This is difficult for me to talk about but my first true self bondage experience is something that I, unfortunately, will never forget.
Not a lot happens in Eaton, it's a small town in southwestern Ohio that you might miss if you blink too fast. I had just graduated high school three months prior and was working at Mary's Coffee. Mary's proximity to the town square, courthouse and local newspaper meant that I got to know most of the residents fairly well, from Sheriff Rouscher who used to come to our school and teach criminal justice to Jean Marie who worked with my mother at the courthouse probate office to Agatha and Charlotte Ray, twin sisters, almost in their 80's now, who would stop by for hot chocolate and wheat muffins almost every night before church.
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This also meant that most of the town knew me. I'm sure if asked most would describe me as a sweetheart or a girl, cute as a button, always smiling, not overly perky but always polite. Truthfully, I enjoyed getting to know the folks who would stop by the coffee shop before work, or during their lunch breaks and reminisce about the great places they've been or things they've done. Eaton has a way of doing that, making you wish you were somewhere else, somewhere exciting. As great as their stories were I couldn't help but feel stranded here. My parents couldn't afford college and my grades certainly wouldn't allow me to get into school on my own. I couldn't even afford to move out of my parent's home where I lived with my 12 year old brother. So, I took a job at Mary's until I figured out what road my life was going to take.
Thinking back if I had to choose just one catalyst that sort of "nudged" me into the world of bondage I would have to say boredom. My parents worked all day and my brother was off at school so I would have the whole afternoon alone every day. In a town like Eaton you can't help but run out of ideas of ways to entertain yourself fairly quickly. I owned a small vibrator that I bought online years ago and after making sure all the doors were locked I would take off all my clothes and spread out on the living room sofa, close my eyes and press the red pocket rocket against my clitoris. As it did its magic the notion that someone could come home any second and I would have to scurry off to my bedroom naked before anyone saw me was a huge thrill, but quickly even that became boring. I remember one day I was rummaging through the garage when I came across a length of rope my father would use when tying up his canoe at the river. It was course and itchy as I laid it against my skin but also erotic, my breathing became heavier at the site of it twisting and turning around my forearm. Naughty thoughts began to stream through my head of things I could do and in what positions that made me blush profusely even though there was no one around.
I began the next day alone in my room with simple and inelegant knots and restrictions. I would tie my legs together at my thighs and ankles, squeeze the vibrator between my legs and for good measure put my hands behind my back pretending they were restrained as well. The orgasms that would pulsate through my bound body were like nothing I had ever experienced. That feeling of utter helplessness aroused me to heights I had never felt before. It wasn't long before I was hooked and would look forward to my time alone each afternoon.
My bondage expanded to more elaborate scenarios fairly rapidly. Online, I began to study about proper breast and crotch ties and even purchased some gear for my daily adventures such as a ball gag, nipple clamps, handcuffs, collar, large vibrating dildo and an anal plug, that last one didn't quite work out so well. I had every intention of inserting it and felt that adding that sensation along with the vibrating dildo would make for quite the intense orgasm. Unfortunately, it was way too painful to even get it into my bottom so I abandoned the idea. After each session I was careful to hide all of the equipment in different locations in my bedroom. I couldn't have my mother stumble upon a pile of sex toys while doing the laundry I don't think I would ever be able to explain that one.
One afternoon as I was leaving home for the evening shift at work, after a particularly stimulating scenario which involved me hogtied on my bed with a crotch rope firmly holding the large dido inside me for nearly thirty minutes, I heard a voice call my name from across the street.
"Hey Amber", the voice shouted.
I didn't even have to turn around to recognize that overly positive yet condescending tone calling to me, it was Carrie. Carrie had lived on my street since we were both very young. We used to be great friends until about 7th grade when boys began to come between us. Of the two of us I would always get more attention and even though she would never admit it I always knew she resented me for that. It's not that she was unattractive, she was taller than me, more of an athletic build, was always very tan which contrasted with my mostly pale and soft frame. However, I was endowed with a very ample bust, big blue eyes, and long brunette hair and was always the first to get noticed by the guys.
I turned to see Carrie strolling toward me,
"Hey Carrie, what've you been up to?" I asked, trying to be friendly.
"Great news, I got accepted to Ohio State and I start in the fall. I can't wait I'm so excited to finally get away from here for a while, you know what I mean."
Carrie did look excited. She knew I didn't get into college and I could see she enjoyed telling me the "great news".
"Wow, that's great. Good luck out there." I tried to form a smile as I picked up my pace toward work.
"So, what are your plans?" Carrie asked with a smirk.
"Um, I'm really late for work" and with that I turned away and quickly moved on. I heard Carrie shouting behind me.
"Well that was rude. Anyway, good luck. It would be a shame for you to get stuck in Eaton forever." As far away as I was I could still hear her giggling.
As I approached work I had almost put Carrie's words out of my head and my mind began to drift back to my secret hobby. My stomach would fill with butterflies as I would dream up new scenarios for the afternoon. My next idea, however, was quite special. The town square of Eaton was open to foot traffic only, no cars. It was surrounded by buildings and shops and had only one entrance toward the front where Mary's Coffee was located. About a half a mile away on the farthest end of the square towered a huge stone statue of General William Eaton standing proudly seemingly guarding over our little town. I would sometimes take my lunch break on one of the benches by the statue and dream about being tied helplessly to it, naked and completely exposed. Just the images in my mind would make me so moist between the legs that I would have to stop the thoughts altogether while at work.
Soon I would begin to take the idea more seriously, at night the town square was completely empty. Mary's was always the last shop to close at ten and sometimes when leaving work I was the only one in the entire square. In fact, Sheriff Rouscher would wait for me to vacate the square and then barricade it off so no one would come in until morning then he would head on home. If I could sneak out of my house and into the square in the early morning, say about three, I could tie myself up to the statue for just a few minutes and experience a truly intense bondage scenario.
First, in preparation, I would have to verify that the square was indeed empty at night. I wouldn't want anyone accidentally bumping into me bare ass naked tied to a statue. I set my alarm for 2:30am for the next few mornings and would sneak down to the square. I hid behind Tom Marqueets hardware store which was located relatively close to the statue and just waited and listened. I was trying to remain perfectly still so I could pick up any movement or sound coming from anyone who might be meandering around the town square. For hours I waited but there was no one, not a sound. This got my heart racing, I was actually getting closer to going through with it. I could hardly contain my arousal until I got home, slipped into bed and satisfied myself while dreaming of the pleasure to come. I repeated that routine for the next week straight. I had to be absolutely certain that no one would be in the square even though I was only going to be restrained for a few minutes.
One night during my week of stakeout behind Tom's it occurred to me that I had actually never been naked outdoors in my whole life. The thought was terrifying but also incredibly exciting, so I thought to myself, "what the heck" I know by now no one's around and I slipped off my shoes then let my bare feet touch the cold brick beneath me. It felt wonderful, relaxing and quite natural. Then, I removed my white shirt and slid down my back gym shorts and laid them off to the side. Now, standing in only my panties and bra I suddenly felt very embarrassed despite being totally concealed in darkness behind the store. My heart was beating rapidly and my palms getting sweaty but I knew I had to jump this hurdle to get to the greater prize down the line. So, I quickly unhooked my bra casting it off then pulled my panties all the way down and off. The feeling was intoxicating, the warm summer wind caressed my nipples as they hardened at its feathery touch then breezed past my buttocks and vagina reminding me how bare I really was.
I peered around the corner of the hardware store and the square was still as empty as I had left it. I exhaled an anxious breath and walked cautiously toward the statue. Now, totally bare, in all my glory I never felt so alive. I couldn't stop smiling even though I knew my face my flush with embarrassment. I sat on the same bench where I took my lunch breaks and imaged all the people who walked by this statue every day and how they were all asleep in their beds while I lived out my fantasies. After arriving back home my now nightly masturbation was taken to amazingly sensuous new heights solidifying my new hobby as part of my life.
After a few more weeks of perfecting my bondage technique every afternoon I was finally ready. It was impossible to concentrate at Mary's that night. I was visibly nervous and constantly forgetting orders.
"Are you alright tonight?" Sheriff Rouscher asked wiping lemon cake from his mouth.
"Fine, I laughed, just all thumbs tonight. I guess I need a vacation".
"Vacation", he bellowed "shoot this place couldn't run without you, I was telling Mary that yesterday, you're the hardest worker I ever seen here Amber".
"Well thank you" I said sheepishly. "Tell my dad the next time you see him."
"Oh I will, g'night Amber" he waved as he left.
After locking up Mary's I surveyed the area around the square. Truthfully, I was looking for any sign not to go through with what I had planned for tonight. As exciting as dreaming up this scenario was, and the many intense orgasm filled nights it had led to, the reality of it all was almost unbearable. I was sick to my stomach, even more so after realizing the square was indeed empty as usual. Like clockwork Sheriff Rouscher put up the barricade after I exited the area and he left bound for home.
Once I was home it was business as usual. My dad was already in bed, he worked morning shifts at a local plumbing company, my brother was off in his room playing videogames, mom was watching t.v. in the living room. As I passed I gave her a story about not feeling well and was just going to head off to bed. She nodded understandingly without taking her eyes off her game show.
I locked the door to my room and collected all my gear. Opening the gym bag I tossed in a brand new length of rope, pre-knotted in some spots to save time, my collar which would be attached to my crotch rope, my nipple clamps, two sets of handcuffs, and my vibrating dildo. With a sigh I picked up the anal plug, if I was going to go through with this self-imposed humiliation I was not going to hold back, I might never again have enough courage to do this so now is the time. I grabbed a small bottle of lubrication and laid it together with the plug in my bag. Finally, the most important ingredient, in the corner within my personal refrigerator, I had my handcuff keys frozen within two small ice cubes, there were two in case I accidentally dropped one, that was my backup plan. I had practiced leaving ice cubes outside and even though nightfall quelled the suns intensity it would still only take about twenty minutes to melt the cubes after I took them out of my portable cooler, but that twenty minutes of ecstasy would make all this preparation worthwhile. After packing I set the alarm and climbed into bed.
Unfortunately, there was absolutely no chance of getting any sleep as the excitement and mounting anxiety grew within me. As I laid there I asked myself if I could really do this. Was all this preparation just for a silly fantasy I was never going to have the courage to enact? "No", I muttered quietly. "I'm not going back now."
The three o'clock alarm sounded and I was already wide awake replaying the scenario to ensure every detail was perfect. I hopped out of bed and dressed only in my white shirt and gym shorts, no bra and panties this time, grabbed my special bag, placed the all-important ice cubes in the cooler and quietly snuck out the door.
Once I arrived at the square it was deserted as to be expected, the barricade was still firmly in place which I easily bypassed. I stayed mostly hidden behind the various shops until I reached the familiar territory behind Tom's hardware. Laying my bag and cooler carefully on the brick my stomach was turning in on itself and my heart racing. My hands trembled uncontrollably as I zipped open my black bag and poured the contents on the ground. I took a quick second and a few deep breathes to try to center myself mentally, it was important that I stayed focused.
"Now or never" I shrugged, and with that I lifted my shirt over my head exposing my full white breasts that giggled freely in the moonlight pale even against my untanned skin. Hurriedly, I yanked off my gym shorts and tossed all my clothing into the bag. For a moment I took stock of how completely bare I was, this was even one of the few times I shaved off my pubic hair completely, leaving me no way to hide myself from the world. However, I didn't have much time my nakedness was already causing me to lose my nerve.
First, I snapped on my red ball gag, its soft rubber filling my mouth as saliva quickly began secreting around my lips, down my chin, and onto my neck. Then, I began my rope work cinching the thick strands around my breasts tightly causing them to protrude and swell into a deep purple hue. After my breasts bondage was complete I attached my collar and linked a crotch rope that would wind between my legs deep into my vagina and up my anus splitting my bare ass checks then back up to the collar, it would also serve to hold my toys in place. I winced at my next task as I picked up the cold metal clamps and carefully buried them deep into each nipple, my soaring adrenaline did much to dull the sting but the pain of the clamps caused me to scream uncontrollably into my soaked gag. Nearly finished I grabbed the anal plug and prepared myself for a moment I had been dreading all night. I squatted down the best I could, my pale bottom reflecting the moonlight, then squirted almost the entire bottle of lubrication onto the plug and gently working it into my anus. The pain was unlike anything I had ever experienced, my butt burned with each millimeter I inserted. I pushed as much I could stand and felt as if, I again, was going to have to abandon this part then without warning the plug popped into place and I knelt on the dirty ground behind Tom's in immense pain, patches of sweat had formed on my forehead, around my breasts, hands, and butt. With everything now in place I grabbed my large purple vibrating dildo, currently in the "off" position, and easily slid it into my soaking wet kitty, the unfamiliar fullness from having both toys invading my intimate areas was unpleasant yet exhilarating. I firmly cinched the crotch rope forcing both toys deep inside me, now my setup was complete and it was time to begin.
I stood trembling behind the warehouse unable to move, both from the pain of the bondage and the trepidation of the next step. I breathed a few more calming breathes, grabbed the cooler, took one last look around the corner and darted off toward the statue. I keep my legs close together to keep everything in place and my breasts bounced painfully, the pull of the clamps always reminding me of their presence. Now standing naked at the statue my mind was a chaotic mix of emotions, adrenaline and intense sensations and I couldn't decipher any thought coherently, all I knew is that I had to stay focused on the task at hand, damn everything else.
I quickly pressed my backside against the cool stone of General Eaton, my immediate arousal a precursor to the pleasure I was soon to experience. I spread my legs wide and behind me in a reverse bear hug bending down I slapped a handcuff on my left ankle and stretched my legs wider than I thought possible to try to get my ankles close enough together to lock the cuffs behind me and bind me to the statue. Finally, I was able to lock my right ankle into place my legs were now firmly secured around the General. As I grabbed the last pair of handcuffs and the ice cubes from the cooler I glanced down between my legs to see my thighs were soaked with vaginal fluid seeping out around my dildo and mixed with the lubrication leaking down my buttocks added a glisten to my genitals and a pleasant tingle as the wind wisped by.
The moment of truth was finally here, holding an ice cube in each hand I closed the left side of the cuffs around my wrist, switched on the vibrating dildo, and placed my hands behind the statue. I took one last hard look around the town square, giving myself one last chance to back out. Now was the time to say, "this is insane" and walk away, back to my old life, back to the old me, "Never" I shouted in a muffled tongue and slapped the cuff on my right wrist completely locking my hands and feet behind the statue exposing me to the whole world.
I rested my helpless body against the Eaton monument and was instantly enveloped into a plane of unabashed bliss. All the planning, the work, the research, the practice had all come down to this moment where my fantasy and reality collided transforming my body into a conduit of endless pleasure. The vibrating dildo sent wave after wave of warm tingles throughout every fiber of my being, the painful clamps dug harder and harder into my pink nipples, coupling with the suffering of my swelling plum-colored breasts, the burning of my filled anus, the unyielding stretching of my limbs all cocooned up with overwhelming emotions of humiliation, fear, joy, disgust, agony and satisfaction all swirling throughout my body ebbing over me washing away all my inhibitions.
An unmistakable moan a pleasure echoed throughout the town square, then another, and another.
"mmmmfffmmmmmmmmmhhhhhh" I sang out behind the gag.
I never wanted this feeling to end, completely naked, bound, and helpless, only able to accept the pain and pleasure pulsating throughout me unable to determine which is which. I relished every second as my body heat was melting the ice cubes quickly.
"Mmmmaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmff" I screamed out again into the darkness.
My body, covered in a thick layer of sweat, writhed against the statue grinding my buttocks into the hard stone forcing the anal plug deeper, my mind and soul were being devoured by unwavering desire and it would swallow me again and again and again, it was heaven.
Suddenly my new existence shattered around me like glass as a voice rang out across the square.
"Oh my god!" shouted the voice. "Amber what are you doing?"
From the darkness walked Carrie, her hands clasped firmly over her mouth in disbelief and embarrassment, as I looked into her eyes my heart was yanked into a bottomless abyss in my stomach and my face lit up crimson with humiliation then retracted to a ghostly white as the reality of my situation hit me like a blunt instrument.
"Oh my god!" she said again. Here voice carried easily across the whole square.
"Wow, so this is what you've been doing, my gosh, this is like, weird Amber". Her face was fixed in amazement.
My natural fight or flight instincts leapt into action and I fought with every bit of strength I could conjure against my restraints as I clawed away furiously at the ice cubes in my hand to no avail, my world was crumbling.
"Do you get off on this?" she asked with a morbid curiosity then moved closer to my swollen vaginal lips.
"Oh wow you do, that thing is vibrating, gross. I go running every morning and noticed you were sneaking out of your house a lot, I didn't really care but I saw you leave this morning with a few bags in your hand so I followed you to see what you were up to, I couldn't figure in like a million years you'd be doing something like this", she giggled behind her hands.
My panic stricken eyes followed her as she moved around behind the statue where my hands and feet were bound.
"This is so weird Amber how do you like, get out of this stuff?" She moved in close to my hands as she saw me relentlessly fiddling with something. "Is that ice, why do you have ice? What's in there is that a rock or something? It looks like a key, is that a key? I think it is!" She darted back to face me with an insidious smirk and sharp eyes. "Once the ice melts you can use the key to get free! Wow, that's pretty clever, it's still really weird."
Her voice darkened in tone at her next statement.
"You know when we were younger you used to be kind of mean to me."
I maddeningly shook my head no in disagreement. I knew exactly what she was getting at and begged into my gag for her not to go down this path and to remember the fun times we had as kids.
"You would ditch me a lot to go hang out with boys and then lie about it. I knew exactly where you were but I didn't say anything. I didn't get mad even though I was really hurt; I just stopped being your friend. And the worst part about it was that you were ok with that, you didn't even try to fix things between us."
It was true, I was a lousy friend. I was young and didn't understand the value of her friendship, it's something that I've always regretted now more than ever. What she said next made my body shudder from my eyelids to my toenails.
"Well now I'm going off to college and leaving all of this behind and I can't say that I'll miss it too much, but since you're stuck in this town everyone mine as well get to know the real you."
With that she scrambled behind me and yanked with all her might, wrestling the ice cubes right out my hands! Enthusiastically, she paraded them in front of my face.
"Bye, bye Amber." And just like that she disappeared into the darkness.
"Oh god" I screamed to myself. "Oh god please no, please don't leave me here like this, completely exposed, not here, please god don't do this me, please Carrie, please my god come back, pleaseeeeeeeee. My screams were going unanswered as the gag silenced every word. Never have I been inflicted with such terror in all my life. I began to sob uncontrollably as the ramifications of my actions were finally becoming clear. I was so caught up in the thrill and ecstasy that I never considered the consequences. This is my town, my home, my family lives here, my friends, my coworkers, oh god what I have done, oh god no, oh god. My heart beat was deafening and I could hear nothing else.
Suddenly nothing else mattered, not the vibrations boring through my sopping vagina, not the excruciating pain of a metal anal plug buried deep inside me, not the massive purple swollen lumps of breasts heaving on my chest, not the biting clamps threatening to tear my nipples off, not even my complete nakedness mattered anymore. Everything was irrelevant now next to getting free of this bondage. I shook and wiggled violently against the cuffs, I pulled my hands as hard as I possibly could, at this point not caring if I damaged or even broke my wrist, that didn't matter, if anyone else saw me like this it would spread around town like wildfire and I would be ruined. I cried hysterically but tried to remain quiet. With the way I was restrained I couldn't get any sort of leverage to tug against my cuffs. I was truly and completely helpless. I thrashed wildly, "Oh god what am I going to do? Please Carrie come back, why did she do this to me, oh god why did I do this to myself? What was I thinking? What if my parents find out? Oh god, oh god.
Again I rested my wracked, lifeless body against the statue. It was useless, the sun would come up in the next few hours and someone was going to find a completely helpless, naked, restrained, sweaty mess of a girl, tied to the statue of General William Eaton in the town square. I prayed that whomever it was would find me quickly and get me down and possibly keep this is a secret sparing me a little dignity.
The next few hours were a blur of confusion, desperation, crying, panic, terror, and unbelievable agony both physically and mentally. I kept returning to the fact that I had done this to myself. I had to push my experience past the point of no return just for a sexual thrill? I was deflated, disgusted and ashamed. The vibrator was still buzzing away and my legs and thighs were still completely soaked in my own juices and anal lubrication but if I had already had an orgasm or multiple orgasms they were most certainly masked by the horrifying terror I was now feeling.
I watched the sun rise over the town square, the beginning of a new day and the end of a life the town of Eaton assumed was mine. The life of a happy-go-lucky girl, a hard worker, an innocent daughter, a model citizen all vaporized in the morning glow. My nude body was awash in sunlight and there I was for all to see, little Amber Wilson, spread eagle, tied to a statue and being pleasured by a large purple vibrating dildo. My terror began anew when I looked wearily at my nakedness, covered only in ropes and the sweat of degradation that sparkled in the sun.
As one last attempt at freedom I pulled with all my might against my ankle and wrist cuffs but nothing was giving. "Oh god, please god, please let me out of this, please I'm begging you please god, don't expose me to the whole town, please god no." I screamed at the top of my lungs through the red gag. I felt as if my heart was going to give at any moment and prayed that it would, anything to spare me this humiliation. I was snapped out of my tormenting haze by a voice calling my name.
"Amber, Amber is that you?" the voice belonged to Tom of Tom's hardware. He and my father had grown up together.
"Sweet mother Mary Amber who did this to you? Good gracious we have to call the police!" Tom grabbed his cellphone and dialed the Sheriff.
I thrashed as hard as I could to get his attention. "Oh jesus no, don't call the police, please god, just get something and cut me down", tears flowed down my burning red checks. "Please god this can't be happening, oh god no, oh nooooooo."
"Yeah Sheriff, this is Tom down here at the store and we have a real situation. Amber Wilson, well, Amber has been tied up to the statue here and someone, well, you just better get down here I'm not sure what to do. Ok Amber, Sheriff told me to hold tight he'll be right down. We're going to help ya Amber just hold on."
My heart leapt into my throat and my naked, helpless body turned shades of sanguine then apple red. Sheriff Rouscher was coming here, a man I saw every day of my life was now going to see me naked and completely exposed. The swirling of emotions, sensations, and hormones mixed with the blinding sun was making me nauseous. I heard the sirens approaching as I continued to cry and cry, physically, my body was in so much pain, pushed beyond its limits, and my psyche a shattered mess.
Sheriff Rouscher drew the attention of everyone in the north end of the square as he and three patrolman rushed toward me. The crowd quickly followed to see the commotion and soon I was surrounded by a hundred people, maybe more.
All I could do was scream into my gag and feel more saliva dribble down my face. "This can't be happening, this has to nightmare, please wake up, please wake up, oh my god, this can't be happening, oh god please not this, not the whole town, please god no." I watched as they gazed at my nakedness, I saw them shake their heads in disbelief, in the back I saw some of my classmates from my graduating class pointing at my breasts and vagina, taking photos and videos with their cellphone cameras. "Please someone get me down, I can't take this anymore, please god this is hell". The whole town was gawking at my most intimate areas, it's the worst nightmare I, or anyone, could possibly imagine. "Please dear god someone get me out of this." The roar of the crowd drowned out my muffles, sweat poured from every pore in my body as my head pounded and my heart raced erratically. At that moment I think back to Carrie and what she did to me. She abandoned me like I abandoned her so many years ago. She left me and my new life to be exposed to the whole town of Eaton.
As I wept uncontrollable I overheard Sheriff Rouscher send the patrolmen off for some tools to release me. He stayed behind attempting to wrangle the crowd who had now doubled in size. My eyes were blurry and stung from my sobs and it was hard to focus but I heard an unmistakable voice rise up above the rumbling.
"Get her down from there right now!", it was my mother. Her and my father had been driving my brother to school when they got the call. I was able to focus my vision and an all-encompassing terror consumed my whole body and I trembled and cried like I never had before at the realization that my entire family had pushed their way through the crowd and was now standing directly in front of my naked, spread eagle, pale body.
"Please god, please let me pass out, please let me faint, this isn't happening, this has to be a dream." I can't help but look into their eyes as they try not to stare at their totally exposed and humiliated daughter painted in front of them.
The sheriff quickly calms my parents and assures them that help will be here any second. My mother's face is one of horror and confusion as she looks me over, my father covers my brother's eyes and averts his own to the ground.
Here I was, Amber Wilson, completely naked, opened wide and not a spec of pubic hair to hide my modesty, in plain view of the huge crowd was a large purple dildo inserted into my vagina buzzing noisily, my arms and legs stretched behind me to their maximum protruding my big breasts which were wrapped in ropes and swollen in the deepest of purples, metal clamps attached to both nipples. I think it hit my mother and the Sheriff at the same time.
"Um, Amber" says Sheriff Rouscher. "Did ah," he looks away from me when he asks "Did ah, you do this to yourself?"
I broke down and my body went limp, tears again flushed out my vision and I couldn't see. My mind raced at how to answer that question and screamed at me to just lie, just say you were kidnapped, just say anything, shake your head no, please god shake your head no. The Sheriffs stern look caught me off guard and helplessly I shook my head yes.
Gasps of horror rose from the crowd and my mother began crying, my father disgustingly shook his head at the shame I had brought to the family and myself. I was mortified beyond words. The whole town had seen every inch of my naked body tied in ropes publicly masturbating in Eaton square. Amidst the horrified expressions I heard the words whore and pervert being bandied around.
The dildo itself must have shifted because it was now resting against a particular spot in my vagina and the pleasure was becoming too great to ignore despite my complete degradation. My genitals being in a state of constant stimulation for many hours were making it hard to bury the rising heat in my loins.
I began to struggle against the intense tingling throughout my naked body. "Ohhhh, ohhh nooo, please don't, please don't, not here, not in front of these people, please I can't orgasm in front of all these people, please stop, please god stop, please god no!"
My eyes caught my old English teacher Mrs. Penny and her opened mouth face of disgust.
"Please god no, not here, please I can't cum now, not here, god where are the officers!"
My eyes caught Agatha and Charlotte as they held hands and prayed for my sins to be cleansed.
"Ooooh no, oooohhhh no, it's getting so hard to..., oh god stop, please someone get me down."
My eyes caught Tom and his wife Mary, my boss and friend at the coffee shop.
"Ohhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh", my panting was getting heavier, "oh god, oohhh god, ohhhhhhh godddd"
My eyes caught my classmates as they laughed and cheered, applauding my nudity.
"Please faint, please faint, please pass out, please officers get me down. Please godddddddd."
My eyes caught my parents as they hung their heads in shame, unable to fathom how they were ever going to show their faces in Eaton again, and how everything went so wrong, and how their beautiful daughter was a sexual deviant who has to humiliate herself publically to get off.
Finally, my eyes caught Carrie, smiling devilishly in the middle of the crowd, victorious over me in every way. She would be leaving for college next month and would leave me in all my nakedness as the town "slut" or "whore" or whatever they were going to call me.
Behind me I heard the officers sprinting toward me and with them I heard the clank of the tools that would set me free, but I was past the point of no return, the dildo working away inside my vagina had stimulated my g-spot to the highest point of ecstasy and I could no longer contain myself.
"Ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh, aaaaaahh, aaaaahhhhh, aaaahhhhh ,ooohhhhhhhhh" the crowd noise simmered and then became completely silent as they all knew what was about to happen in front of them.
"Ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" At this moment everything was taken away from me.
Gone was my right to call Eaton my home, gone was my chance to settle down and build a family, gone was my parents love and affection, gone was my identity, dignity, and respect.
Here I was completely nude with my legs spread open, my anus painfully stuffed with a metal rod, my breasts bound and swollen to twice their size, my nipples relentlessly tortured by their metal captors, handcuffed in broad daylight to a statue in front of my family, friends, and the whole town, I couldn't hold on any longer, my eyes shot wide open to face the crowd.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy goddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd"
The crowd remained silent as my moans of unbridled bliss rang out across the town square.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
Wave after wave slammed through my body and I bucked uncontrollable against the statue. It was the most intense sensation my body had ever dreamed of feeling, a sensation that had been building for hours and could no longer be contained, a heavenly height that I would never reach again. I heard voices from the crowd.
"Oh my god, is she, is she... having an orgasm?" questioned the voice. A classmate in my senior calculus spoke up.
"Holy shit she is, she's cumming, she cumming right now.", he high fived his buddy whom I also knew from that class.
My dad remained silent and my mom cried loudly as the next wave bolted through me.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, nnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."
The vaginal fluid that had built up around the pulsating dildo squirted from my vagina down the sides of my spread legs.
"Ewwwwww", came a disgusted voice from the crowd as the teens all laughed. My mother bent over crying profusely, there was no hiding it now, everyone knew it, I was having a massively explosive orgasm in front of the entire town!
The humiliating pleasure finally subsided but not my tears, I collapsed against the statue completely drained of all my strength and emotions. Seconds later the officers arrived and began to cut at the handcuffs. What seemed like an eternity had, in reality, open been a few minutes. They made the final snip and I collapsed on the brick in front of my parents.
"Wow what is that in her butt?" the teens erupted in laughter.
My mother scoffed and quickly looked away as the sunlight reflected from the large metal rod nestled tightly between my butt checks. The officers threw a towel over me to conceal my debauchery and I couldn't summon enough strength to stand. My father picked me up and carried my naked body back to the car. I quickly turned off the vibrator and yanked off the ball gag, but couldn't bring myself to remove the other gear until I got to the privacy of my room.
The entire ride home was silent aside from me and my mother's crying, she tried to form a sentence or a complete thought be always broke down in more tears, my dad tried to comfort her while driving. I was utterly and completely ashamed throughout my entire body and soul. Once we got home I scurried from our driveway into my room and immediately pulled off the painful nipple clamps. My nipples were so sensitive I couldn't even touch them, I cut the ropes around my breasts and they fell onto my chest into their natural shape and the swelling began to subside. I cut off the crotch rope and threw my collar across the room, the purple dildo slid out onto the floor in a sticky mess. The anal plug was the hardest it was buried deep and extremely painful to remove. Once it was out I collected everything into one pile and threw it all into the garbage, I could never bring myself to wear any of it again. After a showered I collapsed crying onto my bed and passed out.
It's been a few months and as expected the town has ostracized me. My parents won't speak to me except to scream at me how they got mercilessly teased at work about their perverted daughter. Mary let me keep my job but won't look me in the eyes and neither will the customers, especially Sheriff Rouscher. He passes by me without so much as a glance and won't even let me take his order. I hear snickers and laughs behind my back where ever I go. Sometimes the teens will come in and instead of a tip leave me an obscene picture of that terrible day and my naked body spread eagle in the town square bound to that statue, mid-orgasm, seeing them always made me cry.
One day they even went so far as to have one of my humiliating pictures blown up to the size of a poster and plastered it across the side of Mary's coffee. Mary helped me take it down as she recalled that horrific day.
"It broke my heart seeing you up there, your eyes were so full of terror, your whole body quivered bright red with embarrassment, I've never seen a more humiliated girl in my whole life. It's really brave of you to stay here, in this town I mean, after...that. I don't know why you would ever do such a thing to yourself but, I still admire your courage to continue on here."
Her words were no comfort but what choice did I have? My life is a complete hell and I still can't save enough money to find a new home in another town and start all over. For now, I'm stuck in Eaton, Ohio labeled as a whore, or sex-crazed or perverted. My bondage days are finished, having destroyed everything in my world, I move on hoping one day to be able to start a new life away from this place.