to go and visit his department but nobody was getting in, they had some big project on. She tried to catch him at arriving or leaving work. But he always arrived and left at different times. Even for his lunchtime run he used to use different exits from the building. It was like he was doing it deliberately.
She had to wait another 3 months until the next HQ meeting with the Chairman.
The sat round the huge table. 10 Heads of Departments. Her and Jenny the only females. The chairman turned and spoke to Scarlet, 'so what's this new secret product you lot are so excited about?'
Scarlet stood up and placed a large wooden box on the table.
'Thank you sir' He turned to face the room. 'well as you know we have been working on a way of allowing pilots for example to control their weapons systems using thought. Anyone who has seen the film Firefox with Clint Eastwood will be aware of the concept".
"We then wanted to use to allow soldiers who had lost limbs the ability to control prosthetic limbs. Anyway we made massive breakthroughs. Controlling weapon systems we are struggling with but Medical", he nodded to Mike, "have employed it to construct fully working hands and the like".
Everyone nodded. Sian wanted to know what was in the box.
"So I had a great idea, could we use that same technology in reverse? Could we use to control the body, even against someone's will? The example I thought of was to physically control dangerous prisoners for example".
Scarlet opened the box and produced a steel ring. Then pressed a small box to it and it opened into two semicircles. Sian recognised what it was immediately, a collar.
"Essentially this is placed round the neck of the subject and it locks in place. It then interfaces with the central nervous system. It only controls physical body functions, it doesn't interfere with the mind. It merely blocks the signals from the brain when required and sends its own signals.
This is almost a fully working product; we have tested it thoroughly and could be ready for production within 12 months".
Everyone sat in silence. The chairman spoke first, "so essentially you could use it to control a violent prisoner without using physical restraints"?
"Exactly sir". A murmur spread throughout the room. Sian looked at the innocuous collar, the whole idea gave her butterflies in her stomach.
"Well Scarlet I like the idea, so show me how it works. Can we have a practical demonstration? Lets have a volunteer".
'OK sir', Scarlet looked round the room, "any takers"? Sian desperately wanted to see it in action, maybe even to try it but didn't want to appear too keen.
Mike spoke, "don't look at me, last time someone brought a new gadget in here, that taser thing..." Everyone laughed. Sian composed herself and stood up. "Oh you are such scaredy cats. I'll try it", she walked round to Scarlet. "What do I have to do"?
Scarlet was quite pleased Sian volunteered. She was certainly an attractive girl, late 20s, nice figure, and a cheeky sense of humour. He had heard her talking to the girls in the typing pool. But Scarlet found it hard to find the right time to try and approach her. She probably had a boyfriend in any case.
Scarlet stood up, "OK turn around and lift your hair up". She did, with her hands on the back of her scalp she felt like she was being arrested. He slipped the collar round her neck and squeezed it closed. She heard to clicking closed like a handcuff. It adjusted in size much like a handcuff, once it was snug against her neck he stood back. She let her hair back down. "Comfortable"? He asked.
She nodded, he stepped forward, "I will now lock it in place and initiate it". He pressed the control box against the collar. She jumped as she felt a prickling sensation and the back of her neck. "It will make your neck tingle as it interfaces with you". There was a faint beep. "Excellent" , he held up the control so everyone could see, a green light was on. "OK the system is live and we are ready to go. We can programme a range of functions, so far we have identified about 10 we can use, I'll show you the most salient." She turned to face Sian and winked.
"OK the most important is this one". He indicated a red button. "This one can be used to inflict pain across the whole body". Sian's eyes went wide. "This is generally used to inflict pain compliance, i.e. do as you are told or you get hurt".
"This dial here sets the level of pain, 1 to 10".
"I'll set it to 3. Sian, I want you to refuse to do what I tell you too". Easy thought Sian, she was a bit of a brat on occasions.
"Sit on the floor" he asked calmly. She shook her head. He pressed the red button and she screamed, not very loudly, but more out of surprise. He released the button.
"Oh my god". She panted. "What was it like"? the chairman asked.
"I thought it would shock my neck or something, but was like really bad pins and needles in my arms and legs".
Scarlet smiled, "that was level 3. Sit down on the floor". She shook her head. Scarlet went to press the button again, "OK ! OK!", and she dropped quickly to the floor.
"OK, lets try this function". He pressed a blue button and it lit, as though something and been switched on.
They all looked at Sian to see what had happened. She shrugged her shoulders. "How does that feel?" Scarlet asked. Sian started speaking. Her mouth opened and closed but no words came out. She looked puzzled. There was a sniggering from the room. "We can paralyse or isolate certain areas on the body". He tapped the red button, Sian's opened her mouth to scream but there was no sound.
That brought some uncomfortable looks round the room.
The chairman laughed, "I need one of those for my daughters to stop them asking for money", and the tension was broken with polite laughter.
Scarlet continued "Sian could you lie on the floor, else you might get hurt in the next demonstration".
He clicked on yellow button with a 4 on it. "OK, get up please Sian".
She lay perfectly still, her eyes moved. She tried speaking was still mute.
"I have paralysed the subject. She can still see unless I press this button, he indicated a black button, this will turn off her eyesight".
Sian lay there, unable to move any limbs. She could feel the breeze of the Air conditioning but her limbs wouldn't respond. In fact nothing below her neck would. Suddenly it went dark. Bastard. He had turned off her eyes. She lay there unable to move, she couldn't see, and couldn't speak. Secretly she found herself becoming aroused by being controlled like this.
The chairman was talking to the Head of Marketing
The Chairman looked up, "err Scarlet could you let Sian up?" He pressed a couple of buttons. He bent down and helped her to her feet. "Thank you" she said before adding " I assume the control also unlocks the collar".
Scarlet answered "Yes it does", he knew what was going to happen next and before he could stop her . she reached over to pick it up , as her hand closed round it she screamed and fell to the ground.
Scarlet managed to catch her and laid her on the ground. "Its OK" he said to the rather alarmed looking members of the boardroom. "As a safety measure to prevent a prisoner or subject trying to free themselves, should a person wearing one of these collars touch a control it administers a sharp shock then totally paralyses them" He took the control from Sian's limp hand and again after pressing some buttons he was able to assist her to her feet.
The chairman spoke first, " Thank you Sian please return to your seat before you come to any more harm"
Before Sian could speak and ask Scarlet to unlock the collar the chairman started talking to Scarlet, unsure about interrupting she decided to return to her seat. Scarlet was explaining to the chairman how it had a range of about 1000metres. From 900metres the collar would deliver short low warning shocks. Beyond 1000metres or once out of signal range the collar would paralyse the arms and legs. He also went on about how a control could be configured to control more than one collar and vice versa a collar could have more than one controller assigned. He said it also had a range of other functions it could be configured for and they were developing more.
The Chairman was clearly well impressed. "Scarlet that is simply awesome, keep me updated, I want a production model as soon as we safely can"
The meeting continued. Eventually Sian caught Scarlet's eye and indicated the collar, Scarlet nodded. Clearly she would have to wait for the meeting to end. She delivered her points and the Chairman was summing up. She sat idly tracing the collar with her finger. Scarlet gently pressed a Gold coloured button on the control and glanced at Sian, He heard her sharp intake of breath and smiled.
Initially Sian wondered what was happening, It was like someone had taken a gentle vibrator to her pussy. Waves of warm pleasure spread from her pussy through her. Surreptitiously she put a hand under the table and felt herself. Her panties were moist, evidence of her arousal, but she felt no vibration. What was happening, was the whole situation turning her on that much? Suddenly it stopped. She felt flushed, nobody had seen what had happened. She couldn't believe wearing a collar had stimulated her like this. She looked at Scarlet; he winked at her. Then it dawned on her, he had done that! It clearly had some function to inflict pleasure.
The meeting finished. She got up and walked over to him,
"would you mind?" she asked. Scarlet smiled a little knowingly, "Of course, thank you for being a good sport". Scarlet pressed the control to the collar and it sprang open. Sian rubbed her neck. Sian smiled, "I know what you did". Scarlet's face was of mock surprise, " I have no idea what you are talking about", but his eyes betrayed him.
"So what else does this thing do" she asked. Scarlet closed the box, "walk with me to my office and I'll tell you".
"I'll walk with you, but I want to see it, not just hear about it" she whispered.
"Lets walk". He opened the door for her.
Part 2
They walked though the outer office and entered Scarlet's office. The building was quiet as most people had finished for the day.
Sian was quite impressed. He had a corner office; it was well appointed, with deep plush carpet.
Scarlet walked over to his desk and placed the wooden box down. He walked over to the corner and started to make a cup of tea. He asked Sian if she wanted one. She said no, her stomach was in a tight knot. What was wrong with her? She walked over to his desk and opened the box, she picked up the collar and looked over it carefully. It was totally smooth and almost seamless. She placed it round her neck gently to see how it felt. The metal was cold to the touch. There was an audible click and suddenly the collar had locked. She pulled at it but it would not budge.
Scarlet turned and smiled, "my, you are quite keen". He walked over and adjusted it until it was snug against her neck. He picked up the control and pressed it to the collar. There was a soft beep and a familiar tingling at the back of her neck.
"And there you are, totally under my control". Sian shivered at the thought, she was both apprehensive and excited. She had handed control of her over to an almost stranger. "Take a seat", he indicated to the corner of his office. There was a low table with a small BOSE stereo with some headphones attached Next to it was a stylish looking chaise lounge covered in a rich burgundy leather. She sat on it. He smiled, "sit on it properly and relax". She wiggled into a comfortable position settling into the soft leather, its rich aroma filling her already heightened senses.
He sat on a leather swivel chair, is elbows on his desk, fingers interlaced and rested his chin on his hands. She looked at him quizzically, "so what are you going to do to me"?
"Well I am going to show you the power of this device, he held up the control. I'm going to use this to make you beg".
Sian was slightly alarmed at this and it showed in her voice, "are you going to hurt me"?
Scarlet smiled, "no no, using pain would be all to easy, I'm going to do quite the opposite, but be under no illusion I am going to torture you and push you to your limits".
"Without hurting me", a coquettish smile flashed across her face, "I can't wait".
He pressed a button and a familiar tingling started in her pussy, she gasped slightly with surprise then relaxed and started to enjoy it.
"There are 10 settings on this control, that is level 1". It felt like a very very gentle vibrator. Suddenly the intensity increased, she moaned gently,
"Level 3", she settled down and started to let the waves of pleasure spread through her. After a couple of minutes the intensity increased slightly more, she arched her back and moaned loudly. She glanced at Scarlet, he was sat there , a slightly enigmatic grin on his face. He mouthed 'level 5 at her' Oh my god, if this is only half way. She was starting to grind her hips, as though trying to impale herself on some invisible phallus. Her moaning was louder now, she felt like she was losing control. She wanted more, she heard him say 7. The sensations really picked up strength now. This was how sex was meant to feel. It felt so good, her hands went to her pussy and she pressed on it, feeling herself, wanting to make herself come. She started not to care that she was being watched, it felt so good and she felt so wanton. She continued to massage herself, trying to increase the stimulation.
"Its no good", scarlet said calmly, "you cannot stimulate yourself like that, it is all blocked and controlled by the collar. Plus what you are doing looks very unladylike like".
Sian was breathing heavily, in between her moaning she said "I don't fucking care".
Scarlet raised an eyebrow 'really'. Suddenly her arms and legs went limp. 'You bastard' she managed to cry.
"Best we get on then, try this" and he turned it up to 8. She moaned loudly as the stimulation went up. Waves of pleasure and warmth spread from her pussy through her body. Her clitoris felt engorged and it throbbed. She felt she was well on her way to coming. She couldn't move, she wanted to grind her pussy into something solid, she wanted to be penetrated. She had never felt like this for so long before. Scarlet smiled warmly, "when you get to 10, you will come and you will keep coming until I make it stop, it will be the longest orgasm you have even had".
Her breathing was ragged, 'then please' she panted 'do it' she moaned loudly 'make me come'
'OK' he said
Thank god Sian thought, here it comes. He held up the control and he clicked it to 9. She cried out, 'yes, yes, ahhhhhhh, do it, do it' she was right there, right on the cusp of an orgasm, at the point just before. But she wasn't going over that edge. Every fibre of her body was screaming for it, was ready for it but she was just short of that orgasm. What was happening? she cried out loudly and he pressed the blue button and she was silent. She thrashed her head from side to side, she was sweating, her hair was sticking to her forehead. She could hear the air leaving her mouth as she screamed at him. She tried to buck her hips, to grind them, to move her arms to squeeze her pussy, but she was paralysed. She was silent. And she was on the very brink of an orgasm, and being held at it. He was right it was torture. She had been teased by a boyfriend once. He had tied her hands with some scarf's, then had gone to work on her pussy with his tongue. Just as she was about to come he would stop, wait half a minute then start again Eventually he had made her come and it had been loud and forceful. But this was different and worse. Then she saw him pick up the phone, he was making a call!!! She tried to scream at him but just air came out. She couldn't believe it, why wasn't he letting her come, why wasn't her over here, taking advantage of her! After all she wouldn't be able to stop him, she wanted him to tear off her clothes and plunge his cock deep into her. To make her come. What was she thinking, what were these thoughts and urges, what was happening to her?
She tried screaming again, but she was out of breath, fighting with the constant electric surge of desire coursing through her body.
He ignored her as he spoke on the phone. He put it down after 5 minutes, it felt like a lifetime. Scarlet got up and walked slowly over. He turned the control down to 1. Sian's breathing slowed, her mouth was dry, beads of sweat coursed over her. Her pussy throbbed, the gentle waves washed up from it again
He smiled as he spoke "how did that feel"?
She unleashed a torrent of silent abuse at him, and once that had past he pressed the blue button and she could speak again.
She was a bit calmer "I don't know what to say, I have never experienced anything like it, at level 9 I just had this animal urge, I just want to orgasm, but it was torture not being able to".
'I know' he said "and you'd do anything to as well I bet, So here's what's going to happen, you are going to beg me to make you my sex slave and fuck you'
'no fucking way mister' He stood up and click to setting 2, she felt it increase "no fucking way", her breathing was increasing
he set it to seven, she cried out, 'no fucking way, no, no no,' violently shaking her head.
It went through 8 and onto 9, he started to laugh. Sian was shouting, almost screaming ' no, no no no' it was difficult between heaving breaths.
"no, no.....yeesss, yes yes," the pleasure and desire took hold of her again.
" no, yes, no", she was gasping now "yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me now"!
Scarlet laughed, Sian gasped again,,'please' she moaned, "please don't make me say it". Scarlet pressed a button and suddenly she had control of her limbs again, she tried to get up but fell to the floor. She pressed her hands on her pussy. Her panties were sodden, she rolled over and tried grinding her pussy against the floor but nothing made any difference. She wanted to come, she had to come. She rolled on her back again, he looked stern and serious,
'say it' he spoke firmly "say it and I'll let you come"
Through her ragged breaths she spoke ' no, no, yes yes'
'Beg me for it, beg me like the wanton little girl you are'
Sian could take it no longer ' yes, yes' she panted' make me your sex slave, please, I'll do anything you want, I'll be your slave, ' she cried out; moaning loudly.
'please, make me come, fuck me, I want you to fuck me, please'
Scarlet smiled' OK' He clicked to 10.
Sian screamed. At first she thought he had shocked her instead and was about to start screaming obscenities but she had no breath left. Instead she let out a loud, low guttural growl, which became a loud cry. Her back arched as spasms of the orgasm started at her pussy, it spread out, her toes curled so much it hurt, it burned through every fibre of her body, it lasted an age. A full 60 seconds in fact. She had never felt ecstasy like it. When it ended she was limp on the floor. Totally exhausted. The afterglow brought a huge smile to her gorgeous face.
Scarlet knelt down, she scooped her up in his arms and gently placed her limp form on the chaise lounge, she kissed her forehead and said' told you I'd make to beg'
Sian was just too tired, too confused, too spaced out to reply. He went back to his desk picked up his cup and finished his tea.
Part 3
Once she had gathered herself Sian stood up and walked over to Scarlet's desk. He had finished his tea and was idly leafing through a copy of 'Private Eye'. He looked up and smiled, 'feel better'?
Sian smiled "take me home". Scarlet closed the small publication and stood up. "where do you live"?
"No" a coquettish smile crossed her face, "I want to see where you live".
They made their way down into the car park.
"Which one is yours"?
Scarlet produced fob and pressed a button. There was an electronic chirrup and the hazard lights flashed on a black Jaguar. He opened the door and she slipped into the cool interior, the faint smell of leather and expensive aftershave filling her nostrils.
Scarlet inserted the key and a button marked START/STOP lit up in a soft red light. He jabbed a firm finger and started the engine. The Big V8 grumbled into life. He backed the car out and drove slowly to the car park exit. Sian fiddled with the collar, trying to work a finger under the unyielding metal but it remained obdurately locked round her neck. Scarlet carefully guided the Jaguar across the city, letting the engine come up to temperature. Finally they reached the motorway. He pointed the car down the on ramp, and pushed the throttle pedal deep into the thick carpet. Initially Sian hadn't been paying attention, she looked up just as Scarlet hit the gas. The car seemed to squat down in its haunches then was spat down the on ramp. The V8s grumble became growl then suddenly a roar as the second stage exhaust opened. By the time they hit the motorway they were already travelling at 105mph, he continued to accelerate up to 160mph. Trucks and cars flashed past. Scarlet lifted of the gas and let the speed come down until they were cruising at a steady 80 mph. It was surprisingly quiet inside. "Sorry about that but I like to give her a good run out every now and then"
"Her"? Sian asked.
They covered the 10 miles to the off ramp quicker than Sian ever had. He turned onto a wide country road. Scarlet didn't slow down, the engine growled its way through the amber coloured trees, the throttle blipped each time he down-shifted. It never felt fast, the car was smooth through the corners, the acceleration and braking never felt harsh. He started to slow right down and indicated a left turn. They turned onto a small gravel drive way, after 50 meters they drove through a set of gates which swung closed behind them. Up ahead was a farm house. It wasn't a mansion but was easily 5 bedrooms. There was a collection of outbuildings including a stable block. The car crunched to a halt on the gravel outside the twin garage.
Scarlet stopped the engine, he got out and went round the back of the car and opened Sian door. She got out and stood up. "Welcome to Elysium Farm"
Sian stood for a moment, it was so quiet. She could hear the tinkling of various metallic components cooling on the car. There was faint bird song, but otherwise it was a very tranquil place.
He used some sort of electronic card to unlock the front door and they went in. Scarlet showed Sian around the house. He finished by showing her a guest suite. 'I suspect you'll want to change, you'll find some suitable clothing in the wardrobe on the left. Athlaih noted the two wardrobes.
You seem quite well equipped to host female guests'
Scarlet smiled ' we'll I don't live a monks existence, I have dealt with one or two female guests before now.' He turned to leave, take your time, I'll cook us some dinner than after that you can have the full tour maybe.
He closed the door behind him.'dealt' what and interesting choice of word. 'shit' she hissed out loud, she still had that collar on.
She found a long black halter-neck dress which seemed to fit in all the right places. She noted the cut went high enough up the thigh to Some black high heels finished the look and she admired herself in a full length mirror. She couldn't find any suitable underwear so decided to brave it and "go commando" She felt quite sexy and vulnerable without any undergarments. Unclipped the halter neck and she would be topless, undo the zip and she would be naked in seconds. The stainless steel collar locked round her neck seemed to accentuate this. It all felt deliciously exciting and dangerous.
She went down stairs and found Scarlet in the dining room. The table had been laid and dinner was evidently ready to be served. She sat down and Scarlet helped slide her into place on her chair. She then felt him grip the collar, at first she started but then a familiar tingle and the collar sprang open. He silently walked over to the fire place and placed it in its wooden box. She discretely rubbed her neck glad to have it taken off but strangely she also felt a pang of disappointment. Did she enjoy being controlled like that? She shivered at the thought.
Starter was a light ceaser salad followed by Pasta Carbonara, accompanied by a lightly chilled Chablis. The conservation was light, they talked about their backgrounds, growing up in to different countries they eventually got round to their present situation.
Sian asked about the farm. She didn't fully grasp the whys and where fors, but the long and the short of the story was once he had arrived in the country Scarlet had met a girl who was '"into S &M". Scarlet had never tried it but found he quite enjoyed various aspects of the lifestyle and had been introduced to a professional dominatrix. After a couple of months Scarlett had bought the place from the professional dominatrix who was retiring.
Its an amazing place, the cellar is fully equipped. It has 5 bedrooms upstairs, 2 of which are amazing, and the stable complex. I keep finding new things all the time. She was emigrating so I bought the place lock, stock and barrel.
Sian wanted to see it, her heart was thudding in her chest. "You must show me around sometime" and she winked hoping her voice didn't betray her eagerness.
Scarlett stood up, well let me tidy these dishes away and we can have a wander.
They started upstairs. Next to the room Sian had changed in were two rooms. Only on closer inspection did you notice the doors were very stout and had a discrete peep-hole in them. He unlocked the first one with a large brass key and opened the door. It was a padded cell.
"ooh can I" She asked, "be my guest: he smiled.
She slipped off her shoes and went in. The floor was deep and walking was difficult. Scarlet stepped in and pushed the door to. There voices took on a strange tone, the deadening effect of the deep cushioning. Scarlet nudged Sian and she fell over. It took her half a minute to stand up, the deep cushioning hampering her efforts. Giggling she got to her feet. This is amazing. Yes, I don't even have to put a bed inhere. Scarlet open the door and they stepped out. Sian was careful to exit first in case scarlet took the opportunity to incarcerate her.
Over the corridor was an identical door. Again another brass key opened this one. It looked just as a guest bedroom should. In the middle was a stout ornate looking iron framed bed. On closer inspection it had rings welded in a range of strategic places. Ideal anchor points to secure a writhing body. She walked over to the small window. She tapped the glass with a knuckle.
'Its armoured glass, and has a mirror finish on the outside. You can see out but no-one can see in'. As she turned round she could see yet more convenient rings built into the walls and ceilings. An endless myriad of places to secure ropes or straps.
'come on' smiled scarlet , 'let me show you the wine cellar'. Her heart skipped, an underground room could only mean one thing, a dungeon.
They went downstairs. Under the stairs was a door, he opened it ans she followed him down a flight of stairs into the wine cellar. It all looked as it should and her heart sank slightly. Then he clicked on a light and she saw the other door in the corner of the room. He walked over and opened it. It revealed a barred gate as you might see in a jail house. Next to the door was a keypad. He entered the number, 0317. There was an audible click and the door swung open. With the outer door closed this place is virtually soundproof he said with a boyish wink. He stepped through the door and she followed him in. It was very dark, then scarlet flicked on the lights. It was the biggest array of equipment she had ever seen. The room was about 20ft wide an 30ft long. There were two doors off to the right. On closer inspection they were proper prison cell doors, complete with feeding hatches and a peep-hole. Both cells had a fold down bunk, a small toilet and plenty of ring bolts in the floor, wall and ceiling. She slowly looked round the room. There were two, floor to ceiling, double door, glass fronted cabinets with all manner of leather and metal restraints. All hung neatly and in groups. There was all manner of furniture, two cages, a winch in the ceiling.
Scarlet walked slowly around. ' I hardly used any of this stuff you know, indeed I don't know what half of it does. The whole place has CCTV built in and can be monitored via a screen in the master bedroom'. Sian saw the small cameras in the glass domes.
'This is amazing' she gasped. They both continued to look around for a few more minutes.
'Come on' urged scarlet' its getting late. I'll show the rest in the morning.
Reluctantly Sian led the way out of the cellar as Scarlet closed the doors behind them. They went into the kitchen and chatted over a drink before they mutually decided to retire for the night.
'You didn't show me the master bedroom Scarlet'
I didn't want to be presumptuous'. He took her hand and led her upstairs to his bedroom. He pushed open the door to reveal his room. It seemed a strange shape with a split level. The bed being raised in the room. She walked over and pressed down on it with her hands. She stood up and turned around, Scarlet was right behind her. He kissed her passionate on the lips, she felt hos hardness and as she wrapped her arms around him she felt the halter neck of her dress pop open and the zip start to inexorably move. He let go of her. She stood straight up and let eh dress fall from her body leaving her naked. He gently pushed her back on to the bed, and began to kiss her again, all over.
Part 4
She awoke in the morning to find him gone. At the side of the bed was a vase with a single rose and a card. 'Sian, didn't want to wake you. I have to collect an urgent parcel from the DHL office in the city this morning. Will be back by lunchtime. Help yourself to whatever you want. Scarlet'
She sighed. Got up and found the en-suit bathroom. She showered and wrapping her self in a white robe went down into the kitchen. She made a cup of tea and some toast. She absent mindedly wandered the house with her tea and suddenly found herself at the cellar door. A sudden urge of curiosity gripped her. She opened the door, switched on the light and went down into the cellar. She crossed straight over and opened the ordinary door revealing the barred gate. 0317, and the lock clicked open. She walked in and located the light switch.
She walked slowly amongst all the strange looking equipment and devices.
She opened one of the cupboards and piqued up a leather gag. It had a panel with straps, on the inside was a rubber penis shape and on the outside a hose leading to a buld like the ones on a blood pressure cuff. She placed the gag in her mouth and buckled the gag tightly behind her head. She tried to speak, although muffled she could still be heard. She resolved to give the bulb 10 squeezes. As she did so she felt the rubber cock harden in her mouth then start to swell, it felt huge. Oh my god, she tried to say out loud but all that cam out was an unintelligible mumble. She heard a click and looked round. The barred gate had swung closed. She walked over a typed 0317 into the keypad. A red light came on and nothing happened. She tried again, nothing. She felt flip of panic. She tried a dozen more times. She was trapped. She started to panic, the sensation exacerbated by the swollen penis in her mouth. She fumbled to deflate it, then unbuckled the strap. He breathing was rapid and ragged. She sat down and composed herself. She thought rationally. Clearly the inner pad used a different number! nice trick scarlet. She spent the next 10 minutes trying a number of combinations but no luck. She sighed, oh well, he'll find her down here in the end. Seeing as she had time on her hands She went back to exploring the room. In the corner were a set of stocks. The top set had holes for her neck and wrists. The was a bottom set of stocks, facing upwards which were clearly meant for her ankles. What would it feel like to be secured in this. So exposed. She shivered. She wanted to try it. She went back to the gate and picked up the penis gag. She walked back over to the stocks. What would it feel like to be secured, gagged and blindfolded and exposed?
She opened the top half of the stocks, the hinges felt smooth and damped, a hasp locking system would secure the prisoner, but it required a padlock, the same with the ankle stocks. She opened the box stocks at the bottom and stepped into it. She closed the two halves of the lid, securing her ankles snugly in the two padded holes. Her ankles were spread about 4ft apart, enough to be sustainable, but also enough for a clear feeling of being stretched and exposed.
She put the now familiar penis gag back in and secured it tightly. She inflated it. She only gave it 7 squeezes this time ad that was more than enough to secure her silence. She opened the top half of the stocks, she slowly placed her neck on the appropriate padded semicircle. She placed her left wrist in the other padded cuff then. Using her right wrist in the cuff in the top part of the stock slowly lowered it into place. She tested her ankles first, they could hardly move. She tried to pull her wrists out , but they were held securely. She was totally secure in the grip of this device. She spent the next 10 minutes wriggling slightly and daydreaming about being locked and used in this position. She tired and lifted the upper stock up, only it wouldn't budge, not even a millimetre.
She struggled harder but it held her securely. She felt a rising wave of panic, it made her heart pound like a hammer in her chest and her mouth was dry. She started to try and thrash around, she thought her efforts would smash her wooden prison to pieces. She was trapped. She tried to slow her ragged breathing down, she was sweating slightly now, strands of her hair were stuck to her damp forehead. She tried screaming out but the gag still pretty effectively muffled any meaningful noise or speech. Her breathing slowed and she felt more in control of her self. Thinking about it rationally, she knew scarlet would come home eventually and free her. Or would he? A delicious tingle of excitement ran up her spine.
She lost herself in a daydream, she had no idea of the time, her back ached. She was brought out of her reverie by a soft metallic click. The gate! He must be back. She started trying to explain but the gag made it impossible. She hoped it was scarlet because whoever it was wouldn't come round the front of the stocks and no matter how much she twisted she couldn't see.
She jumped as she felt hands touch her. They roamed up her back, she felt someone stood directly behind her, it was clearly a male as she could feel his hardness pressing against her. The hands reached round her front, they slipped into the soft folds of the dressing gown, they gently caressed her breasts before roaming down her flat stomach. She found her self willing these hand to touch her between her legs, but instead they slowly withdrew. She felt a tugging at the belt tied round the robe and the gown was pulled open, she felt cool air against her skin. Her nipples harden at the cool air and the hands began to roam over her breasts, she felt her nipples being teased and gently squeezed. She tried to call out but the rubber penis in her mouth prevented her. He then stepped away. The gown was suddenly pulled up and over her back and placed across her shoulders, exposing her legs, bottom and back. She struggled futilely in the stocks again. She heard a cupboard open and some rattling. Was he doing? Something cold was suddenly placed on her pussy and rubbed in, the same happened around her anus. Her eyes went wide in alarm. She felt something pressing against the lips of her wet lips and she was powerless to resist as it was slid inexorably deep inside her. A moment later the same was happening to her ass. She tried to clench her cheeks and prevent it, but it simply slid into her. She tried to cry out in frustration.
A hand reached round and pumped the gag bulb twice. She screamed in alarm. She felt something dangling down between her legs. She listened intently, she heard him pump something. He did it again, but her gag didn't grow, at the same point she realised what was happening she felt the dildo buried in her vagina swell slightly. She waited for the next squeeze, but when it came the swelling wasn't felt in her pussy but in her ass. She shook her head, no, no, no. The gag was bad enough. He continued pumping the bulbs until the dildos in her felt pretty big. He took hold of another bulb and squeezed it, the gag swelled slightly in her already stretched mouth. She shook her head wildly.
He was rattling around in a cupboard. As he walked back to her she could hear a faint swishing sound.
Suddenly a line of fire lashed across her exposed buttocks, she tried to scream and stand upright, both actions prevented by her strict bondage. Suddenly she was lashed again, and again. Then the implement, was run between her legs, it flicked and teased her swollen clitoris. Suddenly it was in front of her, a riding crops, she could see the leather tip glisten with her juices. Then a pump of the plug in her ass followed by a pump of the dildo in her pussy. Then three more lashes in quick succession. Then the crop was run between her legs again, more teasing, she moaned with desire. The came the another single pump on the dildo and the plug again. This continued for another 4 times, By now she was screaming into the gag, tears of frustration ran down her face. She felt like she would be stretched out of shape permanently. She wanted to come so badly, the gag made her whole face ache, she was drooling out of control. She had never felt so wet before, but the dildo and plug felt like they were going to burst her. Her ass was on fire, she had burning stripes across it . Then she heard a faint buzz. Suddenly her pussy felt as though it was on fire, something was being pressed against her pussy, the tiny vibrator was rubbed all round her pussy. Then at last, it touched her clitoris. The orgasm was virtually instant and reached every part of her, she cried out and shook her head. Her muscles clamped down on the now huge invaders inside of her, it felt incredible, a mixture of pleasure and pain. Once it passed she felt totally exhausted and went limp in the stocks. She barely noticed the plugs being deflated and removed. The gag was deflated and removed. She worked her mouth, the muscles felt so stiff from being prised apart. Her mouth was dry.
The stocks were opened and Scarlet lifted her up. She was totally exhausted.