Author's Note: Thanks to Bethany (Handcuffgirl) for her edits and suggestions.
Chapter 1
Have you heard of "Booty Pop Panties"? It's the same concept as a padded bra, only they're for a girl's booty. The packaging shows before and after ass shots, and I've got to say that it really does make the chicks look hotter. You've got to check out their ads online. Just google them, and you'll find these girls standing around with flat asses, then you hear a big pop and all of a sudden the girl has an ass that you would just die to spank. And the craziest thing is that these Booty Pops are not some niche product that are only sold in adult stores. I saw 'em in a respectable clothing catalogue that was delivered to my house, and then I saw them prominently displayed near the checkout counter of a Bed Bath And Beyond!
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It was probably seeing them in that store that finally drove me into action. I mean, it was just so ridiculous that something had to be done, and being a bit of an amateur inventor, I decided that I was the one to do it. My plan wasn't cheap and it wasn't easy, but I was able to modify 200 pairs of the Booty Pops and slip 'em back onto the shelves of a few local stores. Then I sat back and waited for unsuspecting girls to buy them, girls that I started referring to as my "Poppers." Given the current craze for these things, it didn't take long for all of my modified Pops to be whisked off the shelves.
One of my modifications was to insert a small tracking device into the pad of each of those Poppers, so I knew exactly when my 200th modified pair walked out of the store. I also knew when each of those pairs was in use, thanks to a small sensor I had placed on the waist bands. I enjoyed just watching the dots move around on my google map, knowing that each green dot represented a girl that was wearing my Pops right at that moment, and that each red dot represented a pair of Pops sitting in wait for its owner.
But the tracker and the sensor were only two of the smaller modifications I had made to those Pops. On the first Friday after my last Pops had been sold, around 7PM, my map indicated that 150 of my units were in active use. Hitting that threshold meant it was time to activate my plan and see if the rest of the Popper modifications would work.
I took a breath and entered the command for the waist bands on all active units to lock around their wearer's hips. Pops sit fairly high on a girl's hips, so the locked waist bands meant it would be impossible to simply pull them off. My victims wouldn't feel much of anything at that point, possibly a slight tightening, but they would most likely just brush it off. The next step, however, would certainly not be ignored.
My computer reported no problems with the locked waist bands, so I went ahead and typed the command to activate the rectal phalluses that I had built into each of my modified Pops. When I hit enter, strands of stiff plastic arranged radially in the pads of the Pops were pushed together to form rounded phallic heads that were pressed gently against the anal openings of each of my girls' asses.
When those girls reached back to push at their pads and try to rearrange what they probably figured was just some lump, then "Pop!" they triggered their phalluses to violently thrust deep into their unsuspecting asses. Whenever a phallus was thrust, the green dot representing it on my screen would flash. Just seconds after activating the phalluses, all 150 green dots on my screen had flashed. Spread across town, 150 girls had been simultaneously ass fucked. And the fun was just beginning.
I taped my screen to activate the built-in microphone on unit 137, which was locked on to a girl who was walking down Main St. I heard her shout "Ow, Fuck!" as her green dot flashed again. Then I heard the voices of a couple guys near her ask if she was alright, to which she started to say "Fuck off," but she must have touched her ass again or been bumped, because her green light flashed and she shouted out again before her green dot started moving quickly down the street. She was trying to run away, but there was no getting away from the intruder locked onto her ass!
I switched to unit 77, which was locked to a girl that must have been driving down Broadway. (I had made sure none of my girls were driving down the highway before activating, but figured the girls should be able to avoid an accident if they were just driving slowly on a city street.) I heard sirens, but saw that 77 was still moving, so she couldn't have hit anything. Apparently 77 was getting pulled over though, because she started cursing her luck in between muttering "What the hell is going on?" over and over.
A moment later, I heard a female police officer ask her why she had been driving erratically and why she wasn't sitting down all the way in her seat. 77 mumbled and babbled some nonsense, so the cop asked her to get out of the car and place her hands on the roof to get frisked. I heard some patting sounds get closer to the mic in 77's Pops, then heard the cop shout: "Hey, stand still!" 77 must have tried to dodge before the cop's hands patted her ass.
The cop repeated the command, but apparently to no avail because I heard 77 get handcuffed. I then heard a solid pat right on 77's ass, followed by a squeal from the handcuffed girl. "Hold still, damn it," ordered the cop before patting 77's ass yet again. But 77 clearly couldn't hold still when the uninvited dildo slammed its way in and out of her ass.
The cop voiced her suspicion that 77 was hiding something under her shorts, and that if she didn't come clean that instant the cop would be forced to pull those shorts down to look. But 77 was far too flustered to put a coherent sentence together, and the next thing I heard was the sound of clothing being removed, as well as a faint cheer that may have come from some male onlookers.
"What have we here?" asked the cop, who then gave 77's pads a very firm squeeze. The trapped girl learned that the harder her Pops were squeezed or hit, the thicker and longer her anal intruder got. The cop squeezed both pads very hard numerous times before convincing herself that there was no concealed weapon inside. It must have been quite a sight: a handcuffed girl standing in her panties on the side of a busy road as a female cop repeatedly squeezed her ass and inadvertently sent a thick intruder shooting in and out of her rectum. Finally the cop pushed 77 into the back seat of the squad car and strapped the seat belt tightly across her lap, forcing her to sit heavily on her Pops. The anal intruder was forced deep into 77's ass, where it would have to stay until she got back to the station.
I glanced back to the big map on my screen and saw that three of my girls were in a park just one block from my house, so I pulled up my mobile control app and headed on over. Sure enough, there were three college-aged hotties out strutting their padded booties. At least, they probably had been strutting until their booties had been invaded; now it looked like they were arguing with each other.
I sat down on a bench nearby and plugged my ear buds in to my phone so I could listen discreetly. The tall brunette was accusing the shorter blonde of buying them all some crazy sex toys instead of Booty Pops. The accused blonde was angrily denying it, saying she had bought all three sets of Booty Pop Panties at Bed Bath And Beyond. The third girl, a fiery red-head, was yelling at both of them to shut up.
I decided to intervene in the argument by manually operating their waiting phalluses. I started by very slowly extending all three phalluses. The red-head went silent first, followed by the other two. "Are yours...?" she asked quietly. The other two nodded slowly. All three girls were squirming.
The red-head finally couldn't take it and tried to grab at her Pops through her shorts to stop the invasion, but the touch only triggered a hard, fast thrust, causing her to jump and scream. The other girls shook their heads condescendingly, until I had their dildos thrust in and out of their asses three times in rapid succession.
"Hey! What the fuck!" shouted the brunette. "Nothing even touched my ass! Why did it go in??" By that point, the three hotties had gathered a good sized crowd of semi-discreet onlookers. I decided to give that crowd a show, and set the girls' Pops to a constant rapid thrusting. They all started screaming, and, because I was listening closely to their mics, letting out little moans as well. When it was apparent that the thrusting wasn't stopping right away, the brunette shouted that they had to get to the women's bathroom, and set off across the park on wobbly legs.
A moment after all three girls were locked into the bathroom, a new string of shouts erupted: "I can't get these things off!" "They're fucking stuck!" Aaaaaarrrrrrrgh oo!", as the rectal pounding continued. They decided that one of them should go get scissors while the other two waited in the bathroom. I stopped all anal thrusting when the blonde returned with a pair of scissors so that the three girls could fully appreciate what was about to happen.
My modified Pops were designed to play a prerecorded message the instant any metal came in contact with them. I heard this message play over the girls' microphones: "Stop! If you attempt to remove your panties before 3AM, then the phallus will be coated in super glue and inserted all the way into your rectum."
The message was followed by a long silent pause. The threat was empty, but the girls had no way of knowing that, and clearly didn't want to risk getting their intruders super glued deep into their asses. Finally one of them, I think the blonde, whispered: "what are we going to do?" That set off the brunette, who must have jumped on top of the blonde and started mercilessly spanking her ass, generating a quick succession of long hard thrusts up the girl's rear hole.
The red-head must have finally joined forces against the blonde, because the blonde was begging both of them for mercy. After a long hard spanking, the brunette announced that they were going to strip the "stupid bitch who had bought the damn Pops" of all her other clothes and send her out of the bathroom like that to fend for herself. I made sure I had a front row seat and was soon rewarded by the sight of the topless blonde shoved out of the women's bathroom.
The blonde pounded on the now locked door for a moment before glancing around at all the people staring at her, covering herself up as best she could, and running off towards her home. I added to the show by firing her intruder up to full speed as she ran, causing her to stumble and flail her arms, revealing her ample boobs to everyone watching her.
I moved on next to a nearby bar where my map showed Booty Popper # 12 was hanging out. The place was filling up, and the resolution on my map was nowhere near good enough to pinpoint her, so I was going to have to figure it out on my own. I could have given the command for a few hard thrusts and watched for which girl reacted, but I decided it would be fun to first see if I could do just through observation.
I pulled up a stool at the bar, ordered a drink, and started looking around. It was pretty awesome to know that I owned the ass of one of the women in this bar, but they didn't know who I was, and I didn't know who they were... yet. There were a whole lot of hotties in the bar, but I couldn't see that any of them were acting strangely. My phone confirmed that #12 had already tried to cut off her Pops and had been warned, but she hadn't left the bar. So it was someone who wanted out, but wasn't willing to let the anal intrusions end her night.
I scanned the girls who were dressed up like they were on their way to bigger events, but they all seemed totally happy. Then, as the bartender was giving me my beer, one of the waitresses walked behind her and slapped her ass. The bartender, who was a smoking-hot Latina instantly shouted: "Hey! Didn't I say to stop fucking touching my ass?" No more detective work needed, that was a dead giveaway.
The offending waitress laughed at the bartender's demand and said "C'mon Anna, you never used to mind, and you know our customers like it." A few of the guys at the bar raised their glasses in agreement, and the waitresses continued slapping Anna's ass whenever they had the chance. Anna's demands to the contrary only egged them on. Of course, they didn't know why Anna was suddenly so opposed to the slaps, or why she was pretending that they hurt so much that night. I certainly knew, but I was keeping that little secret to myself.
I started tapping my screen to give the hot bartender manual anal thrusts whenever she did certain things: deliver a beer, open the cash register, adjust her ponytail. When she got the first slap-less thrust she looked all around trying to figure out if something had brushed her ass and caused the thrust.
She slowly picked up on the patterns, and started asking waitresses to deliver beers to the bar or run bills at the register for her. The spunky waitresses usually refused though, and slapped her ass just for asking. During one particularly bad spree, she delivered four beers to four different guests; I gave her a hard thrust for each one. Then Anna announced that she was taking a break and stormed away from the bar.
It was time to try out one more feature of my modified Booty Pops. As soon as Anna stepped out from behind the bar I started giving her a slow and steady ass fucking which I rapidly sped up the further from the bar she got. The difference with these anal thrusts was that at the height of the thrust the dildo delivered a painful electric shock which increased in intensity as the speed of the thrusting increased.
The tormented bartender managed to waddle out the back door, at which point I set her anal intruder to full speed with full intensity shocks. There was no way she could ignore that, and it only took a couple seconds before she came back inside.
As soon as she confirmed that her distance from the bar affected the speed of her ass fucking, she stormed back to work. The waitress who had taken Anna's place behind the bar laughed and said, "That was a quick break!" She then gave Anna a good hard spank.
The solid anal thrust that followed the spank, even though it didn't include a shock, was apparently the last straw for the fed-up bartender. She jumped up on a stool and shouted: "All right, damn it, I know it's somebody here who's doing it, so fucking stop hiding and stop playing your games with me!!"
The whole bar got quiet and stared at the irate babe on the stool. She glared back, especially hard at a group of jocks at the bar who she must have assumed were responsible. One of the waitresses finally said, "Uh, Anna honey, you know that somebody here is doing what?"
"Whoever it is, they know exactly what I'm talking about!!"
"Okay... but could you tell the rest of us so we don't just think you've gone crazy?"
"Somebody here is literally fucking me up the ass!!"
Anna probably wouldn't have shouted that if she had been thinking straight, but the unavoidable sphincter insertions were really getting to her. The whole bar was silent for a pregnant moment, then erupted in raucous laughter and jeers. Anna screamed at everybody to shut the fuck up, that there really was some device locked onto her that was fucking her, and that she knew it was someone in the bar who was controlling it. This explanation only brought louder laughter and cruder comments, and then a guy yelled out: "Maybe whoever's doing it would stop if you took off your shirt!"
I could have kissed that guy right then. I jumped on this chance by having Anna's Pops start a steady thrusting in and out of her ass, complete with painful anal shocks. Anna, of course, immediately assumed that the guy who yelled out the suggestion was the one responsible, and for a second I was worried she was going to kill him. But he just said "Search me, it ain't me!" Anna did just that, but while she was digging into all the guys pockets and feeling him all over - which he clearly enjoyed - I steadily increased the pace of her ass fucking and the intensity of her shocks.
Anna must have realized that the guy couldn't have been responsible, and she was also getting desperate to stop the increasingly intense anal pounding and shocking she was getting. She finally screamed "AAAARRRGHHH FINE!" and yanked her shirt over her head. All the guys in the bar cheered as a skimpy lace bra covering the bartender's D-cup breasts came into view. I held up the bar's part of the bargain by stopping the pounding and shocking.
Anna no doubt wanted to run out of the bar at that point, but she was smart enough to know that the her dildo would certainly kick back into full gear if she tried, so she growled at the guy who had made the suggestion about her shirt and tried to get back to work, which wasn't easy with everyone leering at her tits and laughing at her.
Before that incident, I had been trying not to stare at my hostage bartender too closely so that I could avoid suspicion. But now everyone in the bar was staring at her, so I stared along with them. She really had quite an amazing body. The tits that were now largely uncovered just defied belief, especially given her tight stomach and lean arms and legs. Her booty looked fabulous as well, though of course that was partly due to the Booty Pops she was wearing!
After ten minutes of watching her I started thinking about how I could take this to the next level, but then my work was again done for me. That same guy called out: "Hey hot bartender, how you doing? 'Cause if that anal fucking starts up again, I bet whoever is controlling it would stop it again if you took off that bra!"
I started up Anna's dildo again right away, and the livid hottie had to be held back from attacking the guy who had made the suggestion. One of her co-workers, finally showing some pity, then had a bouncer kick the guy out of the bar, but the damage was already done.
Anna's anal intruder was picking up steam, and she still had no idea who held the controls. She couldn't convince the bouncer to kick every man out of the bar, and she still couldn't leave, so she again gave in to the demand. The cheers this time were deafening, as the lacy bra was unhooked and the golden globes it had been holding up bounced out in full view. She tried to cover them, but I gave her a thrust/shock every time she did, and she quickly learned the lesson.
This time, after only four or so minutes of ogling the topless bartender, someone else shouted out: "Maybe you should hop up on the bar and dance, uh, to prevent more ass fucking!" I obligingly kicked the Pops straight into high gear, and in no time Anna was up on the bar shaking her assets.
The crowd was going nuts, and guys started calling out for all sorts of things: "Let me touch your titties to prevent ass fucking!" "Shake those things in my face to prevent ass fucking!" "Suck on my cock to prevent ass fucking!" "Let me fuck you up the ass to prevent ass fucking!!"
I didn't try to force her to do any of those things. It would have been impossible with everything being yelled out all the same time, and certainly the manager or a bouncer would have put a stop to it. But I did keep Anna dancing up on that bar. Whenever she slowed down or tried to hop off the bar I kicked her intruder up to full speed and shock intensity. Of course I continued to prevent her from ever covering up those fabulous tits of hers.
The bar manager, if he or she was even there, didn't do anything to stop her—the show was clearly great for business! So Anna had to just kept going and going, strutting up and down the length of the bar and shaking her ass and boobs to the wild cheers of her admirers.
For a while she tried to step down after each song, but her ass always pounded and shocked her right back up, and eventually she stopped trying and just kept on dancing and dancing and dancing. Her inhibitions about being topless and on display in front of a crowd of people slowly melted away. She didn't have a choice anyway, so she must have figured that she might as well get into it.
I watched and cheered with everyone else for a full hour, then finally decided it was time for me to move on and find some of my other girls. Before I left, I wrote Anna a short note thanking her for the show and telling her that I'd see her at 1AM. I didn't say who it was from or why she'd be seeing me at 1AM—I figured I'd leave her guessing and worrying about that.
I gave the note to one of the waitresses and told them it was a tip for the dancer, then headed out. Anna, of course, would have no way of knowing that her tormentor had left. She hadn't needed any anal pounding from me to keep her going during the last half hour, so who knows how long she would keep going before discovering that it was okay for her to stop and to cover herself up.
Chapter 2
Back out on the street, I scanned my phone for some more fun to be had. I saw a group of 5 green dots in a roller skating rink a few blocks away and headed in that direction. Friday night, 5 roller skating girls wearing Booty Pops, it could only mean one thing: Roller Derby!
On my way, I noticed that there was a green dot coming in my direction. I looked down the block, and sure enough there was a woman in a short summer dress walking my way. I kept one hand in my pocket on my phone's 'trigger' button, and just before we passed each other I ordered up 4 fast thrusts. She jumped and let out a little scream. "Are you all right?" I asked with feigned concern.
"Yes, no, I just... it's that..." The poor cutie was blushing pretty hard and not making any sense. I cut off her babbling with another 4 fast thrusts, which caused her to scream and jump again, then set off running away down the street in embarrassment. I let her go and went back to scanning the map on my phone. That roller skating rink was still a few blocks away, so I pulled up some of the stats on my little non-consensual anal fucking experiment.
There were now 160 girls locked into their Pops. My computer was programmed to automatically lock in any additional girls who pulled on their modified panties. Of those 160, 145 had already received the warning about cutting off their Pops, and so far all of them had heeded that warning. But I was curious about the girls who hadn't received the warning yet, which meant they hadn't even tried to cut off their Pops. Especially the ones who had been locked in since the beginning, over two hours ago - what was going on with them? Were they enjoying their surprise anal fucking?
One of those Poppers in particular caught my eye: #59. Her green dot was flashing consistently every two seconds. I pulled up her mic and heard a rhythmic slapping sound coming in time with her anal thrusts. The only other sound I could hear was periodic muffled groans and grunts. My computer had been recording audio from all of the Pops, so I scanned back and played #59's feed from the very beginning. There weren't any voices, just a series of clicks. Then it was quiet for a few moments until the rhythmic slapping sounded. As soon as it did, the girl shouted: "Ow! Fuck! What the hell?! Ow! Shit shit shit!!" She kept screaming obscenities for a while, and it was clear that she wasn't happy about the ass fucking she was getting, but the slaps and the thrusts just kept coming.
I listened to her curse for a full two minutes, then she paused before starting to talk as if she was on the phone with someone, all the while continuing to receive the slaps and the thrusts and having to pause her conversation whenever those thrusts were delivered. "Helen, it's Sue. Hey, I really need you to come over... to my place right now and help me out of something... No, it can't wait until after you... go to dinner, I really really need you to come... right now. Please, I'll explain when you get here! Okay, thank you thank you. Try... to hurry, and just use the hidden key under the mat... to let yourself in when you get here!"
Sue ended the call, then continued her grunting and cursing. I had my guesses about what was going on, and fast forwarded through the tape to check. About twenty minutes of slaps and thrusts and curses later, I heard a door open and heard a female voice call out Sue's name. A moment later the newcomer shouted "Oh my god! Sue, what the hell is going on?"
Sue's response was punctuated by periodic grunts: "Please just hurry up and ow! unlock me, the keys are over there hanging below that —OW!—ice cube."
"Wait wait wait, you did this to yourself? You locked yourself into a doggie style position over this, this bondage bench and set up that automatic spanker thing to spank your own ass? Oh my god, that is just too funny."
"Damn-it Helen, this is absolutely not—OW!— funny, get me the hell off of here right now!"
"Well what's the problem Sue dear? It looks like everything is working just like you wanted it to work? Is this little ice release mechanism you have set up not working?"
"Just —OW!— unlock me bitch! I'll tell you after!!"
"Oh I'm a bitch now, huh? I'm going to be late to my second date with Robert to come help you, and now you're calling me a bitch? I don't think so. You're telling me what's going on before I do anything."
"I'm getting fucked up the ass – OW! – that's what! And I'm going to fuck you up the ass if you don't hurry up!"
"Sue darling," Helen said coldly, "It looks like you're getting spanked on these nice padded panties you have – that can't hurt all that much. What do you mean you're getting fucked?"
"It's the panties! OW! I don't know what's going on, but every time I – OW! - get spanked, there's something in the panties that shoves up my ass hole! Ow! It hurts, and I hate it, and it's been going on ever since – OW! - I called you, and now you'd better fucking unlock me right now!"
"So, you make me late for my date, you call me names, and now you're threatening me? You know what, Sue you stupid little slut, I think what you deserve is to be left just as you are to teach you some manners. If I'm feeling nice, maybe I'll come back and let you free after my date. Well, actually, I won't leave you exactly as you are. For starters, let's move your cell phone out of reach and unhook this little key from your little ice mechanism. That should make sure that you stay right where you are until I come back. And, oh, look at that, why did you leave this ball gag and blindfold on the table? Did you get cold feet about using them along with everything else? Well, let's just fix that right now. I want to make sure you get the full experience you were after."
Sue had been stuttering in her anger during her friend's speech, and then she gargled and let out a muffled scream as the ball gag was shoved into her mouth.
"There you go, honey." Helen said gloatingly. "Now I really have to run. Have a good time with your spanking machine and whatever is going on with those panties of yours. If you're not too much of a bitch when I come back, I'll think about letting you out instead of leaving you like this all night."
After that, I heard the door shut behind Helen, then the sound of slapping and Sue's grunts just continued on and o n as I fast forwarded the recording back to the current moment. Sue was still there, bound, helpless, and getting creamed! Those roller skate chicks were going to have to wait! I jumped into the first cab I could find and told him to rush me across town. I found Sue's house, and with baited breath I looked under the mat where she had told Helen she kept her hidden key. I was in luck! Helen had replaced it! There was a girl in there who was strapped down, gagged, blindfolded and wearing nothing but her modified Pops, and I didn't even have to break in to get to her!
Sue's timing had been perfect—her Pops had activated right while she was locking herself down, so by the time she realized there was a problem, there was nothing she could do about it. This luck was just too good, she was probably going to turn out to be butt-ugly. I walked quietly down the hall, turned a corner into her living room, and Holy Shit! Sue was a drop-dead knockout 10! Long curly brown hair spilled down her smooth shoulders and back. Big firm breasts were squeezed onto the bondage bench. And the ass that was getting hammered clearly would have been fantastic without any help from the Pops.
Come to think of it, given that she really wouldn't have needed the Pops to have a perfect ass, I wondered if she only bought them to wear during this kinky little self-bondage session she was having. Wearing the padded panties meant that she could give herself a good hard spanking from that machine she had without feeling the sting of the slap. How fantastically ironic—she bought my Pops to avoid pain, but what she was getting was surely a lot worse!
I was literally drooling and couldn't wait to get my hands on her, but forced myself to take care of Helen first. I found where she had put Sue's cell phone and fired off a text to her: I got myself out, you bitch. The next time I see you, I'm going to fucking kill you.
There, that should prevent any unwanted interruption. I turned my full attention to the restrained goddess kneeling in front of me. She really had done an incredibly thorough job of restraining herself. There were straps around her ankles, thighs and waist, all holding her firmly to the bench. They were tight enough to prevent her from wiggling her fine ass more than a fraction of an inch. They also made it entirely impossible for her to dodge the blows landing from her spanking machine and the anal thrusts from her Pops.
The hottie had locked straps around each wrist that could only be opened with the help of the little keys that her 'friend' Helen had left conveniently out of reach on a nearby table. And the self-bondage aficionado had even used an extension to the bondage bench that allowed her to strap her neck firmly to a little bar that forced her to keep her chin up and her eyes forward. This had the added benefit of preventing her from rubbing her face along the bench and possibly pushing the blindfold out of position. As a result, the bound and gagged babe was still as blind and helpless as when Helen had left her. She had no idea that I was standing there silently drinking in the sight of her naked body, and she certainly had no idea what I was about to do to that fine naked body.
I made my presence known by lightly running my fingers along her back. The muscles in her back tensed, out of surprise and probably because her whole body was rather sensitive after the two and a half hour ordeal she'd been through. But she couldn't move much at all, certainly not enough to affect my stroking. She screamed into her gag, something like "release me bitch," thinking that I was Helen. I didn't correct her right away and continued running my fingers all over her body.
I squeezed my hands under the boobs that were pressed onto the bondage bench and began kneading her soft flesh and pinching her nipples. Sue was going crazy underneath me, shaking and screaming into her gag, though of course she was prevented from moving anywhere or making much noise. She was no doubt wondering why her friend had become such a pervert, and was probably worrying what else she might do.
I gave Sue's nipples a strong twist, got a satisfying scream, then moved to her rear. I stopped the spanking machine, hit a button on my phone to release the girl's Pops, then pulled the well-used panties down as far as her thigh straps would allow. Sue stopped screaming, surely relieved that the anal thrusting she had been getting for hours had finally stopped and probably thinking that she would be fully released soon. Of course, that was not my intention.
I stroked the smooth skin of her ass and let my fingers slide along her much abused anal hole and the pussy that was quite damp despite her obvious dislike of everything that was happening to her. She started screaming into her gag again when my fingers hit that sensitive flesh, so I gave her a hard slap on her left ass cheek that temporarily shut her up. I then moved to her head and pulled the ball gag out of her mouth.
She started to say: "Look, Helen, I'm really sorry for..." but then I pushed a large ring gag between her teeth and strapped it tightly around her head. It sure was handy that she had left the duffel bag with all her bondage toys on her table!
Sue could talk a little more intelligibly now and started trying to reason with the person she thought was her friend Helen. I just silently moved back to her rear and re-started the spanking machine. With her padded Booty Pops now removed, the paddle of the spanker was able to deliver the direct stinging slap that it was designed for. Sue started screaming right away, in surprise, in pain, and in fury at the mistreatment. I had a solution in mind that would stifle those screams and finally let her know that I was not Helen. I walked back to her head, unzipped my fly, and pulled out my cock, which had been throbbing for release from the moment I set eyes on this strapped down slut.
As soon as my head slipped past Sue's ring gag and touched her tongue, the girl froze and went silent in fear, finally realizing it was not Helen but a man who had been toying with her helpless body. I took advantage of her confused pause to push my cock past her tongue and to the back of her mouth, where I waited for a moment for Sue to realize what was about to happen to her. She wasn't an entirely dim-witted girl, and took a deep breath in anticipation of what was to come. I smiled at this, then, holding the back of her head tightly, plunged my cock straight down her throat.
Sue's involuntary gags caressed the length of my cock as I held myself fully buried in her throat. The continued rough spanking she was getting from the machine rhythmically pushed her forward onto me. That heightened my experience both with the movement and with the knowledge of the pain she was getting from a machine that she had set up for herself without intending for it to ever be used without the padded panties to absorb the sting of the blows!
I started thrusting in and out of my little fuck-toy's throat, occasionally pulling out far enough to let her get some air. Whenever I did that she tried to push me out of her mouth with her tongue, but that was hopeless and only turned me on more. She couldn't turn her head away from me, thanks to the post and collar arrangement she had set up for herself, which made it quite simple for me to stand in front of her and just fuck her throat to my heart's content. Or, rather, to my cock's content, which after a few minutes couldn't hold back any longer. I held myself all the way inside her as I ejected wave after wave of hot cum straight down her throat. I finally pulled out of her throat and left my head resting on her tongue, letting her gasp air around my cock and inadvertently suck it dry as she did.
When I left her mouth all together she started trying to talk again, but I quickly cut that off with a stubby little dildo that I found in her bondage bag that hooked onto the ring gag in her mouth. I patted her cheek, then strolled around to her rear to see how her ass was fairing under the spanking machine. The machine's paddle was quite wide, and had turned a good swath of both of the vulnerable ass cheeks a bright red color. It delivered a strong slap with perfect regularity every two seconds, leaving the helpless girl enough time to anticipate the coming blow, involuntarily tense her ass, then jerk in her bonds as the paddle slammed into its target. The two second delay as the paddle cocked itself back also left me time get in there and deliver some spanks of my own. I started at a pace of one spank between each of the machine's spanks, then picked up to two quick spanks, one on each cheek. I felt like a drummer, experimenting with different rhythms on my new drum—Whap! Slap slap, Whap! Slap slap, Whap! My drum surely didn't appreciate the fine music I was creating, but it didn't have any say in the matter!
Watching the soft flesh of Sue's ass get repeatedly smacked and slowly turn deeper shades of red was turning me on in a big way, and my cock was getting ready for more action. I gave it a bit more time to recharge by stepping back and taking some pictures of my bound toy with my phone. I made sure my phone's volume was on so that Sue could hear the 'click' of my camera, and know that her bound naked body was being recorded. She shouted "Mmmmpphhh" into her dildo gag and shook her body as best she could to show her displeasure with this, all of which I recorded in a quick video clip along with the continued walloping from her spanking machine.
I then recorded her body from every side. I got her pretty blindfolded face held upright and stuffed with a dildo. I got her smooth expanse of soft skin pressed against the bondage bench that squeezed her full boobs out to the sides. And I got her fine ass that was now turning a dark angry red from its continued beating. I then slid my phone back into my pocket and turned off the spanking machine. I whipped out my dick once more and looked down at the anal hole that had already received so much action from my modified Pops. Now it was going to get some action from the real thing!
My cock was still lubed from the inside of Sue's throat, so it glided easily straight into her ass. The girl beneath me squealed into her gag, surely unhappy about getting an ass fucking from a real person, even after all the ass fucking she'd gotten from her panties. I started spanking her red ass, turning her squeals into grunts, then began fucking her ass in earnest. Having cum so recently, my dick was now ready for a good long go at it before cuming again. While thrusting slowly in and out, I slapped away at the parts of her ass that the machine had missed, bringing them up to speed with the color of the rest of her ass.
I picked up the pace a bit as I reached down and slid my hands underneath her boobs. She tried to press them down to keep me from reaching her nipples, but I got to them anyway and started rolling and pinching mercilessly. I clamped down hard on both nipples and used them as leverage to pull myself forward and thrust harder into her ass. The helpless girl beneath me whined as I continued to pound and pound, but there was nothing she could do.
When I was ready to make a final go at it, I released her nipples and with my right hand grabbed a bunch of her hair and with my left hand returned to slapping her ass. My grip on her hair gave me even better leverage to slam my cock in and out of her ass, and I picked up the tempo until I was pounding her like a jack hammer. All the while, my left hand was smacking her ass with everything I had. I'm telling you, it was a beautiful sight from my vantage point. A naked hot chic strapped down below me. My one hand was yanking on her long curls and slamming her backwards as far as her collar would allow. My other hand was spanking her round and reddened ass cheeks. Meanwhile my big dick was thrusting in and out of her tight little sphincter. Heroically, I picked up the pace even further before finally blasting my load deep into her rectum and collapsing on top of her.
After taking a number of deep satisfied breaths on top of my bound hottie, I got up and pulled my dick out of her ass. I walked around to her front, pulled the stubby dildo out of her mouth, and pushed my still semi-firm cock through her ring gag. At first she tried to block me with her tongue, but then must have gotten the taste of her own ass fresh from my dick. She tried to move her tongue and taste buds out of the way, but that only allowed me to push my dick the rest of the way in and wash it out in her mouth.
With my cock still resting in her mouth, I decided to finally speak to my little slut for the first time and let her know what I planned to do with her. I stroked her face and ran my fingers through her hair as I said, "Well, I hoped you enjoyed all of that as much as I did, which I expect you did since you are clearly a masochistic little self-bondage slut. I have to leave you now, but don't worry, I'll pull your padded panties back on and start up your spanking machine before I go, and I might even leave you a little something special in addition."
The worn out wench tried to shake her head 'no' as she heard this, but between my cock and her collar she didn't get very far, and of course it wouldn't have helped her anyway! I continued, "Oh, and don't expect that good friend of yours, Helen, to be coming back to release you. I texted her from your phone saying that you had escaped and were going to kill her. I'm sure she won't dare come over! But I don't want you to stay here all night and miss the big event later, so I'll refill your little ice release mechanism so you can get yourself out in about an hour. Have fun until then!"
With that, I removed my cock and reinserted the stubby dildo. As promised, I went back to pull her panties up into place, but before I did I selected a large vibrating dildo from her bondage bag and worked it deep into her pussy. As I tapped my phone to lock her Pops back into place, I thought about the anguish she'd feel when she was finally able release herself from the bench. She'd find that her Pops were still locked on and she would be unable to remove or stop the vibrator that by that time would surely be driving her insane. I then started up the spanking machine yet again. Her tormented ass cheeks would be cushioned from its blows, but her abused ass hole would once again receive its steady fucking!
After refilling her ice, I decided to play one more little trick on the poor babe. I dug out a padlock from her bondage bag, confirmed that it was keyed differently from her cuffs, then used it to lock on her ring gag. I pocketed all of those keys so that when her ice finally gave her the keys to her cuffs, she'd be able to get herself off the bench but would be unable to remove the gag. With any luck, she'd still be wearing it, as well as the Pops and the buzzing vibrator, when she showed up at the big event! Finally, I thanked her again for the good time, gave her a kiss on the cheek and one last pinch on the nipple, and headed out.
Chapter 3
Back on the road after a very pleasant side trip, I confirmed that the group of five Poppers was still at the roller skating rink. I thanked my luck that they were, then grabbed a cab to get over there. My luck was sure holding steady. Those five Poppers were all on one team, who even called themselves the Booty Pops, and they were scheduled to be the next team to compete when I arrived. I was even happier to see that this particular tournament had decided to add even more spice to the competition by letting each winning team spank the losing team! I was going to have to make sure that the Booty Pops lost!
The Pops took to the starting line against the Trampires. This sport truly is amazing. All these hot girls get decked out in ridiculously slutty outfits, then skate around crashing into each other, all in front of an audience of horny screaming dudes. I mean, it's like a sex show, but you can pretend that it's just a sporting event.
Ensuring that the Booty Pops didn't win the game turned out to be quite easy, and fun, for me to accomplish. Whenever the Pops "jammer" approached the Trampire's pack, I would have her dildo thrust deep into her ass and deliver a high level shock. The first time this happened, she fell right over without even coming in contact with the other team's blockers. She looked as confused as everyone else, and got up to try again. She stayed standing the next time I shocked her, but it still threw her off enough for the Trampire blockers to easily rebuff her charge.
I also worked on the Pops blockers. The first time the Trampire jammer approached them, I gave them all massive shocks, which sent half of them falling straight to the ground, and the other half too wobbly to come close to blocking the Tramp jammer. As the first period wore on, the Pops got a little better at staying on their feet when they were fucked and shocked, but they were still getting killed.
I wondered if they'd even come out for the second period, and was thrilled to see that they had too much pride to give up. They were clearly mad and frustrated, and a couple of them ended up getting penalties pretty quickly, which allowed the Tramps to score on them even faster. I also enjoyed fucking and shocking the girls who ended up in the penalty box, watching them hop around and try in vain to stop the assault.
By the end of the game, the Pops were down by a record-setting number of points. This was important, because it turned out that the number of spanks that the losing team received was to be equal to the number of points they lost by. Usually, that would be twenty or thirty, but in their case, being two hundred points down meant they would each receive two hundred spanks from the team that walloped them. Also, for these particular losers, each spank meant an additional ass thrust from their panties.
The girls were clearly pissed about this, and when told to bend over to receive their spanks, a couple of them started arguing with the refs. But the refs weren't about to put up with any nonsense, and quickly ordered five sets of stocks to be brought out onto the rink. The Pops tried to resist, but between the big refs and the winning team members, all five of them quickly had their necks and wrists locked securely into the stocks. The stocks even had bars extending back from the neck holes, pushing up on the trapped girls' chests and stomachs and ensuring that their asses would be kept high and readily available for the coming spanking.
At the blow of a whistle, the spanking began. It was clear that each of the Pops was groaning with every blow, but when the count got to ten the victorious Trampires called for a pause and complained that the Booty Pops were wearing padded panties, and therefore weren't getting the punishment they deserved. The head ref pulled up one of the Pops' skirts, confirmed the presence of the pads, and ordered that they be stripped of the offending panties (to the wild cheers of the audience).
When it was found that the panties couldn't be pulled off, the ref got furious, assuming that the Pops had done this deliberately to avoid a feeling the spanks should they lose. He ordered that scissors be brought in, and wouldn't listen to any of the whining from the locked-down Pops about built-in dildos and super-glue. I cranked the volume on the speakers in these girls' Pops, and when the scissors hit them the ref and a number of spectators could clearly hear the warning: "Stop! If you attempt to remove your panties before 3AM, then the phallus will be coated in super glue and inserted all the way into your rectum."
At this, the ref finally started to believe the pleas from the trapped losers and inspected their panties more closely. He lightly touched one of the pads, and could feel the material contract as the dildo was thrust in. He also took note of the moan let out by the girl he had just caused to be anally penetrated. Convinced at last, he took the microphone to make an announcement to the whole audience. I hoped he wouldn't call the whole thing off, and again I wasn't let down!
The ref described what was happening, called the losers "twisted perverts", and announced that they would get more than they had bargained for. After the Trampires delivered their two hundred spank/thrusts, the Booty Pops would remain locked in the stocks for anyone else to come and continue the punishment. As the Trampires resumed their count, the trapped girls all started screaming at the ref, but he wouldn't put up with any more nonsense, and had some dirty socks tied over their mouths to quiet them.
I, along with the rest of the audience, cheered wildly while the Trampires delivered the rest of the punishment to the Booty Pops, then watched as the losers were rolled off the rink and left at the mercy of the audience. For me, though, it was time to head on. It was just after midnight, and I had to get back to my place to prepare for the big event. It would be interesting to find out if the Booty Pop roller derby team would be able to make it in time!
I got back to my house and made some final preparations, then decided I had time to quickly check in on a couple Poppers. It looked like Sue had gotten herself out of her self-bondage predicament and had tried to cut off her Pops, but she must have heeded the warning because her Pops were still on. Anna the bartender had finally left her bar, though I scanned back and confirmed that she had continued dancing for a full forty-five minutes after I had left her. #77, who had been pulled over by the police right off the bat, was in a residential neighborhood, so she must have been released, which would surely make things a lot easier for her when the big even was announced. And all those roller derby babes that I had just left were still trapped in place, their green dots on my map flashing furiously as the audience was clearly having fun with them. It would be interesting to see how the big event announcement was handled there!
My clock struck 12:30. It was time. I hit a button on my computer that triggered the simultaneous announcement to all 160 active Poppers: "Attention Booty Pop girls. Report immediately to the tennis courts at Hillside and 3rd. You will receive periodic anal thrusts and shocks until you appear at the courts. If you are not present by 1AM, then your panties will deliver continual high speed thrusts and high intensity shocks until 3AM." Then, after a brief pause to let the message sink in, all the Pops loudly announced: "Anyone hearing this message is invited to attend the Big Event at Hillside and 3rd, but do not attempt to enter the tennis courts or interfere with the event."
When the announcement ended, all 160 Poppers received a long slow thrust from their anal dildos that was capped with a very painful electric shock. For most of the girls, all except for those roller derby chicks and the bartender babe, this was the first time they had received a shock from their Pops. I bet a lot of them, hearing the announcement, figured that they'd rather endure the anal fucking than willingly submit to the announced command. But then, feeling that shock, and thinking about receiving it continually for two full hours, I'm sure many started to change their minds. The announcement, along with the anal thrust and shock, was set to repeat every two minutes until 1AM, so even those girls who initially thought they could handle the punishment would quickly start having doubts.
My computer screens showed video from a number of different cameras that I had aimed at the long-deserted tennis courts which I had reapportioned for the grand finale of my Booty Pop experiment. The three side-by-side courts sat at the end of an alley and on the other side of a high stone wall, which had given me plenty of privacy for the work I had done there. The tall chain link fence surrounding the courts was now topped in rolls of razor wire, giving the enclosure a cage feel and making it impossible to enter or exit except through the front gate. And that front gate now had a double enclosure that required the outer gate to close before the inner gate would open, giving me control over who entered and who exited. I had also erected a few more fences along the sides of the courts, creating three holding pens that would come in handy during the upcoming games.
I flipped back to the map on my computer, and was thrilled to see a lot of the green dots starting to move towards the courts. My plan was working! Forget the old motto "build it and they will come." I believed in "shock them and they will come!"
I checked in on the roller derby babes and saw that the five green dots representing those five poor girls were still stationary and in a straight line on the edge of the skating rink, though the dots weren't flashing as much anymore. I turned on their audio and heard a furious argument taking place. The head ref still didn't want to let them go, but other people were arguing that he had to. My announcement came on again and they all got quiet. At the end, when the five girls were impaled and shocked, I could hear a loud "Mmmmphhhh!" coming from the gagged cohort.
One of their 'supporters' argued that it was clear how much more painful these shocks were than the anal thrusts they had been getting by watching the muscles in their legs and back contract and by looking at the fear in their eyes. Another audience member argued that it was surely just some ploy for them to get free. Still another person just shouted that pain or not, it was fun to watch them squirm!
The ref finally quieted everyone down and said that he would observe the thrust/shock one more time, and then decide if the offending girls should be kept or released. I could only imagine the fury of those five chicks, helplessly locked into their stocks and silenced by their gags as a bunch of dudes debated their fate and examined their scantily clad bodies as they were anally rammed and shocked. There were a lot of unhappy grunts from the girls as my announcement was replayed, then five simultaneous muffled screams as the punishment was delivered. That was followed by silence, as everyone was surely watching the ref to see what he would decide.
His judgment finally came: "Release them!"
This was followed by a loud cheer and a lot of folks shouting: "Let's head to the courts!"
I flipped back to the video feeds of the courts just in time to see my first couple girls arrive. They were clearly taken aback by the sight of the dingy old abandoned courts and the razor wire, but one more shock from their anal intruders sent them scampering for the gate. When they both got past the outer gate, I remotely closed and locked it behind them, then opened the inner gate to allow them onto the courts. They were already trapped, but hesitated anyway. Their hesitation was nothing that a couple quick manual shocks couldn't overcome. My first two contestants were all the way inside my make-shift cage!
More and more Poppers started descending on the courts. My high-def cameras picked up the fear on their faces as they arrived and saw the growing number of girls trapped inside the high razor-wire-topped fences, but they still hustled to get themselves locked inside. A growing number of spectators were arriving as well, and occasionally some horny dude would try to enter the cage along with the girls. But I would just play an announcement that said that only Booty Pop girls were allowed inside, then I'd shock all the Poppers waiting between the outer and inner gates and they would in turn quickly throw the offending dude right out.
As it got closer and closer to 1AM, the girls arriving started looking more and more frantic. I had increased the tempo of the periodic thrust/shocks to once every 30 seconds, and they were clearly in a dither about getting inside before the time ran out and the rapid fire thrusts and shocks began. And indeed, there were still a dozen girls trying to get in when the clock struck one, including the five roller derby babes who had been delayed and then hampered all the way to the courts.
All the Poppers still on the outside started screaming wildly as their anal intruders kicked into high gear and delivered shock after shock in quick succession. They couldn't all fit between the two gates, and none of them could stop the shocking until they got past the second gate, so the girls who were further in shoved back the ones on the edge so that the outer gate could close. The lucky ones spilled inside and got relief from their Pops, leaving a handful of Poppers banging on the locked outer gate desperate to get in.
This time, when the inner gate closed and locked after the last girl, I didn't immediately re-open the outer gate to let the stragglers in. Instead, I let them pound away for a while, then turned on my microphone and posed a question to the crowd over the loudspeakers that I had placed around the court: "Attention spectators, this is up to you, should these late-comers be left outside at the whim of their Booty Pop panties, or should they allowed inside to play. The loudest cheer wins. Who wants the tardy girls to continue getting reamed and shocked?"
The crowd had gone quiet as my announcement was made. They obviously had no idea what to expect when they came here and were probably as blown away by it all as the Poppers were. A few guys started cheering in support of leaving the late-comers outside, and I saw one of them get kicked square in the balls by one of the Poppers whose fate was in question. I then asked who wanted to let the slow chicks inside to play. I much louder cheer went out, so I went ahead and let them in.
A warning light popped up on my computer as the last girls finally got inside, indicating that someone was trying to cut a hole in the fence. I had anticipated this, and rang a loud siren over the loudspeakers then announced that if a hole was cut in the fence, all of the girls' anal dildos would be coated in glue and buried deep in their asses. Otherwise, they would all be released by 3AM. This was, of course, the same threat that all these girls had responded to so obediently already, and in unison they screamed at the guy with the bolt cutters to stop what he was doing.
My computer showed that I now had about 100 girls locked inside the arena. Of the rest of my Poppers, it looked like some had actually taken the risk and cut their panties off, some were apparently trying to ride out the thrusts and shocks, and some were still on their way to the arena. But, 100 trapped hotties were more than enough, and more than I had hoped for, and it was time to begin! I grabbed the mic and hammed it up. "Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the first ever Booty Pop Olympics! Thank you all for coming out this evening on such short notice. I promise you won't be disappointed. Now please give a loud round of applause to all the lovely ladies who are providing our entertainment tonight!"
The crowd was totally getting into it and stated cheering wildly. The girls inside the fence, however, didn't look pleased at all to be getting such warm applause. My cameras picked up growing apprehension on many of their faces. They may have been fighting to get inside a moment ago, but now they found themselves locked inside what was essentially a razor-wire cage, surrounded by a mass of horny spectators, still trapped in the panties that could invade their asses and deliver excruciating shocks, and about to be run through some kind of Olympics which my voice on the loudspeakers had promised would be entertaining to the randy masses. Yeah, they had good reason to be concerned.
"The first event of the evening will be a game of Spank Tag," I announced. "As you know, when one of these girls gets spanked on her Booty Pop Panties, she receives a long thrust up her ass by a dildo built into those panties. Now, when I saw 'Go,' getting spanked will also mean that that girl is knocked out and must report to her assigned pen. The last Popper standing will be released from her Pops and set free. So, Poppers, please get ready, get set, and Go!"
The game started off in chaos. The triple tennis court arena was fairly large, but there were a lot of girls in there, and they had been standing around in clumps as I was talking. They were all pretty confused and scared by what was happening to them, but quite shortly after I said 'go' a few of them realized that this was their best chance to avoid whatever else was to come, and quickly spanked a whole bunch of their fellow Poppers. As those girls got spanked and received their anal thrust, their Pops informed them loudly to report to Pen #1, then started delivering thrusts and shocks once per second until the knocked-out girl complied. This caused all sorts of screaming and running around, to the delighted cheers of the spectators.
The first 50 girls who got knocked out had to report to Pen #1, which was a relatively small space enclosed by fencing on the side of the courts. It really wasn't big enough for all 50 of them, but it's amazing what a bit of anal shocking will allow a group to accomplish. When the 50th girl pressed herself in, the gate to the pen automatically closed, trapping them all tightly inside. That was a pretty erotic sight to behold all by itself – 50 female bodies pressed tightly against each other and against the fences that penned them in. The unfortunate ones along the outside fence couldn't get away from the spectators' fingers that started to poke and pinch, and none of them could get away from my eyes or the eyes of the rest of the crowd that fully appreciated this tightly packed mass of woman'ness.
The remaining girls were making much more of a go at the game than the first girls who had been knocked out. They were chasing each other around the courts and beating their opponents' hands away, viciously trying to avoid getting knocked out. Some tried to back against the fences to avoid spanks, but there was no safety there, as a touch by the fence or by one of the spectators' fingers through the fence would knock them out just like a slap from one of the other Poppers.
As the remaining girls were steadily knocked out, they were sent by their Pops to Pen #2, which soon became just as crowded as the first pen. The last ten girls in the game had become quite cautious, so to keep things moving I announced that I'd be delivering thrusts and shocks to any contestant who wasn't actively trying to spank her fellow contestants. I then liberally doled out a whole bunch of rectal blasts to the wimpy girls who were just running away. Soon enough I was down to just two girls. One of them was that tall brunette who I had met in the park with her two friends at the beginning of my Popper experiment. The other was almost as tall and dressed in a seriously bad ass goth get-up, complete with a spiked collar, a black bustier that squeezed her tits together and up, and a black mini skirt that stopped only an inch below her ass but also only a few inches above the tops of her thigh-high boots. Nose rings, lip rings, eyebrow rings, and a host of tattoos completed the get-up.
The rest of the girls probably hadn't even tried to get near the crazy looking chick, but the tall brunette wasn't scared. The two of them went at it like their lives depended on it—pulling hair, slapping, and screaming obscenities at each other. The crowd loved it, and started rooting for one or the other of them. The girls locked arms and started shoving each other around, and eventually the brunette was able to knock the goth-girl off balance. She landed on her ass, which drove her dildo deep into that ass and knocked her out of the game. The crowd went wild!
It took the pissed off goth chick a good number of ass shocks to get her into Pen #2. When she finally squeezed in, that gate closed and locked its 49 girls inside as well. My brunette was waiting by the main gate to be released, but I kept her waiting for a moment and started with the losers: "Girls in Pen #1," I announced. "As punishment for your pathetic showing in the first round of Spank Tag, you must now remove all clothing above your waists and throw it into the chute that you can see above you. Until all clothing is in that chute, you will all receive thrusts and shocks once per second. Begin stripping now."
The girls in the pen let out a simultaneous yell as the first shock was delivered, then a number of the weaker or sluttier ones immediately started pulling off their shirts and bras. The crowd cheered as boobs of all shapes and sizes were uncovered. There were a number of prudes in the pen, but the collective punishment of the whole group meant that girls who were already topless started screaming at the hold-outs, and fairly quickly took matters into their own hands. It was a pretty awesome sight to behold—all of those topless girls pressed into a small pen, getting anally pounded, and ripping clothes off of each other.
With the last bra tossed into the chute, I stopped the shocks in Pen #1 and turned to Pen #2. "Congratulations on making the top half, you may stay clothed, for now. However, none of you succeeded in winning, so you will now receive 10 punishment shocks." I gave those 49 girls their first shock right away, then paused, gave them 2 right in a row, paused again, then delivered the last 7 in rapid succession. The crowd laughed along with me as the tightly packed girls in Pen #2 shouted out a series of yelps in unison to the shocks.
"And finally, congratulations to our winner, you have earned your freedom!" I opened the inner gate and let the brunette into the entrance chamber. "However, before you leave, you must bare your tits and shake them for the audience." The winner was clearly pissed at this and hesitated. I wanted to see if she'd do it without any shocks from her Pops, and sure enough a moment later she pulled up her shirt and gave a very satisfactory milkshake to her appreciative onlookers. I then hit a button that unlocked her Pops and instructed her to put them down a chute on the side of the entryway before opening the outer gate and finally letting her out.
Chapter 4
As my brunette was storming out and sending a look that clearly said "don't fuck with me" to everyone around her, a number of Poppers who had shown up late ran through the outer gate into the entryway. These poor girls had been watching the game of Spank Tag and the resulting punishments, dreading what was in store for them, but also in desperate need to stop the continual thrusts and shocks they had been receiving since the clock had struck 1AM.
There were now ten of them, locked between the outer and inner gates, still getting shocked, and screaming to be let inside. I savored the fact that there were ten cute girls begging to play my twisted game, then turned on my mic and addressed them: "Tardy contestants: you will now be permitted to enter the arena, but you will not be allowed to compete in the games. Instead, you must each remove your shirts and bras then go stand along the outer fence in one of the spots marked by blue tape. You will place your boobs through the holes in the fence that you will find there, then click the hanging seatbelts around your waists and upper bodies. None of your punishments will stop until you have all complied."
I opened the inner gate, turned up the intensity of the shocks in the tardy girls' asses, and watched them scamper to comply with my instructions. Soon enough, ten sets of bare breasts were poking through holes in the outer fence, and their owners' bodies were pressed tightly into that fence by straps that had retracted forcefully as soon as they were clicked shut. The girls had their arms and legs free, but with the fence in the way there was nothing they could do except shout at the horde of dudes who descended on them to grope and pinch.
Now, to be fair to the male gender, I should point out that some of the onlookers took pity and tried to block access to the helpless boobs hanging through the fence. However, I had anticipated this, and had set up small motion detectors to peer at each set of tits. If a set of tits weren't being touched, then a small speaker next to that girl's ear would quietly tell her that she'd get fucked and shocked whenever she wasn't getting fondled. Pretty soon, the chivalrous male defenders found themselves getting yelled at by the very girls they were defending, telling them to be men and grab on, or just get the fuck out of the way!
"Booty Pop contestants," I addressed the girls in the pens over the loudspeakers, "It is now time for the second round of Spank Tag. You will have 20 seconds after being released from your pens before a horn will blow to signify the beginning of the round. Go!"
This set off two stampedes of girls out of the pens, one topless, the other clothed (for now), and both desperate to get out of the tight confines of the pens and spread out from each other before the spanking started. They'd seen the consequences of getting knocked out early and the prize for winning, and they badly wanted to avoid the first and obtain the second. The horn blew while there were still a number of girls trying to get out of each pen.
You might think that they'd feel some compassion for each other, but apparently the combination of ass fucking, being locked in a cage, and being forced to perform for a crowd of strangers had seriously diminished any remaining compassion. Almost every girl still trying to get out just went ahead and spanked the girl right in front of her, knocking out a big chunk of the girls right away. The remaining girls played with spirit, and it was a blast to watch. Some of the topless babes had tried to keep themselves covered, but that made them easy targets and they were quickly knocked out. The ones who remained weren't using their hands to cover themselves at all—their boobs were on full and glorious display as they charged around the arena fighting for the spot to get set free.
This time the girls were divided into three pens. If a girl was knocked out early during both rounds, she was sent to pen #1. If she made the second half both times she went to pen #3. If she was one and one, she went to pen #2. At the end of the round, the numbers in the pens were roughly 40, 20, 40. The pen #3 girls, who had one twice, got to keep their clothes on. The clothed girls in pen #2, who had one the first round but lost the second, had to bare their chests. And the topless girls of pen #3, who had lost yet again, were forced to strip everything, shoes and socks included, except of course for their Pops. There were again a number of holdouts, but the collective punishment made quick work of them, and quite soon I had a pen full of girls that were naked save for their Pops.
The winning Popper, a fiery red head who was already topless from round 1, was told that she had won the right to compete for her freedom in the next game. The girl clearly didn't think this was fair, and started shouting at nobody in particular. I just announced that the alternative would be to join the girls being fondled along the perimeter of the fence, and she clammed up real quick.
I then announced that the next game for the lovely contestants was called Predator/Prey. The clothed girls in pen #3 would be hunting the naked girls in pen #1, and would get one point for each spank they landed. They would only be allowed to collect 5 points from a single girl in a row, so that they had to keep moving from girl to girl. At the end of the ten-minute round, I would release the 10 predators with the most points. Prey would also have points tallied up against them, and I would release the 10 prey with the least spanks. The predators were all given white gloves, which they activated by touching their Pops, and which would allow my computer to keep their score. At a touch of a button, a glowing number showed up on the front and back of all Poppers in pens #1 and #3, corresponding with number on a set of scoreboards along the top of the perimeter fence. The audience would be able to follow along as the game progressed.
The pen #2 girls would not be left out. They would be hunting the red head who had won the last game of spank tag. Of the 20 topless girls in the middle pen, 5 were given handcuffs, 5 were given ankle cuffs, 5 gags, and 5 harnesses attached to lengths of chain. The first girl with handcuffs to get those handcuffs onto the red-head would be released, as would the first girl to attach the other bondage implements. The handcuffs had to go on behind the red-head's back, and the chain was to be attached to both sets of cuffs and then to a long chain that hung down from a bar over the middle of the arena. I let the red-head know that if all 4 implements were not attached by the end of the round, then she would go free.
I opened the pens and started the game with a horn blast at the same time. The pen #3 girls charged across towards their naked prey, who trampled over each other to try to get out of the way of the onslaught. The first predators to get to pen #1 were rewarded with a series of easy spanks before the rest of the prey could run out into the open arena. There was no covering of boobs this time. The naked girls who had been relegated to the status of 'prey' had really taken on the characteristics of frightened animals. They scattered and ran screaming and flailing all over the arena, heedless of the naked breasts they were swinging in front of the cheering crowd or the long bare legs that were flashing in the glare of my powerful spotlights.
The girls who had been designators as predators also took on the superiority and insensitivity of their kind, heightened by the fact that they were clothed and the girls they hunted were not. When one of the predators caught up with her prey, she cared nothing about the anal thrusts and shocks she was delivering or the fact that she was denying a girl her freedom. No, she cared only about slapping her prey's ass 5 times as quickly as possible and getting that much closer to freedom herself. This often involved yanking on hair, slapping, and even full on tackles. I especially enjoyed watching one of the taller roller derby girls pick out two of the shorter prey, grab them both by the hair and drag them over to the closest fence. There, she held both girls' hair in an iron grip against the fence above their heads with one hand, while alternating spanks on their gyrating asses with the other, allowing her to get around the 5 spank rule and rack up a huge number of points.
All the while, my topless pen #2 girls were running through the mayhem trying to catch one specific prey. The fiery red head was doing a stellar job at avoiding them, flying around the court and hurtling or bowling over other girls in her way in her determination not to be caught. Finally, two-thirds of the way through the round, one of the pen #2 hunters hit on the idea of teaming up. She found three other hunters, one with each bondage implement, and explained that they could all go free if worked together to capture the red-head and get all of their implements on her first. They succeeded in trapping the redhead in a corner, then pounced on her simultaneously.
What followed was a mad pile on of all twenty topless hunters, and only my computer could say which ones actually attached her implement to the poor girl trapped at the bottom. But eventually they did, and one of the girls with the harness and chain was able to drag her over to the middle of the arena and hook her up to the long chain dangling there. As soon as this was done, the long chain began retracting. Soon the bound redhead was lifted via her harness up above the heads of the rest of the girls. Her arms and legs were pulled up behind her and her boobs were hanging down below her. She was clearly mad as hell at being denied the escape she thought she had earned, but the gag in her mouth kept her screams down to a minimum.
At the end of the round, I released the 10 victorious predators (though not without bearing their breasts and shaking them just like the first girl I had released), then released the 10 prey with the least spanks and the 4 successful hunters from pen #2 (also after having them shake their already naked breasts.) I was now down to 30, 16, and 30 girls in pens 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Because they hadn't won, I forced the pen #2 girls to get naked, and the pen #3 girls to get topless, then explained the next round. Ten collars were lowered on chains in a wide circle around the hanging redhead. The ten topless pen #3 girls had to drag the naked pen #1 girls over to these collars and hook them in. The ten hunters who succeeded would be set free, and the 20 runners who avoided being caught would be set free.
This resulted in more hair pulling, tacking, and a considerable amount of cat fighting as the naked prey tried desperately to avoid getting a collar closed around her neck. There were a lot of near misses and some nasty tumbles, all faithfully cheered on by the crowd. A pair of hunters formed an agreement early on, agreeing to capture first one then a second prey together so that they could both go free.
This worked well for the first girl they caught, carrying her kicking and screaming to the nearest collar and one holding her in place while the other closed the collar. But then the one who closed the collar was congratulated by her Pops and commanded to wait for her reward in Pen #1. The normal encouragement applied, and though she tried to resist and help her friend catch a second prey, she just couldn't do it and had to abandon her partner. A few of the taller hunters were slowly able capture some of the weaker prey on their own. A creative, and sadomasochistic, hunter captured one of the fleeing prey, held her down, and ruthlessly twisted her nipples until the prey promised to let herself be collared. This inspired a few repeats, and soon my collars were full.
The unsuccessful hunters were sent back to pen #3 and told to get naked, while the victorious hunters were released along with the prey who had avoided capture. The ten prey who had been caught screamed in unison as the chains holding their collars began to pull up, bringing them all up to their tip toes but stopping short of choking them. I realized that two of those hanging girls were the bartender that had put on such a good show for me earlier, and the self-bondage girl that had already received so much abuse tonight. Some girls just can't get a break!
The 20 remaining pen #3 girls were then given handcuffs and told that the first ten to cuff a collared girl behind her back would be set free. This was done fairly quickly, and left me with ten beautiful naked babes held up by their collars in the middle of the arena. I hit a button that caused the Pops on those ten to unlock and drop off the girls' bodies. This was, of course, what they had all been hoping for since their torment had begun all those hours ago. But, in their current positions it meant that they were now completely exposed, hanging by their necks in front of hundreds of spectators, and unable to cover themselves with the hands that were trapped behind their backs.
To make matters worse for them, they heard me order the 26 remaining pen #2 and #3 girls to strap on dildos, and announce that the 16 girls who were able to get in the most thrusts would be set free. But those poor hanging girls had nothing to do but dance around on their toes as they were assaulted by 26 strap-ons whose wearers were trying desperately to fuck them. This was really quite a scene to watch—the crowd of nearly naked girls with strap-ons going crazy on the completely naked and helpless girls dangling in their collars.
By the end of the round, I was down to the 10 hanging girls and the ten losing strap-on girls. I lowered 5 more collars from chains into the arena and announced that the first 5 girls to lock themselves in would be set free. Five girls actually hurried to close collars around their own necks, and were then laughed at by the crowd for their stupidity as they are left dangling while the other 5 are set free.
I now just had the 15 hanging girls, as well as the ten girls whose tits had been played with non-stop around the outside of the arena, and the one girl who hung in her hogtie, almost forgotten, above everything else. I released the Pops from all of the trapped girls who were still wearing them, and then, to the cheers from the crowd, announced that the gates would be opened to anyone who wanted to come in and play for the last 15 minutes until the girls were released at 3AM. Total chaos ensued, with abundant fondling, plenty of fights, and even some good hard fucking.
Two Months Later
My Booty Pop experiment had, of course, been the talk of the town for weeks to come. It left me nostalgic as I reviewed the recordings that my computer had made and relived the glory of that night. And that is why I found it so bizarre and so exciting when my computer beeped two months after the incident. Someone had just pulled on and off one of the pairs of modified Pops that had never been used that fateful Friday!
Surely this girl had heard the news about the Pops, and could have easily confirmed that her Pops had been modified? But sure enough, my computer indicated that the same pair of Pops was again pulled quickly on and off. I looked up the address and found that it was a college sorority, and turned on the mic to hear what sounded like an initiation. I could hear a whole bunch of girls' voices talking excited, then someone in charge say, "All right Pledge Frannie, you're next."
My computer flashed again to show that this Frannie did indeed briefly wear the Pops. Those crazy sorority bitches must have been using my modified Pops as some sort of crazy hazing game, like anal Russian Roulette or something. My mind spun through various possibilities – could I work this to get ongoing action from my Pops?
I was overjoyed to find that there was a second pair of my modified Pops sitting inactive in the same house. Having two pairs meant that I could keep one girl locked up while another girl was forced to pull on the panties to save the first girl. I let the whole group know that I had recorded them using the now-illegal Pops as a hazing tool, and that I could get their whole sorority shut down if they tried to cut the panties off or destroy them.
I sure had some fun with those girls over the next two hours. I made them set up a private webcam for me so I could watch as I forced them to show me their tits, pinch each other's nipples, play a dirty game of Simon Says, and, for one lucky girl, get finger fucked by the sorority president in front of all her friends.
At the end, I showed the girls some highlights of the video recording I had just made of them. My video could clearly get a number of them expelled, so it was easy enough from there to convince them to accept my demands: "Keep the Pops safe, and each Fall give them to your new pledge class for me to play with."
So, as the years passed, I got to have my fun with every new class of girls who signed up for the house that gradually became known for being the sluttiest of the sororities. It wasn't that the secret of the Pops was ever exposed, but the process became self selecting. Pledges who couldn't handle it left the house (after being sworn to secrecy), and the girls who stayed started looking for pledges who would be able to handle "Pops night."
For me, it was the perfect outcome. A fresh crop of hot bitches to torment each year with all the new games I had dreamed up over the previous year.