Jeff turned his gray Impala off of the main highway, onto a well-packed dirt road leading behind the hill. The Impala's headlights were all that lit up the lonely, bumpy stretch of road.
"Where is this party?" asked Jen, Jeff's long time girlfriend, from her perch in the passenger seat.
"Ken's old farm house. It's perfect for rowdy parties. No neighbors. No cops."
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After a short drive, Jeff pulled into the last space at the end of a dark, unlit field that was doubling as a guest parking lot.
"The party is at the other side of those trees." Jeff pointed.
"Look Jeff, I thought about it. And I can't go. I don't have a costume and I don't want to look like a fool."
"You look fine in that pink sun dress," Jeff countered. "You can tell people you're a fairy princess. Besides, I don't have a costume on either."
"Yes you do." Jen tapped the emblem on Jeff's sanitation engineer jumpsuit. "J & R Waste Management. You look like a garbage man."
"That's because I am a garbage man."
"No Jeff. Your dad owns the company and you just helped out. You did a shift for one of the guys that called in sick. So it's not your regular work clothes and it really is like a costume." Jen crossed her arms defiantly. "I'm not leaving."
An exasperated Jeff threw up his hands. "Look," he finally said. "I've got some garbage bags in the trunk. Why don't you wear one of those. You can be my white trash girlfriend." He quickly turned to dodge the punch he knew would soon be flying his way.
But the punch didn't come.
"That has possibilities," Jen replied.
They got out of the car and walked to the trunk. After popping the lid, Jeff pulled out a large black, 42 gallon, 3 mil garbage bag. He used his key to cut a hole in the bottom. Jen waited patiently as a potential costume was being prepared.
Jen nodded.
Jeff pulled the bag over her head.
Jen looked down. "The bag just barely covers my butt. My dress is showing - a lot!" She turned a couple times. "Aside from that I kind of like it."
"So don't wear your dress. You don't need it."
Soon the dress was laying in the trunk. Jen, wearing only her white panties giggled as Jeff placed the bag back over her body.
"This is fun," she said as she moved her arms around in the bag. "But I'm not sure I can get it right, you know?"
"You look like the blob moving around like that," Jeff offered.
"Well, it's not like I've got pockets to put my hands or anything. What to you expect?"
Jeff glanced at the trunk. "I've got an idea." He lifted up the back of the bag and draped it over Jen's shoulders, revealing her bare back. "Grab your elbows." Jen complied, folding her arms underneath her shoulder blades and grabbing her elbows behind her back. Jeff took a roll of black duct tape from the trunk and tore off several long pieces. He wrapped the pieces over Jen's hands, taping them to her elbows. Soon both her hands and elbows were covered. He lowered the bag back over her body.
"What do you think?"
Jen struggled a bit and gigled. "You are a devious bastard, Jeff." She looked down at the bag. "This is kind of hot. I like it."
Jeff, emboldened by Jen's reaction, knelt down, reached up under the bag, and pulled down her panties. He stood up and tossed them into the trunk.
"Jeffrey!" His embarrassed girlfriend scanned the dark empty grass parking lot. They were alone. "Jeffrey!" she said again.
"I think you look fantastic."
Jen blushed. "This is so, you know, naughty!" She struggled a little more underneath the bag. "But I love it," she whispered.
Jeff slammed the trunk shut. "Then let's go."
With his arm at Jen's waist, Jeff led his girlfriend through the tree line toward the farm house. As they approached, they could see the house lights and hear the music blaring. Ken's costume party was in full swing.
"I've always thought you were a trashy dresser," Jeff quipped as the walked up the steps toward the front door. "But this takes the cake."
Jen playfully kicked Jeff in the shin.
White Trash Jen followed Wicked Witch of the West Ann over to the punch bowl at the far side of the living room, leaving Jeff the Garbage Man free to retrieve a beer from the cooler in the back. "I'll be fine," Jen had told a concerned Jeff before taking off with her best friend.
"That witch outfit rocks," said Jen. "Black is a good color for you."
"Love your outfit, too. You're the only person I know that can make a garbage bag look good," Ann replied with a twinge of jealousy. She dipped the large plastic spoon into the punch bowl and filled her plastic cup to the top.
"Thanks," replied Jen. "It was a very last minute sort of costume but I think it turned out well."
"I think it would be way sexier if you didn't just let the bag drape over you like that. Why not tie something around your waist to accentuate your curves?"
"Oh, this costume is plenty sexy," Jen chuckled. "Trust me."
"So how are you going to manage a cup of punch?" Ann set down her cup and adjusted the loose bag a little. She tapped Jen's shoulders. "When you raise your arm for a drink everyone is going to see your underwear. Why don't you let me cut some holes in the sides for your arms?"
"I'm not wearing any underwear."
Ann smiled. "Oh. You've got a bikini on under there, huh? That's cool. It'll still look silly when you have to lift the bag up to take a drink, though. Let me help you with those arm holes."
"I'm not wearing a bikini either," Jen said coyly.
Ann circumspectly looked around the room before running her hand up Jen's leg and over her firm bare ass.
"Holy shit! You're butt naked under that bag, aren't you?"
Jen nodded.
"Sweet! You're right. That is a sexy costume. You better hope none of the guys find out or that bag will be gone in a second."
"Duly noted. So, Ann. Can you help me with a quick sip of punch. I'm kind of thirsty."
"Those arm holes might still be a good idea. I can make them small enough so nobody can see your tits."
"Wouldn't do any good," replied Jen. She turned and moved her arms. "I'm tied up."
"Fuck me!" Ann was flabbergasted. She felt Jen's arms as they were folded under her shoulder blades. "So you're butt naked and tied up with nothing covering you but this flimsy old garbage bag. Damn, girl. That is so hot. I wish I had your nerve."
"Jeff has a few more bags out in the car. And a full roll of duct tape. Why don't you join me?"
Ann shook her head and sighed. "You know, if I looked half as good naked as you do, I'd consider it. I have a better idea." Ann slipped her hand under the front of Jen's costume and explored the region between Jen's legs. "Nice. Very smooth." Not surprisingly, Ann's index finger slid easily into Jen's pussy. "Whoa! Very wet, too."
"Annie!" Jen whispered loudly.
"Girl, you are so ready for action!" Ann continued probing.
"Stop that!" Jen protested half-heartedly.
As Ann expertly stimulated her bound friend's clit with her fingers, it elicited a deep, sensual moan. Jen looked around, embarrassed.
"Don't worry. Nobody's looking." Ann worked Jen's pussy a little harder, eliciting more moans. "This is what you want, isn't it?"
Jen bit her bottom lip. "Look Ann, I know we've been best friends forever and I truly love you - but I don't know how I feel about this. I'm not a lesbo."
Ann kissed her friend on the cheek. "Don't be so serious about it. We're just having fun." She rubbed Jen's clit again.
Jen gasped. "Stop," she said in a tone that sounded exactly like "More".
"When you see two guys dancing together at a club, what do you think?"
Jen thought about it for a second. "Ewww. Gay."
"And when you see two or more girls dancing together at a club, what do you think?"
"Probably just a some friends having fun. Everyone knows that."
"Same principle. We're just a couple of girls having fun. That's all."
Jen thought about it for a minute. Then she smiled.
"In fact," Ann continued, "if you told Jeff about it he would probably think it was pretty hot."
Jen blushed at the thought.
"Wanna go find a room?"
Jen nodded.
The two girls quietly snuck up the stairs in search of some privacy. "Excellent!" exclaimed Ann as she eyed an empty bedroom at the end of the hall. "Come on." She waved to Jen.
Jen followed Ann into a small, simply furnished bedroom which contained only a full sized bed, a chest of drawers, and a rocking chair. Jen carefully sat down on the edge of the rocking chair, while Ann locked the door and hurried to the bed. She pulled away the covering blanket, lifted up the top bed sheet, firmly grabbed its edge with both hands, and gave it a quick hard tug apart. The sheet tore easily.
"Perfect," she said. Ann started tearing the sheet into long strips.
Jen watched with detached amazement. As Ann worked, she quietly struggled to free her arms, but Jeff had taped them well. Although her bondage was quite comfortable, the buzz from Ann's earlier attentions was starting to wear off. She pressed he knees together and waited till Ann was done.
"Look, Ann," Jen said nervously as Ann walked toward her. "I don't know -"
Ann shoved a balled up strip of cloth into Jen's open mouth.
"Hmmmnnnggggfffff!" Jen added as Ann forced the cloth deep into her mouth, filling it full. She looked up at Ann in horror as she wrapped another cloth strip about her head and over her mouth, making it impossible for her to eject the cloth gag.
"Lift your butt up a little." Jen obey and Ann pulled the bottom of the garbage bag up to Jen's waist. She gently pushed the stunned, well muffled girl back into the chair. "Pretend it's a doctor's examination," Ann said as she helped Jen spread her legs, draping them over the chair's arm rests. Ann retrieved a long strip of cloth. She tied one end to Jen's right ankle. She pulled the cloth strip behind the back of the chair, running it through a couple slats. After spreading Jen's legs as far as she could manage, Ann tied the other end of the cloth strip around Jen's left ankle. Jen tried to close her legs. No luck. Her butt only shifted forward during the attempt, spreading them even farther.
"Hrmmmfffffff!" emoted the frustrated bound girl.
Ann giggled. "Just a sec." Ann walked behind the chair. "Lean forward a little if you can." As Jen tried her best, Ann pulled the bag completely off of Jen's body. Ann dropped another long length of cloth over Jen's chest, just above her breasts. She fed the cloth under both of Jen's armpits and, after pulling her up a bit, tied it off to the top of the rocking chair's back rest.
Ann stepped back to admire her handiwork. Jen's nude body was tightly tied to the rocking chair, her legs spread obscenely wide, her mouth well gagged, her arms still well taped.
The chair rocked back and forth gently as Jen struggled to free herself.
"This new costume we've developed suits you really well," quipped Ann as she reached for her cell phone. She tapped the video recorder button and aimed the lens at Jen. "You look exactly like a 'Gynecology patient'." Ann set the phone down on the dresser, making sure it was still recording, and making sure that the image of her helpless friend was in focus and well composed.
Ann walked toward the rocking chair and knelt down in front of it. "What I'd give for a set like these," Ann said as she teased and cupped Jen's perfect full breasts.
"Hmmmnnngggfff." Jen still had a look of muted shock on her face.
"Let's get down to business!" Ann chirped, before diving down between Jen's legs.
Jen shrieked as Ann's tongue competently explored her pussy. After about thirty seconds Jen had to admit to herself that Ann's pussy eating skills made Jeff's efforts look like those of a complete rookie.
Ann and Jen were soon getting into a rhythm. The wooden chair rocked back and forth in perfect time with their hypno-erotic flow. Jen was breathing rapidly. Her heart was racing. She could feel the tidal wave of a crushing orgasm building to a crash.
Then Ann stopped.
An anguished Jen screamed with disappointment into her gag. She struggled in vain, trying to find some way to get herself over the edge. Ann picked up the camera and stepped in front of the suffering, frustrated girl.
"Weeeefffff! Weeeefffff! Weeeefffff!" she cried.
"Are you trying to say 'Please'?" Ann taunted. She laid her finger on Jen's clit and rubbed.
Jen sighed with relief and clenched her eyes shut. The game was back on. But she quickly opened them when Ann stopped.
"You are a little white trash slut, aren't you?"
"Weff, weff, weff!" Jen said, nodding affirmatively to her tormentor. "Weeeeffff!"
"A little lesbian slut?" Ann inserted her finger into Jen and rubbed her clit with her thumb.
Jen's eyes widened. Then she continued, "Weff, weff, weff", nodding in agreement.
Ann pulled her finger out and stepped back. She set the camera back on the chest of drawers. Tears were forming in Jen's eyes.
"I'm not the Wicked Witch of the West for nuthin!" She winked at Jen and got back into position in front of the rocking chair.
Jen screamed in ecstasy as Ann's tongue coaxed orgasm after orgasm from her bound, nude frame. She screamed uninhibitedly into her gag. She tried to escape the unrelenting stimulation of Ann's tongue, but the chair simply would not let her go. Finally, when Jen thought she could stand no more, Ann stopped. Jen collapsed, a satisfied glow emanating from her exhausted body.
Ann got up, retrieved her phone, and sat down on the bed. While Jen recovered, Ann viewed the video the two had just starred in. "This is so hot," Ann said, glancing over at Jen. "You look fantastic."
After viewing the video for a few minutes - rewinding at the good parts - Ann pocketed her phone. "We better get back to the party, lover."
Jen blushed. She looked down between her full bare breasts at the puddle of juices that had collected underneath her still indecently accessible pussy. She giggled to herself, making peace with the fact that modesty was not an option. She eyed the neatly folded garbage bad next to the rocking chair. Modesty never really had been an option. But she never thought her audacious costume selection would end up taking her here.
Ann took several still pictures of her helpless exposed friend - they included some extreme close-ups. "It's a pity I have to let you go," she said, finally untying the cloth strips binding Jen to the chair. She helped Jen stand up. Ann cleaned up the rocking chair with the cloth strips. Jen, resigned to her station, posed for a few more digital snapshots. After removing Jen's gag, Ann stuffed all the cloth strips under the mattress. "Nobody will even know it's missing." Ann picked up the black garbage bag. "Time to get dressed," she told her silent friend. Soon the plastic bag was once again safely protecting Jen's bound, nude body from the elements.
"Ann?" Jen finally said. "Thanks... That was fun."
Ann kissed Jen on the cheek. "Just a couple girls having some fun." She opened the door.
Jeff was the first person to greet the girls as they came down the stairs. "Jennifer! What the hell! I've been looking all over for you. Where have you been? I thought somebody, you know, kidnapped you or something."
"Don't worry. I've been here the whole time. Ann's been taking good care of me. We just went upstairs to get away from the noise and chat. You know. Girl talk."
Ann stepped in front of Jeff and pulled Jen close. She kissed the stunned girl fully on the lips before reaching back, pulling up the back of her costume, and squeezing her exposed bare bottom. "Yes, we had a great 'chat'." Ann turned toward Jeff, letting the bag drop back over her astonished friend's cheeks. "Jen found out that I was quite the cunning linguist." She walked away. "Bye-bye."
Jen just stood there with a sheepish grin - as Jeff slowly got the joke.
"That is so hot," was all he said.