Author's Note: I posted this a while back on another site. Just shaped it up a bit and figured I'd post it here for your enjoyment!
Hank watched as the college co-eds filed into the room. He concentrated to keep from staring too hard as set after set of youthful breasts, firm buttocks, and nice long legs went passed him. He had to keep them comfortable, for just a little longer, and then they would all be his.
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These unsuspecting college sophomores and juniors thought they were coming to their first TA session for Psych 501: Intro to Group Behavior. And the girls thought that Hank, the man in his late-twenties who was standing by the door as they came in, was the grad student who they had been assigned to for periodic discussion sessions of the course material. Some of the girls walking in may have thought it a bit odd that their section had ended up being all female, but it wasn't too surprising since the large lecture class was probably three-quarters women anyway. None of the girls were surprised to have received an email earlier that day informing them of the change in their section assignment and meeting location; that sort of thing happened all the time in these big classes. Sadly for the girls, this was in fact not a TA session for Psych 501, and Hank was no grad student. They were, however, about to learn a few things about group behavior.
The girls each took a seat in the circle of twenty-one chairs that Hank had arranged in the room - one chair for each of the girls plus one for him. The chairs all looked the same to a casual observer, and they all looked fairly ordinary: armless metal chairs with high backs made of metal rungs. But looks could be deceiving, and the girls would find out soon enough that these chairs were by no means ordinary. Hank waited until each chair was full. He certainly didn't want anyone showing up late to this class, so he was glad that no one came more than a minute or after 3PM. They had heeded the small threat he made in his email about tardiness not being tolerated. When they were all seated, he took a deep breath. This was it. All his careful planning rested on a good performance in the next couple of minutes. After that, he'd be home free.
"Welcome to my section of Psych 501," Hank began. He gave a brief introduction of himself and the research he was pretending to be involved in. He sat in his chair at the head of the circle and explained that they would be starting off with an experiment he had designed around measuring the body's vital signs while a person was involved in various group activities.
He pulled a collar up from a cord that was attached to the top of his chair and casually clipped it around his neck, directing his class's attention to the large monitors on the walls of the room that now each displayed one of his primary vitals: temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate. The lines that now scrolled along each monitor was labeled with the number "0" that matched the number taped to the floor in front of Hank's chair. He demonstrated breathing faster so everyone could see the line for his respiratory rate spike upwards. He then explained that the room was set up to read and graph all their vitals at once, which they would use for the group behavior lesson. He asked them to each find the vital sign monitor behind their chair and put it on. He was careful not to use the word "collar", even though that would have been more accurate.
And then came the moment of truth. He needed one-hundred-percent participation for this to work. As it turned out, he had nothing to worry about. Having seen their TA put on one of the collars, most of the girls were perfectly happy to go ahead and clip the collars around their own necks. There were a couple who hesitated, but when they saw their fellow students collar themselves, and saw the numbered lines start appearing on the monitors, they went ahead and put the sensors around their necks as well.
When there were twenty additional lines on the vital sign monitors, each line matching a number taped on the floor in front of one of the girls, Hank let out a breath that he hadn't even realized he'd been holding. He un-clipped his collar and walked over to one of the monitors. The girls, of course, wouldn't be able to un-clip themselves, but they didn't know that yet. The self-locking collars that they had all closed around their pretty necks would not be coming off until he released them, and that would not be until he had had a good deal of fun. For the time being, they were blissfully unaware and were talking and laughing loudly while trying to get their own lines to spike or drop on the monitors. Frank would let them keep that unawareness for a little longer.
He got their attention and quieted them down, then asked that they all take deep slow breaths and try to get all of their lines as low as possible. Hank watched the twenty chests in the room slowly rise and fall, and he mentally patted himself on the back for picking an incredible assortment of hotties. He had blonds and brunettes, big breasted bimbos and petite pixies, toned athletic bodies as well as softer types. And they were all locked into the machine that he had built for them.
"All right ladies," Hank said, "Let's get started. Please find the numbered keypad that is attached to the back of your chairs and type in the number of the girl here who you think is dressed most sluttily."
There were a number of murmurs, some surprised and some disgruntled, but the girls all picked up their keypads and started looking around at each other's clothes. They were, after all, psychology students, and they were used to having experiments start strangely and be explained in the end. They started making their choices. Hank looked around to guess who they would choose. #3 - the thin girl in a tank top, skin-tight jeans, and heels? #8 - the super-fit chick in the flower print dress that rode up while she sat to expose most of her long, toned legs? #18 - the hottie with fabulous tits that clearly strained against the white blouse she was wearing?
The monitor beeped to indicate that all twenty girls had made their selections. The wining number showed up on the remote control keypad that Hank carried, but before revealing it to his captive audience, he walked over to #18 and placed his hands on her shoulders, saying:
"Please direct your attention to the monitor showing heart rate. I will scroll the graph back to where I first asked the question about slutty clothing. You can see that all of your heart rates went up, as is natural coming out of the breathing exercise you had been doing. Then you can see that a few of your lines continue to rise above the others. Can anyone look around and speculate as to why those girls should have had higher heart rates?"
#4, a cute little blonde who was dressed quite conservatively (for the time being) raised her hand and said, with a clear note of condescension, "The women with higher heart rates were the ones who are wearing more revealing clothing."
"Precisely," Hank concurred. "Humans, and especially women, often like to be anonymous members of a group, so it is understandable that those who worry they might be called out from the group will have elevated heart rates." Hank began to lightly massage #18's shoulders. "Now, scrolling back to the present, you can see that #18 here has a noticeably higher heart rate than the rest of you. #18, am I right in assuming that you think you are the winning slut?"
The girl in front of him was clearly embarrassed, and her heart rate rose even higher as she nodded.
"Now, watch the screen closely as I reveal the actual winner: #10." #10's pulse line shot right up and the girl herself turned red and harrumphed. The well-endowed winner was wearing a loose fitting t-shirt with a very wide neckline that could either cover her cleavage or her stomach, but not both. And either way it couldn't hide her nipples, which stood pert on top of breasts that floated loosely in the shirt and were clearly not constrained by any bra. It was the kind of shirt you might wear to bed. The girl's tight flannel bottoms, which left her calves bare, indicated that she likely had rolled out of bed and came to class without changing.
Hank walked over to her, placing his hands on her mostly bear shoulders, and said, "Now, who can try to raise #10's heart rate even further by making a statement that uses the group theory lesson I've just demonstrated."
Most of the girls looked uncomfortable at this, but #4, the prude, raised her hand high and said, "She looks like a morning-after whore, and it's no surprise that most of us picked her as the biggest slut."
This berating did indeed raise #10's heart rate, and also caused her to murmur, "you little bitch..."
Hank quickly cut her off, saying, "Now, now, #4 was just following directions. Please don't speak unless you are called on. Would anyone else like to try?"
#4's comments served to open the flood gates, and soon almost all of the girls had said something disparaging about the pajama girl that sat under Hank's hands, absorbing the criticism and achieving a higher and higher heart rate.
"Okay, okay," Hank cut in, "let's give the little slut a rest and move on." Hank thought the girl might try to leave right then, but apparently she was too embarrassed to do anything, and just took his insult on top of all the rest. "Now, keeping what you've learned in mind, I'd like you to answer the following question on your keypads: which of these three activities are likely to raise body temperature the most: 1) jumping jacks, 2) a slap in the face, or 3) masturbation?"
The girls giggled at the word 'masturbation.' When they had chosen, Hank graphed their answers on the monitors, a fairly even distribution of each. He then said: "Okay, I need a volunteer to demonstration the first option: jumping jacks."
To Hank's pleasure, #8, the athletic girl in the short flower dress, raised her hand, saying that she had picked that answer and knew it was right. Hank asked her to go ahead and do jumping jacks for one minute. The girl got up, but found that she couldn't stand fully erect in front of her chair due to the length of the tether connecting her collar to the back of her chair, so walked around behind the chair and started the exercise there. Hank chuckled to himself that the girl had clearly seen this as a minor inconvenience due to the necessary equipment and not as a sever limitation to her own freedom. That would change. As the girl jumped away, the thin rungs of her chair's back didn't hide much of her body. Her long bare legs flashed on either side of the chair, and her breasts bounced up and down above the chair's back. Hank watched the show with clear lust in his eyes, not caring much if it creeped-out his subjects at this point.
After a minute, #8 took her seat, breathing heavily. Her temperature had indeed gone up, half a degree, and she looked proud of herself. "Now," Hank continued, "I need a volunteer to slap one of their neighbors."
Most of the girls looked fairly surprised at this request, but #10, the winning slut, raised her hand high, clearly ready to dish back some punishment. Hank stood behind #9, a slender raven-haired girl in a black tank top who had definitely participated in mocking #10. Hank surprised the girl by grabbing her wrists and twisting her arms around the back of her chair. Then, before she could react, he told #10 to give her a solid slap across the face. The pissed off pajama girl was more than happy to oblige. Her tether gave her just enough room to move over to #9 and deliver the requested slap nice and hard. Hank held #9's wrists for a moment longer as she shouted, "Hey! That hurt! Let me go!"
Hank released her wrists a moment after she started to struggle, and pointed out that her temperature had risen one full degree. He explained that the slap had triggered a 'fight' reaction, which was more powerful than simple exercise. He patted #9 on the head and thanked her for demonstrating. She looked like she wanted to protest more, but then just closed her mouth, probably thinking that he had made a reasonable scientific point even if she didn't like it.
"Now," Hank said, "I need someone to demonstrate masturbation. Volunteers?"
Unsurprisingly, none of the girls raised their hands. "All right, I'll have you vote for the 'volunteer.' Please select someone on your keypads. Oh, and if you don't vote, you'll be it!"
That got them voting quickly. The near unanimous winner was again #10, who the girls were already accustomed to picking on, and who anyway had been pretty mean when slapping the girl next to her. #10, however, immediately stated that she wouldn't do it. Hank calmly picked up a blanket from a shelf and threw it over the girl's lap, explaining that no one would have to see anything. Unsurprisingly, she still refused.
Hank told her, "Look, this really isn't a request. We need someone to do this demonstration, and you've been chosen fair and square by your classmates. Now, if you don't comply, I'm going to have to give you a zero for your participation grade, and you'll probably be on my bad side for the rest of the course. So, what's it going to be?"
Hank didn't really expect her to agree, and got ready to introduce the girls to some of the other capabilities of their 'vital sign readers,' but then, to his pleasant surprise, the girl said, "Fine, I'll do it."
Hank laughed to himself. What a slut! He handed her a vibrator and told her to proceed for the same one minute that #8 had spent doing jumping jacks. The rest of the girls giggled as the vibrator came on and #10 let some unintended moans slip out. The vibrator Hank had given her only had one setting, and it was pretty powerful. The girl's temperature definitely started rising, and by the end of the minute she was clearly close to an orgasm. Hank let her know she could stop, but the aroused girl kept going for a moment longer before exploding in an orgasm, to the laughs and jeers of the other girls in the class.
The girl's temperature had indeed gone up, one-and-a-half degrees, and Hank explained that compared to exercise and a fight reflex, the human response to sex is the most powerful. He also pointed out on the monitors that most of the girls' temperatures had risen slightly during the display, explaining that they were clearly thinking about sex while #10 masturbated, and that just the thought could raise their temperatures. This made a lot of them uncomfortable, but Hank didn't care about that anymore.
The fake TA decided it was time to take his girls to the next level. "Girls, can any of you tell me what the fifth vital sign is?" #14, a tanned brunette who was made-up and dressed very smartly in a long sleeve blouse and black skirt over some very fine-looking stockinged legs, raised her hand. "The 5th vital sign usually refers to pain."
"Exactly," Hank confirmed. "Pain is generally measured on a scale of zero-to-ten. Your collars are capable of measuring this vital sign as well. However, because everyone experiences pain differently, they first need to be calibrated. To do that, your collars will deliver an electric shock to your throats that will be defined as level five on the pain scale. They will then compare future pain readings to that baseline. Please direct your attention to the monitor on the far wall." He pointed to a monitor that had so far been blank.
Hank's audience looked decidedly uncomfortable at this development. For one, he had used the word 'collar' for the first time instead of 'vital sign monitor.' Also, the prospect of receiving an electric shock certainly was not appealing. Before anyone voiced a protest, Hank hit a button on his remote. In unison, all twenty girls screamed in surprise and in pain. Twenty lines appeared on the blank monitor and shot up, then quickly leveled off at the midpoint on the scale. The electric shock only lasted a couple of seconds, but it had been quite painful, and it left the girls quite upset.
#14, who had given the pain definition, said, "Hey, you had no right to do that without our consent."
A few other girls voiced their own displeasure, and Hank could see that a couple were fumbling with the clips on their collars. Hank got everyone's attention and said: "I understand that the calibration was painful, but it was necessary. Now, the next step of this experiment requires that you all remain completely silent. To ensure this, I am activating a function on your collars that will sense any movement of your vocal cords and immediately deliver a painful shock."
Again, #14 tried to explain the rules of consent in experimentation, but all she said was, "You.." before she let out a yelp of pain. To her credit, she tried again, but was again cut off. A number of the other girls tried to chime in at this point. You could see which ones tried by looking at the pain lines on the monitor that jumped up to level five as the punishment was administered. The room quickly grew silent. Most of the girls then tried to pull their collars off, but they quickly found that any pulling on their collars caused them to get shocked as well. And what's more, they found that their tethers had retracted all the way into their chairs, pulling their necks tightly against their chair-backs and preventing them from standing up. The chairs themselves were bolted to the floor, leaving the girls stuck exactly where they were.
Hank looked around at his captive class. Some looked scared as they figured out that they were quite thoroughly trapped, others looked mad as hell. He decided to keep the ruse of the 'experiment' going. When the last of the spikes in the pain graph settled down, indicating that the last of the girls had given up on trying to speak or break free from their collars, Hank said. "You have all discovered that your collars will punish you for trying to remove them as well as for speaking. This is necessary to protect the electronics in the collar, which are rather delicate and expensive. Now, to continue, the next part of this experiment will be to measure how long it takes for you to do an activity that you would likely prefer not to do. In my research, I am trying to demonstrate that when one member of a group has already performed an activity, then the other members will be faster in performing it. This first activity will set a baseline, so you will all be asked time to do the activity at the same. Every five seconds, all of you will receive a shock from your collars until all of you have performed the activity. This way, the stragglers will be getting peer pressure from those of you who have already done the activity but are still getting shocked. Are there any questions before we begin?"
#18, the hottie with the great tits straining against her blouse, started to ask something but immediately got shocked. She might not be the sharpest tool in the shed. Hank explained again the importance of them all being silent during this exercise so that the peer pressure on the stragglers was only felt and not heard. Then, with the girls sufficiently anxious, Hank said, "All right - your first activity will be to remove all clothing above your waists and sit with your hands at your sides. If you are wearing a dress, you'll have to remove the whole thing. Begin now."
The girls spent the first five seconds looking around at each other in surprise, then all of their pain lines jumped to level five as the first shock hit them. This caused some to cross their arms defiantly, and caused others to start reaching for the bottoms of their shirts. After the second shock hit, three of the weaker girls went ahead and pulled shirts over their heads. Hank reminded them that the activity required all clothing above the waist to come off, which included bras. After the third shock, those first three girls then unhooked their bras and pulled them off as well, freeing their breasts for Hank and the rest of the girls to see. Slender #9, who had gotten slapped, was among the three. Her pert B-cup breasts were very nicely shaped and stood tall on her fantastic body. #18 had also removed blouse and bra, and her big C-cup knockers were on beautiful display.
After a fourth shock hit, and after seeing three of their friends strip, another small group of girls started baring their breasts. Hank had to remind them that they needed to keep their arms by their sides in order to be considered 'complete' with the activity. Even then, the topless girls were still getting shocked due to their fellow students' reluctance, and they started looking desperately at the girls who were still clothed. The fifth and sixth shocks brought more into compliance. Hank was on cloud-nine. The array of naked tits around him was better than he could have possibly hoped for. There wasn't a single surf-board in the group. Even the skinniest girls had really nicely shaped boobs, and there were quite a number of D cups in the group. This was going to be a blast.
After the seventh shock there were only four stubborn prudes left clothed, with the other sixteen topless girls staring vehemently at them. #8, the jumping-jacker in the dress, probably thought it wasn't fair that she would be left in just her underwear, but after another shock, she apparently couldn't take it anymore and went ahead with pulling her dress off. She really did have a fantastic body, which was now naked except for some skimpy black panties.
#4, the blonde prissy prude, was the last one to strip. It was clear that she was furious, and equally clear that all the other girls were furious at her. The already topless girls kept looking desperately at Hank, probably wanting him to intervene, but of course he had no intention of doing so. The ninth and tenth shocks hit the group, and still #4 sat defiantly. She finally gave in after shock number eleven, but it took her a full ten seconds and two more shocks to get all her layers off and for her to put her arms by her sides. To everyone's amazement, the prude had a pair of small playboy bunnies tattooed on the insides of her well-endowed breasts. Hank laughed heartily, guessing that those little tatts were the reason she had held out so long, not wanting to reveal that she wasn't actually as up-tight as she made out to be.
"One-minute six-seconds," Hank announced as he walked around collecting clothing into a large plastic bag. "Not bad, though I'll take note that many of you acted like typical college girls by stripping quite readily, while only a few of you prudes took more time."
Some of the girls tried to kick or grab him as he came by, but a quick button push that delivered a collective punishment put that to an end. Many of the girls had been wearing shirts that didn't button or zip all the way down. Those pieces of clothing were dangling off the backs of their chairs, unable to get around the locked collars. Hank continued lecturing about how seeing some girls strip convinced other girls to strip. As he did so, he walked behind the ring of chairs with a pair of scissors and cut the dangling clothing free. The girls clearly weren't happy about this, or about being lectured on their forced group activity, or about being topless and collared and shocked. But keeping them happy was no longer a concern. Hank kept the ruse of the 'experiment' because he was sure it must be driving them crazy. This had to be about as scientifically valid as creationism, and Hank was sure that a number of these college hotties would have loved to point that out to him.. but they couldn't!
When all the clothing was safely out of reach of the topless captives, Hank continued. "Your next activity will test self-control and the concept of delayed gratification, or in this case, reduced future pain. You will each have the opportunity to cause yourselves pain by squeezing your nipples, with the goal of bringing your pain line on the monitor up to a target level. If you are unsuccessful, your collar will deliver a ten-second long shock at the punishment level. The target level will begin at level three and will slowly increase the longer you delay. The punishment level will always be set two steps above the target level. If the punishment level gets to ten before you have begun, then you will receive a ten-second shock at pain level ten, which I can assure you, you definitely want to avoid. Any questions?"
No one was duped into trying to speak this time; they all just shot daggers at him with their eyes. "Okay then, let's have our little playboy bunny #4 go first since she made us all wait last time. #4, your timing begins now."
A target line and punishment line appeared on the pain graph. The cute blond, who no longer looked so prude sitting there naked with her tattooed breasts on display, looked worriedly at the graph as the two lines slowly began to rise. She started to lift her hands, then put them back in her lap, clearly not wanting to give in and pinch her own nipples in front of the class and this asshole TA. But the rising lines were clearly raising her anxiety, as could be seen on the heart rate and respiratory rate monitors. The target and punishment lines passed levels four and six respectively. The girl was looking around frantically for a way to escape, but being trapped in the chair there was nothing she could do. She looked pleadingly at Hank, but he just looked over at the pain monitor, where the two lines were passing five and seven.
At that point she gave in, grabbed her nipples, and started to squeeze. Her pain line began to go up, passing level one, but started to plateau around level two. The girl looked desperate and let go of herself to readjust her grip and try again, but as soon as she let go, her pain line dropped and the monitor made a loud beep as it flashed FAIL. A moment later, #4's pain line shot up to the punishment line, just above level seven, and held there for ten seconds as the poor blond writhed in her chair. The rest of the girls watched in horror, knowing their turns were coming.
"All right, #4 here showed that she has little self-control or sense of delayed gratification. #5, your next."
The girl in chair #5 wasn't overweight by any means, but she had a softness to her that was very appealing. She had fantastically smooth looking skin, and her full breasts hung nicely on her chest, waiting to be squeezed. She had learned the lesson against waiting, so took a deep breath and grabbed her nipples. Unfortunately for her, she too underestimated the amount of squeezing that was necessary and fell short of the target even though it was just over level three. Her punishment was less intense, but you couldn't tell by watching her as she too writhed in pain for the ten second shock.
#6 was the first to hit the target level, pinching and twisting her nipples until her pain line spiked just over level three. #7 followed suit with a quick sharp twist that almost hit level four and clearly wasn't enjoyable, but was still much better than the punishment. #8, the athletic babe sitting there in her panties, turned out to be incredibly stubborn. She just sat there with her arms crossed as her target and punishment lines crept upwards. She tried to put on an air of superiority and disdain for this whole thing, but her vitals began to give away her nervousness. Her pulse rate was going steadily up, and by the time the punishment line passed level nine her heart was pounding away like a trapped bird. Still, she held her position until the punishment line hit ten and the screen flashed "FAIL."
#8's writhing was orders of magnitude more violent than #4's or #5's had been. Her naked legs kicked involuntarily, and her screams quickly became guttural and almost barbaric-sounding. Hank was glad that the room he had chosen was in a sub-basement where no one was likely to over hear them. The girl kept screaming after her ten seconds were up, causing more shocks until she finally collapsed. It was clear that her collar was the only thing keeping her seated upright in her chair.
After #8's display, all the rest of the girls raced to grab their nipples as soon as they were called on. It was quite a show - all of these topless co-eds pinching and twisting their own nipples as soon as Hank pointed at them. Many of them hit the target, some even shot by both the target and the punishment level. A few still missed, but either way it was a blast to watch them twist and it was a blast to watch them writhe.
When they had all gone once, Hank gave the barely recovered #8 another chance to try, and this time she grabbed her nips right away and gave herself a violent twist and tug that shot her pain briefly up to level six. Hank patted her on the head and told her she'd done a nice job.
"All right class," Hank said, "The next experiment is going to require that each of you be completely naked. You know the drill - you'll all be shocked until you are all naked. Please throw your garments into the middle of the room so it is easier for me to collect them."
The girls were much quicker to comply this time, pulling off jeans, skirts, hose, and shoes and tossing everything into the middle of the room. They were learning that disobedience would only bring pain. Hank smiled as all the nice long legs were revealed. Damn had he chosen well! Some of the girls, in a small act of defiance, left their clothes to the side of their chairs, but Hank just continued the shocks until they had kicked those clothes into the middle as well. He put the rest of the clothes into another bag and took a minute to just admire all of the naked bodies he had sitting around him.
"Okay, this next activity isn't really part of the group behavior experiment, I'm just really curious about what percentage of women are able to fist themselves. So, when I say go, you're all going to have twenty seconds to stick your hands as far into your pussies as you can. If you aren't all the way in, you'll get a five-second shock at level five. If you haven't even tried, you'll get a ten-second shock at level seven. Begin."
The naked girls looked around at each other incredulously. This nightmare was getting worse and worse. But a countdown timer on the monitors was ticking away, and none of them wanted the threatened shocks, so in when their hands. It was clear that some of them had done this before. #10, for example, who had shown up in her pajamas, expertly maneuvered her hand all the way into her cunt, which was still dripping from the vibrator earlier. Others were having a lot more trouble, trying to shift their position, angle their arms, and crunch their fingers together as best they could.
At the end of twenty seconds, all of them had tried but only half had succeeded. Hank delivered the punishment to the half that failed, telling the successful half to leave their hands buried until he said so or they would join the others in punishment. He instructed the successful group to retrieve their keypads with their other hands and answer his survey questions with a "1" for yes and a "2" for no. As the sluts sat there, naked and collared, with one hand jammed up their pussies, they told Hank whether or not they had ever fisted themselves before, whether they enjoyed fisting themselves, and whether they enjoyed being fisted by a partner. It was pure hilarity.
"All right, watching you girls fingering yourselves has gone and gotten me downright horny. I'll need one of you to volunteer to get fucked before we can continue. Anyone?"
The girls were all probably wondering if he seriously expected one of them to volunteer, and they were terrified that they might be chosen. They had all heard of crazy experiments before, but this had gotten way the out of hand.
"Okay, here's how we'll decide. I need you all to vote for which girl here has the nicest rack." Hank was pleased to see that #18 won. "Now vote for which of you has the best legs." Athletic #8 took this one. "And the sexiest stomach." This was taken by #1, whose perfectly flat, but soft and inviting, stomach was adorned by a dangling naval ring. "And, though I know you can't see them very well, vote for best ass." The votes were scattered, and a number of girls tied for first, so Hank held a runoff that was won by #14, the heavily made up girl who had been wearing some nice tights.
"Okay, now between the winners who didn't win best rack, #8, #1, and #14, which has the best rack?" #14 won easily. She also won best legs after #8, and was therefore chosen to satisfy Hank's lust.
"All right #14, your tether will now give you enough slack to stand behind your chair and bend over its back. You will then lock your ankles into the spring loaded cuffs that are unfolding from your chair's back legs, and lock your wrists into the cuffs that you can see are unfolding from under the front of you chair."
The chosen girl did indeed see the cuffs that had folded out from under her chair, and looked behind her to see that a portion of her chair's legs had folded down and displayed two more cuffs ready to hold her ankles wide. She shook her head violently. She had actually looked somewhat pleased that her peers had chosen her for best ass, and then legs and boobs, but now she was looking for a way out. There was none, and a few shocks to her collar got her up and locked into position.
Hank marveled at how easy everything was turning out to be as he strolled around behind the trapped girl. He marveled even more at the view that greeted him there. The ass that was held up high in front of him did indeed deserve to be voted best. It was round and firm, not too big, not too small, and silky smooth. He patted the ass, complimenting the girls on their fine choice, then reached over to squeeze #14's dangling boobs, complimenting the class on their choice there as well. The girl beneath him was squirming like crazy, but between the cuffs and the chair back, she had little room to move, and her wiggles only served to entice Hank even more. He slapped her ass hard, watching the #14 pain line shoot up every time he did so. He grabbed a paddle he had brought, and found that he could get the line to spike much higher with it than with his bare hand. He also saw that the spikes continued to get higher as the girl's ass got redder and more sore.
Enough foreplay, Hank thought. He zipped down his fly, pulled out his now very hard cock, and quickly pulled on a condom. This wasn't so much to protect the girl who was about to get fucked as it was to protect himself. He didn't want to catch whatever diseases these college sluts were carrying, and more importantly he didn't want to leave anything behind that could be used to identify him.
As soon as he was protected, Hank unceremoniously thrust his cock deep into the pussy that was waiting before him. He pounded away, watching with satisfaction as the girl's pulse and breathing rates steadily rose. With her vital signs on display, as well as her whole naked body, it was clear to all the naked girls in the room that #14 was getting aroused. Hank encouraged this by stroking and pinching the bent-over girls' breasts and then her clit. Her breath was starting to get ragged, occasionally setting off a shock in her collar and quieting her down. The naked audience was watching with rapt attention. #14 was putting on quite a show, between her bouncing boobs, her clear arousal, her mortification, and her attempts to keep silent to avoid shocks. Finally Hank let her have it, erupting into her pussy and watching with satisfaction as she clearly climaxed at the same time.
Hank hit a button to release her cuffs, telling her to sit back down, which she did with some reluctance after the beating he had given her ass. "Class," Hank announced, "I'm now going to give you some exercises to do while I recover. The first exercise will work you quads. You will all need to lock your ankles in to the spring loaded cuffs that you can see unfolding from your chairs' front legs."
The girls were all quite hesitant about this, after seeing what happened to #14 when she was locked down, but after only a couple shocks they all complied. Hank instructed them to straighten their legs, unwinding a retractable cord that connected their ankle cuffs to their chair legs. They were to repeat this motion to the rhythm given to them by the monitors. The tension in the cords would get steadily greater each time until a girl didn't get her legs all the way up, at which point that girl's legs would be locked down. Hank explained that as a motivator, girls with numbers one through ten would receive ten extra credit points if they lasted into the top five, while girls with numbers eleven through twenty would receive a five-second level-six shock if they did not make it into the top five. Any girl who didn't complete at least the first ten leg lifts would get a ten-second level-six shock. The point was supposedly to see which was a better motivator, pain or extra credit.
This was a pretty obvious question, especially since even the slower members of the captured TA group now understood that this was not a real class. All of the girls made it through the required first ten leg lifts, though the strain was starting to show on the weaker girls. After that, all but one of the girls with numbers one through ten stopped. Their chairs beeped and locked their ankles down. #8, however, kept going along with the high numbered girls who had more to lose. Those girls all glared at her, but apparently the athletic hottie had a competitive streak that forced her to try to win.
After twenty leg lifts, a number of the girls were starting to sweat and show signs of strain, though #8 was still going strong. Hank enjoyed watching them all. They had such nice legs, some more toned than others, but all young and strong. At twenty-five lifts, a couple girls failed to get their legs up, including #18, the big breasted babe, and another girl with equally large knockers. Two more girls dropped off at thirty-three and thirty-five lifts, leaving seven girls lifting their legs. Each lift was now clearly an effort, but these girls were now all so close to the top five, and avoiding the shock, that they didn't want to give up.
At forty-two leg lifts, another two girls failed at the same time, leaving just five. #8 kept going when the other four stopped, knowing that they had already avoided the shock and had no more reason to go on. After doing two full leg lifts beyond the last of the others, #8 finally stopped with a grin, and her ankle cuffs locked in like all the rest. Hank administered the punishment to the six girls in the upper numbers who hadn't made it, and congratulated #8, who had won ten extra credit points. He patted her on the head.
"Okay, arm exercises next," Hank announced. "Please lock your wrists into the cuffs that are unfolding from the backs of your chairs."
The amazingly versatile chairs were folding out yet another set of bars and cuffs. This time, the bars on each side of the back of the chairs raised up and out, revealing cuffs that would hold the girls arms straight out from their shoulders. The girls were very reluctant to lock their hands in, which would eliminate one of the last freedoms they had, but they just couldn't resist the shocks from their collars. As the last girls locked in, Hank looked around the circle at his class of coeds, sitting tall and naked in his chairs, their ankles locked down to the chair legs and now their wrists held straight out, their fingers almost touching the fingers of the girl next to them. What a good looking group!
Hank explained that they would be pulling their hands in to meet in the middle, resisting tension from the tethers attached to their wrist cuffs, just like a pectoral-fly exercise machine. The tension would increase like last time, only now numbers one through ten were on the hook for the shock. He got them going, watching them pull their arms together in unison to the rhythm given to them by the monitors. He stayed in the middle for the first ten pulls, looking around at all twenty sets of boobs as they jiggled away.
When the higher numbers stopped after ten repetitions, Hank ducked under two of their arms and strolled around the outside of the circle. He stopped behind #8, who was still easily pumping away and probably expecting to win this competition as well. Hank surprised her by reaching under her arms and roughly grabbing her nice round boobs. The surprise threw off her rhythm, and she missed the next repetition, causing her chair to beep and her wrist tethers to fully retract, locking her arms out wide. She was clearly pissed, but she was locked down - throat, ankles, and wrists - and her shock collar prevented any sound of protest, so there was nothing she could do about it. Hank made consoling sounds as he patted and squeezed her boobs, which certainly pissed her off all the more.
When the exercise was complete, and the losers among the lower ten had been given their shocks, Hank made a full circuit around the outside of the chairs, squeezing boobs here and there, stroking hair and faces, and reaching down to pinch buttocks. He complimented them as a group on their physiques, letting them know that their fine bodies made the hard work of his research much more enjoyable. He also let them know that he was recovered and ready for some more action, and would anyone like to volunteer? He wasn't surprised to not get any takers, especially after the romping he had given #14. This time he thought it would be fun to actually get a volunteer.
"Here's the deal ladies," he said. "I'm prepared to allow whoever volunteers right now to sit out of the next exercise I have planned for you. I'm not going to tell you what that is, but I will tell you that whoever satisfies my needs right now will be quite happy that she doesn't have to participate. So, any takers? Since you're not allowed to speak, and you can't raise your hands, just point at yourself with both thumbs if you'd like to volunteer."
Hank looked around the circle of captured hotties. It was clear that a number of them would never consider willingly volunteering, but a good number of them had agonized looks on their faces. A lot of his 'exercises' had been pretty horrible, and certainly these girls could now imagine lots of things that would be worse than a quick fuck. But it still must be hard to voluntarily single themselves out for his attentions. After a long pause, Hank saw #1 - best stomach girl - make two thumbs-up signs and point them at herself. Quickly after that, #5 and #10 also volunteered. They had clearly been struggling with the decision, and seeing someone else come forward, they didn't want to lose the opportunity.
Hank just laughed as he walked over to #1. "Sorry #5 and #10, you were a bit too late, but I'll remember that you were willing."
He cupped #1's chin from behind and let her know that her position was going to be somewhat uncomfortable. He pressed a button on his remote that caused the seat of the girl's chair to begin to fold up and forward, forcing her to lift her butt along with it. She was still locked down by her neck, ankles, and wrists, so instead of standing up with the raising chair seat she began to bend backwards at the waist. The seat kept going until it was went passed vertical and was angled slightly forward from the front legs of the chair. The poor girl was left with her legs straight and her body bent backwards at almost a 90-degree angle, then her neck bent forward so that her chin was pressed against her chest. And, of course, her arms were still held out wide.
Hank stood in front of the girl, where her pussy was proffered up to him, and ran his hands along the smooth flat stomach that had been voted best by her peers. He certainly didn't disagree as he played with the little jewel that pierced her naval, then ran his hands on up to the girl's deliciously soft breasts. He noticed on the pain monitor that just being held in this position was keeping the girl's pain reading almost at level one. He slapped her breasts and stomach a few times, watching her pain line spike up in rhythm to his beating. He didn't leave her waiting long for the main event, however, pulling out his member, suiting up, and pounding away at the pussy that was so conveniently displayed in front of him.
Hank finished pretty quickly, before the awkwardly bent girl beneath him had gotten much passed an initial arousal. Always the gentleman, Hank said, "Well, I hate to leave my women unsatisfied. #20 and #2, I'll need you to finish the job with your tongues. You'll take turns licking #1, for thirty seconds at a time. Whenever you finish a turn without getting her off, you'll get a five-second shock at level six. And if I don't think you're trying hard enough, that'll go to level eight. Clear? All right, #20, you'll go first."
#20 was a slender red-headed girl with a shy look that Hank found incredibly appealing. He'd have to give her a go latter. For the time being, he hit a few buttons on his remote and all of the girl's tethers went slack. Her thin arms dropped and her head sank forward a bit. She looked at her appendages, clearly excited that she might be free, only to find that she was indeed still attached. She made her way hesitantly towards the bent girl next to her, not expecting to be able to reach based on how much slack her neck tether had given her earlier. She found that she now had much more leeway, just enough to get her head over to #1's crotch if she leaned her body past where her arms and legs were held back. It was a very awkward looking position, which matched the very awkward carpet munching that followed. It was clear that neither giver nor receiver was at all happy with what was going on, and #20's first round ended without her target getting any closer to the goal. The round also ended without warning. All of her tethers retracted quickly, yanking her back onto her chair with her arms spread wide, then instantly delivering the painful level six punishment.
Seeing this, #2 was eager to avoid the same fate, so crawled over quickly as soon as her own tethers went slack and went to town on #1 with a passion. Hank couldn't tell if this raven-haired beauty was a natural or a practiced professional. Either way, she was definitely getting results. #1 initially looked surprised, then, despite herself, got turned on. Hank decided right then that he'd have to see if #2 could blow a man as well as she could blow a woman. The sight of her naked back as she knelt there and enthusiastically licked away was truly inspiring. After thirty seconds, #1 hadn't cum but she'd certainly gotten a lot closer, and she was visibly disappointed when #2 was yanked back to her chair. #2 was also visibly disappointed before she was visibly in pain as her punishment struck.
Having watched this show, and wanting to avoid another punishment, #20 jumped in with much more energy than her first round. She succeeded in keeping #1's pulse rate at the same level, but couldn't get it any higher, and suffered another punishment at the end of her thirty seconds. #2 then swooped in and sealed the deal half way through the thirty seconds. It was quite a show: soft and pretty #1 trying to limit her convulsions and stifle her moans to avoid shocks, while grinning #2 knelt there looking up at her in triumph. Hank retuned both girls to their normal, seated, outstretched positions and patted them on the heads, saying, "Great show ladies! And #1, thanks again for volunteering. As promised, you'll be able to sit out for this next exercise."
Hank walked around the circle placing each girl's keypad in her left hand and admonishing them to make sure they held on tight. He also pulled black-out hoods over each girl's head and closed nipple clamps over each nipple. The clamps were attached, like everything else, to the chairs via retractable tethers, which served to pull the girls' breasts outward. As he did this, he explained that they would be playing a little game of detective. Five of them would secretly be assigned as 'shockers' while the rest were 'detectives.' The shockers had to type in someone's number to give them a neck-shock at least every fifteen seconds. After getting shocked, a detective had up to five seconds to guess who had shocked her and key that number in, delivering a breast-shock via the nipple clamps to whoever they guessed. If she guessed correctly, that shocker would be 'out.' If she guessed incorrectly, or if she didn't guess at all, then she would receive another shock as punishment. The detectives would win the game by knocking out all the shockers. The shockers would win by shocking each detective five times, thus knocking them out. Hank told the girls that this would be a chance for all of them to use their group psychology knowledge, and he hoped it would be fun for them.
Hank then announced to the hooded and clamped group that he would take off the hoods of the 5 shockers so that they could see each other without being seen by the rest of the group. After doing this, he then replaced the shockers' hoods, toyed with a few sets of boobs while the girls were unable to see, then began removing hoods one-by-one starting with girl #1. Before starting the game, Hank told the girls to take a good look at their keypads, because they wouldn't be able to see them during the game. He then hit a button on his own keypad, which caused all of the girls' wrist restraints to begin to move. The bars that extended from the backs of their chairs and held their wrists outstretched began folding backwards, keeping their elbows straight but bringing their wrists together behind their backs. Hank apologized insincerely for the discomfort of the new position. He let them know that it made their thrust-out chests look fantastic, and that it was necessary for the game so that it wouldn't be too obvious who the shockers were.
With everything set, Hank shouted enthusiastically, "Let the games begin!"
Nobody moved for a few tense seconds, then #4 convulsed from a shock to her collar and glared around the circle to identify her attacker. The playboy prude locked eyes with #18, the girl she had mocked in the beginning for dressing like a slut. A moment later both #4 and #18 convulsed from an apparent mis-choice.
Most of the girls missed the confused looks on a few of the girls' faces as this all took place. Numbers 4 and 18 were both actually shockers. The other shockers couldn't understand why #4 had shocked herself, but Hank was impressed that #4 had figured out so quickly that it would be worth suffering a shock to divert attention from herself. And doing it first thing would probably be the only time she would have everyone's attention and their least suspicion. Accusing a fellow shocker was pretty brilliant too, as whoever she shocked would obviously feel the difference between a collar shock and a breast shock.
Four more shocks were delivered shortly after #4's show. The receiving girls all looked around accusingly, but most had no idea where their attacks had come from, and delivered shocks to the nipple clamps of innocent girls. #10, however, noticed that shy #20 kept glancing at her guiltily. When #10 made her choice, the monitors announced that #20, one of the shockers, had been knocked out. The knocked out red-head was then raised up into the awkward sex position that #1 had recently been in, with the added discomfort of her arms still cranked behind her back and her nipples still clamped and stretched. Hank congratulated #10 on her correct choice, and let her know that she could now shock #20's nipples whenever she wanted to, which the generally pissed off #10 did with frequent pleasure.
The game continued, with collar shocks and retaliatory nipple shocks flying left and right. Hank was having a fantastic time watching the naked hotties exchange shocks and get madder and madder at each other. They all looked so deliciously vulnerable with their arms cranked behind them and their boobs adorned with wired nipple clamps. All the girls were now glancing around suspiciously, including the remaining four shockers who were trying to fit in. Whenever one girl was shocked, she would get pissed and everyone else would try desperately not to make eye contact with her, in an attempt dodge the retaliatory nipple shock.
The next girl knocked out was #10. #4 had been sending her shocks at every available opportunity in retribution for knocking out one of the other shockers. #4 also just didn't like #10, who had come to class dressed like such a slob and who had been taking way too much pleasure shocking poor knocked-out #20. Once she was knocked out for getting five shocks, #10 was raised up into the uncomfortable sex position. Hank announced that the shocker who knocked her out could now shock her nipples whenever she wanted to, which #4 did secretly with regular frequency
After a while, a few of the girls started noticing that #s 5 and 9 didn't seem to be getting any shocks. The girls who noticed began staring accusingly at those two and trying to nod their heads towards them to get everyone else's attention. Accused 5 and 9 started to look guilty, which was their real downfall. They weren't at all sure what to do, and as their 15 second window drew closed they both sent out random desperate shocks, which were immediately retaliated, knocking them out of the game.
This time, instead of pushing the knocked out girls into the awkward cunt-thrust position, their chairs folded in a different direction. The chair backs folded down, pushing their chests towards their knees, at the same time that the section of the chair back that held their collars folded backwards, bending their heads upwards. They ended up with their mouths right about at crotch level, and in case that point was lost on them, Hank came by and strapped large ring gags into their mouths.
#4 and #18 were the only shockers left in the game, but they proved much more difficult to identify. They would periodically shock themselves or each other to allay suspicion, and they slowly but surely knocked out more and more of the 'detectives.' Of course, the fewer 'detectives' there were, the higher the chances that one of them might just randomly retaliate correctly against them and knock them out of the game. To avoid this, they started strategically shocking girls that seemed to suspect other detectives. #19 would give #8 a funny look, so they'd shock #8, who would blame #19. Hank was having a blast watching as more and more of the girls ended up knocked out in the awkward bent positions. In addition to the cunt-thrust and open-mouth positions, some girls' chairs were folding them into a bent over position that left their legs spread and their asses high in the air. All together, it made for a great display of useable holes - some cunts, some mouths, some asses - all hot naked girls ready to please!
The shocking continued until the only girls left were the two shockers, #4 and #18, and one last detective, athletic #8. The fit chick now knew that the other two were both shockers, but she still had to correctly guess which one of them shocked her, and she only had one guess left. Cunning #4 started delivering shocks to nipples of girls that had already been knocked out. She started with #10, then went in order to #s 11, 12, 13, and 14. Each girl had a different reaction to getting shocked - some tried in vain to shake the nipple clamps free, some flexed their stomachs tightly - but it was always obvious each time who was feeling the pain. And #4 made it obvious that she was the one delivering the shocks by looking at each girl then nodding as she keyed in their number. When she got to #15, she nodded at her but keyed in #8 instead. #15, a short, voluptuous, meek looking girl, clearly hated the shocks. She had been one of the first girls to obey almost every step of the way in an effort to minimize the pain. When #4 nodded at her, she shook and grimaced as if she'd been shocked. #8 felt the shock, but was sure that #4 had been busy, and so retaliated against the wrong shocker. #18 then swooped in and delivered the fifth shock to #8, knocking her out of the game and sending her into the ass-up position.
Hank applauded wildly, congratulating #4 and #18 on their win and laughing at the other girls for being so stupid. He then told the winners that their 'prize' was the privilege of choosing which sex position they would be folded into. They were to press one for cunt thrust, two for ring gag, and three for ass up. The victors were clearly unhappy with their options, but when Hank threatened that indecision would cause them to experience all three, they went ahead and keyed in their fates. Big breasted #18 chose the cunt thrust, and former prude #4 chose the ring gag. Hank then assigned #1, who had sat out for the game, to the ass-up position, leaving roughly a third of the girls in each position.
"All right you hotties," Hank told the assembled group of naked and awkwardly bent girls, "it's just about time for me to leave. But I don't want you to think that I showed favoritism by only fucking #14 and #1. I think it is a TA's job to be fair to all his students. Unfortunately, I don't have time to fuck each one of you individually, so I'm going to go around the circle giving each of you one thrust at a time. We'll see how many times I make it around, and which one of you will be the lucky winner who makes me cum!"
The girls didn't look too enthusiastic, but Hank thought this was a fantastic idea, and of course, it didn't matter whether the girls were happy about it or not. He pulled out his semi-erect dick, placed it through #2's ring gag, and told the raven-haired beauty to start things off by licking him until he was nice and hard. As encouragement, he reached down and took hold of the nipple clamps that still adorned her tits. He told her the sooner he was hard, the sooner he'd stop pulling. Motivated, the girl who had licked #1's clit so well then did a champion job at getting Hank hard and ready for his marathon.
As soon as he was fully erect, Hank suited up and moved on to #3. As tempting as it was to let #2 complete the job, he did want to make sure he tapped each of his babes. He thrust his hard cock in and out of #3's waiting cunt, then stepped up to #4's waiting mouth. For winning the last game, #4 had been able to choose the blow job position she was in, but she probably hadn't bargained on getting a cock that had just been pulled out of her neighbor's cunt. However, her bindings held her head tight and her ring gag held her mouth open wide, so there was nothing she could do to avoid Hank's member from pushing on in. Hank didn't stop at the back of her mouth; he thrust straight on into her throat, burying his cock all the way to the hilt before pulling out and leaving the girl choking and gasping for breath.
#5 got a throat thrust, then Hank went on to #6 and #7, whose cunts awaited his attentions. Athletic #8 was lined up to be his first ass fuck, though she was wiggling and flexing with all her strength to avoid it. Hank just laughed, slapped her ass, and told her that if she had wanted to choose her position, she shouldn't have been so stupid during the shock game. He placed the tip of his now well-lubricated cock right on the entrance of #8's very tight-looking, and probably virgin, ass-hole. The bent-over girl beneath him was now shaking franticly, but while this succeeded in jiggling her firm buttocks, it did nothing to shake Hank's head away from the tightly bound girl's sphincter. Hank plunged slowly in, making #8 feel every inch, then slapped her ass a few more times before pulling out and moving on.
#9 was desperately unhappy about being in the blow-job position following an ass fucking, but her tongue was no match against a rock hard dick as Hank thrust his way straight down her throat. The girl looked up at him with such disgust that he just had to leave his cock buried for a moment before pulling out and moving on.
Hank continued on around the circle, thrusting into cunts, asses and mouths as he went. This was even better than he had imagined it might be. The brief pauses in between girls kept him at just the right level, rock-hard but not too close to cumming. He definitely wanted to keep this going as long as he could. #10, pajama girl, looked so hot with her big boobs thrust upward and her pussy ready to be poked. A couple more pussy plunges and Hank came to #14, whose pussy he had already enjoyed, and whose ass now awaited him. That ass still looked sore from the spanking he had given it earlier, but it also looked so delicious that he couldn't help but give it a few more spanks as he pounded the girl's sphincter.
Meek #15 then got the dirty job of licking Hank's cock clean, and anything she missed was picked up by the mouths and throats of #16 and #17 after her. Three cunt-thrusters then awaited Hank, and he jumped from one to the next in rapid succession. When he rammed his way in to #20, he was shocked to feel a soft pop. He looked down at the red-head beneath him. Sure, she looked shy, but she also looked hot as hell, and she was a junior in college, so surely... but indeed, a few drops of blood followed Hank's dick as he pulled out of the virgin pussy he had just deflowered. A number of the other girls noticed as well, and the red-head's face blossomed into a blush that rivaled her hair for color.
Hank, having assumed that all college girls, especially the hot ones, were basically sluts, had not been expecting this treat. He made an exception to his rule and gave her one more long thrust before pulling off and replacing his condom. He was okay plunging from ass to throat, but figured he had to draw the line somewhere. He also grabbed the vibrator that #10 had used earlier, pushed it all the way in to #20's pussy, and turned it on to its high setting, saying that a girl's first time ought to be enjoyable. It looked like the red-head might die from embarrassment, but even in her uncomfortable situation she couldn't resist the relentless vibrator and began working towards a shattering climax.
Satisfied with his work, Hank moved on to #1, then started his second round of single thrusts back in #2's mouth. He made it all the way around to #20 again, but was just about ready to explode by the time he got there. The sight of the cute, shy red-head whose virginity he had just taken and who was now riding the vibrator for all she was worth, was enough to drive Hank right to the edge. He yanked the vibrator out of her pussy, which triggered the girl's third orgasm. He pounded her spasming pussy for a few seconds then exploded into her love canal.
"That, my darling #20, was fantastic," Hank said as he stroked the sweating girl's thighs and breasts. "I hope you now see the folly in your former virginal ways."
Hank then reluctantly hit a button on his remote, and all the chairs returned the girls to their original bound, spread-armed, sitting positions. The only difference was that metal bars had extended like seatbelts across their laps, holding them down firmly in their chairs. "Ladies, before I go, I'd like to give you something to remember me by. This is going to hurt a little, but as they say, no pain no gain, right?"
He pulled out what looked like a large pen or marker from his pocket and walked over to #4. All the girls tried get a look at what he was doing, but of course they couldn't move much at all, and Hank's position on #4's right side blocked everyone's view except for #3. He pulled a cap off the instrument and pressed a button on the other end. Only #3 and #4 could see that the business-end of the instrument started glowing red-hot. The rest of the girls could only see that #3 and #4's heart rates increased dramatically, and then they saw #4's pain line shoot straight up to level ten and only slowly start to slide back downwards. They couldn't see what Hank had done to #4's right side, but they knew they certainly weren't looking forward to it, whatever it was. Even #4 couldn't see what Hank had 'given' her, but the supposed prude did know that there was an awfully painful burn on the side of her right buttock. Only #3 and Hank himself could see the half-inch circle around a capital "H" that had been branded onto the side of #4's ass.
Hank looked with satisfaction at his first initial, burned into the skin of the naked girl before him. It had come out quite nicely, thanks to the super-hot branding pen he had used and the enforced immobility of his subject. The angry red color would fade and the burn would heal in time, but the scar it left behind would be permanent and essentially impossible to remove. This girl would be sporting his initial on her ass for the rest of her life, and soon all of her classmates would as well. It gave him a feeling of power over her that was even stronger than the bondage he had her in. He brushed a hair out of her eyes and patted her on the cheek before moving on to #5.
Moving in this direction around the circle meant that none of the girls could see what was about to be done to them. All they knew was that it was going to be extremely painful, and that the pain wasn't going to stop right away. By the time Hank got to former pajama girl #10, after leaving his brand in the same place on the asses of the girls in between, the pain line for #4 was still hovering around level five. All the girls were quite nervous at that point. Their heart rate lines were all elevated and many were struggling anew in their bondage. Of course, there was no where they could go and nothing they could do except wait for Hank to get to them with whatever that horrible pen-shaped tool was.
#14, whose ass had been voted best, was particularly fun to brand. She probably loved showing off that ass with high cut bikini bottoms on the beach or with thong lingerie in her boyfriends' bedrooms. Would she continue doing so now that her fine ass bore someone else's initial? Hank chuckled to himself thinking about what excuses she might make - would she pretend it was a birthmark? Or that she had sat on something that had burned her? Or say that her ass was a helicopter landing pad? Hank went ahead and pressed the branding pen into her ass, eliciting a sharp yelp from the bound girl. Well, whatever explanation she used, he sure hoped that she would continue to show off that fine piece of flesh - it really did look even better now that it bore his mark.
Hank continued around the circle, burning his initial into the flanks of the waiting girls. Some of his victims were able to stay silent, while others involuntarily screamed out when the branding pen hit them, earning a shock to their necks in addition to the burning on their asses. Hank eventually worked his way back to #3, at which point all of the girls bore his mark except for her. He cupped her chin in his hand and looked down at her, saying, "Now #3, it's really not fair that you know exactly what's coming, while everyone else received my brand as a surprise."
Slender #3 certainly didn't see it this way. It had been horrible watching all the other girls get burned, watching their pain lines shoot up, and knowing that there was nothing she could do to avoid the same fate. She couldn't voice this objection, so Hank just continued, "So perhaps I should surprise you by leaving my initial on a different part of your body.. Maybe on this nice looking shoulder?"
Hank held the brand near #3's shoulder as the girl tried in vain to squirm away from it. "Well, you were wearing that cute little tank top earlier, weren't you? I'd hate to stop you from showing off your body like that. So, how about right on your forehead? It would sure be hard to hide that!"
Hank held the brand right in front of the girl's eyes and pulled her hair roughly back. #3 was clearly petrified, staring cross eyed at the brand that was so close to her face and not daring to even breathe. Hank just laughed and said, "No, no, I wouldn't do that. I want all of you bitches to be branded in the same spot so you'll all look like you're part of the same harem." #3's relief was short lived as the brand hit her ass and she screamed out in pain.
"Now Ladies," Hank said, "I'm sad to say that I really do have to get going. You have all been fantastic subjects, even when you were a bit difficult. You've given me some great... data, and I hope I've taught you a thing or two about group psychology."
As he made his little lecture, Hank went from girl to girl, pulling out the collar tether from the back of each chair and attaching it to the collar of the next girl in line. "For obvious reasons, I'll need you all to wait in this room for a while after I leave. But I also need you to get up out of these chairs. They were a bit expensive to build, you see, and I'll need to take them with me for future use."
Hank hit a button on his remote and all of the girls' wrist cuffs released from the bars that had been holding their arms awkwardly wrenched behind them. To the girls' dismay, there was no freedom to be gained because as soon as the chairs released their wrists, their wrist tethers, which were attached to the backs of their collars, wrenched their hands up towards their collars, pinning them each in a reverse prayer position. A moment later, the girls' ankle cuffs also released, but those tethers also went taut, binding the girls' ankles together.
Hank tied off #10's collar tether to a ring mounted on the wall towards the back of the room. He then hit another button and all the girls' collars were released from the backs of their chairs. This didn't give them any freedom either. Their ankles were severely hobbled, their arms were worthless behind them, and their necks were all tethered together. A couple girls also learned the hard way that the shock feature of the collars was still activated whenever they tried to speak. Slowly, the collar tethers began to retract. #10 was pulled towards the ring on the wall. She had to hop to keep from falling flat on her face. The rest of the girls were pulled behind her, getting closer and closer together as the tethers connecting their collars shortened.
Hank laughed at the sight of the twenty naked girls as they hopped and stumbled together. Their tethers kept retracting until their collars were only an inch apart and the girls formed a very tight line, with the bare breasts of one girl pressed tightly against the bare arms and back of the girl in front of her. On one side of the line, #10's tether had retracted all the way to the ring it was attached to, forcing the girl to stand right against the wall and pulling her up on to her toes. On the other side of the line, Hank pushed #11 over to the wall so that the whole line of hotties stood with their left sides pressed against the far wall of the room and their right sides facing out.
Hank tied off #11's tether to another ring, securing the whole group in place. He stood back and took a look at them: a line of twenty hot naked bodies, essentially spooning each other, all bound in place. The best part about the arrangement was the way it showed off his branding work. Twenty "H"s in a row, standing proud on the right side of each girl's ass. It was quite a sight.
With his subjects secured, Hank was free to go about the work of packing up the chairs and the rest of his gear. The chairs all folded down into a remarkably small size, fitting onto one rolling cart that Hank pulled out of a closet. The monitors, gear, and all the girls' clothes fit onto another cart, both of which Hank rolled into the hallway, leaving the room empty except for the line of naked hotties.
He came back in to say his goodbyes, pinching tits and slapping freshly branded asses as he strolled down the line of girls and thanked them again for being such willing subjects in his research. Finally, he said "Now, I really do have to go. Your collars and cuffs will all release in about an hour. Very soon after they release, they will all self destruct. With so many of them in one place, I'd expect that to make quite a mess, so I'd highly recommend that you all get far away from here as quickly as you can. You're on your own after that. I apologize for taking all your clothing with me and leaving you naked, but after enjoying your bodies all by myself, I'd feel selfish if I didn't share the sight at least briefly with whoever happens to be walking around when you leave. Okay, enjoy the peaceful hour while it lasts, and good luck!"
Hank shut off the lights and closed the door behind him when he left, leaving his test subjects bound in the dark. As he calmly walked out of the building with his carts, he thought about all those incredibly hot bodies standing tightly together in the room in the sub-basement. Those girls would certainly not be similarly calm when they left. After an hour of uncomfortably standing against the wall, worrying about their collars exploding while still around their necks, those girls would surely run in a panic out of the room and out of the building. There would be naked legs and arms and boobs and butts flying every which way. It was a shame that he couldn't be there to see it, but it was better this way. By the time those girls came running out and the collars and cuffs self-destructed, he would be long gone and the only evidence of his having been there would be destroyed. He would be free of any repercussions from the abuse he just put those girls through, and would have all the gear he needed to repeat his experiment at another institution of Higher Ed down the road.