Author's Note:Please do let me know what you think, and if you like what you read, there is more of my work at: https://sites.google.com/site/cazasbookclub
The darkness lifted and the Dolly opened her eyes. That was about as much movement as she could do now. She gazed forward, seeing out into the room beyond, along with her reflection in the glass in front of her. Time was a blur now, no night or day, she only knew the case, her constant breathing and the whirr of the machines. She was still, but her mind was still active, remembering...
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Amanda had a vivid imagination - she'd always been quite submissive, and with Henrietta made quite a couple. Henrietta while obviously the dominant one in the relationship, often indulged her fantasies. Amanda was borderline obsessed with looking like a dolly - she always wore her bright red hair in pigtails, *always* wore flawless make-up and loved to wear the cutest of dresses. Of course, it had to tone it down a bit when she went to work, but was never out of a dress or skirt - dollies never wore trousers!
Henrietta was very much in love with her - she'd loved her dollies when she was a child, and was now in love with a living dolly all of her own - she had promised Amanda to keep her safe. In most of their spare time, she dictated to Amanda what to wear, and often would be fixing her hair and make-up, ensuring they she was the cutest thing ever.
When at home, Amanda would often be made to just stand in a corner, perfectly still while Henrietta got on with the housework, watched TV or just lay on the sofa reading a book. "Dollies sometimes are just there to look beautiful" she would tell Amanda, "Play with them too much and you'll wear them out". Amanda loved this - she had a stand with a small seat which she could rest on to stop her wobbling too much, but it was still hard on her legs, especially when she had heels on...
Dolly reflected. She had no such issues now - her feet were forced by her boots en-pointe, but she was very comfortable, not aching at all. She half smiled, just a slight movement being all she could manage, and went back to her memories...
They were out shopping. Henrietta had heard of a new boutique opening up on the other side of town, and the two of them were over for the opening day. The area they were in was full of small alleys and side-streets and lots of small, interesting shops. None of the big chains had penetrated down here. The boutique had some nice stuff - Henrietta managed to find something to wear to work, but Amanda didn't see anything much, and soon was bored. She took her leave of Henrietta, and wandered off through the maze of streets.
Henrietta found her a little while later nose up to the window of a toy shop. The shop display was *full* of dolls. Henrietta giggled "What a surprise, my love, finding you here!". Amanda laughed, and stuck her tongue out at her. "Look at this one," she said, and pointed into the window. "The one on the horse?" replied Henrietta, a bit confused. "No, behind that". Behind the horse was an ornate glass and gold coloured metal display case. Inside was a red-haired dolly with pigtails, a beautiful long pink dress on, and her feet covered in high heels. She was held rigidly inside the case - you could just see the metal stand she was on poking out the bottom.
"That's you!" Henrietta joked. Amanda nodded, looking almost serious. "Could we do that, my Mistress?" she said, being very formal all of a sudden. Henrietta, caught a bit off guard by this sudden change of mood and the turning on of their roles, paused in thought for a moment. "Well, my Dolly", she replied, and looked back at the case in the window. "It would take some planning and invention, but it might be possible. We haven't had a project for a while, have we?"...
Dolly thought of that time - Mistress had bought the dolly in the window, and that was the model they'd used. There were some parts which were quite easy - her dress, she was wearing it now, was simple enough to replicate: a lovely full skirt down to her knees, a bodice covered in shiny crystals and short puffy sleeves, just over her shoulders. Stripy stockings, and her hair in pigtails finished her look. She was the perfect living Dolly...
They had met at University, Amanda doing an engineering course, and Henrietta doing medicine. Henrietta was from old money, but her parents had made her work, rather than giving her everything, so she knew the value of what she was getting. Amanda was a country girl, carefree, but somewhat naive, suddenly thrust into student life into a big city, they had been thrown together as neighbours in Halls of Residence, and soon found themselves in each other's rooms and then each other's beds. While they started their relationship as equals, Henrietta soon became the dominant partner. She started calling her her "Pet", and was soon dictating to Amanda where she could go, who she could see and what she could wear. She banned Amanda wearing trousers, and insisted that she always went out with make-up on and her hair properly styled. But Amanda thrived, getting good grades, not hindered by the pressures of daily decisions.
They embarked on varied social life at the fetish clubs around town, Amanda often being led down on the bus, leashed and gagged. They explored each other's desires and kinks getting steadily more adventurous. Henrietta kept pushing Amanda to be more and more perfect in figure and apperance, buying her more and more pretty dresses, shoes, things for her hair and make-up. Henrietta herself became more severe in her dress, though never losing her femininity. She was meticulous in her organisation of everything, including Amanda, ensuring that she was busy with cooking or cleaning or coursework, while giving plenty of time to indulge each other...
Dolly caught movement out of the corner of her eye - there was Mistress, her love, standing before the case, smiling, checking something. She waved at her, but Dolly couldn't react, aside from what she hoped would be seen as an alluring blink. She smiled once more, then moved out of sight...
Their project was moving on apace. Amanda was handy with a welder, and had almost finished construction of the case, using steel and toughened glass, it would be almost impregnable. There was a thick base with room in it for the machinery which would both keep her alive, and torment her.
Henrietta was also busy, discreetly consulting with another surgeon, whom she knew from the clubs they both frequented. What they were planning was not strictly ethical, even though Amanda was fully consenting, so they had to be careful if Henrietta wasn't the endanger her career. But Teresa was sympathetic, and had numerous suggestions...
Dolly quivered inside as she remembered Teresa...
Teresa owned one of the clubs where they spent a lot of their free time. She was more extreme than both of them combined, and would often dominant both of them, binding them together in the closest of embraces, while secured in a vacbed, or suspended 10 feet high above the dance floor in obvious sexual torment. They both loved this exhibitionism and many times they'd willing be captured and torture by this master of pain. It was Teresa who'd suggested that they make Amanda shorter. It was obviously a risky procedure, but one which she was confident that she could do, with Henrietta's help. They'd both done quite a lot of study in orthopaedics, and had fixed countless severe fractures, but doing it intentionally was a different matter.
But Amanda readily agreed - she wasn't tall, but to be even shorter would increase her doll-likeness, and make her even cuter. Teresa had hand picked the operating theatre staff at the hospital where she worked, and they worked through the night in secret, removing a total of 6 inches off Amanda's height, with sections from her legs, arms and spine. Mistress rather gruesomely kept the pieces of bone, and had them fashioned into two sets of jewellery, which she and Amanda wore. "Just to make our bond stronger, my love", she explained.
Amanda's recovery took several months: she had to re-learn to walk again, but finally she was fully back to (most of) her old self. She hand been working on the programming of the dolly case while she was recovering and it was nearing completion. All the electronics, pumps, wires and tubes were fitted into the base of the case, and sealed in, leaving a small maintenance opening and space for the wire and tubes to enter.
There were strong latches on the doors, completely electronically controlled, and systems to supply food and liquid, and remove her waste. Teresa and Henrietta had been busy buying from a medical supplies company....
Dolly felt food enter her. She didn't taste now and was only vaguely aware of her belly filling up, and the waste being taken away. It was all automatic, regulated, she was neither hungry, nor full. She missed eating and drinking. Sometimes she was aware that Mistress had introduced some alcohol into her liquid intake, and felt strangely woozy, but it was never the same as a glass of Shiraz...
Teresa had her booked in for her second operation. The case was complete, and installed into their living room - it wouldn't be very moveable once they had installed her inside, but even so, they had promised that Teresa could have her on display at the club in return for her help. Amanda shrugged "Someone else will have to organise my moving" she thought, and giggled to herself. Henrietta caught her smiling. They were lying together on a French hill side in the summer. Henrietta had insisted that they have a holiday together so they both left for a week walking in France. It was like falling in love all over again - romantic meals together, long lie ins, lying, cuddling, gazing into each other's eyes. But, both of them, Amanda especially, always had the thought of entering the Case in the back of her mind, longing for its embrace and restriction.
They flew back, and the next week, Teresa performed the second and final operation. She fitted metal screws with rings attached into Amanda's bones at her ankles, hips, shoulders, wrists and skull. She intercepted Amanda's digestive system at the top and bottom, and fed the tubes out via an opening, and fitted another tube to divert her breathing through her body and out, next to the digestive tubes, in the small of her back. They terminated in a thick socket. She also threaded contacts deep inside her brain, bringing the wires under her skin to the same socket. Finally she inserted metal strips attached to the bones in her hands and jaw, with locks to prevent their movement....
Dolly moved. The movement was very slight, just a few millimetres at each ring holding her to the metal frame. But it reminded her that she used to be human, that she used to be able to walk, run, go anywhere. It reminded her of what she had given up. She smiled what very little smile she still could. But what she had gained...
This was probably the worst part for her. Henrietta was shaving her head, taking off her beautiful long red hair. Tears ran down her cheeks as she felt the cold breeze on her bare scalp, and saw red wisps all around her. Henrietta saw her tears, and hugged her tightly "Don't worry, my darling, you'll have this back, and have it back forever." She sent the hair off to be made into a wig, it would be permanently styled so that she'd look continually beautiful in her case. Henrietta rubbed some foul smelling chemical into Amanda's scalp. It stung, and more tears came as she knew that her hair follicles were dying.
Amanda recovered from the operation within a couple of weeks, and Teresa finally gave them the go ahead. Teresa had wanted them to dollify Amanda live at her club, but Henrietta put her foot down: This was something they were doing because of their love for each other, not to make a display. It was an intimate thing between the two of them.
However, they conceded to having Amanda on display at the club that evening...
Dolly relived that final day, her last day as a human...
She had a long hot bath, and thoroughly cleaned herself, then stepped into the room with just her towel wrapped around her. She dropped the towel, and stood before her lover naked and hairless, ready to be permanently transformed.
Amanda slipped on some pink satin panties, then Henrietta started with a long corset, running from her bust down to her hips. Amanda felt her insides being compressed, and ran her hands up and down her tight waist, feeling how the garment was shaping her body, pushing up her breasts, and accentuating her hips.
"Don't panic, my love, but I think that we'll keep you in the dark for the next part". Henrietta pushed a couple of wires into the socket in Amanda's back - there was an opening specially made in the corset to accommodate it - and pressed a button on a control box and Amanda was suddenly plunged into darkness. She took a mild panic, until she felt Henrietta's hand on her shoulder, and a calming voice "Just while we get your ready, my dear, so you can see yourself in all your beauty".
She sat down and felt stockings being pulled up her legs, and fastened on suspenders. She stood and felt something resting on her legs and being tied round her waist. Henrietta made her lift her arms, and lowered a dress down over her, she could feel its satin material with her hands as it was being fastened round her, lacing up the back.
She sat down on a chair and kept very still as Henrietta applied make-up to her face. "This will feel quite warm" she warned, and it did as she felt the make-up harden. "That will stay on quite a long time, but we'll have to stop you moving" and she felt a click as the latch in her jaw was engaged and it was locked solid.
She felt something cold on her scalp, and something being applied to it. Her heart lept as she knew this was her hair returning - she would had smiled as wide smile if she could have. Earrings were pushed into her lobes - she felt them dangling and brushing her neck and shoulders - and a necklace was fastened around her neck. She felt a gentle kiss on the back of her neck as this was happening. Finally, boots were slid onto her feet, and she felt her toes being forced into an en-pointe position, making her feel like a ballerina. These were laced tight. Henrietta helped her stand, and supported her gently while she pressed a control button.
Amanda's sight returned - Henrietta had darkened the room, so she couldn't see very well. As the lights were brought up, she could see she was standing before a full length mirror. Her reflection was wearing a fabulous pink fluffy dress with a full skirt and short puffy sleeves. It showed off her compressed waist wonderfully, with plenty of cleavage to remind her that she was still a woman. Her face was perfectly made up, a glowing beauty, but fixed, unmovable. Her hair... her hair was back, but more lovely than she remembered. A mass of ringlets, kept up with two gorgeous cute pink bows, matching her dress. Her feet were in pink leather boots, her toes pointed (and starting to ache) but looked wonderfully delicate, balancing her precariously.
She gasped at her transformation, and Henrietta smiled. "I think we did a good job," she said, modestly. Amanda squeezed her hand in acknowledgement.
Henrietta carefully led her across to the waiting case, and helped her up into it. Suspended between the floor and ceiling in the case was a steel frame with fixings spaced carefully to match the rings placed in Amanda's skeleton. Starting at the ankles, Henrietta carefully attached Amanda to the frame, each ring going in with a loud, and final sounding click. Finally, the two rings in her skull were attached, and Amanda was suspended, immobile, only able to stare forward.
Henrietta held up a mirror to Amanda, so she could see herself. "You look absolutely gorgeous in there, I do hope you're happy with this." Amanda tried to smile, but couldn't respond in the way she wanted to. "Of course, I'm happier now than I've ever been" she thought to herself, and let out her last unassisted sigh. Henrietta reached round, and pushed a wide connector into the socket in the small of her back - it went up the back of her skirt, and was covered by a large pink bow. Amanda felt a change as she did so. Her breathing suddenly stopped as her windpipe was closed at her throat. She panicked until the ventilator kicked in, and she felt air inflate her chest, then deflate. She found, though, that she didn't have to make any effort to breathe.
Her throat was also blocked, and she felt her stomach fill with... something. She wasn't sure it could be accurately described as food, but it would keep her alive. But there was no taste or smell.
Henrietta smiled once more, then closed the doors to the case. Each door closed with a loud Click, which she knew, because she had constructed them, meant they were closed with an electronic lock which was only controlled by the computer in the base of the case. Once it was set, and Henrietta would set it, it would no open until certain criteria were met, including and timer, or environmental conditions. The fixings holding her onto the frame were similarly designed to be released only under the command of the system beneath her.
Then, suddenly, she was plunged into silence and darkness. Part of the surgery was to connect areas of her brain via cutout switches which would prevent impulses via her optical and auditory nerves, effectively blinding and deafening her. This time she did panic, though she could only do so in her mind - she had no breath to speak of, no movement was possible on the outside, and she had no way of communicating. Closed her eyelids, knowing it would have no effect on her sight, but at least meant her eyes agreed with what she could see. The silence was almost deafening - not the usual effect of earplugs where you could always hear the sound of blood flowing through your veins and arteries, but total silence, as if she had no hearing...
Dolly remembered the first time she was deaf and blind with much affection, a time when she was unused to her predicament, when she was still much more human. The computer picked random intervals to let her hear, see, both or neither. There was no pattern to them, well none that the human (or Dolly) mind could determine. Sometimes she could hear the world outside her case, sometime the computer would amplify the outside world and she could hear conversations: Henrietta on the phone to her Sister. Friends of their round for dinner. Now she was used to it. She could sleep when it was dark and quiet, and wasn't startled when suddenly the lights almost blinded her...
Suddenly there was a bright light which almost blinded her, and she jumped inside, her heart pounding. Her eyes adjusted, and she could see her surroundings had changed. She had thought she felt movement, but had drifted off, not paying attention to what senses she'd had left. She recognised it as the club. Henrietta was there in front of her, and she heard her voice.
"MandyDolly," she giggled as she said this, "as you can see, we are at the club, and we're going to set the final program in motion here." The final program, which she had devised, would control her, keep her alive, but also try and torment her, keep her isolated, but forever beautiful. It would be inescapable, save for a few minutes each month, where someone could let her out.
"Oh god, Oh God, Oh GOD!" thought Amanda inside herself. What had seemed a beautiful fantasy all that time ago was hitting home. The complete inescapability of her situation, her reliance on Henrietta letting her out some day, but maybe not ever letting her out. Her heart raced, and she felt something inside herself. She was feeling incredibly turned on by this. She had no worries - there were machines to keep her alive and comfortable. She was beautiful, cute, and would bring pleasure to many people. She could hear, sometimes, what was happening outside, but didn't have to worry about any of it. She relaxed, and looked out at the people in the club, some dancing, some staring, she knew, jealous of her enclosure.
Henrietta called for silence, and with much flourish and ceremony pushed a button which sealed Amanda's fate. As she knew, there was little change to her, but the psychological effect was immense. She had passed the point of no return...
Weeks later... or was it Months? Years? Dolly mentally shrugged - it wasn't really important, like so much else now... Dolly was still breathing and alive. She'd lost most of who Amanda was, there was no need for it. She was just Dolly, still looking pretty and cute. Her love, Henrietta was still there, she saw her occasionally, when her sight let her. She was a happy Dolly.