Chapter 1
As I laid naked on the stomach in my cage I contemplated how I came to be here. The ball gag harness in my mouth didn't allow any sound to escape my mouth, while my hands were cuffed with leather cuffs on my hips to the wide black leather belt tightly secured with a padlock around my waist. The position of the cuffs allowed for some movement, but there was no way that I could reach and touch my pussy. A leather collar fastened my neck to the hook on the padded bottom of the cage. My feet were slightly spread, bent backwards at the knee and manacled to each side of the cage. The cage itself was 1,5 meters long, 60cm wide, and 60cm high, with narrowly spaced vertical and horizontal bars. Under my pussy, there was a hole where I could relieve myself if needed.
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From the other cages in the room there was always a sound of soft shuffling and a moan through the gag from other 7 girls. The room was 4 meters by 4 meters, with no windows, and the cages were bolted to the floor, four on each side, and there was a passage between them, to the door.
I tried to get back to sleep, knowing that my guaranteed rest time was allotted to six hours each day, and I had to use every minute of that time to get some rest, before a new working day arrives.
Six months earlier I was just another 24 year old girl in a big city that has joined the workforce with a college degree and a debt of more than 40.000$ for tuition. My parents were divorced and they couldn't help me with money for my studies. Both my father and mother had remarried and I had two young half brothers, that were now at the center of their attention. I knew that I was left to my own devices, and tried the best I could to balance my life and my income. My salary was entry level, but I had to pay rent, utilities, credit, and other stuff so I was always on the edge of bankrupcy. I knew that if that continued I won't be out of debt before my 40th birthday, and that there is no bright future for me.
My personal life has taken a toll because of stress, and my once slim body has started to take some padding on most unfortunate places. My whole life, I was just another Jenny, a girl next door, dressed in jeans and flat shoes, long black hair, 170cm high, with B cup breasts, and a pretty face.
At work I was researching on the net for a way to exit this downward spiral, when I saw that at the local community college, there were starting a course of evening classes on financial literacy and how to get out of debt. I enrolled to the class, expecting to find a solution for my troubles.
On the first evening, I entered the classroom and a mixed group was gathered, men and women of all ages. We seated ourselves when our teacher mr. Jones entered, and he started the class. During the first week he taught us how to calculate our income, debt, budget, and all other stuff that a person should know about managing their financial life. I was active on the class and always asked a lot of questions. Mr. Jones has taken a real interest in me, and tried to answer all of them as best that he could. At the end of the first week he gave us the homework to make a calculation of our financial health, for monday. I spent the whole weekend running the numbers, and I finally realized how bleak were my prospects if something didn't change soon.
At the end of the monday class, when I submitted my assingment to Mr. Jones, he said:
"Hold on a minute, I will check your math quickly."
As I waited standing by his desk he checked the numbers, shook his head and looked at me above his frameless glasses:
"Jennifer, I see that you are in deep financial trouble. I like you, and you are a smart girl. I want you to think hard on your prospects, and we will talk tommorrow after class about what opportunities might be good for you."
"I thought hard the whole weekend, and currently i don't see an exit from this situation. I will have to wait and see if I could turn things around somehow.", I answered.
"Wery well, with this economy I don't see how, but if you think you are ready to change your life and your whole perspective on things, i might be able to assist you." He said.
"How do you mean?"
"There is an organization that takes to life coaching of young women, such as you, every girl I know that has passed through their program is now leading a happy life, with successful career. If you want, I will set meeting with them. However, they don't work publicly, and I expect you not to tell anyone about this offer. The first meeting is always at a public place, so you have nothing to fear."
"That would be great. Thank you"
He scribbled something on the card, and gave it to me.
Afterwards, when I was in my appartment, I looked at the card. The card had a red rose with thorns on one side, and a phone number on the other. Below the phone number, there was a handwriting that said Wednesday, 14:05. I guessed that was the time to call the number.
I waited until the time for the phone call came and I called the number. The machine answered, that I was to come to a specified restaurant, with a red rose, on that day at seven, and to be punctual.
I was a bit nervous, but I went and bought a rose, and went to the restaurant at the specified time. When the waiter saw me, he showed me to the table. Five minutes later, a couple came and sat with me at table. The man was tall, athletic, and he wore a black suit with a red rose stuck to the pocket of his jacket. The woman was stunningly beautiful and tall. She wore a black two piece suit, with a knee long skirt that was very narrow at the knees, hobbling her so she made very small steps. Her stockings were black with a seam at the back of the leg, and she wore high heeled pumps with a heel that was at least 12cm high. Her cleavage was deep, and it framed a pair of C cups, that were just waiting to escape from the jacket.
"So, you are the new candidate?" he said, as he sat down.
"I don't get you. What?" I answered.
"And insolent too! Look, girl, you were recommended by our friend as an appropriate candidate for our program for reaching financial independence. We don't owe you anything. As far as we are informed, you owe a lot of money on your credit cards, you have credits, and a very bleak financial future. We are specialized for self improvement, and we have a near 100% success rate. You on the other hand, have proven that you are a failure, personally, financially, and on the road for physical failure too. Therefore, if you want to accept a genuine helping hand with no questions asked, you are welcome, if not you may forget that this meeting ever took place."
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to be insolent, I was surprised. It's just that you looked like bible salesmen. I want to get out of this situation as fast as possible, but I don't see any credentials."
Then the girl started talking: "I am all the credentials you need to have. I was also such a brat as you are now, and through hard work and effort I reached a point where I am a well paid professional, with excellent connections in society, and most importantly, I am free of any debt. You can look me up on the web, if you don't believe." And she also told me that her name is Amanda.
"This is to be a short evaluation meeting. I believe that we have all the information we need right now. We are glad to meet you, and you are accepted for the next step of evaluation. If you pass the second stage, you will be required to attend a two week orientation camp, and after that you will be participating in the program full time. For the duration of the program, you will relocate to our apartment building, you will be working at your job during the day, and most of your salary will go toward the repayment of your debts, while the rest will be spent on your upkeep. There is no reason to worry about the dynamic, because, we strive to minimize all personal and utility costs, and you can achieve great savings. The program lasts until you have repaid all debts, but you can decide to stay longer and save money for your nest egg." said the man.
"I understand" I said.
After that he gave me another card and said: "If you decide to go forward with this, please understand that we require total personal commitment. At the appointed time log in to this web site with the given login and password, and fill the questionnaire. That will take about 4-5 hours, so be rested and sober when answering the questions."
They rose and left the restaurant.
I went home and tried to research this program on the web but was unable to find anything. Only after searching for the girls name I found out that she was a successful lawyer at a respected company, but her CV that was posted on the site didn't mention any absence for any duration. I was calmed by that because I was afraid of religious fanatics and brain washing. I also found her high school photo, and I couldn't believe that was the same person. She was shy chubby, with glasses, facial hair, braces and small breasts. She looked gorgeous at the restaurant.
I checked the card, and the appointed time was noon on Sunday. I logged onto the site, and questions started pouring. At first the questions were about my financial situation, my interest rates, rent, utility bills, salary, and stuff like that. After about an hour the questions shifted to my personal habits, how I spent money, time, what I do with my free time, how much do I work, and such. I relaxed a bit and then the questions shifted to my health, and friends and family. I checked the progress bar, and after three hours of questions, I was not yet at the 50% of the questions. This started to be a bit annoying, so I tried to answer faster. At that time the questions shifted to the multiple choice type, and got really personal. I was asked about my measures, boyfriends, sexual experience, and those questions were really weird. They wanted to know if I did things I didn't hear about before. That really lasted five hours, and suddenly the screen blinked "TEST COMPLETED, YOUR ANSWERS WILL BE EVALUATED, YOU WILL BE CONTACTED WITH THE OUTCOME".
I was mentally exhausted, and I went to sleep for the rest of the afternoon. In the evening, my cell phone rang and when I answered, a recorded voice told me that I am accepted to the orientation, to take a two week vacation beginning next week, that I don't need to make any arrangements, but to be at the bus station outside my company on Friday at 17h.
That Friday, as I finished with my work, I went to the bus station and at precisely 17h a passenger van stopped and the girl from the restaurant opened the back door and called me in. I entered the van and took a place.
"Please don't speak anything until you are asked a question, or given permission to speak, that is a rule. Remember all rules that someone tells you, because they won't be repeated." Amanda said, and we drove in silence.
There was another girl driving, passenger seat was empty, and beside the girl that called me in, there were two more girls. All the girls wore knee long dresses that buttoned up in the front, they also wore high heeled shoes, and their legs were clad in what seemed as black nylon pantyhose. We drove in silence for about half an hour, and entered a typical suburban settlement. In one of the streets, the van approached a ground level house with a thick hedge fence, and parked directly in the garage that opened its doors with a remote. I noticed that the garage had space for one more vehicle. The girl driver turned off the motor, closed the doors of the garage, and we all went into the house.
Amanda steered me towards the living room where the man was sitting on the couch and watching TV. Other girls went somewhere else. She stood by the couch, motioned me to stay standing at that place, and left the room. The man turned off the TV, looked at me and said: "So you came."
"We begin immediately. We will teach you to manage all your assets, financial, personal, physical, and spiritual. This program is entirely voluntary, and you can leave at any time you want. Your duty is to never question our methods, and to do what you are told first time every time. If you fail to comply, you can walk away, never to return, or accept the punishment. If you leave, you will not talk to anyone about our program, if you do, you will suffer greatly. Our projection for your repayment of all of your debts is 18 months. For that length we tailored your personal part of the program. Do you understand and do you accept?"
As everything he said went through my mind, I fixed on the 18 months period. How can I manage to repay my whole debt in such short time? My salary for that period is barely larger than that. So I answered. "Yes."
He gave me a stack of papers, and told me to read them and sign them. I browsed through the papers, and they confirmed everything he said, so I signed them and returned them to him. He signed his counterparts, packed some in the envelope, told me that they were my copies, and that they will be kept for me at a notary's office.
"Now, strip naked." He said in commanding tone.
I blinked. That was completely unexpected. As I struggled to understand the order, the goal of repaying my debts flickered in my mind. Slowly I unbuttoned my shirt, took of my flat shoes, and as I started taking of my pants, he pointed behind me and said to put everything in a cardboard box.
I turned around and from behind me Amanda was approaching. She held a box in her left hand. But her left hand was fastened to a wide belt around her waist. She was completely naked and exposed. She had the wide belt, to which her hands were fastened, her elbows were pulled together by a leather strap, and around her neck she had a high posture collar. She was in ankle high ballet boots, but she seemed to walk in them like it was something completely normal. When she approached me, she crouched and put the box on the floor as best as she could. I gasped in surprise, but I continued with the stripping. When I was completely naked, he looked me over, noting the unkempt bush between my legs he frowned, and said "Remove all jewelry too, and come to the bathroom."
I removed my earrings, and a necklace, and went to the bathroom behind them.
"You have 45 minutes for grooming, you will remove all hair from your body below the neck, Amanda will show you the most efficient way this once. After that she will show you how to dress in house attire. By the way, when I allow you to talk, you will address me as Master or Sir." And he left.
She gave me a razor and cream, showed me to the shower, and watched as I shaved my legs, pussy and armpits. When I was done, she came to me, and she felt for the stubble. Satisfied, she pointed to the shower, and I took a fast shower. After I dried myself with a towel, she pointed me to a box on the floor. Inside the box, there was a set of six leather cuffs, one wide leather belt, one posture collar, a pair of black leather pumps 12cm high heels, and a paper with instructions and order of dressing.
Following the instructions, I first put on the shoes, and cuffs on my ankles. The cuffs were connected with a short chain that limited my step to about 20 cm. They had a mechanism that locked them when I put them, but after that there was no way for me to do anything about the lock. After that I put cuffs on my wrists, and above my elbows, I strapped the belt around my waist, and locked it on the small of my back, and I put the posture collar around my neck. Amanda showed me that the wrist cuffs have small sliding mechanisms, corresponding to the docking mechanism on the sides of the belt, and she showed me how to slide the cuffs in the mechanism. When I did that, the mechanism with a click locked the cuffs to the belt, and my hands were tied in such way that I couldn't reach my pussy, or my breasts, but with some effort I could perform some simple tasks. Then she lead me to the hole in the wall, that was at around elbow high, turned me around so I had to put my elbows in the hole, and showed me to push a pedal on the floor. As I did that, two panels in the hole started moving, and they pushed my elbows together, at which point they were locked together.
She showed me to follow her out of the bathroom, through the hall, and into a small room that was apparently a storage room. In there she knelt, and on her knees went through a smaller hole in the wall. I followed her example, and after some distance I bumped into a wall. The small passage was dark, and I tried to look backwards, but the entrance was closed.
Suddenly I felt a downward movement, and after some time the front panel opened, a hand appeared from the light and clipped a leash to my collar and pulled me out of what appeared to be a service elevator. Beside me Amanda crawled out of another compartment in the elevator. It was a small room, with two doors, and the entrance to the elevator.
The Master was holding my leash and pulled me by it to my legs. "Welcome to your new home." He said.
"This house was built for a nuclear disaster freak, who built an underground shelter on two levels, under the whole plot. I was working at the city planning office for some time before his death, and had access to the plans and permits, so I stumbled upon the discrepancies in the building documentation, and after some digging, I found out that he had this shelter built without the permit, so when he died, I bought the house from his heirs, and found the whole thing."
"Now I use it to teach girls like you the skills necessary for survival in this world of predatory lenders, false advertising, and also for my pleasure to which you are instrumental." He smiled as he continued.
"So far, many girls have gone through with my program, and I have a 100% success rate. All you have to do is trust in my methods. Ok?"
"Yes, master." I answered.
"First lesson, no serious harm will be done to you while you are here. Do you believe me?"
"Yes, master."
Then he slapped me on the face so hard I fell to my knees.
"See, you believe me, but I harmed you for no apparent reason. However, the red in your cheek will be gone quickly, and no serious harm was done. So I told you the truth. You must always be prepared for slaps that life has in store for you, not trust what everyone says, and most importantly you have to get up and move on. Ok?"
"Yes, master." I answered through tears. I was never slapped in my life, it was really humiliating. But also I felt a slight warmness rise in me considering how I was bound and not able to resist.
He pulled me back to my feet. "Now, proper position when you are standing is to spread your legs as far as the chain allows, and to look downwards all the time. Understand?"
"Yes, master" I said and assumed the required position.
He approached me and put one hand on my breast, and started to massage my nipple, while his other hand was rubbing my shaved pussy. He pinched my nipple hard, and I gasped in pain. Meanwhile his other hand started rubbing my pussy harder and harder.
"You are already wet. Nice. Now I will show you a nicer side of our program. Amanda, come and lick our newbie here." He moved behind me and started massaging both my breasts, and pinching hard on both nipples. Meanwhile Amanda kneeled in front of me and started licking. She licked enthusiastically, and her soft touches awakened my lust and I started moaning while the master was working on my tits. After some time he whispered in my ear "Here you go, you are allowed to cum this time without permission." As an orgasm started rocking my body he pinched and pulled both my nipples very hard and I came, shaking in a mix of ecstasy and pain. I almost collapsed to my knees, but his hands were still on my nipples and he kept me in standing position by them, which was very painful. I quickly came back to my senses with a silly grin on my face, since that was my first girl on girl experience.
He took my leash in his hand again, and walked me to the left door. "Now let's continue with the tour. This here is the wardrobe, where you have your assigned locker. In here you can store your house attire. Also here is the main street clothes locker, where all street clothes are stored for your work outside the house, they are sorted by size, and all clothes are owned by the house. Also here is the unbinding station, where you can get unbound in the morning for work." He led me to the station that looked like an airport detector and when I passed through it, all of my bondage equipment just fell off.
"Now bind yourself again so we can continue with the tour."
I did as was asked of me, and he helped me to connect the elbows behind my back, and he gave my bottom a friendly slap.
"I am leading you backwards. When you come back from work, you will always take the right door. From there you can come here to your locker and pick the standard attire, or you can pick one of the boxes with a positive or negative number on it in that room. There is also a binding station that will assist you in dressing in the attire that is in the chosen box."
From that room he led me to another room. The room was larger and in it was around ten girls, all wearing various bondage costumes, and all tied in various fashions, monogloves, leather harnesses, punishment helmets, thigh high boots, spreader bars, and such. I was surprised with the company, but he said "Girls, we have a new member that starts with orientation today. This is Jenny, and these are girls. You can introduce yourself to each other at the free time period."
"Now it's dinner time. You can take a bowl and go to a feeding station. Follow the example of other girls." I took a bowl, and went to a plastic ass that was fixed in the wall, and when I placed the bowl under the plastic anus, smooth brown gruel came out with simulated farting sound. I made a face, and the master started laughing like mad. "I always love to see a newbie's face when he feeds from the dispenser. Don't worry, it's not shit, it is a nutritious mix of all necessary ingredients, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and fat that is calibrated for your needs. Today it is vanilla flavored."
I wondered how will I eat it and then I saw that all the other girls, found a place on the floor, they carefully put the bowl down and from a kneeling position ate with their mouths, like dogs. I followed their example, and ate my gruel, which really was not taste bad. Meanwhile the master went around, pinched a girl or two on the nipple or the ass, stroked and slapped a pussy here and there and he generally had fun with all the flesh that was on his disposal all around the room.
When I was done, I got up, took my bowl and placed it in the washer that was there. There I saw that few of the girls were sucking on rubber dicks that were hanging from the wall. I went to examine what were they doing, the master noticed and said: "I see that you are thirsty. You can get water by sucking one of the dicks. You have to suck them like you are giving a blow job. Don't use teeth, or you will get a shocking surprise. I went to one of the dicks, and I started sucking and pumping it in my mouth. A small display in front of my eyes lighted up with a green progress bar, and instructions. As I sucked and pumped it, the progress bar slowly filled, and the instructions changed "Lick around the head. Push deeper. Suck harder. Blow." After some time a warm stream of salty liquid pulsated and exploded in my mouth. "Swallow it all!" the display blinked in front of my eyes.
I satisfied my thirst. The master approached me. "It is also a blowjob training machine, the better you do, the tastier is your beverage. You did barely adequate and you got simulated sperm."
"Let's continue." He said as he led me out of the room. "Everything we do here is revolving around a time schedule. When you finish the orientation two weeks, you will be back at your work. For work, commute, feeding, personal grooming and hygiene, you are allowed ten hours of the day. You will notify us if you have to work overtime. From here you will go straight to work and return from work straight here. We will organize the transportation. While you are working you should dedicate all of yourself to your employment and not think about the things that are going on here. Also you have a guaranteed period of peace and sleep of eight hours. You will be bound during that time, but you will get used to sleeping while tied up. That is why we have this orientation. The exception is when you are on the bed warming duty. Of the rest of the time, one hour is your time, when you are allowed to spend it as you wish and talk and make friends with other girls. You will also be bound during this period. Then you have the five hours that are dedicated to bondage sessions with me, fitness, and learning new skills, both sexual, and other. That is my time, and I will do to you whatever I want. Weekends, holidays, and vacations are my time, except for your resting time."
By that time, the clock on the wall was showing that it was 20.30. I couldn't believe that the time has passed that fast. He lead me to the other room which was full of various devices that looked like torture implements, whips and paddles, ballgags and hoods. All the girls shuffled with us, and took positions by the wall. He showed me to one place and said that it was my place in the future, and if I am not assigned other, when in this room, I am to take the position here. "I am done with you for now, stay here and watch carefully."
At the back of the room on the dais there was a high chair, almost like a throne, and he sat on it.
Then a girl dressed in street clothes approached the dais. She was wearing a black tank top that was sexy, but not too revealing, a red skirt that was above knee length and that showed her every curve, stockings and 12 cm high heeled sandals. She was looking down, and she crossed her hands on the small of her back.
"Girls" the master announced "Anna here was seen in a shopping mall, not far from her workplace. It appears that for some time she indulged in a practice that is not in accordance with our rules. She would go on a shopping binge, and the next day she would return the goods to the shops, so that we wouldn't notice. However, we did. We are not following you during your work time, but you don't know when someone who was included in this program sees you or recognizes a small badge on every piece your clothing. You are supposed to be sincere and honorable in following our rules."
"Now, Anna, you have a choice, you can leave the house, or you can stay and accept the punishment. If you leave, the savings that you accumulated for your three months were put towards repaying your debts and it is now lower by about 20%. You repaid all debts with the highest interest rate. You will be provided with enough money for a start, but you will never again have support from my organization. What is your decision?"
By then Anna was in tears, crying and saying that she loved to shop, she knew that it led to a downwards spiral, but the rush was always taking better of her. She also said that she couldn't yet survive alone on the outside without the guidance of the master. Then she lifted her head and said that she will accept the punishment.
"Ok, now you will get 20 lashes, whole weekend in the box until Sunday afternoon, and next vacation you take, you will be doing a week of hard labor on the farm. Do you accept?"
"Yes master" she said.
"Get ready for the punishment."
She stripped naked. Under the street clothes she had a sexy black lace bra, thong and suspender belt. She was a vision of sexiness and then she removed all of it. The master threw her a pair of high heeled shoes to replace the sandals and she put them on. She approached the post that was in the middle of the room with two hanging steel shackles on top, and she locked her hands in the shackles. Master took a long whip and approached the post.
"You will count every lash, and stand in a position that I order you to take for it. Do you want a gag? You can get it in exchange for two more lashes. Screaming is not allowed, and will set you back a lash. Shall we begin?"
"Yes please master. I will not take a gag, thank you master."
"Present your ass and spread your legs."
She spread her legs to about a meter, and she lifted her ass in the air, so that we could clearly see her asshole and pussy. Then the master took a swing across her back. The whip coiled around her body, all the way to the front of her belly and she gasped. A welt appeared in the wake of the whip.
"One, thank you master" she said.
That was followed by more lashes which she dutifully counted through tears. When she counted to 12, the master ordered her to change position and to present her cunt. She turned around, spread her legs and arched a bit forward so her pussy was jutting in the air. Immediately the master whipped her across her upper thighs, so that the whip coiled all around her ass, and the tip hit the top of her pussy. She counted and cried, but she never flinched. He continued to whip her systematically.
I was watching with fascination, and I felt a warmness rise in my body. I wondered how such a show can make me hot, and horny. I glanced around the room, and I saw that some other girls were also getting restless. I had no previous experience with either bondage, nor with whipping, and yet, I accepted to strip and be bound, I accepted a woman's lips on my pussy while the master abused my tits, I ate like a dog and sucked a rubber dick to get some water, and now I am watching a whipping and getting horny on it. I wondered if anything was wrong with me.
Meanwhile the whipping ended, and the master released Anna from the post. She was barely standing by then, her front and back was a mess of welts left by the whip, but her skin was not broken anywhere. The master took a monoglove armbinder and placed her hands in a very tight position so her tits showed more prominently. He also placed a posture collar on her neck and led her to out of the room. What was the box I didn't know, and after the show, I hoped not to find out.
While exiting, he said "Ok, you have half an hour for yourselves, and then prepare for sleeping, its 21.15 already, you all have a long day tomorrow in front of you. By 22.00 all of you should be in your cages. Amanda, give Jenny a rulebook to familiarize herself. You can all get off before sleep. Monica, come with me, today is your day for bed warming."
A girl went after him, and Amanda approached me. "Follow me." She said. "We girls are not allowed to touch the leash, only the master can lead us by it." I followed her to a bookcase in the room and she pulled a book out for me, that was at hip height. "Here, you can read it during our time, or you can try to follow examples of other girls. In the other room there is a table where you can place the book and read it with your hands bound." I wasn't showing much interest in the book, and I asked a question
"How is it that I accepted this so easily?"
"Well, your tests showed that you are suggestible and have a respect for authority. That is ok, and also the root of your problems. The master will teach you to liberate yourself from the consumer society, by showing you that you can survive with only the most necessary needs provided, and that all that is advertised has some hidden message. You will get there, just trust the master, and obey the rules."
"We still have some time; will you be so good to return me the favor that I did to you earlier? This whipping got me horny?"
I looked her in the eye and I saw a tingle of playfulness in them. I got on my knees, and started to probe with my tongue around her pussy. She leaned to the table with her ass on it, and spread her legs further, as far as her chain allowed. I buried my face in her pussy, and started licking in earnest. Her pussy was already soaking wet and I licked as best that I could around her clit. Then she pressed her thighs around my head, and effectively buried me deeper to her pussy. She started moaning, while I licked and played with her clit. Suddenly she came. She squirted with her pussy all over my face, her thighs pressed so hard that I thought that she would crush my head. Then she released me and I looked in her face, she moved aside and stroked my head with her bound hand.
"You are lucky that the master allowed us to get off before sleep. Be careful, because he controls our cumming, and you are not allowed to cum without his permission. Sometimes he tortures you for hours before allowing you, and sometimes he orders you to cum immediately without almost any stimulation. That way he teaches you self control."
"If you want, you can go to an unbinding station in the bathroom and the take a quick shower and relieve yourself. Don't take too much time because, the sleeping time is almost here."
I did as she told me to, and then I rebound myself and went back to the room. Amanda was there and when she saw me she led me to a room with two rows of cages, and a passage in the middle. She opened one cage, and told me to lie on my belly, spread my knees, and to bend my knees until I feel the small lever. When I reached the lever, the other lever closed around my ankles and fixed me in a hogtied position. A hook locked my collar to the bottom of the cage, and the cuffs on my elbows were released from the joined position. The door to the cage closed automatically.
"Beginning tomorrow, you will cage yourself. Good night."
I heard shuffling from other cages and I assumed that other girls were taking their places.
After some time, the room went dark and silent.