Author's Note: This is part of what will be an ongoing series of adventures with Sarah.
Sarah stood and looked at her reflection in the shop window.
"Not bad, chick." She murmured to herself.
"Dress like a sexy secretary, trying to seduce her boss."
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Tasha's request had been very specific.
Sarah had tried her best, her reflection displayed an attractive woman in her mid twenties. Her shoulder length, ash blond hair was drawn back into a ponytail which accentuated her elfin features. She wore a snug white silk blouse that was so thin that it did little to hide the black half cup bra underneath. Below, she wore a pencil line skirt which didn't quite reach her knees. Her shapely legs were set off with black stockings. Sarah adored the feeling of stockings and suspenders, even if Tash would not see them, it made her feel the part of the seductress better. 3 inch patent heels compensated somewhat for her diminutive 5'4 inches. All in all, she looked hot!
And to be honest, dressing sexily for Tasha was easy. Tasha was Sarah's secret girl crush. Although Sarah had enjoyed a series of relationships with men, she had always known she was, to use a tacky term, 'bi curious'. Sadly her friend did not seem to have any leaning that way either. The one time Sarah had tried to make a move after one too many vodkas, Tash had smiled and politely declined before poring Sarah into a taxi. They had never discussed it since. Still, Sarah still held out a small hope, and Tash frequently figured in the fantasies she wrote in her diaries.
And now, here she was, looking sexy and alluring for a woman who was not that interested. Sarah's reflection gave her a rueful smile.
It wasn't the first time Tash had asked her to do odd things. Her friend had some unusual ways of combatting writer's block, and they had often acted out various scenes from one of her novels to try and figure out a way past some knotty problem. Sarah wondered what this one might be and why the slutty secretary look was necessary. She left the corner shop and headed down the lane towards Tash's house. It was set back from the main road down a quiet cul-de-sac that backed onto the woods. It was lovely and secluded, and quite expensive. Two of Tash's 'Diana Dare' novels had done really well, well enough to garner a TV movie deal that had landed the writer with a nice little nest egg. Sarah hoped that one day, one of her fantasy books might do as well.
Sarah rang the porch bell. After a moment, Tash's voice spoke from the intercom.
"It's Sarah!"
"HI! Come on in." There was a buzz as Tash signalled the lock. Sarah pushed the door and went inside.
Tash was, as Sarah expected, in the study at the back of the house. Sarah loved this room, it looked out over a nice garden surrounded by high walls. Beyond was the dense forest beyond, but they were far enough away that the room had lots of natural light. The room was quite large, dominated by Tash's writing desk, but there were comfy chairs and a sofa, even a single bed off to one side for when the writer pulled an all-nighter and needed to crash.
Tash was sat behind the desk and smiled As Sarah entered the room.
"Wow, hun, you look the part! Thanks for coming by at such short notice. I know it's a pain catching the bus and all. I appreciate it."
Sarah smiled. She missed her car, but the garage were still trying to sort it out, and It had been a bit of a pain getting on the bus, especially with some perv checking out her legs all the way. But she loved visiting Tash, so she shook her head.
"No problem, hun. You know I love helping you."
Tash went over to a coffee machine and poured two cups. They chatted and exchanged news, but after a while Sarah's curiosity got the better of her."
"So, c'mon Tash, why the get up? What's Diana got herself into this time?"
Tash smiled. "She undercover in a big media company and the bad guys just got her. I need to figure out how she can escape."
Sarah smiled. "Cool, so what do you need?"
"Well... She's tied up on the boss's couch while the bad guys have this meeting, she has about 20 mins or so to get out. I want you to help me work through it. Is that okay?"
Sarah grinned. "Sounds like fun."
Inside Sarah's belly did a little flip. Recently she had been getting more and more interested in bondage. She had even been writing down some fun little bondage fantasies in her diaries.
"So..." Sarah had to force her voice to stay steady.
Tash smiled. "So, I was wondering, if we maybe tied you up like Diana, then we try and figure out how you can get out?"
Sarah nodded, trying to not look at all eager. "Okay... be gentle with me." She quipped.
Tash pullout a box from behind her desk and walked over to her friend. "It won't be for too long. I promise." She reached in the box and pulled out some lengths of rope. Now, in the scene, she has her hands behind her back.
Sarah turned around and put her hands behind her back. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, her heart was hammering in her chest. She could hear the swish of rope. Then Tash's cool hands touched her hands and she felt rope wrap around her wrists. Tash then did something where she pushed the ends between her wrists somehow. "This is called a cinch, Sarah. It makes it really snug." As she said 'snug, the bindings around her wrist suddenly went much tighter. Sarah gasped, and pressed her thighs together as a spasm of arousal warmed her sex.
Oh my God, She thought to herself.
"Okay?" Tash asked casually? "It needs to be tight if we are going to do this properly."
Sarah nodded. "uh huh." She licked her lips nervously, flexing her fingers experimentally. She still had full feeling, but she could tell she would never get her hands free without some sort of help.
"Okay, turn around, hun."
Sarah turned around and opened her eyes. Tash was doubling over a long coil of rope. Her friend smiled. "Okay, sit down and we can do your legs."
Sarah stifled a moan and tried desperately to keep her expression neutral. She watched, entranced, as Tash looped the two free ends around her stockinged ankles and back through the loop to form a kind of noose. Tash pulled and the ropes slid through the loop trapping her ankles. She passed the ends around a few times, keeping everything neat. Then she took the two ends and passed them back through the loop, separating the ends and taking them between Sarah's ankles, one above and one below. She repeated this and then pulled hard. The ropes pulled the coils tight and Sarah bit her lip at the sight.
"I...Is that the cinch?" She stammered?
Tash nodded. "I have been doing research on really cool ways to tie people up so they can't get free. The bad guy is into all kinds of kinky stuff so knows how to do all this. The research I had to do was... very interesting". Tash glanced up grinning as she secured the ends with a tight knot.
Sarah giggled nervously. The feeling was more exquisite than she could ever have imagined. The fact she was dressed so sexily only made it better.
As Tash reached for more rope, Sarah's eyes want wide. "W.. what are you going to do now?"
Her friend smiled. "Oh I am not done yet, the bad guy really does a number on Poor Diana. It has to be really challenging for her to escape. You'd better sit down for this bit." Sarah sat on the couch as Tash took another long section and started binding just below Sarah's knees. Once again, Tash cinched the rope tightly. Sarah squirmed slightly on the couch and her fingers clenched as she tried to control herself. She was acutely aware of how obviously her nipples were standing out through the sheer blouse.
Once Tash had done she stepped back and admired her handiwork.
"There... How does that feel?"
Amazing, fantastic!
"Oh.. ummm very snug!" Sarah could feel her face flushing bright red. Tash tilted her head.
"Are you sure you are okay? You've gone really red. Is something too tight?"
"It's....." perfect.... just perfect.... "fine, just fine, Tash. It's just warm in here."
Tasha gave her a half smile. "Okay. Now let's get you on the couch." Tash grabbed Sarah's ankles and tilted her up onto the couch. Sarah flopped sideways. "There. Just like Diana. Oh, not quite, we need one more thing."
Tash reached back into the box and pulled out a large red rubber ball with a leather strap leading off from each side. Sarah had seen girls wearing such things in some bondage photos she had been looking at recently.
Oh sweet jesus...a ball gag She thought to herself. Tash pressed it to Sarah's lips and she opened her mouth wide without even thinking. Tash quickly buckled the straps behind her head.
"I'm so glad you remembered the pony tail, makes this a much easier..."
Sarah breathed heavily through her nose, the feeling of the gag was unbelievable. She tried to speak but all she could do was make a muffled sounds. Her tightly bound legs were sending shivers down her spine as she squirmed on the couch. She felt so helpless and aroused it was driving her crazy. Tash pulled over her computer chair and sat looking at her smiling.
Sarah could only stare at her friend moaning slightly. After a few moments, Tash got up and went to her desk and pulled out a small blue bound notebook and started thumbing through it. As Sarah watched her, she suddenly thought of something. Why did Tash need to gag her? They were supposed to be talking through how to get Diana out. Like this she couldn't say a thing.
"Mmmph Aaarrrr" It was useless she couldn't tell Tasha what she had thought of.
Perhaps if she made lots of noise Tash would realise and release the gag.
"Aaaaaarr aaaarr, mmpphh mpph aaaaalllgh"
Tash smiled to herself, and held up the book. Sarah looked at it. It looked an awful lot like one of her diary's. Yes, that was one of her doodles on the front cover. She went through one every few weeks, as all aspiring writers should, she wrote in it every day, her thoughts, her ideas... her fantasies... Oh my god...m y fantasies...
Sarah's eyes went wide and Tasha laughed as she saw realisation in her friend's eyes.
Sarah could only stare as Tasha thumbed through her diary; her own, personal Diary.
How did she get it?
As if she could read her mind, Tash glanced up. "You left your diaries lying on your desk a few weeks ago when you wanted help with your second draft. I admit, I took a craft peek and saw my name... I had to read more so... I am sorry, I slipped one into my handbag. I was planning to give it back at some point but then I started reading it.
Sarah groaned through the gag, her eyes pleading to be released so she could explain, but Tash ignored her and continued. Sarah could not read her mood at all, was she annoyed? Was this revenge?
"Honestly Sarah, I knew you fancied me, but I had no idea it ran so deep. And my eyes nearly fell out of my sockets when I read some of your erotic fantasies... I had no idea your psyche ran so dark."
Sarah sighed through her nose. Tasha knew it all then. She braced herself for the worst.
Tasha crossed her legs and smiled. "I have to admit it did turn me on. You really should have tried a little harder Sarah, and not just when you were pissed. I couldn't possibly have taken advantage when you were three sheets to the wind. "
Sarah drew in her breath sharply, wishing she could speak. She could hardly believe what Tasha was saying. Tasha pulled her chair a little closer and cupped Sarah's chin in her hand.
"My poor dear, how you have suffered... I felt so bad that I simply had to arrange this for you. Firstly to show you that I am not the cold, disinterested woman you thought I was, but also to show you that it's not just you who is into bondage. I have played little myself. I found out a whole lot about it this year when I researched a fetish club for this book. I even went to a club and met a few people. They have given me lots of tips... and... well, I had better show you the rest. I'll be right back."
Tasha's hand stroked down Sarah's hair as she stood up. Then she headed out, glancing over her shoulder as she paused in the doorway. The corners of her mouth twitched upwards. "Don't move."
Sarah lay on the couch, her mind a whirl of confusion. She tried to assimilate everything that had happened, but the last few minutes had been some of the most astonishing she could ever remember. Her eye fell on her diary, sat on the computer chair. She tried to remember what had been in that one. Certainly she had been actively fantasising about bondage scenarios. It seemed so obvious what Tash had done now. How easily she had been played. Beneath all the confusion though her heart hammered in excitement; she was tied up, by Tasha. Tasha was interested in her... had done this on purpose... so what did she plan to do next? She could feel her pussy getting wetter, and her nipples ached they were so hard. She struggled a little against the ropes, relishing the sensation of being completely helpless. She hated the fact her hands were behind her, if Tash had tied them in front she could have reached between her legs. She moaned a little in frustration, she could feel that the gag was causing her to drool a little on the couch and she flushed in shame. Oh were was Tasha, what was she doing that could be taking so long?
She didn't have to wait too much longer, after a few more agonising minutes the door pushed open and Tasha stepped inside. Sarah could not believe her eyes. Tasha stood in the doorway, her legs encased in black shiny latex rubber stockings and some short ankle boots with heels at least 3 inches long. Above was a short latex dress that barely came down to mid thigh. Tasha's lovely breasts had been pushed together and upwards by the rubber. To complete the outfit, Tasha wore long latex gloves and had tied her lovely red hair back into a pony tail. In her hands she held another large cardboard box. She put it down carefully on the desk and stood, legs parted slightly and hands on her hips facing Sarah.
Sarah could only stare, her breath coming in short shallow gasps. Her friend looked... incredible... She moaned through the gag and Tasha smiled.
"I'll take that as approval. Now, stand up."
Sarah blinked. "Mmph?"
Tasha frowned. "I said stand up!"
Sarah felt a shiver at the authority in her friend's tone. Grunting, she shifted her weight and tried to push herself upwards but it was so hard with her hands tied. She managed to force her hands round to her left side and pushed upwards as best she could, her ankles trying to hook on the couch. In this way she made it to a sitting position again and rose unsteadily. With her feet bound so tightly she felt very unstable.
Tasha nodded in approval.
"Good girl."
Sarah moaned again. Dear god, this is amazing, she thought.
Tasha stepped forwards and ran her latex covered hands down Sarah's shoulders.
"Mmm, you are delicious my dear. But let's finish off your outfit... we're only half way there."
Sarah gasped inwardly as Tasha found the zip on her skirt and pushed it down over Sarah's hips.
Tasha smiled. "Oh, you look so good in stockings, you are a slut wearing those... aren't you?"
"Mmph?" Sarah raised her eyebrows.
Tasha frowned. "Answer the question! You are a slut, aren't you!"
It didn't sound like a question any longer. Mutely Sarah stared at the floor, then nodded slowly, her cheeks flushing as her answer turned her on even more. Oh God I am, I really am. I want this... I want this so much!
Tasha chuckled. "Oh, I am enjoying this. Are you?"
Sarah nodded again, more enthusiastically. Tasha grinned mischievously and kissed the tip of her nose. "Good, but seriously. If I go too far I want you to hum 'Jingle Bells' .. over and over till I notice. Also, one noise for yes, two for no. is that clear?"
"Mmph" sarah nodded as well to confirm she understood.
Tasha pursed her lips. "Okay so give me the panic signal."
"MMph, mph, mph...... mph, mph, mph..."
Tasha giggled. "Oh God, this is such fun. You are just delicious. I can't stand it. Now let's get you finished off. Stand still honey, I don't want you to topple over."
Tasha pulled a pair of scissors from her desk tidy and quickly snipped through Sarah's panties. "Don't worry, I'll buy you all new stuff hun."
Sarah winced as she heard the fabric part, and as Tasha Pulled the material between her thighs it gently rubbed her swollen sex and she moaned, swaying slightly. Tasha reached out and steadied her with her hand. "Ohh, was that nice?"
"Uhhnhhnn" Sarah breathed, nodding slightly. Tasha's eyes sparkled as she held the panties up to her nose, she breathed in deeply.
"Mmmm, these are so damp." She looked Sarah up and down. "Okay, that blouse does not look cheap. So I am just going to open it a little." She deftly undid the buttons and parted the flimsy fabric. Sarah wanted to scream at her 'cut it, rip it, tear the bloody thing off me if you want!' Tasha leaned down and placed a small kiss on each breast, just above where the nipples lay, barely concealed by the half cups. Sarah shivered in pleasure, her eyes rolling upwards.
Tash plucked a very long bundle of rope from the new box and, doubling the rope as before, started wrapping around just below Sarah's breasts. The ropes were quite tight and Sarah gasped, her knees feeling weak. Then Tash took the ropes above her breasts. Sarah was making small mewing noises... growing more and more aroused. She was not sure how much more she could stand. She had never been so erotically aroused with nothing touching her sex at all. Tash tucked the ropes though the loop and then brought the ropes up, around the back of Sarah's neck, then back down, using then free ends to gather the upper and lower loops of rope together. Sarah grunted loudly as Tasha pulled hard, drawing the upper and lower loops together, squeezing her breasts. A spasm of pleasure flashed through Sarah's pussy and she realised she was at least halfway on the way to orgasm, merely through the act of bondage. She moaned loudly and Tasha grinned, kissing her cheek.
"Almost done... "
'What more can she do?' Sarah wondered, half mad with pleasure. Tasha, in the meantime had taken two small lengths of rope and used them to cinch the upper and lower bands of ropes around her breasts at the sides so that now each breast was trapped tightly above, below and each side. Her breasts thrust forwards, and her nipples were so hard. Tasha smiled and pressed her thumbs to the nipples through the sheer fabric of the bra. Sarah groaned and pushed her breasts outwards.
Now Sarah's friend went behind her with more rope. The girl felt rope going round her upper arms.
"Let's see how flexible you are"
Sarah gasped as the ropes went tight above her elbows, drawing them together.
"When it starts hurting, grunt twice"
Sarah felt her arms drawn closer and closer, then she started to feel tension. In a panic she grunted twice. Tasha made a small 'huh' sound and she felt the ropes being cinched in place. Now Sarah had just about no room to move at all. She was neatly trussed. The feeling was more than she could ever have imagined.
Tash stood behind her running her hands up and down Sarah's back, tracing the ropes. Then Sarah felt Tasha's lips brushing her shoulders. Her hands snaked round and freed her breasts from the bra cups, her hands squeezed gently and she began kissing and licking the back of her victim's neck. Sarah moaned with each touch and kiss, her sex felt engorged and her hips could not seem to stop twitching as she tried to get some friction between her legs.
Her friend seemed to sense her distress and she came back round to Sarah's front. !
"You want to cum, don't you, hun."
"MMPH!!" Sarah's muffled plea sounded so needy and desperate, Sarah blushed in embarrassment.
Tasha laughed. "Poor baby, let's see what we can do."
Tasha gently helped her shuffle over to the side edge of the desk and helped her turn so she could lean her abdomen on the warm wood.
"Bend over, hon."
Sarah's gasped, but obeyed without thinking, her breasts pressing into the wood. Her bottom felt exposed, and she felt cool air brush her swollen pussy as it peeks from between her bound thighs. The box was right in front of her face, but Tasha lifted it out of sight and Sarah stared at the far wall, her mind barely able to form thoughts.
Suddenly she tensed as Tasha's slim fingers parted her pussy lips, one finger slid along the moist cleft and slipped between her tightly squeezed thighs, finding her clitoris. Sarah jerked spasmodically as waves of pleasure flooded through her.
Oh yes, please... she begged in her mind... her entire body crying out for release. But then the finger slid back, and just held the lips apart slightly. There was a pressure and then something was sliding inside her. She writhed, her teeth biting into the gag as what must surely be a dildo was gently eased deep inside her. She moaned over and over as the toy slid in fully, filling her. Then she felt Tasha's hand under her thighs.
"Lean forwards as much as you can, hun, I don't want this to hurt."
Sarah's stood on tiptoes and pushed herself as far forwards as she could, then she felt Tash lift her legs and push her onto the desk, as her legs straightened, Tasha eased the handle of the dildo between her compressed thighs. Her thighs held the dildo in place securely. Sarah felt something pressing against her clit, and realised it must be a rabbit style vibrator. The sensation was exquisite. Then more rope was going round her thighs. In a few seconds her thighs were tightly bound, the chinch holding the vibrator in place. Tasha grabbed her ankles and pushed her further onto the desk till her knees rested on wood as well.
Sarah lay there, pressing her pubis against the wooden desk, this small motion caused the vibrator to rub slightly and Sarah's breath started to get more rapid and ragged as her body tried to force the orgasm she so desperately craved. Tash's hand suddenly came down in a sharp slap on her buttocks and Sarah cried out in anguish."
"Not yet, you horny little slut. I'm not done... be patient... By the time we're done you'll have had your fun and more."
Tasha slapped her ass again hard, and Sarah, making small whimpering noises lay still and tried not to move. Tasha was doing something with her ankle ropes and then. Abruptly, her legs were bent and her ankles drawn upwards. Sarah felt a rope being slid between her wrists and then, there was tension as her wrists and ankles were drawn closer together.
"MMMMPH!" was all the noise she was making, but inside her mind was screaming in pleasure. ' It's a hogtie... a hogtie... Oh God!'
Tasha grinned. "I read that you had seen this and thought it looked really sexy. Well now you know what a hogtie feels like...nice?"
"MMMPH!!" Sarah was lost, her mind was soaring like a bird. She wriggled, but there was absolutely no escape. Tasha trundled her computer chair back to her desk, with the box on the seat. She moved the box off to one side and sat down crossing her legs. Sarah tilted her head to the side, laying it on the wood so she could look at her friend. The redhead was grinning, her cheeks flushed.
"Oh God, Sarah, if you could only see yourself..." The woman sat back and reached into the box and pulled out a small object.
"Okay.. now some questions. Pick a number between one and three. Hold up that number of fingers."
Sarah didn't know the question. She stared helplessly at Tasha, but the woman just smiled enigmatically.
Sarah mentally shrugged. oh what the hell. She clenched her fists apart from three fingers. Tasha glanced and smiled.
"Okay, and now a number between one and.. oh let's make it easy... five."
Sarah blinked. oh well in for a penny...anything so long as lets me cum...she splayed all five of the fingers on her left hand. Tasha raised an eyebrow.
"Are you sure? Last chance?"
Sarah nodded. Just get on with it... please!
Tasha reached into the box and pulled out a small device. She pressed a button and the vibrator in Sarah's pussy sprang to life. Almost instantly, Sarah felt herself building towards orgasm. The clitoral stimulator hummed and the shaft pulsed inside her. Gasping into her gag, her chest heaving, the waves built as her eyes went wide and whole body shook, straining against the ropes the climax came and she gave out a hoarse muffled scream. The intensity was astonishing and climax seemed to go on and on as she shuddered and shook, her back arching over and over again as wave after wave throbbed through her. At last, the waves lessened and she slumped on the desk, her breathing heavy, through half lidded eyes she gazed at Tasha who watched her intently biting her lip and with her hand squeezed between her thighs.
"Mmmm that looked good. Just four more to go..."
Sarah gasped and she must have looked shocked. Tasha just laughed. That's right hun, Five orgasms at level 3 was the deal. The redhead smirked. "This is gonna be fun."
Sarah mewled piteously into the gag. Four more, how could she stand it. Tasha pressed a button and the vibrator shifted to a much lower, gentler hum. Sarah tried to ignore it, but already her bound body was beginning to respond again. Moaning, she looked into the face of her beautiful captor. Through the window behind her, she could see it was growing dark outside.
It was going to be a long night.