Author's Note: This is the first part in an ongoing series involving Mary & June and their extreme games.
EDIT (05/27): I would appreciate any suggextions that Mary, June, or Darcy might find themselves in. You will receive credit for your suggestion in my author notes.
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Part I
June woke to find the release mechanism for the zipper on her skin tight custom made sleepsack moving away from her, taking her freedom with it. Her falling asleep was the reason it failed. She always desired to feel trapped inescapably. This time it was for real!
June thought back to the many weeks spent devising a plan to trap herself in the sleepsack, bound until the timer activated the release system and freed her. Knowing full well how intoxicating it felt to be trapped until released by someone, or in this case, something, drove her to create this foolproof system.
June's plan started with her sleepsack. Designed with a zipper from her ankles to the back of her neck, this sleepsack was the most restrictive she had ever worn. The zipper is heavy duty, with a very strong zipper pull shaped like a "T" to give her years of playtime without failing. The internal sleeves went from her armpits to just past her fingertips with the ends of the sleeves sewn all the way around, forcing her fingertips together as if in a bondage mitten. She could wiggle her fingers a little, but spreading her fingers or making a fist was impossible. Her hands were completely useless.
The shoulders of the sack were tailored to her measurements exactly, curving up to her neck without wrinkles or gaps. The top of the sack had a built-in collar, 2 inches wide, so when the sack was zipped up fully, it prevented the leather from rolling down her neck and possibly strangling her. The collar fit snugly without choking her, leaving no gaps. Even if June could get her arms out of the sleeves, which June had not accomplished in all her struggles in the sleepsack, she would never be able to reach the zipper at the top of the collar and release herself. Once in this sack, June was in forever, or until released, whichever came first.
Mary was June's safety net. Whenever Jane played self-bondage games, she made sure Mary was available to release her if she failed to escape, which was more often than not. Mary was not always available for playtime, and June's new toys gave her the freedom to choose when she could be inescapably bound. Mary knew the game well, releasing June only when Mary was ready, and not a minute before. June's plan took Mary out of the picture, but still gave June the thrill of being inescapably bound until the timer released her, just like Mary kept her, a win-win situation for June.
June was quite the little engineer when she wanted to be, especially when it came to her bondage games. She remembered reading somewhere that a clothesline type of zipper closing and release system could be strung up over her bed, with the clothesline in reach of the mouth of the self-bondage enthusiast. By pulling on the string, stretched tightly between two pulleys just like the old time clotheslines, the person could close the zipper and be trapped until they pulled the other way and released themselves.
This presented two problems for June. One, June loved large, mouth-filling gags during her self-bondage games, and two, June's sleepsack had its zipper in the back. Lying face down trying to close a zipper with your mouth while gagged using a clothesline was impossible.
Her solution, albeit a little pricey, was not elegant but strong enough to pull the zipper all the way to the top of her collar. She decided on a garage door opener. June calculated the lightest duty one would work well for her plans. When June carried the opener into her apartment, she remembered the store assistant doing his best to sell her an installation package. "What would they have said when I told them it was going over my bondage bed?" June thought, and giggled furriously as she carried the box into her playroom.
Mounting the opener was easy once June modified her bondage bed to accept the machine. Making a bracing system integrated with her bed, with the power end of the opener over the headboard made the most sense to June, since the outlet she needed to use was on that wall. June also liked the idea of the light coming on over her head whenever the opener was running. It would serve as June's reminder to roll over and allow the opener to pull the zipper open when the time was up.
Using some thin rope to attach the opener slide to the zipper pull was very effective at closing the zipper, but was unforgiving if June wanted to lie on her back. Since rope did not stretch, rolling over would put extreme stress on her neck, possibly choking her. Not a good situation! June found a great solution; rubber tie-down straps.
Removing the hook from one end of the strap, she put that end into the opener slide, just as if the metal arm was there pulling the garage door. The other end was a little trickier because having a strong connection was necessary. If just the hook was used, it was possible that the hook would slip off the zipper pull. This would trap her inside the sack indefinitely, especially if she struggled a lot, which June loved to do!
June found a chain link with a threaded closure that solved her problem. June slipped the chain link around the zipper pull and then pushed the threaded end of the link into the hole of the rubber strap. Once the nut was tightened, closing the link, there was no way the strap could slip off the zipper pull, thus ensuring her eventual freedom.
Borrowing a mannequin from work that was just a little smaller than she was, June placed the sleepsack front down on the bed with the top of the sack facing the headboard. Sliding the mannequin into the sack, June moved the zipper up to a mid-thigh position, which she thought would allow slipping her arms into the sleeves without great difficulty. Pulling the shoulders of the sack over her victim's shoulders, June looked over the whole layout one last time.
Believing she had everything correct, June pushed the button on the remote and watched in amazement as the opener slid along its track, pulling the zipper along without effort until it was pulled tight at the top of the collar. The opener continued moving though, pulling the sleepsack with it until the head of the mannequin was shoved severely into the headboard of the bed. Not having anticipated this, June had to make adjustments to the travel stops. June opened and closed the sack several more times with the opener, adjusting the endpoints of the opener slide until it was perfect.
When June pushed the remote button for her final test run, the opener pulled the zipper closed and stopped right where she needed it to be. Satisfied that her adjustments were correct, June released the zipper with the opener, pulled the mannequin out, and prepared herself for her first live trial.
First, she placed the remote into her release timer mechanism. June was equally proud of herself for inventing this machine, too! A digital appliance timer would control the machine. When the timer powered on, the mechanism would cause the plunger to depress the button, closing her zipper. Powering off the mechanism, which would happen when the timer turned off, activated the plunger again, thus releasing her.
This mechanism required many trials to be sure that it would not fail. At first, the plunger did not press down hard enough to activate the opener. After the downward pressure was adjusted, June then made sure that both a power on and a power off would activate the plunger and press the remote button. She created a simple circuit that would activate when power was supplied, then activate again when power was removed. This was accomplished by using two relays.
The first relay, a double pole, double throw type, would be her activation relay. The second relay, a .1 to 5 second delay relay with a separate power supply, would stay closed only for as long as its internal timer was on. June found the "sweet spot" of this timer relay was 1.5 seconds, which allowed for the initial movement of the plunger towards the remote and the complete travel of the mechanism. June had to be sure it pushed down all the way before releasing.
When the appliance timer powered on the circuit, the first relay closed, simultaneously closing the normally open contacts, activating the time delay relay, causing the plunger to push down on the button. When the appliance timer was turned off, the first relay opened, closing the normally closed contacts, activating the time delay relay again, depressing the plunger and ensuring her freedom. Her system worked flawlessly, never failing in over 100 trials.
Now that the remote was in the release mechanism, June set the appliance timer to come on in five minutes, wait 5 minutes and turn off. Very excited, June climbed onto the bed, positioning herself face down and slid her feet into the sack as far as they would go. Satisfied that her legs were in a good position, she pulled the zipper up to her thighs.
June then stretched the sack up as far as she could and started working her hands into the internal sleeves, finding it challenging but not impossible. Moving her hands into the sleeves as far down as the sleeves allowed and feeling her fingers touching the bottom of the sleeves, June shrugged her shoulders and wiggled a little and was rewarded with both of her shoulders slipping into the sack.
Placing herself into the sleepsack did not take as long as June thought it would. As June waited for the timer to start, she began wondering if the timer would go off at all. Just as she gave up on the timer and was about to pull herself out of the sack, the opener light came on, pulling the zipper up her back with total efficiency. She rolled back and forth a little to assist the opener in its task of closing the zipper, allowing the leather to tighten around her body. June felt the zipper climbing, being pulled steadily and evenly, never slowing or speeding up, as if a very diabolical person was savoring every little bit of freedom the zipper was taking away from her.
With a final quick little zip sound, the zipper pull moved past her shoulders and into the collar area, going right to the top of the collar, trapping her inside. As designed, the opener stopped. The garage door opener worked better than June had imagined, completing its operation and encasing her in the tight leather sleepsack without difficulty.
June rolled over on her back and looked down at herself. She was trapped in her sleepsack until the timer reversed the opener and released her. Struggling with all her might, and quite a bit of adrenaline, the best June could do was wiggle a little bit and roll around from one side to another. June stopped struggling, coming to rest on her back just as the timer shut off.
The garage door opener light came on again, and the opener slide began its trek back down towards her feet. June rolled onto her tummy and the zipper was pulled down her back to her thighs, just as she had designed. With a little effort, June was able to get the sack off her shoulders and pulled her arms free. Her first live trial was a success. This weekend was going to be a great journey into self bondage. Little did she know it might be her last!
June never played without having safety measures in place. Her final safety measure was her friend, Mary. Mary was also a self-bondage enthusiast, and played with June many times before. June said she had a surprise for Mary and asked Mary to come over Saturday morning so June could show her the wonderful new toy she had built. Mary agreed readily. June's plan was set!
Friday evening had arrived none too soon. Work was behind her. So were her worries, she thought, as June stepped into the hot shower. Lathering up with her favorite shower gel, June scrubbed thoroughly, knowing she was going to be in and out of her sleepsack all night until morning. After washing her hair, June stepped out of the shower refreshed and ready for a night of repeated bondage fantasies.
Drying off well, June gave herself one last look in the full length mirror. She was pleased with her body. Not skin and bones, but slim and trim, June was a perfect 5'2" tall 110 pound athletic and vibrant woman. June did not have large breasts. Her 34B chest was firm and sat up high, showing no signs of the effects of gravity. Not needing a bra, June regularly went without, wearing tight shirts which enhanced her bust line and her lovely large nipples. June stroked and lightly pinched her already hard nipples, reveling in her caress. However, June's butt was her main attraction. Turning so she could see, June smiled knowing full well that her perfectly shaped butt was coveted by many women.
Moving to the bondage playroom, June gave everything the once-over again to be sure it was ready and all safety measures were in place. She texted Mary to be sure that Mary would be here on Saturday morning. Mary replied immediately that she would be there no later than 9 AM. June was ready as she would ever be.
June set the timer for 2 hours with the start time 10 minutes away. This gave her ample time to prepare. Placing her favorite 2" ball gag with the extra wide strap in her mouth, June pushed it past her teeth with a little resistance. June tightened the strap as far as she could pull, loving the feeling as the wide strap forced her lips against the ball, further silencing her.
Next was her new vibrator, given to her by her friend Mary. This one was made for remote use. It was waterproof and purple, June's favorite color. June's favorite feature, as she read the box, was that it was silent. No noisy vibrators anymore! The packaging said that this vibrator could run for up to 6 hours if lithium AA batteries were used. June bought the
highest milliamp rated batteries she could find, knowing the higher the rating the longer they would last.
This vibrator was designed differently than any she had used before. Tonight was her first night using it, and June had no idea the effect it would have on her. The base of the vibrator was mostly flat, curving slightly to follow the shape of her sex, with a slightly raised and textured area designed to press against her clit. Near the back of the base, the vibrator had a neck with a large egg shaped end that was designed to fit up into her and press directly on her G-spot. Lubing up the vibrator, she slid it in with some difficulty, remembering that her vaginal opening was small. Once past her tight opening, the egg seated itself against her G-spot simultaneously pulling the base of the vibrator up against her sex snugly.
Past boyfriends had told her how tight she was and how much of a turn-on that was for them, but she only felt pain. Her past boyfriends were never gentle with her. She has not had a boyfriend in over two years because of that. Vibrators became her boyfriends, and she felt better knowing she was gentle with herself using her vibrators, never allowing herself to be hurt by boyfriends again. Jane had the added advantage of pleasing herself whenever she wanted, and not on someone else's schedule.
The remote for the vibrator had three buttons. The first two set the minimum and maximum vibration levels, with 12 levels of intensity available. June set the minimum as one dot above the lowest setting, but she paused before setting the highest limit. She did not know the power of this vibrator, but wanted to keep the mystery going. June decided on three levels below the highest setting, and locked it in. She had all night to experiment, right?
The third button chose the mode. There were four modes available: 1) On high all the time, all stimulators; 2) Rolling, which she knew from reading the package as moving from the low setpoint to the high setpoint and back down again with both stimulators; 3) Variable timing, which gave her different levels of vibration within the setpoints and at different intervals with different stimulators; 4) Complete randomization. June, not one for reading owner's manuals, picked complete randomization, not realizing that it would override her minimum and maximum settings, and she would be at the mercy of the device's internal circuitry.
The box gave a warning to the user: Once any mode is started, the vibrator will not cease its program until the stop button is pressed on the remote. All modes have a delay built in to give the user no warning when the programmed mode will start. "Part of the mystery", the box explained.
After setting the vibrator remote on the table by the playroom door, June checked her last modification to the sleepsack. Her sack featured two D-rings at the base, one at each side of her ankles. June wanted complete bondage, with no chance of escape until released.
While going over her live trial in her head, June realized that she could have escaped at any time by simply spinning around, pushing her feet against the headboard and unzipping herself that way. June added two more rubber tie down straps, one at each side of her ankles, in the same way that she attached the one for the zipper pull. Hooking the straps into the footboard frame, June made it impossible to spin around and gain release.
June crawled onto the bed carefully, taking care to not dislodge the vibrator and inserted her feet into the sack. Just as before, she pushed her feet all the way in until her toes touched. Reaching back, June pulled the zipper up to her thighs and moved back down flat while pulling the sleep sack up as far as it would go. June slid her arms into the internal sleeves, wiggling her shoulders and pushing her fingers as deep into the sleeves as she could, feeling the sack slip over her shoulders as planned.
June was breathing hard. Her excitement increased as she realized the point of no return, when she would be trapped until released by the timer, was nearly there. Right then, the first sensations came from her purple vibrator. She felt only the base vibrating on her clit. She shuddered as the waves of pleasure rose, lapping at her senses, while the intensity of the vibrations on June's clit steadily increased.
The excitement of her predicament, coupled with her adrenaline level, conspired with the ever increasing vibrations she was receiving to push June over the edge harder and faster than she ever experienced before.
This was no light breeze pushing her; it was a tornado, throwing her violently into orgasm. June screamed into her gag, thankful this gag made her screams sound like dull moans, keeping her from being heard.
Just as June was returning from her first escape into oblivion, the garage door opener came to life, pulling the zipper up to the top of the collar, slowly and deliberately like before, stopping as designed. June savored the feeling of the zipper as it wrapped the sleepsack tightly around her, trapping June until she was released by something no longer in her control.
June rolled over and looked down at herself just like in her first live trial. June saw that her ankle straps were right where they were supposed to be, so she tested them, pulling with all her might to get her ankles free. The only thing June accomplished was to move away from the headboard which in turn tightened the pull on her sleepsack collar. Uncomfortable, June wiggled up a little, relieving the pressure on her neck, but pulling the straps at her feet tight again. June was truly trapped with no way out until the reliable machine released her in two hours. Until then, she had her new vibrator to keep her company.
June's vibrator came to life again, this time only stimulating her G-spot. June had never experienced direct G-spot stimulation before. Combined with her previous experience, it quickly became much more intense than she anticipated.
If June's first orgasm was a tornado, this one was a full-on hurricane. June was thrown so deep into orgasm that she started to lose her sense of reality. June no longer remembered she was tied up on her bondage bed by her own doing. June believed she was being tortured by an evil mistress whose only method of torture was orgasms. On and on the vibrator went, pulling her further and further from reality.
Each change in the vibrator's internal settings made for a different experience. She felt ramping vibrations in each of the stimulator areas together. This was more of a tease, keeping her all hot and bothered, but never taking her to orgasm.
June was surprised when the vibrator started alternating between each of the stimulators, fully on, taking her into another stormy sea of orgasms.
Nearing the end of June's orgasmic trip, when the vibrator was assaulting her with vibration from every stimulator continuously, June passed out continuing to orgasm in her sleep.
June never felt the vibrator stop or realized that the garage door opener light came on. Nor did she feel the opener trying to pull the zipper on her sleepsack.
June woke with pain in her shoulder. She qiucklly realized the opener was pulling as hard as it could making the rubber strap cut into her. She was still on her back preventing the opener from releasing her!
June started rolling over so the zipper could be opened, but, just like all garage door openers, when something is blocking the door, the opener will return to the fully open position. June saw the rubber strap draw away from her shoulder, and watched her freedom go with it.
As she looked up, June realized her mistake. The power end was over her head. If jammed while trying to close, the opener will return to the fully open position. Her head was at the fully open position!
Realizing she was trapped without possibility of escape, June screamed into her gag for help. No one could have heard June's muffled screams through her tight gag, but she tried anyway. June struggled with all her might, working herself into a panic, franticly bouncing on the bed, trying to get the foot straps to break. June doesn't buy cheap anything, and the straps held her easily.
June never heard the door to her apartment open. June did not hear Mary come into her apartment, nor did she hear Mary enter the playroom. A playroom Mary knew all too well. June never knew that it was Mary who turned June's vibrator on because the remote was placed on the table near the door, far away from June and her frantic struggling. June's struggles masked any noise Mary might have made, giving Mary all the stealth she needed to go from playmate to torturer. June's vibrator came to life in the middle of her struggles, full on with everything that the vibrator could give, more intense than anything June had experienced so far. Her hurricane was back, turning June's struggling into writhing as the orgasmic storm enveloped her again.
Mary watched with enthusiasm as the orgasmic waves rolled through June. Mary looked over the device that June had created and wished that it was she, not June that was trapped.
Remembering where her favorite vibrator was, Mary retrieved it from the storage area. Lying down on the bed next to June, with her head at the foot of the bed, Mary turned her vibrator on high and went to work. Listening to June's heavy and labored nose breathing, the creaking of the leather from June's struggles, and knowing that she was the only one who could end June's orgasmic fury, Mary launched herself into a mind-blowing screaming orgasm of pleasure.
June barely heard Mary's first orgasmic scream, but Mary's second one pulled June back into reality, if only for a moment.
June looked down her bondage sack, breathing heavily through her nose, trying to focus on the person lying next to her on the bed. When June finally pulled focus, she saw Mary lying next to her experiencing her own mind blowing orgasm. June spied the vibrator remote in Mary's hand and realized Mary was in control of her vibrator, not the program.
Trying with all her might, June nearly managed to bump Mary, but after more than 2 hours of orgasms, screaming, and struggling, June was spent. Mary was just a few inches away, but farther than June could ever have reached. June gave up and flopped back down, but June's vibrator never stopped. Seeing her freedom just inches away, knowing full well Mary would release her only when Mary was ready; June was ripped from reality once more as her hurricane returned with a vengeance.
Mary was just coming down from her climax when she heard June's latest orgasmic run to the stars. She sat up and watched June slowly go from a vibrating mass of tightly bound orgasmic delight to a barely moving, softly sleeping beauty. Mary reached over and touched June, moving her hands up and down along June's body from her feet to her breasts, slowly taking in all the sensations. Everywhere Mary touched June's body, Mary could feel the gentle vibrations of June's muscles rippling, rolling through her extended orgasm as she slept. Mary knew that the only way June would stop her orgasmic flight is if she turned off the vibrator. Looking over her sleeping lover, Mary sighed and set the control to off.
Mary went to the kitchen to make some hot tea. As Mary returned with two cups of tea, June was coming around. At first, June did not see Mary. The room was fairly dark and it was well past sunset. Mary set the cups of tea on the nightstand, turned on the little light by the bed, smiled, and said "Welcome Back!"
June, confused and still gagged, pleaded to the best of her ability to have Mary remove her gag. Mary figured out what June wanted, and pulled the huge rubber ball from June's mouth. Gushing thanks, June flexed her jaw while licking her lips to moisten them again.
"Is it 9 AM already?" June asked, wondering how long she had spent in her self-made prison.
"Nope," Mary replied, "it is just past 11:30!"
June replied. "Wow, you are never late. Why so late today?"
I don't think you understand," said Mary, "I mean 11:30 PM, Friday night!"
June couldn't believe it! It wasn't even midnight yet? June was dumfounded thinking of what would have happened if she had been trapped in this diabolical contraption until 9 AM tomorrow.
June asked if Mary would release her and Mary replied "Not just yet." "I want you to tell me what it feels like to be in that thing first!"
As Mary helped June sip her tea, June and Mary began talking about the machines June had designed to give her the experiences she just faced, and how they worked. June also explained the mistake she had made, and why the machine did not release her. When Mary asked June what it was like being in the sack with no way to get out, June blushed.
"What?" Mary asked.
June blushed even deeper and told Mary how she imagined being trapped by a mistress torturing her with endless orgasms, and Mary was that mistress. A certain gleam sparkled in Mary's eye, but June never saw it.
When Mary was satisfied with all of June's answers, Mary asked June a final series of questions. "What if I did not come over early? What would you be doing right now?"
June replied, "What I experienced tonight was far beyond what I was prepared for. I thought I had everything under control and had thought of every possible scenario and solution. My answer is I would still have a large tightly strapped gag in my mouth, experiencing never ending multiple orgasms until the batteries died in my vibrator, being rode hard and put way wet with no hope of escape until you showed up tomorrow morning."
Mary smiled, gently caressing June's face and said "Your wish is my command!"
As Mary stood up, June realized Mary's intentions, and began pleading with Mary to release her. She attempted to struggle in her bonds, trying as had as she could to somehow stop Mary, but they were just too tight. Mary took the ball gag still lying on the bed and pushed it back into June's mouth with little resistance from June, strapping just as tight as it was before. Mary noticed there was still one more notch the strap could be tightened to. Pulling a little harder, Mary took the gag to its tightest possible position, making June grunt in dissatisfaction and deeply satisfying Mary.
June tried to plead with Mary, but all Mary heard was a series of muffled sounds. Shaking her head furiously "NO!" June did everything she could to get Mary to release her. Mary smiled again, telling June, "Puppy dog eyes never work on me!" June was in for a night she would never forget and June knew Mary would be the reason why.
Savoring the moment, Mary reached for the vibrator control. Mary fondled the remote, knowing full well the vibrator's capabilities since she had one just like it! Without another thought, Mary set the control to full vibration, all stimulators, and dropped the remote next to June's head. Mary watched and waited until the delay timer of the vibrator counted down to June's oblivion. When the vibrator sprang to life, June's eyes nearly popped out of her head as the intense vibrations hit June without warning. Mary smiled deeply, quite satisfied that June was heading down the path Mary intended for her.
June was already moaning loudly unable to prevent the impending hurricane brewing inside her when Mary bent over and kissed June on the forehead, pausing to savor the moment, then saying "Sleep tight, my love! I'll see you in the morning!"
Hearing those words, June realized her fate was sealed. No longer having any hope of escape until Mary's return, June was thrown headlong into her next hurricane, screaming and bucking wildly as she was ravaged by another orgasmic storm.
June never saw Mary walk away. June never heard Mary close the playroom door. June was out of touch with everything around her except for the intense vibrations taking her out of reality and into a state of total, blissful, oblivion. As Mary closed the front door to June's apartment, she could very faintly hear June's orgasmic screams. She smiled knowing that once this door was closed, no one would hear June.
Locking the door, Mary headed for home, thinking of what it would be like to have her own turn in the sleepsack. Mary could feel the butterflies in her tummy swarm hungrily at the idea of being trapped without possibility of release, tortured with orgasms until she passed out only to wake up and have it start all over again. "What a ride that will be!" Mary thought, as she got into her car and drove away.
Part II
The following morning, right on schedule, Mary arrived at June's apartment to find June exactly where Mary had left her. Mary looked over June's sleeping body tightly trussed in her leather sleepsack and sighed. How Mary wished it was her trussed up and not June! Walking to the bed, Mary gently climbed up and kneeled next to June. Being as careful as possible not to startle June, Mary reached behind June's head, unbuckled her gag, and pulled it from June's mouth with some difficulty. The gag strap had become stuck to her face from the dried drool, sweat, and Mary thought she saw tear streaks. Mary felt bad knowing she was the one who put June through this experience, but it had been what June craved all along. Complete inescapable bondage; that was the need June had. No, it was more than that. It was an insatiable desire. Mary knew no one more obsessed with this kind of bondage, except of course, herself.
Still sleeping, June looked a mess. Her hair was a rat's nest. June had not applied any makeup before placing herself into this position, so that was of no concern. What bothered Mary was that she was able to pull June's gag out without June even shifting in her sleep. Mary moved her head to June's chest and pressed her ear down onto the leather to listen for a heartbeat. Mary was relieved to hear June's strong and slow regular rhythm and enjoyed the slow lifting of her head as June slowly breathed in and out.
Using June like a body pillow, Mary brought her leg up onto June's legs, placing her left arm on June's chest gently cupping her right breast. As she snuggled closer to June, positioning her right arm gently under June's delicate neck, cradling June's head with her arm, Mary waited for June to wake.
June stirred, trying to speak, but no words game out. It must have been several more hours before June woke because Mary had fallen asleep listening to June's heartbeat. Mary jumped, feeling June stir beneath her. Realizing June's throat must be severely dry and sore from the night before, Mary told June to wait there, gently moved off the bed, careful to lay June's head down softly, and went to the kitchen for a bottle of June's favorite sports drink. Returning with the bottle and a bendy straw, Mary smiled at June as June smiled back at her.
Taking slow and deliberate swallows, June refreshed her parched mouth and throat, careful not to drink too fast. June knew firsthand how quickly stomach cramps can ruin the morning after when you drink too much cold liquid too fast.
"What time is it, Mary?" June asked, knowing it was at least morning by the light coming into the room.
Mary replied, "11:30 AM, Saturday Morning. I arrived right at 9:00 AM as promised, but you were still out cold. I removed your gag, and snuggled down next to you to make sure you were all right and to be the first thing you saw when you woke up!"
"Thank you for a wonderful night, Mary." June said. "It would not have been possible without you!"
Mary regarded June with skepticism, not knowing how to respond. Yes, Mary was the reason for last night, but when she arrived, Mary could tell June had experienced something more extreme than either of them bargained for. Mary replied, "When I arrived, I had a lot of trouble getting your gag out. The leather strap must have become wet from your sweat and drool, as well as a few tears. I had to peel the straps off your face, and the marks are still there, although they are fading quickly."
"Not just a few tears!" June replied. "There was a time right before I passed out for the last time, since I do not remember anything else after that, when I was balling my eyes out. I could not stop orgasming no matter what I did. My body betrayed me, and my mind just shut down after that."
Seeing Mary face change from general happiness to nearing tears of sorrow, June knew right away that Mary did not intend to put her through that kind of experience. Mary and June had always played within a strict set of boundaries, and Mary leaving the apartment last night crossed those boundaries like a sandstorm crosses the desert. June told her that it was an experience she would never forget and that she regretted nothing. June got everything she had ever wanted in a bondage situation. Just because it went beyond what either of them expected didn't mean she was mad at Mary. In fact, June felt the exact opposite way. June told Mary that she felt closer to Mary than she had ever felt before.
Mary smiled, brushed away her tears and said "Pinky swear?"
June giggled and replied "if I had a pinky to give right now, you would have both of them!"
"Well then," Mary said, "let's get you out of that sack!"
It took the better part of an hour to get June out of the leather sack. Just like the straps on her gag, the sleepsack was stuck to every possible part of June's body. With much difficulty, quite a bit of uncharacteristic swearing on June's part, and a little help from June's body starting to sweat again from the effort, Mary was successful at extricating June from her leather prison.
Draping the leather sack over the footboard, Mary gently eased June into a sitting position on the bed. June jumped a little when her toes touched the soft carpeting of the playroom. Having only felt leather for over 14 hours, the carpet tickled every part of the bottom of her feet, from her heels to her toes. Gently moving her feet in small circles on the carpet, June began to feel comfortable enough to try and stand. Keeping one arm around June, Mary helped June up. Slowly, they made their way into the Master bathroom where Mary walked June into the oversized shower.
Turning on the hot water, Mary began to wash June's body, taking extra care that June did not slip and fall. Very slowly, June's body was washed by Mary's expert touch. Mary could feel the hot water soak into her sore and overly compressed body, easing her tension filled tiny frame. Kneeling in front of June, Mary placed her hands in- between June's thighs, gently spreading her legs. With great care, and a lot of help from the shower wand, Mary was able to pull the purple vibrator out of June's perfectly pink pussy. Tossing it gently behind her, Mary used the scrubber puff all over June's sex, making sure that everything was very clean.
Turning the shower wand to a straight stream, Mary directed the water jet up into June, causing June to squeak with surprise and delight at the same time. Keeping the water flow there for far longer than needed, Mary could see that June was really enjoying the sensations the water jet was providing. Leaning forward, Mary flicked out her tongue like a snake exploring its environment, tickling June's now exposed clit. Mary heard the deep moan from June, and continued her tongue's exploration knowing full well what it was doing to June.
June had been leaning against the glass wall the whole time since entering the shower, but when June felt Mary's expert tongue on her clit, June arched her back involuntarily, pressing her sex closer to Mary's mouth and snake-like darting tongue. Reaching down, June grasped Mary's head, taking fistfuls of her wet hair in her hands, and pulled Mary's mouth up into her pussy, reveling in the pleasure she was receiving. Mary dropped the shower wand and grasped June's perfect ass with both hands, hungrily lifting June towards her expert mouth. Without warning, June screamed as the orgasm tore through her already ravaged body, and she squirted, gushing into Mary's unsuspecting mouth. Mary, tasting June's love nectar, greedily drinking up anything that she could get into her mouth, which was a lot!
June's legs were wobbling, and her whole body felt incredibly heavy at that moment, as she slid down the wall, plopping onto Mary's thighs. Hugging Mary fiercely, June shook as the aftershocks of her orgasm rippled through her body. Mary hugged June back just as strongly, sitting there until the water ran cold. Slowly, and with some difficulty, June stood up and turned off the water. Rising with June, Mary held out her arm, wrapped it around her lover, and then walked, arm-in-arm out of the shower and under the heat lamps to dry. The heat from the lamps soaked into June's body, further relieving her aches and pains. Once thoroughly dry, Mary guided them back to June's bedroom.
Mary pulled back the covers and helped June slip into bed, pulling the covers up and tucking June in. "It feels strange going to bed this early," June said, "but I can see no other alternative. I can't walk right. I can barely stand without your help. I need the rest, but I am also ravenously hungry!"
"I'll take care of the hungry part. You just rest now!" Mary said, as she leaned over and kissed June full on the lips. It was a deep and passionate kiss, deeper and with more feeling than either of them had known before. June knew in her heart that no matter what happened in the future, she would love only Mary, and somehow, right at that very moment, Mary felt the same. Making one last adjustment to June's covers, Mary left the room, looking over her shoulder at June. She saw June's eyes were already closed, and the unmistakable grin of pure blissful pleasure on June's lips that a blind man could have seen from across the room.
Several hours later, June woke to the smell of her favorite Thai food dishes. June's stomach growled so loudly that Mary heard it in the kitchen as she set the table.
Giggling furiously, Mary called out to June, "Come and get it!"
June, fully rested and still very sore, hollered back. "Be right there!"
Mary and June talked for hours, first at the kitchen table while they ate, then moving to a more comfortable place on June's big overstuffed sectional couch. Mary questioned June about her experiences, and June replied as best she could. There were gaps in her memory, most probably due to her passing out at various times during the night, they both agreed. Nearing nightfall, Mary moved to June's side again, and they snuggled each other while watching the sunset.
Not wanting this day to end, Mary reluctantly pried herself from June's embrace. June knew that Mary worked early Sunday morning at the hospital. June did not mind that Mary was away for long periods of time due to her job because the fringe benefits more than made up the difference! Just recently, Mary brought home several boxes of tape, gauze, and other related wrapping materials. They each took turns mummifying each other over a weekend. Remembering her feelings while wrapped brought a smile to June's face. Mary kissed June one last time, and left the apartment, promising to check in on June as soon as her shift was over.
June sat on the couch for a long time after that, just going over in her mind everything she experienced over the last 24 hours. Grateful for having a friend such as Mary, June closed her eyes and thought out a hug to her best friend and lover, got up and went to bed. She dreamed throughout the night, not just of what she had experienced, but of what Mary would be experiencing soon, too. What a devious little mind June had!
The following morning, as promised, Mary came over to check on June. Mary could not stay long, however, as she was due back at the hospital for the Monday morning regular staff meeting. It was nearly a week after that before June heard from Mary again. Between work, her busy schedule, and Mary's other duties, June was used to not seeing or hearing from Mary for extended periods of time. Such is the life that Mary lived, and June drank up any time she could spend with Mary, grateful for every minute she could spend with her lover.
That very weekend, Mary came over with an envelope in her hand and a big grin on her face. Kissing passionately, June met her lover at the door, nearly knocking Mary over with her embrace.
"Hello stranger!" June gushed, "I really missed you!"
Mary replied, "Yes, I can tell! I am glad you waited until the door was closed before jumping me, or we would both be lying in the hallway right now!"
June spied the envelope in Mary's hand and asked in the sweetest little girl voice she could make, "Is that for me?"
Wanting to string June along for as long as she could, Mary brought the envelope to her nose, sniffed deeply, and said, "Smells like luxury to me." "I don't think you need luxury. Maybe I should put it back where I found it!"
Bouncing up and down on her toes, June pleaded to Mary, "Please, I do deserve luxury!" "In fact, we both do, and I would not take it if we could not share it together!"
Mary held two opposite corners of the envelope with her fingertips, spinning the envelope in cartwheels with her thumbs, contemplating her next move. Smiling slyly, Mary said, yes, it is for you, and no, you cannot share it!
Frowning and pouting, fat bottom lip and all, June plopped down on the arm of the couch and waited for Mary to hand her the envelope. Walking over to June, Mary extended her hand with the envelope saying, "I love you more than I ever thought I could! Please use this knowing that I only want to give you something to indulge your senses and completely rehabilitate your body."
Instantly realizing this was a gift card to her favorite day spa, June hungrily opened the envelope, and sat in awe at the contents. It was not a gift card to her favorite spa, it was a weekend pass, designed to put someone in the ultimate spa experience from Friday until Sunday afternoon.
June gasped, saying, "This must have cost you a small fortune! I cannot accept this. It is too expensive and I could never afford to repay you!"
Mary smiled and said, "Remember that promotion, raise, and bonus I told you about a few months ago?" "Well," Mary continued, "it finally came through. I received the weekend pass as part of my bonus, and since I don't need it as much as you do right now, it is yours!"
June jumped up into Mary's arms, squealing like a little girl, happy for the gift, and even happier for Mary. June knew this also meant that Mary would have more time off, which promised more time together!
Looking over the available dates on the spa's website together, June picked out the earliest date from today, the weekend after next. Making a mental note of the dates, Mary smiled, giving her lover a good long hug, and an even more passionate kiss, feeling June melt into her arms. Mary was smiling on the inside, knowing that the weekend June was at the spa would be her weekend in the sleepsack, bound inescapably until released by the timer, which Mary would set for long, random, periods of time.
Mary had to return to work to start her new position, and move into her new office! Hugging and kissing again, Mary left, and June started planning out what she would bring with her to the spa.
The weekend of June's spa experience came faster than she thought it would. Leaving a note to Mary about her driving up to the spa, June left just after noon on Friday, eager to arrive on time for the start of her spa treatments. June had to be there before 6 PM, and the 5 hour drive felt like 8. When she arrived, June was disheartened to find out the spa had closed unexpectedly due to a major failure of the air conditioning system. The sign promised full refunds to anyone who requested them, or doubling anyone's scheduled time, including full weekend passes. June thought it would be perfect to have two passes. Then June and Mary could share the weekend together!
Not feeling as bad as she first did, June got back into her car and began the long drive home. She should arrive about 10 PM, which gave her plenty of time to grab something to eat along the way. Who cares when she returned home, no one was waiting for her anyway!
As Mary entered June's apartment, she looked around to see if June was still here. Spying the note on the counter, Mary read it with glee, knowing that June would be gone until at least 6 PM Sunday night. Not able to get off work early on Friday, Mary drove straight away to June's apartment, arriving just after 9 PM.
Mary showered quickly, dried off well, and went to the storage area where the bondage equipment was. The apartment June stayed in had a Master suite, with its own bath and common room. Where June slept was the spare bedroom, having decided she needed all the space of the Master Suite for her bondage games. Mary liked this arrangement very much, especially when they went in together to buy the king sized bondage bed. The frame was made of square steel, very strong, and also very heavy. Luckily the store they bought it from had their own delivery and set-up men. Having to ask a non-bondage enthusiast to deliver and assemble their bed would have been embarrassing to say the very least! The storage area was actually the large walk-in closet of the Master Suite. Everything that Mary and June collected for their bondage games was in this closet.
Mary pulled the leather sleepsack down from the hanger, still covered in plastic and bearing the kink-friendly dry cleaner emblem they took all their non-washable bondage gear to.
Ripping the sack from the plastic, Mary unzipped it, pulled the hangar from the shoulders of the sack, and laid the sack out just as June had shown her she did not so long ago. Mary fastened the straps to the ankle D-Rings and attached the last strap to the zipper pull, creating the same situation June had put herself in. Walking to the front and back doors, Mary checked again to be sure everything was secure. She wanted no uninvited guests during her extended bondage trip!
Mary then set the timer for a 10 minute delay, with a 6 hour run time. It was 10:15 PM. Mary thought ahead, counting out the hours, and agreed that 6 hours was a good time. She would be released at 4:25 AM Saturday morning. This would mean that the vibrator's batteries would still be going strong when the timer turned off and released her. No dull moments for Mary!
Mary placed the vicious vibrator up into her sex, allowing it to pull up into her clit. For added effect, Mary pulled on a pair of latex panties, making sure they were pulled up really tight, further forcing the vibrator into her sex. Mary set the vibrator's control to full-on, all stimulators, and quickly got onto the bed. Just before she started slipping into the sack, she looked around for her favorite bondage item, her latex hood. Remembering it was still in the closet, Mary nearly sprinted to the storage closet, retrieved the hood, and hot-footed it back to the bed.
Slipping her legs into the sack was relatively easy since the zipper was fully open. As Mary pulled the zipper up to her thighs, she realized that this would be a slightly different experience for her than what June had.
For one, Mary was two inches taller than June. Two, Mary was a little curvier in the butt, and quite a bit curvier in the chest. Mary's 36C's were no melons, but bigger just the same. Working quickly, Mary pulled her favorite hood over her head, smoothed out the folds of material to prevent her hair from getting caught in the zipper, and zipped it shut quickly. Adjusting the white latex so that the nose holes were lined up perfectly with her nostrils and centering the black O-Ring over her mouth, Mary reveled in the loss of her sight as her hood had no eye openings. Mary then set herself to the task of getting into the sack fully.
Mary wasted no time pulling the sack up as far as she could, slipping her arms into the sleepsack's internal sleeves while coaxing her shoulders into the sack. Mary thought the vibrator should have started by now, remembering how it had done so in the past. This was her trusty friend, reliable for many months. Just as she was going to pull herself out of the sack, the she heard the garage door opener come to life, and without much difficulty, the zipper was pulled up Mary's back. Mary never saw the opener light come on. She did, however, feel the zipper slowly moving up her back. Not wanting 6 hours in this sack without stimulation, Mary fought as hard as she could to prevent the zipper from being sealed. With all her struggles, it actually made it easier for the relentless machine to close the zipper, sealing Mary in the sack for the foreseeable future.
Mary remembered that the machine could not pull the zipper if she was lying on her back, so she flipped over as quickly as she could, but it was already too late. Not wanting to suffer the same fate as June, Mary reluctantly rolled back on her tummy and waited for the time to expire and release her, resigned to her fate as a boring, leather wrapped girl. Her trusty friend suddenly remembered it had a job to do and sprang to life. Jolting Mary out of her slump, Mary felt her first orgasm quickly build, with her breathing keeping up with her level of arousal. When Mary's first orgasm hit, she was screaming into the mattress, remembering that she did not gag herself. Lifting her head to breathe, she rode out the little waves of orgasm, waiting patiently as a surfer would for that "perfect" wave. Feeling her second orgasm crest, Mary buried her head into the mattress again, enjoying the added feeling of being breathless, as if someone was suffocating her while she rode out her orgasm, torturing her and pleasuring her at the same time.
Mary never heard the front door open, nor did she hear June enter the playroom. June saw Mary writhing through her orgasm, and saw the hood on Mary's head. Thinking quickly, June went to the storage room and retrieved an innocuous looking zip-loc bag with a folded white cloth in it. This was their chloroform cloth, used equally by both women when they wanted to surprise the other with an unplanned escape into bondage land. Removing the cloth, June waited for Mary to raise her head again, placing the cloth right under Mary's chin, flat on the bed.
June heard Mary grunt again, getting ready to ride another wave of orgasm, and watched Mary lower her face right into the white cloth.
Mary never felt the moist cloth because of her hood. Mary never smelled the chloroform because of her heavy mouth breathing. If fact, Mary felt nothing at all while June watched her lover's body grow still and completely relax. Waiting three more seconds, June withdrew the cloth and turned Mary's head to one side to ensure her ability to breathe. After placing the cloth back into its bag and sealing it tight, June shook Mary violently to be sure Mary was truly unconscious, and then set about her work for Mary's extended trip into bondage bliss. First, she turned off the vibrator. June needed it at full strength when she hatched her plan on Mary, her unsuspecting victim, err, participant!
Part III
June watched Mary's body relax and stop moving. Waiting 3 more seconds for the full effect of the chloroform to encompass Mary, June raised Mary's head, lifted the cloth from the mattress, and sealed it tightly in the plastic bag again.
June thought out loud, "Another perk from Mary's job!" knowing full well there was no way to just go to the local drug store and buy this magical clear liquid of deep sleep. Chloroform was not illegal, just impossible to buy without the proper documentation. Mary didn't have it either, but being the one to take inventory and stock the shelves all over the hospital, it was easy to make sure things "fell off the truck," so to speak.
June removed the three rubber tie down straps from the leather sleepsack. June calculated she had about 3 hours before Mary woke up, so June took her time preparing her bondage surprise for Mary. She wanted everything to be perfect! First she collected all the various parts that had become accessories to the bondage bed. Having a rigid square steel bed was great for stability and strength, but horrible when you wanted to add parts. After talking to a friend at the local college down the street who also happened to be the shop teacher, June was rewarded with a great system for adding accessories to the bed's rail system. June's shop teacher friend also lent her considerable experience to designing the mounting system for the garage door opener.
June had consulted her friend several times in her preparations for mounting the opener. June's friend had come up with an elegant solution; adjustable square tubular steel "risers" would be fitted to the bed frame, independent of the headboard and footboard. This would give June the ability to raise and lower the garage door opener to any height between where it was when June first, and Mary now, had used to trap themselves in the leather sleepsack, about 24 inches above the mattress, to 65 inches, the maximum height, where it was now positioned. This was accomplished with spring clips with the big ball bearings in them that would lock into the evenly spaced holes along the rigid square steel tube bolted to the bed frame. All June had to do to raise the opener was, one-by-one, raise each side of the riser frame to the next hole, waiting for the solid "click" of the ball locking in, then going to the other end of the bed and doing the same, working back and forth until the opener was at its current height of 65 inches. It was at this height so June could stand on the bed and not hit her head.
Brackets were made out of the same steel as the bed, with a hinge on one side, and a bolt & wing nut lockdown on the other. The inside of the bracket was lined with thin strips of rubber. This served two purposes. First, it prevented the bracket from slipping, allowing for much greater weight to be held by the bracket. Secondly, the rubber prevented any scratches to the bed frame, so when the brackets were removed, no one would know they were ever there.
June's hands were pretty strong for someone her size, but even she needed help cinching up the brackets. Her friend made a tool to make tightening the wing nuts a breeze, and loosening them just the same. In under an hour, June had raised the opener and all the brackets were in place.
The first two brackets, mounted 30 inches above the mattress, held the most important part of her plan. The "eyeholes" as she called them would serve to guide the bondage tube up towards the block and tackle pulley system. Her "eyeholes" were in fact guides for rope on sailboats. Chrome plated and perfectly smooth, they would allow the tube fabric to slide easily.
Above those, just below the opener, were two pulleys, mounted at a 90 degree angle to the riser bar that held the garage door opener assembly. June took care to be sure each set of brackets were at the correct height and perfectly level.
Next came the more challenging part, the block and tackle. June had purchased 100 feet of deep black polyester rope, matching the bed. At one half inch in diameter, it was the thickest rope June had ever used in her life, even in her bondage games. June knew how strong this rope was, and it had the added benefits of having very little stretch and being incredibly lightweight. June loved the feel of the tightly braided rope as it slid across her palm, wondering if Mary would ever tie her up with it. June thought she could stay for days in the rope, it just felt that good!
Pulling herself back to the task at hand, June measured out where she wanted the block and tackle to be. Needing the Block end as close to the opener riser post as it could be without interfering with the mounted pulley, June calculated it should be 6 inches from the post. She then measured out her first piece of rope, which would go from the foot end of the bondage tube to the top of the block part of the pulley system.
She let the triple pulley hang from the rope tied securely with a Bolin knot off the top pulley, looping the other end over the "eyehole" with a slipknot she planned to use with the bondage tube. June then measured out another piece of rope to attach to the bottom of the tackle end, tying it off just as securely, also looping its loose end over its matching "eyehole". This part had two pulleys, and would be positioned two feet from its matching post after June's final adjustments.
Working carefully to be sure she did not step on Mary, June slowly threaded the remaining rope into the pulleys of the block and tackle, starting from the top of the left pulley on the three pulley block end. As she moved through the pulleys being aware of how she was threading the rope, taking care not to twist the rope across any other, she succeeded in getting the rope through all the pulleys and tied it off to the metal loop at the base of the block.
Leaving the rope to hang, she bent down for one last item, the final pulley. In her test runs, everything worked as planned except that the garage door opener could not pull the rope far enough to create great tension on the bondage tube. The block and tackle would only move half the distance she wanted. June wanted them nearly touching. Talking to her shop teacher friend, she suggested adding another pulley.
"Why would adding another pulley help?" June asked confused. She already had more rope then she could deal with now, and adding another pulley would only make it more so.
Her friend then drew out the design on her whiteboard, explaining that if the pulley was attached to the opener slide, just like the zipper pulling rubber strap was, and the end of the rope was tied to the footboard post, the pulley would double the amount of rope it could pull, and should give June all the tension she needed.
Affixing the last pulley to the opener slide was easy. She used the same steel rod and cotter pin setup used to attach the rubber strap. Threading the rope through the pulley then pulling it towards the foot end of the bed, June tied it off to keep it in place, but still easily loosened since there was a lot of adjusting to do yet.
June was walking all around Mary, and never once did Mary's body shift position. The mattress Mary and June bought was the highest quality memory foam they could afford. The commercials promised that it would transfer no motion for the other partner, and they were right! Many times, while one of them was bound in some way on this bed, the other would get next to their "victim" and she would never know they were there. It is quite the experience to think you are alone only to wake up, or open one's eyes, and find your lover staring back at you, or worse, never feeling them in bed as you are chloroformed and prepared for another intense bondage situation without your knowledge! June and Mary both loved waking up in bondage, especially if they were bound while sleeping, so that when they woke, it was a surprise. What a twisted and extreme situation Mary was about to be in!
The last thing June needed was the bondage tube. It was not sold as a bondage tube, but as a nylon bodytube for meditation and yoga. Sewn closed at one end with the other end open, the tube featured a "finished" hem preventing fraying of the silky material. This tube could easily fit two people. The website she discovered this diabolical device at also had an eBay store, which sold the same items at a greatly reduced price.
In her trials, June had set up everything just like it is now, and after attaching the slipknots over each end of the bondage tube, she adjusted the rope of the block and tackle until all of the slack was taken up and the ends of the tube were just off the bed.
Tying the lose end off securely, she looked over everything, then pressed the button on the opener remote. June was rewarded with the tube being pulled very tightly. Stopping the opener with the block and tackle about 12 inches apart, June touched the now severely stretched tube. It was nearly rigid! June pulled the tube with the finger, like plucking a guitar string, and heard the "twang" sound vibrate through the whole bed. June was ready and Mary would be in this tube, pulled just as tight!
Returning from the storage closet with her bondage tube and a leather wrapped ring gag, June fitted the gag into Mary's mouth with some difficulty. The ring was bigger around than the O-Ring of Mary's latex hood. Working carefully, she succeeded in getting the ring past the opening of the hood and seated it behind Mary's teeth. This was difficult too, as the latex was already stretched tight over Mary's face. Positioning the straps behind Mary's head, she buckled them tightly, turning Mary's O-Ring into an oval. June smiled, thinking of what Mary was about to experience, relishing in the idea that Mary had no idea what was coming.
June rolled Mary onto her back and centered her body under the opener. June then rolled up the bondage tube into a loose circle of cloth, just like if she was going to put on pantyhose. Starting at Mary's feet, June slid and pulled the ultra stretchy nylon fabric around Mary's leather sleepsack wrapped body until she had about 2 feet over her head. Smoothing the fabric, June pulled at the foot end of the tube to gain more slack. Surprisingly, the amount of fabric at Mary's head did not change. June's pulling simply stretched this marvelous sack, pulling it tighter around Mary's body and removing all the wrinkles.
June took the slipknot off the "eyehole", slipped the rope through from the top, and then looped it securely around the base of the sack. Pulling the knot tight, June realized that the slipknot may not be enough to hold the sack with Mary's added weight, so she made a single granny knot in the sack, and then cinched the slipknot down. There was no way it was slipping off now! Moving to Mary's head, June repeated the process, making sure the knot was secure in the sack.
June stood back up, and taking the rope for the block and tackle, she pulled it until the ends of the sack were just being lifted off the bed. June gently rolled Mary back and forth, allowing the sack to stretch again, and the slipknots fell to the mattress. Moving back to her block and tackle rope, June pulled it tight again, and tied it off tightly this time. Verifying that the tackle end of the pulley system was in the correct position, June stepped down off the bed.
Satisfied with her adjustments, June grabbed the opener remote, and pressed the button. She watched Mary's body lift slightly off the bed, making Mary look like a hammock. Mary pressed the button again, stopping the opener. June could just see Mary's butt touching the mattress and thought it was the perfect position for Mary to wake up in. Seeing it was just after midnight, June knew that Mary would be waking soon. Tired from her long uneventful drive and the exertions she just performed on her lover, June plopped down on the bondage chair and promptly fell asleep. (As inquisitive minds want to know, this room is the dedicated bondage Master Suite of June's apartment. Every piece of furniture in this room has a purpose for binding someone.)
About an hour later, Mary woke to a very strange feeling. There was a slight metallic taste in her mouth, but couldn't place the source. Mary's mouth was open and dry, so she tried to close her mouth and swallow to get her saliva flowing, and found her jaws were stuck open. Bighting down hard, Mary moved nothing. Feeling around with her tongue, Mary felt the leather wrapped ring gag set firmly in place. Trying to open her mouth to move the gag was nearly useless. She felt the tight latex gripping her jaw, and was only able to flex her mouth open a little, not even close to dislodging the gag.
"Wait a minute!" Mary thought, "Why am I gagged? I didn't gag myself!"
Mary then had her second realization, she was not lying face down. In fact, not only was she face up, she was in some kind of hammock! How the hell did this happen? Mary knew she was still in the leather sleepsack. That much was obvious. Everything else was a mystery.
Then Mary's devious brain kicked into high gear. June was gone for the weekend. It couldn't be her! Who was it then? No one else had a key to get into the apartment. No one but that slimy repairman! Did he put her into this predicament?
Oh NO! Not him! He's grimy, fat, always smells of beer, and just lusts after Mary and June. Mary began to struggle, trying to see if she could at least get out of the hammock. Shifting her weight to the left, Mary was able to roll onto her tummy, making her body arch backwards. Hearing the leather creak as it shifted over her body, Mary also felt the stretch of her back. How good it felt to bend her tightly bound body! But that was as far as Mary could go in that direction. She rolled back over, and tried rolling off the hammock to the right, and got just as far, which was nowhere near release.
Mary was confused. How could she be in a hammock and not be able to roll off? Shifting her weight again, she righted herself, and felt her butt touch something soft. "It must be the bed," Mary thought, so she tried bouncing her butt up and down, to see if there was any give in the hammock. That's when something strange happened. Mary's butt was indeed closer to the bed. In fact, most of the middle of her body could now touch something. Only Mary's head and feet were still suspended. The weird part was Mary felt squeezed now. Every part of Mary's body felt like something just wrapped tightly around it, squeezing her gently, but firmly. Mary did her best to roll off the bed, but only succeeded in getting as far as she did before. Struggling madly, Mary did everything she could, but only achieved the same face down position. Rolling over to lie flat on her back again, Mary decided there was only one thing she could do.
Calling out as loudly as she could, Mary screamed "Hewlp!" Twice more, she called out, but there was no answer.
June woke with a start when she heard Mary's cries for help. Seeing that Mary had been struggling for a while because of the less arched position Mary was in, June smiled. Her plan had worked! Mary never suspected it was June.
Moving slowly and cautiously, June retrieved the remote and stepped up on the bed, positioning her feet on either side of Mary's head while facing the headboard. Carefully kneeling to be sure she did not touch Mary's body June then pressed the button on the remote which started lowering Mary's head and feet.
"Thanc Gawd!" Mary exclaimed, thinking that she would be released, never feeling June step onto the bed.
June was not about to release her! She wanted to enjoy her new bondage toy. Quickly pressing the button on the remote twice, the opener reversed its direction and began pulling the bondage tube tight while lifting Mary off the mattress. As Mary rose, she began to struggle again, asking, no pleading, with her captor to release her. June smiled at Mary's pleadings, knowing that they would soon be silent. June pressed the button on the remote just as Mary's nose touched June's sex. June's thighs were now straddling Mary's head.
Mary felt the weird sensation of simultaneously being lifted and the increased tightness around her whole body. Mary was still blind, but all her other senses still worked. Shifting around, Mary heard the rustling of fabric all around her head. Still not making sense of this, Mary used the only part of her body not wrapped in leather or rubber, her tongue. Mary stuck her tongue through the opening of her hood and tasted pantyhose?
Not believing what she was feeling, Mary moved her tongue all around in every direction and as far as she could get it out of her mouth. Everywhere she probed with her tongue, she felt the unmistakable taste and feel of pantyhose, pantyhose that was getting tighter by the second. She was finding it hard to push up with her tongue now, only being able to make a slight dent in the fabric. That is when Mary felt another weird sensation, pressure on either side of her head. Not the pressure of the fabric, something much more diabolical.
June watched Mary's tongue dart around through the opening the hood, and shivered slightly knowing that tongue would soon be giving her pleasure. June waited, unmoving, for Mary to figure out exactly where she was and exactly who was doing this to her.
Mary then smelled something familiar. Something impossible for her to be smelling right now, but there it was anyway. It was June's sex. June was at the spa. How is it that June could be here? Confused yet relieved that it was June torturing her, and not the nasty repairman, Mary breathed a big sigh of relief.
"June, what have you done to me?" Mary asked in her best gag-speak.
June, grinning wide, replied, "Oh, just something I thought up not long after our weekend of mummifying each other. I remembered you wanted me to wrap you very tightly. You wanted to feel it tight all over your body. But I couldn't get it evenly tight. Some places were really tight, but others were frustratingly loose, no matter what I did. In fact, after a while, because of the tightness in only some areas, it got really painful for you. It ruined a potentially great experience."
"This is my solution. What do you think?" June asked, waiting for an answer.
Mary replied, "I don't understand what is happening. I can't figure it out!"
June then explained how the Bondage tube was found and how unbelievable stretchy and strong it was. June even described seeing pictures of women suspended in seated positions in the bottom of these types of tubes, unable to get out. Their own body weight securing them as the tube was tied off above.
"You are in the same kind of tube as that," June explained, "With each end of the sack tied off to an elaborate pulley system designed to give you the ultimate compression bondage experience I can make."
June went on to explain that as the garage door opener pulled the rope, the tube would be stretched ever tighter. Mary's head was in the perfect position to pleasure June, and both Mary and June knew it.
June then set forth Mary's challenge. If Mary could get June to orgasm before she had her orgasm, June would release Mary. If not, further challenges would ensue.
Mary agreed to June's challenge, trying her best to make intelligent speech with her gagged mouth.
"GO!" Said June, reaching for the vibrator's remote strategically placed on the headboard. June set the control to full-on, all stimulators and tossed it on the bed.
June waited for her mind blowing orgasm, expecting Mary to give her everything he had, but June was disappointed.
Mary indeed gave it all she had, licking up and down June's pussy and clit just as she always had before. The fabric betrayed her, making it possible for Mary to put pressure wherever her tongue was, but not to give any more sensation. Shaking her head back and forth a little, Mary was able to feel a possible solution with her tongue. She could easily move her tongue left and right, the cloth following her tongue, giving Mary the ability to pleasure June with the added friction and sensation of the fabric rubbing against June's clit.
Just as Mary found her rhythm, Mary's vibrator sprang to life, sending Mary's head reeling. Mary instantly lost her rhythm, but recovered quickly, determined to win her challenge.
June waited patiently for Mary to find some way of pleasing her. June did everything possible to make it easier for Mary to accomplish her goal. Leaning back a little and positioning her sex in just the right place did wonders for the stimulation June was beginning to receive. Right when June felt Mary find the "sweet spot" in the fabric, June felt Mary lose it. Realizing Mary must be distracted from her vibrator, June smiled, thinking that she was going to win this challenge and get to play more challenging games with Mary.
Mary redoubled her efforts to get June off, but she was quickly losing the battle. The vibrator was devastation to Mary, both in stimulation and in distraction. Mary was finding it harder and harder to keep a good rhythm, which Mary knew as well as anyone was essential in achieving orgasm. Mary had an idea that may free her of the vibrator's relentless stimulation.
Mary had very strong PC muscles, a fact a few boyfriends found out the hard way. When she had an orgasm, they were like the coils of a python, grabbing anything inside her and crushing it. This was very stimulating for the men, but ultimately an orgasm killer because until she was done orgasming, they could not pump in and out of her. One boyfriend with smaller hands was able to fist her once and only once. Mary's orgasmic muscle contractions crushed her boyfriend's hand, fracturing one of his fingers. Needless to say, that relationship ended quickly.
Now, Mary used those same python like muscles to try to push the vibrator out of her. As she pushed the relentless invader, she did move it out about 3 inches, but the tightness of the leather sleepsack pressing her thighs together combined with the ever increasing tightness of the bondage tube conspired against her, and it slid back to the hilt. Trying again, she pushed harder, but got the same result.
"What if I get it really lubed up with my juices?" She thought, pushing it in and out in a rhythm that complimented her tongue's flicking. Mary had worked her tongue up to the speed of a rattlesnake's tail, flicking her lover's clit and driving June mad. Just when Mary thought she had won, Mary's body betrayed her. Not realizing she was fucking herself with the vibrator, she had unintentionally doubled the stimulation she was receiving. Without warning, the orgasm hit Mary like a freight train, sending Mary into orbit. Mary's body started bucking wildly, nearly throwing June off the bed.
Not wanting to fall off, and definitely not wanting to move away from Mary's head, June clamped down with her thighs around Mary's head to wait out Mary's violent orgasm. When Mary finally came to rest, breathing hard and unable to talk, June told her unceremoniously that she had lost the challenge. Mary could only nod her head, and somberly did so, not knowing what June planned next, but she knew it involved Mary experiencing an unending, multi-orgasmic roadtrip into bliss.
June said "I have not had my orgasm yet, and you failed to give it to me, so I will take it from you!"
June pressed the button on the remote and the tube started lowering. Quickly pressing the button twice as before, the opener reversed its direction and began pulling the tube tight. But not just tight, this was beyond tight. When June finally pressed the button on the remote, Mary's body was nearly rigid. It was pulled so tight that June's knees had been lifted off the mattress. Looknig up, June smiled. The block and tackle were still 12 inches apart. Plenty of room for more compression later!
Adjusting herself for the best position, June commanded Mary to bring her to orgasm. Mary tried everything. Her tongue, which had found purchase in the previous position, now could barely push up on the fabric. Mary didn't think it was even moving past the O-Ring of her latex hood. In fact, Mary's nose made a bigger dent than Mary could manage with her tongue. Trying to move her head was also impossible. The fabric held her body without even showing the slightest strain. To Mary, it was like being in cement.
Mary gave her best attempt to tell June "I can't move anything!"
"Well then," June replied, "I guess it is up to me!"
Placing the remote on the headboard, June grasped the fabric just above Mary's head for stability, and began rocking her hips forward and backward, rubbing the fabric across her sex. June found Mary's nose bump and took full advantage of it, concentrating on her clit. June's rhythm was increasing in tempo and ferocity and Mary knew June was close.
As Mary felt June's hips bucking wildly out of control as her orgasm ripped through her body, Mary screamed as loudly and as clearly as she could manage, "Fuck my face! Take your pleasure from me!" I am your masturbator!
Mary began screaming again, but not to speak. Mary's second orgasm hit hard, just as June began her trip into orgasmic bliss.
June squirted heavily into Mary's face as she rode out her own orgasm. Mary, tasting June's love nectar, drank up all that she got. Mary was thankful that the unrelenting fabric crushing her body also pressed her nose down on her face sealing her nose from June's huge squirting orgasm. Mary was doubly thankful that she was wearing a ring gag, and not a ball gag. The ball gag and her crushed nose would have made breathing extremely tough, if not impossible.
June was spent. The combination of the driving, the set-up of Mary's situation, and the strength of her orgasm made her collapse onto Mary's face. June sat there for a while, loving the after-spasms of her orgasm, and squeezing Mary's head with her thighs.
Mary was still in her orgasm when she felt the full weight of June press down on her face and June stoped moving. Mary loved the sensation until she tried to take a breath. Without knowing it, June was asphyxiating her! Mary struggled with all her might, but was just able to wiggle a little. Her head, her hips, and her shoulders were all June felt moving beneath her, and June thought Mary was enjoying her orgasm. Mary's body grew still, trying desperately to find any air to breathe.
It wasn't until June stood up that Mary could breathe again. Gasping for air, Mary said, "Thank god!"
Nearly jumping off Mary, June realized her mistake, and asked Mary if she was alright.
Mary replied, "That was close!" I thought I was going to pass out!"
June said, "Sorry about that my love!" "I'll be more careful next time!"
Mary was going to reply, but the deep breathing returned oxygen to her deprived body. Just like throwing gasoline on a fire, Mary's inrush of oxygen sent her into oblivion again. Riding out the orgasm, Mary screamed as her body convulsed in her third orgasm.
Once Mary had returned to her senses, June explained that the tightness was not complete. There were about 12 more inches the block and tackle could be tightened to, and Mary's last challenge was to throw off the vibrator remote from where June would place it, right between Mary's breasts. June told Mary that she would release her only when she had successfully moved the vibrator remote onto the bed.
June never turned the vibrator off or changed the settings. It was still going strong, but Mary was not orgasming. June knew why and explained her plan to Mary.
June said that for her, orgasms were like plateaus. When June reached orgasm, she would be driven sometimes for an hour or more, like walking across the plateau. June might find higher plateaus as more intense orgasms, but she would ride each one out at that level. Mary on the other hand, was a peaks and valleys kind of girl, hitting the high note of her orgasm, dropping down into a valley, and waiting for the next peak. June wanted to change that, and give Mary a very long unending orgasm until she passed out.
Mary replied, "But you know I am not wired that way." "It's impossible for me to orgasm like that!"
June said, "No its not, and you will find out today what it is like!"
With that being said, June pressed the remote for the opener, releasing some of the tension, and as before, pressed the button twice quickly, causing the opener to pull the block and tackle together. When the block and tackle were almost touching, June pressed the button on the remote and the strong machine fell silent.
June touched every part of Mary's bondage tube, reveling in the tightness of it. Remembering when she plucked the tube in her trials, June plucked the impossibly tight fabric above Mary's head and was rewarded with a much higher pitched "twang" that reverberated through the bed frame. Everywhere June's hands rubbed over Mary's encapsulated body, she could feel no movement. Examining the leather sleepsack closely, she could see long wrinkles in the leather parallel to Mary's body, further proof of just how much compression Mary was experiencing. Leaving her hand on Mary's chest, June could just feel the slight movement up and down as she breathed. June was very pleased with the results of her labors.
Placing the remote on Mary's chest as she promised, June said, "OK, the contest begins!"
Mary could hear June's hand rubbing over the fabric of her bondage tube, but felt nothing. Either June was touching her so lightly that her touch could not be sensed by Mary, or, a more probable scenario was that Mary's body was compressed so tightly that any soft touch could not be felt.
As June told her the contest was starting, Mary could feel June press the remote into her chest. Attempting to move anything was impossible. Mary's body was as rigid as a piece of steel. Mary felt dread as she realized there was no way that she would ever accomplish her task. Mary called out to June, pleading with June to release her.
"This is just too extreme!" Mary cried, "I can't move anything!"
"I will answer you this way, lover," June replied, "If I was in the bondage tube, trussed up are you are now, and I asked for release, would you give it to me?"
Mary replied, "Of course not!" "I would only release you when I was damn good and ready!"
"Then you have answered your own question," June replied, adding, "I will not leave the apartment and I will check in on you for time to time, but until you accomplish the goal I set for you or I decide to release you, you are stuck!"
With that June stood back up on the bed, leaned over and kissed Mary full on the O- Ring, right where Mary's lips should be. Mary felt June's embrace, but could not even return her lover's kiss! Mary's head was reeling. She had always wanted an experience like this, but once again, it had become far more extreme than either of them could have imagined.
June then said, "I'll be back in a while, my love. Try not to get lost!"
June stepped off the bed and walked away, leaving Mary alone.
Mary was beside herself, not knowing how to feel. A mere 20 minutes had passed since June left, but to Mary it was an eternity. All at once, Mary felt inescapably held by the one she loved, compressed more tightly that she ever thought was possible, held rigidly with no chance of escape, and the building of another orgasm.
Mary reached out to the orgasm, but it was too far away. Mary was confused. Normally, at this level of stimulation, she would have embraced her orgasm, but it would not come.
Frustrated, Mary tried to relax her body to allow the orgasm her body and mind craved, but it was no use. The bondage tube prevented her from having an orgasm. You see, Mary is a motion dependant orgasmic woman. She needs to have some way to move to help her reach orgasm. Her arms, her legs, even the bucking of her hips or the turning of her head would be enough for her at this point, but all those things were taken from her by the bondage June had placed her in.
Mary could feel the orgasm building, her bonfire slowly turning into a full forest fire, and still it was building. Mary was beginning to lose touch with reality. She was blind from her hood, but she swore she could see bright light. It was no ordinary light, but light from the center of her being, with the same intensity as looking into the sun.
Then simultaneously in the tips of her toes and the bridge of her nose, Mary felt a tingling. This tingling quickly spread across her body like a brush fire, engulfing her in the flames of her passion. The flames were melting her senses, turning sight, taste, sound, touch, and smell into a single defining sensory experience of orgasmic overload.
Mary felt every muscle in her body vibrating. Not understanding what was happening to her body, Mary let out a loud, long moaning sound, not unlike a ghost like in the scary movies she watched as a kid.
June, hearing Mary's moan, smiled to herself, and said "Here it comes!"
Mary's whole body was an orgasmic entity, vibrating with the cosmos of her mind. As the vibrations grew in intensity, she could feel pulsations running from her head to her toes and back again, like compression waves along a spring. Her body was no longer hers, as the orgasm consumed her completely, tearing her from all her senses.
June listening intently, heard the bondage bed amplify the vibrations of Mary's orgasmic journey, and just had to go take a look!
Walking into the bondage room, June gasped as she saw Mary's body vibrating and pulsating uncontrollably, moving only as much as the bondage tube would allow, which was so little, it almost looked to June like Mary was an out of focus picture. Reaching up to touch Mary, June felt the heat of Mary's body, much warmer than usual. The orgasm Mary was experiencing was something she might not be able to duplicate again, so she left Mary alone. It was nearly three hours later, when Mary's body had become completely still, that June reached up and turned off Mary's vibrator.
Mary hit the button on the opener remote and lowered Mary's body to the bed. Untying the slipknots and the knots in the bondage tube, Mary's totally limp body was extracted from the fabric that gave Mary the most intense and exhilarating experience she had ever known. Removing the gag from Mary's mouth carefully, June rolled Mary onto her tummy and began the difficult task of removing Mary from the leather sleepsack.
Since Mary was still unconscious, it made it that much more difficult, but eventually June was able to extract Mary. Lifting her gently, June carried Mary to her bed that was already prepared for them both. Placing Mary down, she tucked her in and then climbed into bed with her. Snuggling her, making "spoons", June quickly fell asleep.
Neither of the women woke until after noon the next day, each of them having their own trials and tribulations to experience after exceeding the expectations of the other.
June woke first, and set herself to the task of making something for both of them to eat.
Hearing the sizzling of bacon, and the unmistakable smells of breakfast, Mary woke to an empty stomach and a startling discovery. She was no longer bound. She was in June's bed, completely naked, and she was famished!
Rising carefully on unsteady legs, Mary wobbled past the kitchen, greeting June with a wave, as she worked her way into the bathroom and much needed relief.
Completing what she needed to do, Mary came back to the kitchen and plopped down in a chair as June served the food, presenting Mary with her favorite coffee in an insulated carafe.
Mary said "Wow, what a night! I have never felt anything like that before!"
June replied, "My best estimate is that your orgasm lasted about three hours. By the time you were finished, it was well past 3 AM. It took me a little longer to get you out of your bondage than it did with mine, but I was able to get us both tucked into bed by 5 AM."
Mary was still shaking, just like when she was orgasming, unable to stop. It felt like she was shivering, but she was pleasantly warm. Mary could not understand why her body was behaving this way, but June knew!
June watched Mary closely, seeing her shaky hands reach for a glass, grasp it, begin to lift it and watched the glass harmlessly fall back on the table.
Mary gasped, saying, "I can't hold the glass! What is wrong with me?"
June replied, "It is the after effects of your intense orgasm. We had to break through the barrier of your orgasm threshold, and did we ever!"
Mary thought about that for a while. Mary remembered running into a wall when she tried to orgasm after June put the full stretch on the bondage tube. She could move nothing, and yet, she still reached orgasm, just impossibly beyond the intensity she had ever felt before.
Mary said, "I saw a bright light, and then it turned hot, searing through my eyes, then the rest of my body, but I was blind from the hood. So how could I see anything if I was sightless?"
"Easy!" replied June, "What you saw was the orgasmic energy your body was stopping from being released."
"What do you mean?" Mary asked, not understanding where June was going.
"Think of it like this, Mary," June began, "You experienced what I do almost every time we play our extreme bondage games. You pushed through the barriers of your mind and body and received an orgasm you have denied yourself all these years."
Mary was feeling a little more confident and a lot less shaky, so she poured herself some coffee from the carafe and sniffed the rich aroma. Sipping carefully to be sure she did not burn herself, Mary tasted the coffee. It was like she had been stranded in a desert and was drinking coffee for the first time in many weeks. Mary was realizing that everything she was experiencing was in a heightened state of being. All her senses came to life, and she wondered if this was how a cat sensed its environment. The central air system came on, and the gentle breeze across all her exposed skin instantly responded as if touched by a lover. Goosebumps soon followed, and Mary blushed, ashamed at how her body was reacting.
June saw her lover blush, and asked, "What's the matter?"
Mary replied that every sense she experienced was on overdrive. Everything she was feeling, tasting, touching, smelled or heard was at a heightened effect.
Wondering what it would feel like, Mary gently brushed one of her nipples with her fingertips and nearly jumped out of her seat. It was like being struck by lightning!
Seeing Mary jump, June watched intently at how Mary was coping with this extremely heightened sense of arousal. No matter where Mary touched herself, it was like teasing the tip of a fully erect penis. Mary was rapidly going into sensory overload, and June took action.
Half directing, half dragging Mary to the Master Bathroom, June gently lowered Mary into the already drawn steaming hot bath. Too hot to get into 30 minutes ago, it was now at a hot but tolerable level. After helping Mary to get in, June pulled off what little clothing she had on (after all, frying bacon makes for flying grease!) and joined her in the hot water. Shifting around so that June was behind Mary, June pulled Mary back into her and they both just relaxed. Mary quickly fell asleep because June was stroking her hair. Mary always relaxed when someone was stroking her hair. June thought to herself, "Breakfast will just have to wait."
About an hour later or maybe a little more, June sensed that Mary was waking and asked her how she felt.
Mary replied, "Much Better, thank you! I think I would have exploded if you did not get me into this bath and calmed me down."
June hugged her lover tightly and said, "Let's go get something to eat now."
Mary and June got out of the tub and dried each other off under the heat lamps, kissing just as passionately as ever. They almost didn't make it out of the bathroom when June's stomach rumbled loudly. That was the signal that their current activities could wait, as higher priority needs could be put off no longer.
The two of them decided that breakfast was ruined, so going out for a meal was their only option, especially since neither of them felt like cooking!
15 minutes later, they headed out the door for their promised meal and to talk of Mary's experiences.
Part IV (added: 05/27/2011)
June and Mary went to their favorite restaurant which was only minutes from June's apartment. They could have walked there in about 30 minutes, and the night was becoming pleasant enough, but neither of them felt they needed any further exertion tonight.
June drove, as they both agreed Mary was not ready for anything requiring advanced motor skills or concentration, and where June lived you needed both. June's neighborhood was really coming around. Someone might have called it a yuppie-town in the past, but June did not see the connection. Condos and high end apartments were going up all over the area, and any old, dilapidated buildings were not rehabbed but torn down and rebuilt. Lots of people were out tonight, walking all over. Bars with open windows, and a couple with open walls and outside seating were already filling up, further proof of the good changes happening. Getting to the restaurant was hair-raising at times due to people not crossing the street where or when they should. Walking out from between two parked cars seemed to be the norm around here, and a driver had to be on her toes!
Arriving at the restaurant without incident, June and Mary were greeted by the valet, and June happily gave the man her keys as parking was at a premium any day of the week. Entering the bustling and happy atmosphere was an instant mood changer for both women. As soon as he saw them, the owner, Gary, walked right up and hugged and kissed both women in the European way, on both cheeks, giving Mary's butt a generous grab with his large hands. Mary and Gary went way back, and June had no problem with how Gary treated her lover, as long as Mary had no problem with it.
Mary let out a mock gasp and blushed slightly, saying "I can never get anywhere in this place without you assaulting me, Gary!"
Gary replied, "If I did not, you would be disappointed, my dear, and I never let my customers leave disappointed!"
Gary smiled with the wide grin that was his trademark, gestured for the ladies to follow him, and brought them to a table by the window with a reserved sign on it. Taking the sign away and bowing slightly, Gary said, "Please take you seats ladies, and your waiter will be with you soon."
Gary pulled out a chair, first for Mary, then for June, guiding them in with a gentlemanly flair rarely seen anymore. Snapping his fingers, two of his staff instantly appeared with water, removed the extra place settings, and unfolded their napkins, placing them elegantly across their laps. Disappearing just as fast, June and Mary were left alone to look over the menu and talk about what they just experienced.
June was first to speak, telling Mary what she thought Mary had experienced over the last few hours. She knew how tight the bondage tube had been, and asked Mary if it was just as tight as she thought it was.
Mary gasped, and then said, "Not even close! I have never felt so helpless, immobile, compressed and rigid as I did with that diabolical rig you set up. I have read reports and watched video of people getting electrocuted, seeing their bodies go rigid and unable to move or speak, or even breathe sometimes. I believe I experienced something more intense than I ever imagined those people going through. Every part of my body that I would normally move, right down to my fingers, toes, and eyelids, was held as if I was Han Solo frozen in Carbonite!"
June let out a soft "Ooh!" and said "Tell me more!"
Mary thought for a minute, and just when she was about to speak, their waitress came over. Mary stood up as fast as she could and hugged Darcy, saying, "I thought you were out of town! It is great to see you again!"
Darcy replied, "Yes, I was away, but came back two days ago. I saw you at your table and asked Gary if I could take it. How's life been treating you, Mary?"
Mary replied, pointing at June accusingly, "With her around, life is never dull!"
Turning towards June, Darcy said, "Hello! Any friend of Mary's is a friend of mine!"
"Pleased to meet you, Darcy," June replied, "How do you know Mary?"
"Mary and I go way back, when we were both in college." Darcy explained, with a sly grin forming on her lips. "Mary here was the class clown, always getting me in trouble! I could never stop laughing at her antics!"
Mary interjected, "Yes, I did make you laugh, but you made me scream!"
Darcy blushed slightly and retorted, "Don't give away all my secrets!"
Mary then said, "You will have to come over to June's apartment soon. We have it all set up for that special 'me' time I know you crave!"
June looked at Mary, then at Darcy, and back at Mary. Something was brewing under the surface that sounded a lot like Darcy was no stranger to nights in bondage and unending orgasmic bliss. Keeping quiet, June said nothing, but inside her butterflies fluttered madly at the idea that June might be found in one of her self-bondage escapes by Darcy, someone she hardly knew and not Mary, her long-time lover and friend.
Seeing that June had drifted off for a minute, Mary asked, "Honey, are you OK?"
Hearing Mary's voice, June looked at Mary and then into Darcy's eyes and was about to say "Yes, I'm OK!" but a whole different set of words came out that June never intended to say. "I would love to show you around my apartment and let you take some of my special toys for a ride!"
Darcy said, "Thank you!" "I look forward to it!"
Mary sat dumbfounded, not believing that June was being so forward with Darcy. This was a side of June Mary did not know existed, and Mary was intrigued! Not wanting to spoil the moment, Mary's stomach did anyway, letting out a loud creaking noise that sounded a lot like "I'm hungry and I need food!"
Mary blushed, covering her mouth in surprise at the loudness of her tummy. Darcy giggled, saying, "Marathon run again, my dear?" looking right into Mary's eyes, making Mary blush more.
"You would not believe what I have been through for the last 16 plus hours!" Mary gushed, blushing even deeper now.
Darcy just said, "Yes, I would believe it! With all you used to put me through, it's about time you got your comeuppance!
June, grinning widely, said, "You might not believe it!" adding, "You are welcome to give it a try sometime!"
"Ladies," Darcy announced, "this is getting intense, and if I talk to you two much longer, I am going to start humping someone's leg! Let's get dinner ordered before I get fired for fraternization!"
June and Mary look down at their menus again, even though they both nearly knew it by heart, and then ordered their food. As Darcy sauntered away, June watched her go into the kitchen, just like all the men and most of the women did. Darcy was a looker. Eye candy, as June remembered the term, but never applied it to anyone until now. Nearly drooling, June pulled herself back together and continued talking about Mary's experiences, taking mental notes on how things could be improved and what definitely need to stay the same. About 10 minutes later, Darcy returned with their soup and salads, and immediately left for another table. Things were picking up, and the conversations in the room intensified in volume accordingly. If there was a worry about anyone overhearing their conversation before, it was gone now. It was a verifiable din in the restaurant, proof of its popularity and great food and service. While Mary and June ate, their conversation took a backseat as their hunger took over.
Gary had himself a goldmine. Hiring wait staff like Darcy only increased his restaurant's popularity. He knew that Darcy could have worked at Hooter's with a body like her's. She might have made a lot more money, too. But Darcy would never have been treated there like she is here at Gary's restaurant. Darcy only started working here 3 months ago, and already she was his most requested waitress. It wasn't just Darcy's good looks that was her attraction, but her personality that made every customer feel like they were family.
Gary currently had three former Hooter's girls on his staff. Gary's first rule, no working at Hooter's ever again. He was loyal to his employees and he expected the same in return. His second rule, which got anyone on his staff fired on the spot if broken was, if the customer is not happy, make them happy and get Gary involved whenever needed.
Gary never wanted to see a bad comment card from any customer, and even worse, hear of bad word-of-mouth advertisement. Gary was not afraid to comp a meal if something was not right. That rule had saved many customers, and made some of them weekly repeat customers. His favorite compliment was that it was better eating at his restaurant than at home. If the customer went home unsatisfied, then he failed that customer. It was a matter of pride for Gary. It meant a lot to him that his customers felt good when they left. His staff knew it, and so did his customers.
As if they rang a bell, Gary appeared with their steaming entrees as his staff cleared the table of the now empty soup and salad dishes. Gary smiled, placed each dish in its correct place without needing to ask which food was for which person, nodded his head slightly and walked away. In unison, both girls said "Thank you, Gary!" but Gary didn't need to hear it, and probably did not with the noise level in the restaurant right now. He knew they were thankful just by the looks on their faces.
Mary dug in first, cutting into her food and groaning in pleasure as it hit her tongue. "I can't believe how incredible Gary's food tastes! I have been coming to this restaurant for 5 years now, back when it was half this size, and in all that time, I have never had a bad meal!"
June gingerly tested her food, knowing it was piping hot and blew gently to cool her morsel. She accepted the forkful into her mouth and was greeted with a symphony of flavors that made June smile with glee, nearly dropping her mouthful. After chewing and swallowing, June agreed with Mary, saying, "It's only been 2 years for me, but I can't remember a bad meal here, either!"
Continuing to eat ravenously, the women cleared their plates quickly, savoring every bite. Darcy checked in on them occasionally, but most of their needs were handled by the other wait staff, like refreshing their water, taking away the used dishes, and making sure they were comfortable and happy.
In a little more than an hour, June and Mary were transformed from extremely hungry and uncomfortable to stuffed and very comfortable. Mary covered her mouth in embarrassment when a loud burp flew from her mouth, never knowing it was coming up until everyone else in the restaurant heard it too. Mary looked around and asked forgiveness while blushing deeply, glowing firery red.
Gary walked up and said, "In some countries, if you didn't burp like that, it would be an insult to the chef! "
Mary replied, "I have never burped that loud before! I must have eaten too fast!"
Gary thoughtfully said, "Eating is an art. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to finish a masterpiece. Other times, one splash of paint from the can and it is art. Who can tell anymore! Just because you girls became splashes of paint does not mean that what you experienced was not art!"
Mary gushed, "If making food is an art, then you are a great master, like Van Gogh!"
Gary deeply thanked Mary for the compliment.
"Darcy told me that it is your birthday, Mary, is that right?" Gary asked while holding their check.
"Why, yes it is, Gary! I forgot it was my birthday today!" I'll have to thank Darcy for reminding me, and you!"
"What do I get," Mary asked playfully, "a sundae, piece of pie, or something like that with a candle?"
Gary replied, "No, you get dinner on the house. Both of you! Your tab is on me!" "Have fun tonight and don't get into too much trouble!"
Walking away, June gasped, "Wow! That was really nice of him! You should let him grab your butt more often!"
Mary giggled, "Many years ago, he did a lot more than that! I still think he has a thing for me, even though we haven't been an item since before I met you."
"Wow! And I thought I had it bad for you!" June laughed heartily as she looked into Mary's eyes in the way that only lovers can. Mary returned the gaze, smiling deeply, melting into June's angelic face, drawn to her eyes like a moth to a flame. Darcy came by, asking if either of the girls would like desert, on the house of course!
Both Mary and June took a moment to even acknowledge Darcy's presence, and Darcy smiled, remembering what it was like to be in love. "I'll give you two a minute." Darcy said, and walked to another table.
June was the first to talk. "Was Darcy just here?" she asked inquisitively, still looking at Mary.
Mary replied, "Yeah, something about desert. Want any?"
June replied, "Yes, but not food!"
Mary, agreeing hungrily, replied, "I feel the same way! Let's go home and make desert!"
Mary pulled a $50.00 bill out of her purse, wrote June's phone number and address in the white edge of the bill, and folded it into a heart. Smiling, Mary stood up, walked to Darcy, handed her the heart shaped generous tip and whispered into her ear, "Call ahead for reservations!"
Darcy gently took the heart from Mary and placed it into her apron and replied, "I can't wait! Be careful tonight!"
Mary replied, "Not to worry, June is driving!"
June waved to Darcy, and Darcy warmly returned the gesture, watching the girls walk out of the restaurant, wondering what was in store for them, and how she factored into their future. Quivering slightly, Darcy sighed, focused herself, and returned to her responsibilities.
Finishing her shift, Darcy drove home thinking about the conversation she shared with Mary. Darcy had a new friend in June, too! Darcy got wet just thinking about what she and Mary shared many years ago, the memories rushing in as if it all happened yesterday. Parking her car and walking to her apartment, Darcy entered and sighed, as no one was there to greet her. Darcy lived alone now, alone and without any real satisfaction on the sexual front. She had moved back here after a failed relationship and found employment rather quickly. Darcy loathed one night stands, and was never really able to pleasure herself with toys. Self bondage was out of the question since there was no back-up person in her life. Darcy's sexual life had become very dull indeed.
But tonight, there was a hint of something much more! Mary had a new friend, in June, and Mary was getting her just rewards. Darcy's head swirled at the possibilities of being bound and forced to orgasm over and over again. But Mary had said "special alone time." Did she mean self-bondage, like how Darcy would tie herself up and wait for Mary to come home to ravage her helpless body? "Special toys" also stuck out in her memory. What did June mean by that?
Darcy thought back to tonight at the restaurant, and the hungry look in Mary's eyes. It was not a look Darcy expected to see in Mary's eyes. In fact, she could not remember a time Mary lusted for anyone like she did for June. Even in their relationship, Mary never looked that way at Darcy. The dynamics of her friendship with Mary and the possibilities that awaited her were beyond Darcy's comprehension right now. What did June have that ensnared Mary's heart so?
Darcy would find out soon enough!
Part V (added: 05/27/2011)
Arriving home, June and Mary walked together as lovers would, arm-in-arm, being as close to each other as they could without interfering with their walking. June unlocked the door, and they both went inside, already kissing and fondling each other. As they walked towards the bedroom letting the door close behind them loudly, they peeled each other's clothes off, leaving a trail of discarded clothes from the front door to the bedroom hallway.
"Just one minute," June said, peeling herself off Mary and entering the bathroom. "I want to be fresh for you!"
Mary then realized that she should freshen up too, and went to the master bathroom with the same intentions.
Meeting back in the bedroom minutes later, Mary entered with a smile as she saw June holding the covers open invitingly and said, "Come on in, lover, I won't bite! Well, not hard, anyway!"
Accepting her invitation, Mary leapt into bed tackling June and causing them both to roll over into the covers, wrapping them lightly in the process. For more than an hour, they both pleased and pleasured each other. Kissing, stroking, pinching, nibbling, and some light fingernail scratching by June across Mary's back was the bill of fare, and they both ate it up hungrily.
Eventually working loose from the covers, Mary spun around and exclaimed "Now I want my desert!" In the "69" position, Mary pulled the covers over her head, and buried her face into June's sex. As the covers settled, June smoothed them over herself, making sure Mary's legs and feet were covered, and diving under the covers as well gave Mary her desert, too. Each woman knew just how to please their lover after doing it for so long, they brought each other to orgasm quickly.
June was the first to say anything, but with June's thighs holding Mary's head, Mary only heard mumbling.
Pushing up from the bed and turning around to face her lover, Mary said dreamily, "What was that?" "It sounded like you said something?"
June replied, "Yes. I said I loved you!"
Mary replied mockingly, with a small sly grin on her face, "Oh, is that all? I thought it was something important like the apartment is on fire or the world was coming to an end!"
Grabbing the pillow, June sat up and pressed the pillow over her lover's face saying loudly, "You know you love me too!"
Falling back on the bed, June pulled the pillow with her, and freed Mary from her mock suffocation. Mary took the pillow and placed it back on the bed so they could both share. Turning away, June knew what was coming and embraced it lovingly, accepting Mary's body next to hers and shaped her body into the familiar spooning they both enjoyed. It was their favorite cuddling position, and not long after, both women were fast asleep.
Mary dreamed of June, and her next trip into bondage and forced orgasm. Mary placed June into many positions, not knowing her subconscious was working out the details for her. When Mary woke the next morning, she would already have the basic parameters set. What a devious mind Mary had, and she would let June know just how devious soon!
June, on the other hand, dreamt of Darcy, and what kind of relationship she had shared with Mary. June was intrigued by Mary's past lovers. All of Mary's lovers had kept civil relationships with her after their split, even the men like Gary the restaurant owner. June had experienced no bad blood from any of Mary's ex's. Even Darcy suggested that there was still desire for Mary after her "leg humping" statement. Plus, bringing a trusted third person might spice things up more, not that Mary and June's relationship needed spicing up, just that Mary was still not around as much as June would like her, or rather needed her to be.
June dreamed of finding Darcy in one of her bondage set-ups and how she would treat Darcy once found. She also dreamed of Darcy finding her all trussed up and vulnerable. Both women had lovely torrid dreams of fantasy, and they would both wake up in the wet spot!
Late in the morning, both women stirred lazily. Mary found June on her back, and taking advantage of her position, Mary quickly climbed on top, smothering June with kisses.
"Good morning, sleepyhead!" Mary said excitedly, "I had a great forgotten birthday yesterday, and you were the reason why!"
June replied, "With all the playing we did the last two days, I forgot, too! I never even got you a card!"
"No worries, there, sister!" Mary said, "What is in your heart could never be written in some Hallmark card. We share something that is beyond words, and I am the better for it!"
June smiled and said, "Better? In what way, might I ask?"
Mary, thinking quickly, replied, "I have something brewing in the back of my mind that will be mind blowing for the both of us. How would you like to be tied up with me, in positions that made multiple forced orgasms impossible to avoid, and released only when we both could stand no more?"
"OK, you are a dangerous woman!" June said mockingly, "But I love you all the more for it!"
Mary's Blackberry chimed loudly from her purse, and Mary sighed, getting up to read the message. Her Blackberry was only for work, and it hardly ever received a message unless it was very important.
June waited in bed for Mary to return. Mary read the message twice to be sure she was getting it right, and then returned to June to give her the Good/Bad news.
June knew right away something was not right, she could see it in Mary's face. June asked, "What's wrong? As she held the covers open for Mary's return.
Mary replied, "This is a huge assignment for me, and I don't have all the details yet, but it seems that the hospital wants me to head up a fact-finding group for the adoption of a new technology the hospital may add to their cancer wing. It might even require a new separate building. We are talking no less than a $250 Million project!"
June was just as awestruck as Mary. She knew Mary had only been at her position for three months, and now the hospital was entrusting Mary with this huge task.
Mary continued, "They also want me to come in, right now, to see if I am willing to take the assignment. If I do, the rest of the details will be given to me then."
June spoke up right away, "Well then get going! I expect you to say yes to their offer no matter what! This is a great opportunity for you, so don't screw it up!"
June was already pushing Mary out of bed, and without realizing, Mary was dumped on her butt. Shouting mock threats of death, Mary got up and started putting herself back together. Fishing through the trail of clothes, Mary was able to find everything she needed to look presentable for her ride home except her panties.
June was just stepping out of the bedroom when Mary turned and hollered, "June, where's my panties?"
June giggled and replied, "You weren't wearing any last night, silly!"
"Well that explains why I can't find them!" Mary replied, giggling too, "Give us one more hug before I am off!"
June sauntered up to Mary like a spider after her prey, making every attempt to distract Mary from her current task.
Mary watched June walk towards her, and Mary's mind went blank. All she could think about was June and what they had shared over the past two days. Mary started to open her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. June finally reached Mary and just as a spider would caress their prey, entwining a web around her now helpless body, June wrapped one leg, then the other around Mary, seating her legs just above Mary's butt as she wrapped her arms around Mary's neck so softly that Mary thought of spider silk.
June brought her mouth to Mary's neck and lightly traced two hearts with her tongue, breathing heavily and moaning softly, "I will be waiting here for your return. I will have dinner ready. Don't be late!"
Mary's body trembled, not out of fear but out of desire. Every part of Mary's body wanted to stay with June, but Mary's mind screamed "We have to go, NOW!"
Willing herself to move, Mary gently took June's head in her hands and kissed her deeply, and June responded in kind, both of them drinking in the other's embrace.
Mary exclaimed, "I have to go or I will be late! God I love you June! I will call you as soon as I am finished with the meeting. Now let me go before I lose the will to leave!"
Slowly, with the grace of a spider moving off her prize, June unwrapped herself from Mary's now sweaty body and said, "You better, or no desert for you!"
Mary smiled weakly, and said "Wish me luck?"
June replied, "Break a leg, but I know you won't need it!"
With that, Mary exited June's apartment. June went to the couch, sat down, and cried. Somehow, although June did not know the reason why, Mary was leaving for a long time, a lot longer than she usually did. June was afraid of being alone that long. June needed Mary's strength and her love. "Only a phone call away!" was sounding more like shouting from the moon. June did her best to brace herself for the coming news, but it was doing no good. She decided a nice long hot bath would help her more than sitting on the couch, so she got up and did just that.
Mary returned to her apartment in record time, changed out of her clothes, took a quick shower keeping her hair dry, and got dressed for the most important meeting of her young life. Taking one last look at herself in the mirror, Mary adjusted her skirt, and smoothed out with her pinky a little make-up under her eye. She turned and left the apartment, ready to face whatever she was about to hear.
Mary arrived at the hospital less than an hour after she received the message, quite proud of herself knowing what she looked like before the message. One last quick glance into the visor mirror let Mary know she was as ready as she would ever be. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of the car, closed and remote locked the doors, and walked towards her future confident that she was ready for anything.
Mary sat in the meeting for fifteen minutes patiently listening to the speech the board of directors made for her benefit, taking notes and nodding her head when appropriate. The final minutes were a shock to her, when the representative from the technology company laid out to her what was necessary for Mary to become competent enough to properly evaluate the equipment and procedures.
Mary would have to go through 2-4 weeks of training in the use of the equipment, mostly going through the paces, but never actually operating the equipment on a patient. Once the company thought her proficient enough, Mary would then go on a three week tour of other facilities that already had this equipment running, being able to question them about the effectiveness of the new treatments as well as anything else that she could think to ask, including watching their equipment in use. Her final stop would be at a facility that is just completing phase one of their construction and almost ready to start installing the new equipment. This would give Mary all the data she would need to give a complete report on all the different facets necessary to complete this project.
The director of the board thanked the representative of the company and then asked for some time to talk to Mary alone before they rendered their decision.
When the door to the boardroom closed, the first thing out of Mary's mouth was, "Sir, I do not have the training or experience to head up an assignment like this. I know nothing of building codes, or power factors, or construction needless to say any formal training in assessment of a project like this!"
The Chairman raised his hand slowly gesturing for Mary to relax and just listen. "We know you do not have much experience in any of the things you just spoke of. That is the reason why we are asking you to head up this project. We want a clear head as the lead on this, not some architect or construction foreman going into this with his own set of expectations about how this is going to be built. Your task is simple, give us your honest opinion on whether this is a viable and profitable direction for hospital. We expect that there will be complications, but most of the technical stuff will be handled by your team. You are there for guidance, and to look in places that no one else would. We expect you to carry out your assignment with the same efficiency and attention to detail that you have shown us in the past 3 years!"
Mary sat dumbfounded, finally realizing that her promotion was not arbitrary, but planned out from having observed her for a long time.
Pulling herself together, Mary replied, "You can count on me, Sir!" She then asked, "When will my assignment start?"
The Chairman's secretary said, "You will fly out to their training center tomorrow morning, first class, all expenses paid by the technology firm, with a generous stipend. You are already booked in all the hotels for your whole trip, with town car chauffer to and from the airport, hotels, restaurants, and training center as required. A driver will be on call whenever you need transportation."
The Chairman then spoke up, "They have gone all out to impress you, Mary, don't let it go to your head. In the end, they are a provider, and we are their latest customer. This is big business, and it is how big business gets done."
Smiling shyly, Mary replied, "Yes Sir, I will do my best!"
"I expect nothing less from you, Mary. Good luck, and remember to have fun!"
Mary stood, walking towards the Chairman, and shook his large hand as firmly as she could, noting that his grip matched hers exactly even though it appeared he could have crushed her tiny hand in his, returning her handshake with a smile. The Chairman's secretary pulled her aside and gave Mary the documents, plane tickets, meal vouchers, and anything else she would need for the nearly two month long trip she would be taking.
Getting everything in order, she turned to look, and most of the board members had already left, but one woman in particular stayed behind. Mary recognized her face, she had seen her before, but they never met.
Smiling as she watched Mary walk away from the very efficient secretary, the lady walked up to Mary and said, "Hello, we have never met before, but the Chairman's statement of 'we have been watching you for a long time' is not quite true. I have been the watcher, and I am very impressed with your work ethic, your ability to think yourself out of any problem, and especially how easily you get the men to follow your orders, even if they don't want to! My name is Betty, and I am your benefactor, so to speak, of your promotion and subsequent assignment. There are a lot of men you will be encountering who's only goal is to get you to return with a favorable report. I expect that their charms will be useless on you, am I right?"
Mary stood stunned for a moment at the brashness of Betty's statement, and then replied, "You are correct, they will have no hold on me."
Betty replied, "Good! I am glad I picked the right woman for the job. I'm too old to go globetrotting anymore. Besides, I don't have the body for it either. Never get old, darling, it will be your undoing!"
"Thank you for the advice, Betty," Mary said, and shook Betty's hand firmly. Betty returned the handshake and they both smiled.
Mary watched Betty walk away and had to wonder if Betty knew about her relationship with June. Did she think she was a lesbian? Mary shook her head slightly answering herself, knowing that there was no man in her life, but there was always an opening for the right one. That would change the dynamics of her and June's relationship greatly, but that was a bridge she was not ready to cross. Right now, she had to get back to June and give her the good news.
Not bothering to change or go home, Mary made the drive to June's apartment without incident arriving 45 minutes after leaving the meeting. Mary walked into June's place smelling good food. Hearing lots of pots and pans clanking, Mary knew June was loading the dish washer, and knew June didn't know she was there. June jumped when she felt Mary's hands grab her waist and tickle her mercilessly.
Turning around and hugging Mary tightly, June said through a stifled laugh, "Tell me how it went! You knocked them dead, right?"
Mary, with a half smile on her face, replied, "Let's go sit on the couch."
June and Mary Walked over and June sat first as Mary laid out her itinerary on the table. Explaining in as much detail as she could, Mary explained the proposed timeline, and how it may be as long as two months before she was back in town.
June leaned back on the couch, with fear on her face, and looked at Mary. Mary could see the fear, and could feel how distraught June was about her being gone for so long. June had an extreme fear of being left alone, abandoned, by a loved one. Her dad had died when she was only 9 years old. In desperation, June's mother turned to a life of drugs, selling to make money for living expenses. Not long after, June's mom was arrested, and June spent the next 8 years in 5 different foster homes. On her eighteenth birthday June was presented with a key to her own apartment, and complimentary enrollment in City College. June dove into her class work, excelling in every subject she was exposed to except social studies. She hated that subject, and only did the minimum to get by.
June's good grades and national test scores garnered the attention of the Dean. On his recommendation, Harvard gave June a full scholarship to Harvard's Business School, including room and board. June continued to excel in all her class work, for as long as she had that, she was not thinking about being alone.
June had a few friends at Harvard, but her intense study regimen left little time for socialization. After graduating Suma Cum Laude, June went to work with a large corporation which promised a quick trip up the ladder for her if she applied herself as well as she did in school. About a year later, June was going over some paperwork left on her desk, and found a glaring error. Several payments were sent to an offshore account in the vice president's name. Needless to say, the company wanted to keep this quiet. The vice president resigned without giving a reason, and that kept him out of jail. June, on the other hand was a different matter.
After being called to the CEO's office, he made her a deal she could not refuse. $3 Million plus whatever extra to offset the taxes and she would leave the company, never telling a soul about what she read or what really made the vice president leave suddenly. The company's reputation was at stake. Without even thinking about it, June said yes, and the next day June was unemployed with the $3 Million in her bank account.
Using her knowledge of finance gleaned from her extensive education, June was able to invest most of that money wisely, creating a cash account for all her expenses, and paying her a stipend every month. June had to spend some on herself to celebrate, but in the end, her unshakable discipline made her toe the line. It was not much, just $1800 compared to $3 Million, but it was more than most people took home. Her investments would pay this amount out every month until she reached retirement age, when her other investments would kick in. With a lot of discipline to prevent her from large cash withdrawals for things she wanted, June would save up for the big ticket items, like her car and current apartment.
To any other person she met, June was not rich. She lived a modest life. Even Mary did not know she was rich when they first met. It was months later, when June was comfortable enough with Mary to answer her question about June not working and explain how could she afford living here, and the car and clothes and shoes?
June explained about how after school she took a job with a big corporation and the results of her finding the information and revealing it to the company. June also showed Mary her investments and how they paid out to her checking, or rolled back into the investment account, keeping her solvent and without need of a job. June estimated that her accounts would still be going strong when she was 80.
Mary let out a "Whew!" through her lips, and then said, "I could never do that. I think the money would all be gone by now, and I would be broke!"
June smiled and just said, "If you had the life I had, you would have great self discipline, too!"
Nearly two years after June revealed her secret to Mary, Mary had held up her end of the bargain. Never asking to borrow money from the rich girl, or take advantage of her generosity by suggesting trips, cruises, or shopping extravaganzas, Mary and June's relationship blossomed. The purchase of the bondage bed, their most expensive toy to date, had to wait 5 months until each of them had saved up their half of the purchase. That respect Mary gave June became a very trusting relationship for both women. June was the first to say "I love you", but Mary said it in the very next words she spoke. It was apparent that June had found the one who would give her that sense of belonging, and fill the void of abandonment forever.
Now, with Mary's bombshell announcement, June was teetering on the edge of feeling abandoned again. Mary told her that she would be available every night for long talks about her day, and keeping her posted on her progress, but in the end, there was nothing Mary could say that would change June's mind except her quick return.
Mary left June crying on the couch, needing to go get herself ready for this long trip. Packing quickly, she had two bags, a big one with her clothes and other items necessary for a girl like to her to have for a trip like this, and a carry-on for the important stuff like snacks, and the materials she would be studying to prepare herself for the classroom studies and meetings she would be having soon. Seeing that everything was ready for her trip, she called the limousine company to verify that her ride would arrive on time, and then got undressed to go take a long bath.
Nearly floating in the deep water of her roman style tub, Mary allowed her thoughts to drift to June and what she could do to console her during this time away. Not being able to think of anything, Mary had only one choice, to call Darcy.
Explaining to Darcy that June might do something stupid like play a self bondage game and accidentally get herself stuck, which June seemed to be too good at for her own good, Darcy agreed to meet Mary at Mary's apartment and accepted June's apartment key.
"Since June does not know I gave this to you, you are only to go over to her apartment if I call you and ask you to do so. Any other reason would be a breach of trust between June and I as well as a bigger breach of trust between you and me."
Darcy understood Mary's request and asked Mary if it was possible for her to play with June, "Like we used to do."
Mary smiled and said, "Still fond of those days, huh?" "Well, I am too. In fact, those days and nights inspired me to seek the same from June. What I got in return, well, let's just say, I got much more than I bargained for!"
Darcy smiled and said, "Yes, I saw that the other night at the restaurant! You two make a great couple!"
Mary thought about that for a minute, thanked Darcy for the compliment, and then suggested that Darcy use that tip she gave her at the restaurant. That would be the ice breaker Darcy needed to be around June.
"I know June is interested in getting to know you better. Take it easy, though, what her mind thinks up can be incredibly intense, much more so than what you and I shared!"
"Is that what she meant by 'test drive' at dinner?" Darcy asked inquisitively, giving her face a little twist in mock deep thought.
Mary replied, "I am not going to ruin the surprise by saying anything. Just remember, she is my most valued friend and my lover. I trust you implicitly, and your judgment has always been sound. Don't disappoint me and I promise you will get more than you ever bargained for."
Darcy just smiled and hugged her long-time friend, drinking in the warmth of Mary's body, instantly happy for the embrace and all it promised and sad that it would only last for a short while. Darcy did not know how much she missed Mary until she hugged her.
After their embrace, Mary looked into Darcy's eyes and said, "I look forward to reports of all your activities with June as soon as you are able. Text me all the juicy details as soon as you can!"
In a mock salute, Darcy snapped her heels together and said, "Yes Sir! You will have daily reports Sir! You can count on me Sir!"
Mary laughed out loud at Darcy's boisterous responses and said, "Be back in less than two months. Until then, be safe!"
Shooing Darcy towards the door, Mary said, "OK, out you go! I need my beauty sleep before the flight tomorrow. Thank you, Darcy, for keeping an eye on June for me. I will find a way to pay you back for this!"
Darcy replied with her best Elmer Fudd "Mmmuuuhahahahahah!" "Yes, you will!
Darcy continued, "Good night, have a safe flight, and do try to have fun, I know I would!"
Mary opened the door, and Darcy walked out, turning to give Mary a kiss on the cheek. Mary intercepted her, and kissed her full on the lips saying, "Do your worst, rabbit hunter! I'll be watching for you!"
Both girls smiled at each other, and then Mary shut the door. Mary felt a whole lot better having a trusted pair of eyes watching over June. Now, if she could only convince June to feel the same way!
Part VI (added: 07/10/11)
June eventually cried herself to sleep, waking in the middle of the night on the couch. She was cold, thirsty, and worst of all, alone. No matter what Mary had told her, June would not believe that her extended business trip was anything but routine, believing that Mary would never come home again. Something terrible would happen, and Mary would be gone from her life forever, just like her parents, just like past lovers, just like anyone June let get close to her.
Rising from the couch, June went to the kitchen and looked over the prepared food, laid out in the serving dishes, left uneaten because Mary had to talk to her, and then she left. June was hungry, but nothing looked good now having been left out without being put away. Taking a glass from the cabinet, June drank from the water dispenser, thankful it was chilled as it soothed her parched and sore throat from her crying. Placing the glass in the sink, June began clearing the food off the island, dumping everything into the trash. June then came to her senses, and pulled her serving dishes out and stacked them into the dishwasher. Wiping everything down well with the sponge, the glass she just drank out of and the sponge were the last items to be put into the dishwasher. Loading the soap into the dispensers, she locked the door making sure the "pots and pans" button was pressed, and started the machine. June heard the machine start, and was glad it was a quiet model when she looked up at the clock, seeing it was 4 am.
Sighing, June walked to the bathroom to take care of business. Looking into the mirror, she saw her tear stained face, her smeared makeup, and the disheveled look her hair was in and smiled to herself, "Not your best day, is it honey?"
Finishing what she needed to do, she went to bed, curled up tightly in the covers, and went to sleep. June did not remember dreaming, only that she slept much longer than she thought she would, waking sore from lying in one position too long. Looking at the alarm clock on the nightstand, she saw it was 1 pm. "I can't just lie in bed all day!" she told herself, and got up for a much needed hot shower. The hot water cascaded down her small, perfect frame, and June imagined that all her troubles washed down the drain with it. Not wanting to get out of the shower, she had to when the hot water suddenly ran cold. Shocked into movement, June shut off the water, and toweled herself off.
Wrapping one towel nearly twice around her body, doing the "boob-tuck" to keep it in place, June worked on her hair. 30 minutes later, her hair was combed out, dried well, and given the little curl at the end of her straight tresses that she thought was so cute for her to wear. Mary thought it was a great look for June, and complimented her several times on how well she wore it that way. Mary, June thought, Mary the one who is leaving me, who is not coming back, Mary the one who loved her so much. June silently cursed herself for telling Mary to get going, remembering she went so far as to push Mary off the bed. "It's not Mary's fault she is leaving, it is my own fault!" I told her it was something she had to do, no excuses! Letting her mind work on that thought for a while, June started feeling differently about the situation, "Mary is not leaving me!" June thought, "I told her to go. That means she will come back!" She felt much better, but the aching in her heart that Mary would be gone for almost two months was still there, just not as much of a threat to her now.
"Well, time to go face the world, and see what trouble I can stir up today!" June exclaimed, and proceeded into the bedroom to get dressed. Just 20 minutes later, June was dressed for a day on the town. A flowery black blouse with black spandex pants was the basic look. June loved these pants. They were from a dealer's shop (as in casino dealer). With no pockets, her perfect butt and shapely legs were seen without the flaws of seams or buttons. Not as tight as pantyhose, the way these pants accentuated her features she might as well have been wearing just them. Turning to look at her backside, she smiled, knowing she would be getting lots of stares from men and women alike. Feeling better as each minute passed, June was ready for the world, and she didn't care if the world was ready or not!
Grabbing her small black clutch and her keys, she left her apartment confident that what lay ahead for her would be good times. Just as she started the engine of her car, her cell phone rang. Looking down, she did not recognize the number. June let it ring and go to voicemail as she never answered the phone from an unknown number. Pulling out of the parking place, her phone made the little sound when a voice mail was waiting for her. June pressed the button to have the phone call in to the voicemail and waited for the message. It was Mary calling her from the hotel; she currently had no cell service in her room (Or that side of the hotel) but had been promised it would be available soon. Mary ended the message with "I love you" and she promised to call again tonight when she was settled and back from her first day of training.
Closing her phone, June smiled a little, glad that Mary was doing ok. She looked forward to Mary's next call and decided that she should be home no later than 8 pm. June drove absent-mindedly for about an hour, just going wherever the car steered her to until she stopped at a red light and turned to look at a store window. Seeing something that peaked her interest, June quickly looked around for a parking spot and found one not far from the shop. Walking through the door of the shop, a little bell rang as she opened the door and again when it closed. June liked old time things like bells on doors, door knockers, and the long string one would pull to ring the bell deep inside someone's home. Stopping to take a closer look at the storefront window display, she found what caught her eye. It was a beautiful music box, in seemingly perfect condition. Turning to ask the store clerk for assistance, she was greeted by an older man, about 80ish or so she thought, clearly enamored as she bent over to look closer at the music box.
"Greetings madam, I am Steven, proprietor of this humble establishment. How may I assist you today?" Steven smiled broadly, gesturing towards the window, "Do you see something you like?"
June smiled and replied, "Pleased to meet you Steven. Yes, it is that music box there in the center. I would like to take a better look at it, if I may?"
"Certainly!" Steven replied cheerfully, and it seemed to June that she might be his first customer of the day, and quite possibly the week.
Moving past her with a grace she did not expect, June watched Steven open the gate, step carefully up on the window display, and retrieve the beautiful box. Stepping down just as carefully, Steven placed the box into June's hands, and June was awestruck. First, it was much heavier than June expected it to be. Next, she noticed the exquisite detailing all along the outside of the box and its lid. Daring to open the lid, June was further surprised when a very detailed melody began playing, much more complex than she was prepared for.
Steven saw the look on June's face and began explaining the features of the box. "The weight of the box is indeed heavier than normal due to the material it is made from. This is ivory from Africa, and quite old. As you may know, Ivory is banned from sale, but this was made many years before the ban. In fact, it is actually from the 18th century. This comes from Ireland, but the music part was made in Switzerland, I think, but I have not been able to determine that for sure. They didn't just make watches back then!"
Steven continued as the beautiful and vibrant melody played, "The song is an unknown melody, and I have yet to discover the composer. It may well be there was never a composer, and this melody was created on a whim by whoever build the music piece. Either way, it is my most prized item in the store, and I would have a hard time letting it go."
June, hearing Steven say that, replied, "Well, how much are you asking for it? If the price is right, I'll buy it right now!"
Steven was clearly thinking things over in his head, and took a while to respond, and then asked June what she would do with the music box, giving June a slight shock because she was expecting to hear a price.
"This, if I can buy it, will go on my nightstand so that I can listen to its wonderful melody every night before going to sleep." June added, "I have several prized possessions, but none of them are music boxes, and I have never heard a more beautiful melody than this one here."
Steven, knowing that this was no mere girl looking for another trinket to leave sit on her shelf collecting dust, or to become a present to someone else who would never appreciate this as much as he did, smiled again and said, "For you, and only if you promise to care for it as lovingly as I have all these years, $150 dollars."
June thought it over quickly, doing the math in her head against her checking account balance, and replied, "I can't argue with that price!" Smiling, June placed the music box into Steven's hands and told him to wrap it up.
When the wrapping was finished and the transaction on her credit card was complete, Steven handed June the well protected music box in the strong paper shopping bag and said, "Treat it well, and it will always give you pleasure." "Good-bye young lady. It was a pleasure doing business with you!"
Smiling with her purchase in hand, June replied, "I will treasure this forever! Thank you again for allowing me to buy this beautiful music box."
With that, June turned and walked out the door never knowing how lucky she was to have found this music box. Two days later, while reading the local paper at breakfast, June came across an article about the store she visited. It stated that the man, Steven, was found slumped over behind the counter dead of an apparent stroke that very day she bought the music box. The doctors determined it was a massive stroke, and Steven went without pain.
June felt tears stinging her eyes, and went to the music box to wind the mechanism and hear its melody again. Turning the beautiful box over, she found a note. Opening the little envelope, she read the perfect handwriting of Steven: "To the one who buys this music box, please know that this was a gift from me to my wife who passed away in 1995. I gave it to her as a wedding gift in 1932, obtaining it the same way you just did, from a shop owner just like me. It has played its melody for her, and countless other women, for over 300 years. Please pass it on in kind, as I did for mine, when your time is up. Whenever the box is played, remember its legacy, and your heart will forever be warmed. The reason why I could not determine the composer of the music is that it plays a different melody for each owner, making it magical in some way. It will never need winding. Treasure it always!" -Steven
June sat on the edge of the bed, tears flowing freely now, and opened the music box. The melody, as clear and as beautiful as when she heard it for the first time in Steven's shop, played as she cried, and she embraced the feelings of loss for the man, the loss of having Mary gone for two months, the loss of her parents, every loss she could think of, and the music played on, soothing June in ways she was not aware of yet. In mere moments, June was transformed from a sobbing girl, sad in more ways than she could count, into a calm and confident woman with those thoughts of loss behind her. She would always feel those losses, but now they were just memories and not the life altering events she used to fear.
June reached out to how she felt about Mary being gone and realized that it was no longer troubling her. Smiling, she closed the music box, picked it up, hugging it to her heart and said, "Thank you Steven, for this wonderful music box. I will treasure it always!" Placing the box down gently on her nightstand, June got up and went to face the rest of her day happier than she had felt in a long time about what her future had in store for her.
After making her purchase at Steven's store, June went about her day, indulging herself a little with a mani/pedi and the little touches that spas love to add to the bill like an hour long massage and an aroma-therapy facial scrub. The bill for her three hour stay was just under $150 dollars, more than she planned to spend, but within her budget if she curbed her spending for the rest of the month. That was easy for June to do!
Arriving back home, June entered her apartment greeted by her phone ringing. Moving quickly, June was able to answer it right before the answering machine did, and said, "Hello!"
"Hi June, this is Darcy. Do you remember me?" I'm the waitress friend of Mary. How is your day going so far?"
June replied, "Yes, I remember you, how could I forget!" June giggled a little then continued, "I remember Mary gave you that tip. I watched her write my number and address down, a little surprised, but pleased as well. Things are going great for me. What has been going on in your neck of the woods?"
"Well, pretty boring for the most part, but it's Friday night! Want to go out for some fun? I'll buy the first round!"
June replied, "That sounds great! What time should we get together?"
"How about 8 pm?" Darcy said, then added, "We'll meet up at the restaurant and decide where to go from there. Sound good?"
"Yes, that will be great!" June replied, adding, "Will I be driving, or will you?"
"Actually, I live in the apartment building right next to the restaurant, so I guess you can drive, as your car will be warm and ready to go."
June was hanging up the phone when Darcy said, "Remember to dress sexy!"
Bringing the phone back up to her ear, June replied, "You bet! We'll be painting the town red tonight!"
Hanging up the phone, June realized that she just agreed to meet Darcy when she was planning to be home for Mary's call. June thought the best way to be sure she didn't miss Mary's call was to forward her home phone to her cell. This way, she would get the call wherever she was. It was weird not feeling bad about not being home for Mary's call, but she accepted it gleefully, glad to not be obsessing about Mary's absence.
Looking at the clock on her phone, June saw she had about 2 hours before she met with Darcy, and opted for a long hot bath to relax her and get her ready for the night to come. Slipping into the hot water gingerly, slowly lowering her body into the soothing water and accompanying bubbles of her favorite bubble bath, June relaxed and thought dreamily of what was to come with her time with Darcy. Knowing that Darcy was a past lover of Mary's made her feel comfortable in going out with her new friend, confident that Mary would never put June into a bad situation.
June did not disappoint Darcy in how she dressed, and when Darcy got into June's car, Darcy let out a cat call that would make construction workers jealous.
Darcy exclaimed, "Where did you get that outfit? I love it! You have to let me know where I can buy that!"
Smiling shyly, June replied, "Oh here and there. I don't ever buy an outfit, but pieces from whatever store happens to catch my eye. I just put them together, pulling what I want from my closet. This particular outfit took me three months of shopping to put together. Do you like the results?"
Darcy said with a smile on her face, "I think you should be a designer or something like that. What you are wearing, and how you wear it are dazzling. What a perfect picture you make, and how much trouble you are going to get into tonight! We will have to beat them off with a stick!"
June said, "Like I will be the only one swinging a stick! You look gorgeous! Plus, you are much taller than me, and that body you have makes me look like a little girl. If I had the curves you did, I think I would have trouble standing up straight!"
Giggling furiously, Darcy replied, "Thank you for the compliment, June. I do like to keep in shape, and being blessed with a body like this does make some things easier, but overall, if I had to choose, I would like to have a body like yours. You are the perfect shape with just the right size everything. Nothing get's in the way and you never have to worry about gravity!"
June smiled, knowing Darcy was referring to her top, which was a skin tight Lycra tank top flanked by a men's style shirt tied in the front. The shirt was of a very complex pattern, with colors that matched her hair, her eyes, and black that complimented her pants and tank top. Darcy could not see what kind of pants June was wearing, but she guessed they were just as skin tight. June looked over Darcy's outfit and saw something she had not noticed before, a locket of gold, on a delicate gold chain, hanging between Darcy's ample breasts.
"Darcy," June asked, "That locket, it is beautiful! Where did you get it?"
Darcy reached down to grasp the locket in her hands, pushed the little button to open it, and showed June the pictures inside. Darcy said, "It is my mother and father, who were both killed in a car accident when I was 12. I was given this locket by my grandmother who raised me as her own, telling me to wear this locket every day to remember my parents. I loved them very much, and they loved me too. I was lucky to have them, if only for a short while. Nana was great too, but she could never replace my parents. Why do you ask about the locket, June?"
June was slightly shocked, and replied, "Wow, I lost my parents, too; dad when I was 9, and mom not long after. I spent the rest of my time moving from foster home to foster home until I turned 18. I have nothing that reminds me of them, and I do not know if I could even find pictures to put into a locket. I guess that is the way it is supposed to be."
Darcy smiled and leaned towards June, reaching to hug her, and June returned the embrace warmly saying, "I guess we both have that in common. Losing our parents, that is. I am glad to have met you, Darcy, but I can't take anymore sadness! Let's go have fun!"
Darcy readily agreed, and they were off to the new club on the edge of town. They enjoyed dancing together and with other people, and never had to buy a drink all night long. So many men were buying them drinks that their table was filled with glasses, most of them full. Both women knew how to take it easy on the alcohol, and neither of them got drunk. June was getting hungry, and asked Darcy if she was hungry, too. Darcy replied that food sounded great especially if it would get them away from the very loud music. Darcy would not miss the random ass-grabbing from the men in the club either!
Once outside, both women shivered a little at the sudden coolness of the air. The night had turned chilly, and Darcy could tell June was cold when she glanced at June's chest, now easily seen because June had untied her shirt and was retying it.
Glancing over to Darcy, June saw Darcy staring at her now fully erect nipples and giggled, "Like what you see?"
Darcy replied, "I think they are lovely, but I bet they taste even better!"
June gasped in mock shock and said, "Now, I don't exactly think that Mary would approve of that behavior, would she?"
Darcy thought about it a minute, then said, "I guess not, unless I somehow got her permission first, and yours of course!"
June realized that Mary had not called her and looked at her phone after pulling it from her clutch. "Crap, two missed calls, and they are both from Mary! I wanted to not miss her call, so I forwarded the house phone to my cell, just to be sure. The loudness of the club must have drowned out my phone, and now it is too late to call her back!"
"That's ok, June," Darcy said, "Mary will understand, especially when she finds out where you went and who you went with!"
"I guess that's true, but I still feel bad missing her call. OK, let's go grab something to eat and then head back to my place. I want to be home in the morning when Mary calls."
The girls arrived back at June's apartment just after 1 am. Before June opened the door, Darcy said, "I really enjoyed going out tonight. Thank you for showing me a great time!"
Smiling, June replied, "You showed me a great time, too. Don't sell yourself short! Thanks right back at you!"
As Darcy entered June's apartment, Darcy was impressed at its general size, and taken aback at the elegant but simple furnishings she had. The overstuffed and quite large sectional couch, the end tables, the TV, and the kitchen off to the left were what Darcy saw first. Darcy then asked for the bathroom, and June directed her to the hallway, "Second door on the left!"
When Darcy returned, June was laying out bedding for Darcy on the sectional, asking her, "Do you prefer blankets, or a sleeping bag? I have both."
Thinking out loud, Darcy replied that she never had a sleepover before, and opted for the sleeping bag.
June returned with the sleeping bag, a mummy-type, form fitting and lightly insulated. Spreading the sheet across the couch, June then laid out the bag, unzipping it so Darcy could get inside. Turning to Darcy, June said, "Can I trust you to not attack me in my sleep?"
Grinning sheepishly, Darcy realized her body language or the look on her face must have given her away, and said reluctantly, "Well, I can't promise that I will not try. You are a very beautiful woman, and if I could have my way, we would be in bed together right now!"
"I see," June said, "Then certain adjustments will have to be made to your sleeping arrangements."
Darcy was about to ask what those adjustments consisted of when June walked back towards the far bedroom, returning with what looked like to Darcy as a giant pantyhose sleeve. June handed the sleeve to Darcy and said, "Put your feet into this, and then pull it up your body."
Darcy caressed the silky fabric and then said, "What is the purpose of this?" "I do not know if I am going to like it, and I definitely don't understand why I have to wear it to bed!"
June explained, "This is my sleep security system that I just devised for you. You will not be harmed, but you will be restrained, making it impossible to sneak up on me and have your way with me while I sleep. You will love the feeling of the sleeve when it is caressing your body. That I promise!"
Darcy replied, "Well, OK, but only on one condition. If I want out, you let me out immediately, no questions asked!"
"Agreed!" June said, walking near the sleeping bag and sitting down. She waited patiently while Darcy took off most of her clothes, leaving her panties and bra on. June suggested to Darcy that she should roll it up like it was a stocking, and her body was the leg going into that stocking. Finding that it was indeed the easiest way to get into the sleeve, Darcy bunched up the fabric and set down in front of her feet. Stepping into the fabric, Darcy coaxed the slick sleeve up her body, stretching and pulling it until it was around her neck.
June stood up and said, "Here let me help you."
June grasped the slightly bunched up fabric and pulled it over Darcy's head with a little difficulty, as June was only five feet 2 inches tall, and Darcy was five foot nine. Pulling it tight, June asked Darcy to kneel down, and Darcy did so carefully, not really understanding what was about to happen. Darcy was no stranger to bondage, but this did not feel like bondage, at least anything she equated with bondage. This seamless tube could never be bondage. It was too stretchy and flexible. Where was the rope, or tape, or other such item to bind her?
Pulling up as hard as she could, June twisted the fabric a half-turn and slipped a cable tie around the now gathered sleeve, pulling it tight with a zip right above Darcy's head.
"OK, now stand up, and be careful. Lean on me if you need to. I don't want you to fall!"
Reaching out to June for stability, Darcy stood. June then directed her to the couch asking Darcy to lay into the sleeping bag. Having placed Darcy into the bag with little objection from Darcy, June then zipped the sleeping bag all the way up. Reaching over, June took the oversized safety pin from the cushion she had laid there, threaded it through the holes at the ends of both zipper pulls, then threaded the needle into the sleeping bag fabric high enough and tight enough that June thought Darcy would not be able to reach and snapped it closed.
Smiling, June kissed Darcy on the forehead and said, "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!"
Darcy replied, "Tight, right, like that is going to happen! This loose thing I can get out of anytime I want. Here, I'll show you!"
Reaching down, June made one final adjustment to the sleeping bag by pulling the face-hole drawstrings tight, encircling Darcy's face with the bag's now tight opening.
"Hey, no fair!" Darcy exclaimed, struggling to get her hands up and grasp the drawstrings, not just pulled tight by the spring lock, but double knotted as well. Wiggling furiously, Darcy did her best to escape, but got nowhere, the stretchy fabric only allowed for a slight reach with Darcy's hand. Finally giving up on trying to untie the face-hole drawstrings, Darcy did her best to reach the zipper pulls. Realizing they were even further from her reach than the drawstrings, Darcy said in an exasperated tone, "OK, I'm stuck. I am not going anywhere. Satisfied?"
Grinning in satisfaction, June replied, "Yes, I am satisfied. You are now safe, and I can sleep soundly knowing I will not be attacked in the night by an overly horny woman up to no good!"
Darcy said, "What do you mean I am safe, safe from what? I am not the safe one, you are!"
June said in a tone that let Darcy know she had experienced the same feelings, and explained that being in this sleeve and the sleeping bag would make her feel like she was back in the womb, and how she felt in the morning would be vastly different than how she felt now.
Sighing, Darcy said, "OK, we'll see. But remember our deal. If I want out, you have to let me go no matter what!"
June replied that she understood. Reaching to turn out the light, June smiled and wished Darcy good night and sweet dreams.
June walked away in the darkness, the only light coming from June's room. June closed her bedroom door, and the light was reduced to whatever could come from under the door. A few moments later, that light was gone too.
Lying in complete darkness in a home she had never been in before, restrained quite effectively in the simple instruments June had provided, Darcy took a deep breath and tried to settle herself. She should have been quite scared, with the predicament she was in, but for some reason, Darcy was feeling herself becoming comfortable. Allowing her body to relax, Darcy moved in the sleeve and sleeping bag as much as she could, reveling in the rustling of the fabrics and the gentle all-over-her- body caress of the sleeve. She really was feeling safe. She imagined it was like being put into a baby sleeper, with no hands or feet. The thought of a papoose, tightly and lovingly wrapped by its mother, also crossed her mind. Very soon after those thoughts, Darcy drifted off to sleep. A sleep she had not felt in ages, wrapped in something she had not felt since childhood. It was not the sleeve or the sleeping bag she was feeling, it was her earliest memories, when her mother wrapped her in warm blankets, swaddling her in love. Darcy embraced those memories, once lost to her, and if someone could look at Darcy's face, they would see the smile of a very content woman, sleeping in the arms of her mother.
Darcy woke late, or so she thought, and it took her a few moments to realize where she was and why she could not move. Remembering June's ministrations, Darcy began to feel betrayed, but then remembered the feelings she experienced while she slept, and smiled. June, without knowing, had given Darcy something she thought was gone forever, the memory of her mother when Darcy was a little girl. She would forever be grateful to June for her gift.
June walked out of the bathroom, and smiled, seeing Darcy still lying on the couch. Grateful that she had not rolled off falling onto the floor, June approached Darcy, finding her awake. Looking into Darcy's smiling eyes, June asked, "Sleep well last night? I heard not a peep from you. How was your experience being restrained on my couch?"
Darcy replied, with some difficulty through the tears she was holding back, "Thank you. You hinted at my feeling like I was back in the womb. It was much more than that. I remembered my mom, and how she used to wrap me in blankets. I slept in comfort, reliving the memories of those times, grateful to be able to remember them again. Without you wrapping me up like this, I don't think I would ever have remembered them. You have given me something more precious that any material gift, the warmth and love of my mother, returned to me in the best way possible."
June saw Darcy's tears and moved to release Darcy, fearful that Darcy was not comfortable, and Darcy stopped her saying, "Just a little while longer, please?"
June smiled and walked away, leaving Darcy in the mirth of her memories once again.
It was just under an hour later that June walked back to Darcy, Finding her sitting upright.
Seeing June, Darcy said, "I tried to stand up, but I couldn't get the leverage with this huge couch of yours and its deep cushions. I really need a bathroom break. Could you get me out of this thing?"
"Sure," June replied, "But first, a picture for Mary to see. She will not believe me unless I show her!"
"Believe what," Darcy asked inquisitively, looking to June for clarification.
"Well, for starters," June said, "that you stayed in my apartment last night and we did not sleep together. Secondly, that you were restrained comfortably, without using any of my devices. And finally, for me to keep, so that I can remember I restrained you right there, and I didn't jump your bones, either!"
"I knew you had another motive!" Darcy exclaimed, "Here I thought you were doing this just for my benefit! Now I come to find you were just as interested in sleeping with me as I was with you!"
June giggled and then smiled, not answering Darcy but saying "I plead the fifth!" as she snapped the picture with her phone.
Moving to Darcy, June released her captive, a very willing captive as she understood it, and helped extract Darcy from the sleeve. Darcy headed towards the bathroom and June began putting the improvised bedding away.
June and Darcy were both hungry and Darcy suggested going to the "waffle house" up the street. Agreeing with Darcy, both women got dressed and left June's apartment for breakfast and good talk.
Part VII (added: 07/10/11)
After a satisfying meal and more satisfying conversation, June drove Darcy home. Hugging one final time, the girls said their good-byes and Darcy got out of June's car. Walking slowly, and looking back several times at June, Darcy put her best sultry walk skills to work making June desire her even more. Looking back one last time, Darcy entered the apartment complex and was gone from June's view.
Pulling away from the curb, June fought the temptation to park her car and go up to Darcy's apartment. Taking a deep breath, June focused herself and shrugged the desire off her shoulders. "I have Mary," June said, reassuring herself that she was doing the right thing. June had never cheated on any lover before, and she was not going to start now. Darcy may be the flavor of the month, but Mary was her bread and butter. As fun as she might be, Darcy could never replace what June shared with her lover, and there was no way June would do anything to destroy that.
Arriving home not long after dropping Darcy off, June entered her apartment alone without feeling like there was something missing. Remembering her music box, June smiled, thankful that it somehow gave her the strength and courage to stand up and face her fears. Making a final sweep of where Darcy slept last night, June looked for anything not put away. Satisfied that everything was neat and tidy, June began emptying her little black clutch, going through any needed receipts and filing them away, and getting rid of anything no longer needed.
June found a business card from a man she met at the bar last night. Trying to picture his face, June remembered he was very handsome, and was the only man she recalled that did not try to buy her a drink. Smiling, she put the card aside, telling herself to look into this more deeply later. Finishing her clean-up, June reached for her phone, grasping it right as it started ringing. Startled, she nearly dropped it, but then looked at the caller ID and saw it was Mary calling from her cell phone.
"Hello lover!" June said with exuberance, "I have been waiting for your call. Sorry I missed your calls last night, Darcy and I were at that new club on the outskirts of town. Is everything going well in your second day of training?"
"Everything is fine here. How are you doing? I was worried a little when you didn't answer my calls, but I didn't want to stalk you either."
June hesitated, mulling over if she should tell Mary about the music box or not, then decided it was better that she saw it herself than try describe the beautiful music box to Mary over the phone.
"Mary," June said in a confident voice, "I have come to the realization that my fears of losing you were irrational. I am sorry how I acted the night you left to go pack. I never wanted to make you feel bad about leaving, or make you think that taking this assignment was somehow hurting me. I was so glad to hear of your promotion, and now this very important assessment. Please accept my apology!"
It took a moment for June's words to sink in, but Mary finally replied, "Wow, that is a huge step for you to take. I am so proud of you! How do you feel about my being gone now?"
June replied, "It's like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. For the first time in I can't remember when I am OK, really OK. I feel the loss of not having you around, but it is something manageable, not the unbridled terror I used to feel when you were gone a long time. I feel free of the burden, and I look forward to your return. I am not stressing when that day will come, or that you are so far away." June added, "Do your best in training! I want to see lots of "Gold Stars" on your report card!"
Mary, hearing June's giggling, replied, "I never thought studying something like this new technology would be so hard! Every day I am introduced to a new facet of the machine's capabilities. My job is not only to learn how to use those features, but to evaluate them and even make suggestions to the board members on how I think the machine might be better used by us. My evenings are boring so far, but it's the weekend now. I will head out later with some of my fellow trainees to get some much needed downtime. Did you say you were out with Darcy last night?"
Smiling deeply, and blushing slightly even though Mary was hundreds of miles away, June replied, "Yes, we went out and had a great time. We got there before midnight, so no cover charge. Then all night long guys were buying us drinks, and even a few ladies! I really had more fun than I expected to, and the night turned out better than I could have hoped for. Darcy had a sleepover here in the mummy-style sleeping bag."
"June!" Mary said with a long drawn out J-U-N-E, "What did you do to Darcy? Is she still tied up?"
June replied teasingly, "No, not still, but 'was' might be the correct term."
June could feel her face and ears burning with her blushing. Explaining further, June said that neither girl could be trusted to not jump each-other's bones, so June created the perfect all night, no-stress restraint for Darcy.
Listening to June's description of how Darcy was left on the couch, how June found her the next morning, and what Darcy described to June about her experience let Mary know everything was going well, and "all according to plan" Mary thought to herself.
"Wait a minute!" Mary said accusingly, "Did you say that you tied Darcy up so you would not be tempted to sleep with her?"
June replied, matter-of-factly, "Yes. I love you dearly, and would never cheat on you, no matter who I could sleep with. I may not have had loyal lovers in the past, but what we share is something I never want to lose. I respect myself too much to do that, and respect you even more. Helping me stay true is admirable, right?"
"Well, yes, you get points for that!" Mary said, giggling.
Mary continued her mirthful praise adding, "Wow that is truly touching! Thank you for your love and friendship and for believing in our relationship, respecting what so many others would have thrown away for a one night fling."
Thinking that things were truly heading in the direction she wanted, Mary added, "But if the chance does come up to sleep with Darcy again, and I believe it will many times before I come home, you will be strong enough to resist but Darcy might not. You have my permission to tie her up anytime you think she is going to cross the line. In fact, since I know how much Darcy would enjoy it, tie her up even though you think she won't cross the line. Make sure Darcy orgasms until she screams for you to stop, and then give her one more for me!"
June giggled, "You really love to torture other people, don't you? Even if you are not the one doing the torturing! That's just downright sinister, and I love you all the more for that wicked streak!"
June and Mary talked further and June agreed to tie up Darcy whenever she was at June's apartment for a sleepover, "Just to be safe." Mary suggested that whatever June thought was appropriate for the mood was ok, even taking Darcy into some of her extreme bondage situations. No sex, though, just vibrated orgasmic bliss.
Finishing up their conversation, June hung up the phone smiling, thinking that things were truly going well. June had not felt this settled about her life and future since right after her relationship blossomed with Mary. Somehow, deep inside, June knew everything was back in balance. Mary would come home to a changed woman.
The following Tuesday, June and Darcy met up again, going to the movies and dinner. It was the first time either of them went to a "premium" theatre that served them their meals while watching the movie. Stopping at a coffee shop on the way home, they talked some more. It was an early night for Darcy, since she had too many things to do tomorrow before work. Darcy drove June home, making sure she went into her building safe, and then drove home uneventfully. Walking into her apartment, Darcy heard her cell phone ring. Pulling it from her back pocket without looking at the number, she was greeted by Mary's voice.
"Hey good looking!" Mary said with a smile in her voice, "I was expecting a text message report from you by now. Everything OK?"
Darcy replied, "Better than I expected. She has no idea you are coming home the weekend after next. As for the reports, since we have not done anything worthy of a report, I have not sent one."
"Do I hear a tone of regret in your voice, Darcy?" Mary said in mock sarcasm, "I think you are looking for some quality alone time with extended orgasmic experiences thrown in for good measure. You should ask June for a test ride. I suggest the Vet Wrap "T" mummification. Make sure you bring whatever toys you want used, and be prepared for the ride of your life, at least until the next one!"
Darcy replied, "What is "T" mummification? I have never heard of that."
"Neither did I when June introduced it to me," Mary said, "But I never forgot what it was like afterwards. Be prepared for anything, though, as June's imagination sometimes gets the better of her, and you will receive all the imagination she can dish out! I don't want to ruin the surprise, so I am not saying any more."
Darcy thought about what Mary just said and replied, "Well, I have a pretty vivid imagination myself. I think I can keep up with June if I wanted to!"
Trying to goad Darcy into a dare, Mary chose her next words carefully, "Darcy, I can assure you that whatever your mind can think up, June will have either already made that happen or has the tools at home to top it. In fact, I am willing to bet that if June puts you into the "T" mummy wrap that you will be orgasming in less than 5 minutes. There will be no way to prevent anything but total orgasmic overload. Nothing we ever shared together, nothing in your past, and definitely nothing in your imagination can top what this girl thinks up. I will bet you $100 that when your vibrator is turned on, you won't stop orgasming until it is turned off!"
Darcy, knowing how her sexual experiences have been lately (like none), thought it would buffer her from the intensity of anything June could throw at her. Accepting the challenge, she upped the stakes, "If I can last 20 minutes without orgasming, you owe me $200! If I can't last that long, then I owe you $200. June can keep the time, and I will let her know of our bet. This way, June will know exactly what she is up against."
Mary replied, "I am still riding on what little is left of my bonus, and this sounds like a great investment. I'll take that bet!"
"I will expect a text message about that experience soon!" Mary said, adding, "I have to go. Remember to have fun and be safe!"
As Mary put her cell phone away, a devious smile slowly formed as she thought how easy it was to manipulate these two women! Getting ready for bed, Mary kept thinking about June and what she would be doing to Darcy. Moving onto the bed lying next to the turned down covers, Mary felt the urge to fan the flames of her desires. Needing very little help from her fingers, Mary stroked her sex riding out a fabulous orgasm. Sighing, she settled into the covers content that everything was right where it should be.
Darcy said good-bye and wished Mary luck in her training. After hanging up the phone, Darcy tried her best to think of something devious that she would experience in June's care, but could not focus her thoughts enough to give it the proper attention. All she seemed to be able to focus on was when she would see June next and how she would break the news to her.
Darcy decided to let it go for the rest of the week. Calling June around 9 am on Monday morning, Darcy invited her to breakfast at the waffle house they ate at a few nights ago. Agreeing that it would be great to get together again, June arrived first and took a booth to wait for Darcy.
Darcy arrived 15 minutes later, cursing the traffic, and June stood to greet her, giving her the best hug she could despite her height disadvantage. When they both sat down, the waitress took their drink and food orders and left. Darcy looked a little nervous and quite fidgety, contrasting her usual cool-as-a-cucumber appearance.
"Is everything all right, Darcy?" June asked, "You look like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!"
"I don't know how to say this, so I am just going to spit it out!" Darcy said, and explained what transpired over the last year. Carefully going over in as much detail as she could, Darcy told June how sexually frustrated she was, how great it felt to be in June's 'safety bondage', and then the bombshell. Darcy told June what Mary and she talked about and what Mary suggested Darcy should experience at June's next sleepover.
"Wow!" June exclaimed, when she heard Darcy detail Mary's suggestion, "I can certainly supply the bondage, but I don't know if you are ready to experience it. Wouldn't you like to warm up a little before getting into something that extreme?"
"Extreme is nothing I haven't experienced before," Darcy retorted, "Give me your best shot, and we'll see who comes out on top!"
Right when June was about to answer Darcy's challenge, their food arrived, limiting their conversation while they ate. This gave June lots of time to formulate a proper response to Darcy throwing the gauntlet down.
Waiting until their table was cleared June smiled and said, "I have something to share with you, too. Mary and I talked about you as well, going so far as to suggest that whenever you come over for a sleepover, I should tie you up, giving me full permission to exact whatever bondage I saw fit to use. We agreed, no sex between you and me, but anything else was game. Mary is a very conniving woman, and I see how Mary is trying to manipulate us both. Far be it for me to disappoint Mary, I think you know all too well what happens if Mary gets disappointed, and I am her lover now. So, I accept your challenge! Your futile attempts to escape will be my pleasure to watch! I have no other option than to do she suggested, no holds barred!"
Darcy's tummy fluttered with the millions of butterflies now swarming, and she felt light-headed as her thoughts turned to being in inescapable bondage going through multiple forced orgasms. June watched Darcy's reaction and waited for Darcy to return from wherever she went.
Finally getting up the courage to speak, Darcy replied, "You know, I was Mary's first lover, and it was me that got Mary interested in bondage. But she was never around as much as I wanted, so I started doing self-bondage. One day, when Mary came home early, she found me tied, gagged, blindfolded, and thoroughly frustrated because the rope holding my vibrator came untied. Trying desperately to get it back into place, I pulled the wrong rope. Instead of pulling the vibrator back into position, I pulled my release knot, which I did not know had been looped over the bedpost during my struggles, trapping me and leaving me unfulfilled."
Darcy continued, "Being no strangers in bed together, Mary took charge and tortured me for several hours, bringing me close to orgasm so many times that I lost count. Then when I thought she was going to untie me leaving me further frustrated, she grabbed my strongest vibe from the bedside drawer and let me have it with both barrels! I never came that hard before. I saw stars for a while, and completely forgot where I was. Mary's voice pulled me back from wherever I drifted off to. A few minutes later, I was untied and we were snuggling. After that day, I made plans to be tied inescapably whenever I knew Mary was coming over, and was never disappointed in the conclusion, but Mary routinely left me frustrated, sometimes for hours. So, you see, I have no fear of what you think you can pull from your hat, I have already experienced far greater than you could ever dish out!"
June smiled, shaking her head slightly and said, "Girl, you have no clue what you are getting yourself into. Be at my place at 8 pm tonight and we will see who the better of us is!"
Darcy agreed, adding, "I will bring my strongest toys. I hope you know how to use them!"
June smiled as they both got up from the table. June grabbed the check saying, "I'll get this and you get the next one, OK?"
Darcy smiled, saying, "Sure. That is very kind of you! I'll leave the tip."
Departing the restaurant together, they each went to their cars, conveniently parked right next to each other. Before June opened her door, she asked Darcy how her toys were powered and if she had enough batteries. Darcy explained that each of her vibes had a small plug, like a headphone jack, in the end so that the wires could be threaded through and around clothing and binds, then plugged to the battery control when everything was ready. She had some batteries, but they were not that great. June told her she had something at her apartment that would work just fine. Satisfied that the arrangements were settled, both women got into their cars and drove home.
When June arrived at home, she nearly sprinted to her apartment. She already had the plan put together on how she would bind Darcy. What had to do is get the playroom ready. The first thing she needed to do is clear out the far corner of the room. This was the suspension area of the playroom, but when it is not being used, other things like the bondage chair and the gynecological exam table sat here, which now needed to be moved out of the way. Everything was mounted on lockable heavy duty casters making the task easy for June.
Now that the floor area was clear of obstructions, she went to the storage closet and retrieved the nine foam rubber floor pads. She found these at Home Depot. They locked together like puzzle pieces and when laid out created a great soft area for extended play. June had even fallen asleep on the padded floor once. Checking the remote for the winch bolted to the ceiling, June lowered the cable until the hook rested on the pads. She carefully ran her hands over the very flexible and strong braided steel cable checking for broken steel threads. The way the cable was braided prevented "coiling" of the cable when it was not under tension, making set-up of the suspensions easy.
Satisfied that the cable was undamaged and not showing any signs of wear, she verified that the hook was lying in the center of the center pad. Looking over where the edges of the pad ended, June saw that everything was in its proper place. Pressing the button on the remote, June placed the remote on the bondage chair and waited for the hook to move all the way up. When the hook was pulled up into the guide rollers, the rollers pushed into the safety-stop switch, halting the winch's strong motor.
Pleased that the winch was working perfectly, June continued to collect what she would need for Darcy's extended and extreme bondage situation. The vet wrap that Mary suggested had been replaced by a less expensive version, cohesive wrap. It worked just the same, came in more colors than the vet wrap, and was easy to purchase by the case. June always kept at least 6 cases in the closet, two of each of her favorite colors for wrapping, Dark Green, Black, and of course Purple! Taking the two cases of Black, she carried them to the pads and set them down. The final things she would need were the ankle suspension cuffs and the torso sling.
These suspension cuffs were really designed well. When the ankle and foot were strapped into the cuff, it wrapped securely around the ankle and holds the foot and ankle without slipping. The suspension ring, a metal triangle shaped piece, was at the center of the sole of each foot with two heavily stitched straps coming from either side of the main cuff. This was great for extended suspensions since there was no unnatural pressure put on the foot or ankle. The heavily padded main cuff also featured two D-Rings on either side of the cuff for other tie down options. The outer D-Ring of either cuff would support the torso swing's 3 leather straps on the corresponding side. The final piece of the suspension puzzle was the little bar her shop teacher friend designed and made expressly for this kind of suspension.
The bar was 6 inches wide and featured a ring welded in the middle of the top side of the bar for the winch hook. The ends of the bar had special quick-release latches that were hanging from their own welded rings. The latches would hold one cuff each, keeping the ankle cuffs close but not touching. June remembered the first time she was suspended by the cuffs with the winch. When the cuffs were attached to the winch hook and she was pulled up, the cuffs were pulled together severely and crushingly crossed her feet, making her ankles hurt not long after. What could have been a great long suspension experience quickly turned into too much pain to take, and Mary had to release her before any real play had started.
When the three straps from each side of the sling were snapped onto the outer D-Rings of each cuff, the sling was supported by the cuffs, further maximizing comfort of the suspension. Since the cuffs took all the weight, and not the person's ankles, there was no strain or possibility of injury from extended suspensions. Normally, June would employ wrist cuffs for arm restraint, locking them to the ankle cuffs preventing self release. The mummification would take care of that problem.
Looking over everything laid out, June saw the one thing missing, a gag. She decided to leave that part until later when she could talk to Darcy more about her comfort zone with gags, and if she had a preference. After all, June wanted her victim to be as comfortable as possible before she tortured her mercilessly! Satisfied everything was in place June moved to the bathroom and concentrated on making herself beautiful.
After working herself into a nice long hot bath, taking extra care to shave everything normally hairless to a very satisfying smooth and slick condition, June found her sex to be very sensitive to touch, more so than usual. Looking down carefully, she saw her labia were already engorged, and the inner lips protruded like petals of a flower, bright pink and begging for attention. If she was wearing her tight spandex pants, June was sure she would be sporting a proud camel-toe. She knew she was excited about tonight, but her body was giving her hints it was more than the usual anticipation. Taking a slow tour of her thoughts about tonight, the only thing she could come up with to explain her level of arousal was that she was playing with someone else, and not Mary. The unknown factor of Darcy's participation in tonight's festivities was teasing all her senses and making it hard to think about anything else. Darcy would be the only person June had played with other than Mary, since Before Mary and June became lovers.
Hearing her cell phone alarm clock chime, she knew it was 6 pm. Opening the drain of the tub, June stepped out and dried off well under the heat lamps. When she was sure everything was dry, June walked towards the playroom walk-in closet to get dressed for the night.
Now, June's critical side came into play, attempting to ruin her experience before it started. June thought to herself, "What if I give Darcy something that she totally hates? What if I go too far? Will Darcy hate me? Will I lose her as a friend forever?"
Nearly in a panic, June ran to her room and opened the music box. Hearing the melody instantly calmed her. Once her thoughts settled, June was able to step through how she would bind Darcy, what she planned to do, and how long she would keep Darcy that way. Moving through her mind's eye, June saw that the only things Darcy would experience were comfortable suspension bondage, tight mummification, and never ending orgasms. What was the harm in that? Besides, Darcy practically begged June to do it. Whatever the future holds tonight, June knew what she had to do and how to get it done. She was calm and certain that her plan was flawless.
Ready for Darcy, June returned to the closet and proceeded to get dressed. First, her favorite pantyhose body suit. When she pulled it out of the drawer, she giggled at its size, as she always did. At first glance, it looked like it would fit a doll, and not a human. Holding the sheer body hose up, as if it were standing on the built in feet, the neck of the garment barely reached mid-thigh. Carefully spreading out the neck, June began bunching up the fabric. When she reached the open crotch area, she continued gathering the fabric, concentrating on the left leg. When she had collected enough of the fabric to insert her foot into the leg of the garment, she slid it in and pulled up slowly smoothing and guiding the hose up her left leg. Stopping just above the knee, she repeated the process for her right leg.
Smoothing and coaxing the ultra stretchy suit up to her hips, June stopped to straighten the legs and adjust the crotch area for maximum comfort. Satisfied that the suit was positioned right where she wanted it, June began working the suit up her torso. When the fabric was just under her arms, she placed her right elbow through the neck opening, then her left, working the suit up over her shoulders and onto her neck. When the seam joining the left and right parts of the torso was straight up and down, June worked her arms into the sleeves. Pulling wherever she needed, the sleeves were soon straight and without wrinkles. A final adjustment where the fabric ran under her arms and her pantyhose body suit was perfect.
Running her hands over the tight fabric, June loved how every touch was amplified. Her nipples, usually not very sensitive because she hardly wore bras (the gentle swaying of her breasts as she walked moved her nipples across the fabric, causing them to always be hard at first, and after a while lose some sensitivity). She read somewhere that if she started wearing bras more, their sensitivity would return. But the attention she received from her tight shirts accentuating her firm breasts was worth the trade-off of sensitivity. Right now, with the silky fabric of the body suit caressing her breasts, her nipples were rock hard. There was no doubt she loved the feel of the body suit.
Pausing to look in the full length mirror, she marveled at her perfect little body. Remembering what Darcy told her about preferring June's body style to her own, June had to agree. Everything June had was just the right size. Turning to look at her back, her butt did not have the usual cleft showing because of the tight fabric and the crotch opening. Bending over, June found the view she was looking for, her beautiful, perfectly shaped butt. Giving her butt a light slap she hollered, "You go girl!"
The next part of her outfit was a regular Lycra leotard with a zippered back. This suit had no crotch opening and built in shorts. Her body suit was jet black. This contrasted well with the leotard's bright purple color. Pulling on tight opera-style Lycra gloves, which were also the color of her leotard, she carefully coaxed and smoothed the thin stretchy fabric until it looked like they were painted on. The last part of her outfit was shoes that took her two months to save up for. These shoes, also bright purple and nearly matching the color of the leotard, had six inch heels. The reason for their cost was the way they were built. The sole of the shoe had a metal reinforced plate which attached the heel making them nearly unbreakable. They had a lifetime guarantee which would replace the shoes if they ever broke.
The straps, which criss-crossed her foot and ankle like extra wide laces, held her foot securely. The straps continued their crossed pattern behind then in front of her calves to tie just below the knees with a bow. When she walked, June never felt unsteady. This drove other women mad since their ankles and shoes wobbled when they walked. June remembered reading men liked that wobbly look, since it made women seem more vulnerable. The confident and steady walk June enjoyed gave her the ability to really saunter well. She loved to tease the boys, and said aloud, "Marilyn Monroe, eat your heart out!"
Taking one last look at her outfit, June was incredibly pleased with how well everything fit. Ready for the night, June moved to the kitchen for a light snack before Darcy arrived. She glanced at the clock seeing it was 7:15 pm. June's heart pumped a little faster as she felt the little tease of adrenaline from her thoughts of tonight's plans, and how close they were. Closing her eyes and steadying herself, June took a deep breath and forced herself to relax.
Turning to the dishes from her snack, she deposited them into the dishwasher. Making sure everything was clean and neat again, June walked to the couch to sit and wait for Darcy. As she turned to sit, June's doorbell rang, making her jump.
"Well, she's early!" June commented to no one in particular, and moved to the door. Peeking through the peep-hole, June confirmed it was Darcy and opened the door.
Seeing June's outfit, Darcy just stood there in awe at the gorgeous woman standing before her. Rubbing her eyes, Darcy did a double-take at what she was seeing. June watched, pleased with the effect she had on Darcy, and smiled.
"Well, do you want to come in, or are you going to stand out there all night?" June asked teasingly, adding "You might want to close your mouth before something poops on your tongue!"
Willing herself to move, Darcy took one unsure step after another until she was far enough into the apartment for June to close the door. Darcy automatically took off her shoes, placing them on the mat next to June's.
Turning towards June as she stood back up, Darcy came face to face with June. June placed her hands on Darcy's shoulders and guided her to the couch, walking backwards the whole way, never taking her eyes off Darcy's.
When June had Darcy sitting, June faced Darcy placing her fists on her hips and said, "OK, here are the ground rules. One, your bondage will be complete and inescapable. Once we start, no turning back, and no release from that bondage until I want to. Only an emergency will garner early release. I have two special safety knives for that."
June held up one of the white plastic handles for Darcy to examine. She saw that the handle was heavy and looked very strong. In the end of the tool, there was a blade embedded in such a way that it resembled a letter opener. June explained that the modified knife was capable of cutting through most anything up to a thickness of ½ inch. More than capable of cutting through what Darcy would be wrapped in.
"Two," June said, "Do you want to be gagged and do you expect to breathe through your gag?"
Darcy wasn't thinking a gag would be used, and told June so. "But now that you mention it, yes, I would like a gag. I never have problems breathing with gags since every ball gag I have found never fills my mouth."
Giggling a little, June replied, "Yes, you do have a big mouth! It suits you well, and your face would look funny with a small mouth. Your lips are bee-stung and always perfectly plump, like ripe cherries. I can see where a ball gag would not fill your mouth completely. Is that what you want, complete stuffing of your mouth? I do have several gags that would accomplish that. The other question is, with your mouth properly stuffed, do you want to be able to breathe through your mouth, or only your nose?"
Darcy said, "I definitely want the fully stuffed experience, but since this is my first time being gagged like that, I would want the ability to breathe through my mouth, too. What did you have in mind?"
Smiling with an evil grin, June said, "I will save that for a surprise!"
June then asked, "Final questions before moving on to the last ground rule. Do you have any health problems I need to be aware of, like asthma, claustrophobia, fear of falling, or anything else I should know before we begin?"
Darcy replied, "No, I don't have any of those problems. I can't think of anything else except for my bet with Mary."
"What bet?" June asked.
"Well," Darcy said, "Mary bet me that I would not last five minutes after my vibes started before I would have my first orgasm. I doubled the bet, sure that I could last 20 minutes. If I last, she owes me $200, if not, she gets the money."
"The plot thickens!" June said with a smile, "Well, that is something I can definitely keep track of. I even have an electronic kitchen timer. I'll set it for 20 minutes just to be sure you know when the time is up!"
Darcy smiled glad for June's ability to supply perfectly tailored solutions to every detail.
June said, "Three, my final ground rule. We have to come up with safe words that you can use to let me know when you are close to having a problem, and when a real problem exists. Think of a yellow light and a red light. Since you will be thoroughly gagged, words will be useless, so I think a sound would work well. How about three short loud grunts for caution and three long grunts for stop?"
Darcy thought about that for a moment, then said, "Wow, I never used safe words before, I never really needed them."
Making three short grunts and then three long grunts, Darcy looked to June for acceptance. June acknowledged that the sounds were good, and different enough to easily tell the difference. June cautioned Darcy that the safe words would have to be tested again after her gagging to be sure they would work.
June said, "Now that the 'legal' stuff is out of the way, let me see what you brought."
Carefully emptying the contents of her gym bag, Darcy revealed a pair of latex shorts, three vibrators with their individual battery control units, a small tube of lube, and what looked like to June as a small balloon. With those items, Darcy had brought several clothing items with little rips or tears in them, and it was obvious to June that they were from other playtimes. June told Darcy that she would be naked for the mummification, and no clothing would be needed.
Picking up the balloon shaped object, June asked inquisitively, "What is this for?"
Darcy replied, "That is a rubber sleeve that can be placed over my vaginal vibe to cover the nubs if someone is sensitive to those kinds of things. I have never used it, but I keep it because it is part of the set."
Darcy picked up the vaginal vibe and stretched the sleeve over it with the small opening at the cord end. June was amazed at the sheer size of the vibrator, and the sleeve made it appear even more so.
"I could never fit that into me," June exclaimed, "It is just too big!"
Darcy gave out a comical sigh and replied, "Well, I am looking for a bigger one. Let me know if you find one!"
"Why the latex panties, Darcy," June asked next, giggling, "You planning on making a mess?"
Darcy turned the panties inside-out, which June now saw were more like bike shorts, and showed June the strategically placed holes for the vibe cords for vaginal and anal play, and an interesting little pouch with rubbery tendrils and little balls on their ends.
"This part," Darcy explained, "is the most stimulating part of the design. These little nubs find their way into every nook and cranny of my clit and drive me wild. With the vibe in place, it is even more intense because the added pressure from the vibe's shape pushes those little balls of rubber even deeper. As a favor to me, would you please turn this vibe on last? I don't think I have any hope of lasting 5 minutes with this one going."
June agreed to turn it on last. Thinking of one more question to ask Darcy she asked, "Have you ever worn a neck brace before? When I wrap your neck and head, I want to make it as tight, but as comfortable as possible. Using a neck brace allows for that and protects your neck from compression, making sure the only reason you will pass out is from exhaustion or orgasm overload."
Darcy shook her head "no" and replied, "I have never used one before. This is quickly becoming more than I thought it would. Are you sure I will be safe?"
June smiled with mirth in her eyes and said, "Are you trying to back out? I have no problem with stopping now if you want to do that, but I assure you there is no threat to your safety here. Everything has been thoroughly tested. The winch that will lift you is rated for 1500 pounds. You, Mary and I could all be lifted with this thing and it would not even strain itself. The rest of the suspension equipment is of the highest quality and is always inspected before use. I take great pride in knowing my toys are in top-notch condition. You will not be in any danger. This I promise!"
"No, no," Darcy said, "I am not trying to back out, but I think I finally understand what Mary told me, that what I could think up is nothing compared to what your imagination can bring to the table. I am stunned at the preparation and the thoroughness of your sessions and glad for it too. Knowing now how much time and energy you put into this, I have no problem submitting to your ministrations!"
With that, June smiled and said, "OK, let's begin!"
Part VIII (added: 07/10/11)
June asked Darcy to get undressed while she retrieved the first part of her mummification, the black Coflex bandages. June brought both boxes with her and set them on the couch next to Darcy.
"I see you are ready!" June said with mirth in her voice, "I'll wrap your legs first."
Opening one of the boxes of bandages, June pulled the first roll out, peeled the plastic off, found the starting edge, and pulled about 3 feet off the roll.
"I am going to wrap your left leg first, starting at the top of your thigh. Please stand up and spread your legs out. Keep your stance about three feet wide."
"Yes, that's it, perfect!" June said as Darcy complied with her request, "I love your shapely legs. So smooth, just a hint of muscular definition, in no way cut like a bodybuilder, which makes them look all the more sexier! When I wrap Mary up this high, I have to fight to keep the wrap from rolling down her thigh. With you, it stays right where I leave it. Much easier, and it will make the wrapping more comfortable for you."
Darcy thanked June for the compliment saying, "I love my legs too! I work hard to keep them sexy, but at my age, keeping anything sexy is hard work!"
"Well my dear," June giggled, "You make it look easy!"
June continued wrapping down Darcy's leg, using up the first roll right above her knee. Pulling the second roll from the box, June continued her wrapping and ended the second roll at the middle of Darcy's calf. The third roll would cover the rest of Darcy's leg including her complete foot. Taking care to wrap the toes well without undue compression, June ended the third roll at Darcy's ankle.
Darcy looked at her left leg, then her right, and back again, amazed at the color difference. Her wrapped leg was jet black, and her right leg, although tanned nicely, stood out in contrast as if she had two different legs. She watched June pull another roll from the box and start wrapping where she left off.
Darcy asked, "Isn't that overkill? My leg is already wrapped. Don't waste the wrap, it looks expensive!"
June replied, "Double wrapping everywhere makes the wrap more even, prevents seams from opening up where the overlaps are, and makes everything much more evenly colored. Right now, your beautiful skin is showing through the wrap because it is porous. This also makes it the perfect wrap to go over someone's face. Their head can be completely wrapped without making breathing difficult. You'll see what I mean later!"
Darcy acquiesced, and allowed June to continue her wrapping, noting that June was taking great care to make it as smooth and flawless as possible. When June finished the final roll on Darcy's left leg, wrapping at the top of her thigh twice to run out the end, June moved to Darcy's right leg, repeating the slow but expert wrapping, just as tight and even as her left, Darcy thought. Both legs felt equally compressed, which Darcy commented on.
June replied, "That was my desired effect. If something is too tight, or one side is tighter than the other, it can cause discomfort, or even pain, and that is not what I am trying to accomplish today. I want you as comfortable as possible. Please let me know if you feel anything not even or too tight. I will loosen or re-wrap any part as needed."
Darcy acknowledged June's request agreeing to let her know the moment anything felt out of place. Finishing Darcy's right leg, June moved on to Darcy's arms.
"Now for this part of the wrapping, I am going to start the same way, up by the top of your arms, just under the shoulder. When I get to your hand, I want you to hold one of these." June pointed to the coffee table and directed Darcy's gaze to two foam balls. "With these, you will make a fist, squeezing the balls as much as possible into your hand. This will make wrapping your hands easier, and I will not have to wrap them tightly, just enough to keep you from opening your hand."
"Sure, anything you say, June. You are the driver and I am just here for the ride. It's funny, though, I thought the balls would be black too, but they are purple."
"Yeah, I couldn't find any black ones. Purple is my favorite color, so they worked out nicely. Let's get your left arm wrapped!"
June stood in front of Darcy and asked her to hold her arm out straight and over June's shoulder. June started wrapping just like she did with Darcy's legs, using up one full roll as she neared her wrist. Grabbing the foam ball, and the next roll of wrap, June gave the ball to Darcy and watched her make a tight fist, amazed that no part of the ball could be seen. Starting the roll, June wrapped from Darcy's wrist down around her closed fist lightly but completely, making sure to double wrap every part of Darcy's hand. Completing the final few turns around her hand, June ended the roll about mid forearm.
June asked Darcy, "How is that, too tight or just right?"
Darcy replied, "I thought my hand would be wrapped tighter than this, but I can't open my hand at all.
So I would say it's perfect!"
"That's good," June Replied, "if it felt tight now, later it would be crushing your hand, making things very uncomfortable and maybe even scene ending. As you wriggle your fingers in the wrap, the ball will expand a little to keep things snug. I'll finish up your left arm, and then take care of your right."
June grabbed the next roll and finished wrapping Darcy's arm overlapping right at the starting point. Using her safety knife, June cut the wrap leaving about half the roll unused. Moving to Darcy's right side, Darcy dropped her left arm and raised her right in the same way. June used the half roll first, then used two more rolls to wrap Darcy's arm completely.
June asked, "OK, how is that? Feel the same, different, or is anything too tight?"
Darcy replied, "No, nothing too tight, and both arms feel equally snug. Both my hands are useless but not so loose that I feel like I could get free, and not so tight that I am losing circulation. You are a pro at this. You should be a nurse or something!"
"Mary is the nurse, remember, and I learned everything I know from her, at least the wrapping stuff!" June giggled, smiling at Darcy. Darcy returned June's smile warmly.
"Now we move on to your torso. Oh crap! I forgot to let you put in your vibes! With your hands wrapped, you are not getting them in at all. I will have to unwrap your hands and let you finish that."
"No," Darcy said, "You do it. I don't need the shorts. Can't you do some wrapping magic and get them up where they need to be? I trust you. I know you are not going to hurt me. Just remember the lube!"
June replied, "OK, I can do that. Plus, I will be able to adjust the wires to right where I want them without the shorts getting in the way. OK, should your toys be washed first?"
Darcy thanked June for asking, and requested that they be washed before use. Going to the Master Bath, June used the special toy soap she loved to use. She found this at Lover's Lane of all places, but it was the best soap ever for toys. Made from BGSE, Bio-Enhanced Grapefruit Seed Extract, the manufacturer promised excellent cleaning and anti-bacterial properties without damaging latex, rubber, silicone, or any other materials.
June returned with the still wet toys and asked, "OK, which one first, anal or vaginal?"
Darcy said nothing and bent over, pointing her shapely butt at June. June noticed that both targets were available and equally beautiful and inviting. Deciding to surprise Darcy, she lubed up the area with a few well placed squirts of lube, and one that "just got away" leaving the lube to drip down Darcy's right ass cheek. Leaving the clit vibe hanging by its cord around her left pinky, June started the other two vibes together, slowly pressing at their respective openings, then backing off a little, allowing them to ease into place.
As June felt the vaginal vibe slip up into her pussy, seemingly already quite wet, Darcy gasped a little and said, "Make sure it is all the way in, pressed up by my G-Spot please. You'll have to use your fingers to get it in the right spot."
June did as Darcy requested feeling the knobby vibe slide into place. June felt Darcy hug her fingers with her strong pussy muscles, and smiled saying, "Giving my hand a hug?"
"Well," Darcy said, giggling, "How else can I thank you for a job well done?"
Just as Darcy gave June's little hand a hug, the other vibe slipped into place making Darcy shudder with pleasure.
"Oh how I love anal play! I could cum right now if you just moved it in an out! Please, make me cum!"
June started to do as Darcy asked, watching her reaction and listening to her breathing. Right when she thought Darcy would explode, June pushed the vibe home, and stopped.
"NO!" Darcy screamed, "Don't stop, please! I was almost there!"
Reaching behind herself, Darcy tried to grasp the vibe and could not. June's wrappings were too well done. Desperate, Darcy tried to push on the vibe's wide base to get any stimulation she could, but realized it was futile. Darcy was not going to orgasm until June was good and ready to give it to her.
Sighing, Darcy stood up straight, turned around and said, "I am ready for the next part, ma'am."
June said quite matter-of-factly, "You are the wrapee, I am the wrapper. I am the one in control, not you. You will learn that I give you permission to orgasm. You don't have a right to it; it is my privilege to give to you. Right now I am in a different giving mode, one of continuing to wrap your too sexy body!"
Darcy said in an apologetic voice, "Yes, ma'am. I am sorry for taking liberties. It won't happen again!"
"Good!" June replied, "If it does, you will be punished! Do you understand?"
Only nodding in agreement, afraid to open her mouth and give away her secret, Darcy tried to remain calm and not give June any hint of how she felt when she heard the word punishment. June saw Darcy blush, from the tips of her ears and the top of her forehead right to the cleft of her generous breasts, Darcy was flushed and June instantly knew why, although she gave no hint that she knew. Darcy hoped that June would punish her and at the same time hoped that June didn't realize what a turn on it was for her. Being spanked at any time during her 20 minute bet would instantly cause her to lose all control. She hated that it was so easy for her to cum when spanked. Darcy didn't know why, but it was an extreme turn-on for her. Not lots of pain, only enough to make her ample butt turn bright pink. Just thinking of it made Darcy gush with pleasure, and June could see Darcy's love juice dripping from her engorged pussy lips.
"Having too much fun already?" June asked playfully, running her finger across Darcy's pussy lips, drawing it ever-so-slowly from the back to the front, picking up as much of Darcy's love nectar as she could.
June held it up for Darcy to see and said, "I think my finger is all wet, dry it for me!"
Darcy nearly lunged at June's finger, taking it into her mouth and wrapping her luscious lips around June's finger.
Sucking it dry, Darcy asked, "Is that good enough, ma'am?"
June replied, "I think you did very well. Almost too eager, though. We'll have to do something about that. Put your hands on top of your head, and I'll wrap your torso."
Darcy obeyed and June continued her wrapping. Starting from just below Darcy's armpits, June wrapped just like she did with Darcy's legs, not too tight, but evenly spaced and snug. When June got to Darcy's breasts, she decided not to do a figure eight wrap, opting instead to start from the bottom of her heavy breasts wrapping up to the top where she left off. Seeing that Darcy's breasts were held firmly, June asked Darcy to take a deep breath and hold it, and June wrapped from the bottom to the top of her breasts again, pulling a little tighter than before.
June asked, "OK, drop your arms to your sides. How does that feel?"
Darcy replied, "It feels like the bras I sleep in, tight and supportive without crushing my chest. It feels good!"
"Excellent!" Mary exclaimed, "Then I will finish wrapping your torso."
June had already used 4 rolls to wrap Darcy torso, and expected to use another 4-5. That would finish the first box, she thought, leaving plenty for the "T" wrap and suspension. Continuing from under Darcy's breasts, June wrapped quickly as this was the most stable part of Darcy's body. When she reached Darcy's hips, she wrapped down until the torso wrapping was about 4 inches away from the leg wrapping.
Stopping there, June informed Darcy she would now wrap her torso in a "V" shape to make sure her toys stayed in place. Pressing the beginning of the roll on Darcy's tummy, June pulled the wrap down in-between her legs and up Darcy's back, going over her left shoulder. Continuing to wrap this way, she was able to go over Darcy's right shoulder twice and her left shoulder once more.
Ending the wrap as she rounded Darcy's left shoulder, June asked, "How is that? No too tight on your shoulders, is it?"
"Not at all," Darcy replied, "It feels wonderful! How are you going to put the clitty vibe in?"
"Like this!" June replied, pulling the "V" part of the wrap up away from Darcy's sex.
June knew the vibe was in the right spot when Darcy cooed and shifted her hips slightly to wriggle her sex, attempting to get enough stimulation to cum again.
Letting the stretchy fabric snap back into place as she withdrew her hand June said, "You are incorrigible! You are begging to be punished, aren't you?"
"No ma'am!" Darcy exclaimed, "I was just trying to help you get it into the best position. Honest!"
"Right," June said mockingly, "Gyrating your hips on the vibe and my hand was just to better position the vibe. I see what you are trying to do. It's not my fault you like this so much. Too much, I think. But I can't punish you yet the wrapping is not done yet!"
Darcy heard the word yet and almost lost it right there. Without realizing it, Darcy shouted, "Oh yes, I am a bad girl! Punish me, Mistress!"
Blushing fiercely, Darcy tried to explain that it was a mistake, but June would hear none of it.
"Stop talking now!" June exclaimed, "You really like getting yourself into trouble! Besides, calling me Mistress just upped the ante. I was going to wait to punish you until after your 20 minute bet time, but now I am going to use all three vibes on you, from the start, no waiting for the clitty vibe like I promised. Any more outbursts from you or any further attempts to get yourself off before the bet starts, and I will add the Hitachi Magic Want to your clit vibe!"
Darcy lowered her head and said, "Yes ma'am."
Reaching behind Darcy, June spanked Darcy's left butt cheek as hard as she could and said, "What happened to mistress? Why was I suddenly demoted? Do you like to piss me off?"
Darcy jumped from the sharp pain of the slap, saying, "No ma'am, I mean (SMACK) OW! June, why are you being so mean? (SMACK) OK, OK, I am sorry Mistress! Please let me make it up to you!" (SMACK)
June stopped spanking Darcy's bright pink butt cheek and said, "I am not being mean, just giving you the punishment you deserve. You brought the word Mistress into this, so I am holding you to that. Pray that I don't hold you to anything else!"
As solemnly as she could say, Darcy said, "Yes, ma'am, I mean Mistress, I mean, oh shit. I don't know what I mean!"
June moved to Darcy's right side and gave her 4 hard slaps on her right butt cheek saying, "I think you should stop talking right now before you find yourself in more hot water!"
Darcy had tears running down her cheeks. Reeling from the pain, the pleasure of being spanked, and the domination by this little woman, Darcy was beside herself with her conflicting emotions. Only nodding this time, Darcy remained quiet.
"Good!" June exclaimed, "Now we can continue your wrapping."
Without saying a word, Darcy raised her arms to give June all the room she would need.
Adjusting the wires from the vibes, June aligned the cords where she needed them to be. She then wrapped from where the wrap ended back up Darcy's torso until she reached the top. Asking Darcy to lower her arms, June waited for Darcy to let her know if anything was too tight, pinching, or otherwise uncomfortable. Darcy shook her head no and smiled. June smiled and told Darcy to pick up the unopened box of wrap and follow her into the playroom.
"I'm sorry, Mistress, what playroom?" Darcy said, confused.
"That's right," June said, "I never gave you the 10 cent tour, did I? Well, I live it a three bedroom apartment with two bedrooms on the left, adjoined by the bathroom that you have used before, and a third Master Bedroom suite that I converted into a playroom. Everything that Mary and I have collected for bondage is in there."
June commanded Darcy, saying, "Place the box of wrap on the floor by the exam table, then lay on the table in the usual position I am sure you are familiar with!"
Darcy entered the Master Suite and stopped, amazed at the variety of devices in the room. She saw the bondage bed, the straight backed chair with lots of leather straps, the spanking bench, and the exam table in the middle of some heavy foam pads you might see in someone's workshop.
June saw Darcy's mouth fall open and gave her a moment to let it all sink in, and then said, "Let's go, I haven't got all day!"
"Yes mistress!" Darcy said, and hurried next to the exam table. "Is that the desk from the movie Secretary, mistress?"
"Not the very one, but a replica," June replied, "the original one was not something Mary and I could afford, so we contacted a friend who owned their own furniture shop. She was able to find this model, the very style used in the movie, and we bought it for a steal, just $300.00! As you can see, some modifications were made to the desk and chair."
Darcy wanted to look over the desk more closely, but decided that could wait for another day since there were more pressing matters to attend to.
Placing the box next to the exam table, Darcy said, "What would you like for me to do next, mistress?"
June pointed to the floor and said commandingly, "I don't want you lying yet. Kneel here on the padded area, and wait for my return!"
Darcy immediately did as she was told and watched June walk away towards a large walk-in closet. A few moments later, June returned with three things, some kind of control box, a plastic disposable neck brace, and a black strappy gas mask thing that looked like it came right out of a horror movie.
Stopping in front of Darcy, June said, "This is your gag. It is all that I promised, and a little bit more."
Turning it over so Darcy could see inside, June pointed out the inflatable gag with the breathing tube in its center. June explained that the gag would be inflated after all the straps were tightened down. She then pointed out the small hole in the tube, right under where Darcy's nose would go. This was so that Darcy could breathe through her nose if she needed to. The edge of the mask was lined with a thick, hollow latex seal, completely form fitting. When the straps were tightened, the mask would be sealed to her face.
June said, "I will put the neck brace on first, get it set, and then wrap your shoulders, neck, and head. You will not be able to move your head at all after I finish wrapping it. I will leave your face open until after I put your gag into place. Do you understand?"
"Yes Mistress!" Darcy replied, "I am ready."
June placed the gag and the control box on the exam table and moved back to stand behind Darcy. June asked her to raise her chin slightly and placed the brace around Darcy's neck. Snapping the brace's locking tabs into place, June checked to be sure the brace was in the right spot and not too tight. Satisfied with the position of the brace, June confirmed with Darcy that it was not too restrictive for her breathing and it did not pinch anywhere.
June proceeded to wrap Darcy's shoulders in a figure eight motion until she was near her neck, then switched to straight wrapping around the neck brace making sure it was nice and snug. June was already on roll three when she started wrapping Darcy's head. Carefully wrapping all over her head, June was able to draw her head down and the brace up just enough that the neck brace's upper support area under Darcy's chin and the back of her head were pulled up snuggly, pinning her head into the brace's unrelenting grip.
Standing back, June asked, "What do you think? Can you move your head at all?"
"No, Mistress," Darcy replied, "I cannot move it at all! You have done an excellent job wrapping me so far. I have no discomfort anywhere, and yet I am pretty much helpless."
Smiling, June picked up the gag and asked, "Is there any final words you have to say before I put this on you? Speech will be impossible after this."
"Only that I am deeply sorry for making you mad earlier. I see how much preparation and time you spent putting me into this bondage. I am grateful that you care so much for my safety and my comfort. I have had a few relationships in the past where the guys I was dating were very mean to me and told me any discomfort I was feeling was part of the bondage. I should just get used to it. But I see now that it doesn't need to be that way. Thank you, Mistress, for everything!"
"My pleasure, Darcy," June replied, "It is worth the effort to me if I can make you feel the way you do now. I will place the gag on your face, and then tighten up the straps. When they are nice and tight, I will then inflate the gag. Are you ready?"
"Yes, Mistress," Darcy said with a shy smile, not knowing what she was about to experience, but sure that June would be careful with her.
Darcy opened her mouth and accepted the deflated rubber bulb, allowing it to settle over her tongue. Darcy watched June walk behind her, pulling and smoothing the straps of the gag-mask around her head. She felt the rubber straps fall into place one at a time, being adjusted and straightened around her wrapped head. When June was satisfied the straps were all in the right place and snapped into the back plate, she started pulling the straps tight.
Darcy heard the straps pull tight, hearing a zipping sound not unlike a seal closing on a freezer bag. As each strap was tightened, Darcy felt a small part of her control slipping away. She was already mostly helpless, but the gag being tightened intensified that feeling. When the final strap was pulled tight, Darcy was already breathing hard, not from any inability to breathe, but from her fear and excitement boiling up from someplace she did not know existed in her before.
June heard Darcy's breathing intensify, and as she walked around to face her she asked, "Darcy, everything OK? It's not too tight, is it?"
Darcy shook her head no and replied in the best speech she could make from her masked and partially gagged mouth, "I am OK. Please continue, Mistress"
"Last chance to back out verbally," June said with a wry grin, "Say go or no-go."
Darcy replied with go, and June closed the valve on the inflation bulb and started pumping up the gag, carefully watching Darcy's response as well as her cheeks. June wanted to see Darcy's cheeks distend a little before she would consider the gag fully inflated. Every second pump, June would ask Darcy go or no-go, and Darcy replied go until after the eighth pump when Darcy tried to say go, but was only able to give a muffled moan. June squeezed the bulb two more times and then let the inflation bulb drop.
"Now I am going to test the seal on your gag. I am going to hold my thumb over the tube. I want you to take a deep breath, and when you have it, I will cover your tube. I want you to exhale as hard as you can, then take in a deep breath. Ready?"
Darcy did not reply, only took her deep breath and watched June grasp the tube in her right hand, make a fist around the end of the tube, and cover the opening with her thumb. Darcy exhaled as hard as she could, finding it easy to push the air out as it moved out from under the mask's seal. Completing her exhale, Darcy then tried to take in a breath, and found nothing. No air could get in, and Darcy tried to shake her head to get any air, but the neck brace prevented any movement so there was none to be had. Looking at June, Darcy gave a look of panic that June saw with glee.
Not wanting to put Darcy into a full-blown panic attack, June released the hose and said, "Gagged well enough for you, my dear?"
Darcy tried to say "Yes Mistress!" but no words could be formed. She tried to say anything, but the inflated rubber ball prevented her from making anything but muted moans and grunting. Darcy had never been so well gagged in her life, and it was a turn on that she did not expect. She thought the gagging would interfere with her pleasure, but it was amplifying it!
June smiled and said, "OK, now that the gagging is complete, let's get you suspended!"
Darcy froze hearing suspended. She heard June talk of suspension in the living room, but thought that it would be for future bondage, not this one. She looked up into Junes eyes and gave her best puppy dog eyes and pleadingly moaned to not be suspended.
"Not a chance, my dear!" June said with mirth, "I told you to consider working up to this, and you said you were ready for anything I could dish out. Stand up!"
Darcy complied, and if she could hang her head low with shame, her chin would be touching her chest, but the neck brace took any chance of that happening away. Standing was more difficult that she expected without the ability to move her head. Darcy's balance was off a little, but not so much that she needed help. Turning to face the table, Darcy saw the leather sheet with three straps on each side, and the heavily padded leather cuffs. Sighing, she moved to the table and sat on the end, using her wrapped hands to push herself back until her knees were touching the end of the padded table. Lying back, she raised her legs and waited for June to deploy the stirrups.
June did not pull them out, opting instead to tell Darcy, "Let your knees touch your chest and lie still while I go get the stool."
Darcy folded her legs up so that her knees were touching just under her tightly wrapped breasts, letting her calves lie on her thighs, and waited for June's return.
June returned with a padded stool from the breakfast nook and placed it about two feet away from the end of the table. Helping Darcy to slide, June placed her rump on the edge of the stool making sure that both Darcy and the stool were stable.
"Now, I am going to wrap your thighs," June said, "I need you to hold your feet up in the air. Yes, that's where I want you to keep them. I am going to wrap your thighs a little tighter than the rest of your wrapping, and with two more layers that any other part of your body. This is for two reasons. One, you have very strong legs, and I don't want your legs getting loose before I want them to. Two, because of the position you will be in, I need your legs to be very stable and capable of supporting your weight if needed. Before we start, let's test your grunt warning system!"
Darcy made the agreed upon sounds, and June acknowledged they were understandable and easy to tell apart. June then grabbed the first roll from the unopened box and began to wrap Darcy's thighs. As promised, this wrapping was much tighter than the others, but not uncomfortable. Spending two rolls, June was able to wrap from the back of Darcy's knees to right where the small of her back and the curve of her thighs started to narrow.
After pushing Darcy back onto the table more to gain access to the end of Darcy's butt, June peeled off several strips of wrap from the third roll, cutting them with the safety knife, June started taping up the exposed part of Darcy's butt, first horizontally, then vertically, making sure all parts of her hind end were completely covered. The wrap also served to hold the wires up by Darcy's knees keeping them out of the way.
Pulling Darcy back onto the stool, June continued the wrapping around her strips, getting almost completely to the end of her ample butt. Reversing her wrapping, June used three more rolls to finish all the way back up to where she started.
Giving Darcy a few light slaps on the butt, June asked, "How does that feel? Are you ready for the next step?"
Darcy gave June her best go-ahead grunt, and June smiled. June thought that at this point, Darcy would not want to quit anyway, she was too much into the feeling of her tight, restrictive bondage.
June then said, "OK, I need you to place your elbows in front of your knees, and align your arms with your shins."
Darcy complied, and June continued her wrapping. This time, it was from Darcy's elbows and knees to right under Darcy's hands. June chose not to wrap her hands because she knew what it felt like to have hands that could move but were otherwise useless, making the feeling of total bondage without the possibility of escape even more so. Wrapping up and down each arm/leg pair, June completed the wrapping at the base of Darcy's left arm/leg combo finishing the roll at the same time.
"Now I am going to put on the ankle cuffs. Just stay there, no need to move anything; I'll do all the moving for you!"
June grabbed Darcy's prone and tightly wrapped body by the legs and pulled her towards the edge of the table. As her body rotated, Darcy could feel her weight shift, and she felt as if she would fall off the table. Trying to stop her fall, Darcy squirmed as much as possible, but stopped when she saw June was placing her calf and forearm on the padded stool. Relieved that she was not going to fall, Darcy let out a huge sigh.
June said, "It was either this or get a ladder! I hate ladders, so this will have to do."
Darcy just grunted, unable to do anything else, and watched June fit the cuffs onto her feet. Darcy felt the cuffs get tight, and braced for the pinch, but felt just comfortable pressure. Her wrapped ankles and the heavily padded cuffs made for a great fit without the slightest bit of discomfort. June attached the special 6 inch bar to each cuff's suspension strap and left Darcy there to get the remote for the winch. Lowering the winch hook until she had enough slack to attach it to the bar, June stopped the winch and slipped the spring-hook in to the bar's top welded ring. Using the winch, June pulled Darcy up until her feet were vertical again.
June said, "Here is the best part of the suspension, the torso sling! If I suspended you like you are now," June raised the hook lifting Darcy off the table about 6 inches, "You would quickly become uncomfortable, because all the weight from your body would be held by your ankles."
Darcy grunted in disapproval at the sudden pain and discomfort caused by the surprise suspension. June lowered Darcy back to the table and gave enough slack to make sure nothing was tight. Moving first to Darcy's left side, and then to her right, June attached the three straps of each side of the sling to the ankle cuff's D-Rings. Adjusting the straps to be tight and evenly holding Darcy's body, June activated the winch again, raising Darcy's body without effort or discomfort to Darcy at all.
"Now, how does that feel?" June asked, waiting for Darcy's response.
Darcy moaned into her gag approvingly, loving the sling's embrace of her body and the way it supported her without causing pain or strain to her ankles.
June said, "I have one final part to wrap, then your bondage will be complete!"
After pushing the exam table away from the mats, June lowered Darcy's body until her torso was at June's hips. Grabbing another roll of the wrap, June proceeded to wrap Darcy's head, covering her beautiful eyes with 4 layers, completely blinding her, and wrapping her head even more. The last roll June used was to finish wrapping around the gag/mask. The only things visible after June's wrapping were the breathing tube and inflation bulb. No part of Darcy's skin was visible anywhere on her body. June was very pleased with her work.
Darcy was not prepared to be blindfolded, and expressed her disapproving grunts as well as she could. Darcy saw June continue to wrap until her sight was gone and did not know if June never heard her disapproval, or simply ignored it. No matter, very soon, all ability to see and even the ability to tell light from dark was taken away. Darcy then felt the mask of her gag press tighter to her face as she felt June wrap all around the gag. Surprised again, Darcy felt her mouth fill even more as June squeezed the inflation bulb two more times. Darcy's cheeks must have looked like a chipmunk's now, she thought, feeling the last empty spaces of her mouth disappear.
June looked over Darcy's totally helpless body and smiled. She thought everything was perfect, and her bondage was well conceived and implemented. The last thing to do was to attach the leg slings to the D-Rings where the torso sling was attached. These would be for later, she thought, and smiled knowing what was to come. After attaching the leg slings, June moved to get the control unit.
The control unit was something she and her shop-teacher friend designed and built. It used two camcorder batteries to power 6 individual power control circuits. This gave two benefits. The first was recharge capability. The second was a nearly endless power supply. Designed to accept the very plugs Darcy's vibes used, it could supply 3, 6, 9, or 12 volts DC. The usual voltage for vibes like Darcy's was 3 volts, or what two AA batteries would supply. Each circuit could also be dialed in from no to full power, and infinitely anywhere in-between.
Using part of another roll of wrap, June wrapped around the control unit, making sure any excess was folded under the unit. Cutting several strips, June used the excess at the back of the unit as a sticky pad, and taped the unit to Darcy's calves. When she was sure it would not fall off, June plugged in the three cords to Darcy's vibes. Darcy had shown June her marking system for the cord ends because when they were in the latex shorts, there was no way she could see which cord went to where.
Following Darcy's color-coded system, June plugged the anal and pussy vibes into the left two circuits, and the clitty vibe into the far right circuit. This, June knew would mean that the two batteries would be used together, one powering the clitty vibe, and the other powering the other two vibes.
"OK, we are about to start the challenge part of this bondage, are you ready?"
Darcy tried to respond with words, but was even more unsuccessful than before. Resigning herself to her fate, Darcy grunted her approval.
Keeping the power button off, June set the switches to 3 volts and dialed all three vibes up half way. Pressing the power button, June saw Darcy jump as the vibes came to life simultaneously. June left Darcy to retrieve the kitchen timer. Estimating that about a minute had passed June set the timer for 19 minutes and clipped it to Darcy's arm by pulling up a layer of the wrap and sliding the clip under the fabric.
June patted Darcy's head and said, "OK! 19 minutes left. I hope you can last! I would just hate to see you lose your bet to Mary!"
Darcy did not respond in fear that it would break her concentration. Having all three vibes going at once was nearly devastating, but somehow she was keeping her orgasm at bay. Breathing a little faster now, Darcy passed the 5 minute mark, and June called out the time. When 10 minutes arrived, June told Darcy so, and Darcy shuddered with her orgasm so close. At 15 minutes, June again called out the time, and Darcy was holding her orgasm back with much greater difficulty. At the 18 minute mark, her vibes fell silent. June had hit the power button.
June also stopped the timer, reset it for two minutes and said, "OK, now for the real challenge! I have only given you half power on your vibes for the past 18 minutes. When I start the timer, the vibes will be at full power. I hope this doesn't put a kink into your plans!"
Darcy let out a sorrowful moan, not believing what June just said. Darcy almost didn't make the 20 minute mark with the settings June had used. Now they were going to be doubled?
Darcy screamed into her gag when the vibes started again. June didn't bother restarting the timer because she knew Darcy would not last another 15 seconds. Without Darcy knowing it, June moved the switches to 6 volts while dialing the circuits up to maximum. June watched with glee as Darcy's butt jumped up and down in the sling as her orgasm ripped through her tightly wrapped body. Every part of Darcy that could move was doing something as her orgasm brought new meaning to the word spasm. June heard Darcy stop breathing for a little while. She was holding her breath, or more likely, the intensity of her orgasm caused her to lock her body. 30 seconds later, Darcy was breathing as heavily as she could through the gag tube, continuing to ride out her fierce orgasm.
"Now it's my turn for fun!" June exclaimed, and walked to the bondage bed and removed her shoes. Returning to Darcy's still spasming body, June lowered Darcy until her torso was about 8 inches from the padded floor. Setting the remote down, June grabbed the cable with one hand and stepped with first her left foot then her right onto Darcy's trembling thighs. Squatting carefully, June leaned slightly to her right and extended her left leg, slipping her foot into the leg cuff until the cuff was midway up her calf. Leaning left, she repeated the process with her right leg, seating herself right on Darcy's butt. Shifting slightly from left to right, June was able to move her clit right on top of Darcy's clitty vibe. This gave June all the stimulation her already engorged pussy needed, and she leaned back, like on a swing, and moved forward again, riding the little vibe for all its worth.
Darcy didn't notice her slowly lowering body with the sensory overload she was experiencing with her orgasm. She did, however, feel June stepping on her, then sitting on her. The added weight of June pushing the clitty vibe deep into her own clit sent Darcy out of subspace and into a whole different realm of experience. Darcy was beyond hope of ever using her safe words even if she needed to. Without a gag, her speech would just be incoherent babbling. With the gag, any hope of relaying that Darcy was someplace she had no idea how to get back from to June was impossible. Darcy didn't care though; she was gone from this world.
June's orgasm roared through her fiercely, and she almost fell off Darcy once, temporarily losing her grip. Recovering, she noticed Darcy's body was swaying slightly, so June increased her rocking motion and was rewarded with her very own sex swing. Loving the feeling of her orgasm and the gentle swaying of Darcy's body beneath her took June's orgasm to another level of intensity. June screamed loudly and came fiercely, squirting all over Darcy's ass.
Darcy never heard June's scream or felt the wetness of June's gushing orgasm. Darcy was beyond reality and riding out an orgasm she never thought possible from her body.
About 25 minutes later, June's orgasm was subsiding as Darcy's was still going strong. Gingerly, June lifted herself off Darcy and carefully slowed Darcy's swinging to a halt by dragging one of her feet. When Darcy was stationary, June listened to Darcy's breathing, regular and strong. Placing a hand on Darcy's thigh, June could tell Darcy's orgasm was slowing. Grasping the breathing tube with her right hand again, June covered the end of the tube and waited. June heard the slight hissing sound of Darcy's breath escaping from the seal, and then Darcy reacted when she could not pull a breath. Darcy tried to grunt her safe word for stop, but without air, there was no sound to be made. Her lungs burning, Darcy did everything she could to get air, but it was no use. Darcy was heading for unconsciousness when she felt the cool clean air enter her lungs. Darcy gulped the air hungrily, taking in as much as the tube would allow. Darcy's orgasm redoubled now now, sending her off into the depth of her subspace again. Darcy was spent, but still her orgasm roared through her.
June wasn't finished with Darcy, though. Remembering how much Darcy loved spankings June bent over and gave Darcy's butt a hard push. Stepping back some, she repeated the push, sending Darcy into a longer arc. The third push had Darcy swinging at the length June wanted, and when Darcy's arc crested in front of June, June slapped her with both hands as hard as she could right on Darcy's ass cheeks. June's hands instantly stung from the blow, but she didn't care. Her dual slaps gave Darcy a little more momentum, allowing the arc to continue at that level.
Darcy felt the pushes from June and thought she would become some sort of playground ride. June just rode her, so why not a different ride? When Darcy felt the first slaps from Mary's little hands, she jumped, not knowing what to think. When the second set of slaps occurred, Darcy realized they were coming whenever she swung towards June. This instantly drove Darcy crazy, because she knew as long as June slapped her, she would swing away, and swing back for another slap. Darcy tried to shift her body weight to get her arc to change so June could not get a straight shot, but her body was totally wasted. She had no strength to mount any kind of defense, and resigned herself to her fate again. After the third slap, Darcy was no longer feeling helpless, but extremely turned on. She loved being spanked, and being spanked while helpless to prevent it was an even greater turn-on for her. By the fifth slap, Darcy felt her orgasm cresting again, and at the eighth slap, Darcy was in full orgasmic bloom.
June continued slapping Darcy's tightly bound ass until she could not do it anymore. Looking at her throbbing hands, she saw the beet red skin and decided to use a paddle next time. June had spanked Darcy for about 10 minutes, all the while keeping Darcy's swing going. Walking away, June let Darcy's arc continue until her momentum could subside more than two hours later. Going to the kitchen sink, June ran her hands under the cold water soothing them as much as possible. Getting her best hand crème, June applied a liberal amount and rubbed it in as gently as she could. She would be paying for her actions for a few days at least!
Darcy rode out her second orgasm, the vibes never slowing or lessening in intensity. When Darcy finally passed out, she was still swinging in her bondage. June decided that she was not ready to release Darcy, and curled up on the couch for a nap. June woke several hours later to Darcy screaming. Rushing to the bondage Master Bedroom, June found Darcy no longer swinging and orgasming fiercely again. Listening closely, June could tell Darcy was at the end of her rope. Impossible to get out and impossible to stop the orgasms, Darcy had continued to ride out her orgasms without reprieve. Knowing that what Darcy was experiencing was no longer pleasurable, June turned off the power supply and lowered Darcy's still trembling body to the padded floor.
Taking care, June unhooked the Winch from the cuff bar, released the cuffs from her ankles along with the torso sling, and began to cut Darcy out of her wrappings. After releasing Darcy's head from the neck brace wrapping, June deflated and removed Darcy's gag harness and tenderly removed her gag. There was a slight struggle to get the gag out of her mouth as Darcy had passed out again, closing her mouth down on the rubber bladder. Gently prying her mouth open, June was able to remove the gag. Expertly cutting the wrapping from Darcy's body, June freed her from the unrelenting wrap and left her to lie on the padded floor. Grabbing a blanket from the closet, June covered Darcy and waited, lying next to her until she woke up. Darcy would have to remove the two vibes when she woke.
It was only 15 minutes later when Darcy opened up her eyes and looked into June's.
June smiled and said, "Welcome back! How was your trip?"
Darcy croaked out a thank you and asked for water. June returned with a sports drink and a bendy straw, and Darcy drank deeply, soothing her parched throat with the cool liquid.
Darcy was going to drink more, but June pulled it back saying, "Not too much at once, you will get a tummy ache!"
Darcy tried to sit up and failed. Trying again, this time with June's help, Darcy made it into a seated position and jumped saying, "Ouch! My vibes are still in!" Working carefully, Darcy extracted the two vibes noting their warmer than usual temperature. "That was the most intense thing I have ever experienced," Darcy continued, "OK, I believe you and Mary, I am no match for your imagination!"
June replied, "You orgasmed right after I turned them on a second time, so you lost the bet. But I cheated, so there is no winner today!"
Darcy looked confused and said, "Cheated, how so?"
Well," June replied, "I was truthful about having your vibes at half speed. But what I didn't tell you was that I changed the supply voltage from 3 volts, the normal, to 6 volts. This doubled the speed and the intensity of your vibes. There was no way you would have won the bet!"
Darcy thought about that for a while then said, "Yes, I remember the vibes being so much stronger than I was used to, but thought it was just the excitement of the predicament I was in, not that anything was changed."
June handed the control unit to Darcy and explained its functions and what powered the device. Darcy let out a low "wow" when she realized the vibes could have been powered up to 12 volts. June told Darcy that at 12 volts, the vibes would only last a few minutes then either burn out or fly apart. 6 volts was a nice intense ride, and 9 volts was mind numbing. Vibes at that voltage would last about an hour before failing.
Darcy leaned towards June and reached out to hug her saying, "Thank you for a wonderful experience. I really needed this release, and you supplied more than I would have ever thought I could experience. I really owe you one!"
June returned Darcy's hug warmly and replied, "It was my pleasure. I enjoy placing women into bondage situations. Plus, I always get my pleasure, too!"
"Well, that's no lie!" Darcy retorted, "You must have squirted all over me. The wraps on my ass were so wet!"
June giggled, and so did Darcy. This was the start of a beautiful friendship. A friendship neither of them realized would become so much stronger as the years went by.