Chapter 1
Where do I start? ... well, my name is Helen and I work as a Bond trader for a US investment bank in Canary Wharf. From losing my virginity at 15 I've always been promiscuous, my early years spent discovering the joys (or sometimes not) of teenage sex. At 22 I was introduced to bondage by a boyfriend's father. To this day I'm not sure whether the incident was planned or a genuine opportunistic event, but it changed my life forever.
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It was a warm sunny evening and I went round to see my boyfriend who it turned out had gone out without telling me. His father was always flirting with me and being the little slut I am, I encouraged it and somehow ended up being tied spread-eagled to his bed and fucked senseless. It was the most mind blowing experience I'd ever had and it opened my eyes to a world I had never imagined existed. Over the years I've experimented with many sexual perversions but I always return to what I've learned is my whole being and soul; bondage and orgasm denial.
In terms of looks, I'm 5'9" tall, 34-23-34 and I'm what a number of my work colleagues would call 'top totty', a description that some may find offensive, but which I have no problem with. I figured out at an early age that I could use my looks and body to get what I wanted and over the years the trashy hooker look has gradually matured to the classy business executive. I still love to dress provocatively; seamed stockings, suspenders, high heels with a tight fitting business suit usually do the trick and many a time I've sat in boring meetings fantasizing about being tied to the meeting room table and having all those alpha guys fucking all my holes and wanking over me, and me with no ability to stop them.
I should probably say at this point that I'm now 31 and despite being pretty much able to have the catch of guys, I choose to be man-less. I've had my fair share of boyfriends and was even engaged to be married for a time but it's just not me. I have endless energy and a very low boredom point and I concluded some years ago that the idea of being tied to 1 guy for the rest of my life is just too restricting. So when I say man-less that means man-less in the sense of a boyfriend relationship. What I do have are number of fuck friends, all of whom have been selected on the basis that they are, let's say fit and of generous proportions (and we're not talking Mc Donalds fans here) and for their ability to roughly use and abuse my body and generally leave me worn-out, sore and feeling like a dirty depraved slut.
But back to the point of this story ... so over the years I've had many sexual partners and whenever possible, I've furthered my BDSM interests but I've also become a huge self-bondage fanatic. I've spent hours day-dreaming and thinking up elaborate situations where I would be restrained and unable to escape for long periods of time. The older I got the more elaborate and riskier these fantasies became and even though I'd toyed with bondage with various boyfriends, I'd never actually had the nerve to carrying out any of these self-bondage fantasies.
Five years ago at the height of the economic boom, I got promotion and if I say so myself, a well deserved sizable pay increase and bonus. Whilst my colleagues spent theirs on crates of Moet, Rolex's, Porsches and trips to exotic destinations, I spend a nice fat wad on a secluded farmhouse estate in the home counties. The property consisted of a newly refurbished 5 bedroom barn conversion, double garage, barn, stables, other assorted outbuildings and 15 acres of land, much of which was dense unkept woodland.
All in all, far too big for me but there was one feature that made this a must-have property; nestled in the woods adjoining the house was an old World-War 2 air-raid shelter. The estate agent showed it to me almost with embarrassment saying that it could easily be removed, but he could have had no clue of the ideas it set racing in my perverted mind.
About 40' long, 20' wide and about 10' high, it was built so he said of 4' thick re-enforced concrete walls, surrounded on 3 sides and the top by earth and after 50 years of neglect, almost totally covered in long grass, bushes and brambles. There was a single entrance down 3 concrete steps and through a heavy industrial cast iron door which itself was half covered by weeds and bushes. Being newly refurbished, the house was great and didn't need much doing to it other than moving in. It was always the air-raid shelter that was going to get my immediate attention and within a week of buying the property I had it thoroughly cleaned out, rubbish removed and the ceiling, walls and floor all painted. The ceiling and walls received 3 coats of white masonry paint and the floor I coated with the thick grey floor sealer, the sort you see in industrial units. The heavy cast iron door was also rubbed down and painted, but on the inside only. I wanted the outside to remain looking dilapidated and neglected in the unlikely event anyone should actually pass by.
Other internal features included 2 steel 'rails' running the length of the ceiling that I guessed had been used for moving heavy equipment in and out. For the time being and after much fighting with rusty bolts, I removed them and dumped them in the barn, but I just knew that it wouldn't be long before they would be back in place.
Surprisingly the shelter still had a power supply but for what I had planned that needed to be completely replaced. There was a rusty old distribution board on the back wall and I arranged for a local electrician to replace this and run 2 armoured feeds the 50' from the house mains to the shelter. With this done, I had him fit a series of lights and power sockets and equipped it was some basic facilities; a small fridge/freezer, table, chairs, a relaxing sofa, a full length mirror and a large wooden framed double bed.
Self-bondage; for years I'd been a fan and now I had the environment to actually experiment in. The preparations would have to be meticulously planned but I was sure it would be worth it. Over the years I'd accumulated a range of bondage toys and devices and now was the time to really put them to use. To begin with I assembled my collection of favourite toys. These included my favourite remote controlled butt plug and vibrator, chastity belt and matching bra, ball gag, leather hood and blindfold and the latest addition to my favourites list, a vacuum bag.
The first thing to attend to was the latest addition; the vacuum bag. The bag was made up of a rectangular steel pipe frame over which was stretched a thick cream covered latex rubber sheet. Sealed on the top, bottom and along one long side, the forth side had an air-proof plastic zipper its entire length. The bag frame fitted neatly onto the bed and although I wouldn't ever class myself as a master cabinet maker, within a morning I'd fashioned wooden upright stands which I positioned at each corner. From underneath, I put several screws through the bed slats and up into the stands and from the top, I drilled a single hole through each of the steel frame corner brackets. Screwing each corner down onto the uprights, I glued the drill holes with Araldite and finally covered them with silicon bathroom sealant to prevent any air seepage. The vacuum frame was now firmly secured on a block at each corner, with the underside of it laying on the mattress and completely unable to move.
The other important feature was the vacuum pump itself and timer. These came with the bag and were pretty simple to setup and operate. On testing it out I found that it would completely empty the bag of air in about 2 minutes, enough time I was sure to position myself and most importantly, to get my mouth comfortable around the breathing pipe.
The final detail was to sort out the door which was locked by a large steel lever that rotated 90⁰. Horizontal and the lock was open. Turn the lever 90⁰ clockwise to the upward position and the door was locked. On examining the outside handle it was clear that a single bolt held the lever on. I removed that bolt and after a bit of pushing, shaking and general wriggling around the handle came off. Now I could remove the handle, enter the shelter, lock it from the inside with the knowledge that short of an nuclear bomb going off, I wouldn't be interrupted.
I'd concocted many plans over the years but I decided to start with a simple experiment to get warmed up. For my first adventure both of my holes would be plugged and the chastity belt and bra fitted. The keys for both belt and bra would be secured so that I couldn't get to them for a fixed time. I would then put ear plugs in, fit my ball gag and hood and climb into the vacuum bag. Having first set the butt plug and vibrator remote, I would zip up the bag and get comfortable fitting the air tube in place so that I could breathe. After a few minutes, the timer would turn the pump on sucking the bag tightly around me; restrained by the bag, I would be helpless against the plug and probe. When the timer cut the power to the bag, the air would slowly return and after a minute or so I would be able to unzip the bag and escape. I couldn't wait and just the thought of being helpless trapped in the bag made me dripping wet.
I played with the timer and bag for several evenings, setting the timers on and off settings and watching it suck the air from the bag. Finally, I repeated the tests with a couple of rucksacks in the bag to simulate my body. The sight of the latex being sucked in tightly around them made me shiver with anticipation. Sure enough, once evacuated, the bag held them securely in place and within a couple of minutes of the pump turning off, air would seep back in allowing movement and escape.
So to the final preparations. I had picked next Friday night as the night for my first experiment and decided that just to add a bit of spice, I would go the whole week without sexual stimulation, thereby hopefully heightening the experience, a decision I bitterly regretted after the first day. I couldn't think of anything else and I was walking around all week like an animal in heat. I arranged to work at home on Friday and at about 5:00pm I gave up all pretence of work. I had a long hot bath and shaved myself. Just this act almost brought me off as I couldn't help but stroke the top of my engorged clit. I shuddered at what I knew lay ahead.
It was a warm evening and naked as the day I was born, as dark descended, I made my way out to the shelter. Locking the house I couldn't help but feel more alive than at any time in my life. I stretched and felt the air on my body. Although I was in a secluded area with little chance of being overlooked the act of being naked outdoors added to my excitement. Removing the outside handle, I laid it inside the door, stepped in and closed the door tightly. It clanged with a solid industrial sound.
Now to the fun part. I had ordered the vibrator and butt plug from the US and they were truly amazing. They were heavy stainless steel and pretty much the biggest that would fit me without causing real damage. They came with a feature I loved; a remote control for setting different profiles; low, medium, high and random plus an ability to set a time to start and time between profiles. Having used them before I knew full well the consequence of high and random, but I had never before been able to put myself in a predicament where I wouldn't be able to turn them off or remove them.
First the butt plug. I covered it in KY and bending slightly forced it deep into my very tight puckered arsehole. I winced as it pushed deep inside and eventually felt the satisfaction as the shoulder at the end butted up to my arse. I very gingerly sat on the chair feeling the cold steel forcing itself even deeper into my back passage. Then the vibrator, although not necessary in the slightest, I smeared it with liberal dollops of KY, I opened my pussy and pushed the thick body deep inside. The body was about 9" long and 2" diameter. I shivered as the cold hard steeI forced my lips open and penetrated deep inside my sex stretching me open. I rotated it slightly so that the pear shaped shoulder covered my clit. A final push and the domed top of the device was forced as deep inside me as it would go, the shoulder hovering an inch above my lips and clit. I squeezed hard relishing the invasion.
Next to the chastity belt, again purchased from the US. The belt I had used many times and it never ceased to thrill me. A thin band of polished stainless with bonded rubber liner for comfort, I positioned it loosely around my waist. When locking it, there were 5 options as to how tight to fit it. I usually set it on 2. This time, however, I pushed it again and it snapped to 3 and then again to 4. I could feel the band digging into my waist. The 2nd part, was a thin plate about 1" wide that attached to the front of the belt. It widened and domed out as it passed over my sex and had 2 thin but sturdy chains attached to the bottom edge. I looped both under me and hooked each to the fastener on the back of the belt, pulling them several rings tighter than I would normally have done. I attached small padlocks to the waist band and the 2 chains putting the keys on the table, well out of reach. The plate was pressed hard against my mound and as I squirmed to get comfortable I could feel it pushing the vibrator the last inch inside me. I was now completely plugged front and back with both devices stretching me a far as I cared to go.
Next I fitted my favourite ball gag, again doing it up one notch tighter than usual. I could feel it cutting into the side of my mouth and forcing my jaws open. Then ear plugs and finally my favourite leather hood. The laces at the back gave some problems but I eventually got them to my liking. I tied them off and fastened the 2 poppers around the neck band. I followed the hood with a thick 4 " studded D ring collar. At last, I was ready for my first real experiment in self-bondage.
I had set the 2 remote controls on a chair next to the bed. I set the pump time to start in 5 minutes and run for 15 minutes and the probe remote to start in 10 minutes and everything else to random. Even untied, I had never done this before and there was no telling what the probes would do to my poor body. The final act was to clip the leather blindfold onto the hood and get comfortable in the bag.
There could only be a few minutes left so I climbed quickly although very gingerly into the bag, given the sizable steel objects invading me. The chastity belt and bra were already doing their job and as badly as I wanted to rub my throbbing clit, there was no way I could get past the cold steel shell protecting it.
I zipped the bag up to the very top and got comfortable with my mouth around the breathing tube and lay waiting, my heart pounding and all my senses heightened. It seemed like an eternity. I had purposely used ear plugs and hood so that I would be cut off from as many senses as possible. I didn't hear the 'click' of the timer but I did hear the pump spring into life. No going back now. 1 minute in and I could feel the bag starting to suck down around me. 1 minute 30 seconds and my movements were severely restrained. Two minutes and although I could struggle I couldn't move my body an inch in any direction. I could hear the whirr of the pump in the background and had to concentrate on breathing slowly and deeply. My mind was racing. What the hell was I doing here!!
The anal probe started first, a dull vibrating. It built gradually until my arse muscles were spasming hard. Then the vibrator kicked into life and I and wasn't prepared for how intense the stimulation was. It was too intense and I couldn't stand it! In a matter of seconds I was screaming into my gag and thrashing around although going absolutely nowhere. The vacuum bag was doing its job well. Not only was my pussy tingling and in spasms but for the first time ever I was experiencing an anal orgasm. My butt hole clenched around the plug and sent all manner of pleasures coursing through my body. Then another orgasm, this one was even more powerful than the first. My hips started to buck on their own. All I could hear were my own screams of lust inside the hood as waves of raw energy jolted through my body. Finally both invaders slowed and stopped and I collapsed back on the mattress. I was covered in sweat, gasping for breath and my arse and pussy felt like they'd gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson.
No sooner had I relaxed than it stated again. This time it was clitoral stimulator that started first. Gently stimulating my already oversensitive bud. I squirmed in anticipation then suddenly, the whole vibrator kicked in at maximum level. It truly winded me and struggling to get air in my lungs, I could feel the next wave of pleasure approaching. Every muscle of my being stretched taught. I struggled in my unyielding cocoon. As the orgasm washed over me I truly lost any sense of where or who I was as my mind struggled to make sense of the tsunami racking my body. I don't remember the remaining 10 minutes as it seemed like I was having 1 constant never-ending orgasm. Eventually though I heard the dull hum of the pump shut off and both probes shutdown. I lay waiting for something to happen but all I could hear was my breathing and my heart racing at about 200 beats a minute in my chest.
Slowly I regained some sense of consciousness. What the hell just happened? That was beyond my wildest dreams! The bag had inflated now and I opened the side and slowly climbed out. I removed the hood blindfold and looked over to the full-length mirror. Only minutes for my first self-bondage experiment and my body was dripping with sweat, the chastity belt and bra unmoved despite the Richter 10 earthquake orgasms that had racked my body. Jesus ... I felt exhausted!!
I removed the collar, hood and earplugs. I unlocked the bra and belt and very carefully removed the vibrator and butt probe. Still recovering I dropped all of them on the bed and shakily made my way back to the house. A quick shower and half an hour later I was sleeping like a baby. I awoke on the Saturday morning with a very relaxed satisfying feeling. At last I'd broken my self-bondage virginity and it had certainly given me lots to think about. If anything, I ached even more than the previous night and as I ran a hot bath and let the heat soak into my muscles I couldn't help but wonder what my next experiment should be.
Chapter 2 (added: 10/11/2011)
It had been a week since my self-bondage initiation and I couldn't stop thinking about it. My first foray into this exciting world had only been for 15 minutes but had been more intense than I could ever have imagined. What would happen if I set the timer for longer, 30 minutes, an hour or even more? I answered that question pretty quickly as my shelter became an instant addiction. Every day after work I would visit it and repeat my initial experiment extending the timer up to 30 minutes then 45 minutes then an hour. Every time it blew my mind and on several occasions the intensity was such that I actually passed out.
But what should I do next? Merely extending the timer further couldn't be 'it', surely? Also, the whole thrust of the first experiment was sexual, but what about mixing in pain and physical discomfort. I had no idea of the answer to those questions so I decided to take my time and think through the options. All I knew was that I wanted more; more anticipation, more excitement, more intense orgasms and maybe just a degree of danger and risk.
Such was the effect of my new self-bondage life that I was now permanently on heat and in an almost constant state of sexual arousal. I arranged for one of my best endowed and very accomplished fuck friends to come over for a night and ended up almost fucking him to death; I couldn't get enough. I then arranged for two of them to come over together and after a night of complete depravity during which I was roughly made to service both, and every part of my body was thoroughly used and abused, I surfaced the next morning red raw, seriously aching and completely exhausted but still craving more. An idea for my next experiment was starting to form in my mind, but first there was something that I wanted to do.
I had always been interested in piercings but had been too concerned about what my friends might think of me to actually have any done. I put that concern aside and after a bit of Internet research I stopped off after work at a tattoo and piercing parlour behind Waterloo station. The guy there was very helpful and within an hour I had all the information I needed. I called him the next day, booked a session and walked out of the parlour a few days later with the basics in place to add a bit more spice to my experiments; a nipple bar through each nipple, a U shaped bar through my clit hood and 4 small ring piercings in each labia.
It was the actual body piercings that I wanted more than the inserts, as I wanted my body jewellery to be just a bit special. More research soon identified a company in California that made high specification tungsten molybdenum aircraft grade steel body jewelery. Very expensive and exclusive but you get what you pay for I always say. I placed an order and sat back to wait. A week is a long time when you're permanently on heat but in due course a small package dropped through my door. I examined the items carefully and could see they were engineering works of art. Would I be able to cut them off in the event of a problem? I read the documentation that came with them that described the risk of the intensely hard metal shattering in the event of it being cut. So, the answer to that was possibly, but they would certainly make a mess of my nipples, clit hood and labia; not a thought I relished at all!
I had ordered 2 additional items to complete my set; a locking bar about a quarter inch diameter and 2 inches long and a tiny padlock. I wasted no time in one by one, removing the shop supplied items and replacing them with my very own quality set. The nipple bars first followed by the clit hood bar. Then I very carefully replaced the 8 labia rings, 4 on each side. Finally, the moment I had been waiting for, I gently pulled all the labia rings together and inserted the locking bar down the middle of each snapping the padlock closed through a hole at the end of the bar and the last rings.
There I was standing in the middle of my kitchen with my pussy padlocked shut. The very idea drove me wild with lust and I slowly stroked the top of my clit, shivering with delight and wanting more than anything to thrust my fingers deep inside my hot wet needy sex but however I tried, there was no hope of penetration; I was firmly locked shut.
I loved the anticipation and build-up and I had another idea that I knew would only increase this further. I removed the padlock and locking bar, inserting my favourite set of Ben-Wa balls into my now dripping wet pussy, re-inserted the locking bar and securely padlocking it back in place. I could feel the balls moving inside of me and even the slightest movement would stimulate my already over sensitive body. All I needed at that point was one of my fuck friends to walk through the door, throw me face down on the floor and ream my arse deep and hard; if only ...
My order had arrived on a Thursday and although I was already thinking about the weekend, I had to get through Friday. I made the decision to go to work as I was, with all my body jewelery in place and I slept that night with the balls locked in place, awaking on Friday as horny and aroused as I'd ever been in my life. Friday turned out to be an somewhat challenging day. Hot and humid weather and working in the City is never a pleasant combination but it was made more unbearable than usual by the constant stimulation.
I wore a padded bra to hide the nipple bars but although they didn't show, they most certainly had a serious effect. Every time I moved or walked I could feel them rubbing against the bra and sending little shivers through my nipples and breasts. The clit hood bar didn't really have much effect but I had other plans for that later so I wasn't too concerned. The surprise though was the balls and rings. The effect of the balls inside me and the feeling of the rings, bar and padlock was driving me crazy and several times in mid-conversation, I completely lost the plot of what I was talking about. On two separate occasions, once with a very hot guy I would have fucked at the drop of a hat, my colleagues asked if I was feeling OK and by mid afternoon I was desperate for relief and seriously questioning my decision to come to work like this, but whether I liked it or not, I had left the padlock key at home so I had no choice but to suffer in silence.
The journey home lasted about an hour and a half. Any thoughts of the usual relaxing Friday night long hot bath and bottle of wine were lost and although I wanted more than anything to immediately bring myself off, I summoned all my will power and refrained. I couldn't however resist the draw of the shelter and removing the padlock and balls, I ran naked down to the shelter. Locking the door, I plugged my arse with the butt plug and forced my lovely thick vibrator inside me with one smooth strong thrust. It felt so good. Before I had time to question my own sanity, I set the timers for 2 hours, double that I had previously experienced and positioned myself in the vacuum bag. All was quiet around me but my senses were on overdrive and I could feel and hear my heart beating wildly and my own rasping breathing.
The timer clicked and the pump started its low incessant wwwrrrr'ing. I could feel the air being sucked out from around me and soon I was held firmly by the latex. A minute later and the vibrator came to life with a low pulsating rhythm, the butt plug a minute or so after. Within seconds I was writhing, trying to force myself up to stimulate my clit on the latex and down on the butt plug but it made little difference. Both invaders continued indifferent to my needs, taking me up and seemingly, just as I approached that crescendo I needed so badly, letting me down unfulfilled.
Due to my state of arousal, I hadn't taken the time to fit a gag or blindfold and on reflection, it was a good job I was encased in 4' of concrete as before I knew what was happening I was screaming uncontrollably as the first orgasm wracked my entire body. From my fingers and toes to the top of my head my muscles spasmed and locked. This was followed almost immediately by another and another and another. I lost all sense of time as one orgasm merged into the next and with no ability to control them I became a helpless passenger held tightly in my latex cocoon; a week of pent up sexual frustration coming together at once. To say I lost control would be an understatement as my brain pretty much turned to goo and before long I lost all sense of anything, my mind conscious only of when the next orgasm would hit. I had heard talk of sub-space but never really understood what it meant. Was this my sub-space!!
Eventually, I came round not knowing what time is was or how long I had been lying there. The pump had stopped and the bag was loosely inflated so I knew it was more than 2 hours. My mouth was dry, my head thumped painfully and I was covered all over in rather yucky cold sweat. I took a few moments to check that my limbs were still in place and functioning and slowly unzipped the bag and climbed out, gingerly removing both invaders from my now very sore and tired holes. I felt dirty and reeked of sex sweat, but was too tired to worry about any of that now as I carefully made my way back to the house. It was 02:00; I had been in there 5 hours! Mustering what little energy I had left I slumped onto my bed and was asleep in a few seconds.
Saturday morning came and I awoke with that relaxed contented feeling; the feeling you have when both mind and body are fulfilled. I showered and carefully soaped up and down my body, checking that all was still in working order. My mind was still taking in the events of the night before as to be honest, I had not planned for that to happen.
Unusually, I had nothing arranged for the weekend and resisting the urge to call up one of my favourite fuck friends and drain the life out of him yet again, I decided to have a relaxing lazy two days and take the time to contemplate what the hell I'd gotten myself into. Three weeks ago, I was a normal working woman, albeit with some pretty wild fantasies. Three weeks of turning those fantasies into reality and I'd turned into a sex crazed orgasm addicted nymphomaniac ready to fuck anything that moved and totally addicted to the next 'high'.
The weather was warm and peaceful and I sat out in the back garden wondering what to do next. I decided pretty quickly that unless I was going to put my little self-bondage fantasy back in its box, and there was no way on God's earth that was going to happen, then I might as well continue my explorations although as with all addictions, I knew that stimulation needs to increase over time to obtain the same effect, so who knew where this would all lead.
I had a business trip to Paris planned for Monday to Thursday that coming week so it made sense to take the Friday off and arrange my next experiment for the coming weekend. Just to spice thing up a bit I made two further decisions; firstly that I would stay naked around the house, inside and out, all weekend. Given that my property was secluded I didn't think there was much risk with this but also, given the little slut I'd turned into, even the idea of a stranger glimpsing me naked turned me on. Secondly, I decided that I would travel to Paris with the Ben-Wa balls and all of my jewelery in place leaving the padlock key at home. I had struggled to get through 1 day like this in the office so a 4 day business trip was ambitious, but I knew the effect it would have on me and that by the Friday, I would be more than ready for the next experiment.
I wanted to experiment more with the vacuum bed but I also wanted to experience actual bondage, really tight bondage, tight to the extent that my limbs were physically stretched. I worked for a while on the idea of tying myself to the ceiling rails but figured out pretty quickly that getting them cleaned up and re-fitted would take too long so I settled on using the bed again. Predictable maybe, but if I could put my plan into play, I was sure it would take me to the next level, whatever that was.
The Internet is a wonderful thing and a few more hours surfing secured the purchases I needed to put my plan into action. First was another matching toy set; a butt plug, vibrator, clit stimulator and vibrating nipple clamps, purchased from the same supplier as the previous ones but these were slightly different. They were mains powered and all cabled together with a single remote; truly a work of art! Also, and one of the reasons for the purchase was that the vibrator didn't have a shoulder and could therefore be fully inserted. Five minutes surfing and an expedited delivery order was placed.
The other item I wanted, (and bear with me on this), was a TV lifter. This was a electric pneumatic hoist that you use to raise and lower a plasma or LCD flat screen TV. I had seen one at my friends flat and figured out that this, in conjunction with the vacuum bed timer would be the answer to my self-bondage challenge. Again I placed an order hoping that both would arrive by the time I returned from Paris.
I spent the weekend doing odd jobs around the house, perfecting my plan and even going to the trouble of writing out how I thought events would proceed. It took until Sunday evening for the urges to start making themselves known. Could I really last in this state for another 5 days? Who knew, but this was all part of anticipation and excitement. I managed to get through the weekend and although I was always aware of the stimulation, due in some part to the heavy workload of the business trip, it too passed without too much disruption. Traveling back from Paris, I arrived home late on Thursday evening weary and feeling somewhat dirty although pleased to see the 2 packages I had hoped for on my doorstep.
I poured a cold wine, ran a steaming hot bath and lay there daydreaming about the events to come. It was now 6 days since I had experienced any serious sexual stimulation and although I had grown comfortable with the feeling of the balls inside me and the jewelery my anticipation level was now peaking. I had learned not to play with myself as this only made things worse, although I couldn't get away from the fact that all of this was the build-up I needed to what was to come.
Friday morning came and I was up bright and early. Like the weekend, I had decided that regardless of what happened I would stay naked all day and after a light breakfast I unpacked my deliveries. Immediately I saw a problem. The vibrator was not as advertised and laying it alongside my current favorite toy, I could see that it was significantly thicker, to the extent that I wasn't sure it would actually fit inside me. It was too late to change now so gathering up all the items I needed I made my way down to the shelter. The main item I needed to work on was the TV lifter and before long I had it screwed to the bottom of the top bed frame (does that make sense?). When fully closed I set the travel stop so that it was just touching the floor. It had a lift of 32" which meant that depending on where I set the stop it would lift the top end of the bed up to 32" off the ground, more than enough to do the job I wanted. I spent most of the morning experimenting with lifting and lowering and found that a lift of about 18"-20" seemed to be about right.
My plan was formed; the balls that had been driving me wild all week would be removed to be replaced by my new mains powered toys. I would then re-fit the locking bar and padlock. I would position the clit stimulator over my exposed bud which would be held in place by thick leather straps. Then over the top of that, would be placed my chastity belt. All would padlocked in place. Finally, I would apply the nipple clamps.
At the other end, I would use ear plugs, cock gag, blindfold, leather hood and collar although this time both hood and collar would be padlocked in place. With all the padlock keys being left up in the house, this meant that with the chastity belt and toys still in place, I would have to make my way back to the house deaf, gagged and blindfolded to be able to remove any of them. What a delicious thought!
On the bondage side, my feet would be cuffed to the bottom corner bed posts and I had a spreader bar for my knees. At the top end, a rope would be fastened to the bottom of each side of the TV lifter and threaded around the top corner posts. I would cuff my wrists and attach each wrist cuff to a rope. When the TV lifter raised the top of the bed, the ropes would tighten stretching me tightly and keeping me in that position until the lifter was lowered. One difference to my first experiment was that there was no safety net here. If the power failed I would be stuck in this position with absolutely no chance of escape until power was restored and I already knew that in the event of a problem, there would be no point if my crying out as the shelter was completely sound-proof. I wanted a degree of fear, well here it was. If anything went wrong I might not be found for weeks or even months!
By mid afternoon all was ready. I removed the balls and locking bar and returned to the house to shower. My plan had been to wait until evening but I couldn't wait any longer, it was 3:00 pm and making sure that all the padlock keys were on the kitchen worktop, I locked the house and returned naked to the shelter.
Once inside with the door securely locked I poured a large glass of wine and set about putting my plan into action. I could feel my body tingling all over with the anticipation. Firstly I lubed up the butt plug and positioning it against my rectum, pushing it gingerly, my arse opened and the invader forced its way inside. I pushed deeper and deeper and could feel the steel cylinder stretching my back passage. Finally it completed its journey and my arse closed tightly over the end with only the power cable protruding out.
Then onto the new vibrator. This was the one I was a bit worried about. At 9" long and almost 3" diameter there was serious doubt whether it would actually fit. I pushed the head into my hot wet pussy and could feel it stretching me extremely wide. Inch by inch I forced it in my pussy, deeper and deeper until there was only about an inch protruding outside. I honestly didn't think I could take any more but with a final shove the whole of the body disappeared inside me. I felt full to the brim front and back.
Keeping the power cable out of the way, I very gently pulled each labia ring in and threaded the locking bar down the middle, finally looping the padlock through the last two rings and the bar, snapping it shut. Then onto the clit stimulator. I stepped into the straps and pulled it up positioning the cold shiny body directly over my mound and exposed hot clit. I pulled the straps tight and could feel them digging into my arse cheeks. Then the chastity belt. First I looped the waist band around my waist and fastened it securely. Then on to crotch plate. This was the first time I'd used both the clit stimulator and the chastity belt together and I was surprised at how hard the stimulator was being pushed down on me.
I positioned all the power leads out to one side, I drew the crotch plate in tightly, snapped the 2 chains in to place at the back and closed the padlock over the front. Now to the serious part. I connected the 4 power cables into the remote and positioned myself on the bed with the remote control within reaching distance. I placed a thick leather cuff on each wrist and ankle and secured them with padlocks. Then a pair of leg cuffs around each leg just above my knees again secured with padlocks. I placed a spreader bar between my knees, clipped it into place and extended it as far as my legs would spread. I did the same with my ankles and tied the middle of the spreader bar to the bottom end of the wooden bed frame.
I then set all of the timers, the butt plug, vibrator, clit stimulator and nipple clamps would run for 2 hours but crucially, not start for 2 hours. This would mean that once in place, I would be secured there for 4 hours, far longer than I'd experienced with the vacuum bed. I set the TV lift timer to run for 4½ hours and to start in 15 minutes. Down to the final tasks, nipple clamps attached, ear plugs in, rubber cock gag and blindfold firmly fitted and buckled behind my head and leather hood fitted over the top of all of it. I laced the back of the hood tightly and snapped the 2 poppers securing the base tightly around my neck. The final addition was a 4" thick leather posture collar with 3 buckles at the back topped off with a padlock.
I lay back on the bed and felt for the ropes I had laid out, one at each top corner. Stretching over I used my right hand to clip the left rope fastener to my left wrist and after much fiddling I finally managed to clip the right rope fastener to my right wrist. I was now securely fastened top and bottom. A few minutes passed and I heard the familiar click of the timer. The lifter spun into action and I could feel the top of the end of the bed being lifted off the ground. As it lifted, the ropes became tighter until my arms were stretched tightly above my head. Still the lifter carried on and my whole body was pulled up the bed stretching my legs against the spreaders and extending my torso.
I could feel the chastity belt cutting into me, forcing the butt plug and vibrator deeper and the clit stimulator down even harder on my exposed clit. The tension continued increasing until eventually the lifter hit its end stop and there I lay spread-eagled, arse and pussy full plugged, pussy locked closed, legs and knees stretched wide, earplugs, gag, blindfold, hood and collar all in place and now totally completely unable to move.
For a moment panic overtook me but there was nothing I could do now. Regardless of whether I liked it or not, I was trusted up here for the next 4½ hours. The cock gag filled my mouth and I experimented with how best to position my tongue around it. Wherever I put it wasn't comfortable and my mind drifted as I contemplated the reality of being restrained like this with no stimulation for the next 2 hours. I tried flexing various muscles to get comfortable but whatever I did didn't improve things for long.
Soon I longed for release, but the ropes held firm keeping me tightly stretched. I became desperate for something to happen, anything to stimulate me. I ground my mound up against the clit stimulator but nothing, not a peep from the butt plug, vibrator or clit stimulator. I wriggled around to find the most comfortable position and my mind wandered; my current predicament, work, a few bills to pay this weekend, must remember to get the heating serviced ready for winter, back to work. How long had it been now, 5 minutes maybe 10, so only 1 hour 50 minutes to go!
I could feel the butt plug and vibrator stretching me internally and I knew that when they eventually came to life I was going to be in for one hell of a ride. Six days of pent up frustration were getting the better of me and my need was becoming more desperate by the minute. I mentally checked each part of my body, flexing, stretching, trying to find any way to bring some stimulation, but to no avail. Eventually I started to lose focus and accepted my fate that there was no way I was getting lose. I drifted off into that semi-sleep state, my mind wandering aimlessly.
After what seemed like a lifetime I awoke, unsurprisingly still deaf, gagged and blindfolded and most certainly restrained. My back and arms now seriously ached, I had cramp in one leg, my mouth was dry and I badly needed a pee. Better remember to give the wine a miss if I was stupid enough to do this again! I'd had enough of this now. I fumbled with the top right-hand rope. I'd managed to put it in place with 1 hand, maybe I could remove it with 1 hand. I stretched up as far as I could go straining every muscle and sinew but to no avail, the ropes were too tight and I couldn't even get close to unclipping the cuff. I tried again and a third time but without sight I had no hope.
I had a momentary tantrum shaking myself and pulling as hard as I could on the ropes hoping that something would come free but they held fast and all I succeeded in doing was shaking the nipple clamps hard to the point where they bloody hurt. I slumped back in desperation tears welling up under my blindfold and hood. How fucking stupid did I have to be to get myself into this? Any feeling of sexual anticipation was fast disappearing replaced by fear. I was certain that the 2 hours must be up why hadn't the remote switched on? If it had failed what about the lifter. If it didn't lower the bed at the time set how was I going to get out? Panic set in and my mind raced. What the fuck to do now. In terms of levels of stupid, this was right up there with the best. No-one knew I was here and even if they did, they couldn't get to me through the steel door and reinforced concrete. I could be here for days, weeks or even longer.
Suddenly, the butt plug came to life followed a few seconds later by the vibrator. I hadn't realised before but as these were mains powered they were far stronger than the previous models. I could feel the butt plug literally shaking inside my tight arsehole. Before I knew what was happening, the vibrator kicked in as well, vibrating violently deep in my pussy. All thoughts of my predicament vanished as the nipple clamps started shaking as well, sending waves of pleasure and pain through my breasts. Within seconds I could feel the first orgasm building, then God help me the clit stimulator kicked-in and there was no escaping it. I tried to brace, ready for the onslaught but I was already tired from being stretched and the fire in my crotch and nipples grew quickly spreading out across my whole body. It hit me like a huge wave, knocking the air from my lungs. I gasped deeply and tried my best to tense against the ropes as all 4 stimulators attacked me full-bore. I could feel the butt plug and vibrator banging against each other inside me and the end of the vibrator squeezing my pussy lips hard against the inside of the belt with the rings, bar and padlock trapped in the way.
The mix of fear, frustration, waiting, physical stress and now the intensity I was being subjected to made this a whole new experience and any hope of controlling events was quickly forgotten. I was at the mercy of the situation I'd created. The first orgasm swept over me and engulfed every part of my body. Trapped in my hood, deaf, blind and gagged I had no sensory distractions and my mind was wholly focused on absorbing the sensations and feelings. No sooner had I reached the peak than the build-up started for the second and so this went on. The stimulators started to cycle switching off then on, back off then on. I had no control and now I didn't even try. Before long there was no me, only one endless incredible orgasm. I needed it, I craved it, I didn't want it to ever stop.
As suddenly as they started the stimulators shut-off. I'd survived two hours! I was completely and utterly exhausted. Even if I'd been able to move I didn't have the energy. I'd been stretched in every possible way and every muscle of my body was surely longer than 2 hours earlier. As the pleasure of the orgasms subsided I started feeling fierce pain; my nipples hurt like hell, not surprising after 4 hours of being clamped. I waited in some trepidation for the lifter to lower the top of the bed and release me. It was set to turn off in 10 minutes and sure enough I soon felt the bed lowering slowly to the ground. I pulled gingerly on the top ropes and could feel them loosening and after a bit of fiddling, I managed to unclip both arms. I knew removing the clamps would hurt but f**k me, agony is the only work I could use, intense piercing agony. I unplugged the power cord and let the clamps drop to the floor.
I reached down and unclipped both spreader bars allowing full movement of my legs. That was the easy bit but now I had to make my way back to the house, deaf, gagged and blindfolded. I unplug the remaining power cables and raised myself up off the bed. I had left the house keys on the nearby table and gingerly stepped forward, hands outstretched. Three steps and I bumped into the table edge. So this was what it was like to be blind, Urrrhhh. Keys secured and 2 steps to the left, forward a bit, turn right and I made my way slowly in the general direction of the door. Roughly 20 steps and my outstretched hands made contact with the cold steel of the door. I felt for the handle, lowered it and opened the door.
The evening air felt cold on my body and my sore nipples immediately reacted. I stepped outside gingerly, pulling the door closed behind me and could feel light rain on my skin. I edged forward and felt for the steps. Up three, four more steps forward and turn left onto the unmade dirt path. I had previously counted the steps necessary so 35 forward and another turn left, 14 more should take me straight through the gap in the fence, except there was no gap. Fuck ... I felt around in front of me finding a fence post. Which way to go? Had I gone too far or not far enough? I plumped for too far so turned left again to make my way back only to walk into what felt like long grass and a bush. About face and back the other way. This felt better and feeling in front of me I found the opening in the fence.
I can feel the rain getting harder now, running off my naked body. Twenty yards straight on and I should hit the pathway that leads back to my house. I had never realised what it would be like to be without sight. I'm walking slowly, my hands stretched out tentatively in front of me, arching left and right like some mad idiot. About half way there and I should be in open ground but something brushes against my arm. I freeze! Either I've gone completely the wrong way or did I imagine it ... I feel all around but nothing. I'm walking even more slowly now clutching the house keys tightly, my mind racing. Did I really imagine it or is there someone else in my back garden?
Given the location, I had seen the odd deer and badger wandering through the woods and garden but if it was anything like that I would have felt it on my lower leg. Another brush on my other arm, firmer this time. I spin round waving my arms like some demented windmill but nothing. Then a slap on my arse, hard ... Owwww, then another on my other arse cheek. What the f**k is going on? I want to call out but all I manage is Hhhmmmmmmfff behind the gag and under the hood. Now I'm panicking! I take another step forward and walk straight into something, or is it someone. My mind races ... who the hell is in my garden at this time of night? ... how long have they been there and most importantly, how long have they been watching me?
A hand grabs my breast and squeezes roughly, pulling hard at one of my nipples. They are still sore and I recoil with the pain but the hand squeezes harder, tweaking one then the other nipple. I feel two hands on my shoulders pushing me down. I sink to my knees not knowing what to expect. No sounds or sight can be a frightening thing and I struggle to keep my fear under control. So here I am, following the most intense sexual experience of my life, still with all the stimulators locked in place with a chastity belt and with ear plugs, gag, blindfold and hood padlocked on me being forced to kneel in my own back garden at night in the pouring rain by some unknown stranger. Another fine situation I'd gotten myself into!
Then I feel a strangers hand on my hand, lifting it up, wrapping my fingers around something. I realise that whoever my assailant is, has his cock out and it's a not inconsiderable cock! He guides my hand to wank him. Firm strokes and I can feel him hardening quickly. He releases my hand I continue unaided stroking him more firmly, squeezing his thick shaft. I can feel him fucking my hand as I wank him, his hips driving forward towards me. But who is he; maybe a Sean Connery lookalike (at about 35 please) or maybe he's a dirty old tramp that hasn't washed for a month. Either way I quicken my strokes, squeezing and wanking his now huge cock. I raise my other hand and cup his large swollen balls squeezing firmly. The rain is pouring down now, both of us drenched. My previous exertions had tired me and I switch arms, pumping him as hard as I can. I would love to take him in my mouth and suck his hot seen down my throat but there's no hope of that with me padlocked into my leather hood.
I feel him tense and fuck my hand more urgently and his cock swells as he reaches the point of no return. His balls tense and hot jets of cum splash on my hood and down on my breasts. He seems to go on forever and I can only imagine what I look like, trust up, rain soaked and cum dripping down me. I try to hold on but before I can react he's pulled away from me, the rain washing his seed off onto the ground. I feel around but nothing. 2, 3, 4 minutes but still nothing. I'm shivering now so slowly rise and making sure I'm still on the path, make my way tentatively back to the house. Who the fuck was that I just wanked off in my back garden?
Eventually I find the house and make my way round the corner to the back door. Letting myself in I immediately lock and bolt the door. It takes almost another half an hour to find the right key for every padlock but my mind is consumed now, not only by the most intense erotic night I've ever experienced in the shelter in my short-lived BDSM life, but more so by the fact that someone now obviously knows about my little deviances and worst thing, I have no idea who!