Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this story, please do let me know what you think, there are further parts in the works, and if you wish to see more of my writing aside from what's here, please visit: https://sites.google.com/site/cazasbookclub/ Inspired by an idea from Miss Fuyuko
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Update (06/17/11): Author's Note: This is the second part to my Chastity Corset series - I hope you enjoy it and please do let me know what you think.
Part 1
I have a Dolly I play with - I feel like a little girl again, I'm so excited! What? What am I, a grown woman, doing playing with Dolls? Let me fill you in...
Mistress watched on the webcam she had set up in her Dolly's bedroom, the image of her girl on the screen, rubbing herself, breathing heavily, until finally coming to orgasm. She sighed, and turned back to the web page, finished putting in her Dolly's measurements, and then completed the order.
"Jed, I've ordered it, are you sure you're still OK watching over her while I'm away?" she asked over the phone.
"Of course, it will be my pleasure" he replied.
"It certainly will" Mistress smiled, hung up, finished her emails and headed off to bed.
About two months Mistress was preparing to go away for a month long contract. Dolly wouldn't be able to come, so Mistress's brother, Jed would be looking after her to make sure she was OK while Mistress was away.
It was just after lunch, and Dolly had cleared away the dishes, and as standing, waiting for instruction.
Mistress looked at her Dolly, a stern expression coming over her face. Dolly looked at her, immediately worried by the look
"Dolly, I'm getting tired of your constant touching yourself and disobedience, thinking that I don't notice."
Dolly started, surprised. She had thought she was being discreet, but now Mistress looked, well, not quite angry, but very serious. She felt her heart starting to beat faster, and her palms went sweaty. She knew she was in trouble, and that there would be consequences.
"I'm sorry Mistress, I will stop. It was very bad of me and it won't happen again." she said, hoping she was contrite enough. She'd been found out, and knew she had to be as submissive as she could be, or she'd be in even bigger trouble.
"Thank you for your apology, Dolly, you are a good Dolly, and I love you."
Dolly relaxed. Had she done it, had she placated her Mistress?
"I love you too, Mistress" she replied
"However, Dolly," started Mistress.
"Yes Mistress?" Her nervousness returned.
"I'm going away for a bit, and I want to make sure you aren't tempted while I'm away. So, I have arranged something to help you, to remove the possibility of temptation, and to let you concentrate on serving others"
"Thank you Mistress", she replied dutifully, now almost visibly shaking. Mistress had a very evil streak in her, and didn't generally consider that her Dolly's comfort was a high priority. Whatever it was it wouldn't be designed to help her relax.
Mistress brought out a package.
"I had this made when I realised a few weeks ago you were always touching yourself. That's not a behaviour that I approve of, so this is designed to help you become a better, less selfish Dolly"
"Yes Mistress" Dolly wondered what it could be.
Mistress unwrapped the parcel, and inside was a corset. As she unrolled it, Dolly saw it was quite severe, and had some features that made her shift quite uncomfortably.
"You're going to wear this while I'm away, and maybe longer. I'll see what I feel like when I come back. Now, undress please."
Dolly started by removing her dress and got down to her underwear.
"Everything Dolly" said Mistress.
Dolly stood there naked as Mistress readied the corset. She saw it was an evil looking device. There was no opening at the front - it had lacing at the back which Mistress was currently pulling as wide as it would go. The front, however, looked very solid, and there was a curved bar extending from the front of the corset and hanging down. Attached to that were two quite large looking plugs and she immediately knew where they went. On the inside of the corset was a small dial which Mistress was setting.
"90 days, I think, just to be safe."
"90 days, Mistress?" asked Dolly.
"Yes Dolly, this is a timer - the corset will release in 90 days, providing you behave of course. You wouldn't want to be stuck in it forever, would you?
The word "forever" sent a chill down Dolly's spine.
"Forever, Mistress, surely I can just cut the laces if things get desperate?"
"No Dolly, the laces, after tightening you initially, are really just for show" She showed Dolly the back of the corset and there were several metal clasps which looked like they locked together.
"Once laced shut, these engage, keeping you in, and keeping you tight as you gain or lose weight too. There is a small computer inside the lining, watching readings, tracking the timers and controlling your life. You'll understand soon enough, Dolly."
Dolly stood, knowing her life was about to change, and wondering if she really wanted this. But she had few choices really. Mistress would let her go if she really wanted to leave, but she had nowhere to go, and she was devoted to her Mistress. But Mistress demanded her completely. She belonged to her Mistress, there were no limits, beyond what was legal, she was a quite literally Mistress's property to do with what she like, and her Mistress left no doubt who was in charge. She had no assets or property as Mistress had insisted she sell everything she had when she became her Dolly, and give away all the proceeds, she'd be destitute.
Dolly stood on one leg and stepped into the corset. Then the other leg, and Mistress pulled it up around her body, having to pull quite hard to get it over her hips. It extended up over her bust - there were stiff pads over her nipples which prevented any contact or feeling at all.
Mistress applied lubrication to the plugs and then carefully brought up the bar between her legs. A wider plate covered her pussy lips, surrounding her with metal, effectively preventing any contact what so ever. She felt the plugs go deep inside her.
"At least I'll have those for company" she thought, but Mistress must have read her mind.
"These are specially designed to control your waste products, but to be as un-arousing as possible. They're teflon coated, and can be varied in size and shape. So most of the time you won't notice them. They're also hollow and are used to control your defecation."
Dolly let the bar slide into place behind her - it extended up her back and attached to the back of the corset. There was no way to remove it without removing the corset, and she doubted the corset would come off any time soon.
Mistress started lacing, pulling her tighter and tighter. She breathed in, thinking she was almost done, but Mistress just paused, holding the laces, breathing heavily.
"Another couple of inches, and then the catches will engage, and the program will start. Dolly, I know you must have been thinking earlier if you really want this, so you know I've always said this is voluntary, and if you don't want this you are free to leave me and go your own way in life"
Dolly gazed at Mistress. She was so turned on by this she might well explode there and then. The thought of being trapped inside this... contraption was so amazing that she really had no doubt that she wanted this.
"Mistress, I am yours, and will be forever."
"Good Dolly, you understand I needed to check." Mistress continued to lace tighter. "I should warn you that the only way this will let you go before its program ends is if it detects a serious medical emergency. And I mean life threatening." Mistress pulled some more. Dolly's heart was racing. "And there are particular behaviours which you must follow, or your term will be extended."
Mistress pulled once more and Dolly felt a series of clicks up her back. The corset got even tighter, even though Mistress had stopped the lacing. She tied off the laces in a bow, and walked round in front of Dolly, admiring her.
"There, my Dolly you are now completely trapped. This corset is made of titanium and kevlar: it's practically indestructible, so you won't be cutting it off. The only way is for it to release you, or for you to have a heart attack, which, trust me, isn't a better option.
"So, Dolly, your conditions are as follows: every day, you must use your mouth to make someone orgasm. Male or female, it doesn't matter. And, it can't be the same person more than once in 7 days." Dolly's eyes went wide. It wasn't as if they didn't have a sexual relationship but she was usually in the house without much contact from others. This would be a whole new level of experience, finding seven different people in the week!
"Mistress! Every day, Mistress? I... uh."
"Dolly, those conditions are set, so I'd advise you to follow them. If you miss a day then the clock will stop until you make someone orgasm the next day. If you miss that day, or a second one in a week then the *whole* timer will reset back to 90 days."
Dolly gasped as she realised just how slutty she would have to be.
Mistress gave Dolly a small electronic device.
"This is just a display, but it shows you important messages about your captivity. It won't show you how long you have left: I don't want you just counting down the days. And I'm sure you can keep track yourself. But if will show you if you've been penalised.
"You may feel the plugs inside you vibrate. If you're good and you serve other people, they may reward you. You're unlikely to orgasm - the computer is programmed not to let you, but it is, I believe, quite masterful at keeping you on the edge of frustration.
Dolly quivered when, as if on cue, both plugs vibrated momentarily.
"Now, Dolly, dress code while I'm away will be only skirts or dresses, nothing below the knee, no underwear and no flat shoes - at least a 4 inch heel at all times, preferably higher."
"Yes Mistress." Dolly smiled, she didn't like wearing trousers anyway, and had been practicing with her ballet heels.
Mistress pulled out a dress for her to wear - it had a fitted strapless top to show off her squeezed waist, and a short flared skirt with a layer of tulle under it. She pulled it over her head, and zipped it up the back. She then sat, and Mistress slid on her ballet boots, lacing them securely in place. She stood, feeling how her body was moulded by the things she was wearing, the corset pushing in her tummy, and pushing up her bust. Her boots forcing her to push out her bottom and her chest. Mistress gazed at her, thoughtfully and smiled.
"I love you Dolly - now please pack for me, I have to go soon"
As she packed her Mistress's case, Dolly realised the depths of her predicament. She was quite shy really and only went out with her Mistress. She didn't know anyone in this city, only existing as her Mistress's Dolly since she got here. Everyone would be a stranger to her. How would she find the people she needed?
"Make sure things aren't too creased" Dolly turned to see her Mistress standing at the door, watching her work.
"Yes Mistress, I'm being careful"
"Good Dolly. Jed will be looking out for you when I'm away, and you're to obey him as if he were me, understand, Dolly?"
Jed was Mistress's brother, and tended to ignore Dolly, or just order her about. Not cruelly, but as if she was just another appliance in the house. 'Dolly, get me a beer. Dolly, make me some toast.' Soon it would be 'Dolly, make me cum' Dolly shivered.
"Yes Mistress"
"He may also find people for you to help orgasm, so serve them dutifully too."
"Yes Mistress"
"And I will be available on the phone or online if you have any questions, and will be monitoring you as usual anyway, but I'm sure you will be fine, an attractive girl like you should have no problem finding people."
Dolly nodded, and finished up Mistress's packing.
Dolly watched her Mistress leave through the departure gate. The contract was for a month, but might be extended. She was going to miss her, but now, she knew, she had a mission, a purpose to fulfil. Her heart raced. Jed would be useful, but he was away and wouldn't be back for a couple of days. She sat, shifting uncomfortably on the bus, looking at the other passengers, wondering if she could approach them, or if anyone would be interested in a shy petite redhead. She rubbed her waist, feeling the tight corset material, and how it made her feel all tingly inside.
"At least I'll get a lovely figure out of this," she said quietly to herself.
"You already have a lovely figure" said a voice next to her. She turned and there I was, smiling at her.
"Thank you", she said nervously.
"A lovely figure out of what?" I asked, intrigued at this stunning girl, sitting quietly on the bus, looking a little uncomfortable and nervous.
She took a deep breath and realised she really had to step out if she was going to get anywhere. "It's from the corset I'm wearing" she said, wondering what the reaction would be. I looked at her, marvelling at her, immediately jealous.
"Really? How wonderful! I've always wanted to try one of those, is it comfortable?"
"It's OK," she lied, shifting a bit again, trying to find a good position. "I'm still getting used to it, my Mistress only gave it to me today" She drew breath, realising what she had just said, to a complete stranger on a bus!
I stared at her in wonderment. "You have a Mistress? And she's making you wear this?"
Dolly took a deep breath and seemed to decide on the direct approach, and just went for it.
"Yes, and she has set it so I have to make someone orgasm every day, with my mouth, or I'll not be able to take it off"
I realised my mouth was hanging open when she said this, and quickly closed it.
"Really," I said, giving Dolly my full attention, "and how have you been doing with that?"
"My first day today, Mistress just locked me into it this morning"
I smiled, and gazed at Dolly for a moment, sensing an opportunity before asking,
"So, no one today then?"
Dolly shook her head.
I glanced at my watch, and smiled.
Part 2 (added: )
An hour later I lay naked on the bed: still breathing hard, my eyes closed and aware of Dolly laying next to me. As I opened my eyes, Dolly smelled my musky scent all over her face and smiled happily.
"Your Mistress will be pleased, Dolly. You are very good"
She blushed at the praise.
"Same time next week" I said. It wasn't a question, more of a command.
"Yes Miss" she said automatically.
She was in trouble. Apart from Jed and I, she'd not managed to find anyone this week. She wasn't any further towards getting out of her encasement. Not that she really minded at the moment. The feeling of having her tummy and waist squished was quite wonderful, and she was getting used to the chastity belt. But finding people was a problem. Accosting people in the street hadn't really worked, and had almost gotten her into trouble. So I'd brought her back to my home, and was making sure she was safe for her Mistress.
I gazed at her, lying on the bed, resting her head on her hand and writing her diary on her laptop. She was beautiful but quite shy and had been sheltered by her Mistress, not learning the ways of the world. I decided then that I needed to help her.
I knew there should be a line round the corner for this girl, but she was not forward enough to take advantage. I decided to make some calls, and soon had a few people interested. I was going to hold a party for this Dolly: she would be the centre of attention and by the time it was over she would be guaranteed to know enough people to satisfy her.
I'd managed to contact her Mistress, who was delighted I was helping to look after her Dolly. We talked long about her desires and plans for Dolly, and I found myself getting quite excited by the prospect of helping with the process.
The next day I started to make preparations. I went shopping, buying a couple of very sweet dresses for her: one pink and one blue, with full petticoats and covered with bows and ribbons. I called a couple of friends who did catering, and in spite of the short notice, they were available, and happy to help too.
Dolly stood, silently in a corner. I'd told her just to stay there, had covered her eyes with a blindfold, and her ears with plugs. I gazed at her, wondered what was going through her mind. She would be un-aware of the bustle going on around her, as other got things ready. Her mind would be wandering, trying to relax.
I'd learned a lot about her since we'd met. It had almost been a joke when she'd offered herself to be Mistress' Dolly shortly after they'd met. Mistress had taken her seriously, though, and made her start to dress more doll-like every day. She'd started with frilly lingerie under her normal clothes - she'd had a job at that point. Mistress then insisted she wore nothing but dresses or skirts and tops: No trousers or shorts allowed.
Mistress kept introducing more rules to Dolly's life: make-up should be flawless every day - with rosy cheeks a must. Her hair should be curled and properly styled. She must wear stockings and high heels. Dolly kept taking longer and longer to get ready in the morning, but looked more and more dolly like every day. Eventually, her work had made her redundant - they said it wasn't to do with her changing behaviour, but she wasn't so sure.
Mistress took her in. There were conditions, of course. She had to come with nothing. She had to give or throw away everything she had. This part shocked her - the thought of owning nothing at all in the world had worried her at first, but Mistress explained that as a possession, she couldn't have possessions. So she had sold or gave away everything, and become her Mistress's.
When she arrived at Mistress's house that time, she was told to strip completely naked before she came into the house and throw her clothes into the rubbish. She walked in with literally nothing at all to her name. From then on, Mistress dressed her, did her makeup and hair. She was treated as a dolly, and used for dressing up games. She was also expected to keep the house, to cook and clean, but she didn't mind - they were her only responsibilities.
As I watched her standing patiently, barely moving and unaware of her surroundings, I became more determined to help this vision of submission and beauty.
At about 4 o'clock, I removed just her blindfold and motioned for her to follow. We went upstairs and I removed all of her clothes, leaving her in just the corset and chastity belt. Leaving her deafened, I gazed at Dolly's encased body, admiring her flawless skin, broken only by these cages of metal and fabric, so permanently attached to her body. Her hair was down, tumbling over her shoulders to where the corset covered her soft breasts, which heaved as she breathed. Our eyes met and we exchanged smiles; I was awed that I was part of this amazing girl's life.
On the bed lay the dress I was going to put her in tonight - I picked up some panties, white satin and covered in ruffles, which I slid up each leg in turn, and covered up her chastity. I attached suspenders to the bottom of her corset, and slid stockings up each leg, clipping them on. Taking the pile of petticoat from the bed, I laid it on the floor and Dolly stepped into it as I drew it up around her narrow waist, tying it securely and smoothing it down as it covered her knees.
I sat her down on a chair, and started to style her hair, brushing her curls and fastening them back with a large pink bow. I then set to work on her make-up, making her as flawless as I could, with long eye lashes, rosy cheeks and pink lips.
I picked up the dress from the bed, and she stood up. I carefully slipped it over her head, and settled it over her petticoats. It was pink and white checked, with a big bow at the back and lots of bows on the skirt. It showed off her amazingly narrow waist very well as I zipped her into it, flaring out over the petticoats. Finally I sat her down and placed a pair of high heeled shoes on her feet, fastening the buckles. She stood again and I admired my work - she was beautiful. Her eyes lit up when she caught sight of herself in the mirror.
"I look amazing! Thank you Miss!" she exclaimed.
"You're most welcome, Dolly" I replied, even though I knew she couldn't hear me.
I left her sitting on the bed and showered and changed myself, Dolly watching me as I dried myself off, and carefully dressed myself. I had a dark blue strapless party dress with a tight short skirt, which hugged my every curve. Dolly shifted on the bed, sitting quite upright, her corset not letting her sit any other way. I straightened my hair, feeling her eyes on me as I prepared myself, as I did my make-up and finally slipped on my shoes.
"We are both ready, Dolly". She lifted herself carefully off the bed. I removed her earplugs so she could hear again, took her arm, and we walked downstairs.
The party fairies had visited and been very busy. Everything was decorated; there was food and drink, and soft music playing. It was perfect.
Glenn and Adam were first to arrive. They were a lovely couple, always happy to help out. I answered the door, and they marched in, with only a cursory "Hello you" as I held the door for them.
"Where's this sweet Dolly you've been hiding from us?" demanded Adam, "Oh, there she *is*" he said as he saw her perched on the sofa. "Does she know yet, have you told her?"
Dolly looked up, her eyes full of question.
"No, no I haven't."
"Told me what, Miss?"
"Adam here is an auctioneer, and tonight, Dolly, we're going to auction you off to the highest bidder - for each of the next 4 days, to 4 lucky individuals who can do with you exactly what they like."
She looked a little shocked and surprised. I could see her go a little flushed as the surprise of what was happening to her started to sink in.
"Now your Mistress thinks this is a wonderful idea, and of course, we'll donate all the proceeds to charity, we don't want you to become a common whore."
Dolly sat and visibly quivered. Her face told it all: the initial shock had given way to apprehensiveness she realised she was to be sold as a possession, and she really had no control over her life.
I noticed that look on Dolly's face and smiled, sensing the excitement she was feeling. I left her with her thoughts and started welcoming the arriving guests, busying myself ensuring everyone was taken care of and had drinks and nibbles.
Dolly mingled with the guests, allowing herself to be inspected and admired, chatting to prospective bidders, picking her favourites, wondering who would win her.
Adam called the room to order, and Dolly stood next to him, looking thoroughly gorgeous.
"I'm pleased to announce tonight's sale: we have 4 lots, each will be a day with this delightful Dolly, she will be yours to use in whatever way you like. But please, no permanent damage, and please leave her in the way you'd hope to find her for the next person. Our only other condition is that she must be allowed to bring you to orgasm, male or female, at some point during the day. I hope this won't be too much of a burden" There was gentle laughter around the room. "No one can take more than one lot, and after we've finished the auction, we are going to have a raffle to see who Dolly will orgasm this evening."
Dolly stood, listening to her being described and advertised, her heart beating faster, dampness rising between her legs.
"So, what am I bid for tomorrow? Days start and finish at 10am"
The first auction started briskly, but one lady seemed determined to win and was eagerly outbidding everyone.
"Sold, to Mistress Serena"
Mistress Serena smiled at Dolly - she had talked to her before the auction, and she had told her about wanting to use her in the show she performed at one of the clubs in town. She smiled back, looking forward to tomorrow.
"Well, that was a fine amount for the hospital, shall we see what we can raise from the second day? What am I bid for day 2? Remember, she'll be yours for the whole day, but please don't break her" There was laughter around the room, but then bidding started in earnest. Two men were bidding against each other strongly, pushing up the price. Eventually one of them surrendered, and:
"Sold, to Master Charles, well done Sir! You get this fine specimen for the second day" Dolly hadn't really talked to Charles, but had heard him talking about various experiments he was conducting which sounded quite painful and uncomfortable. She quivered a little, nervous about what he would make her do. He smiled at her, but it was the sort of smile which didn't comfort, more one which said "you're mine"
"Our third sale tonight, who'd like this exquisite dolly for a whole day, for whatever you wish to do with her?"
Bidding was slow, but two bidders emerged: a lady all dressed in leather, with her waist encased in quite a tight corset, looking decided severe. Her opponent was a young looking girl, Dolly hadn't really noticed her before, but she seemed to be quite determined to win. Mistress Leather and the timid girl kept bidding, and the price soon reached the highest of the evening. Eventually, with a scowl, the leather clad lady bowed out.
"Sold, to the girl in the dress. Congratulations, Miss Felicity" She nodded and smiled. Dolly gazed at her and wondered who she was.
"Our final lot, your last chance to own this dolly for a day, what am I bid for 24 hours of such cuteness?"
The sale started very briskly with 4 or 5 bidders all vying for Dolly. The price moved higher and higher, but still no clear frontrunners emerged. Dolly looked round the room at the people bidding on her, recognising some of them, others she'd only seen from a distance. One by one they started to drop out until finally, for a record price, Dolly was sold to a man, dressed in a dinner jacket and bow tie.
"Congratulations Sir James" said Adam. He nodded, with a big smile on his face.
"Thank you everyone, we've raised an amazing amount tonight and I'm sure we'll keep this beautiful Dolly busy for the rest of the week. However, there's one final task we need to complete before midnight, so she can fulfill her task for today: our orgasm raffle. Sir James, would you do the honours?"
Sir James, came forward, and picked a ticket out of the hat, and gave it to Adam.
"Number 43" he announced.
There was a scream of delight from the middle of the room. Mistress Serena was holding up a ticket with a big smile on her face.
"I'm sorry, Serena", said Adam, "but if you've won an auction, then I'm afraid you're not eligible for the raffle, and we'll have to draw again"
"No, Adam", she replied. "This isn't my ticket: it's my slave's ticket. Let's have them both in the middle of the floor here, what do you think?"
Adam smiled broadly: "Well, Ladies and Gentlemen. We appear to have a winner, and further entertainment for the night! Please clear a space for the lucky couple"
Dolly rose, and looked towards Mistress Serena. At her feet was a latex clad girl, black head to toe, but polished to a wonderful shine. Her waist was narrowed by the tight lacing at her back, the corset pushing up her ample latex covered bosom, her hard nipples visible through the soft material. Her feet were fitted with impossibly high heels and her hands were clad in black mittens, making them next to useless. Her face was almost featureless, apart from holes required for breathing. She was attached to her Mistress by a leash which Mistress was using to guide her now to the centre of the floor.
She carefully made her way towards the Slave, and knelt down before her. Mistress lent down and unzipped the slave's crotch, giving Dolly such as a surprise as out popped a somewhat flaccid cock!
"Surprised, Dolly, that this thing of beauty should have such an artifact between her legs?" She giggled and smiled at Mistress Serena.
Slave's breathing hastened as Dolly held her cock in her hand. She smiled and reached up and gently rubbed Slave's latex clad nipples, already hard the cock reacted, becoming quickly erect.
"She is not used to cumming, so you may find she may be harder than you'd usually expect." Mistress explained, ambiguously.
All eyes were on Dolly and Slave: Slave was almost unaware of her surroundings, but Dolly felt very nervous as she stared to perform in front of so many people. Her heart beat faster, and she felt the tightness around her waist more acutely, as she gazed at the now hard cock before her. It was starting to ooze pre-cum. She took a deep breath and gently licked the very end. There was a ripple of delight around the room and Slave tensed up and almost drew back.
Dolly put her arms around Slave's waist, and kept her close to her. She licked again, and the cock got visibly harder. Her mouth was full of the taste of salty maleness. Dolly teased her nipples more, making her react more - wobbling on her heels and starting to have trouble standing.
She let her tongue wander up and down the engorged shaft, feeling the contours of its veins. She gazed over at Mistress Serena, her eyes seeking approval and permission to begin. Mistress Serena smiled and nodded, loving how strong the need for her approval was. She let the head slide into her mouth and started to suck quite gently at first, letting her tongue wander over the tip, lapping up the pre-cum. She felt it twitch and then began to suck in earnest, feeling Slave get more erect and hard each time she sucked.
She took her time, sucking harder and then backing off a little, feeling Slave's excitement build, slowing down, feeling the desperation to cum get stronger and stronger.
Slave pushed herself in and out of Dolly's mouth moving together, she was so desperate to get the orgasm she had been denied by her Mistress for so long. She was breathing very hard and Dolly could hear panting coming from her latex covered face; she knew she was close.
Dolly squeezed her eyes closed as finally she felt Slave's cock became so hard it twitched and started to send out warm salty cum, Dolly swallowed, keeping up with the flow, letting it slide down her throat, being careful not to let any escape, to make a mess of her dress.
She sat back, sitting upright (as that was all her corset allowed) and tried to calm her breathing; her breasts were heaving and she felt a little faint from the restriction of her corset.
The taste of cum in her mouth reminded her that her task for the day was satisfied and she smiled. She looked down at Slave, now collapsed on the floor, her cock flacid and spent; lipstick smeared along its now much smaller girth. Slave's whole body was breathing, as she came down from the pleasure that had engulfed her.
Dolly smiled, happy to have satisfied the slave rather than the Mistress, given pleasure to one who would so often be denied it. She looked down at her own chastity, starting to feel the longing for the orgasm it denied her. She looked again at the happy black latex girl beside her, lost in the glow of her orgasm, and realised the long journey she was on before she would be allowed that delight.
Tomorrow it would be Mistress Serena's turn to do with Dolly what she liked. I watched Dolly shiver a little, stand slowly to her feet, and re-join the party.