Author's Note: First time at writing anything like this, feedback and (constructive) criticism welcome.
Altho' actively engaging in real life bondage I have always fantasized about discovering a 'self bound' woman, someone who craves bondage so much that they will do it to themselves in the absence of someone to do it to them (yes, I know it is not always that simple). Those thoughts have inspired the fictional character here I have called Jenna - hope you enjoy the story...
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Update (10/25/11): Thank you for the encouraging feedback, thought I would do a bit about Jenna and her background
Update (10/27/11): From the feedback some want plot, some just the action - can't please everyone but hope you enjoy the next installment
Update (12/08/11): Slightly revised and corrected first 3 chapters plus 2 new ones. Feedback still welcome, either thru the site or by email - and a special thanks to Gabriella for all the comments and help, hopefully you can see improvements in the writing for the last 2 chapters
Chapter 1
ok, so this was pretty much what she was hoping for; bound, gagged, naked and in just enough discomfort to get her horny as hell. Her arms were stretch out wide above her head, her legs were wide apart and tethered tightly to either side, naked apart from her restraints and the large red ball gag strapped in her mouth, she was quite a picture. Jenna was young and fit enough that this position would not trouble her at all, so the discomfort was supplied by an ingenious combination of pulled nipples and clamped pussy lips.
There was a choice, standing normally the clover clamps on her pussy were 'at rest' which meant there weren't pulling - which was good because these were the sort of clamps that did not come off when pulled, they only gripped tighter. The downside of this choice was what it was doing to her nipples. Both breasts had a reasonably tight cord wrapped around the base, causing them to tighten and swell - this had the effect of making her nipples taut and sensitive - something that was not lost on her when clothes pegs were added. The clothes pegs were on horizontally, which meant they were very effective at holding on the little noose of string that went over the top of them and closed tightly over the base of her nipples not squashed by the peg - ouch!
The noose was bad enough but the string then went over the branch above her and, in the standing position, held a weighted wind-chime just off the ground. The 'other' choice was to stand-up on tip-toes which allowed the wind-chime to rest on the floor and significantly reduce the pull on her tormented nipples. Only problem was that the pussy clamps balanced this relief by being connected to the tree root directly beneath her wide-spread legs. The chain that hung between the clamps was connected by a combination of string and large elastic bands that, when stretched, would keep the pressure constant without allowing any chance of jerking the clamps off - just enough stretch to stop them coming off, not enough to be anything but painful when pulled.
This all added up to a fairly severe bondage position, with alternating punishment for breasts and pussy, what made it worse was that Jenna had done this to herself and would be force to endure her self inflicted 'session' until the ice melted and allowed her a means of escape. As the cool evening wind caressed her stretched body and jangled the wind-chime, she reflected on the days of preparation that had brought her to where she was now.
The location had been carefully chosen, an industrial estate on the outskirts of town surrounded on three sides by forest - by day full of dog walkers, joggers and mountain bikes, but pretty much deserted at night. The particular spot was also significant, Jenna had wanted a twist, a little more excitement and risk - this was supplied by the factory directly in front of her. Careful reconnaissance had revealed a regular cigarette break every hour on the hour. It looked like there were 3 groups of workers that all took turns, the breaks never lasting more than 10 minutes, when they were ushered back inside by an unseen supervisor calling them back to work.
The preparation had been meticulous, hiding out in the bushes for a whole week, timing the various comings and goings to establish the patterns, she even had a few dummy runs standing naked in her chosen position to make sure that the shaft of light from the door would not reveal her to the smoking men. She felt very 'alive' stretching out naked and exposed less than 30 feet from the small group huddled around the doorway, ready to flee at the first sign of discovery but no one noticed her, the forest was pitch black and she was safely hidden behind the tree line.
That was when she had the idea for the wind-chime, for the risk to really be a risk there had to be some chance of discovery how-ever small. The wind-chime provided this, and very effectively. One evening as a test she had gently banged a couple of bits of metal together that had been lying at the edge of the bushes - the noise had echoed around the car park in front of her, she felt a thrill run through her as she considered the possibilities. Later, on the next 'break' she had gently tapped the metal together, the group had stopped what little chatter they had been making and she clearly heard one of the group say 'what was that?'. This was followed by a couple of the group detaching themselves and wandering in her general direction. Although the echoes made it harder to track the source it did not deter the investigators, they peered into the dark along the forest edge trying to work out what had made the noise. Jenna had retreated back into the bushes as silently as she could, although fully clothed she still did not want to be discovered and have to explain what she was doing there in the middle of the night.
Now she was bound and immobile, if they heard the wind-chime and decided to investigate again they would undoubtedly discover her, naked and on display, unable to talk her way out of her situation, and just to take away any doubt she had written on her flat stomach 'pain slut' in red lipstick followed by the simple invitation to 'fuck me'. She would have liked to be more explicit about what they should do to her but there just wasn't enough room on her front to write it all down! Anyway, she figured they'd get the idea...
A noise broke her out of her reverie, the door had swung open and the workers were filing out, the shaft of light cutting across the dark of the car park. She quickly went up on her tip-toes to silence the wind-chime that had been merrily singing to anyone that would listen moments before. She had calculated that the first few seconds would always be covered by the noise of them coming out and it wasn't until they were all smoking that they quietened down enough to hear her if she hadn't got into position.
Stretching up to keep the chimes on the floor, the pussy clamps were being pulled downwards, by the end of the smoking break her calves would also be complaining, but not as much as her pinched and pulled pussy lips. Now she had a new problem, she had underestimated just how vulnerable and helpless this all would make her feel, and she could feel her orgasm growing. This hadn't been allowed for, there was no way she was going to be able keep still and stretched if she came, even without the chimes they would probably hear her grunting into her gag!
Her breathing was ragged and she had to force her mouth open to suck more air in around the gag as her thrusting breasts threatened to betray her and lift the chimes any second. Trying to force her mind to think of more mundane things, she fought the rising tide within her, the warm glow was spreading through her tummy threatening to erupt at any moment.
It was one of the longest ten minutes she could remember squirming inside trying to hold it all in, and the door had barely shut when she was thrashing and writhing as the orgasm hit her - she hoped they had noisy machines going inside otherwise they would probably still hear her, but by then she was lost to the waves of pleasure crashing over her and just didn't care any more. Fighting her bonds for all she was worth as she revelled in her helplessness, finally slumping forward oblivious to the tugging on sore nipples as she hung there, feeling content on the after-glow of the best orgasm she had had for a long time. Luckily for her no one heard her performance, or the wind-chimes as she bounced them up and down as she came - but there was no doubt that she can't do that when the smokers were outside!
Twenty minutes later the ice melted and she felt the weight drop down, she carefully positioned the string in her hand and fed it through her fingers until it was taut - a sharp tug downwards released the slip knot and a few seconds later her hand slumped down, no longer held above her. Gently moving her arm to free her other wrist, she was very fit but even so, over an hour of that enforced position had left her shoulders stiff.
Soon she was free and getting dressed, eager to get home to a warm bath and an extended session with her rampant rabbit vibrator, in her head she was already planning her next bondage evening in the forest - might need extra batteries tonight she grinned to herself.
Chapter 2 - The build-up (added: 10/25/2011)
Jenna shifted her position in her seat, fiddled with her keys and wondered when this presentation was ever going to end. As the owner of the business she figured that she could just ask him to leave, but that would be rude. Rob was cute and she even considered making a pass at him when they first met, she hadn't and time had proved her instincts correct. His products were good quality at the right price but personally, he was just a little too straight for her. Now as he waded through his PowerPoint screens she let her mind wander - since her first adventure at the forest edge she was fairly obsessed, revisiting the scene many times, on average 3 times a week.
Always searching for new thrills she pushed her imagination, and her limits to add new things to her evening entertainment. Her first had been a butt plug in her virgin bottom, this had been disappointing, she found the sensation more distracting than erotic. Adding more pegs had worked better for her, on the sides of her breasts, on her pussy lips, and even on her mound by pinching the skin together - just enough discomfort to add to her feeling of helplessness without pushing beyond her enjoyment limits - after all, she only did what she did to herself because she got off on it!
Then there was the crotch rope - folding a length of coarse rope, wrapping several coils around her waist and threading the long ends through the loop formed by the fold. She breathed in hard to suck her tummy in, allowing her to rotate the tails so they hung down behind her, reach down between her legs and pull the ends up the through the clamp chain and rope around her waist by her belly button, taking care not to catch the clamps and pegs adorning her nether regions. She carefully parted her lips and tugged the rope tight, wiggling her hips slightly as the compression and the rough texture sent shivers through her. Later, when she was on her toes keep the chimes quiet, the downward pull of the clamps would strain against the rope, accentuating everything, nearly making her reveal herself as she fought against a much stronger than usual need to cum - the crotch rope was a keeper!
Sometimes she wore a blindfold, sometimes ear plugs, but never both together - the whole point was to give her less warning of the arrival of the men, so she had to keep her wits about her, heightening the senses that weren't denied her. Having watched them so many times, even blindfolded she could identify some of them just from their voices, funny she thought: "I'm here, naked and spread-eagled, clamped and gagged - playing some perverse game of blind man's bluff". She inwardly chuckled and nearly came too soon - "arghh, must concentrate!!!", a smile played across her mouth as she thought about it sitting in the conference room and for the first time see realised the presentation had stopped.
"What's funny" said Rob, his tone was light but she heard the hesitation in his voice. Snapping back to 'now' she quickly brushed off the unexplained smile, "it just reminded me of something else - please, carry on", keeping her voice casual and avoiding any detail because she had absolutely no idea of what he had been saying just before. Long before the presentation she had decided to stock his products, in the home automation market they were robust and fully featured, especially compared to others they had looked at - ironically she had only taken the meeting to be polite, and maybe work on the margins a little.
Rob carried on, tentatively at first but soon got back into it - looking at the slide of logistics and delivery schedules glowing on the wall in front of her she turned slightly away from him, seemly to pay better attention to the detail, but really just to hide any more involuntary facial expressions as she slipped back into her thoughts. She had good reason to be more distracted than usual, after a summer of regular 'fixes' the autumnal weather had started to lose the battle with winter and the evenings were getting too cold for her favourite pastime. She had tried one evening last week when common sense had told her it was too cold, she was thinking clearly enough to keep it short, and to allow for the slower melt times in the colder weather.
Her release ice blocks had been getting progressively bigger and as the temperatures had started to drop she had enjoyed the goose bumps and extended constriction, it was now common for her to have 2 breaks worth of ice, and of course 2 explosive orgasms. On this colder evening she had figured on about 40 minutes total, so she had gotten into position with 20 minutes to wait for the next unwitting 'audience'. Even this short time had proved to be too much and by the time they had come out she was positively freezing, numb fingers and toes, altogether too cold to benefit from her helpless feeling, the few minutes she had to wait after they had gone back in, without her post-orgasmic glow to warm her, had seemed like an eternity - she needed an indoor hobby, and soon!
Now the forecasters had given her a break, one last glimpse of good weather before the country plunged into freezing winter - a day, or maybe 2 at best before she would have to give up on the outdoor stuff, or start wearing a fur coat (kinda dampens the whole feeling vulnerable thing). The meeting had been booked weeks before, otherwise there is no way she would not have been in her flat right now, shaving her body completely bare, touching herself gently, getting herself as close to orgasm as possible before holding off, building the tension for later - she liked being so close to the edge when she started. This always made holding herself in harder, increased the risk of discovery and more importantly, increased the intensity of the orgasm when she finally let loose. She would writhe and squirm in her bonds, pulling with all her strength against the unmoveable restraints - never more helpless, never more sated, she loved every second.
Rob was prompting her for a reaction, he had finished his spiel and was looking expectantly at her. At 28 she had done well, she left school with ok results, 3 A Levels that would have got her into Uni, but she had other ideas and within six months had opened her first shop. Computer studies and business management was not that an unusual subject mix, but there hadn't been many girls on the same timetable. Computers had fuelled her interest at a time when most people did not really understand the internet or see the potential. Jenna did, and had - building her business aggressively she now had 3 computer shops and a blossoming distribution and mail-order operation, she had even brought her warehouse outright (on the other side of her favourite industrial estate). She was planning to expand into the support and home automation markets, which is where Rob's company came in.
She'd kept him waiting long enough, she launched into the price negotiation and Rob instantly perked up. People who weren't going to buy didn't care about the price so this was a good sign. It didn't take long, Jenna wasn't looking to squeeze him too hard, she was in this for the long-term and Rob was keen to leverage her distribution network to kick start his product's profile at what was proving to be a difficult time financially. They quickly agreed what they both thought was a fair price and once the business was out of the way with the initial order taken Rob visibly relaxed, he smiled broadly as her thanked her for the order and asked if she felt like a celebratory drink. She hesitated momentarily, and then cried off, blaming a prior engagement - horny wet pussy more like, and a burning need to hang naked and spread-eagled in front of a group of strangers while she bit down hard on her gag to stop herself coming, and showing them all a little pain slut waiting for be fucked...
Chapter 3 - Surprise! (added: 10/27/2011)
Their meeting over, Rob and Jenna exchanged pleasantries until she excused herself and led him to the door to see him out. He seemed reluctant to leave, maybe his offer for a drink was more than just a polite invitation to a work associate, but Jenna had other plans for the night and it didn't involve socialising in a bar. Making sure her impatience to leave did not show, she dealt with a few queries her staff had, she always made it a priority to respond to them, they were a large part of the reason her business ran so well and allowed her all the free time she had. The time allowed her at least an hour in the gym every day, plus yoga and other stretching classes, all making her very fit, flexible and capable of enjoying her main hobby - tight self-bondage.
Once she had satisfied all her staff's needs she headed out to her car, eager to get home and prepare for the evening's entertainment. Rob was still in the car park, sitting in his car on the phone - definitely reluctant to leave she thought to herself, giving him a little wave as she passed in front of him. He waved back but she had already gone past, her car was a few further down the row, the indicators flashed briefly as the remote unlocked it and within moments Jenna was gunning the engine out of the car park and on to the short drive home.
Once home she threw off her clothes as she went from room to room, running a bath, collecting items for later, briefly stopping at the full length mirror in her bedroom, she admired her strong slim figure. Her long legs, not too muscled but strong and shapely, leading to the V between her legs - slightly protruding labia lips completely unconcealed by any pubic hair. A toned and flat stomach led up to her firm breasts, too big for a C cup, not quite filling a D but did not really need the bra she usually wore, her daily workouts saw to that. Pretty enough but not classically beautiful, her face framed by light brown hair in a funky chopped cut that suited her features well - a package that attracted plenty of attention in the gym and other places she went, but most of the time the few that were confident enough to approach her proved to be macho airheads. Her business success, her looks and her fit trim body made her a daunting prospect for most potential suitors - add her sexual tendencies to the mix and it wasn't that surprising that she hadn't found Mr Right yet.
She had settled a few times for 'Mr Right Now', more than few actually, but all attempts to share her fantasies and desires had spectacularly failed. From outright rejection of the idea, to lamely taking part just to please her, none knew how to push her properly, none would tie her tight enough, and none would hurt her the way she wanted. She quickly snapped out of that line of thought, slipping into the bath and feeling the water wash over her. All thoughts of missing partners quickly dispelled as different parts of her body responded to the warm water and the tingles ran through more specific areas as she anticipated the night to come.
She lay there letting her fingertips gentle brush her erect nipples, planning her next moves. This was more of a practised routine by now - play with herself, stopping just short of orgasm until she daren't push her control any further, tie the breast and crotch ropes tightly in place, dress in light jogging clothes before grabbing her back pack stuffed with her remaining restraints and heading out to the car. Anybody meeting her on the way would have guessed she was on the way to meet someone special the way she smiled to herself all the way - ironic really.
Tonight would have to be a bit more special, this was probably the last opportunity this year, she had had a week to contemplate and plan what promised to be her most demanding experience yet. After her first butt plug experiment a small vibrating version her been more successful. Gradually working up to including it in her bondage she was ready and what better night - as she tightened the crotch rope it pushed on the little invader, already safely in place buried up to the base, just where it belonged. She didn't risk switching it on for the journey to the forest, when combined with a tight rope between her legs the sensations transmitted along the cord through her pussy lips and across her clit would quickly bring her to a strong orgasm.
The short drive to the warehouse didn't take long, she parked here all the time, even pre-outdoor-bondage days (now barely remembered - it was going to be a long winter), the CCTV kept it safe and the walk home was good exercise - well that was what she had told those who asked :) She got out and to all the world, and the cameras, it looked like she was off for a late evening jog as she headed across the industrial estate at a gentle run - looked authentic and also warmed her up nicely, not to mention the effect on her constrained breasts and pussy.
Ducking into the forest 30 yards from her destination she made her way along the trail in the dark, she could find her way blindfold now that she'd done it so many times - hmmm must try that sometime she thought. It did not take long to setup her restraints, a practised routine, swinging the ropes across the upper branches, wrapping the lower loops around the trunks.
Soon she was ready; stripping naked and strapping cuffs on to wrists and ankles, the gag was next, large, red and pulled in as tight as she could before clipping the buckle home. She could already feel the drool forming behind it, it wouldn't be long before she was soaking her own breasts. Breasts she now carefully attached pegs and clamps to - she had to pinch the taut skin with one hand and clip the pegs on with the other. The nipples were easier, already standing tight and erect despite the rope wound around the base of her breasts keeping the skin stretched, the clamps bit in as they closed around the waiting buds, Jenna let out a small involuntary gasp as she felt them dig in. She had long since stopped using the nooses over a peg, she had gradually increased the extra weight on the wind chime and had eventually pulled a peg off spoiling the effect and leaving her frustrated until the ice melted.
As she wrote the normal lipstick across her stomach she could already feel her first orgasm rising, her anticipation was high and her body was responding involuntarily. She went for her favourite invitation - 'pain slut' with 'use & abuse me' underneath, and she meant it, every time she put herself in this position she was half hoping to be discovered, even to the point where she had considered letting herself cum while the smokers were out, or at least lifting the wind chime enough to get them to look in the woods. She was never brave enough (or maybe stupid enough) to put herself at that much risk voluntarily - god, she was going to have to get herself a real man soon.
The night was warm enough for a longer session so she had 2 breaks worth of ice in the thermos waiting to clip onto the wrist rope, this was going to be good! It was a simple release mechanism, her right wrist cuff was clipped to a loop of strong hiking boot lace, a double loop slip knot easily held her weight even when she thrashed about - which would be soon by the tingling feeling she felt down below. The release end of the slip knot had a small weight attached to make sure it fell within reach of her fingers when the ice melted, she just had to work her fingers to tug on the free end until the knot released. With one hand loose she could quickly untie the rest of her bonds - the harder part was fixing into the tie in the first place - it had taken trial and error to master the string web to hold the carabineer rigid at the right height to hook her wrist cuff fixing into.
Clamps for her pussy lips, and a couple more pegs pinched onto her nude pubic mound for good measure completed the basic preparation. Bending over carefully to avoid catching clamps and pegs she spread her legs almost as wide as they would go before clipping them onto the loops around the trunks. Her feet fidgeted slightly to find purchase and get into a comfortable position - almost there. Pulling on the string hanging in front of her she checked the lift on the wind chime, it was important that it reached the ground when she stretched, and just as important that it swung free when she didn't. Fixing the end to the chain between her nipples she winced as the clamps took the strain of the heavy metal work already chiming away and announcing her presence to anybody listening. She did a couple of dummy runs, making sure the chimes went low enough to silence them when she stretched upwards on her toes. It needed to be a special night, so she took an extra inch out of the cord, forcing her to strain upwards to get the silence she would need later, a thrill ran down her spine and her bottom tingled at the thought of the extreme position she would be soon be in.
Now moving quicker, she pulled on the string/elastic band cord that was fixed to the root beneath her widely stretched legs, for the moment casually looped thru her crotch rope waist band. Taking the top end out of her waist band and reaching down carefully she fixed the string to the clamps between her legs and pulling slightly on the elastic bands so that even at rest it was tugging on her slightly, all adding to her excitement, she tied off the end committing to her self imposed dual torture. She went up on her toes and stretched her body up as far as she could, the wind chimes just reached the floor, and her pussy lips were pulled down hard against the crotch rope. She quickly relaxed down again, before her orgasm hit - wow, this is going to be a challenge! She figured she was going to be able to make herself cum a couple of times easily before the first break, it was cheating a little but she'll need to take the edge off or there is no way she was going to be able to keep quiet.
Final stages now, pulling on the string hanging from branch to her left, reaching up with her left arm and stretching awkwardly across herself she pulled the carabineer towards her and hooked her left wrist into it. The springs were good and single-handed there was no way the cuff would come out again. Now she pulled the blindfold down over her eyes and made sure it was firmly in place and blocked all sight, she'd figured blindfold rather than earplugs 'cos she'd have to stretch further than normal for the shortened nipple string and liked the idea of not being sure how far, she'd have to stay at full stretch just in case. Now she fumbled for the switch that she'd taped to her right hip before leaving home, the butt plug remote, she flicked it onto the first setting and it burst into life - she paused, considering a higher setting, but the sensations already coursing though her helped her decide not to be dumb about this, level 1 was going to blow her mind, anymore was just asking for trouble.
Now the fiddly bit, the right hand side did not have a cord, the carabineer was held rigidly in place by three cords attached to different trees around her. Even so it still took her several attempts to hook her wrist cuff onto it, but as soon as she felt the hook catch she pulled down sharply locking her it. It always sent a thrill through her as she made herself completely helpless, she tested everything, pulling on ankles, wrists, flexing against nipple and pussy clamps, making sure she was completely helpless - the orgasm was building fast now.
This wasn't going to take long, she felt so alive, everything felt so sensitive and stretched, her swollen breasts with constantly tormented nipples, her bound and clamped pussy pulsing to the rhythm of the vibrator buried in her bottom, her anus squeezing down on the base in time with the buzzing. Her naked body was stretched out in a wide X, legs far apart, arms stretched above her, completely helpless. She thrust her hips forward offering her body lewdly to her unseen master, fantasising about what would happen to her if she was discovered.
Her thoughts turned to Rob, in her imagination he'd been waiting for her, followed her when she'd gone to the forest, watched from the shadows while she'd got herself so very helpless. As she fought within herself to hold back the orgasm that threatened to rip her body apart at any moment her imagination took over. Rob stepped into the clearing, ripped off his shirt to reveal a muscular torso as he broke off a whippy branch from a nearby tree to beat her with.
He started on her breasts, striking down hard on the swollen flesh, then cutting upwards to catch the taut undersides, each blow making her jerk and squirm in her bondage. She couldn't stop him or avoid the blows as he worked his was down her firm stomach, quickly turning her skin red, as he got lower a few well aimed blows on her pouting mound made her scream into her gag. Undeterred he worked down and around the tops of her legs to the rear, rising slightly, the cuts to her bottom were brutal and left thick welts as she continued to writhe and squirm in a useless effort to protect her burning skin. Now he was coming round to her front again, ducking under her outstretched arm he reached out and squeezed a beaten and tortured breast, catching the pegs and bringing a small tear to her eye. As his hand left he casually pulled one of the pegs with it, a new wave of pain hit her as the blood rushed back to the afflicted spot.
This pain was soon forgotten as he resumed the onslaught with the branch giving her new things to concentrate on, angling his swing to get the tip to catch her pussy lips full on. As the little ridges rose up on her exposed skin, her most sensitive places subjected to a merciless whipping, in her mind she was cuming, and back in reality she was cuming too. She was so close, all the sensations rolled into one, the feelings were welling up inside her like a steam train ready to blow, and then the door to the factory crashed open.
What the.... she froze, her mind scrambling back to reality, she was confused and disorientated - had she got the time wrong, had she been slow getting into position, had she been tied that long? All the thoughts tumbled over each other until she gathered her wits and forced herself up on tiptoes, oh god, she was so close and the tugging on her swollen pussy lips was brutal. The deeply buried crotch rope buzzed in time with her anus, her mind raced - what were they doing out so soon, and more to the point, they had better be quick 'cos she was NOT going to last...
Chapter 4 - Now You See Me (added: 12/08/2011)
The break was going on forever, what was happening? Try as she might she could not subdue her excitement and it took all her concentration and feelings of self preservation to stop herself thrashing about in a huge orgasm, satisfying as that would be, the consequences would be significant. This was exquisite torture, she had been on the brink so long, her breathing was ragged as she forced her mouth wider than the large red ball jammed into it to suck the extra air her flared nostrils couldn't quite supply. Her heart was racing and it felt like every nerve ending in her squeezed and pulled pussy lips and nipples were on fire. The slightest movement sent new spasms coursing through the taut flesh, ever threatening to break her control and push her over the edge.
As much as Jenna didn't want to, she had to withstand the sensations all over her body trying to betray her. Despite fantasies about being discovered in such a compromised and helpless position she dared not let it happen, but even now, thinking about how dreadful it could be had been a mistake. The thought quickly formed into a scene of being used and abused by unseen strangers, taking out their lust and sadistic pleasures on helpless exposed flesh. She had lost her concentration for just a few moments and now there was no way to stop herself. She felt the volcano erupting inside her, a tidal wave of hot burning lust washing away all before it. Past the point of no return, held back for so long, her whole body convulsed and shook as the most intense orgasm she had ever felt washed over her, stronger than she even thought possible.
She pulled on her bonds writhing in helplessness, knees buckling under the force of the spasms ripping through her sweating, naked body. The extra tug on her nipples as they took the weight of the chimes sent her spiralling upwards back into euphoria.
Then she was brought down with a bump. Even through her orgasm fuddled state she clearly heard a voice from the factory.
"Listen, there's that noise again"
"Hang on, I'll get a light" the unseen voice continued.
Oh my god, she scrambled for strength and somehow managed to get her footing back, easing the treacherous chimes down to the ground. Pulling hard on the restraints that kept her arms spread high and wide above she tried to break free, harder than she had ever tried in the past - they did not budge an inch. Flailing around desperately, blindly searching for the release rope, hoping that somehow the timings were wrong and the ice had already melted - no chance.
Well and truly stuck, naked, exposed, already pre-tortured for who-ever finds her to take full advantage of the invitation daubed across her stomach - she felt her next orgasm already rising within. 'What is wrong with me' she thought, but then turned her mind to more pressing matters.
Firmly gagged she was unlikely to get the chance to talk her way out of this, and with the juices blatantly running down the insides of her widespread thighs it would be clear to even a casual observer that this was voluntary, even if the release mechanism didn't give it away. So, naked, stretched and wantonly exposed she was going to have a group of guys have their way with her. After month's of playing with fire she was about to get burned.
The footsteps echoed across the car park as their owner approached her. 'He'd better hurry up' she thought, 'or I'll be cumming again when he finds me'. Even blindfolded she knew he'd reached the woods about 10 yards to her left. Now if only he started searching the other way she might get away with this yet, assuming she didn't cum and lift the chimes again.
To start it was hard to tell, but soon it was clear - the searcher was getting closer to her. She braced herself, her body trembling slightly as all sorts of scenarios played through her head, careful she thought, there really would be no excuse for her to be cumming when they found her!
The moment came. The footsteps sounded like they were almost directly in front, they stopped.
She was found! The blindfold did not completely hide the glare of the light as it shone in her face.
The light dimmed slightly as it worked down her oh so exposed body. Conscious of the cum still gently oozing from her soaking pussy, making her legs slick. The cool breeze bringing up goose bumps on the soft flesh of her inner thighs as the naked helpless woman stood on display.
Standing exposed and trembling, there was no hiding, no dash back into the woods this time.
A voice from the group still by the factory broke through the moment, "found anything Jake?". A few tense moments passed, not daring to breath, waiting for the words that would confirm his discovery and seal her fate.
"Na, nothing" came the casual reply, and the foot steps resumed, slightly faster than before, going to off to the right. Not for the first time tonight she was completely confused - had she imagined the light on her face, had it been co-incidence that he'd stopped right there, was this 'Jake' blind?
After another 30 seconds of befuddled thoughts the unseen voice from the factory called again, "we'd better get back inside", to which Jake quickly responded, "ok, coming" - the footsteps echoing clearly as he left the overgrown tree line and headed back to the group.
She could hear them filing through the door, she could feel herself start to relax a little, and realised how close her next orgasm was, god this was such a rush. Nearly out of the woods so to speak, this was going to be a real screamer - they had better shut the door all the way!
Just a few moments from blast off, she had to cancel the countdown. Jake called to his workmates, "hang-on, I've dropped me fags".
The scrapping noise on the gravel was unmistakeable as he did an about turn and headed straight towards her. "Go on in, I'll be right behind you" he casually called back to them as he reached the spot right in front of her hiding place.
The door shut as the last of the smokers returned to their work and then she heard Jake pushing back the branches as he brushed though the undergrowth towards her. Within seconds he was right there, she could feel his presence, feel his eyes examining her nakedness. No doubt he would have seen the clamps, the gag, the writing on her body, what was he waiting for?
She felt his breath on her neck as he leaned in to whisper in her ear, 'you ok?'.
It was a simple enough question, two small words, but they meant so much. They said that he knew she'd done this to herself, they said that he was making sure she was still choosing to be like this, and they said that he wasn't about to let her go, not unless she made it clear that was what she wanted.
She had the choice, shake her head and see if he was as merciful as he seemed, or nod her head and give her ascent to what-ever followed. The tension in the air rose as he calmly waited for a response - she briefly wondered if the last twenty minutes had actually happened or if she was still in the middle of her original fantasy.
This man, this 'Jake' was standing next to her bound and helpless body asking her if she was ok, part of her wanted to get him to cut her free, let her get away with it. But the other part wanted this to happen, had wanted it to happen from the first time she'd tied herself naked in the woods.
Cautiously she nodded her head, and by doing so, gave herself to this unseen stranger.
Now his mood changed, "who's been a naughty girl then?" he chided, "and we all know what happens to naughty girls don't we?" - again the pause, then he said with meaning, "they get punished, don't they?"
The pause was longer this time, she realised he was waiting for a response, she felt the colour flush her face and it suddenly felt very hot in the cool autumn wind.
He wanted her to agree to her own punishment, humiliating but at the same time so exciting - he was waiting for her to agree to god knows what, granting consent to someone she didn't know, hadn't even seen, that they could punish her already incredibly vulnerable body. In reality, if he wanted he could do absolutely anything he felt like to her, she was tightly bound and soundly gagged - she was his for the taking.
He wanted more than her stretched and over-excited body, he wanted her mind too - and she gave it to him, now eagerly nodding her head, abandoning any pretence that this wasn't exactly what she wanted too.
Chapter 5 - Just Deserts (added: 12/08/2011)
He took his time, caressing quivering skin, squeezing constricted breasts, he leaned in close and pulled her hair. She struggled to balance as he pulled her head back and passionately bit and kissed her exposed neck. She melted into him, her nipples tugging the chimes off the ground as she relaxed back into his body, reminding them both of their presence. He broke off the embrace, moved round in front of her and examined the setup, tugging experimentally on the string between chimes and taut nipple clamps eliciting a gasp from around her gag. After a few moments of deliberation he untied the string from the chimes and retied it to a low branch, taking enough slack out to force her permanently onto her toes at full stretch.
As he stood up he noticed the little remote control strapped to her and casually flipped the switch up to full blast - she came almost instantly, the extreme position, the tug on all the clamps and increased vibration being irresistible.
She found herself gasping and squirming in unbelievable bliss and barely noticed that he had begun to smack her bottom. With the butt plug still going full tilt and the extra stimulus he was now supplying she was never going to come down, one orgasm rolling straight into the next. She was vaguely aware that he was doing something off to the side, and then felt all the slack go out of the rope holding her left arm, shortly followed by the right one. Now it wasn't only her nipples keeping her on tiptoe. Then he went back to the left arm and pulled a bit more, she felt her toes just leaving the ground, the ankle cuff pulling her legs wider as her body pulled upwards. He quickly balanced this by pulling on the right arm to match and he had her caught like a fly in a spiders web, spread-eagled and stretched to the limit of what she could take.
Now he was fumbling with something off to the side again, she heard her keys jingle as he went thru her bag - 'he's stealing my car' she thought, 'ok, just so long as he keeps me cumming he can have it!'. Still a little more shuffling and then a strange noise, a bit like something being ripped, but not quite that sound. Suddenly she felt a sting on her thigh, not very strong but she liked it. A pause, and then there it was again, a bit stingier this time. One more pause and the next time he struck a small sound escaped the gag, a mixture of pain and surprise - but where had he found a whip from in the woods - it did not feel like a branch and it certainly stung like a she imagined a whip would?
He started on her thighs, up and down each leg from crotch to knee, then around the back and did the same. The stokes varied in force and pain, sometimes just an erotic brush, other times a smarting line of fire. She had worked out there were three or four strands, and by the time he had gone up and down her torso with them she'd figured that it was some sort of tipped string with knots in it. So far he had limited the onslaught to muscular, less sensitive areas, but now he was working on her breasts. When the lashes caught the pegs or clamped nipples she cried out into the gag, and then without warning a cut went between her legs; she fully screamed into the gag with pain and lust as she came again.
She could barely move, and could not see the blows coming as her whipped her all over, now concentrating on the top of her pussy, the soft taut flesh of her tightly bound breasts, every now and again catching a nipple or wandering lower between her legs to really make her struggle and scream.
Just when she thought she could not take anymore whipping, or any more orgasms, he stopped. She felt her body slump, all the tensed muscles letting go, she didn't drop an inch so tight were the bonds. She hung there, blissfully unaware of the pain in shoulders, arms, thighs, pussy and breasts - the after glow from the orgasms wiped all of that away. If not for the gag she would have had a stupid smile on her face, she felt so content, so used, so satisfied.
She was vaguely aware that she could feel ground beneath her feet, and the strain had gone from her nipples and pussy, still clamped but no longer pulling. She slumped a little further and caught her breath, wow, that was gooood! Her cramped muscles complained as she pushed herself back upright - I suppose this is the main event she thought to herself, and cheekily pushed her pussy blindly forward in offering, only fair she thought, he's made me cum loads!
She pulled back sharply in surprise at the hard smack as he cupped his hand into her thrusting pubis, a slap was not what she'd been expecting, but it did make her groan a little. "Little slut" Jake said, the jokey tone in his voice did not stop her blushing madly under her blindfold, "haven't you had enough yet?"
He leant in close to her again, and said more gently "if you enjoyed that and want some more then I get off at 12, meet me out front".
"Now", he continued more business like, "judging by the ice you've got 20 to 30 minutes left. Do I pull the clamps tight again before leaving you to your escape?"
Once more he was making her choose her punishment, and instinctively she knew what the answer should be, she briefly weighed up if she could really take another 30 minutes of torment and ecstasy. 'What the hell, it'll pass the time' she thought as she demurely nodded her head to her unseen captor.
She felt the lower clamps being release, "ouch" she said loudly, and fairly unintelligibly into the gag as blood rushed back in and nerve endings screamed in protest - normally she had her hands free to quickly sooth and reassured the afflicted areas when she removed those! Just as she was reeling from the unexpected release, the clamps were reapplied, slightly higher than before and facing straight out from her body.
As the clamps took the weight of the chain they twisted down slightly and brought a fresh wave of pain - 'bastard, he's good at this' she thought. She mumbled some obscenity into the gag and got a sharp slap on her left breast as a reward. Jenna was just about to add to her outburst and then thought better of it - maybe this wasn't the best position to be in to enter into a debate on the merits of his technique!
Now securely re-clamped she felt the familiar tug on her sore lips as he fixed the string/elastic band arrangement back to the root below her. Standing flat footed she realised he'd removed the slack and left the cord under tension already, so he wasn't going to give her an easy last few minutes. She took little persuading to go up on her tiptoes once he started pulling on her sore nipples and within moments she was very stuck, on tiptoe and both sets of clamps under pressure - this was going to be a long half hour.
Just then she heard the factory door open and the smokers piled out, 'wow, have we been at it that long?'. Jake whispered in her ear "enjoy" and flipped the switch of the vibrator back on. She'd hardly noticed when he'd switched it off, but really noticed it now, despite her sore and tired body's complaints she once again felt the rising excitement, 'I hope this is going to be a short break!'
Of course, it wasn't and even without the chimes connected she daren't let herself go, so she endured the exquisite torture of having to battle with feelings and the ministrations of the vibrating invader to keep herself from revealing her predicament (again!).
It was another long break, 'where was that damn supervisor when you needed him!' The stragglers were still going back in, Jake no doubt amongst them, when she felt the weight of her release string knock against her arm as it fell. Despite her aching limbs she waited the extra few moments for the door to finally close and allowed herself one last explosive orgasm, writhing and shaking in her tight bondage as the emotions racked her ravaged body once more. She wondered if Jake had made some excuse to wait outside whilst the others had gone in, just to enjoy the show - she hoped he had.
After hanging limply for a short while she began wearily freeing her bonds, taking extra care taking the clamps off to make up for the earlier assault on her swollen pussy lips.
Now free, she quickly packed all her things back into the bag and smiled when she found the laces to her running shoes, lying loose in a pile, several knots tied at each end of both of them - 'resourceful' she thought as a little excitement rose from the memory of what Jake had done to her with those innocent laces just half an hour ago.
She started to hurry now, checking her phone, just gone ten thirty, good she had time to sort herself out before midnight - there was no way she was going to be late for that...