Author's Note: May be continued at some point.
Part 1
Kendra was a member of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority. She had traveled from her own University of Georgia in Athens to Clemson University in South Carolina (a distance of only about 80 miles) this weekend for a very specific reason. Melissa, a sorority sister from Clemson's ADPi chapter, had recently found out that her boyfriend, Kyle, was rampantly cheating on her and she had contacted Kendra to get revenge; revenge that would not be traced back to Melissa herself. Kendra had done this kind of thing before. In fact, she was secretly known within the sorority's community as the one who knew how to get things like this done.
Kendra was a very pretty 23 year-old with a small but athletic 5'4" frame; she had been a cheerleader and excelled in track in high school. She always seemed like the ditsy cheerleader type except to those who knew her well, and knew that she was actually extremely sharp. She had been cheated on by boyfriends before and held a certain level of contempt for men in general, but particularly hated any and all unfaithful men.
Tonight she was wearing a short, black mini skirt and a tiny Clemson t-shirt that was stretched to slight distortion by her ample breasts. She had applied a generous amount a makeup and looked like any other young college girl who was trying to impress the guys and ready to party on Friday night. Kendra met 2 of her sorority sisters from Georgia at a restaurant. They had driven up to Clemson separately so they would have their own car. The 3 girls then drove to a bar and arrived together. And it wasn't just any bar; it was Kyle's favorite bar. He and his close circle of friends came here every weekend because they knew the bartender and always received preferential treatment. Kendra and her sorority sisters had been to Clemson before to visit the local chapter, so they were somewhat familiar with the university and the town. What details they didn't know could be explained by their cover story; they were freshmen students and had used fake ID's to get into the bar.
The bar was already packed when they arrived and Kyle and his friends had obviously been there for a while already. The 3 girls ordered drinks, headed straight for Kyle's group, and asked them if they could share their table since all the others were taken - not an unusual occurrence for the group of guys that always had a table in this typically busy bar. And of course, the guys were all too eager to let the 3 young, gorgeous, scantily-dressed girls hang at out at their table. "This is going to be easy," Kendra thought to herself. "Then again, it always is!"
The rest of the night was very routine as well. Kyle and his friends got hammered and the girls drank and partied with them like any group of girls normally would, genuinely having fun, but making sure not to get too drunk. Kendra spent the entire night subtly flirting with Kyle, but making sure she didn't seem desperate. She made her move as the bar was about 30 minutes from closing. She very discretely leaned over to Kyle and said, "I want to fuck you so bad. Let's get out of here." Kyle loved when girls were this forward. It made him feel like every girl wanted him so bad that they had to compete with one another to fuck him, and it made his already huge ego swell. Kyle just looked at Kendra and smiled, then they both stood up and walked out of the bar in each others' arms, going unnoticed by the rest of the group. As they left, Kendra insisted on driving because she was much less drunk than Kyle. He had no objections and they walked to Kendra's SUV (it was actually a rental car that Kendra had driven up from Georgia), got in, and drove away.
Later, when the bar was closing, Kendra's 2 friends would simply decline any offers from the remaining guys and drive back to the University of Georgia. With all the fun they were having, they hadn't seen Kendra leave, but they didn't have to. And they didn't know exactly what was going to happen, only that it was not going to end well for this Kyle guy.
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Part 2
After driving for about 10 minutes, heading West out of town, Kyle asked Kendra where they were going. Kendra explained that she and her friends rented a house on the outskirts of town because it was cheaper than living downtown or on campus. Kyle acknowledged this, then thought for a second and said, "I thought all students had to live on campus their freshman year?" Kendra paused, then looked over at Kyle, who was looking back at her a little suspiciously. As she did, she allowed the car to drift to the right toward the ditch. The awkward silence was broken when Kyle looked up at the road and said, "Watch out!" As Kendra jerked the car back into her lane, she reached over and zapped the distracted Kyle with the taser that she pulled from between her car seat and the consol. Kyle's body stiffened and began convulsing in reaction to the 400,000 volts, and Kendra continued to hold the taser on him for about 3 seconds - enough time to keep him incapacitated for about 20 minutes (based on the manufacturer's instructions and proven by her previous experiences). She continued to drive for about 10 minutes longer until they were in the middle of the Nantahala National Forest. Kendra pulled off the main road and onto one of many desolate roads that winds up through the woods. She kept driving until they reached the end of the winding road. Kendra parked the SUV, got out, and walked around to the passenger door and opened it, watching apathetically as Kyle's limp body to fell to the ground. She then reached into the back seat and pulled out a big black duffle bag.
Kendra loved getting men to walk into her trap (why wouldn't they? She was sexy, smart, and confident). In fact, she had never failed, but this was her favorite part and she was extremely good at it. She now had about 5 minutes before Kyle would begin to regain the use of his body, which was plenty of time for Kendra. She pulled a 10 ft. length of parachute cord out of the duffle bag, pulled Kyle's arms behind his back and began winding it around his wrists. When she finished, she tied his elbows together in the same fashion with another length of cord. Kyle, although not fully recuperated and still pretty groggy from the blast of electricity, was now very aware of what was going on and was very worried and confused. "Who IS this girl?! What is she doing to me? And WHY?!!" Kyle's mind was racing in circles trying to figure everything out and what he should do - rather what he could do - about it.
After securing his elbows, Kendra took a length of chain from her bag, wrapped one end around Kyle's left ankle, and secured it to itself with a small luggage padlock. She then repeated this with the other end of the chain around his right ankle, and the effect was a hobble chain approximately 18" long. Kyle would be able to walk fairly easily, though slowly, and could not run. After completing this, she pulled a pair of shears from the bag and began cutting Kyle's clothes away. She hadn't yet finished removing his shirt when Kyle began regaining control of his body and started freaking out. He began thrashing about trying to get Kendra off him and struggle to his feet. "You stupid bitch! What the fuck are you doing?! Kendra wrestled him back down onto his stomach and kneeled on his back as she reached into her bag and pulled out a 2 1/2" ball gag. Kyle was still yelling at her from his stomach and couldn't see what she was doing, so it was very easy for Kendra to slip the gag over his head and into his open mouth. Getting the huge ball all the way in, however, took a little bit of effort. Kendra pulled on the ends of the straps from behind him until she felt it slip past his teeth, then buckled it tightly behind his head and under his chin. Kyle was furious, but helpless to stop her from adding a small luggage padlock to each buckle. Though he was still screaming from behind the gag, Kyle was now much quieter, not that anyone was going to hear him, let alone come to help him at 2:30 A.M. in the middle of a forest. Kendra went back to work cutting his clothes off. Kyle continued to struggle, and she let him. "Let him wear himself out," she thought to herself. "He's only wasting precious energy that he'll need after I'm gone."
When she was finished, Kendra stood up off of Kyle's back, grabbed him by the shoulder and rolled him over. She then grabbed another piece of parachute cord about 10 feet long from her bag, kneeled on Kyle's thighs, and began wrapping the cord around his nuts. Again, Kyle began to thrash about and scream from behind his gag, but this time when he did, Kendra simply squeezed his balls in her hand. Kyle let out a deep groan - partly from the pain, and partly from frustration - and immediately stopped moving. Kendra finished as Kyle laid there in defeat and confusion, contemplating his fate and thinking to himself, "This can't really be happening! Is this stupid freshman cunt really going to get away with this?!!" Kyle's balls were now sticking out from the end of the coil of parachute cord that was tightly wrapped around his sack and Kendra was standing over him with the other end of the cord in her hand - a leash for her new pet. She turned as if she was about to walk away and tugged on the cord. It was quite painful to Kyle and he very quickly realized that she wanted him to stand, which he was able to do after considerable effort. She led him around behind the SUV and tied the other end to the vehicle's hitch. Kendra then pulled the keys out of her pocket and smiled as she dangled them in front of Kyle, whose eyes got wide as he started to plead with her from behind the gag. Kendra wasn't going to drive away, but she wanted Kyle to think that she was going to - and he did.
Kendra walked over to where Kyle had been laying by the passenger door and gathered up the remains of his clothes. He could see her doing this from where he stood. She took his wallet and pulled out the cash and credit cards and stuffed them in her pocket. She then reached into her duffle bag and pulled out a small metal bucket and put the wallet in it. She put his watch and his gold necklace in the duffle bag. She pulled out his keys and looked at them, then looked at him, and threw them as hard as she could into the dark forest. She pulled out his cell phone, set it on the ground, then pulled a hammer out of the duffle bag and smashed it. Kyle was devastated when she did this. His phone was his one hope of getting out of this predicament and getting this bitch hauled off to jail. Kendra picked up the pieces and put them into the bucket with his wallet. The remains of his clothes went into the bucket as well. The next thing she pulled out of the duffel bag was a plastic hose. She carried the bucket over by the SUV's gas tank and set it on the ground, then opened the fuel door, took the cap off and shoved the hose into the tank. A few good sucks from hose and she had gas running into the bucket - just enough to get its contents thoroughly drenched. Then the hose came out and went into the bucket as well before she lit a match and threw it in. Kendra stood there and stared directly at Kyle as he watched his clothes, wallet, and shattered cell phone go up in flames. He began to cry. His shoulders hurt, his jaw ached, he was naked, embarrassed, scared, he was about to have his balls pulled off, and he had no idea who this bitch really was or why she was doing this to him. Kendra, on the other hand, was loving this!! She thought about all the men that had cheated on her, and all the other men she had done this to before. They all cried. They were all cowards who treated young women like shit.
Part 3
Kyle stood behind the SUV watching his possessions burn and wondering if this crazy little bitch was going to drive away with his nuts tied to the hitch of her car. Kendra sat calmly in the driver's seat, waiting for the fire to burn out, playing games on her phone and making Kyle wonder if she was going to start the car and drive away. When the fire was finished, some 20 minutes later, there was nothing left in the bucket but ashes and some melted plastic. Kendra started the car just to see Kyle's reaction. She let it run for about 10 seconds, put it into drive, pulled forward about 10 feet (just enough to make Kyle panic and hobble as fast as he could) then put the car back into park, shut it off, got out, opened the back door, and pulled out a piece of ¾" PVC pipe about 4 feet long. She then picked up her duffle bag, pulled on the end of the cord to untie the slipknot from the hitch, tugged on it a couple of times, and headed off into the woods. She still had not spoken a word since she hit him with the taser. Kyle had no choice but to follow her into the woods, keeping up the best he could with the 18" hobble chain.
Kendra led him about 100 yards into the woods and found a tree with a large branch hanging about 10-12 feet from the ground. She reached into the bag, pulled out another piece of parachute cord (this one about 30 feet long) and walked behind Kyle and tied the end to his bound wrists. Kyle contemplated trying to escape at this point, but quickly realized he had to way to fight, defend himself, run away, or call for help! So instead he admitted defeat (if only to himself) and stood there patiently while Kendra did whatever she wanted to. Once she had one end tied to Kyle's wrists, Kendra tied a bottle of water to the other end and threw it over the tree branch. It hit the ground not far away and she then used the hammer from the duffel bag to drive a stake into ground next to it. She pulled on the cord, raising Kyle's arms (still bound and the wrists and elbows) into the air behind him until he was bent over and they were parallel to the ground, then tied it off to the steak.
Now that Kyle was secured by another means, Kendra pulled out a small key and unlocked the chain on one of his ankles. She threaded another piece of parachute cord through the PVC pipe, and tied one end to his left ankle. She smacked the inside of his right calf indicating that she wanted Kyle to spread his legs. Kyle only groaned, as spreading his legs would mean lowering himself closer to the ground and effectively raising his arms (which were already in a painful position) higher in the air. Kendra, from one knee, reached up and flicked the back of his nuts with her finger. Kyle screamed through his gag, but didn't move. Kendra slapped his calf again and then instantly flicked his nuts a 2nd time. Kyle screamed again, and this time frantically started sliding his legs farther apart. Kendra kept slapping his calf until his legs were wide enough to fit the PVC pipe between them, and then she tied the other end of the cord to his right ankle, effectively turning the PVC pipe into a spreader bar. Kyle was now tied in a fairly strict strappado position with his feet spread 4 feet apart, his mouth filled with an excessively large 2 ½" ball gag, and very naked and feeling very vulnerable and worried about what was going to happen next.
As a cherry on top of this cheating bastard of a sundae, Kendra took the "leash" wrapped around Kyle's nuts and ran it underneath the make-shift spreader bar, pulled it nice and tight (until it coxed a squeal out of Kyle), and tied it off. She then picked up her duffle bag and headed back to the car to let Kyle think things through for a little while. As soon as Kyle realized she was gone, he started whimpering like a dog and testing his bonds, which he found to be very unyielding. After about 10 minutes, he was convinced that she wasn't coming back. Nobody would ever find him here! Would she be back in the morning? Would she ever come back?! And again, WHY was she doing this to him?!!
Part 4
Kendra was back at the car, drinking a beer, laughing to herself, and trying to make this moment last forever. When she finished her beer, she picked up her duffle bag and headed back into the woods. She made sure to be very quiet while approaching Kyle so she could sneak up on him - she wanted to watch him squirm and whimper like he thought he was alone for good (she always loved this part!). Kendra started getting hot as she watched in anticipation of the evening's pinnacle. She gently began rubbing her pussy, but stopped just before she got too far. She pulled a bullet vibrator from the duffle bag and slid it into her pussy then tucked the remote into the back of her waistline. She didn't turn it on (that was for a little later), but resumed rubbing her pussy - she loved being aroused, and the longer she waited, the better it would be.
After she grew tired of watching Kyle squirm and whine to himself (it had been a good 20 minutes), Kendra pulled a paddle out of the duffle bag and quietly approached him from behind. Kyle had no idea she was even still in the state of South Carolina as she wound up like Babe Ruth and hit a 500' home run on his bare ass! And not only did he feel the worst sting of his life on his ass, but the combination of losing his balance and jumping in reaction to an unexpected event caused his bonds to tug and pull back against his moving body. As bad as his night had been thus far, it had just reached its worst! And he had no idea how bad it would get.
Kendra pummeled his ass for about 10 minutes until he had exhausted himself from squirming and fighting his bonds. She then walked over and retrieved the duffle bag, put the paddle back in it, and walked around in front of Kyle before dropping it on the ground and staring at him. Kyle looked back up at her and once she had his attention she undid her skirt and let it fall to her feet, over her running shoes, and she stepped out of it. She pulled her shirt up over her head and tossed it aside, revealing a tiny, neon green, string bikini. For the first time since she had tazed him, Kendra spoke: "Remember how I said I wanted to fuck you?" she said with an evil grin. Kyle, who obviously could not answer, simply wore a look of confusion. Kendra reached into the duffle bag and pulled out a harness with a 10" dildo attached to it. Kyle screamed in his gag in both anger and desperation, and began aggressively fighting his bondage once again. Kendra stepped into the harness, pulled it up to her hips, and began tightening the straps.
Kyle refused to believe that this was actually happening and wondered how in the hell the night had come to this. Kendra pulled a bottle of KY jelly out of the duffle bag and walked around behind Kyle, pausing to admire her handiwork and his completely vulnerable state. She popped the cap open on the bottle of lube, poured a generous amount on the dildo, then squeezed almost the entire rest of the bottle on Kyle's lower back, letting it find its own way down through his crack to his exposed asshole. The lube felt cool and invading to Kyle and once again he began jerking about despite the additional pain it caused him. He was hoping that this would all somehow turn out to be a bad dream that he would soon wake from. But it wasn't a dream, and he was abruptly brought back to reality when Kendra grabbed his hips and pushed the dildo up to his back door. She pushed harder and Kyle resisted, so she slapped his ass with her hand and the distraction cause Kyle to loosen up for just a moment, but it was enough for the dildo to slip past and all 10 inches went in at once. Kyle groaned.
Kendra reached into the back of her bikini and turned the vibrator on, then began thrusting in and out of Kyle, who began fighting again, but for only a little while before accepting his situation and admitting defeat once and for all. As Kendra rode him and the bullet continued to work on her from the inside, her arousal grew until she finally erupted in a monstrous orgasm. She paused for a moment before withdrawing from Kyle, then turned off the vibrator and unsnapped the dildo from the harness and dropped it into a ziplock back, which she then returned to the duffle bag. Immediately, she pulled out an inflatable butt plug, poured the remainder of the KY jelly on it, then unceremoniously pushed it into Kyle's already stretched ass. Kyle groaned again, as he had thought that it was over. She plugged the pump into it and began squeezing. Kyle began screaming through his gag with every pump, and it only took a couple until it really started to hurt him. Kendra gave it the maximum recommended number of pumps, then unplugged the hose and put the pump back into the bag.
Kendra untied the makeshift spreader bar from Kyle's legs and reattached the hobble chain. She then pulled a towel from the duffle bag and wiped herself off before walking over to pick up her shirt and skirt, which were thrown back into the bag with the towel. She walked over to the stake that held the cord (and thus Kyle's hands in the air) and pulled it out of the ground and put it in the bag as well. Kyle moaned as he stood up straight and felt some relief from being able to stand his legs less than 4 feet apart. He still wasn't thinking clearly from everything that had just happened and it took him a few minutes to realize that Kendra was gone. At least he thought she was gone. He had though this once before, though, and how wrong he was! Because of this thought, and the emotional dominance that Kendra now had over him, he remained in his place for almost half an hour before moving, for fear that she would return again and punish him some more.
It was when he finally decided to leave that his situation truly struck home: he was completely alone, some 20 miles from his house (which he had to go through town to get to), barefoot in the forest, his hands and elbows were tied tightly behind his back, his feet were connected by an 18" chain, his mouth was stuffed with a giant ball gag that was locked on behind his head and under his chin, his nuts were tied up tight enough to burst (which really began to worry him that he might end up castrated!), and he had a butt plug in his ass that was swollen to the max and couldn't be deflated or expelled (he had already tried). Not to mention, it was only a couple hours until morning and Kyle had been up all night. What was he going to do?! How would he get home? He would have to get help from someone! He would have to expose himself in this condition and hope that whoever came along would help him and not take further advantage of him! There's no way he could get free on his own. The locks would need to be cut off to remove the hobble chain, and how would he deflate the butt plug without its pump? How would he even untie his hands and elbows?! Kendra had been "kind" enough to leave the water bottle on the end of the cord that she threw over the tree branch, but at the same time, Kyle could never drink it without the use of his hands. He was truly fucked!! He needed help! And by the way, WHO WAS THAT FUCKING BITCH?!!!
Meanwhile, Kendra was about halfway back to Athens, GA, still in her green bikini and wearing the dildo harness. The bullet vibrator was humming; she had one hand on the wheel and one hand on her crotch. She would be home within the hour, and had another orgasm waiting for her when she got there!