- Author - Snapz
- Rating -
   [ 3.88 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1305 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, non-consensual, bondage, kidnapping, public
- Post Date - 5/21/2011
She made one more glance to her right as she slipped the lock kit from the pouch on her belt, her large case sitting beside her on the rough concrete stairs. In short order she bested the old pin tumbler lock and gained entry to the modest yet well maintained home.
She had to be careful as the streets were filled with carnivale' revelers. Most eyes on her were sufficiently intoxicated, a reassuring thought. Though the house was situated a bit off from the main festival there was still plenty of foot traffic.
Reaching over she grabbed her suitcase and pulled it inside the door. From a pouch on her belt she produced a strange liquid filled bubble. On one side the bubble has a strong adhesive on the other a needle with a hypodermic lumen. Carefully she presses the bubble against the neck of the outer door knob out of sight of the casual glance. The next unlucky person who would unknowingly grab the thing would get a large dose of the muscle weakening toxin contained within the bubble. She smiled as she slowly closed the door and entered the home.
Quickly she went to work, she hurried to the bed room, and she couldn't help but scoff at this bachelor's choice in décor as she strode through the home. Soon he wouldn't have to worry about it. She smiled as a sing song voice danced in her head proclaiming, this never gets old.
She heard the exterior door crunch as a key slid into the lock and cranked it open followed by the loud cursing of a surprised and angered male voice. No doubt he had met her toxin bubble on the doorknob. She pressed her back against wall on the inside of the man's bedroom door just out of sight and ready to pounce.
"Son of a.....what.....damn."
He cursed loudly she could swear that even from where she was she could hear him flailing his burning hand around. His feet boomed on the hardwood floor though he wasn't a particularly large man, roughly her size in fact, the old floors just telegraphed his movements.
She was ready; she was a professional, trained and built for the job. She had done this dozens of times, reduced many a young man to a bound and struggling captive with a series of well planned and executed maneuvers.
As he passed through the doorway she struck. Her right arm snaked around his arms and waist pinning his arms to his side. Her left hand clamped tightly over his mouth. He attempted to pull away but she could feel his weak struggles, the drug had taken effect. Her ample breasts pressed against his back as a soft chuckle escaped her lips.
His screams distorted into her hand.
As he tried to scream and struggle she sighed in delight as she used her well developed and trained body to restrain him thoroughly.
"We have about thirty minutes boy...the drug you got a nice dose of will make you weaker than a wet noodle during that time."
She reaffirms her grip by squeezing a bit.
"By the time it wears off I'll have you all tied up and ready to move."
As he heard the word move he let out a more determined attempt to break free and scream to no avail. As his body rubbed and squirmed against hers she mentioned through a breathy voice.
"I love the struggling...please continue."
He thrashed his head side to side trying to get his mouth free to let out a loud cry, her hand still immovable and tightly sealing his mouth.
"I am not going to let you scream boy, forget it this ain't my first rodeo."
She released her right arm from around his arms and waist, her left hand still pressing hard against his mouth. His attempts to pull her hand from his mouth are thwarted by the drug. In a quick well rehearsed motion she snapped a handcuff around his right wrist pulling it hard behind his back. He groans as she whispers in his ear.
"Move your other hand behind your back or this arm gets broken."
He winces as she applies pressure to the cuffed wrist, begrudgingly he complies. With that she snaps the other cuff around his wrist tightly binding his hands behind his back.
Her right hand slips into another pouch in her belt and pulls out a rubber ball. She brandishes it right in front of his face and with a smile she moves her thumb upward to pinch his nose while still maintaining the seal over his mouth. He struggles to breathe head thrashing side to side. Just when he thinks he can no longer stand it she moves her hand from his mouth keeping his noise pinched off. He opens his mouth to take a deep gulp of air only to have the rubber ball forcefully shoved inside. She presses the ball in deeply, so deeply that his mouth envelopes the entire ball. Smiling she smoothes three strips of duct tape over his stuffed mouth, sealing it shut and further reducing any verbal efforts.
"There almost done."
She says as she circles in front of him. She produces a pair of leg cuffs with an extended chain, allowing the wearer the ability to walk but not run. She smiles as she dips down and clicks them to each ankle.
"Now, drugged or not, your ass is mine."
He gives a heavily muffled protest. She presses her finger against his chin as her breathing heightens, her very ample cleavage bouncing in her black latex "activity suit."
"Now we need to change boy."
She flips the suitcase on the bed and opens it up to reveal two costumes. She pushes him against the wall and stands between him and the door, just in case. With an evil smile she slowly peels off her suit. Her body perfectly toned and strong stands naked as she slips on the skimpy carnivale' outfit complete with feathered headdress.
She then pulls a long knife from the case. He lets out a panicked muffled moan. She approaches him slowly dragging the knife softly along his face then down his chest. She finds a spot in his clothes and inserts the blade and like a surgeon skillfully cuts away his clothing, every thread.
"You will leave the shoes on boy; we have a long walk ahead."
She pulls a length of chain attached to harness out of the case.
"A leash boy."
She approaches him and wraps the belt harness around his waist being certain to take him into a heavy bear hug as she does. His naked body pressing against her as she secures the harness to his waist she remarks.
"Mmm firm, you will be fun."
He begins to struggle as she secures the leash.
"Good I thought maybe you had given up struggling, nothing gets my blood going more than a panicked captive. Please struggle though useless it may be."
She then secures the most insidious portion of the leash device, a length of chain that dangles from the belt that attaches to the shaft of his penis. When she pulls hard enough it will apply pressure forcing him to follow.
"I think you will want to follow me hmmm?"
She laughs as she pulls a large flowing white cloak out of the bag and drapes it over him, totally hiding his bound form. She then produces a large flat white mask and presses it to his face fastening it tightly behind his head. The mask only has hole for the eyes, it completely hides his gagged mouth.
She closes her suitcase and takes the "leash" in one hand the case in the other and begins to move toward the door.
He foolishly decides to test the leash as he tries to remain still. The tension quickens and the shaft of his penis gets just a small dose as he quickly moves toward her, the pain too much to take.
"Now we are just going to walk right through the crowd boy, not a single person will know you are a bound and gagged kidnapee. Exciting huh?"
They break the threshold of the door, she turns and closes it pulling him the down the stairs. He begins to wildly scream for help into the large rubber ball in his mouth. What is produced could be mistaken for a muffled shout of celebration. He twists his shoulder side to side but the loose flowing cloak betrayed no unusual movements.
As they emerge into the more crowded festival area his eyes are wide and round through the mask as his frequent muffled screams for help are simply drowned out in the crowd; hundreds of people around him and not a one knowing his dire plight.
She taunts him by blowing kisses and stopping for a moment to explain to a drunken reveler that she was "dressed like a princess and he was her pet fairy." Even at that close range his screams and flailing struggles sent up no alarm.
She even had the audacity to walk right pass and speak to a police officer! As he screamed and tried with all his might to alert the cop, standing two feet away, of his peril the law officer simple responded with a chuckle and said "You folks stay out of trouble."
She answered him, "Oh we will officer."
She then turned into an alley and approached a thin worn door, placing her suitcase down she pressed her thumb against a black square surface and the lock disengaged as the door creaked open. With a tug she pulled him inside closing the door behind, the lock clanked as it reengaged.
She pulled him toward a wooden post in the center of the room. She pushes him against it and wraps three leather straps around him tightly. He can barely move an inch as he stands bound to the heavy wooden post.
She stands in front of him.
"Now, sell you?..or keep you a while? Hmmmmmmm."