Author's Note: Warning - This is a very unusual story, but hey I'll write anything once.
Part I
Kate and Emma were kneeling on the floor looking at the glass jar on the coffee table in front of them, both with a look of amazement on their faces. In the jar was Kate's boyfriend, now standing at only one inch tall.
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Of course they hadn't believed the woman who claimed to be able to shrink people and Kate had certainly been joking when she'd asked for her boyfriend to be shrunk down to size for the weekend. But the woman hadn't been joking and now here they were.
"Are we supposed to put grass and water in the jar?" Kate asked as she swept her long dark hair out of her eyes with her hands.
"He's not a bug" Emma smiled without taken her eyes off the tiny guy.
"Maybe some crumbs for him to eat?"
"You could fill the jar with beer, he'd like that."
The friends giggled.
"Do you think we can play with him?" Kate asked.
Emma giggled, "I'm sure we can play many things with a guy that size."
"The woman said that he'd be as tough as usual, so no chance of hurting him."
"We'll have to put that to the test." Emma smiled.
Kate gingerly unscrewed the lid of the jar, reached in and picked her ex- 6 foot 2 inch boyfriend up with her thumb and forefinger.
"He looks good enough to eat." Emma smiled as lowered her head to where Kate was holding him, opened her mouth and pretended to eat him.
"Stop it, you'll scare him." Kate said as she took him and gently slipped him into the front pocket of her jeans.
"No more scary that in your crotch." Emma giggled as she saw where Brad had come to rest at the bottom of Kate's pocket.
"He's never minded that before." The brunette purred.
Brad didn't remember much at all about the incident, it was as if he'd woken up and the world had grown. He felt normal, but everything was huge; it had to be a dream although it seemed amazingly real.
Being in Kate's pocket felt so life like. The scent was unmistakably Kate's. The pocket lining felt soft and warm and kept throwing him off his feet as Kate walked. How could his mind be imagining such things so vividly?
Her pocket was just how he imagined a crevasse in a glazier would be, very narrow and very tall and impossible to climb out of. He looked up and saw a very thin line of light at the pocket opening. The denim was too thick to see anything outside, however the pocket lining was thinner and he could just make out Kate's thighs and crotch. She was wearing the new black lace underwear that he'd bought her.
He tried to climb up, but his pathetic attempts just landed him on his back at the bottom of the pocket. There was no way one, this was one very secure cell.
"I can't believe you're keeping him in your pocket." Emma said again.
"It feels nice." Kate replied.
"Maybe for you."
"Can you hear him complaining?"
"He's too small to hear anything he says."
"As I said, no complaints."
"Well I think its cruel." Emma continued.
Even though she was enjoying it, Kate reached into her pocket and gently pulled Brad out and placed him back into his jar. They ate some lunch and then Kate had to leave for work.
"You promise you'll look after him?" Kate asked Emma for the second time.
"I won't lose him or eat him, I promise."
Kate had never seen Emma so keen for her to leave.
Brad couldn't hear much through the glass jar but saw Kate put on her black jacket. She was still going to work – surely he wasn't going to be left in the jar with Emma, that crazy blonde. Emma was attractive and her figure and cute butt often filled his daydreams, but she had a sadistic streak. She'd once locked Kate in a trunk, not letting her out until way after the joke was over. She certainly wouldn't be his first pick to baby sit him in this state.
Emma saw Kate out of the front door and then ran back to the lounge and the glass jar.
"Just you and me Brad," she smiled ominously as she unscrewed the jar and lifted him out.
She lay down on her back on the sofa and dropped Brad on to the front of her t-shirt. He slowly started to walk around which made Emma laugh, which in turn made her stomach muscles tighten, which in turn made him fall over.
"Careful," she giggled as she helped him to his feet.
The mischievous look in Emma's beautiful big brown eyes worried him. He started to think of a plan of how to get away from her, hide somewhere and only reappear when Kate returned. It sounded easy, but every time he tried to move away she picked him up and put him back in the middle of her stomach.
But things were about to get a lot worst. The blonde picked him up in her hand, squeezing him tightly and with her other hand unbuttoned the front of her jeans.
"What do you think?" Emma giggled as she held him with just her thumb and forefinger over the opening into her jeans.
"Do you think you can escape from there?"
He tried to wrap his arms around her finger. "What's wrong, it'll be lovely and warm inside," she giggled.
Brad took one last look at her big brown eyes before she dropped him in. He landed on the front of her white panties which was like landing on a large inflatable, before sliding off and down into the bottom of her jeans, coming to rest by her butt. He looked up and saw her re-buttoning her jeans plunging his world into near darkness.
In front of him he saw her thighs leading off into the distance; he had to make a move. He crawled forward down the inside of the right leg of her jeans, the denim material making a wall on his left and her tanned thigh rising up like a cliff on his right. Her legs were stretched out on the sofa and so the route was reasonable flat.
She let him get almost as far as her knee before quickly drawing her feet up towards her butt, lifting her knee up and making Brad slide back down her trouser leg. As he tumbled and slid down he saw that she'd lifted her butt slightly off the sofa. He knew he was in trouble.
He continued to slide back down toward her crotch and his momentum carried him onwards until he was under Emma's butt. As soon as he came to rest he jumped to his feet and tried to run out from beneath her butt but of course she gave him no time. She immediately rested back down on the sofa, pinning Brad beneath her white cotton panties.
Brad's legs were lying between her butt cheeks, but his body was pinned under her left cheek. He tried to pull himself up to stop the whole of his body sliding into her crack. But that's exactly where she wanted him and after a little wriggling, that's where he came to rest.
He was helplessly pinned down. Encased on three sides by Emma's white cotton knickers and on the forth side by her jeans. The pressure was by no means unbearable, but it was constant and unyielding. It was pitch black; he was facing up into her butt and silent. Her scent was all pervading. This place put maximum security jails to shame.
"Hi Katey, how you doing?" Emma spoke into her phone in her usual playful voice.
"Fine, how's Brad."
"Quite safe."
"Thanks for looking after him."
"He won't be getting into any trouble."
"Great, it good for you guys to get to know each other better."
"Oh he's learning some new things about me," Emma giggled.
Emma lay there enjoying the experience more than even she'd imagined. Twenty minutes had passed before she unbuttoned her jeans and retrieved her flatmate's boyfriend. She put Brad back into the jar and screwed the lid on tightly while she went off to get changed.
Emma smiled as she walked back into the lounge now wearing a tight black mini-skirt and top. She unscrewed the jar and lifted Brad out while squeezing him tightly in her hand. She sat down on the floor with her knees drawn up in front of her. She then gently placed him down on the inside of her skirt and watched as he slid down between her legs and crashed into her butt.
Her skirt rose up around him on all sides, it was like being at the bottom of a well.
"You're a good climber, let's see if you can climb out of this one," Emma purred as she looked down at him, her long hair falling down around her.
Brad tried, but both the skirt and her smooth skin were impossible to gain any grip. Within minutes he lay down in defeat and looked up at Emma's smiling face; her big brown eyes and perfectly white smile. How could he be so helpless.
He kicked the inside of her thigh in frustration.
"Temper temper," Emma laughed, "I might have to crush you for that."
Brad climbed to his feet with concern as Emma slowly started to close her thighs together with him in between. In a futile attempt to stop her closing her legs he held his arms out to each side.
"Is that going to work?" she giggled as she continued to close her thighs.
"Oh dear," she laughed as his arms quickly gave way and her thighs started to touch each other with Brad in the middle. She kept going until her thighs were squeezed together with all of her strength.
Brad felt as though he was set in concrete, he was held completely rigid.
"Can you escape from that?" Emma asked, not that her prisoner could hear a word she said.
"At least try a little harder."
The game kept Emma amused for a while and it was only boredom, not sympathy that finally led her to release her grip.
"I'm going to meet your girlfriend for lunch," she announced as her thighs parted and Brad collapsed with exhaustion on to her underwear.
Some rest bite Brad thought, but his relief was short-lived.
"And guess what, you're coming too," Emma purred as she picked him up out of her skirt and stood up.
Brad looked around, Emma had no pockets in her skirt and wasn't carrying a handbag; surely she wasn't going to take him outside held in her hand? Was she going to put him in her cleavage between her breasts or, no surely not.
"I'm sorry if this is get a little personal, but its probably the safest and most discrete place to put you, "Emma giggled.
Emma unzipped her tight skirt and eased it down over her hips to reveal her tight black silk knickers hugging her pert butt. "These panties are nice and tight around my hips and around my butt and thighs" Emma explained, "there should be no way that you'll be slipping out of these."
She reached her hand down the front of the underwear and positioned Brad inside her knickers, right in her crotch.
He lay there lying on the soft black material looking downward directly between her legs, the silk pinning him up against her crotch. Her knickers held him tightly in place, but not uncomfortably so. The silk was partially see through and he could make out Emma's long tanned legs and the floor below. He could hear, there was some fresh air, it could have been a lot worst.
But that said, it was still completely inescapable. He reach over and tried to slip for hand between the edge of the panties and her thigh but the elasticated material felt as though it was made out of steel, he couldn't even get one finger through. There was no doubt about it, anywhere that Emma went, he would be going too.
Emma's phone rang and she ran across the room to answer it wearing just her knickers and top. Brad was shaken around as she ran but there was no way he was going to fall out. She perched on the edge of the table and started talking. Brad could see her reflection in the mirror, he's never seen her before in just underwear and she had a fantastic body, not that he could enjoy it from his panty cell.
Emma stood up and pulled her skirt back on, it fitted her perfectly. He was now hidden from sight, her little secret. Emma then pulled on some knee length black leather boots and zipped them up.
Emma took the bus to the city and then walked to the café to meet Kate. Brad watched the pavement pass as Emma walked quickly to her destination, her black boot clip clopping on the pavement as she walked. Brad could see other people's shoes as they passed close by. He knew from personal experience that most of the guys passing by would be taking at least a discrete look at the attractive blonde. He also knew that none of them would guess her little secret, tucked well out of sight in her panties.
The friends met at the café and sat down either side of a small table. Emma sat down with her legs slightly apart allowing to Brad to see out between her thighs and over to where Kate was sitting at the other side of the table. He could see Kate's jeans; he'd never realized how many times Kate crossed and re-crossed her legs. He could also hear their conversation.
"Are you sure he's OK on his own?" Kate asked, Brad was touched by her obvious concern.
"I promise you he's very safe," Emma replied.
"I'm so sorry I asked for this to happen to him."
"Oh, I'm sure he's enjoying the experience."
"I'm really going to have to make it up to him."
Brad was starting to get interest. But just at that point Emma chose to cross her legs, a simple enough act and one that women do millions of times of day. However when Emma did it, it had a real impact on Brad.
Emma's left thigh moved across and pinned him, very tightly, to her right thigh. He was almost completely immobilized. It became pitch black and totally silent. Whatever it was that Kate was going to do to make it up to him he would have to wait to find out. 'Uncross your legs you stupid bitch' Brad thought to himself as he waited in his cocoon.
Emma smiled to herself, crossing her legs was quite deliberate.
"Why are you smiling?" Kate asked.
"Oh nothing."
"You're in a funny mood today."
"No, I'm fine."
The truth was that Brad's struggling body was starting to stimulate her. Whilst she loved the feeling, Kate was already starting to get suspicious. She reluctantly uncrossed her legs to reduce the pressure of his body on her clit.
Brad tried desperately to call out from his cell and attract Kate's attention. He pushed and kicked at the soft silk that incarcerated him and screamed out but there was no way he could be heard above the café noise. Although maybe Emma heard something as she re-crossed her legs, tightly encasing him once more between her thighs.
The friends finished their meal, walked to the door and kissed on the cheeks.
"Look after Brad until I get home," Kate asked.
"Oh I will," Emma giggled to herself.
Emma walked back to bus stop. A bus soon arrived which was almost empty and she slid into a seat. She sat there for a moment looking down at her skirt and then smiled. "I'm sorry," she whispered, "but I doubt I'm going to get the chance to do this to a guy again." And with that she stood up, used her fingers to move Brad between her bum crack and then sat down again right on top of him. She wriggled around and felt him underneath her, it felt nice, for her anyway.
She opened the bus window and the air blew her long blonde hair back across her shoulders. It was a hot day and she could smell the vegetation and the salty air blowing in from the beach. The bus stopped at some traffic lights; it didn't matter, she was in no hurry.
Author's Note: So many possibilities with this story, just had to write a second part. Please email and let me know if you like this theme. A x.
Part II (added: 06/20/2011)
Brad's bus ride home something that no one should have to experience and one that would remain with him for the rest of his life. Emma had sat there for over half an hour, feeling him underneath her and as the temperature rose, the moisture had made his body slide a little as the bus moved from side to side.
When they arrived back at Emma's flat she took him out of her underwear and washed him thoroughly in the basin. She dried him and put and him back into the glass jar. Even Emma felt a little guilty as she watched him sitting dejectedly against the glass. How much of this would be remember when he returned to normal size she didn't know. Would he try to get revenge? Obviously he couldn't complain to anyone, who would believe him.
Brad was grateful that Emma left him incarcerated in the jar for the rest of the afternoon without inflicting any more pain. Kate returned from work, ran to the jar and gently lifted out her boyfriend.
"I'll look after you from now," she purred as she hugged him to her chest.
Emma looked on jealously.
That evening the girls arranged to join some friends at the pub. Kate carried Brad up to her room to get dressed.
"I need to shower," she smiled as she looked for somewhere safe to leave him.
"I know!" she giggled as she gently lowered him into one of her favorites black leather ankle length boots.
"You'll be safe in there."
Brad heard Kate turn on the shower and then he walked down towards the toe of the boot to explore his latest prison. The smell of leather was overpowering and so he walked back up to the heal for some relatively fresh air. The boots rose vertically above him, there was absolutely no way to climb out.
As Kate showered she thought about how she could take Brad to the pub. She wanted to wear her new black dress, but that had no pockets. She thought about keeping him in her boots, but she wasn't sure whether she'd have a living boyfriend by the end of the night.
She dried herself with the towel and started to get dressed. She pulled on some black panties and bra; these were Brad's favourite although his mind would probably be on other things tonight. She pulled on some thin tights (pantyhose), which gave her an idea. She would tuck him inside her tights; maybe on her inner thigh - he'd be safe in there. Her black dress was short, Brad helped her chose it, but if she placed him high enough up her thigh then he'd be completely hidden from sight.
She slipped on her little black cocktail dress, it looked fantastic, and best of all if any guys flirted with her tonight, Brad would be in no place to object. With her mind still on her dress she slid her foot into her left boot.
Brad saw it coming, a pantyhose covered foot coming down on top of him. It pushed him over and he ended up pinned underneath the middle of her foot.
Kate didn't realized what she'd done until her foot was inside the boot, with Brad already pinned beneath her. She guessed he was probably OK where he was, but he'd certainly be in real trouble if she started to walk with him there. 'This could be fun', she smiled to herself as she continued to zip up her boots. I wonder what's going through his mind right now?
The answer was panic. How could she not feel him in her boot? The boot fitted her foot snuggly and the zip sealed her foot tightly in place, there was nothing he could do. Kate placed her foot gently on the floor and started to brush her long dark hair. 'No rush' she thought to herself, 'let's let him suffer for a little longer'.
That ten minutes felt like a lifetime to Brad. And his relief was immense as she unzipped the boot and slowly and gently pulled out her foot.
"Sorry," she smiled in an unconvincing voice.
Kate then pulled up her dress, picked him up and slid him down inside her tights until he was resting against her inner left thigh, just below her crotch. She jumped up and down just to check that he wouldn't slip down. She then pulled her dress down and smoothed it out with her hands.
Kate and Emma left the house and caught a taxi to town.
"Where is he?" Emma asked.
Kate pulled up her dress to show her friend.
"It's a little personal down there, isn't it?"
"He's my boyfriend, that's where he should be," Kate smiled as she pulled her skirt back down.
Brad couldn't believe Emma's cheek, she had already inflicted upon him things ten times more personal than this. In fact Brad was quite enjoying the experience. It was warm, smelt of his girlfriend's perfume and was comfortable – Kate's soft thigh behind him and her soft pantyhose in front of him. He could see through the pantyhose and watched as her other thigh passed back and forth in front of him almost touching him each time it passed.
The girls arrived at the pub and sat down with a group of friends. Kate crossed her legs but was careful not to crush him between her thighs, instead he lay in a small warm space surrounded on all sides by thighs, underwear and her black dress. This time he was being held by a woman who loved him and one who wasn't a born sadist.
The girls had a great night, they left the pub at 11pm and went on to a club and finally arrived home just before 3am. Kate was drunk and had almost forgotten about her little charge. She had a quick look under her dress to make sure that he was OK and lay down on the sofa next to Emma.
"I think we both need some water," Emma smiled as she walked to the kitchen. However Emma dropped a sleeping tablet into Kate's glass before returning to the lounge.
Within ten minutes, Kate was fast asleep lying on her back on the sofa. Emma took the empty glass from her hand before returning to the sleeping brunette. Emma pulled up Kate's dressed and smiled as she saw Brad still exactly where Kate had positioned him.
"I think your girl's asleep," she giggled as she slowly eased her hand down the front of Kate's tights. She pulled him out, releasing him from his captivity. But somehow he guessed that this wasn't going to be an act of kindness.
He started to think about all the ways he might become further acquainted with Emma's body. However, to his surprise Emma tucked him back inside Kate's tights, but this time she also put him inside Kate's panties. Emma positioned him carefully against Kate's clit, before removing her empty hand and allowing the elasticated underwear to snap shut enclosing Brad inside. Emma giggled as Kate started to smile in her sleep.
"Good night, honey," she smiled as she pulled Kate's dress back down.
It was after 9am when Kate finally awoke. She smiled to herself as she stretched out on the sofa. She then giggled as she remembered the night before and where she had tucked her boyfriend. She rolled on to her side and pulled up her skirt. When she realized that he wasn't there she sat up and started to run her hands up and down her legs and butt. She then unzipped and removed her dress and was shocked when she realized where he was.
She quickly put her hands in her panties and pulled Brad out from where he had been trapped against her somewhat stimulated clit.
"I'm so sorry," she said as she used her dress to wipe him clean.
Just then Emma walked in showered, awake and wearing her short yellow gym shorts and t-shirt.
"What happened last night?" Kate asked.
"We had fun."
"Yes, but do you remember me passing out on the sofa?"
"Yes, you were tired."
"Yes, but did I do anything before I fell asleep?"
"Like what?"
"To Brad."
"Not that I know of," Emma lied, "Why?"
Kate was almost too embarrassed to tell her friend.
"He spent the night tucked into the front of my panties."
"No way."
"I must have been some pissed horny tart last night, what must he think of me?"
"You'll find out when he returns to normal tonight," Emma reminded her.
Kate was embarrassed. "Can you look after him this morning, I'm not sure I trust myself."
"If you want, "Emma smiled, "If you like I can lock him in my safe."
"OK" Kate replied as she handed her boyfriend to the blonde.
They walked into Emma room where she had a small but secure looking safe that had been drilled into the concrete floor. Emma typed in a 10-digit combination and then used a key from her key ring to open the safe's door. She then took out her small jewelry box, opened it and dropped Brad inside.
"Are you sure?" Emma asked as she put the jewelry box back inside the safe.
"Yes, lock him up," Kate replied, "I need time to think about how I'm going to explain this to him".
Emma closed the safe and turned the handle to lock it.
"He's locked up tight now," Emma smiled as she picked up her keys and sat down on her desk, her short yellow shorts resting on top of a pile of papers.
Kate remained kneeling on the floor, looking at the safe.
"I'm sorry," she said to no one in particular.
Emma said nothing.
"Maybe I should let him out and explain."
"Its not your choice, he's locked inside my safe."
"Yes, but he's my boyfriend."
"You asked me to lock him up."
"But, I've changed my mind."
"Too late," the blonde giggled, "there's no way I'm letting him out."
Kate pressed a few numbers on the number pad and pulled the handle. Emma gave her a small sympathetic smile and rattled her keys.
"OK, it's probably for the best," Kate said as she stood up and walked away.
Emma walked over and sat down on top of the safe. She ran her keys up and down her bare thighs as she thought about her plans for the rest of the day.
Part III (added: 07/27/2011)
Emma picked up her keys and her bag and left for the gym. As she walked out of her room she turned and blew a kiss to Brad who was still locked inside her safe. She locked her door and ran down the stairs, her little yellow gym shorts bouncing as she went.
Inside the jewelry box (which was inside the safe) it was pitch black. Brad started to feel around to see if he could open the box. However the small metal catch that Emma had pushed into place, almost without thinking, was enough to stop his escape plans in their tracks. Brad knew that from the moment Emma had closed the safe door and turned her key in the lock that he had no hope of ever escaping. However if he could just get out of her jewelry box it would be some sort of small victory, he could even try to slip out unseen when she finally unlocked the safe.
Two hours later Emma returned from the gym and took a shower. She then toweled dry and put on old track pants and fleece. It was 2pm on Sunday and the weather was cold. The heating in the flat was hopeless and so Emma grabbed some magazines and jumped into her bed. She looked over to the safe and smiled. She had spent the whole gym session daydreaming about how she controlled him and she still couldn't get the situation out of her mind.
"Are you having fun in your solitary confinement?" she giggled as she pulled the duvet up around her. She tried to read, but her attention kept returning to the safe. Kate was out, nobody would know if she were to have a little more fun.
Emma typed in her code and then took her keys and unlocked the cage. She smiled as she realized that he hadn't even been able to escape from her jewelry box. With one quick flick of her thumb she undid the catch and opened up the small flowery box that had acted as his prison.
She found him inside, among her necklaces, shivering and shaking in the corner of box. When she picked him up she found that he was almost stone cold.
"Oh I'm sorry, was it cold in there?" she sounded almost concerned.
"I know somewhere nice and warm," she purred as she took him in her hand and climbed back into bed.
Emma pulled the duvet up and reached her hand down and dropped him inside her track pants, where he landed on top of her thighs. The material snapped shut above him, but for once he was happy to be there. He lay down flat, touching as much of her soft warm skin as he could.
Although a few moments later Emma opened her legs a little and he fell down between her thighs on to the inside of her track pants. He lay in her crotch looking up between her thighs and watched as she squeezed them together again, leaving him buried deep inside her crotch.
Brad lay there for a few minutes enjoying the warmth. He could just move and managed to squeeze himself out from under her thighs and started to clamber down along the inside of her trouser leg. He could hear Emma giggling as his movements tickled her. He kept going down the track pants to potential freedom.
"Hey, that's far enough Houdini!" Emma smiled as she brought her knees up in front of her with the aim of sending him tumbling back into the captivity of her crotch. But Brad had got further than she'd realized and was past the apex of her knee and so instead he fell down her calf muscle and out of the end of her track pants.
Brad quickly pushed his way through the remainder of the duvet, reached the edge of the bed and jumped. But before he hit the floor Emma reached her hand out and caught him in mid air.
"Good, but not good enough," she purred as she dropped him into an empty glass by the side of her bed and thought for a moment.
"Any attempted prison break means transfer to a maximum security jail," she purred as she looked down into the glass, her long brown hair falling around her face. Emma then took off her track pants to reveal a pair of tight black panties. She opened her underwear drawer and pulled out another pair of black knickers which she put on on top of the first pair.
"Maybe not totally escape proof yet," she smiled as she pulled out a pair of blue silk knickers and two pairs of white cotton knickers and proceeded to put them all on. She then finished the unusual ensemble with one more pair of tight black panties.
"Its well known that escaping from six pairs of panties is harder than escaping from Alcatraz," Emma giggled as she put her track pants back on.
Emma tipped the glass upside down, emptying him into her hand and then climbed back into bed. She pulled the covers up around her and once again reached down into her underwear. It took some effort to squeeze the hand that was holding Brad into the crotch of her knickers. She finally pulled it out empty handed as the six pairs of panties closed in again around her butt.
Inside Brad felt as though he was buried in concrete; he couldn't move an inch. It was pitch black, hot and airless.
Emma read and dozed a little all afternoon until she was woken by a call from Kate; they talked for a while and agreed to meet at the pub. Emma climbed out of bed and took off her track pants and started to run her hands around her six pairs of underwear in an attempt to locate her inmate. "I know you're in here somewhere," she purred as her hands started to rub the front of her knickers.
She reached her hand inside, partly to make sure that he was still alive, and partly to position him further up her butt where he quickly disappeared between her cheeks. "I love you in there," she whispered as she gently tensed and released her butt muscles.
Emma finally pulled on her favourite jeans, which were tighter than usual with the extra layers beneath them. After some effort she managed to pull the denim up over her hips and buttoned them in place. The blonde turned and looked at her butt in the mirror, "Perfect, no-one will see a thing."
"Yeah," Emma then cried as she fetched her bike lock that comprised a chain wrapped with a plastic cover. She quickly threaded the chain through her jeans belt loops and padlocked it in place at the front.
"Locked in my own jeans," she giggled a little nervously as she unbuttoned her jeans and tried in vain to slide them back down over her hips. Without unlocking the padlock, Emma and her jeans were one.
"I don't think I'll take this key with me," she purred as she dropped the padlock key into her now almost empty panty drawer and again ran her hands around her own butt. She admired herself in the mirror one last time before putting on her coat.
As she walked up the road she pulled at the padlock and chain around her waist and felt turned on. The only key to unlock it was becoming further and further away. "I couldn't let you out of my panties now even if I wanted to," she whispered to no-one in particular.
A guy walked past her and then turned around to check her out. "You have no idea," she giggled to herself as she made her way to the pub and to Kate.
Part IV (added: 08/04/2011)
Deep inside Emma's jeans, Brad felt her left and then right butt muscles tense as she walked. He knew that she was going to the pub and he knew that once she arrived she would sit down. He also knew that Emma sitting down would make life even worst for him unless he could slide himself either up towards her waist or down towards her crotch.
However, the six pairs of underwear were compressing her tight little butt even more tightly than usual. His body had slid between her butt cheeks and the panties were now compressing her cheeks together; one squeezing him from the front and one from behind. Also the heat caused by being inside her jeans and six pairs of underwear was starting to make her skin slightly tacky, which was making his body stick to her naked butt.
Brad reached out and pushed upwards against the inside of her panties, but the silk was so smooth that he could get no grip at all. He pushed against her skin and could get some grip, but it was nowhere near even to counteract the friction between her butt and his body. Try as he might, he couldn't move out of the danger zone, all he could do was hope that there were seats available at the pub.
Emma and Kate met outside, gave each other a little kiss and walked together into the bar. They ordered drinks and sat down at a small table towards the back. Emma crossed her legs, swept her long blonde hair out of her eyes and smiled.
"Is he alright?" Kate asked.
"I don't know he's still locked in my safe," her blonde friend lied.
"Oh he's still in there is he?"
"Unless he's managed to escape, which I think is unlikely," the blonde replied as she picked up her bunch of keys and jangled them for effect.
"I want to check he's alright" Kate said.
"He's fine Katie. May not be very happy given he spent the night in your panties and is now locked inside my safe."
Emma knew that that would make Kate feel ashamed and embarrassed, and she watched as Kate finished her remaining drink in one mouthful.
Emma put her arm around her friend. "Remember what the woman said about the spell's safety feature. If Brad is somewhere that would mean that returning to full size would hurt him, then he will stay small for another day. So if you're worried about what he'll say when he returns to normal size tonight, I can always leave him in the safe tonight and you can deal with it tomorrow."
Kate thought for a minute. "No, I want him back now."
"Katie, he's not your possession."
"Well, he's not your either."
"Yes, but we agreed that it would be best if we left him in my safe."
Kate was starting to get frustrated and folded one leg beneath her to get a little more height.
"How can spending the day locked inside your safe be the best for him!"
"We know what you did to him before."
"Stop saying that, I know he would prefer to be in my care rather than locked in some other girl's safe."
Emma sat on the black leather bench and felt Brad body squashed underneath her. She could also feel his pathetic attempts to escape from captivity inside her knickers. She thought back to how three weeks earlier, at the same pub, Brad had made fun of her in front of a group of friends. She remembered the anger she had felt against him that night, which made her revenge seem all the more sweet.
Emma ran her hand along the padlock and chain around her waist. Locked up at her own hand. Did this mean that she was into self bondage? She doubted it, her restraint was nothing compared to his. She had a guy locked in her panties. Not even she could let him out!
"Em, Em, are you listening to me?" Kate said trying to get her friend's attention.
Emma knew that there was no reason not to return Brad to his rightful owner. Emma slowly and reluctantly finished her drink and the women started to walk back to their flat. Emma knew that she had a small logistical problem, given that Brad was in her jeans and not in her safe as billed.
This problem was made worse when Kate unlocked the door to their flat, ran up the stairs, into Emma room and sat down on top of Emma's chest of drawers. Kate sat there in her jeans, impatiently swinging her feet against the drawers.
The key to the chain around Emma's waist was inside the top drawer and without that key Emma couldn't undo her jeans and release Brad. This was going to be tricky, but given how much Kate loved Brad, it wasn't impossible.
Emma smiled, "Kate, I think you should dress in something a little more sexy before Brad sees you. You know how he loves your new mini skirt."
Kate was reluctant, but in her current state of paranoia she agreed.
Emma closed her bedroom door behind her, retrieved the key and unlocked her jeans. She eased her jeans down over her hips and pulled Brad out from inside her many pairs of knickers.
"Two hours of solitary confinement in my panties, how did it feel?" Emma purred as she held him up to her face. She brushed her long blonde hair forward with her hands so that it completed surrounded him.
"You look good enough to eat," she said with slight menace in her voice as she brought him closer to her mouth and opened her perfect white teeth a little. She saw the fear on his face and giggled.
She then slowly put his head into her mouth and gently closed her teeth so that they were resting against his neck. "One tiny bite is all it would take," she purred as she put the whole of his body inside her mouth and closed first her teeth and then her lips. Emma kept him inside her mouth as she typed in her code and unlocked her safe.
Brad panicked and reached over to her teeth and tried in vain to pull them apart. He remembered reading about how much force a human jaw could exert and knew that he wasn't going to succeed. Not that he had much time to try as she then pushed him over and pinned him down with her tongue.
"You're lucky I've had lunch," she giggled as she opened her mouth, picked him out and placed him inside her safe.
Brad looked at Emma's cute smiling face with its big brown eyes only inches away from him in the doorway to the safe. He'd always thought she was attractive, but she'd always had a mean streak. She looked so innocent, almost vulnerable, in front of him. Yet only minutes earlier this innocent face had imprisoned him inside her panties. Any now, this innocent face was going to imprison him inside her safe.
"Time to lock you up," she smiled as she closed the safe door and turned the handle.
Just then Kate walked in looking amazing in her short skirt and boots.
"He'll love that," Emma smiled.
She picked up the keys and reopened the safe, picked Brad up between her fingers and handed him to Kate.
Kate cradled him in her hands and carried him gently back to her room. She closed the door behind them, lay down on her bed and placed Brad gently on the bed next to her.
"Only six hours until midnight and until you return to your normal size," the brunette purred. "I have to work later, but for the next hour we can do whatever you'd like."
Because Brad couldn't make himself heard Kate had to guess, but she was his girlfriend as so she had some ideas. She picked him up and rubbed him softly against her breasts and then squeezed her breasts together a little so that he was engulfed between them. She could see that he was enjoying that.
Kate then lay on her side, lifted one leg and placed Brad on the inside of her lower leg, high up on her thigh.
"I could squash you right there," she giggled as she lowered her top thigh and very gently rubbed her bare skin across his body.
Kate couldn't resist lowering her thigh a little more so that he was completely engulfed between her legs.
"Try and escape from there honey," she purred as she slowly rubbed herself. After all, Brad couldn't see, she could do whatever she wanted.
Kate played with him for the next hour. Her thighs were so enormous and powerful to him, but she used them so tenderly that she was starting to turn both of them on, although they couldn't do much more to consummate their feelings until midnight.
An hour later when it was time to go to work, Kate pulled out her metal cash box and laid it on her lap. The metal was cold and so she pulled her skirt down further so that it wasn't resting on her skin. She then lined the inside with her silk scarf and then gently laid Brad inside.
"You'll be safe in here," she purred as she blew him a kiss, "I'll just close the lid to make sure nothing happens to you.
Kate lowered the lid of the small metal box and as she did she noticed that the key was still in the keyhole. 'And just to make sure that you don't get into any mischief I might just lock you in,' she smiled to herself as she gently turned the small silver key. Kate took the key out of the keyhole and laid it on top of the box. 'My man under lock and key," she smiled to herself as she placed the box on her bedside table, stood up and straightened her skirt and her white blouse. She then brushed her hair and left for her evening job serving at the bar.
As soon as Kate had left the flat, Emma walked to Kate's room and started to search for Brad. She soon saw Kate's cash box with the key on top. Emma picked up the key and unlocked the box.
Emma smiled as she saw Brad inside, "What a cruel girlfriend you have, leaving you locked in a steel box. I'll have to do something about that."
The fear in Brad's eyes was obvious. Should he run? Would he be able to get out of the box and evade the sadistic blonde? He was still thinking when a few seconds later Emma preempted his plans by closing and relocking the box, plunging him once again into darkness. Being locked in by his loving girlfriend had made him feel safe and had even turned him on, being locked up by Emma terrified him.
Emma placed the box on the bed and sat down on top of it and bounced gently up and down, wondering what she should do. There were only five hours left before he returned to size....but not necessarily.
Emma stood up and returned the box to Kate's bedside table. She then went to fetch one of her own keys that looked almost identical to the cash box key. She tried the new key in the lock and sure enough it slid into the lock but wouldn't turn.
'Perfect,' Emma smiled. She left her key on top of the cash box and then pocketed the real cash box key. "Now let's see what happens at midnight," she purred.
Emma lay in her bed waiting for her flatmate to return and sure enough at 15 minutes to midnight she heard the door open and boots clip straight to Kate bedroom. Emma lay still, listening, waiting for the inevitable cry for help.
Kate lay the small metal box on her lap and stroked it gently. "I'm sorry to leave you locked up for so long, but I'm going to unlock you now and in ten minutes you'll be back to size. I can't wait!" Kate picked up the key and inserted it into the keyhole. She gently tried to turn it, but it wouldn't turn. She tried again with more force, still nothing. She began to panic.
Emma smiled as she heard the knock on her door. She climbed out of bed wearing a black nighty that barely covered her butt. Her long blonde hair was disheveled and covering half her face.
"Kate, what's wrong."
"Its Brad! Its five minutes to midnight and I can't unlock his box."
"But if he's in a confined space he'll stay small for another 24 hours," Emma said as she suppressed a smile.
"I can't open the box."
"Have you lost the key?"
"No, it just isn't working."
Emma felt the real key which she had tucked into her underwear, 'its working fine', she smiled to herself, 'its just that its in my panties'.
Kate was starting to panic, "Can you try?" she begged.
Emma tried as best she could, even though she knew that there was no way it was going to open. Just then the women saw a small flash of light come from inside the box.
"Oh no, that means its midnight, and Brad's stuck at that size for another day!" Kate cried as she grabbed the box and hugged it into her chest, which sent Brad clattering backwards inside the box. Kate sat on her bed with her knees drawn up towards her holding the box. She looked so disappointed.
Emma removed the key from her underwear and concealed it in her hand. "Let me try again," she offered as she substituted the real key and immediately unlocked the box. Kate grabbed her boyfriend and hugged him against her low cut top.
Emma sat down on Kate's chair with her hands crossed in her lap practicing her innocent look while she gave them a moment to hug.
After a few moments Emma smiled, "Katie, would you like me to look after him while you're at work tomorrow?"
Kate looked at her friend, "Thanks Em, that would be great."
A look of terror came over Brad's face, which Kate missed as she was still holding him tightly against her breasts.
Emma left the room a little disappointed that she'd have to wait until morning to take custody of Brad. Kate closed the door and looked for somewhere to keep Brad while she slept; she wasn't going to use the cash box again.
"Mmm, I know you love these boots."
She unzipped one of her ankle length black leather boots and slipped it off her foot. She re-zipped it, placed it by the side of her bed and gently dropped Brad inside. She giggled as she reached up under her skirt and pulled down her black silk knickers which she slowly pushed into her boot so that Brad was forced down in the toe. Emma then unzipped her short black skirt, rolled it up and forced it tightly into the boot.
"That should keep you cosy.... and secure," she smiled as she changed into her nighty. She lay down and soon feel asleep.
Inside the boot, it was pitch black, but warm and smelt strongly of both leather and his girlfriend. Brad thought about the girl sleeping just above him. She always looked sexy when she slept, particularly when her short nighty rode up her backside. He liked the fact that she had him completely trapped. He was safe until morning. He too lay down and within minutes was asleep.
Part V (added: 08/09/2011)
In the excitement of the previous night, Kate had forgotten to set her alarm. By the time she woke up she should already have been at work. She quickly showered and dressed and was about to run out of the door when she remembered Brad still trapped in her boot.
With her skirt still plugging the entrance to the boot, she picked it up and left it outside Emma's room. "Em, you OK to look after Brad?" she called as she ran to the front door and out of the house.
Still half asleep and with hair pointing in all directions, Emma opened her bedroom door and looked down at the single boot. She pulled Kate's skirt out and then reached her hand inside. She pulled out Kate's knickers which she quickly dropped to the floor and reached her hand inside again. This time when she pulled her hand out she was holding Brad between her thumb and forefinger.
Without saying a word, Emma dropped Brad into the front of her panties and climbed back into bed. She lay on her side and used her fingers to position him right in her crotch and then squeezed her legs together and within minutes had fallen asleep.
Brad lay there in the warm darkness underneath the weight of one of her thighs. He knew the smell all too well and also knew what this girl could do. He started to squeeze his body forward in a hopeless attempt to pull free. Then Emma moved slightly in her sleep which took some of the weight off him. He continued to ease himself forward and out from between her thighs and finally fell down into the back of knickers.
He was free from the grip of her thighs, but was still inside her panties. 'Out of the cell, but still in the cell house'. He worked his way around the edge of her white cotton underwear to find any gap where he could slide out between the material and her body, but the cotton and elastic hugged her relentlessly all the way around.
With the duvet only partially covering her body, Brad could see through her thin white cotton underwear to freedom. If he could just get through the material he could return to Kate's room, hide and wait for his girlfriend to return. He tried to bite through the cotton strands, but at his size the cotton was far too strong. He felt like a prisoner with a chance to escape ruined by one last locked door.
There really was no way through and the frustration was starting to get to him. And a few minutes later any hope was lost as Emma rolled over on to her back, pinning his body directly beneath her butt.
It was over an hour later that Emma woke up. She pulled on her pink dressing gown and white slippers and still with disheveled hair walked to the kitchen to make some coffee.
She left Brad where he was, confident that he wouldn't be able to escape. Brad was starting to adapt to his new environment and even managed to position himself in the front of her underwear (and therefore avoided being crushed) as she sat down at the table to drink her coffee.
Brad stood there resting breathlessly against one of her thighs congratulating himself on his new found skill when she lifted herself up a little, used her fingers to push Brad into the center of her butt and lowered herself down again. She wriggled a little until Brad's body disappeared between her butt cheeks before turning on her ipad.
For Brad it was just like being rolled up in a thick soft rug, he could barely move a muscle inside his warm dark cell. He started to get angry and tried to thrash around. Emma could only just feel his efforts, but it did bring a slightly smile to her face. "There's no way out of there, honey," she purred as she lifted her feet off the foot to make sure that he was taking all of her weight.
After breakfast Emma returned to her room and locked Brad in her safe while she showered. She took her time washing and drying her hair and also studied her naked butt in the bathroom mirror as she wondered what it would be like to be sat on by her. She returned to her room wearing only white t-shirt and pink knickers and unlocked her safe.
"I thought that you could spend the day helping me with my artwork," Emma smiled as she held Brad in one hand and started to pull drawings out of her portfolio with the other.
Emma then picked up an old cushion and a tube of glue and sat down on her bed. With a big smile on her face she squeezed half of the glue out on to the cushion and placed Brad, laying face up, into the glue.
"This glue sets very quickly," the blonde warned as she pinned him down with her fingers. He started to struggle but soon realized that the only effect of his efforts was to make her giggle. She held him down for five more minutes while the glue hardened and he became stuck tightly to the cushion.
"Now try and get out of that sticky situation," she giggled.
Emma placed the cushion on her chair.
"What a perfect place to sit," she purred as she picked up a half finished drawing and laid it down on her desk. She then sat down on the cushion to start work.
Brad lay there unable to move. His legs were pinned beneath Emma butt, but his head and torso were spared and lay between her slightly open thighs. Her naked skin still smelt of soap. He watched as her thighs started to close a little, coming closer and closer to him. She then closed them completely shutting him inside.
Half an hour later the thighs parted, the pink knickers released his legs, and Emma walked to the kitchen to make more coffee. But when the pink knickers returned they sat down directly on top of him. It all went dark and quiet as Emma continued her work seemingly oblivious to his fate.
Emma spent the next couple of hours drawing and painting, the radio was on, the sun was shining and the wind was blowing through the open windows. She was humming and singing along to the music and almost dancing as she moved from her desk to the sofa, to her easel and back to her desk.
She sat down on the sofa and started sketching on a pad. 'Something's missing' she smiled to herself as she walked back to her desk and picked up Brad's cushion. She threw the cushion on to the sofa and sat down on top. 'Mmm, much better,' she purred as she sat down and settled in to draw.
It was almost 1pm when Emma finally stood up and gave Brad his long-awaiting breath of fresh air and daylight.
"That glue has really set hard on you," Emma smiled as she held a tube of glue dissolver above him.
"This is the only stuff that will get you out of that."
"Maybe next time I could glue you to my butt, that would be fun. Oh the possibilities are endless!"
"OK, I suppose its time to release you from the glue," Emma smiled as she squeezed glue dissolver all around Brad's body and started to massage it in with her fingers. Brad could feel the glue that had become rigid start to soften and soon release its grip. Emma washed and dried him and put him down in on her carpet.
This was Brad's chance. He waited until Emma turned her back and then made a run for a gap that he had spotted between the skirting board and the wall. He was a fast runner, but at his size the three meter dash was likely running a 200 meter race.
He was almost there when Emma's foot landed in front of him; he couldn't stop and crashed into it. And before he could get up, Emma had picked him up and was holding him tightly in her hand.
Emma's big brown eyes looked down at him as she shook her head.
"Oh dear. Big mistake, huge," she smiled as she dropped him helplessly into an empty glass on her bedside table. Brad sat on the bottom of the glass dejectedly, knowing that she would not give him another chance.
Emma then took a pair of white silk knickers from her dirty washing basket, folded them over on themselves and started to stitch them together around the edge. Once she had almost finished, she picked Brad up and dropped him inside the silk material and started to sew him in.
"Any second now and you'll be completely sealed inside my panties, your very own silk prison." She finished the last few stitches, "Perfect, you're all sewn up," she giggled as she put the underwear on to the floor.
"Now that might slow you down just a little," she smiled as she sat on the floor with one leg stretched out either side of him.
Brad stood up and explored his latest predicament. The silk was light and he found that he could lift it and move along almost like a hamster in a wheel. But progress was slow and hard work. After he had moved himself only two inches he collapsed on hands and knees to catch his breath.
Emma was giggling. "Oh dear, that looks like hard work, but that's your punishment for trying to run away." She returned to her artwork and started to sing along to the radio. Brad was on his knees, looking at her through the white silk. His old self would have thought her very cute, especially sitting there in only t-shirt and panties. But now he looked at her with fear as he planned his next escape attempt.
There was no way for him to cut through the silk and no way to break through her stitching. While he could move slowly inside her knickers, the material made him far to bulky to squeeze into the small gap as he'd planned. The material was also too bulky for him to hide. He had to admire Emma for her simple, yet effective restraint.
Emma let him struggle forward in her underwear until he had almost reached the wall before picking him up and putting him back exactly where he had started. She saw how exhausted and frustrated he was after the pointless effort and giggled.
"I just need to secure you while I go to the gym," she purred as she pushed him to one side of his silk cell and wrapped the spare material tightly around him, so that he was cocooned inside.
She then picked up her yellow shorts, unzipped the small back pocket and stuffed Brad and her silk panties inside. She zipped up the pocket and pushed the zip back on itself to lock it.
Emma then tightly rolled up the yellow shorts, with the panties inside, and stuffed the shorts into the back pocket of one of her pairs of jeans. The jeans pocket also had a zip, which she zipped up, enclosing the shorts inside.
Next she rolled up her jeans with both the shorts and panties inside.
She then fetched Kate's metal cash box and put her rolled up jeans inside. She closed the lid and knelt on top of it to get it to close. Once closed she turned the key, to lock the box. Emma then placed the cash box into her safe and locked it inside.
Brad was now inside Emma's panties, inside her shorts, inside her jeans, locked inside Kate's cash box and locked inside Emma's safe. His silk prison was crushing him from all directions. He spent the first few minutes trying to lift his hand from his side up to his face. He then fought to bend his legs. It was pitch dark and silent and Emma's scent pervaded everything. Escape was obviously impossible.
What made it worse was that it would be so easy for Emma to just leave him there forever. The magic woman had said that he would have no need to eat or drink while shrunk down. Emma could leave the safe locked for a week, for a year, for ten years. She was 25 now, she could leave his body locked up inside the safe until she was 35 and he wouldn't die.
What would that be like? He'd finally be released by a beautiful, worldly thirty something. She'd have traveled, played, explored and lived life. What would be have done? What would he answer if asked what he'd been doing?
Emma sat down on top of the safe and looked down at the steel beneath her. She had been getting increasingly turned on as she'd increased his confinement and now with no-one to watch, she finished the job.
"Try and get out of that one, honey," she purred.
Part II (added: 2016/12/18)
By the time Emma returned to the flat, Kate was already home from work and desperate to see her boyfriend.
"I wanted to keep him warm," Emma explained as she unlocked her safe and unwrapped Brad from the many layers of her clothing.
"But why is he sewed up inside your panties, Em?"
"He tried to run away from me today, I thought that was the kindest way to keep him in one place."
"What?" Kate scolded as she held up her flatmate's underwear between her fingertips, "You'd better not try anything like that with me!"
Brad couldn't believe it. He'd tried to escape because Emma was a sadistic bitch with a penchant for crushing him. Now it looked as though he was to blame.
"I told him that running off would be really dangerous," Emma continued.
"Mmm, I need a way to keep hold of him until midnight..."
"You could do what I almost did today," Emma smiled sweetly, "glue him to something. I was thinking of my leg," and with that she pointed to her inner thigh and gave Kate a mischievous smile and wink.
Kate winked back, "Could be sexy... nice and high up and out of sight."
"I have some glue that should just about hold him in place," Emma replied.
Kate removed her charcoal suit skirt and sat on the edge of the bed wearing her white work blouse and black underwear. Emma was sitting next to her with a tube of glue in her hand.
"What is that stuff?" Kate asked.
"The labels come off, but it's just art glue, I think."
Emma unpicked some of her earlier stitching and poured Brad out through the resulting hole and into Kate's waiting hand. Kate gripped him harder than usual as Emma smeared glue all over his back and legs.
"Now where to put you," Kate purred, "Mmm... inner thigh, nice and high up."
Kate pushed him against her leg so that his head was almost touching her panty line and held him firmly in place while the glue dried. Emma's sadistic side enjoyed the rush knowing that Kate and Brad were already past the point of no return.
"How long does it take to dry?" Kate asked innocently.
"Maybe five minute," Emma lied.
Kate waited another minute and then tested the bond between them.
"Wow that seems very solid, I can't move him at all."
"How does it feel to have your man permanently between your legs?" Emma asked jealously.
Kate walked around her room with her legs deliberately close together so that her thighs brushed together, catching Brad in between. "Mmm, I like it," the brunette replied.
Kate showered with Brad still stuck to her thigh and was pleased to see that the water hadn't dissolve the glue. She dried him carefully and then wrapped the towel around her waist, creating a mini steam room between her legs, as she walked back to her room. She dressed in a flowery pencil skirt and red top and walked to the kitchen to find her flatmate and a waiting bottle of wine.
"Is he still there?" Emma asked.
"Can I see him?"
Kate giggled as she opened her legs as far as the skirt would allow. Even then, Brad was still well hidden and Emma had to kneel on the floor and look up between her friend's legs.
"He's a long way inside," she said, "Can I touch him?"
Emma reached her hand up inside Kate's skirt, squeezed Brad between her fingers and pulled, but the glue held fast. She smiled to herself. The glue that she'd given Kate was professional superglue and was virtually impossible to remove from skin. If Brad was to return to size while secured with that glue, it would rip all the skin and probably the flesh off his back and therefore the safety mechanism would kick in and again delay his return to size. And Emma knew for a fact that that glue would secure Brad to Kate's inner thigh for days.
Emma withdrew her hand and Kate crossed her legs.
"Time for sleep," she giggled.
"You're cruel," Emma replied jealously.
It was shortly after midnight when Kate, again wrapped in her white dressing gown, knocked on Emma bedroom door.
"He didn't return to size, I think it's because he's too tightly glued to my leg."
Emma let out a giggle and then tried to cover it with a cough.
"What was that glue? How do I get it off?"
Emma moved across her double bed and motioned for Kate to join her. Emma pulled the duvet over them both and put her arm around Kate before she spoke.
"I'm really sorry Katie, I gave you superglue by mistake."
"What! How do I get that off?"
"You can't, you'll just have to wait for the skin to peal."
"How long will that take?"
"A couple of days maybe?"
"Fuck, poor Brad," Kate cried, "another two days at that size."
"And another two days in your crotch," Emma helpfully added.
Kate crossed her legs defensively.
"Look on the bright side, at least you know he'll be faithful."
Kate sniffed and managed a half smile as she walked back to her room.
Kate woke the next morning to find that she'd had a wet dream. She still felt sexy and maybe for this reason was strangely excited to find the glue still as hard as ever. She opened her legs and leaned over to talk with Brad, but soon became bored with the one sided conversation.
It was Tuesday morning. "Hell, let's take the day off and go somewhere," she announced.
She eased into her sexiest black silk underwear and then perched on the edge of her bed as she carefully pulled up a pair of thin tights. She stood and eased them up all the way until they tightly encircled her slim waist.
"Oh you're behind bars," she smiled, seeing how Brad was now enclosed behind the close knit strands of the thin denier material.
The final layer of security comprised Kate's favourite jeans which she quickly buttoned up around her waist. With everything complete, she sat on her bed, legs apart and stroked him gently through the soft denim.
Kate's fingers may have been stroking Brad, but the back of her hand was now rubbing against her clit. She was still sitting there, with her legs wide apart when Emma knocked on her door.
"Is he still stuck on you?" Emma asked as she walked in.
Kate smiled and stroked him again.
"Ooh and he's in your jeans!"
"More than that," Kate grinned as she pulled down her jeans and lay back on the bed, "trapped inside my tight."
Emma played with Brad's body through the sheer pantyhose which kept his tiny naked body frustrating out of reach. Kate giggled, partly from the look of frustration on her friend's face, but also because her white t-shirt had ridden up and Emma's hand was tickling her tummy. Although she knew she couldn't get him, Emma was intrigued and continued to explore how Kate's tights hugged and gripped her body and even kissed Brad through the material.
"I never thought I'd see you kiss my thigh," Kate laughed as she bounced to her feet and pulled her jeans back up.
"No, I didn't!"
"Want to kiss me again?"
Kate spent the morning shopping and then joined the lunchtime crowd in the park. She lay in the sun and enjoyed the feeling of Brad trying to move around against her leg. It was getting hot in the park and even hotter in her jeans, which may have explained why Brad wouldn't keep still.
The crowd was returning to their desks, but Kate was in no rush to leave. She sat up and pulled her left leg across her body as if doing a yoga stretch. With a sly smile on her wide lips, she tightened the stretch and gently rocked her leg up and down.
Brad's private cavern inside Kate's jeans had already starting to warm up when her leg swung over and pushed him against the soft fabric of her panties. He felt himself pushed hard against her and then gently up and down. He closed his eyes and pictured her expression; she always had the same look, almost of surprise, when she was aroused. He could smell her excitement before the silk became damp and tried as best he could do touch her and increase her pleasure.
The glue was still solid on Wednesday when Kate had to go back to work. In a strange way, they were both starting to get use to the new reality, where the inside of Kate's skirt was Brad's whole world. When she was standing, he was upright; when she sat down, he was horizontal. When she stood or walked, air circulated inside her skirt. When she sat, she kept her legs together and the temperature increased. When she was busy or stressed she tended to cross her legs and Brad became enclosed in silent darkness.
The scent also changed throughout the day. In the morning he could smell her soap and her perfume. During the day her personal scent increased, particularly when it was hot. When she wore jeans, the smell of denim was strong, one night when she wore leather shorts, the smell was overpowering.
On Wednesday night Kate spent the evening trying again to free him, pulling and picking at the bond, but nothing could separate them. Thursday night was the same until just before midnight when she cried out in delight as Brad finally came free from her thigh.
She washed him thoroughly, placed him on her bed and imagined how the big moment would go. He would return to full size and lie down on top of her and hold her with his strong hands. She was already naked so that wouldn't slow him down. But midnight came and went and nothing happened.
Early on Thursday morning, Kate ran back to the magic woman anxious to know why Brad hadn't returned to size. She was so desperate to get an answer, she almost forgot about her tiny boyfriend in the front pocket of jeans who was being thrown around as she ran.
"He didn't change back at midnight!" Kate cried as she barged her way in.
"That should have happened on Sunday night," the woman replied calmly.
"It wasn't safe on Sunday night, or Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday." Kate decided she wouldn't explain why.
The woman looked at them gravely. "That's too long, it will now take me a month to return him to size."
"He'll be small for a month?" Kate screamed as she stuffed Brad back in her pocket in an attempt to stop him hearing her words.
"Its worst than that," the woman continued, "To create enough magic to return him to size, he'll have to spend that time as a small inanimate object."
Kate didn't know what to say or do and had to steady herself as blood pumped to her head. "Like what?"
"Best if it's something you keep with at all times, to ensure that no harm comes to him. A small purse, maybe, or scarf? Just hold him in one hand and your chosen item in the other. Then kiss him and he will turn into an identical copy of that item... and stay that way for a month."
Kate left and walked home thinking through her options. A purse was no good, that could be lost or stolen. She grinned as the answer became very clear, Brad would spend the next month of his life as her favourite pair of panties.
"Now you're absolutely sure you're happy to be my panties?" Kate checked as she pulled open her intimates drawer as started to lay them out, "There'll be no going back once I've transformed you."
Kate's one inch tall boyfriend nodded his head.
"OK then, which ones would you like to be?"
Kate was in a strange mood and wasn't sure how to feel. The obvious feeling was remorse, she had done something stupid, something reckless and now Brad had to pay the price. He was effectively losing a month of his life, but it wasn't as simple as that.
Brad was the perfect guy, the guy she'd always dreamed of, and of course she wasn't the only girl who thought that. Yes, she and Brad were great together and yes he seemed to love when they were intimate, but a guy like Brad had options, but not anymore, not for the next month.
For the next month, he would be turned into an item of lingerie that she would keep on her body at all times, hidden away in her jeans, her shorts, under her skirts and dresses. She would start to wear pantyhose to create yet another barrier between Brad and the other women in the world. For the next month he would have no option but to worship her pussy. With her back turned, a big smile crept across her face, maybe she did know how she felt about this.
Kate selected three pairs of her favourite underwear and then chose two more from the washing basket. She held them up one by one and laid them out neatly on the bed. "These are nice," she said as held up a pink silk pair, "they're quite snug on me."
Brad walked back and forth on the bed, finally stopping at the pink pair.
"OK then, this will be you for the next month," Kate reminded him as she held Brad in one hand, her panties in the other and kissed him.
Almost immediately she was holding two identical pairs of underwear, with the pair that was now Brad twitching slightly in her hand. The magic woman had said they'd be able to communicate when Kate was wearing the garment and Kate was desperate to hear his voice.
She ripped of f her jeans and underwear and then, stepping ever so gently into him, eased him up her thighs.
"Can you hear me?" she asked nervously.
Nothing, she pulled him up further and eased him over her round butt and shaved pussy and fully into place between her legs.
"Yes I can talk!" Brad cried in a voice that wasn't audible in the room, but that Kate could hear clearly in her head.
"Yes! We can talk!" Kate beamed, happy to hear his voice again, before feeling compelled to add, "I'm so sorry to have done this to you."
Brad thought about telling her the truth, about how Emma deliberately done this to them, but decided that could wait. The last thing he needed in this vulnerable position was a fight between the two girls. Anyway, it felt wonderful being so close to Kate's body and while a whole month as her panties was a long time, it was better than eternity locked in Emma's safe, which had seemed a real possibility a few days ago.
"Thank you for being so brave," Kate said, "I promise I will take such good care of you."
"This feels sexy as hell, I'm sure I can handle a month of this," Brad replied.
"So can I!" Kate was now giggling on her bed.
"I can move as well," Brad said as he shifted his transformed body which resulted in slight twitching and tightening of her underwear.
"Oh fuck, that's lovely!"
Kate moaned in pleasure as her pink silk underwear tightened around her and moved against her clit. "Oh you have just the right spot," she breathed. The panties then hugged her butt a little tighter, much to Kate's delight, "Oh my god, this is too nice, you are definitely my favourite pair!"
"What about this?"
"Oh!" Kate panted, "How the hell...."
She lay back and opened her legs as he tightened and touched her in all places at once. Her breathing increased making her pert breasts heave up and down. Still her underwear hugged and caressed her and within seconds they brought her to orgasm.
Her panties stopped moving, allowing her to regain composure. She sat up with a bewildered look, her long dark hair lying wildly around her head. She touched her underwear which was now damp.
"Opps, you're wet," she said, biting her bottom lip, "sorry."
Brad continued to explore his new reality, "I can see out between your legs."
"And now?" Kate asked, sitting up and crossing her legs.
"It all gone dark!"
Kate giggled, as she uncrossed her legs and then quickly recrossed them tightly. "Shame I'm a girl who like to cross her legs. What can you smell?"
"Guess so."
"And taste?"
"What do you think?" he asked, her scent all pervading.
Kate was relieved that Brad was taking this so well and rewarded him by wiggling into her flowery pencil skirt as opposed to her jeans. In a perverse way she still wanted to make an effort for him and so put on a tight black top, let her hair hang loose and applied lipstick.
"What would you like to do?" she asked as she tried to ease her tight skirt up so she could see him.
"I'm not sure you can always look at me when we speak."
"Guess not, you'll have to spend most of your time in the dark."
"Yes, well you have chosen your tightest skirt."
"Hey, it could have been jeans!"
Kate started to giggle as she felt Brad moving inside her deliberately tight skirt. "You really can't get off me, can you? Once I put you on, you stay on."
"True, that's one thing I can't do."
Brad was still tightening and moving as much as he could as Kate unzipped herself from the pencil skirt and turned to admire her twitching panties in the mirror.
"Why hello sexy," she said as she twirled around.
"Me or you?"
"Mmm, both of us. You're just part of me now."
She pushed up against her butt and watched as her cheeks bounced up and down, "Show me how far you can tighten," she asked, before playing with her butt again.
"I didn't know you were so turned on by your own butt," Brad joked.
"Hey, don't watch! It's my butt I can do what I want with it!"
Embarrassed that Brad could see everything she did, Kate took her blue jeans and eased them up her long slim legs. She squeezed them over her 'Brad-clad' butt and buttoned them around her slim waist.
"What do jeans feel like then?" Kate asked as she again admired her own figure in the mirror, but this time confident that Brad wasn't watching.
"Tight and I can't see anything."
"Shame," Kate giggled as she sat down on her bed.
"Hey, you're sitting on me!"
"Yeah! If you don't like it then leave!"
With her jeans still tightly buttoned up and wearing boots and leather jacket, Kate left the flat and walked to the train station. She paid for one ticket and took a seat at the back of the almost empty carriage.
Brad tried to see where they were, but only tiny specks of light were coming in through the denim that surrounded him. When he looked inwards all he could see was Kate's hips and butt and shaved pussy. Her pussy in particular was warm and vibrated a little. Her butt was amazingly soft and still had the scent of her shower gel.
"Touch me panties," she whispered quietly.
"You can't call me that!"
"Do you really want to pick a fight with me," she whispered, "I'm in a position of power.... I can fart!"
She looked down at her jeans as if expecting an answer, but the only response was small movements deep inside. She could control the feeling to start with, but then had to hide behind a discarded newspaper to disguise her growing arousal.
"Okay, that was good," Kate conceded as she straightened her clothing and stood up to leave the train, "but you must stop now!"
Brad and Kate talked and laughed for the next hour as Kate walked slowly through town and then along the river. They planned a cover story for Brad's one month absence, he would be visiting friend in Europe, and talked about holidays and houses. Brad discovered that he could pull himself in between her butt cheeks and teased Kate with his new trick, forcing the girl to try and straighten her panties without anyone seeing.
The only problem was that Brad couldn't see and so couldn't join in when Kate commented on things they were passing. "She's cute," Kate commented as they passed a particularly attractive woman.
"Who? Can you unzip your jeans?"
"No!" Kate replied as she broke wind and walked on with Brad still very much zipped up inside.
They returned home and Kate walked to the kitchen and started to cook dinner for one. Emma walked in gingerly, unsure of what had happened with Brad or what he'd been able to tell Kate about his experiences while small.
"How is he?" Emma asked nervously.
"He's gone away for a while," Kate replied as her underwear twitched slightly.
"Is he OK?"
Kate replied and then turned away before a smile creased across her face. She then disappeared back into her room and locked the door behind them. She ate quickly and then pulled off her jeans and sat, legs apart, on her bed.
"What shall we do?" she asked her pink underwear.
It immediately responded by twisting and tightening around her. "Can you touch yourself here?" Brad asked, twitching himself at the base of her butt.
"Here?" Kate touched herself.
"Oh yeah!"
"So that's how you turn on a pair of panties."
As Kate touched the back of her underwear, her underwear touched her clit. As she cried out in pleasure, she could hear Brad's cries in her head. Her crotch was now Brad's complete world and he expertly brought them simultaneously to orgasm.
She grabbed her pillow and hugged it. Usually at this time, Brad would try and get up to shower or watch television, leaving her alone. This time however, Brad was trapped and even seemed happy to talk.
One month later, Kate returned reluctantly to the magic woman and sat down on the empty chair. It had been an amazing month, with incredible sex and incredible talks with an incredible guy, even if he was only an item of clothing. She did miss his body and his kisses, but she would also miss this amazing relationship.
"You'd better take him off first," the woman whispered.
"Oh yes," Kate blushed as she stood up and pulled Brad out from inside her skirt.
The woman told Kate the spell which Kate slowly and carefully repeated. In less than a second her pink underwear had turned back into a full size, naked and very sexy guy. The woman discretely looked away as Brad quickly grabbed a pair of trousers.
They were both laughing as Brad leaned over and kissed Kate while belting up his chinos. Everything felt normal, as if he'd never been shrunk or turned into underwear. With his cock at least covered, he properly wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, hugged her and lifted her off her feet.
"Thank god for the spell!" she cried with delight as she repeated the all important words.
But no sooner as she said the words, she dropped to the ground, almost stumbling over with Brad nowhere to be seen.
"What happened?" Kate cried, "Where is he?" but then the feeling from inside her skirt answered her question, "Oh my god, he's turned back into my panties and I'm wearing him, I mean them!"
The woman put a reassuring arm around her shoulder, "Because he spent so much time as your underwear," the woman explained, "whenever you say those words, he will switch back and forth between the two shapes. When he switches from 'man' to 'underwear' he will also move from wherever he is in the world to your body."
Kate was stunned and sat still as her mind whizzed, trying to understand what this meant. Her legs were crossed tightly and she was picking nervously at her nails.
"Umm, he's back in there," the woman reminded her, pointing discretely to Kate's blue knee length skirt.
"Yes, can you turn me back?" Brad's desperate voice echoed in her head, "Please Kate?"
"Oh," she replied before repeating the spell once more.
Kate gasped and almost fell off her chair as Brad suddenly appeared beneath her and she had to stand up and step over his head to avoid them both crashing to the floor.
"Probably best to strip first," Brad panted as he picked himself up from the ground and for the second time in as many minutes pulled on his trousers.
Brad kept looking nervously across at his grinning girlfriend as he drove them home. She now had immense power over him, able to retrieve him from anywhere in the world and turn him into an item of her lingerie at any time. One wrong word from him and he could spend the rest of his life inside her jeans.
"You must promise not to use the spell again," he said seriously as he pulled into the underground parking.
"Because it's against my human rights?"
Kate smiled.
"No, I'm serious."
"Well, we'll certainly use it whenever we travel by plane, we'll only need to buy one ticket."
"Well, yes."
"And maybe at other times...?"
She reached over to the driver's seat and wrapped her arms around him and kissed. He kissed her back and reached around her waist to pull her towards him. With Kate now kneeling up on the seat, he slid his hand down to her butt and tried to unbutton her jeans, knowing full well that she was naked underneath.
"No, not here!" she whispered.
"There's no one around."
"There's only one way you're getting inside these jeans," she replied before thrusting her tongue back into his mouth, "and you know what that is..."
Brad looked longingly at her perfect, slim body with her drop dead gorgeous butt.
"You know you want to," she purred.
"When would you turn me back?"
Kate shrugged, "Maybe never?"
"You're not helping!"
"OK, OK," she giggled as she rubbed her crotch, "It's just that I'm getting so hot inside here..."
She now had one hand between her legs, while the other hand undid her ponytail to free her long dark hair.
"OK, just do it!" Brad cried out of pure frustration.
Kate clapped her hands together with excitement as she quickly repeated the spell. Brad was gone, with just his clothes scattered on the driver's seat, and she was again wearing tight sexy underwear. She collapsed back into her seat and felt her panties grind themselves against her. Fuck, they wouldn't stop, working both her front and back and driving her crazy. She was about to unbutton her jeans and give them a slap when they finally relented. She composed herself, picked up Brad's discarded clothes and climbed gingerly out of the car.
"Your rule about no more transforming didn't last long," she gasped.
"That was just a one off."
"Can you turn me back now?"
Kate laughed out loud as she sent a text and then walked off to the cafe to meet her friend.
Two weeks had passed and Brad and Kate were now regularly using their trick as a precursor to lovemaking. They would strip naked and then she would transform him so they could warm up together. Once she was ready, she'd turn him back and they'd make out as normal. Other than that though, life was back to normal apart from Brad being a little more careful not to annoy her.
Then on one Friday evening, after a long week at work, when they were both tired, they started to argue about who should cook dinner. Kate had arrived home late after two hours of yoga and Brad hadn't felt like moving from the sofa.
"What have you been doing for the last hour?" Kate complained.
"Give me a fucking break Katie!"
Kate stared at him angrily and he returned the glare. Then, very deliberately she started to recite the magic spell. Brad immediately stopped arguing and looked pleadingly towards her. "Don't please."
Kate looked even more determined as her sexy lips continued to form the words. Brad was now off the sofa and on his knees in front of her, looking up hopefully. "No, no, I'm sorry..."
She didn't stop and, for the first time against his will, Brad transformed into pink panties now buried deep beneath both her tight black yoga pants and the white cotton underwear that she'd been wearing all day.
Kate stood there in silence, neither knowing what to say.
"I can't believe you did that to me!" Brad's voice was indignant as his form was crushed tightly inside her figure hugging yoga pants, "I thought we agreed you wouldn't use your power like that!"
Kate was still pissed with him, but as she calmed down she was starting to regret what she'd done and starting to feel embarrassed.
"Katie?" the voice in her head implored.
This was the one thing Brad feared more than anything else, Kate transforming him without his permission and now she was giving him the silent treatment. He tightened himself around her butt and then gently rubbed himself across her clit in the hope of winning her back. She ignored him completely.
He tentatively rubbed across her clit again and this time was rewarded by Kate rubbing her hand across the back of her underwear to stimulate him. He went again and so did she. Within a few minutes, Kate was writhing around on the sofa, moaning with her legs apart. The voice in her head told her that her panties were also about to climax as Brad's sexy cries brought her even closer.
"Wow, you were amazing," Kate panted.
"You too," her underwear replied
There was a long pause before Kate finally whispered, "I'm sorry."
Her panties gave her a reassuring hug. "Forget about it," Brad said, "just turn me back and I'll cook dinner."
"Can't you cook like you are?" she asked.
"Bit tricky!"
"Shame, cos I'm not changing you back until the morning, I'd forgotten quite how much I like you like this."
"Katie, please," Brad started to squeeze her butt with all his strength.
"That won't work!"
"Please Katie, I want out."
"Won't you stay in there tonight... just for me?"
This was new territory with Kate as good as refusing to let him out.
"If you're good I might change out of these yoga pants later on, so you don't have to spend the night in this smelly and confined jail."
Kate was now getting off on the power she had over him and on the feel of her yoga pants as she rubbed her hands over her silky butt.
"OK, Katie, until the morning."
Kate and Brad were about to leave for a holiday when an argument started about whether Kate should wear jeans. They'd already agreed that they would buy only one plane ticket and that Kate would turn Brad into her underwear and wear him during the flight. That saved money and so made sense, but they had failed to agree on her outfit for the trip.
"Come on Katie, not ten hours in your jeans," Brad tried to reason with her, "It'll be hot, airless and dark," He held up her shortest summer dresses, "What about this?"
Kate crossed her arms defensively, "I'll dress as a tart for you when we get there if you like, but not on the plane."
"I'm not going to be your underwear when we get there!" he reminded her.
"Well, keep going on about my jeans and you might!"
Kate's magic power had made their relationship even stronger, even if Kate was increasingly in control with Brad often stepping back from arguments that he would have previously contested. He knew that she had the ultimate power over him, able to turn him into a piece of her intimate clothing at any time.
Now when arguments or differences of opinions arose, she would stop and just look at him calmly and with complete confidence. Her big innocent brown eyes took on a certain, indescribable gaze as they asked 'do you really want to go there?'
Brad would then break eye contact and look down to see what she was wearing. Was she wearing tight jeans, or worst, leather trousers? Was she sweaty from a run, or was she about to go out drinking with the girls.
Despite this, Brad still found her the most attractive and sexy woman that he'd ever met and even without her new powers, he would have had no plans to leave her. This was fortunately, as one on night after too many drinks, Kate had made it abundantly clear what she'd do to him if he ever left her or cheated on her. She'd explained in detail how she would instantly turn him into panties, a move that for him would be permanent. Using her body to demonstrate the point, she'd gone on to graphically explain why there would be no escape from her body.
This disagreement about what Kate would wear on the plane was no different. Brad stopped talking and instead walked over to kiss his five foot eight inch girlfriend on the cheek. He ran his hands up over her cute hips and up to her narrow hips, once more exploring her perfect female body.
"You know, one day I'll work out how to wriggle off your hips and down your legs."
"Really?" Kate smiled, rolling her eyes.
"And how exactly will you escape from inside my jeans?" Kate asked touching herself between her legs, "The crotch of these jeans will scupper any escape attempt."
"And what will you do if you escape me? You'll just be a pair of used women's undies lying helpless on the floor."
"I'll work out how to move on my own."
"And go off to enjoy a happy life as a pair of my pink panties?"
Brad didn't have an answer to that one, but then it was all academic as the small movements he could make as a pair of panties could in no way get him off her body.
"Let's face it, when you're in panty form, my crotch is the safest place, and I'm sure the loveliness, place to be!"
Brad raised his eyebrows in mock surprise.
"Isn't it!" Kate insisted, giving him the certain look.
They reached the airport and Kate checked in for the flight. They then slipped into the female toilets and locked themselves inside a cubical. Kate was smiling as she always did when she transformed Brad. It wasn't only because of how 'Panty Brad', as she liked to call him, could stimulate her with amazing intimacy, but also because it felt like they were one. She could control him and protecting and he also provided her with a secret weapon that she could release if anyone ever tried to hurt her.
Brad playfully tried to kiss her, to stop her mouthing the magic words, but she pulled away and quickly ran them off. Bang, he was gone and she was now wearing underwear. She quickly picked up his clothes that had dropped to the floor and walked back of the toilets ready to board the flight.
Brad listened carefully to the muffled noises, trying to understand what was happening outside his tight jeans confine. He could hear when Kate boarded the plane and could feel her weight bear down on to him as she took her seat. He knew from the ticket that it was a window seat and he knew from past experience that she'd probably not move during the flight. He felt his cell tighten further as she clipped her seat belt in place and then pulled it extra tight, presumably for his benefit. He felt her body relax, her butt muscles release and rest gently down on to him.
Brad tightened himself to rub gently across her clit and at first he felt her legs open a little wider to enjoy the sensation. He then heard Kate acknowledge a woman who had sat down in the seat next to her and obviously feeling self conscience of what was happening inside her jeans, Kate crossed her legs tightly, crushing the front of him in between. This was her signal to stop and he reluctantly released.
Kate sitting in tight jeans with cross legs was the most restrictive position for Brad. Kate obviously couldn't talk to him with others around and she'd made it clear that he wasn't to play with her clit or vagina. He thought about tightening and pulling himself between her butt cheeks to amuse himself, but with her weight on top of him, he doubted whether he'd be able to pull himself back out. It was dark and the hum of the aircraft was muffled, making time pass slowly as he lay helplessly in his warm comfortable prison.
When they arrived, Kate collected their suitcase and started to walk out towards the taxis. She removed her leather jacket revealing a tight damp white t-shirt underneath.
"Come on Katie, time to turn me back!"
It had been over ten hours and Brad felt every bit like a 'used' pair of panties, with the temperature rising even higher as Kate strode through the hot and humid arrivals hall. The moisture in the air made him stick to her glutes as they pushed her long slim legs forward through the crowds.
"There's nowhere private to turn you back," Kate breathed as she pushed forward, her whole body starting to perspire.
"The toilet?"
"They were yuck!" she snapped.
"Well it's starting to get a bit 'yuck' in here."
"Too bad, you'll not getting out until we reach the hotel," she snapped, "and maybe not even then if you call me yuck again!"
Brad tightened up as much as he could in an attempt to get his own back on the intransigent girl. Kate noticed, but having slightly tighter pants was not a big issue for her right then and she just walked faster to raise the temperature inside her jeans even more.
It was almost half an hour later when Kate finally slid into back of a taxi where the aircon was only slightly better that the atmosphere outside. The driver kept glancing at her as he drove and Kate stared resolutely out of the window to avoid his gaze. Normally she would have been concerned, but she knew had a secret weapon between her legs that she could release into his human form and who would happily kick the shit out of anyone who threatened her. He'd done it once before when some guy had shoved her. That guy had had no chance and neither would anyone else who dared to touch her. That thought made her feel happy, as did the twitching that was now gently massaging the lips of her vagina.
They reached the resort and Kate gratefully closed the door of their secluded one bed villa. The whole resort had been built around an ancient ruin and their villa even had a piece of the original wall along one side of the living space, which was protected by a metal grille.
"We're here!" she cried as she walked out on the veranda and looked down on their private pool.
"Turn me back now Katie!"
"Mmm, nice bed," she continued to tease as she kicked off her boots and stretched out.
The brunette eventually unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her legs, "You still there?" she asked, tapping the front of her underwear."
Kate then played her favourite trick and clamped her legs together before repeating the magic words. She knew from experience that when Brad turned back into the sexy guy he was, his neck would be trapped between her thighs. As usual an intimate wrestling match followed as Brad tried to get free from her legs and as usual, she didn't let him out until he'd kissed and worshipped her some more.
"Fuck, I'm finally free of your body!" Brad cried, standing up and stretching his broad shoulders.
"So now what are you going to do?"
"Go back to your body..."
Brad was already naked and once he'd pulled off her tight white t-shirt, so was she. He pulled her legs apart and lay down on to her, both of them already aroused from Brad's failed attempt to escape Kate's uncannily secure head scissors. Within seconds he was inside her, thrusting down, his lips covering hers for both his pleasure, and to make sure she couldn't use her powers.
They showered together after which Kate put on her black bikini and walked barefoot outside to the pool.
"Our very own pool," she giggled, "maybe you should be my new bikini bottoms."
Kate was now sitting on the side of the pool with her feet in the warm water. The black Lycra material of her skimpy bikini curved erotically over her butt, with a slight wrinkle where one side had pulled further between her cheeks. It then ran tightly up and over her shaved pussy with thin straps knotted together over both hips to hold the garment tightly in place.
"You already have some," Brad replied.
"Well, yes...."
"Kate, I thought we agreed?"
"I promised no jeans after the flight."
"You promised you would manage your fetish of turning me into your fucking panties."
Kate looked at him with her big eyes, as if bating him. She was looking for an excuse to turn him back into her 'fucking panties' and language like that was all the reason she needed. She stood up and removed her bikini top and bottoms and sat back down, her naked butt resting on the warm stone surround of the pool.
Brad slipped into the water and swam over until his head squeezed through the gap between her knees. His lips were frantically trying to reach her vagina, to kiss it, worship it and make her change her mind.
Kate opened her legs further to let him in so she could enjoy the feel of his tongue as it twisted and turned inside her. Brad patiently brought her to orgasm and then continued to give her vagina loving kisses as she caught her breath. With Kate now breathing slowly again, he looked up at her big brown eyes and smiled. Kate smiled back as she silently mouthed the magic words and within less than a second she was wearing him.
"Katie!" Brad cried exasperatedly as he looked out across the pool from between his girlfriend's legs.
Kate slipped her body down into the warm pool, submerging Brad far below the still blue water and glided across to the other side. Her body easily held him underneath the water from where he could enjoy being pulled along, her muscles tensing and releasing with each breaststroke kick. She kicked back to the side of the side of the pool and climbed the stairs. She reached for one of the large white towels and walked back into villa, with Brad's form constantly shaped by her butt as she walked.
She leaned against the vertical steel bars that formed the grille protecting the remains of the ancient wall. The space behind the bars was about one foot deep and four feet wide and was artfully lit with two spotlights. The bars were built into the concrete structure, with no door as there was no need to get in or out. Brad knew what she was thinking.
"No Kate! That's not funny!"
Kate evidently disagreed as she had a big smile on her face as she eased Brad off her hips and down on to the floor. She then hooked him up with her toes and tossed him into the small sealed space behind the bars. Brad lay helplessly on the stone floor as Kate repeated the magic words.
"You bitch!" Brad growled, now back in his strong six foot tall body and looking at his naked girlfriend from behind solid bars.
Kate walked up to the bars and grabbed his rock hard cock, "It appears that I'm a sexy bitch."
Brad grabbed her through the bars and pulled her up and lowered her gently on to his cock. The look in her eyes changed from arrogant confidence to innocent amazement and she held on tightly as he thrust into her. They climaxed, but still Brad held her through the bars, knowing that she could so easily walk off and leave him helpless. They went again, after which Brad had to let go and hold the bars instead to steady himself from the rush of endorphins.
"I'm going to get dressed for tonight," Kate smiled as she flicked her hair back and walked away to the bathroom.
"Hey, you gotta let me out of here!"
"Really don't think you want me to do that right now... I'm on the toilet," she called back with a giggle.
When Kate returned, she looked stunning, in a tight pale pink top which emphasised her modest breasts, and short black vinyl fared skirt. The skirt and matching heels extenuated her long legs, which were covered in thin tights. Her long dark hair was down and looked fantastic thanks to twenty minutes with the hairdryer. She gave Brad her best model walk as she reached the bars and let him kiss her on the cheek.
"You look fantastic," Brad smiled.
"So do you."
"I'm naked!"
"Mmm, I know."
"Well then why don't you transform me and get me out this bloody cell!"
Kate smiled and ran her painted nail across the steel bars, "So now you're asking to be turned into my panties?"
"Just to get me out of here."
"Oh no, once transformed, that's it for the night," Kate purred, exploring every inch of his naked body through the bars.
"Please don't Katie."
She stopped and looked at him sternly, "On your knees."
Brad complied and looked up at her pleadingly as Kate pushed one leg through the bars. From his kneeling position, her long pantyhose covered limbs stretched up above him and he could see that she wasn't wearing underwear.
"Kiss my leg."
"Yes Kate."
Something about her look, her pose, her perfume and the control she had over him was playing with his mind. He carefully took in her scent as he tenderly kissed her thigh.
"Yes Kate," he breathed
He was now kissing her as intimately as he could through the bars.
"I don't have any panties," she purred, "maybe you can help?"
"I thought we could eat and then take a walk along the beach tonight?"
"Is that really better than being in here?"
Kate had pulled her skirt through the grille so that Brad's head was now inside. Kate's thigh had wrapped around Brad's neck and was now pinning it against the bars. Her skin was warm and smelt so Katie.
"Don't you want to be trapped inside these tights?" she continued, her own words turning her on, "where you can worship my pussy and my butt all night."
Brad knew she was becoming obsessed with wearing him, and with each time she was becoming more and more insistent. Maybe she wouldn't transform him tonight without his permission, but she would probably refuse to release him from inside the grille.
The cute little brunette's desires could ultimately only be met by wearing him twenty four hours a day, and because she was stubborn and ultimately powerful, he had no doubt that that's how he'd end up. It wasn't that she thought she was being cruel to him, in her mind being worn by her was the best thing in the world.
While he didn't dare to admit it, Brad was also becoming obsessed with being her underwear and was now totally aroused and trying desperately to kiss her damp vagina, "Do it," he panted.
"For the whole week?"
"If that's what you want Kate."
"It is," she beamed as she once more mouthed the magic words.
Brad reformed as panties inside Kate's skirt, tucked tightly underneath Kate's pantyhose. His cock had been hard before she transformed him and he was enjoying the panty equivalent now. Kate's long legs moved beneath him and then bent as she turned to sit down. As she settled down, the back of her skirt crushed against him as he endured her full weight.
Brad was about to tease her, when Kate started to roll her hips from side to side so that the part of her underwear that was now Brad's sexual organs was stretched and pulled against the wooden seat.
"Oh that's nice," Brad moaned as he tightened and pulled around her clit.
"Yeah, do it to me!"
"Fuck, yeah!"
They both took their time and came together. As Brad lay still pinned beneath her, he had to admit that sex as Kate's underwear was even better and more intimate than sex as a guy. The cries from above him suggested that Kate thought the same. Even though they had now finished and Kate was walking down on to the beach, the movement and feel of her warm body against him left him in a constant state of arousal. If she was to sit down and wiggle her hips again, it would take only seconds to climax.
Kate had kicked off her heels and had now reached the water.
"Want to see the sunset?" she asked, as she lifted her skirt so he could see.
"Wow, it's beautiful."
Kate let her skirt fall back down, reducing Brad's view to just the sand beneath her feet. He turned his attention back inwards and pulled himself between her cheeks to massage her deep inside.
A few weeks later and Kate arrived at work in a black suit skirt and white blouse. With her hair in a neat ponytail, she clipped through the office in heels, as usual drawing discrete glances from some of the guys. They were interested in her of course, but despite not having seen Brad around recently, Kate didn't seem interested in anyone's advances.
She sat down behind her desk, from where no one could see her hips rock gently from side to side. They certainly couldn't see the tiny twitching of her underwear, completely hidden from view deep inside her fitted skirt.
The hypnotist had replied to her email and had agreed to help.
"Are you sure we should do this?" Kate whispered.
"Yeah, let's do it," Brad replied and gave her a reassuring hug around her butt.
Kate left the office for her appointment. Within an hour she would be in a trance, after which she'd be unable to remember the magic words. She would be condemning Brad to life as her underwear, spending every hour of the day under her skirts, her dresses or inside her jeans and shorts. He would have to worship her constantly and in return she'd use her perfect body to keep him in a constant state of arousal. It was a deal that both were happy to accept.
Life had settled into a wonderful routine for Brad and Kate, comprising sleep, arousal and constant intimate contact with each other. Kate would wake up naked other than for the pink panties that were in fact her boyfriend, Brad.
Kate was sleeping better than ever since she'd been wearing Brad, his snug embrace around her hips and down between her legs made her feel safe. Brad would sometimes wake during the night, but as he was unable to get off her hips, there was very little he could do under her dark, warm duvet. Getting up to watch a movie was certainly out!
If he did wake during the night, he'd examine every inch of Kate's butt, hips, crotch and as far as he could see down her legs. He'd then pull himself gently back and forth across her skin which was his equivalent of kissing. Kate would always be lying on at least one part of him, pinning him to the bed and making the impossible task of sliding off her body even more impossible. If he moved gently enough it would tickle her and she would roll over in her sleep, only for him to be pinned down by another part of her body.
If he still couldn't sleep, he'd tighten and twitch against Kate's clit in the hope that she'd wake and reciprocate. Sometimes this worked and she would rub the back of her panties to bring him to orgasm. Sometimes though, she would wake up tired and cranky and push her hand down the front of her underwear to prevent his touch.
"Remember I have a safe," she would whisper, her head under the duvet, "do you really want to spend the night locked inside there?"
"Sorry Katie."
"Good, now snuggle up to me tightly and go back to sleep."
Kate was a beautiful woman, but she could be scatty. The chances of her mislaying her key or forgetting the code to unlock the safe was high. With this fear instilled in him, Brad had always obeyed her and had yet to be locked inside her safe. Anyway, cuddling up to her warm butt was much sexier than being locked in a cold steel box.
Before Kate got up they would always 'make love', their way. She'd pull off the covers, open her legs and watch as the pink silk fabric that was always pulled tight across her pussy, pulled even more snugly around her and then trembled and moved. Its touch was so gentle, but yet so effective and the feeling of the silk against her was almost too much to take. Her moisture would soak in and would remain infused in him for the rest of the day.
Kate would rock her hips back and forth to stimulate Brad and then roll on to her side and massage the back of her underwear with her fingertips so they could climax together. She'd then collapse back down with exhaustion, still comforted by Brad's tight embrace.
With a white robe tied around her, Kate would walk barefoot, hair messy to the bathroom. Love making often meant that Brad wouldn't be sitting straight, usually with at least part of him slipping between her cheeks. He could usually retrieve himself from inside her crack, but after lovemaking he was usually too exhausted to straight up.
The only time Brad couldn't pull himself out from between her round butt cheeks was when Kate was sitting down. Kate knew this and liked to tease him by pulling him deeply between her cheeks just before sitting down on a wooden chair. Her almost naked bum would spread out under her weight leaving Brad trapped inside her crack. To Brad it felt like having his arms tied behind his back.
"You know you're good as a thong," she'd tease as Brad lay trapped helplessly beneath her, hoping like hell that she didn't break wind.
Once locked safely inside the bathroom Brad would get the first of his two daily reprieves from her body, but even here they would play games. Brad would tighten as tightly as he could around Kate's hips to see if he could stop her removing him. With Brad pulled tight, Kate could still remove her underwear, but had to pull a little harder while jiggling back and forth on the bathroom tiles.
"Bad you!" she'd cry, aroused by both the thought of being trapped inside Brad's embrace and the pressure that he was inadvertently applying to her clit.
"Well it's not fair that you can put me on and take me off whenever you want," Brad complained, "whereas when you put me on, I'm trapped!"
"What do you expect? You're just a pair of my panties, you have no rights."
"I have basis human rights!"
"Why, are you human?"
"Well, 'lingerie' rights."
"Making yourself sound posh doesn't help," Kate gigged triumphantly as she dropped him on to the bathroom floor, "You can just wait here until I put you back on!"
Kate couldn't hear Brad when she wasn't wearing him, which meant that he couldn't answer back when she stood on him with her bare feet and started to brush her teeth in the nude. Her weight, channelled through her manicured feet started to make him ache, but Kate didn't care, he was lovely and soft to stand on.
Kate's showers lasted at least fifteen minutes, after which she would towel dry and eagerly slip him back on. This was one of Brad's favourite parts of the day when they would be alone together and Kate would strut around in just her underwear, giving Brad a rare view of the world. Other than that, Brad's view on the world was either what he could see down between her legs, or just the dark inside of Kate's jeans or yoga pants. Shorts were slightly better as they gave Brad a brief glimpse out through the trouser leg, but that still wasn't much and even that would vanish when she sat down and crossed her legs.
Kate's work was Brad's least favourite part of the day, particularly when Kate had long meetings. Kate had a great posture and sitting still for long periods of time wasn't a problem for her, but it could be for her underwear.
"When will this meeting finish?" Brad asked, aching from the unyielding weight of Kate's butt pinning him down against the hard seat."
He knew that Kate couldn't reply, but he hadn't expected her to react by crossing her legs. Now he'd lost his trickle of fresh air and his glimpse out through the bottom of her skirt.
"Fuck you Katie," he joked as he tightened up around her.
Brad couldn't see Kate smile, but the colleague sitting opposite her did and looked back expectantly, hoping that the stunning brunette was smiling at him. With everyone now looking at the presentation, Kate covered her mouth as if coughing and then whispered into her hand.
"You made me smile and my boss thought it was a come on!"
"Well, uncross your legs or I'll make you smile again....I mean it!"
Brad's pathetic attempt to threaten her made Kate giggled again and everyone looked at her. Fuck, she would make Brad for that.
After work, Kate would alternate between the gym and a run. A run was her favourite because she could talk with Brad and have a laugh as she relaxed from the day.
Brad had been begging her to wear short running shorts in place of her usual yoga pants. Yoga pants were tight and provide a complete blackout. They were also hot and airless and Brad ended up soaked by Kate's perspiration that he literally had to suck up from her body.
As a present for Brad on his birthday, Kate had bought herself a cute pair of orange running shorts. They seemed promising as first, with Brad enjoying the orange glow and the view out through the short trouser legs. But when Kate started to run, her pert butt started to bounce around with very little to hold it in place. The shorts didn't provide the same support as the yoga pants and the only thing left to control her bouncing cheeks was Brad. He tried to tighten up to hold her in place, but it was exhausting and soon he had to rest and just take the relentless buffeting from his girlfriend's behind.
"Please stop! Brad panted.
"Hey you wanted these tarty shorts."
Brad hugged her helplessly as her damp cheeks knocked him around. It was a relief when she stopped and sat down, her sweaty cheeks sliding across him and pinning him to the park bench.
"You almost knocked me out," he panted, looking up at the damp butt cheeks that held him firmly in place.
"Are you talking to my butt again?" Kate asked.
"No," Brad replied in embarrassment before admitting, "OK yes, they seem like spoilt bitches from where I live."
"Well, you better learn to love them, because there's no escape from them."
When Kate returned home after her run, Brad would get the second of his two breaks from Kate's body. She would strip him off and place him in the top loader washing machine with the rest of her dirty washing. She liked to sit on top of the lid, as if holding it closed, as she pressed the 'lock' button to start the machine. The click of the lid locking echoed inside the drum, followed shortly by the machine being flooded with warm water. To Brad it felt nice, as did being dried inside the tumble drier.
Kate would shower at the same time as Brad was washing so that her naked body was ready and waiting for him as soon as the drier program finished. She'd pluck him out and slip him on while he was still warm. He'd get a few moments to look around as if a real person, before she'd reach for the dreaded jeans.
On the day Brad had made Kate giggle during her important meeting, Kate had something special planned. She stepped out of the shower and slipped into Brad as usual, but then picked up a bag containing her new purchase.
"Added protection for me and added incarceration for you," Kate teased as she held up a pair of lockable underwear come shorts that were designed to repel any sexual attack.
"Aren't they supposed to keep men out, not in?" Brad questioned.
"You're not a man."
"But I have the mind of a man."
"Yes, I guess it's ironic that you'll be locked 'inside' then."
Brad watched as Kate eased the tight garment up her legs and up over her hips. He'd heard about these things, they were impossible to cut and once locked in place around a woman's waist, were impossible to remove without knowing the combination.
Kate's slim body was now tightly contained inside the high security underwear. Her hips were tightly wrapped up and her round butt was pulled in so tight that it no longer bounced as she played with it. The material encircled her upper thighs so tightly that she could barely push a finger in between. Already aroused by how snugly it fitted her, Kate tightened the waist band some more, secured the catch and turned the dials until the unlocked position was lost.
She tucked her fingertips inside the waistband and tried to pull the white shorts down over her hips, a physical impossibility as the waistband was now locked at several sizes smaller than her hips.
"Katie, I can barely move!" Brad's voice sounded in her head, "I'm being crushed from all angles!"
"Mmm, so am I," Kate purred, as she enjoyed the tight shorts.
"It feels like that time you tried to iron me!"
"Oh yeah, that was fun..."
Kate slowly stepped into her jeans, which were now tighter than ever as they had to enclose an extra layer of fabric. The jeans tapered around her waist such that there was no need for a belt, but that didn't stop Kate using one. It was made of thick black leather, but most importantly its buckle could be locked with a padlock. Kate pulled it tighter than usual, which made her jeans ride up a little higher than before, which in turn meant that crotch of her jeans pushed Brad even more snugly against her shaved pussy.
"Why, hello..." Kate smiled suggestively as Brad's soft silk pushed against her and then twitched and moved in response to the new even more taut position.
"Kate, your jeans are pushing me into you."
"Are they?"
"I'm slipping inside!"
Kate had now closed the buckle and was locking the small gold padlock in place.
"Now will you distract me at work again?" she asked, twirling and inspecting her figure in the mirror.
"No Katie," Brad gasped, barely able to move inside the press.
"Good," Kate purred, "Now I'm not going to let you out, but I will do this."
She reached behind her and worked her fingers into her butt. Even with the barrier of her jeans and the security shorts, Brad instantly felt her touch as it massaged his silky material.
Oh fuck," Brad moaned, as he relaxed at the front and slipped further into her vagina, "Fuck yes!"
For Kate it had been a long summer evening with friends, for Brad it had been an even longer evening crushed and smother, engulfed and enclosed. Kate had loved the feeling of power, the feeling of her and Brad being inseparable. Her jeans were now like a safe, all locked up with no way in or out. Brad and her vagina were inside, snuggled up together and that's exactly how she wanted them. Evidently Brad had also understood the permanency of the situation and had immediately obeyed every command that she had discretely whispered into her jacket. 'Clit, gently'. 'Vagina, now!'
Kate had sipped spirits all night so that she wouldn't have to pee, but had still drunk too much. She arrived home in the early hours with her head spinning. She let her long brown hair out of its ponytail and tried to do a ballet pirouette as if that would stop the room from spinning. Brad, sober as always had no choice but to hug her as they both spun around and then Brad took the brunt of her weight as she landed unsteadily on the bed.
The key to Kate's belt was in the back pocket of her jeans, but she didn't even get that far, as she closed her eyes and was soon asleep.
Kate apologised the next morning and agreed that she would only use the anti-attack shorts if Brad misbehaved. However, a few days later she had reason to regret her decision.
Unbeknownst to Brad, Kate had confided in Emma. Emma was the only other person that knew about Brad being shrunk and therefore was the only person Kate could tell about Brad being transformed into lingerie. She'd even told Emma the magic transforming spell before she had hypnotised herself to forget. Although she knew the spell, Emma was under strict instructions not to tell her unless it was a life and death emergency.
However, Emma had become increasingly frustrated by Kate and Brad's relationship. Kate was in a constant good mood, which was irritating enough, and was more often than not in a state of arousal, looking down at her crotch, whispering and giggling. So one Friday evening, Emma decided that it was her turn.
The girls had already drunk a bottle of red wine and had moved to the lounge to watch a movie. Emma looked on nervously as Kate sipped another glass of wine, unaware that it contained sleeping tablets.
"Are you OK Katie?" Emma asked as she retrieved the glass of wine from Kate's unsteady hand.
Emma's dose of drugs was already coursing through Kate's slim body and within minutes it had sent the brunette into a deep sleep.
Kate's head flopped down on the sofa and on to Emma's waiting pillow. Emma then lifted her legs up on to the sofa and excitedly peered under Kate's short floral dress, which she had specially worn to allow Brad some air on the warm summer evening.
"Oh my, you're pink," Emma exclaimed as she saw the tiniest and tightest pair of pink silk underwear hugging her friend's crotch, "no wonder Katie can't stop giggling."
Brad was in shock as Emma's big blue eyes approached and instinctively tightened his grip around Kate.
"You can move!" Emma cried. This was getting better and better.
Emma grabbed Brad's waistband and ripped him down Kate's legs and off over her black ankle boots. Emma was also wearing a flared summer as she also wanted ease of access. She reached under her dress and ripped off her blue thong to be replaced by a quivering, trembling pair of pink panties.
"If you ever tell Kate about what I'm about to do to you," Emma warned, "I'll take these scissors and cut you into a hundred pieces." She snapped the scissors dangerously close to him to demonstrate her point.
She poked one foot into Brad and then the other. From there she pulled him slowly up her slightly paler, slightly longer and slightly fuller legs. Her shaved crotch was getting closer and closer and then he was there, stretched tighter than ever.
"Fucking hell Emma, take me off!"
"It can talk!"
Emma dropped her dress back down, sat on the sofa next to Kate's peaceful face and crossed her legs.
"Now panties, do whatever it is you do to Kate..."
Brad stayed quiet and motionless, aware of just how much power this sadistic blonde had over him. Moisture from the horny bitch was already soaking into him and her scent was quickly replacing Kate's beautiful scent.
Emma stood up, lifted her dress and slapped her butt hard. Brad winced in pain.
"You bitch!"
"Oh good, you're still there," Emma smiled as she slapped herself again, "but then I guess you can't go anywhere."
"Take me off you fucking bitch!"
That annoyed Emma and reached the open scissors up between her legs and positioned Brad between the sharp blades.
"One squeeze and I'll slice straight through you."
Brad was terrified and started to flex himself against her clit as she continued to hold the scissors in place. He tightened himself against her now moist vagina and his silky material soon slipped inside.
The scissors were gone and Emma opened her legs wide, making it easier for Brad to breathe. Her threats were gone to be replaced by cute cries of pleasure. Emma writhed around on her butt, unknowingly arousing Brad. He started to cry out in pleasure which only turned her on more.
He tightened at the back and slipped between her butt cheeks. Although this felt like having his hands tied behind his back, he willingly submitted. Fuck, her touch was amazing. They climaxed together and lay recovering from their exertions.
"You're so deep inside my crack, you're almost a thong!" Emma breathed as she played with the pink silk that ran between her legs.
"Yes and with you sitting on me I can't pull myself out."
Emma smiled, pulled her skirt down and stayed sitting exactly where she was.
"Kate told me the spell to turn you back again," Emma confided.
"Really? Kate told me that no one knew it."
Brad wasn't sure how to feel. He'd committed to staying as a pair of panties for the rest of his life and he thought there was no way for him to be turned back even if he wanted. Now there was a way, Emma knew the spell.
"Would you want to be turned back?" Emma was intrigued.
Brad didn't know what to say.
"I can see why Katie told you there was no way back," Emma continued, "I'd certainly keep you imprisoned as a pair of panties if I could."
Now he knew that it was possible to be turned back into a guy, Brad wasn't sure what he wanted.
"Can you turn me back, just for a few minutes?" Brad asked nervously.
"No, Katie has to say the words."
"Oh yeah."
Brad looked inwards at Emma's still warm pussy and vibrated himself against her soft skin. He could feel Emma melting away again, her head going back and her strong thighs opening. Why hadn't Kate been honest with him? If he'd asked her to turn him back would she have lied and told him it was impossible? At least Emma had told him the truth. He listened to her cries of pleasure and realised that he might enjoy an evening inside Emma's dress. He could deal with Kate in the morning.
Emma was naked other than for the panties. Her legs were spread, her blonde hair lay crisscross across her face and she was gasping for breath. If Brad kept this up, she doubted she'd make it through the night.
Kate woke up late the next morning, still dressed and lying on the sofa and now with a pounding headache. She lifted her dress to see Brad nestled into her as always.
"I'm sorry honey, what a night," she croaked as she stroked the front of her underwear, "Hey, wake up!" she slapped him playfully.
"Who else would it be!" she exclaimed as she covered him up again, his brief glimpse of the world come and gone in only a few seconds.
Brad was exhausted. Emma had worn him for most of the night and she'd only put him back on Kate's hips a couple of hours ago. Emma had played with him incessantly for hours, so much so that she'd had to wash him before slipping him back into place beneath Kate's dress.
Brad didn't know what to make of what Emma had told him. He'd completely submitted his life to Kate and so having complete trust in her was essential, but after what Emma had said, he was no longer sure.
"Is there any way to turn me back... if we had to?" Brad asked as Kate stroked him through the fabric of her dress.
"Of course not, you know I can't remember the spell."
"You didn't write it down... or tell anyone?"
Kate sat up and pulled up her dress to look at him. "This is what we wanted. I hope you're not having second thoughts because there's no way out for you."
"No, we agreed."
"Good, you're staying as my beautiful lingerie."
Kate stood up, smoothed her dress down and walked up the stairs to her bedroom.
"That's the problem with short dresses," she continued, "seeing too much of the real world makes you forget what you really want. After I shower, the jeans go back on and you will focus only on me. Understood?"
Brad watched her boots climb the wooden stairs, knowing that that was all he was going to see of the real world today.
It was a short shower and less than fifteen minutes later Kate was sitting in the kitchen sipping coffee. She was wearing a grey woollen top, blue jeans and boots and for once her underwear was still and silent.
"Are you still sulking about the jeans?" Kate asked as she wiggled her butt on the wooden seat as if to spur him into action.
"Good, so what shall we do today?"
Brad stayed silent before finally asking, "Does anyone else know about us?"
"Of course not, you're my lovely little secret," Kate reached her hand down between her legs and sighed with pleasure from her own touch.
"Well Emma knows," Brad replied, "She even has a copy of the spell to turn me back."
Kate froze and looked down at her crotch, even though neither could see the other through the closely fitting denim.
"I told her for safety," Kate stuttered, "In case there was an emergency."
"So you can turn me back?" Brad asked indignantly, "I thought we'd both committed to this."
"We have, there is no way I'm ever going to turn you back!"
"So now you can, but you're refusing to?"
"I don't believe this, do you want me to or not!"
Brad was committed to stay as Kate's underwear, but now he knew that there was a way back, he couldn't help the other thoughts that were starting to run through his mind.
"I just wish you'd told me, rather than me finding out from Emma."
"Look! Emma has the spell written down on a piece of paper, but now I'm going to destroy it," Kate said defiantly.
"Are you sure you don't want to keep it for 'emergencies'?"
"No, I don't! I want to be one hundred percentage certain that you'll be spending your life down there."
Kate was surprised by how cross she felt. She'd only left a copy of the spell with Emma in case Brad's life depended on it. She loved him and couldn't bear for something bad to happen to him. She was never going to turn him back, life was so much better with her constant companion. Why the hell had she given Emma the magic spell? Why the hell had Emma told Brad?
Brad's mind was playing games with him, "Maybe we should keep a copy."
"No, I'm burning it."
"Katie, you can't keep me here against my will!"
"You were happy enough before Emma opened her big mouth and you will be happy again."
Kate was now striding purposefully up the stairs and into Emma's bedroom. Brad didn't need to see her face, he could read her mood by the heat and the smell inside her jeans.
"Em, I want the paper with the magic spell," Kate ordered as she pulled back Emma's duvet to reveal a vibrator between her friend's legs.
"My underwear doesn't do what yours does," Emma smiled coyly as she slowly climbed out of her warm bed and tiptoed to the safe in only her underwear.
"Do you have him on now?" Emma asked jealously.
Kate didn't answer but just waited for the blonde to open the safe; first she couldn't find her keys and then she took several attempts to remember the code.
"Fucking hell Em, how many blondes does it take to open a safe?"
"Are you going to turn him back?" Emma asked, ignoring the comment and handing over the paper.
Kate didn't answer as she stormed out and back to her room where she locked the door behind her. She unbelted and unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down to knees. Brad looked up in concern as Kate held the paper in one hand and a match in the other.
"I know Emma wore you last night," Kate hissed as she brought her hands closer together, her silver bangles rattling, "So why didn't you tell me that?"
"I'm sorry."
Brad started tighten and twitch to massage Kate's clit in a desperate attempt to please the pissed brunette with the matches, as thoughts of returning to his old life now played vividly in his mind.
In contrast, Kate looked calm and composed as she lit the paper and let the burning remnants fall into the fireplace. She then opened her wardrobe and sat down hard on top of the metal safe, making Brad cry out in both pain and fear.
"Please don't lock me in there?" he begged, "I love you. I just want to pleasure you."
"That's good," she replied, the cold from the safe seeping through Brad and into her butt, "because I'm never letting you out."
Kate stood up and squeezed both Brad and her butt back into her jeans and secured them around her waist. Brad was still where she wanted him and in time he'd realise that that's where he really wanted to be.
Kate massaged him through the material and despite his reluctance to do so, she brought him to climax. Still in shock from gaining and then losing his chance to escape, he tried to disappear between her cheeks, but she wouldn't leave him alone and he was powerless to stop her arousing him again. He was still unsettled, but Kate's fingers prevented him from thinking straight. An hour later, and still sealed tightly inside her jeans, Brad fell asleep exhausted. Kate went out for a walk, careful not to wake her beautiful secret from his much needed sleep.
Kate was quite the next morning, still preoccupied by the events of the previous day. She was still angry with both Brad and Emma, but was also feeling guilty because Brad may have actually wanted the chance to return to a normal life. She knew it was pointless to regret her actions, there was nothing she could now do, and so instead got back to enjoying what was the envy of every other woman in the world. Lost in her thoughts, her shower was longer and hotter than usual.
"You've got a red butt," Brad smiled when she put him back on.
"What? Oh."
"But you're lovely and warm."
The red was starting to fade by the time Kate redressed in tight white cotton trousers. They were tight around her butt and as a result would totally dominate Brad's day. Yet Kate had chosen them without any debate or consensus.
"I guess it's too late to suggest a dress?" Brad asked hopefully.
Kate ignored him again.
Kate was increasingly seeing Brad as an object as opposed to a person. It was only natural as that's what he was. She still loved his company, his intellect and wit, but his physical presence was more and more something owned and used by her.
While they would talk like equals, when it came to his physical actions she expected him to obey her at all times. Whether she wanted a hug or to be brought to orgasm, Brad simply had to respond. If she was wearing tight trousers that would show a panty line as she was today then again he had to accommodate.
"Breath in," she smiled as she watched her butt in the mirror.
Instantly the slight panty line was gone as she felt Brad bunch up between her cheeks. Again, no debate, no discussion.
Kate wore him constantly both because she liked his company and she loved what he could do to between her legs. She also believed that it was dangerous to leave him anywhere else. She wouldn't admit it, but she was becoming addicted and was starting to refuse any requests to be taken off.
"Football's on tonight," Brad smiled happily as they chilled on Kate's bed one evening.
Kate would usually take him off and place him in front of the television so he could watch.
Kate thought for a moment, "Sorry honey, you'll have to take yourself off tonight."
"Rub me," she replied without looking up from her phone.
It was moments like these when his denim cell felt even more confining. "OK, can I watch from between your legs?" he asked hopefully as he stroked.
"What from inside these jeans? Good luck with that."
"You can change into that sexy blue dress?" Brad ventured, "I'll kiss your clit all night."
"You'll do that anyway, sweetie."
"Please Katie?"
Katie's ultimate fantasy was to have Brad so completely obsessed with her that he would have no interest in anything other than her body and her company. In her dreams she would keep him completely sealed off from the outside world. If she wasn't wearing jeans, then she'd wear a second pair of panties over the top so that he'd never see or smell anything other than her. She would tell him all he needed to know about the outside world. He certainly wouldn't watch football.
"OK," she said begrudgingly as she unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her smooth legs.
She eased into the short blue flared summer dress as requested, sat on her small sofa and flicked on the television. She opened her legs the minimum amount required for Brad to see the screen, she had no intention of showing him more of the world than was absolutely necessary. His small window on the world now framed by two seemingly enormous thighs, the slightly movement of which would take even that away.
Brad had just settled in for the match when Kate's legs closed so that her thighs were touching each other.
"You stopped kissing me."
Brad rubbed against her immediately, but nothing happened.
"Hey aren't you going to open up?"
"Yes, but I'm giving you a five minute penalty."
Brad continued to massage her gently as he listened to his team score. He looked out at Kate's beautiful thighs, still touching each other, still cutting off his sight. The feeling of helplessness, of being controlled was overpowering, as was the level of arousal coursing through them both.
"Can you cross your legs?" he panted.
"Good boy. My pleasure."
Kate's left leg started to lift, her inner thighs moved even closer together and then everything tightened up and crushed him. Kate straightened her dress and tucked it in around her.
"Just look inwards and not outwards," she purred as she enjoyed his constant touch, "you'll be much more fulfilled."
That night Kate lay in bed smiling, Brad was starting to obey 'Katie's law'. It was strict and involved total dedication to her. He hadn't stopped touching her for hours and had even asked if she would wear her silk pyjamas to bed. Kate had happily agreed and the temperature inside them right now was at fever pitch as her lithe body strained and flexed under the covers as his touch brought her to orgasm.
Her movement in turn, was arousing Brad and he lay in his private sauna in a constant state of near climax. This continued for hours until Kate's breathing slowed and her movement stopped.
There was no answer, she was asleep.
Kate and Emma had been spending more and more time together and as far as Brad could tell, they were getting more and more intimate. A few times when the girls had been playing around, tickling each other, Emma's hand had brushed briefly against Brad and therefore by definition had also touched Kate's pussy.
Kate was now dressing up whenever she was with Emma, which meant that Brad would often be tucked away under a short skirt and would sometimes be sprayed with perfume. Although Kate's skirts prevented him from seeing anything, Brad was sure they were kissing , something confirmed by the corresponding rise in temperature between Kate's legs.
On a long walk one day, Emma finally told Brad what he already knew.
"Me and Em," Kate started, "well, it's kind of getting a more serious."
"I kinda guessed."
"It doesn't change anything between us. You're not going anywhere."
Brad had suspected that Kate might be 'bi' and while she her promise to stay single had been a big part of him agreeing to transform, maybe this was a reasonable compromise. However, he still felt cheated out of his male body by a woman who maybe didn't appreciate it as much as she should.
"Is this why you transformed me?" he asked, "To make me more..., feminine."
Kate's silence told him the answer. What better way for her to keep his company without the accompanying male form. He'd made a huge sacrifice in giving up his body, something that clearly wasn't a sacrifice for her. She'd also carefully chosen this moment to tell him, wearing jeans in public made the conversation easier for her as there was no way for him to see her face.
"Will Emma be wearing me?" Brad asked.
"No way! I've promised you a life incarcerated on 'my' body."
Her words were starting to arouse him. He may have been her possession, but he also felt that her pussy belonged to him.
That night, with Kate made up, in her short blue dress and suspenders, the formal introductions were made. Kate sat on the edge of the sofa with her legs open, while Emma kneeled on the floor in front of her. Emma spent the first few minutes kissing and teasing Kate's inner thighs, before she lifted Kate's dress and tucked her head inside.
"Good evening Brad," Emma breathed, her lips brushing across Brad as she spoke, "Guess you know about Katie and me."
"Your head between Kate's legs is a bit of a giveaway," Brad replied, his voice only being audible in Kate's head, with Kate then repeating the words out loud.
"Guess it is!" Emma giggled, "But then you've lived inside here for a long time now, so it's only fair that I see what the fuss is all about."
"Let me watch you massage Katie," Emma said.
While looking into Emma's enormous blue eyes and with her full red lips touching him, Brad started.
"Brad!" Kate scolded from up above.
"Let him do it," Emma replied from under the dress.
Outnumbered two to one, Kate had no choice but to sit and take it as both her ex-boyfriend and her new girlfriend played with her clit. The feeling was getting stronger and Kate's cries were making her feel self conscious and she was half tempted to close her legs and crush them both.
"Stop Brad!" Kate moaned.
"Keep going!" Emma replied, as her lips pushed into him and her lipstick started to rub off.
With tears in her eyes, Kate reached orgasm with them both still under her dress and she leaned back panting.
Emma was still scheming. "OK, now tickle her," she whispered to Brad.
Brad gave Kate the gentlest of tickles around her panty line and Kate's legs instinctively snapped closed, catching Emma's head in between.
"Oh sorry Em. Brad stop it!"
Emma giggled as she pulled her head back out from under the thin blue fabric. She took Kate's slender hand and led her back to the bedroom where she removed Kate's dress and eased her backwards on to the bed.
"Let's leave your undies on," Emma purred as she also removed her own dress.
With Kate lying on her back with her legs open, Brad had the perfect view of Emma, who was now completely naked. She knelt astride Kate's waist and looked down at Kate's pink panties.
"Like the view?" Emma asked, "What about now?"
With that, Emma dropped down so that she was sitting on Brad and then relaxed so that her butt settled down and moulded around him.
"Good view now?" Kate asked, as her fingers explored how Emma's body was pinning them both helplessly to the bed.
Emma released Kate from her weight and they lay down side by side, with Emma's top leg thrust between Kate's thighs. Their pussies were now touching, with Brad pinned in between.
"Now," Kate breathed quietly as she pulled her lips clear of Emma's for the briefest moment.
Brad was surrounded on all sides by desperate female arousal with both girls stretching, pushing and fighting to get as close as possible. Brad knew better than to ignore Kate's requests and started to vibrate between them as he listened to their combined cries.
It had now been almost two months since Kate had transformed her boyfriend, Brad, into a pair of pink silk panties. Since that time he'd spent at least twenty three hours a day on her body, stretched around her hips and pulled tight between her legs.
Last night Kate had made out with Emma, her blonde flatmate, and Brad was now was aching from the combined passion of the two women. Usually when he was alone with Kate, on her hips, massaging between her legs, Kate was gentle and seductive. But with both Kate and Emma together, the long held desires and lesbian infatuation had made for a more desperate fervour. It also made for a threesome in which Brad was definitely number three. While the girls looked into each other's eyes, Brad was stuck at the other end, servicing them both.
When the girls finally relented, Kate slipped him off her warm body and held him in front of her face.
"Now, be a good boy while we shower," she whispered as she dropped him on to her bed and disappeared into the bathroom.
Brad tried to move. He tensed one side of his silk body and pulled himself slightly across the floor. He repeated the movement and soon fell off the bed and on to the wooden floor. The girls had closed the bedroom door behind them which made escape from Kate's room impossible, but he could hide. Inch by inch he edged under the bed and waited.
"Where are you?" Kate exclaimed as she returned to her room and searched through the sheets, "Brad!"
From under the bed Brad watched Kate's bare feet hurry back and forth around the room. She appeared to be naked, with her short silk negligee not visible from his lowly position. Then suddenly she crouched down and her big brown eyes appeared.
"What the hell are you doing?" she cried as she dragged him out, "You could have been hurt!"
Very quickly Kate's fear turned to anger as she unlocked her small safe and held him by the opening.
"I may choose to sleep with girls from time to time, but you're still my soul mate," Kate hissed, her anger at odds with her cute, dishevelled look, "and I will protect you whatever it takes!"
Brad desperately wanted to talk, but Kate wasn't offering to put him on. Instead she reached inside her safe and laid him down on her jewellery box. Her robe had undone a little exposing one of her naked breasts.
"This is your punishment," Kate said, "I'm locking you up!"
A second later she slammed the safe door and Brad listened as the bolts slid across. Fuck, she really had locked him inside and he hadn't even had a chance to explain. The safe was locked and only Kate knew the combination and only Kate had the key. Brad lay worrying in the dark. Was she really upset? Did she look as though she'd forgive him? And even worse, was she being unfaithful and wearing other underwear?
It was cold inside the safe and Brad had bunched up into a ball in an attempt to keep warm. It hadn't worked and he found himself dreaming of being slid up Kate's warm legs and regretting his earlier actions.
Kate was surprised by the thrill she got from locking him up. She pulled out the keys and danced around the room jangling them like an instrument. She thought about getting dressed, but didn't know how to start as she hadn't worn anything other than Brad against her pussy for months. She opened her underwear drawer and pulled out a few pairs, but just couldn't bring herself to put any of them on. She brushed her hair, added make up, but still walked aimlessly back and forth around her room in only her short robe. It didn't feel right without him.
Kate was disappointed with her own will power as she unlocked the safe less than twenty minutes after slamming it in his face, she had intended to be much meaner. She placed him on her bed, before removing her robe and slowly and deliberately putting on a pair of blue satin panties.
"Jealous?" she asked.
She lay down on her side with Brad resting on her inner thigh only inches from her new underwear. The blue material appeared to hug her body just as tightly and yes Brad was jealous.
"It's so hot in here," she provoked as she rubbed between her legs, "whereas you can't even speak."
Brad felt envious of the blue satin lingerie as he instinctively tried to move up her leg, a move that ended in failure when Kate closed her legs, pinning him in between.
"No, you wanted out," she snapped.
Kate turned on to her front and placed Brad on the back of her thighs so that he could see the blue underwear stretched across her round butt. To Brad it felt like she was having an affair, being unfaithful and there was nothing he could do. Once again he tried to ease closer to her butt, but Kate simply opened her legs and he fell between them and on to the sheet. Kate then stood up leaving him helplessly on the bed.
"I could lock you back in the safe and leave you there forever!" Kate said, her arousal given away by her gravelly tone.
Brad looked up at her beautiful big eyes.
"Or I could just sit on you," she purred as she turned and carried out her threat.
Now Brad couldn't see anything.
"Or I could put you back on and wear you forever," Kate finally suggested, looking more attractive than ever with her long brown hair framing her face.
Brad tightened into a ball as his way of saying yes.
"Good, but if you ever try to escape again, I'll lock you back in the safe for much 'much' longer!" she warned, removing the adulterous blue underwear and sliding him back up inside her robe.
Brad shivered silently as he snugged into her.
"Ooh you're cold!" she cried as she sat down on her bed and waited for her body to warm him up.
With Brad just about warmed up to her body temperature, Emma knocked on Kate's bedroom door and poked her head inside. Emma now dressed in a short black dress which contrasted against her long blonde hair.
"He tried to escape!" Kate said in her best school teacher voice.
"I think he's jealous," Emma giggled, "he thinks he owns your pussy."
"Well, he's in maximum lockdown from now on!"
Kate pulled up her short silk robe to reveal the front of Brad just showing between her closed legs. Her thighs were resolutely pinned together and the silk material that ran down between them moved gently back and forth.
"Well it doesn't look as though he'll be escaping from down there," Emma remarked.
"No he won't," Kate replied determinedly, "Plus he's got a lot of making up to do..."
"So I see."
A smile came across Emma's face as her boots turned and clipped back out of Kate's bedroom, only to return a minute later with the chain and padlock that she used to secure her bike.
Kate looked on with smiling wide eyed. "Are you going to lock me up?"
"Mmm, maybe I will bring this along next time we make out, but this time it's for Brad."
Kate's big brown eyes were still showing surprise as Emma took her hand and pulled her to her feet. She reached inside Kate's robe and gently threaded the silver chain through the crotch of Kate's underwear> She then pulled Kate over to the metal bars at the foot of the large wrought iron bed. Once there, Emma simply looped the ends of the chain around the bed frame and padlocked them together.
"You' have locked me up!" Kate exclaimed, as she explored the chain that connected the crotch of her underwear to the bed frame.
As she stepped back, the chain pulled against the crotch of her underwear which made the rest of her panties pull tight around her butt. Only when Brad cried out in pain did she step back towards the bed.
"You can always get free by slipping him off," Emma explained, "but there's no such escape for Brad."
"Mmm, like handcuffs for my underwear."
With Emma refusing to unlock the chain, Kate reluctantly removed Brad from her hips and both girls watched in amusement as the pink silk lingerie, now chained to the bed, tried to shuffle away.
"I think that should work," Emma said as she unlocked the padlock and let Brad fall on to the floor.
Within a millisecond Kate was standing on him with her bare feet, "Try to escape if you want," Kate giggled as they both watched Brad try to move away to relieve the pain inflicted by her full weight.
Kate finally put Brad of his misery by pulling him up her legs and snugly into place around her waist and then dressed in a grey woollen top, jeans and boots.
"As I said, maximum security," Kate smiled to Emma as she tightened her belt an extra notch.
Emma, who was still holding her chain and padlock, decided to put them to use by locking Kate's slim wrists together behind her back and then gently kissed the shocked brunette on the lips.
"Now even you can't remove Brad," Emma breathed, reluctant to remove her lips from Kate's.
Kate's shock soon turned to sexual excitement as Emma sat down on her desk with her legs provocatively apart and her dress hitched up.
"This time you really have locked me up!" Kate exclaimed as she struggled against the chain.
"Yes, I have."
"Is there any way for me to escape?"
"Not without this key."
Emma hitched her dress up a little further so that Kate could see the key that was tucked into the crotch of Emma's underwear. Kate smiled knowingly as she walked over and knelt down between Emma's thighs.
"I can't really use my hands," Kate noted.
"Well then use your mouth."
Emma moaned out loud as Kate's lips explored between her legs. Brad missed the action as he was hidden under Kate's robe, but could feel the extra heat radiating from Kate's body. Finally Kate's lips moved to the silver key that was only just protruding from Emma's black thong. But Kate's first tug on the key was Emma's signal to stand up, leaving the horny chained brunette kneeling helplessly on the floor.
Emma was grinning as she took the key that was on the inside of Kate's bedroom door and put it in the keyhole on the outside of the door.
"No Em, wait!"
"See, ya!" Emma replied as she closed Kate's bedroom door and locked it from the outside.
With Emma gone, Kate struggled to her feet and looked down to explore her predicament. The buttons and belt needed to release her from her jeans were at the front, and her hands were locked at the back. There really was no way for her to remove her jeans and therefore definitely no way for Brad to get out.
"What's happening?" Brad asked.
"She's chained my hands together!"
"Well ,you seemed to be enjoying it," Brad replied, as he had no choice but to absorb the extra heat building between her legs.
Kate leaned against the back of her locked bed door, "I can't undo my jeans like this."
"Well then I guess you can't stop me doing this."
Kate shrieked with laughter as Brad tickled her between her legs. Between fits of giggles, Kate tried every way possible to reach around to stop him, but the tightly locked chain stopped her.
"Brad, stop it, or I'll fart in your face!"
Brad stopped tickling and started to caress her clit.
Kate fell to her bed and started to writhe around in delight. She climaxed and lay panting as Brad started again.
"Stop it," she moaned, slapping her own butt in an attempt to bring him into line. It didn't work, instead the slapping aroused Brad and they came together.
"You know you're going to turn my jeans into a sauna," Kate breathed as her fingers played with the back of her jeans, trying to find a way inside.
"It already is."
"Well that's your fault and I you know I can't let you out."
Brad was now warm and damp and covered with her scent. He wanted to see her hands chained together and tried unsuccessfully to peek through some of the stitching at the back of her jeans. When that didn't work, he tightened himself and pulled himself in between her cheeks.
"You're a sucker for punishment," she purred, "it can't be very nice in there."
Brad didn't have the breath to reply as her writhing body brought him to another orgasm.
Brad and Kate lay talking for another hour until the two glasses of wine caught up with the horny brunette.
"Brad, I don't want to worry you, but I need to pee!"
"You're always threatening to piss on me," Brad observed as he looked inwards at her urethra and imagined what might happen.
"Yes, but being the nice girl I am, I haven't done it to you... but now I might have no choice!"
She climbed to her feet and walked up to her locked door.
"Em, I need to pee!"
There was nothing but silence coming from behind the locked door.
Emma finally unlocked her door and after some more begging also unlocked Kate's wrists. She dashed into the bathroom and on to the toilet.
"You were lucky," Kate said, looking down at Brad who was down by her ankles, crumpled inside her jeans.
Kate couldn't hear Brad unless he was pulled up tightly into her crotch and so conversations while she was on the toilet were very one sided. But that certainly didn't stop Kate from talking as it was the one time where Brad couldn't interrupt.
As usual Brad spent the night nuzzled into Kate's crotch, although this time Kate had worn her white cotton shorts over the top of him. They were her tightest shorts, bought when she had been in a particularly tarty mood and were really too tight to wear in public given the unwanted comments from guys.
However, the shorts were a perfect punishment for Brad as they inflicted a night of cruel compression to anything unlucky enough to be inside. Brad had explained that the shorts felt like lying underneath sofa cushions and then having people sit on top. It didn't hurt, but it was impossible to move. Kate had listened carefully to his graphic description before giggling, reading some more and then falling asleep.
The evening making out with Emma, the shorts and the chain had combined to give Kate a wet dream, but even the feeling of dampness inside her tight white cotton shorts didn't make her take pity and release Brad. Instead she turned over and stretched and snoozed until almost midday.
"Katie? Katie?"
"What's happening out there?"
"Your world is in there," she reminded him as she played with Emma's chain, her mind wondering.
"These shorts make it a very small world."
Kate smiled.
Brad gave up and returned to massaging her clit as best he could in his confined space, knowing that it was probably his best chance of freedom.
An hour later and Kate climbed out of bed and struggled out of the tiny white shorts. She showered and quickly slipped back into Brad. She then took Emma's chain, wrapped it around her waist and padlocked it in place, the spare end of the chain swinging between her legs.
She then pulled the spare end tight between her butt cheeks, through her legs, up between the lips of her vagina and used a second padlock to lock it back on to the front of the waist chain.
"What does my crotch chain feel like for you?" Kate asked as she checked herself out from all angles in the full length mirror, her fingertips running wildly over her own body.
"The human equivalent of being hogtied," Brad puffed, exhausted from his failed attempts to pull himself out of Kate's butt.
"Mmm, it's pushing you right into my pussy and you can't get out."
Kate smiled, her fingers now squeezing between the front of the chain and her clit, "I look forward to seeing you escape from this!"
Escape certainly wasn't an option, with the chain pulling Brad particularly deeply and tightly between her butt cheeks, where he was almost lost from sight.
"Even I can't take you off!"
Kate tried to pull him down, but he was caught on the chain that ran between her legs. Having proved her point, she quickly pulled him back up around her butt. She dressed in jacket, jeans and boots and then used the mirror to check what the outside could see.
"The chain is so tight that nothing shows," she proudly announced, "the world will never know your little predicament."
"Little for the world, but big for me!"
Kate smiled.
"And anyway, how are you going to go to the toilet, this chain is too tight for that."
"Guess we'll find out," she giggled, "especially as I thought we could go out for a walk without the keys."
With visions of a desperate girl peeing all over him, Brad decided to act. The chain prevented most movement, but he was just able to vibrate the part of him that was held between the lips of her vagina. The effect was immediate, with Kate doubling over and giggling.
"Oh wow, stop it!
But Brad continued and soon both of her hands were between her legs, trying to stop the inevitable arousal, "Oh...Oh!" Kate climaxed, but still Brad continued. This time, Kate's slim hands with the red painted nails grabbed the belt, fumbling in her hast to undo her jeans. Her jeans were now down by her knees and her fingertips were trying and failing to pull the chain away from her vagina.
"Where did I put the keys!" she shrieked as she rolled on to the floor in a hopeless mess, "Brad please!"
This time Brad stopped, although just too late to stop Kate coming for a second time. She crawled across the floor to retrieve the keys and popped open the padlocks.
"OK, bad idea," she gasped as she stripped off her jeans and replaced them with denim shorts and ankle boots.
"For once I win!" Brad replied.
Kate looked down at the tight denim shorts that encircled her. "I've turned you into underwear, you're trapped inside my shorts and now I have every reason to punish you. You really think you've won?" she laughed.
"Yes," Brad replied hesitantly.
As she left the house and started to walk to the river, Kate rubbed the back of her shorts with her hands to make him cum, as her butt cheeks buffeted him with every step.
The truth was that both Brad and Kate had been turned on by the tying up games. After all, one of the main attractions of the whole transformation thing had been the shift in power between them. Kate liked the independence and feeling of being in control and Brad loved the thrill of being helplessly subservient to his beautiful girlfriend.
Brad and Kate had discussed a few options, but as usual it was Kate who had made the final decision. With a solution now clear in her mind, they had gone shopping for the perfect pair of shorts, a pair that was sexy, tight and most importantly, lockable.
One of the many advantages of having turned your boyfriend into lingerie was the ability to take him in the changing room. Unfortunately though, Brad's view when trying on shorts, dresses or skirts was limited.
Once locked inside the changing room, Kate squeezed into a pair of blue denim shorts. The cut perfectly fitted her narrow waist so that once buttoned up there was no way they could be removed over her hips. The rear seam curved tightly down between her legs and pulled Brad slightly between her cheeks. The denim tightly encircled the top of her tanned thighs conveniently cutting out all light and air to the occupant inside.
"I think these may be perfect," Kate whispered, "but let me just try the padlock."
She played with the small lock until she had positioned it over the popper that secured the shorts.
"Yeah, it fits and there's certainly no way to open the popper now."
Brad pulled and stretched as he explored his new home. It was tight, but then so was most of Kate's wardrobe. It was also very dark which Kate would say was a good thing as he could worship her butt without distraction from the outside world.
"Do I get a say on this?" he asked.
Kate ignored the silly question.
"Opps, I didn't actually bring the key for this lock."
"What? Guess you'll be buying them then."
Kate pulled at the tight denim material which seemed to have already moulded itself to the shape of her body, "It's kinda sexy being locked in these."
"Until you need to use the toilet."
Kate ignored him again and pulled her red top down to hide the padlock. She then ripped the label from the back of the shorts and took it out to the counter to pay.
When they returned home, Kate fetched the key and was finally able to unlock her shorts. With Brad hanging pitifully around her ankles and much to her relief, she sat down on the toilet. Brad spent his brief moment of freedom looking up as she re-tied her long brown ponytail and then pulled him straight back into place.
"Right the shorts are safely locked up again," Kate proudly announced, "and I thought we could celebrate with a little bike ride."
"These shorts on a saddle, you sure?" Brad asked warily.
"It'll be fun!"
"You sure?"
"Well don't come if you don't want to," Kate giggled.
Kate had already wheeled her bike out on to the road and was straddling the cross bar. She eased back down on to the saddle, letting her butt mould in to place around the black leather seat.
"OK?" she checked.
"Yeah it's actually nice, the saddle massages me in just the right place."
"Good panties," Kate smiled, "I knew you'd like it down there."
Kate started to peddle, her legs tensing, her glutes pushing in turn against the soft saddle.
"Still nice I hope?"
Brad touched her clit in reply as he lay beneath her, moving and stretching as her butt massaged him.
"Hey, touch me there and we'll both end up in a ditch!" Kate cried before realising that she may have been overheard by a passing cyclist.
It was now early afternoon and Kate was still riding and Brad was still stretching and straining to contain her body. A cyclist rang her bell as she passed by.
"Hey she's pretty," Kate relayed to Brad, "you'd like her."
Brad had replied without thinking, still totally aroused from the movement of Kate's butt on the saddle. He looked to see if anything was visible through the seams of the warm denim that was starting to winkle around her hips. He couldn't.
Kate was giggling.
Her skin was now tacky with perspiration which Brad was doing a great job at soaking up. She could feel that he was now wet, particularly where he passed between her legs. She could have stood up on the pedals to give him some relief, but she didn't.
"It's getting hot in here, any chance of a rest and maybe some air?" Brad panted, exhausted from the unrelenting sexual stimulation.
"No rest and air is impossible as I didn't bring the key."
"And you tried to look at that girl...bad move," Kate laughed as she cycled harder.
Now desperate for her to stop arousing him, Brad rubbed back and forth across her clit.
"Bad panties!" Kate cried out in fits of laughter.
"Bad butt! Do you know what it's doing to me in here?" Brad moaned back, as he came again.
"Okay, Okay!"
Kate squeezed the brakes and pulled up on a secluded stretch of the river. She jumped off her bike and propped her hands against the trunk of the nearest tree.
"Now you can!"
Brad didn't disappoint and brought Kate to orgasm. She finally had to slide her fingers down inside the front of her shorts to stop him.
"Good boy," she panted, "I might even have given you some fresh air and a glimpse of the view if these were locked."
"Are you sure there's no way to get these shorts off?" Brad asked.
"Have you seen how tight they are?"
"Believe me, I know! Break the padlock?"
"What without the key?"
Kate accidentally broke wind and then giggled.
"Oh Katie!"
Brad was feeling very confined and movement was almost impossible as he stuck to Kate's damp body. "I think the exercise has strengthened your butt and its trying and bust out of these shorts."
"It's a battle the shorts are going to win," Kate replied.
"I know and I'm caught in the middle!"
Kate threw her leg over, sat back down on the saddle and waited for inevitable moan of pleasure from her underwear. There it was, Brad was already aroused and she had over five miles of cycling ahead.
By the time Kate pulled up at her house, her legs were aching and her panties were moaning in helpless ecstasy. Her over sexed boyfriend had been unable to focus on any sort of sensible conversation for most of the way back.
"Brad, you slut, we're back."
"That's the trouble with cycling, the movement of my bottom excites you too much. Maybe I should keep these shorts locked for the rest of the night to teach you a lesson."
"Yes please!"
Kate rolled her eyes as she collapsed on to her bed. "Well my butt aches from all that cycling and you're going to give me a full and very through massage."
She laid on her front on her bed, her ankle length boots still on her feet, and felt Brad gently squeeze her butt. She looked behind and could see slight telltale movement in the tight denim. It was just as well no one was looking. It felt nice and she freed her long hair, flicked it back and laid her head on the pillow as her butt vibrated from his touch.
Brad worked for an hour before he realised that Kate had fallen asleep with her shorts still on and the padlock still locked. He pulled himself down to a slight chink of light showing through a tiny gap between the hem of the shorts and the back of Kate's right thigh. He felt like a prisoner looking out of his dungeon through a small barred window. In his excitement at being able to look out across her bedroom, he inadvertently touched her clit and Kate reacted by stretching in her sleep and bang the gap was gone.
It was the weekend and Kate and Brad had decided to head to the mountains. They'd enjoyed walking together before and enjoyed it just as much under their new reality. Kate threw their camping equipment into her car and dropped down into the driver's seat.
"Do we have everything?" Kate asked, as she pulled up her short blue dress to look down at Brad between her legs.
They liked to look at each other while driving which meant Kate wearing a dress or a skirt. If she drove in jeans, her butt, the snug cut of the denim and the shape of the seat made for a very tightly sealed boyfriend. She opened her legs a little to give Brad some more space and then turned the key.
Brad liked to watch her drive. Her cute face was always full of expression and he could almost read what was happening on the road by the look in her beautiful eyes. At one point her dress fell down a little, taking away his sight and plunging him into semi darkness.
"Katie, your dress."
"Opps," she smiled.
"Can you lift it up?"
"What's it worth?
"You horny bitch."
"Touch my clit or stay in the dark..."
Brad obeyed and a minute later when Kate pulled up her dress she had a new look in her eyes.
They pulled up at the car park and Kate walked over to the toilets to change from blue dress and heels to t-shirt, denim shorts and walking boots.
"I'm afraid there's no more dress for you this weekend," Kate announced as she pulled up her shorts and buttoned everything in.
"So I see."
"But if you behave, I'll open your window."
At Brad's insistence, Kate had cut a one inch square opening in the back of her denim shorts. This small flap of denim could be buttoned down, which it was now, or unbuttoned and lifted up to reveal a small piece of pink underwear hugging the lower part of her butt. Although small, it let Brad look out at the fantastic scenery. Without it, Brad's only view of the mountains would be the occasion slit of light and fleeting glimpse of the ground between her thighs and her shorts.
"Well open it then!" Brad cried excitedly.
"Mmm, when we're alone in the mountains."
Brad wanted to argue, but knew that wouldn't end well and so settled for the occasional glimpse of his girlfriend's feet as she picked her way along the small rocky path up the valley. Kate was walking slowly, but it was a hot day and she was still starting to perspire. She could feel him with every step as he seemed to be getting caught in the fold between her butt and her thighs.
"OK, it's time to open the window," Kate teased as she unbuttoned the small flap of denim and then immediately sat down on a large rock for a rest.
"Oh thanks Katie!"
"You're welcome," she giggled as she pulled her hair from a loose ponytail and tied it back more tightly behind her, "Nice rock?"
They started walking again and at last Brad could see out and enjoy the valley and the mountains above. After spending almost three months as a Kate's underwear and having seen very little apart from the brunette's butt, he just stared at the view which got better and better as Kate climbed.
"Back inside, someone's coming," Kate said as she buttoned him back in.
Kate felt him tighten around her waist, something he often did when he was cross. "You do realise that I like that, don't you?" she replied.
It was late afternoon by the time Kate had pitched the small tent in a sunny, sheltered spot at the top of the valley. The other hikers had left the mountain for night giving them complete privacy. Kate unbuttoned her removed her shorts and lay in the sun in only t-shirt, underwear and boots.
"My legs are sore," she said as she rubbed the heel of her hands against her strong tanned legs, "Maybe you can help?"
She slipped Brad midway down her thighs and then closed her legs with him pinned in between. Brad's gentle movements had an amazing effect on Kate's pussy, but had little effect on Kate's strong, tired thigh muscles.
"Is that all you have?" she complained, squeezing him harder as if that would help the cause.
"I can't move at all in this fucking vice!" he cried, even though she couldn't hear him.
"Mmm, you really do have only one use," she said as she pulled him back up between her legs, "off you go."
"Hey, I need a rest too?"
"What? You haven't been walking."
"Do you know how many times your butt cheeks have pummelled and battered me?"
Kate looked down in mock surprise as she tensed her glutes and listened to Brad cry out in aroused frustration. In retaliation, Brad started to tickle Kate between her legs which made Kate cry out and roll over on to her front. With Kate no longer sitting on him, he pulled himself in between her butt cheeks and tickled her there as well. Within seconds they were both rolling around on the camping mat laughing.
"Ha, got you and you've got no safe to threaten to lock me in," Brad beamed.
Kate looked around, "Yes, but there's a tiny zip pocket in my denim shorts that would act as a very secure jail for you."
"I wouldn't fit."
"OK, sorry Katie," Brad kicked himself for baiting her, when would be learn that she was far too powerful and sadistic for that.
Kate pulled him off her hips, down her legs and carefully eased him over her boots. "Keep still," she commanded as she folded her twitching underwear in half again and again.
Brad felt like a contortionist as she folded him in half yet again until he was an almost cube shaped pile of silk. Kate held her helpless soul mate between her thumb and forefinger.
"You really need to learn not to challenge me, I'll always win," Kate smiled, pleased that she'd found yet another way to completely restrain him, "I could tuck you in my bra or tuck you in my boot like this and you'd be completely stuck."
Brad couldn't match the strength in Kate's fingers and so could only look on and wait for the inevitable and as she unzipped the pocket on the back of her favourite denim shorts and squeezed him inside.
"Any last words?" Kate teased, "Oh yes I forgot, you're mute without my pussy."
She very carefully zipped him inside reducing him still further to nothing more than a slight bulge in the pocket of her shorts.
"OK, see if you can get out of that!"
Kate was now sitting on top of her folded denim shorts, naked other than for boots and t-shirt. She felt exhilarated as the slightly cooler evening breeze blew gently between her legs.
The sun was now setting behind the mountains on the far side of the valley and the temperature was dropping fast. Kate unzipped the pocket and eased Brad out.
"I'm going to put my jeans on and I assume you want to come inside?"
Brad was cold and cramped and desperate to be part of Kate's evening attire. With the wind continuing to blow, she unfolded him and slid him back up her legs. He watched impatiently as she pulled up her jeans and buttoned them around her waist.
"Oh that's so nice and warm," he said, snuggling in to her as far as he could.
"You really are pleased to be back on," Kate replied as she felt his frenzied movements against her.
She lay down on her mat and lit the small fire that she'd laid as Brad worked his magic and treated her to a tight thong.
"You can't still be cold?" she asked, "Not that I'm complaining, you feel nice."
"Right now I'd be happy to be worn inside your leather trousers."
"I wish I'd bought them with me," Kate purred.
Kate stood up and walked over to her backpack, but stepped awkwardly on a rock and rolled her ankle. She cried out in pain and hopped back over to the tent.
"You you Okay Katie?" Brad asked.
"Just my ankle."
She pulled off her boot and massaged her ankle, but was still unable to put any weight on it. If it wasn't any better by the morning then she had a big problem. She had no phone reception and being Sunday night, it was unlikely that there would be any hikers up in that part of the mountains until the following weekend. Still dressed, Kate climbed painfully into her sleeping bag wondering whether this would force her to share her little secret.
She knew that Brad was already asleep, and with the wind still blowing against the side of the tent, Katie was also soon asleep.
Kate woke up, unzipped the tent and looked out on to a beautiful morning in the mountains. She could feel Brad still asleep deep inside her jeans, which in turn were inside her sleeping bag. She hadn't been able to shower the night before and was a little worried about what it was like for him inside there. She could also feel her ankle which still ached from the night before. She'd yet to put any weight on it, but she already knew that there was no way that she could walk down from the mountain.
This left Kate with a dilemma. She had actually read the magic spell before burning the piece of paper and therefore, unknown to Brad, she was able to transform him back into a man. Kate had always planned to keep this fact a secret from Brad. He was happy living as her beautiful lingerie while he thought there was no way back, but would he still be happy living between her legs if he knew that she had the power to reverse the spell? Would he start to question their arrangement and be tempted by life outside her jeans and skirts?
She unzipped her sleeping bag and looked down at her own butt and imagined Brad sleeping peacefully inside, dreaming only of her. She could feel his gentle touches as his dreams made him twitch and start. He idolised her and spent every waking moment thinking of how to please her. He could never hurt her or leave her. She gave him so few glimpses of the outside world that he had as good as forgotten than other women existed. She spent most of her life in a state of arousal and so did he. Why would either of them want to change that? But if she had to transform him back into a man so that he could carry her down the mountain, would all this be lost?
He might start to question everything again. She would still have the ultimate power to turn him back into panties and imprison him for the rest of his life on her body, but she loved him and enforced incarceration certainly wasn't how she wanted their relationship to be. Of course she would do it to him if she had to, there was no way in hell that he was going to live anywhere other than her hips, but it would spoil things.
Kate touched her own butt, the denim worn and slightly ripped on her right back pocket, but still figure hugging and more than capable of holding Brad safely inside. She watched carefully as Brad's tiny movements made the faintest of impressions through the soft material.
"Good morning sleepy," Kate purred, massaging the lower part of her butt so that he would be aroused even before he woke.
"Morning already?"
"Oh I'm sorry, it is a little dark inside there?"
Kate studied her jeans in more detail. They felt nice and made her butt look great, but they probably did make for tight, unforgiving incarceration for anyone unfortunate enough to be inside when she buttoned them up.
"I can't walk on my strained ankle."
"Oh fuck, what can we do?" Brad sounded worried and unconsciously tightened up around her.
Kate was also worried, not about her ankle, but about how he would react to her next words.
"I may be able to remember the spell to turn you back," she stuttered.
Shit, there was silence from inside her jeans. "Brad, are you still there?"
"It's not like I can go anywhere," he finally replied.
Brad was in shock. How long had she known this? Why hadn't she told him before? Strangely though, these questions were over shadowed by the fact that he was nervous about being turned back. He liked his new life and didn't know if he could now live as a guy. What if Kate didn't turn him back into her underwear?
"Okay," was all he could reply.
Very reluctantly, Kate unbuttoned her jeans, stripped them off and placed Brad carefully beside her. She quietly mouthed the words and waited for the inevitable transformation.
"Fuck!" Brad cried as he looked at his body for the first time in over four months, "This feels weird."
Kate grabbed her jeans and pulled them back on over her bare butt, "I only brought one pair of panties," she smiled coyly.
They kissed briefly and awkwardly and then Brad turned to her sore ankle. This slightly sore joint was the only reason she'd freed him. He fumbled with a bandage as he tried to regain his human movement. Kate studied his awkward movement and nervous looking eyes. Maybe he was already institutionalised. Maybe he was already unable to live in the real world.
Neither spoke as Brad dressed in one of Kate's t-shirt and wrapped a towel around his waist. He packed away the tent and then using a mix of both piggybacking and Kate leaning against his shoulder, they started to make their way down the mountain.
It was a very different atmosphere to the day before when Kate had climbed the mountain. Now she felt naked, vulnerable and even though she was walking with Brad, she felt alone. Brad also felt lonely and cold, and for once wasn't sexually aroused. His feet hurt from walking bare foot and he kept glancing longingly at Kate's body.
"What's it like to be.... umm worn by me?" Kate asked awkwardly.
What seemed so right when he was between her legs, seemed so embarrassing now that she was talking to a grown guy. Maybe that was why she no longer wanted him in 'man' form.
"Warm," Brad replied, his makeshift clothing doing little to keep out the early morning chill.
"Does it feel strange trusting someone completely? You know I could do anything to you."
"You do 'do anything' to me!"
"Hey, I could do a lot worse," Kate replied indignantly before giving him a slight smile.
"You already wear me twenty four seven... and order me to kiss your clit," Brad's lips turned into a smile as he thought back.
"Okay, I'm a bitch!" Kate half smiled.
"And wear jeans."
"Opps, I do that a lot."
"It's like being strapped into a straitjacket, especially when you sit down. The denim pulls really tight."
Kate was starting to relax and giggled as she imagined how tight it must be for him inside her jeans.
"It's just that you feel safer inside jeans, as if you can't go anywhere. And you pull tighter between my legs," Kate touched herself to demonstrate the point.
"How does it feel without me?"
"Lonely and cold and no one is touching me! The second we get down you're going back in!"
"Unless I escape first," Brad baited with a smile.
"Escape?! I can have you back on my body within seconds... and I'm wearing jeans, the cruellest of jail cells, very tight and very hot!"
Brad was now grinning as he moved out of the reach of his hobbling girlfriend. They looked at each other for a few seconds before Brad turned and ran. Kate immediately spoken the words and within less than a second Brad disappeared and his makeshift clothing fell to the ground.
Kate closed her eyes and breathed out in pleasure as she felt her panties materialise inside her jeans. Her clit was already tingling, happy that its friend was back and already vibrating against it.
Kate could here Brad's heavy breathing and his sexy voice in her head, "I almost made it!"
"Okay maybe not."
"You're lucky I have a sore ankle or you'd be staying in there forever."
"My lucky day."
"Believe me, it's only a temporary reprieve."
Kate pulled down her jeans and sat down on a large rock with her legs pinned tightly shut. She repeated the spell and watched as Brad reappeared, his neck convenient trapped between her thighs.
"See, even in your human form you can't escape me."
It was true that getting out from between Kate's uber fit thighs was difficult, but at least Brad in 'man' form could stand up and lift his giggling girlfriend into the air.
"Put me down!"
"Only if you release your vice like grip!"
Brad lowered her back down on to the rock and waited as the giggling brunette held him tight. She really had been spending a lot of time at the gym. If she could do this to him while he was a one hundred and eighty pound guy, it was no surprise that she could do whatever she liked to him as a piece of pink silk.
"You're dangerous!" Brad panted as Kate finally opened her legs.
They finally reached the car park and Kate unlocked the car and hopped down gratefully into the driver's seat. Brad knelt down by the open door to see if her ankle was still swollen. He rewrapped the bandage and then looked up longingly at her. She was still warm from the walk and her red fitted top was sticking to her chest and extenuating her breasts. No doubt perspiration covered her whole body. The shaped seat had moulded around her jeans which were wrinkled where they pulled tight around her hips.
"Yes?" Kate teased, looking down at his expectant face.
"You know what."
"I'm a bit sweaty and I haven't washed since yesterday," she said to cover her embarrassment, but desperately hoping that that wouldn't be a reason for Brad to say no.
"I don't care."
Kate looked shyly from behind her hands. There had been no need to worry, Brad was already institutionalised and could no longer live in the real world. With his head already pushed between her legs and his sexy eyes looking up at her, she whispered the words. Brad was back on her body, safe and sound and helplessly hers. She put on her sunglasses and started the car.
"Thank you Katie!" Brad moaned, once again aroused by the warm touch of her body.
"My pleasure," she beamed as she closed the door and started the engine.
"By the way," Brad continued, "what would you have done if I'd wanted to stay as a guy?"
"You don't want to know."
"I do."
"I would have transformed you anyway and kept you prisoner inside my jeans for the rest of your life."
"Really?" Brad was both excited and a little scared by the matter of fact way she'd said it.
"Ask me to turn you back into a guy and see what I say."
Brad felt her right butt cheek tense slightly as she hit the accelerator and then felt the car surge forward on to the highway. He thought about how he should phrase his request. He wanted to make it sound reasonable so that Katie's refusal would be even more thrilling.
"I really enjoyed the walk today," Brad started, "would you transform me back once a week so we can take a walk?"
"No fucking way, sweetheart," Kate replied sweetly.
Brad was taken aback by the conviction in her answer. This wasn't a game. Katie was serious.
"So I really am stuck like this," he checked.
"You really are."
Katie was getting damp and Brad knew he should finish her off. This horny brunette was just as obsessed with the relationship as he was. He hoped that he would continue to love this lifestyle. If he ever changed his mind, Katie would change from being his lover to his captor. Right now that idea excited him, but it could turn into a living nightmare. He ran his eye over her body one more time. No that would never happen.
Brad and Kate had often talked about the possibility of lending Brad to an unsuspecting friend. While Brad had once been worn by Emma, he had never shared that with Kate and therefore as far as Kate knew, it would be a new experience for them both.
Sometimes Kate teased Brad by say she'd give him to another girl, sometimes as a threat when he didn't obey her. However the more she thought about it, the more it intrigued her. She could condemn Brad so any sort of experience depending on who she chose. Best of all, the woman would have no idea she had a guy, of sorts, between her legs. Brad would have to be quiet and very still to avoid freaking the girl out, but then it would be in neither of their interests to disclose their little secret.
The idea both excited and scared Brad. Once in the possession of another woman he would have no way to communicate with Kate. He would be dependent on either the other woman returning him or Kate transforming him, as there would be no other way to escape the other woman's body.
After about a year of living as Katie's underwear, the perfect opportunity presented itself when Kate's cousin, Emily, came to stay. Katie's plan was simple and effective. While Emily was showering on Friday night, Kate slipped into the guest room where Emily was staying and simply removed all the underwear from her cousin's suitcase and on Saturday morning she waited for the inevitable.
Emily was blushing. "Katie, can I borrow some underwear? Somehow I forgot to bring any."
Brad was freshly washed and was waiting patiently in Kate's underwear drawer. The light streamed in as Kate opened the drawer, picked him up and kissed him.
"You're on! Now behave!"
Kate excitedly handed him over to Emily.
"Oh these are nice... but could I maybe take two pairs for the weekend?"
Kate picked another pair at random and handed them across to Emily who smiled self conscientiously and then returned to the spare bedroom and closed the door behind her.
When Emily emerged she was wearing a white fitted top, denim jacket and mid thigh length pink skirt. It made the twenty one year old look about eighteen. Kate knew that Brad would be pleased with this outfit and his rare view on the world, not to mention his view of Emily's long tanned legs.
Kate suddenly remembered that she'd given Emily two choices of underwear and so there was a fifty fifty chance that Brad was still laying in the spare room. Kate ran back to check. Yep, Brad was being worn.
Emily reached under her skirt and pulled at her underwear.
Kate looked at her nervously, "Okay?"
"Mmm, they're nice, I might keep them."
Kate hoped she wasn't going to regret their little game. Even when Brad was still he could arouse her and the last thing she wanted was to spend the day with her horny blonde bimbo of a cousin constantly giggling and fidgeting because of Brad.
"Just going to the bathroom," Emily giggled as she jumped up and skipped away.
Kate watched the bathroom door close and lock before picking up her coffee and sitting down at the table. She lifted her blue skirt and looked down at her own black silk underwear. After a year with Brad, 'regular' panties were no fun, but still the thought of Emily unwittingly having a guy underneath her perfect little skirt did give Kate an illicit thrill and make her smile. She pulled down her skirt, crossed her legs and waited for her cousin and her boyfriend to return.
Brad was in new territory. He was stretched across a woman's clit and vagina, but under strict instructions from Katie not to touch. Despite being so intimately connected with this new woman, she was out of bounds. Touch her and Katie would know and would make him pay. Touch her and Emily might never give him back, given the effect he seemed to have on female genitalia. This woman may have been crying out for his touch, but he had to resist.
Emily sat down suddenly on the closed toilet lid and Brad couldn't help but react. Just a small tightening up of his material, but it was picked up by Emily's super sensitive clit. Brad couldn't see the smile on her lips, but could feel the moisture and the slight opening of both her legs and her vagina. Shit, he had to be motionless or this blonde would soon realise something was up.
Emily pulled up her skirt and kept touching herself between her legs, her touch pushing Brad inside her. He had to stay out, otherwise his natural vibrations would start to arouse her even more. She moved her fingers and he pulled out slowly and discretely, pretending it was just the elasticity in the material.
Emily was still in a good mood as she and Kate left the flat and walked into town. Kate kept looking down at her cousin's white trainers which were still skipping along. The illicit thrill was back. She hoped that the game was also working out for Brad, but given her cousin's body and choice of clothing, she guess it was. It was also exciting that there was no way to get Brad back, their little deception would have to last the whole day.
That evening Kate suggested that they go out for a drink and without Brad to complain she changed into her blue jeans. As she waited for Emily, Kate thought through the rest of the plan. She would tell Emily to put her used underwear in the laundry basket from where Kate could retrieve Brad before going to bed. While this game was fun, so was the thought of Brad being back between her legs by the time she fell asleep.
"Oh my god!" Kate cried as Emily walked back into the room.
"What?"Emily asked.
Emily was standing with a slightly confused look on her face wearing a beige jumper over a white shirt and leather trousers. They were tight around the butt, high waisted and buttoned up very snugly around Emily's waist. 'Opps, in at the deep end with my cousin' Kate thought, this time to herself, as she admired her cousin's striking outfit. When Emily sat down quickly on the edge of the hard wooden table, even Kate found herself wincing.
Brad's efforts not to arouse Emily were now ten times harder. He was now held rigidly between Emily's body and the leather and the back seem was pushing him in between her cheeks. However, the more pressing problem was that the front seem of her trousers was pushing him firmly against her vagina. She was starting to become damp, which made her slide against him, which in turn aroused her more.
Holding himself away from Emily's vagina was exhausting and after only a few minutes, the tight trousers got the better of him and he gave up and let his soft fabric touch her. As expected, she became even more jumpy and giggly, but there was no way out and nothing he could do.
Kate and Emily walked to the bar and started to drink. The alcohol only enhanced Emily's already good mood and she didn't seem to want the evening with her older cousin to end. Even when Kate finally managed to remove her from the bar, Emily insisted on buying a bottle of vodka as they walked home. Kate joined her in another drink, even though she was increasingly worried about the state of the guest and the state of her crushed boyfriend.
"Hey, let's get you to bed," Kate said as she took Emily's limp hand.
"Can't I sleep here?"
Emily was now laying face down, stretched out on the sofa, her blonde hair sprayed out over one arm rest, her black boots on the other. She was already asleep.
"Shit, you're stuck in there for the night," Kate whispered as she knelt down to examine what was effectively Brad's prison cell. The blonde's leather trousers pulled taut across her butt, following every contour of the woman's backside, "I know you can hear me," she continued, her lips almost touching the leather, "I hope you're alright in there sweetheart!"
Brad could hear Kate's voice through the leather, but could do little else inside his pitch black and airless cell. With Emily obviously now asleep, at least he could relax and move around. He loosened up and let the front seem push him against her pussy. He also pulled himself in between her butt cheeks to take advantage of the tiny amount of space inside. The faintest movement was visible on the outside.
"Yeah, you can hear me!" Kate cried in delight, gently stroking her cousin's butt, "She's got a killer body, you're a lucky boy!"
Brad continued to move around, as Kate tried her best to decipher his tiny movements.
"I can't get you out, she's passed out of the sofa... still fully dressed!" Kate explained, "And even in her pissed state there's no way I'm going get you out of those trousers without her noticing."
They both heard Emily break wind, although Kate couldn't smell anything despite her nose almost touching Emily's butt. Brad was moving again. Kate tried to suppress a giggle.
"You see what a nice girl I am," she whispered, "I never do that to you... at least not intentionally."
Kate pulled up the back of Emily's top and tried to look inside the waistband of her cousin's leather trousers. The high waist line, tight fit and the curve of Emily's butt meant there was little to see. Kate gingerly pushed two fingers inside.
"Where are you?" Kate whispered, "Wow, you start a long way down."
Kate quickly pulled out her fingers and the small airway that they had created immediately sealed itself.
"Sorry, but it looks as though you're in there for the night honey."
Kate was now kissing Emily's butt, which was as close as she was going to get to her guy until the passed out blonde sobered up. With her boyfriend so frustratingly out of reach, Kate threw a blanket over them both and walked back to her room to sleep.
Kate hadn't slept well and was pleased when the sun finally rose at 7am. She showered and walked back to the lounge where Emily was still fast asleep.
"Coffee sweetie?" she asked loudly as she prodded Emily's shoulder.
"Too early," Emily moaned back, her hands already reaching down between her legs where they were pinned between her thighs.
Kate pulled back the curtains and watched as the early morning sun hit Emily's eyes. She tried to roll back over, but Kate grabbed her hand and helped her to her feet. Emily was unsteady and immediately fell back on the sofa. 'Well that will have woken Brad up, if he's actually been able to sleep,' Kate thought as she again pulled Emily by the hand.
Emily sat down at the kitchen table and started to recover as she sipped the strong black coffee. She looked a mess, with her long blonde hair everywhere, but for some reason she felt great, her body was tingling and she had a big dazed smile across her tanned face.
"Never good to sleep in leather," Emily smiled coyly, looking down at her ruffled outfit that hid her aroused body, "but what a dream I had!"
Emily had had the first wet dream she'd had in ages, something that she put down to sleeping in tight clothes. Now very talkative and seemingly fully recovered, Emily finished her coffee and ran off to the bathroom to take a shower.
She unbuttoned and peeled off the leather trousers and pretty much had to do the same with Brad who fell gratefully to the cold wooden floor. "I'm free," he cried out, although no one could hear. What a night! Kate rarely slept in her clothes and certainly not in blood restricting leather. He and this blonde had fused, become one inside her leather pressure cooker.
He watched Emily shower and for the first time he could see the rest of her body and her breasts in particular were mesmerising. He felt guilty watching her, but then he was responsible for good mood and her out of tune singing. He knew from many months with Katie that no matter how still he kept, he still aroused any woman who wore him.
His gaze now flicked from Emily to the laundry basket. He would soon be in there, safe and sound and ready to be picked up by Katie and returned to relative freedom.
"You are so sexy!" Emily's voice was still dry and husky.
No, not again! Emily had picked him up and was about to step into him! 'No, you can't wear me twice!' he cried although nothing could be heard. He was now brushing up her thighs and within seconds he was snugly back in place, pulled even more tightly up between her legs as if Emily knew what he could do. The black leather pants followed him up her legs and were soon being pulled over her butt. Brad had never felt claustrophobic with Kate, but now that feeling was there. The leather was so tight and so confining that the thought of being inside for yet another day was playing with his mind.
It was too late, the trousers were buttoned up and he was inside. Emily started to walk and he swung back and forth with her butt which was still warm from the hot shower and in these trousers was unlikely to cool down. Brad winced as she dropped down heavily on to a hard chair. Katie always sat down on him gently and the feeling of being pinned her butt was erotic. The way Emily sat he just felt crushed. He was still aroused, the movement of her butt made it impossible for him not to be, but it was unwanted stimulation.
Oh fuck! Katie had already checked the bathroom and the spare room and was convinced that Emily was still wearing Brad. The fact that Emily was still wearing her very striking leather trousers was impossible for anyone to miss.
Kate looked at Emily's smiling eyes. 'Yes I know that you're still wearing the same underwear, the same dirty pair, just because they're turning you on you horny bitch,' Kate thought, not that she could do anything about it.
Sunday passed slowly for Kate as she was forced to spend it with her slutty younger cousin with the tight trousers and the constant smile. She knew that Brad would be equally frustrated and probably hoping that she'd do something, anything to free him. Kate thought through various potential scenarios but none of them were remotely convincing enough to get the blonde to part with her underwear and so Brad would stay trapped.
It was 11pm on Sunday night when Emily finally showered and returned to her room. Katie rushed into the bathroom and grabbed the lid from the laundry basket to see Brad lying on top. She quickly stripped off her jeans and underwear and put him on.
"Oh sweetie!"
"Thirty six hours inside Emily's trousers!" he replied, "couldn't you have got me out?"
"Not really, girls don't like to part with their panties."
"You could have seduced her?" Brad joked.
"You do know I have a pair of leather trousers too, don't you?"
Terrified by the thought, Brad kept the rest of his suggestions to himself as they lay together beneath Katie's duvet. Kate was still talking, but the extended workout and constant stimulation from Emily's butt had left him exhausted and within minutes he was asleep.