Author's Note:This is not a typical genre for me and is my first attempt at both "first person" and F/m. The story was inspired by recent circumstances that forced me to have a physical exam performed by a female doctor (long story). This is purely fiction, folks, written in four parts for the enjoyment of those on the site who are into F/m.
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Update (2012/02/09): Final segment in this story. I hope you all enjoyed it! Please submit comments via comments section or to me directly at mrhungry56@gmail.com. Thanks, Darios
Part 1: The Dump Off
I sense that Roxanne is looking away from me to check traffic so I strain to turn my head to the left, taking a chance to sneak a peek at my wife as she's distracted. God, she's fucking gorgeous! Not runway model gorgeous mind you, and I must confess that the average male might not look twice at her, but to me she's a Goddess. Her long wavy brown hair cascades down over her shoulders and falls loosely about her full breasts. The sleeveless blouse she's wearing today shows off the fabulous muscle tone of her shoulders and arms. We both try to keep our bodies toned and fit for each other and all the hard work seems to be paying off.
I press my chin down against the padding beneath it to check out her legs. Whether by accident or on purpose, she's allowed her short cotton skirt to ride up her thighs. The workouts have really paid off there as I see her muscles flex while her legs work the brake and clutch pedals simultaneously. Her hands grip the steering wheel tightly as she contemplates making her move into traffic and I imagine those same hands cupping my balls and massaging my cock.
Shit! I shouldn't be thinking about things like this because I can feel my cock responding and I know nothing good can come of it!
"What are you looking at, Danny?" Somehow she knows I'm looking at her. Not surprising, as she's somehow aware of everything I do. Most likely she heard the sound of the padded neck brace scrunching as I looked down at her legs.
I quickly face forward. "Your imitation dildo was captivated by your beauty, Mistress," I respond, knowing better than to try and lie to her. That's how I came to be in this predicament in the first place.
Three days ago my darling wife had flat out caught me with my fingers on my cock - not really masturbating, but simply feeling the hardness of it while thinking of a fantasy she had mentioned to me earlier - and I had foolishly tried to deny it. Two minutes later there was a solid ring of polycarbonate locked around the base of my testicles, and my dick was confined within its clear plastic prison. My wife - my love - my mistress - had been tormenting me without mercy since. The CB-6000 Curve was surely mass-produced by the Devil Himself to punish lying sons-of-bitches like me.
My ass grinds into the passenger seat of Roxanne's red '98 Mustang and I squirm as my cock expands to fill the solid curved tube of the chastity device. This actually takes only a second or three because after three days of constant teasing my penis never relaxes to less than a semi-erect state. The bend of hard plastic encasing my stiffening member forces my penis to follow its smooth tunnel downward, the dull pain beginning to register as the swollen head quickly reaches the end of the tube much too soon. For the umpteenth time today I stifle a moan as the little prison's cruel design excels in its purpose.
The Mustang lurches forward as Mistress finds a hole in the traffic. She straightens out the sporty little car, quickly and efficiently shifting through the gears, and then reaches over to tap on my crotch with the fingers of her right hand. The vibrations help to stimulate me, causing further discomfort. Without looking at her, I know damn well there's a smile on her face. This is the sort of humiliation and torment that really gets her off. I only hope she gets herself so excited that she sets my cock free when this bondage joy ride is over and allows me to fuck her brains out!
Oh my fucking god, my cock is straining against the hard plastic walls of the plastic prison! I read a user's review on-line once that claimed this guy's erection actually broke his CB-6000. Personally I think that's a load of shit because this little cage is too well built. I tried to force it apart once soon after Roxanne bought it and, as proof of its sturdy construction, it's still in one piece today.
I look straight ahead and start reading signs. Oh yeah, the letter game will help me concentrate on something else - let's see...there's an A on that sign...and a B up ahead, C and D over there. I flex my fingers behind me and wonder if Mistress tied that rope too tight. Are my fingers going numb? They feel sort of cold. I'm not really thinking about it, just wondering, and trying to keep my mind off of more painful matters. Besides, I trust Roxanne to bind me correctly. Lord knows she's had enough practice. She's been doing this to me for the past six years.
"Hate Your Figure?" -No, but I love that billboard! It just gave me letters E through I. Now for a J, where do I see a J?
This year will be eleven years of marriage for Roxanne and me. Not all good years, but we weathered the stormy times, surviving the hurricanes that ripped apart every other couple we knew. Still close friends with most of the male halves of those shattered relationships; I'm sometimes asked how Roxy and I remain so close. I usually say it's the love we share (true), and that we fulfill each other's needs (true). Okay, okay, I fail to mention what those needs are.
Jct Hwy 61. Great! There's my J. K, K, that should be an easy one. K, then L.
Seven years ago it was hurricane season for Roxanne and me. She'd become a real bitch, sort of ordering me around like I was one of the interns at her 40th floor law firm. I resented it and lashed out. Well, that didn't go over very well. To say the climate in the house was chilly would be an understatement. Cold and cloudy was the forecast of our relationship. Then one night while she was working late with the other "partners," I happened to click on the history file on our home computer and was blown away by what I found. Fucking porno! My wife was reading porno on-line, and the subject matter was very specific; female domination.
Lots of shit we'd been going through suddenly made a lot of sense. I stayed awake until the wee hours of the morning browsing through the websites my severely warped spouse had been digesting. It was frightening, while at the same time...sort of arousing. I was shocked that I would even think it, but damned if I didn't read some of that smut and find my cock responding. Okay, I masturbated...I'll be honest about it.
I was pretty confused about what to do. Being somewhat of a procrastinator, I did what came naturally to me and did nothing. The next time Roxanne started ordering me around I was about to go off on her as usual but considered her tone and the request she was making of me. This was that domination crap she seemed to be so hot on! It was just a menial chore she wanted done anyway, so I decided to play along, even saying shit like, "Yes ma'am" and "If that would please you, my lady," but said in a way that sounded sort of snippy. That night we fucked like we used to before we were married. No, that's not exactly true. If our pre-marriage sex was like a driving a Cadillac, this was like driving a fucking Lamborghini, and she had the pedal to the metal!
What letter am I on? J? No, K. I look out straight ahead through the windshield for license plates, street signs, or billboards for the letter K for my mental distraction.
Roxanne's dominance of me developed slowly over the next few years. I never did tell her what I'd seen in the history file that night, instead, I let things play out naturally, allowing her think she was slowly drawing me in to that final place she wanted me. To be honest, the desire to be put in that place was growing stronger within me.
My descent into subdom had been at a rate that I felt I had controlled. She was pushing me, hard at times, but had learned that even when I flat out refused to do something, before long I would submit to her desires. As always, the sex that followed was hotter than hell. A case in point was her insistence to go on these bondage joy rides. There was no way in hell that I was going to let her tie me up outside of the house! I was pretty adamant about that, but she worked on me, sort of aggressively at first, but then, sensing my resistance, began a more subtle approach. I have to admit I didn't see my initiation coming.
We were down at the State Park, oh, probably 30 miles from the house. It was a nice day, I remember it being a little on the warm side. We had been swimming and as we lay on the blanket afterward, making out and doing a little heavy petting (yes, even after all those years of marriage) she looked around and brought it to my attention that we were completely alone. She was right. There wasn't another soul on that beach, or even another car in the parking lot. She rolled over towards me and held up a pair of cuffs, asking me if I'd let her have some fun. I was startled that she had seemingly produced those cuffs out of thin air. No, no, we only do that at home where it's safe.
"Come on baby," she said, "just for a minute or two, it'll be so exciting!"
I could tell she was getting herself all worked up and was getting incredibly horny. Shit, if I did this for her there was going to be some really fucking hot sex when we got home!
I relented, submitting myself once again to her desires and holding my wrist out for her shiny silver cuff's embrace. I held out my other wrist and she moved to bring both wrists behind my back. Uh-huh, no, this is not what I thought...click. Okay then. I sat there on the blanket with my wrists locked behind me and completed my thought...this wasn't exactly what I had in mind. It's what she had in mind, though. I objected, strenuously at first, but the threat of my t-shirt being used as a gag sort of quieted me down. I quickly took stock of my situation and knew I had better be her good little boy-toy for awhile if I hoped to contain the beast in her. She eased me down onto my back and the make-out session continued.
I'll not soon forget the passion she unleashed on me, especially when, despite my desperate objections, she slid my swim trunks down and climbed atop my engorged shaft, using me to further her pleasure. Oh sure, there's no denying that once my cock was inside her oven all resistance was gone and I fucked her for all I was worth. She was so pleased! Oh god was she happy, and thankful, and excited. She licked my dick clean afterward, the kinkiness of what we had just done arousing me before she was even through with her sanitation duties.
Then the deviousness of her plan unfolded. The keys?
"Oh baby, I think I forgot them at home," she cooed, pretending to look through her beach bag and then her purse.
No, she hadn't forgotten a damn thing, I knew her well enough to know that. I was getting a little pissed, but given my level of freedom I decided it best to keep myself in check. At least it was up to her to pack up and carry all of our crap to the car. Ha! That'll teach her to disable her "slave" before the work was done.
I was pretty quiet during the ride home, but could tell she was getting excited again as she drove us out of the park towards the city. The more cars that surrounded us the more she looked over to see how I was handling it. To my credit, I handled it pretty well. If someone were to look closely I would appear to be sitting in my seat rather oddly, bare-chested and all, but otherwise no one would be the wiser that my wrists were bound behind me.
As predicted, once at the house we had barely made it through the door before she had me on the floor, wrestling my trunks off again. Her heat quickly enveloped me, releasing the tension and fear that I had felt on the trip home and stoking the arousal and excitement that I was surprised to feel now that it was over and I was safe at home.
It was the first of many joy rides we would make with me in some sort of bondage.
About two years ago I suddenly realized that I was extremely happy living this lifestyle that we had built together brick by brick. Never one to have a huge ego, while always having a firm grip on my own self-worth, I excelled at servitude. We were closer than ever before and getting stronger with each new experience.
My thoughts jerk back to the present as Roxanne shouts out a string of cuss words and swerves to avoid a big yellow Plymouth driven by a blue-hair with coke bottle glasses. That startled me. Shit, where the hell are we? We're clear across town. How long have we been driving...half an hour? This is not our normal bondage joy ride.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Mistress R look over her shoulder and suddenly the Mustang shoots like its namesake across three lanes of traffic and down an off-ramp. I barely move, secured in the bucket seat by the safety belt and several coils of rope. My neck is protected by a wide neck brace, insuring that I'm not injured by sudden movements such as those. The fit of the brace around my throat is extremely tight, explaining my difficulty in looking her way earlier. Obviously, movement is not to be allowed on this trip. Roxanne, as always, has thought of everything. I swear, thinking is her hobby, and thinking of ways to torment me has become her specialty.
At least I'm wearing clothing for this ride, although the jeans she has me in are tight and add to the torment upon my balls. Nothing affects my cock, held firmly within the clear plastic chastity tunnel, (except for arousal of course) but my balls hang freely below, the ring of plastic forces them outward and adds a certain amount of pressure to their base. The tightness of my jeans presses firmly against my crotch and angrily applies a constant pressure against my scrotum.
Mistress slows the sports car quickly and pulls into a small parking lot, stepping on the brakes more firmly now and forcing my body forward to strain against the seat belt. Stopping in front of some sort of clinic, Roxanne throws the gearshift into first and turns off the ignition. I strain to look over at the building as she rounds the car to open my door and begin to loosen the ropes around my chest that have held me firmly in place. I see her unclasp the seat belt and I lift my chin as high as I can to allow her access to the brace that has been protecting my neck.
"Out," she orders briskly.
I freeze, realizing now that she's going to dump me here in this parking lot, miles from home. This would not be the first time she's dumped me out on my own, and the thought of getting home on my own numbs my brain. Will she give me money? Will she bind me or take away my clothes? A million scenarios are running through my mind.
"Don't make things worse for yourself, slave. Get out now," she says.
Slave, huh. That's sort of serious as she only calls me slave when she's really submerged in her Dominatrix mode. I swing my legs around and place my feet on the pavement, standing and allowing Roxanne to turn me away from her so that she can unbind my wrists.
"Go in and begin on the paperwork. You're to see Dr. Erikson for a physical." She removes the last of my wrist bondage and closes the car door behind me. "I have a few things to attend to but I should be back before you're seen."
She begins to walk around the car and I panic. I know I mustn't speak without being told to, but she's forgotten something very important.
The look on her face when she stares back at me nearly freezes me in terror, but I must speak this one time.
"This worthless imitation dildo reminds its gracious and kind owner that She has not removed the bondage from its tiny and unworthy penis."
I speak her language, hoping it will please her. Long ago I was her "pet". Then, let's see, I was her "whore" for awhile. That didn't last too long. I became her "toy". She liked that a lot. Boy-toy, sex-toy, fuck-toy, worthless fuck-toy. It was sort of embarrassing being referred to by these names but it sure stoked her inner fires. Then, a few weeks ago, she had a huge fucking epiphany and I became her imitation dildo.
The sheer cruelty of the inference was not lost on me and I almost sensed a redirection of our relationship. As an imitation dildo I was at once a tool to be used for her pleasure, an instrument, but in its sub-meaning an imitation is like a knock-off of the real thing. Would you want an iPod or an imitation? A Rolex, or a $4 dollar look-a-like? A nice hard dildo, or me?
My wife turns and steps in my direction and I'm ashamed to admit that I cower. Oh fuck! Why did I speak out, but still...
"Do you think I don't know what bondage I have you in? Do you think you need to remind me of anything? Do you think I'm stupid? Are you telling me you know things I do not?"
Under fire from the barrage of questions, I take a step backward, knowing full well that that's a punishable action in itself, but am unable to stop myself.
I'm somewhat emboldened by the fact that we're in a fairly public setting and guess the odds of her disciplining me here are low, so I speak yet again, "Your humble servant begs your forgiveness, ma'am...it's only that..."
Roxanne points at the door to the clinic. "Get your fucking worthless ass in there and do as I've instructed you. Now!" There's a tone in her voice that I've not heard before, it's...well, it's sort of mean.
I quickly turn and walk towards the door, hearing the car door slam shut behind me and then the sound of the Mustang revving up and pulling away.
I stand and look at the door in front of me in total bewilderment. The sign to the right of the door says, "Woodbury Women's Clinic". I browse the short list of doctor's names and see Sam Erikson, M.D., and below that the sign specifically states that the clinic is closed on Sundays. Today is Sunday. What's blowing my mind now is that Roxanne has actually made a mistake! Fucking jot that down in your calendars. And here I stand like an idiot waiting for her to come back for me.
I turn to look out towards the street and suddenly realize that there are four vehicles in the lot, and five more around the side of the building. Now I begin to question my own assumptions. I take a step towards the door and nearly get knocked over as the door swings open and two women breeze by me, talking and laughing as they head out to one of the cars.
Dismayed, I enter the clinic and look around. Yep, women. Five of them, sitting there waiting, reading, texting. Feeling much like a thorn bush in a bed of flowers, I approach the front desk and blush deeply as the receptionist looks up at me.
"May I help you sir?" she asks politely. The woman is young, possibly twenty, but certainly not older. There's a look of innocence on her face that mixes with a look of puzzlement.
I feel six sets of feline eyes on me and my mouth is suddenly dry. "Daniel Baker to see Dr. Erikson," I say, noticing the pretty little thing begin to shake her head and smile.
She giggles and her cute smile widens. She leans forward, unknowingly widening the gap at the top of her blouse to offer me an unobstructed view of her cleavage. I feel my cock respond almost instantly as I clearly see her left breast in its entirety, unencumbered by a brassiere. She motions me closer and the discomfort between my legs worsens as I force my eyes to meet hers. My god, I could get lost in those big brown eyes!
"This clinic is for women only, sir," she whispers, apparently hoping to ease what she perceives to be an embarrassing mistake on my part. I lean over further to hear her words and am rewarded with the sight of her nipple brushing lightly against the inside of her crisp white cotton blouse. The sensation must surely be stimulating as her little bud appears to be fully erect.
"Could you check, please?" I ask. "My wife made the appointment, not sure when." I watch as the young woman straightens up, pulls her appointment book in front of her and traces along the right side of the page with her finger. The thought suddenly occurs to me that Mistress is probably mind fucking me right now! That's why she wasn't concerned that my cock was still imprisoned in the CB. This entire thing has been a setup from the...
"Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Baker, here it is. 10:30 with Dr. Erikson. You're plenty early."
I feel my knees weaken as I take the clip board she's holding up for me, my mind, now clearly fucked, spinning with the realization that Roxanne has booked me a physical exam at a women's clinic.
Part Two: The Wait
I take the clipboard from the cute little receptionist and turn to find a seat in the waiting area to fill out the paperwork. These damn forms, always asking the same questions. It's a hassle for everyone, regardless of which clinic you're seen at, but it seems to be unavoidable.
I hadn't noticed how few chairs were in the waiting room when entering the clinic, mainly because I was more than a little embarrassed to be walking into a women's health clinic in the first place, and was still quite rattled by the way in which Roxanne had dumped me off here.
The "dump off" was becoming one of my wife's favorite games, and one of my least favorite. I'd say, "drop off", but that seems like something that's agreed upon - "Say, will you drop me off at the store?" No, this was something altogether more sinister.
I had just begun to get over my fear of the bondage joy rides when Roxanne introduced a new source of terror to me - that of being left, or in my mind 'dumped', someplace public, alone and in some sort of bondage. There have been times in the past few months that I've consented to her games in an effort to please her, having at the time been aroused to such a state that I would, quite frankly, agree to perform any task my mistress asked of me. Other times, like today, she simply pulled over, released me from my seat bondage, rebound me in some manner, and then given me a task.
I've argued against the dump off many times, my primary argument being that if a woman got caught doing it, it would appear kinky - while if a man got caught, he'd be a pervert. And my wife was setting me up to be that man.
Headline: Pervert Daniel Baker arrested at Woodbury Woman's Clinic with massive erection locked in an inescapable genitalia chastity device. Story continues on page four.
My first experience with the dump off had been a complete surprise. It was a wet and dreary Saturday last spring when Mistress told me I could have the afternoon off from my chores so that she could play with her fuck toy in the garage. By this time in our D/s relationship my gorgeous wife had acquired quite a generous collection of bondage gear and, upon entering the garage, I saw several pieces of it in the bed of my Ford F-150 truck.
It was obvious that she'd been preparing for this little sex-capade because the thin mattress she had in the basement for my use was lying in the center of the truck bed, and chains were already secured to the cargo handles on the lower side panels.
Moments later I was bound, naked and spread eagle, on top of the mattress and the vinyl cargo cover was being pulled over the truck bed.
I protested as loudly as possible through the ball gag she had forced behind my teeth but the only response I got from Roxanne was that loving smile that she gives me when she's about to force me to do something extreme. While I've truly come to love serving Roxanne in any way that pleases her, I still get that pit of terror in my stomach when I see that particular smile and she gets adventurous with me.
That pit grew to the size of a basketball when I heard the garage door open and the powerful engine turn over. I struggled to free myself from the chains that connected my outstretched limbs to the four corners of the truck bed, but that proved to be an effort in futility. I soon gave up on it and simply lay there, shivering. I bounced around in the back of that truck for the next hour, the sounds of traffic so close by, people talking as they walked right past me hidden beneath the cargo cover, and the whine of the tires on the pavement as we sped down the freeway.
Finally the truck stopped and Roxanne retracted the cargo cover and climbed into the truck bed to release me. But she didn't release me right away as I had hoped she would. She was extremely excited by the act she had just committed and her lust was unleashed upon me. Bound as I was, it was impossible to mount any sort of resistance.
Still furious over being taken from the house naked, I vocalized my displeasure through the gag as best I could while pulling at the chains that bound me to the bed of my truck.
Honestly, I think my struggles excited her even more as her hands attacked my flesh, caressing my outstretched limbs, rubbing and then pinching my nipples the way she knew I liked, her lips kissing my neck, the sound of her soft sexy voice in my ear.
"You're doing terrific, baby," she purred in that silky tone that could make me hard just thinking about it hours after the sound of it caressed my ear. Her right hand soothed and petted my short blond hair while her left hand ventured down to my cock. I felt her fingers gently exploring my pubic area and scrotum, yes...searching for stubble to scold me over if the area had not been shaved well enough for her that morning. I knew her methods! I had shaved, carefully too, for just such a spot inspection, so I was confident she would be pleased. Lord knows the last time she had found stubble I had suffered badly for it. Now, though, having passed her cursory inspection, her hand was on my cock, and her solid soldier was standing at attention and ready for battle.
I shook my head, NO!, we're out here in the open! Anyone could come along. But my protests only served to heighten her arousal and she was soon astride my torso, her skirt up around her waist, guiding my stiff member into her slit. Oh god, she felt sensational, and so sopping wet I could not believe it!
She must've been practically orgasmic before even mounting her fuck toy for it took only a moment for her to cry out and throw her head back in ecstasy, her wavy brown locks flipping back and forth as she came. I was in awe of the power of her orgasm, having never witnessed such an overwhelming display of lust. I lost myself in it, moving what little the chains would allow and tensing my cock to offer her every ounce of pleasure I could, intent now to please her over and over until she was delirious from cumming. I cried out through the ball gag as her fingers dug into the flesh of my chest, her talons leaving traces of red as they dug deeply. In that moment I understood the true nature of my submission to Roxanne. Without even a fleeting thought for my own condition, or my own gratification, my entire existence as a person was focused on being an instrument for her pleasure. To be used as she wished, unconditionally.
Those thoughts fresh in my mind, I was completely caught off guard when she dismounted me and leaned forward to open the tool chest at the head of the cargo bed. Within minutes I was free of the chains and standing, still naked, cuffed, and shivering on the wet grassy shoulder of the country road. The 'smile' had returned to her lips and I backed up against the cold metal of the truck, reluctant to acknowledge that this little adventure was not yet over.
Roxanne moved in close to me, the leather collar she liked to lock around my neck in her hand. I shook my head no and attempted to evade her, but with my wrists cuffed behind my back it took only a moment for her to collar me. I felt something brush against my chest and stomach and looked down to see a flogger hanging from the d-ring centered on the collar. I hugged up against my mistress, not wanting to know what humiliation was in store for her fuck toy, my cock still hard and dripping, having not yet been relieved of its urgent need.
"You recognize the park, don't you, baby," she looks out towards the Regional park that traversed the dirt road we had stopped on. For the first time I look around to see where we had stopped. I nod. Yes, I knew exactly where we were; we take walks through this area quite often.
"Good. You have one hour to get over to the main pavilion. If you're not sitting on the bench when I get there later, I'll turn around and go home. Do you understand? This is your task."
Those last four words have been repeated many times since then. And yes, that day I had arrived at the pavilion before the hour had expired. Roxanne showed up right on time, wrapped me in a big blanket and helped me, still bound, into the cab of the truck. I was still shaking, both from the trauma of running naked and bound along the trail, and from the chilliness of the overcast day. I tried to relax, to allow her enthusiasm and praise to comfort me, but I was a wreck.
As we left the park I saw the sign stating that the park was closed. There never was any danger of being seen that day, and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry as I realized the entire trip had been one elaborate mind fuck. In subsequent dump-offs, this became the norm, and even with the knowledge that she was fucking with me and that the entire event had been carefully planned to avoid my being compromised, it was nerve wracking and I hated it. Well, I hated it as it was being forced upon me, but later, when thoughts of the experience flooded my mind and I relived the exhilaration, the panic, and the torrid sex that followed, I almost yearned for the next adventure.
Now, standing in the waiting room of the clinic, looking at my choice in chairs, I thought back to the events leading up to this particular dump off and tried to remember seeing the smile upon Roxanne's lips that told me she was up to one of her mind fucks. It was like a poker player's "tell". The problem was, there had been no telling smile today. Nor did she say to me "this is your task", as she always did. Nervous now, I survey the room and its occupants.
Three of the five women sit very relaxed. They have an air about them that I instantly recognize as confidence. Their attire is crisp and professional. The first woman, a very lovely brunette, is wearing a black business ensemble - jacket over a starched white blouse, skirt that comes down to her knees, black sheer stockings, and heels. Three chairs to her right sits a stunningly beautiful blond wearing a similar suit but in a charcoal gray. I notice her heels and my breathing stops. The heels are at least 6" and fully open in front, displaying her delicate foot all the way down to her toes. It makes her long slender legs look so much longer. Two chairs to her right sits another blond, dressed in a black sleeveless sweater that clings to her body in all the right places. Her black skirt is short and has ridden up so that the tops of her stockings peek out, a sliver of creamy flesh visible between her stocking and her skirt. Upon her feet are shiny black boots that hug her calves, terminating just above her knees.
While each woman is extremely beautiful and certainly erotic, the two other females in the room are of much more interest to me. Sitting to the left of the brunette in the black business suite sits a young woman, most likely in her late teens or early twenties, if I were to guess her age by her the maturity of her face and the size of her breasts. But to look at her hair and her attire her age would be guesstimated to be much, much, younger. Her black hair is tied into two cute little ponytails that stick up to form pretty hair umbrellas above her head. Each pony is tied with a yellow ribbon that matches the yellow in her dress. The dress itself might pass for an eight year olds' Sunday School dress, only in an adult size, with its white collar and matching white belt. The print appears to be sunflowers. She wears white ankle socks under shiny yellow pumps. The young lady is sitting in her chair, squirming and fidgeting, her fingers toying with the hem of her cute little dress. The "adult" next to her places a hand on the youngster's leg and the girl sits still again for a moment.
The other female of interest sits to the right of the blond with the short skirt. This female is completely punked out. Also young, but clearly an adult, the woman has brown spiky hair with random patches dyed red. The make-up around her eyes is beautifully applied, if you consider Dawn of the Dead a sweet movie. Her ears are pierced with delicate silver rings in countless locations along their outer edges and larger dangling upside down crosses at their lobes. A rather bulky ring is pierced through her septum, and yet two more piercings adorn her lower lip. It's hard to focus on her clothing, black is definitely her color, and she seems to occupy a black hole where she sits. She appears to be wearing very short shorts with skintight black stockings, holes strategically torn along her stick-skinny legs. Large black clumpy combat boots, with the laces untied and flopping about her soles, complete the image of a disaster made even worse.
In all, these two women are like day and night, sweet and sour. Next to each is a vacant chair, neither of which I deem appropriate to occupy. This leaves one chair between Blondie with the vampire and Blondie with the drop-dead gorgeous legs, or one of the two chairs between "Legs" and the brunette.
The brunette is fussing with the Sunflower's hair so I head for the chair next to her, but just as I approach she shifts in her chair and her purse falls from the arm and into the unoccupied chair next to her. This leaves the chair next to "Legs" as the only option remaining. The woman does not look at me but shifts in her seat and re-crosses her legs so that the foot of the crossed leg is nearest me.
Sitting down, I begin filling out the paperwork. Name, address, yawn, DOB...the long crossed leg to my left begins to swing gently as if the blond woman is thinking of a song. I look up and watch it, the well-toned muscles flexing as the leg bounces slightly up and down. I try to concentrate on the paperwork...insurance company, group number...I realize I have no wallet, no ID, no medical card. Where is Roxanne!? This is insane! What am I even doing here?
My eyes follow the swing of the leg in front of me. Her flesh is so smooth and beautiful she needs no stockings. I follow the length of her limb to her foot and see that her high heel is hanging from her toes, the 6" heel jutting out like a spike; her heel and the tender flesh of her instep are exposed. What a delicate foot she has. Her hand moves down along her skirt until it reaches the bare flesh of her firm thigh and I watch as her fingertips slowly trace a path to a spot that must be itching. The long slender fingers with the perfectly manicured French nails scratch the flesh lightly and then her hand rests on her thigh, sort of moving back and forth in tiny movements, almost as though she's caressing herself. Is she thinking of her husband's touch, her boyfriend's, her lover's?
Discomfort in my groin alerts me to my quickly stiffening cock. I can't look at her leg any more, but even as I stare blankly at the page in front of me I see her leg peripherally, bouncing gently to an unheard beat, her fingers continuing to massage her thigh sensually.
"Mommy, that man is looking at the lady's legs," I hear Sunflower say. "Is he a bad man, mommy?"
A huge lump forms in my throat. Busted!
"Silence child," the brunette admonishes Sunflower. "Sit back and stay still, practice acting like a lady as you've been instructed."
"Yes ma'am. I apologize ma'am," Sunflower says sullenly and sinks back into her chair.
I'm not sure what shade of crimson my cheeks are blushing but I feel the heat.
"Please excuse the child's rudeness, sir," says the brunette. "It seems she has not yet learned her manners."
"No harm done," I stammer, looking at the lovely brunette and then past her to the brooding girl who, upon seeing me looking at her, sticks her tongue out at me, folds her bare arms over her chest, and pouts.
I half expect "Legs" to get up and move to another seat and so it's no surprise when she stands up. But instead of moving away, she simply leans over to select a magazine from the far side of the coffee table in front of us and sits back down. Her legs are turned towards me, but then she crosses them again, this time with the leg closest to me on top.
I wince as I gaze along the long expanse of flesh that is offered me. In sitting, the blond did not adjust her gray skirt and it now rides quite high upon her thighs. The sight is really more than I can bear right now, regardless of how enticing it is, my tortured cock cannot grow any further in the hard confines of its little prison, and my mind cannot handle all of the stimulation it's trying to process. I'm beginning to feel a little overwhelmed by my predicament.
I believe I'm losing my mind! What has Roxanne roped me into? Who are these people and what in the hell is going on here? The constraints of the CB-6000 are being severely tested now, and I wonder if I might be the next user to write in to profess that my erection broke the device. It's quite painful.
Oh fuck, I may have to leave and go outside...but what if Roxanne is sitting out there in the car? What will I say to her? How will I explain my disobedience and what price will I pay for it? I clench my fists and will my nerves to settle. I've got to get through this task, if it is indeed a task, until Roxanne comes to my rescue. Surely she'll walk through that door any moment now, a big grin on her face when she sees my predicament and my extreme discomfort.
"Ms. Winters?"
I look towards the voice and see a stunningly beautiful redhead in a white lab coat standing in the open doorway, a stethoscope looped around her neck and a clipboard in her hand. She smiles as Blondie to my far right stands and looks back at Vampire Girl.
"Don't make me fucking go back there," Vampire Girl says, venom in her voice. "I don't need no cold-handed bitch feeling me up." Whoa, attitude problem in the room.
"Stand!" Blondie orders in a voice so stern I cock my head over to look at her. Did that voice come out that fox? My god, look at her! Blondie is stunning. That short skirt just barely covers the tops of her nylons, I can see the clips of the garter belts that hold them up. The woman is petite, probably 5' 6" if that. Perched atop the high-rise black boots she approaches six feet, though. I see her moving her hooked finger at Vampire Girl, motioning for her to rise and finally getting a response.
"This sucks," the girl mutters as she and Blondie follow the doctor through the door.
Blondie next to me plants both feet on the floor and partially rises to lean forward. Apparently not satisfied with her selection of magazines, she sorts through the others for a replacement. My eyes wander to her ass, tightly contained in the gray material of her skirt. Christ, her ass is delectable in every sense of the word. What a meal that would be...oh shit, I have to stop...
"See mommy, he's looking right at her fanny. I thought there weren't going to be men here. He's one of those bad men you told me about, isn't he?"
"Chelsea!" the brunette says in a hushed voice. "Control your tongue girl or I shall punish you right here."
"Yes momma."
"Sir, I'm terribly sorry," the brunette says.
All I can muster is a wave of my hand as if to say it's okay. Honestly, I'm speechless and horribly embarrassed.
Both Vampire Girl and Sunflower are clearly young adults but both are acting as children. And I'm sitting here with them in a clinic that is supposed to be closed for the day but is apparently open for a very odd assortment of clients.
"Miss Alders."
I'm a little surprised at the curtness of those words. It was said rather harshly if I might be so bold as to offer that opinion. Someone needs to work on their customer service skills! I see that it's another female doctor, dressed similarly to the redhead, but not anywhere as pretty. The woman has long braided black hair and wears what looks like military fatigues under her white lab smock. A glimmer of light reflects off of her collar to reveal Captain bars on each lapel. The oddity of the clinic grows deeper! I wonder where this Dr. Erikson is? I haven't seen him poke his head out here yet.
Blondie with the Legs places the magazine back on the table, arranging it so it's neatly placed while offering me one more painful view of her shapely tush, and walks towards the husky woman waiting for her. I look towards the door and pray that my mistress will arrive soon. Not that I'm done with the paperwork, I've got to get back to that! Okay, hmmm, last mammogram...guess I can put N/A on that line...
With no further distractions I finally finish with the front side of the form and flip it over to begin on the emergency contact information. The front door opens and my heart leaps in my chest. I turn, hoping it's Mistress, but it's not. Two women walk up to the receptionist and are greeted.
"My, my, aren't you looking cute today, Nia?" I overhear one of the women say to the receptionist. Nia, huh? Cute name for a cute girl.
"Thank you, ma'am" Nia responds. "Would you like to see Dr. Erikson together as usual?"
"Yes, of course, how long will it be?"
"There's one person before you," she nods in my direction and the two women turn to look at me. Now the women lean over and the whispering begins. I can only imagine what they're talking about and my face flushes again as I try to concentrate on the final section of the form. Somewhere in my mind I'm thinking that it's sort of odd for both of these new arrivals to be seeing Dr. Erikson, and together no less. But I have a form to complete and I'm not giving it much thought.
The clinic door opens and another woman in a white lab coat comes out and walks over to the brunette and Sunflower. "Are you ready to come back, Chelsea? My, you're such a big girl now; does mommy have to come with you?" The doctor winks at the brunette.
Sunflower stands, still holding the hem of her dress and brings it up to her mouth, sucking on it as if embarrassed by the sudden attention of the doctor. Her legs do that cute little pose where both knees sort of come together and she rotates her left foot on her toes nervously. As she turns my way, I see her body through the openings of yellow sunflower fabric as she holds the hem up to her mouth. The girl is no girl; she's a fully mature woman with lovely breasts, a wonderfully toned abdomen, and a cleanly shaven pussy.
"Go on Chelsea, you know Dr. Keithly, you've been with her before. Be a big girl now," the brunette encourages the woman.
Chelsea looks at the brunette and then at the doctor and then throws her hands in the air. "I'll go! I'll be okay, right mommy?"
"Yes, dear, now give me kisses." The brunette turns her cheek and Sunflower races over to plant several loud smacks on the brunette's cheek. Then she turns to me and sticks out her tongue again.
Finishing with the form, I step over to Nia and hand her the clipboard.
"Okay, Mr. Baker, let's go back."
Thank God, get me out of this madhouse!
Part 3: The Exam Room (added: 2012/01/29)
I follow Nia down the hallway and into a small room. It's a typical clinic room with a desk and chair against the wall for the doctor, two chairs beside it for patients, a sink, and an exam table. A poster on the wall points out the importance of regular breast exams. On the padded table is a blue hospital gown.
"Okay Mr. Baker, if you would please remove all of your clothing and put on this gown, Nurse Gebhardt will be in shortly. Opening in the back, of course." The pretty little receptionist turns and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. As I watch the door close I notice there's no handle on the inside. That's pretty odd, but given every other odd thing that I've seen since coming into this clinic today, I just add it to the list.
I pick up the thin baby blue gown. Of course, opening in the back. How else is the doctor going to stick his finger up my ass? I look at the door with no handle and then at the gown. Son of a bitch! Fucking Roxanne! Where in the fuck are you? You'll be here any second now, I'm sure. You're probably already here...yeah, it's just like you to wait until the last minute to make your entrance. Fucking make me squirm, that's what gets you off. Well I' m squirming! I hope you get the big O over this Mistress, because you're giving me a fucking heart attack here! At least I'm in a clinic if I keel over dead.
A grin forms on my lips as I contemplate the string of obscenities that just flew through my mind. I do tend to cuss when I'm upset, and I'm plenty upset right now. But at least the grin helps to calm me down.
I put both hands on the paper sheet covering the exam table, close my eyes, and try to settle down even more. Breathe, Danny boy, breathe. It'll be okay...Mistress will be here soon. She's never left me where I wasn't a hundred percent safe, today will be no different.
Having a physical in not the issue, I know it's been over a year since my last, but come on...this doctor's going to come in here any second and here I sit with a my cock locked in a chastity device. It's going to be so embarrassing explaining it. Oh this? Yeah, well my wife has the key, she's what you would call, um, dominant. I know, it seems sorta extreme, but it's what we're into, I'm sure you see this type of thing all the time. No? A pervert? Me? The police...that's not really neccesa...
I hear a soft knock on the door and see the door begin to open.
"I'm, um, I haven't changed yet...just a minute okay?"
"Please hurry," a female voice says through the crack in the door, "the doctor's almost ready to see you."
"Okay, I'm sorry." The door closes again with a resounding click.
I quickly unbutton my shirt and take it off, hanging it on one of the hooks on the wall. I fumble with the button on my jeans and then lower them, stepping out of each leg and placing the folded pants on one of the chairs. Slipping out of my underwear and socks, I stand naked, tucking my underwear out of sight in the folds of my jeans.
The gown is ridiculously short and barely covers my crotch. I lean against the exam table, fumbling with the tie strips behind me. Soft knocks on the door precedes the entrance of a woman in dark blue scrubs. She simply points at the chair nearest the desk as she sits down and logs onto the computer. I sit. She introduces herself as Nurse Gebhardt and then begins to ask me the usual questions followed by the taking of my blood pressure, pulse, and temperature, all duly noted in my computer file.
Nurse Gebhardt, despite her curt manner, is quite attractive. Her brown hair falls about her shoulders much the same way Roxanne's does, making me think of my mistress and feeling an unwanted expansion down below. This only serves to remind me of my embarrassing confinement, which in turns stokes the arousing thoughts filtering through my mind. I look away from the nurse, not wanting to see the rise and fall of her breasts as she breathes, not wanting to see the flesh of her thighs as she sits there, swiveling slightly in her chair.
She continues to ask me questions pertaining to my medical history and then asks for my wrist again to check my pulse one more time. Her hands are warm and her touch comforting. Her fingers trace a line about my wrist and I look over to see there are some faint lines remaining from the rope that Mistress bound me with for the trip over. The nurse seems to be examining them, probably wondering what might have caused the slight indentations in my flesh. My heart stops! Please don't ask me about those lines!
The pulse reading is entered into the records, although there's no doubt that it's artificially high. I find it curious that she didn't mention the rope indentations, as they are rather obvious, but it's a great relief that she didn't ask. There's always the possibility she'll mention it Dr. Erikson though, and let him ask me about it. I guess that would be more likely and the thought adds to my apprehension over the coming exam.
Nurse Gebhardt stands, informing me that Dr. Erikson will be right in, and goes to the door. I look over to see her take a device out of her smock and hold it against the silver plate located where the knob would normally be and hear a dull click. The door swings open and I'm alone once again.
It's quiet in the room, and the quiet does nothing to settle my nerves. There's a clock on the shelf above the desk and the sound of its tick reverberates like a rim-shot on a drumhead. Mistress said she'd be here before the doctor saw me, but time's running out. I can hear it running out, tick by tick. No, actually, she said she "should" be back, that's not the same as "will" be back. She has to come back! Please Mistress! Please!
Soft knocks, door opening, Nurse Gebhardt peeking in. "I'm sorry Mr. Baker, Nia failed to have you stop by the scale to record your weight on the way in, would you come with me please?" She's holding the door open and I see a woman in a green lab coat walk by and then another leading a woman past in the other direction. There seems to be a lot of traffic in the hallway! No, I'm not going out in that hallway dressed as I am. I reach for my pants.
"It's just outside the door, sir, there's no need to get dressed. Come, please." Her hand is beckoning me out of the room, the look on her face telling me I'm to get up and follow her. I rise and check the ties in the back of my skimpy blue gown to ensure they are still tied and move towards the door. Once in the hallway I see that the scale is not just 'outside the door' as advertised, but several doors away. Although covered by the gown, just, it feels like I'm walking naked down the hall.
I'm ushered onto the scale, the cool surface chilling my bare feet, when I see motion to my right. Coming out of a room across from me is Blondie with the short skirt, followed by a young woman in a nice pink sweater and matching pink skirt. In fact, the woman is the essence of pink. Her thin legs are covered with stockings, pink of course, and upon her feet are pink shoes with no less than 5" heels. What suddenly catches my attention is the pink leather collar around her throat, a leash trailing away to Blondie's hand. My gaze ascends along the woman's body to her head and I see that the young woman's head is held upwards but her eyes look towards the floor, content to allow Blondie to lead her to her destination. The young woman's hair is brown and short. I catch a glimpse of red, not much, but a few strands, and am shocked to realize that this is Vampire Girl!
The scene is bizarre in this setting. What sort of clinic is this that bondage can be so openly displayed? Vampire Girl is being led into the hall and towards the waiting room at the end of a leash, and being done so casually, as if this is just the normal way to walk about.
And then there's the transformation! Good lord, she departed the waiting room half an hour ago a foul mouth Goth Girl and now she's a "Pretty in Pink" submissive. What the hell did they do to her in there? My scrotum tightens at who I next see emerging from the room.
The stunningly beautiful red-haired doctor I saw guide them into the clinic follows the two out of the room. "Well, if you need any more help with Gracie, you be sure to contact me," the doctor says as she places a hand on the transformed Vampire Girl's shoulder.
"I will, thank you Dr. Erikson. Do you have anything to say, Gracie?"
"Thank you for helping me, Dr. Erikson, ma'am."
"You're quite welcome dear," the doctor says as I hold onto the wall next to me, my knees suddenly feeling weak and my legs rubbery beneath me.
The drop-dead gorgeous redhead is Dr. Erikson? No, no, no...this can't be right.
"Okay sir, let's get you back into your room, it looks like the doctor is free now." Nurse Gebhardt turns me back and ushers me into the room. I hear the door click shut behind me, but instantly know something is amiss. Not only are my pants not on the chair but also the room has a different look to it. For one thing, instead of the exam table there's a gynecology chair in the room, and strapped securely to that chair is Blondie with the Legs, stark naked.
Blondie with the Legs looks up at me and says, "May I please you, Master?"
I turn and try to open the handle-less door, but there's no way to do it. Here I am, trapped in the wrong room in nothing but my thin hospital gown! Then Legs' words creep through my panicked brain and I turn. If anyone in the room should be embarrassed, it should be her. I gaze at her fantastic body, strapped naked to the padded chair, her shapely limbs held wide apart, offering me an unobstructed view of her hairless pubic mound and the folds of her labia. I look up at her lovely face and she smiles.
"I apologize for the uselessness of my hands, Master, please use my mouth if you wish."
I take a step towards her as I feel my cock expand, bending downward along the tube of my CB and straining against its prison bars. This cannot be happening! I must have passed out in the hallway when I learned that Dr. Erikson was female. Yes, surely I'm lying unconscious on the floor near the scale; I imagine several staff members are attending to me now, urgently trying to revive me. That most likely explains the thumping of my heart as I gaze upon the perfect form before me in this fantasy world my mind has created.
Still, even in my dreams I cannot be unfaithful to my wife. Although this creature with the long sexy legs is enticing me with her calm words of desire, I love Roxanne with all my heart. It is to her that I have pledged my undying faithfulness and servitude. My Mistress is the center of my universe and I yearn for nothing more than to please her.
"Please," I say aloud, my mind thinking in prose, this being a dream and all, "torture me no more with your sensual limbs and your creamy white flesh, so freely offered for my enjoyment. I cannot touch you, for I am bound to another."
"Huh?" Legs says, sort of snapping me out of my dream. "You mean you're not a Master?"
I flush red as I begin to understand that this is not a dream at all, and that I'm really standing here in this room with a naked woman bound to a chair.
"Oh God, I'm so sorry!" Legs says, her face turning just as red as I imagine mine to be. "I only assumed that you were, and now I'm so embarrassed for what I was doing in the waiting room. Can you forgive me, sir?" I can see that addressing others as "sir" or "ma'am" flows naturally from her ruby red lips.
I feel my cheeks burn even hotter as I think about how the woman had presented herself to me while I sat next to her; the sensuousness of her movements, the way in which she allowed her skirt to rise so that her well-toned legs were displayed. All consciously done in an effort to be pleasing to a man she assumed to be a Master.
"There's nothing to forgive," I respond. Smiling at the woman who I know must be quite uncomfortable to be in such an exposed position, I add, "Although, I have to admit your actions caused considerable discomfort." My hand goes to my plastic encased genitals, barely hidden beneath the gown. "My mistress has me locked up tight."
"Oh no! I'm so sorry to have added to your suffering!" Her expression tells me she's sincere in her regrets and I marvel that she is considering my misfortune even as she is obviously in for some abuse herself. "Who are you then, and why are you here?" she asks me.
I take another step towards her. "I'm Danny, and my Mistress dropped me off here to have a physical, and most likely as a way to humiliate me. Can you tell me what the hell is going on here?" My need to know what Mistress has gotten me into overtakes my embarrassment at being in the room with the bound woman.
"My Mistress is having my clitoris hood pierced today. I'm really scared, Danny."
"Oh shit," I say quietly, coming just a little closer. "I'm sorry, that would be pretty scary."
I feel a sympathetic pain in my scrotum as the thought flies through my head that if she's getting pierced there exists a chance that Roxanne has similar designs on me. She's already broached the topic of piercing me twice, and both times I have rebuffed the idea outright. Unfortunately, as things go in my relationship with Roxy, she brings these things up and I refuse, but the seed is planted and is in my mind.
I think what breaks me down each time is my desire to please her. My wife has no qualms about telling me what she wants, what she needs, or what she fantasizes about. I try, I really do, to make her happy, to make her fantasies come true. In the end, I believe I talk myself into submitting to her desires as a way of satisfying my own need to please her. When I was caught with my fingers on my penis the other day I was thinking about how a little ring would look and feel going through my foreskin, the process of acceptance already working its way through my mind.
"I'm Megan, by the way." Blondie with the Legs lifts her hand as far as the wrist restraints will allow and I reach over to shake it.
"I really meant, what's going on in this clinic?" I ask again. "It's Sunday and this place is supposed to be closed, and everyone here seems to be a Mistress or a slave." Some of what I've been seeing is starting to add up now.
"Oh, one Sunday a month the clinic opens for patrons of the bondage club called The Rope Factory. Have you heard of it?"
I nod that I have. "The Rope Factory...my Mistress took me there once. It's quite a place."
It was about a month ago, in fact. Roxanne had me totally outfitted in just about every stitch of bondage gear she owns. I was quite a site and drew many curious stares from the people at the club. Being hooded had actually worked out better for me because I wasn't so mortified that someone would recognize me, and to be honest, overall I had a pretty good time that night.
Mistress had not placed my member in purgatory, and I spent the evening extremely aroused and oozing over everything in sight. But of course my pleasure was not the focus of the evening and I labored endlessly the entire time pleasuring Roxanne and an endless number of Mistresses, and to my utter disgust, even a few Masters. My mouth and tongue hurt like hell for several days after that, and it was difficult to even swallow.
Megan smiles, "My Mistress, Dr. Rutherford, and the other doctors here, all own slaves and are at the Factory quite often. I'm sure your Mistress heard about the free services of the clinic while she was..."
The bound woman lets out a startled cry as the door to the hallway suddenly bursts open and Dr. Rutherford enters the room and calls out, "He's in here!"
Nurse Gebhardt runs into the room, followed by Dr. Erikson. Dr. Rutherford grabs hold of my hair in one hand and my arm in another. I turn to break free but the woman has already gotten a positional advantage over me and is holding my arm back and up in a position that hurts like hell when I try to struggle. The hold is probably something she learned in the military. I twist again and Nurse Gebhardt takes hold of my other arm and shoulder from behind. I feel a collar going around my neck and gasp as it's pulled tight.
"Hey!" I protest. This isn't something a person would expect to have happen to them in a medical clinic. "What do you think you're doing?!"
If this had happened to me before I spoke with Megan I'm not sure what my response would have been, but now, knowing that the staff are all Dominants, I suddenly feel myself submitting! The realization startles me and arouses me at the same time. Even though Roxanne isn't here, the tendency to retreat into the Submissive is strong.
"Such a bad boy," Dr. Erikson says. "I see we'll have to keep you on a short leash while you're with us. Roxy didn't tell me you'd be this much trouble."
I want to speak, to demand they release me, to tell them I was put into this room by accident, but keep silent. Part of me decries the submissiveness that is controlling my actions. The results of the past few years of training is now clearly apparent to me, as I will not speak up to defend myself even when I know I have done no wrong. It is as they say. I am a bad boy. I will accept my punishment. The thought astonishes me as I accept and expect to be punished. Maybe I even look forward to being punished.
"Get this cur away from my bitch, Samantha. God, how disgusting!" Dr. Rutherford growls. Then turning to Megan, she says, "Did he touch you, my pet? He didn't mount you did he?"
"No, Mistress," I hear Megan respond softly.
A leash is attached to the collar buckled tightly around my neck and the flaming hot redhead pulls me from the room and into the hallway as if I'm resisting. Several patients poke their heads out of their rooms to see what all of the commotion is. Further down the hallway I see Dr. Keithly look out of a doorway, and then Sunflower peeks out from behind her, the light blue hospital gown untied in the back and falling to the side to expose her naked posterior. Sunflower begins to giggle but is pushed back into the room by the doctor before the door slams shut.
Dr. Erikson leads me, red-faced and embarrassed beyond words, through the hallway and into the proper exam room, closing the door with a resounding thud and then the metallic click. It sounds like an iron prison door slamming shut as I realize there's no way out for me now.
She points at the exam table and says, "Sit!" in a voice too harsh to come from such a lovely creature. I sit, afraid now, unsure of what type of creature really lies beneath that beautiful image before me.
Part 4: The Exam
Dr. Erikson logs into the computer and begins to scan through the nurse's data and comments. I watch her from atop the cushioned exam table as she reaches back and begins to pull her long red hair into a pony tail and then twist the tail around and around, finally pinning it to the back of her head using a thin wooden skewer, all the while scanning the computerized file on her screen. I had thought the doctor beautiful before, but now, with her hair pinned up and her slender neck exposed, she's even more enticing.
Finally she turns and looks up at me. "So you're Roxanne's subbie hubbie?"
Is that what I am? A subbie hubbie? Hmmm, it sounds sort of comical...subbie hubbie...sort of feminine maybe. Not sure that's the image I wish to project. I may have a submissive nature, but I'm still a man. This big penis locked in this cage ought to...oh, well, um...
"I asked you a question, subbie."
I lift my head to see Dr. Erikson standing there, hands on hips, looking at me with some intent. Her white lab coat hangs open in front, displaying the clothes underneath. She's wearing a coral colored cotton blouse with the top four buttons undone, over a silky white camisole. The undergarment is cut in a low lacy vee, exposing her ample cleavage. Her breasts strain against the fabric of the blouse, pulling slightly on the remaining buttons that hold the two panels together. Below that is a matching skirt, the hem ending at mid thigh, her legs bare underneath.
"Um, I guess..." I stammer, feeling somewhat intimidated under the scrutiny of her forest green eyes.
The doctor takes hold of the leash and yanks. "Don't be looking me in the eye, subbie. You have those eyes down when you're in my presence and address me correctly or your mistress will not get a good report. You've already caused quite a commotion here today."
The redhead takes another step closer, holding the leash taut. I look down as instructed but that directs my gaze straight down the front of her blouse. Her breasts are larger than Roxanne's and from this vantage point it's obvious they're not restrained by a bra. Oh crap, does no one around this place own a frikkin' bra?! I try to avert my eyes but even that seems awkward and insinuates that I had looked down her blouse.
"I apologize, ma'am," I say, hoping that's an appropriate response.
"Much better." I see her hands come up towards my head and I shirk back slightly. "Easy boy, I won't hurt you."
The comment makes me blush as I wonder if it's meant like boy - a child, or boy - a dog or animal. I've already been referred to as a cur today, and this being a woman's clinic it's not beyond the realm of possibility to assume that some of the women here think all men are dogs.
The doctor's warm fingers begin to explore the flesh under my jaws, feeling for lymph nodes and when locating them, gently palpating. They trace along my jaw towards my mouth so lightly it's almost erotic. I try to keep my mind off the sensation of her gentle touch but my cock is already responding.
My eyes have once again returned to the heavenly sight of her breasts. I can't help but to look. Her command to have my eyes down is forcing the arousing view upon me and I wonder if she realizes the discomfort this is causing me? How can she? I see the rise and fall of her chest as she breathes, tiny sparkles glistening on her flesh from some sort of glitter she has adorned herself with. The sight is not good for my confined state, as a real urgency has begun to develop beneath my baby blue gown. I look away again, hoping to avoid further discomfort but knowing it's far too late for that.
Her hand is on my jaw and I open my mouth wide so she may inspect within. A wooden stick presses against my tongue and is re-adjusted slightly so that it's inserted deeply and pressed hard against my flesh.
"Ahhh," she says.
"Ahhh," I respond, trying to keep my gag reflex under control. The stick is removed and I relax my jaw.
"Look up," she instructs and I lift my eyes to see her holding a penlight that she uses to check pupil dilation. "Good boy." She turns off the light. "Rotate your head." I comply. "Any pain?"
"No ma'am."
"I'll check your lungs now." She takes the stethoscope from around her neck and places the ends in her ears. I feel the cold surface of the instrument press against the bare skin of my back as a warm and gentle hand rests on my bare thigh. I glance over at Dr. Erikson and see that her eyes are closed as she listens intently to my lungs drawing air. Nothing is meant by her touch, and assuming her clients are regularly female, she probably lays her hand there out of habit to calm her patients.
It has the opposite effect on me as the touch of her hand on my bare leg sends jolts of pleasure to my brain. Such a little thing to be sure, but the combination of three days of excruciating stimulation by my Mistress and the events of this day serve to arouse me almost instantly to painful fullness.
I grip the sides of table as the stethoscope is moved across my back, by now the ties holding the gown lay loosely along my sides, my bare backside exposed for her inspection. Dr. Erikson is leaning in close now, the scent of her perfume wafting in the air around me, the warmth of her bosom radiating against my chilled shoulder.
"Hmmm," she says softly and leans to her left, bringing the stethoscope around to my chest, still so close to me that her smock rubs against the sleeve of my gown and pulls away slightly, allowing the crisp fabric of her blouse to touch my arm. I feel the firmness of her breast as she leans lightly against me to get the right position with her instrument. She's trying to locate one specific location on my chest with the round flat end of her instrument and I pray to God that she finds it soon.
"Your breathing is very shallow, subbie. Can you take some deep breaths, please? Will you do that for me?" Her voice is calm and soothing, but it cannot still my heart. I wonder how she can hear anything through that device other than the thumping within my chest as my heart threatens to explode.
"Yes ma'am," I respond, remembering my place and desperately hoping that a good report on my behavior can be given Roxanne when she arrives. I breathe in deeply and exhale several times.
"Okay, that's fine. Your lungs sound very good, just lay back now, here you go." I feel her hand on my shoulder, guiding me down onto the cushy table, the paper cover crackling under me as I lay back.
Her hand moves up my thigh and I instinctively move to counter, but she counters my counter. "Almost done subbie. I know it's embarrassing but..." Her fingers touch the CB-6000.
"What's this then?" She lifts the hem of the gown and I feel faint. "Oh subbie, you've been hiding this all along? Oh my, you're in a terrible state aren't you?" I feel her fingers touching the chastity device, pressure at the head of my penis, and then her fingers come to my head.
"You're dripping all over the place, clean please." She brings her gloved fingers to my lips and I automatically open my mouth to allow them in, closing around them to suck them clean of my seepage. This is repeated again and again, the musky salty taste lingering in my mouth.
Her hand returns to my scrotum and I tense as her fingers palpate my testicles.
"Any pain here, subbie?" Dr. Erikson asks. The fingers of her right hand continue to palpate my hairless testicles while her left hand holds the flimsy gown up so that she can see my crotch.
"Owwww!" I cry out as I feel her fingers grasp my sack and squeeze my testicles.
"Answer my question, subbie." The tone of her voice is harsher, but a smile returns to her face and she releases the pressure.
"No, ma'am," I answer quickly. I look at the ceiling, red in the face from the sensations her caressing are creating in my genitals, and knowing that she's looking under the gown at my cock, straining against the CB-6000.
To put into words how completely overloaded my senses are seems impossible. I can barely think, and simply lie on the table, limp. Images of the past two hours flash through my consciousness like a slide show out of order. I see Sunflower, sticking her tongue out at me, I see Roxanne's legs working the brake and clutch pedals, I see Nia leaning over and the sight of her perky breasts, I see Legs...oh god, Legs bound naked to the gynecologist' chair, I see a pink Vampire Girl at the end of a leash, again - my mistress pointing her finger at the clinic ordering me to go inside.
I close my eyes tightly, trying to block out the images.
Just then there's a knock at the door and it opens slowly. I'm too delirious to even care who it is. Let the entire staff come in and see me, I don't care. Parade me through the hallways naked, make me crawl from room to room, it's of no concern to me now, such has been my humiliation today.
"How's it going, Samantha? Is he behaving?"
I open my eyes and turn my head at the sound of Roxanne's voice and my cock spasms involuntarily, painfully, ejecting a small squirt of semen. My hands go to cover myself but are arrested by the doctor.
"We've had some problems with him, but overall he's been a very good boy."
Mistress moves to stand near Dr. Erikson. "I thought you said you'd see him at three o'clock?" she says in a whisper, trying not to let me hear.
"No, I said you should come at three o'clock, and you're early," the redhead whispers back.
"But I...you know, his chastity and all, I was going to..."
"Shhh, it's okay, it wasn't in my way."
I can sense some consternation in Roxanne's voice. This worries me as, up until now, she seemed to have such a firm grasp on my safety and the events of the tasks she's given me.
The doctor, who is still holding my arms at my sides, says, "How long have you had him in this thing?" She releases my arms and pulls a paper towel from the dispenser and begins to clean the end of the CB-6000 where I had discharged.
"This will be his third day, right Danny?" Roxanne is standing next to me now, looking down at me, a lovely smile on her face. One hand touches my shoulder and the other my arm. All is right in my world now as I feel her close to me, protecting me.
"Yes mistress, three days."
"It's too long, really, for this type of device," Dr. Erikson says as she presses the foot pedal of the trashcan and discards the paper towel. "I recommend something less severe for long term chastity. There are many models that will prevent masturbation while allowing for full extension without pain. This model is excellent for punishment but punishment should never be a long-term event. Okay?"
Even now, I'm the beautiful doctor's patient. She's dictating her recommendations as if she's telling a parent what type of medicine should be used to cure an ailment, or what the best treatment is for a particular condition.
Roxanne looks up at the doctor and shrugs. "I think I may have gotten carried away," she confesses. Her hand goes into the pocket of her skirt and comes out with the key.
"Let's meet for lunch this week and have a talk. I know some of this is new to you, so let's get together and talk about safety and I can give you some ideas on restraints and chastity products."
"That would be great, Sam." I see that sparkle in her eyes that tells me she's excited.
"Oooo, look at you baby," Roxy coos as she disengages the locking mechanism of my personal hell and slides it off of my cock. I feel her hands massaging my cock and I lift my hips to meet her.
"Now, now, subbie, let's finish your exam first so we can move on to more fun things," the doctor says as she pats my leg and holds my arm upward, pulling slightly so that I understand she wishes me to rise.
Fun things? What the hell does that mean? I just want to go home now. I look over at Roxanne but she's standing with her arms folded and I sort of know what that stance means and I lower my gaze again.
I'm guided off of the table and turned so that I'm facing it. The doctor places her hands on my shoulders and presses me forward.
"Just bend at the waist, subbie, there you go, hands towards the far end, good boy, legs spread a little wider. I need to check your prostate and then that should about do it for your exam."
I bend over the table and lay my upper torso down onto it, extending my arms towards the far end while moving my legs further apart. I feel the doctor's hands at my ankle and then the feel of something being placed around it. I don't want to be cuffed like this and I start to lift myself up but Roxanne is there beside me with her hand on my bare back.
"You've sort of sucked as my imitation dildo," she says, although I know that's untrue and said merely to humiliate me, "so I've decided you'll be my fuck-toy again. But it won't be in name only as it was before."
Holy shit! Her words send a chill through my body. Is this a mind fuck, or she really going to rape me in the ass? Her face gives no clues. This is pretty elaborate if it's a mind fuck. I shake my head, no, but she just pats me on the back and smiles. Oh fuck, it's "that" smile...the smile I get when things are going to get extreme. I don't want extreme right now! I struggle to lift myself up but with the two of them holding me I'm not in the best position to raise myself up and I feel my other ankle being strapped to the bottom of the exam table.
The red haired doctor presses a button on an intercom panel and says, "We're ready for the blood work in Room 8." She returns to the head of the table where she reaches down and brings two wrist cuffs up and over the end, towards my outstretched hands.
This has really gone far enough. I push myself up and pull my arms away from the doctor only to have her reach over and grasp the one closest to her firmly. Somewhere to my left I hear the door open and Dr. Erikson shouts out, "Hold him down, Mary, and get the other cuff on him."
I see Nurse Gebhardt run around to the other side of the table and reach for my right arm. Not going to happen! I pull it away and jam it under my body, away from her grasp. I think I'm fucked because my left wrist is already secured. Now Nurse Gebhardt and Dr. Erikson are working on getting my right arm out from beneath me and I feel Roxanne's hands around my throat.
"Submit, hubbie," she whispers in my ear as she brings her head down next to mine. I'm gasping for air and I sense her face next to mine, her breathing coming in gasps to match my own. She's very excited now; I can feel it emanating from her like heat from a furnace.
I'm exhausted, truly, utterly exhausted. I lay still, defeated and tired of resisting. Cuffed now and bent over the end of the table, my ass totally exposed, I resign myself to what I fear is to come. My only comfort comes from Roxanne's hand, slowly stroking my back.
The doctor assists Nurse Gebhardt in extracting a blood sample from my arm and then the nurse disappears from sight and I hear the door open and close as she leaves. A moment later I feel a latex covered finger against my anus. There's some pressure and then the really odd sensation of the insertion. I straighten my knees and pull against the ropes that are clipped to the wrist cuffs as I silently process the sensation of the finger in my rectum.
"Okay, great!" Dr. Erikson says as she withdraws her finger and I hear the snap of her gloves as she removes them. "His prostate is fine. That does it for the exam, are you still interested in continuing with what we discussed before, Roxy?"
"Do you have time?"
"One of the other doctors agreed to take my last two patients, so I'm open to anything."
"Great! How do we start?" I can hear the excitement in Roxanne's voice. She's going to fuck me in the ass and this is making her so hot! I have got to find a way to keep her off the Internet. So many times while browsing porn sights I've heard her say, "Oh, we simply must try that," or "can you imagine how much that would hurt?"
That's how she came to own a spanking paddle and why she came home one night with a package of wooden clothespins. Fucking Internet! She had spent the other night glued to an ass fucking web site while I crouched under her desk, bound and naked, pretending to be her footstool. For my amusement she had turned the volume up high so I could hear the moans and cries of anguish of the men as they were violated. I really should have suspected something like this would happen, but thankfully she doesn't act on everything she views. Well I won't give her the satisfaction of a single moan today. I fully plan on depriving her of that stimulus!
I already know this will not end well for me, though, but hopefully having the doctor present will temper my wife's zeal. Lord knows she gets so carried away at times, and this is not a time I would want that to happen!
I feel fingers on my ass, spreading my butt cheeks. "Here, let's get you some gloves, dear." I hear a drawer open and then close. "I know he's your subbie hubbie, but this may get a little messy. Don't let it turn you off today."
I hear the snap of the gloves and then feel Roxanne's hands on my ass again.
Crap! Really? Spanking, too?
"I'll bring some information on enemas with me when we meet this week," the doctor continues in her clinical voice. "Here's some lube," I hear a couple of spits from a bottle pump. "Now, let's start with your middle finger, no let's use your left hand, at about this angle."
I feel a finger against my anus and I look back to see the doctor guiding Roxanne's hand and finger to obtain the correct angle to penetrate my asshole.
I'm not ready for this, I'm really not!
"Please Mistress!" I cry out. "Please don't."
SLAP! Her free hand smacks my naked ass sharply. "Quiet, slave!" Roxy says sternly.
Oh fuck, she's in the zone.
"That's why I wanted you to use your left hand, so your right hand can be free to discipline."
I see a smile on Roxanne's lips that tells me that she's really enjoying this. I turn around and put my forehead down on the padded table and take a deep breath. I feel helpless now, but in that helplessness is a sense of joy. A mix of emotions flow through my head as I try to separate one from another, not knowing if that's even possible.
I'm profoundly embarrassed, yet my cock is rock hard. That's a duo that I've experienced many times and have come to accept. I feel suddenly happy. Now that doesn't seem possible given my predicament and I wonder if it's because of the predicament or because of the smile I just saw on Roxanne's face. Months ago it dawned on me that a deep sense of happiness comes over me when I know something I'm doing is either making Roxanne very happy, or very aroused - the two usually going hand in hand. The sensation is heightened when what I'm doing is difficult for me because then I know how delighted my mistress is. I'm usually thinking ahead to how she'll reward me for the adrenaline rush. Is that what I'm looking forward to now? Is the sex going to be that good?
Is is...I know that for sure because this is by far the most outrageous thing she has ever attempted with me. To leave me alone among other people, women no less, in an extremely embarrassing and arousing situation with my cock in its cage! I know she's beside herself with lust right now. I can feel it radiating from the hand I feel on my ass. Every so often I hear a sound, a low moan really, which I know belongs to my mistress. I hear it when she's over the top aroused.
The doctor steps around towards the side of the table and places her warm hand on my back.
"Nice and gentle, Roxy, press your finger in." The gorgeous red head bends slightly so that her lips are close to my face.
"You understand that this is going to happen, right?" she purrs softly, her hand coming up to smooth down my hair and stroke my neck.
I nod. "Yes, ma'am."
What a lovely smile the woman has. Nearly as nice as my mistress' when it's a loving smile, not the wicked smile that I dread. I'm a little surprised when her lips touch my sweaty cheek and she gives me a peck.
It dawns on me that this woman is an experienced Dominatrix and for her there are no limits, even with other people's slaves. I see it in her eyes, the sparkle of green that tells me she has plans for me. I suddenly fear her more than my wife, who I'm sure she views as a novice.
Now I must throw fear into that mix of emotions I was earlier trying to unravel.
I wonder how this entire scenario developed in the first place. I assume the idea for it must have germinated at the bondage club, but whose idea was it? Did my mistress discover Samantha's profession and then call her with a request to help in humiliating me? Or did the doctor see fresh meat and suggest something kinky to Roxanne? God, I hope it was the former, because if it's the latter I may be in real danger.
"I know this is hard for you," her eyes sparkle brightly, looking into mine intently, searching for the fear hidden within and perhaps seeing it, "and you don't know what to expect or how painful it's going to be." Her soft lips graze over my ear and she nibbles a little on the rounded edge of it and then I feel her tongue enter the canal.
Her breath is hot and moist, I feel the humidity of it and it gives me the chills. "Try to relax, though, try to relax the muscles in your butt and in your anus. It'll make this so much easier on you if you can manage to do that." I feel her right hand slide down my naked back to my rear, where it stops and gently caresses my flesh.
I'm more scared than I've ever been in my life. She's kneeling now beside the table, still looking into my eyes. I think she wants to see my fear, to feed off of it somehow. Is this what gets her off? Will the look of panic in my eyes arouse her? I think she sees it because the look in her eyes tells me she's getting very excited.
My head is turned flat on the cushioned exam table, looking her way. I know the paper liner covering the table is sticking to my face, torn and somewhat dissolved, and I nearly laugh that I'm even thinking of stupid little details like this...but it's better than thinking about Roxanne's finger probing deep within my anus.
Dr. Erikson stands and moves towards Roxanne. "How's it going, are you in all the way yet?"
I can feel her finger pushing in until her hand touches the flesh of my crotch.
"Oh, that's good. Now add your ring finger, there you go, see? It slides right in. Pump him for a while with those two and then add your index finger. Keep these other fingers down like this." I feel Roxanne's hand being manipulated and then the finger fucking continues. "It won't be long and you'll have your whole fist up there!"
Is this what she has planned? To fist fuck my ass? I struggle against the rope pulling my arms towards the far end of the table and lift my head up to shake it, no.
Dr. Erikson's laugh startles me, "Oh subbie! Don't worry, no one wants to put a fist up your virgin asshole today!" She has the giggles now and comes up to give me a hug. If I wasn't so frikkin' terrified it would feel good, but as it is it only makes me struggle all the more.
Again, her lovely eyes meet mine. "Is your Mistress hurting you? Honestly slave, are you in pain right now?"
The words slap me into the here and now. I know my eyes are wide in terror, and I can't seem to control that, but I shake my head. "No, ma'am."
"This isn't a porno flick where the subbies are screaming in pain. You do know they're actors don't you?" I see her smile widen as her words sink in. "How exciting would it be if those actors got fucked in the ass and the set was quiet? No one would watch."
I'm beginning to calm down a little as I digest her words.
I hear a soft knock on the door and it begins to open. The doctor leans down again and says, "That doesn't mean we can't humiliate the hell out of you though," an evil smile creeps across her lips and my blood runs cold.
"Hey, how's it going in here?" It's Dr. Rutherford with a leash in her hand, the end of which disappears behind the door. "Well, get in here bitch, don't make me yank you." She still gives the leash a little bit of a tug and Megan steps into the room.
The recent attention by the dominant doctor had diminished my erection, but now I feel a surge of energy being transferred from my brain to my cock.
Megan is still naked except for the collar the leash is attached to, cuffs on her ankles and wrists, and her heels. The blond I had affectionately dubbed as "Legs" earlier follows her mistress' lead with her head up and her eyes down in submission. She holds her arms behind her back in a box formation, her hands holding the opposite arm just above the elbow.
Dr. Rutherford snaps her fingers as her hand comes down, her index finger pointing to a spot on the floor and Megan quickly and gracefully sinks to her knees on that spot, her hands never coming out from their place behind her to help maintain balance. She does not look up, simply kneels where directed.
Now the two doctors and my mistress are between my legs and I feel several hands on my ass and lower back.
"Oh he'll take a big one, look at that!" Dr. Rutherford exclaims. "You say this is his first time?"
"Yes, I've never penetrated him before this." Roxanne's voice is alive with excitement.
"Let's get one going in him," the Captain says, a little impatience evident in her voice.
"I'm not sure he's..." Roxanne speaks up but is cut off.
"Nonsense," Dr. Erikson says and I hear a drawer sliding open. "The way he's taken your fingers so quickly signifies his anus is very pliable, there won't be any problems."
"Still, shouldn't we..."
"Shhh, darling it'll be okay," Dr. Rutherford says as I feel her fingers begin to pinch my ass painfully.
Another knock on the door and it opens slightly as Nia peeks in. "The clinic doors are locked, Mistress." Why not? Bring the whole frikkin' clinic in here to see this! Dr. Erikson's comment about humiliating me bounces off one side of my brain and then the other.
The redhead motions her into the room and points towards Megan. The cute little receptionist quickly unbuttons her blouse and removes it and then unhooks the waistband of her skirt and steps out of it. She sinks naked to the floor to kneel next to Megan, making sure her knee touches the other woman's knee. Her arms go behind her, exposing her cute little breasts.
I close my eyes. This is too much for me and I'm ever so thankful that Mistress has removed the cage or I think permanent damage would just have occurred.
"Here, lube this up quick," Dr. Erikson says, a little out of breath.
"That's too big!" Roxanne protests.
"Let me in there, I can work it in," Dr. Rutherford says as I feel bodies moving between my legs and the tip of something hard against my sphincter. I start to pull against the ropes that hold my wrists out in front of me and look back to see the two doctors between my legs with my Mistress behind them trying to see what's going on.
"No! Please! Mistress, don't let them do this!"
"There's a gag in the second drawer down, Roxy. You need to silence your mutt," Dr. Rutherford says as I feel the tip of the dildo enter my ass.
"A gag?" Mistress says sounding a little flustered. "He'll be okay, I'm sure..."
"Don't argue, Roxy!" Dr. Erikson says rather brusquely, "Just take care of it. You want to be a Domme don't you? This is how it's done." I watch my wife go to the drawer and pull out a big black rubber ball gag and look at it before looking up at me. I'm not sure I've seen that look on her face before, and I search my memory for what it might mean.
"Nia!" Dr. Erikson says loud enough to scare me and both female slaves kneeling near the door. "Get up here and calm the man-slave. Do what you have to to settle him down."
"Yes Mistress," Nia responds instantly as she rises up gracefully and steps over to the exam table I'm stretched across. I feel Roxanne's hand on my neck and I lift my head to allow the gag into my mouth and then lower it again to facilitate her buckling it. She caresses my cheek and then my head.
"Come on Roxy, you need to be the one to do this," Dr. Rutherford says as I feel the head of the dildo begin to work its way inside of me.
I put my head down on the crinkled and ripped up paper cover of the cushioned exam table and look towards the wall. I don't want to see anything anymore. I don't want to feel anything anymore. I just want to please Roxanne now. I want her to be proud of me. I certainly don't want to embarrass her in front of these women. I'm not too sure they can embarrass me any further, only cause me pain. I won't struggle unless I sense that it will please Roxanne.
A gentle hand touches my shoulder and I feel hair touching my cheek.
"It's okay, slave," Nia whispers in my ear, "My Mistress is very good at this. Just try to relax." I feel her hand caressing my shoulder and back, and then her other hand combs through my hair and strokes my forehead, wiping sweat from my brow.
"Shhh," she whispers, "there you go, just relax your muscles." I feel her breasts against my back and I close my eyes. She pulls back slightly so only her erect nipples graze my flesh. Her fingers are still brushing the hair near my forehead and I feel a lot of tension flowing out of me at her soothing touch. I know I just said I didn't want to see anything any more, but the image of Nia, naked next to me, fills my mind. Closed eyes or not, I see her there, stroking me, holding me, comforting me.
I can't get a breath, lying here, bent over and gagged. I feel the flanged end of the dildo touch the skin at the entrance of my asshole and know I've been fully penetrated. The shaft is withdrawn and re-inserted and I have a feeling the real fucking is about to begin.
Nia must sense my labored breaths and pulls the gag away from my mouth as far as she can. The black ball can only be moved a little bit, but it helps.
"Breathe slave," she whispers in my ear. "Breathe." Her naked flesh is pressed against mine as she reaches over to pull outward on the gag so I can breathe; her warmth so welcome in the cold exam room. I feel a stream of saliva oozing down my cheek as I try to take some deep breaths through the opening Nia has provided me.
"Good Roxy, you've got it, it's a rhythm right? Just as you like to get fucked, that's how you use him, too."
I hear Roxanne giggle and my cock gets a little harder. I feel a hand on my penis, pulling it down between my outstretched legs. It hurts, and I strain to lift my ass to relieve that pressure but the hand continues to pull down and back so that my erect penis is pointing un-naturally towards the floor. I don't know what hurts more, the tugging on my cock or the dildo being repeatedly pressed into my ass. It seems that the women inflicting these abuses are suddenly competing for that distinction.
"We need to drain this thing so he's not enjoying himself so much," Dr. Erikson says.
"Drain him?" Roxanne asks. "Like jerk him off...or what?" She's unsure of herself, and I feel badly for her. It explains the look I saw on her face a moment ago. Roxanne is unsure of herself and maybe unsure of what's happening in this room! Is she beginning to understand that she's not in control anymore? Has that fact finally made it through the lust soaked membranes in her head? It was clearly apparent to me five minutes ago when she was wedged out of the action between my legs and given peripheral jobs to do.
"Get a slave to suck him off," Dr. Rutherford suggests.
A noise beside me attracts my attention and I turn my head to see Megan moving forward, her arms stretched out in front of her on the floor and her head coming down to touch the floor between her arms. This raises her shapely ass into the air, a sight that makes my breathing difficult once again.
"What is it, slave? You wish to speak?" Dr. Rutherford barks out.
"This slave will relieve the man-slave if it pleases you, Mistress," Megan says.
"No!" Dr. Rutherford shouts. "If I wanted his seed in your mouth I would've told you to do it. You fucking cum-slut!" The doctor takes a step towards Megan and the beautiful woman slides forward so that her naked body is flat on the floor, her arms outstretched and her legs apart. Her forehead touches the floor. I've seen this position on the web...I think it was an apology position or something. When a slave knew it had done something to really displease its owner, and knew simply saying 'I apologize' was not going to be sufficient, this position was taken as a way of asking for punishment.
Dr. Rutherford pulls open the same drawer that the gag had been taken out of and pulls out a flogger. She steps around Roxanne and Samantha and lifts her arm as she approaches Megan.
"Damn you, slave!" Her arm comes down and lays a viscous blow across Megan's back with the flogger. I see strips of red on her back as the flogger comes down onto her flesh a second time.
"Thank you Mistress!" Megan cries out from her prone position on the floor.
Nia's fingers touch the top of my head and my jaw and I feel her moving my head so that I face the wall again. She leans in close, pressing her warm body against mine.
"Let's not watch Slave Megan right now, Daniel." She pets my head and I feel tender kisses on my hair.
Ah fuck! God that hurts! The dildo ramming my ass is forced into me with determination several times causing shots of pain deep inside. I think Nia sees something in my expression because she's hugging me closely now, the sensation of her nakedness against me alleviating some of the pain I'm trying to process. Behind me I hear the flogger strike flesh several more times.
"Who's still here?" Samantha asks. "Where's Brenda? Maybe she has someone here still."
The flogging stops. "She was seeing Connie and Chelsea, but they're lesbians so I doubt they'd be much help," Dr. Rutherford offers.
"Hey, a slave is a slave," Dr. Erikson counters as she begins to jerk the dildo back and forth quickly in my ass, making me squirm and buck against my bonds. "Roxy, go see if you can find Dr. Keithly, she'd be the only other doctor here now."
"I should really stay with Danny," my wife says with some strength to her voice now. Good, mistress! You put your foot down now!
"It'll just take a second. He's safe with us, now go, hurry and see if they're still here. Go on now."
I turn my head back to see my mistress moving towards the door, stepping over Megan's outstretched body and then looking back at me. There's that look again. Shit.
"All fours," Dr. Rutherford orders and Megan quickly rises to her hands and knees facing the table I'm bound to. The Domme lays two incredibly harsh blows across Megan's arched back that would have had me screaming for my life if they'd been directed my way. But Megan merely closes her eyes, takes in a quick breath, and then breathes out.
"Thank you, Mistress!" she cries out, the tone of her voice shocking me in that she sounds so sincere, as if the Captain had just given her the most wonderful gift.
"You're quite welcome, dear," says the doctor in the Army fatigues as she turns towards me with that flogger and sort of holds the strands taut.
"Move out of the way, Nia," she commands seconds before the flogger strands flick out of her hand and strike the flesh of my ass and waist.
My side explodes in pain, but having seen what Megan just endured; I bite my lip and hold back the scream that wants to explode from behind the gag.
Damn these fucking bitches! This is not what Roxanne brought me here for, and now it's all gotten out of control. Where's Roxanne now? Running around the clinic looking for someone to suck my cock? Fucking bullshit! They're manipulating her and now I'm alone in the room with them!
Another lash comes down right over my lower back and I grip the ropes holding my wrists to keep from crying out. Nia is close to my head, caressing my shoulders and neck with little frantic movements, not really sure how she can help me endure, and not realizing how much comfort she is giving me. Just the scent of her perfume, and the warmth of her body so close to me is of some little comfort and I am so grateful for it.
The door swings open a little wider and the brunette enters with Sunflower in tow at the end of a leash. Mistress R comes in right behind them and quickly looks my way to see if I'm all right.
Chelsea is naked now, except for her cuffs and heels. She stands close to the brunette, Connie, as if unsure of what's going on in the room and not wanting to become a part of it. I can see fear in her eyes and I instantly feel sorry for the girl.
"Hey, Connie, glad you're still here."
I see the third doctor, Dr. Keithly enter the room behind my mistress and peer around the others to get a look at me.
Okay. This is so fucking ridiculous now I have to hold back a laugh. Or am I just going bonkers? They need to get a bigger room for Christ's sake. Oh man, maybe I should suggest it. Excuse me, you pack of oversexed she-wolves, do you think we should take this outside? Fucking strap me across the hood of that Lexus I saw in the lot and have a go at my ass out there.
The dildo has been withdrawn from my ass and I feel sort of cold and empty down there all of a sudden. Not at all an unpleasant sensation as it's certainly preferable to the one I was just experiencing. I feel something cold dripping down my flesh onto my balls and assume it's lube.
"Okay, ladies," Dr. Erikson calls out, commanding everyone's attention. I hear a drawer slide open. "Remember this?"
I'm almost too exhausted to care what she might be referring to, but with what strength I have left I peer back towards the doctor. She's holding up some weird tan colored dildo with wingy things at the base that look like handles or something. The dildo has an odd shape to it, is rather thick near the middle, and has a slight curve to it.
"Oh yeah!" Dr. Keithly cries out sort of excited, stepping around the kneeling Megan, shouldering Roxanne out of the way, and forcing Sunflower to take a quick step backward. "The prostate stimulator! You still have that thing?" Her enthusiasm has me feeling pretty darn scared.
"Hold on!" Roxanne says nervously, "What's that? What's a prostate stimulator?"
"Come here, and we'll show you," Dr. Erikson says as she motions Roxanne over to her.
Now mistress and all of the doctors are behind me, and all of the female slaves are kneeling on the floor in a group, keeping their eyes down and remaining silent. I wonder who among them are thanking what ever God they pray to that it's not her on the table.
"Okay, take this and press it into your slave nice and easy. He's pretty relaxed now so it shouldn't take much pressure."
"Come on, I think we've done enough for one..." Roxanne begins.
"You don't want to torment him any more with that load he has in his balls do you, Roxy?" Dr. Erikson cuts in.
"That would really be cruel!" Dr. Rutherford exclaims, although I detect an edge to her voice that tells me very little that can be done to me would be cruel enough for her.
"He'll love this, you have to let him feel it, Roxy," Dr. Keithly chips in. That response sounds genuine to me and now it has me wondering what this stimulator thing is all about.
"You see? It's agreed, now here you go."
I think I hear Roxanne say "Shit," under her breath a second before I hear the squirt of the lube bottle and then feel the tip of the dildo press against my anus. As the redhead had predicted, it slides in rather easily, although it seems to be filling me up quite a bit more than the previous one had. As the fatter section slides into me, the dildo narrows near the base and when Roxanne releases her grip the dildo easily stays in place.
"That's it?" Roxanne asks.
"That's it for now," Dr. Erikson says, "Okay ladies, let's get him up and turned around. Careful! Hold him tight."
What for? I'm not getting out of here alive anyway. Just fucking do whatever it is you're going to do and then put me out of my misery. It's been a long day and my cock is as limp as a dishrag. I don't know what they think I'm going to do, but getting an erection may not be in the cards any more.
I offer no resistance what so ever as Mistress and the doctors untie the ropes and cuffs holding me across the table and position me so that I'm leaning against the end of the table facing outward into the room. Dr. Erikson slips the wrinkled and soiled gown off of me and then presses a button on the side of the table. I hear the sound of a motor as the table rises behind me. I stand, naked, facing away from the table, my head hanging limply down.
"Okay, switch ropes Roxy," Dr. Erikson requests as she and my wife hand each other the ropes they hold. These ropes are attached to my wrists and when they switch ropes my arms are crossed behind my back. They each squat down to secure the ropes to the sides of the table. Meanwhile, the other two doctors are re-attaching the cuffs around my ankles.
Oh boy. It's show time.
The weird dildo is sort of feeling funny in my ass. Not 'funny' like a joke I might laugh at, but funny like it feels sort of good, sort of pleasurable. That must be the stimulation thing they were talking about. I'm at a loss to explain it, but pleasure is the last thing I imagined I'd be feeling after everything I've been through in this room.
I feel my cock stiffen slightly. Is it the dildo thing, or my exposed position and the humiliation I'm feeling again that is causing the stimulation? I look down my bare chest to my hairless genitals and see my cock expanding. Oh shit, this is really embarrassing! I look up and see Roxanne watching my cock grow, a huge smile on her face. Oh man is she enjoying this! Okay, now my cock is growing hard really fast. It's unstoppable, I know that, and my member quickly reaches its full potential.
"You see, Roxy? Even after all he's been through, this will bring him to full erection every time and keep him there for as long as you wish." Dr. Erikson was squatting in front of me now, not knowing or caring that as I look down I can see she's not wearing panties beneath that short coral colored skirt.
I cry out through the gag as a really intense sensation within my rectum sends shock waves to my brain. What the fuck was that?! Oh shit! There it is again!
I look down to see that the gorgeous red head is toying with those little curved handles that are attached to the base of the dildo, moving it around inside of me.
Oh god, did that feel great! Man, what the fuck is that thing?
"You see," Samantha has turned to look up at Roxanne, "the curved tip of this dildo is pressed right up against his prostate. It's a sensation similar to someone stroking your g-spot." The red fox looks up at me, "Does it feel good, subbie hubbie?"
Um, can't you tell by the drool flowing out of the edges of the gag and the glazed over look of my eyes? I thought you were a doctor.
"Yes! Yes!" I shout through the gag while nodding my head to make sure she understands my affirmative answer. I feel the device shift again in my ass, presumably stroking my prostate gland.
"Connie, may we?" Dr. Erickson is looking towards Chelsea, kneeling with Megan and Nia, both still looking down at the floor.
"Of course," the brunette says as she steps past Dr. Rutherford to stand next to Sunflower. "Over here, slave, crawl."
I see Sunflower look up to see my engorged cock and then she looks over at Connie, shaking her head. "Mistress..." she says, a quiver evident in her soft voice. "Please, not that."
The brunette squats down next to her slave. "I paid good money to have you trained to please both women and men," she says in a very low voice that I can barely hear. "You will demonstrate your abilities to me now." Then in a whisper she says, "Do not embarrass me in front of these Mistresses, or I swear I'll make your life a living hell."
The naked woman closes her eyes for a second, I think it may be to fight back the tears, and then looks into her Mistress' eyes. She falls forward onto her hands and begins to crawl slowly, seductively, towards me until she is perched directly in front of me.
"Now, Chelsea, the slave is already excited, so you have to be careful not to over-excite him and make him cum before we wish him to."
"I understand, mistress," Chelsea says, looking up past my cock to look me in the eyes.
Gone is that little brat I saw in the waiting room. Gone is the little Sunflower, glowing brightly and lighting up the room. Here in front of me is the slave Chelsea, obedient, serious, sexy beyond words, kneeling now so that her head is close to my cock. I look down at her, my eyes leaving hers to look down at her full breasts, her nipples pink and erect, the smooth flesh of her stomach leading down to her hairless pussy.
She leans forward and takes my cock in her mouth, not applying pressure, just massaging gently with her tongue. The feeling is incredible and I can already tell that her mistress has spent her money well.
Things are happening in the room now that distracts me from the wonderful blowjob I'm receiving from the beautiful woman kneeling before me. Brenda and Connie seem to have taken it upon themselves to start a little orgy over in the corner by the doctor's desk. God, is that an erotic sight as the two are lip locked and squirming against each other, hands exploring under blouses.
I look to my left to see Dr. Erickson guiding Roxanne into the comfortable leather chair that she's pulled away from her desk. Roxanne leans back, her eyes not leaving my naked and bound body. Samantha snaps her fingers twice and both Nia and Megan look her way and begin to crawl towards the spot on the floor in front of Roxanne that her finger points to.
"Pleasure." Dr. Erikson points towards Roxanne and the two slaves seductively move towards my mistress, their hands on her bare legs, lifting her skirt as Roxanne raises her beautiful ass off the seat. My wife slides down a little so that her pantiless crotch is closer to the edge of the chair and Megan begins to kiss the white flesh of Roxanne's thighs. I know this is one of her favorite spots and am not surprised to see her head go back and her mouth open.
Oh fuck! That sensation inside of me again! I look down and see that Dr. Rutherford is sitting on the floor next to Chelsea and is toying with the little handles on the prostrate stimulator with the fingers of one hand. Her other hand is up at Chelsea's nipple and I see the slave's eyes suddenly widen as the Captain pinches her nipple. The eyes looking up at me are watering and I know that the Domme must be crushing the poor woman's nipple between her fingers.
I jump as I feel a body behind me and look around for Dr. Erikson. She's climbed up onto the table behind me and is moving in to straddle me from behind, her long sexy legs coming around on both sides of me and her arms coming around my chest, her fingers plucking at my nipples.
Samantha's head rests on my shoulder and I feel her warm breath on my cheek. "How long has it been since you've had a good cum, subbie hubbie?" One of her hands roams my chest and abdomen while the other continues to pinch my nipple.
"A few days?"
I shake my head, no.
"A week?"
No, Roxanne had not allowed me to cum for over a week prior to this whole CB-6000 ordeal beginning. I shake my head again.
"You know your cum is going to be thick don't you?"
I nod yes, I imagine it'll be really thick.
"Chelsea doesn't like cum now, does she? She doesn't like the taste of semen in her mouth, does she?" These taunting questions are directed at the slave whose lips are wrapped around my cock. The return look is not kind, and I think that in a different setting the woman would be disciplined for such a look, but not today.
Dr. Erikson's body is warming me from behind as she holds me around the waist. Her hands move to hold Chelsea's head and guide her onto my cock, making her move back and forth.
"Take him in all of the way, slave, and massage the head of his cock with the back of your throat."
The look changes to one of fear as she leans in closer, pressing her head in to accommodate my cock. Not to brag, but my cock is fairly large both in girth and length and I'm somewhat amazed that the woman can take me in like she is. It's an incredible feeling and I wonder where she was trained and how? For a lesbian, she gives one hell of a blowjob!
"Roxy," Samantha calls out, her voice giving away her arousal, "is this what you wanted dear?"
I look over to see that Roxanne has her eyes closed and can tell she is close to heaven under the attention of the two naked slaves, Nia and Megan. Megan's head is buried between Roxanne's outstretched legs, while Nia has lifted my wife's blouse and is kissing and fondling her breasts. Her eyes open and I see her trying to focus.
My wife's head nods and her mouth opens, no words come out even though her lips are moving. Finally, weakly, she says it is, it's exactly what she wanted. Something Megan just did makes her lurch and cry out.
"Now Clair," Samantha orders and Dr. Rutherford moves the stimulator back and forth against my prostate and my mind is blasted with sensations I cannot even begin to describe.
"Look at your hubbie, Roxy," Samantha pants. I feel her hand moving against my ass and I realize she's fingering herself. "He's coming for you now, to please you, just as you asked me to arrange."
I look over at my mistress and see her smile. "Thank you Samantha, this has been wonderful. Come for me, Daniel, please baby, cum now." I'm not really sure if she can really see me or not, the look of lust on her face so obvious that I know she's seconds away from orgasm.
My cock spasms as I realize that Roxanne has been in control of this experience throughout. The impression that she had lost control had been staged for just the effect it had on me, whether to scare me, embarrass me, or simply for her amusement is unknown. Nor do I care.
I cum hard and it's painful but I can't stop it and I feel cum bursting from my cock and down Chelsea's throat. Her lips close tightly around my cock and I feel an incredible suction while her tongue continues to massage my member from within the vacuum of her mouth. I feel the tip of my cock against the back of her throat as the stimulator strokes my prostrate. Her right hand is grasping my cock at its base, holding it tightly to stretch the flesh for maximum stiffness, while her left hand massages my balls.
Through my own haze I hear Roxanne cry out as her orgasm overtakes her.
Cries of lust come from my right and I see Dr. Keithly's leg around Connie's hip and her head is back as she shudders in orgasmic fits. Connie's head is buried against the doctor's neck while the fingers of her right hand are equally buried beneath the doctor's skirt.
Suddenly, Chelsea begins to gurgle and I feel a definite change in her ministrations upon my cock. I look down to see that Dr. Rutherford's fingers are stroking Sunflower's cunt. I hear them slapping against her crotch as they move furiously in and out, the wetness there apparent from the slopping sounds the slapping causes.
Sunflower is cumming now, and I nearly laugh as her eyes have a sort of crossed look to them. It's an intense orgasm, to be sure, but at no time has her mouth left my cock.
Finally, the sounds in the room change from lust to exhaustion as those who have cum begin to settle down.
"Oh god!" Roxanne cries out. "Thank you, everyone, this was so intense!!"
The bodies in the room seem to melt, as half the women sink to the floor. The slaves are all relieved of their tasks and simply kneel where they are, patiently awaiting instructions.
"Shit!" Dr. Erikson exclaims as she lies back on the table, finally bringing herself off with her fingers. "Oh fuck!" It's an intense orgasm and her legs come around to grasp my torso, pulling me back hard against the end of the table. When her passions finally subside, she sits up and swings her legs to the side and stands up.
She and Dr. Rutherford begin to untie me, and the stimulator is removed from my ass leaving me with that weird empty feeling again. It takes a few minutes to untie me and by then Roxanne is standing next to me, holding me around the waist. She has that look that tells me she is so totally satisfied, sated, wasted. Her hair is messed up, sort of scrunched and scraggly. Her clothes are a mess, all wrinkled, and disheveled, but she doesn't seem to notice or care. She is focused on me now, gazing at me lovingly, looking into my eyes to see if I'm truly okay.
"I'm so proud of you, baby," she coos into my ear. "I love you so much." She backs up and I see all of the doctors standing in a semi-circle around me, the slaves arranged and kneeling next to their mistresses.
"You may have any woman here, Daniel," Roxanne says, holding her arms out to indicate the women standing on each side of her. "We've all agreed beforehand that if you performed well we would all be available to you as a reward."
I look at the line of women, both standing and kneeling, and feel like I have indeed died and gone to heaven. For all I know I really did pass out in the hallway, having just discovered that Dr. Erikson is a woman, and that this has all been a dream. But no, this has been real, there's no doubt about that!
Roxanne! Oh god how I love you! This has been the most intense day of my entire life - without a doubt. I look again at my choices and smile. Each one is gorgeous, truly magnificent, sexy, and sensual. This wouldn't be an easy choice for any man to make, but for me it's incredibly easy, for there's only one woman among them that I truly desire and I walk to her feet and kneel, looking up.
Roxanne looks down at me, and smiles.