- Author - Stonewiki
- Rating -
   [ 3.21 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2169 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, reluctant, cross-dressing, humiliation, non-fiction, public
- Post Date - 10/9/2011
Author's Note: Last night while watching TV I saw a advertisement for a movie that had Jason Statham tied to a chair with another man holding a gun on him. A moment later he somehow flipped himself in the air, chair and all, and came crashing down on the guy with the gun. At the end of the ad it said "Based on a true story."
The story below is "Based on a true story". The basic premise is true, the ice machines were true, the magically opening door is true, the epilog is true. I added bits and pieces here and there to make it a more complete tale but it mostly happened as stated.
About 10 years ago I was in Raleigh NC at a BDSM weekend gathering. I was there with my girlfriend/playpal we will call MR. Although she is usually a bottom she does seem to enjoy topping me. Smiley face here. For this weekend the people who were running the show had booked the entire hotel. The building was about 7 stories tall and shaped like a boomerang with the elevators and ice/soda machines in the middle - this will be important to the story later. We were on the 6th floor. The event had a dungeon party on Friday and Saturday nights in the ball room, seminars and demos during the day and a vendor area.
On Saturday afternoon MR told me she wanted to do some shopping and wanted me to stay in the room while she did. No problem, I will nap.
She returned an hour later with some packages. She had bought a new paddle, a new purple flogger, one of those pin wheelie things (I never remember what you call them) and a black leather mini skirt. We played around with the new toys for a few minutes before I (in my infinite stupidity) picked up the miniskirt and held it up to myself and said;
"I do have the legs for this".
Well that was probably the wrong thing to say.
"Maybe you should put it on." She said smiling.
I kind of made a joke out of it and started to put it down. Her smile went away.
"I am serious. Take off what you are wearing and put it on."
As she was saying this she reached for her new paddle. I thought it was best if I followed her instructions. I striped naked and stepped into her new mini skirt.
"Okay. Model it for me. Walk back and forth."
I did as I was told. I walked the length of the room several times. I put my hands on my hip and wiggled my ass as instructed. She laughed. She was enjoying herself.
Eventually she told me to stop and stand in the corner for a couple of minutes. I heard her rummaging through her stuff and then come over to me.
"Turn around".
I did. She handed me several garments. It was the red panties and matching bra she had worn the day before. The panties were still moist from some foreplay the previous evening.Along with the other garments she gave me a pair of red fishnet pantyhose. The kind that looks like garters and stockings.
"Put the panties on over the stockings please."
When I finished she made me stand in front of the full length mirror and take various poses. She thought the whole thing hilarious and being such a humiliation slut while outwardly I was pretending that I hated what was going on, on the inside I was loving it too.
"OK. Got a job for you."
I'm thinking oral service. But instead she took me by my arm, guided me to the door, grabbed the ice bucket on the way and opening the door said "Get ice." as she push me into the hall. She closed the door behind me.
It was the middle of the afternoon and the hall was empty. The ice machines elevator and stairs were in the middle of the building. Our room was at the other end of the wing. As I said the whole hotel was filled with BDSM people and there were quite a few unusual sites wandering around but I really didn't want to run into anyone by myself dressed this way. Not to mention not wanting to be seen by any of the hotel staff who were still working. So I quickly ran down the hallway to the ice machine. I peeked around the corner, no one in sight and jumped into the room. So far so good. I put the bucket into the machine and pressed the button. It made that loud noise they do but no ice came out. I held the button down but to naught. I couldn't go back empty handed so I headed for the stairwell and down to the fifth floor. Opening the door onto the hall I looked saw no one but from where I was I could see a maid's cart about halfway down the hall. I would be fast I told myself. And came through the door and ran across the hallway into the ice room. Put my bucket in the opening and... it did the exact same thing. All noise, no ice. OK. If it was easy anyone could retrieve a bucket of ice. I checked the hall. Checked the stairwell. All clear and I headed down to the fourth floor.
I have been remarkably lucky with the people thing. I haven't seen a soul and I knew the hotel was almost full. But as lucky as I had been with people I was equally unlucky with ice. The machine on the fourth floor didn't even make the noise. Downward. On the third floor I realized that it was the universe that was conspiring against me. In the third floor room no machine at all, just a sign saying ice was available on other floors. Ha! But now I am getting nervous. If I don't get ice on the 2nd I would have to go down to the first floor. I knew they had a ice machine there but I also new that the stairwell opened into the hotel's main lobby. Oh lord please let there be ice on 2.
I put my bucket, say a prayer to the patron saint of cross dressers (Saint Francis A Sissy?) and press the button. The now familiar sound of the grinding groaning machine noise and then...plunk...plunk plunk...plunk plunk plunk. Ice, glorious ice. It filled my bucket to over flowing. I was like a kid at the circus. Ice! Ice! Ice.
The rest is a piece of cake right? I take my bucket and open the stairwell door, no one in sight. I head up the stairs. Third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor, sixth floor, I'm just about home, when something strange happens. As I reach for the door it starts to open by itself? An automatic door? A magic door? Oh. It's someone opening the door from the other side. If I had reacted quicker I might have made down a flight and been able to hide but I was frozen in place. I had to step aside to let them past. Them was actually a woman. A tall woman. Six, seven maybe eight foot tall. Blond wearing a sort of boy scout uniform with tight shorts, lots of cleavage and high heel boots. And did I mention she was tall?
I couldn't look at her but I could feel her stare.
"Cute outfit Honey." She said.
The best I could do was say "mmpdpd mdkmwksk ksksdjss" put my head down and walked past her and down the hall back to our room.
"Well" I think "it's all over now." I knock on the door and wait.
And wait.
And wait.
Eventually (as I near panic) a voice says "Who is it?"
"It's me." I cleverly say.
"No" she says "I'm me. You must be someone else."
"It's me John."
"It's John who?"
"It's John White"
"It's John White who?"
Pause, think, ah. "It's John White Mistress"
"Oh hi John. What do you want?"
"I have the ice."
"What ice?"
"You sent me for ice"
"Oh OK." The door opens. "You're not on your knees. Let's start over again"
I get down on my knees and knock. I wait.
"Who is it?"
"It's me John White Mistress. I have the ice."
Door opens, She looks down at me. She extends her hand and I hand her my hard fought for ice. She smiles and closes the door.
I take a deep breath and knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's John White Mistress. May I come in the room?"
The door opens.
"Hey are you wearing my panties?"
Now what? "Yes Mistress."
"Take them off, and put them in your mouth."
I did.
"Now take off the panty hose and give them to me"
I did.
"Now the bra."
I did.
"Step into the middle of the hall and twirl around slowly,"
I did.
As I did she ask. "Still think you have the legs for it?"
"No Mistress." I say through the panties.
"Give me the skirt."
I take off the skirt and bring it to her. She takes it and closes the door. I am naked in the hall way. I get back on my knees and knock on the door. She opens it and I crawl in. In her hand she has the new paddle.
Epilogue. I was somewhat relieved that only one person saw my humiliating outfit during my quest for ice but that relief was short lived. I was required to wear the same outfit, with the addition of a collar, leash and bright red lipstick to the party that evening where I was seen by well over a hundred people.