Chapter 1
Berlin had always dreamed of dominating Kade and today was going to be the day that she did so. As she got out of the car and walked towards his garage, she was concious that her vest was pulled down low enough to show a little cleavage - just enough to arouse him.
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Kade looked up as she came in. He grinned. She was so damn sexy that all he could ever think about was having sex with her. A lot of sex with her. He thrust out his chest; his open shirt falling back a little more to reveal more of his tanned torso. As she slunk up to him, he glanced at the little bit of cleavage that he could see. 'Nice,' he thought.
"Hey, Kade," she purred, slipping an arm around his neck and pressing her hot body close to his. "There's something I want you to help me out with."
"Oh, yeah?" Kade dared to place his hand on her butt. That was nice too. She gave a simpering giggle and ran a cool finder down the front of his chest. "You're so good at fixing things and giving people what they want," she cooed. "Well, now I want you to give me something."
Kade placed both hands on her buttocks and pulled her against his hard member. "And what is it that you want, Berlin?"
"You," she breathed, hungrily; pushing him away from her. "Get in that chair!"
Kade obeyed and she slunk on top of him, running her hands all over his chest. "Yeah, you like that, baby?"
"Yeah, I like that."
She reached for a full roll of gaffa tape on the desk and as she peeled back a strip, Kade frowned. "What are you doing with that?"
"What do you think?" Suddenly her grin became evil. "I never said that you could enjoy this, Kade. This is just for me."
As she got off him, Kade jumped to his feet; but Berlin was too quick for him. In an instant she had spun him around and bound his wrists behind his back. "What do you think-?" but Berlin had already pressed a length of gaffa tape to his lips. "Don't struggle," she purred, running her hand down the side of his face. "Otherwise I'll be forced to punish you. Now, walk!"
Bound and gagged, Kade walked towards her car, whereupon Belin made him lie down on the back seat whilst she taped up his legs. Then, she threw a blanket on top of him, shut the door, climbed into the driver's seat and drove away from the garage. What felt like hours, to Kade, later, she drove up to a little cabin that she owned in the middle of the country. This was where she was going to dominate her newly-bound slave.
Opening the back door of the car, she removed the blanket and Kade blinked up at her. Berlin smiled as she produced the leather dog-collar and chain. Kade stared up at her as she slid it around his neck and then used it to pull him upright; as she cut the tape around his legs at the same time. "Come," she commanded and Kade obediently followed her into the cabin. Once inside, Berlin led him to the glass conservatory; which also served as her slave dungeon. Berlin pushed Kade down onto a chair and taped his wrists to its arms. "Now, I'm going to have a little fun," she purred, pulling her vest up under her amrs so that her full round breasts were on display for him. Leaning over him, she pressed them against his face, teasing him. "What's the matter, Kade?" she tease. "Don't you want my breasts?"
He nodded and she pushed his head back, sharply. "Well, you're going to have to work for them!" Reaching down, she felt his hard member through the fabric of his trousers. "Ooh!" she cooed, "very good!" Kade sat, helpless, as she massaged his cock some more, before unzipping his trousers, teasingly, and pulling them down around his ankles. Then, Berlin produced the nipple-clamps. With a coy giggle, she sucked her finger and began to run it around Kade's left nipple until it became had and then she attached the cruel clamps. Kade moaned and Belin pressed her lips to his tape gag to silence him. "Sh, baby; be a good little slave for me. Can you do that?" He nodded and she kissed his right nipple before making it hard in the same manner and attaching the nipple clamps. Then, she brought out a chain, on the end of which was attached a cock ring. Kade watched as Berlin brought out her knife and cut the tape aound his wrists, before pulling him up using the dog collar. "Get over there," she commanded, pushing him in the direction of the iron bedstead. Once there, Berlin attached the chain to the nipple-clamps and then looped it through the bedstead before attaching the end ring to his cock. Berlin then began to tape up his wrists again.As Kade leaned back, his cock was pulled painfully and he struggled until Berlin brought her hand down sharply on his chest.
"I warned you, slave!" she said, reaching around him to the mattress. Kade looked down and saw, to his horror, a large black, double-ended strappon. Berlin saw the look on his face and smiled. "What's the matter, slave? Never hd a cock up your ass before?" Kade shook his head and as Berlin pulled on the strapon, she pulled his hai, forcing his head back. This caused Kade to lean back and the chain pulled painfully on his swollen member. "Well, you're in for a treat, baby."
As Berlin began pegging him, Kade closed his eyes and tried to imagine himself elsewhere; but all he could see in his mid was Berlin and her smoking hot body. True, he had wanted her but not like this. A s her moans began to get louder, Kade realised to his horror that he was actually beginning to enjoy this. With one last thrust, Berlin wrapped her arms around his chest, letting out a long soft sigh. Kade tried not to make an noise as she tugged at the chain on his nipples. Finally, she withdrew from him and dropped the strapon to the floor. Breathing heavily,Kade almost cried in relief as she undid the chair around his cock and released the nipple-clamps. Then, Berlin cut the tape around his wrists and pushed him down onto the bed. As she taped his wrists to the bedpost, Kade could only hope that whatever else she had planned for him, it wouldn't be worse than what she had just done.
It was. Without warning, Berlin began to run her long nails down his torso, hard. Kade let out a yell; muffled by the tape gag and immedietly met by a sharpl slap on his nipples from Berlin. "I don't like you making noise, slave!" Kade closed his eyes and was forced to endure her sharp nails several more times until Berlin finally straightened up and dropped her short skirt around her ankles. Kade saw that she wasn't wearing underwear. Berlin smiled as she stroked one hand across her pussy. "You want this, slave?" Kade nodded, eagerly. "Well you're going to get it."
Without another word, Berlin straddled his hard cock and as she moved, she ran her hands across her breasts, massaging them for Kade's benifit. "I'm not going to stop thrusting until you make me come; so you'd better make me come, slave!" She reached down and pinched his nipples between her fingers, hard. "Got it?"
Kade nodded and as Berlin shagged him, he moved obidiently to satisfy her demand until she finally came with a loud moan. Kade followed and she collapsed on top of him, gasping. He breath and hair tickled his nipples as she tossed her head from side to side.
"Good, slave," she said, finally, sitting up with her hands pressed against his nipples. "I don't think I'll let you go just yet. I need a good slave to satisfy me."
With that, she walked out of the room, leaving Kade still taped to the bed - until the next time she decided to use him...
Chapter 2
Kade awoke to a strange sensation; a wetness on his nipples. He was still taped to the bed inside the conservatory; and he was still gagged. He opened his eyes to see Berlin sucking on his nipples. It was so soft and gentle; was this the same woman who had been dominating him so roughly the night before?
Abruptly, she sat up and smiled at him. "Good morning, slave."
Yes; it was.
"I had fun last night." As she spoke, she moved her hand between his legs and rubbed his member with the palm of her hand. Kade struggled ever so slightly against his bonds and her smile broadened. "You have such a good cock," she continued, bringing her other hand up to his chest; circling his left nipple with her index finger. Kade closed his eyes at her touch. "But," she continued, "can you satisfy me more than once? Let's see."
She got to her feet, retrieved a knife and cut his bonds. As Kade sat up, he took in what she was wearing. It was a short black nightdress, silky with shoulder straps and long red boots with stiletto heels.He reached to remove the gag but she grabbed him by the chair of the collar around his neck. "What do you think you're doing?!" she cried. "Did I say you could remove that? Well?" Kade shook his head, frantically and she dragged him to his feet. "Well, for that, you need to be punished. Keep still!"
Kade stood, helpless, in the middle of the room, as she taped his arms and hands to his sides and then unrolled a length of PVC plastic. The process was over in minutes and Kade found himself completely mummified from his neck to ankles. Only his chest, cock and ass were exposed. Then, Berlin wrapped a length of the PVC around his eyes, blindfolding him. "There, slave; that's better."
She pushed him onto the bed and reattached the collar around his neck to the bedpost. Completelt immobolized, Kade lay there as she ran her hands along his bound body until she reached his cock. "Mm; not hard yet. Well, we can fix that."
Kade watched as she leaned over and held up a coat hanger with clips; the kind for hanging up skirts. What she had planned became only too clear a second later as she began to gently massage and tickle his nipples until they became hard. Then she attached the clamps; making Kade moan, and she tossed her head back and laughed. "Oh, I love making you squirm, slave!" Kade began to struggle as she started to tease his cock with her fingernails and slowly he felt himself getting harder. "Good," she cooed. "Now, satisfy the hell out of me, slave!"
With that, she straddled his hardened cock and began to thrust. Kade, unable to see what she was doing, did his best to please her and; he didn't know how, but the next thing he did know was that she was moaning in pleasure; like the had when he had made her come the previous night. "Oh! Oh! Come on, slave! Make me come!"Her hands came down and she grasped the clamps on his nipples, painfully. Kade moaned though the gag and twitched but could move no more. "Come on, slave! Yeah; that's it!" Her hands slapped his chest and stomach through the PVC. "Now! Now! No! Oh....!" With a last loud moan, she collapsed on top of him and Kade felt himself come. Panting, Berlin pushed herself upright and pulled the clamps on his nipples. Kade cried out, but it was muffled behind tha gag. She laughed, cruelly and removed the clamps, much to Kade's relief. Then, in one swift movement, she pulled away the tape gag. Before Kade had time to take a breath, however, she had jammed something long and rubbery into his mouth. "Suck it, slave!"
The strapon. Kade had no choice but to obey and Berlin only pulled the strapon away when she was cerain it was we enough for what she needed. "Please, mistress," Kade begged, "no more."
"Shut up, slave!" She replaced the tape over his mouth and unhooked the collar from the bed. "Turn over."
As Kade lay on his front, he felt the sudden sensation of the strapon entering him. Her cool fingers flexed on his shoulders as she began to peg his asshole and as Kade lay there, he remembered how the previous night he had enjoyed being pegged like this. And now, he realised to his horror, he was enjoying it all over again.
When she finally stopped, he was relieved and even more so when she let him out of the PVC plastic. But his joy was short-lived, for she quickly stripped him of his shirt and taped him, fully naked, to the bed in the spread-eagle position. Pulling up her nightie, she brushed her breasts in his face, rubbing them against his cheeks until she finally allowed him to suck them. When she finally pushed him away, she reapplied the gag and slid off the bed.
"It's time for me to out, slave," she declared. "But perhaps I'll stop off at the sex shop on the way and find some more things I can do to you!"
Chapter 3 (added: 06/17/2011)
Something hard slapped down on his chest. Kade groaned and opened his eyes. He had dropped off in her absence and she wasn't happy about it. "Wake up, slave!"
He looked up at her. She had changed into a bright pink corset and what looked to be a tutu made from black netting. As he stared at her, she smiled and put her hands up the skirt, revealling her bare pussy beneath. "You want this again, don't you, Tape-boy?" He nodded eagerly and she laughed, fingering her clit. He saw that she had painted her fingernails a devilish red colour. "You'll get it, slave. But first, I'm going to show you my new sex toy."
She reached into a paper bag at her feet and drew out what looked like an electronic vibrator but she flicked a switch on the side and it buzzed into life instantly. She smiled again. "Battery powered, Kade; for your pleasure."
Kade twitched uncomfortably and Berlin laughed. "Don't worry, Kade! It'll only last until you come for me!"
She bent down and pulled out a length of twine from the bag; which she proceeded to bind his cock with until he could just barely move it. Then, she flicked the vibrator into life again and placed it on the very tip of his cock. It had the desired effect. Kade twitched and groaned as she began to run it back and forth across the length of his member. Berlin watched him with a sadistic smile until Kade felt himself about to come. He was so close...he couldn't hold...out...any...longer...
Berlin gave a gasp of outrage and moved away from him immedietly, staring at the front of her corset. Kade realised what he had done, too late.
"You came on me!" Immedietly she had leapt on top of him, her hands pinning his shoulders down; her nails digging into his flesh. "You will pay for this slave!"
A little while later, he was lying on his back on top of a cold bondage table. She had finally removed his shirt and lengths of strong black bondage tape held him fast to the table surface; they lay across his arms and legs, which were spread-eagled, across his chest and stomach and a lenght across his mouth held his head in place. Berlin cut one final length of tape and taped it across his neck, so that he couldn't raise his head.
"You're a bad boy, Kade," she said, unfastening the top fastener of her corset so that her breasts toppled out, her nipples full and hard. "And bad boys need to be punished."
Kade watched as she reached once more into the bag and pulled out a metal Wartenberg wheel. Berlin straddled his hardening cock and pressed the pins of the wheel against his right nipple.
"This is what you get for coming on my clothes, Tape-boy."
Helpless, Kade lay victim to her torment. The wheel both pained and excited his body and when she moved it across his cock, it took all of his strength not to come again. He resisted, somehow, and she smiled. "There's a good boy, but I'm not through with you yet."
She climbed off him and Kade lay for a few minutes, waiting and wondering what else she could possibly have planned for him. Berlin was back in a few second, carrying a long white wax candle and a lighter. She laughed at the shocked look on his face. "Yes, slave; you know what I have planned for you now, don't you?" She lit the candle and leaned over him, stroking his hair, teasingly. "Are ou going to be a good slave for me from now on?"
Kade nodded, eagerly.
"And you won't come on me again unless I give you permission?"
Kade shook his head. Berlin put her head on one side. "Well, just so you get the message-"
The hot wax on his nipples made Kade moan and writhe beneath his bonds but he was unable to break free. Berlin laughed again and stroked her pussy with her free hand as she tipped more hot wax onto his chest. "I love watching you struggle," she declared. "That really turns me on."
She straddled his stomach as she continued to drop the hot wax on him until he was completely covered in it; then, using her nails, she scratched the dried wax off his body. Kade closed his eyes, trying to ignore the pain but it was hard. As she scratched, Berlin fingered herself until she came with a loud gasp.
"Oh, Kade; you are such a good boy!" she panted. "I just love the way you make me come!"
As she slipped away from him, Kade found himself once more left tied and helpless until she next decided to use him...