- Author - bunny1
- Rating -
   [ 3.97 actual ]
- Site Rank - 307 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, reluctant, bondage, cbt, chastity
- Post Date - 11/3/2011
Author's Note: Anna makes sure that Donald remains faithful during their engagement
"I'm so happy to be engaged" mused Anna, "and I'm so happy that it's to you". There was no spoken response but Donald wriggled in his body sack and tried to vocalise "Mmmm mmmm....." through the pumped-up butterfly gag which filled his mouth. Anna leaned over him and looked deep into his eyes. As their eyes met, his were filled with love and hers with affectionate amusement.
"You know I've been hurt before and that's why I'm so cautious, don't you my darling?" Donald nodded and twitched in the sack. "The ring is lovely. And it's lovely of you to accept my ring too!" She looked at the only other part of his body which wasn't fully-encased within the suit - his penis. Of course the penis wore a suit of its own - a cb6000 with a little padlock. "It's symbolic" she had explained, "I need to know that you'll be faithful until we're married. I'm so glad you understand my darling." She tickled his balls playfully with her longest fingernail. Donald struggled in the body sack, grunted through the gag, his eyes anxious, even pleading.
"What is it dear? Do you want me to take it off?" Enthusiastic nodding from the suited male. "Men. You are so predictable, aren't you?" She beamed at her bound fiancé. "OK well let me show you a couple of things first. Here." Anna unbuttoned her blouse and unbuckled the front-opening bra she was wearing, climbed onto Donald's chest and dangled her breasts just above his face. His eyes followed their movement. "Do you like what you see?" More nodding, heavy breathing, struggling...... then Anna moved up a bit so her crotch was placed just below his chin. "My Daisy Duke shorts probably need a wash. Can you smell me?" Donald bucked, nodded and grunted in frustration. Did she detect desperation too? She hoped so.
"OK, well I'm going to give you a treat. If you can get yourself out of that sack in under 10 minutes, I'm going to fuck your silly male brains out. How does that sound?" The sounds and movements coming from the bound male indicated the affirmative. "I take that as a yes then, my dear. Hang on though, before you get carried away, let me tighten your straps......."
As Donald battled against the sack, Anna tightened the buckles and added rope around his knees and around his torso. His struggle was of course useless as she knew it would be and well before the 10 minutes were up he gave up and glared at her, grunting furiously. "Oh dear. Do we detect anger?" asked Anna, somewhat rhetorically, "You know I don't like anger and it's one of those things you'll have to get used to doing without, won't you my dear?" She was speaking to herself as well as to him. "So I think I'm going to have to take action sooner than I thought. You wait here, I'm going to get your engagement prezzy."
Of course Donald had no option but to wait on the bed. The thick latex sack was secure. He knew it when he bought it at Anna's request. She had made sure he ordered the one with the inner sleeves for the arms. The problem with these was that they pinned his arms to his sides and once everything was tightened it didn't leave enough space to leverage his arms out. He was frustrated, sweating and desperate to fuck Anna.
Anna returned and placed a little box on the bed. "First I'm going to take the cb6000 off and give you a little stroking. Would you like that darling?" Enthusiastic nodding and grunting. Click. The device was unlocked and Anna's soft hands brought Donald's penis to attention within seconds. The cb6000 was so hard and unyielding. Anna's hands so tender and kind. "Now the thing is this. I don't want you thrashing about. Do you understand? If you move, I stop. Is that clear?" Nodding, grunting, heavy breathing. "Do you promise?" Nodding. "Good, make sure you keep that up." Nodding.
Anna stroked slowly. "You know how important it is to me that you remain faithful, don't you my darling?" Nodding. "Do you love me?" Nodding. "Would you do anything for me?" Faster stroking. Enthusiastic nodding. "Good. I love you too and what I'm going to do I'm doing for both of us, you understand don't you?" Stroking. Nodding. "Good."
Then the doorbell rang. Anna stopped stroking and despite what he'd promised, Donald bucked and thrashed in a desperate and completely futile attempt to finish himself off. Anna frowned. "You know darling, I'm disappointed in you. But not surprised. I need to answer the door. It's just after 10.00 and I think it's Julia. You know, Julia from the piercing studio who did your PA and frenum back in January?"
After a minute or so, Anna reappeared in the bedroom door with, much to Donald's horror, the girl he recognised who did the piercings Anna had requested. "Julia is going to be one of my bridesmaids, so don't fret my dear. And after all, she's seen your cock before. And by the way, she's a lesbian ." The girls giggled. Donald struggled and grunted. He didn't know what was going on, but it didn't feel like it was to his advantage. The girls ignored him because Anna was opening the box she'd brought in earlier.
"Here it is. Just shipped from America. It's called a Lori's Tube. It fits onto the cock and it also has these features which thread and lock through his piercings. We'll need to take out the rings you put in him. Everything is healed, I've checked. The supplier recommended that I order it to fit snugly when he's flaccid. That way he doesn't get anywhere without the keys to his toy, which of course he won't have until we're married and only very infrequently after that." Julia laughed and nodded her agreement and Donald shook his head, grunted and struggled to signify the opposite. "It also has these little bumps on the inside, see? These are an optional extra which I decided to take. They aren't sharp, but they do kind of bite into the cock to 'discourage' the male from the wrong kind of thoughts - if you know what I mean!" The girls laughed together. "But first we need to get rid of that erection. Shall I have him spurt, or shall I get the icepack?" Julia looked at the struggling Donald. "Icepack, definitely." She responded. Donald bucked and grunted in anger and frustration. What did it have to do with that bitch?? "You're right Julia" sighed Anna "He does need to learn."
Anna went to get the icepack and Julia beamed and looked into Donald's eyes. "Gotcha!" she whispered. "Men. Anna's right. You need to learn."
The rest of the procedure was pretty straight forward. The icepack dealt with the erection in a couple of minutes. Anna sat on his chest and Julia on his legs. The stainless-steel Lori's tube was fitted and locked with a bit of a struggle and a couple of firm slaps to his balls administered by Julia. Click, click, click, all done and secure.
The girls climbed down and surveyed Donald in the sack and the Lori's tube. "Yep. That's it. Done!" They high-fived and hugged as Donald looked on, defeated.
"Look Julia. I'm so grateful for your help with all this. You're such a friend. Would you do one more thing for me." "Anything Anna." "Would you keep these keys for me until the wedding? I don't want to get tempted to let him out and I certainly don't want there to be any risk of him being unfaithful. Do you understand?" "Of course my dear. They'll go straight into the safe at the studio and neither of you will see them until next May. That will be..... eight months, right?" Anna agreed, kissed Julia on the lips and Donald was left to struggle as Anna saw Julia out.
Returning to the bedroom, Anna sat down on the bed and stroked Donald's face. "There my darling. That wasn't so hard, was it? A few months will pass quickly. You'll get used to it. I'm going to let you cool down now. I'll be back to let you out of the sack in a couple of hours and we can get on with that oral sex practice you need........"
The End
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