- Author - VisionXXX
- Rating -
   [ 3.55 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1427 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, reluctant, analplay, bondage, torture, toys
- Post Date - 8/10/2011
Part 1
Donna grinned to herself as she stepped out of the car. Five years she had been teaching at the school and she had finally got what she wanted - a dat with the headmaster, Bill. She had been flirting with him ever since she arrived there - she had worn low-cut blouses and short skirts to all their meetings and more than once had accidently-on-purpose brushed up against him whenever they were in the crowded canteen - and it had finally paid off. It had been a pretty average date; drinks at a the local bar and then he had in invited her back to his place. She was looking forward to that.
The house was your average house; large and spacious but dimly lit inside. Donna didn't like that. It reminded her of the type of bars where sleezy guys often tried to hit on her. Still, she thought, if she wanted to sleep with this man, then there were things that she would just have to endure.
He led her through the living room, into the kitchen and through a door which opened onto a flight of steps. As they reached the bottom, Bill switched on the light and Donna realised that they were in the basement. Her heart hammered at the sight of an iron bedstead in the middle of the room. This could only mean one thing.
"Bondage?" she asked.
Bill grinned and thrust his jacket onto the floor. "Yeah. That ok? I enjoy my women tied up."
My women? How he could think of them as property - Donna struggled with herself, telling herself to resist the urge to kick him in the privates. No; that would come later, she decided, if he wasn't careful. Slyly, she slid up to him, pursing her lips. "I see. You're into S&M, are you?"
He laughed. "Yeah; I am."
She slid her hands up his chest, with mock coyness. "Do you have any rope?"
"I'll get it."
"No, I'll get it. Tell me where it is and I'll get it."
"Cupboard under the sink."
It wasn't the only thing that she found there. Beside the rope, Donna also found several different types of gag, six blindfolds, several large candles and a box of matches; nipple clamps, lubricant, a whip and a Wartenberg wheel. Donna shuddered. How dare he think that he could tie her up and fuck her on a first date? Well, he was about to learn what happened when you messed with Donna Leighton like that. She was relieved that she had remembered to pack her favourite strapon in her bag that evening.
She gathered up everything she could carry; along with a pair of scissors, and went back down to the basement. Bill was waiting for her. He heldout his hand for the rope.
"Wait," Donna smiled, looking him up and down. "First, unbutton your shirt. I like it when I can see my guy's chest. But leave it on; just unbuttoned. It's sexier that way."
As he complied, she slipped her hands beneath her dress and pulled her thong down around her ankles. Stepping out of it, she walked towards him. "Now, take off your trousers."
He did so. "Are we going to be doing some tying up any time soon?"
"Yes, but only if you lie down first. I like being on top for the tying."
He lay back on the bedstead and she crawled on top of him. "So, you like being tied from underneath, huh?"
She smiled and kissed him. As she did so, she caught his hand in hers, pushing it above his head. Her fingers worked fast to tie his left wrist to the bedstead. "No," she replied, moving away. "I love to be the one doing the tying."
He realised what she had done too late. "What do you think you're doing?!" he demanded. Immedietly he was rewarded by a sharp slap to his chest. "You think," Donna hissed, fastening his right wrist to the beadstead as quickly and deftly as she had done the left, "that I'm easy. That I'm one of those sissy girls who wants to be tied and dominated by someone like you? If that's what you thought when you first saw me, then you've had this coming a long, long time!"
He made to respond but she had already pushed the ballgag into his mouth and fastened it with a quick flip of her fingers. As she straddled his stomach, she rolled her dress up around her knees. "You feel that? My soft, wet, hungry-for-cock pussy on your skin? That's all you want, isn't it? Your cock in my pussy. Well, you're going to have to earn it first!"
She leaned down to retrieve on of the candles. As she lit it, he stared up in alarm. "What?" she asked, with mock innocent, "I found this in your sick cupboard among your other sick instruments of torture. You wanted to do this to me, so it's only fair that I get to do this to you."
As she tipped the hot wax onto his nipples, he let out a loud but muffled moan. Donna closed her eyes. "Mm!" she murmured. "Hey, make that noise for me again, headmaster."
She tipped another lot of hot green wax onto his chest and as he let out that same moaning sound, she sighed and shifted ever so slightly upon his stomach. "Mm, yes. That's really turning me on. Make more noise like that for me, Bill." She opened her eyes and spilled yet another load of wax onto his chest and nipples; sliding her pussy across his stomach as she listened to his moans and watched his useless squirming. "I love watching you struggle, slave," she murmured, sitting back on her heels and pulling her dress up around her waist so that he could see her pussy clearly. "That's all you are now, is my little slave; and it's your job to satisfy me in any way I tell you to. Got it?"
He didn't respond and she tipped more wax onto his body until he nodded vigorously. "You've got it? Good." She blew out the candle and replaced it on the floor. "Now," she mused, holding up the cruel nipple clamps. "These look like fun. I don't really like having these used on me; just to let you know; but I love using them on my slaves."
As she attached them to his already sore nipples, Bill let out a low groan and jerked away from her; to no avail, of course. She had bound him quite firmly to the bedstead. She laughed. "Struggle all you will slave; it's just turning me on even more, you know!"
He closed his eyes. He was beginning to wish that he hadn't invited her back to his place now after all. "Now, she mused, reaching down to retrieve the scissors. "Do you want to know what it feels like to be fucked; I mean really fucked? You're about to find out anyway, so you might as well say yes." He nodded, slowly. "Yeah?" she smiled and slid off him. On her feet, she reached down to stroke his hardening cock through the restraining fabric of his pants. "Now, let's get rid of these."
He tensed as she began to cut him out of his pants, Finally, she ripped away the remaining material and, dropping the scissors, she reached down for the remaining pieces of rope and pushed his knees up to frogtie his legs. "There," she murmured, stroking his balls gently with the tips of her nails. He closed his eyes; enjoying the moment of pleasure. "Now let's see if you can take my cock."
She bent down and as Bill opened his eyes, he saw to his horror that she was holding up an enormous purple strapon dildo. As she fastened it around her body; hitching her dress even higher around her waist; she noticed his obvious fear and grinned. "You know what I like best about this strapon, slave? It's double-ended so it can satisfy me whilst I fuck you with it. Isn't that nice?" She rubbed the lubricant onto the dildo and then slipped it into his ass. He groaned and tried to move away but she laughed and pushed herself deeper into him. "If you can't take it, then you don't get my pussy at all!"
Bill closed his eyes and forced himself to try and block out her loud moans and gasps as she began to peg him hard with the strapon; as well as the cruel sting of the ship in her hand but it was no good. Whenever he opened his eyes, all he saw was Donna with her head thrown back, here eyes closed and her breasts, concealed by her dress, threatening to tumble forwards out of the top of it as she continued to fuck him harder and harder until, with a sudden loud moan she came and collapsed on top of him.
"Ah!" she gasped, slowly withdrawing the strapon from him. "You can take a cock! Good; good little slave."
She reached for the scissors again. He froze. What was she going to do to him now? But he breathed a sigh of relief when she simply cut away the bonds around his legs. She still had on the strapon and suddenly she moved forwards, pulled away the ballgag and thrust it into his mouth. "You can clean this," she said, finally removing her dress to reveal a short skimpy vest beneath; which she then rolled up to reveal her breasts. They were plump and firm and her nipples were already hard. "And you can watch me give my breasts a treat while you do it."
He looked up at her as she began to massage her breasts in front of him. It was so much of a turn on that he almost forgot that he was also being forced to suck on the same strapon dildo that had just been in his ass a few minutes ago. When she was satisfyed, she finally pulled away from him; replacing the ballgag and then blindfolding him. "Now, you can get my pussy, slave," she told him, lowering herself onto his hard cock. "And I want to be fucked hard, so you'd better be prepared to fuck me hard!"
He did it; he fucked her hard as she requested. "Don't you dare come before me!" she cried as she began to reach her climax. He groaned but did his best to hold it in. She began to moan. He groaned. When was she going to come? He could barely hold it...
Then she came with a loud gasp and he followed seconds later. "Mmmm!" she smiled, opening her eyes. "Very good, slave. I'm satisfyed. In fact, I don't think I'll let you go yet. I think I'll hold onto you just a bit longer; you bad, bad, bad teacher...."
Part 2
He opened his eyes, blinking in the morning light. What had happened last night? Slowly his memories became less fuzzy. He'd been hoping to get off with Donna, pure, hot, smoking Donna with tits to die for; and she had - what had she done? He remembered now; she had turned the tables on him; ied him down, gagged him, pegged him and left him feeling humiliated and frustrated at being the submissive partner for once.
She was nowhere to be seen. He tried to move his arms but they were still firmly bound to the bedposts. He was still gagged. He sighed. At least he wasn't blindfolded as well.His chest was still covered in wax from the night before but she had removed the nipple clamps; he remembered now. That had been so painful. He wriggled his wrists, trying to see if he could work his way free but he was bound fast. She was good, he had to admit it, she was good at bondage.
"You're not trying to escape on me, are you, slave?"
He looked up; he hadn't seen her come in. She had changed into a black negligee; she must have popped home during the night, and she held a black canvas bag in one hand. He stopped struggling and she smiled. "That's more like it. What is it?" She dropped the bag and clambered onto his stomach; her pussy was dry but still felt good. She was tantelizingly close to his cock and she knew it as she let out a school-girlish giggle and shifted slightly upon him. "Didn't you enjoy yourself last night? I know I did."
He shook his head. He didn't attempt to talk because she would just laugh at the mumblings he would make instead of words. "Oh, come on, Bill," she purred, leaning forwards and placing both hands around his neck. Although she wasn't putting any pressue upon his jugular, Bill suddenly found himself frightened that she might. "Why is it so wrong for you to be in bondage and not me? Other men have ended up being in love with my bondage sessions. I'm sure I can make you love them too." She drew her fingertips down his body, scratching him gently with her nails until he moaned and she leaned forwards so that she was lying flat upon his body. "Let's see," she cooed, "if I can't make you my submissive little slave again."
Her fingers traced around his nipples gently and then she began to roll them between her fingertips. He couldn't deny it was something of a turn on; even when she began to pinch them painfully and then tweak and twist them until he yelped with the pain. And he was surprised to find his cock becoming harder by the minute. She smiled and spread her legs further so that her pussy pressed right down into his stomach. "Mm, I need to masterbate."
From within the black bag, she drew a purple hitachi wand vibrator which she plugged in and then switched on with a swift movement of her fingers. She smiled. "Maybe later I'll see if you can't satisfy me just as well as this can."
The second she touched her pussy with the wand, she began to moan, softly at first and then more loudly. "Oh yeah, that's good! Oh! Oh! My God! That feels so good on pussy!" Bill could feel her pussy becoming wetter and he shifted, wishing that she might move her pussy onto his face so that he might be able to smell her and possibly taste her cum juice. "Ah!" she moaned, writhing upon his body, back and forth, practically humping his stomach. "Oh yeah! That's good! Oh, Bill, you should really feel this!" And before he had time to think, she had placed the vibrator upon his throbbing cock.
The effect was startling. He began to squirm at the feel of the vibrations against his member but she kept moving the device whichever way he turned. He groaned loudly. She laughed and replaced the device against her pussy. "Oh, Bill, I just love making you squirm like that! Oh! Oh yeah! OH! OH, I'M COMING! OH!"
He felt the warmth of her cum upon his stomach; oh to taste it. What would hers be like? She barely noticed his enjoyment, however as she tossed the vibrator back into the bag and took his cock in a firm grip. "Oh, my! This is hard already! And I wasn't going to use it until later! Mm! I'm going to have to bind it, I think!"
And so she did, painfully. He tried not to show his discomfort but it was very difficult. She looked at him, clearly enjoying tormenting him in such a way.
"Right, slave," she said, removing the ball gag and straddling his face, "I want you to tongue-fuck me and if you do a good job of it, I'll untie your cock. If not, well, we'll see..."