- Author - ameliascarheart
- Rating -
  [ 3.04 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2845 of 2955
- Story Codes - M-m, consensual, analplay, bondage, loving
- Post Date - 1/17/2012
Author's Note: First story that I'm actually posting. I'll probably come back in and change details later on. Comments and suggestions are very very welcome.
Chapter 1
I'm Austin. A nineteen year old, six foot two, well built guy. I live with my fiancé in an upscale two room apartment on the top floor. Elizabeth is out for the next few hours, so I invited Joe over for a guy's night. I picked out some movie that we've both seen a dozen times. I don't even remember what I put in the DVD player.
Joseph is eighteen, five foot nine, and lives two floors down from us. I know he's bi. Elizabeth and I talked about it and we decided I need to make a move on him and bring him into our sex lives.
After an hour of not watching this stupid movie, I lean over. "I can't stand this anymore, Joe." My lips touch his and Joe starts to pull back. I gently touch the back of his head, grabbing gently at his hair, pulling him closer into the kiss. His soft lips brush mine and my cock starts to stir.
I stop the kiss and look at him. His eyes are closed and he's smiling a little. "Keep your eyes closed ok?" He starts to open them but closes them right away. I take his hand and guide him, giggling, to the bed room. "Sit on the bed" I guide him to the bed and have him sit. He doesn't say a word as I lay him down and kiss him again. I pull his shirt over his head and kiss his chest, stopping at his nipples, licking and sucking them. Joe moans softly, keeping his eyes closed.
Throwing his shirt on the floor I take off my own and now there's a pile on the floor. "Joe, I'm going to cuff you to the bed. Ok?" He shakes his head yes, biting his soft lips. I can't resist kissing them again as I reach into Elizabeth's bedside drawer and grab what I need. One wrist at a time I cuff him to the bed. I kiss my way all the way down from each wrist to his collarbone. Then those lips again. I love his lips, they're just so soft. I make my way down from his lips to his chest to his stomach to the very top of his jeans.
I can see he's hard through his jeans. I cant wait to see it and touch and kiss and lick all over. To take his cock in my mouth and listen to him moan. But instead I leave the bed. I go to the closet and take out one of my ties. Joe shudders as I climb back on the bed. His mouth slightly open, waiting for me to kiss him again. I do so and then blindfold him with my tie. Then I go back to his Jeans. I open the button and slide down the zipper. One hand goes behind his back, lifting his ass in the air, pulling his jeans down, kissing as I go. His cock is fighting hard against his underwear. I resist touching him yet.
I kiss all the way down to his feet and back up again. I slip his cock out of his underwear. I still don't touch it. My own cock getting harder. I throw his pants and underwear to the pile on the floor and take off my own pants. Rubbing my cock up and down. Precum dripping on the bed.
Finally I take Joe's cock into my mouth. He moans and I feel him get harder in my mouth. I move up and down his shaft, going further and further to the base. He's touching the back of my throat and finally I take all of him into my mouth. Joe is moaning hard now. Trying to lift his hips into me. I stop. I cant wait any longer. I strap his ankles to the bed posts so his legs are up above his head. Lub drips onto his asshole and my finger slips into him.
When he's ready I put my cock head against his asshole. I push gently. He's whispering now. Begging me to fuck him. I push just a little harder. My cock slips into him. Slowly I back out and push back in. over and over I listen to his moans and whimpers. I fuck him harder and harder. All seven inches is in his ass now. I need to play with his cock so I pump it hard in my hand as I fuck him. I feel his cock twitch so I stop fucking and pumping. My cock is still deep inside his ass.
"Austin please. Please don't stop. I need to cum." I don't say anything. I just listen to him beg and whimper. I wait until his cock isn't quite as hard and I start fucking him again. Pumping him hard. I stop him again and again from cumming. Finally I cant take it anymore. I have to cum. I pump his cock hard and aim his cock at his chest. I fuck him harder and harder until I cant stop it and I cum hard into his ass. Seconds after I cum Joe shoots his load all over his chest. I take a second and calm down then untie his legs and kiss him as I take off the blindfold.
We lay there for a while. Kissing and cuddling. Not much talking goes on. I fall asleep on his chest and he drifts off to sleep too. We wake up to Elizabeth standing in the doorway staring at us. A smile on her face and her hands on her hips.