Author's Note: I'm new in bondage. So please write if you don't like anything that's happened so far, or anything I should change or think of! Thank you for reading xx
Part 1
JACK I have gone to the same bar for some years now, to be with my friends and have some drinks. For some weeks ago when I came to the bar, I saw that they had hired a new waitress. Most waitresses were pretty average; too much makeup and slutty clothes, and it was no secret that almost everybody got picked up after work by the men in the bar.
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Me and my lads had often taken one or two of the waitresses, or maybe even dancers, and paid them off to do whatever we wanted with them. But this was very unsatisfactory, because we all wanted more than they would be willing to give. Especially I, who was deep into heavy bondage but had no one to practice it on, had desires and wishes of totally possessing a woman who would not be allowed, or able, to object.
But here was the bar's newest employee; a short, slender girl with small breasts about eighteen or maybe twenty years old. She had big, thick glasses that made her look more like a weak school girl than a tough waitress on a bar (the waitresses here had to be quite tough to cope and know how to reject the drunken men's groping and naughty offers). The girl wore her shoulder-long hair almost always in a tight horsetail, and loved high heels and short skirts.
She would always act so innocent, giving smiles and looks to those she was serving. To be honest, I don't think she ever knew what she was getting herself into. Sometimes she would even stroke arms and hands when she went past, in something she may have believed was a friendly way to do it, and she never objected soundly when somebody pinched her ass or touched her. She just made a grimace of disapproval and went away. When this happened I would smile in secret, thinking, "does she want to be groped on and looked at?" My thoughts were interrupted tonight as another waitress, one with large breasts, long blonde locks and a heavy scent of perfume around her leaned forward to take her tip in the cleavage.
I sighed; these sluts were not really for me. I knew they all fancied me, the way they always giggled together and pushed their big round breasts up higher when they saw me. I had money, looks, and was always well dressed. My friends were, of course, also handsome and putting importance in being fit. Suddenly, one of my friends, Mark, leaned into me and whispered,
"Look at that", and nodded to the petite waitress I had also laid eyes on. She was serving the table beside us; big women in tight skirts with loud voices and hard make-up were smoking and laughing with their deep, husky voices in this crowdy, semi-dark bar. Now they were ogling the girl, and some of the drunkest started to commentate her body and how she should be at home studying with a chastity belt locked on. One woman even swatted her on the bottom, saying, "Now that's a fine li'l piece of meat you've got there, be'er watch it, eh?"
The girly waitress blushed, and didn't know how to answer that. I raised my voice;
"Excuse me", I said loud over the women's' deep laughs. I stood up, went over to the poor girl and put my hand around her waist. She tried to wriggle free, but I held fast and led her over to a corner where it was less crowdy.
"Are they bothering you?" I said in a low, concerned voice and frowned down at her. "I can make them go away if you want to."
The girl shook her bent-down head, not meeting my gaze.
"No sir, it's alright. Thank you", and made a movement as if to walk away. I grabbed her wrist, and she startled. Now she met my gaze; her eyes open wide when she could not understand what I wanted from her.
"You know, I can protect you if they are being mean. Girls like you shouldn't be working at a place like this, you're too weak to fight them", I said. She just shook her head a little bit more determinate, wanting to get loose from my grip. I gave up a low laugh and pulled her towards me. This idea that occurred to me wasn't bad at all...
MIA I stared at the man who had my wrist in his much larger hand. I had feared something like this would happen, and my friends had thought the same when I said I got the job at this bar. My heart pounded hard, I knew I was too weak for this guy who stood before me with his intent gaze on me. I felt my face getting red and heated when I noticed that the man's eyes wandered all over my body, apprising.
I wanted to slap him, yank my wrist out and run away, but how much stronger wasn't this guy? I raised my voice, knowing I would lose my job if my manager saw me standing here, this close to a handsome man instead of serving customers.
"Sorry, I really need to go to work now, did you want something else? Please go back to your table. I could get fired for this!" I tried to make my voice as haughty and professional as I could, hoping my impersonal tone would cool him off. To my indignation, he only laughed softly.
"Well, we don't want that, do we? I beg you, come with me. I shall present you to my friends."
I tried to object, even resist his pull on my wrist, but it was to no avail. So he dragged me to his table and sat me down amongst them. The men at my sides immediately put their hands on me, holding me down by my thighs, waist and arms. Everybody around the table continued with their conversations, drinking and laughing, but would not allow me to go.
A loud harking above us made them look up; my manager stood with her arms crossed and one brow raised.
"My my, is this how you work? And still you expected a raise towards the end of this week." Her foot tapping impatient, I tried to stand up and explain myself. The men around me wouldn't let me, however.
"Please, Mrs. Kensington, it was not my meaning! I got hold-up by these gentlemen. Tell them I have to work!"
Here, the man to whom I had talked to earlier stood up and said,
"It's Mrs. Kensington, right? Can I have a word with you?" Winking to his friends behind her back, they both went to a room behind the counter. They hadn't closed the door, and I could see behind the doorpost half of the man who was talking to Mrs. Kensington. He seemed very keen, smiling that charming smile of his and friendly touching her shoulder. They seemed to negotiate, and then at last he tucked something in her pocket as she smiled at him, and patted him amiable on the forearm.
"Now you're in deep shit!" laughed the man at my right side. "He has that look in his eyes again!" Then he did the most outrageous thing; put his hand inside my top to squeeze one of my breasts. I shivered when the warm skin enclosed me, and pulled away. The man laughed softly, and leaned in to lick my earlobe. His breath smelled vodka, cigarettes and something hard-explainable, something that very masculine I had only smelled those rare moments I was with one of my former boyfriends.
Mrs. Kensington and the man came back, my manager with something of steel in her hands and both with a most satisfied expression on their faces. Why had I such an ominous feeling about it? The man whispered something to those who held me fast and they stood, pulling me up with one hand gripping my ass.
Now I really started to fight, what was everybody doing? I didn't dare scream, what if Mrs. Kensington fired me for disturbing the guests! But I surely pulled and kicked out, but it felt like if I was kicking rocks with my high-heeled sandals that made me teeter a bit where I stood.
"Let me go! Damn, what the fuck are you doing!! Mrs. Kensington, please!"
To my disbelief, the older woman who had given me my job and was my manager, stepped behind me and enclosed my hands in the pair of steel cuffs she had had with her. Then she came around to face my front, smiling with contentment, and leaned in to whisper:
"He paid a good lot of money for you, how could I not let them have some fun? This man said they won't kill you, so you're safe." Instinctively, I drew away when her foul breath hit my face. At first I just stared at her, nonplussed, letting the meaning sink in.
Then I screamed in my helpless inability to come loose. "Nooo pleease don't do this!! I'll do whatever you want, nooo!"
People were starting to look at me, but a man with rough hands stuffed something soft into my mouth and stifled me.
I continued to kick and moan, trying to wriggle free, as they pulled me out to the warm night air. I scraped up one knee around the doorpost when they lifted me up and I kicked out at the same time as panic overwhelmed me.
JACK I smiled and laughed as I felt the little body writhe and try to resist under my hands. She was quite soft, but her breasts were too small for my taste. And her little ass was not too much to hold on to either... I felt a little ripple of arousal when I thought about modificating her body at my will. I nodded to my friend Mark, who was holding onto her bottom with one hand and her upper arm with another, and he steered us all towards his six-seated car on the dark parking field.
I, and I was sure the others thought the same way, didn't think this was a so serious thing to do. I mean, she worked at a bar where most chicks were sluts and got picked up. Why would she be different? We were going to get her home to me to have some fun for one even two nights, and then get her back to her work and her life.
"Hey wait, I'll get us some food for tonight!" shouted one of my other friends, Eric. He was no doubt the most muscular one here, with a little stubble on his cheeks and chin. He had been laughing all over at this whole event, hardly ever took anything seriously. Mark opened the car doors, and the rest of us went in dragging our girl with us. We had then no seating room left, we were saving one seat for Eric, so she had to lay splayed in our laps with her legs bent towards her butt. She was still fighting to get free, but with her hands cuffed behind her back and her mouth stuffed with a cloth she hadn't much room.
Also, of course, she was lying across four guy's laps, everybody holding her down.
Eric returned with two backs of beer and some pizza, grinned at the sight of our still-wriggling girl laid out in our laps, her skirt ridden up over her round ass exposing her pink panties. Mark put on the car radio, and we drove off.
We drove for like two hours; all car-windows open to let the warm wind in, smelling of night and cars. We had shoved the girl down onto the floor; she was now lying under our feet with a short rope tied to the cuffs constricting her wrists. We had then tied the rope around her ankles, so she was forced to have her knees bent uncomfortably tight or the steel cuffs would pull on her wrists.
"Hey slut, you comfy down there?" grinned Prince, the youngest in the group. "I've never laid face down on the bottom of a car, wonder how it feels?"
By this loud laughter erupted, and the girl started moaning and trying to speak or scream again. I stuck my sneaker-clad foot under her ass, burrowing it up towards her pussy. The poor girl's all muscles contracted, bringing her to yank painfully hard on the cuffs and ropes.
"Mmmnnnnoooo", she screamed when I bent to drag her panties down on her thighs. I dug my foot under her sex again. Eric put his booted foot on the small of her back, grinning as she tried to lift her head.
"Damn, what'cha doin' back there? Don't waste her, I wanna have some of that nice ass too, eh", said Mark loudly from the driving seat.
"Take it easy mate, we're just warming her up!" I responded, amused. I withdrew my foot, though, but let the panties remain down.
MIA I lay with my cheek pressed to the dirty and sandy bottom of a car, several feet stepping on me. It didn't hurt so much, but it was so humiliating! How had this happened, how had I ever come to this situation? It seemed so hopeless. At one occasion I felt something probing me in my most private area, another foot probably. But this was getting obscene; the foot had dug its way up towards my vagina, and then somebody even dragged down my panties! Never before in my life had I been ashamed in such a way, a foot on the small of my back and a foot directly against my sex without being sheltered by my underwear. One of the bastards had put a foot right below my neck, between my shoulder blades.
I felt tears coming on, and I could only hope they would get pulled over by the police. But I came to think of that it was very unlikely; a cop was hardly going to see a bound and gagged girl on the bottom of the car in the back seat. What would they do with me? Rape me? I cried now; tears running down over the bridge of my nose and wetting the rubber mat of the car below me.
"She's crying for mommy", sneered one of them. "But don't worry, we'll surely have some fun with mommy's girl tonight!"
I writhed again, not wanting to give up. Not to mention how uncomfortable it was, clearly they hadn't thought about that? I had no feeling left in my feet and hands, the ropes and cuffs were too tight. Then I felt the car going on a pebble road, jumping up all over. I tried to hold my head above the car, but it still hurt when I hit my head on the car's floor.
Then, finally, I felt the car going slower and slower... and then stop. I was sore all over and had a headache from when all boys and men had shouted and laughed so loud, I hoped so much they wouldn't do anything to me yet but let me rest a bit.
One of them, I think he was called Jack (it was he who had started it all), took me by the armpits, dragged me up and laid me over his shoulder. I cursed my light weight and petite body, I'm sure they thought I was like seventeen. I was 20! I hung limply on Jack's shoulder, not even trying to resist. I was too tired and only wanted to go away from all this and sleep in my bed.
I also wanted to go to the bathroom, my bladder pressing insistently. I was dead scared to pee on myself; I hadn't done that since I was a kid! But now, at the mercy of a bunch of idiotic perverts, I knew I had no choice but to pee only if they allowed me to go to the bathroom.
That I thought while I was carried like a sack of potatoes towards a house, and then I was inside and laid down on the floor. I was in pain now; for Jack had laid me face up which meant that my cuffed wrists and bound ankles were caught beneath me. I wriggled more and more, fought to at least turn around to be a little bit more comfortable, but the man put his foot on my stomach to hold me still. He bent down to take off my glasses, so I saw everything very bad after this.
"Yes, this I like... Show those big beautiful eyes of yours", he murmured.
I was furious; the cloth in my mouth was so maddening when it took away my ability to talk coherently, I was bound and lying on the floor at some man's house with people only wanting to hurt me for what I knew. My need to pee grew more and more, I wasn't even sure if I could hold it in much longer. I started to moan and scream through the gag, trying to plead for them to release me.
"Eeeesch eeemmmnnn", I cried. Jack had taken away his foot from my stomach and had gone out to show in the other boys. They came in now, everybody sneering as they looked down on my helpless body. Prince bent down and took out the gag from my mouth. Eagerly wetting my lips and mouth with my tongue, I said,
"Please take me to the bathroom! Damn, I'm almost pissing myself! Come on, just let me..."
I was interrupted as the cloth was stuffed back into my mouth. Furiously moaning, I glared up at Prince with hatred.
The one called Mark, I think, turned me around and picked me up as the other ones went inside. He took me into the bathroom and put me there on the soft carpet, and turned on the water in the bathtub.
When the water filled almost the whole tub, he picked me up and bent me over the edge. My heart was pounding hard against my chest, my body writhing and trying to get away. Did he want to drown me? I tried to turn my head away from the gleaming water, but he hold it fast with a big hand around the back of my head. I had a hard time even holding up my head so it wouldn't be under water. In the corner of my eye I saw that Jack had come in, carrying some tubes. What was going on?
Behind me, I felt my legs drawn apart and something poking me in my vagina. The tube was inserted into me, and I snorted with discomfort and pain as they bent me further down so I stood with my ass in the air. I still had my panties around my thighs, nobody had corrected it for me, and my skirt was now caught around my waist and not covering me at all. They had opened the cuffs, but were now holding my hands so I couldn't move them. They stripped me of all clothes I had, holding me fast as I struggled to escape this new humiliation. I was sobbing into the piece of cloth still being in my mouth, not able to come to terms with my nakedness.
"Hold your breath, slut!" said Jack and plunged my head into the water. The water wasn't cold, more like lukewarm. But I was panicking now, my whole body fighting against the strong hands holding me down. I hardly noticed my bladder and vagina muscles letting go, so I peed right into the tube. Finally, Jack let me up to take some breaths, and I saw that the other end of the tube was mining out into the bathtub.
I was disgusted, but the relief felt wonderful. I hadn't peed myself either, and the guys didn't seem so bad when they had let me pee? I didn't know what the bathtub was for, however. But I was soon to know; because suddenly, they both picked me up plunged me in so I was fully submerged. Water splashed up on both sides of the tub, and I felt something hard and uncomfortable beneath me. I hadn't noticed the steel rings that were in the bottom of the bathtub, and now my both captors fastened them tight around my waist, arms and chest. They took away the cloth gag. My knees were bent and my ankles were fastened to the bottom of the tub.
My breasts were crushed painfully hard against the steel band, but I thought I was lucky that I still had my head above water. I now lay on my back, my thighs locked in their spread position. Jack fixed the tube, drew it out from my pee hole to put it into my pussy instead. Another, slightly larger tube was inserted into my anus. I snorted in pain and discomfort; I certainly never had anything being shoved inside there!
A hard, very wide collar was fastened around my neck, and I had no room for moving at all. It was made out of see-through plastic, and the mouth-part of it that was hanging from it, was now covering my mouth. The rubber end of the tube was long enough to go into my throat, and I almost gagged on it. The mouth-part of the collar was also see-through, and made out of a tube that was impossible to expel once it was locked in place. The both men pushed my head down under water, but I could still breathe.
I was crying, but the only thing that gave me was difficulties with breathing. My eyes were open, so I could see a bit also.
JACK I was rock hard by now. The girl was fully submerged, with only some plastic tubes sticking up from her throat, pussy and ass. We had her in a good position now, and didn't need to think about her running away anymore.
"Hey Mark, let's go eh? We don't need her around all the time, do we", I said to the man standing beside me looking down at the helpless body beneath us.
"You go; I have some business to take care of", answered Mark. I grinned, knowing what he meant. I went away to the other guys in the living room.
MIA Now there was only one man left. I couldn't see too well, and didn't hear well either, but I could see him unbuttoning his jeans and take out the bulge being there. I started to hyperventilate, as he started to pump it above my face. Suddenly I knew what he was going to do, trying to wring out of my unyielding confines. I moaned through the tube, my hands twitched where my wrists were fastened at my sides. But Mark came, and squirted his cum right into the tube leading to my mouth.
I gagged again, but realized I had to swallow to breathe. It was so disgusting, knowing I lay in a tube full of water mixed with my own pee and being forced to swallow cum from a sadistic man. Now I knew what the tubes were all for, and I didn't like the thought a bit. Where the other boys going to do the same? I hoped not; I thought the cum tasted awful. I tried to expel the tube, moving my lips and tongue, but it was locked on too tight.
I didn't know a bit what was happening, or why. Six guys had abducted me, were they going to make me into sort of a sex slave? I shivered at the thought; so many newspapers I had read about it throughout my whole life and always thought to myself, "It'll never happen to me, I'll be careful". But here I was, helpless to save myself and being at the mercy of six damned sadists.