Author's Note:The story was translated from the dutch to the english language, so I hope, the sentences and phrases do not sound to artificially
Part 1
Times had changed. The most female cat-burglars, Jana knew or had known, had left the business or retired and left the city. In this city, women had always dominated the breaking-and-entering-business. They went into the mansions of the rich and took what they wanted, while men always stayed in low numbers. Thank god, Jana thought, because men couldn't control themselves. They broke in to many houses and steal to many things, so that the police couldn't ignore the problem. Women knew, how the keep the attention away. Especially now, with only a few left.
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Jana broke once in a month in one mansion. Not only for the money but also for the excitement. She could feel the adrenalin rush, vibrating in her veins, while she sneaked trough the floors and looking into the empty rooms, knowing that the owner of the house felt safe, wherever he was right know. Most alarm systems where no problem for Jana.
She looked down, on her body. Like every time, when she broke in, Jana wore a dark and flexible cat suit and ballet shoes. With this outfit, she was calm, fast and, in the case, that someone caught her, she hoped that this outfit would help her, to manage herself out of the situation, by flirting and using her body. Jana did a lot of sport, she was fast and with these shoes, she could felt every small bulge in the ground.
'That's enough for one night' she thought. It was late and the last thing, she wanted to witness, was the homecoming of the house owner and his trophy-wife and whatever they would do, when they came back. It wouldn't be the first time, Jana had to hide and listen an, the the worst case, to watch.
In Janas belly bag was enough jewellery, making this night financially worthy.
She left the house the same way, she had entered it. Outside, the warm summer night was waiting. Jana felt instantly the sweat, soaked by her cat suit, which stuck on her skin. She climbed over the fence and ran trough a small wood, to her car she had parked on a clearing. Several times, she felt small stones and pieces of wood under her shoes, but that was no problem for Jana.
When she arrived at her car, Jana put her equipment in the trunk, and wanted already to sit in the driver's seat, when she heard a voice behind her: „Sorry ..."
Jana felt frightened. When she turned around, she saw a man right behind her. The beam of his flashlight blinded her eyes, so she could only see his outlines.
But this was no problem, she hadn't thought about. She had always a knock-out-spray in her bag, which let her victims instantly fall into sleep and let them away a few hours later, with headaches.
„I'm just jogging." she explained and wanted to reach for her bag, when she realised, the man was holding a gun. A cop? More reacting than thinking, Jana put her hands up. The light beam still hit her face, so she couldn't see a uniform. Instead, she heard the voice of the man saying: „You jog in these shoes?"
Whit her hands in the hair, Jana couldn't reach for the spray, and even when, she hadn't known, who stood in front of her, so she said: „Calm down. I will reach for my ID and ..."
„Your hands stay where they are!" the man answered by her first movement.
Jana felt angry. Even if it was no problem, beating a man in a fight, she was pissed because of his stubbornness. Now he was close enough that she could see his uniform. It was no uniform. Only a business suit ...
„Wait ..." But the rest of her sentence was killed by a shot. Jana felt pain in her breasts. She panicked, thinking, she was shot. She was – by a tranquilizer dart.
„What the ..." she began, when her knees became soft and her legs could hold any longer the weight of Janas 112 pounds. She sank in the arms of the man, who laid her on the ground and in the dirt and put then his bodyweight for the next thirty seconds, she still fought against the drug, on Jana. She could felt his hands through her cat suit.
Then, Jana's muscles became limp and all she could do was breathing and winking.
The man left her on the ground. Janas became afraid and again, she started to sweat. She wanted to move her head, wanted to see, what the man was doing, but she could not. So she listened to the sounds that came from her car, like the opening of a door or a lid. The hands put her up and laid her in the trunk. Jana drooled. The man pulled the dart out of her boobs and put a blanket over her motionless body. He trusted the tranquilizer that much that he didn't tied the woman's hands and feet. The trunk was closed and a few minutes later, the car started to drive.
Jana had to experience every second of the abduction. The drug had slowed down her mind to, and every try to move or to scream for help, she had to give up, saving her left power to breathe. She tried to realise, what had happed to her. This was abduction. But was the 26 years old cat burglar a target or just at the wrong time at the wrong place. Had the man waited for her? And what did he want from her? Or was this a mistake. Would he let her go, when he realised, that he caught the wrong girl?
Jana felt a cold liquid under her face. Drool. She couldn't close her mouth, she had to breathe.
Jana was afraid.
Next time, the trunk was opened, the man lifted Janas body out of her car. The blanked fell on the ground. Jana saw an empty parking lot, near a highway. The man moved her to a second car, a van this time, in which he carried her. Still trusting the drug, he left her and went back to the other car, closing all doors. She watched him.
When he returned, he checked her clothed. Every inch. And she felt the contact to him trough the tissue. When he took her shoes, she felt the cold air at her feet. The he pulled the zipper of her suit down. Her boobs where naked. Janas face turned red. The man looked into her bag and found the spray. „What's that" saying, he pressed his thumb on the trigger and sprayed it into Janas face.
Jana fell asleep.
Had it been days of weeks? Once again, Jana put all her strength and all her anger together and ran against the bars, and bounced off. Jana fell on the ground, hearing her muffled scream. Like last time. Like all the other last times ...
Jana didn't know how long she was locked in this cell. This dungeon. The full room maybe had 50 square feet, but the bars divided it into two half's and on Janas side, there where only 15 or 18 square feet. The floor was made of cement. Nothing else. She felt it's coldness under her bare feet that forced her, to stay most of her time on the mattress, where she could stand, sit or lay. Lying, she did only to sleep, because it was hard to her to rise. She saw the dark stains on the tissue, some of them where from Jana. In the beginning of her imprisonment - she denied thinking of „days" or any other time unit, because that would mean to accept, how long she was kept in this place – the mattress smelt clean, but how, it emit the smell of sweat. And Jana sweated a lot. Every moment, she didn't sleep or planned her escape or cursing her fate, she trained her body. Did squats and sit ups. The trained, until her skin itched and the sweat floated under the straight jacked, she was forced to wear.
It wasn't a real straight jacked, more like a perversion of it. Completely made of latex. It bent Jana's arms on the back, but reached only her ribs. Her belly and the lower parts were naked, hold by several belts around her belly, so that she could not remove the jacked. This wasn't the only modification from a normal straight jacked: One part was missed, the part that would have covered her boobs. They were freely out in the air and moved with everyone of Janas movements.
This was the piece, Jana wore. No shoes. No stockings. No pants and no underwear. Her pussy was free, so that she could use the toilet, whenever she needed to. The Toilet at the wall was made of metal and felt cold on Jana's skin. Since the awaking at this place, all that Janas had to do was peeing. She had no bowel movements anymore.
Also they had removed her pubic hair.
But her chest was not the only part, which was covered: Jana was gagged. A panel of leather sealed her lips and a piece of ... whatever stuck in her mouth. No chance, to remove it. Jana couldn't see this piece, but in her long hours in this cell, her tongue had felt its surface, formed like a penis. Leather straps in Jana's neck secured the gag. When she tried to crunch it, she had lost a piece of her teeth.
Whit this gag, it was hard to exert, because Jana had to breathe trough her nose. Often during her training, she had to stop and pant for air. Or during the fights, she had with her kidnapper. They had ended all the same way: He forced her to the ground, put his knee on her neck and hold her nostrils closed, until she calmed down. Why she was here, she did not know, because he never said a word. Neither had he molested Jana. This procedure repeated visit after visit. Still, Jana refused to think in days. She couldn't be hold in this place that long ...
As she was thinking of it, she heard the noise of the opening locks.
As she had known it, she heard the sound of the opening locks. Then he entered the room. The ceiling light glowed 24/7, made it hard for Jana to sleep. Even if she hadn't nightmares ...
Like every time he holds the bag in his hands. It was difficult for Jana to stand up, but the last thing, she wanted, was lying in front of him. He seemed to be detached and cold, like every time, when he was here. In what else mood he could have done the thing, he had done to her?
In her first days(?) she had tried to fight und to run away. With no success. The dungeons door had no handle at the inner side, she couldn't open with her tied hands. Every time he had forced her back to the cell, to feed and take care of her. Her questions, she asked under the gag, he ignored. Instead, the take a bottle with a straw out of the bag, grabbed her gag and opened a device on the panel. She twitched back, but in the end, she led the straw invade her mouth. Jana needed water, so the cold liquid float into her mouth, through an opening in the penis. Probably, the water was drugged, because every time, she drank it, she became tired and fell into sleep. But all the resistance was futile. When she tried to kick him, he grabbed her feet and forced Jana, to lie down. When she put her tongue on the opening in the penispart, the water flow through another opening in her mouth. One time, she spitted out the water, but she fell also asleep and woke up with headaches from dehydration.
She got every time one litre. One time a day or two? Time had no meaning in this dungeon. Only for Jana. She looked into the emotionless eyes of her abductor. He waited, until the bottle was empty, took it back in the bag and took another bottle, which was filled with thick and creamy baby-oil. Jana didn't know why, but after every feeding, the poured this oil on her breasts and her vulva, and creamed them. This was his only sexual behaviour. She felt disgusted, but in this case, her resistance had also led to no success. He had just used more oil.
After her tits and her pussy shined in the light, he put his things back in the bag, pushed Jana back on the mattress – knowing, she couldn't stood up, until he had left – and left the cell. Sitting, Jana looked after him. He left the room, closed the door behind him, silent like every time. The light was still on.
In the moment, the door was locked, Jana sat up and rubbed her vulva and her breasts against the tissue, to get rid of the oil on her skin. But her chest tied arms prevent some parts of her boobs, to reach the mattress, so a film of oil stayed on the latex. Jana screamed about this injustice and her helplessness in the gag.
Soon after he left, she became tired. And she felt this bite in her bladder. Jana moved up, sat on the cold toilet and heard her water stream. When her eyelids became heavy, she laid back on the mattress, until she fell asleep.
After a while, Jana stopped counting, how often the man had opened the cells door. But she assumed, that, when she was knocked out, he came back, released her from the straight jacked and the gag and took care of her body. She had realised little differences, the jacked fit her, when she woke up. What he was doing with her body ... Jana didn't know.
Then something changed. Like everytime, she woke up from her unconsciousness, she felt numb. She was lying on the mattress and the light hurt her eyes. But when Jana wanted to get up, her legs denied the fellowship.
They had tied her with massive leather straps! The looped around her ankles, her lower legs, her tights and hold both legs together. More straps tied the lower legs to the tights and forced Jana to squat down. One strap tied her belly to her legs and holds her body lying down. Her bottom was stretched out. Jana wanted to fight against these bonds, but then, she realized that she wasn't alone in the cell. He stood next to her. Next to him a ... device? He watched his prisoner, watched her roll over the ground, so that she could look him into the eyes. With her ties, this took almost a minute, until Jana laid, heavy breathing, on her back. Next to her abductor, was a large rod on wheels. At the upper end of the rod hung a bag with almost a gallon of water. A tube hung down from the bag. Jana foresaw, what he wanted to do to her, and even if it was futile, she started to shrug and to move. Until he kneed down next to her and grabbed the strap around her belly. Jana tightened every muscle in her back. Still she had to see, when he forced the end of the tube with one powerful push into her anus. Then, he reached aside of the ties and secured the tube with another strap, he bound around her butt. No matter, what pressure Jana put her anus on, the tube kept sticking in it. Then, the liquid started to flow. The kidnapper kept sitting and watching next to her. Every time, she straighten up or even tensed her muscles, his hands pushed her back on the floor. Even, when her belly cramped, because of the ice-cold liquid, and she couldn't do anything about this. The liquid kept flowing and filled her slowly. The put her bowels under pressure, until her head skin was read, because of the struggle, but the enema inside her stayed where it was and sealed her butt. Then his fingers closed her nostrils, so that she had to calm down and let it flow. He started to smear her boobs and her pussy whit this thick oil.
The water – if the liquid was water, she couldn't see it – kept flowing a long time, but in the end the bag was empty and became small. Jana wanted to flee to the toilet end empty her bowel, but the ties and his hands hold her where she was. But it seemed, that he know what she was thinking. Because of this, he pulled the tube out of the butt plug, but did not permit. That she pressed the last one out of her. Then he removed her bonds, until she could sit on her knees. He lifted Jana's body up in the air, still tied at her lower legs and feet. Another strap was bound round her feet, when he sat her down on the toilet, so that she was tied to the cold metall. All she could do was sitting. But not press the water out of her, which put her muscles under pressure. She moaned in the gag.
His eyes stared emotionless down to her. The colon had started to absorb the water and referred it to Jana's kidneys. Now she had to pee. Another way to let it flow, the way, he allowed to her. She heard the water stream running over the metal and a relieved sound, she made, when she felt at least a little bit released. But there was still a lot of water inside of her body, when the door to her cell opened. But this time, it wasn't the man, who visited her.
The woman was 29 years old. Her hair was blonde, with a few darker strands. It was cut to a fringe and in her face, she had an amused smile, which matched to her expensive business suit and her high heels. This woman knew about fashion.
Leah Brooks was the youngest and most aspiring state attorney in the district. She had successfully fought against crime and worked with the judges, to condemn the criminals to unorthodox and humiliating punishments. But as far as Jana knew, it hadn't been abduction or sexual harassment until today.
During her breaking-and-entering-days, Jana had been always afraid, that, in the case of her arrestment Leah would charge her. Of course, never enough to stop it.
And now, this woman stood in front of her in the cell, where Jana was against her will, stylish and smiling. Jana tensed her muscles and pressed another stream of urine out of her. That was all, she could do ...
The fingers of the attorney touched the bars. „Hello, Jani." she said.
Jana looked into the woman's dark eyes. The gag prevented her answer.
„Maybe you asked yourself, how long you are in this place. Well – long enough for me, to watch you. Your behaviour. Your tries, to escape from your therapy."
Now, Jana had recognized her abductor. Since her imprisonment, she knew, she know his face – but she didn't know from where. Leah Brook and her partner. A high-society-couple with a lot of money. But none of the newspapers and magazines wrote about humiliating women in a dungeon.
„I can see, how your brain is working, Jani. You ask yourself, why. You are a criminal. A danger for the society. These are the bad news. The good news is that there is help for you. I developed a therapy that may help you. A therapy for women like you. It may take a while, until you are cured, but it may happen."
Furiously Jana screamed in her gag, against the woman in front of her, but all she did was laughing and shaking her head.
„It's okay, Jani. You are confused. I understand that. That's why I want to help you. I will explain everything to you, when the time is right. But now, you have to digest your feeding-solution. I can head, that you are. Good girl. If you cooperate, everything will be easier for you. But if you try to resist ... I must confess, that will be more fun for me." Leah was still smiling, walking slowly along the bars. Her heels sounded trough the room. „Time must seem endless for you, inside here. Always tied and gagged. Always nude. And all, you can do, is waiting. Being addicted to us. We give you water. We feed you. We have the keys for your cell. And if I want it, you will stay forever down here."
Again, Jana pressed water out of her. Leah nodded satisfied. „I didn't expect anything different from you." she said. „You're a fighter. I will have a lot of fun with you. This therapy will take a long, long time." She looked to the door, like she wanted to leave. But then she kept talking: „That's why you have the wear the straight jacket and the gag. You'll may have asked yourself, how long you have to wear them. Well – a long time. Until the therapy works. Sometimes ..." Again, she hesitated. „Sometimes, you will wear another type of gag. A ball gag for example. This depends, what we will do to you. What you will see it, when it is happening.
Furiously, Jana fought against the jacket and against the bonds and emit in the gag. The last sound, she was able to do. But the bonds withstand her resistance. Leah kept smiling und bobbed on her tiptoes. „There is so much energy into your body. After all this days in custody. You will endure so much." She seemed to be happy. „So ... Enough thoughts for a day. I will leave you know, so that you'll have a little bit of privacy. Then, nobody will watch you peeing. After that, we'll see. Or do you have any problems with that?"
Jana's urine stream answered for her.
„See you soon." Then Leah left the cell and Jana screamed screams of anger and hate in the gag, until her sight faded black.
They entered the cell, Leah and her fiancé. Jana was still tied to the toilet und had meantime fall asleep. An anxious, nightmarish sleep. But still her first undrugged sleep since ...
The attorney carried a bag under her arm. While the man prevent with his hands Janas attempts to fight, her kicks and her twitches, Leas grabbed her bare feet. She took out of the bag a pair of shoes. Jana had seen this kind of shoes during her burglaries, in the closets of the wife's and daughters of the house owners. She had newer felt the urge, to wear them, because they where uncomfortable und useless for her work. When Leah tried to put the first shoe on her foot, Jana straightened up her sole, so that the bent sole of the shoe couldn't fit her. She gasped, while fighting her captors. The man's fingers closed her nostrils, but Jana opened her mouth wide, trying to breathe around the gag.
Then, there was a stitching pain in her sole, forced her muscles and her foot to relax. After the attorney tied up the shoes around Jana's feet and ankles, she hold a bloody syringe near Jana's eyes.
„Was it worth it?" she asked, „Your resistance? I mean, a state attorney is getting you dressed."
The man removed the ties around Jana's legs, so that she was able to go a few shaky steps. When she stood on the high heels, Leah grabbed between Janas legs. A new pain, when she pulled out the butt-plug. She screamed again a muffled moan. But she did not lose any liquid from her bowels.
Jana closed her eyes.
„Move on!" Leah commanded, close enough to Janas Ear, that she could felt the breath. Then, they pulled her forward. Out of the cell!
Jana had never gone before in this kind of shoes. Porn actresses did, but no cat burglars. More stumbling, than going, she left the cell. With these shoes, she couldn't run or escape.
„Isn't she sweet." The whole time, Leah's Hands stayed in contact with Jana's skin. At her shoulder and at the collar of the jacket. Near the naked boobs. The man opened the door, stepped beside and the first time since her abduction, Jana left her cellar dungeon.
Beyond the door was a meager floor. On each side, it had several doors. Jana was forced, to walk along them, still stumbling – every step was a fight, Jana had to win – and after a while, Leah showed Jana trough another open door, showinh her what was beyond the metal doors: Concrete walls, concrete floor and limited space, as uncomfortable as possible. Perfect to keep a woman in imprisonment. Women in high heels, straight jackets and gags.
Part 2 (added: 09/25/2011)
When Jana turned her head she recognised several devices she hadn't seen before. At least not in her dungeon. Devices to secure female bodies. The purpose of the saw bench (without any blade) right next to her seemed to bind a woman down on her abdomen. Offering her ass to anyone the woman couldn't refuse any enema a man - or attorney - would fill into her.
In the rear corner of the cell stood some kind of chair. Of course it wasn't a normal chair. Not at this place. Leah guided her captive to the foot rests of a gynaecology chair. Jana saw transparent plastic straps to fix ankles, legs, knees, wrists and the forehead. Whoever had constructed the chair wanted to tie a woman in a helpless position.
Jana froze when her right thigh touched the metal of the foot rests. She looked up to Leah and into a pair of cold eyes. "So you already know ..." the attorney said. Her hand reached out for her captive's neck. While Leah's fingers searched for a gap between Jana's skin and the latex of her straight jacket, the bound woman's chin tried to shed them off. Each touch felt like a singe. She moaned a muffled sound into the panel gag and the penis in her mouth but she couldn't hinder the fingers to slip beneath her jacket. Leah's hand swept over hot and sweat covered skin.
She said: "This is another room to play. Or to get played. This depends, in what position you are. As a criminal you'll get a foretaste of what's waiting for you if you'll refuse to become a civilized member of society. A cat burglar like you belongs to a prison. And in a prison the guards fuck a beautiful girl like you. Right now you have a penis gag in you mouth but in any other prison you'll taste real dicks. They would shower you with a hose and ram its end into your tight ass until you spit water. Maybe you think you don't deserve this but this is for your own good" Leah pushed Jana back into the corridor. The sounds of Jana's steps re-echoed between the walls. A sound, Leah heard too. „Yes, " she said, „your high heels are made from men's dreams. And I like the idea that you can't run with them. At least not very fast or soundless. What a shame, that you didn't wear them during your burglaries."
Furiously Jana shook her head. 'I would never wear high heels if I weren't forced to.' she thought. 'During my burglaries I wore ballet shoes. And one day I will wear them again. Then I will break in every house of every attorney in this city and take revenge!'
When Jana had shook her head, her hair ends brushed over Leah's face. The attorney scratched her cheek, smiled and said: "I wish, I could read your mind, Jani. What's in your pretty head? Do you fantasize about revenge? Or do you ask yourself what's next? Or, maybe, you like this treatment. It releases you from any responsibility. All you have to do is to obey. Is this too much to ask for? Even if it is for your own good? Well ... in a minute you'll understand."
They'd reached the next room. Beyond the iron door Jana saw concrete walls and a concrete floor.
Leah pushed her through the doorframe and Jana felt the fear crawling up her spine. In front of her, she saw technological equipment, like several flat screens and keyboards. And three chairs. The chair legs and armrests had leather ties. But Leah and Jana kept standing on their heels while the man turned the screens on.
In the first moment Jana thought she saw the view of the surveillance camera of her own cell. Concrete walls, bars, a mattress and a metal toilet, just like the room where they kept her as a prisoner for the last ... 'Weeks? Or months? I can't tell anymore.' Then she saw a Latina, lying on the mattress. Strands of black hair covered her eyes but like Jana she wasn't able to wipe them out of her face because someone had restrained her arms and hands with the same kind of white latex straight jacked, Jana was forced to wear. Her mouth was covered by a white panel gag too. The woman stared at the bars.
Jana knew this woman. Jennifer. Jennifer Speuwen. 'I know it's an unusual name for a Latina. But that doesn't change the fact ...' She had been a professional cat burglar too, before she had left the city. At least that's what Jana had thought until this moment. She remembered one afternoon, she had met Danielle Varren one of her (remained) colleagues. They'd talked about Sarah's vanishing. "She isn't the first one who left this city." Danielle had said to her. "Maybe she has met someone who gives her life a new purpose." Four months later Danielle was gone too ...
Jana stared at the bound woman, her nude tits and the bare feet, reaching through the bars for ... '... nothing. There's nothing in her range. Nothing that would help her. Jennifer's arms moved beneath the sleeves in a failed attempt to get rid her straight jacket.
Leah's sighed. "14 months and she still tries to get free from her bonds. Or screams for help. Or refuses her feedings. Agora Jennifer vai pagar por. I hope," Leah looked into Jana's eyes, "you'll learn faster than her. The sooner you accept this therapy the faster we'll release you." Leah's hand grabbed for Jana's butt cheeks and her tensed muscles.
The screen's picture switched to another cell and revealed Danielle Varren's fate: One other female cat burglar who sat tied and gagged on a mattress. The straight jacket didn't cover her D-size boobs. Danielle had always been busty but her tits had become even larger since her last meeting with Jana.
But not only her tits had grown since this day - Danielle's bulged belly proofed that she was pregnant.
When Jana realized what Leah fiancée would does to her she tried to wrestle herself out of the attorney's grasp. 'No! I can't take that. I ...'
In the next moment, the hand of the fiancée forced her head down to the computer keyboard. She tried to kick him with her pointy heels but the shoes cut through the air. She screamed, bit on the plastic penis in her mouth and screamed again. Then she saw Leah's face right next to hers. "I came to the conclusion," the ungagged woman said, "that giving birth to a child helps female criminals to find their way back to a normal life." While the man kept holding Jana down, the woman's hand slid between her captive's legs and to the labia. "It's about responsibility. Or did you really think that a straight jacket and some enemas could bring you back to right path? Come on! You'll lie on your back, spread-eagle, with tied ankles and wrists, maybe even gagged and without any pain medication. Just like nature intends. That's when you learn how to behave." The hand slid deep into Jana's vagina. "I can feel you have a tight pussy. You haven't fucked around like some of your colleagues, haven't you? No. For you, the job comes first. That's why you'll suffer more than any of my prisoners. Maybe, I find a way to increase your pain." Leah's hand formed a fist and stretched the tight tissue. "When your head lies lower than you crotch you have to press against gravitation." Slowly, very slowly, the hand slipped deeper into the woman. Jana felt pain and the tears in her eyes. Since her abduction, Jana had been penis-gagged enemaed and cleansed until she ... 'I don't know the right word for what I'm going through.' she thought. 'But I can't take this. There is no way they will knock me up!'
Finally, the fist left Jana - not without stretching her lips - and her head was set free.
During the next minute Jana was watched while she tried to get up. When she lost her balance on her high heels two strong arms stabilized her. The (other) bound woman on the screen in front of her caught Jana's eye. Danielle cowered on the mattress and stared desperately into the camera. Her heavy breaths moved her boobs up and down. "Isn't she sexy? This will be you in a few months." Leah whispered in her ear.
But for now Jana was forced to leave the observation room. They guided her back to her prison, where she was compelled to sit down on the mattress. Leah took off the shoes from Jana's feet, who tried to fight Leah's fingers with her toes, but failed.
After the man had left the room Leah sat next to her sexy captive. Her hands were holding something slim, long and black and Jana feared the worst. 'A blindfold?' she guessed. 'No! Leah has taken my speech, my mobility, not to mention my freedom ... But not my view. Please!'
„Well ... We have to define some rules. Tomorrow ..." Jana began to struggle until Leah squeezed her tits and forced her to lie still. "Your therapy will start tomorrow." she continued. "It will last until you're cured from your criminal behaviour." The blindfold came closer to Jana's eyes, which turned her head and looked to the bars between her body and her freedom. "Until this day we'll punish you whenever you'll refuse to obey one of our commands. This blindfold is one option. You'll see. Well ... maybe not. You know what I mean. Or we'll plug your ears. For a week or two. Or maybe a month. I can't imagine how it's feels for a woman to be blind, deaf and mute. Just waiting for the next enema, flushing her bowels. Or the next dick, invading one of her holes." Leah waited until Jana looked up to her. "I want you to promise being a good girl. Or in your case, I want you to nod."
But Jana refused ...
„Okay ..." Leah looked satisfied. „So you're nasty girl." One moment later the dark leather strip covered Jana's eyes and her world faded into darkness. A second later, she felt the soft touch of Leah's fingers whose smeared baby oil on her breasts. Leah's fingers pinched on of her nipples. "Me and my fiancée," the attorney said, „... we discussed this therapy for months. For example if we should spank our patients or not. But that's not my style. Pain won't solve your problem with authorities, Jani. But ties, gags, blindfolds and butt plugs will." Once again Jana tensed all her muscles. She thought: ' I'm already wearing a straight jacked, I already have a penis gag in my mouth and I can't see anything through this piece of leather. If she forces an intruder into my read end, I can't stop her ...'
But instead Leah let loose from Jana tits and stood up. The captive heard the steps of high heels, which left the cell and the dungeon. Then she heard the sound of a door lock.
Leah had left her alone.
It took Jana a while to get up in a kneeling position. Her toes felt for the edge of the mattress and the cold concrete beneath it. Jana walked small steps on her bare feet until she reached the wall. From there she fumbled in the dark until her tibias bumped against the metal toilet. Jana sat down, relaxed her shaved pussy and peed.