Author's Note: This is my first story. If you like it, I will write more.
Suzy was worried, not overly, but was concerned about what she saw as a misunderstanding. She would be able to sort it out; after all the police were only human.
It started a couple of hours ago when Suzy left her office for the drive across town to her boyfriend's apartment. She had taken this trip many times before and knew the short cuts to miss the traffic. This meant going through some children friendly residential areas but at this time of night, there were no children around so her journey was straightforward. The local council had passed laws stating that children had the right to enjoy the residential areas above all others. To Suzy this meant that she had to drive carefully to ensure that she didn't run into any of the groups of kids that might be out.
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Suzy worked for a fashion house and part of her job description was to wear the latest ranges of clothes to promote them to buyers that came to the offices. The senior designer that the fashion house employed liked to try and push the boundaries of fashion and this entailed Suzy wearing clothing, or rather not wearing clothing in her opinion, that verged on the edge of what normal people wore. Today Suzy was instructed to wear a PVC outfit consisting of a bolero jacket, corset, micro skirt and thigh high boots. Her boyfriend loved her wearing these clothes and as a special treat Suzy was going to surprise him. Normally she would have changed into jeans and a sensible top for the journey home but not tonight.
On the way through town, the dashboard of her car lit up like the illuminations and the engine cut out. Damn she thought, never mind it's only a couple of blocks, I'll be there in five minutes if I walk. She got out of the car, locked it and started to walk. Minutes later she heard sirens and saw flashing lights, a tannoy blared "Stop where you are, hands in the air!"
Suzy immediately complied, seconds later a female voice said "You are under arrest for prostitution, hands behind your back" Click, click, she felt cold steel on her wrists. She tried to speak but the officer stopped with a prod in her back saying that she could tell her story at the station.
She was pushed into the back of the officer's van and the doors were slammed shut. Soon she was at the station where she was put into a small windowless room.
She was sorting out her story in her mind, she knew that prostitution was illegal, but hey, her car had broken down, she was close to her boyfriend's so they will understand, won't they?
The duty officer opened the door and sat down at the table. Suzy saw that she was in her forties, had mousy hair and didn't seem to have her fair share of the beauty stakes. The officer started to explain the situation, "Slut, you have been arrested for prostitution, normally for a first offence you get a formal caution, however as you were picked up in a child friendly residential area, you need to go before the judge to be sentenced. At this Suzy started to try and explain her predicament. The officer listened and said "If that's true then I'm sure the judge will take it into account. To me you look like a common whore, normally we would put you in a prison jumpsuit, but the Judge needs to see you as you are. You will spend the night in the cells and then in the morning you will be taken before the Judge."
At this Suzy was taken to the cells, her hands still locked behind her, she started to shout that she was innocent "Help mumpff.." as a gag was swiftly shoved on her mouth. The officer explained to her escorts that to allow the other inmates to sleep, all unruly behaviour was to be strictly dealt with.
Lying in her cell, on her side, as it was too uncomfortable on her back or stomach, she could only go over her version of the events. She hadn't been allowed to call her boyfriend or anyone else, this was so not to allow her to fix her story or so it was explained. Unbeknown to her the duty officer had contacted her boyfriend and explained the situation only too graphically to him. Knowing the penalty for prostitution and soliciting, he denied all knowledge of her much to the officer's satisfaction.
Morning eventually came, Suzy was given breakfast, but she couldn't eat or drink due to the cuffs and gag. At 11.00am her cell door opened and she was taken for the short walk to the courtroom. On entering the room, she saw the dock and shuddered, it was a like a small cell with bars on all sides. One side was opened and she was pushed in, her gag was removed and the door locked. As Justice Brown entered the court, everyone stood up apart from Suzy, too late, a shock was sent through the seat, forcing her to her feet.
Justice Brown sat down, looked at his papers and said "Prosecutor, what do we have here?" Dick Stephens, the senior prosecutor in the county replied, "Your Lordship, this woman was found last night walking through a child friendly residential area dressed as she is. Amongst the charges that she is accused of is First Degree Prostitution and are seeking a sentence that will make other harlots think twice!!"
Suzy wailed" I'm not a prostitute, I'm argghhh!!" as another shock coursed through her body.
"Quiet" demanded Justice Brown, "You will speak only to answer questions, do you understand?"
Suzy nodded, tears streaming down her face. She could only wait and hope her town appointed lawyer would save her. She had met with her lawyer before the case for five minutes, but with the gag in, it was hard, no impossible to explain.
Dick Stephens continued to outline his case, citing abusing the morals of the town's minors, as his main argument. Why else would a wanton creature dressed in such a provocative outfit be walking passed children's houses?
It came to the turn of her lawyer, a youngish looking female by the name of Carly. Carly stumbled over her questions, looking embarrassed every time she looked at Suzy. Suzy started to talk trying to explain her actions but was cut off by the Judge shouting "Gag her! If she cannot follow my instructions about talking then I'll enforce them by whatever means necessary! Court in recess whilst prisoner is restrained!"
Suzy started to panic, her cell door opened and she was grabbed by the wardens. One grabbed her nose whilst the other pulled on her chin. "Open wide slut! The Judge has decided that you will be gagged for the rest of the trial. As this will include feeding times for you, we have to put a feeding gag down your throat, now swallow!"
Suzy tried to shut her mouth but the hands were too strong, as the rubber tube went down her throat she choked and tried to cough it up, but to no avail. The wardens pushed the last of the tube and the attached wad of rubber into her mouth, attached a pump to a valve and pumped it up until Suzy thought her cheeks would burst. There was no way that it was coming out of her mouth now, she kept retching and started to panic. The wardens took her back to the cell in the courtroom, pushed her inside and locked the door.
Court continued and the Judge asked Carly to produce her defence. Being a junior solicitor, Carly struggled and every time she tried to explain why her client was dressed as she was when she was arrested, Dick shouted her out calling it ridiculous. Carly complained to Justice Brown who over ruled her. Justice Brown called a recess and took the two lawyers in to his chambers. There he addressed Carly "I know that we have to appoint you to represent the client, but as even you can see she is guilt of this crime. Any more arguments from you and I will put you on trial for aiding and abetting her. Do you understand?" Carly replied "Yes your Lordship, please don't put me on trial, I'll do anything you want"
Back in the courtroom, as Justice Brown addressed the jury outlining the pertinent details of the case, Suzy broke down. She knew she would be found guilty, but hoped that she would get a fine or community service at the most.
The jury went away to consider the verdict, the court went into recess and the wardens came to take Suzy back to the police cell. She struggled as much as she could but the wardens gripped her tightly. In the cell they bought a bowl of what looked like slops for her, put a funnel into her gag and poured it down her throat. At least she couldn't taste it though it smelt disgusting.
After a couple of hours, the wardens came back to her cell and dragged her to the courthouse. The jury was back, Justice Brown entered the room and Suzy stood up, not wanting another shock.
Justice Brown asked the foreman if a verdict had been reached to which he replied "Yes my Lord. We find her guilty of 1st degree prostitution, outraging public decency and conduct likely to harm minors".
Justice Brown turned to Suzy and said "You heard the Foreman. You are guilty of all charges. It is now my duty to protect this town and the children from people like you." Suzy stood in the dock sobbing, or she would if she wasn't gagged. The Judge continued "You are sentenced to a programme of rehabilitation suitable to the seriousness of the crimes. You will be taken to the county corrective centre to await transportation to the national centre for the rehabilitation of morals! You will only be released when the doctors are convinced you have been rehabilitated. Take her down."
Suzy collapsed to the floor, the dock door opened and she was carried to her cell to await processing. In her cell, the wardens put cuffs around her ankles and a steel collar around her neck. She was connected by a chain locked to her collar to the other prisoners as they were loaded on to the transport to the county jail.
Hours later they arrived at the jail. After processing Suzy was allocated a cell in the segregation block, a move explained to her by the Governor as for her own safety. "The prisoners are human like us and they don't like their children's minds to be corrupted by trash like you!!" Suzy was lead to her cell. It was tiny with no windows or bars in the door. When the door was shut it was pitch black. All Suzy could do was crouch on the floor and try to sleep, hoping it was just a nightmare.
The next morning, or could it have been the morning after, Suzy had no way of knowing, the door opened and she was hauled out. Addressing Suzy, the Governor said "You have been allocated a place at the NCRM, but before they accept you we need to send them a fully measured scan of your body." Suzy's mind raced into overdrive, why do they need my measurements?
She was taken into a white tiled room and told to stand in the centre, not to move and wait for the scanners to trace her body. She wasn't told what would happen if she moved but after what she had been through she wasn't going to risk it. After ten minutes the door to the room opened and Suzy was taken back to the segregation cell, only this one was even smaller. All she could do was stand up and as the door was shut it pressed into her body forcing her back against the wall. Again it was pitch black, this time she couldn't move and was left standing. After a couple of hours her feet were hurting, the stiletto boots forcing her weight on to her toes. She had no way of relieving the pain.
After what seemed like hours a hatch in the door opened, a pipe was shoved into her throat and she felt her stomach becoming full, only it kept filling her until she felt that her stomach would burst. She heard a voice say "That'll do her for a couple of days. She doesn't deserve any better, the common whore". With that the tube was pulled out and the hatch shut returning Suzy to her blackened misery.
Time passed slowly for Suzy, unable to move, her feet in agony, even her boyfriend appears to have disowned dis-owned her, why hasn't he called? If only she knew about the officer's telephone conversation with him.
Suddenly the door opened, her eyes screwed shut at the bright light, a voice said "Prepare her for transportation." At this she was roughly grabbed and taken to an area that looked like a loading bay. There were numerous oblong boxes, Suzy's worst fears were coming true, she hated confined spaces, the last three days had been hell. Now they were going to put her in a packing case. "Ease of transport" the warden explained, "We can stack you in the wagon more efficiently than if you were loose." The lid was closed and Suzy heard a mechanical sound of the screws being fixed. She was uncomfortable lying on her back, the chains and cuffs digging into her. Suddenly the crate was tipped on its end and moved into the lorry ready for the journey.
After what seemed like hours, though in reality only half an hour or so, the rear doors were slammed shut and the lorry started its long journey to the NCRM. After a while, she felt her stomach filling, as before it only stopped once she felt like her stomach was going to burst. In her panic when she was put in the crate, she failed to notice the tube like structure in the lid that had mated with her mouth.
The lorry stopped with a jolt, the cases rattled in the rear, Suzy woke up to hear the doors being opened. Her crate was moved and taken into the NCRM. Eventually the lid was unscrewed and removed. Suzy was hauled out and stood in front of a severe looking doctor who said "Welcome to NCRM, if you comply with our requirements, your stay will be relatively painless. If you resist, you will not win! Take her to the treatment centre."
Suzy was taken by the guards down a series of corridors, through numerous locked doors until she came to a set of double doors that opened into a stark concrete bunker. She was taken inside where her chains were finally removed from her wrists and ankles.
Rubbing her arms, Suzy saw a TV screen flicker and come to life. The video was a message from Justice Brown welcoming her to the facility and explaining how her punishment, or rather treatment, was going to be applied. He told her that he had canvassed members of the community where she was caught and asked them to select the appropriate treatment from a pick and mix type menu. First an elderly lady came into view and said that she should be sterilised so that she would never have children that could grow up as she did; next a young girl said that her gag should be permanent so that she could never offer her services as a whore. Suzy started to shake and tears streamed out of her eyes. The next video was her boyfriend. Suzy was shocked but assumed that he would tell her it was a mistake and that she would be released. He started out talking about morals and the community and how Suzy was a common whore. At this she tried to beg him for mercy, however nothing escaped her mouth, and he announced that she should never have access to any of her sexual parts again and that she should be constantly reminded of what she has done through torment. More and more people appeared on the screen, Suzy lost count of the number, however when they have finished and Justice Brown returned he announced that the treatment would commence immediately.
The guards held her tight whilst they stripped her of her clothing and metal bands were fixed to her arms, legs and neck. These were connected to chains in the floor and ceiling and pulled tight. Suzy was left hanging inches above the floor. One of the guards returned with a trolley laden with implements, first of all they selected two large dildos which were lubricated and roughly inserted into her arse and vagina. This was followed by a chastity belt into which the dildos slotted. The belt was tightly closed around the waist and the crotch piece was pulled up. Once the three pieces were mated, they were squeezed shut, a resounding click confirming that it wasn't coming off soon. A guard explained that the rear dildo was hollow so that she could be given enemas to clean her out. Next a steel frame for the bra was fixed to her chest, the rings were smaller than the base of her tits. The guards pulled each one through, the nipples started to get hard betraying her feelings. This didn't go unnoticed, one guard pointing out to the other how she appeared to get off to bondage. The steel globes were fastened down onto the rings, tiny metal points inside pushing into the skin of her tits.
Her thighs were encircled with steel bands that connected to the waist belt. The guards released her legs and joined the bands together. Suzy had now lost most of the movement in her legs. Ballet boots were forced onto her feet, stretching them into a point. Her toes started to cramp but the boots were unyielding. The guards released her arms and she stood there quivering, her eyes had long stopped producing tears. Next the guards produced a long black shiny garment, Suzy thought that she recognised the material but was surprised when it was wrapped around her as it was cold. Her arms were put into internal sleeves and a long zip was done up from the neck down to the ankles, this was followed by a large number of buckles being fastened. Whilst she struggled to come to terms with this latest addition, a loud hiss followed and the dress expanded until the material stopped it and the pressure increased inside restricting any movement and forcing her to breathe very shallowly.
Finally all that was left uncovered was Suzy's head. They released the valve to her mouth and Suzy briefly hoped that they would remove it. She had forgotten the young girl's choice of treatment, permanently gagged!! The guard attached a tube from what looked like a bicycle pump to the gag and starting pumping the handle. The gag inflated again, though this time it felt strange and hard. The she saw the words on the side of the tube, quick set resin. She tried to move her jaw but it was solid and unyielding.
Suzy heard a new voice, she tried to turn and see who it was but her bondage made it impossible. A woman in a white coat appeared in front of her and picked up a wiring harness. She explained that the wires would be attached to her head but first her hair needed to be removed. One of the guards appeared with a razor and seconds later her head was shorn of her hair, the blonde locks piled up on the floor beneath her. The doctor attached the wires to her head and then picked up a black hood, she explained that on the inside were two small TV screens, one for each eye. Suzy would be shown a series of videos as part of her rehabilitation and her reaction would be monitored with either pain being administered as appropriate. Once her brain was reprogrammed to reject sex she would be released back into the mainstream NCRM to complete her treatment. The doctor pulled the hood over Suzy's head carefully lining up the feeding hole and breathing holes. The laces were pulled tight to allow the zipper to be done up compressing Suzy's face with the leather. The zipper was locked to the collar and Suzy's treatment was about to begin.
Suzy was taken to a side room and laid on a frame. The guards fastened straps around her body to prevent any movement. The doctor entered the room, went to a console and started the video stream. Suzy saw a mixture of hard and soft porn, each time the sensors picked up her arousal the belt, bra and collar delivered shocks to her body. The doctor explained to the guards that this process of desensitising took many weeks, if not months, but for Suzy it was going to be much worse. The doctor continued to tell the guards that Suzy's sentence was such that all arousal had to be removed from her brain. This would include desensitising stimulation from the dildos and bra until Suzy would have no reaction to or inclination for sex.
Meanwhile Suzy was suffering immense pain as the images and videos aroused her, broken only by the low buzzing of the dildos and bra. "How much more can I take" her brain screamed...