- Author - Wild Boar
- Rating -
   [ 3.29 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1627 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, reluctant, bondage, cbt, humiliation, spanking, teen
- Post Date - 9/27/2011
Part 1
I had attended the teachers' conference which had been somewhat dull. I was now having a drink at the bar afterwards when I saw the star presenter- a stunningly attractive woman of about 30 called Jenny Albright. She was dressed extremely smartly with a tight white blouse and a grey pencil skirt with high heals. i couldn't dream of approaching her at the bar but she walked purposefully up to me and offered to buy me a drink. I was amazed and introduced myself, "Hi, I'm Graham James and I teach history.I really enjoyed your talk this morning."
"I'm working with my pupils on another area now, that of gender relations and I'm actually looking for someone to give my class some insights. Would you be able to help? I'd be extremely grateful," she said.
I couldn't believe my luck and stammered out that I would be only too pleased to help and talk to her class. She explained that her class was actually meeting now and that she was about to leave to meet them. Could I come with her?
So, completely flattered that Jenny had picked me to help her and loving walking through London's streets with an extremely attractive woman, we soon reached a very classy looking buildingwhere Jenny guided me to a rooom. Inside were 5 girls about 17/18 years old who a ll looked very classy and indeed very sexy. I was introduced by Jenny as someone who would be able to demonstrate parts of the lesson. I wondered why my name wasn't mentioned and I also didn't understand why Jenny locked the door and removed the key.
"OK, class, let's get stuck into our gender studies discussion and practical work and consider how women can dominate men." She turned to a very pretty girl and said " Susan, what's the first thing a girl can do to make a man feel less sure of himself?" Susan thought for a minute and suggested that once a man is naked he is less able to resist.
"Great thought, Susan" said Jenny," so let's try that out with this example here." And she turned to me and said " Take off your shoes and then the rest of your clothes". I hesitated a bit and she shouted at me "And do it fast! We don't want to wait."
I slowly begun slipping off my shoes and then loosening my clothes. I could feel the tension in the room as all the girls looked at me. Jenny grabbed my shirt and pulled it off me. "Come on , girls, give me a hand here" she said. Susan helped to pull my trousers away and then while two other girls held onto my arms, slipped off my underpants. It all happened so quickly that I didn't know how to resist. Two other girls pulled off my socks leaving me completely naked and surrounded by 6 women. They stood back as I tried to put my hands over my cock. They were giggling at my obvious embarrassment.
"Very good work, girls", shouted Jenny. " I love it when we work so well as a team. And now the poor man here is seriously disadvantaged, especially as I'm going to put all his clothes in the rubbish chute. We don't want him feeling he's got a normal evening ahead of him.
Right then, Sarah, we've seen how the first step to disrupt a man's arrogance is to make him naked. What else could we do to continue our control?"
Sarah was an amazingly attractive girl with shoulder length black hair which looked perfect over her very tight white blouse. Her breasts were full and round and I couldn't help feeling she would have been wonderful to go to bed with, especially as she was nearly 5'92 tall. Sarah thought for a while and looked at me before finally saying, "Why don't we tie him up? He can't do anything then."
Jenny was delighted and immediately said, " Great answer, Sarah. get a couple of helpers and make it happen."
Sarah immediately grabbed some bundles of thin cord that had been left on one of the desks in the room and moved towards me. I tried to go backwards but felt four girls move behind me and hold onto my arms, pull them backwards and hold them motionless while Sarah tied my wrists together behind my back. She then took another length of rope and tied my elbows tightly too. I had no movement in my arms at all so closely was I tied. I began to panic but was firmly held by the four girls. Without any real discussion they then took me over to a desk and laid me over it. Each of my legs was stretched and tied to a leg of the desk both at my ankle and then at each knee. Then rope was attached to my wrists, thrown over a hook in the ceiling and pulled tight so my chest was forced into the desk. But even this wasn't enough to satisfy the class who then roped my neck tight. I tried to struggle but I found I couldn't move any part of my body. it was all so strange. An hour or so ago I had high hopes of having an exciting night with a stunning woman, now I was motionless at the mercy of these girls.
Jenny spoke, "Well done class. We've got this man in a very good position and we can do anything we like with him. We can easily show our dominance. but what other things can we do to impress on him our control?"
And there was then a burst of laughter from all the girls who all volunteered answers. "Punish him, Miss" they said. " Make him suffer", "Make him beg for mercy". I couldn't believe what I wa hearing as these girls were still quite young but they seemed to know all the opportunities to hurt me.
Jenny was delighted. "OK, girls, do your worst! Make the man suffer. Use all the equipment we've got on him. But let's put the gag on first."
A blonde girl took hold of a nasty looking ball gag and strapped it into my mouth with such force that I couldn't utter a syllable. While I wss concentrating on this, I felt hands around my cock as wire was wrapped round it and weights attached. The same thing happed to my balls and excruciating pain shot through the whole area as the weights were allowed to swing free. Then there was a swishing noise as Sarah attacked my arse with a cane.
Jenny intervened. "I want you all to experience this particular delight" she said. Three strokes for each girl and try to use a full swing and hit with the full length of the cane."
I was destroyed by the pain. I was completely naked, tied so tight I couldn't move any part of my body which was under total attack from these girls. Surely though they were going to stop soon.
Jenny spoke again, " Well, girls I think we've had a very useful lesson here in class and been able to do some solid practical work. I now think we should take this man to the Domination Club and see whether we can auction him off. We can set him up, charge for particpants to punish him and then at the end of the evening, sell him to the highest bidder. What fun! So get him ready to put in the Range Rover and off we'll go"