Author's Note: This is based on true fantasies, and the character of Nicki is definitely me. I did have a roommate who I didn't like, and a lot of the things about self-bondage and Nicki's history are true. Of course, I would never have the guts to do what Nicki does, but that's why it's fiction. ;)
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Thanks so much for all the great comments so far! I appreciate them, and will try to work in some of your suggestions. Keep them coming!
Update (12/15/11): Here's the next part of Hannah, sorry it took me so long! I'd love to hear what you guys think, though!
Chapter 1
Hannah toyed with her pen, tapping it on the desk with her perfectly manicured nails. If only her professor would shut up! She started tapping her foot in an attempt to stay awake.
Hannah knew she could be a handful sometimes, and she would never deny that she was high-maintenance, but she really believed that she was a nice girl.
When class finally ended, she tossed her notebook and pencil into her bag and joined the mob of people streaming out the door. She walked across campus to her dorm room excitedly. She was having a couple of friends over tonight for a small party, even though she knew her roommate didn't really like alcohol, it wasn't like she ever said anything about it. Hannah walked into the room and was surprised to see her roommate, Nicki, packing up a suitcase.
"I didn't know you were going home this weekend," Hannah said, tossing her bag onto her bed and plopping on the futon.
"I'm.. I'm not," Nicki stuttered. She hated confrontation. "I requested a room change."
"What!" Hannah exclaimed, shocked. "Why?"
"I never wanted to say anything, it is your life, but I'm not comfortable with people drinking in here all the time. You treat it like your room, and..."
"Who are you switching with?"
"Kelly, across the hall."
"Kelly!?" Hannah's mind reeled. You could smell Kelly from ten feet away - and not in a good way. Her roommate was ok, but Kelly was a slob, and she could see why her current roommate would also want the switch. But that would leave Hannah stuck with Kelly, sentencing her and her clothes to a year of living with eau de Kelly. "You can't switch! I'll do anything, please stay here! I know I'm a bad roommate, but you're just the perfect roommate! I'll try to do better, I'll stop having friends over."
"I don't know," replied Nicki sheepishly. Her eyes flicked to the box in the closet with her hidden bondage gear. Oh, she knew the one thing that would make it worth her while to stay, but there was no way she'd be able to say it out loud... was there?
"Please," Hannah pleaded, literally falling on her knees. Nicki barely stopped from rolling her eyes at Hannah's overly-dramatic nature. "Literally. You name it, I'll do it."
Nicki pulled out one of the sturdy, wooden dorm chairs that came with the room and set it in the middle of the room. "Have a seat," she said, gesturing to Hannah. Hannah sat down, looking at Nicki nervously. "You sure you want to do this?"
Hannah took a deep breath before replying, "Yes. I don't want to switch rooms. I don't want... yes."
"Alright," Nicki said with a smile, pulling a box down from her closet. She opened up the box and pulled out several coils of rope.
"How long has that been in here?" Hannah asked, baffled. "Do you do this often?"
"I play with it alone now and then, usually when you go home for the weekend," Nicki replied, trying to sound casual. She didn't want to let on how nervous she was about this - her love of bondage had been her best-kept secret for years; she only even indulged it when she had the room to herself for the night and always was paranoid about people finding out. Not only would she lock the door and close the windows, she always made sure to tape a piece of paper over the peephole even though she knew all people could see if they tried to look in was a blur.
Hannah laughed nervously as Nicki approached, unwrapping the coil of rope. She took Hannah's hand and pulled it down the side of the chair, tying her wrist to one of the slats below the seat, tying it and cinching it the same way she always did with her ankles when she was alone. Hannah tugged at it a little, seeing how much give she had. "Wow," she remarked. "I don't think I could pull out of that!"
"That is the point," Nicki replied, laughing as she did the same to Hannah's other wrist. Next she tied each of Hannah's ankles to the bottom legs of the chair, cinching them as before. She stepped back to admire Hannah's beautiful body, now helplessly bound to the chair, struggling a little and testing her bonds. "Did you listen when I told you to wear clothes you don't care about?" Nicki asked, eyeing the uncharacteristically baggy t-shirt and jeans Hannah was wearing.
"Of course I did, but I don't see how it matters," Hannah replied.
"Oh, it matters alright, because I don't think you'd enjoy me doing this to one of your designer outfits," Nicki chuckled, pulling a pair of scissors out of her desk drawer. Hannah tried to pull away as the cold metal slid up her stomach and chest, slicing the shirt off of her. Nicki made a few more cuts and pulled the t-shirt free, leaving Hannah's C-cup breasts held only by a black lacy bra.
"Ah, sexy," Nicki replied, unabashedly looking at Hannah's breasts after attempting to avert her eyes for so many days while she was changing.
"Um, thanks, I think," Hannah replied, blushing. "I guess I should've expected this, huh?"
"Yeah, I mean, kind of comes with the territory," Nicki said. "You still sure about this?"
"Yes," Hannah said. If anyone ever asked her she'd deny it, but she was slowly admitting to herself that this might not actually be so bad. She loved wondering what was next, and the helplessness of it was getting her excited.
Nicki cut off Hannah's jeans next, starting at the ankles and making Hannah shudder involuntarily as the cold hit her inner thighs. She pulled the jeans off, revealing a pair of matching black lacy underwear. "Very sexy," Nicki commented. "Do you always dress this nice even under your clothes?"
"Well I dress nicely for myself as much as others, you know," Hannah replied. "I like to feel sexy as much as I like to look sexy."
"Makes sense," Nicki replied. She pulled out two more coils of rope and tied Hannah's knees to each side of the chair, spreading her legs open and exposing her crotch. Nicki turned away, Hannah giving her a quizzical look as she walked over to Hannah's closet and began digging through her cloths hamper. Nicki emerged, triumphantly holding up three more pairs of Hannah's used panties.
"What on Earth are those for?" Hannah asked, eyeing them nervously.
"This is your last chance to back out," Nicki said, ignoring her question and smirking a little. "Are you 100% sure you're ready to be mine for the night?"
Hannah took a deep breath and closed her eyes before nodding. She was beginning to wonder what exactly she was in for. She couldn't say for sure, but she thought she might've gone through with it even without the threat of the roommate from hell hovering over her.
"Then open up!" Nicki said cheerfully. Hannah looked at the wad of panties nervously before parting her lips a tiny bit. Nicki grabbed her mouth and forced it the rest of the way open and stuffed the dirty panties in, filling Hannah's mouth. Hannah gagged a little as the cloth hit the back of her throat. Her first reflex was to push them out with her tongue, but before she could even fully process what was going on, she felt a thin strip of cloth push into the panties and pull tightly around her head. Nicki knotted the gag off tightly, making sure not to get any of Hannah's hair caught. She then picked up a roll of duct tape and proceeded to tape Hannah's lips shut tightly around the cloth gag. It was a gag she'd used several times on herself, and even though it was a little bit of overkill, gags were one of her favorite parts of bondage. Her confidence grew as she realized Hannah would have no way out of there agreement from this point on, and that she was actually turning the things she'd fantasized about into reality.
Hannah, on the other hand, was completely unprepared for the gag. She could only breathe out her nose now, and in her panic it didn't feel like that could possibly be enough. She bucked a little in her chair, but her bonds proved to be as tight as she'd feared. She realized now what Nicki meant about having no choice but to go through with it now - even if she changed her mind, she would have no way to communicate that to her roommate. She felt like her heart dropped into her stomach as she came to this realization.
Nicki knelt down in front of Hannah and placed the tip of her finger over Hannah's gag. She then drew it slowly down Hannah's neck, pausing at the top of her bra. Hannah shivered as Nicki's finger slid down her slender stomach, stopping just above her underwear. She slipped her finger just inside the elastic of the underwear and wiggled her finger back and forth, tickling just a little bit, just to demonstrate that Hannah was completely helpless. She then moved her hand back up above Hannah's breast and stared Hannah straight in the eyes with a victorious smile as she cupped it in her hand. She slid both of her hands into the cups of Hannah's bra and began gently massaging her breasts.
Despite herself, Hannah let out a soft moan of pleasure. Nicki picked up her scissors again and Hannah's eyes widened as she slipped the cool metal between her breasts and cut the bra down the center, ignoring Hannah's moan of protest. Hannah wasn't sure if she was more upset about the exposure or the destruction of her Victoria's Secret bra, but she had little time to think before Nicki was kneading both breasts in earnest, causing Hannah to moan and push her chest into Nicki's hands. She could feel herself getting wet, and the thought embarrassed her only momentarily. After all, if being tied helplessly and half naked to a chair didn't embarrass her, why should this?
Nicki was ready to start the real fun now. She could feel Hannah actually getting into it a bit, and suddenly grabbed Hannah's nipples and squeezed, hard. The gag barely stifled the squeal and Hannah rocked the chair back, momentarily lifting two of the legs from the floor. Nicki, who had expected such a reaction, kept a tight grip on the nipples and began pulling and twisting them relatively hard. Definitely not her full strength, but enough that she was sure Hannah's chest must feel like it was on fire. Hannah's breathing was coming in short gasps as she tried to come to terms with the pain. But as suddenly as the assault had started, it ended, and Nicki wordlessly crossed the room back to the box she had pulled out of the closet. Hannah couldn't suppress the shudder when she saw what Nicki pulled out next.
Chapter 2 (added: 11/13/2011)
Hannah had heard of nipple clamps before, but had never seen them in person. After the treatment her breasts had just received, though, she had little doubt as to what the device Nicki pulled out of her box was for. It had two clamps on the end of a short, thin chain. She began to struggle again as Nicki walked over to her holding the clamps, just imaging the pain of them on her nipples.
Nicki chuckled at the terrified look on Hannah's face. She had come to terms long ago with the fact that she was definitely a sadist. "This is fun! I've always wanted to use these on someone else," she said, opening one clamp with one hand while using the other to push down on Hannah's knee, keeping the chair steady. Hannah's struggles increased as Nicki slowly brought the clamp towards the nipple, but she stopped short as an idea came to her. She set the clamps on Hannah's bare thigh and started digging in her purse. Hannah's stomach was in knots as she wondered what could possibly be in that purse that Nicki wanted so badly, the cool metal on her leg reminding her of the pain she was sure she was in for.
"Ah ha!" Nicki exclaimed, pulling out Hannah's worst nightmare: her camera. Hannah began shaking her head vigorously. She didn't want this on tape! What if someone saw it? But Nicki only smiled at her protests and flipped the camera onto record and set it on her dresser facing into the room. Then she knelt down and grabbed Hannah's jaw, stopping her shaking, and looked her straight in the eyes. "You said I could do anything tonight, and I already gave you your last chance to back out. And besides," she added flippantly, "the video is just for me... for now." Quickly reaching down, Nicki grabbed the two clamps with both hands and clamped them on Hannah's exposed nipples before she could react.
Hannah's eyes widened as she managed a muffled scream. She began wiggling as much as her bonds would allow, trying to get the clamps off of her. She knew it wouldn't work, as she could barely shift in the chair, but she couldn't resist the urge to try to shake them off. She was breathing heavily through her nose as she attempted to come to terms with the shooting pain. It felt like it came from everywhere on her breasts, and she quickly realized that the more she shook, the worse it got, and began to attempt to calm herself.
Nicki grinned and gave the chain a gentle, playful tug and watched as Hannah's entire body trembled. She giggled and gave Hannah a demeaning pat on the head. "There, there, see? You're getting used to it already! Now just sit tight for a minute!" She chuckled at her own joke as she went over to her closet to change. She took off her shirt, leaving on just a plain black bra, and put on her tightest pair of jeans. Nicki was average-sized, and all of her friends always told her she didn't need to feel self-conscious about her weight, but she always felt sexier with her jeans hiding what she referred to as her "problem areas".
She walked back over to Hannah and straddled her helpless form, sitting face to face on her lap with her feet behind the chair, their pubic areas lightly touching through her jeans and Hannah's underwear. She smiled at Hannah and said "Alright, now we're going to play a game, ok?" Hannah stared blankly at Nicki, wondering what she could be talking about. "I said, we're going to play a game, ok?" Nicki repeated, this time punctuating her question with a rough tug on the clamps. Hannah jumped in her bonds, discovering she no longer had any wiggle room with Nicki's weight on her legs. She hesitated for a second before nodding her head "yes" emphatically - anything to keep her from pulling on that chain again! Her nipples felt like they were going to fall off. She'd never felt so much pain in her life!
"Alright," Nicki said, holding the chain between her fingers without tugging on it. "Since we are going to continue living together after this, I think we need to work on teaching you to be a better roommate. This involves actually listening to me when I talk. So I'm going to quiz you on things I've told you about myself, and for every one you get wrong..." she gave the chain another tug to illustrate her point.
Hannah grunted through her gag at the unexpected pull in the middle of Nicki's sentence. This was just great; she knew perfectly well that she never listened to Nicki. This was going to be painful.
"First question, this should be an easy one. Do I have siblings? Shake your head, yes or no," Nicki said, holding onto the chain menacingly. Hannah wracked her brain. Had Nicki ever mentioned any brothers or sisters? She didn't think so, and tentatively shook her head no. "Wrong answer!" Nicki said, pulling on the clamps with relish. Hannah squealed as she pulled far harder than she had thus far. She thought Nicki must be pulling them hard enough to come off, but unfortunately for her, they held fast. Nicki continued pulling on them for a few seconds before letting the chain drop between Hannah's breasts. "You really don't listen, do you? I have two older sisters. If you don't even know that, then you obviously never pay attention," she said angrily. "I was going to ask you questions, but I guess I'll just have my fun instead."
Nicki flicked one of the clamps, causing Hannah's breast to jiggle back and forth. She knew how incredibly painful this was with the clamp as she'd tried it on herself, and was pleased to see Hannah shaking her head, eyes wide in an obvious plea for her to stop. She flicked the other breast, and gave Hannah's expression a sadistic smirk as she began playing with Hannah's breasts, wiggling them around and causing the connected clamps to pull in different directions. Hannah's breaths came in short bursts through her nose as her fingers wiggled uselessly at her sides. Pulling and tugging, Nicki gave Hannah's breasts a little more of a workout before letting the chain drop and standing back up. "Oh, I have an idea to make this even more fun!" she said, mostly for Hannah's benefit. This was where she was planning on going with things all along. She knelt down in front of her and reached down to Hannah's underwear, feeling the wetness from Hannah's excitement earlier.
"You like this after all, aren't you?" She asked, smiling. Hannah began shaking her head profusely. While she had to admit that the helplessness was exciting, the pain was certainly not and she didn't want Nicki to think she could go farther.
"I don't know if I believe you..." Nicki said, slipping her hand into Hannah's underwear. She began slowly rubbing her clit, watching her face carefully for a reaction. Hannah's eyes grew wide again at the new sensation, but she had already been horny earlier and this new feeling was too much. Despite the ache in her entire torso and surprising even herself, she began to try to push more of her weight into Nicki's fingers, trying to heighten the sensation. Nicki began rubbing more and more vigorously, and Hannah could feel herself coming to the verge of climax. She was breathing hard now, the pleasure and pain merging into one all-consuming feeling. Suddenly Nicki stopped, holding her hand perfectly still against Hannah's clit. Hannah screamed into her gag in frustration, thrashing around in an attempt to reach climax. Nicki laughed, and the laugh only made Hannah angrier as she tried in vain to reach an orgasm. After a few minutes of watching Hannah's struggles die down with a smile, Nicki began again. She started so slowly that Hannah could not get much from it, and slowly built her back up to the edge of climax. This time she gave a sharp yank on the nipple clamps while simultaneously freezing her fingers. Hannah's scream this time was so loud Nicki was afraid their neighbors would hear, even through the gag, as she began to shudder and rock side to side in her chair. Once again, Nicki held her hand perfectly still and watched Hannah come back down, again without getting the satisfaction she so desperately craved. She could see Hannah was getting exhausted, panting through her nose and sweat dripping down her face. Nicki decided to finally let her have it this time, and drove her agonizingly slowly back to climax.
Hannah's world was a single minded blur as Nicki's fingers rubbed faster and faster. The only thing she could ever remember wanting was release. When the orgasm finally ripped through her, it was the most amazing thing she had ever felt in her life. The pain in her nipples seemed to only add to the intensity as she moaned loudly into her gag. She was shaking, amazed as a second orgasm ripped through her body at Nicki's practiced touch. She withdrew her fingers and watched as Hannah caught her breath, her skin shining with a thin layer of sweat. Nicki eyed the camera sitting on the dresser with a smile, already looking forward to watching this back by herself later. She carefully removed the duct tape from Hannah's mouth, giving her a chance to breathe through the panties and cleave gag stuffing her mouth.
Once she caught her breath, Hannah looked up at Nicki expectantly, ready for her to remove the clamps and untie her. Nicki was puzzled for a second until she realized what Hannah was waiting for.
"Oh!" she said with a laugh. "You didn't think we were done, did you?”
Chapter 3 (added: 12/15/11)
Hannah renewed her struggles with vigor as she looked at Nicki with wide, horrified eyes. She was already completely exhausted and spent, and however surprised at herself as she was by her reactions, she was done and ready to be let up. She would have never guessed that her quiet, self-assured roommate was such a sadist, and was terrified of what she would do with her next.
"You did agree to be my slave for the entire night, and we've hardly been here an hour!" Nicki said gleefully. "Now I'm going to want to change your position a bit, but first..." She quickly reached down and unclamped Hannah's nipple clamps. Hannah screamed and began thrashing even more, almost sending the chair over onto the floor. Nicki steadied the chair and began rubbing Hannah's tender nipples, enjoying the expression of agony on her roommate's face.
"Alright, so I'm going to have to untie parts of you to do this. If you try to resist anything I do, you will be punished. Do you understand me?" Nicki looked and Hannah expectantly, but Hannah was still catching her breath from the latest assault. Nicki grabbed her chin and roughly turned Hannah's head so she was forced to look her in the eyes, and repeated, "Do you understand?" Hannah gave a muffled squeak, which Nicki decided was good enough.
She reached down and began untying one of Hannah's wrists from the chair. As soon as the ropes loosened, Hannah pulled her hand out and reached up to wipe the drool off her chin without even thinking. Nicki slapped Hannah hard across the face before grabbing the runaway limb. "What did I just tell you?" Nicki spat angrily. "You will pay for that later," she said with an arched eyebrow. "But the first part of your punishment will include this, she said, pulling out a blindfold and tying it around Hannah's head.
Hannah's cheek stung from the slap, and while her hand was free, she no longer dared do anything but let it hang limply as her world went black. She was terrified of what the punishment might be, but blind and with most of herself still tied, she knew there was nothing she could do but wait and see what tortures Nicki had in mind. And, said a nagging voice in the back of her mind she truly wished she could ignore, this is starting to be fun again. Although she couldn't understand it, she couldn't deny that the helplessness really was making her wet.
She felt her other and released from the chair, and then both of them were pulled roughly behind her back and her wrists bound tightly to each other, followed by her elbows. She never knew she could bend like that, and wasn't quite so sure she could now as she could feel the tendons straining against the bonds. Next, Hannah's stomach lurched as she felt the chair being lifted and moved to another spot in the room. She was pretty sure she was now near the foot of her lofted bed, facing it.
Nicki looked up at the bed, knowing it was perfect for exactly what she wanted. She untied each of Nicki's legs in turn, tying her ankles spread as far as they could go to the two legs of the bed that were on the floor, helping Hannah to balance as she practically did the splits. She then threaded a rope between Hannah's wrists and pulled the other end up and over the slat on the top of Hannah's bed, tying her arms up in a strappado, high enough to pull but not so tightly that Hannah had to stand on her tiptoes to keep pressure off her arms. She had better plans for that.
Hannah, however, couldn't imagine being stretched out any farther. Her shoulders ached from her arms being pulled back and up, and the inside of her legs felt like they were on fire. There was no way for her to struggle against this, as every motion made part of her hurt worse. She had no idea how Nicki had come up with this. Lost in her own thoughts, Hannah was brought back to reality by a sharp slap to her ass, which had been forced into the air by her position. She squeaked and tried to shift her wait away, but that only doubled the fire in her legs and arms. She tried her best to stay still, but couldn't help but squeak and jerk when Nicki's hand landed another hard spanking across her ass cheek.
Nicki decided it was time for Hannah to lose her last shed of clothing, and unceremoniously sliced off the now-soiled panties off of Hannah, revealing her ass in all its glory. Hannah shivered as the last vestige of clothing fell off of her. She was now thoroughly exposed, with nothing to shield her from her roommate's attacks.
Nicki stepped back to admire Hannah's pert, round butt before beginning to spank it again, this time hitting it with a barrage of smacks. She relished Hannah's muffled, helpless squeaks and shudders, feeling herself getting wetter herself. She decided it was time to give Hannah a little "break," and smiled to herself at her own joke.
"Alright, that was fun, wasn't it?" Nicki said, giving Hannah's ass a little pinch for emphasis. "But now that we've had our fun, I think it's time to get to your punishment, don't you?" Hannah began to shake her head and let out a muffled but recognizable, "No." She had thought that the spanking was her punishment! But she was quickly learning that she should just stop attempting to anticipate what was going to happen to her next.