Chapter 1: Escape and A New Life
The cold night air sends a chill down on my naked body, made worse by the sweat I'd perspired in the hours I've been hanging by my thumbs. I moan through my gag as the last gnats and flies land on me to suck on my welts for a late meal. A bag covers my head and I'm hanging at least ten feet above the ground with my ankles so tightly bound they're numb. I have a panic attack, struggling and yelling through my gag. While I struggle I feel one of my thumbs slip through the loop it is in. I pull on it, ignoring the feel of the rope biting and cutting my skin. When it is free I grab onto the rope and hold on as I pull my other thumb free, which is more difficult and more painful, but finally done. I take the bag off my head and look down. The drop is going to hurt, but I should survive. I just have to get away from the hell my life has been for the past four years. I brace myself and let go.
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It hurts when I hit the ground, but I've been beaten so often I take it surprisingly well. I take the gag from my mouth and untie my ankles. At first I can just crawl away, but as circulation returns to my legs I am able to walk, then run. I am scratched all over as limbs and thorns cut me, but I don't stop. I would rather die than go back. I've been wishing I was dead for a while now.
I run and run until what energy I have starts to give out. And even then I continue to shuffle forward, breathing heavily. I barely even notice how smooth the ground is. I hear a sudden loud noise as a car horn blares and I look up to be blinded by a pair of headlights. Too weak to run and too scared to think, everything goes black.
When I regain consciousness, I'm lying in a bed. I'm still naked, but several lengths of bandage and a lot of band aids and patches cover my welts and scratches. I look like a partial wrapped mummy. The door opens and I yell as I crawl back and cover myself.
"I'm sorry!" I shouted "I'm sorry I tried to leave! Please don't hurt me, I promise I won't do it again!"
I feel a hand touch me. But instead of grabbing me or hitting me, it rubs me. Two arms hug me, something that hasn't happened since my parents died. I hug whoever it is back and cry.
"There, there," a woman's voice tells me. "It's okay. You're safe now. No one can hurt you here."
I pull away from her and gasp. Sitting in front of me is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She's blonde, blue-eyed and with a great body and tan. She's my opposite: I'm a white haired albino with a body that belongs to a preteen, despite that I've recently come of age.
"Are-are you an angel?" I ask in awe.
The woman giggles as she smiles and shakes her head. "Nope, sorry. Though kinda close. My name's Angelica. Though you can call me Angel if you want." She puts a hand on my face to cradle it. "Are you okay? We've been real worried about you. You' v been out for three whole days."
"Where did you find me?"
"A long way from here. We were driving home late and took that road to save time. We never dreamed we'd find a white rabbit standing there. If our brakes hadn't been as good we might've hit you."
"I don't think I would've minded...has anyone come looking for me?"
"Strangely enough, no. We've been trying to listen to any news of a girl missing who matches your description, but nothing. We're going to go to police soon."
"Please don't," I beg as I take her hand. "They'll make me go back to her. And I don't want to..."
"Who's her?"
I start to shake. "...my aunt..." I say after a pause.
"Oh..." She embraces me again. I can feel her big, round soft breasts... "Don't be scared. You can stay here as long as you want. We'll take good care of you."
"Do you mean it?"
She nods with a lovely smile. "This house is a sanctuary. Almost everyone here has been through bad times. So relax and enjoy yourself. In fact, I bought some food with me in case you were awake yet."
My eye almost pop out of my head at what she's brought me, which I dive into. It's the best food I've had in three years. I thank Angelica, and then recline back in the bed to have the best rest I've had in years, feeling safe and cared for since before my parents died.
As the days pass I get to know other residents of the big house I'm in. Everyone has a nickname, even Angelica. There's Rooster and Rose, a handsome young man with red hair and his (dyed) pink haired twin sister; the dark haired, dark skinned Indian (from India) Raven; Big John, a huge, muscle bound black man; and Brain, a brown haired Asian boy genius. I become known as "Rabbit" or "Bunny", which I really like because that's what my friends and sometimes my parents would call me. In charge of us is Mr. King, a portly bearded man of Arabic descent. As you can imagine, it's very interesting being among such a colorful group. And for the first time since I was sent to life with my high and mighty bitch of an aunt I'm among people who care about me and treat me well. At first it feels very strange, as if I've stepped into another world. But soon I find myself basking in the glow of being happy again after so long.
But late one night everything changes. I get of bed and go to the bathroom (luckily, there are two). But on the way back I hear something. I listen and then my blood runs cold as I recognize the crack of a whip. I follow it and hear the sound of muffled yells. I follow the sounds to a door and open it some. I cover my mouth with both hands to stifle my gasp. John has Angel tied in a standing X, her limbs tied to a support beam on either side of her. In his large hands is a bullwhip and the red welts stand out on Angelica's tanned skin.
"Do you like the feel of the whip, bitch?!" John declares with an evil smile.
"That's good. Because you're gonna really need to get use t-"
"Get away from her!" I shout at the top of my voice as I run into the room.
Even though I know it's no good, I hit him as hard as I can. It's like hitting a post. He just looks at me in surprise.
"Cut, cut!" a voice shouts in annoyance.
I look up to see Mr. King in a chair and Brain holding a camera.
"What is this?!" I snap at him. "Is this house just a front for some kind of porn thing? Was being nice to me just an act? Were you just waiting for the right time to tie me up and rape me too?"
"Of course not," he replies as his expression softens. "Though we do film certain scenes from time to time to help pay the bills. But I've never forced anyone to take part in a shot. Everyone can decide whether or not to be in a scene and they get to have a say in the script."
"Are you trying to tell me that Angel was okay with being whipped?" I ask in suspicion.
"Yes," the woman in question chimed in, untied and robed. "I can take a lot of punishment." She smiles as she comes up to me and puts her arms around me. "But thank you for trying to rescue me. I wish someone like you had been around when I was first tied. Now that was a very different situation..."
"But-you-I thought-"
She kisses me on the forehead. "Nothing for you to worry about, my little white rabbit. You just get back to bed and we'll talk about this tomorrow."
A little stunned, I start to leave.
"So," Brain asks, "should we pick up where we left off or take it from the top?"
"Where we left off," Angel replies crossly. "But just two or three more lashes. You know how much I don't like getting welts all over me. No wonder poor Rabbit got the wrong idea."
"Hey," I hear John tell her, "just trying to keep things realistic!"
Angel comes into my room later.
"Sorry you had to find out like this," she tells me. "We were trying to hide this from you as long as we could. Heck, we wouldn't even have done that shoot if it weren't that we haven't updated our site in a while."
"Do you...like it?" I ask.
"Sometimes more than others, but yes. I get such a thrill from it. The ironic thing is that I didn't use to. My ass hole of a stepbrother made me into his sex slave to abuse and rape as he liked. When he got tired of me, he sold me. It was only by the grace of God I ended up here! And the funny thing about being tied up is, once you've been tied long enough, you get so turned on by it."
"I wasn't. Auntie would tie me up and punish me every time I did something wrong, no matter how small. Almost every day she'd hurt me for slightest imperfection or flaw."
She hugs me again. "I'm so sorry hear that."
"Were you...going to get me to be in a shoot?"
"Of course not. We were going to film shoots in secret when you were out or asleep. And now we'll just give a warning so you'll know to stay away from a certain part of the house or property."
"...can I be in one some time?"
"Really?" she asks, both surprised and amused.
"You've all been so wonderful to me. I want to do something pay you back."
"You help around the house and yard all the time. That's enough."
"But I..." I mumble my next words.
"I want you to touch me. Not just you, but the others. You're all so beautiful in your own way. I've started to have these strange feelings for you." I blush. "I know it's wrong but-"
"There's nothing wrong about it at all. In this house, we all care for each other. To us, words like 'slut' and 'skank' are not dirty. And I know our viewers would like to see cute little thing like you. But we'll have to take it slowly."
"Fine by me. And I get to have a say in what happens, right?"
She nods. "Of course. We'll happy to have you. Though it does feel a little soon."
"Like I said, I want to be pay back the people who've been so good to me after all those years of living with a domineering bitch. And I'd like to experience s-s-s-s-s-s-" I take a breath and squeak "sex-with
some of you."
"Guess you're not such an innocent little bunny after all," she chuckles.
"I was just starting to get touch with my hormones when my parents died and I was sent to live with my aunt. I haven't even been able to masturbate since then."
"Really?!" she asks in shock.
"My aunt caught me one time after I'd moved in with her and she punished me so badly I've been
terrified to since."
She moves closer to me. "Want to get some relief?"
"I'd really like to...but I think I better save it for filming. Wouldn't that make for a better performance if I went in as naive as my characters?"
She laughs. "That actually does sound like a great way to give an earnest performance. Okay. But I'll be waiting to costar with you."
She gives me a peck on the forehead and leaves. After she's gone I put a corner of the sheet in mouth and start to play with my immature body as I imagine what it will be like to be tied or tie up any of the four men and three women who will provide so much pleasure that I've been denied for so long. Even the simple act of masturbating gives me a wondrous feeling that makes me feel so alive. And while I'm sadly inexperienced, the climax feels so great! I lick my fingers clean, imagining what the other girls will taste like. And as good as that felt, I can't wait for the real thing!
Chapter 2: A Grand Debut (added: 11/18/2011)
The next day we all gather around in the dining room.
"Gotta warn ya, Bunny," Rooster tells me. "You're gonna hear about some strange, downright freaky stuff in these brainstorming sessions."
"We should probably let her stick around long enough to plan her scenes," Raven suggests. "Then she could leave before we talk about things us more experienced cast members know of."
"Though are a little unnerved about ourselves," Rose adds.
"That sounds fair," I say in agreement.
They bat around ideas for my first scene. We all agree it shouldn't be anything rough or scary. It's quickly decided that it should be girl-girl to be easier on me and because those are very popular. Rose volunteers and I accept. Raven asks if could join us and I say yes after some thought. We play around with what scenario to use until we actresses settle on the one that will work best.
And so the cameras are set and the costumes gotten. They even have to shrink some clothes for me in the wash to fit me.
"And don't worry," Rose assures me. "Once we get into it, you'll completely forget the cameras."
"At least until someone says 'cut' and 'action'," Raven added.
We get in place at the front door and Rooster shouts "Action!" when he's ready.
One them knocks and I appear to open the door to let the other two women in. We're dressed in school girl uniforms. The other two are carrying book bags.
"So," Rose (who now looks like anime character) asks, "ready to tackle some homework?"
"You bet," I respond with a smile.
"Thanks for helping us with this," Raven tells me gratefully. "We don't know much about this kind of stuff. You're a life saver, new girl!"
"Just trying to fit in and make friends!"
We walk away a few steps and then Rooster says "Cut!"
"All right ladies! That was a perfect set up scene!"
We move to the living with Angel and Brain also holding cameras to get more angles. We open a text book and some papers with stuff written on them on the table and hold some pencils.
"And that's how it works," I tell my costars as I put my pencil down and close the book.
"Thanks," Rose tells me. "Now that stuff finally makes sense."
"You're welcome. Now isn't there something you girls said you wanted to teach me?" I ask innocently as I can.
They smile at each other before saying "Yes."
"We're going to give you a very special lesson," Raven tells me as she takes my arm in her hands.
Rose puts her hands on my other arm. "We're going to give you a real education."
They start rubbing my arms and head and give me little kisses on my cheeks, chin and forehead.
"H-Hey!" I say in protest. "W-What are you-"
Rose puts a finger on my lips. "Shhh...You like us, right?"
"And you trust us, don't you?" Raven asks with a wide-eyed look.
I just nod.
"Then you have nothing to worry about," Rose tells me with a loving smile. "Just relax and let us teach you what it feels like to be a woman."
They unbutton their shirts and take off their bras. Rose has nice, round, soft C cup boobs while Raven as pert B cups with rings on his nipples that shine against her brown skin. My fingers fumble as I try to unbutton my shirt and I shake.
"Let us help you with that," Raven offers as she and Rose undress me.
"Ooooh!" Rose gushes. "What cute li'l boobies! Little white bunny boobies!"
She puts a hand on one and gently gropes it, making me gasp.
Raven chuckles. "Responsive little rabbit, isn't she?" she comments before putting a hand on my other breast.
I shake and moan as they play with my small tits.
"Do you like it?" Rose asks.
I nod. "But I'm sorry they're so little..."
"We can't help how nature makes us," Raven tells me. "But they are a good shape for their size. In fact, I envy you. There are a lot of guys who like small boobs if they fit the girl. I'm stuck with mid-sized ones that are a dime a dozen and no one notices."
"I like them," I tell her with a smile. "I think they're beautiful. Like a wood statue I saw once in a museum. And those rings are perfect on them..."
I reach out for one, but Rose grabs my wrist. "Ah-ah-ah! Students don't get to touch!"
She shakes her head. "First timers are to watch and learn. And just so you don't try..."
She reaches into her backpack and pulls out a long silk scarf. Even as I protest they put my hands behind my back and use it to tie my wrists. The material is so soft that it's almost a pleasure to be tied with it and the knot isn't very tight. I could probably break out if I pulled hard enough.
"But I wanna play with you too!" I plead.
"Girls who complain get gagged!" Raven announces as she reaches into her pack. She produces a scarf to stuff into my mouth and another cover it.
"She was getting kinda loud," Rose comments. "And no sense risking someone hearing her. Not let's see how much of these cupcakes we can take in..."
They suck and lick my nipples, then take in as much boob as they can in their mouths. Raven is able to take half in her mouth and Rose manages to take in my whole right lobe!
"Delicious!" she declares when she removes her mouth. "Now really teach her something important."
They make me get off the couch and kneel in front of it.
"Watch closely and learn," Rose tells me before giving me a peck on the forehead.
She and Raven take off each other's shoes, socks, skirts and panties to be fully nude. They embrace and exchange a deep, passionate kiss. When they break apart a string of drool briefly connects them before breaking apart. They rub their tits together, suck each other's nipples, lick each other's pussies and rub, fondle, lightly smack each other all over. They finish by spreading their legs a part and pushing their pussies together. I later learn that this is called "scissoring". As they grunt, groan and yell, I shake as I mewl and whimper as a fire burns within my loins and I get so wet.
"Oooh, listen to that little voice moan through that gag," Raven comments as she looks at me. "So hot."
"Oh god!" Rose shouts. "This all so much! I'm coming! I'm co-UUUAAAAGGHHH!!"
I feel like could burst into flame at the sound of her orgasmic cries. My hips buck and swivel as if they have a life on their own and I grunt and snort. Rose put a hand on my cheek and the fire cools some as I go still.
"You think you learned enough about pleasing your fellow ladies?"
I bob my head and go "YEPH!"
"Very good."
"Look at how wet she got," Raven comments. "The floor is soaked! It's a wonder she didn't come herself."
"Hopefully she can hold it," Rose replies before turning back to me. "You need to hold it as long you can. The longer you hold it, the better it'll feel. But first we're going to continue the lesson. You just gave us some great pointers on math and now we're going to return the favor by showing a special equation for sixty nine."
They help me get up, strip me naked from the waist down, remove the books and papers form the table and lie me down on it.
"What a cute little camel toe!" Rose says with a giggle.
"More like a rabbit's foot," Raven retorts. "She even has a little tail," she comments as she flicks my
small tuft of pubic hair. She looks to her pink haired partner "Which one of us should-"
"You," Rose tells her with a smile. "Seeing you and her with great difference in your skin and hair colors will downright artistic. Like yin and yang..."
Raven ungags me and we exchange a kiss. It's my first one and it feels great.
"Now just relax and follow my lead," she tells me soothingly. She turns around with her vagina in front of my face and I gasp at the feeling of her tongue on my nether lips. I so as I'm told and follow her lead by craning my neck forward to put my tongue into her as deep as I can.
"Oh yes!" she cries. "That's it! You really are a fast learner!"
We "eat each other out" while Rose masturbates.
"How is she?" the pink haired girl ask her brown friend.
"She's like human ice cream. So soft and delicious. And such a wonderful wholesome smell. Like water lilies. It's the rare, wondrous scent and taste of virgin pussy."
"Y-You taste and smell really good too!" I tell her as I try to control myself. I really wish I could compliment her as eloquently as she did me, but it's all I can do form a sentence.
A few minutes later-
"I'm gonna come!" Raven announces, "Get ready!"
She stops licking me and raises up to work her pelvis in a rhythm and yell as she climaxes. It's both the strangest and best thing I've ever tasted.
"Now I think it's her turn," Rose says with a smile.
They regag me. Rose reaches into her backpack to get out a vibrator that looks like a red penis. I moan and shiver at the sight of it and stick out my vulva.
Rose carefully sticks it into me and the feeling of the vibrations in my most sensitive area make me yelp and jump in my bonds. It's like nothing I've ever felt! The sensation is heightened as Raven plays with my breasts and nipples while Rose works the vibe and plays with my clits.
"I think she likes it," Raven jokes.
I look at Rose pleadingly. "Legh mgh cough! Plegh!"
"Try to hold it for a minute or two more," she tells me encouragingly.
I try, but it's so hard. I even start to hurt when I ask "Naugh?"
She nods.
I thrash in bonds and scream through my gag as I ride the wave of pleasure. In fact-
"Oh shit, she's squirting!" Rose yelps in surprise as she dodges it.
My fluids gush out of out me in series powerful spurts until I finally stop. I feel drained and sore, but at the same time a wonderful feeling spreads through me. Raven ungags me and kisses me.
"That was magnificent. You were like an marble fountain."
Rose kisses me too. "Next time we do homework at my house. I have all kinds of goodies for us to play with."
I smile as I finally catch my breath. "Looking-forward-to it..."
"Cut!" Angel declares, bringing me back to reality.
"That was just wonderful, ladies!" Brain cheers us.
I'm untied, but when I try to stand up I almost fall. They sit me down on the couch.
"You okay?" Raven asks in concern.
"I think so," I reply. "I think I'll be okay after I get some rest. But I didn't even know it was possible to orgasm like that!" I look around. "That's normal, right? There's not anything wrong with me, is there?"
They laugh.
"It's not terribly common," Angel tells me, "but it's normal."
"There's nothing wrong with it," Brain tells me. "Quite the opposite in fact."
"Our visitors will love this!" Rooster declares. "I don't even think we've had a vid with a squirting orgasm before."
Someone gives me something to drink and after a couple of gulps I feel better.
"Hey guys?" I ask my friends. "Next time can one the guys tie me? And maybe we can step things up a little?"
They exchange a look before smiling.
"You bet!" they respond in unison.
Chapter 3: Stepping Things Up (added: 11/28/2011)
Several days pass before they let me sit in on a brainstorming session.
"So," Angel says, "you said you want to be tied by a male?"
I just nod.
"How about her and Big John?" Rose suggests. "We'd have a big black man with a little albino girl. Just think of what a great pairing that would be!"
"I don't know," John says hesitantly. "I get carried away sometimes. And I think she needs a little more experience before we have a scene together. I don't want to scare her or hurt her."
"And she'd choke to death sucking that monster of his!" Raven adds. "If he fucked her, she'd split apart like a log!"
"Let's at least wait until a while after she's lost her virginity," Rooster says. To me he quickly adds, "whenever you're ready to, of course."
"How about you, Bro?" Rose asks her twin. "Don't you wanna tap that adorable white ass?"
"I'll think about it."
"What about Brain," Mr. King suggests. "It's been far too long since he was in a shoot. And I don't think he's ever been the aggressor."
Brain's face turns red behind his big glasses. "But-"
"That's a great idea, Boss!" John tells our portly leader. "He's just right for a starter like Rabbit!"
"No offense, Brainy. What I meant was that your dick is a good size for a gal as inexperienced as her. And I mean that in a good way. Besides, with all that filming and editing you do for all that footage, you gotta be ready to give it a shot after so long."
"But...it's so small," Brain whines in shame. "And I'm not nearly good enough for her. You're big and brawny while Rooster's so gorgeous. I'm little and soft."
"So am I," I tell the Asian genius reassuringly. "I think I'd like my first sexual experience with a guy to be with you. I'd feel a lot more comfortable."
He gives me with a look that mixes shock with gratitude from behind those big glasses. "If you think so..."
"He could be a fanboy stalker!" Rose suggests.
"How about perverted doctor or scientist?" Raven adds.
"It could be a blind date gone wrong," John says.
"Unrequited love gone too far?" Rooster ventures.
"Interesting scenarios," Mr. King says with a nod of approval. "But a more pressing concern is what our white Rabbit wants to try for this shoot."
They ask me about various things that could happen to me. I even have to ask about what some of them are and am very surprised by the answers. While some things sounds strange or like they could hurt, I say I'll try them just once if how it feels.
A few days later we get ready to film. This time I'm dressed in something a little more provocative in the form of a short skirt, belly shirt and a big ribbon in my hair. I lounge on the couch, watching TV, with all kinds of half-eaten snacks and wrappers on the table and floor, as well as several open magazines on the table, floor and couch. Brain enters wearing an annoyed look.
"God, look at this mess! No wonder your parents wanted me to watch you for the night!"
"If you don't like it, leave," I say in a bratty tone. "I'm too damn old for a babysitter anyway."
"You don't act like it. Every room you've been in is a mess, you haven't done your homework, and all you seem to want to do is watch TV, listen to that awful music, or read those dumb magazines. You can't just keep acting like a spoiled little brat."
I take a big bite out of a candy bar as aggressively as I can. "Oh yeah," I ask, talking with my mouth full, "what you gonna do about it?"
"Cut!" Angel calls out.
When we start filming again, I am naked, with my wrists, elbows, and knees bound with my breasts constricted in a "rope bra" and a ball gag in my mouth (scenes will change fading in and out). I struggle and shout for a few seconds until Brian speaks.
"This is what I'll do, you bratty little bitch. I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget and show you how a girl your age is supposed to act."
I give a muffled yelp as he grabs me and drapes me over his knees. He runs his hands over my butt as I moan.
"Look at how white and smooth this fanny is. I bet you've never been spanked a day in your life. I think it's time we remedied that."
His pulls back his hand to give my rear a good, hard swat.
I wriggle and kick as he spanks my ass. I count over twenty swats before he stops.
"That's better. Such a lovely red glow. Like an apple..."
I squawk as he bites my left cheek.
He flips me over to start slapping my tits to make me shout even louder. He doesn't hit them as many times as my ass, but it still really hurts. He finishes off by pinching my nipples.
"Now for the coup de grace."
He grabs my ankle ropes to pull my legs and put me on my back. He pushes my ankles down, which forces my legs to bend. Before I can do anything, his palm smacks my puss. He hits it five times, sending shockwaves through my body and making me cry out the loudest. He stops to glare at me and shake my head wildly and whine though my gag.
"Had enough?"
I bob my head. "YEEEGH!"
"I'm not so sure of that. But I think you've had enough for now." He lets me go. "I'm gonna leave you for a while to think about what a bad girl you've been while I clean up these place. Then I think it'll be time for supper."
As he cleans up the junk around us, I curl up on the couch to mewl and whimper through my gag.
Brain embraces me and takes out the gag. "Oh god, Rabbit, I'm so sorry!"
"I-It's okay," I tell him as I catch my breath. "The fact you feel bad about it means a lot. And compared to how my aunt hit me, that wasn't so bad. I'll live."
We move onto the next scene. I'm kneeling, still bound as I was, with a plastic ring gag holding my jaw apart and mouth open. Brain holds a bowl of soup.
"Here is comes," he says as he dips out a spoonful. "Open wide!"
He puts the spoon through the ring and I lick the soup off to swallow it. He does this several more times. Some soup manages to overflow out of my mouth to dribble down my chin and chest, along with some drool.
"Oh dear," Brain comments. "What a messy little thing you are. Let's see how you handle dessert..."
He takes off his pants to reveal his erection. It's midsized--about five and half inches--but for a girl who's never seen one it's fascinating.
"Now I'm going to teach you a very important lesson every girl needs to know. Take my dick in your mouth."
I slowly do, trying to take in as much as I can. I'm surprised when that I'm able to take the whole thing in, my chin touching his testicles.
"Very good. Now lick and suck it, moving your head up and down its length."
I follow his directions and am soon moving my mouth on his member in a rhythm I'm comfortable with and using my tongue as if I'm eating a warm popsicle as drool uncontrollably runs down my mouth, chest and even my upper stomach. I'm worried I might not be very good because it's my first time performing fellatio, but Brain's groans tell me I'm doing very well. He even rubs my head.
"That's it...that's a good girl. Now do my balls."
I removed my mouth from his cock to lick and suck his nads, even closing my moth as much as the ring will let me in an attempt to use my lips.
"Oh yeah...maybe you're not as dumb as I thought..."
I spend over twenty minutes going back and forth from reproductive organ to the other until he grabs my head and starts to "mouth fuck" me.
"Here I go!" he announces. "Let's see how much you can hold!"
He comes in my mouth. The semen has a strange, salty taste, but I do my best to keep it in my mouth, my cheeks swelling like a rodent's. I swallow it a little at a time, then clean Brain's little head.
"Very good," he tells me approvingly. "I really thought some would overflow to spill on the floor, but you're pretty talented for a first timer. But you got dirty. Now it's time for a bath."
We cut, untie me, go to the bathroom, and retie me. When filming resumes my wrists are bound with black tape and my legs in a short bar that keeps them apart. A short strip of the same tape covers my mouth. Brain has a big bowl of soapy water on a stool with a sponge, washcloth, and loomphah. I moan and occasionally shiver as he washes me with each one all over, making me stick out my chest and bend over to make sure I'm "good and clean", cooing as he gently scrubs my intimate areas.
"This isn't so bad, is it?" he coos. "It's just like when Mommy used to give you a sponge bath when you were little."
Actually, it's pretty close. My nipples harden and I start to get wet.
"None of that," he says with a frown. "You're not getting dirty when I've just bathed you."
He towels me off. "So lovely. Like an ivory statue..." He gives me a peck on my tape covered mouth and each tit. "Now that you've eaten and bathed, it's bedtime. And I know just how to put you to sleep..."
With a shout of cut, I'm unbound, and taken to a bedroom. I'm tied face down, spread eagled and blindfolded with more tape on my mouth. As soon as I hear "action" I struggle weakly. A hard pat on my rear makes me yell and stop.
"Now cut that out. It's time for little girls to be in bed. And I have a few things that'll make sure you'll be out for the night."
I feel the fibers of the feather on the bottom of my feet and give a muffled squeal as he started to wave it, sending waves of tickling sensations through the rest of me. The feather is used on the soles me my feet, armpits, sides and g-spot (which is particularly effective). I thrash in my bonds and make muffled laughing sounds, even though it takes a lot out of me because I'm breathing through my nose. After several minutes he stops I slump in my bonds to catch my breath.
"Well, that took some energy out of you. Now for the real thing."
I feel the round end of a magic wand vibrator slid under my pussy. I moan in "dread" just before it's turn on, followed by a loud, long groan as the vibrations surge through me. Brain also smacks, fondles, tickles and rubs my back and butt and reaching under me to play with a boob and nip. It's all so much! As I approach climax he sticks a finger into me to move it and out before using another, then a third.
"That's it. Have a nice, big orgasm to put you to sleep. Then I can go out and have some real fun."
I pull on my bonds as hard as I can, grinding my pelvis on his fingers and vibe as a white-hot wave of pleasure crashes through me.
When it's over I go limp, breathing heavily though my nose. I don't even react when Brain gives me a swat to the ass.
"That's more like it! I'm gonna go out for the night, but I'll be back in time to get ready for tomorrow."
He plugs my ears and gives me a peck on the cheek. I just lay there breathing and still. It's when my ear unplugged and I'm untied that I know the scene is over. Angel helps me sit up.
"Are you okay?" she asks in concern.
I smile and nod. "That-was-wonderful...I never even knew an orgasm could possibly be so powerful. I think I need a break before the last scene. I feel like I really could go to sleep."
She gives me a peck on the forehead. "Then go right ahead. We can wait."
I thank her and lay down. When I feel better I quickly join the others to shoot the closing scene. I'm tied to a chair and gagged with a small vibrator inside me while Brain is talking on a cell phone.
"Yes sir, everything's fine. No problem--She was a brat at first, but I've managed to bring her under control. I even think she's starting to like me-What's that? Yes, I think I could watch her again sometime-See you then, sir."
He turns off the vibe, puts a hand on my shoulder and ungags me. "They'll be back soon. They said they'd like me to do this again some time. Would you like that?"
I smile. "Yes sir...I think I'd like that very much."
"Good. Now let's get you dressed before they get back."
As he gives me a big kiss, a voice shouts "That's a wrap!"
Our housemates cheer for us.
"Well done, you two, well done," Mr. King tells us. "I'm especially proud of you, dear Brain."
"See Brainy," Rooster tells the Asian youth encouragingly, "we told you you need to get in front of the camera more!"
"That was a rush," Brain admits. "But it'll weird editing footage of myself..."
"So," Rose asks me, "how did it feel to step things up a notch?"
"Good. Some parts hurt, but it was so accelerating! In fact...you think next time we could-" I mumble my next words.
"What was that, hun?" John asks.
My face reddens as I speak up, but it sounds like some squeaks.
"Come again?" Raven asks.
"Next time could we...deflower me..."
They exchange looks.
"If that's what you want," Mr. King tells me with a kindly smile. "We'll do our best to make it good for you."
"I know you will."
Chapter 4: Birthday Fun (added: 12/08/2011)
We wait a couple of weeks before moving onto the issue of my first time. Mr. King explains that the taking of a girl's virginity should be a delicate matter and should be handled carefully. He even offers for it to be private and unfilmed.
"But I want it to be," I tell him. "Whether or not you put it on the site is up to you, but I want it recorded for prosperity."
"Is there any way you want us to handle it?"
I think about it. "I want the scenario to be about me having a birthday. I haven't had one since my fourteenth and I'd really like a birthday party themed thing to celebrate becoming a woman and to make up for years without one. I want as many of you to get on the act as possible and it to be eventful. You guys can even surprise me with what and how. I can manage a little improve."
"Why thank you. That will give us a lot of leeway."
It's a few days before they tell me they're ready. I dress up in something cute and put my hair pigtails. I arrive in the kitchen with some presents, balloons, a happy birthday banner and a little cake with a candle on it.
"It's not too much is it?" Rose asks.
I shake my head with a smile. "It's...well, this will sound stupid, but I think it's beautiful."
They laugh good naturedly.
"That's good to know!" Mr. King says as he wipes a tear away. "It's good to see such enthusiasm. But just to warn you, this shoot will take some time because we are using a variety of events. This could take all day and maybe even part of tomorrow."
"Well, I asked for it."
"And get ready to make stuff up as you go along," Ravens warns me. "We're going to put your improve skills to the test."
"I'll do my best."
With Mr. King and Rooster filming, we start. Brain, Rose and Raven play the role of my friends and I blow out the candle on the cake as the other three cheer or blow on noise makers.
"Okay, birthday girl," Raven tells me, "time for your presents!"
I look over the three boxes and pick one with pink roses, knowing right away who it's from. I open it to find some dildos and a vibrator.
"Thanks, Ro-"
"Actually," the pink haired lady tells me, "that's Raven's present."
"Oh!" I turn to my Indian friend. "I'm sorry! And thank you. These look very nice."
"You're welcome," she replies with a warm smile. "Though I understand the confusion. I probably should've gone with something more unique."
"This is my present," Rose says as she hands me a box with shiny blue paper.
I open it to see a strap-on dildo. A big one.
"Oh wow!" I gasp.
"And you can swap out the main part of the harness for dildos of different shapes and sizes," she points out.
I hug her. "Thank you so much! I can't wait to try it out..."
"Wonder what our geek bought to the table..." Raven asks with intrigue at Brain's present.
I unwrap and open it to reveal a group of pointed plugs of varying size and a tube of something.
"Butt plugs?" Raven asks with an arched eyebrow and a frown. "Really?"
"Hey," Brain tells her, "ya never know. She could even use them on herself."
"Not a bad idea," Rose says in agreement. "I wish I'd used some. My first time to the ass hurt like hell! So some preemptive stretching might do our little white rabbit good in the long run."
"In fact," I say red faced, "could we go ahead and put one in me?"
I pull down my panties and hold up my skirt to stick my tushy out. They look at me in surprise before Brain says okay. He gets the tube and squeezes some kind of lubricant on his finger. He smears it on my anus, at which I shiver and coo. He gets out the smallest plug and gently works it into my "back door" until it pops in.
"Ooh!" I say with a giggle. "That feels funny!" I pull my panties back up and walk around. "This isn't bad at all..."
"Now for cake!" Rose declares.
I move to pick it up. She takes hold of my hand.
"No," she says with a big smile. "Your REAL cake."
They make me close my eyes and lead me by the hand. I know the house well enough to realize they've guided me the dining room.
"Now open your eyes," Rose tells with a note of excitement in her voice.
I do and gasp sharply at what I see.
John is tied spread eagle on the dining table, completely naked except for the hood covering his head. Just as I'd imagined, he has a washboard stomach and huge pecs the size of melons. His cock is already standing erect, whether from something they did to him beforehand or if he's already turned on by all this. It's about ten inches long and maybe an inch thick. My god, he's-
"Magnificent," I say breathlessly.
I hold out my hand to take hold of...IT!
"It's so hard!" I gasp. "It's almost like he isn't human!"
I stoke it and he moans. I lick and kiss it along his length. I open my mouth as I wide as I can as I prepare to take this wondrous thing into my mouth.
"Whoa, whoa!" Rose tells me. "You might wanna wait until we've added the stuff before wolfing down your cake."
She gestures to the table and I now see what I hadn't noticed. There are a number of spread and toppings on the table next the bound black man. There's chocolate, strawberry, maple and cane syrup, honey, caramel, vanilla frosting, whipped cream, grape and blueberry jelly, and even candy sprinkles.
"Oh!" I say as I realize that "cake" wasn't just code for John's member.
"Can we have some too?" Raven asks with a childlike expression and her hands together.
"Please?" Brain asks.
"Of course!" I reply. "There's plenty to share!"
"That's why I got such a big one," Rose tells us. "But first we have to make sure we don't get our clothes dirty."
We strip until we're all topless. Then Rose takes the bottle of chocolate syrup and pours it on John's cock to make him yell and jump in his bonds. I suck and lick the syrup off up and down his length. The taste of his skin mixed with the syrup an unusual flavor...but very good! I also lick it off his big, round tennis ball sized testicles. The entire time he struggles and makes muffled moans. I have a brown mess smeared on my face when I'm done, but I don't care.
"More chocolate?" Rose asks, holding out the bottle.
I shake my head. "No. Honey!"
The four of us keep adding spreads to different areas of John's body to lick and suck off. Not only his reproductive organs, but his stomach, his chest, his inner thigh, his feet and his silver dollar sized nipples. We each get a turn at the various parts of his anatomy as he groans and occasionally shouts as while shivering and writhing. We also take time to clean each other's faces with our tongues and give each other little kisses.
We keep it up for ten to fifteen minutes before John starts to thrash and dick twitches and throbs with what I will shortly learn is "pre-cum" streaming down it.
"Ah," Rose says. "He's ready to make the best cream of all."
"You think I'll be able to take it all?" I ask nervously. "It'll probably be a big load."
"True...I know! The rest of us will be right there and ready to take over. How that sound?"
"Great. That way we'll all be able to get some man-cream!"
With them leaning over the table near his crotch, I open my mouth as wide as I can to take him in. I take in much cock as I can before I get worried about choking and start. Even without the caramel or jelly, he tastes good as I suck him. What isn't in my mouth I put my hand on to pump him and other hand massages his balls. To his credit, he gives me a few minutes to enjoy it (and enjoy it himself) before blowing his load. It doesn't just spurt out. It ERUPTS into mouth like a hose turned on high. I take in just as much as I can until my cheeks swell and it's in my throat before I have to give up before choking on it (but what a way to go it would be!). Raven swoops in to take over and take as much jism as she can, then Rose, then Brain. And even then some gushes out to splatter on the table and floor. John goes limp on the table as we swallow his tangy sperm.
"So," Rose asks me. "How was it?"
"That was the best birthday cake I've ever had," I reply with a bright smile.
"Cut!" Mr. King tells us. "That was wonderful, my dears."
We take the hood off John. He has this big, goofy smile on his face and he seems to be come kind of stupor.
"Oh dear," Brain says nervously. "I think we broke him."
"He'll be fine," Ravens tells him reassuringly. "After what he's put us through before, it won't hurt for him to be the one dazed at the end of a scene for a change. And I think he really liked it."
"Ya don't say," Rose comments at the dopey grin on John's face.
We take a little break to rest and wash our faces off, then resume filming.
"Now I have a big present for you," Brain tells us. "I got you a pony."
"Pony?" Rose asks with frown. "Isn't she a little old for one of those?"
"Oh, this one's special," he says knowingly. Still naked from the waist up, we go outside. Brain leaves us and I soon hear the clip-clop sound of a horse, along with the jingling of little bells. But when he comes into view-
"oh. wow." I gasp.
Attached to the leash in his hand in Angel. Her hands are cuffed behind her back and she wears knee-high boots with no heels and...hoofs on the toel that make her feet arch. She also wears a bridle like horses so complete with a big feather, blinders on the sides of her head can only let her see in front of her, and a bit in her mouth. A little gold chain on her waist shines against her perfectly tanned skin, as does a ring in her navel and her bejeweled collar. Her blonde hair is tied in a long ponytail. She also sports a real tail swishing from a butt plug. Amazingly, it matches her hair. The bells hang from clamps on her nipples. She picks her legs up as high as she can with each step. She walks tall and holds her head proudly, sticking her large breast out and shaking them to ring the bells and make them jiggle. When she's close enough I can see it her eyes that she's excited about this. I stare at her in amazement.
"What do you think?" Brain asks, his voice strangely distant.
I reach out and cradle her face. She rubs her cheek in my palms and snorts in contentment.
"And I got this too," Brain says as he hold out a present. I open it to reveal a cowboy (or in this case girl) hat, boots, and a bandana. I put them on.
"How I look?"
"You make such a cute little cowgirl," Raven tells me with a giggle.
"So," Brain asks, "do you want to use a cart or ride her?"
"Ride her!" I exclaim as I take off what clothing I still have on except my "costume".
Angel bends over for me to mount her. I wrap my legs around her torso and take hold of her boobs with my hands. They're to plump and soft...Likewise she cups my rear in her hands.
"Do you need a riding crop?" Brain asks.
I shake my head. "No. I could never hit such a beautiful creature and couldn't possible mar such great skin."
"Okay. Giddyup!"
He swats Angel's ass and she starts forward. She cantors, trots, gallops, and jumps as the hoofs clop and the bells ring. We even jump over some hurdles, through some hoops and duck under some bars that have been set up for this. The entire time I hold her firmly with my legs and cup those magnificent mammaries. Though I keep moving one hand to rub her chest, side, shoulder and head while cooing and complimenting her. In turn, she constantly rubs, fondles and squeezes my butt.
"You're so good at this!" I laugh. "You're just as good as a real horse!"
She whinnies happily.
After a little over twenty minutes we return to the others and Angel bends over again for me to dismount.
"How was it?" Raven asks.
"Wonderful!" I respond. "It was almost like being a child again. And she's such a wonderful pony."
She makes a happy neighing sound.
"You can take her to the barn to let her rest," Rose tells me with a wink.
I smile as I realize what they're suggesting. With Rooster following us as he films, I lead Angel to the big barn and soon spot the stall with a little cot and shelf of items. I make her sit on the cot. First I remove the bell clips. She shivers and snorts with a pained expression when I remove the first one.
"You poor thing! That's the blood rushing back into circulation, isn't it?"
I roll the nipple in my thumb and forefinger in an attempt to help the flow and make her feel. She sighs in relief. I repeat the process on her other nipple. Before I can stop myself, I flick it with my tongue.
I smile at her reaction and take it in my mouth. I gently suck on it while fondling her other boob with my hand, then suckle the other one as she moans deeply in pleasure. Next I take off the strange boots to massage her feet. She sighs and relaxes as I do. I also kiss and lick them, before sucking on them to "clean" them. It doesn't taste good, but it's partly my fault they got so sweaty. When I'm done I kiss and lick my way up her right calve and thigh until I arrive at her pussy. She has a golden bush to show that she's a natural blonde. She's dripping pussy juice and her clit is like an expensive pearl. I look up at her pleadingly.
"Can I-"
She nods.
I stand up to take the bridle off her head and the bit out of her mouth to kiss her.
"Yes, Mistress," she tells me. "My body is yours to with as you want."
I kiss her again before returning to her "nether lips". I lash out at it with my tongue and fingers and the sounds she makes are music to my ears. As unfair as it is to the others I've pleasured orally, her fluids are the best thing I've ever tasted.
"OH!-AUGH!-YAH!-P-Please-OOOOH!-Please Mistress!-UGH-C-Can I c-c-c-cuu-UUUGHH!"
I'm just about the answer yes when it hits me. "Not yet. You come when I say you come. And I want us to come together. Be right back."
I tell Rooster to stop filming, run back to the house, and return wearing the strap-on I'd received earlier. Filming resumes as I approach Angel and a hungry look on her lovely face. After givng her something to drink, I make her get off the cot and kneel on the floor. I sit on the cot and without being told she starts to suck it.
"Such a good pony," I tell her lovingly as I stroke her head. "I really wish this was a real dick so I could feel those perfect lips and tongue if it feels as good as it is to watch."
After several minutes I think she's lubricated me enough, I tell her to stop and make her lie on her back on the cot.
"Are you ready?" I ask her.
She nods with a big smile as she spreads her legs. "Yes, Mistress!"
I slowly ease into her, then start to fuck her. At first I'm slow, gentle and careful, then pick up speed and force as I get more into it.
"How am I, pretty pony?" I ask. "Please tell me it feels good to you too."
"Mistress is doing great!" she tells me. "Just go with what you fe-EEEE!"
I screw her with a rhythm that feels right and soon the sounds of our moans, groans, grunts, gasps and shouts fill the air. Her face is a wide mouthed smile of pleasure and watching her tits bounce as I fuck her is an amazing sight. And the feeling of the dildo's end pressing my vagina sends a great pounding sensation through my pelvis (not the mention the butt plug).
"Can I come yet?!" Angel yells. "Please, can I come?!?"
"Yes!" I shout back. "I'm coming too!"
We scream as the orgasms erupt throughout our bodies. I collapse on her. I wrap my warms around her and we exchange another passionate kiss.
"Good pony," I tell her quietly before I put my head on a breast to use as a pillow.
The filming stops and I'm given another break. I spend a lot of it still embracing Angel, though I remove the cuffs so she can hold me as well.
"You weren't too freaked out, were you?" she asks me in concern. "It's just that we like to use ponyplay every now and then and we thought a pony would an interesting gift."
"It was strange at first. But you're so beautiful and made such a great pony I got into it. It wasn't too much riding you, was it?"
She giggles. "You're so light it was not trouble at all. Though holding that little ass was a nice bonus. And I appreciate that you didn't hold my tits very hard. "
"I didn't take things too far with the strap-on, did I?"
"Of course not. And I meant it when I said you did great. I could tell you wanted it to feel as good for me as it was you."
"I wanted it to feel better, actually," I look up at her. "You think I could b a pony sometime?"
She looks me over. "I think you're too small. But you'd make a great petgirl. A puppy or kitten could work wonderfully. And of course, a bunny."
I just smile and put my head on those wonderful mini-pillows. When we've regained enough strength we rejoin the rest of the household for a meal.
"What's next?" I ask. "Are we done yet?"
"Just one more scene," Mr. King tells me. "Then we can all take a nice long break between shoots."
"We've got enough footage to even post a mutli-part video," Brains reports. "With that we can take a break from making some for a few weeks."
"Unless we want to," Rose says slyly.
We break a little longer before continuing the shoot. This time John and Angel join Mr. King in filming.
"Okay, birthday girl," Raven tells me, "we've saved the best for last. Now it's time for my present!"
She leads me to a large present box. I open the top and see Rooster, naked and collared with his hands tied behind his back and a ball gag in his mouth. He steps out of the box as Raven tugs the leash on his collar. With me following she leads him into a bedroom and I know what's coming.
She orders him to lie down on the bed and turns tome with a smile.
"I think you know what to do."
I just smile and nod. I get on the bed and straddle my redheaded "boy toy". I rub his chest and play with his nipples as I kiss and his face, neck and shoulders. I really like the feel of his skin and muscles. I ungag him and sit on his face. He immediately sticks his tongue into me. Oh god, he's so good! He may be the best at eating me out so far. I spot his cock, already standing, and bend forward to take it in my hand. He's about seven inches and smooth as a ceramic statue. I hear a moan from beneath me I pump him and fondle his nuts. I take him in my mouth. His is the best tasting penis I've yet to have. I suck him energetically and greedily, which in turn makes him make better use of his tongue. When I think both of are well lubricated, I get off him, reinsert the gag, and lower myself onto him.
In the days leading up to this, the other girls had warned me that my first time would hurt. A lot. But instead the feeling of his dick stretching my vaginal canal is one the best things I've ever felt. There's only a brief flash of pain as my hymen breaks, followed by the strange yet amazing feeling of a penis filling me up. Even as tears involuntarily run down my face I smile.
"Fuck me," I tell Rooster.
He starts out slow and gentle, increasing force and speed at my request. It feels so good to have a cock moving in and out and up and down inside my vagina as I thrust and buck my hips in a rhythm to match his movements. I untie his hands and remove the gag for him to use his hands and mouth on me, as well as switch to different positions. We go at it hot and heavy for what feels like eternity until the fire in my feels like explode.
"Oh god, I'm coming!" I tell. "I'M COMING-I'M COMIII-YYYAAAAUUGGHHH!!"
He actually fucks me harder at this as he get ready for his own orgasm. His hot, molten sperm shots into me and I scream as I'm consumed by a white hot burning. I feel like I will burst into flame. My body goes numb, my mind goes blank, and the world goes black.
When I come to feel stiff and sore all over, but with a nice warm feeling inside me. Next to the bed are the others. Rooster takes my hand. He's been crying. He takes my hand.
"Rabbit, I'm so sorry!" he says in a shaky voice. "I didn't mean to-"
"You've done nothing wrong," I tell him with a smile. "You were perfect! I couldn't have asked for a better first time."
"See, Bro," Rose tells her twin. "I told you you were overreacting again."
"I didn't ruin the scene, did I? Will we have to reshoot?"
Brian shakes his head. "We can pick up where we left off. All that's needed is just a few lines of dialogue to finish the story and we're done. It'll only take a few minutes."
"Can it wait a little while?" I ask. "I need to rest up some more."
"Of course," Mr. King says understandably. "It can even wait until tommorrow or even the day after that. You've just gone through a very major change. You just come to us when you're ready. Do you need anything?"
"I am kinda thirsty."
They bring me some water and I gulp some of it down. I thank them and then recline in the bed. Half asleep, I smile as I think of what's to come and fully experience and enjoy being a woman...
Chapter 5: Reunion (added: 12/19/2011)
Time passes. I play a number of roles throughout several scenarios and go through a number of very interesting experiences. I've been a nurse, schoolgirl, super heroine's sidekick, kitten, maid, puppy, doll, harem girl and princess, among others. Sometimes I'm the sub, sometimes I'm the dom. And there are vanilla scenes as well. I've experienced all manner of pleasures and the occasional pain I could've only dreamed off before. Even regular activities like shopping, eating out or going to the movies feel more special than they did before.
One day I have just finished filming a threesome with the twins. I lay between them like a human sandwich. It feels so great to feel his chest against mine and her boobs pressing into my back.
The sound of someone clearing their throat makes us look up at Angel.
"Just give us a second, Angie," Rooster tells her with a sigh. "Just enjoying the moment..."
But when I see the look on her face I know, that something serious has happened.
"What's wrong?" I ask in concern.
"You need to get dressed and come with me," she states. "Now."
We get up, get dressed and follow her to the office. Standing there is a large, muscular woman who almost looks like a man in a dress...my aunt. I go stiff and my face loses what color it has.
"A-A-A-Aunt Margie!" I yelp.
"There you are, Alice," she says sternly with the frown I've always seen her wearing. "I've been looking all over for you."
"You have?!"
She nods. "Of course. I have been greatly worried about you alone in this world of danger and sin. I was charged with caring for you and that's what I intend to do. I know our time together hasn't been very joyful, but I swear that it was all for the best."
I clenched my fist. She'd been spouting excuses for treating me like crap almost since the moment I met her. She turned to Mr. King.
"Thank you for taking care of my niece. But now I shall take her and--"
"Actually, she should have a say in the matter. You see, we've grown quite fond of her and she us. You may her only living relative, but she may want to stay with us. What do you think, my little white rabbit?"
I smile brightly. I could kiss him right there and then. And let him put his dick anywhere he wants.
"I'd rather stay here," I reply. To Auntie I say, "Thank you for your concern and for looking for me. But here I'm happy, cared for and among people I love. So please, just go home satisfied that I'm safe and content and just go back to life before I was sent to you."
Her frown grows and her face reddens. "No. You are coming home with me away from these sinners and harlots. You will learn to live a life free from vice and sin and reap the rewards later."
"When I'm dead," I retort. "What's the point of trying to get into Heaven if I have to live my whole life being miserable?"
My friends yell and gasp as she slaps me. "Don't contradict me, girl."
She grabs my arm so hard it hurts and starts to drag me away as I shout and beg. John gets in front of her.
"Out of my way, brute!" she snaps at him.
He responds by slapping her and grabbing her arm. She cries out in pain and lets me go.
"Now you know how she felt," he tells her. "Listen, you self-righteous bitch. Rabbit's told us all about what you put her through. She hated every minute of living with you. She tried to escaped while hurt, exhausted and without a stitch on. That should tell you she doesn't want anything to do with you."
"What she wants is far from what she needs!" Auntie shouts at him. "I will-"
"You'll shut up and leave her alone," John tells her.
"I will do no such thing! I have the papers with me! Stop me from taking her now and I'll be back with the police."
"Self-righteous and stupid," Rose mutters a dark chuckle.
Rooster charges in and joins John in putting handcuffs on my aunt, as well as taking her purse. Angel pops a ballgag into her mouth and they secure it after some effort. She reaches into the purse and pulls out the legal documents.
"Yep," she comments. "Everything seems to be in order." She holds them out to Brain. "Be a dear and burn these for us."
"You got it!" he says as he snatches the papers from her and runs off.
"Shit!" Rooster exclaims. "She's fighting like a tiger!"
"A fuckin' sabertooh one!" John says as he tries to hold her as she kicks.
"To the Guest Room with her," Mr. King announces.
As Auntie kicks and screams in John's grasp, she's taken to a room I haven't been in yet. It's windowless and with one light. In the middle of the room is a cot and on the walls are various contraptions like out of a medieval dungeon.
"We used this room for more 'extreme' shoots," Mr. King explains to be and Auntie. "But we didn't particularly care for them. But we've used it for other purposes of dealing with trouble makers. Some burglars who picked the wrong house to rob. A noisy reporter trying to get a big scoop. A sales lady who just wouldn't take no for an answer. More importantly, we used this room for justice.
"You see, Rabbit is hardly the first person to suffer abuse before coming here. Angel was enslaved by her own stepbrother. The twins were held by a sadistic uncle. Big John was captive by a whole family who knew he could take extra punishment. Raven's story is particularly interesting, but I won't go into it now. We've had many of them here to experience the suffering they put their poor slaves through. And now you are going to join their ranks of until we decide your fate."
John puts Auntie in a choke hold. Rose and Raven each grab a leg and Rooster puts legs irons on her ankles. John lets go and she tries to run, which sends her crashing to the floor. I actually feel a sense of pleasure watching her flop around like a giant fish in an ugly dress, muffled shouts filing the air. We leave, locking the door with three locks.
"What are you going to do her?" I ask.
"That's entirely up to you," Mr. King tells me. "You are the one she's wronged, so you should decide what becomes of her."
"...what did you guys do to the people who hurt you?" I ask the others.
"Just gave them a taste of their own medicine," Angel replies with a smile. "But we didn't kill them if you're worried about that. And we let them go. Eventually."
"Though you don't wanna know what the twins did to Uncle Al," John tells me, at which Rose and Rooster give creepy smiles.
"Well," I say after some thought. "I have an urge to interrogate her on how she got here. This is going to sound stupid, but I'd like to get directions from her so I could go back and find my teddy bear, Robert. If it weren't for him I don't I could've survived the years with her if it hadn't been for him. In fact, the night you guys found me I'd just been punished for hiding him. She wanted me to throw him away. She even wanted to throw him into the fire. I hit her as hard as I could and hit him the hole of a tree. She striped me, hung me up by my thumbs, and whipped me until I bled, demanding I tell her where I hid him. But I didn't. If I hadn't been in such a panic when I escaped I would've taken him with me."
As foolish as it is, I start to cry. Angel hugs me.
"You all think I'm being real silly about now, aren't you?" I ask sheepishly.
"Of course not," my buxom, blonde friend tells me. "I think that's really sweet."
The others nod and say encouraging words. I sigh with some relief.
"Thanks guys. Though I know she wouldn't tell no matter what we did to her. Besides, I don't think I have the heart to torture her. That wouldn't make me much better than her."
"You're a better gal than me," Rose mutters. "But we just can't let her go. But we can't keep her here forever either."
"You sure?" I ask.
"Keeping someone prisoner is a lot responsibility," Rooster informs me. "Having been on both sides, I can tell you it can be a real pain in the ass. We could keep her as long as we want, but it'll be like having a pet. Hell, worse!"
I put my finger to my chin. "I'll think about it."
I spend the next few hours deciding what to do with my aunt. Then it comes to me. I tell the others and they're fine with it. Raven and Brain "guest room". Auntie is breathing heavily from exhaustion and all sweaty. She glares at me defiantly as I kneel in front of her.
"Dear Auntie," I tell her. "You'll he happy to know what my friends won't lay a finger on you...well, maybe if they ask nice enough. I'm the one you'll have to answer to. And I've decided to keep you for a little while."
"Yes! We're going to have so much fun! But first those clothes need to go."
I grab her head and press the chloroform soaked rag against her nose. She tries to get away, but her already weakened state helps the drug to quickly render her unconscious. Some of the others come in to help me unbind and undress her. Surprisingly, it isn't the ugly sight I thought it would be. Though she's far from hot as well.
"Not bad for a big woman," Raven remarks. "A few modifications and she'd almost be attractive enough to screw. Almost."
"And are those E cups?" Brain asks in shock at the sight of her boobs. "I thought those were a myth!"
"They're real," Raven tells him. "But they're not as amazing the stories make them out to be. They mainly belong to women who are very fat or giantesses like Auntie here. And if they were on normal sized women they'd be grotesquely disproportioned."
"I'm surprised too," I remark. "I didn't get to her naked most of the time. Though those ugly clothes of hers made things even worse. At least she's not one those weird looking muscle chicks. Just big."
When she's nude we stuff her arms into a leather sheath, plug her anus, cuff her ankles to a midsized spreader bar, put a leather harness on her chest and gag her with a penis gag (that oughta shut her up!).
"Oh wow," I say when we're done. "She actually looks better like this!"
"Almost any woman looks good in bondage," Raven tells me.
We put her on the cot. It has straps and we use them on her waist and chest to pin her down. She moans as we tighten and secure straps on the cot. I pay her cheek to wake her up.
"Auntie?" I tell her in a sing-song voice. "Dear Auntie? Time to wake up!"
The look on her face as she realized her situation is priceless.
"Now you know how I felt," I tell. "But I won't hurt you. I don't have the heart to torture you, but you're not leaving here unpunished. But I'm going punish you with pleasure..."
We leave her to shout and struggle and come back with a tray of items. She looks at them with a wide-eyed look of fear and stops struggling as she braces herself. I smile at how dumb she's being as I pick up the massage lotion and put some in my hands. I rub it all over her skin and she moans and snorts as
she squirms as much as her bonds will let her. She finally relaxes as the lotion affects her and she moans and sighs.
"This isn't so bad, now is it?" I ask. "When was the last time you have a massage? Or even relaxed all together?"
I massage her sides, thighs, feet, legs, stomach, chest and boobs. She keeps tensing up, then relaxing. She closes her eyes and gives a long, loud groan. I take a giant boob and knead it like a lump of bread dough.
She shakes her head and wriggles as I take a nipple in my mouth. But I suckle her gently, probing and flicking her big, hard nub with my tongue in a way that the other women have all enjoyed.
But I continue, going to her other titanic tit. Her protests stop as she groans and shivers.
"What's her problem?" Raven asks with a frown.
"STAPH!" she tries to say again. "PLEEFF STAGH! IGH WRAUGG!"
"No it's not," I tell her as I cradle her cheek. "This is supposed to be an act of love. Even though you spent all those years hurting me and yelling at me, you're my aunt. My only family. We're supposed to love and care for each other." I kiss her nose, which make her shudder. "And that's why I'm not going to pay you back for all you did to me. You said you were trying to save me. Now I'm going to save you."
I give her several little pecks all over her face. She keeps turning her face, but I keep kissing her. I go down her neck to kiss and lick her all over, sucking her nipples once more and licking out her navel. I arrive at her crotch and give it a whiff. She doesn't stink, but she has a pungent aroma thanks to performing various chores and probably hasn't bathed yet today. She also has the biggest, thickest patch of pubic hair I've ever seen. I smile as I rub it, making her give a muffled shout and jump so hard the bed moves.
"It's okay," I tell her with a smile. "I'm not going to hurt it." I look back at it. "Poor thing's has to be really lonely."
I rub it, kiss it and pat it before licking it to make her yelp. She struggles with renewed energy until she gives in, sniffling.
"How is she?" Brain asks with great intrigue.
"Not the best pussy I've ever tasted," I admit. "But hopefully she'll taste after she's had a bath. At least it's distinct."
I stick a finger into her. The way she yells you'd think I'd punched it.
"Oh my god!" I exclaim. "She's so TIGHT!"
She gives a muffled wail and starts to cry some. Even when she was at her worse, I never hated her. She wasn't cruel like those who'd held my friends. Just horribly misguided. Now I feel a great swell of pity for her.
"You mean she doesn't even masturbate?" Brain asks in shock.
"If so, it's not often," I reply. I look at my aunt and give her another kiss. She yells and writhes. "You poor thing," I tell her. "It's not just me you wronged. You even denied yourself any form of joy. Even the simplest form of satisfaction..."
I stick my finger back into her and carefully move it back and forth. Auntie stops struggling and stays still, breathing heavily and sometimes shaking. I finger her for a while to loosen her up before adding another finger. After fifteen more minute I add a third. She slowly relaxes her body. I carefully push my
hand deeper into her.
"Well," Raven asks jokingly, "is she the world's older virgin?"
I shake my head. "No. Her hymen's long gone. My parents told me something bad happened to her and it made her this way. So someone must've loved her and left her."
I go back to gently hand fucking her. Before I know it, she starts to get wet and move her hips rhythm to my hand. Then I spot it.
"Why Auntie, what a big clit you have!" I giggle.
I take the huge pearl in my thumb and forefinger and lightly squeeze and roll it, to make her grunt and gasp. When she's further aroused I take it into my mouth to suck and lick it. It's almost like having an odd tasting sucker in my mouth, or a very small penis.
"AAUGH GAAUGH!" she yells.
"That's it!" I cheer her. "Give in and enjoy it!"
I undo the cot's straps to allow her to move more and I go back to using mouth on her clit while fisting fucking her. After a while her body movements and grunts signal she's reaching climax. I stop and she looks up at me...pleadingly.
"Do you want to come?" I ask.
She closes her eyes tightly and tenses up before relaxing and nodding with a defeated expression. I get the vibrator from the tray and turn it on high. I press it on her clit and she gives a muffled squeal. I press its end into her vaj and the squeal becomes a scream as she orgasms. A nice big one that make her flop around like a fish and leaves her as limp as a ragdoll. I give her a kiss on the forehead.
"Wasn't that great?" I ask. "I'll bet that's the first orgasm you've had in years. Maybe even decades for all I know. I'll be back to have more fun later. Right now we're going to take a little break and then I'll come back with something to drink. Okay?"
She doesn't answer, tears streaming down her face.
We leave, locking the door behind us.
"You don't think I was too rough, do you?"
"Hell no!" Raven tells me, hugging me. "I think you showed a great deal of restraint. If it had been me I would've done far, far worse to her. I'm proud of you."
"But she was so scared and she cried..."
"Then she knows how you felt," Brain tells me reassuringly. "She needed a taste of her own medicine.
And if she's such a prude she can't handle an orgasm, then there's something seriously wrong with her. She's even worse than you told us."
Over an hour later I go back with a glass of water, bowl of stew, washcloth, bucket and a special bag. I use the cloth to wipe the tear tracks off Auntie's face. I sit her up.
"I'm going to ungag you," I tell her. "But you're going to be perfectly quiet. One word...no, one syllable, and this goes right back in and you get nothing. Understand?"
She nods. I take out the gag and give her a moment to work her jaw before holding the water to her
mouth for her to drink. She downs most of it in a few gulps. Next I give her some spoon fulls of stew.
"Not bad, right?" I ask. "It's Big John's family recipe. I know I like it! Probably feels strange to eat someone else's cooking after all those years of eating that crap you make, huh? It's no wonder I'm still so small!"
When she's done eating I wipe her face off...and lick off what fell on her chest.
"Do you have to pee?"
Her face reddens as she nods. I make her get off the bed and squat down to piss into the bucket, then wipe her clean.
"Now to take care of number two!" I tell her. I regag her and make her get back on the bed face down. I take out the butt plug to a muffled grunt. As I'd worried, she yells as the end of the enema bag into her anus. She squirms and gives muffled yelps as the water goes into her.
"Calm down," I tell her as I give a swat to each ass cheek. "I know from experience that it doesn't hurt THAT much. Though the others tell me I'm the only person they've ever met who liked getting an enema..."
When the bag is empty, I tell her to hold it in or else and leave for half an hour, then come back, get her off the bed, and position her over the bucket to take a big dump. I wipe her off one last time, reinsert the plug, and put her back on the bed. I take my supplies and return with a big bowl of soapy water, a washcloth, sponge, loomphah, towel, bottle of shampoo and conditioner and a little cup. I remove her chest harness and give her a sponge bath. She moans and blushes as I clean her all over the three cleaning tools. I make her hold her head over the bowl so I can wash her hair, using the cup to rinse it. When I'm done I towel her off.
"There," I say in satisfaction when I'm done, putting the chest harness back on. I smile at my handiwork. "You look better already. Especially using such good shampoo and conditioner. You're hair looks the best I've ever seen it. In fact, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you enjoyed being bathed by me."
She turned her head with a shame filled look and started to cry silently. I take her head in my hand and wipe the tears away.
"If this about lesbianism and us being related, stop it. Women can provide each other with as much pleasure as men. And before you're my aunt, you're still a woman. One who probably hasn't experienced any kind of pleasure in many years. And it's up to me to give it to you. Besides, right now I don't trust my friends to be alone with you. Not only are they really upset about what you did to me, but being abused themselves makes them eager to dole out punishment. You're lucky it's me. So please stop crying so much and relax." I give her a kiss on the forehead. "Now that the business out of the way, I'm going to take a break before the pleasure."
I take my bathing supplies and leave, leaving Auntie in the dark to think about what just happened.
It's late that night before I return with some more items to loosen her up. Again I ungag her under the promise she not talk, though she can make some noise. I begin by tickling her feet, sides, navel, and arm pits, with my fingers, a big tickle feather and even a feather duster. It's the first time I've ever heard her laugh, and it's actually not a bad sound. I use suction tubes on her nipples and clit. She gasps and grunts, but no words. I use a Wartenberg pinwheel on her sensitive areas. She gives a series of grunts, short gasp and moans as its pins prickle her as it rolls across her skin, but again she has the sense to not be verbal. She's more sensitive than I ever thought! And all this time I thought she couldn't feel...By the time I really get to work she's glistening with sweat and breathing heavily.
"Don't get tired on me now," I tell her. "We're just getting started!"
For a good while I use dildos and vibrators of varying size, shape, textures and intensity on her, making her really use her voice and making her move just as much as the armbinder and spread bar will let her.
Finally she can take no more and she speaks.
"Do you need to come?"
"Don't try to lie," I tell her. "You're sopping wet down here. But when you come, it'll be when I let you. And I this time I want us to come together."
I get a double ended dildo. I put one end in her mouth and the other in mine and we suck on it. At first she has trouble, but does better as she watches and mimics me. When I feel that both ends have been sufficiently lubricated, I stop sucking mine and just pull hers form her mouth. I loosen the ankle cuffs and remove the spread bar. She pulls her legs together and shakes, giving me an anxious look.
"Don't worry," I tell her. "I'll make it feel great for you. And I got a double ended one so I could feel it too. See?"
I insert an end of the dildo into myself. She stares at me, with the rubber cock sticking out of my vagina. She takes a breath and spreads her legs, but still shakes while tensed up. I enter her gently and she relaxes with a sigh. I lean forward to give her a deep passionate kiss, then start.
I don't know how long I fuck her, but I take my time, using several different positions and taking my sweet time with each one. We have to be quite a sight: a small, white haired albino girl fucking a heavyset woman three times her size in an armbinder, both us sweaty and out faces flushed as our moans, groans, grunts, and shouts fill the air.
"OOOHHHH GAAWWD!" Auntie screams after a while. "Can I come yet?! PLEASE CAN I COME?!?"
"Yes!" I cry back. "Come with me! Come together as a fami-LLEEEE-YYYYAAAAAUUUUGGGHH!"
We collapse. I take a few minutes to regain some energy before getting up. Auntie has a glazed expression on her face, tears of exhaustion and drool streaming down it and cum dripping from her cunt. I give her one more kiss on the forehead before gagging her with the wiffle gag, blindfold and ear plugs.
"Goodnight Auntie," I tell her as I rub her head. She moans weakly.
I turn off the light, lock the door and go to bed.
Early the next afternoon I go back into the Guest Room. I remove everything from Auntie and position her to just sleep on the cot until she wakes up to see my holding her clothes in a bundle, wearing a smile.
"You're...letting me go?" she asks, stunned.
I nod. "The others kept telling me to keep you here longer. And I'd really planned to. But after what I saw and felt yesterday and last night...I just can't. So I'm letting you go and hoping for the best."
She takes her clothes from me and practically jumps into them. She runs out the room, into her car and drives off with squealing tires and a large dust cloud behind her.
"Look at her go!" Angel comments. "She could win the Indy 500 driving like that!"
"Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll crash," John says with a chuckle.
"Please don't say that," I tell him with a frown.
"How can you be so forgiving after the hell she put you through?" Rose asks.
"Rabbit has a heart full of love," Mr. King tells her. "She couldn't bring herself to wish ill on another. I see that as a good sign."
"You really want Rabbit to do her aunt what we did to Uncle Al?" Rooster asks his sister with a frown.
"...Not really," Rose replies with a sickened look.
"You think she'll come back with the cops?" Brain asks nervously.
"I don't think so," I tell him confidently. "She'll be too ashamed to tell them what happened. Besides, I stirred something in her she hasn't felt in a long, long time. She's going to want to think a lot on it. Probably spend a lot of time praying forgiveness while she's at it."
"What a nutjob," Raven, the twins, Brain and John say together.
We watch as the last of the smoke clears, then go inside.
Chapter 6 (added: 01/07/2012)
For a few days we keep our guard up. But nothing happens. In fact, it's a full two weeks before Auntie's car is spotted approaching the house. She gets out of it holding...presents.
"What do you want?" Rooster snaps at her in disdain.
"Are there bombs inside those gifts?" Angel asks in suspicion.
"Please," she tells them. "I just want to speak to Alice."
"Please," I tell her, "call me Rabbit. And what can we do for you?"
Her eyes start to water and she starts to shake. "Dear child...Sweet child...I...I'm so sorry!"
She drops down on her knees, drops the presents and takes my hand. "I'm sorry! Oh god, I'm sorry! I never meant to hurt you so! I thought I was putting you the path of the right. That I was protecting your soul and innocence. But all I ever did was hurt you! Beat you! Scare you! Made you miserable!"
"You just realized that NOW?!" Rose asks in disbelief.
"I swear, I thought it was for the best. But instead I was wrong the whole time. Do you know how hard that's been for me to accept?! I've spent the last two weeks trying to make sense of these...these feelings I've experienced ever since I left here. I haven't been able stop touching myself thinking of her smile and touch...a girl who had every right to hurt me in retribution was caring, gentle and loving." She shudders. "It was then that I realized how wrong I'd been all those years. That I should've treated her like the daughter I never had instead of someone to lord over. That I could've had happy times for the first time in years instead of making her time with me wretched!" She gives me a mournful look as tears run down her face. "I swear, I want to make up for all the wasted time and heal the harms I've done. Can you ever forgive me?"
"I-It's going to take time," I reply as I wipe a tear away. "But I want to. It was the hope you'd love me one day that kept me going for so long." I hug her.
"You gotta be kidding me," John says in wide-eyed shock.
"Epiphanies are strange, dangerous creatures," Raven tells him. "They strike without warning and turn your whole world upside down in an instant."
"I know I have little right to ask," Auntie tells me. "But can I move into this big house with you? I've been so lonely..."
"I don't know," I tell her. "The others might not like it."
We look to them.
"Maybe," Mr. King says as he strokes his beard. "But you will have to earn a place here. When we found Rabbit she was beaten, exhausted, and very scared. We've saved many of our group from those who have harmed them, but taking in one of the people who did the harm will be awkward."
"I understand," Auntie tells them. "But you can do whatever you want to me. I realize I deserve whatever punishment I get for my deplorable treatment of Al-Rabbit."
"Damn!" Rose comments. "That eppy-whatever really hit her hard! If Uncle Al had been anywhere near this apologetic we wouldn't have cut off his-"
"Not now, Sis," Rooster tells her sternly. He glares at Auntie. "Though we will do things to you. Though a well built woman like you could probably stand a little punishment."
"I suppose I could."
"What's in the boxes?" Brain asks.
"These are Rabbit's," Auntie tells him. "They belong to her. At the very least I wanted to return them to her at long last."
I pick up one and unwrap it. Inside is my favorite dress.
"No way! I thought you threw this out!"
She shakes her head. "Your father gave you that dress. I couldn't bring myself to get rid it like I most of your other clothes. And I just recently realized how beautiful it is."
The other gifts include a picture of my parents, a necklace mom had given me and-
"WOBERT!" I squeal as I hug my teddy bear. I don't care how ragged and dirty he is, it feels great to see him again. "Thank you, Auntie!" I tell her as I smile through my tears.
"I found him where you hid him in that tree. I wanted him gone because I thought you were too old and didn't want you to desire material possessions. But he was your only friend those lonely years."
Angel approaches me. "He looks like he could use some fixing up and a good washing. Mind if we have him for a while to fix him? I promise to give him back as soon as we're done. We'll make him good as new!"
I hesitate before handing him to her.
"Don't worry," she tells me with that ethereal smile. "He'll be back in your arms in no time!"
She goes off with Rose and Brain. Meanwhile, the others surround my aunt.
"Strip," John orders.
She slowly takes her clothes off to stand before them naked and shaking.
"Not bad..." Rooster tells her. "You're not as ugly as I thought. With some work you could be almost attractive. I suppose we would work with you."
"But-" I try to protest.
"Let them be, Rabbit," she tells me. "I've earned this."
She's led inside and they get started. Once again her arms are stuffed into the armbinder, an eyeless discipline helmet is put on her head, and they get a topless corset.
"Will that even fit her?" I ask in concern.
"We're about to find out," Raven replies. "Though I got the biggest one we had. I thought we could use it to make her more woman shaped."
"And just hope it doesn't break when we tighten it," John remarks.
The corset is put on her and tightened. She gasps and grunts as Raven laces it. When the Indian woman is done the corset looks like it might pop off. But strangely enough, Auntie already looks just a little hotter.
"Not bad," Rooster comments. "I guess clothes do make the woman."
"You're going to be wearing that for a while," Mr. Kings tells our willing captive. "Hopefully after a few days you'll look more like a woman should."
"What do you say?" John asks.
"Thank you," Auntie says timidly.
"Now I think it's time you started getting redemption," Mr. King tells her.
They make her kneel in front of the couch while I'm made to sit on it with my legs spread.
"Stick out your tongue, lean forward, and follow the yummy scent of your niece's sweet juice."
She does as she's told and she probes around with her tongue until she finds my puss.
"EEEK!" I yelp at her awkward attempts to please me. It's clear she has NEVER done this before. "Not so ha-AUGH! You don't have to be so aggressive. Just think about how I used my tongue on you-OOOH!"
That seems to do the trick, as she starts to get better as she remembers how I orally pleasured her.
"Aaahhh...that's better..." I reach down to rub her head.
I coo and moan as she licks me and eventually sucks my clit.
"She's getting into it," Rooster comments. "That's the biggest camel toe I've ever seen. It's about as
big as real one!"
"The bonds of family, repaired after so long," Ravens says wistfully. "What a glorious a sight."
"Mmmm..." John says watching us. "I think I'd like to get on this."
"Oh-Only if you don't get carried away," I tell him.
He strips and kneels down behind Auntie. He sticks a finger in her puss and she tenses up with a sharp gasp. He slowly moves it back and forth out her, which make her groan loudly. He uses her other hand to rub and pat her ass. She uses her mouth on me with more enthusiasm and energy.
"WHOA!" I yell in surprise. "Talk about a fast lear-URGH!"
She brings me to climax a lot sooner than I first thought she would. And while it's far from the best orgasm I've ever had, it still feels pretty good. Especially considering who I owe it too.
"How was I?" she asks me timidly.
"Not bad at all," I reply with a smile. "Especially for a first timer!"
"I just went with how I felt." She turns her head. "Now could I please have an orgasm myself?"
"I dunno..." John tells her. "I'm not sure you've earned one yet. First I wanna try something."
He makes her sit up. He asks for a volunteer to hold her boobs and Rooster gets behind her to do so.
"Not bad..." the redhead says as he fondles them. "These actually feel better than they look."
He smooshes Auntie's extra large breast together while John sticks his dick between them.
"W-W-What are you doing?" Auntie gasps at the feel of that long, hard cock moving between her boobs.
"Little something called titty-fucking," John replies. "And yours are just perfect for it! This may even be better than tit-fucking Angel and Rose!"
"Good thing they're not here to hear that," Raven remarks.
"Oh god!" Auntie declares. "This-this is the best thing I've ever felt!"
"Then have we got some things to show you!" Rooster comments.
She's titty-fucked for a while until John wants her to blow him. To his credit, he lets her go at her own pace as she takes his monster into her mouth, then try to figure out to suck it in a way that works for her. She even chokes a couple of times, but he's lenient on her. But after she gets the hang of it and becomes more comfortable, she's being deep throated with come drool dribbling down her chin and onto her breasts. It's a rather titillating sight and I feel strangely proud of her.
"Yep, she's related to Rabbit all right!" John says with a chuckle. "Fast learner with a lot skill!"
He grabs the sides of her head to mouth fuck her until he shoots his load into her mouth. She's able to swallow a lot, but still pulls her head back for semen to splatter on her. It's a good thing she's wearing that hood.
"How was I, Sir?" she nervously asks John.
"Bumpy start, but then you got the hand of it. How did you like the taste of my special love jelly?"
"It...it was delicious," she says with a smile. "I can't believe the things I've been missing out on all these years..."
"We'll just have to show you," Raven tells her. "Here, let me clean this off."
She and Rooster lick the cum off Auntie's boobs, which she seems to like. They've just finished when Angel, Brain and Rose join us.
"Here's Robert!" Angel announces as she hands the stuffed bear back to me.
"He looks just like he did when my parents first gave him to me!" I say with childish excitement. I embrace the three of them. "Thank you so much!"
I hold him up to admire him and then notice something different. A zipper where one wasn't before...between his legs.
"What's this?" I ask in confusion.
"A little something I decided to throw in," Rose says with a grin. "Unzip it."
I do and am shocked to see a little knob. I pull it out to find a dildo coming out of my teddy bear.
"It's not too much is it?" Rose asks in concern. "I just thought since you were older and he's already a beloved toy..."
"Truly, my sister has a disturbed mind," Rooster laments.
"We can take it out if you-"
"No," I tell her. "I love it. Excuse us."
"Oh my," Raven squeaks, some red standing out on the brown of her face.
"You guys wanna have some fun with Auntie?" John asks.
"Hell yeah!" Rose exclaims. "I wanna whack that giant ass! Someone get me a riding crop!"
"It's a little soon for that," Mr. King tells her sternly.
"How about a paddle?"
"And is that one of my corsets?" Angel asks with apprehension.
I don't get to hear the rest as I head upstairs. I go inside my room and take the dildo into my mouth. I move one of Robert's paws to rub my head.
"How is it, Wobert?" I ask him after a few minutes. "Is this as wonderful for you as it is me?"
"Of course!" he says in my imagination. "I hope I taste good enough."
"It's the best dick I've ever tasted! Like ice cream..."
I suck on him until my jaw hurts, then position him at my crotch.
"Are you sure?" I can hear him ask, picturing a concerned, loving look on his fuzzy face.
I nod, then push him into me with a fevered thrust. It feels wonderful to have him in me...so right...
"Oh Wobert!" I cry out as we fuck. "I missed you so much! I'm so sorry I had to leave you."
"It's okay, Rabbit. Thanks for sticking up for me. I'm sorry you were punished so badly because of it."
"It worked out. I found this house full of wonderful people, experienced all kinds of fun and exciting things, we're together again and now even Auntie finally loves me."
I sit up to kiss him before resuming the sex. I imagine his soft paws caressing me and even feel little kisses and licks on my stomach and navel if I think about it hard enough. I work him in and out of me until he brings me to a really great climax. I wipe the dildo clean, then insert it back into Robert and zip him close.
"How was I?" he says in my head. "Because you were great."
"Thanks. And you were just wonderful. I may even let the other girls try you sometime."
"I don't think they'll really like the idea."
"Their loss."
I hug my old, dear friend tightly as I lay in bed, and can feel him hugging me back. I have him, Angel, Mr. King, Rose, Rooster, Big John, Raven, Brain and even Auntie, who I once dreaded but now wants to make amends. After years of being scared and alone, I'm surrounded by people who love me and I them. I'd tried to escape a terrible life out of fear and desperation and found a paradise of passion and excitement. I smile as I realize I've finally found my happily ever after.
There's a knock on the door.
"You have to see this!" Angel tells me excitedly as she comes in. "Mr. King wants a piece of your aunt and we're even going to make a video for later. And he hasn't been in front the camera in a good while."
"Ooh!" I jump out of bed. "This I gotta see!"
I give Robert a little peck on the nose and leave to see what will be a most interesting show...