Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, hope you enjoy it. Remember, I live for your feedback, so even if you hate it, let me know. Jenny xxx
Update (10/19/11): Hope people are still enjoying this - lack of recent comments is a bit discuraging. If you're still interested, please let me know. If not, I'll work on other stuff.
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Update (11/13/11): Thanks for the feedback, glad people are enjoying it. I think you'll like this bit :-) As always, please comment to encourage me to write more. Jenny xxx
Update (11/16/11): Love your comments, especially that big long one :-) Keep 'em coming and I'll keep the story coming ! Jenny xxx
Update (11/18/11): Yet more! Please leave a comment, really appreciate those left so far Jenny xxx
Update (11/22/11): More comments Please!
Update (12/05/11): Hope for a few more comments on this bit please. Jenny xxx
Update (12/16/11): All good things come to an end, hope you enjoyed Maria - if you want to know how I imagine her, follow this link http://bit.ly/u59E7x
Part 1
Maria Hughes was a strikingly beautiful woman, even at thirty five. She had inherited her dark good looks – black hair, olive skin – from her Turkish mother, and she had kept herself in excellent shape, being very keen on sports as a child, which she'd kept up, playing tennis and squash to a decent level. Her body had developed into a very curvy hourglass, and though she had to stay on a strict diet throughout her adult life, that hadn't been a problem. She had inherited her great self-confidence and intense will to win from her English father, and it had come to the fore in her sports, where she had turned a limited natural talent into a formidable track record at club and county level, in her academic achievements, where she had achieved a first class honours degree from Oxford, and in her work.
Everyone had expected her to go into some academic field or become a famous writer, journalist or TV presenter, but her competitive instincts kicked in and she went into sales. As a twenty-two year old attractive woman in a predominantly man's world, she had had to develop a thick skin pretty quickly, and she soon developed a reputation as a hard bitch amongst her colleagues – or rivals, as she saw them. But she soon learned how to use her sexuality to charm her clients into signing deals which took her to the top of the sales league tables year after year. Her biggest problem had been other women, but she'd gradually learned which she had to charm, which to flatter and which to flirt with to get her way. She would use any and every weapon in her armoury to get to the top, whether it involved sleeping with her boss, her boss's boss or her client.
She had been made Sales Manager at thirty, the youngest ever in the company, and now at thirty five, she was in line for a Directorship and a sweet deal on shares and pension which would set her up for life. She ruled her team with a rod of iron, and she relished the fact that they feared and respected her, more than they liked her, but they liked the bonuses she made sure they earned.
So she was on a high. She had a beautiful, and very expensive, penthouse apartment overlooking the Thames, which she spent almost no time in; she had a beautiful, and very expensive, sports car, which was almost entirely pointless in the city as she travelled by taxi everywhere; she also had a beautiful, and very expensive, wardrobe of business clothes, which she used to emphasise and illustrate her power, position and sexuality.
Her private life was as under control as her work. She had had some fairly serious relationships through her teens and early twenties, but they had usually foundered when her lovers had grown tired of her constant work ethic, her desire – even need – to be in control, and her demands that they push themselves as much as she did herself. Since then, she had engaged in short-term relationships, even one night stands, to satisfy her own physical rather than emotional needs. She had been the instigator in these relationships and remained in control until she tired of her latest conquest and dismissed him with icy efficiency. The idea of paying for sex did not outrage her morally, and would simplify the whole process of satisfying her physical needs, but she would see it as an admission of defeat, that she no longer had what it took to win in the sex game.
"Excuse me, Miss Hughes ?" She had heard the knock on her office door and ignored it, on the basis that she was busy and anyone with an ounce of sense would not risk her wrath by interrupting her. She looked up and saw the young man standing in the doorway, the door pushed open despite her standing order that when her door was closed, she was not to be disturbed – even the Managing Director knew that.
She vaguely recognised the guy as a student who was working in the IT department – Cliff, Chris, something like that. He had annoyed her the previous week by insisting he be allowed to carry out a software audit on her laptop, even when she had told him she didn't have time to stop work for something so trivial. An hour after she had got rid of him, she had received an apologetic email from the MD requesting – i.e. demanding – that she co-operate with the IT department in their 'essential' work.
"What do you want ?" she said in an entirely unfriendly tone, backing it up with a sour look and some closed body language, but he didn't take the hint, coming into the office and sitting down in the chair opposite her as if he'd been invited.
"I just wanted to let you know the results of the IT audit" he said with a pleasant smile.
"Do I look like I care ?" Maria spat at him, pointedly looking down at her reports as a signal of dismissal.
"I think you should. I found some very interesting things". Something about his tone stopped her from just telling him to leave.
"What things ?" she asked warily. He handed her a sheaf of papers.
"Things like these personal emails and page views of various pornographic websites". She glanced through them and cursed herself – she had used her work laptop once, late at night, when she'd had a few drinks and felt a bit down ...
"This was not in the office or during office hours" she said coldly.
"You're right", the technician said cheerfully, "Still, misuse of company property is a sackable offence"
"They wouldn't sack me over this", Maria said, rather more forcefully than she'd intended.
"Almost certainly true. It wouldn't look too good to the board though, would it ? They might be a bit nervous about you as a director if they knew about your bondage fetish".
Maria looked at the young man in front of her and realised she might have underestimated his knowledge, his intelligence, and his purpose.
"What is it you want, Chris ?" she asked, fixing him with a steely glare.
"Its Colin, actually" he said, now openly grinning at her, mocking her attempts to regain control of the situation. She ground her teeth and kept silent.
"I did a sales training course once", he continued conversationally, "And they said, step one, make sure the client understands the size of the problem they have. So, Ms Hughes, do you appreciate the enormity of your problem ?"
"Why don't you spell it out to me, Colin ?" she said grimly.
"Okay, so you're up for the position of sales director in the next few months and you REALLY want that job, don't you ? It means position, power and, not least, money".
Maria kept silent, but was shocked by the accuracy of his analysis.
"Meanwhile, I have incontrovertible evidence which would kill that stone dead. Indeed, you might find your current position untenable".
"I could easily get a job elsewhere" she said defiantly.
"Not if your prospective employers were aware of this information".
Maria felt cold – he was threatening not just her promotion, not just her job, but her whole life.
"I see you're starting to understand" Colin said, casually crossing his legs, "So, step 2, get the client to tell you what the solution is worth to them. What's it worth to you, Ms Hughes ?"
"What do you want, Colin ? Money ?" she said, refusing to play his game.
"You're a very attractive woman, Maria", he said with a smirk. She looked at him with genuine surprise.
"Do you go for older women, then ?" she asked, feeling a mixture of pleasure and suspicion.
"Let's just say that this could be a lot less expensive than you were thinking. Why don't you come out from behind that desk and let me look at you ?" Maria was suddenly unsure of herself, a very unfamiliar feeling. Maybe she could use her considerable charms to get herself out of this situation, as she had on so many occasions. She gave him a coy smile and walked around the desk before perching on the edge of it in front of him. She watched as he looked up her body, from her high heels to her silky black hair, and felt she was gradually asserting herself.
"Take off you blouse" he ordered.
"I beg your pardon ?"
"Maria, I know you're not used to taking orders, but remember the bigger picture. You need to keep me sweet or I send an email to every member of the board with some of your more explicit messages attached. Now, I think you were about to take off some clothes for me ?" Maria looked uncertain again – this was not what she had expected, but she couldn't think of another option at that moment. She glanced nervously out of her office to see if anyone was looking, but the place was deserted this late on a Friday. Reluctantly, she started to unbutton her blouse, then slid it off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Colin let out a low whistle as he stared at her impressive 36DD breasts, presented spectacularly in a very expensive bra which gave her the perfect cleavage.
"Phew, that is some view !" he breathed, "Now take off the skirt". Biting back the abuse she wanted to throw at him, she unzipped the skirt and bent forward to take it off and put it neatly on the desk, inadvertently giving Colin a better view of her cleavage. As she straightened up, she stood tall and parted her legs slightly, taking on a fighter's stance, even though she was standing there in her bra and panties, garter belt and stockings – she could still defy this little prick !
"Very good. Now put this on". He tossed something to her, which she caught as a reflex action, before looking at what it was.
"What the fuck ?" she said, genuinely bemused as she looked down at the leather straps of the head harness, with the bright red ball at its centre.
"You know what it is and where it goes. Make sure you do it up tight", Colin ordered calmly.
"You've got to be joking !" Maria spluttered, looking at him in disbelief.
"I'm deadly serious, Maria. Put it on and be quick about it, you're trying my patience". She looked down at the device again and, for the first time, felt excitement stirring within her. Colin had discovered her secret desire to be dominated, to be bound and gagged, and he was going to exploit it. With her breath coming a little quicker, Maria put the ball to her lips, then eased it into her mouth and behind her teeth, trying to disguise her arousal but failing as Colin watched her cheeks blush bright red and her chest heave as she tried to breathe. She tightened the gag strap behind her head, feeling the ball pulled deeper into her mouth, then adjusted the chin strap and pulled the head straps up either side of her nose, up over her head and down to the buckle at the back. Her fingers trailed across the unfamiliar straps pressing into her skin, making her tremble a little with excitement.
"And finally" Colin said, tossing her another item, a pair of handcuffs, "Behind the back, please". Maria now looked pleadingly and shook her head, but he nodded his head in return, noting that her resistance seemed fairly token. With little fuss, she clipped the cuffs onto her left wrist and then put her arms behind her back. The sound of the ratchet closing around her right wrist echoed in the silence.
Only now did Colin stand up and approach the woman in front of him. She was almost as tall as him, in her five inch heels, but her proud shoulders had dropped a little as she had imprisoned herself in the cuffs, her whole body language suddenly meek instead of defiant. Colin ran his fingers over her bare skin, up her arm, down her back, across her flat stomach, enjoying the little shivers he could feel running through her body. He eased her long back hair from under the gag strap, then tightened it another notch, enjoying the small squeak this brought from Maria. He stood behind her and cupped her breasts in his hands and squeezing, bringing a muffled moan from her stretched lips. He brought his hands up on to her shoulders, then slowly pulled the straps of her bra down her arms until her magnificent breasts were suddenly free and the bra was around her wrists. He cupped her breasts again, pinching and pulling her nipples until they stood out firm and erect, and Maria was struggling for breath around the ball gag. Suddenly he felt her fingers grab at his crotch and grip his very stiff member. For a moment he thought she was trying to get some leverage on him, to force him to free her, but he knew he had her exactly where he wanted her when she started to rub his cock through the material of his trousers and push her buttocks into him, desperate to have him inside her. To re-establish his control of the situation, he grabbed her hair and pulled her head sharply back.
"You want it inside you, don't you, you slut ?" he hissed in her ear, then grabbed her crotch through her panties. "You're wet for me already ! Do you want me to fuck you, while you're gagged and cuffed ?" He felt her head nod against his shoulder.
"Well, I'm afraid you're going to have to wait". He let her go and she staggered a little as she regained her balance. He picked up the reports he had brought in and went to the door. He looked back at her and flicked a card towards her, which fluttered onto the carpet.
"Be at this address at 11 tonight. Wear something sexy" he smiled at her and turned to go.
"Oh, I guess you'll need these", he said, tossing two small keys on a ring onto the floor, where they skittered into a corner.
"Bring the gag and cuffs with you, we may need them". Maria watched helplessly as he left the office and walked away, a confident smirk on his face.
Part 2 (added: 10/07/2011)
Maria knew she somehow had to gain the upper hand over the creep who had violated her position of power and reduced her to some pathetic submissive girl in her own office, supposedly a place of fear and dread for junior employees and subordinates.
'Wear something sexy' he had said - well, Maria knew everything about sexy. She surveyed her walk-in wardrobe, looking for the killer outfit which would have this would-be blackmailer eating out of her hand. She passed over the business suits, evening dresses and cocktail dresses which all shouted 'powerful woman in charge!' and moved on to the less subtle outfits - a range of leather, latex and even PVC from which the clear message was 'Dominatrix'. She considered her range of costumes - policewoman, lawyer, doctor, nurse, schoolteacher, army colonel - but didn't feel they quite met the requirement. What would really intimidate an IT geek, probably not used to dealing with real women, and turn him into putty in her hands ? The answer came to her and she smiled at her own cunning.
When she was finally ready, she appraised herself in the mirror and liked what she saw. From her vertiginous stilettos, via her fishnet stockings, shiny black plastic skirt so short her garters were on display and her red latex boob tube, to her big, brassy blonde wig and her lurid makeup, she was every inch the very expensive hooker. She had accessorised with the thin stainless steel collar, ankle bracelet and belly button piercing. And the fun didn't stop there - if it came to it, she could unnerve him with her nipple rings, and her freshly shaved pubic mound now glittering with a fine vajazzle decoration !
She knew that any man seeing her would immediately want her and, at the same time, wonder if he could afford her. He would also know that, however much he thought he knew about sex, this broad would been there and done it all ! If he wasn't intimidated by her, he had just died of a heart attack.
The first man exposed to Maria's 1,000 watt sexuality was the taxi driver, and a heart attack was a distinct possibility. He was sure that, despite appearances, she wasn't a prostitute - she just gave off the wrong vibe. Normally he wouldn't pick up a woman dressed like that, and certainly wouldn't go to the address she had given him on the card, but there was something about her that made her impossible to refuse. Despite his many years of experience as a cabbie, the driver was struggling to avoid having an accident, with his gaze locked on his rear view mirror and the sight of her parted thighs ...
As they neared their destination, Maria thought that maybe she should have paid a little more than no attention to where she had been told to go. They were in a particularly seedy part of town, south of the river, an area she wouldn't normally be seen dead in, and one for which her current garb was spectacularly inappropriate - she was going to fit right in with all the other street-walkers !
The taxi driver dropped her on a poorly lit street and got out of there as quickly as possible, not bothering to put on his 'available for hire' light. She checked her watch - just before 11pm - and looked around for Colin. There were various groups of youths wandering about but he was nowhere to be seen and the address on the card was definitely for the auto repair shop which she was standing outside, though it seemed dark and deserted. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt a hand on her shoulder and she spun round, ready for fight more than flight, her natural reaction to a stress situation. A figure was leaning casually against the wall.
"Right on time, as always, Maria" Colin's voice held an amused tone, "Never be late for a sales call, eh ? And from the look of you, you are the goods on offer tonight !" Maria fought to bring down her heart rate and regain her own composure - she had not made the first impression she had hoped, but she could recover it.
"Well, if you're going to treat me like a whore, I thought I might as well look the part." She put as much contempt into her voice as possible and adopted a pose with one hand on her jutting hip, wishing she smoked so she could blow it in his face.
"You play the part so well, darling" he smirked, "I trust you brought the gag and cuffs ?" Maria was annoyed by this reference to her earlier humiliation but she pulled the offending items out of her bag and offered them to him. He took the ball gag but not the cuffs.
"Put them on for me, like you did before" he said calmly and casually - neither of them needed to voice the unspoken threat. Maria looked round and saw that the street was unnervingly busy for this time of night, groups of young men and women heading from one pub or club to the next, in various states of drunkenness and in skimpy or outlandish dress. She had already attracted a lot of attention with her own dress and was about to attract a lot more. Things were already getting away from her again and she felt frightened but also excited by her lack of control. With her heart pounding, she locked her wrists behind her back.
Colin moved in and pinned her against the wall. This guy, at whom she wouldn't normally look once, never mind twice, had his hand on her breasts and his tongue in her mouth, and she found herself responding, pushing back with her own tongue, arching her back, thrusting her hips at him. He rolled down the boob tube, releasing her magnificent breasts, and fondled her already hardening nipples. Maria didn't care who could see or who was watching, she pulled at the cuffs, enjoying the way they bit into the skin of her wrists, preventing her from resisting the crude groping of this sick pervert.
At last they broke the embrace and Maria looked over at a group of lads who were leering at her, appreciating a now-unobstructed view of her bare chest. Somehow their stares just made her hotter.
"I think we should take this inside, don't you ?" Colin said as he took her by the arm and steered her towards the door of the auto repair shop. He pulled out a large bunch of keys and unlocked the door, before pulling her inside and locking it behind them. The garage was lit only by the streetlights shining through the high windows and Maria could only vaguely see the cars, equipment and work bays in the shadows. There was a lingering smell of engine oil hanging in the air.
Her top was now twisted uselessly around her waist but she didn't care. Her chest was heaving from her shallow, excited breaths and she turned to face him, as if challenging him as to what his next action would be.
"Take off the top and skirt, Maria" he ordered, making no move towards her. She thought about resisting, about protesting that such a task was impossible with her hands cuffed behind her back, but she didn't. She was in the excitement of the moment, and wanted to find out where this would lead - she was so used to being the one giving the orders, it was thrilling to know she was firmly in someone else's power.
So she struggled to pull down the zip on her microskirt and then shimmied it down over her hips and onto the floor, where she kicked it away into the darkness. Then she pulled the boob tube down and similarly dispatched it to some corner of the workshop. She stood, legs planted firmly and proudly, unashamed of her naked body. Colin flipped a switch and she was illuminated by the harsh neon strip light overhead, showing up the thin sheen of sweat which she had developed in her overexcited state. Colin walked slowly towards her, appraising her, drinking in her impressive form, while she seemed to be preening under his admiring gaze. He reached out for her rock-hard nipples, squeezing them between thumb and forefinger, noting how she closed her eyes and parted her lips in response to his touch. She jumped, startled, as she felt him tie the blindfold over her eyes, leaving her only her sense of hearing, and of touch.
"Nice jewels" he laughed as his fingers trailed over the jewels on her Venus mound, though she was far more interested in where his fingers moved on to, as they parted her recently shaved labia and rubbed her engorged clitoris. She gave an involuntary gasp in response and bit her lip.
"What would you like me to do, Maria ?" Colin asked quietly, now only inches from her, feeling her hot breath on his face. Maria didn't trust herself to speak, wasn't sure what she'd say if she did speak. She felt his fingers slide into her hot, wet, very receptive cunt.
"I want you to fuck me" she whispered hoarsely, shocked by her own wantonness, the tone of desperate longing in her voice.
"What, me ?" he mocked, pushing his fingers a little deeper, "Just some oiky IT grunt student ? When you could have any man you fancy ? Why me, Maria ? What can I give you that you can't get from all the others ? What else do you want me to do to you, Maria ? What is it you really want ?" The 35-year old sales manager felt utterly unmanned by the responses her body was giving. She had spent the twenty years of her sexual maturity denying to herself the answers to those questions and suddenly, here in this filthy place, on this hot night, with this strange inquisitor and, above all, with the handcuffs biting into her wrists, she couldn't hold them back any more.
"I want you to tie me up and fuck me !" she blurted out, "I want you to tie me so fucking tight I can hardly breathe ! I want you to gag me so I can't scream out and I want you fuck me till I can't stand up, in my cunt, in my mouth, in my arse ! Just do it all to me, all night, all fucking day ! Just do it !" Maria was panting hard after her outburst, the pent up frustration coming out in her desperate appeal. She couldn't see but could imagine the smug grin of satisfaction on Colin's face as he heard the woman of his dreams making all his dreams come true. But he wasn't quite satisfied.
"Beg me" he said in an almost off-hand tone, "Beg your master to treat you like the slut you so clearly are." If Maria had had an ounce of self-control left, she would have baulked at this request. But having finally voiced her innermost desires, she would go to any lengths to have them fulfilled now.
"Master, this slave begs you to mistreat her in any way You see fit, as she is nothing more than a worthless piece of shit only useful to service Your needs" She had seen enough porn along these lines to know the required dialogue but, unlike the pneumatic actresses usually spouting these lines, she actually meant every word.
Colin didn't need any further encouragement. Switching off the phone he had used to record her impromptu confession, just in case he needed it, he set about restraining her. She felt chains wrapped and locked around her ankles, holding her feet wide apart as they were attached to bolts in the concrete floor. Her jaw was pulled down and he felt a gag being forced into her open mouth and strapped tight behind her head. She explored it with her tongue, quickly determining that it was a ring gag. She felt as if she was entering some kind of dream world, these things which she'd read about for so long, suddenly she was experiencing for the first time, and all in a mad headlong rush. Her wrists, already cuffed, were suddenly dragged up into the air amid the sound of chain rattling through a pulley, and she was forced to bend over forwards, presenting her beautifully rounded cheeks out behind her. Already she could feel saliva drooling from her mouth, her own sex juices leaking from her cunt and dribbling down her thigh, and she was struggling to hear anything above the pounding of blood in her ears.
She was shocked when she felt something being pushed into her virgin anus. She had never even playfully or experimentally put a finger up there - it was dirty, disgusting - but now something thick and cold and slimy - hopefully a coating of lubricant - was being forced into her. She felt something happening at the back of her head and then her head was pulled back sharply by the gag strap and the invader pulled deep into her back passage. She could no longer move her head without affecting the thing inside her and she suddenly realised what had been done to her - an image from some porn website of a woman with a big metal hook in her anus tied to the gag in her mouth came to Maria's mind and she knew she was now that woman.
"There", Colin said, a little breathlessly, "That's better !" He looked at her stretched form and actually pinched himself to check he wasn't dreaming. He'd done it ! The most beautiful woman in the office - no, pretty much the most beautiful woman he'd ever spoken to - was in front of him, blindfolded, gagged, strings of drool hanging from her mouth, tits swinging below her, ass sticking out behind her, tightly held in unbreakable chains. He tried to get control of his heart rate and his voice before he spoke again - he was the one supposed to be in charge here, not her.
"I hope you're enjoying your bondage" he said as smoothly as he could manage. "Time to make it a little more interesting".
Maria knew she was entirely helpless, entirely powerless to stop him from doing whatever he wanted to her, no matter how sick, how degrading, disgusting or even painful. She had no choice but to endure whatever he decided she should receive. She had never been more excited in her life. She knew it was sick, wrong, perverted, sinful. But she was not regretting her decision to finally give in to her true nature.
She let out a squeal of surprise as she felt something suddenly bite into her left nipple, then the same thing on her right. It was like he was running through a checklist of all the bondage she had ever fantasised about, and she cringed as she felt his fingers pushing her pussy lips apart and then the clamp close around her clitoris. She screamed for real this time, the pain in her most sensitive place unimaginable, but as she threw herself from side to side trying to somehow free herself, the tight grip of the chains on her limbs reinforced her helplessness in a thrillingly erotic way. There were tears on her face but she was closer to orgasm than at any time since she had first arrived.
She felt something nudging between her wet, swollen labia and wondered what was going to happen to her now. She expected the thing to be thrust into her mercilessly, without a care for her comfort or pleasure but, disappointingly, it just sat there, barely inside her. She tried to push herself back onto whatever it was, but it swung back, infuriating her. She let out an incoherent howl of frustration.
"Be patient, you horny little bitch", Colin chided good-naturedly, running his hand appreciatively over the smooth flesh of her buttock and thigh, feeling it shudder under his touch.
"This is the bit where the evil super-villain explains the terrible fate awaiting the bound and helpless beautiful victim" Maria's heart beat a little faster, not in fear but excitement.
"Before I got into IT, I did my degree in biomechanical engineering. The thing nudging against your hungry little cunt is a straightforward fucking machine [Maria almost fainted when she heard this - the thought of being endlessly fucked by a machine was almost too exciting to bear] but the control is a little adaptation of my own. It uses these heart and perspiration sensors [Maria felt something stuck to her chest and her right buttock] to control the motor. Basically, the more excited you get, the harder and faster the machine fucks you. It works off the mains, so no dead battery disappointment - ever. Oh, and there's an additional surprise as you get towards your inevitable climax. Enjoy !"
As he finished speaking, Maria heard a motor start up and, more importantly, felt the dildo, whose tip had been teasing her, slowly slide into her vagina. She thought she might cum right then as the anatomically correct but scaled up silicone cock filled her in both girth and depth. As it pulled out, she let out a long moan of pleasure at its invasion and frustration at its withdrawal. She rattled the chains holding her, yanking at her bonds, not so much to try to free herself as to remind herself she was unable to resist the thing abusing her, which was exactly what she craved.
Colin watched, fascinated, absent-mindedly toying with himself, as Maria thrashed in her bondage, impatiently pushing her hips back to meet the phallus, gradually increasing the speed and length of its thrusts as her level of arousal went up. As she began to approach her orgasm, he smiled as the machine's secondary function kicked in.
Maria found her squeals of ecstasy turned to screams of pain and surprise as she felt the clamps on her nipples and clitoris pulling downwards, biting deeper as the chain which joined them was wound tighter around the machine's additional slowly rotating shaft. It felt as if these most sensitive parts of her body would be ripped away, the tension became so great. Maria was going out of her mind with the conflicting waves of pain and pleasure coursing through her body, but at last she screamed out the most exquisitely tortured climax of her life. When at last she came down off that impossibly high plateau, she hung, drenched and exhausted, in her chains. The fucking machine, having released the chains, resumed its languid probing.
"Well, you seem to be enjoying that, so I'll leave you to it for a while", Colin said, bitterly regretting that he had decided to postpone his own gratification but knowing that, once taken, he would be no use to her, and he wanted to make this a most memorable night for her.
For Maria, it had already been the most memorable night of her life. Stripped, chained, gagged, fucked - it had previously been just the stuff of her wildest erotic fantasies. As she heard the door close and lock, she realised she was alone with the unrelenting machine, which she could not escape, which threatened to make her cum over and over and over again. Whatever she had been before, she had become something else this night. She wondered, with a mixture of trepidation and excitement, what other surprises the night held.
Part 3 (added: 10/11/2011)
Maria had tried to measure the passage of time in the normal way, but the infernal machine perpetually pumping into her destroyed her ability to concentrate and drove away all thoughts on any subject other than her own rampant libido. Then she tried to measure out time in the quantity and frequency of her orgasms, but pretty soon that broke down too. She was sure she couldn't sleep in the stress position she had been left in, but she would go from the terrible peak of one climax and remember nothing before she was being roughly hussled towards the next. One crashing orgasm started to run into the next, reducing her to a moaning, aching, sweating wreck.
So she had no idea how long she had been alone when she heard the door unlock and voices inside the workshop. Voices. She heard three, four, maybe five different male voices talking, laughing, joking as they moved towards her. Wearily she raised her head and looked in their direction. The voices trailed off into silence.
Colin knew immediately things were not good - Maria looked about out on her feet, drenched in sweat, her eyes ringed with a look of exhaustion. He quickly stepped forward and switched off the machine which had been fucking her for the last two hours - he cursed that last pint in the pub - released the ratchet on the chain holding her arms and supported her as she collapsed to the concrete.
"Gary, pass that bottle" he called over, and one of the new arrivals took the bottle of water across the shop to the woman - the naked, gagged, handcuffed, incredibly hot woman, he couldn't help thinking to himself. Colin squirted the water into her mouth through the open ring gag and, when she started to choke and cough it back, splashed it over her face and hair to cool her down. He unlocked her handcuffs, noticing the bruises on her wrists, and then unstrapped the gag, before having to help her to regain control of her mouth and stop drooling down her chin.
"Colin, what the fuck ?" Dave asked incredulously, voicing the dismay of the whole group of lads. They had been told they were coming here for a great time, and instead they seemed to have walked in on their friend kidnapping and raping some poor, innocent, gorgeous woman - possibly a prostitute, looking at what remained of her clothing, but still.
Colin looked at the group looking back at him, although he noticed their attention was mainly on the body of the woman next to him, and knew this could go horribly wrong very quickly. Then Maria spoke.
"Please", she croaked hoarsely, "please -" She broke off coughing and when Colin passed her the water, she swigged deeply from it. She flashed him a smile before she tried to carry on.
"Are these your friends ? Aren't you going to introduce me ?" There was something quintessentially English about the scene as Colin introduced his best friends - Gary, Dave, Alan, Pete and Deggsy - to this naked woman who had so recently been bound and gagged in front of them, as if they were on a receiving line at the kinkiest wedding ever.
"So, I assume you've come here to fuck me ?" Maria said, and watched as their jaws hit the floor, Colin included. This was the reaction she had been looking for when she first walked in here that night. She felt a surge of energy and power run through her body, washing away her exhaustion. She was in a place she knew all about - controlling a bunch of guys with their heads in their crotches. But then she felt uncomfortable - she didn't want to be in control, she wanted to be out of control.
"Master" she said as she sunk to her knees in front of Colin, head bowed. "Your slave begs to serve your needs and those of your friends". The group turned to Colin with a look of stunned confusion.
"So ... slave" Colin said, regaining his composure, "Do you want my friends to tie you up ?"
"This slave wants whatever Master chooses for her but, yes, she would like to be tied up." Maria's voice fell to a hoarse whisper as she said this, the excitement once more running through her body.
"Gentlemen, I hope the situation is now clear ? Grab some rope and join in" Maria felt a tingling sensation throughout her body as she felt the ropes tighten around her, her breath becoming shallow and rapid as they handled her roughly and her chest was constricted by the bondage. Soon she back in the position with her legs apart, buttocks on display behind, bent forward and arms held uselessly above her. The ring gag was forced back into her mouth and strapped even tighter, if that was possible.
For the first time in her life she was being taken at both ends at once, servicing two men, one in her mouth, the other in her pussy. Another thing was happening for the first time - she was reaching an uncontrolled orgasm. She had always enjoyed sex and she had had many orgasms, but she had either given them to herself or had almost forced her lovers to continue well beyond the point where they were getting any pleasure out of it in order to satisfy her. Yet here she was, being taken by a group of guys who would probably admit to themselves were not the most adept at sustained sexual performance, and it seemed that within moments of them entering her and beginning to get into a rhythm, she was climaxing in the most intense way. She was soon sweaty and exhausted, but she didn't want it to stop, ever.
After a while it did come to a halt, as the six young men had done all they could, at least for a while, to satisfy her seemingly insatiable appetite. As her wrists were released and she sank to her knees, Maria was at the same time relieved - that she was getting a rest from the strict bondage had been placed in - and disappointed that her night of adventure appeared to be coming to an end. But Colin had other ideas.
As the others rested and wondered if they'd ever be able to get hard again, Colin untied Maria's ankles and helped her to her feet. But, just as she thought she would be freed, he started wrapping rope around her wrists in front of her, cinching it tight, then pulling over the hook at the end of the hoist. She watched, rather stunned, as her arms were pulled up over her head and she was stretched up until only her toes trailed on the floor, unable to support her weight.
"Hey, guys" Colin called over as he retrieved several items from the bag he had brought with him, "Who wants to help me teach this slut what being a slave is really all about ?" Dave looked doubtfully at the leather-fronded flogger Colin had just put in his hand, and at the others he was handing out.
"Are you sure about this, Colin ?" he asked.
"Oh, for God's sake, Dave, man up !" Colin sneered, "She's already told you she wants to do whatever it takes to please you, so think Nike, just do it !" As he said this, he swung round and snapped the flogger in his hand across Maria's defenceless midriff. Her scream echoed back off the metal and concrete, joined by others as Colin lashed her mercilessly across her thighs and pussy. Dave finally got with the programme and started on her back, while Alan decided her breasts were a good target. Maria was suddenly in a world of pain, every part of her body screaming out. she twisted and turned, trying to somehow get away from the blows, but they were coming from every direction. She hated the pain, there was nothing erotic about this, how could anyone think it was a turn-on to be whipped ? And yet ... it wasn't that she was aroused by pain as she had been by bondage, it was that it was another aspect of her no longer being in control, albeit an unpleasant one. At the same time as she was hating every second, she wanted it, she needed it.
The three men flogging her had reinvigorated themselves and now ceased their assault, approaching her sweat-covered body hanging limply from the ropes with other things in mind. Maria felt them grab her aching limbs and suddenly she fond herself impaled, one cock thrust into her pussy and another finally violating her anal passage for the first time. By the time they had finished with her, she looked up to see the other four ready to resume ...
At last Maria, exhausted and sore, hoisted herself off the floor to see the group of men who had taken everything her body could give them, leaving. Colin helped her to her feet and recovered her clothes from around the workshop. Once she had dressed, he handed her a card.
"This address, 7 o'clock tonight", he said, "But Maria, this time, its your choice. I won't do anything with that stuff I found on your computer, its gone, no-one will ever know. Only come tonight if you want to." She staggered outside into the early dawn, realising she would never get a taxi at this time, in this neighbourhood, in this state, and started to walk back to her apartment. By the time she got home, she had just about enough energy to crawl into bed still in her clothes and fall asleep.
When she awoke, some time that afternoon, she got out of her disgusting clothes and took a long, hot shower. It was over ! She'd won ! Once again, Maria Hughes had used her innate sexuality and her will to win to get out of a difficult situation and beat her opposition. Of course, she knew she needed more than just his word - she never accepted any deal without a signed contract - but she knew enough about people to know he hadn't been lying.
As she dressed and fixed herself something to eat, she knew something was wrong. She should have been feeling pleased with herself, but instead she was just feeling empty. She realised that she really had changed - she had found out something about herself and she didn't want to try and pretend it had never happened, to go back to the way it was.
So she found herself standing outside an unprepossessing tower block in South London nervously biting her lip like a schoolgirl on a first date. She had dressed conservatively - certainly more conservative than the previous night - in a little black dress, low heels and chic and stylish underwear, although she didn't think it was going to be important what she was wearing.
Colin's flat was on the tenth floor and the lift was broken, as always, so Maria was out of breath and her heart thumping by the time she reached his door, although it wasn't entirely down to the stairs. She noticed her hand was shaking as she rang the bell. The door opened and Colin greeted her with a smile and a polite kiss. He invited her in and poured her a glass of red wine - she always drank white, but then he hadn't asked. She looked around the sitting room and saw that it was exactly as you would expect of a young IT graduate - second hand three-piece suite, second hand 1960s dining table and chairs, top of the range TV, audio and computer equipment. They sat on the suite acing each other.
"So, Maria", Colin started, "I am delighted and a little surprised to see you here. I have only one question - why ?" It seemed to Maria that she was always on the back foot with this guy - maybe that was part of the attraction. She took a large slug of her wine and smiled nervously.
"I-I w-want to be your s-slave, Master", she stuttered, appalled at her totally amateurish performance - for God's sake, she'd presented to CEOs and boards of directors, yet here she was before a twenty-year old boy falling over her words.
"Interesting", Colin said coolly, "What do you think being my slave involves ?" Maria was nonplussed by his reaction - she hadn't expected to be interviewed for the position !
"Er, you treat me as your slave ... you control my sex life, I service you in whatever way you command ... Master ?" She knew it was lame, but it was the best she could do. She felt terrible, she had the awful realisation that, having laid herself entirely open to him, he was going to reject her.
"Don't panic, Maria", Colin smiled, "I just want to be sure you know what you're committing yourself to, because once you do, there's no going back."
"Thank you, Master", Maria gushed, feeling pathetically grateful.
"I will be taking control of your sexuality", he went on, "I will decide if and when you cum - you will be trained, it may be harsh and difficult. Do you understand and accept this ?"
"Yes, Master"
"You will be used for my pleasure, not yours. You may be used by whoever I decide in whatever way, as you were last night. Do you understand and accept this ?"
"Yes, Master"
"I share this flat. You will be slave not only to me, but to my flatmate. Do you understand and accept this ?" Maria swallowed hard, she had not expected this.
"Yes, Master"
"Very well. Let's get started. Strip"
"Yes, Master" Maria took off her dress, underwear and shoes, then knelt on the floor before her new Master. Colin looked down on her and smiled inside, while managing to keep a neutral expression on his face.
"Very good, Maria. Just one mistake, the punishment for which we can sort out later." Maria looked alarmed at this, wondering what she had done wrong. Colin gave her a slight smile and explained.
"The correct submissive position for a slave in front of her Master is kneeling, with knees as far apart as possible, hands behind the back, and eyes downcast."
"But Master", Maria protested, "I didn't know that, You hadn't told me." She saw the angry look on Colin's face and knew she had made another mistake. She quickly opened her legs, put her arms behind her and stared down at the carpet.
"You sound as though you are blaming me for your error !" he said in an outraged tone.
"No, Master !" Maria exclaimed in horror, then more submissively, "Sorry, Master."
"We will deal with THAT later as well. Now, go and put your clothes in the box by the door, put on the collar and cuffs you will find there and lock the box, then come back here."
Maria skittered off to the door, feeling embarrassed at the way her large breasts swung and jiggled as she did so, and opened the metal box she found there. She saw four leather cuffs and a steel collar, which she took out and replaced with her clothes. She shut the box and closed the hasp of the padlock she found next to the box. She strapped the cuffs on her wrists and ankles, noting the four D rings on each. She then picked up the collar and examined it. It was about an inch high and maybe quarter of an inch thick and she saw that it also had connection points for restraints but they were more subtle than the large D rings. It also had an integral lock on the opposite side from the hinge and was lined with soft leather. She knew that as soon as she put it around her neck it would lock and she would be trapped in it until her Master decided to release her. Trapped ? Isn't this what she wanted, she thought, to relinquish responsibility ? She closed the steel band, hearing the soft click of the lock and feeling the collar squeeze her neck gently but constantly, not restricting her breathing at all but reminding her of its presence at all times. She scurried back to the sitting room and resumed her position at Colin's feet, trying to control her shallow breathing and pounding heart. As she looked down, she saw the slickness on her inner thighs and flushed red in embarrassment.
"Very good, Maria" Colin smiled encouragingly, "Now you will always be naked in this flat unless I tell you differently, and that includes entering the flat, so you will need to strip before you try to enter"
"Yes, Master" Maria said quietly, wondering at the possibilities from embarrassment there.
"Now, I'm sure you'd like to meet my flatmate" Colin went to one of the doors leading off the sitting room and went into the room beyond. He returned a minute or two later and Maria's eyes widened in shock and a growing sense of horror.
He was being followed by a young woman - no more than a girl, in Maria's eyes - and she was naked. She was about five feet two, had short, spiky black hair and a very slim, almost boyish figure - unlike Maria, she had small breasts and slender hips. Her pubic hair had been removed and she wore cuffs and collar identical to Maria's - she was clearly Colin's slave as well. But this wasn't what horrified Maria, it was the fact that she had agreed to be this girl's slave !
"Kelly, this is Maria, Maria, this is Kelly" Maria glanced up and saw a look of hatred in the girl's face, before she got down on the carpet next to her and assumed the submissive posture. The look had been wiped away and replaced by a blank expression.
"Now, I don't want any jealousy or bad feeling between my slaves" Colin said sternly, discerning that this was a distinct possibility.
"Kelly, you're not getting replaced by Maria." Kelly's face remained blank.
"Maria will be able to help you out in so many ways. In fact, she's your slave as well, haven't you ?" Maria looked nervously at the girl alongside her.
"Yes, Master ... Yes, Mistress."
This seemed to perk Kelly's interest, and she turned to look at Maria with a twinkle in her eye. Maria felt distinctly uneasy, but at the same time, she realised her heart was beating faster again - the thought of having ceded control to this girl probably half her age, while frightening, was turning her on. She thought just how far she had fallen, in little more than 24 hours, from a high-powered sales manager shooting for a directorship to sex slave to not one person, but two, one of them a teenage girl !
"Now", Colin said with a smirk, "We have Maria's punishment to discuss". Maria swallowed nervously as she looked from her Master to her Mistress.
Part 4 (added: 10/19/2011)
Maria was being prepared for her punishment. First, Colin had tied rope to the cuffs on her wrists and looped these through the ring on the back of her collar, pulling her arms up behind her back until her hands were held between her shoulder blades. He had strapped a spreader bar to her thighs just above her knees, forcing her legs so far apart her hamstrings were protesting. Now he was fitting a dental gag into her mouth, forcing her jaws apart.
"Of course, this bondage is entirely for show", he explained as Maria tried to stop herself drooling on the carpet, "As our slave you would accept your punishment anyway, wouldn't you ?"
"'es 'aster", Maria managed to say, but lost control of her saliva in the process and felt it slide down her chin. She was worried - not by her submission to Colin as her Master, but by the girl, Kelly, Colin's other slave, and also now her Mistress. She seemed to have taken an instant dislike to the older woman, and Maria hoped they would get a chance to talk at some point and sort out her concerns - Maria believed that issues needed to be aired and discussed so they could be resolved, it worked in business, why not in this twilight world of BDSM ?
"Very well", Colin said as he picked up two canes, handing one to Kelly and flexing the other in front of Maria's anxious face - the whipping she had received the previous night had been her first experience of corporal punishment and had been horribly painful, she wondered nervously whether caning would be better or worse.
"Now, the first offense was not assuming the correct slave posture", Colin went on, "Quite a minor offence, so I think five strokes - what do you think, Kelly ?"
"Very lenient, Master", the young girl said, shooting Maria another evil look - why does she have a problem with me, thought Maria, I'm a slave like her and have no intention of pushing her out, even if I could.
"The other offence, answering back to her Master, is far more serious. What do you say, Kelly ?"
"Master, a slave needs to understand her place. A minimum of fifteen strokes is required, if it pleases You" Maria whined in fear, could she take that much punishment ?
"That seems a little harsh" Colin said doubtfully.
"Master", Kelly replied, "Spare the rod, spoil the slave, I think You said to me the first time You punished me" Colin laughed.
"Very well, twenty in total, we'll take it in turns. Maria, as this is for your benefit, you will thank the appropriate person after each stroke. Now bend over."
Maria swallowed hard and bent until her back was parallel to the floor and her ass presented for punishment. She heard the cane swish through the air and her nostrils flared in fear. The next time she heard it, she felt a blazing stripe burn across her buttocks and squealed in alarm as the sharp pain hit her a split second later. She fought to control herself, managing to prevent herself from straightening up, and then getting control of her breathing.
"'ank 'ou, 'aster" she managed to say. Immediately she felt the second blow and screamed in agony - Kelly must have put everything into the stroke because it seemed far harder than the first. The path the cane had taken seared into her and she felt tears spring to her eyes as she tried to cope with the pain.
"'ank 'ou, 'ist'ess" she finally managed to whine, watching as long strings of drool now dropped onto the carpet beneath her.
In two more strokes her tears were joining her saliva on the carpet, followed not long after by her snot as she wailed and sobbed uncontrollably. In another few strokes, her bladder released and she felt hot liquid running down her thighs. She had lost count of the strokes and only realised her torment was ended when she saw Colin taking the canes away. Every inch of her buttocks and a fair bit of the tops of her thighs was on fire and she felt like she would never be able to sit down again.
"I have another present for you, Kelly" Colin said, as he brought back what looked to Maria like a very large dildo with some leather straps. Kelly's eyes lit up and she smiled as she took it from him and turned her back on Maria so she couldn't see what she was doing.
"Thank you, Master" she said as she turned back around - Maria could now see that it was a strap-on and, if they came in small, medium and large, Maria thought this was XL / porn star size. She let out a whine which managed to express fear and excitement at the same time. Kelly came around behind her and pushed her to bend over, her knees still held apart by the spreader bar, then slid the dildo into her gaping, swollen and well-lubricated pussy. Maria now groaned loudly in ecstasy as the invader filled her and stretched her more than she'd ever been before. She felt it withdraw and waited in anticipation of the next delicious stroke. But instead she felt it pressing against the tight bud between her buttocks. Her eyes shot open in horror at the realisation that this monster was going to be thrust into her anus, which had only been used in this way for the first time the previous night, and then by a much smaller phallus.
As her sphincter tried to stretch around the massive girth, Maria felt the scream rise in her throat in response to the sudden excruciating pain, but at that precise moment, she found her throat blocked by the intrusion of Colin's hard erection through her open mouth, still clamped in the dental gag. She felt as if she was being split open by the dildo as Kelly drove it into her mercilessly and she was definitely choking on the cock cutting off her air supply. She was becoming dizzy from a lack of oxygen before she was finally able to suck in a desperate breath whilst trying not to throw up from her gag reflex. The dildo rammed into her again and Colin timed his own thrust to silence her agonised cries once more, as the tears squeezed from her eyes, screwed shut in an effort to cope with the pain from her rectum.
Suddenly she could feel cum being shot down her throat, then as Colin's erection faded, she tasted cum in her mouth. Kelly thrust into her again and, finally able to express her discomfort, Maria let out an inarticulate howl of pan and despair, which bubbled through the cum and made it spray out of her mouth and run down her chin.
"I think that's enough, Kelly" Colin said, to Kelly's frustration and Maria's relief. The dildo was withdrawn and the spreader bar removed, though Maria was forced to stand bow-legged like a cowboy returning from a month in the saddle.
"Why don't you help Maria out of her bondage and show her where she'll be sleeping when she's here, Kelly, then you and I can go down to the pub".
"Yes, Master" Kelly replied, before grabbing a handful of Maria's hair and pulling her towards the room she had originally come from. Maria waddled after her young Mistress, her legs still awkwardly spread by the pain in her rear.
The room they entered was presumably a bedroom in a normal flat, but it had been stripped of all furniture, carpet and the walls were plain white. The floor was covered in plastic sheeting pinned down to the bare floorboards, and there were a myriad of eyebolts set into the walls, ceiling and floor. Maria saw two cages in the corner, each about the size required for a large dog, but she assumed that she would be sleeping in one and Kelly the other. The only other item of furniture in the room was a chest of drawers, which seemed out of place.
As her gag was removed, Maria saw this as her opportunity to set things right with Kelly, although she realised she had to stay within the constraints of their 'relationship'.
"Mistress, please don't feel threatened in any way by me, our Master doesn't want to replace You" She felt ridiculous being so deferential to a girl half her age, but knew she had to try to allay any concerns she had. Kelly gave her an unpleasant grin.
"You don't remember me, do you ?" she said accusingly. Maria was taken by surprise by this and wracked her brain for any recollection of the woman.
"No, Mistress", she admitted, wondering how they could have met. Whilst they had been speaking, Kelly went over to the drawers and put the dental gag away, but returned with a wide leather strap with a rubber phallic protrusion on one side and a thin tube with a bulb at the end on the other. As it was offered up to her face, Maria pulled away - wasn't she meant to be being helped out of her bondage, not put in more ?
"Resisting your Mistress ?" Kelly asked archly, "Do you want more punishment ?" Maria certainly didn't and realised that, with her arms still twisted up behind her back, she was hardly in a position of strength. Hurriedly, she opened her mouth and leaned forward to put the rubber phallus in, before Kelly buckled the strap tight behind her head. Maria tried to make herself understood around the new gag, so she could beg that her Mistress would explain herself, but only muffled sounds came out and, after Kelly had pumped the bulb a few times, even that was denied her as the phallus expanded to fill her mouth and stretch her jaw until she felt like it was going to become unhinged.
Her young Mistress then brought over some vicious-looking nipple clamps, which she applied to Maria, who, deprived of her voice, twisted her body and screwed up her face to express the level of pain and discomfort they were causing. Kelly smiled as she pulled on the chain between them, making Maria suffer even more.
Maria didn't have to worry that Kelly was not going to explain herself, that was exactly what she planned to do.
"I came to work at your company not long ago as an intern", Kelly said as she made Maria kneel on the floor and crawl into one of the cages. The cage wasn't big enough for Maria to either straighten up or turn around, and her bottom was so sore from both the caning and anal assault she had suffered, she just stayed in the kneeling position, her arms still painfully twisted up between her shoulder blades. Kelly spoke to her through the bars.
"I really needed that job", she continued, "And I reckon I would have got it, but the Personnel lady said they'd had a very negative report from a Ms Hughes in Sales and they couldn't offer me a full-time post. I was thrown out of my flat because I couldn't pay my rent and I had to move in here - I'd started seeing Colin while I was at the company. He said that if I was to live here rent free, then I had to become his sex slave - the bastard blackmailed me into this, and all because of you !" Maria swallowed hard, understanding now why the young woman hated her so vehemently.
"I'm eighteen, I've had a grand total of three boyfriends in my whole fucking life, and now I'm forced to live here naked and in chains, calling that wanker Master and letting him fuck me, bugger me and make me suck his cock whenever he feels like it. And his creepy mates ! He doesn't let me out on my own, I can't apply for jobs, so I'm trapped !" A tear ran down Kelly's face, but Maria could also see the look of hatred there, directed at her.
"So I had plenty of time to think, and plan" she went on through gritted teeth, "And you know what ? I came up with a plan to get revenge and to get myself free ! And you're it." Maria suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as the true situation started to dawn on her.
"I suggested to 'Master' he dig up something on you off your computer - everyone's got something they're ashamed of on their computer, and I already knew he fancied you. And, my, what a lot you've got to be ashamed of ! I understand you actually came here of your own free will - what a fucking perverted freak you are ! Him making me your Mistress and letting me torture you is a real bonus. Also, don't worry about replacing me - that's exactly why you're here. Now our glorious Master has you to fuck and to beat up on, he doesn't need me, and I can talk him into letting me go. But until he does, I can make your life a living Hell, like you did for me. How does that sound like as a plan to you, cunt ?"
As she was saying this, she had grabbed the chain between the clamps on Maria's nipples and was pulling it through the mesh of the cage. Maria leaned forward towards Kelly to reduce the tension in the chain but was soon up against the mesh and Kelly continued to pull. The clamps tightened their grip on Maria's nipples as the chain was pulled until the nipples themselves were being pulled through the mesh. Kelly finally tied the chain to an eyebolt in the wall, leaving Maria pressed up against the side of the cage and suffering the biting pain of the clamps on her nipples.
"One last thing" Kelly said, "I heard Colin say he wouldn't use that blackmail stuff he has on you. Well, if you try and fuck up my escape plans, I have enough on you to sink you without trace, so don't even think about getting away before I'm out of here or you're dead meat, understand ?" With that, she got up and went to the door. She switched out the light, closing the door behind her, leaving Maria in the dark, the only light being the thin strip under the door. Ten minutes later, that light also went out, and she heard the main door of the flat slam shut, then silence.
Maria couldn't really take in what was happening to her. She had been blackmailed into becoming the sex slave of a subordinate co-worker and now she was being blackmailed and tortured by his teenage former girlfriend turned sex slave ! It should be the ultimate nightmare for a control freak like her, but instead, despite the pain and the humiliating position she was currently in, despite the degrading treatment she had received, something in her brain told her this was incredibly erotic. Not only had she fallen into a deep abyss from which she could see no escape, she didn't even want to try.
Part 5 (added: 10/28/2011)
Maria was rudely woken by the bright, unnatural light. She had been freed from her painful bondage when the others had returned from the pub so that she could be fucked doggy fashion by Colin while licking Kelly almost, but never quite to orgasm. Now every part of her body ached. The two slaves were set to their early tasks - Kelly made Colin his breakfast while Maria cleaned the shower, bath, sink and toilet. When she had finished she assumed her slave position alongside Kelly and in front of their Master as he read the Sunday papers.
Meanwhile Kelly had had a sleepless night working out exactly what she was going to say at this moment, a moment she hoped would change her life.
"Master", she murmured, eyes on the carpet in front of her, "This slave craves Your indulgence." Colin smiled and chewed his bacon.
"Sure, Kelly, speak freely, what's on your mind ?"
"Master, this slave is overjoyed that You now have Maria as a slave - she is beautiful, sexy and loves and wants to be Your slave. You no longer need this slave - she is worthless, ugly, flat-chested, and cannot satisfy Your needs. She understands You have moved on to bigger and better things - she begs that You cast her aside, so that You can concentrate all Your energies and imagination on Your one true slave".
Colin's smile broadened as he seemed to be considering what she had said.
"So you're willing to give up your position as my slave ?"
"Yes, Master".
"But what would you do, where would you go ?" Kerry, smiled, encouraged that Colin seemed open to the idea.
"I could move back into my parents' house for a while", she said enthusiastically, "Just till I got myself sorted out".
"I think that's a great idea", Colin said, nodding and smiling, "I'm sure they'd be very happy to see you. Especially your dad"
"Oh thank you, Master", Kelly gushed, almost bursting into tears of joy and spontaneously leaning forward to kiss Colin's shoe. Then something clicked.
"My dad ?", she asked, confused and suddenly a little fearful.
"Yes, maybe having you back around the house will make him realise that that naked girl in all those pictures he's been looking at is his own sweet daughter". Kelly couldn.t breathe and there was suddenly a terrible ringing in her ears, which made hearing the rest of what Colin said difficult.
"I sent him a link to your website a couple of weeks after you moved in here and he's been visiting regularly ever since". As he was saying this he'd moved over to his computer.
"Come over and have a look" he said. Kelly reluctantly walked over and saw what was on the screen - hundreds, maybe thousands of pictures of her, tied, chained, gagged, whipped, but always naked.
"Don't worry, Kelly, he hasn't seen any of your face - I've either cut your head out, obscured it, or you were wearing the hood".
The colour had completely drained from Kelly's face, which was a mask of horror. Now the tears started.
"But there's a secure section of the site, just needs the password. Your dad could guess it if he knew who he was looking at", Colin went on in a conversational tone.
"What do you think it might be, Kelly ?" The distraught girl was sobbing uncontrollably now. Colin grabbed her chin and dragged it close to the screen, where the password field had five asterisks in it.
"kelly" she said despairingly, hopelessly.
"Give the girl a prize !" A new screen displayed, this time displaying pictures of her smiling face, her gag-stretched mouth, upper body and full frontal shots showing her naked, bound and tortured body. Kelly let out a howl of despair.
"He's not very observant, your dad, not recognising his own daughter's naked body. But maybe your brother can help him out". Kelly looked like a hunted animal, her red-rimmed eyes wide at this new shock.
"I found your big brother's email address in your dad's contact list, so I thought I'd ask him to join your very exclusive group of admirers"
"No !" she screamed, "Please, Master, please don't do that !"
"I thought I wasn't to be your Master any more, Kelly ?" Colin said in mock confusion.
"Master, forgive me, I'll be your slave, I'll do anything, please !" She was crying freely and was on her knees begging.
"Hmm, I'm not so sure, you made a very convincing argument earlier. Anyway, I'm sure once they got over the initial shock, they'd be very supportive. Mind you, I've been monitoring your dad's other web activities, and he seems to have, thanks to you, developed a keen interest in underage girls. I'm afraid the police would be very interested". Kelly knew she was utterly defeated.
"Master, Your worthless slave is begging You to keep her" she sobbed.
"And what about the next time you decide you might like to leave and do something else ?" Colin taunted, continuing to turn the knife. All the hope of earlier had been completely crushed and Kelly was a broken figure.
"There will never be a next time, Master. I will be Your slave until I die, or You tire of me".
"You're right", Colin said coldly, "I am your master, both of you, and don't you ever forget that. Now get in the bedroom". The two women scurried after him.
"Maria, cage, now !" Maria crawled into her night cage and snapped the padlock closed, imprisoning herself until her Master decided to free her.
Colin got several lengths of rope and bound Kelly's arms behind her back, elbow to elbow and wrist to wrist, then her legs at knees and ankles. He then stood in front of Kelly and slowly and deliberately tied a hangman's noose. Kelly's eyes widened in terror as she began to fear for her life. When he'd finished, he passed the rope through an eyebolt directly above her and placed the noose around her neck.
"Oh my god !" she wailed, in complete panic "Please, Master, don't kill me, I'll be good !"
"But you told me how worthless you are, Kelly", Colin said as he tightened the noose, "If you're so worthless, why would I want you ?"
"Oh please, Master, I can learn to please you, Maria can teach me, I ..." Kelly's begging was gradually cut off as Colin pulled on the rope until she was balancing on her toes, her throat restricted, her face turning from red to purple.
"The thing is, darling, yes Maria is wonderful, her tits are a thing of beauty, she is incredibly sexy and she is so dirty, she will do anything I tell her to, and relish her own degradation in the process.
"But you, with your skinny, androgynous, child's body, you give me two things: you give me your hatred - you hate me and everything I do to you or make you do to yourself. And, of course, you give me your fear. I feed off both, they fill me, they inspire me to greater heights. I want you, and I will have you. There is no escape".
With that he left, switching out the light and shutting the door. As Maria sat in her cage listening to Kelly choking, she made herself a silent promise. She didn't know how or when, but if they both lived through this - and that was in doubt right now - she would get Kelly out of there.
Kelly survived half an hour before Colin came back in and cut her down. He released Maria and gave them their breakfast - two slices of stale white bread and a bowl of water on the kitchen floor which they had to lap from - then told them to get dressed as they were going out. Kelly had a very short denim skirt, a t-shirt and flat shoes to wear, whilst Maria had her £400 little black dress and heels - despite the fact she wasn't allowed to wear her underwear (neither was Kelly), Maria felt very well dressed - in fact, after a day entirely nude, she felt curiously overdressed.
They took a taxi into town and Maria started to feel very nervous when they got out in Soho at a seedy looking place which displayed the legendary sign "Tattoos and Piercings - While U Wait !!" Colin told them to wait outside, and he went inside alone. Maria guessed he was discussing what he wanted to be done to them, and she was feeling a little sick. She already had pierced ears and nipples, so assumed she was going to get a tattoo. She hated tattoos - every woman in her family ran to fat in middle age and, despite her fanatical exercise routine, she knew it was her inevitable fate, and she knew any body art on her firm, taut skin now would look grotesque and ridiculous in twenty years. Kelly, on the other hand, was terrified. She had never even had the courage to have her ears pierced. Luckily she had a perfect excuse for her friends, her dad had said he would kill her if she ever got anything done - her father, she thought, who now jerked off while looking at pictures of her, bound and naked ...
They went inside when Colin called them and went through to a curtained-off area where the work took place, where the tattooist was waiting for them. He was big - tall, wide and heavy - with a beard, greying ponytail and tattoos all over his arms.
"Strip" Colin ordered and, after a moment's uncertainty, they did as they were told, placing their few clothes in his outstretched arm while trying to cover their nakedness.
"Barry here knows what you're having done. Maria, you can go first, don't either of you give him any trouble." With that, he walked out, taking their clothes with him, Maria noticed.
Barry was not used to being left with naked women, but he decided he'd put up with it just this once - or any other time it happened. The skinny one was already freaking out, and he didn't think watching it happen to the smoking hot one was going to help, so he made her go and wait in the yard behind the shop. He indicated to Maria to lie down on the padded table, which she did, staring nervously at the ceiling. She felt a cool cloth swab her lower abdomen and looked down her body in alarm - clearly she was going to be tattooed just above her shaven mound. She found the experience deeply unpleasant and rather painful - but not nearly as painful as some of the things she had suffered in the last two days. When it was done, she propped herself up on her elbows and looked down. Across her body, just below her natural bikini line was a word, upside down to her view, but she could work out it said 'SLAVE'. She felt her face flush crimson - my god, she thought, I'm marked with that for life (she ignored the idea of laser removal). Her stomach churned - I really am a slave ! Her heart was pounding like the first time she tasted the ballgag half a lifetime - less than two days ! - ago. She felt herself get a little wet, and she rushed to get off the table to hide her arousal.
"Not so fast" Barry said as he put his hand on her shoulder and pushed her back down. Maria was confused - there was more ?
"Just spread your legs either side of the table" Apart from the acute embarrassment, and consequent arousal, this caused her, Maria realised it could only mean one thing - she was going to be pierced down there. She fervently hoped it wouldn't be through her clitoris - that would surely be the most painful - but then she suddenly thought, Christ, my body is being mutilated on the orders of my Master ! She blushed more as she became even wetter. Barry was becoming rather awestruck by this gorgeous woman - how could she be getting off on this ? He shifted rather uncomfortably in his chair and tried to concentrate on the job in front of him - but as the job in front of him was a dripping wet cunt, it wasn't easy.
They managed to get through it - Maria had been pierced before so kind of knew what to expect. Barry tried to think of his tax returns and what he would say to the bank manager when he went in to extend his overdraft. At the end of it, Maria had three piercings through each of her labia, all with plastic grommets, and a very sore pussy, Barry had a very sore erection.
Maria and Kelly changed places between out in the yard and flat on the table. Barry knew the skinny girl was going to be trouble, she seemed in a flat panic. He didn't like working on unwilling customers, whatever their boyfriends or 'masters' said. He locked eye contact with her and asked her name.
"Okay, Kelly", he said in as calm and kind a voice as possible, "Now, I don't care what anyone else says, do you want to be tattooed and pierced ?" Everything in the young woman cried NO ! Everything except a nasty little voice at the back of her head saying, the punishments for disobedience could just get worse ... Very reluctantly, she nodded her head.
Okay, problem one solved, now all he had to do was get her to keep still. He called the stunner back in and told her to calm her friend, but that just seemed to make things worse. He stared at her ass as she tried to hold the girl down and considered whether he should go the bathroom and jerk himself off, just to relieve the pressure.
Eventually, there was nothing else for it. He happened to have some rope in the shop (well, you never know ...) and, with Maria's help, he got her tied down on the table. Now his cock was getting even more sore. She was still screaming like a banshee and, feeling like he had died and gone to heaven, he pushed a cloth into her mouth to shut her up. So now he had a naked girl tied and gagged on his table and a naked girl with big tits holding her head still. He knew he had to be quick or he'd shoot off in his trousers.
He started with her ears and worked his way down to nipples, tattoo and pussy rings. It was a bit of an ordeal for all three of them, but they got through it and Barry shooed the two women outside, so he could sort himself out. But just as he was going to the bathroom for some executive relief, some customers came in and he desperately needed to hide his massive embarrassment.
"Kelly, I'm so sorry, I never thought -" Maria started on her latest attempt to beg forgiveness out in the yard, but Kelly turned on her and, with a wild cry, grabbed her hair, raked her nails down her face and grabbed her round the throat.
"FUCK OFF AND DIE !!" she screamed. She pushed the older woman backwards and, caught off balance and by surprise, she slammed into the wall and her head cracked against it. She slid to the ground, crying at the sharp pain. Kelly turned away and burst into tears of self-pity, sliding down the wall herself to sit on the wet concrete, hugging her knees. Maria didn't try to comfort her again.
The two slaves were eventually let back inside, shivering and wet, when Colin returned. He passed them each a plastic carrier bag and told them to get dressed. Maria looked in the bag and saw what appeared to be a couple of scraps of material and some old shoe insoles. The 'insoles' turned out to be running sandals, thin strips of foot-shaped leather protecting the sole and heel, held on by thin strings - it was how to look barefoot without having to worry about broken glass. The first piece of material seemed to be shocking pink panties or very short shorts, made in lycra. Maria pulled them on and was struggling by the time they reached mid-thigh. The stretchy material enabled her to get them up, but they were at least one size too small and she bulged out of them horribly (in her opinion). They were cut so low at the front that part of her new tattoo was on display. She had to really pull them through, leaving the top of her butt crack on display and really emphasising her swollen and sore pussy.
The other material was a white crop top - Maria's, appropriately, had the 'HOOTERS' logo on the front. She pulled it over her breasts but they were so large, the top didn't come much further down her chest. She looked over at Kelly enviously - she had an almost identical 'outfit', except her top said 'I
Colin and Barry held the polar opposite view - somehow, Maria scantily clad looked ten times sexier than Maria naked. Barry seriously had to get these people out of here. He handed Colin the receipt.
"Any chance I could get you to take payment in kind ?" he asked.
"What ?" Barry asked, suddenly unable to breathe.
"Choose a slave, one good blowjob and call it quits ?"
Kelly was thinking 'ugh, ugly fat bastard, please no !' Maria was thinking 'Pick me ! Pick me !" There was never a doubt.
As Colin and Kelly went into the main part of the shop, Maria sank down on her knees and watched Barry unfasten his jeans and pull them down with his boxers.
"Go easy on me", he said quietly, "I'm gonna explode and I would really like this to last more than ten seconds" Maria smiled up at him - she'd had six IT nerds the other night, she could nurse him along. His cock was already leaking and she thought it must have been a relief just to get his erection free. She tickled the tip of her tongue lightly along the length of the shaft, eliciting a rumbling groan from the big man, then started kissing, sucking and nibbling his balls, which she thought would be safe territory. She headed back up his shaft, just touching it with her lips and letting her hot breath tease him. Back at the head, she licked him like he was a lollipop, making him all wet and ...
"Oh, Christ !" Barry let out a strangulated cry, grabbed Maria's hair and pulled her mouth onto his pulsating cock. Twenty seconds later it was all over bar the swallowing, as she fought to prevent any dribbling down onto her new outfit.
As Maria joined the other two outside, they heard the door behind them lock - Barry was closed for business and going for a serious lie down.
"Right, Oxford Street !" Colin cried enthusiastically. The two women looked at each other, looked at their outfits, and thought 'Oh God, this is going to be embarrassing !' - but apart from that their reactions were completely different.
"A few ground rules. Its going to be busy, you're going to attract attention, you're going to get jostled, maybe even manhandled. So, you must hold hands, do you understand ?"
"Yes, Master" they replied together, Maria in nervous excitement, Kelly in fear.
"I want you two to kiss and make up, I can't have this atmosphere"
"Yes, Master"
"Well, go on then !" The women hadn't realised he meant the phrase literally and now turned to face each other awkwardly. After a few seconds they dipped together and kissed each other on the cheek.
"No !" Colin scolded, "Mouth to mouth, with tongues, and I'll tell you when to stop !"
There was another pause, while Kelly felt sick and Maria felt sick with excitement. The two women came together, pressing their lips against each other. Maria opened her mouth and, reluctantly, Kelly followed suit. Again Maria took the lead, her tongue probing into the other girl's mouth and searching out her tongue.
"Grab her arse, Maria ! Feel up her tits, Kelly ! Put some passion and feeling into it !" Maria couldn't stop herself becoming aroused - this was intensely embarrassing, she was being ordered to do it, Kelly was soft and yielding, she tasted good ... for Kelly, it was yet another reason for her to hate her 'Master' and Maria fucking Hughes. When they finally broke the kiss, Maria was flushed, breathing raggedly and her nipples were erect. Kelly wiped the spit from her face and readjusted her clothing.
"Better, now I want you to kiss like that whenever we go into a shop. So, holding hands, girls, and let's go !" They set off in the drizzle, Colin amused at what might happen, Kelly fearful of who they might meet and Maria with 'I kissed a girl and I liked it' playing in her head.
Oxford Street was mobbed, despite the rain - only 60 more shopping days to Christmas ! - and it was almost impossible to walk along the pavement (sidewalk) holding hands, so Colin led them out into the road (pavement !), which was virtually pedestrianised at this point. This made it easier to walk, but it also meant everyone had a better view of the two women strikingly (and scantily) dressed and holding hands. There were a lot of stares, some pointing and, this being London, a bunch of Japanese tourists wanting their picture taken with 'hot girls'. Kelly was starting to freak out - this was just the sort of day her mother would choose to come into town - and there were flashes from mobile phone cameras going off, so Colin steered them towards Top Shop and they went into the warm. Of course, that meant they had to kiss and Colin watched eagerly, along with a couple of hundred other people. And he started to realise that Maria was not only a closet bondage freak and a closet submissive, she was also a total exhibitionist - he could see how excited she was from showing off like this. He thought he'd been exceptionally lucky to trap her into giving him and his mates a great night, now he was trying to keep up with the surprises she kept throwing out.
"Kelly ? Kelly ! It is you ! I nearly didn't recognise you !"
"Stacey ?!" Kelly's voice sounded almost hysterical and the colour had drained out of her face as a blonde girl about her own age, dressed sensibly in coat, gloves and boots approached her with a look of astonishment on her face.
"What the fuck are you doing dressed like that, in here ?" Kissing her, she didn't say as she looked meaningfully at Maria. Kelly looked like a rabbit caught in headlights, and Maria stepped in to rescue her.
"Oh hi, you must be a friend of Kelly's ?" she said brightly.
"Yeah, yeah" Stacey said, looking both of them up and down.
"We're doing this for charity and, I've got to tell you, we picked the worst day !"
"Charity ?" the girl said sceptically.
"Yeah, we work in this real male-dominated sales team and they said, if we dressed up sexy and came into Oxford Street on a weekend, they would pay £50 to a charity of our choice, per shop, per kiss ! Twenty sales guys, 10 shops, that's £10,000 in less than an hour !"
"So ... where are they ?"
"You don't think we'd tell them when we were doing it, do you ? Not that bunch of letches ! Our mate Colin here is gathering the evidence and we can hit them with it on Monday" Colin held up the digital camera he had, in fact, recorded it all on.
"So, who're you collecting for ?"
"The MS Society" Maria said smoothly, not missing a beat.
"Wow !" Stacey exclaimed, now sounding convinced, "I didn't think you'd have the bottle for something like this, Kelly !" Maria laughed.
"She works for me, and I can be very persuasive !"
"Well, good on you, have a tenner from me !" Kelly managed to smile weakly and say 'Bye' to her friend, but she had broken out in a cold sweat.
"Wow, Maria !" Colin said, "Did you come up with that on the fly ?"
"No, Master, I was thinking about it as soon as you said we were coming here - fail to prepare and prepare to fail" Colin laughed and led them outside. He liked the idea of ten shops, ten kisses, but it was raining harder and already getting dark.
"Sod it", he said, "Let's go to Harrods. It's only about a mile or so, I'll see you in the café". With that, he hailed a cab, jumped in, and left the two astonished women gawping after him in shock. They, of course, had no money for a cab or even the tube and would have to walk the almost two miles to Knightsbridge in the rain.
"Fuck this" Kelly said, and started running in the direction the cab had taken - she reckoned she was less likely to be recognised, less likely to be questioned or hassled, she'd get there quicker and drier, and she wouldn't have to be with Maria fucking Hughes.
Maria looked around, a little stunned. No good deed goes unpunished, she thought. She could run after them, but without a sports bra, it would be painful and she'd just look ridiculous. It suddenly seemed a lot less fun or safe on her own, but she had no choice and started walking down the road. She eventually arrived cold, wet and tired, and faced with the plethora of eating options at the massive store - there were four cafes and a tea rooms as well as all the restaurants ! She toured all of the coffee places before spotting Colin, inevitably, in the last one, Ca'puccino on the lower ground floor. She had received some startled looks from the customers, but the staff seemed to take seeing a semi-naked and very wet woman wandering the place in their stride - like it happened every day. Maria noticed her 'shorts' and top were plastered against her body, outlining her breasts and erect nipples (definitely the cold this time), and showing the outline of her swollen labia quite clearly, even down to the crack. Seeing that made her flush with embarrassment and arousal.
As she made her way towards Colin, she eventually saw Kelly sitting at his feet on her heels, eyes downcast and looking miserable. She took up an identical position alongside her. After a minute, Colin put down his newspaper and turned to them with a serious expression.
"I told you two to hold hands, an order you clearly disobeyed. Who's idea was that ?" Kelly reddened, but didn't speak.
"Master, it was my idea" Maria said. Kelly glanced at her - what the fuck was the bitch doing now, she thought.
"I told Kelly to go ahead - I thought there was no point in both of us getting soaked and maybe Kelly could ... entertain you while you waited. This slave begs forgiveness, Master" Colin looked at her thoughtfully - another masterpiece of plausible lies, he thought, and she's taking all the blame, does she actually want to be punished ? He said nothing, just finished his coffee, then led them over to the store guide, where they waited nervously until he had worked out where they needed to go.
They rode the escalators up to the fifth floor, trying to ignore the stares of the tourists still thronging the famous store, despite it being only 30 minutes to closing. Colin went up to the sales assistant, a tall, thin man, maybe in his forties.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for riding crops" Maria noticed a very slight raising of an eyebrow, a quick glance towards Kelly and her which managed to sweep their bodies, but only because she was expecting and looking for it - the guy was good.
"Certainly, sir, follow me" He took them to a display case, which he opened and took down a crop from the row of a dozen different sizes and styles.
"This is a popular model, sir, good flexibility, good feel in the handle" He handed it to Colin, who walked around with it, bending it over and swishing it through the air, enjoying the sound it made. When he brought it down on Kelly's thigh, she let out a loud squeal and her hand went to the site of the blow, rubbing it and hopping on one leg with her face screwed up in pain. Maria had kept her eyes on the sales assistant and saw his eyes widen and his nostrils flare, but only for a moment. Damn, he was good !
"Not bad", Colin said, as Kelly continued to whimper, "Which one would you recommend ?" The man gave a brief smile and turned to the display. He picked a longer and rather more elegant item and held it out to Colin.
"This is the Jeffries riding whip, sir, very flexible, the metal capped top means it is particularly suited for show, and the leather wrist strap means you won't drop it when ... disciplining your mount, sir" Colin laughed out loud at the man's excellent euphemism.
"Could you demonstrate it for me, please ?" The man's supercilious smile widened a little. He looked at Kelly, then Maria, as if choosing a victim. Maria stepped forward, turned her back and bent over, presenting her cheeks. Debate over, choice made.
The sales assistant took a deep breath, adjusted his stance, and swung. There was a whistle through the air, a loud slap of leather on buttock and a gasp from Maria. As they watched the red mark appear on her rump, Maria stayed bent over.
"I like your wrist action there, could you show me again ?" The man obliged, putting a little more into it and making Maria cry out and writhe a little under the blow.
"Excellent ! And the backhand ?" Maria cried out again, despite her best efforts to keep it in. She felt herself becoming damp between her thighs and imagined being ordered to relieve the man of the massive erection she had seen in his trousers.
"How much is that one ?"
"That is our top of the range at £15.95, sir"
"Is that all ? You always assume stuff is going to cost an arm and a leg here. Any chance of paying for that in kind ?"
"This is Harrods, sir, cash or card only"
They took a taxi home and, as they stood outside the door to the flat, Colin waited impatiently until Kelly and Maria had stripped before unlocking it and letting them inside. They put their wet things in the box and donned their cuffs, before going into the lounge and kneeling obediently.
After dinner - he had Spaghetti Bolognese, made by Maria, they had salad and fruit - Colin took them into the bathroom.
"Time to show off your new acquisitions" he said, and made Kelly stand in the shower cubicle, before padlocking her wrist cuffs to the eyebolt in the ceiling above her. He blindfolded her and put duct tape across her mouth.
"There, that should be enough disguise to fool your dad" He turned on the water and Kelly squealed as the icy blast hit her. She knew he would be taking pictures of her for that awful website and turned to hide her new rings and tattoo. Colin smiled and slapped her hard on the rump with his new riding whip.
"Turn and face us !" he ordered, reminding her that her shameful display was also being witnessed by that hateful woman - what a fucking show-off, Kelly thought, making a spectacle of herself wherever they went, even embarrassing her in front of her old schoolfriend Stacey, god that was awful, that cheap fucking whore ! It seemed everything bad in her life was down to Maria fucking Hughes.
Colin broke off from videoing the squirming girl to order Maria into the shower and to make Kelly cum. As soon as she felt the first touch, Kelly began screaming into the tape and trying to kick or knee the bitch in front of her. Maria grabbed the flailing legs and hung onto her thighs until she could get her mouth into Kelly's shaved pussy and, despite her continued frantic struggles, open her lips with her tongue. It's for your own good, she thought as she held the girl's clitoris in place with her teeth and massaged it vigorously with her flicking tongue. The quicker I make you cum, the better chance we both get out of here without more punishment.
"Hey, Maria" she heard, and turned her head, to find herself looking into the lens of the digital video camera. She turned back to the task at hand and felt the orgasm building in the girl, who kept trying to get free, stop this awful bitch from humiliating her further - didn't she know this was going to be seen by her father ? Oh Christ, she thought, she couldn't stop it now. There was no element of secret enjoyment for Kelly as she exploded, it was horrible and disgusting and shaming all the way for her, and to make it all so much worse, it was one of the most intense climaxes she'd ever had, all caught on film.
As Kelly slumped in her bonds, Colin dragged Maria off her and straight onto his throbbing erection. He filmed Maria's head, bobbing backwards and forwards on his shaft below him, then her upturned face as he pulled her head back and showered her in cum. Pure bloody gold, he thought as he switched off the camera.
The two women were locked in their bedroom as Colin went off to edit and post his video.
"Please, Mistress", Maria said as she knelt on the floor, eyes downcast, "Let me assuage your pain and suffering". Kelly turned to her, disbelief and hatred in her eyes. 'Assuage my pain and suffering' ?? she thought, I'll give you fucking pain and suffering !
She pulled Maria to her feet by her hair and slipped a padlock between the D rings on her wrist cuffs, locking her arms behind her back. She locked her left ankle to the floor, then dragged her right leg as far away as she could and still leave Maria standing, and locked it to the nearest eyebolt. She went to the drawers and got a length of rope, a hood and a flogger. Maria wondered if she had pushed too far this time.
The hood had no holes other than tiny nose holes for breathing. Once it was strapped on tight, Maria could see and hear nothing. She felt her wrists yanked up to the ceiling until her arms were vertical and her shoulder joints had rotated way past 90 degrees. All she had to do now was wait for the beating.
She didn't have long to wait, and it was brutal, far worse than anything she had suffered so far. Kelly put every ounce of fear, anger, hatred and despair into those blows and she relished the sound of Maria's muffled cries and the way she was squirming to get away, she knew there was no way the bitch was enjoying this. Kelly's pussy ached terribly from the piercings, and she knew if she ached, Maria must too. She targeted her most violent strikes across her already swollen cunt lips and was rewarded with frantic screams, the sound of tears and desperate shaking of the featureless hood. She threw down the flogger and picked up a cane and focused closely on the edge of her lips until they were red raw. She'd then beaten her buttocks and breasts until her arm was aching. She dropped the cane and lay down in her cage, crying in shame at what she had done and what she had become.
When Maria had calmed down enough to be capable of rational thought and the pain in her body had subsided to only screaming agony, she hoped the beating had done Kelly some good. For her own part, she seriously doubted she would ever be able to sit down or have sex again.
Part 6 (added: 11/13/2011)
Maria's first day back at work after her life-changing weekend was going to be a tough one. She had spent the night in her painful bondage - Colin had looked in and seen her hooded, bent over and spread, but rather than free her, he had used the opportunity to take her roughly from behind. He had assumed her muffled cries were of her ecstasy at his excellent technique, but unfortunately Maria was crying out at the renewed agony from the caning she had received on her pussy lips from Kelly, who was now sleeping peacefully in her slave cage a few feet away.
She was finally released at 5.30 am so she could get across town to her apartment to get ready for work. She left the flat wearing her pink lycra 'shorts' and her crop top, both still wet from the previous day, clutching her apartment keys and her oyster card. There weren't too many commuters on the bus or the tube at that time in the morning and she was too tired to care about their stares anyway. She had a quick shower when she got back, which woke her up a little, put on mascara and lip gloss, then dressed, as ordered by Colin, in blouse, skirt and heels - no underwear allowed.
On her way into the office, she considered the other instructions from her Master Colin - it still felt odd thinking of the young IT professional in that way, but she was gradually getting used to it. She was to lose the domineering attitude which had got her where she was today i.e. on the verge of a directorship in the sizeable company where she worked - no more office politicking, bitchy putdowns, withering looks, cutting comments or closed door policy. She had to be 'nice' to people - smile at them, laugh at their jokes, overlook their failings, help them when they were struggling and, most alarmingly, she was to flirt with anyone and everyone, from the old guy on the tube to the young girl in the typing pool.
She didn't feel at all comfortable when he'd told her all this - she had not expected him to interfere in her job, she thought that was part of their bargain - she would give herself to him as his sex slave, he would not destroy her career and working life. But she had not said anything then and now it was too late - she knew he would know if she disobeyed him and her punishment would be severe. But it wasn't the fear of punishment which made her follow his orders. She had always secretly wanted to be utterly dominated, to be totally stripped of all control and, now that he was holding out that promise to her, she was not going to screw it up by questioning his commands at this stage.
However, being Maria, a successful and highly competitive woman in every thing she did, she set herself a target. If she had to be a flirt, she would be the best damn flirt she could be, short of getting a charge for sexual harassment in the workplace!
Tanya had worked for Ms Hughes for 9 months and this was the first time she'd managed to get into the office before her, albeit only by a couple of minutes. She was Maria's PA and enjoyed her work, although she found her boss scary. It was her first job straight out of school and she was not the most confident of eighteen-year-olds. She still carried a little puppy fat, which meant she had been mercilessly teased at school about her weight and her breasts, which developed early and just kept on going until they rivalled and maybe surpassed Maria's impressive bust. It was difficult to tell, because Tanya dressed to hide, in shapeless long dresses and cardigans, as if she were in her forties. She even hid behind her hair, a mousy brown shoulder-length mop which covered half her face, and she wore large tortoise-shell rim glasses. Although Maria was demanding and unforgiving of mistakes, she had spotted something in Tanya she liked - possibly her eagerness to please and the opportunity to mould her into whatever she wanted - and had been surprisingly supportive of the young girl as she learned what was required of her.
Today, two things struck Tanya when she saw the boss arrive. One was obvious for all to see - the lack of a bra to constrain and control her 36DD breasts made for a spectacular display of almost random motions, jiggles and bounces under her crisp white blouse. Her strict diet and exercise routine meant there was no sag or downward momentum, even at thirty five, and everyone who saw her, male and female, found their eyes drawn towards her chest as if mesmerised.
But astonishingly, that wasn't the first thing Tanya noticed about her - she was dazzled by what she believed was the first smile she'd ever seen on the boss's face.
"Morning, Tanya! How are you? Have a good weekend?" Tanya was too surprised to get out a reply - she wasn't used to such pleasantries, especially on a Monday morning. Her only thought was, 'she must have had some damn good sex this weekend!' She would have been shocked to learn how right she was.
Maria breezed into her office and sat down at her desk. She immediately regretted it and, with a stifled squeal of pain, stood up again to check her emails from a standing position. A few minutes later she managed to shock Tanya again as she emerged from her office and leaned over the PA's desk, thrusting her bosom unnervingly close to her startled face.
"I'm just going for a coffee, would you like one, Tanya?" Dumbstruck by this unique event - she was more used to a gruff demand for 'coffee, black, keep it coming!' - she nodded her head reflexively.
"Sorry, but I don think I've ever asked - how do you take it?"
"Um, white, two sugars" she stammered, wondering what universe this was happening in.
"Aw, darling, I think you're sweet enough already!" As she watched those hips sway away, Tanya metaphorically pinched herself - should she phone a doctor?
First on Maria's agenda was the weekly sales kick-off with her team. She took her coffee into the meeting room and watched as the guys and gals filed in, bleary-eyed from a weekend of hard partying, chatting quietly and catching up on who'd done what to whom. As Tanya followed the last one in, closed the door and sat down to take any minutes, Maria decided she needed to grab their attention.
"Hey guys, I need your eyes front, I want your focus right here." As she said this, she hooked her thumb, poking it at her chest. This had them staring directly at her chest as she pressed her blouse inward so that her breasts were perfectly outlined, her firm nipples standing proud against the taut material. She certainly had their attention now.
"So, end of quarter this week and we've got a lot of business to close", she went on as they stared at her, wondering just exactly what had come over the boss.
"I know what it's like to be under pressure like you guys and its too easy to say, when its over and you didn't quite make your target, 'Oh I would have made it but for that bit of bad luck in the last week, if only ...' Well, I want to demonstrate to you this morning, you can overcome those obstacles. If you push through and think creatively, you can do it!"
She picked up her coffee as if taking a moment and raised it to her lips. But instead of drinking it, she poured it down her blouse, managing to sweep it all the way across her chest until the whole blouse was soaked.
"Oh dear, I seem to have had an unfortunate accident!" she exclaimed as she looked down to see the blouse plastered against her breasts, very clearly outlining her nicely aroused nipples. She looked up at her audience, who were gawping with open mouths at her.
"How can I possibly carry on presenting, when I'm such a mess?" She tried to wipe some of the liquid off, but strangely just managed to make it stick to her even more as the material of the blouse started to become see-through.
"I'll show you how. Tanya, be a darling and get my spare blouse from my office please. Ladies, to the front please." The three sales women in the team, rather startled to be called out, made their way towards Maria. She, in the meantime, started to unbutton her blouse and pull it from her waistband, under the eager gaze of the seventeen male members of the sales team. She motioned for the three women to face her and form a screen between her and the others.
"Okay, so no matter what happens", Maria went on, talking over the heads of the women, who were staring at her breasts, now fully exposed to them, gold nipple rings included, and wondering what those red stripes were which seemed to criss-cross them ...
"Keep going, focus on the task in hand and toss aside those roadblocks to closing the deal!"
As she said this, her stained blouse flew into the air and there was an unseemly scramble amongst those sitting in the front row to claim it. Tanya came back in with the fresh blouse, but stopped dead when she saw her boss topless. Maria smiled and reached over for the garment, giving the guys on the left side of the room a tantalising glimpse of nipple. She sent the bemused saleswomen back to their seats as she buttoned the blouse.
"Now, I'm not suggesting you strip off in front of your clients," she said as she tucked the blouse in, pulling it revealingly tight across her chest, "But if that's what it takes, hey, don't be shy!" There was a little laughter at this, some of it nervous as they tried to work out if it was a joke.
"All I'm saying is, think outside the box - if you're not sure about an idea, I'm here to bounce things off, I can suck it and see if it stands up to inspection. I'll come round today and talk to you individually about your accounts but, for now, get out there and remember - get up close and personal with your clients, keep abreast of what turns them on, and do whatever it takes to satisfy their desires and close that deal!"
There was a stunned silence for a few seconds then, for the first time ever, a spontaneous round of applause. It was probably the most memorable sales meeting ever, although no-one remembered a thing she'd said. Maria beamed at them as they filed out, making a mental note to nip to the toilet and wipe the slickness from her thighs!
She called the three saleswomen into her office to just check they were okay with what had just happened.
"Sorry to play so blatantly to the testosterone in the room earlier", she explained, "But you know the guys only think with their dicks and I wanted to grab their attention by the balls, as it were, and make sure they focus on getting the deals in. Hence the rather crude 'Tits Out for the Lads' performance earlier." The three women relaxed a little and shook their heads with a smile, indicating both an appreciation of the problem and an acceptance of the solution.
"I know you three are rather more mature than that lot and understand what we need to do in the next few days." She paused for effect. "Of course, if you need me to flash anything in your direction to get you motivated, just let me know and I'll be happy to oblige!" She flashed them a smile to let them know it was a joke - or not, whichever they preferred.
Not wanting to sit on her sore arse, Maria spent the rest of the morning walking the floor, visiting her team members and checking where they were with their opportunities and hot prospects. This gave her lots of opportunities for bending over desks, providing excellent views down her cleavage while also leaving her round, sumptuous bottom on general display. She was delighted but not surprised by how many of the guys kept coming up to her with bright ideas to reach their targets.
At lunchtime, she headed for the gym, as was her normal routine. The changing rooms were busy as usual and she couldn't get an individual changing cubicle, so had to change in the communal area. Having stripped off, she suddenly felt very aroused at being naked in front of all these super-fit women, and made no effort to cover up her nipple and pussy rings, her clean-shaven mound, her SLAVE tattoo or even the marks from her beating the night before, instead wandering around choosing a locker, checking her texts and looking for something in her handbag, whilst feeling judgemental eyes burning into her skin.
For her outfit, Colin had selected a sports bra for which she was grateful, and a bikini brief bottom so brief it failed to cover either the tattoo above her pubic mound or the cane welts on her buttocks. She had expected to be dying of embarrassment wearing this as she went out into the main gym area but instead was as horny as hell. She could feel everyone staring, eying her skimpy clothes, her tattoo and her cane-striped skin. She was blushing as she stepped on the running machine and set off at a furious pace, enjoying the rubber under her bare feet. Ten minutes later she was perspiring freely and out of breath as she moved on to the static bike.
She knew immediately her crotch touched the saddle that it was a bad choice, and she stood up on the pedals to ease the pressure on her tender pussy lips. Ten minutes cycling up a mountainside had her legs shaking. For her final burst, she avoided the rowing machine, for the same reason the bike was a bad idea, and went on the cross-trainer. As she pumped her arms and legs hard, she spotted a couple of rather gorgeous guys watching her closely, clearly admiring the way her gluteus maximus was being worked. After her thirty minute burn, she hit the showers and headed back to the office.
She had only just arrived back when Sarah, the Managing Director's PA, came over to her.
"He wants to see you", she said with a serious look.
"Okay", Maria smiled, "I'll just grab a coffee and -"
"He said right now, and he looked pretty mad."
Maria sighed and followed Sarah towards the MD's office. Her stomach growled in protest at yet more delay to lunch, but she knew better than to keep Frank waiting when he was on the warpath. She knocked, went in and, gritting her teeth against the pain, sat down.
Frank Jarrett had set the company up over thirty years ago and now, at sixty three, he was still a very active, vibrant man who kept a close eye on everything which happened to 'his baby'. It was he who had spotted Maria's potential and, against advice from others who had implied he was letting his dick set company strategy, he had promoted her rapidly through the ranks and was now championing her elevation to the Board. So it had come as a shock and a question against his own judgement when he had been informed of the issue with which he now had to confront her. He didn't speak when she sat down, he couldn't be sure his anger wouldn't get the better of him, he just turned the screen of his computer so they could both see it and clicked the 'play' button.
Maria had a bad feeling as soon as she saw Frank's face. When the video started playing and the room was filled with the muffled cries of the naked woman on the screen, she felt physically sick. In front of her, Kelly was tape-gagged, blindfolded, her hands cuffed above her head and naked. As the camera tracked down across her wet body, a head came into view, the identity obscured by the girl's thighs and the fact that the camera was behind her. The camera angle changed jerkily as the cameraman changed position, then 'Hey, Maria' was heard and her own face appeared clearly and incontrovertibly on the screen.
At that point, Frank could have turned it off or Maria could have asked him to - he'd watched it a number of times already and Maria had been there so she knew intimately what happened next - but he was finding it very arousing to watch it with Maria present. Meanwhile she was burning up, not only with embarrassment but with something else. The blush had started at her face, progressed across her chest and now seemed to be heating up her pussy as well - could you blush your way to an orgasm? She felt like she was watching a highly erotic car crash in slow motion - seeing herself forcing the bound girl to climax against her will and then being dragged from eating pussy to swallowing cock was turning her on like she had never experienced before.
As the video finally ended, frozen on a look of serene contentment on her cum-covered face, there was an awkward silence as Maria sought and failed to find some mitigating excuse for her behaviour, and Frank sought to control the erection which had taken him completely by surprise - he had reached an age when such things were a rarity. Eventually, he coughed and adjusted his position in his seat.
"This was brought to my attention by the IT department following the internal audit", he said. Maria knew that was not true, as it had only just been created.
"I don't need to tell you how serious this is, Maria. If this gets out, it will kill your chances of making the Board, and undermine my position as well. My enemies have been waiting for an opportunity to get rid of me and they can use this to say my judgement has gone, that I'm just a doddery old fool."
"I am truly sorry, sir", Maria said sincerely, "After all you've done for me, this is a shitty way to repay you."
"I'm going to have to think about this. If I don't report it to the Board and it then gets out, I'll be slaughtered. Come to my house at 8 o'clock tonight and we'll discuss how to handle it."
"Thank you, sir, and once again, I apologise", Maria said as she got up to leave. As she closed the door, Frank clicked the 'replay' button while his right hand moved under the desk.
As she went back to her own office, Maria's head was spinning. She knew Colin must have given Frank the video, but she couldn't understand why. He had blackmailed her into becoming his sex slave on the threat of revealing her accessing of hard core BDSM porn on her laptop, and she had agreed. Now that he had carried out his threat, she was not only no longer under an obligation to be his slave, but her career seemed doomed, which surely wasn't in his own best interests, never mind her's. The only reason she could think of was that he wanted her to be his slave 24/7. She was appalled at the thought of losing her job, but the idea of being permanently forced to serve her Master's desires every moment of the day was highly arousing. That was effectively the situation Kelly faced, and the difference in their reactions said everything about them.
"Are you okay, Ms Hughes?" She looked up to see Tanya standing in the doorway, looking concerned. Maria smiled wanly.
"I'm not too sure actually, Tanya, I've been a bad girl and deserve a good spanking" She looked up and saw the shocked expression on the young PA's face, and decided to have a little fun to distract herself.
"I've got a terrible pain in my shoulders, you couldn't just give me a bit of a massage there could you?" She leaned over and grabbed the edge of the desk, arching her back and sticking out her bum, then looking back over her shoulder expectantly.
"Um, okay, ma'am" the teenager said nervously, before leaning over her boss and placing her fingers around the tense knots in her tendons. Maria let out a low moan.
"Oh, that feels so good! Please don't call me 'ma'am' - or Ms Hughes! I sound like your granny, or an old schoolteacher! Call me Maria, please"
"I'm sorry, m... Maria. Ooh, I don't feel right calling you that, Miss, you're my boss!" Maria squirmed under the girl's exquisite touch and looked back at her unhappy face.
"Okay then, you can call me Mistress", she said mischievously. Now the girl looked alarmed, and Maria gave her a warm smile.
"That feels wonderful, you have a real talent for that", Maria purred.
"Thank you ... Mistress" Tanya felt a strange tingle run through her as she said the word - what the hell had got into her, she thought.
"Could you just do a little bit of that on the small of my back, please, it really aches from all this standing up" She felt the small, slightly pudgy hands move to her back and the thumbs dig into her, making her moan again. Tanya kneaded her flesh, pressing between the vertebrae. She was used to doing this for her mum and, without thinking, she pulled the blouse up and out of the way so she could lay her hands directly on the skin.
What had started out as a bit of a lark was now becoming a serious turn-on for Maria. With her midriff now bare and her blouse only held together by a couple of buttons, she was pushing her rump back into the girl, wishing she could drop her skirt and feel those hands fondling her buttocks.
"Mistress?" Tanya's voice seemed to tremble as she spoke, breaking Maria's reverie.
"Yes, Tanya?"
"Those marks on your ... chest earlier. Were they from ...?" She couldn't bring herself to voice the thought in her head. Maria turned around to face her, their bodies close, Tanya's hands still on her bare waist, she realised she was just so horny! She licked her slightly parted lips as her nipples seemed to be ready to poke through her blouse and burst it open.
"Yes, Tanya", she said in a husky voice, "Those marks were from when I was beaten with a cane last night. And the marks on my back are from when I was flogged. And this necklace is a slave collar. I am a sex slave and my Mistress beats me. Does that disgust you or excite you ?" Tanya looked totally shocked by this little speech and could do nothing but blush and let her mouth fall open.
Maria looked hungrily at a tiny spot of drool which appeared on the girl's lip, visualising herself licking it off, ripping open Tanya's blouse, ordering her to kneel, dropping her own skirt and pulling Tanya's face into her moist pussy. She was shocked by the power of her reaction - she had never had sexual thoughts about a woman before and could only surmise it was as a result of her being so aroused already.
"Would you do something for me, Tanya?" she breathed.
"Yes, Mistress", the teenager replied querulously, but Maria could sense she was almost shaking, waiting for her to make her move.
"Would you be a darling and get me a salad from the canteen, I'm starving!"
Maria was surprised to find, when she opened the door to her apartment, her entry was stopped by the security chain. As she tried to work out how that could be, Kelly's naked body appeared in the gap - clearly Colin had decided her apartment was much more to his liking than his flat and had moved himself and his slave in. Tanya gave Maria a nasty look and then told her she had to strip before she came in. Maria took off her clothes and handed them, with her keys and oyster card, through the gap to Kelly, who took them and shut the door. Maria waited, naked and shivering in the corridor, for Kelly to flick the chain off and let her in. And waited. And waited. After five minutes, she was getting nervous. Ten minutes later, she was hiding around the corner as her next door neighbour came home. Somehow, she knew knocking would not help. After half an hour, Colin came to the door, called her name and she ran into the apartment. She saw Kelly sitting on her heels in the sitting room and scooted in alongside her, trying to ignore the filthy look she got.
"So, Maria, how was your day?" Colin asked as he sat down with a cold beer.
"Very enjoyable, Master", she replied, "Except for one thing".
"Oh? What was that?" Colin did not sound too surprised or concerned.
"Mr Jarrett had a copy of Your film from last night, Master. He threatened to kill my application for sales director and told me to be at his house at 8 o'clock tonight". Colin gave her a confident smile.
"How did that make you feel, Maria?" She thought about this for a moment, wondering how honest she should be with a man who could and would beat her if he wanted. In the end, she decided on total honesty.
"I felt betrayed, Master. I couldn't understand why You had torpedoed my career like that, it didn't seem to make sense - if I lose my job, I lose this apartment and everything else I own. I also lose a huge part of what I enjoy in life." Welcome to my world, Kelly thought grimly, as she glanced at the woman next to her and saw how upset she was.
"Do you trust me, Maria?" Colin asked seriously. There was a pregnant pause as she thought about this unexpected question.
"Yes, Master, I do", she replied, surprising even herself. "If You wish me to lose my job and serve You 24 hours a day, then so be it." Kelly felt sick at her fellow slave's easy acceptance of the situation she found herself in and so hated. Colin was also surprised at this unequivocal response, feeling rather proud of his slave.
"I don't think it will come to that", he reassured her, "Frank thinks I found that on your laptop in the internal audit. I also audited his laptop, and when I told him about the video, I dropped plenty of hints that he wasn't in the clear himself. I have a feeling that he will be ready to offer you a deal when you see him tonight, and I will certainly allow you to do whatever you think necessary to keep your job - I need you to be earning to pay for all this bondage stuff I've been ordering!"
"Thank you, Master", Maria said, feeling genuine gratitude, "What kind of deal do You think he will offer me?"
"I don't want to spoil the surprise, but I think the outfit I have put out for you will give you a clue. I would just advise you to remember while you're there that you have been a very bad girl and deserve to be punished. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Master."
The managing director had been mulling over what he was going to do when Maria got there since she had left his office. He knew what he WANTED to do, he just had to work out a strategy to achieve it. Despite his denials, he had always had a thing for his beautiful protégé, and to find himself in a position to make it happen was incredible. He decided he would have to play it by ear and find out first exactly where she was in terms of her willingness to fall in with his plan.
When he opened the door of his North London house to Maria, he realised that this was going to be a lot easier, and a lot more fun, than he'd anticipated. His senior sales manager was standing on his doorstep dressed in a crisp white blouse through which could be seen a plain white bra, pleated plaid knee-length skirt, white knee socks and patent-leather shoes. She also wore a school tie, school blazer and over her shoulder was a school satchel. Her hair was braided into two pig-tails at either side of her head and her face was devoid of make-up. She had stepped out of his dreams and into his house.
"Good evening, sir", she said in a nervous-sounding, high-pitched voice, "I was told to report to you and to give you this." She pulled a manila envelope from her satchel and handed it over. As he invited the 'girl' in, he opened the envelope and read the sheet of paper it contained:
Dear Mr Jarrett,
Thank you so much for agreeing to take on Maria for extracurricular tuition. Her school has informed us that her intelligence is not in doubt but her ability to concentrate in class is terrible. We have heard of your very traditional but currently out-of-favour approach to strict discipline and we believe a firm hand is exactly what Maria needs to help her achieve her full potential in her forthcoming exams. As time is of the essence, please accept this note as authority to use any and all disciplinary techniques you deem appropriate, no matter how extreme.
Colin (guardian)
When he read this, Frank now understood how Maria had known about his own particular predilection. He also got another hard-on which he would normally need Viagra to achieve. He decided he'd pop one a little later anyway, just to be on the safe side.
"Come this way, Maria", he said as he led her into his study. She saw the large, heavy desk with its green leather inlay and the big swivel chair behind it. She also saw a school desk and chair which were presumably for her but decided, until told otherwise, she should stand.
"Stand up straight, girl! Shoulders back!" Frank appreciated how this stance made her thrust out her impressive breasts - he really wanted to grab them, but he restrained himself, knowing he had plenty of time. He was also really enjoying the way Maria was playing the part of the nervous seventeen-year-old schoolgirl - on a couple of occasions he'd paid prostitutes to role-play with him, but acting had not been their strong suit. He went over to the glass case on the wall and took down his favourite cane, noticing with some relish the 'schoolgirl's fearful glance at the weapon now in his hand.
"Your guardian has sent you to me to have that dolly daydream attitude of yours knocked out of you! I hope you appreciate the effort he is going to for your benefit?"
"Yes, sir!" Maria sounded, and was, scared - she wasn't particularly looking forward to another caning so soon after the last one.
"First, you have to learn discipline and focus, which involves following orders to the letter. Do you know how to play 'Simon Says', girl?"
"Yes, sir!"
"Well, we're going to play a game of 'Teacher Says'. So, sit down at the desk." Maria did as she was told, but as Frank stood over her and smiled wickedly, she realised the game had already started and she had just failed. She stood up again and hung her head.
"Oh dear, not a good start. Hold out your hand!" She looked up in confusion, but did not put out her hand.
"Better - Teacher says hold out your hand!" She did so and let out a squeal as the cane struck her across her palm.
"Remember, listen, focus, obey! Teacher says sit down! Teacher says stand up! Teacher says kneel! Teacher says stand up! Teacher says lie on the floor! Teacher says stand up! Teacher says bend over! Stand up!"
As she straightened, Maria realised too late she'd made another mistake, and reluctantly she bent over again. Frank flicked Maria's dress up onto her back and was excited to see blue serge gym knickers covering almost every inch of her buttocks, rather than anything skimpy and modern.
"Teacher says grab your ankles!" Maria let out a howl of pain as the cane swiped her already sore behind. The game went on, with Maria failing regularly and receiving a stroke of the cane on her hand or across her buttocks. Eventually the game ended and Frank told her to sit down at the desk, which she did rather gingerly. He went out momentarily and came back with a jug of orange squash and a glass, telling Maria to pour a glass and drink it. She wasn't that thirsty, but thought arguing was not a good idea, and under his steely gaze, drained the glass. He filled it up and insisted she drink it all again. This continued until the jug was empty and Maria was feeling a little waterlogged.
"I think a little physical exercise to wake you up would be a good idea", Frank said, "Normally I'd ask you to change into your gym kit, but as you didn't bring any, you'll have to do it in your underwear. Come on, girl, hurry up! We haven't got all night!" Maria unbuttoned her blouse and took it off, then unclipped her wrap-around skirt, handing both to her boss, who put them on the large desk.
After a few warm-up stretches, during which he ogled her cleavage and well-padded rear end, thrust out invitingly towards him, Frank made her run through a series of exercises - push-ups, sit-ups, star jumps, step-ups onto the school chair - urging her to work harder and faster until, despite her excellent level of fitness, she was breathing hard and working up a sweat. As he watched her breasts bouncing around and her buttocks clenching, his level of arousal sky-rocketed, his resolve to act the part of the martinet headmaster waned, and he felt his erection growing harder than it had been for quite a while. As Maria bent over, hands on knees, trying to catch her breath, he finally cracked. He came up behind her and, roughly pushing her over the desk and scattering papers in every direction, he whipped her knickers down around her knees and dropped his own trousers.
"Oh please, sir! No sir!" Maria squeaked in her best schoolgirl voice. Frank was beyond stopping even if her protests were not, as designed, just fuelling his desire. He thrust his cock deep into her wet, receptive cunt and was rewarded with another cry.
"Oh please, sir! Yes sir!" Maria shouted, as the frustrations of a day spent almost permanently aroused drove her to one of the quickest orgasms of her life. Frank heard her cumming and knew she wasn't faking it, which made him very pleased with himself and encouraged him to fuck her even harder. He quickly reached his own climax, but was astonished and gratified when he felt her body shudder and her pussy clamp down on his spurting member in the throes of another orgasm. As he withdrew, the trials of the day seemed to get the better of Maria and she suddenly lapsed into a deep sleep. Frank looked down at her as he adjusted his clothing and smiled at the perfect timing for the mild sedative in her drink to have kicked in.
Maria knew she was dreaming - she was sitting at the school desk doing an exam paper, but the desk was in a sunny meadow and she was naked. She heard the sound of running water and looked up to see a waterfall right next to her, which seemed to be somehow pouring water into her lap. As she woke up she was totally disoriented. She was lying in a single bed, the room illuminated by a child's night light, showing the flowery bedding covering her and the Teddy Bear-adorned wallpaper. She suddenly felt a warm, wet feeling on her thighs and realised, to her total embarrassment, she had wet the bed - in fact, she was still wetting the bed and, thanks to the strong diuretic she had been given in her orange juice, she couldn't stop herself.
She threw back the bedclothes and saw she had been dressed in a pink babydoll nightie, which had spaghetti straps and only reached to her midriff, with a pink bikini brief, also with spaghetti strap sides tied in a pretty bow. The panties were soaked, as were the sheets, and she jumped out of the bed, trying to shake the sleep out of her head and get control of her bladder. At that moment, Frank burst into the room, and Maria blushed a deep red as he took in the state of the bed and the urine trickling down her legs.
"I see I am going to have my work cut out whipping you into shape!" Frank said as he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards the door.
"Come on, we'd better get you cleaned up" Maria realised for the first time that, despite his age, Frank was still a very strong and powerful man, and he had no problem in dragging her into the bathroom, which was built as a wet room, with a huge walk-in shower. He positioned her in the shower then grabbed her wrist and pulled it up towards a leather cuff attached by a chain hanging on the wall. He wrapped the cuff around her wrist and locked it in place. There was a similar cuff on the other side and Maria soon found herself chained with her arms held out wide above her head.
"Please, sir, I can wash myself!" she pleaded in a trembling voice. Frank paid no attention, instead untying the bikini brief and pulling the sodden material from her body.
"This is not just about cleaning you, it is also about punishing your lack of self-control", he said as he balled up the panties and stuffed them into her mouth before she could react. Maria tried to force them out with her tongue as she tasted her own piss trickling down her throat, but he kept his hand over her mouth until he could apply tape. He wound the tape around her head several times, covering her mouth and most of the lower half of her face, muffling her protests. She pulled uselessly against the chains holding her, her struggles and the look of fear in her eyes merely succeeding in restoring Frank's erection to its former glory. He took hold of the nightie and ripped it from her body, leaving her naked, while Maria's nostrils flared as her breathing became faster and shallower, her heart pounding in her chest, her pussy aching to be penetrated again.
He leaned down and tied a length of rope around her left ankle, then threaded it through the steel ring to which the chain on her left wrist was attached. As he pulled on the rope, Maria's leg was pulled up into the air until her foot was alongside her head like a can-can dancer and she was making muffled sounds of protest as the hamstring in her left thigh began to twang. He repeated the process on her right leg and this time she let out a full-blooded scream as her foot was dragged up off the ground and all her weight was taken on her wrists. Now she was hanging with her legs either side of her head, wide apart, her pussy and ass wide open and available for whatever he chose to do. Maria was hoping it included fucking her.
Frank took the shower head off the flexible steel water pipe and smeared some liquid soap on the end. He saw Maria's eyebrows shoot up as he placed the pipe end against her anus and knew the look of fear on her face was no longer just good acting, now it was for real. He worked the pipe past her sphincter, ignoring her muffled cries and shaking head, then eased it up inside her. He turned on the cold water and was rewarded with a series of screams from the helpless woman as she was filled up and then cleaned out by the impromptu enema. He relished her tears as, for the first time that night, he knew he had gone beyond her comfort zone and could say he was the one firmly in charge. His domination of this remarkable woman fuelled his libido even further and, as he pulled out the water pipe, he was immediately ready to replace it with his rampant cock.
Maria now knew she was at the mercy of a true sadist, someone who gained sexual pleasure from her pain, as he forced himself into her anus, not just ignoring her muffled screams but actively seeking to cause them by thrusting as hard and as deep as he could. He grabbed her breasts, crushing them in his large hands and pinching her nipples, digging his nails into them until the tears were running down her face. All this abuse was turning her on tremendously, but she couldn't cum from the anal rape alone.
Suddenly, as he approached his orgasm, he grabbed her around the neck and began to choke her. Her screams were quickly stifled and stars began to dance before her eyes as she started to run out of oxygen. Just when she was sure she would black out, he came with a huge blast of semen inside her and he felt her body shaking as if in a death rattle. He released his grip, but the shaking continued as she gasped for air through her nose and, incredulous, he realised she had just reached a truly explosive climax, the aftershocks of which continued to run through her body for a good thirty seconds, before she slumped, as limp as a ragdoll in her bondage.
Frank looked down at his senior sales manager with a combination of lust and admiration. He had been torturing her for four hours now, since he had hogtied her limp body and literally dragged her from the wet room and into the basement where he kept his 'toys', ignoring - or rather, appreciating - her cries as she had been bumped down the stairs and dragged across the stone flooring.
He had whipped her as she hung by her ankles upside down, taking the existing whip and cane welts across her body as a challenge to do better than his predecessor. He had strapped her to his electric chair and shocked her through her nipples, clitoris and cunt lips until her screams reverberated off the walls. He had locked her across a frame and set the fucking machine to drill her in all three holes simultaneously, forcing her to cum almost continuously, while he hung increasingly large weights from her nipples and cunt lips. He had made her ride the wooden pony for an hour, its sharp apex or roughly hewn wood digging into her cunt, while he tormented her nipples with his teeth. Still, the look in her eyes said 'Is that all you've got?'
Now she was strapped to his medieval rack, stretching her sweat-drenched naked body almost to breaking point. Her head, except for her nose, was completely obscured by bondage tape. Her breasts, cinched tight with thick rubber straps, were large round globes flushed red, shading to purple. They were covered in dried blobs of red wax, which were also coating her stomach and the soft inner flesh of her cunt, exposed by the clamping and pulling back of her lips. Her nipples were stretched towards the ceiling by the crocodile clips biting into them and pulled by elastic bungees stretching into the darkness above her. A similar arrangement had been applied to her clitoris. Finally, sandals had been strapped to her, their wooden soles dotted with small nail heads pressing into the soft flesh of her feet, a torture device of his own invention.
As he rolled pinwheels up and down her inner thighs, feeling her squirm beneath his touch, he glanced at his watch - 3 AM, they both needed some sleep. As he switched off the light and slid the bolts into place, he wondered if she would get much sleep, stretched out like that and given the amount of pain she must be feeling ...
Part 7 (added: 11/16/2011)
"Tanya, I need your help"
The young PA took one look at her boss's face and could see she had a problem. Maria had hardly slept in 48 hours and she was exhausted, as well as suffering aches and pains all over her body from the abuse she had received, most recently at the hands of the managing director of the company, Frank Jarrett. Dark rings had appeared under her eyes, and there was the shadow on her face of the pain she was feeling. She was also dressed funny, as far as Tanya was concerned, as if she were going for some kind of schoolgirl look - just weird.
"I've just got to have a power nap - didn't sleep much last night", Maria said, recalling how she had spent the night bound, gagged , and being tortured in Frank's dungeon.
"I'll just go in my office, give me 15 minutes, no more, then wake me up", she instructed, before disappearing inside and closing the door. She sat down at her desk, despite the continuing pain from her rectum as well as her buttocks, and put her head down.
As she drifted into sleep, she thought back to how Frank had tormented her, hour after hour, giving her respite from one fiendish device only so he could strap her to the next and inflict torture in some new and inventive way. When he dripped burning hot wax, first on her stomach, then on her nipples, and finally onto her clitoris, she could not understand why she had been in ecstasy even as she was screaming in agony. Why did she find herself so incredibly turned on when the whip licked her flesh, catching a nipple or even striking her pussy? When being electrocuted through her most sensitive flesh, how could she be driven to the most mind-blowing of orgasms?
The conflicting feelings of pain and pleasure had probably been most intense when she had been forced to sit astride the saw horse, or 'wooden pony', as Frank had called it. With her arms tied and pulled up behind her, and her ankles cuffed to the back of the beam, she was pushed forward onto her pussy with no way of preventing her entire body weight being supported on that most sensitive area. Within moments, she was crying out as the two inch wide top of the beam dug into her, the roughness of the wood just adding to the terrible pain. Her body was being racked by sobs and her cheeks were wet with tears, and yet she felt herself arching her back to roll her hips forward, bringing her weight down on her clitoris and crushing it against the splintered surface. Her sobs slowly turned to moans, and to her utter astonishment, she managed to bring herself to orgasm by 'fucking' the pony!
She had come to terms with the fact that she was fundamentally submissive, despite years of denial as she rose through the management ranks and earned her reputation as a superbitch, Perhaps now she would just have to admit to herself that she was also a true masochist - one who gains sexual gratification by suffering physical pain, humiliation or degradation. Or, in her case, all three.
She felt herself becoming aroused all over again as she remembered all the pain, the feel of the ropes cutting into her skin, the bondage tape pressed against her face, cutting off her senses of sight and sound and speech, her total powerlessness at the hands of her torturer. Her hand crept under the hem of her skirt and down to the dampness in her knickers. It remained there against her pussy but for a moment before the fatigue of the previous evening overtook her and she fell asleep.
Tanya fended off all-comers, telling them the sales manager was 'busy on end-of-quarter reports' and mustn't be disturbed. After precisely 15 minutes, she knocked softly and went in. She knew she should wake her up, but she looked so peaceful, and she definitely needed the sleep, so the young assistant decided to give her another 15.
An hour later, Maria emerged bleary-eyed and tousle-haired to berate her PA, but instead remembered Colin's instructions to her and thanked her for the extra nap time and asked her to get some strong black coffee.
Somehow, she got through the rest of the day, even going to the gym at lunchtime, though her performance was pretty pathetic. In mid-afternoon, she had a surprise visitor.
"Master", she said, once the office door had shut behind Colin. He took a seat and motioned for her to sit as well.
"Hello, Maria, how are you? How did last night go?" She filled him in briefly on the course of events at Frank Jarrett's house, from the fun of their teacher-pupil role play to the pain of her incarceration in his dungeon.
"It sounds like you had a good time, if rather tiring", he said, perhaps understanding more of her nature than she had expected.
"Never mind, at least you'll be able to get some rest tonight. I'm going out to a class reunion and, while I'd like to show you off, it's a no partners do. So you and Kelly will be on your own." He saw the sudden look of alarm cross Maria's face and asked her if she had a problem with that.
"I don't think Mistress Kelly likes me, Master", she said reluctantly, not wishing to get her fellow slave into trouble
"Oh, you're worried she'll punish you again. Don't worry, I'll have a word with her."
"Thank you, Master", Maria said, wondering how the other woman would take that.
After a slight detour, when she fell asleep on the tube and missed her stop, Maria made it home and, having stripped off in the hallway, was allowed into the apartment by Kelly.
"Thank you, Mistress", she said, wishing she could placate the girl but knowing just her presence seemed to infuriate her.
"You bitch! You whined to Colin about me, didn't you?" Kelly spat the question.
"No, Mistress, I -"
"Yes, you did!" Kelly interrupted, "He ordered me not to hit or punish you tonight, so it's pretty obvious you said something. So, I've come up with a few jobs for you to do. You can start by cooking me dinner."
"Yes, Mistress", Maria sighed - it didn't sound like she'd be getting an early night.
She cooked and served Kelly's dinner - she had to have dry cereal and water herself - then cleaned the apartment while Kelly watched TV. She finished around 10 pm and was hoping she would be able to go to bed at that point, but Kelly had other ideas.
"I just need you to nip down to the shop and get me a few things", she said. Maria looked at her in astonishment - she surely couldn't expect her to go out at this time of night, in this kind of area, in the kind of clothes Colin allowed them to wear ? Kelly gave her a wicked smile.
"Don't worry, Maria, I won't make you go out in those dreadful clothes Colin made us wear the other day, I found something more suitable in your wardrobe."
"Thank you, Mistress", Maria said, relieved that at least she would have something sensible to wear - as long as she kept to the main streets and avoided any youths or dodgy-looking characters she saw, she should be okay.
"Here you are, dear" Kelly said as she handed over the outfit she expected Maria to wear. Maria recognised it as the white bikini she had worn on holiday in the Maldives five years previously. It consisted of little more than three triangles of material held together by string. Maria had only bought it as a dare and worn it once by the pool before wearing something more conservative - now she was going to wear it in the street in London!
For Kelly, the look of horror on her face was priceless - this really was an entertaining alternative to physical abuse!
"Please, Kelly, you can't expect me to go out dressed in this! I'll either get arrested or raped!" Kelly laughed.
"Oh come on! We both know you're going to do it! You're so submissive you'll do anything I tell you. I'm right, aren't I?" Maria looked at the tiny bikini and, with a shamed expression, nodded her head. She could already feel goosebumps of excitement at the thought.
Five minutes later, she was feeling goosebumps of an entirely different sort as the cold night air of the clear November night hit her. If she had been naked she could not have felt more exposed - the bra hardly contained her breasts and served only to highlight just how hard and erect her nipples were. The bikini brief barely covered her SLAVE tattoo and left her buttocks entirely exposed. Overall, the white triangles showed up under the streetlights or in car headlights better than a hi-viz jacket.
She peered down the street and assessed the situation. Her block of apartments was in a quiet residential street. On one side there was a mixture of older houses with gardens and newer blocks like her own, set back a little from the street. On the other side was a park, but it was behind a six foot high wall and there was no cover if she was caught there. Although there was no-one around at the moment, streetlights illuminated it all the way to the street she had to turn down, about four hundred yards away and if anyone appeared it would be a struggle for her to hide. But she had no choice and set off at a walk cum jog along the pavement, watching out for cars, people, or anything on the ground which might hurt her bare feet - broken glass, stones, discarded drinks cans or even dog mess.
Suddenly she heard an engine, saw headlights and a car was turning into the road towards her! Luckily she was just passing a line of parked cars and she crouched down behind them to hide herself. As luck would have it, at that moment a bunch of youths also turned the corner and started walking towards her. If she stayed where she was they would see her as soon as they looked up. Making a snap decision, she dashed across the pavement and threw herself over the nearest wall into the garden beyond.
"Hey, did you guys see something?" she heard a male voice shout out, then heard feet running in her direction! Quickly assessing her new surroundings, she found herself in a bit of a mini-building site as the home owner was clearly trying to get their front garden into a state where something might grow. There was a skip, into which had been thrown all the weeds and other detritus that they needed to remove, then everyone else from the street and further afield, seeing a skip, had surreptitiously thrown all their household rubbish in, and finally late night passers-by had thrown the remains of burgers, kebabs and by the smell of it a whole Indian curry meal for four. Alongside the skip was a hole, about three feet deep and, given the stench coming from the skip, Maria chose to jump in the hole.
It didn't seem like a good choice when she landed in about a foot of mud caused by the recent rain, and her legs sank into it up to her shins. But then she had to push herself against the side of the hole and crouch down to hide herself from the guys in the street, so now the whole of her lower leg up to and including her knees and her bottom, pressed against her heels, was in the cold, wet, slimy gunk, with her shoulder, side and head against the soft earth.
"What did you think you saw, Mark?" asked a voice frighteningly close by.
"Well, you won't believe me, but I thought I saw a woman in a bikini run from those cars and dive into this garden." This must be Mark, Maria thought, trying to hunker down into the hole a little further, trying to ignore the chill as she felt the muck now on her pussy, stomach and breasts.
"Okay, you're mad. Why would a woman be in a bikini, at 11 o'clock at night, in the street for fuck's sake?" Why indeed, thought the woman in a bikini, at 11 o'clock at night, in the street for fuck's sake.
"Well, she's not in the skip, she's not in the garden, and she's not in fact real, you fuckwit! You must have seen a fox."
"A fox? In what universe does a small, red fox look like a tall woman with big tits?"
"In the universe of your tiny little mind, wild imagination section, downstairs and turn right" The voices gradually receded with Mark being mocked by his laughing friends as they went on their way. Maria's heart was going like an express train when she thought how close they'd been. She felt a familiar tingle in her pussy caused by her near-miss with discovery, humiliation and everything else which might have ensued.
Maria got out of the hole, cold, dirty and dripping wet to sneak a look to see if the coast was clear. The street being deserted once again, she carried on to the end without further mishap. As she went past the entrance to the park, she realised it was a short cut to the parade of shops Kelly had told her to go to, and she entered it, glad to be off the street and out of the lights.
She knew she was far too muddy to walk into a shop, but then she remembered there was a small pond in the middle of the park where she could try and clean up a little. She made her way to the pond and stepped into it before she had time to think about how cold it was going to be. She was right -it was freezing and, as she squatted down to splash herself, she was shivering.
The loud, hacking cough which erupted out of the dark on the side of the pond a couple of yards away so took her by surprise that she lost her balance and fell onto her back into the middle of the pond, soaking her body and splashing her face and hair.
"'Ello, darlin'", she heard and then saw him, emerging from the shadows, and obviously standing up from the park bench where he had been lying down when he'd seen this vision of near-naked loveliness getting into the water in front of him and bending down to give him a perfect view of her magnificent arse. He was the archetypal park tramp - unshaven, long lank hair, missing and blackened teeth, dirty rain coat tied with string, fingerless gloves clutching a bottle of cider, and shoes with holes in the soles.
"C'mere 'n' give us a kiss, gorgeous!" he called out, but Maria was scrambling to get her feet beneath her and stand up in the water. She turned and ran across to the opposite side, ignoring the water splashing up around her thighs. The water was only about a foot deep, but she was getting pretty wet. The tramp, seeing her disappear at speed, decided she wasn't worth chasing, and returned to his bench and dreams of meeting, charming and fucking Salma Hayek.
Maria stopped at the far side of the park to calm down, catch her breath and check whether she could now cross to the shop she was heading for without being seen. She was shivering and dripping and, seeing no-one around, she dashed across the street and went into the shop.
Kelly had told her to go to the Chinese supermarket, which was open until midnight, and had given her a bizarre list of items to buy. The heater at the open door blew hot air over her chilled body and she stood underneath it for several minutes, warming herself. The neon strip lights in the shop were very bright, temporarily blinding her. When her eyes adjusted and she looked down at herself, she remembered why she had only worn the bikini once. Her nipples and their rings were perfectly visible through the wet and now completely transparent material and anyone could see she shaved, and also that her pussy lips were slightly swollen, engorged as they were in her already aroused state. Bloody Italian designer crap!
The man behind the counter, Xiang Li, had been in the retail business for over 70 years, but the woman now standing in the doorway was the most inappropriately dressed shopper he had ever seen. The sign in the window read 'No Shirt, No Shoes, No Entry', but he decided to make an exception in this case. He checked that the CCTV cameras were correctly focused and zoomed in, and that the recorder was running, then he hit the panic button under the counter. A few seconds later, three young men, his grandsons, raced into the shop carrying baseball bats, ready to repel all-comers. While initially disappointed that their grandfather was not lying bleeding on the floor, they soon got over it when they saw the vision in the doorway.
Maria gave up on trying to dry out her bikini and got on with her shopping. The list of things Kelly wanted her to buy were either just designed to cause Maria the maximum amount of embarrassment at the checkout, or she was planning a late night gang bang, or possibly both. A large box of condoms, body paint, body glitter, indoor fireworks - all were on her list and all were found within the confines of this Aladdin's cave. One more thing, a pair of handcuffs, surely not .. oh there you go, in the small but perfectly formed 'adult' section of the store! Either Kelly had researched this, or she knew late-night Chinese supermarkets always stocked this stuff.
She couldn't help but notice the three Chinese lads 'accidentally' bumping into her, repeatedly walking past her, or just standing and gawping at the end of the row, but she ignored it. She was kind of getting used to the attention she got these days, and kind of getting used to the buzz inside she got from it.
"Having a party, Miss?" the old man asked as she stood at the checkout.
"Yes", Maria blushed, but rather less than she expected.
"Would you like to come?" she asked, looking at the three eager, and rather attractive young men. They nodded enthusiastically.
"Okay, but maybe you'd better bring some extra condoms", she teased. She told them the party started at midnight, but not to cum too early. She knew she would get severe punishment for giving them the address to her apartment, but what the hell, she might enjoy it anyway.
Her journey back to the apartment block was thankfully - or unfortunately, depending on your point of view - uneventful, and Maria started back up the stairs, having decided, as she had for her outward journey, the lift was just too dangerous.
She was nearly halfway to the tenth floor and the sanctuary of her apartment when she heard voices on the stairs above her. She froze, straining to hear, to judge whether they were ascending of descending, to guess how close, and to see if she could recognise who it was. The results were not good - they were discussing how people were messing about in the lifts, they were coming down towards her, they were about to turn the corner to face her, and they were her neighbours, the Johnsons. She had bought girl-scout cookies from their 12-year-old daughter, Jocasta! She had sponsored their 17-year-old daughter, Araminta, in a half marathon! She had helped their 21- year-old daughter, Eugenie, to get an internship, for Christ's sake! She could not be found here, like this!
Making an instant decision, she dashed up the remaining two steps to the fourth floor and dived through the doors into the hallway. She sprinted exactly halfway before skidding to a halt to evaluate her options. In front of her were the fire doors to the fire escape - alarmed, if she went through them she'd be passing ALL her neighbours, then answering questions from a bunch of firemen about wasting their time. Behind her were the glass doors she had just burst through and which the Johnsons would be passing within the next few seconds. On either side of her were the apartment doors of the residents - locked, and sufficiently flush to the wall as to provide no hiding place. She knew she was out of options - nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide; caught in a trap, can't walk out - her mind could think of nothing but useless song lyrics.
She heard a ping! and looked to her side - the doors of the lift were opening, to reveal three very loud, very drunk and really very good looking city trader types - the full uniform of stripy shirts, red braces and half empty bottles of ludicrously overpriced champagne - whose eyes quickly swivelled onto the vision of near naked loveliness in front of them. There was a pregnant pause, whilst they tried to focus enough to take on board this new situation, and Maria's mind completed its shutdown process as she abandoned all hope of avoiding total and apartment-life-threatening embarrassment.
"Stripper!" The loud shout of recognition from the three men broke the spell and they piled forward to surround Maria, fumbling and groping her body as she tried to push them away. At that moment, she caught sight of the Johnsons walking by the doors and looking in at the scene. To hide her face, she glued it to the guy in front of her, almost sucking the tongue out of his mouth. The four writhing bodies swayed and staggered across the hallway to a door and, after several false starts, a key was inserted and they literally fell into the apartment.
The scene inside assaulted all of Maria's senses simultaneously. The sound of techno music blasted at eardrum-bursting volume; the smell of alcohol, cannabis smoke and vomit was overpowering; and the room was lit only by the staccato flashes of a strobe light. The light illuminated a scene of bacchanalian excess, with several more city boys and hooray henrys sprawled around the large room watching several women in various states of undress either dancing together in the middle or crawling over the supine male bodies around the furniture. Maria quickly came to the conclusion that these were prostitutes, first because there was such a predominance of stockings, suspenders, basques, high heels and thick make-up, but mainly because they were making out with these repulsive creatures, who made up for their lack of personality and likeability with money.
Weighed down by a body sprawled across her, Maria was unable to resist when the open neck of a champagne bottle was forced to her lips and the bubbly liquid flowed down her throat. As she coughed, spluttered and gasped for air, she sucked in copious amounts of smoke. She had never conformed to the sales person stereotype and gone out drinking hard and doing drugs, feeling that these just blunted her edge in the great battle of sales, work, life, whatever. Consequently, after only a few minutes of this, she was quite drunk and a little bit high.
Eventually she managed to stagger to her feet and look for the door to get out of this place. The other men, seeing her for the first time, came to the same conclusion as their colleagues,
"Stripper!" The prostitutes seemed to take this not as a noun but as an imperative, quickly surrounding the newcomer, running their hands over her body and untying the strings holding the flimsy bikini on. Maria was shocked by their 'assault', but mainly by the extreme reaction she was feeling as her already hot body broke out in a sweat. She felt their hands roaming across her buttocks, squeezing her breasts, pinching her nipples. Suddenly she felt a tongue in her mouth, and not a gentle one. This was not like kissing Kelly, Maria was definitely the kissee, not the kisser, but she knew that, as fingers went down her slit and then up inside her, they would be coming out wet. Maria felt her head spinning, everything was happening so fast ... then the strobe light went off and the normal lights came on.
"Hey, look what our stripper brought for us!" the guy holding the carrier bag shouted, before he took out the box of condoms and tossed it to his mate. Next out were the body paint and glitter, which were tossed to the hookers. They seemed to take this as a hint and, deciding Maria was a better target for all this crap than them, held her down on the carpet and started to apply it liberally to her naked body.
Maria squirmed in the grasp of the women as they held her down, but more in response to the touching as her body was covered in swirls, spots and stripes, rather than to resist. Her mind was in a fog from the drink and the fumes, with which they continued to top her up, and she hardly noticed as she was laid on her back over a hastily cleared coffee table. Moments later she felt a cock thrust into her pussy as her legs were waving in the air, far apart, a cock in her mouth and one in each hand. Meanwhile the ladies of the night were arrayed around her, servicing the rest of the party guests. Using their valued, and quite expensive, skills, they brought their clients to the brink of ecstasy with their mouths before, with expert timing and aim, they let the cum spurt out across Maria's gaudy and sparkly body. All around her, little fireworks were also shooting off in all directions.
All in all, the party was a hit.
Kelly was worried sick. After the embarrassing events at midnight, when the three Chinese boys had turned up looking for Maria and not been happy at having to leave the apartment without being able to use their condoms, she had been waiting. And waiting.
She knew that if Maria had come to some harm, Colin would be mad, and she would be the one who would suffer. Once again, Maria fucking Hughes was causing her pain.
When the doorbell rang at 4 AM, all her concern turned to anger and hatred. She was so going to thrash that fucking woman, sod the consequences!
As she opened the door, Maria, who had been leaning on it, fell into the apartment and lay on the carpet, giggling. She seemed to be smeared in red, green and gold paint, glitter and what looked like dried cum. She rolled onto her back and smiled stupidly up at Kelly.
"Where the fuck have you been?" Kelly demanded, hands on hips.
"'ve bin too a party, Mizzdrezz" Maria slurred.
"Where's the stuff I told you to get?" Kelly asked, though she could already see where it had gone. "Where's my money?"
"Stuff's gone, Mizzdrezz, but here's your munny" Maria said and a wad of £100 notes fell out of her hand onto the carpet. And then she fell asleep where she lay with a smile on her face.
Part 8 (added: 11/18/2011)
Wednesday - mid-week of her first week as a sex slave, and Maria was starting to wonder if she was going to make it to the end. Her decision to 'come out' as a submissive, forced on her through blackmail, had certainly livened up things in a life which had become a little stale, a little bit too comfortable, predictable and safe. It wasn't any of those things any longer - in the last few days she had had more sex in more different ways with more partners than the rest of her life put together. She had suffered more excruciating pain than she had ever experienced, more humiliation and embarrassment. But it turned her on, it all turned her on, and she had never felt more alive. And here she was, back in the office, ready for another full day.
Well, ready in the sense that she was there, though her hangover was killing her and she was so tired it wasn't true, but all she needed was coffee and a few minutes to gather her thoughts. She dispatched her PA, Tanya, to the coffee machine.
"Yes Mistress!" the young assistant said and then, realising what she had said, went bright red. Luckily, Maria was already heading for her office and was too wasted to hear anyway. The sales manager sank into her chair and closed her eyes. Just a few minutes to recover ...
"Late night, Maria?" Her eyes shot open and saw that Rebecca, her top saleswoman (or sales person as the politically correct would have it) was standing in front of her, looking down on her with a wry smile on her lips. She looked immaculate as usual in her sharp business suit, with its padded shoulders and pencil skirt, teamed with sheer black stockings, white blouse and steep stilettos. The clothes hugged her slender, almost model-proportioned body - she was tall, slim, small breasted and narrow hipped. Her blonde hair was scraped back into a tight bun and her make-up was perfect.
Maria liked Rebecca, she reminded her of herself five years earlier. If she ever made it to director, Maria would promote Rebecca to be her successor and enjoy watching the guys squirm under the heel of another strong-willed and determined woman.
"Oh, hi Rebecca, what can I do for you?"
"I really need your help with closing one of my accounts" the saleswoman said, "It's close but it needs your magic touch. I've got an appointment with the chief buyer and I need you to sweet-talk him."
"No problem" Maria said with a smile, "On the phone or face-to-face?"
"Face-to-face, but we need to get moving. Sorry to drop this on you at such short notice."
"No problem, that's what I'm here for. Let's go" Maria said as she got up to leave - so much for a few quiet minutes. They passed Tanya coming back with the coffee on their way out but had no time to stop as they headed for the lift to the parking garage and Rebecca's car.
"What were you up to the other day, with that striptease?" Rebecca asked as they rode down. Maria blushed a little at the memory, remembering how turned on she had been.
"Like I said at the time" she blustered, "I was just getting the guys' attention."
"And showing off your nipple rings and severely caned breasts at the same time, I noticed" Rebecca commented archly, giving her boss a questioning look and a knowing smile. Maria blushed more deeply, wondering exactly what the other woman suspected.
The subject was dropped as they travelled to the client's offices, discussing the call. Rebecca indicated that the buyer, a Mr Harris, had requested Maria's presence at the meeting to hopefully close the deal, which would put Rebecca safely over her target for the quarter and go a long way to Maria meeting her own departmental target. On arrival they were directed towards the buyer's office and shown in by his secretary.
"Good morning, Miss Granger," the man smiled ingratiatingly, causing Maria to take an instant dislike to him, "And this must be Miss Hughes, of whom I have head so much." Maria noticed that he was unable to raise his gaze from her breasts, even for the most perfunctory glance at her face, and he ignored her proffered handshake. He indicated the round meeting table away from his desk. He took one seat and offered the other to Rebecca, but this left no seat for Maria, who was left standing, feeling awkward and embarrassed.
"Perhaps we should get started," Harris opined self-importantly, "I'm a busy man." Maria looked questioningly at Rebecca, who had reddened and couldn't meet her gaze.
"Maria, take off your clothes" Rebecca said, her voice shaking with nerves.
"What?!" Maria looked at Rebecca, who was still looking down, then at Harris, whose face was flushed, but out of excitement rather than surprise or embarrassment.
"You know you said the other day, if we needed you to flash something, we only had to ask? Well, now I'm asking." Rebecca looked up at Maria for the first time, to show her she was serious. Now it was Maria's turn to blush bright red.
"Can we get on with it?" Harris asked tetchily and Maria realised she had been put into an impossible situation - this man had obviously been promised a flash of her tits in exchange for the deal, and she knew they needed the deal ...
Maria unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off her shoulders. The man was on his feet in a heartbeat and standing inches from her, staring at her breasts. Then he reached out and took a breast in each hand, squeezing and groping them before grabbing her nipple rings, turning and twisting them. Okay, so he was promised a little more than a flash, Maria thought, trying to ignore how his rough handling was stiffening her nipples.
"Now the skirt" he growled, his arousal contorting his voice. Maria shot a glance at Rebecca, but she was staring at the table, and Maria knew the bargain had gone further. She put her blouse over the back of the chair and unzipped her skirt. As she lowered it to the floor and stepped out of it, she tried to cover her 'SLAVE' tattoo with her hand, suddenly feeling embarrassed by the message it would send to this creep of a guy. She heard a rattling breath from the man next to her and she knew he must be excited, as her own heart raced at the thought of all this humiliation she was being made to suffer.
"Put these on." Maria looked down and saw the handcuffs. Her mind shot back to the previous week, when she had been ordered to don handcuffs in her own office, and the same feelings of falling out of control into a bottomless pit of depravity and her intense excitement at the prospect flooded her body and mind.
"Hey, that wasn't part of the deal!" Rebecca protested.
"I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further" Harris said with evil relish, quoting his favourite character in his favourite film. Rebecca looked helplessly at Maria, but her manager already had her hands behind her back and they all heard the harsh clicks as the ratchets closed around her wrists. Rebecca's mouth fell open as she clearly saw the word 'SLAVE' tattooed above her boss's shaved pussy, the marks of the whip and the cane on her back and her buttocks, and she realised her suspicions from the other day had been accurate - Maria was some kind of total submissive and had given herself over to a dominant who had recently punished her terribly! The thought made Rebecca suddenly tremendously excited.
"I see you've already been branded, cunt - like a dumb fucking farm animal, bought and owned. And properly used too" Harris said as he ran his fingers along the worst of the abrasions, enjoying the way she flinched, digging his fingers in a little harder.
"You won't have any problem servicing me then, I'm sure you're used to sucking cock like the cheap whore you are." Harris ladled on the humiliating language gleefully, seeing how Maria blushed deep red at the degrading words. What he probably didn't realise was that his inflammatory words were turning Maria on even more, and she sank to her knees in preparation for him.
At that moment, there was a soft knock and the buyer's secretary walked in. She took in the scene before her and flushed bright red. Maria, seeing her confusion, was now embarrassed for her and blushed as well. Her humiliation level went up a notch.
"Er, sorry to interrupt ..." she said in a very self-conscious tone.
"Then don't" Harris snapped, sending the woman scurrying out. He turned back to the slut kneeling in front of him and grabbed a handful of her hair, holding it tightly enough to make her cry out in pain. As her mouth opened, he thrust his erection in, enjoying the choking noises as he hit the back of her throat. He was long enough to get the head of his cock into her throat and he forced it into her as deep as he could go.
Rebecca watched in horrified fascination as her boss was forced to take the guy in, her face pushed into his abdomen as his balls struck her chin. There seemed no opportunity for her to breathe until suddenly it was all over as quickly as it had begun. With a horrific screwed up look of hatred on his face, Harris pulled Maria's head back and shot his load across her face and down onto her breasts. As he finished pumping his cum, he pulled her back onto his softening member, forcing her to lick him clean. When he was done, he pushed her contemptuously away, sending her sprawling, dazing her as she banged her head against the wall.
Rebecca jumped up to help her colleague, but as she pushed past Harris, he forced her face down on the table and, before she could work out what was happening, her hands were securely cuffed behind her back. Realising the situation was now completely out of control, she opened her mouth to shout for help, only to find it stuffed with a foam ball, quickly and very efficiently strapped in place. As she struggled to get up and fight, he pulled a noose tight around her neck, choking her, then tied it to the top of the table leg on the far side of the table, pinning her down. She felt ropes digging into her ankles and her legs being stretched apart.
Having secured one prize, Harris turned to the other. He had her tightly gagged and bound at ankles and knees before she had even cleared her head. He pinched her nipples as hard as he could, until he'd seen her face twisted in fear and agony, before he left her to squirm uselessly on the floor. He had enjoyed this slut's big breasts and what she could do with her mouth was something else, but the reason he had been planning this for the last six months was the perfect peach of an ass on the woman stretched across his table.
He had played this juicy little cunt, very pretty but clearly pretty stupid with it, with the sole objective of getting her into this position. Her pencil skirt had already ridden up her spread thighs until her stocking tops were on display and, as she struggled and shouted into her gag, he pushed it up around her waist. He ran his hands over the perfect orbs of her buttocks, feeling the lacy edges of her crimson silk panties digging into her as the material was stretched drum-tight across her cheeks. He eased them down onto her thighs and his fingers explored her ass crack and then down to her cunt. She was still dry, obviously not turned on by either the sight of the boss giving head or by the feeling of being tied down. But he could remedy that, soon enough.
He was still recovering from his earlier orgasm, but he could still fill the time quite productively. He continued to run his hand over the silky smoothness of her skin, then drew back his hand and brought it down with a loud and satisfying slap. She let out a muffled howl of pain and surprise - she had never been spanked before, even playfully, and she really did NOT want to be spanked now, by this bastard, in these circumstances. But there was nothing she could not as his open hand slapped down on her time and again, hurting her far more than she expected, until tears of pain and shame were running down her cheeks.
Harris was really starting to enjoy himself, interspersing hard blows to her rear with forcing his thumb up her tight little anus, relishing her cries of outrage at the invasion.
Rebecca could not come to terms with what was happening to her. She had never been interested in 'kinky' sex - never been tied up, never even been touched around her 'bottom', as she still rather primly thought of it. She wanted to scream at the top of her voice 'No!', she wanted to get away from this pervert, but every time she tried to pull away, the rope around her neck squeezed a little tighter, closing her airway a little more, cutting off a little more of her air, until she could see stars swirling around her head. Her buttocks were on fire from the spanking and then she felt his fingernails digging into her flesh, prizing her cheeks apart. She felt something hot and wet poking at her tight hole, and she realised with horror and disgust that it was his tongue! Another strangulated scream died in the gag, merely adding to the pleasure Harris was extracting from the degrading of this stupid woman who thought she could get the better of him in a sales negotiation!
Then the intercom squawked into life.
"Mr Harris, the management meeting is about to start." His secretary, having been told off once, and having heard some of the noises coming from the office, had decided not to barge in again. Harris reached across his desk and pressed the old-fashioned intercom button and told her he would be there in a minute. As he did so, he noticed the 'joke' highlighter pen vaguely in the shape of a phallus, given to him by someone who didn't realise he had no sense of humour, and picked it up. He leaned over Rebecca's prone body until his mouth was next to her tear-stained cheek.
"Here's something to give you an idea of what you'll get when I come back, bitch." As he forced the thick shaft of the pen into her anus, Rebecca's eyes widened in horror and then her face screwed up in pain, squeezing fresh tears from her eyes, tears which Harris gleefully licked away. As he straightened up, he saw Maria on the floor and realised she had suffered not nearly enough. He grabbed half a dozen bulldog clips from his desk and quickly clamped them onto her nipples and breasts, making her cry out and writhe on the floor in agony.
"I'll be back soon, cunts, and we can continue our 'negotiations'" he said as he left, locking the door behind him.
Maria knew she had to try and ignore the pain coming from her breasts and try to get free - there was no knowing what this psychopathic woman-hater would do to them, but it didn't look good, particularly for Rebecca. She could see the younger woman was helplessly tied down to the table, so it was up to her.
She knew there was no hope unless they could get these handcuffs off. She guessed the keys were either in his pocket or somewhere in or around the desk. If they were in his pocket they were screwed, but Maria couldn't think negatively and she started to squirm her way to the desk, believing she would find the keys there. Every movement jiggled her breasts and caused the clips to deliver a new wave of pain, but she pressed on.
Once at the desk, she hauled herself upright and scanned the surface. She pushed a few things onto the floor, but no keys revealed themselves. Undeterred, she turned her back and pulled open a drawer. Unfortunately, she lost her balance as the drawer opened and started to fall, seemingly in slow motion, like a tree in the forest, unable to put out a hand or a leg to break her fall. Unlike a tree, however, she was able to fold and roll as she went down, minimising the effect of the impact. She ignored the bruise on her hip she knew would be darkening, and struggled back to her feet, resolving to take more care and less speed in future.
She alternated between staring into the drawer and turning her back to rummage with her hands. She tried to ignore the pathetic sobs and whimpers coming from across the room as Rebecca tried and failed to get free, to stop the rope noose choking her or even to dislodge the intruder in her rectum. Maria moved on to the next drawer, rummaging frantically and trying to keep her positive mind set.
She finally located the keys in the fourth drawer she looked in, a big bunch on a key ring, but the small cuff key was obvious to anyone who knew what they were looking at. She managed to get them in her fingers, but there was no way she could turn the key around to unlock her own cuffs, so she shuffled over to the table and Rebecca.
It took several fumbled attempts and precious minutes ticked by, but eventually Maria heard the lock click and the ratchet of the cuff run back through and release Rebecca's left wrist. The saleswoman quickly reached above her head and untied the rope holding her down and loosened it from around her neck. Unstrapping the gag, she was finally able to take a proper breath and sucked in the air gratefully. She was just rubbing her wrists and neck to ease the chafing she had suffered, when a muffled sound from Maria reminded her that the other woman was still suffering in her bondage. She took off the bulldog clips and was rewarded by muffled screams as the blood flowing back into the pinched flesh tortured her boss.
Five minutes later they had removed all their bondage and were putting on their clothes. Rebecca was shaking so much that Maria had to help her fix her make-up, which had been smudged by her tears, before working on her own, which had been smudged by the faceful of cum she had received. Once they were both presentable, Maria got straight on her mobile phone.
The senior buyer unlocked the door to his office eagerly, but did not get the view he had been hoping for as he opened it and went in. The two women he had left tied up and gagged an hour before were now sitting at the table, looking perfectly relaxed and smiling at him.
"Ah, Mr Harris, welcome back" the sales manager, the one who had sucked his cock, said, with a warm smile.
"I hope you had a good meeting and are now ready for some serious negotiations?" Harris recovered his composure quickly and by the time he had sat down and rearranged his papers, he was ready to respond.
"I thought we might continue from where we left off" he managed to say with a straight face.
"I'm afraid that ship has sailed, Mr Harris" Maria said pleasantly, "But we have a new proposal for you, which I hope you'll appreciate."
"Oh? What's that?" Harris said suspiciously, looking at Rebecca, who smiled sweetly at him.
"Basically, you sign the order right here, right now, and we won't press charges for assault or tell your boss about the porn you've been viewing on your computer" Maria delivered the ultimatum with an assassin's smile.
Harris's expression at this point was a picture, as alarm, shock, surprise, fear and hatred all registered and fought for face time. He was pretty sure he could have any assault charge dismissed as they had agreed to the initial sexual advances, but how did she know about the porn? He realised the combination of unproven charges and circumstantial evidence would sink his career and probably his marriage.
"Where do I sign?" he asked, with resignation and a renewed hatred for saleswomen.
When they returned to the car, Rebecca was still shaking, but now more from excitement than shock.
"My God, you were brilliant!" she enthused, almost skipping as she walked along, "How did you know about the porn on his computer, you didn't have time to check it out?" Maria gave her a knowing smile.
"As a friend once told me, everyone's got something on their computer they're ashamed of - I just bluffed him."
"Oh, that's so perfect! I could kiss you!" As she said this, and Maria didn't demur, she suddenly couldn't stop herself. She put her hands on either side of Maria's face and pulled her close, her lips crushing against her boss's mouth and her eager tongue working it way between her teeth.
Maria was starting to become accustomed to kissing women, but this was so filled with passion, and lust, and longing that she found herself responding in a way she not done previously, her lips parting and her own tongue starting to push back. They were kissing for real now, and Maria felt Rebecca's hand move from her face to her breast, fondling it lovingly and gently. She felt herself pressed back against the car, with Rebecca's knee coming up between her thighs and pushing them apart. At last their mouths parted and Rebecca's lips slid across the smooth skin of Maria's neck while her fingers fumbled with the buttons of the older woman's blouse.
"Oh God, that feels so good!" Maria gasped as her blouse was eased off her shoulders and Rebecca's lips closed around the ring on her nipple, her tongue flicking at the nipple itself. She felt as if she could let Rebecca do that, and more, all day, but she knew it wasn't exactly practical. Reluctantly, she eased the young woman away from her, watching as the look of pure lust in her eyes gradually faded and she was able to focus on the here and now.
"God, I'm sorry Maria, I don't know what came over me!" She was now thoroughly embarrassed and, totally flustered and beetroot red, she fumbled her car keys out and they got in.
As they drove back to the office, Maria wondered at how she didn't seem to be able to go even a few hours without having a sexual encounter at the moment. Not that she was complaining, as she mentally filed Rebecca's hitting on her for future reference. And she was sure her Master would find her morning's adventures very entertaining ...
Part 9 (added: 11/22/2011)
"I have a little challenge for you." Maria always felt her heart skip a beat when she heard her Master, Colin, say those words. It usually meant she was in for some excitement.
"Thank you, Master" she said breathlessly. She was having a little difficulty in concentrating on what he was saying, mainly because of what he was doing. Her naked body was arched back over the padded footstool, with her ankles tied to the legs on one side and her wrists to the other. She had been in this position since she had come in from work, some two hours previously and, although the position was strenuous, this was not what was causing her the most difficulty. Kelly had been positioned between her spread thighs and ordered to lick Maria to the edge of orgasm but never over, under threat of punishment to both women should they fail in this task and allow Maria to climax.
While this was going on, Colin was sitting on the other side of the footstool with a cane in his hand, tapping on Maria's breasts, which were presented in front of him, pointing towards the ceiling. The individual strokes were not particularly painful, although having someone hit you with a thin bit of wood on your most sensitive areas is not to be recommended as light entertainment. But the accumulation of repeated blows to every part of her 36DD's was driving her insane.
"You know Dame Helen Baxter?" Colin asked conversationally.
"Yes, Master," Maria gasped, blinking the sweat out of her eyes as she fought to stop herself cumming, "She's the senior non-executive director of the Board of Go - ooooh -Governors, Master. Oh God, please may I cum, Master?!"
"Certainly not! Kelly, make sure she doesn't cum!" Colin caned her a little harder to try and bring her back from the brink, but then remembered that he might actually be pushing her in the other direction and signalled to Kelly that they should both stop for a couple of minutes. Kelly took the opportunity to turn to her side and lap some water from the dog bowl on the floor, a task made more difficult by her frog-tied legs and arms tightly bound behind her back. Once again, she thought, here I am suffering for the pleasure of Maria fucking Hughes.
Maria didn't see this as pleasure, but the most exquisite of tortures - not quite enough stimulation to relieve her of her burning need to cum and not quite enough pain either. She had been horny as hell since that morning, when she and one of her saleswomen had been virtually assaulted by a client. While her colleague Rebecca had been traumatised by the event, having to go home early and lie down in a darkened room, Maria had found the whole experience - stripped naked, cuffed, forced to fellate the guy, tortured by clamps, then her struggles to get free - a total turn-on. If she hadn't feared that Rebecca was going to be anally raped, she would have quite liked to find out what else the man, Harris, had to offer. He certainly had a good line in 'trash talk', calling her 'whore' and 'animal', which she'd found very arousing!
She'd spent the rest of the day flirting with her sales team, pushing her tits and arse at anyone she could, offering herself as 'The Closer Queen' to any who needed her advice, and there were a few. She had even mercilessly teased her young PA, Tanya. She had sent her to get coffee and, as she returned, had timed her move perfectly so that they 'accidentally' collided in the office doorway and the hot coffee went all down Maria's front.
Feigning outraged anger, she ordered her assistant to get her spare blouse (always be prepared) and follow her to the ladies room. The girl was already flustered by the time she got there, and the sight of Maria with her blouse already off and splashing water onto her breasts made her blush furiously and break out in a nervous sweat.
"Here's your blouse, M..." Tanya was struggling to work out what to call her boss, because she'd been banned from using 'Miss Hughes', Tanya wasn't comfortable with 'Maria' and the only other option suggested by Maria was 'Mistress', which scared her.
"... Miss?" she ended lamely, almost begging her boss for direction. Maria looked at the nervous young woman and almost felt sorry for her. Almost.
"I think you need to show a little more respect than that, young lady!" she barked.
"Yes Mistress!" Tanya responded, pathetically grateful she now knew where she stood.
"Look! You've even got it on my skirt, you clumsy girl! You'll have to sponge it clean." As the older woman turned and dropped her skirt, Tanya stared open-mouthed at the vicious-looking red welts across her back and the cane stripes across her buttocks. Then she turned and handed the skirt to her PA, who could not stop staring at the word 'SLAVE' tattooed just above her shaved pussy, which glinted with the tiny gold rings in her labia.
"You've scalded me here, you know," Maria said, a finger pressed against her left thigh just above the knee, "I think you should kiss it better." Her assistant went completely red and looked at Maria with a look of disbelief in her eyes. When she saw the half-smile and raised eyebrow, she felt her heart skip a beat. She swallowed nervously.
"Yes, Mistress." Maria watched, hardly able to believe what she was seeing, as her young assistant went down on her knees and her soft, full lips brushed against her skin, sending a bolt of electricity through the manager's body. The finger, which had been pointing to the spot just kissed so gently and sensuously, slid up and around to indicate a spot on Maria's inner thigh.
"And here." The words were a little tremulous.
"Yes, Mistress" Tanya said, a little quieter. This time, as her lips touched the smooth flesh, they parted slightly and her tongue flicked out and pressed damply against the soft skin, describing a small circle. She was rewarded by a quiet but desperate moan from above her. The finger moved on, finally pointing to a spot directly between the tiny gold rings. Maria didn't trust herself to speak.
Tanya looked up and saw Maria's face, bright red and glowing with an unbridled lust, from her sparkling, half-closed eyes to her flared nostrils, to her slightly parted lips through which her shallow breaths were panting.
"Yes, Mistress" Tanya whispered, a slight smile flickering on her lips, and moved towards the fickle finger. As she did so, the finger moved out of the way, but with the other fingers, pulled on the little gold rings, parting the lips in front of her, to reveal a very red and swollen clitoris.
Tanya could smell the woman's need for her now, as her warm breath drew another moan from above. But as her lips closed around the tiny bud and her tongue slid across it, the moan became a scream - stifled and contained as much as possible, but a scream nevertheless.
In Maria's head, a whole July 4th's-worth of fireworks had just gone off. The last rational thought which had passed through her mind, before it turned to mush, was:
'The girl's eighteen, I'm not forcing her to do this, its not wrong! So why does it feel so wrong? Why do I feel like I'm cradle snatching? Maybe is because I'm twice her age, maybe it's because I'm her manager, but FUCK, I don't care, that just feels so good!!'
When she came only moments later, Maria lost consciousness, just for a second or two, but her legs gave way and she slumped onto the bathroom floor.
"Are you alright, Mistress?" Tanya's face swum into view above her , the sound of genuine concern in her voice - had she hurt her boss?
"Oh God, Tanya", Maria croaked, "You just made an old lady very, VERY happy!"
"So, Dame Helen", Colin continued, giving his slave an extra-hard whack across the breasts to get her mind back on what he was saying. Maria came back from her dreamy reverie to realise that Kelly had returned to licking her pussy and she still desperately needed to cum. It seemed the more sex she had, the more she wanted - ah, the trials and tribulations of a sex slave ...
"I met her the other day and she seems a really nice person - she got her Damehood for all the charity work she does for homeless and vulnerable girls, you know - but she seemed rather sad. I Googled her and found that she used to live with a girl called Julia, one of her early rescues, about 20 years younger than her. Unfortunately, Julia was killed in a car crash about six months ago and Dame Helen has been a bit of a recluse since then.
"Now the interesting thing is that Julia was 35 when she died - about the same age as you, Maria. I think it would be really nice if you went round and cheered her up." Maria felt very dubious about the idea - surely she would think Maria was trying to influence her vote on the decision about joining the board.
"Are you sure that's a good idea, Master?" she asked doubtfully.
"Are you questioning my decision, slave? Remember Frank Jarrett, how that turned out. I think you should go round to see her tonight."
"No, Master. I mean, yes, Master. I mean -" Her floundering was cut off by Colin inserting his cock into her mouth and sliding it into her throat. He waved Kelly away from Maria's pussy and began lightly tapping it with the cane - he loved the way her little strangulated screams sent vibrations through his already throbbing erection. Ah, this is the life, he thought as he smiled to himself and pumped his beautiful slave full of cum.
As soon as she opened the door, Dame Helen Baxter was uncomfortable. She immediately recognised the sales manager standing on her doorstep, although she was startled by her dress - a bit of a chilly evening for a 'Hooters' crop top and unbelievably tiny pink shorts, she thought, but maybe that was what young people were wearing these days ...
"I'm not sure it's appropriate that you be here, Ms Hughes" she said rather stiffly.
"Please may I come in, ma'am, I have something important to discuss with you" Maria replied. Helen could see how cold the young woman was by the goosebumps on her arms, but she needed to stand firm.
"I'm sorry, Maria, this just wouldn't look right to the board. You must go" she said, and began to shut the door.
"It's about Julia" Maria blurted out desperately, playing her only card. Helen looked sharply at the young woman and then, against her better judgement, motioned for her to come in.
"What do you know about Julia?" she asked as they sat down in the drawing room.
"I know you were together for nearly 20 years and must have loved each other very much" Maria began, trying to feel her way without really knowing the facts.
"I also know she died recently and you must be devastated." Despite her resolve to keep herself in check, these few simple words unlocked the intense emotions Helen had kept bottled up inside, and she suddenly felt hot tears streaming down her face. Maria moved to sit beside her and put her arm around her shoulder, the older woman turning her head into Maria's shoulder as huge sobs wracked her body.
"Oh, Maria, she was so beautiful! She was my beautiful baby! I loved her like a good mother should love her baby!" The words came haltingly through the tears and Maria made soothing, cooing noises as she stroked Helen's arms and hugged her close.
"Let me help you" she implored, any thought of Colin's agenda, whatever it might be, forgotten as she responded instinctively to the obvious distress and anguish of this woman.
"It's no use!" Helen wailed, "We had something so special, you wouldn't understand!"
"Let me try" Maria said gently, "I know it will never be the same, but maybe I could take her place, just for a little while" Helen looked up at her, blinking away the tears.
"You ... you would do that? For me?" Maria smiled and nodded. "But you don't know ..."
"Teach me" Maria begged, "You had to teach her once, now teach me." For the first time in a long time, a smile spread across Helen's face.
"I would like that" she said, "It's been so long ... but only if you're sure, promise to tell me if you get uncomfortable" Maria smiled and took Helen's hand in her own, raising it to her lips and kissing it.
"Well" Helen stood up, "Time for bed then, I think." Maria was excited as the older woman led her upstairs. Having had her first real Sapphic encounter earlier that day, and it having been such a success, she was quite looking forward to exploring her distaff side a little more. Dame Helen was quite a big woman, but she was tall and so could carry the extra weight, and at nearly sixty still looked remarkably good - Maria could tell by her bone structure she must have been stunningly beautiful in her younger days, and she was still handsome and so elegant.
"This was Julia's room" Helen said as they stood by the closed door, "There isn't a day since she ... I haven't sat in there, thinking of her." She took a key from the pocket of her dress and unlocked the door.
"A couple of rules first. You mustn't talk in there, and you have to be naked and on your hands and knees when you go in." Maria's eyebrows went up - a little weird, but then she'd done a lot weirder things in the last few days. She quickly shed her clothes and got down on all fours facing the door, eager to get started. Colin had made her remove her nipple and pussy rings and cover her tattoo with a strip of Elastoplast, so as not to scare the woman off. Helen looked down and was shocked at the marks on her back, wondering at the abuse the young woman had suffered recently. She would have been more shocked had she realised most of it had been inflicted by the chairman of the board.
When the door opened, Maria was hit by a wall of warm air - it must have been 30C in there, and she was glad she was naked, otherwise she would have been sweating. And then realisation dawned. Oh, that's what she meant. 'My beautiful baby'. Right!
The room was softly lit by a low-wattage bulb in a lampshade decorated with little fluffy bunnies, a theme replicated in the wallpaper. The floor was covered in a shiny soft-padded linoleum with bright swirling patterns on it. The main piece of furniture was a baby's cot, but big enough for an adult-sized baby ...
Maria was, to put it mildly, surprised. Clearly, Helen and Julia had a much different relationship to the one she, and presumably Colin and everyone else, had assumed. Well, she thought, whatever floats your boat, at least it doesn't look like she's going to be whipping me ...
"Welcome back to your own little room, baby!" Helen said as she leaned down and stroked Maria's back, her hand sliding down over her nicely presented buttocks, making the kneeling woman shudder in response.
"Let's get you ready for bed, shall we, baby?" Helen indicated a large plastic changing mat on the floor and Maria scooted on to it. Helen took some items from a chest of drawers and knelt down by the mat.
"Okay now, darling, we're going to put your mitts on first, just so you don't suck your thumb. Now, I need you to make a fist for me, can you do that? Good girl! What a clever girl!" Maria watched as the little white mittens were pulled over her hands and the pretty little bows tied at her wrists. She immediately realised she wouldn't be able to uncurl her fist in the mittens, and therefore couldn't use her fingers or thumbs, even to remove the mittens themselves. It was a form of bondage, but rather more subtle than she had become accustomed to.
Next came the cute little booties, also tied in bows at the ankle. At first, Maria could see nothing special about them, but then realised they had extremely shiny soles. That, combined with the shiny linoleum, meant she wouldn't be able to stand without slipping over. She would have to crawl around on hands and knees ... like a baby. She was starting to get the picture.
The next item was more like what she expected - an oversized baby's dummy (pacifier to you Americans). When Helen inserted it, it filled her mouth but was not unpleasant like a cock gag, it just gave her something to suck on and, she realised, reduced anything she did try to say to meaningless gibberish ... or baby talk. It was held in place by a thin piece of elastic around the back of her head, just tight enough to stop her pushing it out with her tongue, and of course, with the mittens on, it was going to stay there until Helen decided different.
Helen now started pinning up her 'baby's' hair into a bun, then picked up a very cute lacy bonnet and slipped it over the top, tying it in a pretty bow under her chin.
"Aww, my beautiful baby!" she said and a tear rolled down her cheek as she remembered, but she was smiling happily through the tears. Maria reached up and dabbed at her wet cheeks with her mitten, and Helen held her hand, kissing it, then kissing the crook of her elbow then her shoulder. As she leaned over further, Maria's heart raced as she felt her mouth brush her nipple, then Helen's lips were on her flat, toned stomach, blowing a raspberry which sent vibrations up and down her body, making her giggle. Suddenly Helen's fingernails were running up and down Maria's sides from her armpits to her hips and the naked woman was squealing and crying in fits of laughter as she suffered the worst tickle torture since she was six years old. Helen was unrelenting, not letting up until the tears were running down her victim's face. When at last it stopped, Maria felt exhausted, but she couldn't get the smile off her face.
The nappy (diaper) came next, a terry towelling square folded into a triangle and held together by the biggest safety pin Maria had ever seen. But before it was done up, Helen had her hold her legs up in the air while she coated the cane and whip welts on her buttocks in zinc cream 'to clear up that nasty nappy rash', as she put it.
"Time for baby's feed now, I think, don't you?" Maria watched as Helen stood up and removed her elegant black dress, revealing surprisingly sexy underwear - well-fitted black bra supporting her large breasts, silky French knickers, garter belt and sheer black stockings, with the seams perfectly aligned up the back of her legs. As she unhooked and removed her bra, before sitting down next to Maria and cradling her in her arm, Maria knew what was expected of her.
While Helen's breasts seemed enormous, and the areolas gigantic, they were still reasonably firm and did not sag too much. When the dummy was removed from her mouth and left to dangle around her neck, Maria eagerly clamped her mouth around the proffered nipple, and sucked as a baby would, to receive milk, rather than to arouse 'mummy'.
Nevertheless, as Helen's eyes closed and her breathing became ragged, it was clear the effect the suckling was having. Out of the corner of her eye, Maria saw Helen's hand slide inside her French knickers and begin to work on relieving what must have been a lot of built-up tension. Maria felt the breast pulled away from her but immediately replaced by the other being thrust into her face. Soon, little whimpers were being forced from the Dame of the Realm, whimpers which grew to moans and finally to cries as she brought herself to a beautiful climax. As the waves of pleasure washed over her, she clutched her 'baby' tight to her bosom, almost suffocating the younger woman. At last the feeling subsided and, with a sigh, she released Maria and laid her back down on the mat.
"Oh dear, mummy doesn't have any milk for you, baby, it'll have to be formula tonight" Helen went to the little food preparation area and made up a bottle, testing the temperature on her forearm before returning to the changing mat. Maria sucked on the teat greedily, realising just how thirsty and hungry she was. As she gulped down the warm but slightly odd-tasting milk, she looked up into the adoring face of the woman she had thought a lesbian but who had turned out to have a much weirder, but rather beautiful, interest.
With the milk all gone and the dummy replaced, Maria crawled over to the cot and clambered in.
"Time for sleepy-bo-bo's, darling" Helen said as she pulled the teddy-bear covered duvet up over Maria's semi-naked body. She leaned in and kissed her on the forehead, before replacing the cot side so she wouldn't accidentally fall out. Maria smiled at her through the wooden bars of the cot and gave a big yawn - the stresses and strains of the day had clearly caught up with her as she drifted off almost immediately into a deep and restful sleep. That, thought Helen as she gently brushed a stray lock of hair from across that peaceful, angelic face, and the mild sedative in the milk. She set up the baby monitor and went off to her own room, blissfully happy.
Maria woke slowly, as if returning to consciousness from a very long way away. A little disoriented by the soft light and the rubber dummy in her mouth, she quickly remembered where she was, and then it hit her - oh dear Lord, what was that awful smell? After a few seconds, she realised it was coming from her very full nappy - she didn't know it, but the milk she had drunk also contained a mild laxative as well as sedative. Now she had the very uncomfortable and embarrassing feeling of her bottom being covered in her own shit.
She pulled herself up onto her knees in front of the bars on the cot side and looked at the release mechanism. It was perfectly simple for someone with full use of their hands, but of course it was beyond a 'baby' like her. She couldn't take off the nappy anyway, or clean herself up. She was as helpless as ... a baby. Well, what does a baby do when she is not happy? Maria started to wail in, apparently, total and endless misery.
A few moments later, a dishevelled and sleepy-looking Helen, dressed in a long nightdress and slippers, came into the room.
"Oh, baby, have you done a poo-poo? Phew! You certainly have! Let's get you cleaned up, poppet." She released the cot side and led Maria over to the changing mat. Half a pack of baby wipes later, Maria smelled a whole lot better and ready for a fresh nappy.
She was surprised to feel the tip of Helen's fingernail tracing a circle on her skin just below the Elastoplast covering her tattoo, and just above her pussy. She was also reciting a little rhyme.
"Round and round the garden like a teddy bear
One step,
Two step,
Tickly under there!"
The circling motion coincided with the first line. On the second line, Maria felt a finger pressing down on her soft, shaved mound. On the third line, a finger slipped between her pussy lips and flicked her clitoris. On the final line, she felt a flurry of light touches on the already moist entrance to her vagina. She let out a gurgle, half laugh at the tickle, half moan at the arousal. As the little game was repeated, Maria writhed under the exquisite touch and the moaning far outweighed the giggling. On the third time around the garden, Maria felt Helen's lips take her left nipple into her mouth and the fingers lingered under there, pushing into the hot, wet interior and exploring the upper reaches of her dripping pussy. Maria wasn't sure if there was a fourth trip around the garden, because she was beyond caring by then. All she could think about was the nibbling sensation on first one nipple, then the other, then back to the first, and the fingers in her pussy, now joined by the thumb rolling her clitoris back and forth. The sensations seemed to last forever and, at the same time, explode into a tinglingly sensational orgasm that electrified her whole body.
By the time she had recovered control of her senses, Maria found herself in a clean nappy, back in the cot and tucked up under the duvet. 'Thank you, mummy' she tried to say as she smiled up at Helen, but all that came out was a contented gurgle. She was soon fast asleep again.
In the morning, Helen helped Maria out into the corridor and then out of her baby attire.
"Oh, Maria" Helen gushed, "Thank you so much for such a magical night! Please say you'll come back and do it again sometime!"
"I'd love to, Helen" Maria smiled, "You're the best mummy a baby could have!"
Part 10 (added: 12/05/2011)
Maria was struggling to breathe, caused partly by her tight bondage but mainly by the situation in which she found herself. She looked at herself in the mirror and felt a hot flush spread across her entire body.
It had been a tremendous day for her personally and the company in general. They had had their best ever quarter sales, with her team leading the way and making up for shortfalls by some of her fellow sales managers, which was another feather in her cap. Everyone in the office had been ecstatic and the champagne had flowed, although Maria made sure she steered clear of it and also that no-one spiked her orange juice. Then Frank Jarrett had called her into his office.
"Congratulations, Maria" he said with a broad smile, "You've done a sterling job! If you can keep it up for the final quarter of the year, that directorship should be a formality!"
"Thank you, sir" Maria replied, feeling the warm glow of his praise, "I couldn't have done it without my team of course, they've all worked incredibly hard."
"I'd like you to come over to my house tonight" he said. Maria felt a thrill of excitement and not a little fear at the thought of what exactly he might have in mind for her.
"Should I come in my school uniform, headmaster?" she asked. Frank smiled at the memory of her standing on his doorstep, dressed as a schoolgirl, but shook his head.
"No, nothing like that tonight. I'm having a little drinks party for a few very important people and I want you to be there, mingling and making an impression - it could be important for your career. So, party frock on! If you come about six, you can help me get set up." Maria thanked him and said she'd be there at 6pm sharp.
When she got back to her apartment, she was surprised to find that her Master, Colin, already knew about the drinks party. Not only that, both he and Kelly were also attending. Maria immediately suspected that Frank and Colin were plotting something, and that she and Kelly would be the targets of this little subterfuge.
For once, her master allowed her full access to her wardrobe, while he had been out and bought (on Maria's credit card) a rather nice cocktail dress and sexy underwear for Kelly. As the two women showered, dressed and put on their make-up together, it was the first time Kelly had actually spoken to Maria without swearing at her and taking out her fear, anger and frustration on her. The two women could almost have been best of friends. Even Colin had dressed up, in black tie and tuxedo, making him look surprisingly attractive.
Maria and Kelly were both giggling with excitement to be out in regular clothes going to a regular event, even though in the back of her mind, Maria knew any event involving the man who had blackmailed them both into sexual slavery, held at a place with its own torture dungeon, was likely to end in pain and misery. But, she thought, maybe there'll be some fun along the way and she would still get to meet these 'important people'.
Frank Jarrett greeted them warmly at the door and invited them in. He was also in a tuxedo, which went well with his silver hair to make a suave, sophisticated impression. He poured them all a sherry and suggested that the ladies might like to 'freshen up' before the rest of the guests arrived. He indicated that there were two separate bathrooms for them to use, Kelly choosing the upstairs one while Maria took her make-up bag to the bathroom downstairs.
Maria had just re-applied her lip gloss and clipped her bag shut when there was a gentle knock on the door and Frank Jarrett let himself in.
"Hi, Frank" Maria said with a slightly quizzical tone, "What's up?"
"There's been a slight change of plan. Take your clothes off."
"What?" Maria asked, shocked at his request and its abruptness. She was even more shocked when Frank slapped her hard across the cheek, nearly knocking her off her feet.
"You heard me, cunt! Strip, and be quick about it!" Maria was stunned, not able to believe the evening was going to start like this. But she saw the look on Frank's face, a look she had only previously seen when he had been holding a whip over her naked body, and knew he was deadly serious. Twenty minutes later, she was ready for the party, in her alternative outfit.
She was struggling to breathe, caused partly by her tight bondage but mainly by the situation in which she found herself. She looked at herself in the mirror and felt a hot flush spread across her entire body as she surveyed her impressive costume.
Her head was completely covered by the black latex hood. Her long black hair had been pulled through a hole in the top and cascaded down from there. There were two small, net-covered holes over her nostrils for her to breathe, and two more over her ears - they clearly didn't want her to miss anything which was said to her or about her. Her mouth had been completely filled by an inflatable bladder, rendering her almost mute, and the hood had been zipped closed over her lips. There were even net patches over the holes left for her eyes, so that, while she could see out, anyone looking at her would not even be able to tell there was a human being in there.
A posture collar kept her chin held high and prevented her turning her head even slightly to look to the sides. Her arms were pulled tightly behind her back and fused together in a black leather arm binder, forcing her shoulders back painfully and her breasts to be thrust out in front of her. The breasts themselves were swollen and distended by the presence of a leather harness around them, rather like a bra but with no cups. The straps of the harness cinched tight around the base of her breasts and small needle-like protrusions on the inside edges of the harness dug cruelly into her soft flesh.
The area from just below her breasts to just above her hips was encased in a black PVC waist cincher, which took her well-toned stomach down from 28 inches to a mere 22, and was the cause of most of her breathlessness. Suspenders hung down from this and clipped on to black latex stockings, which squeezed her thighs and calves into the perfect shape.
Her feet had been forced into ballet boots, with 12 inch high heels, and she was constantly struggling to maintain her balance. She realised now why Colin had made her and Kelly train in heels like these for an hour a day for the past week, first just to be able to stand up and then to walk in them. She had only been wearing them for five minutes and already her toes and feet were aching badly.
To this bondage, other torments had been added. A large butt plug had been inserted into her anus, stretching her uncomfortably, and a 10 inch dildo into her cunt. The dildo was covered with small, hard nodules, which would apparently enable her to hold it inside her, as she would not have a crotch strap to help and would be severely punished if she let it slide out.
Each of the three pairs of tiny gold rings through her labia were clamped by a strange spring-loaded device which spread her pussy lips wide open, exposing her moist and very tender flesh and, of course, her clitoris. A small weight had been suspended on a chain from the bottom of the waist cincher so that, each time she moved, the weight nudged and bumped against the swollen bud, causing either pain or pleasure, depending on the violence of the collision.
Finally, and most bizarrely, one edge of a silver tray had been clipped to the front of the waist cincher. The tray protruded out in front of her and was kept horizontal by two silver chains on the tray corners away from her body, which ran to butterfly clamps on each of her nipples. The weight of the tray caused the clamps to bite hard, and her breasts and nipples were being stretched out and down towards the tray.
"My God" Frank breathed, standing behind her and staring at her reflection in the mirror, "Your master is an evil genius! When he came up with this idea, I couldn't see how it could work, but this is amazing! Thirty minutes ago, you were my young, vivacious, beautiful sales manager, full of energy, bright ideas and witty conversation. Now, I no longer see a woman I respect, admire, and might want to promote. I see just some skanky, cheap whore, little more than a mannequin modelling the latest bondage gear, a fuckable tailor's dummy. You have nothing to offer anyone beyond your holes for fucking, and an ability to perform mindless, mechanical tasks. No-one out there will give a shit what you think or what you might want to say either. When they see you, you'll just be a sex toy to them, all they'll be thinking about is fucking you, using and abusing you. I wonder what it feels like, being a worthless piece of shit like you. You're hardly even good enough to be a slave"
Underneath the hood, Maria's cheeks were burning with shame and tears were running down her face. She could tell he meant every word of the degrading aabuse he'd spat in her face, and she also knew he was right. All her hopes and dreams and ambitions - they meant nothing. She had thought she had some sort of control over at least one tiny aspect her life - what happened in her head - but now her Master had taken even that away. She had been a wild animal, but was now tamed, yoked and broken. She looked at her boss's face and saw him laughing at her, scoffing at her pretentions to be his equal. He had brought her back to the reality of being a slave with his cruel words. If she was lucky, he seemed to be saying, he might condescend to let her lick the shit off his shoe, but only if she performed her assigned task to his satisfaction.
She glanced down at her pussy, pinned out like a gynaecological diagram, rather than an object of desire, and saw that the exposed flesh was flushed with blood and glistening wet, her clitoris bloated and almost purple. She was being aroused by her total humiliation by this man who, only hours before, had been congratulating her on her abilities and hinting at her elevation to the board. Now she was less than nothing to him. Fresh tears ran down her face, while her feelings of arousal continued to climb.
Frank clipped a dog lead to the front of Maria's posture collar and led her out of the bathroom, down the corridor and into the kitchen, where she got her first sight of Kelly.
Her bondage was largely similar to Maria's - latex hood, gag, posture collar, breast harness, waist cincher, suspenders, latex stockings and ballet boots. But Kelly as on her hands and knees - she had never got the knack of even standing up in the ballet boots and, exasperated, Colin had decided to make her crawl around instead. He had used chains between her wrists and thighs just above her knees with just enough slack so that she could shuffle about but could not get up. The tray had been relocated onto her back, as if she were a moving table.
Maria saw that the chains to the nipples had been replaced by what looked like pretty heavy lead weights hung from Kelly's nipple rings. Similarly, weights had been attached to all six of her pussy rings, and a weighted butterfly clamp attached to her clitoris. All swung freely below her as she moved, pulling her tender flesh down towards the floor. Kelly was making quiet mewing sounds which Maria, based on the effectiveness of her own gag, interpreted as fairly desperate screams. She shed tears of sympathy for the frightened young woman, even though her own bondage was equally stringent.
"I'll go and greet our guests" Frank said, "Could you get the trays loaded up, please?"
"No problem" Colin replied, and called for Frank's housemaid, Carla. The woman was in her early twenties, but not as attractive as Kelly or Maria. She was dressed in a sexy French maid's outfit, as was usual at these events. She was initially shocked when she came in and saw the two women trussed up in such extreme bondage, but she had got used to seeing - and hearing - some pretty strange goings-on in this house, and she was just glad it wasn't her who had been forced to wear that stuff!
There were small bowls of hors d'oeuvres on the counter, and Carla filled the tray on Kelly's back with them. She then started filling champagne flutes and placing them on the tray in front of Maria. As she loaded more onto the tray, the butterfly clamps bit deeper into Maria's nipples and stretched them further, causing the tray to slope. Carla had to shorten the chains as he filled the tray to keep it horizontal. Maria's protests at the rising pain inflicted on her nipples were almost entirely muffled by the gag, but were completely ignored by Colin and Carla anyway. Once the tray was covered with glasses, they were ready to go.
"Okay, everyone's pretty much here" Frank said as he came back into the kitchen,
"Let's go!"
"One last thing" Colin said to his slaves sternly, "If either of you fuck up and drop the shit on your tray, you'll be in Frank's dungeon, and you'll be whipped until your fucking skin peels off, understand?" Neither woman could reply in any way, but both trembled in abject fear.
Frank picked up the dog lead and led Maria out, followed by Kelly being led by Colin.
Maria's heart was racing and her face was covered in sweat inside the hood. Each step was agony on her feet, sending shooting pains up her legs as the ballet boots tortured her, but also each sway of her hips caused the weight to hit her clitoris, tormenting and stimulating her in equal measure. With her arms strapped together behind her back, she could not use them to balance herself on the vertiginous heels, and had to concentrate hard to avoid falling and, more importantly, avoid spilling the drinks.
She could hear the murmur of voices from the large function room they were approaching, and it sounded like more than the half a dozen people she had been assuming would be present. Her panic level continued to rise and she tried to stop walking, but Frank pulled her forward towards her fate. At last they stood in front of the double doors and, with a dramatic flourish, Frank threw them wide open.
All conversation stopped and every head turned to look at who - or what - was at the door. Maria nearly fainted as she gazed at the assembled crowd, all of whom were gazing right back at her. Her breath was caught in her lungs and it felt as though her heart had actually ceased to beat. Sensing Maria's panic, Frank grabbed her shoulder to steady her and pinched her painfully hard to impress upon her that she was going to be doing this. Backing out was not an option!
There must have been fifty guys - they were all men - in the room, they were all staring at her, and she knew every one of them!
Every man in the sales division, including all those who reported to her, the two sales managers she worked alongside, even the retiring sales director who she met with every day - they were all there and all staring at her semi-naked, tightly bound body!
After a minute of them staring at her and her staring back, Frank tugged gently and indicated for her to step forward. She inched forward even slower now, reluctant to get closer to her colleagues and subordinates. This could not be any more humiliating, she thought, they must all be able to see who it is - she could see them so clearly, and they were following her every move, they must see right through her, almost see her soul! As she tiptoed forward, the crowd of men parted before her, keeping their distance, as though unsure of how to react to a naked and bound woman in their midst. But once again, her mind and body betrayed her, making her arousal at being so debased in front of all these familiar faces was obvious for anyone to see.
"Gentlemen, don't be shy" Frank said, "Come and take a drink. Don't think of this as a normal woman, like your wife or girlfriend at home, or even your manager at work. Think of it as a mobile drinks trolley, one component of which happens to be a stupid, worthless slut who wants to be displayed to you - because that is what you are looking at. This whore wants to serve you, in any and every way. Enjoy!"
This little speech seemed to break the spell and hands were reaching out and taking the glasses. Soon the tray was empty and Maria had to inch her way back to the kitchen, where Carla restocked her and sent her back out. As she circulated slowly around, the men continued to stare at her, but worse, she started to hear the comments they were making.
"Beautiful tits on that, wouldn't mind copping a feel!" This came from Mark, one of the salesmen in her own team, someone she'd helped close a deal earlier that day. He seemed to suddenly realise no-one was either going to stop him or tell him off, and he reached out and grabbed Maria's breast and squeezed it, threatening to spill the drinks.
"I've only ever seen black and white photos of women with waists that small, that must be damned painful" she heard from someone at her side but couldn't turn her head to see who it was. The remark just reminded of the crushing tightness of the waist cincher which, along with the arm binder, posture collar and ballet boots, were forcing her to 'strut her stuff' like the perfect bondage model she had become. She would have been even more turned on by it all if she could see herself, or she wasn't in quite so much pain and discomfort.
"What kind of sick bitch asks for this kind of humiliation?" The utterly submissive kind, Maria thought to herself.
"I wonder if Frank has to pay these whores to do this or if they really do volunteer?" I'm not a whore because no-one's paying me to do this, Maria thought, but the wondered if she was even worse than a common whore.
"Maybe they're being forced to do it - you know, like trafficked women from Eastern Europe?" Frank wouldn't do anything illegal, Maria thought, and wondered at herself making such a moral judgement on someone who would treat her like this without really caring about whether she wanted to do it or not.
Maria's mind was in a whirl as she wandered slowly and painfully amongst her work colleagues, no longer a valued member of the team whose opinion was eagerly sought, but a sex object of curiosity, disgust, scorn, lustful thoughts and stares. The way in which the men spoke as if she were worthless, their crude language, their casual verbal abuse of her, was causing an unwanted stirring in her loins.
With a start, she realised the wetness this had caused meant the hug and uncomfortable dildo in her cunt had started to slide down and threatened to slip out of her entirely. Desperate to prevent this happening, Maria began to concentrate hard on clenching the muscles in her pussy to retain the nodule-covered device. Having the dildo slip out of her was not going to please her Master, yet holding it in had become a distracting task that was quickly increasing her arousal.
Her level of shame and embarrassment rose even higher as she saw two men approaching - her fellow sales managers, Alan and David.
Alan was in his fifties and he knew he had reached as far as he wanted to go in the organisation. He had always been very polite and courteous to Maria and she got on well with him, but now he just stared lasciviously at her body. She wondered if men always looked at women this way, but hid it when in 'polite' society. She certainly felt demeaned and objectified by it, but unfortunately that just made her hotter.
David was a similar age to Alan, but an American who had joined when the company had taken over a smaller US-based rival. He was very ambitious and a serious rival to Maria for the soon-to-be-vacant position of sales director. He always appeared very friendly towards her, but she knew he would knife her in the back given half a chance. If he found out who was standing in front of him right now ...
"I reckon she gets off on guys staring at her naked body. I've seen it on the Internet." David was saying as he stood just a couple of feet in front of her, sipping his drink and staring at her breasts.
"Do a lot of surfing on porn sites, do you?" Alan asked as he leaned forward and took a fresh glass from the tray hanging from her nipples. He deliberately pressed down as he grasped the slender stem of the glass, sending a fresh ripple of pain through Maria's aching flesh, but giving her a bright smile as he did so.
"Plenty - hey, I'm not ashamed to say I like to see a woman tied up and being fucked or whipped! It's just the way I am. I wonder what she does when she's not serving drinks in the buff?" David looked at her as if trying to divine her job from her body. He stared at her cunt, spread out and entirely vulnerable.
"Maybe she works in sales" Alan joked, putting out his hand and stroking her buttock. Maria had a sudden feeling of alarm - where did that idea come from?
"Yeah, maybe this is really our esteemed colleague Maria Hughes!" David replied, smiling at this delicious fantasy. Maria's heart pounded and she stopped breathing - oh my God, she thought, does he know? A hand reached out and took the last two glasses from the tray, and Maria slowly turned to head for the kitchen and away from this horrible situation. But David moved around until he was in front of her, blocking her path. She tried to step backwards, but Alan was there, and she felt his hand groping her buttocks again, pushing the butt plug painfully into her.
"Wouldn't that be just wonderful?" David said wickedly, leaning forward until he was only inches from her latex-covered face and staring into the netting which covered her eyes. Maria was really frightened now - surely he would see her eyes and recognise her?
"I don't imagine she has 'SLAVE' tattooed over her cunt," David went on, "but then again, you never know, do you?" His hand roamed down Maria's trembling body until his fingers reached her tattoo. His hand lingered on her abdomen for a moment, exploring the feel of the individual letters of the tattoo before venturing down to her cunt.
Maria went to move away, hoping to avoid his advances but was held firmly in place by Alan, who was standing directly behind her, still groping her buttocks. This allowed David's fingers to explore the wet flesh of her inner labia, brushing roughly across her fully exposed and engorged clit. Maria jumped and thought she might climax if he were to touch her there again, and she wasn't sure if she wanted him to or not.
"I think you may be letting your porn-addled imagination get the better of you, David" Alan remarked sardonically.
"Excuse me, gents" Colin's voice cut in beside her, "I need to get this trolley restocked." He picked up the lead dangling from Maria's collar and steered her towards the kitchen. Behind her, she heard David and Alan laughing as they watched her sashay out of the room.
Maria staggered back to the kitchen in a daze, the blood pounding in her temples as she tried to come to terms with what was happening to her. The fear and tension of wondering whether they'd guessed her identity was getting to her. She was also suffering severe cramps in her calf muscles, and her toes were screaming in agony as the ballet boots started to take their toll. As she tottered into the kitchen, she collapsed to her knees, her muffled cries accompanied by fresh tears.
Colin massaged her legs where she was suffering the worst of the cramps, making Maria scream in agony, but his rough handling gradually relieved the pain. When he had finished, he helped her back to her feet and called Carla to load the tray with fresh glasses. Ignoring her muffled protests, he led her back into the throng and left her to be groped and ogled by her subordinates and colleagues.
As the evening wore on, Maria could tell that the crowd was now becoming more and more drunk. She saw Alan and David in the corner conspiring together and glancing in her direction, and she knew that was not a good sign. She turned and started to move away, but suddenly they were there on either side of her, pushing her back against the wall. Both were clearly the worse for drink, and Maria feared what they would do to her next.
She felt Alan grab the chains on her nipples, tugging and twisting the clamps to cause her maximum pain. His other hand grabbed the butt plug in her arse and forced it further inside her. Meanwhile, on her other side, David had one hand thrusting the huge dildo, with its spiky surface, in and out of her aching cunt, while he pinched and pulled her clitoris with his other hand.
Maria's struggles to escape their attentions were futile and only succeeded in heightening her feelings of helplessness. As she looked up, she realised everyone had stopped talking and were now staring at the three of them again. In a state of shock, Maria realised that, unless they stopped what they were doing - and they showed no interest in that - they were going to force her to cum.
The orgasm seemed to start with the intense pain in her feet. Her legs started to shake, her knees tremble, her thighs judder as she felt the waves of pain and pleasure coursing through her body. They could hardly hear her muffled cries and screams, but everyone in the room could see she was in the throes of a massive orgasm. Her body was covered in a sheen of sweat as the tremors continued to make her dance as if she were being electrocuted. Alan and David had stopped stimulating her once they could tell her climax was unstoppable, and now stood watching in fascinated awe, like everyone else, as she shook violently. Her brain had been completely taken over by sensation, until, finally spent, she sank to her knees. The dildo finally dropped out of her pussy onto the floor as a flood of her own cum squirted and forced it out. There was a spontaneous round of applause, jeers and shouts of 'Again!'
David leaned drunkenly in towards Maria's kneeling form, and she felt something press against her chest. She didn't know it, but David had written the words 'MARIA HUGHES' across her breasts. Maria felt her world collapsing around her as every member of the sales division stared at her naked body, laughing and jeering. Somewhere in the distance, she heard tinkling as a glass was tapped for attention.
"Gentlemen," Frank called out, "As you know, we are here to celebrate our phenomenal success over the last quarter. Now, that success would not have been possible without the remarkable Maria Hughes, who is definitely here in spirit, and, according to Alan and David, her body is also here in the form of the beautiful slut providing your drinks!" The comment caused a more laughter among the men, as well as another hearty round of applause.
"So gentlemen, please raise your glasses and toast 'Maria Hughes', our trolley dolly fuck bunny!" As they all turned to her, raised their glasses and repeated the words 'Maria Hughes, trolley dolly fuck bunny!', Maria Hughes toppled forward onto the floor in a dead faint.
The evening was proving just as traumatic for Kelly. The restriction of the posture collar meant that she could not lift her head and see anything above the level of ankles, so as she crawled around on her hands and knees, all she knew was that she was in a sea of legs, with men reaching down to get food from the bowls on her back,, or to fondle and grope her buttocks and breasts. She also, like Maria, had to listen to their drunken voices making comments about her with no thought for her feelings.
"Her tits aren't as nice as that other one" she heard from above her.
"She's got a really nice arse though" someone else said, groping her buttocks.
"I wonder where Frank got them from?" Kelly was startled when she thought she recognised this voice.
"I heard someone say that little prick, Colin, from IT, owns them or some such shit!"
"Really?" said the familiar voice, "Didn't that really sexy little intern we had a few months back end up going out with him?" Again, Kelly felt the terror and bile rise within her as her fear of exposure hit new heights.
"Dunno, I don't remember her name, in fact I don't really remember her."
"Oh, I do!" the first voice said, "Her name was Kelly, and she had a superb arse, just like this one!" He emphasised his point by slapping her right buttock hard, making Kelly jump. She was in a flat panic now and trying to escape from these two.
"Oh, yeah, you had a bit of a thing for her, didn't you, Peter?" Peter! It all came flooding back in horrible detail to her now. Peter was one of the weirdest salesman - probably about sixty, a great bear of a man, his big bushy beard streaked with steel grey - he looked more like a mountain man from the Rockies than a salesman in London. Every day, he had stared at Kelly with a look of unalloyed lust, mischief and downright evil - and Kelly suspected he was looking at her exactly the same way now. Before, she had been insulted, but now she was scared.
"So, you really believe a smart, intelligent girl bright enough to intern for us has become some kind of sex slave to that tit Colin and is now in front of us, crawling around like a dog and serving us olives off her back?" his colleague said sarcastically, "A tad far fetched."
"Listen" Kelly heard Peter say, "It's called a mindfuck - if I want to think of this slut as Kelly, then she is Kelly - to me."
"Whatever! Weirdo!" his colleague said, wandering away to get a fresh drink. Kelly was relieved that no-one really believed it was her, but as she continued to shuffle around the room, she started to get the feeling that she was being followed. As she couldn't look up or around, because of the collar, she could not prove it, but still ...
But as she headed for the kitchen for refills, she could now hear soft footsteps behind her, and, in a panic, she tried to move faster and faster, spilling the bowls off the tray on her back, even though she knew deep down it was hopeless.
As she went into the kitchen, she heard the door shut behind her, and she knew he was here. Suddenly, a big arm circled her waist and lifted her up effortlessly on to a low table. Her muffled screams were ignored as the dildo and butt plug were ripped from her body.
"Now that you've been mindfucked, my little Kelly, prepare to be fucked for real" Peter growled in her ear as he held her in place easily using the dog lead. She felt his huge body press against the back of her thighs, before he rammed his surprisingly large, thick cock - he had never had a problem getting women - hard into her sore pussy.
Kelly felt like she was being impaled on a flag pole as the big man slammed into her time after time. She gained no pleasure from the assault, but it was about to get a whole lot worse as he pulled out of her cunt and forced himself into her anus. She thought she was being ripped apart as he thrust into her back passage and she screamed as never before. Even if he'd heard her plaintive cries for mercy or screams of agony, there was no way Peter would have stopped - he had fantasised about this for too long to miss the opportunity now. So what if it wasn't actually Kelly - she looked like he remembered and she felt like what he'd imagined. That was good enough for him!
Colin had noticed Kelly was missing and went looking for her. As he approached the kitchen, Peter emerged, straightening his trousers. They exchanged nods and Colin went into the kitchen, to find his slave lying on the floor, twitching, her body wracked by huge silent sobs and her thighs, buttocks and back smeared with a foul mixture of semen and shit.
The drinks party was coming to a conclusion. As Frank Jarrett looked down the hall towards the front door, he could see Maria on one side and Kelly on the other, each on their knees, and each still in their bondage, but with the gags removed.
"Gentlemen," Frank announced, "Unfortunately the party has to come to end, but as one last treat, our very accommodating sluts have asked that they be allowed to give you each a blowjob on the way out!" Maria and Kelly looked at each other in dismay as they heard this, but they could hear the crowd of men murmuring their approval and eager expectation at this announcement.
As Maria looked up into the face of the first man in front of her, she realised that it was Steve, one of the most junior salesman in her team who was now standing there, waiting for her to suck his cock. In fact, Colin had insured that everyone that Maria would be servicing was either in her own sales team, and therefore her subordinate, or one of the two other sales managers, Alan and David, who were her direct colleagues, thus maximising her humiliation.
With no other choice, she opened wide to enable the young salesman to put his erection into her mouth. She closed her lips around it, using her tongue to excite him to the point where he came within a minute. As she swallowed his cum, she only had time to take one breath before the next cock was thrust into her open mouth.
Quickly, the sales manager worked her way through all 17 of her subordinates, drinking down their semen as they squirted it into her mouth, over the hood covering her face, and over her bare breasts. As her stomach filled up with cum, she had to turn to the left and throw up into the bucket her Master had thoughtfully provided.
Next came Alan, her fellow sales manager, one of the good guys, or so she had thought until this night. As she looked up into his face he smiled down at her, before thrusting his member to the back of her throat, making her gag. As he rammed it into her, she fought for breath, until at last he shot his load into her mouth, the excess dribbling down her chin and drooling onto her breasts.
Her final 'client' was David, the other sales manager, who had forced her to cum in front of the entire division earlier that evening.
"Hi there, Maria!" he said cheerfully, "Ready to suck some real, good, American cock?" He put a hand on either side of her head and rammed his rock-hard shaft deep into her mouth, not allowing her to suck him off, but forcing her to let him fuck her face and just try to breathe when her throat was clear. As he came, David pulled out of her mouth and made sure all of his cum went across her face and her tits.
Having finally reached the end of the line, Maria struggled to catch her breath and cope with the humiliation of having sucked off every member of her sales team and her colleagues, and the arousal that humiliation had given her.
On the other side of the corridor, Kelly had had to deal with everyone else in the division, a total of 33 guys. She had also, like Maria, had to throw up into her bucket several times as the spunk built up in her stomach, making her retch violently. Both women sat back, exhausted, on their heels, spattered from head to their knees in dried or drying cum.
With all the guests gone, Frank turned to Colin with a beaming smile.
"Thanks so much for that Colin, that's the best end of quarter celebration we've ever had!"
"Do you think anyone actually knew it was Maria? Or Kelly?" Colin asked.
"Well, some may have had their suspicions, but I am pretty sure everyone was so drunk that they would have believed anything tonight, and will think differently in the cold light of day. One thing I do know, though. On Monday morning, every guy in that office is going to be imagining our slutty little sales manager sucking their dick! Now, let's get these two cunts downstairs and have some fun!"
Kelly and Maria could still not see each other's faces, but each shared an expression of dread and fear - it had been a long, hard and degrading evening. But the night promised - or threatened - to be much, much worse.
Final Part (added: 12/16/2011)
Colin reflected on just how lucky he was. Here he was, sitting in a very expensive Riverview apartment (not owned by him), sipping beer, with a naked girl bound at his feet, her mouth full of his cock, and meanwhile, another very attractive woman was carrying out another of his strange but very stimulating fantasies.
The capture of his first slave had been opportunistic - she had almost fallen into his lap, for which he would be forever grateful. He had always had fantasies about being dominant and owning women as sex slaves, but it was not something he had ever thought about acting upon, or even imagined might actually be possible.
Kelly had started off as his girlfriend, but when she lost all prospect of being able to earn enough money to pay for her inner city flat, he had invited her to move in with him, and seized the opportunity to gradually draw her into the idea of being his submissive. From there, it had been a short step to blackmailing her into more and more degrading and humiliating activities, each of which gave him more blackmail material.
His success with blackmailing Kelly had emboldened him to target Maria, the stunningly attractive sales manager at the company where he worked, after finding explicit pornography on her company laptop. This had not only given him the opportunity to blackmail her, but also an inkling that she might be open to submitting to his control.
The contrast between his two slavegirls could not be more stark. Physically, Kelly was small and petite, young and androgynous, short brown hair and pale skin, while Maria was a big breasted, curvy, mature woman with long black hair and olive skin. But the real contrast was in their personalities.
Maria had turned out to be naturally extremely submissive once he'd broken through thirty years of tough-girl crust. Kelly, on the other hand, had never come to terms with her changed situation, and hated him for what he had done to her. He actually liked that attitude because he could feed off her fear, loathing and hatred of him and everything he made her do. Initially, it was so easy to get a strong reaction from her and he enjoyed the feeling of power it gave him to be able to command her to do things she absolutely would never even countenance without the constant threat of exposure to her family, which could kill her mother.
Things had changed when Maria had been ensnared. Kelly had transferred all her hate and resentment onto the woman she thought had caused her own enslavement, and it had amused him to have her punish and torment Maria as her 'mistress'. But Kelly had found that, no matter how or how much she punished Maria, she somehow always seemed to end up enjoying it!
So Kelly had withdrawn into her shell. If her reactions were what turned Colin on, she would force herself to stifle her natural reactions and become entirely passive. This had led Colin to more and more extreme actions to try and provoke a reaction, and for a while, Kelly had suffered some terrible abuse. But eventually he had got bored and concentrated on his new slave, to see how she reacted to his commands.
Maria had exceeded even his wildest fantasies! He now waited eagerly for her phone call, so that he could give her orders for the next stage of today's 'challenge'. As if on cue, his mobile rang.
"Hello, Master," Maria's voice said down the line. They had video phones, so Colin could see her beautiful face as well.
"Ah, Maria, I was just thinking about you!" Colin smiled. "Do you have a good audience in front of you yet?" He had sent her to Covent Garden to entertain the tourists and shoppers who would be thronging the place on this pre-Christmas Saturday.
"No, Master, I'm here alone," Maria said.
"Oh? How come?"
"I have disobeyed you, Master," Maria replied nervously.
"Your explanation had better be good, slave, or I can guarantee you that the punishment will be severe!" Colin warned her.
"I have a deal to offer you, Master."
"Slaves do not make deals - slaves obey commands!" Colin said angrily.
"Forgive me, Master, this is the only time I will ever make a demand of you, and of course, I expect and accept whatever punishment You decide."
"Well, I suppose I should listen to what your insolent, insubordinate little slave mind thinks it can ask of its Master."
"Thank you, Master. I wish to offer You this deal - if You agreed to free Kelly, I will not kill myself."
"What?!" Colin retorted in shock and astonishment. What was this stupid fucking slave talking about?
"This slave is currently sitting on the mud flats by the River Thames at low tide." Maria turned the videophone around so that Colin could see the river in the distance, and the mud all around her.
"This slave has also chained herself to this iron ring." Maria now showed the ring in the wall behind her naked body and the chain padlocked around her neck and the ring.
"The keys to my release are there on the steps, well out of my reach. If you agree to release Kelly, I will tell you where I am and you can rescue me. If you do not agree, I will drown." Colin could not really believe this was happening. He pushed Kelly away from him and told her to go and lock herself in her night cage. The young slave scurried off, wondering what Maria could have said to anger him so much.
"You're bluffing," he said, but with uncertainty in his voice.
"Master, you know that I never make a threat or a promise I am not prepared to follow through." Yes, he thought, it's one of her golden rules, like never be late for an appointment.
"Why should I care if you kill yourself? You're just a worthless slave."
"That is true, Master," Maria conceded, "but this slave hopes she provides her Master with some small amount of pleasure and entertainment which is of value. It is, of course, entirely Your decision." The line went quiet as Colin thought this through.
"Alright, I agree," he said eventually, "now tell me where you are and I'll come and release you."
"It's not quite as simple as that, Master. As you know, this slave never accepts a deal as closed until she has the legal paperwork signed and secured. My solicitor, Jeremy, who lives in apartment 745, has drawn up a legally binding document which describes how you blackmailed Kelly into becoming your slave and details what you have made her do. Once you have signed the document, it will stay in my solicitor's safe keeping unless you renege on the deal, at which point it will be sent to the police and your employers."
The line went silent again as Colin took this on board.
"And what happens if I don't sign it?"
"I will drown and Kelly will continue to be your slave. However, my solicitor will contact the police and present them with the document I have signed describing my time as your slave and the circumstances of my death. I believe they may then wish to interview you."
"This is blackmail!" Colin shouted angrily.
"I thought You might recognise it, Master. This slave regrets having to resort to it. If You decide to sign the document, please give this phone number to Jeremy and I will tell him where I am. I will not answer any calls except from him. Goodbye, Master" The line went dead, though Colin continued to stare at the phone for several minutes, thinking hard.
Maria sat and shivered, the wintry sun failing to warm her naked body. She hoped that her Master would see sense, but she was quite prepared to die if that was how it worked out. She had made a promise to herself to do everything she could to free Kelly, and this was the best plan she could come up with. Now all she could do was sit and wait.
Her mind wandered back to that Monday morning after the dramatic sales team party on the Friday night before. She had sat in her office knowing that every man in the entire department was sitting there thinking about the woman who had sucked them off just a couple of days beforehand. The joke which had gone around that night was that the woman in the strict and painful bondage was, in fact, Maria herself. One of her fellow sales managers, David, had even gone so far as to write her name across her bare breasts. Most of the staff would have regarded this as a bit of a laugh but no more. But Maria had a lingering, paranoid fear that at least one, maybe more, suspected that the bondage slut they had so roundly abused was indeed the sales manager they worked for. Which was, of course, the truth.
She knew she had to go out there and face them down, but it was going to be the most frightening thing she had done in her working life. Screwing up her courage, she got up and strode out into the main office with a smile on her face, as if she had no idea what all these guys had been talking about all morning. She flirted with her staff just as she had done for the past week, bending over the desk provocatively as she caught up on where their prospects were for the next quarter. As usual, the men struggled to get their eyes off her breasts, as she displayed her ample cleavage to them, but it didn't seem any worse than usual. As she straightened up from talking to Mark, she saw her fellow sales managers, Alan and David, heading towards her. She steeled herself for the confrontation, quite sure it would involve some kind of barbed comment.
"Ah, Maria, so good to see you!" Alan said with a broad grin, "I hope you had a good weekend, especially your Friday night?"
"Oh, I had a pretty quiet night," Maria lied, "I was quite tired after the close of business last week."
"That's a surprise," David remarked archly, "I'd have thought you'd be out celebrating - maybe at a party?" Maria tried hard not to blush, as she thought back to seeing that same supercilious smirk through the net of the latex hood, and the feel of his fingers on her very swollen clitoris ...
"No, early to bed for me," Maria said, "alone, in case you're wondering." She thought of how she had actually spent most of that night, sitting astride a wooden 'pony', facing Kelly, their nipple rings tied together, both of them crying at the pain as they had to support their own body weight on the tender flesh of their pussies. It had been a horrible nightmare, made worse as they struggled to vary the point of contact with the wood, each attempt by one to lean back and reduce the pressure on her own cunt dragging the other forward onto an even more sensitive area. Maria had tried to allow Kelly as much relief as possible, but it had been excruciating and, seemingly, never-ending.
Meanwhile, Rebecca had overheard a number of whispered conversations and was building up a fairly comprehensive idea of the outrageous events at a celebration party to which she and her female colleagues had not been invited. She was just about to march into Maria's office and complain, when she overheard someone say '... the word SLAVE tattooed above her cunt ...' and her blood ran cold.
Rebecca had seen that tattoo on Maria's body - surely it could not be a coincidence - and she suddenly realised the woman she had heard described in such coarse and disgusting language over the last few hours was not only the woman she worked for, but the woman she had been having wet dreams about since the day she had first seen that tattoo.
She'd had erotic dreams most of her adult life, around her most fertile period of the month, but they'd always been pretty run-of-the-mill - in bed with Brad Pitt, or one about having three guys at once was popular - but that first one involving Maria had shocked her. In the dream she was at work, and had been called into the big boss's office, where Frank Jarrett and Maria were waiting for her. Frank explained that Maria had told him about the debacle with Harris and he was annoyed, and disciplinary measures were necessary. As senior staff member at the call, he blamed Maria, and he wanted Rebecca to administer the punishment there and then!
Maria had looked shocked and pleaded with Frank for mercy, but Rebecca had imagined herself grabbing her manager and stringing her up to a rope conveniently hanging in the middle of Frank's office and ripping off her clothes, which then magically disappeared. Frank opened a stationery cupboard to reveal a whole panoply of bondage equipment, which Rebecca had eagerly applied to the naked woman until she was almost hidden under layers of rope, chain, leather and latex. She had then taken up a bullwhip and laid into Maria, who somehow managed to scream at the top of her voice despite her mouth being packed with rubber. Frank had urged her on to hit harder and then she woke up, hot and sweaty, tangled in her sheets.
She had another lust-filled dream the next night, and that was even worse. There were no preliminaries, Maria was naked in front of her in some sort of dungeon, her arse raised and presented, her wrists and ankles in chains. Rebecca was also naked, wearing a monstrous strap-on which she had used to fuck Maria's arse, while Maria screamed and begged her to stop. Once again, she'd woken up bathed in sweat and panting. That time she had used her fingers to bring herself to a second glorious orgasm.
Rebecca had never thought she might be gay or bi-sexual, but these dreams about Maria had thrown her into utter confusion. When she had seen Maria, naked and handcuffed, on her knees and forced to take the client's cock into her mouth, she had been sexually aroused in a very recognisable way - she certainly couldn't deny it - but she wasn't sure whether it was in response to Maria's naked body, her bondage, her being forced to give head, or a combination of all three. Now she knew that Maria had been forced to give head to all the men who worked for her, in even tighter bondage. Rebecca felt almost giddy as she imagined what she must have looked like, and she went back to her desk in a daze. She started to wonder if she could turn her dreams into reality.
By mid-afternoon, she had worked out what she wanted and how she was going to set about getting it. She knocked and went into Maria's office.
"Oh, hi, Rebecca," Maria smiled as she looked up from her reports, "I wanted to say thanks for all your efforts last quarter, we should get the girls together for a little celebration later in the week."
"I was thinking about the same thing," Rebecca said, suddenly feeling very nervous, as well as excited. "I heard you already celebrated with the guys." Maria felt a surge of nervous excitement herself as she recognised the accusatory tone in the other woman's voice.
"Frank wanted to hold a rather ... unusual party and felt it wasn't appropriate to have the women there. He's planning another event for just the girls at the weekend."
"But you were at that party, weren't you, Maria?" Maria reddened as she felt Rebecca's glare burning into her.
"You were there, flaunting your naked body," Rebecca went on mercilessly, "Showing yourself off like some common whore!"
"I was ordered to do it," Maria said quietly, her eyes downcast, "I was bound and gagged, they made me ..."
"Yes, I bet they really had to work hard to get you to do that!" Rebecca sneered sarcastically. "It's like that pervert Harris said, you're just a filthy slut - you love being bound and gagged, and 'forced' to suck cock - how many was it the other night? Ten? Twenty?" Rebecca could see the look of shock on Maria's red face, but her breathing was shallow, her chest heaving, and Rebecca knew her insults had increased the older woman's arousal.
"They didn't know it was me," Maria whispered lamely.
"No, but I do. I feel quite insulted - I was your top sales person, but I didn't get such personal treatment, did I? I think you should give me my own private show!" Rebecca felt her heart pounding as she finally got to the crux of the matter. Maria looked confused, and then rather surprised, at what was being asked of her.
"I'm ... not quite sure what you're proposing," she said cautiously.
"Well," Rebecca spoke in a suddenly firm, almost commanding tone, "First you need to start addressing me as Mistress, don't you, slave?"
"Yes ... Mistress." Maria felt a familiar surge of humiliation as well as arousal as she was forced to submit to yet another person, this time her subordinate.
"Very good," Rebecca said, feeling her own arousal increase at the prospect of ordering her boss around.
"We'll go to your apartment and you can show me exactly how you dressed and what you did for all those guys out there."
"Yes, Mistress."
Thirty minutes later they were standing outside Maria's apartment door, and Rebecca was surprised when Maria rang the doorbell.
"Don't you have a key to your own apartment?" she asked.
"My Master doesn't allow it," Maria murmured and, to Rebecca's astonishment, proceeded to unbutton her blouse, unzip her skirt and step out of her heels, so she was standing naked in the hallway. At that moment, the door opened and they went in, Rebecca receiving another jaw-dropping surprise.
The woman who had let them in was also naked, apart from shoes with what appeared to be eight inch heels and four inch platforms. She had a piece of bamboo tied in her mouth as a bit gag and her saliva had drooled copiously across her breasts and stomach. Her elbows were tied close together behind her back but her hands were chained together in front, pinning her arms by her sides. A hobble chain between her ankles reduced her to taking only the smallest of steps.
She was clutching a feather duster in one hand but the thing which had shocked Rebecca was the fact that the handle of the upright vacuum cleaner was strapped to her midriff, meaning that every step forced her to push the cleaner in front of her around the flat, hovering as she went.
"Mistress Rebecca, this is Kelly," Maria said by way of introduction "Please excuse me while I go and fetch your drink."
As the two naked women left, the saleswoman realised with a jolt that she recognised the girl as the young intern who had been at the company almost 12 months previously. How could such a young, intelligent, vibrant, good looking woman allow herself to be reduced to the role of housemaid - no, Rebecca thought, worse than that, almost to an appliance itself? But then she thought about Maria, and wondered even more.
She was still trying to get it straight in her head when Maria reappeared. Rebecca was stunned once again. She had known what she would be wearing - latex hood, posture collar, arm binder, waist cincher, latex stockings and ballet boots - but the overall effect took her breath away. Maria wasn't Maria any more, she looked like some kind of cyborg - a woman trapped in a black machine. Her humanity seemed removed - no face, no arms, her legs made incredibly long by the twelve inch ballet heels - except that those parts of her body which could still be seen where the softest, most feminine parts. Yet, even there, they served only to illustrate her torment - the breasts distended and stretched by the clamps and chains, the plump but firm buttocks splayed around the monstrous butt plug and, worst of all, her vagina, stretched open and pinned out by the spring-loaded devices attached to the rings in her labia, laying bare her inner flesh and exposing her clitoris like some lab specimen. The tray with its single glass of fizzing champagne seemed almost incidental.
Rebecca didn't know what to think. How could her boss demean herself like this? How could she allow herself to appear like THIS in front of all her colleagues? She could not come up with anything close to an answer. The only thing she did know was that right now she was incredibly turned on by the sight of this beautiful woman so spectacularly helpless in front of her. She picked up the glass from the tray in front of her, the tray hanging from those luscious breasts, the nipples squeezed and elongated by the clamps. She reached out and took the chains in her fingers, pulling them until they bit even deeper, stretching the tormented flesh even further. She heard a muffled mewing sound come from somewhere behind the hood, and pulled harder to see if she could elicit a stronger response, but there was no change in the noise coming from the bound woman. Rebecca pulled harder and harder, twisting the clamps, suddenly wanting to torture the faceless figure in front of her, wanting to force a reaction. The pathetic mewing was now accompanied by desperate attempts to move away from her tormentor, but with Rebecca pinning her against the wall, this proved futile. Unable to even turn her head, Maria was held virtually immobile as she screamed into the gag filling her mouth, dismayed by this cruel streak which had suddenly been manifested. Rebecca was impressed by the effectiveness of the bondage in which Maria had been placed. She knew how much this must be hurting her boss and yet there was nothing she could do to stop her, as she eagerly continued her assault.
Rebecca transferred her attention down to Maria's exposed vulva and took the small nub of her clitoris between her fingers, rolling it, flicking it, squeezing it, pulling it. Maria was in paroxysms of pain and pleasure, tears streaming down her face behind the latex, as she was alternately tormented and teased by this woman she had previously thought of as a friend. Rebecca unzipped the hood over Maria's mouth and, after deflating the gag held inside, pulled it free.
"Now, you're going to be oh so nice to me, aren't you, slut?" Rebecca asked as she continued to pinch and pull.
"Yes, Mistress! Please, Mistress, I'll do anything!" Maria sobbed as she gasped for breath, squirming under the painful touch.
"Yes, you will. Now get on the floor!" As Maria struggled to get down onto her knees, Rebecca put her stiletto heel against her shoulder and pushed, sending the helpless woman sprawling. As she stood over the supine form that had only a couple of hours ago been her manager, she felt almost drunk with power, intoxicated by the total control she now wielded over what she was coming to think of as this worthless slave. She seemed to have discovered a dominant, maybe even sadistic, side to her personality which she had never suspected, but she certainly liked the feel of it now.
Maria lay on the floor and watched as Rebecca stood over her, pulled down her panties under her skirt and tossed them aside. She placed one foot either side of Maria's head and lowered herself, until her skirt cloaked the woman below her in darkness, leaving her only the pungent smell of sex in her nostrils. She reached down to the exposed flesh before her once again and pulled on the bruised clitoris, drawing an anguished cry from below.
"Now, you're going to use that clever tongue of yours to please me, like the filthy whore you are, while I amuse myself with this little thing." She gave the clit a vicious tweak as she pressed her vagina into Maria's face, stifling her cry of pain and virtually cutting off her air supply as well. Maria worked as hard and as fast as she could to bring the nascent dominatrix to orgasm, all the while feeling the unwelcome attention on her poor clit.
Rebecca grabbed the end of the dildo protruding from Maria's cunt and pulled it out, amazed at its length and girth, with its painful-looking protrusions, but impressed by the slick juices which were dripping from it. She thrust it back in, enjoying the sound, and the feeling, of the screams directed into her own pussy, now well-lubricated by her excitement. She forced it in again and again, watching in fascination as Maria's legs, the only part of her body she could move, twitched and kicked out in response to the harsh treatment which was nevertheless driving her to her own climax.
"Lick me there, cunt!" Rebecca screamed as she adjusted her position and forced her anus against Maria's lips, "Stick your fucking tongue up there!" The idea of being penetrated there had always been disgusting to her, but suddenly she wanted to degrade this woman in any and every way she could, and as she felt Maria's tongue forcing her sphincter to open, she pushed herself down onto it, trying to get it further inside her.
Maria, meanwhile, was in a dark world of pain and sensation, but seemingly only moments from cumming. The taste of the other woman's shit in her mouth hardly seemed to register, and pretty quickly her tongue was back in her cunt and flicking her clitoris as Rebecca finally reached her glorious climax. As she did so, she dug her fingernails into Maria's abused flesh and the tightly bound woman screamed, her body going into spasm as she also came.
"Bravo, ladies! That was quite a performance!" Rebecca looked around to see a man smiling down at her and applauding. With a shock, she realised it was one of the young IT guys and, for a moment, she wondered what he was doing there, but then realised he must be Maria's master. She got up off the floor and straightened her skirt. Maria curled up into a foetal position and could be heard sobbing quietly.
"You seem to have a taste for making my slave suffer, Rebecca," Colin said in an amused tone.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realise this slut was yours," Rebecca said, quickly regaining her composure, "I would have asked if I'd known."
"No problem, it looks like you treated her with the contempt she deserves. Have you been a Dominatrix for long?"
"My first time, actually," Rebecca smiled, "I never knew it would be so much fun."
"Perhaps you'd like to stay for the evening and find out just how much fun it can be?"
"I'd love to!" Colin took Rebecca off to show her the various instruments of torture they had at their disposal, while Rebecca felt like a kid in a sweet shop, and couldn't wait to try this stuff out on the slave.
Maria lay on the floor, tears still stinging her eyes, trying to come to terms with the dull ache from her breasts and between her legs. Her acceptance of her own submissiveness seemed to have become a magnet for dominants of all kinds, from Lady Helen to Rebecca, who didn't even know she was a Domme until she met 'slave' Maria. She lay there, wondering what kind of Hell awaited her over the coming hours ...
Maria's reverie was broken by the ringing of the phone in her hand. She looked down and saw that it was from her solicitor.
"Jeremy, what's the news?"
"Okay, he's signed it. Now, for God's sake, tell me where you are and I'll come and free you!"
"First of all, tell my Master to go and get Kelly - I want her to be the one who comes for me. Then I'll tell you where I am. But tell her to hurry - the tide's coming in pretty fast."
Bloody typical! Another wild goose chase across town after Maria fucking Hughes! Kelly wondered what awaited her when she found her fellow slave, somewhere in this jungle of run-down warehouses and empty retail depots on the south bank. It was starting to get dark and she was having visions of feral gangs of youths roaming the area, looking for fresh meat like her to feast on.
'Hurry!' they said, 'It's a matter of life and death!' Yeah, right! What were they going to do, kill her if she turned up late for whatever humiliation they had planned for her this time? That bastard Colin had given her a bag and told her not to open it. She shuffled along, wondering why, for the first time in maybe nine months, she was wearing normal street clothes - leggings, sweatshirt, trainers, even underwear! He had even tried to tell her she was to go free, but there was 'one last thing' he needed her to do.
She knew it was a set-up, designed to get her hopes up and then crush them mercilessly. She was probably only wearing decent clothes so that, when they were ripped off and shredded in front of her, she would feel that much worse. The bastard was getting worse; he really was an evil little shit. And Maria - she lapped it up, the fucking pervert, nothing was too sick or weird that she wouldn't be cumming all over the place to be involved.
Kelly had reached the rendezvous point, but saw no sign of anyone. She looked around in the gathering gloom for Maria, but saw nothing.
"Maria!" she called out, "Where the fuck are you?"
"Kelly?" she heard from somewhere in the distance, "Oh please hurry!" It was definitely Maria's voice, and it sounded genuinely scared, but Kelly couldn't work out where it was coming from. She stepped to the edge of the river embankment and, as she heard another desperate cry, she looked down. The river was still quite low but obviously the tide was coming in fast, and Kelly thought she could see something white floating on the surface near the wall below her.
"Kelly!" she heard the shape cry out and knew it must be Maria, "Oh God, please hurry, I'm going to drown!" Kelly hated the woman with a vengeance, but she wasn't going to stand by and watch her die. She spotted the steps down and, dropping the bag, started down them. As she got closer, she could see that Maria was naked and chained to the wall, the black water swirling around her breasts.
As she approached the bottom of the steps, the other woman screamed at her to stop, and as she looked down Kelly saw the keys by her foot - another step down and she would have kicked them into the river! She picked them up and went down the final two stone steps before the water. She had already worked out she was going to get wet, so only paused to whip off her sweatshirt and shoes before wading in, with only a loud 'oh, fuck!' at the coldness of the water against her skin.
By the time she'd got the key into the lock on Maria's neck and released it, the water was around their shoulders and rising fast. They clung to each other as they made their way back to the steps and up to safety.
Kelly opened the bag and pulled out two large, fluffy towels, which they gratefully wrapped around their shivering bodies.
"Do you mind explaining what the fuck is going on?" Kelly asked angrily, as the fear and adrenalin subsided.
"I rather misjudged the speed of the tide, Mistress, I'm sorry you had to do that," Maria replied apologetically.
"What do you mean, 'you misjudged'?" Kelly asked suspiciously, "Don't you mean that bastard Colin just tried to kill you?"
"No, Mistress, I put myself in that position to persuade Master to let you go."
"What?" Kelly couldn't believe - couldn't let herself believe - what she was hearing.
"Kelly," Maria said, looking the young woman in the eyes, "You're free! Master has agreed to release you, now go!"
"Go where?" Kelly was still in a daze - could this be true?
"Go to your parents," Maria urged, "Tell them you love them, try to tell them the truth, they will understand! My master told my solicitor that the stuff he said about your dad? That was all made up - there never was a website, he just mocked one up to scare the shit out of you. Your parents love you and want you back!"
Tears started to flow down the girl's face as she realised this was really happening.
"Can you pass me my clothes please, Mistress?" Maria asked after a few minutes.
Kelly rummaged in the bag and pulled out the clothes Maria had worn to visit Oxford Street - a cut-off 'HOOTERS' top, skimpy panties and sandals. She also passed Maria her oyster card and then found a wallet in the bottom of the bag.
"That's yours," Maria said, "That's all the cash I could lay my hands on at short notice. But there's also a bank account number in there - it contains the salary you should have been earning whilst you were being held as a slave by my Master. Don't worry!" Maria smiled as she held up her hand at Kelly's protests, "I can afford it from all the bonuses I've been paid recently!"
"I can't believe you're doing all this for me, Maria," Kelly said in bewilderment, "I've always treated you so fucking badly!"
"You were right, I was selfish and thoughtless when I destroyed your dreams and hopes without even considering what the impact on you might be. Just consider this as me assuaging my guilty conscience!"
"How can I ever repay you?" Kelly asked, the tears still rolling down her cheeks.
"Just go and live your life and be happy!" Maria said, and the two women hugged each other tightly. Eventually, they separated and Kelly got up to leave. She gave Maria a smile through her tears, turned, and began to walk away.
"Kelly?" The young woman turned back. Maria gave her a broad smile.
"Merry Christmas."
Six months have passed since Kelly escaped from her life of slavery.
"Can I have a cappuccino, a blueberry muffin and a glass of water, please?"
Kelly paid and took her tray to a table in the back. If she hadn't known where Maria was sitting she could have just looked at anyone's face, because they were all staring in her direction. It was a nice sunny day for London, but Maria was still severely underdressed, in a bikini top which was more string than top, and a skirt so short everyone already knew she was naked underneath. The woman had just had her 36th birthday, but her body was as fit, trim and curvy as ever, and no-one was complaining about the expanses of smooth, olive skin on display.
She watched as Maria broke off tiny pieces of the muffin and savoured them as if she hadn't eaten anything so sweet and delicious for months, which Kelly reckoned she probably hadn't. After maybe a third of it, she stopped, professing she was full, and sipped her glass of water.
"So tell me, Kelly, how have you been? Give me all the gossip!"
"Well," the young woman said with a smile, "all that money you so generously and naughtily gave me - bad Maria, I should punished you! (Maria giggled like a girl at this) - allowed me to put down a deposit on my own flat and I now live the life of an independent woman once more! Of course, I couldn't do that without the job I just got!"
Maria leaned forward and gave her friend a big hug and congratulated her, demanding more details.
"Well, the whole Colin thing put me off sales," Kelly continued, "so I did a course on being a chef, which I've always been interested in. And then last week, I got a call back from this swanky West End restaurant and I am now a sous-chef to a Michelin-starred, rather gorgeous Frenchman!"
"Oh, wow, that is so cool!" Maria gushed, genuinely happy for her. "And how are your mum and dad?"
"They were brilliant. They said to say thank you so much for everything you've done for me. I had to physically stop my dad from going round and beating Colin to a pulp when I told them a sanitised version of what had happened."
"And ... any developments on the romantic front?" Maria asked with a glint in her eye.
"I may be seeing someone," Kelly replied coyly, "But I'm not ready for anything heavy. Anyway, enough about me, how's things with you? I hope you didn't suffer too much for helping me?"
Maria thought back to waking up on Christmas morning in Frank Jarrett's dungeon - Frank had gone away for the duration and her Master was house-sitting - in pain and darkness, alone, naked and locked in a cage three-quarters submerged in water, chains threatening to drag her below the surface. She had not seen daylight for an entire week, and her Christmas presents had been to service her Master's friends in any and every way they could imagine. They had bought in a whole bunch of torture porn DVDs, and every time they saw something that took their fancy, they came down to try it out on her. It had been the worst week of her life, but somehow, looking back on it, she was aroused by it.
"Oh, it wasn't too bad," she replied blandly, "Anyway, my big news is that Master has a new slave, and I have a new friend!"
"Oh my God!" Kelly exclaimed, horrified, "What's he got on this one?"
"Oh, its not like that," Maria explained, "She's a willing slave, like me. It's Tanya, my PA from work. We have such a good time together!"
"Oh, Maria," Kelly said, suddenly full of concern, "I wish you'd get away from that bastard Colin - he's a sick, perverted piece of shit! He's going to kill you one day, I'm sure of it, just for the thrill!"
Maria smiled. "We seem to suit each other quite well, don't we? Don't worry about me, Kelly, you know I'm exactly where I want to be. Also, Rebecca has moved in with Colin and has become my Mistress!"
Now Maria really smiled as she saw the look of astonishment on Kelly's face.
"Oh, and by the way, I got the sales director's job!"
"Oh, brilliant!" Kelly enthused, her turn to be pleased for her friend, "Did Frank and Lady Helen put in a good word for you?"
"No, they removed themselves from the process due to 'personal interests'. I think what swung it was, I was so relaxed because I didn't really care if I got it or not."
"Really?" Kelly asked in surprise, "You were desperate for that promotion."
"That was before," Maria replied, "when I lived to work. Now I don't want to spend my entire life in the office, I'd rather be in some deep, dark dungeon, or satisfying my Master. Turns out, you don't have to be in the office as much as a director, I have people like I used to be to do that, so I win both ways!"
The two women stood and exchanged hugs, before promising to catch up again in another six months. As Maria made her way back to her apartment, she thought about how her life had turned around. She had thought of herself as falling from her pedestal as sales manager and queen bitch of the office. Now she had risen again, as sales director and the empress of sex slaves. She smiled to herself and walked a little faster, eager to find out what her punishment for this little outing would be.