Author's Note: The Dellal and Von Hoek Limited - Simon's Journey is a story about a young man that is struggling to find a job after leaving University. Fresh out of university he finds a role that might just give him the role of a lifetime.
This is a story I have been thinking of for a while, and I have got another few chapters that I want to brush up and post, as well as a spin off tale or two. Hope people enjoy reading them.
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Update (11/13/11): Updated with chapters 4 and 5. Simon goes in search of help and gets more than he bargained for.
Chapter 1
It was almost 01:00am and simon was still at his PC scrolling through the job pages on countless job agency websites. The computer was the only light in the small studio apartment as he starred at the screen. He could barely afford the rent and living expenses, let alone the privilege of going out. This wasn't a problem though, he had n friends, no girlfriend, no family. He was alone in the world.
For the young graduate the life after university as almost as depressing and lonely as life during it. At university simon was nothing more than a looser. A small meek person with such little confidence that he hadn't really made any friends during the three years of study, let alone got with a woman. He was angry, everyone had told him that university was the turning point in a young man's life – when they make friends for life and learn about the opposite sex first hand. That hadn't happened.
Six months ago he graduated with a second class degree, at least his time at university alone helped his studies. Unfortunately since then he hadn't had a sniff at a job. His problem? Confidence. The assessment centres and job interviews that ran for the graduate roles were packed with dozens of graduates in the same situation, and his lack of confidence and submissiveness soon led to the same response – thanks but no thanks. He applied to one last company, someone he had never heard of but that wasn't unusual. The job was a little different as they required a full time personal assistant with high maths skills as well as an 'eagerness to follow commands precisely, and serve to the best of their ability'.
'Well that's me' he thought, 'eager to be given a command, told what to do, dominated'. He had to download software to finish the application which was strange, but he soon finished the application and shut down the browser. He was about to shut-down the PC for the night when a familiar itch formed, an itch that simon knew needed to be scratched. He fired up the PC and directed the browser to some of his favourite porn sites. Stories, picture galleries and videos all on the topic of Fem Dom. After reading the latest story's on his favourite site – Gagged Utopia – he was soon horny and in need of release. He clicked on my documents and found his porn stash – opening the video that 9 times out of 10 he turned to for release.
As the video flickered into life he pulled down his jeans and pants, his cock all ready hard and firm as he gently gripped it and gave it a stroke. He watched as the two bond goddesses appeared into the dungeon scene, both clad in shining latex. They both worn corsets that squeezed their sizeable cleavage to the point where anyone would think that they would burst out at any moment. The two outfits gleamed in the light of the dungeon, one a mix of deep purple and black, the other a vibrant red and black. Both blonds wore black latex stockings that appeared to be painted onto their legs – clips that matched their tops holding them up halfway on their thighs. The speakers echoed with the click click of their 5" high heals that matched their tops as well. Simon had seen this video so many times, yet he could only come up with two names for the divine Mistresses – Red and Purple.
The two dommes circled a man bound to a strange bench. At one end the bench looked like two cushioned plinths that were just wide enough to support his legs, although the thick, tight leather straps ensured his legs couldn't move. The plinths were a distance apart causing his legs to be spread wide apart, exposing his rear end. His arms were encased in a mass of black leather, pulled together behind his back tightly in what simon knew was called a leather arm binder – his wrists fused together as were his elbows as further thick black straps locked them tightly in place, leaving him no chance of escape.
'Like you'd want to escape!' simon thought to himself.
The bench had a step change in height that he was bent over that extended out far beyond the length of his upper body. More straps secured him to it so he couldn't move at all. His head was encased in yet more heavily padded leather, the only distinguishing feature a strap that ran from front to back that held a huge red ball gag in his mouth, drool escaping the sides and onto the bench. The camera circled behind the man briefly showing his cock an balls, and these two had not escaped attention. His cock was encased in some form of plastic cage, perfectly fitting around his cock when flaccid, but it was clear that he was very aroused and his member strained against the plastic prison in which it was held. His balls hung unnaturally from his body as two heavy looking metal balls hung from a strap fastened around them. Simon had a name for this person as well – 'that lucky sod'.
The camera panned back and Red could be seen fastening a huge red strap on dildo to the front, the camera zoomed in as she inserted the smaller sister dildo of the harness into her own sex with a moan of pleasure. She wandered round to the head of the bench and mounted it, purple meanwhile had wandered to the wall of the dungeon and selected a thick leather strap that hung menacingly.
Red had started to remove the 'lucky sod's' gag and as purple let fly with the strap the man screamed in pain as the blow thwacked across his helpless buttocks. Red though had soon silenced him as she plunged her cock deep into the man's mouth, moaning at the movement it gave to the internal dildo nestled inside her wet pussy. As purple tanned the slave's arse Red fucked his face without any care to his feelings. She moaned and groaned as her pleasure built and soon she was screaming at the top of her voice as her orgasm thundered towards, the world powerless to stop its imminent arrival. As it racked her body she gave one huge final thrust and held the cock buried completely into the man's mouth and throat. Purple gave one final blow, and dozens of angry looking red marks, some lined with small welts could be seen on his tormented buttocks.
As red and purple swapped positions Simon tried to calm himself, for he had been gradually increasing the pace of his attentions on his cock and was himself on the verge of cumming. Pre cum leaked out the mouth of his member and a dribble made its way own the side of it leaving a shining trail.
Purple had now mounted the table and she pushed her sex to his face, her smooth hair free lips glistened in the light with her juices. The bound man needed no instructions as he felt her sex approach and started lapping at her pussy as soon as it was close enough, much to the delight of a moaning purple. Red meantime had positioned herself behind the slave and with a wicked look in her eyes stroked her fake cock up and down spreading the lube she had squeezed into her hand over the length of the shaft.
Having watched purple sigh in pleasure red positioned the head of the cock against the man's helpless, red arse and pushed. The camera microphone picked up the groan as the length slid into him, but with his face buried deep in purples pussy the moan was greatly muffled from what was undoubtedly a much large noise initially. Simon froze and was transfixed as inch upon inch of the red, veined monster disappeared inside the man. Red had a huge grin on her face and groaned as she pushed the last of the cock inside him, the fake balls ramming up against the real thing, making the weights sway.
By now purple's chest was heaving heavily as her first orgasm careered towards her like a run away juggernaut. Red started thrusting the cock in and out of the man as purple screamed out as the first of her orgasm's hit, her body shaking as she held the back of the man's head to her sex, the juices from her pussy could be seen smeared around the hood's mouth opening. Without letting go purple tried to composer herself, but the thrusting that red was causing made her grin widely as the face of the man was pushed with a sexual rhythm into her drenched crotch. It wasn't long until both women were fast approaching their second orgasms, and simon was ready to join in this time. As they almost simultaneously cried out with their second orgasms simon gave a grunt and spurt upon spurt of hot, sticky cum erupted from his cock, landing on his chest, hands and upper legs.
He wiped up the sticky mess as he watched purple and red engage in a long, tender kiss before turning to the man. His gag was reapplied by red as purple walked to a shelf and picked out a huge black butt plug. She returned and pushed the huge intruder into the man and he groaned as they each slapped him on the arse and wished him goodnight. The video faded to back and simon shut the video player down
Simon got up out the chair and laid on the bed, knowing the screen would soon fall into darkness as the PC went into hibernation but he was unaware of the virus that had infected it. Across the telephone lines and fibre optic networks Simon's web-cam feed was showing on a PC screen in a dark room, two small inner widows on the screen showed firstly the video that he had just been watching and secondly a list of Simon's browsing history for the last few months. Two bright blue eyes scrolled down the list and a smile broke across the vibrant red lips. The blue eye's closed as a moan escaped the woman's lips as her hand gentle caressed the mop of red hair nestled in-between her legs, lapping at her sex.
Chapter 2
simon woke the next morning to a strange buzzing noise, and it took him a few moments to realise it was his mobile ringing on his desk. Grabbing the phone he looked at he screen and answered it.
"Ello?" he grunted, still half a sleep.
"Hello, is this Simon, Simon Martin?"
Simon sat up not recognising the voice. He expected it was the phone company, or some other utility that he owed money to. "yes, this is he – me even. How can I help you today?"
"Hello Simon, my name is Lucy, Lucy Dellal. You applied to a position yesterday – well actually today, wow someone stays up late for a work night" the soft toned voice said with a giggle over the phone. "As I said you applied of a role and we wish to invite you to an interview later this week. Are you free tomorrow by any chance?"
"Wow – yes. That would be fantastic ma'am" Simon responded
"such a polite young man, how is it that you haven't been snapped up yet." she said rhetorically. She gave simon the address of a hotel in London explaining that the office was actually based abroad.
Having settled on a time she thanked simon once again and hung up. Simon jumped up and did a little dance, despite all the knock backs he still held out hope that maybe this was his chance. The next morning over an hour early simon walked into the hotel lobby. He gave his name in at reception and the man pointed at a seat and asked him to wait. Simon looked around, it was an amazing hotel. The reception sat central to the room and a grand staircase circled up and round the wall, gradually disappearing as the floor above cut of the view. He waited for around 20 minutes watching the few guests and staff as they went about their business, before he heard a click click of high heals at the top of the stair case.
A set of shining, vibrant purple heals appeared and with every step more of the woman came into view, her long slender legs were encased in lightly tanned stockings and seemed to go on forever before the bottom of the pencil skirt appeared half way up her thigh. Her clothes hugged her figure perfectly and soon the rest of her came into view, the shining silk blouse perfectly off-set her pale skin and golden curls bounced around her shoulders white very step. Simon couldn't help but notice the woman's large, pert breasts that were encased behind the blouse and as his eyes traced upwards his mouth fell dry. He couldn't stop from staring, and didn't even notice when the lady stopped in front of him.
"Hello Simon, its nice to meet you. I'm Lucy Dellal" the woman purred as she held out a hand.
Simon took the hand snapping out of his day dream and looked up at the woman's face for the first time. He meant to say hello, but the words stuck in his throat as he found himself staring into a face he'd seen a hundred, maybe a thousand times before.
"Purple!" he blurted out loudly before he could stop himself.
"Excuse me?" Lucy said laughing
"Ummm, sorry. Hello ma'am. Your shoes, they're purple....." he said trailing off. Lucy laughed once again.
"10 out of 10 for observation – but this isn't the krypton factor Simon." she smiled at him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Please follow me."
Lucy led simon up the stairs, simon resisting frantically the urge to look at her arse. His cock had all ready swelled upon seeing her and he just hoped that it wasn't as obvious as he thought as the turned and pointed him into a large room, where his heart sank. 10 desks were set up in a circle around the room and Lucy pointed simon to the desk with his name on it. 30 minutes later the room was filled with the other 9 candidates and as she addressed the room she stood next to simon, placing a hand on his shoulder as she spoke. Simon was shaking, his cock threatening to erupt. The lady of his dreams was not only in the room with him, but was actually touching him!
"Welcome everyone, you have been asked here today so we can get to know you a bit better and see which of you is right for my organisation." Lucy said, gently squeezing Simon's shoulder as she felt him tremble with nerves. He didn't want her to let go, but equally the more she held him the worse it got.
"And so to our first test. On the screens in front of you is a list of data that needs to be input into the spreadsheet as shown. Please follow the instructions precisely and I'll be back in 30 minutes to see how you get on." She patted Simon's shoulder and walked off over across the room to a door and left, Simon's gauze following her until the door closed. He set about reading the instructions and it struck him that there were much easier and quicker ways of entering the data. He wondered if he should use one of the tricks going through his mind but the job description suddenly popped into his head – 'an eagerness to follow commands precisely' and then Lucy's voice echoed 'Please follow the instructions precisely'. He decided against any short cuts and began the mundane task of entering the data. The 30 minutes passing far to quickly and simon only just finished as the timer went off and the PC's automatically locked up. He noticed that most of the people sat smugly in their chairs as if they finished an age ago, and Simon's heart sank.
Next up were team exercises, and as usual Simon ended up submitting to the rest of the team, doing as he was told when he was told. He kept glancing at Lucy who quietly strode around the room between the two teams watching the action. Lunch followed, but simon couldn't eat – he was breaking up inside, his cock still hard and erect every time he caught a glimpse of Lucy, who was being sucked up to at the other end of the table by a few of the other boys.
Finally it was interview time and one by one they were called into an adjacent room by Lucy. Simon was 7th, and as Lucy called his name he gulped and got up. He walked into the room and noticed that another woman was sat in a chair, facing away from the door so he couldn't make her out.
"Please stand over their Lucy said pointing tot he middle of the room. Simon noticed that there was no chair for him to sit in as Lucy sat in her comfy leather chair and spoke.
"simon, I'd like to introduce my business partner Ms. Tessa Von Hoek." and the lady stared to turn round in her chair. As she turned Simon's eyes dropped to the feet, or more importantly her shoes, her bright red 5" high heals that gleamed in the light. His mind had no doubt how was in the chair,but he didn't remember seeing her face as she completely turned round, instead blackness enveloped him.
He opened his eyes to see a heavenly sight, Lucy bent over him talking with a concerned look on her face. He couldn't make out at first what she was saying, but it soon broke through the fogginess.
"simon, are you ok? Please say something." she said as Tessa appeared with a glass of water.
"W-w-w-hat h-h-happened?" Simon managed to stammer.
"You feinted is vhat" Tessa said in her strong European accent. "Vhy zis happened, I do not know, maybe it is too hot for you in here?"
No, no I'm fine. I'm sorry Ma'am, I guess the interview is over?" simon said as a tear escaped his eye. He had never been so embarrassed as he was now, his opportunity of a lifetime gone. He rolled onto his front and sat on his knee's.
"Over – only if you want it to be Simon, but we will both be terribly disappointed if you do." Lucy smiled at him.
"Really? I'd love to carry on ma'am." Simon said as he tried to get to his feet. Tessa though had other ideas and placed a hand strongly on his shoulder, pushing him back onto the floor.
"No, no, no" Tessa said holding him down "you vill not stand, you will kneel from the rest of the interview yah?" Simon knew this wasn't a request and nodded before the two ladies took their seats. Simon could feel his erection sticking out of his pants, but dared not try and hide it for fear of bringing the tow ladies attentions to it.
"For the record, please state your full name" Lucy asked.
"Simon Edward Martin ma'am"he responded trying to to stare at the two beauties sat in front of his at the perfect height to see up between their legs
Tessa went next "your manners are very good, young man. I like that in my servants." Lucy laughed and interrupted "she means staff simon, don;t worry we aren't going to enslave you or anything!"
"Of course" Tessa grinned but the damage was done. The video was now playing in full definition in Simon's mind as he fielded questions about his education from the two ladies. The questions were very boring an generic at first, but soon they were getting more and more personal and simon became more uncomfortable as they continued. Suddenly Lucy came out with a question that almost made simon part die in embarrassment, part cum their and then on the spot.
"Final question, are you a virgin Simon" she asked as if she was asking about an exam result.
Simon gulped at the question, making a rather fine impression of a fish. Lucy looked up when she didn't get an answer and scowled at Simon.
"Well, answer me Simon, if you don't we might as well have not bothered today with you."
"Y-y-yes Ma'am. I am" he finally stammered.
"Very good" Lucy said noting something down on a note pad "It is very commendable in this day and age that you are waiting for the right person." Lucy smiled at him.
"Well I think we are done, please head out to zee seating area whilst we finish zee interviews." Tessa said, and Lucy opened the door and waited for simon to leave, shutting the door behind him. He headed directly for the toilet, his mind only focused on one thing. He frantically tugged at he belt and trousers but finally his cock sprang clear and he grabbed it with his hands. With his level of arousal it didn't take much, and he soon exploded as cum fired from his cock into the toilet, some hitting the toilet seat. Cleaning up he left the toilet feeling much more composed, but as h walked out the door into the waiting room Lucy emerged from the room to call the next interviewee. She clocked simon and strode over to him placing a hand on his face.
"Are you sure you're ok simon? You gave us both quite a fright when you fainted in there just then. In fact, you still look a little flushed."
One of the boys gave a derisory snort and Lucy turned to face him, angry flashed across her face. "You, get inside now" she ordered. With another pat on the cheek she walked in after the latest victim. He didn't last long, just over 5 minutes until he came out looking rather dejected.
The final two also were in and out quickly, and simon only then realised that he was the only one who spent a long time in there, even his episode didn't count for all the extra time. Lucy and Tessa both came out to address everyone.
"Well everyone thank you for attending. We have a little feed back for you all. Firstly, in the data entry test some of you failed miserably in following the instructions. You were asked to follow the instructions to enter the data not make up your own method and as a result you six" she pointed at 6 people "are no longer being considered for this role. Please leave now." she said looking at the boy who sniggered at Simon when he came out the toilet. The 6 got up shaking their heads, muttering and moaning but simon didn't care – he was still here!
"You" Lucy pointed at the bossy girl had bossed simon around in the team events, a short but very pretty brunette "If we were looking for a leader you would be it, but we are not. I'm afraid we will not consider you this time but we would like to keep your details on records in case a role comes up?"
The girl nodded and left, shaking the two ladies hands on her way out.
"As for zee rest of you, ve need to discuss further. Ve will contact you in the morning with our answer." The two ladies thanked the 3 remaining interviewee's and disappeared back into the room, leaving simon in shock disbelief that he for once wasn't the first one out the door, in fact he had a 33% chance of the job!
It was a beautiful sunny afternoon in the city and Simon decided that a walk down to the river was in order before heading home. He had a spring in his step that had not been present for an age, and as he sat on a bench watching the world fly past the events of the day streamed through his mind. He struggled to take in what he had seen – Red and Purple both in one room, alone with him. He closed his eyes and imagined being the man in the video, his head encased in leather. He imagined what it was like to serve these two goddesses, especially Lucy. He didn't think Tessa wasn't attractive, but something about her made him very nervous and fearful, maybe it was her tone, her power. It slightly frightened him that after only 1 minute in a room with her, well it passed that quickly for him, she was ordering him to kneel and he didn't put up so much of a fight.
With Lucy it was different, for she seemed to cast a spell over simon. His mind went blank, the room almost dimmed whenever she spoke, for she was the only thing that mattered. He was in love, no infatuated with her, and would learn in time that this was a dangerous thing, for the steps he would take to please her would know no bounds.
Chapter 3
By the time simon got home he was once again as horny as hell – his mind had not stopped thinking about Lucy and Tessa and he had to relive himself immediately. As he looked down to the tiny spurts of cum that spat from the end of his drained cock he felt a flush of guilt. How was he supposed to work for these two ladies when he couldn't even hold of masturbating for a whole day around them.
However his guilt didn't last long and he was soon back on the net surfing for porn. He tried googling the two ladies but to not to his surprise nothing came up apart from the formal work things. As he sat naked in his room once again jerking off whilst watching the video of Red, Purple and the lucky sod he started moaning out. 'Please Mistress Lucy, please fuck my face, please fuck my arse.' he moaned and it took no time until he was cumming again.
Back at the hotel Lucy and Tessa were laid out in the lounge of the penthouse suite, the video feed supplied by the spyware from Lucy's PC streaming to the 50 inch TV screen on the wall. As they watched simon moaning and begging into the web cam, unaware that it was streaming across the world wide web they both moaned themselves in pleasure. In front of each woman knelt a semi naked girl, their wrists locked behind their backs in steel manacles as there heads were buried deep in their respective ladies sex. Both girls were wearing exactly the same outfits, not that they could even be called outfits. A bight, shining steal belt encircled their lower waists, a thick strap disappearing between their arse cheeks. Lucy and Tessa each had hold of the plated pony tails that the bound girls wore, each supporting a different coloured leather strap running through the plate. The girl lapping at Lucy had pale skin that almost matched Lucy's, but her hair was a vibrant red. In between Tessa's legs the colour of Tessa's long, tanned legs was matched by the tanned oriental skin of the bound girl, her hair the blackest of blacks.
The smell of arousal filled the room as the two ladies were bought to orgasmic highs, the sight of simon begging only fuelling their internal fires. As they both flopped back into the chairs releasing the hair of their captive they grinned at each other knowing that they had just found their next servant.
Simon didn't sleep well, his cock keeping in awake as wicked thoughts swam through his mind, finally exhausted his body gave in but his mind didn't. His dreams were even more vivid through the night and he woke up hornier than ever. It didn't take long for him to start jerking away at his cock again, but then his phone started ringing.
"god damn it!" he moaned as he let go and picked up the phone, out of breath from his fruitless efforts. "Hello?" he snapped
"good morning Simon, its Lucy. I hope I'm not interrupting anything, after all you sound a little out of breath?"
"Oh no ma'am" he said his tone instantly changing. "My, er phone was downstairs so I had to run to get it." he lied.
"I see, I must have misunderstood yesterday when you said you lived – in a one bedroom studio.... 'shoebox' I think you joked." She paused to let it sink in that she knew he was lying. "It cant be that small if it has an upstairs. Anyway, I'm just calling with regards to yesterday. We would be delighted if you could join us in Amsterdam for a two week assessment. We think you are almost perfect for what we are after, even if you are a little rough round the edges." she paused.
"Thank you ma'am" Simon said as he did a little victory dance in the middle of the room, his cock bouncing around in its semi flaccid state. He didn't realise that Lucy was watching the web cam feed and she couldn't help but let out a little giggle as she watched Simon's dance.
"Very sweet simon. Your manners and attitude put your counterparts to shame yesterday, we just need to work on your........." she paused wondering how to best put things "professional appearance shall we say. After all, if you want to be successful and get this role both Tessa and I think you need to control your........ enthusiasm a bit more? Am I making myself clear?" Lucy said waiting for a response.
By now simon had frozen in embarrassment. He knew exactly what she was saying, knew that his over excited cock was obvious yesterday and could only mutter "yes ma'am, I understand"
"Very good. Now as I understand you have no objections to starting training this week right?"
"No ma'am, I'm at your service whenever you want." Simon said
"Hmmmmm – now that sounds delectable! But for now I'll just make do with you meeting me at St Pancreas Train station at 10:00am. We'll get the train across to Amsterdam, it might take longer but its much more comfortable. Besides I'll be able to start your assessment a little early which I'll look forward to." Lucy said, in a playful tone.
"Yes ma'am, 10 am. I've never caught the Eurostar before, it will be exciting!" he said.
"you are adorable, I know the other staff members will love you." Lucy said. "Right, there are a number of things I need you to complete before we go so I'm sending you an email and you are to follow the instructions and complete all the forms today if possible. I'll see you Friday at 10." and with that she hung up, not even waiting for a goodbye.
Not wanting to waste any time Simon fired up his email and sure enough Lucy had sent him an email that linked to a website. Simon scrolled through the forms that needed filling in – there were hundreds of them! He popped the kettle on and started filling in the forms. By the evening Simon was extremely fed up – he was typing in his name for the umpteenth time – every form needed his name, DoB, address etc. Some asked for bank details so he could be paid he assumed, some for other personal information.
Finally finished he looked at the PC screen wondering what he was going to do about Lucy's statement about his erection issue. He started googling erection issues but only got linked to erectile dysfunction websites, a serious problem but that certainly wasn't what simon had! Giving up on that he sat back and thought and for some reason a flash of the video appeared in his mind. Not of Lucy or Tessa, but the bound man on the bench and most noticeably the cock encased in a clear plastic prison.
"Thats it!" he shouted to himself. He fired up google once more typed in the words cock cage. He soon learnt that what he was looking at was a chastity cage, and so he typed into google chastity belt shops. Unknown to simon but this set of key words fired up the silent program that streamed his web cam to Lucy and pushed his internet to a fake google result page, the top of which was a link to a very real shop in Amsterdam - 'Oden Slot en Stem' or 'Under lock and Key'. Simon clicked on the link thinking that his luck was in, he was going to be in Amsterdam Friday!
He read about the shop finding out that it supplied top of the range belts, as well as the more commercial offerings. He surfed the site looking at the different options, stumbling upon the very device that had triggered this search. He felt his cock twinge as he looked on, the tabs at the top of the page sorting the metal cages, from the plastic ones but Simon's eyes were drawn to the tab that read "Inescapable". He clicked only to find – 'Sorry, this section of the website is currently under development, please try again later.' He moaned and shut down the internet browser, making a note of the shop location, right in the heart of the city and the infamous red light district.
He arrived at the station early as ever, and proceeded to wait around for Lucy. As the clock struck 10 he turned to see the figure of a goddess striding towards him, Lucy's trademark purple high heals glistening in the sun that streamed through the glass roof. Her legs encased in tight jeans and she worn a thin long sleeved top that had a plunging V neck down between her breasts. Simon smiled as she pulled up in front of him and gave him a kiss on each cheek making him blush. He noticed that the taxi driver was huffing and puffing pulling two huge cases behind him. Lucy thanked him and paid him a considerable tip, an act that seem to perk the cabby up no end.
"Morning Simon, my don't we look smart." She took in his shirt, tie and trousers. "You know, you really don't need to dress up to travel, its usually better to be comfortable. Unless you're told otherwise" she smiled at him, a smile that could melt butter. "Right then, ready for an adventure?" and she walked off leaving her two huge suitcases sat in front of Simon, the handle on each pointing in his direction. Understanding what was being asked he was soon struggling behind Lucy with not only his suitcase, but both of hers as well.
They entered security quickly despite Simon struggling with all the bags. Lucy stood impatiently as Simon picked each of the suitcases up with difficulty, thinking that they must have been filled with bricks. Lucy shouted at him impatiently to hurry up, giving the bemused security guard a wink and a grin. She knew that simon must think that he was heaving around brick filled cases, and he was almost right. She only had a few clothes, but for a laugh, and to gauge his response her self and Tessa had filled the bags with piles of papers to weight them down.
Finally finished Lucy walked off to passport control leaving simon once more struggling. He shrugged his shoulders at the guard who laughed at him.
"Hope its worth it mate, she's smokin' hot I'll give you that!" and he walked off to the next person in the queue. Finally they made it onto the business class carriage to fins it was empty. Lucy sat by the window and pointed to the opposite side of the 4 seater section indicating where simon was allowed to sit. Before long the train pulled out of London bound for Europe and started picking up pace as the city disappeared to be replaced by the countryside. The waiter emerged and asked for their orders.
"Lucy smiled at the young man "Would it be naughty to have something alcoholic at this hour" she said to the man with a smile.
"Very naughty Madam, but sometimes naughty is what makes a journey!" he joked back and Lucy ordered a vodka Martini.
"Very good madam, and for you sir?" he said
Simon ordered a diet coke and Lucy snorted. "Poppycock, get him a Bombay sapphire and Tonic. Ice and a slice." Lucy said to the waiter who disappeared. "I'm not drinking on my own!" she laughed at simon, who laughed back. As the drinks turned up they both took a long sip and Lucy let out a sigh as she put one of her high heals on the chair next to simon.
"God, what a week. I feel like I've been on my feet the whole time, what I wouldn't give for a nice long foot massage right now. These shoes may look good simon, but take it from me they hurt after a while!" Lucy said.
"Well, if you want ma'am....I mean..... I could..." simon stammered
"You could what simon, come on spit it out." she said. He pointed at her foot and she smiled. "That would be amazing simon, are you sure you don't mind?"
"Not at all ma'am, it would be my pleasure." Simon said reaching into his bag on the seat and pulling out a bottle of moisturiser. "Its for my hands, but should be sufficient for this. May I touch your foot then?" he asked.
"It would be be a strange foot rub otherwise my little boy scout!" and she kicked off her high heal and put her foot onto Simon's lap. He carefully picked it up as if it was some fragile glass ornament, eternally thankful that the tablet between them hid her view of his erection that was now prominently pointing upwards. He started delicately massaging the soft skin of her foot, massaging from the back of her heal all the way to the tips of her toes. Lucy leant back and closed her eyes before she let out a soft moan of pleasure. Simon didn't want to stop, and for the next 30 minutes dedicated his attentions on her foot. The waiter returned with their meals breaking the trance Lucy was in and offered them wine with their meal. Afterwards without a word Lucy placed her other foot on Simon's lap and he smiled. Finally as they approached the end of the train ride Lucy opened her eyes and pulled her foot off simon.
"Thank you simon, that was wonderful. You have a real talent for foot massaging and seem to pour love into it. Did you enjoy it as well."
"Y-y-y-y-yes Ma'am" he stammered. "You have beautiful feet, it was an honour." with that Lucy grinned and lifted her bare foot towards simon. He looked quizzically at it before Lucy spoke.
If you love them so much kiss them. Kiss them Simon and prove to me how much you really love my feet." she said, her eyes blazing with intensity as she watched him. Simon hesitated but then bent over and placed his lips to her foot. She offered the other foot and then without further word put her heals back on and went back to looking out the window.
Simon struggled once again with the paper laden suitcases as they transferred to the next train and Lucy found them a small cabin. She sat in the middle of the three seats and looked at simon grinning. "What are your hand massage skills like simon............." she said grinning, and simon smiled back as he reached for his moisturiser. When they finally reached the outskirts of Amsterdam Lucy was almost asleep on the train – so totally relaxed from Simon's massage that she took a few moments to come round and realise they were almost at the station. She waited for simon to heave the suitcases of the train and then walked off out into the city. Luckily for Simon they only walked around 15 minutes before she turned and crossed a bridge, then walked directly towards a beautiful corner building 5 stories high – large tinted glass windows ran around the top penthouse and simon could see a small terrace as well. Lucy strode through the open doorway and into a large open hallway. On the right hand side of the room Simon made out a reception desk and Simon assumed that this was some form of hotel. From behind the desk two women appeared and came round the front, before stopping and waiting for Lucy to approach.
Simon took in the sight in front of him, for one of the girls in particular took his breath away, much like the feeling her gets when Lucy appears. Both girls wore matching uniforms apart from subtle differences. As people they were totally different, the first girl that Simon couldn't take his eyes of had pale skin, off set by her red lipstick and striking red hair that was intertwined in a plated pony tail with length of what looked like white leather. She wore black high heals and a strikingly short black skirt that looked like it only just covered what it needed to. She had a bright white blouse that didn't hide the black lacy bra that she wore underneath that held in her huge cleavage. Simon's eyes spotted a band of silver around her neck, a solid necklace that was thick enough to make a person look at it twice. Her wrists were both encased in solid shiny bracelets, two gold stripes embedded on both.
The second girl was, despite the matching clothes, a world apart from the first. Her tanned oriental skin seemed to make the white blouse glow and despite the distance simon could tell she was much shorter than the first girl. Her black hair plated like the first girls but with a brown leather strap rather than purple one. She too worn thick metal bracelets on her wrists, but only one gold striped could be seen.
They both seemed overly excited like two puppies upon seeing their owner return and they chimed in unison as Lucy approached, a smile growing rapidly across her face.
"Good afternoon Ms. Dellal"
"Good afternoon Laura, good afternoon Felicia. I trust my room is ready."
"Yes Ma'am, everything is in place......" Laura started to respond but both girls then spotted simon tugging the huge bags into the lobby. "Oh, you have a guest Ma'am" she said dejectedly.
"Girls, this is Simon. Simon, Laura and Felicia." Simon nodded at Felicia and then looked at Laura. His eyes fixed on hers as once again he felt his cock expand uncontrollably. They are both in my employment and have been for some time now. Girls, I'm pleased to say Simon is here on his two week training period with a view to a full time role in the office."
Both girls broke into huge smiles at this news and seemed even more excited then before – as if it was Christmas morning and they had just been given the best present imaginable.
"Felicia, make sure the training quarters are liveable immediately whilst Simon and Laura here escort me upstairs." Lucy said as she turned to Laura. "Laura my dear, I have something to show you upstairs, so Felicia you'll need to come up and watch reception when you are done, just in case."
"yes ma'am" the both chimed, Laura grinning even more than before at the news that Lucy had given. Soon enough Felicia had disappeared behind the reception desk and out of sight, whilst Simon struggled to pull the suitcases into the lift where Lucy and Laura waited. Lucy waved her thin, metal bracelet against the lift controls and they came to light, before she pressed the button for the penthouse. As the lift doors opened Simon expected to see more, but the lift merely opened up into small entrance hall, two doors on either side. Simon dragged the cases out.
"Thank you Simon, that's far enough I think. I have a few things to take care of here with young Laura that require my attentions for the next few hours, so maybe you'd like to take this opportunity to explore the local area?" She said suggestively
"Yes ma'am, I think I will" Simon said.
"Good, meet me in the lobby at 7:30 sharp, you are my diner date this evening and I don't want to be late." She grinned at him.
"Yes ma'am" he said as Laura stepped just inside the lift and waved her own wrist to the sensor. Simon stepped in and noticed that only the buttons from level 2 downwards lit up. "Press this button and Felicia will be there to help you." Laura said, her soft tone seemed to resonate through Simon making his legs weak, and his cock thicken. As she stepped out the lift he pressed the button and with a bing the doors shut and descended down to level -1.
The doors opened and simon stepped out, the lift shutting behind him. "Hello?" he called out, and Felicia's grinning face appeared out the open door just down the hall. Simon noticed another three doors on either side of the corridor before a large door blocked the rest from sight but though nothing of it as he walked into the small room. Felicia looked down at his pants as she stepped out of his way, blatantly checking out the bulge sticking out the front of his pads.
As he walked in it stuck him how out of place this room was compared to the rest of the house. For where it was obvious no expense had been spared on the property from what he saw of the upstairs, it seemed that who ever designed this room purposefully set out to make it as dull and simple as they could. The room had no windows, and the walls had been left in their original state as concrete that had been painted white. If simon had to guess the room could measure no more than 9 foot in all directions. A single metal framed bed was pushed against the wall and was covered by a thin mattress. On the far wall were 4 doors, all painted white as well to match the plain concrete. Simon walked in and opened the first door. It was the shower. The second door contained the toilet and sink, the third door a small wardrobe that had three selves and a small rail. Simon tried to open the first door but it was locked. A sound behind him broke his concentration as Felicia walked in.
"Um, cosy!" he said as she placed a small pile of sheets and a towel on the bed. She turned to him and shrugged at him.
"Could be worse. It stays nice and warm down here as the boiler room is next door, so there is no need to worry about that. The bed is fairly comfy from what I recall." She said looking around. "I have to admit though, I much prefer my current room!"
"You stayed in here?" Simon asked
Felicia nodded "Yup, this was my exact room during my training. If you ask me its the nicest out of the four training rooms but in reality they are all identical!" she laughed and walked off as simon grabbed his case and started unpacking his clothes wondering if there were other trainee's due to join him this week.
15 minutes alter he was ready to head out into the city, but stumbled across his first problem. The lift had come down and opened, but none of the buttons worked. Simon recalled both Laura and Lucy waving their wrist bracelets before the life moved and shrugged. Was he trapped down here? He finally noticed the small buzzer symbol and pressed it. A few seconds later Felicia answered and buzzed him up. As he walked out the lift and headed for the door Felicia called out to him across the hallway.
"Turn left after the river then head straight down the road to the Red Light District – there will be what ever you need there to sort out your little trouser problem....for a price!" and she laughed as she walked off out of site.
Flushed with embarrassment he headed out in search of his goal – a specific shop that was indeed in the heart of the red light district. He needed to get this issue under control before Lucy noticed it any further.
Of course Lucy had noticed, the signs were obvious all through the train ride. She stood in front of the glass wall of the penthouse watching simon head across the river towards the red light district safe in the knowledge that the polarised glass stopped anyone seeing in. "Boys" she said as she idly stroked the huge flesh coloured strap on that hung in between her legs. "Always thinking with this" she said shaking the heavy phallic object as she turned on Laura. She was completely naked save the strap on dildo, her wrist bracelet and a necklace from with a single key hung. On the floor a metal chastity belt lay unlocked, two huge dildo's attached to the inside gleamed with juices.
The red haired beauty was bent over in the room, staring out the window towards simon. Her arms were bound behind her in a thick heavy leather arm binder, the end of which was pulled high up behind her back forcing her arms up and stopping her from standing up. Her legs were encased in shining PVC boots held wide apart by a three foot spreader bar as the ballet heals forced her feet into an en point position. A stream of drool hung from her lip as her mouth was held open by a metal ring strapped into her mouth and her arse was a tapestry of angry red marks where Lucy had taken a cane to it.
Lucy walked behind Laura and pushed the head of the silicone monster into the young woman, both moaning in pleasure as the dildo filled Laura's pussy. A slightly smaller, but still equally filling internal dildo attached to the harness moved inside Lucy's moist sex.
"Do you remember your fitting Laura, when I took your freedom away?"Laura moaned in reply and Lucy laughed as she thrust the cock fully inside until the fake balls pushed against Laura.
"Young simon doesn't even need to be drugged, he walks to his fate of his own free will!" With a laugh Lucy started fucking the bound woman with her strap on, moaning as her own pleasure rocketed.
Chapter 4 (added: 11/13/2011)
Simon walked for about half an hour before getting to the red light district and he was shocked at exactly how brazen and open the whole place was. Women danced and waved as he walked past the windows, shops displayed all manner of sex toys, most of which simon couldn't figure out what they were even for. Soon simon found the shop he was looking for - 'Onder slot en Stem'. He gauzed into the window display at some of the devices, fascinated at their appearance in real life. He wondered if he could actually go through with this but finally his fear overcame him and he retreated to the café over the road .
Drinking his coffee he could help but gaze at the shop front, and finally he saw the owner come out and lock up the shop, leaving sign that even from here simon could see read 'back in an hour'. She was a beautiful woman, or maybe simon just thought this because of the brazen dominatrix outfit she wore. It didn't seem to bother anyone else however and she passed down the street with out so much as a second glance from most of the public.
He finished his coffee and wandered back over to the shop window, safe in the knowledge that the shop keeper was gone for a while. He could see the huge array of chastity devices, as well as other restraints that all had locks and such hanging on them. Suddenly though a female voice broken his concentration.
"If you stand in my window much longer, I'll have to start charging you rent!" said the voice with a laugh.
"errr - I was just......." simon started
"Window shopping? Why not come in for a proper look at least, you obviously came down to this shop for a reason." the woman said unlocking the shop door and walking in leaving the door open for simon.
Entering the shop the displays were even more prominent, for one of the walls had countless fake cocks hanging off the wall in various devices, whilst manikins both male and female were encased in belts that gleamed in the light.
"So, I take it you are looking for yourself given your behaviour, tell me is it a surprise for your Mistress or Master?" she asked
"No, no. Nothing like that" he said looking over. " I need something to hide....." he trailed of unable to complete the sentence.
"Ah, attracted to a co-worker or house mate and can't hide it - well you are in the right place. Do you have any ideas what you want?" she asked
"I wondered what the total security section of your website was about, there wasn't information on the page when I looked." simon said.
"Well you are talking serious money there then. It refers to my unique TSCB - or total security chastity belt, hardly an original name I know. I was contemplating calling it the enforcer but figured it was a bit to cheesy!" she laughed
"How much is it? I have to admit it sounds amazing!"
"€2000 including all accessories"
Simon coughed and starred in disbelief "€2k! I can't afford that!" He walked over to a bucket and picked up a €15 bargain bucket device that look so flimsy it wouldn't even stop an erection in the first place. "Guess this will have to do" he said glumly.
The owner of the shop starred at him intently for a long time before taking the device and throwing it back in the bucket. "Well we may be able to come to a compromise, if you are willing to be....flexible?"
"I'm listening" simon said, his mood picking up slightly in hope.
"Well as I said the TSCB is my own, brand new invention and I need advertising material. Now I was going to hire a model but what I need to do to one will cost me an arm and a leg. I'm willing to give you the device free of charge if you agree to be my model for it all. I'll need pictures of everything I warn you, all the accessories fitted including some pretty large anal dildos and plugs as well as some more arty style shots showing me, the hot Mistress enslaving and using my slave, i.e. you." she said.
"I've never had anything up my bum before, will it hurt?" Simon asked.
"Yes, but that doesn't matter if you enjoy it now does it, and I'll be sure to use plenty of lube! Besides, what I'm offering you in a round about sort of way is a €2000 salary for a single days work, well to half days at least. That's pretty good going!"
"But I need the device today,tonight!" simon exclaimed.
"I'm afraid that's impossible, you see I make the belts to be custom fitted - thus ensuring maximum security. You'll just have to find another way of hiding your....excitement.... for tonight that is!"
"Oh ok, what the hell. Lets do it!" Simon said
The woman clapped her hands together and pressed an intercom buzzer in the till. "Nicole, we have a model of the TSCB - get your camera's set up immediately!"
The female voice replied "Yes Mistress" over the intercom and the shop keeper turned to Simon.
"I'm Sam by the way" she said holding out her hand.
"Well simon, lets get you down stairs and stripped off ready - can't measure you up for your belt with clothes on now can we!"
Five minutes later Sam had shut up shop and taken simon into the back room where a large professional looking photographic back drop had been set up by a woman simon assumed to be Nicole. She was naked, her head completely shaved bald as heavy metal manacle encased her wrists and legs. Simon was surprised to see no chastity belt around her waist but as she turned he realised why, for her pussy lips had been pierced with silver rings at least half a dozen times on each side, and a heavy padlock held a locking bar securely through them, cutting off all access.
As he turned Sam held a floppy latex hood up "time to hide that identity, after all I don't want to have to pay you royalties when these pictures are famous! Besides, I'm sure you don't want the object of your affections stumbling across your new secret."
Nodding Simon grabbed the hood and slid it on over his head, the smell of latex filled his nose and caused a twitch in his pants. As he stripped, his confidence buoyed by the hood Sam then approached him with a solid metal collar and wrist manacles.
"All for the show simon!" she said as she buckled up the collar and locked Simon's wrists behind his back. Sam yelled action as Nicole manned the camera and Sam pulled simon into shot silently and he saw a flash of silver as a chain was hooked to his collar leading him helplessly hanging in the middle of the room. He saw the flash of the digital camera continue.
"Cut, cut, cut!" Sam shouted. "this is no good at all, look at this!" she grabbed the end of Simon's erect cock and gave it a wiggle.
"No one's going to believe this if he's rock hard and hanging free........of course, I know!"
Sam ran off out the room leaving simon hanging and Nicole grinning wickedly at simon. Moments later Sam returned with a small white box marked CB-6000 in one hand, and an ice pack in the other.
"Why didn't I think of this sooner - no sane person would spend €2000 on a belt for their slave if they didn't already use a chastity device of some sorts!" she gave simon a wink. Without warning the ice pack was thrust on Simon's cock and he howled in pain, he just made out the click of the camera and assumed that the video was still recording as well. Sam tossed the ice pack aside and quickly worked on his flaccid member, expertly fitting the device in a flash. Simon heard the click of the padlock and looked down to see the clear plastic device around his cock, a white ring gripped his cock at the entrance to the cage.
"I dunno sam, is this necessary" Simon said looking at the device.
"Yes, as is this apparently" and she grabbed a large red ball gag of a table and shoved it into Simon's mouth. The measurement session passed for simon in a blur, a whirlwind of flashes from the camera as simon was put in various positions, the plastic prison was taken of and reapplied countless times. They repeated scene upon scene where he was measured in ever aspect imaginable until Nicole gave a thumbs up and Sam said they were finished.
As he got changed Sam waved the key to the padlock in his face before stuffing it down her cleavage. "Consider it a little insurance policy to make sure you return. I've fitted this CB-6000 with the KSD-2 - a keep sake device. It makes it much, much harder to pull your cock out, and even if you did your balls are trapped in between the rings and the cage."
Simon touched the cage, his cock had all ready started to thicken after the latest chilling encounter with the ice pack and he moaned as the discomfort started to build.
"I suggest you be promptly here at 10am Sunday, otherwise I might just loose this key!" she said handing him a small bag containing lube and other things.
"Yes Miss!" he said smiling. "At least my issue is temporarily solved I guess!" he finished as Sam lead him out the room and waved him goodbye as he left the shop.
As simon walked out he felt very conscious of the cage gripping his cock, causing his arousal levels to build. Soon though the belt became very constrictive and instead of a pleasurable pressure around his shaft the sensation became a painful ache. He headed back towards the hotel, hoping that he would be able to get used to the feeling of entrapment around his cock and balls before that evening.
Sam watched simon turned the corner as she held up the phone to her ear and Lucy answered the other end.
He got back to his room to find that a DJ had been laid out on the bed for him, his other clothes have been carefully folded and put in the wardrobe. He showered and changed, taking care to ensure that the inside of the cage was dry using cotton bus and well lubricated using the small tub of special that Sam had given him. At 7:45 Sam emerged into the lobby, Laura wolf whistling at him as he got out the lift.
At 8 as the lift chimed and Lucy exited the lift, simon stood speechless at the sight. Lucy was nothing short of stunning in a black cocktail dress that fitted her figure perfectly. Her legs were encased in tanned stockings and as she gave a whirl simon noticed the seams that traced their way up the back of her legs. Felicia had helped her upstairs with her hair and make up - a little benefit of having a professionally trained beautician as a servant. A thick diamond necklace plunged between her breasts that heaved out the top of the tight dress.
Simon thanked god for the CB-6000 at this point, for despite the gut wrenching pain he was feeling from its futile attempt at becoming erect, he knew that at least his arousal was hidden from view.
"Well well, doesn't someone brush up well" Lucy said planting a small kiss on Simon's left cheek. Simon inhaled in a deep breath taking in her divine scent. "You look very handsome simon, a perfect date for this evening I think."
"Y-y-y-y-ou look stunning Ma'am, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen...." he stammered
She smiled at him as she leaned in and whispered in his ear "Flattering will get you everywhere tonight - I must warn you that I get extremely frisky after a few drinks, I may require a very, very personal assistant" she joked and gave his arse a gentle squeeze. Simon could see Laura grinning widely over Lucy's shoulder. "now come on simon, we have a dinner dance to attend."
They slid out into the night to the waiting limousine and simon held open the door whilst Lucy got in. Before long they were wining and dining at a wonderful dinner dance that Lucy had been invited to through her work. Simon was eternally thankful for the belt, as it allowed him to be himself without fear of his physical reaction to Lucy being noticeable and as such was able to focus his entire attentions on her and her needs, enjoying the evening to the full. As they finished their desert the music started up at a slow rhythm and Lucy stood up.
"Simon, dance with me" she ordered and dragged the young man onto the dance floor. Gripping him close she was seductively close to him now and all he could smell was her intoxicating aroma. He had long since removed his jacket and he could feel her pert breasts rubbing against his chest as they slowly swayed together to the rhythm. His hands gently gripped her lower back and he smiled contently.
"You have been a transformation tonight my dear simon" she whispered in his ear.
"I do believe I shall have to reward you when we get back to the hotel tonight" and she gentle took his ear in her mouth and seductively suckled on it.
She chuckled to herself on the inside, knowing the torment that must be going through poor innocent simon. Sam had told her about the chastity belt earlier that day over the phone. As they walked off the dance floor at the end of a few songs she pulled simon down a dark corridor to a room at the end and pushed him inside. She shut the door behind her and slid the locking bolt over.
Simon look stunned, but Lucy hadn't even started yet. She strode over to the quivering young boy and pulled him into a long, deep kiss.
"Kneel" she ordered as she broke off. Simon put up no resistance as he collapsed onto his knees at her feet.
"If I do something for you later, I expect something in payment first." she said as she hitched up he dress and slid down onto the deep armchair behind her. As she parted her legs simon could see the tops of the stockings and the straps of the suspender belt holding them up. She traced up between her thighs towards her smooth shaved pussy lips, for she wasn't wearing any underwear under the dress. She gently played with her sex as her scent filled Simon's nostrils, her juice glistening over her lips.
"have you even pleasured a woman simon? Have you ever brought someone off with you mouth, tasted the sweet nectar of a woman arousal?" she teased as simon shook his head, unable to lift his gaze from her hand she played with herself. By now his cock was threatening to burst out its confines, but the pain didn't hold a torch to the pleasure simon felt from the show Lucy was giving him.
"Well, what are you waiting for simon, its yours - all you have to do is lean forwards and taste it..." she purred as her hand moved out from between her spread legs.
Simon lent forward and reached a hand up, but Lucy quickly slapped it away. "I see I need to be clearer with my requests - no hands now." she said leaning forward and pulling the bow tie from around Simon's neck. She stood up and walked behind him and then he felt her using the tie to bind his wrists before returning to the chair. "try again"
He nervously lent forwards until he could feel the moistness of her sex on his face. His tongue made contact with her sex and she let out a sign as simon started lapping at her. "slowly, my love. We have all the time I desire" she said and simon slowed his efforts.
He didn't really know what he was doing but by following her moans he started to figure out what was good and what was not so good. He accidentally flicked something that in the light looked like a small red nub sticking out and this made Lucy moan deeply. Focusing on this spot is wasn't long until Lucy was moaning in delight as her orgasm approached. Just as it hit she screamed and her body tensed, she grabbed the back of Simon's head and held it tightly in-between her legs, cutting off his breath. Just as simon started to panic she let go. Juices flowed from her sex as the cum from her sexual high flowed and simon pulled his head away, only to have it thrust back in between her legs ans he continued to lick until she let go finally.
"Barely adequate!" she laughed. " That truly was your first time wasn't it Simon?" she said as she stood up and pulled her dress down.
"I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to be terrible at it. Thank you for letting me have the honour of trying though." Simon said sadly as a tear fell down his cheek.
Lucy softened up as she untied his hands. "Don't worry my dear Simon, you'll get better, I promise. Besides, I still enjoyed it eventually, so I guess you still deserve a treat. Come on, lets get out of this place, I dunno about you but I'm eager to get back to the hotel all of a sudden!"
As they got out of the limousine at the hotel Simon's mind was in full meltdown - how on earth could he explain this to her? What was he going to do to get out of this mess? She pulled him into the elevation and after waving her wrists the doors shut and the lift started to ascend. She pinned him in the corner and snogged him hard, only stopping when the lift binged again and the door's opened.
Lucy, with a hand full of Simon's shirt dragged the quivering boy into her penthouse suite, the room dimly lit by a number of ornate lamps. Simon couldn't take in the decadence of this room compared to his as Lucy wasted little time in dragging him across the lounge and into the bedroom. She practically threw him onto the bed and jumped onto of him, once again her lips locked on his. Moaning she sat up, her body pinning Simon's to the bed as she gave him a seductive look and pulled down the zip to her dress. She got up off his and let the garment drop to the floor, revealing the smooth silky lingerie underneath. Simon had all ready seen the stockings, clipped up by the black suspender belt but now he could see the matching bra that held in her ample breasts.
"Like what you see Simon?" she mused, as she clambered onto the bed over him on all fours.
"Yes ma'am" he gulped.
"Mistress, call me Mistress tonight, and your my slave. My willing sex slave." she said grinning.
"Y-y-y-y-es Mistress" he stammered as she climbed further up his body until her she was kneeling either side of his head, her pussy inches from his face once more. "I'm not sure if you deserve to taste my divine nectar again, your last performance was.......pitiful at best. Maybe if you beg...." she trailed off.
"Please Mistress....." he said
"Please what slave" Lucy replied
"Please may I taste your divine nectar?" Simon stammered
"You'll have to do better than that - tell me what you really want to do. Tell me now!" she almost shouted the last words.
"Please Mistress, I beg you. Let me eat your pussy, let me taste your divine nectar, let me stick my tongue into your juices and pleasure you!" Simon said, unsure where the last part came from.
Lucy thrust her drenched pussy onto Simon's face and he wasted no time. Her first orgasm on the bed didn't take long, the teasing of simon had stoked up the fire inside her to and inferno and she came hard on his face,covering him with her love juice. She didn't let up however and soon her second was building. She moaned, not a moan of pleasure but almost of frustration as she sat up slightly.
"god your pathetic slave, I see I need to use other methods if I'm to enjoy myself." and she reached over to a bed side tablet and pulled out a strange looking device, a power cable running back into the draw.
"This is a magic wand slave, and it can do the job I gave you the honour of doing 100 times better. Now put yourself to some use and lick my arse hole whilst I masturbate." With that Lucy switched the magic wand on and simon heard it come to life as she pressed it to her sex. As Simon's tongue touched her anus she let out a huge moan of pleasure and soon she was back on course to number two. She let out a massive scream as hit hit and simon felt a gush of pussy juice splatter on his face. Finally after a couple of minutes of moaning Lucy rolled over to one side and laid on her back.
Simon was in heaven, he had forgotten about his worried of the belt - for Lucy would find away. He had pleasured a women, albeit badly and he was sure he was about to loose his virginity to this goddess.
Lucy sat up "I guess you think its your turn sex slave?" she said. "Well, get up and strip down to your pants, I want to see what I'm getting first!" and Simon stood in front of the bed and stripped off the DJ. As he stood in his pants he noticed the large wet dark spot on his pants where pre cum had been leaking profusely from his cock cage. Although not noticeable the cage actually made his bulge look bigger, albeit with a slightly funny shape.
"Not bad, but not great either" Lucy said getting up and walking around simon. She slapped his arse hard enough to make simon yelp, more in surprise than pain and she chuckled. "Hmmmmmm - spankable! Still, I think I'll need to review your physical training program so we can add a bit of muscle to these bones, what say you slave?"
"Yes Mistress, what ever you desire Mistress" he said back.
"Good boy, now I'm guessing you think that its now your turn to cum don't you." she said walking in front of him and staring him in the eye. "You want me to suck your cock, don't you slave?"
"Y-y-y-y-y-es Mistress"
"You want me to take our cock, slip it into my pussy and make you a man don't you boy?"
"Y-y-y-y-y-es Mistress - please!" Simon begged.
Simon didn't know when she had picked up the leather straps, or from where but he felt the first of them as she grabbed both wrists and pulled them behind him, using the first belt to bind his wrists together tightly. She continued to talk as she did.
"Tell me slave, do you think that's appropriate behaviour for a Mistress such as me?" she said as Simon felt a second belt being fastened around his elbows. He grunted as she pulled on the belt, pulling his elbows painfully together and locking hem helplessly in place. "I see your flexibility also needs work." she said.
"Mistress? I don't understand......." but his pleas were cut off as she stuffed a ball gag into his mouth, buckling it up tight. He tasted the nectar of her juices on the ball, she had rubbed the whole ball around her soaked pussy before stuffing it into Simon's mouth.
Lucy laughed "Of course you don't simon, and that's what makes this so....... hot." She now stood in front of him with a wicker grin.
"Mistress's don't suck slave's cocks until they cum, the don't care for the sexual pleasure of their minions. I'm afraid the only orgasms happening in this building tonight where mine Simon." by now she had grabbed a handful of Simon's hair and had started pulling him towards the penthouse door.
"If you are lucky Felicia or Laura will find you in the morning and release you, or maybe they'll decide to have a little play first!" Lucy mocked as she pushed simon out the door and into the lift. She swiped her are band and pressed the button for level -1. Simon looked pleadingly at her, as he stood in the lift in his underpants as his cock leaked pre-cum from its plastic prison, arms helplessly bound behind him but with the ball gag in he could hardly make a sound, let alone plead with his Mistress. Lucy grinned wickedly at him as the doors closed, and the simon screamed as the lift started to descend.
Chapter 5 (added: 11/13/2011)
Simon staggered out the lift into the dark basement and groaned as he reached his door, it was closed. Turning around he managed to finally find the handle with his bound hands and pushed the door open, almost falling over in the process. The room was pitch black, and only the light from the lift lit the room. Simon just made out the bed when he heard the dreaded 'bing' and the light doors closed, removing the only light source in the windowless basement. He screamed into his gag but knew no-one would hear, so he gave up and wandered over in the direction of the bed. As his legs bumped into the side Simon stumbled and felt onto the mattress, thankful that he had made it earlier before going out.
As he laid on the bed, the room silent and pitch black he didn't know whether he should cry or laugh, his cock was now causing him excruciating pain as it tried to harden and grow inside the plastic prison. He doubled up on the bed trying to ease the feeling and fell into a dream filled sleep. Every dream revolved around Lucy, her glistening pussy close to his face as he worshipped her to orgasms after orgasm. With each cry of pleasure simon would wake up to the pain in his own crotch, and the only slight relief came with kneeling on the bed bent over. His arms ached in their bindings , and simon had lost total track of time as he had no clock in the room. Without windows the night seemed to stretch endlessly and Simon drifted in and out of consciousness.
"My my" the voice said as simon woke with a start "was someone a naughty boy? Ms. Dellal does love to play with her men doesn't she, although she doesn't normally leave us presents". Simon blinked into the dimness, but could only make out the light from the torch.
"mmmmmmmmmmm" he moaned into the gag. His mattress was soaked where he had been drooling all night and he could feel his cock trapped in its prison throbbing in pain and excitement. Finally the light in the room came on dimly and simon looked up to see that Laura stood over him, grinning widely. She helped him sit up and undid the bindings holding his arms in place, finally removing his ball gag. Simon tried to stretch his jaw to get the feeling back as he rolled his shoulders to loosen them up.
"Thanks" he finally muttered as Laura sat on the bed next to him.
"Good night I see" she said nudging him with her elbow and laughing.
Simon stared into space and realised it was a good night, no a great night and despite the pain and frustration he loved every minute of being Lucy's sex slave. "One I'll never forget, I can say that much!" he grinned. "Ms. Dellal certainly isn't the run of the mill boss is she!"
"You have no idea Simon, not yet at least. From what I've seen you have a lot to discover still!" she put a hand on his leg and Simon realised he was pretty much naked except his boxers. "Speaking of Ms, Dellal, she left you a note on her way out this morning" and Laura handed him the paper. He could smell her perfume on the page as he opened it and read the note aloud.
Dear Simon,
I've had to disappear for the weekend and I shall not be available again until Monday afternoon when I will meet you at the office to start your professional training. A taxi will pick you up from the hotel at 11:45 sharp.
I hope last night wasn't to weird for you, I tend to go a little OTT when I have a few drinks but I had a wonderful night and I hope you enjoyed it too. I promise that next time I'll make it up to you.
Your Mistress, Lucy
Laura gave him a punch on the arm "someone's in her good books, I never get notes!". Simon folded up the note and placed it on his bed side table as Laura got up and left the room. Simon only then saw it was 3pm in the afternoon, he had been bound for over 15 hours! With most of the day gone Simon took the little chance he had at getting out for a walk and a coffee, the events of the past 24 hours playing like a film in his head. Once again his cock didn't let up when he thought of Lucy, or the bondage, or last night. Even the fact his cock was locked up aroused him creating a vicious circle. Finally as darkness fell he made his way back to the hotel, stopping to grab a quick meal from the fast food seller near the hotel.
That night his dreams were even more vivid than the night before. He ended up running his engorged cock under the shower set to cold a few times just to gain some relief from the constant arousal.
Finally Sunday morning came and by 9am he was waiting outside the belt shop with a hot, steaming coffee. It was 09:45 when he heard a giggling Sam approach behind him.
"My my, someone's keen aren't they" she laughed.
"You have no idea Sam, this belt nearly ended me up in so much trouble Friday night!" simon responded. For the next 15 minutes simon recalled the weeks evens to Sam after she kept pretending to lose the key to his belt. By the end of it Sam had laughed so hard that tears fell down her cheeks.
"Now that's a woman after my own heart!" she cried. Finally they both settled down and were soon stripped, dressed and ready for the photo shoot to cover the belt fitting. Simon watch from his position, once again bound by a chain from the ceiling with his head encased in latex although this time it was his hands that were chained up about his head. His neck was locked in a posture collar that restricted his view to just head height and a large ball gag once again filled his mouth, a feeling he was starting to get used to. Sam carried in a large fat silver suitcase and simon heard it clunk on the ground. Flash, flash, flash went the camera as the photo shoot continued, simon unable to see what was going on at ground level. He felt cuffs being attached to his legs and then they were drawn apart and secured somehow, holding his legs wide apart and his imprisoned cock exposed.
Sam held the belt up to his face and smiled wickedly - flash flash flash - before he felt the belt fasten around his waist. It got tighter and tighter and just moaned in discomfort Sam stopped. He felt it loosen ever so slightly before he felt the section that ran between his legs being pulled tight, his current plastic prison being man handled through a hole on the front of the belt. He could feel that his arse cheeks were parted by the belt, holding his anus exposed to the air of the room.
He felt Sam removing the CB-6000 as the camera flashed away but before his cock stood a chance of savouring the freedom and even tighter, metal cage was slid over it and Simon heard the load click of the cages falling into place. The only part of his sex left exposed were he balls, and Sam turned her attentions to that. Simon felt a heavy metal ring encircle his ball sack pulling his cock down with its weight and heard the locking click.
Flash flash flash
A second ring caused simon to groan at the weight, his balls pulled painfully away.
Flash flash flash
A third ring was fitted that caused simon to groan even louder. Sam appeared in his vision smiling wickedly and pulled at the chain holding his arms high. As he hands lowered he sighed but it was premature. Sam grabbed his wrists, opened up one of the cuffs and then swivelled behind Simon and re-fastened the bindings before attaching the chain once again. As the chain was raised up Simon was bent over, unable to stop it until his upper body was horizontal to the floor. He felt Sam kick at the back of one of his knee's and it buckled, causing him to fall onto it. Shortly his second knee was kicked and his body fell, whilst his arms were still held high above his back, causing him to be bent over even further, his face pushed onto the floor.
He squealed as he felt something being held against his anal opening what the camera flashes away. It was pushed and pushed into him until he heard the click of the locking mechanism. He heard the sound of a small pump sucking and blowing air and felt his insides swell momentarily before shrinking again. Simon couldn't see but Sam had hooked an enema bag up behind him and the pictures were taken like that. As she pulled the device out she whispered in his ear "just be grateful I didn't truly give you an enema, I was tempted at one point after your Friday night story!"
He felt other objects pushed against his opening, although most were not inserted, only held as the camera flashed. The only one that went some way is was some form of dildo that made simon scream with its girth. Sam gave him a slap on the arse. "Don't be such a baby, I hadn't even put a third of it in!"
Sam and Nicole would often leave Simon bound, wither on the floor or hanging from his wrists as they studies the photographs so far and decided what still needed to be taken. Finally, after about 6 hours of monotony, of the cage being removed and reapplied using ice packs, of simon being made to pose in all sorts of positions, Sam clicked the cage on with a loud click one last time.
"Finished!" she yelled out in excitement. Nicole started clapping and Simon's wrists were finally released. He got a hug from both and Sam appeared with a bottle of bubbly. With a pop they toasted the day and Sam showed Simon some of the pictures that she had taken. Simon looked on proudly, for they looked so professional he didn't believe that is was actually him in the images. Sam told him the reason for a lot of silent filming is that the edited video would be dubbed with 5 or 6 different languages. Sam then took Simon through the suitcase of accessories. As she opened it simon noticed just how organised everything was. Organised into compartments and set in specially shaped foam padding sat anal plugs, anal dildos, enema kits that had locking inflating nozzles, a range of realistic dildos that could be fixed onto the cage so that even when locked up the wearer could still partake in sexual penetration, even if they them selves would be denied pleasure.
Finally Sam held up a small ornate box and opened it. Inside were two keys shining in the lights of the room. They looked like nothing Simon had ever seen, smooth shining silver rods with precession indents and nodules of the up most complexity along the circular barrel.
"Simon, this is the most important thing to remember." Sam said in a serious tone Simon hadn't heard before this point. "These are your two keys and I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep them safe. Normally I would be giving these to your owner but as you don;t have one I'm giving you the talk instead. These are no ordinary locks on this belt, they are 100% tamper proof cylindrical barrel locks and these are the only two keys in existence that can open this belt. Don't loose the keys!" Sam stressed
"Check, don't loose the keys." simon said as Sam closed the box and put it inside the larger case in the dedicated compartment and shut the lid.
"Your a sweet boy Simon, I would take you as my slave myself but I suspect that you have a greater destiny awaiting you. I hope however you are truly doing this for is worth it." Sam said as she held the shop door open for his. With a final kiss on the cheek and a hug he wandered off own the street.
As soon as he was out of site round the corner Sam took out her phone and dialled in the number she knew so well.
"Its done" she said in a sinister tone and paused whilst the other person spoke.
"Yes, very obedient" a pause as the other person spoke.
"No, no I didn't try the goods but did hear about your interesting take on a dinner dance my dear Lucy" Sam said laughing. The conversation continued and finally Sam finished up by telling Lucy exactly where the keys were in the suitcase. "No, thank you. He was an excellent model and with you covering the cost of accessories I'm no more out of pocket than I would have been paying a model."
Simon didn't want to head back to the hotel but the suitcase was extremely heavy so he decided better of it. As he strolled up the streets he felt his balls, still locked in the three rings swinging gentle back and forth between his legs whilst the belt itself felt like it was made of silk compared to the previous plastic prison. The belt was certainly tighter, and the cage more restrictive whilst Simon guess would be an issue. But at the same time he knew he had the keys, so his sleepless nights would now be a thing of the past. As he thought about things is arousal grew once ore and his pace increased -for he knew that once back at the hotel he could finally free his cock and get some much needed relief.
As he dragged the suitcase into the lobby and towards the lift door Laura called out to him from by the front desk. For once she wasn't in her uniform, but instead in a grey woollen polo neck dress that ended half way down her thighs. Her legs encased in black leggings that were covered up by knee high brown leather boots. He had to admit, she was stunning and he felt his cock twitch as he looked over at her smiling away at him.
"Ms. Dellal asked me to keep you company tonight, so we are going to head out for a few drinks and some food ok - its on the company friend!" she said placing a hand on his arm and waving a platinum card at him.
"Er, that sounds great. What time do you want to meet?" simon asked.
"We are going now, if we hurry there is happy hour at my favourite bar. You'll love it there, its very trendy and laid back." Laura said smiling.
Simon paused, wondering what he could say to buy him some time. The aching in his crotch wouldn't wait much longer, he needed to masturbate soon! "Um, can't we meet later, I really want to shower before dinner."
Laura bent over and gave Simon a sniff "You smell fine you big sissy! This isn't a date after all!" Felicia laughed from behind the desk.
"Ok, ok. I'll just run my new.... luggage case down stairs and I'll be right up." Simon said but Felicia cut in.
"Leave it with me, you kids go off and have fun. After all, its not often we get passes to go out on company money!" Felicia walked round and took the suitcase handle out of Simon's hands, before wheeling it off round the back of reception. "Oh, very snazzy!" simon heard her say as Laura hooked her arm around around him and dragged him back out into the city.
Laura took charge and they charged off into the heart of the city, and before long they were entering a trendy bar called Appleman's. Laura wasn't lying when she said it was nice, and they soon had both ordered a cocktail and were happily drinking away. Simon found Laura very easy to talk to, and soon she was filling him in on the hotel and how she ended up there.
It turned out to be a very similar story to Simon's, although Laura never went to university. She struggled as a cleaner in a city hotel before Ms. Dellal had offered her a role working for her. Simon pressed her for more details, hoping to get some glimmer of hope that his interview wasn't abnormal compared to hers, but Laura just grinned.
"Another story for another time Simon. I want to be able to do it full justice!" She grinned.
Laura discussed how Ms. Dellal and Ms. Von Hoeks business had them based in Amsterdam quite a lot but that they also travelled the world thanks to their international customers. It turned out that the hotel, or more accurately the exclusive residence on Ms. Dellal was only available to a select few to stay at, so as a result Laura knew exactly what had to be done for each guest to please them and make their stay as pleasurable as possible.
As they ordered yet more drinks the conversation turned to the training, and Laura laughed as she recalled staying in the trainee accommodation.
"When they say work your way up from the bottom they mean it - I'm second level and I'm on the second floor. Progression through the training levels means better rewards and more privileges." Laura said.
"Oh, you live at the hotel? I assumed that you had a flat or something in the city." Sion said.
"Oh yes, although its not really a hotel to me" she said going on to explain that part of her role was to be available 24/7 should Ms Dellal, Ms von hoek or their other guests require her. Alexia was the same, although she had only just passed her level 1 exam having been recruited over a year after her.
Simon asked her what to expect in his training, but Laura just grinned and refused to tell. "the only thing I'll say is that you are going to be very, very frustrated at times!" she giggled.
"Tell me about it" simon said unknowingly, his cock had been a constant ache of sexual pent up frustration since her stepped in the train.
"What was that Simon, I didn't catch that" she lied, grinning.
"Oh nothing" simon said downing the rest of his drink. "fancy another?" he said changing the subject. As the night went on they got more and more tipsy and soon decided it was time for food. The both ordered steak and over the course of the meal the conversation turned more and more to Simon. Laura was flirting outrageously with simon and the belt made its presence known to Simon. As his arousal built his thoughts turned to Lucy, which just made things worse.
"Are you ok Simon, you look in a little pain!" Laura asked as simon grimaced in pain at his stifled erection.
"Yes, yes, i'm fine, honest. Just a little uncomfortable that's all" simon said.
"Yes, these chairs are a pain in the arse aren't they, lets get the bill and get out of here. As they got back to the hotel door Laura commented that it was strange that it was locked up this early. She used her bracelet to open the door and entered.
"Strange, Felicia should be here" Laura said wandering round the reception desk and checking the PC. " Ah, Ms. Von Hoek is back from her business trip. I suspect Felicia is helping her....... un pack" she looked at Simon and grinned wickedly.
Laura grabbed Simon's luggage and wheeled it round to him. "There we go, safe as houses! God its heavy,what have you got in here?"
"Umm, just some clothes and stuff. Figured i'd need some more work clothes." Simon said.
Laura gave him a telling look "just as long as its not full of sex toys - after all some people think that's all this city has to offer!" she laughed and grabbed Simon's hand pulling him towards the lift. Once more her magic bracelet made the lift controls light up and she pressed the button for level 2. He followed her out the lift and she soon stopped outside a door that had a gold plaque on the front. Laura - Level two servant - beep #065.
"That's my beeper number, although I wish it didn't say servant on the plaque. I much prefer exclusive assistant, or residential helper - anything but servant!" she laughed. " in all seriousness wasn't joking when I said 24/7." She opened her door but then stopped.
"Now I would love to invite you in Simon for a coffee under normal circumstances, but I don't think its such a good idea tonight do you?" she said grinning at him.
Simon gulped "Nope, I guess not Laura" he said trying not too appear to disappointed, despite the belt. He knew that the key what sitting in the suitcase right next to him and that he could work an excuse to rush off for five minutes.
"Neither of us are in a position to do anything about it anyway" she said glumly. "Besides, Ms. Dellal would sack us both if she found out!" Laura lent over and planted the softest, most sensual kiss on Simon's lips he had ever felt. His cock thickened in his belt and he moaned as Laura pulled away.
"Good night Simon, I like you a lot and hope we get a chance to do this again." she said as she helped him into the lift, waved her bracelet and pressed the -1 button. Simon once more staggered into his room and now that he knew where the light switch was he reached up high and pulled on the cord. He smiled, even if he knew that last night he stood no chance of reaching it. Laura's words echoed through his head - 'neither of us are in a position to do anything about it anyway.' What did she mean by that, did she know about the belt? And why would that stop her from doing anything. His thought wandered as he thought what is would be like to worship her pussy and soon the pain in his crotch snapped him back to his room.
He sat on the bed and quickly opened the suitcase pulling out the small ornate box containing the key. His hands shook as he opened it, the excitement of finally being able to release himself almost too much, but then fear filled his whole body as he looked down into the empty box, they keys were gone!
Upstairs in her room Laura watched the live feed coming from Simon's room as panic set in. he started frantically tearing through the suitcase pulling every accessory out of its place. As she watched she started to undress, first her boots, then her dress and then her underwear. She folded the dress up and carefully put her underwear in the linin basket. She stood in front of the screen almost naked, all apart from the gleaming metal chastity belt that encircled her waist and encased her sex. She had learnt the hard way that escape from the belt was impossible, for she, like simon no longer had the key to get release.
On the screen Simon had finally flung himself onto the bed in frustration and started clawing at the belt. Laura laughed at the futile attempt as she switched off the feed, the futility of Simon's actions humouring her for she knew that even after two years and a few aborted attempts with a nail file she hadn't even scratched her belt.
She nelt on the floor and and punched in a different code to the screen and waited. Before long the screen flickered to life and Ms. Von Hoek appeared on the screen from her penthouse, dressed in a bright red and black corset.
"Yes, vhy have you disturbed...... ah, Laura - report." she ordered. Laura could see Felicia hanging in tight bondage behind Tessa's shoulder, angry red marks all her legs and arse and her head was encased in a thick leather hood. "Ah you can see young Felicia.....terrible shame....She tried something very.....silly shall we say. She tried to use Simon's key to unlock her belt, not knowing that they were fakes in the first place."
Laura gasped "Mistress, does that mean........." Laura stopped, not wanting to finish her sentence.
"I'm afraid so, but its her own fault. I am punishing her further but the knowledge of what she has done will stay with her forever. Worst for her are the devices in place, but it breaks my heart to tell you which ones. Anyway, back to the point, report."
"Mistress, I am pleased to report a total success this evening. As I speak to you young simon is frantically realising his new predicament. I can report that judging by the video feed his belt it fitted perfectly, and his frustration levels are extremely high. I witnessed this first hand over the evening as I flirted with him."
"Excellent Laura, you have done vell. At this rate you will reach level three in record time. Its a pity young Felicia hasn't paid more attention to your lead. Maybe the next one will."
Laura gulped as she realised what Tessa was saying, her friend and fellow trainee was not going to be around for much longer.
"T-t-thank you Mistress" she said with a sob "It is an honour to serve"
"very good, I will grant you a treat so I suggest you get ready." As the screen went blank Laura burst in tears - how could Felicia have been so stupid. Her thoughts however were shattered as her belt erupted to life, the two huge dildo's locked inside her started thrusting away frantically and a small nub started vibrating madly on her clit. Her legs gave way immediately and she moaned frantically as she tried to clamber onto the bed. The specially altered belt was controlled by a special radio code, the internal batteries on the dildo's recharged during the day as Laura sits in reception on the special chairs. As she sobbed for her friend and co-worker she couldn't help the physical reaction to the belt and she cried out as the first of her many orgasms to come over the next hour enveloped her body.
Back in his room simon had given up on finding his key, and flopped on the bed in despair. He couldn't believe what was happening - had someone taken the keys, if so who. Or had they somehow slipped out at the shop? As he settled down for another painful night sleep telling himself that first thing in the morning he would head to Sam's shop and get this all ironed out.
That night he didn't sleep well, the new cage turned him on even more that the last, the constructiveness of the cage overpowering him during his sleep until the pain work him. His dreams had morphed as well, for now both Lucy and Laura teased him , used him and made him do their bidding. He was in heaven in his dreams but work up in hell as the pain overcame him once more.