Author's Note: Hay out there is my very first story. Let me apologies ahead of time for any big spelling and grammar errors. A really nice Image that goes with this story can be found on Reptileye's DeviantArt
Update (2012/05/23): Hay out there this is a remix or extended version of the first story I posted a some time ago. There should be fewer spelling and grammar errors this time around. Thank you for reading. Your comments are welcome.
"Before I get started let me turn on the G.S.T. or Gaged Slave Translator. This wonderful device allows you to understand what a gaged slave is trying to say."
Bianca was walking through a casino in Monaco. When she was approached by a business woman named Anna. Anna explained she was in a bit of a bind in that she was running a fashion expo and one of her models had fallen ill and could not make it to the weeklong event. Having sized up Bianca from across the room her dress size was close enough to take the place of the missing girls. Bianca would be paid $1,500 per day and would get to keep the clothes. It being almost every young woman's dream to do professional modeling Bianca quickly signed the contract and would spend the rest of her two week vacation modeling for Anna at the expo. Anna described the routine for the expo. Bianca would arrive in the morning to get in to her outfit for the day. All the models were fitted with ear pieces allowing Anna to give them advice during the day. Each model gets scheduled meal and bathroom breaks. Once dressed she was shown to the appropriate display. The displays consisted of a small glass enclosed platform surrounded by plaques that described what she was wearing in great detail. The day would end with a fashion show for the expo's special guests.
Bianca arrived for her first day to only discover it was a fetish fashion expo. Seeing as she had already signed a contract and the money was too good to pass up. She took a deep breath and entered the dressing room to get ready. Her first outfit was a skin tight black latex cat suit, next was a latex hood with openings for her eyes and nose. Next was a pair of latex gloves and four inch heels. On top of that was a locking black latex corset that was tightened down as far as it could go crushing Bianca's waist. And finally a steel collar these last two additions made removing the cat suit impossible without the keys. Thankfully the suit had a zippered crotch so she could go to the bathroom without any trouble. Bianca spent the day lounging seductively in her display case. She occasionally caressed her arms and legs. The day went by slowly with Anna constantly telling Bianca to be more provocative with her poses and to moan in to her hood more.
"Come on Bianca Move around more I hired a model not a mannequin, and make some noise while you're at it."
Translation: "It's hard to be sexy when you can barely breathe."
Eventually Bianca started to grope her breasts and ass. The strange feeling she got through the latex lead to some nice moaning. When fashion show was finally over Bianca's feet were hurting from the high heels. Her waist was also killing her having spent the day crammed into such a tight corset all day long. At least the corset kept Bianca from releasing just how empty her stomach was having missed lunch. Anna handed Bianca the keys and explained she would be paid at the end of the event. Bianca changed in to some normal clothes and returned to her room. Where she then ordered up some room service. She then spent the night relaxing in her hotel room.
Bianca's second day was a little easier in a small latex maid uniform. The uniform was a short frilly black latex dress that didn't completely cover her ass. The smallest thong Bianca had ever seen that didn't help cover much of anything. The dress had white lace trim an apron and headpiece. The uniform also included some white elbow length latex gloves fish net stockings and high heels. Anna gave Bianca a small feather duster to help complete the look. Bianca quickly settled in to the roll of a sexy French maid. Those college French classes were really paying off. Bianca's posing consisted of lots of bending over at the waist, nicely showing off her legs and rear end. This caused a good sized crowd around her display. At that nights show Bianca got to take two passes on the cat walk. Afterword Anna gave Bianca a little pat on the butt and told her great job today. For some reason Bianca didn't change into her street clothes after the fashion show. Instead she returned to her room still wearing the French mail uniform. A choice that got Bianca confused for a member of the hotel staff once or twice.
Day three had Bianca in locking red ankle boots with four inch heels. The rest of the days outfit consisted of an inch wide red leather color with a drop ring, and matching wrist cuffs. An inflatable butterfly gag complete with red leather strap would very effectively silence Bianca.
"Bianca make sure you pump the gag once or twice before you take your place." Anna shouted from just outside the dressing room. A bright red latex leotard with two attached dildo was the real surprise. The size and unexpectedness of the dildos caused Bianca to take a very long time to get ready. This delay earned her a rather firm swat to the ass from Anna. After arriving at her display Bianca was struck by the need to use the restroom. And the realization that the leotard would make it a slow and cumbersome process. Every time Bianca moved or shifted her weight around the dildos would shift as well. Sending waves of strange sensations through her body. Bianca spent the whole day fidgeting with the dildos attached to her Leotard; which attached a moderate sized crowd.
"All that wonderful moaning you did made up for the all the extra time it took you to get ready this morning. I will expect you to get ready faster tomorrow."
The next day Bianca found herself in an electric blue PVC Chinese style hobble dress. Under her dress was an electrical butt plug and vibrating dildo. Both were held firmly in place by a locking leather harness. High heel ballet boots that were locked on and a white locking leather arm binder and leather panel gag finished the ensemble. With her dress only allowing six inch steps it took a while for Bianca to reach her display area. She had to hop up the few steps to get in to her display case. Deliberate posing was pretty much out of the question. Her posing was however replaced by some very erotic squirming and struggling as Bianca tried to relieve the growing discomfort in her arms and legs. Bianca wasn't sure if it was the tightness of her restraints or the random shocks from the electrical butt plug or the intermittent stimulation from the vibrator. But the nonstop arousal or abuses of her nether regions lead to a steady stream of moans a groans emanating for Bianca's display. Making her the one of most popular girl that day. The day felt like it dragged on forever. She was rewarded for her hard work with another pat on the behind by Anna. Who followed it by whispering in to Bianca's ear "tomorrow things start getting really interesting. Bianca hobbled off to her dressing room. Where one of the other models helped her out of the leather arm binder. She took several minutes to stretch out her arms and shoulders now freed from their leather prison. She then wasted no time unzipping the legs of her dress and removing the harness holding the plugs in place. Later that night Bianca had trouble getting to sleep. Trying to figure out just what Anna meant by things getting more interesting.
Anna did not disappoint the next day. Bianca was tape gagged and wearing a collar connected to a set of nipple clamps. On top of that was a second set of nipple clamps connected by a short bar with jingle bells. Bondage mittens and thigh cuff connected to ankle cuffs finished off Bianca's bondage on day five. Forced to stay on her knees by the cuffs she got her biggest shock so far no bathroom break today. Bianca was going have to wear, and use an adult sized diaper. She quickly regretted the rather large break feast she had that morning. Despite Anna's constant prodding over her ear piece Bianca found it very hard to act sexy while she desperately needing to use the bathroom. Intermixed with the coaching Anna admitted to having the kitchen staff spike Bianca's Break feast with some mild laxatives. Thus guaranteeing Bianca would use the diaper.
"You know Bianca yesterday you did a much better job of squirming around in your restraints; maybe you have too much freedom today. Maybe I should strap your elbows together, or I could add some weight to those nipple clamps. How about this Bianca I could tie you in a nice tight ball tie for the rest of the day." Anna threatened over Bianca's ear piece.
Bianca madly shook her head no
Translation: God No I don't need any more bondage, I just need to use the bathroom.
To prevent dehydration Bianca was brought some vile tasting liquid in a large baby bottle. After replacing Bianca's tape gag Anna left her to continue struggling until the nightly show. Needless to by the time the fashion show rolled around Bianca's diaper was quite full. She was however spared from having to walk on her knees at the fashion show and was instead placed on a small dolly and was quickly wheeled down the run way by one of the other models. Back in the dressing room, the bondage mittens were removed. Screaming loudly as she removed the two sets of nipple clamps. After disconnecting her ankles and thighs Bianca through on the lose fitting dress she had worn that morning. Bianca rushed back to her hotel room to take one of the longest hottest baths of her life. It wasn't until Bianca was settling into bed that she realized she was still wearing her collar from that day.
Just two days left Bianca tough to herself as she woke up on day six. She was wearing a heavy steel collar with a short chain attached at the front next was a trainer style bit gag with a steel bit. Steel wrists shackles and ankles shackles made up the rest of Bianca's bondage. The ankle shackles were unusual with seven inch spick heels connected to the back. Leather halter top and loin cloth completed the look. Walking to her display was tricky with her heels connected directly to her ankles and nothing under the heels of her feet. On her way Bianca noticed that the models appeared to change daily. She simply assumed that different models had different length to their contracts. This was fairly easy day compared to the last few. With no anal shocks, or vibrates. No waist crushing corsets and thank god on smelly diapers to wear. This level of comfort allowed Bianca to settle in and really play up the sexiness of what she was wearing. This showed in the steady crowd around her display all day long. After the show that night Anna stopped Bianca on her way to the dressing room. "You know Bianca you are really settling in around here have you ever considered full time fetish modeling". Bianca blushed and replied "I'm not really into the whole fetish BDSM thing but thanks anyway". During dinner that night Bianca couldn't help but think back to Anna's offer. Bianca was starting to find the whole BDSM scene kind of interesting. But she couldn't just up and leave her friends and family back home. Finishing her meal Bianca just chalked it up to fanciful thinking on her part. By the last day of the expo Bianca had become somewhat accustom to the clothing she was expected to wear. But this last outfit was way more than what she was used to. It was a chastity belt with thigh bands and Chastity bra. Locked inside was a remote controlled electrical / vibrating dildo and butt plug. Along with a two inch steel collar and matching wrist and ankle cuffs all connected by chains. Topping off her the look was a trainer style ball gag and some very high heels. The chastity belt was a very tight fit. Bianca found it somewhat disturbing that being locked in a chastity belt was really turning her on.
"That's a good girl Bianca, Keep fighting with your belt."
"The crowd seems to really be enjoying your frustration."
The more she pulled and tugged on the belt and bra the more she was aroused. It didn't help that Anna was constantly teasing and torturing her with the dildo's remote control. Anna was a real pro at keeping Bianca right on the edge, but never letting her reach climax. She made it through the day to the fashion show. At which Bianca was made to take several passes down the cat walk taking long deep bows at the end. When it was finally over she was sent back to the dressing room. Bianca was looking forward to getting out of the thing and getting paid for her first modeling job.
Well instead of getting the keys to her shiny new outfit Bianca was chained to the dressing room wall by her collar. After struggling for a while Anna entered the dressing room to explain a few things. The model Bianca had replaced wasn't sick she had been purchased by one of the guests attending the expo. And that's what had been happening to the other models throughout the week. Since Bianca had not sold by the end of the expo she was now Anna's personal slave. Over Bianca's gaged protests Anna explained how it was all quite legal; the contract was also a power of attorney waver. Bianca had willingly signed over all of her right as an individual to Anna. A very large Zap from the chastity belt that almost knocked her down and convinced Bianca not to give Anna any more trouble. Anna wheeled in a wooden shipping crate, and ordered Bianca to get in. She had to curly up in to a ball to fit inside the crate. Anna locked Bianca's wrists, ankles, and collar to the inside of the box. Before she sealed it up Anna replaces the ball gag with a strange looking helmet. This helmet was part of Anna's slave training program. The mouth piece would supply Bianca with air and that god awful liquid form the other day, along with muffling any cries for help. Built in speakers and monitor feed Bianca a constant stream of slave programing.
It's been several months since the events that lead Bianca to become Anna's personal slave. The subliminal messages that had been feed to Bianca through her ear piece during and after the expo and Anna's skills in slave training have turned Bianca in to quite the slave girl. She does have one reoccurring problem. Bianca tends to masturbate when she thinks Mistress Anna isn't looking. This behavior has landed Bianca back in her chastity belt.
Bianca!!! Stop fidgeting with your chastity belt! Anna shouted from the next room.
Translation: Sorry Mistress
Now get in here and put that tongue of your to good use! My ass won't clean itself.
Translation: Yes Mistress
Remember I locked up so you could better focus all your energy on pleasing me.
Translation: Yes mistress
If you hate the belt so much we can always go back to shock treatments
Translation: No mistress