Author's Note:Hi Folks, Latest from me. This already posted on Gromet's site under a different author (still me) entitled Everything going Wright and Rosie in undiscovered Borneo. Regards, Shelley aka Wingco
Part One - Bind
Rosita Wright almost felt like Lara Croft when she finally found the jungle green starting to thin out and she could hear the waves nearby. After so many days it seemed of battling past hordes of creepy crawlies that tried to go where not required the young woman appeared to be close to the end of her goal. Examining this remote island off Borneo's northern coast that apparently nobody from the West had ever visited. Quite why this could be Rosie, as she'd always preferred during college didn't know. All the pilot who'd dropped her off a month ago said was he'd assumed it was because the place was much smaller than the islands in the main part of the chain, only about 40 square miles. Those teemed with the wildlife that kept all the naturalists agog with wonder, so this place, last in the line and much further out had been forgotten about until now.
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This one when looking from above was almost heart shaped though the crack at the top almost split the place in two, "Yeah an island of love" he'd chuckled as Rosie had pointed it out. She'd grinned at dear Walter, sitting there looking at her...smooth tanned legs probably, rather than where the plane should be going as it wobbled. A quick point forward and he'd chuckled, averting his eyes back to the instrument panel!
Dear oh dear even the pilots out here saw her as a challenge, Rosie thought as Mr Timms had begun his approach to the sheltered bay and landed on the glassy smooth surface. He was only about ten years older and quite athletic but she didn't want to think about that now. The unloading of her foodstuffs into a canoe had taken a few minutes then they'd arranged a weekly re-supply every Saturday, also this would take back any interesting things she'd found plus the reels of photographs taken.
So far there'd been a lot of weird looking plants and some strange paw prints on the beaches but not much of note as far as she was concerned. "Maybe next time eh Rosie?" Walter said before she'd paddled back to shore last week. He did say the university had been most pleased with her first lot of samples and that greatly cheered her up. "Yeah hope so. Tell you what, for a laugh bring me a bridal gown in a size 12, high heels in ladies six, and all that stuff, I really want to marry this place!" she'd joked and he roared with laughter, then wrote it down with all the other gear she'd requested! "OK, yeah right, see you next week love and stay out of the sun, you're talking all weird on me" and they'd had a chuckle and quick embrace before he flew off.
So far she'd done the outer coast where the beaches were, leaving the top, inner bit till last as this had to been done on foot. There was some unusual bird life here and she'd taken a lot more film. Maybe this island was coming good after all. Having examined the outer reaches of the crack last week Rosita decided the tides seemed to swirl in and out too fast. The girl didn't want to get stuck or swamped by the flow.
Walter was due back tomorrow afternoon so she would need to hurry up or spend another week here. Not that she minded, a chance for excellent sunbathing when it cooled every evening had led to her body becoming a glorious coppery brown colour, while her hair was now a rich golden blonde. Her mates in Oxford were gonna be seriously jealous when she made it home.
Entering the clearing Rosie stopped in astonishment. There in all its glory was a sailing ship! At least thirty feet above the shoreline and most definitely wrecked but still a heck of a sight and the last thing she'd expected to see here. It must have been tossed here in a storm or something, she thought trudging a bit closer. The ship was wedged between two huge rocks so was never going to get back into the water again. Ropes and stuff hung down from the sides and the girl wondered what to do. Should she explore it quickly now then tell Walter about it, or wait till he'd gone, say nothing and have a week to look around properly.
"No, go for another week," she chuckled walking round the base of the ship. Marine history was not her forte but the girl realised this probably was a man-of-war, seeing the cannon holes down each side of the...hull or whatever sailors called these things. She'd once dated a navy guy and they'd all had such funny words for the simplest of things. The front bit was all smashed in and the masts had fallen over but the back seemed to be in reasonable condition and she headed that way. Tugging a rope she tested herself by going up a few feet then jerking around. If it snapped then she'd only fall about her own length. But the rope seemed firm and she clambered up, using her feet once alongside and finally reaching a cannon hole to crawl in.
It really was spooky walking round on the rickety deck that nobody had paced in what 150 years or so, she thought heading for the less damaged part at the back. It was like the craft had been abandoned intact, even the racks of cannon balls were still quite neat. A few must have moved when the ship was thrown here. It must have been a hell of a storm Rosie guessed. Opening the door she went into what appeared to be a big cabin right at the rear. She could see out of the smashed windows so this was probably the captains' or something like that. In any old film he always had a nice view out the back.
Perhaps this was a pirate ship! She thought, wondering if there was treasure below. At least if there was it'd help the university with the cost of her trip. "Might even make a profit, that'd please them" she said quietly. However having rummaged round Rosie discovered this was a Royal Navy ship, the logbook marked HMS Intrepid. "Thought the Intrepid was in Star Trek," she chuckled, reading the old pages. June 18th 1862 was the last recorded date with the lat/long listed next door. Rosie checked her little GPS box to find how accurate they were back then. "Yeah, not that bad I suppose" she said turning it off to save the batteries.
Big storm brewing, barometer 934mb and falling. All crew evacuated to shore on an unknown island, reserve sea party only remaining aboard, moored in shallow bay.
Was the very last entry and the girl assumed whatever weather had struck the vessel had been too much to cope with. But it left an intriguing thought. If the ship had been here when the storm struck, where was the shore party now? Having thought about it Rosie assumed the crew had either perished from lack of food or maybe they'd escaped, after the storm had passed. Going up onto the top deck there appeared to be no sign of boats aboard so that must be the answer. "Unlikely to be any survivors now, they'd be nearly two hundred years old. With no women aboard nobody was going to breed the next generation, so I'm definitely alone"
Her exploration took the rest of the afternoon and apart from the stuff she'd expected to find there was nothing out of the ordinary and certainly no treasure, most disappointing. Weapons were plentiful, short muskets, long rifles and stuff like that. Brandishing a pistol, "Ha ha Jim lad" she shouted waving one in any direction and trying to pull the trigger. Nothing happened, it was that old and seized it was never going to fire. Walter had offered her a gun when they'd first arrived, just in case the island had 'natives' after all but she'd declined as she said there'd been no reports of habitation. This place was at least a hundred and fifty miles or so from the nearest occupied territory. It was still a happy Rosita who shinned down the rope on realising it was getting dark in three hours time and she had to get back to camp or waste her torch batteries.
That night she decided to move closer to the old ship and continue her exploration of 'the crack' as she called the area. The tidal flow didn't seem to be that bad after all so she'd go in by sea. Rosie packed all the latest bits of shrubbery into the crates Walter had brought last time, hoping he'd bring a few more. There'd been more stuff to collect than she'd thought so perhaps the trip had been worthwhile.
Next day her heart had leapt seeing the old Albatross arriving bang on time, Walter's arm waving her closer once he'd stopped the engines. Going aboard they had their usual hug before she looked a bit curious at the amount of stuff he'd brought. "Two trips to do this time if you're staying Rosie, plane needs a service so it's either leave today or wait a fortnight. Up to you love but I've brought enough for three weeks in case you wanted to stay on and the repairs take longer. Weather's set fair according to the met guys" she sat in the cockpit for a moment drinking his rather foul coffee. One day she'd teach him how to make it properly. Walter also handed her a letter, sent by her boss, it was really praising her endeavours, the faculty was excited by some of the samples and it brought a glow to Rosie's heart.
"No, I'm going to get this finished Walt, Uni will give me hell if I'd spent all their money and not got the job completed. Just doing the last bit, the crack now, got some great photos of strange wildlife in there so they should be happy" she said, passing over the film canisters. Walter carefully taking them and putting each into a box supplied by her benefactors. "If I'm here for the three weeks I'll go back over some of the earlier bits. I'm moving camp tomorrow, going further into the crack, I'll leave you a sign for reaching me. How's that sound?" and the pilot agreed. "OK, fine to me, so lets finish this then we'll start unloading"
It actually took three trips to get all her stuff to shore. Water, food, new gas canisters and even fresh clothing and towels. "Great stuff, getting tired of washing all the dirties' under the waterfall" she said with a grin as another large crate was handed over. It seemed quite light for its size and there was no label on the side like the others. She'd check it later, probably full of packing material for the samples being sent back to base. Because of the new clothes she asked Walt to take back her old stuff and he agreed, "As long as I don't have to wash it all, I'll leave it in Barry's office at the airfield"
An hour later she watched, as usual getting slightly tearful as Walter took off to the West leaving her alone with the birds and beasts of this island. Once the roar of the radials faded she gathered her thoughts, checking through the stuff to make sure nothing had been left off the list. Should have done it while he was here but too late now, she thought prising the lid off another crate. Good, foodstuffs just as I'd ordered, so it was a little feast planned tonight. That big one was the last to be checked, Walt had joked he'd 'hoped it was what she'd wanted' or something like that on handing the thing across. Levering the lid off Rosie looked inside, then a loud chuckle broke forth.
"Walter Timms, you stupid twit. I was ONLY JOKING," she said on realising that indeed he'd brought a wedding dress. A look down and she saw shoes, underwear, the whole lot and even a headdress. The girl rolled back onto the sand, crying with mirth. Imagining the looks he must have got when buying this stuff. Quite from where she didn't know, nor what the university would say if it appeared on her expenses but really it was of no consequence now. Once recovering her composure she lifted the dress and examined it. It was lovely...long and heavy... creamy white silk with full-length sleeves, totally impractical for wearing in a place like this!
Rosita took the dress and held it against her torso, checking the label, finding out Timms had indeed brought a size 12. Next were the heels and she slipped one on and buckled it up, no surprise, a perfect fit. What a shame she'd never wear this ensemble on a warm beach when marrying her dream man. Back into the box it all went, no doubt to stay there until her return. She'd have to bite her tongue when Walter returned but apart from that she had work to do.
A day later after some serious paddling Rosita Wright had pitched her new camp on the small beach near the Intrepid with all the supplies moved too. Her explorations in the ship soon turned out a pair of ladders and they were sturdy enough to use. With these lashed together, end on end it enabled her to no longer have to shin up by rope.
Deep into the bowls of the ship Rosita continued her explorations, finding nothing that resembled treasure, in fact there was a lot less stuff than she'd expected. One of two brig spaces was examined, thankfully no bodies or anything like that. There was a space where another cage seemed to have been, about twelve feet square, but was now missing. Maybe removed to make space for cargo, she thought. Some crates of booze, probably undrinkable by now were scattered around the deck. "150 year old Scotch, most tasty for the connoisseurs but I don't think its for me," she said, not being a drinker anyway. Down here she found all sorts of manacles and chains for holding prisoners and stuff like that.
Rosie had always enjoyed dreaming about being held captive by hoodlums. Normally accompanied by flying fingers then a crashing orgasm to finish her off. But nothing more than that which was a shame. Down here she picked through various ends, collars and leg irons with bloody great balls of iron on them. Daringly she even held one over her leg thought she couldn't summon the courage to close it up. If only there were keys lying around this old tub she could have a real play.
In the brig cage there was a collar on a chain attached to a pole, this mounted just off to one side. For some reason the whole floor was metal too. Assuming this would stop any escapes by not being able to rip up the wooden deck and go that way. She stepped in and closed the door against the framework, having earlier checked of course that it could not lock, slamming it a few times. Then heading back Rosie took hold of the collar and examined it. Again no keys as she worked it open then closed without a problem though it was very stiff and needed both hands, the last bit shutting with a jerk. Taking a deep breath Rosie slipped it round her neck then pushed the two halves closer together. "Click clunk, stuck" she said with a grin, about to let go when it suddenly snapped shut, very tight on her throat and the girl's heart hammered for a moment till she realised it was OK for her to breathe.
"Oh help me...help me I'm trapped" she pretended to wail, walking forward till the chain pulled her back with a jerk. Even stretching she couldn't reach the edge on any side, at least a foot short. Rosie smiled then tried to open the collar. She had to push her fingers into the skin and down the side. With some difficulty she opened the collar again and laid it on the deck then walked out, closing the door with a bang. She jumped when the lock clicked and her heart leapt. Pulling the door again and finding it jammed the girl shuddered. Realising that somehow, despite repeated checks, had she closed it that hard earlier it would have trapped her!
No joy anywhere on the key front and a reluctant explorer left the lower deck and headed back upstairs. Emerging onto the upper deck Rosie looked over the view, sighing in satisfaction and maybe a bit of relief, thinking about that door, and how stupid she'd been just now. She'd taken a few photos that the Navy guys might want to see. They might come and salvage the wreck, see how things survived in this climate.
Looking over to the other side she peered down at her camp, seeing all those boxes and stuff brought along, even that bloody dress was here! She'd not wanted to leave that at the old place in case there was no reason to go back to that part of the island. But it did give her an idea as she walked up and down the deck, her imagination going nuts. An hour later she was back aboard after a long shower under the waterfall, with the big crate hauled up by rope and the girl changing into the undergarments. The dress hanging off the steering wheel, wafting slightly in the breeze and Rosie was starting to shake. She'd never worn anything like this, normally she'd been a right old tomboy but today, with nobody within three hundred miles the lass was going to strut her stuff. Though it was hot she still donned the stockings, bustier and two petticoats.
Rosie was giggling as she thought more about Timms buying all this stuff. But now it was the magic moment as she drew the dress over her head, burrowing up inside and letting the material flow down over her body, to just above her ankles then reaching round with some difficulty to do up the zip. She stepped into the shoes and did up the straps before applying the faux tiara and head-dress, leaving the veils over the back.
By heck it felt good, the material swaying with her as the lassie paced up and down, the heels clicking loudly on the wooden deck, the fabric rubbing her legs. Walter had done her proud and she laughed for a while, setting the camera and taking a few photos of herself. Then she lowered the three veils, the straight lines of the deck disappearing into an opaque cloud, the girl trying not to cry with emotion at the feelings rioting through her as the camera took a few more shots. Lost in thought Rosie probably stood there for ten minutes before flipping the veils back so she could see properly again, then took them off and put the tiara back in the box. Next she grabbed the hairbrush and performed a great rock star routine for the camera, really singing her heart out, dancing round the deck, feeling the layers of petticoats and gown swishing round her legs...wonderful. The machine clicked a couple more times then began to whirr, she'd used up the film and as it wound back Rosie grinned. No bloody way was she sending THAT one back for processing.
Rosita realised her feet were starting to ache in the heels as they normally did when worn too long, also about undressing and returning to base level when a sound reached her. It was almost a scrabbling, as if there was something coming up the ladder behind. Her heart froze for a moment as she turned...to see a small man, possibly only about four feet tall now coming over the side of the ship! He was naked, holding a spear but worst of all there were two more close behind him!
Time stopped for everyone, she guessed by their startled expressions that they were as shocked as she was. Seeing a white clad giant, way taller than them in a place they'd assumed was as deserted as it had been since they'd known it was here. There'd been no sign of human life on this place, yet here they were. Certainly she'd not seen people of this size before, though there'd always been stories of remote islands in this part of the world that might have contained communities with no contact with the outside world. Developing in their own time, no doubt their own way of talking. All the old films showed 'natives' using clicks and stuff, now she was about to find that out for herself. She stood rooted to the spot in terror, trying not to wet herself as they came closer.
Her ideas about language seemed to be partly right. Certainly it was like no tongue she'd ever heard before as they jabbered to each other. Possibly one of the dialects in nearby Borneo but she'd not been there long enough to find out. One of the men nervously reached out and touched her on the arm. Rosie seeing fear in his eyes too. If she did the wrong thing they might stab with those viscous looking points that were directed at her midriff by the other two. He began sliding his little hand all over the material, reaching right up and she tried not to flinch as he pushed the bits that stuck out, these obviously being her rather sensitive breasts. Thankfully after a few pokes he went down again, going round the back and rubbing her shapely ass.
Rosie was trembling quietly, realising that despite her precarious position this little guy running, now both hands over her curves was turning her on! The second man now lowered his spear, then handed it to the third before he too came up and stood there. He then crouched right down and put a hand on her left shoe, running a finger up, touching the ankle strap then kept on going! Obviously he'd not known that this giant had coverings on its legs and by now he was almost up to her knee. The first man joined him, lifting the hem of her gown then gathering the layers beneath to let the second see what he was doing. By know she was really trembling, the bugger was nearly...up there... as he put one hand right where no man had gone for at least a year. Thankfully she'd put the knickers on but there was most definitely wetness there now as he pushed in at the wrong spot and she involuntary groaned.
That startled him and he came out, the first dropping all the layers and the pair went back, one grabbing his spear and pointing it at her face. Meanwhile one of the others went back over to the side and started hollering down to what Rosie now assumed was the rest of whoever was here. This seemed to be confirmed as minutes later there was a lot more noise, vibration then at least six or seven more bodies came tumbling over the edge. They all stood there staring at the giant before another one came last. This one was taller, still naked like the rest and the group began bowing and prostrating themselves to him as he came up close.
Rosita assumed this was the boss man as the others told him, pointing and jabbing towards her about what they'd found. He stood in thought once they'd finished then walked closer and stared up at her. He began speaking to the lass, naturally she didn't have a clue what he was saying so did nothing. It seemed to get him annoyed and the volume of speech got louder and he began jabbing and pointing. Rosie knew she had to do something so she loudly said her name. That really made him jump, leaping backwards a full six feet or so and the spears came right up, now a full array waving right under her nose and it took a concerted effort for the petrified lassie not to scream.
Gradually the waving stopped so she said her name again quietly, this time only a couple of spears wobbled. The boss man came up and put his hand on her dress, rubbing and rolling the fabric in his fingers while he spoke to the others who all seemed to calm down. His examination continued and the first two lifted the hem of the dress allowing him to go...there. She was shaking now trying not to moan as those little fingers began pushing...pushing and pushing again. If he carried on she could orgasm...what a way to go, she thought. Any shrieking of ecstasy would be the last thing she'd do before being stabbed. Thankfully he stopped and withdrew for a chat just shy of this and over the next few minutes she simmered down again.
A decision appeared to be made as he pointed to the side of the ship, Rosie assuming they were going to leave this 'thing' here as half the party went to the ladder and over the edge. A spear waved under her nose when she didn't move seemed to prove her wrong. It was obvious she was to go with them!
Great, captured by natives, climbing down a fifty foot ladder in a bridal gown and high heels, Walter Timms, I'm gonna kill you if I get out of this, she thought, seeing the rest of the men picking up her bags and more jabbering amongst them. The camera tripod was knocked over and she shuddered as the whole lot crashed to the deck. The boss shouted at someone, who jumped back before picking it up and after a moments thought shoved it into the big box the dress had come in. All her other clothing was collected, ending up being put into the same receptacle. How they'd get this down she didn't know, nor care as she was pushed closer to the edge.
It was the most difficult climb down of her life as Rosita Wright descended the rickety ladder. Several times she had to let go, hanging by one hand to push the dress aside to see where her feet were going. A huge sigh of relief on reaching the ground was cut short as the spears came close again. No doubt to stop her running away from here. Even bending to try unbuckling the heels led to shouting so she stood up again. This was horrible now and Miss Wright was getting to the crying stage. She'd better not yet though, any strange move, noise or whatever seemed to spook these pygmies.
More men arrived from the beach, four of them carrying a long pole, about twelve feet by the look of it with another two carrying ropes of various thickness. The narrow wooden thing was laid down next to the shaking woman, her imagining being tied to this and sacrificed or some such rubbish. The boss man addressed the gathering while she stood helplessly, four spears never far from her midriff.
Once he'd finished it appeared her worst fears were confirmed, as the rope carriers closed in. One man reaching down and before Rosie could react he'd bound her ankles together as another did above and below her knees. Then she was forced at spear-point to lie on the ground, two men helping to straighten her on her back then they grabbed both wrists, pulling them above her head and they were cross-bound by cord. Then she was flipped onto one side lying along the pole, facing it with the same amount free at both ends. Hands rolled Rosita on top and the whole thing lifted up, hands stopping her from falling off either side. It was most uncomfortable with her breasts pushing into the wood. Now the thicker rope was wound around, up and down till she couldn't move and that made it worse. Her wrists had been held firm then they began winding the thinner cord there too.
Rosie began sobbing as the true enormity struck home. This was no wet dream now, it was utterly terrifying for the girl as the pole and captive were lifted onto several broad shoulders and carted off towards the beach. Gravity took effect and the thing rolled round until she was hanging underneath. The amount of bindings though prevented any movement but at least the pressure on her chest was released. To Rosie's dismay, by twisting her head she saw the men had gathered all her possessions, these were carried behind her in convoy. At least the sun was going down but Rosie soon closed her eyes, worried about what was to come as the pole bounced around.
Moments later after some shouting she opened both eyes to see that she was being loaded onto what appeared to be a very big canoe, at least sixty feet long. Several more naked pygmy oarsmen staring somewhat fearfully as she was passed over their heads and mounted amidships on two small vertically raised poles, each with a shallow grove in the top. Hers was lashed to these then more men arrived and the boat was pushed into deeper water. To her surprise rather than heading down to the sea the canoe, plus two smaller ones carrying the rest of the party, along with her baggage were going the other way 'up the crack' Ironically the same direction she'd intended to go before finding the Intrepid.
"Up a creek, with many paddles" she murmured quietly to herself.
The oarsman below her must have heard this as he jumped badly and missed his stroke, almost falling overboard and it was hard for Rosie not to smile at his loss of control. There was a lot of shouting from somewhere ahead and he yelled back, jabbing a finger up at the captive. Moments later from nowhere Rosie felt a heavy blow to the head and everything went black.
Coming to it was dark and Rosie realised she was no longer tied to the pole but just lying on what felt like a mat made from palm fronds as one rubbed her cheekbone. Instead of sunshine there was bright moonlight from quite low in the sky and having regained her faculties she tried to think what to do next. All her limbs were free as she moved them slowly. She was still wearing the dress and even her shoes so nothing strange had happened...yet. Looking around Rosie realised she was inside a cave or something. The moon was shining on the floor and walls so it must be long after midnight by her recollection. There were other bodies here and she could hear breathing and occasional coughing.
Miss Wright cursed herself for being so bloody stupid back on the Intrepid. Dancing around in a frock and heels while supposed to be working, ridiculous and when the university found out they'd fire her. Assuming of course they knew. Their star biologist captured by a load of pygmies, tied to a pole then taken off to heaven knows where.
She had to find out where exactly 'where' was so the lassie sat slowly up then wished she hadn't. A moment later the headache surging into her consciousness and it made her groan in pain. By the time she realised what was happening, after some rustling nearby a couple of arms grabbed her and forced the lassie to lie flat again. One hand clamped firmly over her mouth then a quiet shhh... sound like any normal mother might make to a child in distress. Unfortunately this was exactly what Rosita was in right now and she tried to pull away and get to her feet. More voices came next, shocking her as they both sounded female, whispering loudly to someone else.
More rustling then many hands grabbed hold, forcing her face down onto her chest, someone getting on top. Rosita panicked as she felt her legs being held, cord wrapped tightly round her ankles, then her wrists yanked back and lashed behind. A moment later she was helpless and crying as the rustling died away. This time when the shhh... came more harshly minutes later Rosita surrendered and faded back into oblivion.
The sunlight pouring in woke her up and this time Rosie waited a moment to clear her head, wincing in the bright light, coming from the cave entrance. There was nobody about it seemed and she tried to get up, noticing that her wrist bindings were now round the front, her legs free. A look around and the girl saw that yes, all her stuff was piled in a heap near the back of this enormous cavern, even the canoe had been dragged in and dumped with the rest. There was also a lot of crates and stuff like that stacked well beyond her possessions going round the corner into the darkness, so maybe it was the pygmies who'd been on board the ship, taking stuff off, only to this time find an intruder in their midst.
Once on her feet she stumbled to the entrance in these daft shoes over the rutted surface, wondering what the time was. A naked woman was outside and when she saw the girl came running over. Quickly she stopped Rosie in her tracks with a "shhh," and raised finger over lips. Miss Wright realising that this probably was the one who'd been with her during the night. Guiding Rosie back a few feet she made the girl sit down then undid the bindings. Wright sighed as the cord came free and she was able to rub the ache away. Next 'Mrs Shhh' as Rosie christened her, came with a big bowl of something that looked like mashed fruit. It seemed this was breakfast and the girl, fearsomely hungry by now used her fingers and a few delicious minutes later the bowl was empty. She nodded in thanks, getting a big smile and bow from her benefactor. Even though they spoke no similar language between them, it showed how easy communication could be if you tried hard enough.
While eating she'd examined Mrs Shhh's body and despite the obvious size difference, Rosie was five feet seven barefoot while the pygmy was barely four; everything else was normal. Age was hard to guess but the Westerner assumed that she could be early forties, she had that slightly weather beaten face, too long in the sun, but physically in good nick. Two firm breasts with normal sized nipples. Underneath looked like her own, though Rosie kept hers trimmed. On her head she had short jet-black hair like a lot of people in the Orient. Miss Wright had seen Mrs Shhh looking at the flowing, and now rather straggly mess of blonde hair round Rosie's shoulders. Perhaps the lass had never seen different colours. Gathering the ends Rosie offered it to her, the lassie reaching over and nervously touched it. Having got that out of the way Mrs Shhh then began to feel the dress, wondering why this giant had something covering her body.
A covering that Rosie wanted shot of, it was getting far too hot, plus she needed the loo, or a 'bob in the bush' as Dad had once said. The girl smiling at the memory of her late father. What the guy would have said seeing his only child wearing a wedding dress and heels, eating fruit with a pygmy in a cave 300 miles off the Borneo coast she didn't know but no doubt the old lad would have chuckled.
Mrs Shhh watched as Rosie rolled her sleeves up; realising this giant had fairer skin than thought. Pointing to Rosie's midriff then her arms, looking questioning. Miss Wright nodded, assuming she was asking if the rest of the body was the same colour. She got up then tottered back to her stuff, having got there took the heels off and sighed, at least this part of the cave floor was smoother. Then the dress was removed and folded up, put back into the box, taking the time to examine her camera. It looked OK and this was put into the holder as Mrs Shhh watched silently. It felt great wearing nothing, a faint breeze on her privates and the girl smiled.
However when she got a T-shirt and shorts out and began dressing this seemed to agitate Mrs Shhh, coming over, placing a hand to stop her. Rosie was surprised, then the woman pointed to her own skin. The girl now thinking that she was to remain naked. So the clothes got put back and the pygmy smiled. Shoes were different thank goodness as Mrs Shhh looked at Rosie's feet. A hand examined the sole of the footwear, then tapped Rosie's own. She seemed to think the giant had soft feet so it would be fine if she put those green things on. The Westerner was grateful for this and wondered if this woman had seen her type of person before.
Having completed that it was Mrs Shhh who led a very nervous Rosie outside. The girl thankful her eyes had adjusted to the light. She guessed it was about eleven, the sun well up and insects swirling around them. They headed for the river nearby, a canoe drawn up on the beach. Looking upstream Rosie saw a small waterfall a few metres away. Mrs Shhh stepped into the water, wading in waist deep, which to Miss Wright was barely above the knees, beckoning the giant to follow. Rosie did so then the pygmy pointed to her backside then squatted down. The Westerner assumed the islanders used the river as their toilet, a bit hard on the wildlife and as for fishing! Hmmm, but actually the girl was grateful and waded a bit further then did the same.
Oh that was a relief, emptying her bowels with a big sigh, Mrs Shhh giggling at the expression. It seemed to relax Rosie and she cleaned up as best she could. Then taking a chance she headed for the waterfall and rinsed her hair before coming back to the beach where the pygmy was brushing off the water. Again Rosie did the same then waited, wondering what was next. Soon finding out as a man arrived, wading in, doing his business then once out and drying, speaking with his fellow native and ignoring the giant. They conversed in that curious tongue, Mrs Shhh nodding as it appeared she was getting some instructions before he left them alone. Rosie took the time to try straightening the strands of her hair. There was a comb and hairbrush fifty odd feet away but at the moment they might as well have been on Mars.
Two more men arrived, did the obvious then they joined the group. One giving Mrs Shhh a long rub on her shoulder. She'd smiled at him and Rosie guessed these two were a couple. It was a novelty as the biologist watched what she assumed was a completely new tribe showing much the same mannerisms that she and her fellow Westerners did. 'Better not kiss one, he might stab me' she thought, wishing this could all be written down. Mrs Shhh and her man came over, beckoning Rosie to follow them back to the cave.
Once there the girl was a bit surprised, dismayed even when the man picked up the cords that had bound her earlier and pointed to her wrists, raising an eyebrow. Waiting a moment Rosie hoped he wasn't going to tie her up again. Yes, it appeared so as he gestured and scowled this time. She sighed then held them out, trying not to wince he placed one arm across the other in an x-shape then wrapped the cord around. At last they were in front as he finished off. Then to her consternation he bent down, applying one to her left ankle, then leaving a foot of space then another loop went round her right and was tied off, effectively hobbling her. She'd still be able to walk but not run. No escaping for me then, as if I would with my stuff in the cave. With that the men nodded to the ladies and walked off outside.
Rosie barely managed not to cry as she sat down. The lady doing likewise, staring at the giant who seemed worried and Mrs Shhh came over and rubbed her shoulders, massaging both and after a while the girl smiled, feeling a lot better. She fluttered her fingers, trying to keep the circulation going. The knots at least six inches away from a chance of being picked undone. He'd even made sure they were underneath so Rosie couldn't use her teeth. However had taught this guy must have been a sailor. She sighed, wondering what Walter Timms was going to do or say when he returned, whenever that was. How he was going to find her Miss Wright didn't know. She'd left a sign mark in the sand, direction of her new camp, but as to where they were now she hadn't a clue. It gave the girl something to mull over as the day went on.
Sometime later, with the woman still here Rosie was worried when the man returned. He came in, gave Mrs Shhh her usual pat, then thankfully freed the girl from her bonds. The lady directed her to the river and Rosie complied, pleased to have something to do as both waded in and did their stuff. As they dried off a few minutes later the girl was startled to hear more female voices and another party, this time seven ladies of various ages, again all naked emerged from a track opposite the cavern. All were holding fruit and coconuts, chattering in their language as they came closer. Mrs Shhh got up and went to speak to them, much laughing and giggling as the women put down their heavy cargo, some looking nervously at the bronzed giant sitting nearby.
One by one they approached. Mrs Shhh first and she came up close, offering the left side of her face to Rosie's. The girl assuming it was some form of greeting and she was being shown what to do for the others benefit. They rubbed together, swapped sides then noses were last. This was what the Kiwi's did in New Zealand, Rosie thought having visited the country during her gap year. So when the next lady stepped up she was ready. Minutes later all had been greeted, smiles all round and the girl was well chuffed as the women collected the fruit, carrying it into the cave, the girl being waved to follow them.
Near the back, not far from her overnight resting place she saw a big box made of wood, at least seven feet long and three wide. All the fruit was peeled then placed inside. Three ladies, having checked their feet by brushing them with hands, promptly stepped in and began mashing it all up. She watched for a while then realised the tub was a coffin! A couple of sticks appeared and helped to stir the mixture up until it appeared Mrs Shhh was satisfied, head nodding.
It must have come from the ship and these guys, not knowing it's original purpose were putting it to good use. Once all the supplies had gone in, bowls appeared from nowhere and were filled. Everyone seemingly got the same amount, though there was plenty left for later. One was handed to the girl and she nodded, bowing her head in thanks, lots of excited chattering for that as the group came back down to the entrance. Sitting in a circle then eating together until it was all gone.
More voices' this time all male came from outside and the ladies paused, watching Rosie to see what she'd do having joined the others in standing up. The first man came close, the girl about to bend down to do the face rub when he stopped, frowned then raised his hand to prevent this. Rosie looked puzzled then turned to see the women smiling, then every one of them burst into laughter! Caught out big style and she smiled wanly, the man nodding then walking past to go to the coffin and get his tea.
The others followed suit and the girl realised, face rubbing seemed a ladies only greeting. Just as well she hadn't done it for the Chief who was now arriving. Rather than going to the back he looked outside briefly then sat down, almost expectantly. There was a moments pause then Mrs Shhh looked at Rosie. Her eyes flicked to the back and the girl guessed that someone brought the Chief his meal. So as the 'junior' here, everyone seemed older, and no children at all, she'd better do it. Getting to her feet Rosie padded to the back and found nearby a whole stack of wooden bowls that must have come from the ship. There was also one plate, surely Chiefie used that and she picked it up then filled the thing with a selection of mash, choosing different colours so he got the best of it all.
Coming back she realised that the whole group were watching. Slightly scary but the lass persevered. Approaching the Chief she bowed deeply, handing the plate over then retreated as he looked at what she'd served up. A small but definite smile emerging and he finally nodded. A sigh ran through the ladies and as Rosie sat down more than one hand gently patted her on the shoulders as the man ate his fill. The other men looking almost approvingly at the giant.
It seemed to break the ice and having eaten most of the men left, a few latecomers taking their places but fetching their own. Once everyone had finished Mrs Shhh, plus two others gestured Rosie to come back to the coffin and they began collecting the used bowls. Great, now I'm gonna wash up for a load of pygmies! Rosita grumbled, quietly of course as two help her carry them to the waterfall. It seemed so normal, what they were doing and the girl was convinced these guys must have been in contact with Westerners before. Having completed the bowls the heavy coffin was dragged out, then done the same way before being returned to its place. More fruit was piled up so breakfast would be ready on time she guessed.
Darkness was quickly falling as they'd finished and most of the tribe took the opportunity for one last 'dip and dump' Rosie thought, herself included before she heeded Mrs Shhh's gestures that they return to the cavern. Once there she was taken to where the matting was laid and indicated to lie down. Other women doing the same near the back, leaving a space next to the girl. The men staying near the front. Mrs Shhh soon occupied the spare space, though Rosie did look rather startled on seeing the lady was carrying cords. Miss Wright suppressed a sigh as her ankles were bound, then her wrists followed, again thankfully in front. By now it was dark, the moon yet to rise and after a few minutes of rustling from nearby, some curious girlish giggling, a loud SHHH from someone else the place fell silent.
Waking up next morning Rosie waited till Mrs Shhh began stirring. Hands undoing the cords allowing the girl to rub herself better. The rest of the morning went the same way as yesterday and that was a relief. They only seemed to eat twice a day and of course not as much. Thankfully in the afternoon, once she'd had her wrists and ankles bound the girl was amazed when she was left alone, Mrs Shhh indicating that she was not to leave the cavern.
This meant Rosie, with some difficulty was able to grab a couple of energy bars and vitamin pills from her supplies, feeling great once they'd been consumed. Plus some perfume-free sunscreen was applied. She was back and sat by the entrance when the others returned, getting a broad smile from Mrs Shhh before being freed, the preparation and serving of dinner, boss man again happy with her before it was time for sleeping again. This time however Rosie was dismayed when her wrists were bound behind her back rather than the front. She looked pained at Mrs Shhh who just nodded, then smiled knowingly it seemed as she lay down.
Nearly asleep later on Miss Wright froze when hands began feeling her body, she was about to squeal then heard whispered shhh's from her neighbours. The fingers went everywhere, at least three pairs it seemed, including...there. The girl managing not to groan as one began doing what she loved and she began trembling. Just before it happened the hands withdrew and the lass couldn't help sighing. The giggling came next and despite the frustration Rosie was smiling as she fell asleep.
The rest of the week passed quite quickly for Rosie Wright. By day four she was being left alone quite a lot, the girl being able, despite being tied, to start writing her thoughts on what had happened. It was awkward trying to use a pen but she persevered and pleased to get it down on paper. Daringly she got some photographs of the cavern and the locality, even able to change the films one-handed and store them in the canisters. This was great stuff and Rosie was simply thrilled at her endeavours.
One thing she certainly wanted to write down was the first time she saw the pygmies copulating. She'd been sitting by the entrance in her normal place when Mrs Shhh and her partner had gone past into the cavern. They'd done the normal female greeting then a nod to...well Mr Shhh, the guy recognisable by a scar on his left arm. But what were they doing at this time of day? Tea wasn't due for preparation till the sun was past the tree line, at least two hours away. Rosie waited a few minutes then crept inside like a spy. She stared in utter shock at the scene.
Mrs Shhh was lying on the extra thick matted area that nobody normally slept on. But it was the way she was positioned that amazed the Westerner. Flat on her back, tied by all four limbs, spread-eagled with Mr Shhh on top and pounding hard and rhythmically into her! Miss Wright stared as he continued then obviously climaxed with a grunt. His partners' eyes were shut tight so this allowed Rosie to creep back to the entrance where she was sitting when the couple emerged a few minutes later. Mrs Shhh didn't exactly look happy as her man wandered off to the river. So that was another interesting chapter to get scribbled down.
The women smiled at each other and soon it was Rosie's turn to begin massaging a shoulder, making the lady happier once she'd finished. A couple more went the same way later on, again the women not looking pleased at the end. Guess there's something that 'I've got a headache' doesn't apply with these guys, she thought.
Over the next couple of days life continued at the same pace, tied up, not tied up, at night sometimes in front, others behind and she didn't mind now. It seemed the pygmies way of controlling her, so as long as she behaved then nothing would go wrong.
Unfortunately a day later it did. After breakfast instead of being tied Rosie was pointed to go with the other ladies instead of just sitting there. Off up a track they went and soon the girl met the men near a grove of coconut trees. Some clambered up leaving the women below. Quite what was to happen Rosie didn't know until a nut dropped from nowhere just missing her head. A few men laughed and another came the same way. She shouted up at the guy, the first time she'd used her voice since being captured. It startled the spear-carriers who were on guard and one rushed over, pointing his weapon straight at her throat. Rosie froze as two others came, grabbing her arms, pushing her to the floor. Quickly wrists were pulled back and secured, then ankles were tied before one man began shouting at her.
Rosie didn't know what to do, say something back or just lie there and eventually emotion overcame her and the girl began sobbing. That seemed to upset Mrs Shhh, who coming across the scene from her own fruit gathering endeavours found her 'friend' face down at spear-point. More voices came and she looked worried when the chief arrived. The gabbling grew louder as the two sides argued, Rosie getting cross-eyed watching that point barely an inch from her neck. Gradually the kerfuffle was settled, the girl freed and Mr Spear got banished from the field.
The chief patted her on the shoulder then pointed to the nuts lying on the floor. Rosie began to pick them up along with two others, cursing an hour later when another missed her by inches with hoots of laughter following. This time she bit her tongue. She was convinced they were targeting her so waited till one dropped, the girl catching it in mid air. The other ladies staring at this. Another nut came, Rosie leaping over and catching that too and the women all clapped. More catcalling from the trees and she grinned wanly as nuts began to rain down. Nearly an hour later the exhausted and bruised lassie was sitting on the floor, having caught about a hundred, the other ladies happy to watch this giant doing all their work while they sat in the shade. Mrs Shhh, along with her mates rubbed the girl and grinning at her. That night, for the first time since capture it was an untied Miss Wright who lay on her mat, hoping tomorrow was going to be less tiring.
Less tiring but eventful as Rosie, alone and checking her log realised this was the day Walter Timms might be returning if the Albatross had been fixed on time. It was while she was in the coconut grove that she heard him circling the island. To her surprise the pygmies seemed to ignore it, even when the machine did a low pass close enough that Rosie actually saw him! The engine notes faded away and the girl's eyes blurred with tears, realising that he'd left, having not found a sign of his companion. Hopefully he'd alert the faculty on his return to the mainland, a rescue party would be deployed and within a few days she'd be rescued.
However this was not the case as the fruit party returned with their cargo. Rosie was astonished to see Timms standing with the chief. More to the point they were TALKING! She knew the pilot was able to speak a couple of the local dialects, despite his Western name he'd lived in Borneo all his life and with the job he'd learned lots of stuff. "Never been west of India," he'd said on being introduced last month. She broke into a smile, the others seeing this and much chatter amongst them kept the party going as they walked up. Timms had looked as they arrived then his eyes bugged out on seeing his blonde, now deeply bronzed companion, with them. He didn't know where to look as the naked girl bowed to the chief. He replied and after a brief shoulder pat left them alone together.
"Hello love, how are you?" he said, the girl almost dying, hearing spoken English for the first time in what, three weeks or so. She managed not to cry until Walter wrapped his powerful arms around her, hugging the girl tightly as she cried. "It's alright, love, it's gonna be alright. These people are alright" as she wept with relief.
Gradually she dried up, noticing that Walter was still rubbing her hips. It felt good so she let him carry on for a while before saying she needed to tell him what had happened. He nodded, took her by the hand and they sat down in the shade of a tree. Over the next hour Rosita Wright explained what had happened, the way she'd been captured and some of what had been occurring. Leaving the sexual side for later. "But anyway Walter, how the hell do you know what they're saying? I know you speak a few languages, but surely not this"
He grinned, saying these people were actually from further up the island chain, this was the farming season and for the first time they'd come to this distant place to see what could be harvested. Timms had only discovered they were here on seeing two big canoes just offshore. That had alerted him that there were locals around and he'd landed at her old camp, found the message and waited for one of the canoes to come upstream, hitched a lift and here he was. A chat to the boss who told him the story from his side, now here they were. "So you came up by river, did you see the shipwreck?" she asked.
"What ship and where?" was the amazed reply as the pilot let go of her hands. He looked her over, a faint smile, the girl flushing on knowing what he was thinking as she'd closed her legs. "Sorry about that," she said smiling at his discomfort, "I haven't worn a stitch since, well they found me on the Intrepid, that's the ships' name. HMS Intrepid, most definitely an ex Royal Navy one now. I read the logbook so I'm not pulling your leg. I assume it's somewhere on this side of the crack between here and that little headland beyond my old camp. Takes about two hours by foot from there so I guess it's just over halfway"
"These guys know about it, there's a whole load of stuff in the cavern where we all sleep. I know it's daft...but after the initial fear of being captured, I've...I've enjoyed myself. Got some shots of the ship, and here, plus stuff written down about these guys" as she explained the routine they went by. "In fact I guess...oh that's Mrs Shhh waving, I call her that as it's the only noise I've heard her make to me, she and the others want my help making our tea. We'll talk more afterwards, see you later" and she went off!
The pilot stared at the girl, shocked at what she'd told him, but he knew all the wrecks found in this part of the world except this one and it was the story of legend. Had she really discovered, by chance, the most valuable ship in British Far Eastern Naval folklore? There'd be a fortune aboard, the reports all saying the vessel had intercepted several raiders in the weeks before it'd been due to return to Singapore, it's home port. The loss had caused ructions in the Admiralty with disastrous consequences for a few officers who'd got fired over the affair. Now it appeared a major mystery had been solved by a pretty blonde biologist who was more excited by the fact it was teatime!
One that he enjoyed, being served by the ladies, the pilot still amazed that Rosie was enjoying herself. To the point she'd declined a night on the plane, preferring to spend it with her new friends in the cave. She'd dare not say someone had fingered her to orgasm, much giggling from elsewhere and everyone was smiling in the morning when the pilot came back from checking his plane over, having borrowed Rosie's canoe. The Chief was happy for the girl and a couple of the locals, plus Timms to go down to the Intrepid for the day, using the islanders' smaller boat to do it.
Walter was thrilled on seeing the vessel for real. He'd always dreamed one day he'd find something like this, now it'd been presented to him on a plate as he shinned up the ladder. Reaching the top he looked down wondering why she hadn't followed, only to see Rosie happily digging something green out of the ground and bagging it. The biggest story right here yet she wasn't interested! The islanders weren't either, both collecting fruit from trees nearby.
Eventually she did come aboard, telling him how she'd strutted up and down the deck in her frock and heels, demonstrating it. Saying that the singing into the hairbrush was what had alerted the islanders to her presence. The pilot laughing as he imagined the sight. "I told you to stay out of the sun love!" and she liked that. Taking him below for a recce of the lower decks. He'd brought a little camera and a few shots were snapped. "Now they'll believe us, especially if I took the logbook back. Rosie, I'm bloody impressed, when we get back to Borneo tonight I'm buying you anything you want, dinner, a dress, anything you desire"
She smiled at that, but thinking other things. Coming over and giving him a hug. "Thanks Walter and I'd...well you bought the dress beforehand, and look what trouble it got me into! But really that's not me. What I'd like is to stay here and get the job I'd planned finished. Charlie Warren is expecting more samples, not pieces-of-eight, stuff like that, not that this ship has much, apart from booze. Guess the locals have got it in the cavern. I've not checked any crates, must be about a hundred or more tucked in there. I'm sorry love, just...not interested" He stared, the girl unselfconsciously standing there with nothing on. He walked towards her, their hands clasping before she threw herself into his arms. The pilot feeling those two firm breasts digging into his chest. One for the memory box!
"Please love, please phone Professor Warren tonight, you remember him?" and Walter nodded, having met the Oxford don in Borneo's capital when this trip had first been planned. Then again on seeing Rosie off six months later. "Ask him to let me stay here" she said, getting surprisingly tearful before feeling him nod. "OK I'll speak to the boss man, tell him what you want to do. Don't think he'll mind. If Charlie...sorry Mr Warren says OK we'll treat this as a normal re-supply and I'll return next week. Chiefie will probably want some stuff from their own place." She was delighted and with that they suddenly kissed, running hands over each other, his onto her hips then sliding up. Rosie stared as they went past her breasts then grinned as he began to stroke them.
He broke off, realising what he was doing and apologised. Rosie did the same, saying she didn't mind. "Nobody's shown me that sort of affection for a while love, guess I'm a bit chilled out with this place. Lets carry on the look round" so they did, the guy picking up one of the bottles. "Wow, wonder if this is drinkable" he laughed as they walked past the brig cage. She smiled, tapping the bars with her nails. "Booze OR throttle, that's what pilots' always say or you'll end up in one of these cages" was a quip as he opened a cupboard. She gave the door a tug, almost toppling over as the lock disengaged and the metal came back into her leg. "Oww, that hurt," Rosie said, grinning when he said he'd rub it better.
"Any keys in there?" Rosie asked, saying she'd stood in the cage earlier. To her surprise Walter said yes! Dragging a big bunch out and jingling them. "Most unlikely to work now mind. Hundred and fifty years old locks, no oil, no chance" and he came across, holding the set in one hand. She stared at them, wondering which did what as there were different sizes. He tried a couple in the door lock, nothing it appeared there, then walked into the cage and tried the collar. Walter jumped when the thing clicked and he tugged. "Wow, amazing. It does work" he said, unlocking it and looking round, only to see the girl had left. Coming back to the door he tried another, it seemed the right size but was very stiff. A rub of his hair gel onto the key, squirting more into the keyhole then he inserted it.
Walter was shocked. How good the craftsman must have felt knowing his work might outlast him. A check on the chain sets that were hanging on the walls soon got two others working. One for legs and a shorter pair for wrists. He turned hearing footsteps and the girl came back. "Rosie, these locks. You're not gonna believe but they all work, both the door and this lot, look here" so she did, coming inside, watching and listening as he rotated the keys, the clicking audible to both of them. "That's amazing Walt," she said taking the collar from his hands and turning the key. Rosie told him she'd shut the door and worn this before, having checked the stuff couldn't accidentally lock without keys.
"Here, try it now, see what you think" he joked, surprised when she did just that. Closing the halves round her neck with that last little snap, a deep breath then she rotated the key, hearing and feeling the lock engaging. Miss Wright took the key out then held it there, trembling as she walked towards the door, the chain length naturally pulling her up short. "Did this too, saying 'help me I'm stuck'. A bit of a giggle eh?" she said waving her arms and Timms laughed when the key ring flew out of her grasp and hit the floor. "Bugger," she swore, bending down but it was just out of reach. She flicked a foot round and was just about to kick it closer when Walter leaned down and grabbed it, waving it in front of her face with a grin saying "Gotcha" Rosie smiled, bending down to examine the others. "Yeah, try the full set love. I dare you"
The girl smiled, sitting down, grabbing the leg set as he handed the ring back. Checking each lock then slipped it over her ankles, listening to the clicking. "Oh wow...it's awesome" she said, heart pounding as she tried parting her feet. The chain, only six inches long easily stopping that. Next she locked one cuff over her left wrist, removing the key, then put her right into the other, trying to reach round and secure that. "I can't do it, the chain isn't long enough" she said, looking disappointed as he wandered round the deck.
"Walt, could you do it for me" she asked holding the ring of keys out. He came close, saying a criminal would hardly have hands in front or he'd be able to attack the warders. "They need to be like this, stand up a moment honey," her breathing shortened as he drew her arms back, the girl shuddering as she felt the cuff enclose her wrist. The lock clicking sounded so loud as she stood there, the rattle as the key was removed. Turning her head to the left, trying to see behind her. "Oh my God" Was the faintest of whispers. "How's that feeling love? You're really stuck now" he joked as the keys were dangled in front of her before being pocketed. Rosie smiled, as he looked her up and down. Placing both hands on her hips he came close and their lips met, walking the lass forward till the chain was taut. "Hmmm, a naughty girl in shackles, she needs a little more punishing I guess!" he said rubbing her all over before stepping away and waving farewell.
She chuckled, playfully aiming a kick at him as he dodged towards the door, nearly overbalancing because of the leg chain. Going through he turned, closing it then locking that too. "Walter Timms, you little...shit" she squealed, standing helplessly, pretending to look cross. "Now pose for me, just there, good girl" the pilot said holding the camera and firing a couple of shots through the bars as she'd poked her chest and tongue out! Rosie couldn't believe it, "Bloody hell, you didn't...did you?" she gasped, a sigh of relief when he said no, he'd run out of film and the new one was in the bag upstairs. "I'm just going to fetch it, wait there love" he replied then left the room!
Rosie's heart froze as he vanished. She waited patiently for a while but the ship fell silent once those footsteps had faded. "Walter?" Rosie said quietly. Five minutes later, "Walter?" more loudly, a slightly ragged edge to her voice. This joke had gone too far and she shook badly for a minute. Thinking that she really WAS locked in a cage with a collar secured round her neck, wrists and ankles chained. All she could do was wait for him to return.
It was also stirring something deep inside her and the girl was thinking about this when the pilot came back, bag in hand, camera in the other. Thankfully he opened the door without shooting her, the girl sighing in relief as he freed her wrists, handing the keys so she could unlock the rest. "Got the old blood pumping for a moment," she said walking out of the cage and over to where Timms was changing the film. Waiting till he'd finished she handed the keys over but needed to say something.
"Please Walt, don't leave me like that again, was worried for a moment. I felt claustrophobic in there. That's why I sleep outside in tents when I can," She said with a faint tremble in her voice "It's been hard enough being in the darkness of the cavern for the last two weeks" Timms turned to look, seeing she'd gone pale and was shaking. He reached over and they embraced, her head buried in his shoulder. Hands onto her hips and a good stroke as he got Rosie calmed down with an apologetic kiss. Gazing into her eyes. The pilot alarmed to see the faintest signs of tears. "Yeah, I went too far and I'm sorry, only got off the ship for a wee. I promise I won't do that in here anymore, come on, lets go" with that they headed to the upper deck. Rosie relieved to feel the warmth on her skin again as she reached for the sunscreen bottle.
She was very quiet on the trip back to the cave. Walter Timms knew he'd really scared the girl and was annoyed with himself. But once back and with tea still fresh in their minds she'd cheered up a bit, the pair sitting there drinking juice, holding hands as Walter made arrangements about when to return.
Rosie was soon smiling as she saw two of the natives, one of each going down the back and knew Mrs Pygmy was about to get her three minutes of...loving? Walter saw this grin and wondered what it was about. The guy going bug eyed when Miss Wright said what they were up to. "You didn't WATCH them did you?" he said, amazed when she nodded yes.
"It's all in my report," she said, handing over the first draft, asking him to read her thoughts while she went to help the ladies finish the washing up. On coming back Rosie got a nod of approval for effort. "Gold star from me love, it's an education to realise how they live. They do interact with Westerners but tend to keep a little distant, guess they want to preserve their way of life" She got up, pleased to have that confirmed, telling him to follow her in, everyone else busy it seemed as they arrived where the action took place. To Walter's surprise Rosie took her shoes off, checked her feet then stepped onto the fronds and sat down, looking round and adjusting the ropes. She gazed up at the pilot, smiled then lay back and spread herself wide open!
"Go on, do what they did" she said, eyes closing and voice almost dreamlike as she imagined how it must feel. "Come on Rosie, you're not serious...are you?" he replied, the girl smiling in the semi- darkness. "Yes," she said after a while. "Told you earlier it'd been a while since I had affection from a man. It's really lonely being me. Now I'm right chilled, Walter I trust you now. I want you to tie me down then do what you've wanted to do since we met last month, I've seen you look, wondered why you like rubbing me, you cannot keep those hands to yourself, am I right?" laughing as he flushed.
Walter Timms had never known his mind so expertly picked by a lady. This one now looking all doe-eyed at him, her lips parting in a knowing smile. He'd had a few partners in the past but never like this. "OK, Rosie, if you're sure about this?" and the lass reached up and felt for his face.
"Yes I am, do it...Walt, please make me your very special girl" she whispered, her eyes welling up.
The lass shuddered as the first cord was wrapped around her wrist. Then more for the other and soon she was secured at all corners, heart pounding as she watched him strip off. Despite being nearly forty he was in expert shape as the guy came and straddled her. Rosie waiting patiently then the trembling started as his hands began to roam below. "Brace yourself,"
She couldn't stop smiling that night after the session. Mrs Shhh didn't have a clue what was up with the giant, nor her bigger companion who'd been in the cave, presumably looking at the crates. But Rosie's mind had been blown apart at the orgasms she'd just had. Timms had to clamp his hand over the girl's mouth or they'd have woken the dead. Those eyes had sparkled in just the right way, then widened in that curious look of pain every man wants to see in his woman when he drives into her.
Now Rosie was waiting for Mrs Shhh, as usual last to retire for the night, to bring the cords. Having done her ankles the girl offered up her wrists, smiling even more on being indicated that tonight they'd be behind her back. More giggling as she was brought off time and again by various fingers. Someone else getting the same as a gasp came from across the cave. Miss Wright grinned to herself at the fact these ladies had more fun with each other than the menfolk!
Next morning after breakfast Rosie saw Timms and the Chief having a long chat, some gestures in her direction then an agreement appeared to have been made. The men bowing to each other before the pygmy came her way. Miss Wright bowed, got one back then Walt gave her the news. Telling her that as of now she was free to do what she required during the daytime, as long as she came back before nightfall, staying in the cave during darkness. He'd 'bribed' the guy, saying he'd bring supplies from their island in return for Rosie to carry on what she'd been doing without hindrance.
The girl was thrilled, but actually a bit saddened that the pilot was corrupting the islanders, but she'd better not say anything. Collecting all her sample crates and films, telling the guy that the one marked 'private' was just that, "I've written a note to Charlie saying that without telling him why. If he did I'd get fired, oh the Intrepid one has got the blue label on and he'll want that one, I think his big brother does something with Naval stuff" Walter said it'd be sorted and soon afterwards he was paddled back to the plane. Having given Rosie a long hug but no more as Mrs Shhh was watching. "She'll only get jealous. Right, see you in seven days love"
A week that passed too quickly for Rosie Wright. She worked bloody hard on her collections yet still found time to assist in what the lass called normal duties. The others must have been told what she was doing as nobody had batted an eyelid when she strolled away, bag over one shoulder, camera in the other. Still naked mind as Rosie felt more comfortable like this. "Saves me washing time too!"
So it was a slightly disheartened Rosie who saw the Albatross fly over on it's way to land at the mouth of the crack. Only this time the girl was amazed when Timms actually brought the aircraft upstream! A daring piece of airmanship as the wingspan was at least half the width of the river. But again Rosie was surprised that the natives took little notice of the alien machine disturbing the peace of the island.
One she did herself when Professor Charles Warren appeared at the door behind Mr Timms, stepping into the canoe along with the first boxes of supplies. "Oh bloody hell," she swore loudly as the little boat was beached and she saw who it was. The Oxford don looking for the girl he'd flown thousands of miles to visit. Lots of her to see, as Rosie was as usual bare-skinned except shoes. However judging by his neutral expression it appeared he'd been given some warning his biologist was 'going a bit native'. Coming ashore he stared at her, the faintest of grins now appeared as the blushing lass came closer.
"Hello Rosita, glad to see you" he said as the pair shook hands. The professor not quite sure which bit of her to look at first. "Excuse me, up here might be a start," she replied, pointing to her face, now with a broad smile as it was his turn to go red. They cautiously embraced then held each other tightly; his hands going onto her hips then about to rub her ass when he pulled back. "Sorry Rosie, shouldn't have done that, but missy, you gave me one a hell of a fright when Walter phoned and gave me a rough idea what had happened. Thankfully you...seem to be coping quite well. Anyone would think you were on vacation!"
She glowed at that, telling the guys that actually she'd got a whole lot more stuff packed and labelled to take back and he'd get the full story later, as it appeared over the next minute or so of chatting that they were staying a couple of days. "But Walt, could you please introduce Charlie to the chief, he's waiting, we're ignoring my host and it's a bit rude!" she said, slightly scolding the visitors. The men looking at each other before Timms did as asked. "What a lassie you employ, she's coped damn well with these people" he said. Once done it was work time as the plane was unloaded, Rosie doing her bit, Warren amazed as the girl waded over with a box on one shoulder. He just couldn't take his eyes off that shapely body.
That night they shared the meal with the others, Charlie again seeing the girl and how she interacted with the chief, serving, cleaning and generally having a good time. Once onboard the plane, having politely declined a night in the cave he leafed through Rosie's reports. The girl had produced some stunning results. Despite the professor being shocked, on accidentally processing her 'private' labelled film along with the Intrepid's, seeing her posing on the deck of a long lost ship in a bloody wedding dress and high heels. Those were in his safe and nobody else had seen them. She'd looked gorgeous, hair flowing and a sensual smile for the camera. The Oxford man was debating whether to get one framed and give it to her on their return as a joke. He was going to sit on the Intrepid's photos until he'd seen the ship for himself. Sure as hell his brother wasn't going to find out till much later.
The faculty had identified a few sub-species of plants from the samples, at least one new bird that was getting the ornithologists in a right old tizzy having checked her photos against the known ones in books, the same with a weird coloured monkey. "The girl has done good, now tomorrow we'll have a look at the ship" he yawned as Walter settled down.
To avoid the distraction of 'watching Rosie's ass' all day Timms and Charlie took the canoe down to where the wreck was. During the trip Mr Warren told the pilot all he knew about the last voyages of HMS Intrepid, and what allegedly lay in her hold, or those crates in the cavern, Rosie having taken him there for a quick look while showing him where she slept each night. "Not interested myself," she'd said with a shrug on being asked had she looked to see what was inside any of the boxes. Mr Timms repeating that she'd said the same when he'd asked her. "Doesn't know, doesn't care. She's either a liar or genuinely honest. Looking at the way she and the ladies get on I guess it's the latter. Shame really, it's going to be her loss."
The men were most pleased having spent the day working around the wreck. Rosie declined the chance to return, 'To the scene of the crime'. This seemed to confirm what she'd said this morning. They returned in high spirits to find her once more giggling with the ladies as they emerged from the wood. "Good timing guys, tea is in about, well when the sun gets past that tree" she chuckled carrying a big box of fruit into the cave. The men staring, "See what you mean about going native Walter, she loves it here. I wonder if she wants to stay in Borneo?" said Mr Warren as the lassie vanished.
That night the three Westerners sat chatting about the ship, Mr Warren saying the authorities would no doubt take a huge chunk of the profits once it'd all been divvied up. "Bloody taxes, they'll only waste it, same as all politicians" she laughed, sitting there with a beaker of the islander's fruit juice in her hands. Rosie was surprised when Charlie asked her what she wanted from the Intrepid's cargo, once the legal eagles had sorted it out. "After all, you found it, really you should be the main benefactor,"
She thought otherwise. "No, I had this out with Walter the day he first saw the ship, same as I said this morning. I'm not kidding you. Nothing really interests me about the wreck. Money brings out the worst in people, present company excepted. I don't know how much there or what is in those crates, haven't even got round to looking. But if there's enough then perhaps a pay rise might not go amiss for the laboratory staff at home Charlie". She said looking at her boss who nodded. "I've got the satisfaction of helping solve the mystery of what happened and that's good enough for me," they were still surprised at that and asked why. Rosie however was getting cross, but tried not to show it, at the idle chat about the value of the treasure. Apart from a 'well done' about her reports it seemed Mr Warren was more concerned with the ship than her. Why had he travelled all the way to Borneo, were the photos and samples not enough?
"Look guys, I've got a two bed place in Oxford that I've hardly slept in for the last three months, why would I need to spend a fortune on something larger, I'd only worry about cleaning it. I'm half thinking of asking your Charlotte if she want to buy it, and move back into the college. I have a sensible bank balance, plus dad's inheritance so money wise I'm all right. If, say we each did get a couple of million after tax, I'll invest my chunk, still work doing these explorations for the University. What I'm trained to do, I love doing them and I don't want to waste my talent. Maybe I'll get a better class of tent or the odd hotel during a field trip. However guys, if a couple of small bits of antique jewellery happened to fall my way then...yes please" and Mr Warren laughed, joking that he'd have expected a shopping list!
The girl grinned, having changed her mind. The others chuckled as she held both arms out. "All right, as you insist, and if you can find them, I'd like a pair of bracelets for these, and something matching for my neck, that's all. You, Mr flyer here and the taxmen can fight over the rest. But Walter' love, may... I keep the dress and all the other bits? Oh and a lockable container to keep them safe" the pilot laughed, "Yeah, hardly liable to fit me so you can, you looked very pretty in it" the girl was thrilled, blushing at the complement. "Got the photos at home to prove it," Charlie said, admitting what he'd done.
Rosie was mortified for a moment, then smiled when he said nobody else had seen them. "I'll let you have them intact. Bet you'd like to wear that gown again sometime" and she agreed. Having a laugh as Walter asked what she'd been singing to attract the natives. On getting the reply of an artist Charlie couldn't stand he retorted he'd have probably stabbed her with a spear had he heard it! "Oh thanks guys, I'm bloody safer here with them than you two" she chuckled as they ribbed her.
Then she saw Mrs Shhh outside with the nut gatherers and guessed she had work to do so got to her feet. "Well, my little lady friend wants me so I'm off. Walter, I guess you need to leave if you're going to get the stuff boss man wanted. See you tomorrow and we'll be all packed up when you arrive" They hugged briefly, the pilot still not sure where to place his hands with her boss watching.
"What a girl, definitely too honest for her own good" he said to Charlie Warren after she'd padded off, two pairs of eyes watching that cute ass wiggling up the cavern. "We'll sort her... requirements before departure. Should present no problems. Everything seems to be looking...well rosy" The men shaking hands as the pilot said he'd speak to boss man about something heavy on the ship that needed to be moved out. "Right, see you tomorrow" and with that he left. Mr Warren looked at the piles of crates stretching into the darkness. So far he and Timms had only looked into a few boxes, knowing that riches beyond their imagination were right here in front of them. How the hell could the girl not want a bean herself? "Oh well, if that's what Miss Wright wants, she gets, not going to be a problem soon" he murmured as the torch in his hand was switched on.
She came back hours later, very tired but glad this was their last full day. Tomorrow morning Timms would arrive, get the plane unloaded with the natives' stuff and they'd be off. Mrs Shhh seemed happy and after the meal all the women retreated to the rear of the cave, one leading Rosie by the hand, the Chief having indicated she was to go with them. To her surprise the lass saw the palm bed they used for the sex sessions empty with a circle of ladies there waiting expectantly. Mrs Shhh brought her through the crowd then pointed, Rosie realising they wanted her to lie down. She smiled and nodded, the others starting to chatter excitedly as the giant did as she was told.
Cords were quickly wrapped around Miss Wright's limbs and pulled taut. Wow, this was amazing as the women closed in, their fingers examining every curve of Rosie's body. Soon Mrs Shhh needed to do her stuff as another lady gave the girl such a rubbing that any moment now she was going to climax. There were gasps of sheer admiration when the inevitable happened, a hand across her mouth muffling the squeals as those fingers brought her crashing into... So much that Rosie passed out after the third and most explosive time, taking half an hour to come round, seeing the concerned faces lighting up on realising she was alright.
Her limbs were freed and she smiled, getting up and starting a whole series of face rubs with everyone. After that came a dip to clean off, with darkness falling they returned from the waters' edge, the lassie grinning as she walked past an uncomfortable looking Mr Warren, the guy sitting on the camping roll Rosie had used in her tent. She did see he was reading her report again and that made the lass glad she hadn't 'had a go' about the ship. Arriving at 'her' space she settled down. Mrs Shhh coming last with the cords and the pair lay close together, not that they'd be able to cuddle as Miss Wright's ankles were being tied as usual, her wrists done first.
The lass lay there wondering why her body kept reacting this way to being tied up. She'd have to look on-line when they made it home. Even the time when she'd worn the chains on the ship had seen her senses going haywire thinking about it later on. Was she starting to enjoy this? Yes, for a start she'd offered her wrists, holding them behind her back, heart leaping as the cord bound them. Confirming this a moment later as a wandering pair of hands began to rub her nipples hard. "Shhh..." came the faint whisper as she started to moan, twitch and tremble, the sensations growing once more.
Next morning after breakfast Rosie saw Mrs Shhh and a couple of the ladies speaking to the chief, a hand gesturing in her direction as she carried some crates of stuff from the cavern to Walter's canoe. The aircraft having arrived two hours ago and unloaded; though she did slightly grumble as few of the men seemed to be around and she'd had to help. Most had left hours ago in the big canoe, probably off fishing, she thought. The natives were happy with what had been brought from their main island, as it appeared this lot was planning to stay here, rather than head home.
That was a shame to Rosie, it meant they might disturb her or wildlife when finishing the assignment. Plus she assumed there could be tension when the Navy guys arrived next week, having been told by the pilot this morning that a small party was coming out for a look. She'd earlier carried a box to the plane containing the logbook, half a dozen swords of various types, two of which Professor Warren said were earmarked for her if she wanted them, and four types of firearms. "Shame there's no pirate flags eh?" she said waving a cutlass round the cabin.
Mr Warren came over, greeting Rosie with a brief peck; not daring to touch elsewhere as the lass was naked again. She'd emerged from the cave first thing today wearing shorts and T-shirt, much to the ladies surprise and a little dismay perhaps? They knew the lass was leaving to go back to her world so nothing was said or done. Early on however Rosie fell out of the plane while unloading and the others laughed when she'd come up, her stuff soaking wet. "Typical, first time in clothes for a month and I wreck them! Its not fair" Nobody batting an eyelid when she stripped off, tossing the sodden garments in a heap and stood there dripping. The sun starting to dry her skin and Rosie didn't mind. The Chief finished his conversation then headed their way.
Pleasantries were silently exchanged, bows from both sides before the Chief pointed to Rosie, then to Charlie then waited for a answer. Timms was aboard the plane so they stood wondering what the boss man wanted. He put one finger up, wiggled it then pointed to Rosie's midriff, jabbed it, then to the cavern and the girl soon realised what he was insinuating. She smiled; nodding then bowed, the pygmy boss doing the same.
Rosie stared at her boss as the Chief looked at him, pointing into the cave where 'the pit' was. "Charlie, bow to him, start nodding and follow me, just do it" she hissed quietly as the guy wondered what to do. Mr Warren did so then followed his employee inside, trying not to stare as her shapely ass moved into the half- light, fifty feet down the cave. He looked as she pointed to the palm fronded bed, the cords at each corner, Rosie knowing they were to go round her limbs again. All she had to do was tell the guy he had to strip naked, then shag his best university tutor as quickly as he could!
"This is what I called 'the sex pit' in the report. What happens on here is the man takes the woman, literally. She lies down, spreads herself while he binds each limb to those cords, then...gets jiggy with her. No foreplay for Mrs Pygmy, just straight forward, wham bam thank you ma'am, sort of stuff. Lasts about three minutes, if she's lucky a bit more, then he gets up and frees her. No women's lib here" she grinned and Charlie looked closer at the girl. Her eyes almost gleaming.
"Is that right, that's what... they do? I thought you were having me on when I read it. That's why I was checking it yesterday. I'd planned to question you about it this morning." and she nodded, not daring to say she'd been screwed on here by Mr Timms, or what had happened to her last night. "Yep, it's true, I spent most of the last ten days watching, but today, it appears you lucky guy...you have to do it to me... now or big chief honcho outside is gonna be annoyed. So get stripped, lover boss" That startled him but eventually he undressed, trying not to smile.
He'd wanted to have Rosie since she'd arrived as a student ten years ago. The girl possessed one of the finest bodies on the faculty and many a professor had 'wanted to do her'. Yet now the 'ice maiden' as she'd been known, thanks to no scandals being attached to her, was ASKING for him to do it. 'OK, playtime girlie' he muttered as trousers, shirt and socks came off. Miss Wright was smiling as she lay down, shuffled a few times then spread out like a starfish. The first touch of rope made her heart leap as it was wrapped round her wrist. The other following then he went down to do both ankles. "Tight enough?" and she tugged, blood surging through her veins. Obviously it was in the important one of his as she stared at a growing... "Wow, 'Bunny' Warren, the rumours were true, you're hung like a bloody horse not a twee little rabbit!" she said and he grinned.
No pupil had ever said that to his face, most said something behind his back. He knew the reputation of his legendary student shagging sessions had followed him through academia. "A typical bunny," they'd said. "Never stops screwing," Now he was about to break the 'tutor' duck too. "OK, brace yourself... love" and she smiled, puckering her lips to get the first of many kisses as he sat down, knees either side of her. Better not tell him he was the second man who'd said that, he might get jealous of Mr Timms!
Half an hour later an exhausted girl was being released from her bonds. Warren removing a gag from her mouth on realising Miss Wright wasn't a quiet lay. Least she'd warned him first, her heaving chest beginning to slow as she gasped for breath. "Wow, that was great, really enjoyed that" he groaned as she sat up, rubbing her wrists where she'd been tugging. "Sure you're OK? She smiled and nodded, reaching to do her ankles next. "Right, I'm going for a jump in the water, and thanks" and with that Charlie Warren's latest conquest walked off. Minutes later the Chief came in, his face looking happy as the pair stared. Charlie nodded to boss pygmy who smiled and bowed to the giant then left.
Rosie Wright emerged from the water just before Timms came up to the freshly washed lassie, standing naked and somewhat proud, her glorious breasts pointing straight out as she finished towelling down just inside the cavern. The air brushing those oh so sensitive nipples, if he or Mr Warren had touched them she'd probably come on the spot. "Rosie dear, your boss wants a wee favour from you, but seems a little embarrassed to come and ask himself. Guess he's worried about what he just did to you, though he did seem to enjoy it. I wonder why". They both smiled as she rolled her eyes.
"Yeah OK, tying you down and screwing the best body on the island, I'm only human. But as to this, it's about the farewell meal this afternoon with 'them'. He's got a tropical outfit, I've got this on," he said waving to his flying suit "But accidentally of course all yours is loaded in the plane. Except the stuff you just 'washed'" She snorted at that as he continued. "It's a bit soggy...and, well... there is 'that' dress still in there. Would you wear that for us instead?" he pointed behind her. The girl grinned, knowing that they'd planned this all along to make her the centre of attention again.
"Everything. Even those heels?" she asked and he nodded. "I know it's impractical but you'll be doing us a favour, besides...judging by the pictures Charlie mentioned and the date you took them, it seemed you couldn't wait to get into it then...naughty girl, were you wearing...everything I bought you?" and laughed as she flushed so red. "Yeah, felt real good until chummie and his mates interrupted the show. Gave me a right bloody fright I can tell you. Think they got a shock as well. Though since then...I... wearing any clothing... guess I'm a little out of practice." And she looked down, everything showing. That breeze blowing, straight up her... but didn't care a bit what anyone thought. She was sooo chilled out and put it down to those drinks given to her by the ladies before they went out to work under the coconut trees.
"OK, and you're right. I did enjoy swishing round the deck. So I'll do it! Give me half an hour" And he smiled, patting her ass and the girl let him rub it a bit more as she stepped closer. "Go on, they're not watching" she grinned coyly. His hands went all over her as they kissed deeply, those fingers finally going below for a massage of her clit. Rosie stood on tiptoes to try preventing something she actually wanted, maybe later when they arrived back on the mainland they'd do it. He carried on, feeling her start to tremble, her eyes closing as the emotions stirred her up, but he stopped just in time and Rosita groaned in exasperation. "Swine, finish me off...please" she murmured with a grin as he stepped away, declining her request.
"By heck I need to get out of here before we do something again, you're a tease you know, having me and your boss in the same week? I'm gonna miss you honey, maybe you ought to remain here. Preserve what reputation you have left" and Rosie grinned. Surely she could stay at his place for a while and get some fun time with him before home to England? But today she needed to get cracking, turning away heading into the far reaches of the cavern with a blown kiss to the pilot as he walked outside. Striding over to the only remaining crate of hers, heart pounding at what she was about to do...get into that lovely dress again. She'd get hot wearing the various layers but after the meal she'd ask Walt to fetch some sensible stuff from the plane.
Opening the top Rosie hummed, her heart leaping as having pulled the gown out it brushed against her skin. Laying it on a nearby crate she selected the rest, starting of course with the bustier, the garter belt then the stockings. However even after a rummage there was no sign of the knickers. "Commando time I guess" she murmured as the petticoats were applied before the magic moment. Once more she felt that gripping as the dress enveloped her. The zip sealed her inside and it was wonderful.
Mr Warren arrived and shyly Rosie asked him to apply her shoes then check the rest of her outfit was fine. Stepping so elegantly into each, allowing him to secure the straps, noticing he slid both hands up and caressed her thighs for a while, feeling the girl shuddering as he went right over the stocking tops. Brushing over her... then a gentle probe that made her sigh. Coming up afterwards he stared into her sparkling eyes. "Yes Rosie, it certainly feels... sure felt fine to me. Those photos don't do you justice. You're...gorgeous" and she laughed, rubbing both hands over herself. "Thanks for that, you naughty... what do you think, nice dress eh? You were right I did want to wear it, apart from the impracticality of it... I...sounds daft but I don't want to take it off...ever again" then did a twirl, fabric swaying round her legs and Charlie saw her eyes as she winked.
He agreed, saying it could be arranged and Rosie laughed, but he did nothing for a moment, looking at the lass then took her into his arms, they kissed and rubbed before he spoke. "By God Rosie, I'm... I'm going to miss you back in Oxford. You know I won't be able to see you again. If what we've done ever got out it could ruin...us. That's why the photos are in my safe and nobody is going to see them" She nodded sadly then smiled. "But we're not there yet, so kiss me again, properly" so he did. Having done that while holding each other Charlie apologised for being so pre-occupied with the ship.
"You know I am proud of what you've done. I really am. But for the first time in the whole of my forty years I'm finally going to beat the other Professor Warren at something in his field of expertise. Sibling rivalry you understand. Big brother Martin's spent decades frowning down on little old Chaz. When I return to Oxford and drop HMS Intrepid's logbook and that brace of pistols on his desk I'm sure gonna photograph his expression! I was hoping you'd be there to see it. I'll see what I can do, unless you're tied up somewhere of course," looking at her with an all-knowing smile.
She giggled at that, blushing at the memories. "Yeah, I understand and thank you for admitting that, it's made me feel a lot better. At first I'd put it down to your jetlag or perhaps stress. Guess I'm not that good on human emotion; I prefer plants." It was his turn to have a chuckle before he stared deep into those eyes, twinkling again as their lips met, his hands running over her curves. "Right, time for the meal. Let's give them a present. Miss gorgeous Rosie Wright.... Dressed to thrill like that, you look stunning, they'll be over the moon to have you there"
He took the beautiful girl by the hands, escorting the lass to the others. She'd been disappointed not to find the tiara or the veils, they must be aboard the plane with the rest of the gear but she gripped his arm so tightly as they left the cavern. "Anyone would think I was about to give you away, here comes the bride... and all that," he said smiling. Only to get the growling reply of "Please shut up Charlie and slow down so I can stay upright in these bloody shoes, I'm gonna flatten Walter for this!" she said then apologised with a grin as he laughed at her.
Arriving at the feast there was a gasp from the pygmies, everyone, including the chief getting to their feet. Firstly she went through the rather curious ritual with the ladies. Greeting each with a face brush then nose rub, used to it by now. Once that was completed, Mr Timms nodding in admiration they all sat down. "You really have gone native Rosie. I told you it'll be worth staying here" The meal began with bowls of fruit being handed around and like any dinner party in the world the conversations began. Her to Mr Warren, Walter Timms occasionally translating to the chief while some of the little guys chatted amongst themselves. Rosie trying not to wriggle as the clasps from her suspenders started digging into her buttocks.
Two hours later and Rosie was very upset and frustrated once the meal had finished. Charlie was on the plane and Timms somewhere else, leaving her alone. Rosie didn't know what to do except sit on a tree stump. She felt a bit daft in her dress and the heels, very hot inside all the layers of fabric, but glad, with the approaching time of their departure she'd be able to get changed. Mr Warren said he'd go to the aircraft to unpack some clothes for her to wear for the flight home then paddle back with it. Just wish he'd hurry up as her feet were starting to ache if she'd had to walk much further. He'd been gone nearly an hour! Surely it didn't take thirty minutes to find a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, grab her sneakers then come back?
Some of the pygmies came wandering over. One being the guy who'd tied her up early on in the drama. He still carried those coiled up cords that had been used to lash her wrists or ankles any time he thought she might escape. Mrs Shhh was also there plus two spear-carriers and Rosie would be glad to see the back of them, except her, she'd treated the Westerner with kindness and maybe a little loving too. The exploration of this place was to continue soon but now someone else was 'getting the gig'. Miss Wright couldn't understand why she wasn't being allowed to finish the job.
Mr Warren had seemed so pleased earlier, during the meal he'd laughed and joked with her, Timms and through Walter's translations boss man looked happy. It was after the speech the Chief made, for some reason Timms not saying much of what he'd said when the crowd began chanting 'Zita...Zita,' waving their spears in all directions and looking at the guests. The boss man now looked at her then waved his hand, a gesture as if she was to stand up. Early in the meal Walter had leaned over, asking her to do something if the pygmies had said that name. Rosie had obliged, then got to her feet, coming round the front before smiling and then performing a deep curtsy, then standing still. The Chief, with a big smile had nodded and applauded her, rising and rounding the table to stand next to her. For the first time they exchanged face and nose rubs, the only man with whom she'd done this. He turned, raised his and her arms, saying something about 'Zita' then let her hand down and they'd returned to their seats.
The crowd, seeing this had raised the roof at that, really cheering "ZITA" for at least five minutes then gradually dispersed. Charlie glared at her then the Chief said something long to Timms who'd nodded. Not long after that the pilot had excused himself, having a chat with Mr Warren while she was busy eating rather than earwigging. Once he'd gone Charlie ignored her then the party gradually broke up, with the boss man bowing politely then going. Only then did Mr Warren give her that bad news, he'd changed his mind because of what she'd just done. Rosie was devastated but didn't want to show it, maybe on the plane would she apologise for showing off, then plead to finish the assignment. He left, saying he was fetching her stuff so the girl had walked to the stump and sat down.
But never mind him, what did these guys want now? Rosie smiled at Mrs Shhh... as she came and stood there, reaching over and taking the hands of this white clad beauty and holding them out to the front. Leaning down she brushed faces with Rosie then rubbed noses, the same way the other women had done before the meal. Then Miss Wright realised that Mrs Shhh hadn't been present so was doing her duty or whatever it was now.
But to Rosie's amazement out of the corner of her eye she saw the guy uncoiling a cord and before she could react he was wrapping it round her left wrist as the woman let go of that hand. "What the he..." she'd started to say then Mrs Shhh... did her stuff, reaching to lay a finger over Miss Wright's lips. Rosie almost wanted to bite it off! What the hell was happening as one of the spear-carriers lowered his weapon to just under her chin. The girl began to tremble as Mrs Shhh held her other hand, sliding her grip to the wrist, and before Rosie could jerk it away she'd walked round the back, pulling the arm with her. Holding it across the first in that x-shape and moments later they were expertly cross-bound tightly together!
The girl was shocked and thought about either trying to get up or scream, but with a spear pointing at her throat she was helpless so did neither. Gradually he relaxed and took a few paces back allowing Rosita to look round. Her heart leaping with relief as she finally saw Mr Warren paddling back in her canoe. Beaching it he was helped ashore by one of the pygmies who bowed deeply once her boss was on his feet. Charlie grabbed a carrier bag and began heading in her direction, sneakers dangling from the other hand. Coming close he nodded to the natives, looked surprised at her position then walked right round, coming to stand in front, putting the stuff on the floor. He stared at her as she was allowed to get up, the others retreated a few paces. For a heart-stopping moment Miss Wright was convinced he'd suppressed a smile on realising she'd been secured once more.
"Charlie," she whispered hoarsely, her voice really trembling as she tried not to cry, "Charlie why have they tied my wrists again? We're about to leave...what are they trying to do to me?" but he interrupted, saying into her ear, "Shhh, listen carefully or we're all in trouble" Warren put both hands on her hips and pulled the girl close, then slid them round till they were rubbing her ass. "We've got a real problem with these guys...and I'm afraid it's partly your fault too" Feeling her start at that as she stared up into his eyes, her own swimming with the first signs of tears. By God she's gorgeous, he thought, wanting to screw her brains out on that mat again. But now he had some interesting news to deliver.
"Try not to laugh when I tell you the Chief thinks you're their long lost Goddess of Fertility"
She managed to...just, though with her hands bound it was hard but Rosie did briefly grin, he did the same and the girl tried to relax as he continued. "When they first found you on the ship they were in two minds as to what to do with you. Revere you as what they thought or kill you as an intruder!" that did startle her. "Sometimes I want to kill errant students, but not tutors, or highly successful biologists like you love" and now she did smile, her body trembling as his caresses continued.
"But," he said looking a bit more serious. "If we all try to leave now I don't know what their reaction is going to be. You saw how chuffed they all were when you did that curtsy, I thought for a moment you were inciting them, why I got cross and I'm sorry for getting it wrong. Walter's left a note on the plane explaining what had happened and what I need to do next. He couldn't say anything to me with Chiefie listening or he might have suspected we knew. The trouble is they were saying Zita... The name of that Goddess, Rosie your actions with the ladies earlier, the rubbing of faces, then doing it the Chief was your blessing. What you did is confirming you've returned to look after the tribe, both here and the whole island chain...they're not going to let you leave...ever again"
Rosita Wright did her best not to cry as the enormity hit home and wobbled badly on her heels. Had Mr Warren not been holding on she'd have gone down in a heap.
"Oh my God," she whispered, trying not to cry, "What do we...I...well you do now? They surely don't mean this...it's not fair" he paused, then hushed her, telling the girl what he planned to do.
"At the present moment the Embassy in the capital is being alerted thanks to the fact Walter left his satellite phone on board the plane. "That's why I was so long, trying to get them to believe the story. Only the fact I spoke to the same guy who is dealing with the Navy plans for the Intrepid did anyone take me seriously. They wouldn't have believed Walt, but an Oxford don carries a bit more weight I hope. Now this is a massive favour Rosie, I hate myself for needing to drop you in it..."
"I know you always wanted to be an actress, saw a few of your shows with the footlights at Oxford. Will you stay here and role play this Goddess thing until we can safely get you out?"
Rosie earned her first Oscar nomination right then as she managed not to laugh. Mr Warren amazed that she could take this so calmly as she thought about it. Finally she began nodding when he said she'd continued to be paid while here. "I'll get my sister to sort out the flat and any affairs too"
"OK, thanks for that, ask Charlotte to look after it, do what she needs to the place, your lassie was the only lady I could trust to stay there. Guess with this really I've little choice or we could end up in the cooking pot. Not seen them eat meat yet, don't want to be the first course. Yes I'll do it. But in return Charlie, promise me you'll let me come back after a holiday and complete the original assignment, yes? Deal?"
"Right, you have a deal love" and with that he suddenly clasped her round the waist and their lips met. The pygmies didn't know what to make of this so ignored them as the couple played tongue tennis before letting go. "Nice one, Zita I'll remember that" he joked as she looked happier now, "I'll go to see Chiefie, somehow let him know that it's alright. Try and get you freed too" he said as she smiled, dreamy eyed and slightly breathless at the affection just showed to her. He went round and looked at her wrists, not touching the knots in case it set the locals off. Her fingers fluttering as she tried to keep the circulation going. "Sure they're not too tight?" and Rosie smiled but said no, they were just fine! He was more impressed that being like this was forcing her breasts further out, nipples hard against the fabric of the gown.
What she'd said surprised him and he came back to see her blushing. The china blue eyes now with a twinkle in them! "To tell you the truth Charlie, being in this dress, the heels and so on, tightly bound too... it's turning me on. When I was a little, and not so little girl I always dreamed of being tied up and ravished, most of us women do, only some get the experience of doing it. Why do you think I didn't complain back in the cavern, spread-eagled with 'Bunny' Warren doing his stuff, I needed little encouragement, in fact I wanted you to screw me hard again. Bloody loved it. Sorry I sounded a bit worried earlier, just wasn't expecting it because I thought we were leaving, caught me off guard. But you've explained what is going to happen so I'll be fine till then"
It was his turn not to laugh as he stared at the reddening face there. "Well well, I never knew that love. I know some women do, and you're right. You did enjoy it, so did I, wish you'd said and I would have done so. So if you're OK I'll just tell him the first part. They can free you when they're ready, yes? Least if he's amenable you might get somewhere with a better view, not dumped at the back of the cavern again. But as you did have fun down there maybe..." She grinned, thinking about their session on the bed, nodding eagerly. Happy it was all going to be fine.
He came close and took her into his arms. She looked up; possibly a little scared, pleading with him to promise she'd be kept safe. "Rosie love, I can assure you everything will be taken care of. I'm sorry its come to this. No one will touch or do harm to you, is that OK?" The girl sighed with relief and after a moments pause slowly nodded her head. "Fine, I'll trust you Charlie, and thanks. I did want to stay, just not like this"
"Now I need to go, pretend it's the last ever kiss for you honey so let's make it a bloody good one". He said, a faint smile now emerging. She thought that sounded daft but didn't care as their lips met. The couple there for a while as he stroked this stunningly beautiful girl...one last time. His hands roaming everywhere, tracing each curve of her delectable body, hips, ass, even over her breasts. A low growl coming from her throat as he rubbed a nipple hard. She was getting excited so he'd better stop or Mrs Shhh and her mates would get jealous!
Breaking off he helped her sit down again, tidying the folds of that dress till she looked so demure once more. Despite the fact there were two spears within twenty feet that would do her great damage if the girl did the wrong thing. He combed that flowing blonde hair before cradling her face as she looked adoringly up. "Yeah, I feel like worshipping you right now...Goddess of Fertility, dear oh dear...wait till I tell your mates" he chuckled and Rosie smiled as her boss kissed her forehead then started to walk away, back to the cavern and try to get her sorted out. Though she wondered why he'd taken the carrier bag and her sneakers, then realised that she'd hardly want to change out here.
Quietness fell apart from a few birds twittering as she sat there, hardly daring to move, just hoping that Mr Warren would do his stuff. Her shoulders were now starting to ache, why the hell had she said that to him? She could last another few weeks on the island, been here for six already though this fortnight had been...interesting. Her thought process being disturbed half an hour later as the Chief, along with the usual brace of spear-carriers approached. Rosie got to her feet, wishing she'd asked Charlie to take her heels off.
He bowed, she reciprocated as the spear-men did the same, then the chief walked round and touched her wrists, tapping the cord that bound them. Rosie shuddered at how she must look. A beautiful girl helplessly tied up, surrounded by natives and her brain was sending naughty messages to her fanny now. This reverie was abruptly stopped as the Chief spoke to one of the men. The lassie froze as a lot MORE cord was applied to her wrists and tied off. She'd hoped they were freeing her. Now a heart began to beat just that little bit faster. This was definitely not in the plan.
Nothing happened for a few more minutes, her feet starting to complain then the Chief looked at her before addressing his men. Rosie wished Walt were here to translate. But the message seemed to get the spear-carriers into a good mood as they all came round and prostrated themselves, even Mrs Shhh who did her devotion last. Then with a man each side they gently took Rosie by the arms and began leading her towards the cavern. She sighed, slightly struggling in the heels, the fabric of the gown ebbing round her stocking clad legs. Miss Wright pretending she was a pretty maiden being dragged away to her doom, well no imagination, this was reality! Just as well she wore no knickers, or more washing would need to be done sooner than later!
About thirty feet from the cavern the Chief stopped and looked to the track Rosie guessed led up to the only hilltop on this place, past the coconut grove. Had she finished the exploration under her own steam she might have gone all the way herself. So it was a considerable surprise when the boss man began going in that direction. The others all stopped then he looked back, then gestured that they were to follow. Rosie looked at Mrs Shhh, worried at the fact she was dropping back and not coming. In fact the lass was looking as if she was crying, two more ladies arriving and leading her off!
Rosie Wright was concerned and she looked towards the cavern but nothing happened as the women went inside. A further scan to the right and she saw her canoe back at the aircraft. A hand pulling it inside so Timms must have come back without me seeing him, she thought. The party closed in, her arms held by the men and away they went. The quicker he and Mr Warren left, the sooner I get freed to finish the job off then I can go home to relive the experience. .
One that was causing her some pain now as they went along the track. Alright for them barefoot, I'd be OK in sneakers but three-inch stiletto heels. Walter, I'm gonna kill you, she thought for the umpteenth time since her capture by the pygmies as the men helped her over a tree root. She was also starting to get worried. They were some way from the cavern now. Already well past the trees they'd harvested and Rosie's heart pounded. Just where were they going?
Two painful hours later they approached what appeared to be the end of the trail. The spear carriers marching alongside a tearful Rosita as she staggered up the track, the long white gown doing its best to trip her up as they'd now indicated she was to walk herself rather than being carried anymore. With her wrists tightly bound it'd been a tortuous journey. When she'd started struggling in the heat, almost going over at one point the chief got stroppy and shouted at her.
One man picked her up and slung the lassie clean over his shoulder before setting off again! Now, near the end she was cursing those stupid shoes on her feet, the straps digging into her ankles and the girl was very scared. They emerged onto a plateau just below the peak and she sighed, nearly there. Rosie's heart suddenly seizing as she saw what awaited her atop the island and she was shocked. The men saw her staring, grabbing her by the arms and kept going forward, pushing on as she tried to resist.
A cage, like the one on the Intrepid, no it WAS the one from the ship! Parked under a huge overhang.
How the hell had anyone got the pygmies to carry THAT up here? It must have weighed tons.
Coming closer she was appalled as Walter Timms emerged from the thing, oil can in one hand with a pair of what appeared to be handcuffs in the other. He smiled as the party came closer, the girl shaking almost uncontrollably now. He came and bowed deeply as the men let go of their struggling captive.
"Your quarters await dear Zita," he said formally. She stopped dead, the spear-men no longer pushing her, mainly because they'd go over the edge a few feet away.
"Walter, Walt no... what the hell is this? Charlie said they...well they'd be keeping me...on the island until a deal could be thrashed out. He promised I'd be kept safe here," she wailed, voice going up a full octave. Her eyes widening as the man fingered the cuffs. He just grinned as the shaking girl looked into the cage, her eyes widening as she saw what lay within. A brace of manacle on the floor with a chunky chain leading behind the throne. On the seat itself was a big collar that was connected to the pole. The sight was terrifying as the girl realised it could only be for her.
"They are, and right here where you'll be... A comfy bed, throne for you to see your subjects, a lovely view over the island if you looked the right way. What more could a Goddess ask for. I've even given you a bucket for the nasty waste products to tip over that edge," pointing to the fact the cage was barely squeezed under the overhang with enough room to walk round two parts of the outside, just.
Though as she stared at the layout the girl realised the orientation was wrong, the throne was facing inland rather than overlooking the 'crack' as he'd said. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing this. Just heartbroken at the fact she'd missed all those little alarming phrases both men had used over the last two days. 'Giving you away, sure you don't want to stay on, otherwise tied up' and all the others. The girl trying not to get hysterical realising that Timms and Warren had this in mind, they weren't going to tell the authorities at all, just steal the treasure and leave her here, thinking she'd have 'grassed' on them.
"Food, water and stuff will be brought oh once a day I'd expect...so make it last dear girlie. I've left a large starter pack in the boxes underneath the bed in case they forget or lose interest. Now it's time to prepare you." He spoke to the men in that strange language of theirs. They lowered their spears until all six were directed at her. "Walter no...I'll do anything. Please...don't do this love. Don't lock me in here. You know what happened last time" she whispered, the tears flowing much faster now.
She had no option as one point came very close and Rosie began to shake as she stepped into the cage, three of the men following her. The captive looked to see the thick bed of palm fronds and her own camping pillow wedged behind the chair that would provide her only comfort in here. This must have been planned after Mr Warren got here, as soon as he'd seen the stuff from the ship and realised how valuable it was. Somehow they'd planned to loot all the stuff for themselves. Silencing Rosie by doing this, giving her to the islanders in exchange was the only way they'd get away with it! The girl now even cursing herself for dressing up in a frock, this condemning her to a fate...worse than death?
"Turn round, and stand by your throne dear Zita...or else," came the next instruction. A spear wobbling as she'd paused for a moment too long before Rosie complied. Timms reached behind and the girl jumped badly as she saw that collar coming to enclose her neck. "Come closer, you're not getting that long a chain" It wasn't the one from the ship unlike the cage, it looked new and the girl knew the two bastards had planned this all along. Timms must have got this stuff in Borneo yesterday. She obeyed an order to lean to one side, letting her hair fall out of the way. Gasping in pain as he grabbed it one handed, winding it round into a rough ponytail and pulling her head back up. "Walter, Nooo....STOP IT! You're hurting me," Rosie yelled, struggling to stay upright.
Shaking as the metal touched the back of her neck. "Here it comes. That's lovely," he said, snapping the ends around her throat. She shuddered as the feeling of enclosure was appalling. The size of the thing forced her chin up. Rosie heard the click as the locks engaged. It was VERY tight and the girl nearly screamed. A twist, a rattle of the key as it was removed, signifying it was secured as he let go of the chain. The weight made Rosie wail, and she almost fell backwards, as it was considerable. He went to the side then put the key by the door. At least he didn't toss it straight over the cliff, she thought sadly.
Now she couldn't run the men backed off. Walter Timms told her to turn and bend down so he could show her what was next and again these were new. Heavy steel shackles for her ankles. Rosie saw with a chain, seeing it was attached to the post behind the chair. She'd have barely enough length to shuffle from the throne, round to the bed or reach the bucket, and that was all. The girl straightened, unwilling to watch as each was closed round her legs. The traitor taking time for a crafty rub once they'd been locked on. Because there was barely a four-inch chain between the manacles she could not kick him as his hands went up to the top, pressing her 'button' as she tried not to squeal.
"Hmmm.... No knickers on your big day? Shocking, but petticoats and silk stockings, our naughty girl loves those, does she not? Must be why you're so wet up there. Look after them, they'd better not get damaged or you'll be severely punished." As if this predicament could get any worse as he continued massaging her clit! Her legs began to shake, buckling as the feelings grew. But just before the orgasm erupted he stopped and withdrew, the girl groaning with frustration despite her circumstances. "You are a bloody bastard, I wanted you to finish it" she growled as he grinned at her loss of control.
He showed her the shiny bracelets that were to permanently bind her wrists and again she shuddered. Nearly an inch thick like the leg manacles and the collar, she guessed, but worse as there was only two links between them. Her hands would almost be together as if praying. Doing simple things, eating, drinking, especially trying to lift her dress and use the bucket would be nigh on impossible. "Please, give me more chain on those cuffs, I cannot do anything like that" she wept, trying to explain what she needed her hands for.
But he ignored her. "I'm going to free your wrists Zita, but if you fight or struggle, I'll give you three options. Lock your hands BEHIND your back, you know how bad that felt last time. Or put a nice belt round your waist, attaching the cuffs to this," pulling a d' ring out of his pocket. He reached into the box and took out the thick steel belt and the girl's eyes widened, it seemed far too small to fit round her waist. He unlocked it then slid both halves around, telling her to breathe in. She complied but gasped as the two ends met. "Bloody hell it's far too tight!" she wheezed as he locked it and took the key out, fitting the little d' ring to the front and attached the cuffs to this. Pulling them up, though Rosita could only swivel her eyes downward to barely see them.
"You might be able to reach your mouth if these have your wrists inside. If not then you'll really be in a pickle eh? Or you have them as they are. Don't forget yesterday you asked for 'bracelets for these' look Rosie, they will fit," he grinned as she glared back. "The 'something for my neck' is the collar. I picked it well, nicely shows off the bracelets. I've even got, what was it, oh yes. 'Container to keep everything safe'" Gesturing to the cage that surrounded her, "Well you got that missy, and you will be. Safely... locked...inside," and the sobbing grew louder until he snapped, telling her to shut up or behind her back it was going to be.
Another too long pause so he took the cuffs off the d' ring and went behind her, clicking one over her left wrist, locking it then trying to get the other secured as well without freeing the cord. "No...no... NO," she shrieked, twisting away to try stopping him, bending forward till the collar dragged her back with a jerk. "Please do it round the front... PLEASE!" Rosie wailed.
She begged him repeatedly not that option then sighed for a minute, as the cord was undone. But he held her arms then grinned and locked the other behind anyway and Rosita lost it, as the feeling was simply horrible. The girl stamped her feet, pleading for anything, then breaking into sobs when he unlocked both wrists and she rubbed to relieve the pain. He waited till she'd finished then ordered her to hold her arms out straight. "Choose what you want. Round the back again, attached to the belt, or these" he grinned, then twisted the knife a little further once she'd pointed to the cuffs to be in front. "Now because you were naughty, you have to ask me to secure your wrists...for ever!"
For a moment the girl paused then her eyes blurred and she closed both, not wanting to see that look of triumph in his. "I'm waiting Zita. You HAVE to ask" and she trembled, unable to condemn herself. "Please...put my wrists in those cuffs again," Rosie said at last. "And...what then?" he replied.
"Please lock them...for...ever" she whispered, the tears started silently.
"Good, you made the right decision" he crowed. The lassie jumping badly as the metal touched each wrist, more clicking and keys being taken out. Rosie tried tugging, hopelessly tight again and so heavy, at least two pounds as he let go. She linked her fingers together, the only move possible then rested them in front of her midriff.
Timms came close, putting both hands on her waist, then spent a few moments running his hands all over her. "Stop it, or else" she whispered but again was ignored, him grinning, an eyebrow going up as he questioned what she'd do about it. He found out soon enough as both her hands grabbed his shorts, fingers undoing the zip and reaching for his cock, planning to rake her nails... "Don't you dare missy, or I'll let the men in..." he snapped and that scared Rosie enough to stop her resistance, she tearfully apologised. He said it wasn't sincere enough so put the d' ring on the belt then attached the cuffs to it. Rosie tried raising her hands, fingers not even getting close to her breasts. Timms smiled at her look of horror at the fact she'd not be able to eat or drink like that. "Hmmm, if you behave over the next few minutes I'll free them, understand?" and she nodded.
Finally he said it was time to sit, pushing and supporting the girl as she went down, a sigh as the weight came off her feet. Leaning back so her spine was flat to the rear she realised that the chain for her collar must be resting on something, probably the bed as most of the strain had gone.
"Good girl, all locked in and safe, I bet you're getting even wetter aren't we?" he whispered mockingly as she sat, now secured by neck, wrist and ankles. He reached down into a bag and to her amazement lifted out the missing faux tiara and veils. "All pretty girls want to look their best on the biggest day of their lives' don't they?" he joked, briefly pausing to comb out her hair like Charlie had done. Then he placed the bejewelled band on her head, weaving the blonde locks to hold it in place. Then he'd nodded with approval. "Lovely, I'd want to marry you." The veils were attached but left up at the moment as he smartened her dress, brushing off the debris that had snagged when she'd been walking up.
"To prove I'm so generous, I'll even give you a wedding ring, courtesy of the Royal Navy" he said, producing a simple gold band and slipping it onto the right finger. Earrings and a pendant necklace, also looted were applied. "There, Zita is nearly finished, farewell my dear," he said, the girl managing not to flinch as he leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the forehead, stroking her cheeks. Just to rub it in he crouched down and stared into her eyes. "Want a proper snog? You know I'm going to be the last human to ever do this, Charlie did say nobody would touch you and he was right. Once the door is...locked, that's it honey" and he puckered up. She shook her head but when their lips met Rosie responded! Finally he broke off, let go of her face, wiped the tears away and reached into his bag and brought out her camera, taking a few moments to shoot some photos before coming close again.
"It's time to complete the look of what you've always wanted to be. A pretty girl in a pretty gown...in a...cage. Oops, something sounds wrong doesn't it?" he whispered. Rosie stared, misty eyed as the first was brought down. Like on the ship, everything faded into an opaque cloud as he counted up to three, lowering each with a smirk. What a shame she wasn't able to enjoy the sensation now, as she had back then. He tidied them up and said she was almost ready.
"Walter, please don't do this" she said over and over again. "Why, I never did anything to you. There's enough treasure for you both. I told you I didn't want anything. So why..." she wept quietly as he did nothing but work on, making sure she was perfect, even moving her feet so they were together. Having realised he was ignoring her Rosie quietened down, waiting for the last dreadful act of betrayal. The girl didn't speak when he removed the d' ring from her cuffs, saying he needed it for something else.
She stared straight ahead, appalled as Walter vanished from view to her left. He must be standing there looking at me, she thought, listening as the only keys to her collar and all the manacles rattled in his hand as he was obviously doing something to them. She jumped as the door slammed shut. "Now hear this Zita" Then turned the key, loud clicking of the lock echoing under the overhang. Chains sounded like they were being wrapped around the frame. Top middle and bottom she saw, turning her head and looking down as he affixed the last one, the massive padlocks being secured. Rosie tried to make sure she didn't cry any more and faced the front again.
The last and by far the worst was to end this torment as Timms and the men grabbed the bars and the entire cage began to move. She screamed, thinking they were tossing it over the edge! Gradually it was rotated through ninety degrees then they let go, so she now would have had that great view after all. Except for the fluttering silky layers in front of her widening eyes as she wondered why they'd...
OH GOD NO! She screamed silently... Rosie's heart shattering at what they'd just done, realising that the locked door, her only method of getting out...
Was now facing the rocky face and could NEVER be opened again!
Timms had planned this all along and Miss Wright began to sob at the hopelessness of her situation. He and the others came round so she could see them. "That's very good, Zita, the natives have a Goddess back on top of their world. Charlie Warren and myself have the...well you can guess but it starts with T and ends in ...sure, his sister Charlotte has your flat. I'll probably come and visit every month. We'll leave a wind chime to remind you of us" and he bowed deeply, all the pygmies doing the same before they faded from vision, though not just because of the veils. She was crying too much to see anything as the footsteps receded before the shock caused her to pass out cold.
The breeze got up, a faint tinkling from the wind chime waking the girl and Rosie looked to see where it was positioned and made from what. Wishing she hadn't, realising it was the keys for her restraints, the three big padlocks and probably the cage door as well, hanging from the d' ring, right where she'd be able to see, but naturally beyond reach. Even if she'd been able to stretch one leg up, the short ankle chain from behind the chair plus the collar prevented her from getting within feet of the bars. He'd measured this perfectly to prevent any escape. "Nooo...please God nooo..." Rosie choked, realising how cruel life was going to be from now on.
As the sky darkened, the engine noise from the Albatross' flypasts having faded thirty minutes ago a tiny bird arrived with a whirr of wings, making her jump as it landed. Sitting on the bars of Rosie's cage staring at the shrouded thing inside, examining it. Miss Wright looked back through the layers of her veil, too devastated to lift it away and sort herself out. The green and gold creature peering down at this strange sight. What a marvellous plumage, she thought, and not one I'd seen so far on the trip. It might be a new species, maybe to be named after me perhaps? Not that she'd find out. That thought causing the tears to come back as the girl tried again to part her wrists then stopped with a sigh.
Words suddenly came from nowhere, her late father's voice' when he'd talked about wildlife. The girl staring now as it flew down to her knees then began a lovely song, performing this then hopping up on to her fingers, wings twitching slightly as Rosie slowly raised her shackled hands to examine it closely.
'If you keep a bird locked in a cage, look after it love. Make sure it's got company' he'd said wisely.
" Hello little...Zita bird..." Rosie sobbed quietly, as the tune grew in intensity again,
"...You coming to look after me?"
Part Two - Reprieve
Rosie Wright groaned when she heard the Albatross approaching on its regular visit. Knowing that in a few hours time she'd be confronted by the man who'd made love to her, given her a lovely dress to wear...then betrayed her.
Having the girl marched at spear point to the top of the island then locking her in the cage that had been her home for the last few months.
By now Rosie felt nothing like the Goddess of Fertility that the natives would come and worship each morning at sunrise. Her stunning white bridal gown was rumpled from being worn constantly for so long. The tight steel belt locked round her waist had prevented the girl from ever taking it off. Not that Rosie could do much anyway because of the cuffs. Those thick manacles over her wrists and ankles, the collar round her neck and each day once awake Miss Wright cursed ungoddess like at the fact she was to endure this torment without any hope of freedom.
About the only thing of use she'd done was to ask Walter Timms, the plane's pilot to let her have the paperwork from the trip plus a couple of pens, begging for something to do. He conceded this was a good idea, to disguise the fact she was in this predicament. If the faculty in Oxford wanted her stuff he could send it back bit by bit. This enabled Rosie to collate some of the earlier sightings and the lass worked hard during the daylight hours.
The natives treated her well, always pushing food through the bars of the cage so the girl would never go hungry. Coconuts, pineapples and other fruits came daily and the only thing Rosie worried about was getting juice or food on the dress. Walter, her chief betrayer had always said she'd be punished if ever she made a mess of herself. So far Rosie had managed not to do this but was always fearful of what might lie ahead for her wellbeing. As if being shackled inside a cage wasn't punishing enough! The faint sound of chanting came up the gorge and the girl sighed and began to get ready once more to receive them. Though this was the second visit today and that was unusual.
Hearing the noisy party coming closer Rosie slipped on the tiara and veils, brushed herself down then sat regally on her 'throne' and awaited their extra devotion.
However this time she was amazed to see Timms and her other betrayer, Professor Charles Warren was here too, the first time since 'that day' along with the chief and a retinue of spear carriers. That was a most unusual occurrence as the natives normally did not attend when the pilot came for his monthly 'gloat.' On his first visit she'd screamed at him, telling the guy one day she'd get her revenge. He'd just laughed, took the keys from the hook and jangled them in pleasure. "Yeah, sure you will Zita!" he'd mocked, causing her to break down in tears and with that he'd walked off. She'd waited a whole month just for those few moments. So with Mr Warren here too she waited a minute to see what they were planning.
It was also the first time she'd seen the chief here. The little man now bowing and prostrating himself along with the others, though Rosie could see the little chap was scowling at her. The two westerners standing to one side as gifts of fruit were poked through the bars until she could reach them. Once the chanting had finished she got to her feet and bowed to them then began the laborious task of gathering the food, shuffling round and placing the stuff in the box. Just for once, with this the second visit today there was a plentiful amount so a pig-out was planned after they'd left. Having completed that task she turned back to see Timms and Warren were now alone. The natives withdrawing to the tree line about a hundred yards away and the chief seemed to be having an argument with his mates.
"Good afternoon...Rosie," Warren said, the girl staring to see if he was mocking her like his sidekick had done last time. It seemed so daft stood here about to converse with her former boss while bound like this. "Lift the veils my dear. Show me your lovely face, let me look at you," he ordered as she adjusted the silky layers again. Trying not to let them see the anguish in her eyes the girl shook her head no and sat down, smoothing the folds of the dress out then ignoring them.
"Rosie, if you do this for me...I'll...get you out of the cage, understand?" he said next and that made her start. Surely he was joking and for a moment she paused. "How?" she asked at last, the first time in a month that she'd spoken a word. "Why should I believe you Charlie? You and...Him betrayed me down there. Left me locked up in here. Alone...afraid, no worse than that. I was simply bloody terrified!" she snapped, trying not to cry. Wondering if she should try and trust him once more.
Mr Warren looked at her again then whispered something to Timms. He nodded then stepped away and headed down to the natives leaving Charlie alone with the trembling girl. "Rosie, I'm really sorry about what happened. I just couldn't bear the thought of...well I suppose you've guessed what we did with the Intrepid stuff. It's all invested now. And yes we did pay the taxes on it, cost a bloody fortune too. But all this time I've been thinking about you here. Rosie...love it's time for you to come...home. If you want to of course"
Her eyes blurred with tears and she raised both hands to her face as she broke down. He waited till she'd dried up then the girl spoke. "Charlie, promise me I won't end up in here again. You'll not do this to me anymore" she said, still not believing a word he might say. He nodded and agreed. "Rosie, I promise you now, if you raise those veils you'll be freed within minutes and not be like this again"
It sounded too good to be true and again she wept for a while. The idea of freedom seemed too much to believe in, but she had to trust him now. "OK," she sighed and lifted each one till he could see her face once more. "Thank you" he said, coming round and grabbing the keys from the hook. "I'll tell Timms what you've agreed to; he'll get the locals to sort this out. Free yourself but leave the dress on for now. Do you understand?" she nodded, not sure what 'she'd just agreed to' but it was her only chance. With that he tossed the keys to her and went down to the others. The lass thankfully caught them before they fell out of the other side and over the cliff edge.
Rosita was crying quietly as she unlocked the cuffs on her wrists, then the hated collar was removed and finally the ankles freed along with the belt. By heck it felt SO good being able to stretch in all directions. She removed the tiara and watched as Charlie chatted to Timms before walking away. The pilot spoke to the chief in their own language who then indicated for the party to return to the cage. By now Rosie had unlocked all three padlocks and unwrapped the chains from round the doorframe. The only lock she could not do was the door itself. That could be sorted when the cage was rotated back.
The others arrived, Timms in the lead and she passed the key ring over, waiting for him. But to her surprise he paused a moment and she trembled. "Before I free you Rosie, I need to make sure you'll not attack me for what we..." he began but stopped as she interrupted, promising that this would be the last thing she'd do as she clutched the bars, their faces inches apart. "Just let me out...please, I beg you Walter" she said. He waited then told the girl she had to put the belt back on, with the loop ring at the back this time. Rosie froze, shocked but knew that if she did not comply then they'd abandon her here, took the keys back and grabbed the hated device.
She shuddered as the belt once more clamped itself round her waist and was locked. "Good, now pass back the keys and the wrist manacles...then turn away and put your hands behind your back so I can reach them" Rosie was horrified, she thought this was to be her freedom, so why...? "Do as you're told missy!" he whispered harshly, making her jump. So she did, shaking as the keys were handed over then complying. She felt him put the D'ring onto the belt then attach the cuffs. "Left wrist first," he ordered, so she offered her right arm just to wind him up, gasping as he grabbed it, slapping the limb into the manacle then locking it. "Other one next," and moments later she was secure. Rosie turned back and obeyed the order to sit down while they moved the cage. It lurched round then came that magical screech of metal as the door was opened.
Timms entered and came closer reaching down and she managed not to flinch as he stroked her cheek. "You're a good girl really. Shame you weren't as fertile as the islanders hoped. That's why the chief came up today. Think he's a bit pissed off, probably wants someone better, maybe one of their own" he joked as she sat there wondering what was next as he went behind her 'throne' He fiddled around and returned with the other end of her ankle chain. To Rosie's horror and before she could react he was locking the manacles back over her legs. Then once ordered back on her feet she felt the loose end being clipped onto the loop ring by her wrists. "There, shouldn't run away now, should you?" he said with a grin.
"Now before we leave missy I need you to promise me something. Charlie's sister is down at the camp. She for some reason wanted to see this place and your work, so the Prof said she could join you. You however are NOT, repeat not to tell her what happened and why you're dressed like this. She knows about the Intrepid, though I don't know how she discovered this, or quite how much we made from it. I want it to stay that way, so keep your mouth shut. Charlotte guesses we made a couple of million each from the wreck," and at that point he smiled, "But really it was a hell of a lot more,"
Rosie looked at him questioningly. "OK it was about ten big ones...each. You...Rosita, if you hadn't been so bloody honest could have shared in that. Think about it. You found the thing, so actually it was your treasure not ours. Sorry love but that's the way things go; besides you said yourself that you were not interested. Warren did give the lab guys at Oxford a pay rise so he kept his side of the bargain. So tell me now what you're gonna do"
Miss Wright shrugged as best she could with her hands bound. "I'll say nothing; just get me out of here please. Just take me home" she whispered, the tears starting again. He held on while she cried, then to her surprise he kissed her. Just having someone showing affection was amazing and she responded as best she could. "Good, you know it really was a waste you being up here. Now let's go" he said, turning her round. He collected all her papers, leafing through them. "I see you have been a busy girl. At least this'll keep you in your job when you get home"
Rosie nearly fainted as she stepped THROUGH the door and out of the cage. It was a hell of a struggle walking, both with shackled feet and the fact she'd had so little exercise during her incarceration. They barely made it to the tree line when Timms realised she'd not make it back like that. Quickly he freed her ankles but refused to do her wrists when she offered them.
"Not daft missy" he said, leaning down and sweeping her over his shoulder. Rosie squealed as she'd not been expecting this, but was glad to get the weight off her feet. Her mind was so screwed up she'd not even removed her heels! It was so embarrassing being carried like this, hair swinging into her face and at one point she sneezed. That really made the natives panic and they all ran off! Even the chief gave her a scowl then rushed after his men. For that she got a slap on her ass as they bounced down the track. It was still a most wonderful sight as the cage had vanished and she prayed never to see it again.
Arriving in the camp the pilot set Rosie down and the girl looked around for Charlotte. Only a few natives, all men were here and her heart sank, wondering if they were lying to her again. Timms was about to free her wrists when he paused. Professor Warren came over with some towels and a ladies razor, looked her up and down and grinned.
"Charlotte's gone fruit hunting with the others Rosie, your old job eh?" and she tried to smile at the memories. "Anyway, you've got about 3 hours to get yourself tidied up. Please wash the dress and all the other garments and leave them in the cave. Guess you'll not be wearing them again" Rosie smiled at that, though she had felt great in the gown initially, wearing it for six solid months was way over the top. Her sweat and body odour had probably wrecked it beyond use so it was time to find out.
Just as she moved away however Timms came back with the ankle cuffs, making Rosie stop as he bent down and secured them on her limbs though this chain was slightly longer. "Oh come on buddy," she groaned, "Just cut me a little slack Walter" but the pilot said nothing and wandered off. Charlie just looked at her. "Crack on missy," he chuckled then headed the same way. Catching Timms up and have a blokes only laugh... Bastards the pair of them, she thought as they got into Walter's canoe and headed for the plane
It still felt bloody great as she unzipped the dress, sliding it down then falling over as she'd tried to step out of it. Cursing quietly Rosie got the rest of the undergarments off except the stockings. With the cuffs on she paused, Rosie shrugged then ripped the remnants off and tossed them aside. Naked she shuffled awkwardly for the river and dropped the clothes by the bank, diving headlong into the water for her first bath in six months!
Emerging with a splutter Rosie was almost in heaven as she sat down in the shallows and rubbed the fresh water all over her body and especially up 'there'. The smell hadn't been that bad but it still felt good as she fingered everywhere as clean as possible without using soap. Her arms and legs got the razor treatment and it felt great. Next stop the waterfall and a ragged mass of hair got a careful rinsing. Hopefully the guys had a comb or two between them, or maybe Charlotte would let her use one that she must have with her. Perhaps the lass would give it a proper trim too. It must have grown at least six or eight inches and was very tangled at the ends.
After three months Walter had tossed her a pair of nail clippers otherwise she'd have been in trouble, hacking away at her hair, plus keeping her fingers in check. The hardest of course sorting out her toes. It had taken her two weeks to realise she could slide the stockings through her leg manacles and take them off. By heck that'd felt good and for the first time in ages the girl had something to smile about. Only on the days Walter was due would she put them on, the pilot shamefully making Rosie lift her dress so he could see she was keeping herself tidy. Scoring little victories like that against him and the paperwork stuff had kept the girl from having a complete mental breakdown as the time meandered by.
It was almost a happy Rosita Wright who emerged from the cave after rinsing the clothes and hanging them up. They felt OK but the lass was glad she'd not need them again. Quite why she had to put them out of sight round the corner she didn't ask. However there wasn't any stuff as replacements so it was going to be interesting meeting her buddy like this. Only her work gear, the cameras and a tripod, plus a few of the samples containers sat where they'd been left, the natives had ignored them. Timms had placed her paperwork here too so the girl started making it look like she'd been hard at it all this time.
She knew from many years of friendship Charlotte was a very broad-minded character so hopefully nothing would be said or awkward questions. Walter Timms arrived and to Rosie's relief took off the ankle cuffs, leaving her totally free for the first time.
"Feeling better Rosie?" he asked and she nodded, wondering why they were doing this. Not that she was complaining. The cave was just as she remembered it though all the crates had gone. Even the 'sex-pit' was still there and that made her grin. He saw her looking back down and realised what she must be thinking. "Charlotte obviously does not know what we did on there, not been in this far yet" he chuckled as the girl blushed. "Fancy a quickie pet?" But for that he got a scowl. "No bloody chance Walter" she muttered darkly, her mood changing at the flick of a switch. "It's gonna taking a long time for me to forgive you two..." and she was about to walk off when he grabbed hold of her wrists and pinned her against the wall, staring into her fearful eyes from inches away.
"Now you listen missy," he barked, "It'll only take a few words to chiefy and Zita will once again be in her cage. This time I wouldn't bother coming back. Charlotte's coming here is the only reason you've been freed so you ought to show a bit of gratitude. Besides, Charlie told me you liked being tied up and ravished. You haven't had any since we left you, so what do you say now? Or should we tell the lovely Miss Warren your sordid little bondage secrets? What will they say if it got out?" Rosie's heart froze; no way could she allow that kind of talk to get back to Oxford. The papers would have a field day on her story, trashing reputations was almost a national sport in the gutter press.
Her eyes blurred but she nodded consent so Timms pushed her down onto the matting. Within minutes he had the girl tightly spread-eagled across it. A gag was stuffed into her mouth and tied off. His bony fingers began their work and before long she was humping up and down as they teased her body, the muffled voice soon pleading with him to hurry up and 'get screwing!' Happy to oblige her request he stripped off and Rosita shuddered at the sight of his monster. Despite her initial reticence she did want it now and he saw that wanton look as he plunged into her.
Rosie was blown away as the orgasms finally tore through her body. For so long she'd missed out on this sort of thing. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all and she was smiling a bit more as he cleaned her with tongue before freeing his conquest. Surprisingly Timms apologised for what he'd just done. She thought about it and accepted them as the pair cautiously hugged, then had a kiss as she relaxed. "Thanks Walter, actually I enjoyed that after all" she said, stretched and yawned before heading for the river. He just shook his head and grinned as she walked away.
Female voices came soon after from the tree line and Rosie watched from the water as the fruit party emerged. Of course Charlotte Warren was easily identifiable and not only because she towered over the others. Her lightly tanned skin shone in the sunlight while the raven black hair glowed like highly polished steel. Like the others she was naked, not a stitch of clothing except sneakers and Rosie felt a bit envious as she compared the new arrival to herself. Miss Warren possessed a models' body, in fact she had done some swimwear portfolios in her time before academia came knocking.
Now she came up and gave Timms a brief peck on the cheek, the pilot grinning as he held the girl's shapely hips and gave her a rub. Charlie Warren coughed politely and the others laughed before he too gave his sister a hug. "And I'm worried about what the press might say?" Rosie murmured, deciding to introduce herself back to civilization. "Hello Charlotte, welcome to Borneo love" she said at last, the taller girl swinging round as another European lassie appeared seemingly from nowhere. Her eyes widened "ROSIE!" she squealed then rushed over and the pair embraced, both bursting into tears!
It made for a cock hardening sight for the men, not just the Westerners either. Two gorgeous young women hugging and kissing each other, hands going everywhere and it took another round of brotherly coughing for the pair to break off.
"Nice tan love," Charlotte said at last looking her up and down, not knowing of course that Rosita had been a few shades darker before her time in the cage. "Thanks, you've not changed either. Least we're still the same dress size. Wouldn't want you flaunting a perfect 10 here, the locals might get jealous. Guys if you don't mind we've got work to do by the look of it" Warren nodded and let them pass by.
They held hands as the pair headed for the cave, where a delighted group of native ladies were stood watching. Mrs Shhh was among them and Rosie saw her eyes widening as she came forward. Realising that someone she'd thought lost had returned to the living. Soon the nose rubbing ritual was being performed, Charlotte going second seeing how it was done, then found herself up near the back of the cave helping the others prepare the evening meal. Rosie quietly briefed the lass on what to do when it was time to feed the chief. "Thanks love, I don't know how you've coped being here for so long" she whispered later on as the man ate his fill having nodded approval.
"Long story Char pet," Rosie replied with a sigh and got a curious look in return. Thankfully she didn't pry as the washing up was cleared away. After that the ladies headed for the river, Charlotte saying she was quite happy to stay in the cave with Rosie. "Hmm OK love but I do have rather a personal question to ask you," came the reply and Miss Warren stared back as it was asked. She turned a strange shade of scarlet but then grinned, Rosie doing the same and explaining why. "Bloody hell, err...well I do and we did a lot too, but not since...since Dave and I split up last month, actually because I was too demanding on him" she carried on. Blushing more as they entered the cave. Miss Wright showing her the 'sex-pit,' and then telling the new arrival its' purpose. "You've actually seen them doing it?"
Now it was Rosie's turn to glow, "I have," but the way she guardedly replied Charlotte picked up on this, "The way you're looking at me, you've been on this yourself...haven't you missy?" and Miss Wright nodded. "OK Char, yes I have..." grinning as she sat on the edge and fiddled with one of the cords, wrapping it around her wrist.
"Who with, surely not with chiefy or one of them?" she asked and Rosita by now was a little nervous. "Bloody heck, not my Charlie, or even Walter Timms?" as the girl sat there. Finally sighing, "Well it'll come out one day but...it was... at various times...both your travelling companions!" she said at last.
Charlotte Warren sat there with a gentle smile. "Well I never, 'The Ice Maiden' actually melted eh?" and that made Rosie laugh. "Who would have guessed? But the secrets' safe. I won't say a word love. But...well I'm gonna give my brother some serious needle if he EVER steps out of line again" the pair grinning in the dusk as the native ladies began to gather nearby.
"Now I know you like bondage you better brace yourself Char" Rosie said with a grin as they settled down, seeing Mrs Shhh was carrying a bunch of cords. The newcomer watched in utter amazement as the native quickly bound Miss Wright's wrists behind her back, going on to do her ankles too. Then the others looked at Charlotte. "Oh my..." and got no further as arms quickly seized her own, whipping them back and seconds later she lay alongside her smiling companion as her legs were secured. "Just relax and enjoy it Char, they won't hurt if you don't resist" came the whispered answer.
For that there was a loud Shhh! from close by as various people moved round then the cave fell silent. Charlotte was amazed, her heart pounding and she almost screamed when fingers began lightly moving over her body, all heading the same way. Entering where none had gone for a while, rubbing SO gently and the lass began to shudder as the feelings mounted. Just before she climaxed however they were taken out and she groaned quietly in frustration. A light giggling came from close by. "Rosie, you're a scheming cow...love" she whispered before fading away, still smiling in the darkness.
Dawn broke and it was a rather tired and aching brace of ladies who were untied. Heading past Timms and Professor Warren and diving into the river. Charlotte blushing as she saw her brother looking at the lass as she'd rubbed the cord marks on her wrists. "Had a comfy night?" he asked as she strode past him having finished her ablutions. Miss Warren chuckled and agreed, saying it'd been 'interesting to say the least' "What else have you been hiding on this place? No wonder Rosie didn't want to come home" she joked as Miss Wright approached with some bowls of fruit. The lass heard this but also saw a slight stare from Timms, obviously that subject was still taboo as she served breakfast. Despite the trauma of her incarceration she HAD to put on a brave face or the secret would come out. She hoped Charlotte wouldn't ask too many questions about her work.
That day Rosie said to the others she'd like to take Charlotte down to the Intrepid. Timms wanted to go with them but Miss Wright insisted on going just with her friend. Eventually he admitted defeat and helped them launch the canoe. "Remember what I said" he whispered as Rosie had stood alongside. She nodded but Walter did not see Charlotte had heard this and was looking a little perplexed. The guy seemed to be implying something to the lass. This would need investigating but could wait as the pair paddled off.
It took only an hour or so to get there, despite Rosie tiring much quicker than she thought. This lack of energy was concerning her, she'd have to get fitter on returning to Oxford. But to the wreck they went and it still looked impressive to Charlotte as she saw it for the first time. The Navy guys had not taken more than a few bits of it apparently, preferring to leave the wreckage in-situ. "Wow, its' just like the photos that Martin showed me, once Charlie broke the news about its discovery. Now tell me honestly Rosie, was it you who actually found this thing?" she asked as Miss Wright began clambering up the ladder, telling her it was safe to follow.
"Yes, it was me" she said at last once they'd got up on the deck. "I came through the tree line from over there, saw it just parked, or whatever it's called right here. Looking at what I remember they've left it pretty much intact."
"So how often have you been back? Did you help the Navy, all those beefy guys in their uniforms eh?" she grinned but again saw a slightly hurt look in Rosie's eyes. "No, I didn't want anything to do with it or them. I wanted to finish my own work and I haven't even done that yet, let alone do anyone else's" Miss Wright replied as they headed downstairs to where the brig cage had once sat. Rosie shuddered as she knew damn well where that was right now. Charlotte wandered around, picking up one of the whisky bottles. "Yeah, get pissed on this eh? Party time, tried any?" and Rosie smiled but said no.
The older girl stooped down and picked up one of the manacle sets that lay to one side. Seeing the key ring on the table she tried it, almost dropping it when the lock clicked open. She put one wrist inside but Rosie watched as she couldn't bring herself to close it.
"Bloody hell" she murmured, testing the other one then grabbing the larger set nearby and checked those too. "Put them on Char, see what they feel like when they're locked, I dare you" Rosie said as she peered out of a hole as a bird tweeted nearby and she snapped a photo of it.
"Bit too much for me. I didn't mind the cords last night, used to Dave tying me to the bedposts. Also because of what the girls did later on. These, well... Tell you what love. I'll think about it...if you wear some first" and that made Rosie smile as she returned and stood next to her friend.
"I already have, in the past, brought Walter here the week after I found it. We were doing the same as you are now and he persuaded me to try them. There was a...a big cage in here, about nine feet square with a pole in it. There was a collar attached to it. Walt got some of these bits oiled and working then chained me up; wrists, ankles and neck then he locked the door and went off. I called him a few names but he came back and let me go. But that's...no longer around" she replied. "I wonder where it moved to." Charlotte said as Rosie seemed to give a little shudder or two. She handed the keys over then saw Miss Wright pause as she picked up the leg ones.
"Not scared are you?" Charlotte asked then grinned as Rosie stuck her tongue out. Bending down she locked the shackles over her ankles, ignoring marks the metal had left from those months. She should have scrubbed a bit harder as there were also ones on her arms and she hoped Char hadn't noticed. Taking the wrist ones she did the left one first then handed the keys to her friend. Charlotte looked at them then told Rosie to shuffle over to where the mast was. She complied as the lass eased her round, positioning Rosie with her back leaning against it. "Can you reach your arms back round either side pet, or is it too far?"
Miss Wright stretched as best she could and suddenly jumped when the second manacle clicked over her wrist and was locked on. By golly it felt... "Ohhh my goodness" she whispered as Charlotte came back round with the keys. "Feels good eh?" she said and Rosie smiled. Though it was a strain she could stand it for a while, and at least she wasn't wearing a dress or daft heels. In fact like Char she was butt naked and Miss Wright hoped she wouldn't get splinters in her ass as she rubbed against the mast.
Charlotte now came up very close now. Faces inches apart and Rosie's eyes closed as their lips met. Hands going onto her hips and stroking SO erotically as they moved all over her body. She began to tremble as the older girl got to work and soon she was whimpering as the fingers brought her crashing over into the orgasm to beat all orgasms. Charlotte had to hold her for a moment when Rosie almost passed out. But she recovered her equilibrium and to Char's amazement asked for a drink then a repeat performance. But this time she wanted to be blindfolded and tightly gagged!
"You're a real bondage slut Rosie. I wish I'd told you years ago, we could have had some fun yes?" she giggled looking around for some material. Miss Wright replied that was true. "When we get back to Oxford it's your place..or mine. Oh hang on, it's the same apartment!" and both girls laughed out loud and she got a tweak of nipple that made her squeal.
Miss Warren told her what Charlie had said, that Rosie wasn't coming back for a while and so on. "So just how long were you planning to stay? Professor Walton doesn't seem too bothered yet." she asked. The younger girl paused then lied once the island had been properly documented she'd planned to head up the chain to see what else was waiting to be discovered, missed by earlier expeditions. That seemed to satisfy Charlotte who came back with some old rags and began to prepare them. "Now you are sure about this?" she asked and got an eager reply. Firstly dispatching half a bottle of water then smiling as she came up.
Rosie shuddered as the blindfold was wrapped over her eyes, hanging down over her nose with not a chink of light getting through. Then obeying the order to open up she managed not to choke as a thick wad of shirt was stuffed in her mouth, more tying it off. "There, that's better Rosie. Just going for a pee and a look round. Won't be more than a couple of hours or so. Maybe three" came the reply. Charlotte laughing as the lass began to mew in protest.
Silence fell as she listened to Charlotte's light feet tramping up the staircase, then she felt nothing, except faint vibration as the lass went down the outer ladder. Rosie stood there utterly helpless, her pussy getting seriously wet dreaming about being ravished and she slipped into a fantasy. The girl got so deep into it she didn't hear Charlotte returning minutes later, creeping past with a grin as Miss Wright was humming and sighing, writhing gently in her bonds, hands twitching as her captor headed down to the level below theirs for a good look round.
Only when banging noises broke through her reverie did Rosie awake with a start. Charlotte should be coming from my left, Rosie thought as a slow dragging sound came from somewhere over there, and no it was from below she guessed as they got louder as clumping footsteps came upwards. Hoarse breathing accompanied this and now Miss Wright was concerned. Who the hell was this, a spirit, or worse could it be a native. Oh heck if it was and he found her like this then. She tried struggling, really squealing into the gag but Charlotte had packed it so tight nobody was going to hear her. Finally the noises stopped with a heavy thump and she felt the floor shake as an object was dropped close enough that she felt the air moving.
"What 'ave we 'ere my pretty lass. Ready to be ravished indeed" came a muffled voice from close by and she screamed as hot breath came onto her body. Then there was a cough and a female laugh. "Oh bugger it," said Charlotte's voice, sounding most disappointed. "I never was that good at acting!" and she saw Rosie slumping in her bonds in relief. The edge of her mouth crinkling into a grin on realising who it was. A discernable 'YOU F#####G COW!' came through the gag as she settled down. Freezing as once again Miss Warren put her hands to good use.
Ten minutes later she was free and cuddling her friend as they kissed and thanked each other for a session like no other. "Really had me going there hon" she said as she told Charlotte how it had felt. Though Rosie did wonder why the older girl had told her not to take the blindfold off. "Got another treat for you missy .if you can take it of course" she said as Miss Wright finished off the water bottle.
"Always the competitive sort aren't you Char? But alright, I'll take anything you can do, but don't forget girlie it'll be my turn once free, got it?" and she sensed her friend grinning as they clasped hands. "Fine, challenge accepted" so that earned the blindfolded Rosie a long hug, kiss and rub.
Once her thirst was sated she let Charlotte position her, and then shuddered as once more her wrists were manacled behind her back. "By heck I could love that sound" she said as the locks clicked and Char rattled the keys once they were removed. Then she was puzzled as the girl brought her body forward a pace then told her to lift up her left leg. She complied and felt Charlotte touch it, bringing the limb forward, pulling her with it then lower it. Then this was repeated for the second one. Almost as if she'd stepped over a low wall, strange but obviously it was part of the treat so didn't complain. "Right time to do your ankles again" and she trembled as stroking hands applied the manacles and they were locked. Fingers then running up till they brushed Rosie where it mattered most, paused and dipped in and made her sigh happily. "Dearie me, you cannot wait eh" came the chuckling reply.
"Right love, now comes the real fun bit. I'm going to put my hands under your armpits. When you're ready let me take the weight and I'll lower you onto both knees, OK?" Rosie nodded, her pussy getting wet again. These bondage games were SO much fun! Gradually Charlotte lowered her until the girl's knees hit the wood floor and she slowly let go then told Rosie to lean back till her ass rested on her calves. Once steady the bound girl was surprised to hear more locks being clicked. Charlotte's hands put something on the chain between her leg cuffs, locked it and ran that to her wrist one then that too was clicked shut. "Well done pet, try to raise your hands" So she did, only to find they were firmly attached and she could not come up an inch.
"Halfway there, enjoying it?" Rosie replying yes. "Now I'm going to guide your torso down till those lovely tits of yours are touching your legs. Almost like you'd be in a 'Z' shape, yes?" Rosie nodded. "When you're down there though you're going to feel a metal loop touch the front of your throat. It's attached to a bloody great iron ball just in front of your knees, like the ones you see in dungeons, but for some reason the manacle there is a bigger circle. Two of our legs would fit so I reckon this shapely neck will be fine, OK?"
Miss Wright was getting really excited now. The memories of the cage fading quickly as Charlotte briefed her. She was partway down when she realised there was something missing. "Haven't you forgotten a bit?" There was a pause then a hand stroked her shoulder, brushing the hair to one side.
"Good girl, I thought you'd never ask, definitely learning" and moments later Rosie obeyed the order to open up, a wad of shirt once more being stuffed in her mouth and tied off. The blindfold was also doubled in size with the new lower end covering the rest of her face and secured, this would prevent Rosie spitting out the gag should it come loose. Charlotte made sure she could breathe right then pushed down till indeed her neck settled in the loop. She shuddered as the girl said the top bit was coming round and it gripped firmly but not too tight. Charlotte checked she was OK then came another click.
"There, you're all locked in now Rosie, what a treasure you are. In fact looking at you in there, when the lid is opened the sight of a nice tightly bound beauty would get anyone going. Let's see eh?"
Rosie's heart too was pounding. Lid? What lid...what was Charlotte meaning? Surely she hasn't put me in a box or something? The girl thought, and then a moment later found out as she felt the air moving above her arms then a wooden something pressing down on her, forcing the girl even lower.
OH GOD IT IS a box! Her mind screamed as she heard two catches being knocked on one side. Then a brief hammering as something was manoeuvred next to them then everything fell silent for a minute and Rosie knew she was in deep trouble. "You OK in there love?" came Charlotte's faint voice.
The answer to that was obviously no and Charlotte soon discovered this as a surprisingly loud cry emanated from inside. But worse was to come when the whole crate began to shudder as Rosie panicked, thrashing around as best she could. Utterly terrified she was in there.
How could she forget I get claustrophobia! Rosie wailed through the gag as she burst into tears. Charlotte heard this sobbing start and realised something was wrong as the box rocked around.
"OK love; settle down, I'm opening it back up right now." Came the call and Rosie heard the latches opening then the pressure relieved on her back. She was still begging to be freed though and Miss Warren saw her hands clenching and unclenching. The box still moving as Rosie wriggled as best she could. "Settle down hon, collar's coming off if you stop moving about" Instantly she did but the crying still continued but Charlotte only just got her head out of the way as Rosie tried to propel herself out. Coming up short as the manacle that linked her wrist and ankle cuffs prevented this and she squealed in frustration.
"Just calm down love, the quicker you stop fussing the faster I can get you out" Charlotte said, getting a little worked up as Rosie's head thrashed about. Eventually Miss Warren was able to undo the lower part of the blindfold and ungag her friend. However the stream of expletives and curses that began to flow from Rosie's normally kissable mouth made the girl pause as the rant continued. "Have you got that out of your system now" she said as Miss Wright slowed down to draw breath. Only for another verbal broadside to be aimed, but by now Charlotte had heard enough.
"NOW YOU LISTEN," she shouted into Rosie's ear from only an inch or so away. "If you don't shut up I'm gonna put you back down there again and leave you for Charlie and Walter to sort out!" she snapped, fingering the gag in one hand. Unwisely Rosie called her bluff and a few more rude names. Charlotte lost it and decided she had to do it. "Right, have this back!" she said and began ramming the gag back in, muffling the squeal of anguish and making sure it was tighter than last time. Same with the lower part of the blindfold. She too was getting emotional; realising that she'd got it badly wrong. This was the sort of thing that could spoil the relationship between the girls forever but she too was so angry now. Her eyes streaming tears Charlotte pushed the shuddering girl hard down; overwhelming Rosie's efforts to resist then slapped the loop back over her friend's neck and locked it.
Leaning over the twitching sobbing girl Miss Warren jangled the keys next to Rosie's ears. "I'll leave these with you pet, goodbye" Dropping them so she heard the clink as they landed below Rosie's head and with that she forced the lid down onto the girl and flicked the catches into place. Lastly hammering the two nails into the clasp holes to stop them popping open. A swift kick to the side of the box and she stormed out of the room and back upstairs breaking into sobs.
Rosie was shattered as the faint footsteps vanished, her tears stinging now behind the blindfold. She simply could not move except her fingers against the lid of this box. How had things gone so wrong? Weeping hysterically as the silence enveloped the ship.
Charlotte Warren got as far as the canoe before sanity prevailed. Making a coffee while she thought things through. Yes OK, she'd forgotten that Rosie suffered from claustrophobia but 'least she could have given me chance to apologise' the girl murmured as her eyes watered. She had to go back and at least try and get her point across. If Rosie still wanted to rant then Charlie and Timms it'd be for her. Though that was before she heard the roar of the engines and the flying boat soared over the wreck and headed off. That was puzzling; Walter had said he was going tomorrow, not today. They had to get back to camp to see why he'd left early. With that she hurried back up the ladder and down into the now silent room. The box was still and she approached it with trepidation.
"Rosie, if you can hear me, tap the box once with your hand" she said loudly. Her heart leaping as there was the faintest of knocks. "Now listen carefully honey as this is your only chance of freedom for the next three hours. I'm bloody sorry for what's happened here," she began and told the box her thoughts. Ending the one-sided chat by telling it that if there was no comeback or any more name-calling then she would be freed so they could kiss and make-up. Was that enough? For that she received another knock and Charlotte knew the drama was passing. Quickly she had the lid up and within five minutes a very tearful pair of girls were gently cuddling and stroking each other with apologies from both sides. The chains and rags piled at their feet as they sat down on the chest and Charlotte passed over another bottle of water.
After that was sorted they put the stuff into the chest then continued to look round the ship. Rosie making no attempt to make Char take her turn in the manacles. In fact they were so long aboard it was Charlotte who suddenly remembered that Timms had left and she needed to find out why, and if her brother was still here.
They headed back upstream and got there to find Charlie being shown how to fish by one of the men. Holding a spear he was motionless in mid river and Rosie let the canoe drift into the bank. Suddenly he stabbed down and the native began hollering to the others stood nearby. Warren lifted the spear up and the girls saw a well-harpooned fish wriggling on it. They gently clapped and the Oxford man bowed to them and his tutor. Coming ashore he laid the fish down, only for the native to hand back the spear, then indicating that one wasn't enough and he should catch another. The girls giggled as he headed back in and set to work.
After tea, raw fish and fruit the girls sat with Charlie by the river bank and told him about their day on the Intrepid, though not the dramatic end to their session. "I never guessed you my dear Charlotte were so like Rosie, just as well you're my sister or... Best not tell Walter either or he'll have you in the 'sex-pit' like missy here was yesterday apparently" Miss Wright glowing scarlet as the others laughed. They saw Mr and Mrs Shhh heading into the cave, the three looked at each other then grinned knowingly. Ten minutes later the pair emerged and others took their place.
Once everyone had finished the Westerners were about to go for a stroll when the chief arrived. He looked at Rosie and slightly scowled then over at Miss Warren. To their amazement he seemed to smile at her, then indicate that she should go with him. When she didn't move he jabbered something then pointed into the cave. "Damn, wish Walt hadn't left," Charlie muttered, looking over at Rosie's paling face. "Oh heck Char, we joked about Mr Timms...having me in there. But looking at Mr Chief here...I think it's YOUR turn honey... with him!" she replied with a shudder.
Charlotte Warren's heart froze for a moment. Surely Rosie was joking as she stared up at the guy. He might be only four feet tall but he was impressively well-endowed. His finger waggled and pointed to the girl's midriff in exactly the way Charlie remembered he'd done to Rosie, when the Oxford man 'had' to take the girl. "Rosie's not kidding Char, I think you've pulled!" The others trying not to smile at this quip from an old TV series.
"Oh my goodness, this is a dream," she murmured as he walked off, turned and seemed to be waiting for her. She shrugged then slowly got to her feet. Charlotte paused then smiled briefly, "Well we better not tell him I can't have kids" she said, heading towards the chief and they vanished into the maw of the cave. Rosie was about to follow when the Professor grabbed her arms, holding the girl down. "No, let him do it or we could be in deep shit" he breathed as Miss Wright began to protest. "I'll make it up to her later. But she is right, Charlotte cannot have children, discovered it a few months ago so it won't matter a jot" It seemed to settle Rosie and she leaned against Charlie, their hands meeting. "She'll be OK, might even enjoy it" and that made her grin.
Despite the betrayal by Walter and Mr Warren Rosie still loved this magical place. She had wanted so much to finish the explorations. With her kit here Charlotte might carry on helping over the next couple of days, having earlier found out Timms was not coming back till after next weekend. He had other contracts to fly and couldn't wait around. That was in eight days time so they should get the job done after all. "Proper little holiday eh" Charlotte said as she'd assisted Rosie with some labelling before this had happened. It was going to be a big wrench leaving Borneo but at least Charlotte would be with her. They'd have to pop back to the ship and rescue those manacles and try to sneak them onto Walter's plane, without the men suspecting.
Meanwhile it was a trembling Charlotte who was being tied down in the 'pit'. The chief was quite gentle with her but his knots held taut and she couldn't move a muscle. Once ready he got down on both knees and spent a few moments 'examining' his target. No doubt checking to see if there was any difference between 'them' and me, she thought as he touched in a certain place, making her jump. Then he seemed satisfied and positioned himself then...wallop.
It was just as well Charlotte had quietly fingered herself moist while walking in as there was no attempt at foreplay, just as Rosie had described in the report read back at Oxford by an enthralled bunch of top scientists. 'Wham bam thank you ma'am' indeed as he began like an express train, a real screwing she was receiving and her fire was getting stoked like Dave had never managed. If she got to climax first Charlotte tried not to think about what might happen to her. A squeal might put him off an impressive rhythm as he went in and out like a jackhammer.
Her resolve was being sorely tested and the girl was bubbling nicely towards a Krakatoa style eruption when he suddenly went much deeper, grunting like a hog and she felt a sheer torrent pouring into her. His eyes closed and the chief grabbed her hips and continued grinding himself until the flow began to ease. Once calmer he withdrew and got to his feet. Looking down he nodded...AND WALKED OFF leaving her still spread-eagled and helpless!
Charlotte groaned and her eyes closed at what had just been done to her, smiling in the semi-darkness as she got her breath back. Soon she heard footsteps and opened up to see her brother standing there staring down. "What a sight, what would the Vice-Chancellor say about his staff now?" he grinned as she flushed redder than ever before. "Well done kid, got us out of a sticky situation here," he said, not knowing she was still burning to cum.
"Please Chas," she groaned as he bent down to undo the knots. "No, no," she gasped, trying to hump herself, "Finish me off," was the amazing response. He paused in shock then smiled and looked back down the cave. "Sure?" he said and she nodded and sighed as his fingers were gently inserted, finding her 'button' and beginning to move as she tried to help him. But he was teasing her, Charlotte thought as he stopped just as she was about to blow. A hand clamped itself over her mouth then he began again and this time let her go all the way. Her satisfied squealing thankfully muffled and he let the lass settle.
"That was bloody awesome," she wheezed as he let go and got up, walking round the pit and heading beyond the inner corner for a moment. Her arms and legs were starting to ache as he returned... blew her a kiss but WALKED STRAIGHT past her and out of the cave. Charlotte somehow managed not to scream in frustration but thankfully Rosie arrived a few minutes later. She could tell by the look on Char's face what had happened and she smiled, coming to sit by her twitching friend. Freeing Miss Warren from her bonds. "And you had the nerve to call me a bondage slut!" she said as Charlotte rubbed her wrists to ease the marks there.
That night saw the girls both left unbound and for once neither complained. The chief seemed happy enough and Charlie was a better fisherman than he thought, the guy getting real nods of approval from the natives as he stabbed speared and brought fish after fish out of the river. Meanwhile the two ladies having not gone with the fruit picking party got to work doing the stuff Rosie should have finished had she not been in the cage. Thankfully Charlotte was too busy to ask why the flow of samples and photos had declined from the initial rush. Rosie had made up a story in case but she didn't know that to hide what had happened Charlie arranged with Walt to only send back a few bits each month.
So the Professor had been a bit concerned when Charlotte announced she wanted to come out to the island herself to see it. Phoning Walter in Borneo's capital he arranged the trip and suggested that now the bullion was now safely invested it might be time to let Rosie go free and smuggle her out of the place. If of course she promised to be quiet about what had happened. Walt told him she was still sane and actually working on her stuff while in the cage. "Good, no awkward questions then. This should work" So out they'd come and so far everything was going to plan. Certainly Charlotte seemed to be adapting to life here. She'd been a little concerned when the professor had told her that none of the ladies wore any clothes, even Rosie had 'gone a bit native' except for sneakers so she'd have to do likewise.
Having arrived it was a nervous Miss Warren who'd stripped off in the cave then emerged butt naked. Flushing as both the pilot and her brother looked at her and smiled. But none of the locals seemed bothered, the chief had nodded and bowed on first meeting, then she'd been told by Timms that fruit-collecting was her task right now and a fascinated Charlotte had gone with the girls into the forest. By the time they'd got back Rosie was here, equally naked and this had settled her nerves.
The girls finished their work in four days, Rosie finally getting some much better shots of that weird monkey seen during her first time. Charlie was thrilled seeing the photos and gave her a long hug and kiss. Miss Warren joked that back in Oxford 'that'd be harassment' and they all laughed.
So with some spare time the three Westerners' returned to the Intrepid for more adventures. Once on board the girls showed Charlie what they'd done, Charlotte admitting what had happened when Rosie was locked in the crate. Showing him all the stuff she'd worn before the lid had gone down on her. Miss Wright saying that maybe she would have another go today. If she had prior warning then it'd be bearable for a short period.
Charlotte's eyes rolled and the professor told her that Miss Wright had informed him during their chats when getting to know her, long ago she'd once been shut in a tiny box by a school friend when playing hide-and-seek. The lid had jammed and they'd had to wait for Mary's parents to come home an hour later. Her dad needed to break it open and get her calmed down. That's why she didn't like confined spaces. "You don't even like going into the store cupboards in the lab, in case someone plays a prank." he said and saw Rosie nodding in agreement.
The manacles were a different thing and after lunch Rosie asked if Charlotte would put her against the mast again. Both girls grinned at Charlie's amazed expression and he sat to one side and watched as his sister got the lassie secured. Least he was wearing shorts or they'd have seen his cock was getting hard. They'd found a couple of sets with slightly longer chain so Rosie's ankles were secured either side of the mast and obviously she couldn't now close her legs. She saw him looking right there and flushed.
Charlotte was about to finish with the gag and blindfold for Rosie then start giving her the once-over when Mr Warren raised a hand to stop her. "OK Char, when she's done. What about you? Cannot have Rosie getting all the treats, so you missy, are going to be locked in there if we can find enough working bits" he grinned, pointing to the casket. Her eyes bugged out but he could see the flash of excitement appearing. After a moments' pause she nodded. Miss Wright too was smiling as she saw Charlotte getting her come-uppence. "Serves you right love!" she chuckled. The laughing being cut off as the first wad of material was shoved into her mouth. The rest was done then she heard Charlie instructing his sister about what he was going to do to her if they succeeded.
The hunt round and checking of various restraining paraphernalia did indeed find what he was after and it was a slightly breathy Charles who ordered his sister to place both wrists behind her back. For a brief moment he thought she was bottling then the lass complied, twitching as he clicked each one over a limb then removed the keys. She stepped into the box then he secured her ankles.
"I cannot believe you are letting me do this, but at least you're being a good sport" he whispered and she smiled gently as he rubbed her cheek, noticing she was trembling and that was hardly surprising if this was her first time. Fetching the material for her gag Charlie smiled, "The number of times I wanted to do something like this as a kid to stop all your nosy questions" and that got her going, noticing Rosie too found this amusing as she was humming and nodding in agreement. A wander across the deck to tweak both nipples and she squealed in surprise. "More of this for you later" he murmured so Charlotte couldn't hear.
"As for you missy" he said coming back, seeing her eyes widen as he packed the first part in then tied off the remainder, before grabbing the rest and wadding it up. He blindfolded her then remembered what she'd said about the rest over her face. This was done and he saw his sisters' lovely chest rising and falling a lot quicker now. The nipples standing out and he wondered whether to...no, let's not spoil it for her. Charlie told her to relax and he'd bear the weight as he lowered her down. Once settled he looked for the spare chain and tried to remember what she'd said...oh it's like this and he got the bits locked over the wrist and ankle ones then guided her forward. Charlotte was almost wetting herself with excitement but a little fear perhaps. No wonder Rosie had reacted so badly without the warning. Sorry love you're so forgiven, she thought as he got her settled into the neck loop. This was closed and he said the job was done.
It was too good an opportunity and his hands landed on her back then went sliding either side till they could feel breasts. Charlotte jumped and squealed, her cute ass wiggling as fingers rubbed her nipples and he could smell...she was REALLY getting excited now. What a girl she was and he smiled, saying that was enough and heard a rather plaintive mew. The 'oh do it a bit more' sort of noise. But it was Rosie he planned to tease so the lid went over the top and he pushed down till the latches fell across the loops and he could close them up. Lastly two nails were jammed in the holes and she was finished. Her mind was going haywire now and when his hands had done their stuff she'd nearly blown up. Now the lid was closed Charlotte drifted off, imagining she was to be taken somewhere and ravished.
Meanwhile Rosie Wright had listened to all the clicks, murmuring and suchlike, then the latches being done and knew that his attention would soon switch back to her. As it proved when he came over and placed both hands on her trembling hips then kissed the padding over her nose.
"Have you been a good girl" he asked and she nodded her head. "Oh dear. I thought only naughty girls ended up tied like this. I might as well leave you alone" and she hummed again, sounding annoyed. "So you have been bad after all" and this time she agreed. "Good, time for punishment then," he said and she shuddered as a finger began to prod all over her body. Lightly at first but then harder. Pushing her nipples in, then letting them spring out again.
Rosie's brain was amazed and she could feel her body starting to react the right way. Just in time too as the Professor's finger barely brushed over her pussy and she gasped behind the gag and went up on her toes. "Isn't this what you wanted honey?" he asked, gently rubbing the outer lips as she tried to go even higher to escape this torment. Miss Wright couldn't spare the air to answer, mainly because it would be yes! When his finger withdrew she settled, trying not to impale herself on them, yet, then had to go up again as he started toying with her and the groaning got more intense.
Such a sight, her lightly bronzed skin glistening as she strained against the manacles, her feet almost dancing and he did this for a while. Her breathing shallowing now and he knew she was either tiring or ready for the main event. "Say it honey. You want this?" he whispered and she nodded as he held his hand firmly. Rosie sighed as she lowered herself onto them, a really sexy moan following as he began to work her over. She was really wet and the Oxford man wondered whether to... "How badly do you want it? Everything, including that?" he questioned the girl and the way Rosie jerked her head he knew she was ready. Slipping his shorts off he brought himself up and sooooo slowly guided it into her waiting pussy.
Rosie Wright was smiling behind her gag as she felt it coming in. 'Oh heck' she said then 'braced for impact' as he eased back then came forward fast, spearing deep and she squealed happily as he began the cycle for which 'Bunny Warren' was famous, or infamous, she couldn't care less which. Just keep going' she thought as his hands gripped her waist and he was really doing it now. Her legs were getting wobbly and her heart was pounding when suddenly she couldn't stop it anymore. A tremendous rush came blasting through and seconds later as Rosie screamed like a banshee she felt Charlie unloading the Amazon into her.
Oh bloody hell! She thought as he continued thrusting in and out. Despite what Timms had done yesterday 'Ol Bunny was one heck of a good screwer. Kind too as they calmed down and he withdrew, his hands still holding her waist and gently stroking. "There's a very good girl" he said letting go and coming back over with a towel from the bag. He cleaned her midriff then undid the gag so she could breathe easier. The blindfold was removed and Rosie was smiling broadly as her sweaty face emerged.
They shared another kiss then she was freed from the mast, yawning and stretching before a pee was needed and she headed off the ship for a dip in the river. "Am I forgiven now" he asked as they had another cuddle on her return. She thought about it then agreed, "Yes, you are...just. Forgiven but not forgotten, understand?" and it was his turn to look apologetic.
More so a few minutes later when Charlotte's casket started rocking, a faint squealing and tapping adding to the drama. Rosie stared at it, wondering aloud whether to let her stew. "Oh, maybe not. I didn't notice if she went for a pee before I locked her in" he chuckled. Charles banged the box, saying he was opening it up now. The noise ceased and Rosie helped undo the various bits before an almost frantic lass fled the room and clattered down the ladder, ignoring the laughter behind her. By the time a refreshed Charlotte came back up the coffee was brewing and she got a round of applause 'for acting'
Try as they might the girls could not fit Charlie into the casket that afternoon. He was too large to get bent forward to secure his neck and the lid down. At least they'd got him locked by his extremities, blindfolded and the rest but no joy. He was freed and the roles for the ladies were reversed. A rather trembling Rosie was put into the box, though she did ask not to be gagged in case of a panic attack. The others complied with this, anxious not to spoil the day and she was soon tucked out of sight.
"Right missy," Charlie grinned as his sister stood there, chains in hand looking at him. She smiled then walked to the mast and positioned herself. He could feel the excitement as her wrists were locked then both ankles secured before the professor got the cloths ready. "Now obviously I'm not going to do it to you love like Rosie, that'd be illegal but we'll manage somehow to get you all hot and bothered!" Charlotte giving a shudder or two as he'd said it.
Minutes later it was a very excitable Miss Warren who was getting a treat as her brother brought the girl off time and again as he tormented her to an orgasmic frenzy. Never in her wildest dreams did she think this could happen. Some girls do adore their older siblings; she was one, but never in this way! When they got back to Oxford she'd need to keep quiet about this to Martin, the eldest of the three. So it would be one secret she'd have to keep and that was gonna be tough. His hands began again...
A happy trio of Oxford people paddled their way back to the camp. The girls taking their turns on the oars but quietly letting Charlie do most of the work. Rosie had got through her time in the box alright and she'd actually been freed before his sister. Sharing a hug and kiss while a frustrated Charlotte stood there, her pussy dripping on the deck waiting for her turn, her flushed and gagged face staring at them as the pair fondled each other. Charlie making sure she knew her place by removing the blindfold then leaving her to stew.
Arriving back they met the chief with the usual greetings and Charlie, spear in hand headed for the river while the girls helped Mrs Shhh and the others prepare the evening meal. That was devoured and life meandered on till bedtime and Charlie watched as his sister and Rosie went to the back with the others. He and the guys near the entrance. Although it was still steamy here he could enjoy the climate as it'd only be another three days max. How Rosie was going to cope arriving back in England in early March was yet to be thought out. In fact he didn't know if the girl, seemingly recovering well from her stretch in the cage was even aware what the date was.
Next day they planned different things for the day rather than visiting the Intrepid again. Rosita wanted to show Charlotte where the 'funny monkey' lived up in the northern end and get it on video as well as still photos. The chief saw Charlie examine the natives' ocean going canoe after breakfast and came closer with his men as they'd been about to go off in it. With hand signs and smiles it became apparent that he was being invited aboard for the trip. Having told the girls he was going they watched as it set off. "Right then pet, time we too headed out, it's a fair way to go there and back in a day"
Thankfully Charlotte didn't ask her friend too much about the place, just happy to let Rosie comment now and again. Miss Wright was determined to keep her promise to the men and leave, though it was going to be a blow when she did.
A great day was had, both succeeding in their quests, Charlie pleasing the chief with his strength as they'd hauled on the nets, the guy even let him steer the canoe on their way back. It was an education to the professor about how the different races on Earth could get on with each other and he planned to start writing a paper about this on his return to England. Meanwhile Rosie and Char were ecstatic at not only finding the monkey, filming it but discovering there was an extended family of them! "Aren't they sweet?" Char whispered as her friend filmed one of the babies. Later they watched as two of the little creatures began 'getting it on'. "Hmmm, I wonder if these guys could teach the natives a thing or two" Rosie grinned, commenting there wasn't a sign of a sex-pit, ropes or anything else!
It was getting dark when they returned; Rosie and Charlotte were walking along the bank about a mile from the camp when the canoe came alongside them. The chief made it stop and waved them into the water, both girls wading out and Charlie helped them aboard. The smell of fish was very strong; a big pile in a container and it was a rather pleased looking boss man who greeted them, especially Charlotte apparently. Beckoning her forward for a nose-rub. Rosie too, though she only got one per side rather than her friend's three. She wasn't put out as she'd done this before with him, smiling as Char sat down blushing! Pleased to get the weight off her legs as they'd been on foot for several hours.
Food was consumed on returning and the three Westerners were talking about their day when the chief arrived. Charlotte starting to tremble slightly looking at his midriff, remembering what they'd done two nights ago. The way he was looking straight at her and nobody else, his impressive cock sticking out he wanted a repeat of that. She smiled up, nodded then got to her feet and went off with the guy into the cavern while the others looked speechless at each other.
It was just as good, the girl excitedly positioning herself as he waited for her to settle. Swiftly he got Charlotte tied down and began. This screwing was harder, faster and longer, the resulting flow of cum almost filling her...before she quietly groaned when once more he left it for someone else to release her from the pit. Though it was actually Mrs Shhh and a few of the ladies who did this half an hour later, having brought a stunned Miss Warren off. Questioning the others after her 'cleaning' dip Charlie had explained the native girls had stopped Rosie from entering the cave once the chief had left. Indicating for her to go back. Rosie complied having rubbed noses and left them with it. That night they were both tightly bound and the giggling echoed around the cave, the odd 'Shhh' being ignored.
"Another day in paradise love?" Charlotte groaned as she massaged her wrists while sitting in the river. Rosie smiling as she bathed her hair under the waterfall, thankful that Char had been able to cut it the day of her arrival. "Yeah, soon be Christmas I guess" she replied, being stunned a moment later when she found out it was almost March! "Crikey, have I been here EIGHT months? No wonder...I'm well out of the loop now. Peter Walton must be going nuts at how long I've been gone" Rosie was secretly appalled but had better not show it. Nearly three months overdue for her paper on the island. There wasn't going to be any playtime for a while when they got home at this rate.
She bit her tongue when Charlie returned to them, the guy looking puzzled, asking whether either had heard Timms flying in and out yesterday. According to what the chief had indicated by sign language he'd been here for half the day but nobody knew why. He'd brought a canoe, paddled off for a while then arrived back then flown off again. Rosie looked at him; the girl worried that if he thought they'd gone... "He...Charlie he is coming back? Isn't he?" she asked quickly, Charlotte noticing her hands were shaking badly. This was curious but the Professor showed her his watch and the date, reassuring Miss Wright that he was to be here on March 1st. Today was the 28th of February so stop worrying and he'd be here tomorrow as planned. They'd ask him what had happened.
It seemed to settle Rosie a bit who then suggested they have a last visit to the Intrepid. The others both smiling as she blushed, knowing what the girl was thinking about. So they packed and went off for the day, arriving at the ship and going aboard. Minutes later the professor found himself trying to decide which of them to tie up first! "Such a nice problem to solve," he grinned as they laughed. Eventually he got them chained to each other round the mast. A cunning plan as it meant both pairs of hands were clamped on the others' buttocks, Rosie especially giving Char some grief, mainly because it'd been her idea in the first place.
Once safely gagged and blindfolded the guy set to work and shortly there was stereo squealing as he brought both off at the same time! What a pair they were and he let them calm down, and then started again on those hot little pussies. He paced himself over the next half hour, making Charlotte scream when he ignored her by screwing Rosie properly, the girl's mind-blowing series of orgasms made her grip Miss Warren's butt even harder. Finally he sensed they'd endured enough and freed the pair. Both girls soon making a mad dash for the stairs and the river. "Last one makes the coffee pet" Rosie shrieked as they went up. Coming back minutes later they teased Charlie, saying he should let them tie him to the mast as well. Eventually he obliged and stood there feeling a bit daft, though he did freeze when hands got hold of his shorts and pulled them down.
Just as well he was gagged when a warm mouth enveloped his cock, the professor assumed it would be Rosie wanting her own back as she nipped him with her teeth. It would surely be too much for his sister to do this. Gradually he felt himself swelling down there and then the unknown continued its work. But just when he was about to let loose it withdrew and vanished! It was a girl's turn to laugh out loud as he groaned in sheer exasperation. Charlie did get worried when hands placed themselves on both hips and a hot body slid itself up his front. The feeling of two erect nipples rubbing over his hairy chest was something a girl had never done to him yet, before she moved slightly away. It was a rather breathy Charlotte's voice who nibbled his ear seconds later!
"Enjoying it darling? Want me to continue?" she muttered and Rosie, who was actually standing there in front of her old boss, did her best not to laugh as the guy really twitched. He said something they could not decipher before Miss Wright took him again, this time letting the guy explode. She'd never taken that much before and it was hard, but she managed to get it all down and Charlotte watched as his chest began to slow. She pointed to the casket, indicating for Rosie to quickly climb in unbound and make it seem like it'd been his sister who'd brought the guy off. The lass complied with a broad smile and it was an amazed Charlie who had the blindfold and gag removed to see his sibling there wiping her mouth and no sign of...
"Bloody hell Char, was that really you?" he spluttered as she grinned coyly at him, pointing to the fact the box was closed, the pins clearly visible. Then Charlotte broke into shrieks of laughter and freed her friend who came close and rubbed herself up him again. His sister leaning in from the side and saying that same phrase again in the breathy voice. They grinned on seeing him relaxing. "You pair of cows' when we get back to England I'm gonna...gonna..."
"What?" Rosie said, her fingers grasping his cock again, feeling him jump as her nail just began to tap it. "I think it's a bit soon to start making threats dear Professor. But you can get yourself out of this," she grinned as he waited. "This has been a great time for all three of us. I know we're going home, but Charlie, could we take these chains and a couple of the caskets with us, and so we can relive the experience again and again? Either Char and me on our own, or maybe you as well, if you wanted to play"
He stared at his nodding sister and Rosie, then smiled and agreed. "OK, it's a deal; we'll have all the stuff in here, and see what else we can pack in. Walter's expecting a bit of weight with all Rosie's kit anyway. Go ahead" and with that they both kissed him then freed Charlie who shot off to the river.
"Great idea girlie, would never have thought of that. Just as well the big bed in your room has a metal frame or you'd have to buy a new one" Charlotte said, telling Rosie that despite the fact she'd lived full time at the apartment, and what Chas said about the place she still assumed Miss Wright was returning. So she hadn't moved her stuff into the master bedroom, instead sleeping in the single one at the back. "Thanks love, as I said to Charlie sometime ago that you were the only lass I could trust. Thanks for keeping your word" and they kissed and embraced.
Charlie returned to find the pair cuddling; a seriously erotic sight and only a clink of the camping stove distracted them as he prepared another round of coffee. It took about an hour or so to grab as many manacles, chains and stuff and pack them into the casket, plus another they found below their deck. Professor Warren did grin on seeing his sister sneak at least three bottles of whisky into one, making sure she didn't know he'd spotted her. Getting the heavy caskets off the ship took an effort but the three made camp well in time for dinner. Sitting there later on, Rosie starting to write up her final report for Prof Walton they saw the chief arriving and knew... as Charlotte smiled and got to her feet.
"That girl is something else, just hope Walter doesn't find out. I think he had an eye on her" Charlie chuckled at his sister's vanishing ass as it wiggled away into the darkness. Staying there for longer than the Westerners expected and looking around Rosie realised they were alone. Not a single native was anywhere near them, just two, out in the river fishing.
Charlotte was amazed when she arrived at the sex-pit. To find they were not alone as usual. Mrs Shhh and her group and a fair few of the men here too but she said nothing as chiefy got her 'comfortable'. If that's possible, she thought as her arms and legs were tied off. She watched as the chief addressed the gathering, then Mrs Shhh came forward and did likewise. If only Walter was here I could understand.
It was the chief's turn again and he pointed to her and Charlotte hoped they weren't ALL going to have a go. That'd be well out of order but he waffled on, then she heard part of her name being used, the shortened form, being 'Lotte' and she hated that. Wondering how he knew that, his hearing must be better than we thought. 'Char' was alright for her workmates and friends but there was nothing the girl could do about it now.
With having an audience there it was making her seriously horny and the chief slipped smoothly inside then got to work. Charlotte Warren soon realised that whatever was tried to stop herself, she was going to orgasm in a big way and so it proved. The guy was amazing, even better than last night's effort and her eyes were seeing stars at the intensity of the pounding in and out. Suddenly she began gasping and shaking, a few of the ladies smiling as they knew what was happening as it approached. Charlotte exploded, right in time with the chief and she squealed long and loud as he gripped even tighter...then it got better for her.
Professor Warren quickly had Rosie pinned down outside when the noise reached them, his torso over hers. Hands clamped over her arms as she struggled. That squealing was way louder than it should be and she was worried for her friend as it went on for a while. "NO," he snapped as she begged him to let her go. "If they're inside gawping then our arrival without warning could antagonise them, remember when I got it wrong last time. Give it half an hour or so. That's an order Rosita! Now settle down love" he intoned and the girl knew, by calling her that he meant it.
She sobbed quietly as he released his grip, apologising for the rough stuff and she accepted that as they hugged each other. Charlie stroked her hair, crooning that Charlotte would be fine. The chief emerged and looked really chuffed as the others followed, chanting in their gibberish and heading off up the track. Even the two who'd been fishing left the water and followed them. Once they'd gone Rosie was about to hurry to the cave when Mrs Shhh appeared, leading a very wobbly Charlotte by the hand.
Rosie rushed to her side, trying not to cry as the girl appeared on the point of collapse. Between them the pair got Miss Warren into the shallows whereupon Mrs Shhh nodded and bowed, nose rubbed them both then hurried off after the rest of the tribe. The professor joined them, giving Char a long kiss as she sat down, her breathing still laboured. "By golly," she wheezed, "That's the first multiple orgasm I've had in YEARS!"
The others broke into howls of relieved laughter as she explained what had occurred. "There I was, pinning Rosie down 'cause I thought she would interrupt" Charlie said as his sister finished the tale. They brewed up a coffee and had just packed everything away when the natives returned; all still in high spirits and everyone dipped into the river then went into the cave. Rosie and Charlotte being led by the hands down the back where the ladies awaited them.
To their amazement Mrs Shhh bound their ankles as usual but then the girls were lifted into the sex pit then stood up before being tied together, face to face, their wrists round each other like they were in a hug. Both were slightly trembling as the ladies wrapped yards of rope around them, even interlinking it under their arms and over the torsos, around the knees and everywhere. Hands got them lowered onto the matting then more ropes were secured to the ankles, attaching them to the sides and neither could move a muscle now. Any sign of trying to talk was instantly met with a gentle Sssh, then rubbing of the speakers' skin until she was quiet again.
Lastly and possibly the most frightening were the ones that normally went round the wrists when spread-eagled across the pit. This time they were looped round each girl's neck like a noose then fed out to the corners and adjusted. Now the trembling did get worse but the faintest of whispers between the pair, plus the odd kiss settled them down, her seeing Rosie's wide eyes. "Guess it's' gonna be a long night honey, sweet dreams" Charlotte murmured, her hand slowly stroking her friend's back as the last of the daylight vanished to be replaced by a full-moon. Miss Wright didn't reply, hardly surprising as she was seriously bothered by this and prayed she wouldn't end up on that hill again.
Both girls were very relieved to wake up next morning, to find that somehow they'd been freed but not disturbed. The marks were still pretty bad and they headed for the river. Charlie staring as they went past, but with the chief nearby he didn't say a word until the guy vanished. "You two alright?" he asked as the pair checked each other over, both of them shaking badly at what had happened last night. They told him what had been done to them and Rosie saw him frowning. "Yeah, I think it's really time we all left" he said on hearing the tale. So this didn't appear to be some evil plan to trap her in the cage again she assumed and that was a relief.
Most of the men had left in the canoe just after dawn according to the Oxford man, with no sign of the chief being about. The native women apparently vanished about an hour ago on the normal fruit hunt as all the boxes they normally used were missing. So the Westerners just sat around waiting for Timms, Charlie saying he'd arranged to be here by 1030am. So it was a relieved Rosie who heard the faintest buzz of the Albatross bang on time and the others saw her smile as Charlie showed her his watch. It passed over at low altitude then the noise died away. Half an hour later Walter taxied into his normal spot and tossed out the anchor, waving to the trio.
Arriving in his trusty canoe he shook hands with Charles, giving both ladies a brief kiss. Then the guy asked them where they'd been. Today was the 3rd. Charlie looked at his watch, showing the pilot it, that his device said it was the 1st. "Which way did you come round? Via LA or through Kuala Lumpur and onto Borneo?" Charlie said it was KL, then realised that he'd flipped his watch forward to Malaysia time when still at Heathrow, and then did it again in the Far East. So he'd lost two days and they were 48 hours late for the pick-up. "You are a Muppet old buddy. Call yourself a Professor?" he grinned once they'd worked it out; it relaxed the girls who teased him. "Still, I'm here now. I won't even charge you for the extra trip. Just got to get the gear out for chiefy, grab lunch and then we're off home."
He wandered over and greeted the chief who'd appeared from nowhere, the pair going off into the cave. Rosie and Charlotte looked at each other while Charlie reset his watch. A long while later the pilot emerged, while the boss walked away and Timms beckoned Charlie aside. The girls watched as the pair chatted for a few minutes, at one point the two looked at them then nodded before Walter went for his canoe. The girls didn't seem concerned then Charlie asked Rosie to have a talk with the aviator while he chatted to his sister alone. Miss Wright shrugged then got to her feet and wandered over, Walter telling her to quickly get aboard so he could speak to her in private. Now she was worried and he saw her hands start shaking as they paddled to the aircraft.
In the plane Walter told Rosie something had badly spooked the chief last night, that was why the girls had been tied so tightly, to prevent any escape. "No Walt, don't even think about it. I'm NOT going in that cage again" she said straight away, starting to cry, thinking that she couldn't cope with that again. Timms held the girl tenderly and rubbed her backside. "I promise love, you'll not go anywhere near it. Never, understand? Once we leave that's it" she stared at him before nodding.
Rosie was astonished though on finding out that once again she was to wear a dress while they had a farewell meal, same for Miss Warren. Walter showed the boxes to her, one gown was white, the other dark and she shuddered violently, sure she was being set up. Asking him how he knew Charlotte's dress and shoe sizes. The pilot replying he'd heard them talk about it when the girl had first arrived. "But don't worry honey, it's not the one you wore before" she smiled grimly then told him she'd use the black one. "But how are you going to get us out buddy? Two girls in pretty frocks is a bit hard to disguise!" she said acidly.
Walter Timms smiled then revealed Charlie had told him about the girls' activities in the ship. Rosie flushed crimson at this. "He told you everything?" she chuckled and he nodded. "Yes, you're a very naughty girl Rosie Wright, and his Charlotte's no better. So it may sound strange but Charlie's going to have the pair of you IN those caskets of yours and smuggle you out that way. How's that for a cunning plan then?" he grinned as she ran a finger over the silky fabric. Rosie shuddered but knew he was right.
"OK I'll do it, but Walt," she said pleadingly, "Don't betray me again. I cannot face the idea..." and she began to sob. Again he held Rosie, stroking her all over and eventually they began snogging. "What are you doing tonight honey? There's a nice double bed waiting at my place" and now Rosie was relaxing enough to laugh, the guy getting a poke for his trouble. "Come on, let's go" he finished, handing her the boxes and telling the lass they needed to get the other supplies unloaded as well.
Charlotte Warren too was shocked as her brother told his sister what Walter had informed him. She felt a little guilty about what happened last night and she agreed without question. Though the crazy idea of wearing a long frock and heels just to eat a meal, when she'd been naked for the last few days was hard to comprehend but she took it well. "Imagine what Rosie's gonna say pet. She hasn't worn a stitch for eight months!" she chuckled, seeing the pair coming over in the canoe. On arrival the two girls hugged then Walter handed the boxes to Rosie, the black one being on top. Charlotte saw this and took it off her friend, saying with a grin she'd worn a bridal one when marrying her ex, "And look what happened to THAT relationship"
Rosie stopped and Charlie could see she wasn't happy, glaring daggers at his sister and protested that Timms said she could wear the black one. "Now hold on Char, that's not fair love. Let's get into the cave and sort it out properly like adults. You two will toss a coin, whoever wins gets to pick. Really, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves, yes?" The pair nodded and apologised with a kiss, following Charles as he headed for the entrance, just in time for the chief to exit, the little guy walking up with a curious look. The professor let him see what was in both the boxes and he touched the dresses. Lifting each up and rubbing the fabric. The guy pondered for a minute then took the white one and brought it to the girls, handing the box to Miss Warren. "Lotte" he said with a smile then bowed to her before going off looking very happy with something.
"Well I guess that's sorted then," she said with a resigned chuckle as the other two stared at her. "Char love I think you've pulled again!" Rosie quipped and that made all three laugh as they went inside. "Right, never was good at gambling, always seemed to lose at strip poker in the dorms" Charlotte said. Miss Wright agreeing, having a chuckle at the fact a game of that might involve them getting dressed first. "One loss, take off one shoe then lose again and it's game over" she said looking down at herself.
"Right folks, you've got just over half an hour to get ready" Charlie said as the frocks were pulled out and examined. Rosie amazed to see that once more Walter had brought everything a girl might want to wear under this...except knickers and she tried not to show her fear. This was déjà-vu, so once outside she'd keep a very close eye on the natives during and after their meal. If any of them were seen with cords in hand she was going to freak out, probably panic and end up swimming to the plane, whether clad in this or not. A last quick dip in the river followed as neither wanted to get 'caught short' This meal should take about an hour, get themselves into the caskets and away into the plane. They planned to ask Walter that once down river and safely away from the camp that Charlie free them then another quick loo-stop at sea before take-off.
"How you doing love?" Charlotte said as she battled with the stockings and garter belt. Rosie said something rude about Timms in a joshing way and it made her friend grin. The idea of a bloke going into a shop and buying stuff like this. "Crikey this is so heavy! What was he thinking?" Miss Wright said once all the other stuff was applied. Charlotte held it while she burrowed up inside, sorted both arms into the sleeves then waited as it was zipped up to her neck.
Then it was her turn and a vision in creamy white emerged and Rosie tried to smile, shuddering at the memories of wearing this style of thing for so long. She'd wandered down the cave a bit earlier in the trip, only to find the other dress and everything had vanished. This wasn't the time to reveal concerns and she tried to smile or grin at any joke Charlotte cracked, especially about the lack of knickers. "Perhaps Walt kept them for himself" she said and they both laughed as their hair got the brush and comb treatment.
Shoes went on last, Rosie now really struggling to keep her emotions in check. Surely this was to go wrong and she'd end up in the cage. Thankfully Charlotte too, not used to high heels was cursing as she nearly tripped up and landed in the sex-pit. "Don't let chiefy find you in there love!" Rosie laughed as her friend managed to stay upright. "Hmmm, when we're at home. You and I are going to wear these again and ravish each other" Miss Warren said, Rosie insisting that the older girl go first. "I still owe you at least three sessions babe, you're gonna squeal" she grinned, coming up and embracing Charlotte from behind, stroking her hips and butt before turning to face the other girl.
That was how the professor found them minutes later, snogging and cuddling for England. "Shame the cameras' are in the bags" he grinned as the smooching pair split up. He could clearly see Rosie's fear showing when she knew Charlotte wasn't looking. But to give her preferential treatment might make his sister wonder if there was something up. Carefully he escorted the girls outside to the others now sitting by the makeshift table that was so familiar to Miss Wright. Though she was pleased to see there were very few of the natives here. Last time the whole lot, about sixty had been present. Now it was barely a dozen. That did relax her as the meal began, both ladies doing their best not to slop any food on their frocks.
Nor were there any speeches and before Rosie knew it the gathering was dispersing, so now was the time to really be on guard. The chief came over and the Western girls got nose rubs, Miss Wright trying not to grin at the fact 'Lotte' got her hips stroked as she'd bent down, plus three rubs per side, herself only getting one. Though she did shudder when he' muttered 'Zita' while doing this. The first time hearing that name since she'd been freed from the cage and her heart froze. But nobody else seemed to have heard this and the man bowed to Walter and Charlie then headed off up the track with the others. A few women came to pack everything away and the two girls waited till they'd finished, leaving the cavern and going up the path after the others. Surely this was their chance Rosie thought.
Timms murmured something to the professor then went after the natives and silence fell in the camp as he came up and embraced them. "Right ladies, Walt says this is our 'go' time, he's gone to distract them I guess, says he'll be an hour or so. Quietly walk back to the cave while I faff around out here. One of you help the other into a casket, do as you need to but I'll be up in about half an hour to do the other, OK?" and they nodded, holding hands then struggling in their daft shoes and vanished into the maw while Charlie went and looked over the small canoe he'd used to help Walter unload the plane earlier. He knew it'd take the weight of the loaded boxes; all he had to do was wait that half an hour.
Time pressed heavily but he knew Rosie was petrified, the girl barely ten minutes from freedom before she'd been tied up last time. Now he was going to lock her in a casket then smuggle her out, no wonder the lass had shuddered when he'd held her just now. In fact Miss Wright was in full blown panic mode now, this time Charlotte cottoned on that something was up and asked her about it. Rosie knew she'd have to tell her friend, but not yet, so lying time again.
"Sorry love, guess I'm a bit scared to go home. Look at me Char. Apart from Walt's resupply times and Chas's visit six months ago I've not spoken to a Westerner until you arrived last week. Charlotte, you don't know how happy I was to see you walk out of the forest, you've helped me get the last of the samples sorted and doing so much to buck me up. Now I've got to explain myself to more people than I've seen for half a year. I'm three months overdue my paper and I've hardly thought about finishing the final draft, Professor Peter bloody Perfect at work is going to have my ass because of this. It's not my fault this place is so big" she grumbled as the older girl let her get it off her chest.
"Easy honey, I understand, I'll do my best to help keep them off your back. They'd only blow up if there were mistakes. You sent some amazing stuff back, and those monkey shots we filmed ought to convince them you had to be patient, alright?" Once more her stroking did the trick and Rosie calmed down and apologised, saying they needed to get going. "Right, we better strip off and get..." Charlotte shook her head. "No, we need both the dress boxes to hide the extra manacles and suchlike, we'll have to wear the frocks inside. Might even have to put some metal on ourselves to save space..." she added. Rosie stared at her in amazement but those twinkling eyes gave her away. "Charlotte Warren, you ARE a real bondage...slut" the younger girl chuckled as Char said it'd be fun to be bound up in the box while still fully clothed. The typical 'damsel in distress' type of thing.
They opened one of the caskets and lifted out most of the stuff. "Yeah, just wear the usual, wrists and so on. Those spares will go in that kit bag" she pointed to her rucksack, mostly empty now because the food was still up at the cage and that made her shake. "So who goes first, you or..." Rosie smiled, and then shyly stuck up her hand as Charlotte stared back. "But no head covering, just tuck the rags down the side of the ball. I'll just try not to panic OK?"
Charlotte helped her step in and Rosie sank to her knees, smoothing the dress underneath for extra padding, and then reached up for a hug. Getting a smoochy kiss too before Miss Warren leaned in with the ankle manacles and secured them. "Wrists next honey" she said and Rosie's face fell slightly, jumping as they were locked tight. "Come on or I'll gag you anyway" Charlotte grinned and got a pale smile in return. About to bend down for the neck bit Rosie paused, "OK, I think you'd better, if I freaked out it could blow our escape"
Miss Wright looked up and then winked, "I'll be alright love" and got a kiss as Charlotte came close with the blindfold. Applying it and the gag, adding a headwrap to hold everything firmly. She got a thumbs up then Char did the wrist to ankle chain then eased Rosie down and locked her collar. "All done honey, see you in an hour or so. Love you pet" she said softly, clasping the trembling fingers. Thankful that the clutch didn't break them before the lid was secured, the nails in last. Char sat on it then moments later heard footsteps.
Professor Charles Warren came into the cave to find his sister sitting on the chest. The Oxford man surprised that it was her, expecting Rosie to stay free until the last minute. But sibling it was, resting her feet from the heels, examining her fingernails the way girls do. They obviously met with approval as she was smiling when he arrived next to her and they had a kiss and she handed Rosie's keys over.
"Rosie's OK in this one I'm on, she's a bit scared but went in alright. I guess it's my turn now Chas, yes?" she said with a faintly nervous tone, pointing at the other. Explaining what had happened and why she and the other girl were still dressed. "Good idea." He said and she got up, opening the box, stepping a pace or two away, allowing him to unpack the various manacles that would be binding her. He moved the excess stuff then grinned at his sister as those three bottles of whisky appeared. The girl blushed as he tut-tutted then they were stuffed with the spare chains into the now bulging rucksack.
Doing it on the ship with the now crated Rosie was one thing, but this was taking it to a whole new level as he looked at the stuff. "Found another bit that'll look good on you," he grinned, picking up a belt and showing her. Charlotte stared at it, thinking it seemed rather small to fit round her waist. But not wanting to make a fuss she said nothing as he unlocked it.
"Lift your arms and breathe in pet," he said and Charlotte complied, the trembling starting inside as she felt the two ends meet. There was a solid clunk as Charlie turned the key and she exhaled, "Oh, heck that is tight, but thank goodness I won't have it on for long. It seems a faff doing all this just to sneak us out of here without upsetting them" she said as he picked up the wrist cuffs.
For a moment she wanted to stop this, but the excitement of being bound and boxed again overrode any concerns as he went behind and fitted them to the ring on the belt. He took hold of her left wrist, placed it inside then secured it, quickly doing the same to the other before returning to the front and showing her the keys. Noticing her breathing was getting a lot faster. "There safely locked, nice and snug. You alright Char? He asked, looking at her slightly fearful face.
"Please be a little more gentle with me Charlie, let me savour and enjoy this experience" she pleaded, he'd seemed to be rough and hurrying, the way he'd grabbed her arms, so she politely scolded him for it. The professor apologised, saying he didn't know how long they had. If she wasn't happy then they'd forget it. He'd release her then she could strip off and help get Rosie aboard the plane instead. "Mind you, I must say that outfit looks superb on you. Quite what Walt was thinking when he got them both, or where from. But tell me Char how does it feel being helpless again?" he murmured.
Charlotte grinned and seemed to relax, tugging her wrists, nodding, then said no she didn't want him to free her, she wanted to remain tightly bound, for him to continue with the whole lot. "Blindfold, a gag, then lock me in the casket, same as missy here" The girl admitting this was so erotic, wearing a dress while being chained up, and it was exciting and his eyes rolled hearing this though he wasn't surprised. The way she'd expertly got Rosie done on the ship must mean she had knowledge of this stuff, so it seemed did Walter Timms.
"Just like Rosie said the first time Walter did it to her on the Intrepid, though she was starkers at the time. Are you lassies like this all the time honey? What would mum say if she could see us? Or dad, you know what he was like" Charlotte Warren really smiled now, eyes included and she saw her brother pause and he guessed she wanted to tell him something. He got her sat on Rosie's casket and stroked her hair. Surprising the lass by unlocking the manacles but she didn't protest as he handed the keys back and she rubbed her wrists.
"Well it's been three years since they died so I guess it'll be alright to tell you now Chas." she replied and saw his eyes widening. "Ray used to tie Lizzie up, just like you've been doing to me. One day I got home early from college, must have been when I was seventeen. I caught mum trying to rub marks off her wrists while she was doing the ironing. Like this" she said, demonstrating the way he'd seen her and Rosie outside. "I'd seen a couple of blue movies in the dorm when I was there for that first term and recognised them straight away as rope ones'. Explaining how I knew was a little interesting but she didn't seem to mind" Charlotte confessed with a grin.
"She made me promise never to say a thing till they'd both gone and until now I hadn't. Lizzie showed me how it went, she even tied me to the bed one afternoon, showed me what to do and stuff like that" she said, and over the next few minutes told him everything about what their parents had got up to. "It was great fun and I learned to enjoy it, why do you think I haven't complained. And no Martin doesn't know, you're the first I've ever told"
Charlie Warren couldn't believe it but the way this had come out it was obviously true and he held his sister once she'd stood up, gently stroking her hips, then pulled the girl closer, and making her shiver as both hands roamed onto her ass. Her own rubbing his back as she buried her head into a shoulder. That familiar to him as she'd always done this when she needed comforting. "So proud of you hon for doing this" he said and before he could stop Charlotte puckering up their lips met. The kiss lasted for what seemed ages, tongues and all as he held the lass. Finally breaking apart he saw the same dreamy look once worn by Rosie.
"Well that's one thing Miss Wright was wrong about," he grinned as she recovered, her chest slowing to a steady rhythm. "You can keep a secret after all" and Charlotte laughed, knowing her reputation for gossiping at university was legendary. "Yeah, but I don't think anyone will find out about it" chuckling when he retorted 'there are certain ways to ensure that my dear, would you like me to prove it?'
Charlotte didn't say a word but handed the keys back then placed both hands near to the manacles and smiled expectantly as he'd paused. It HAD to be said. "Please bind me again Charles, "she said softly. "Wrists, ankles, neck, do everything to hold me safe and tight." Professor Warren looked at his sister then nodded, grinned and went behind. Once more positioning both arms and she heard magical clicks as metal gripped limb, rendering them useless and it made her sigh and shudder. "Thank you hon, this is what I needed to feel. Don't free me till we're onboard the plane, OK" she whispered, tugging at her bonds, finding them giving her 'that' sensation as he promised to do that.
He said they needed to get going soon and guided Charlotte over to her casket. Stopping her one pace in front, like he'd seen her do to Rosie on the ship. Getting her inside however proved difficult and she commented he should have secured her after she'd stepped in and knelt down. Rosie had been free and helped herself. "Well you offered and it's a bit late now, we'll manage love," he replied, declining her request to undo her so she could guide herself by holding the lid. Somehow he got her inside without falling over and steady on both feet, smoothing out the folds of her dress, taking the opportunity for yet another ass rub.
Their hands clasped for a moment then he grabbed the leg manacles and reached in to bind her ankles. She gave a slight moan as he rubbed each stocking clad leg a few times. "Naughty, just as well I'm bound or I'd thump you," she chuckled as one went over her knee to adjust her petticoats. He grinned then she apologised, "Sorry love, I'm getting a little damp underneath with this, don't want to start dripping anywhere. Could you do the honours with a hankie or it'll make a mess when I'm...locked inside" she said. He obeyed and the lass shuddered as the request was performed. Not though before he'd given her 'a little treat'. This turning almost into a knee trembler and actually he needed a second handkerchief to make sure she was dry. "Awesome, and thanks Chas, loved it" she said as he came up for another brief snog.
"Right, time to shut that once innocent mouth. You're talking too much" Charlie intoned as he reached for a multitude of cloth from the heap. She asked was this necessary? Not telling him that Rosie was gagged too. But he said it should be part of the adventure, same as the rest, especially as moments ago she'd asked for it. Charlotte nodded with a grin, admitting this was true, given a drink then steeled herself. "OK Charlie," she said with a murmur, "Make this really special for me, nice and tight yes?" The Oxford man agreed and they had a last, looong smoochy kiss. "Perfect, I'm ready now love. Do it"
Taking a huge wad he packed it in till she almost winced; tied the rest of it round the back then told her to make a noise or two. The girl tried but was barely able to raise a mew, a happy hum and she winked at him. "Excellent. So just this lot then down you go" he said, briefing her, saying that when he tapped various bits of her body, to do what was required. "Like we did on the ship, and what you probably did with Rosie just now, yes?" The head went up and down and he saw her eyes sparkling as he prepared the last strips of material.
Putting them down for a moment he held the girl "You sure you're alright with this?" and she paused for what seemed ages then winked and nodded, wanting so much for this to continue. "OK fine, and thanks, here goes sis'" and with that he put the thick blindfold over her eyes and secured it, then the last cloth to hold everything firmly.
With his now experienced eyes he'd measured this larger than before, so it would totally cover her head, going tight under the chin to hold her gag. Firstly he did the lower knots from the top part under her ponytail; the second pair was above, with the black stream of hair sticking out of the middle. He felt her shudder at the way he'd removed her ability to do anything. That was why he'd done her wrists outside then refused to free her. To make the captive realise she was under the control of someone else and to submit to his will.
The job was soon completed and the effect was truly stunning so he sneaked some photos on his phone. "OK in there Char love, can you still breathe right?" and got the faintest of squeaks, looking down he saw she was giving him a thumbs up too. What a girl she was, though he didn't know that his earlier drying session was wasted and Charlotte was sopping wet again.
His cock was painfully hard looking at his tightly bound sister, clad from top to toe in virgin white. This was a lot better than when he'd boxed her on the ship. She'd asked him to play with both her and Rosie again when they were in Oxford. He now understood why the little minxes wanted to take the manacles back to England and would only be happy to oblige.
The frock looked far better than Rosie's gown and he reached close and again ran his hands over her torso, the silky dress feeling lovely and she hummed as his fingers caressed over her breast, the nipples rock solid and proud against the bustier. Time was ticking and he reached under her armpits, tapping her twice then she relaxed and let him take her weight. Lowering the girl carefully into her casket, trying to make sure the dress didn't move too much. With him being so strong she was able to lift her feet up as she went down.
Charlotte Warren's heart was going haywire as he'd gradually bound her, and the effect of that last cloth against her face was amazing, almost putting her over the edge. But knowing what was to come made it even better. Charlie eased his sister back till both heels rested flat on the side walls, the toe ends pointing straight down, and then by holding her one-handed he reached underneath to sort the folds of the dress for her to kneel on.
Once done she was brought forward and he said she could relax. Legs gently resting on the base but with three petticoats and the heavy gown on, it was comfortable for her. Charlotte obeyed, humming in satisfaction and shuffled a bit, getting a shoulder massage as reward. Once calm he moved her back onto her haunches and attached the spare manacles from the link in her wrist cuffs to the one between her ankles.
The chain had been shortened by three links and would pull the two sets closer together than before with the metal almost resting up the crack of her ass. He grinned, took another photo then rubbed her left cheek and saw her hands start to shake. Charlotte knew she was moments away from the final acts and it was way too late to resist. Not that she wanted to. With this dress and being so tightly bound the girl was halfway to paradise. Hands rested on both shoulders, she was brought down and the helpless but happily humming Miss Warren rested her neck in the loop. She earlier noticed Charlie had done as the girls requested, wrapping cloth round both parts of this, same as Rosie's. The edges being very near their throats and so on, the pair worried about them cutting into skin if the caskets were jerked around. Plus he'd drilled a few more breathing holes at both ends.
She was concerned at the strain from that chain between wrist and ankle. Surely it hadn't been this tight before? Rosie's certainly wasn't. Just as well her cuffs were attached to the belt, realising that this held her down more firmly. But there was nothing she could do. It wasn't for too long so accept it. She gave another thumb up then shuddered as Charlie held her neck then lowered the top half of the loop onto it. Fingers pushed it into position and the girl managed not to cream herself when the voice told her he'd locked it. Again it felt so tight but she assured his question that her breathing was fine with the extra padding there. Another few photos for the collection followed.
"That's it, honey, you're all done now" and he ran through it. Dress, manacles, gag, blindfold and she was trembling with emotion now as he said again how proud he was of her. She jumped when he put both hands on her torso and stroked her for a while including that shapely butt. Another sexy sounding moan emerging as he'd kissed the patch of skin just below the collar. The final clasp of fingers lasted moments then he told her nothing would stop that lid, he said was now about to be closed and secured.
"Farewell Lotte, sweet dreams my Goddess" he said loudly and behind the gag Charlotte smiled as she felt the pressure building on her body. Much more than before and she realised the dress and stuff was doing a fine job of not allowing her any movement. She tried shuffling her ass a little but Charlie had measured this to perfection as the latches went across. Once she'd tapped three times on the lid, the pre-arranged signal she was OK came the bangs as he hammered the nails into the clasps and the girl's breathing became shallow as the first twinges of an orgasm began to stir.
'Lotte' she thought, only chiefy had called me that when he was screwing me. If only he knew what was being done to his conquest now she was packed away. A few minutes later she heard voices, felt the casket give a lurch and it was picked up by someone. Swaying gently Charlotte realised she was leaving the cavern now and hoped Chas would keep his promise to her. Once Walter was getting the plane downstream again he'd free them in time for take-off. The crate thumped down then stopped moving, the natives departed chattering to themselves. The professor followed with all the other bags.
Charlie stared at them before grabbing hold of an empty box and heading into the forest himself to get some fresh fruit for the trip. Walt's ideas of in-flight meals consisted of boiled sweets and cheap fizzy pop drinks and it was three hours back to the mainland. Dinner for four to follow and one of the other rooms back at Timms' new house. Their flight to London was due out late tomorrow night. He wasn't quite sure where the girls would be sleeping. Charlotte would probably stay in the single one used on their way out last weekend, but the way Rosie had been acting she hopefully might share his double bed. Charlie smiled, a nice thought and wondered whether to tie her wrists and ankles tonight, she must be used to it by now!
Rosie too, parked next door in her casket was thinking the same things as her friend. It was SO hot in here and despite the love shown by Charles today she'd be glad to get out of the dress and her bondage. She and Charlotte were going to enjoy their time back in Oxford now. If Charlie wanted to play now and again, they had enough manacles to both be bound at the same time...oh this would be fun after all. Just hope nobody finds out, we'll have to use one of these crates as a storage container to hide all the stuff when friends call round.
Professor Warren arrived back about half an hour later, laden with goodies but was surprised to find the two caskets still by the river bank along with all the baggage, Rosie's samples and equipment plus the cameras and tripods. That concerned him as they'd been in the sun for a while. Looking round he could see no sign of the pilot, the canoe was still here so he needed to get them into the shade quickly. Using his impressive strength he dragged the first to the edge and aboard the vessel. It was a lot heavier than he'd thought.
The natives had made it look easy when they'd carried the crates from the cavern, though there were three of them to one casket. But amusing mind, he didn't know which of the girls he'd dropped onto the deck and no squealing gave him a clue. Off he carefully paddled and within ten minutes had both the boxes onto the aircraft, making sure they were positioned right in the centre of the cargo bay.
He knew Walt was a stickler for making sure the plane was balanced, though two ten-stone females and fifty odd pounds of wood and metal would hardly endanger their trip. The third journey got all the rest of their baggage stowed and he wished Walter would hurry up, where the heck was he? Maybe he should free them soon and tell the girls to stay hidden aboard. But the way Charlotte said how excited she was about being locked in the casket he decided against it. Anyway with the side door and all the cockpit windows ajar there was quite a cooling draft and that should suffice.
Two hours later and a quietly fuming Charlie heard a whistle from the bank and looked over to see Timms and the chief arriving from the track he'd used to go into the forest. "About bloody time" he muttered. The little man and a few of his people carrying their spears, one was already heading into the water to go fishing. They chatted for a while as Warren beached the canoe and he came up, not having a clue what they were jabbering about, though the words 'Lotte' and 'Zita' both got mentioned.
He hoped the guy wasn't aware the girls had been smuggled out right under his nose. Finally Walter bent down and the Professor saw him give the chief a nose rub, the first time he'd known two men doing this. Girls yes, Charlotte loved doing it to the natives, now it was his turn as Timms waved him in. Thankfully he managed it and the little chief seemed happy enough. Detailing two of his men to go in the canoe then bring it back as the Westerners boarded their strange machine.
"All aboard" he joked, seeing the crates parked where they should be, tugging all the straps to check Charlie had secured them correctly. "Good stuff, if you want a job as my steward and loadie Chas you only have to ask" he grinned as the Oxford man handed him a lump of fresh fruit. He ran through all the checks once the door was shut and got the plane heading down river. Charlie was unstrapping to go and free the girls when Walter said to leave them there for a while. Professor Warren was puzzled then the pilot explained, it'd been very bumpy on the way in this morning, and as Charlotte was known to be a bad flier she'd be safer wedged in her casket. "Don't want her being sick on the floor. Besides I bet they love it"
Actually neither of them knew what was happening to them, both having passed out in the heat, hardly a surprise after being left in the sun...
Before the natives swapped the caskets over...
Only Walter was aware of this occurrence, having discovered a secret compartment on the Intrepid during his visit two days ago. While looking round the ship's bilge bay a small ruby gemstone, poking from a panel got his attention. Removing that and a secret storage compartment nobody knew existed was revealed. Even the Navy guys had missed it. The contraband must have been looted from the crates he and Chas had recovered earlier on.
The space was stuffed full of bullion, diamonds and other gemstones, once he'd emptied it the contents filled two of the same sized caskets the girls had brought back with their chain and manacle sets. This haul would double the value of what they'd made already. With Mr Warren out for the day sea fishing in the big canoe with the locals, Miss Rosie and Charlotte away in the north of the island filming the monkeys it was easy to unload the stuff from the ship unseen, get it to the cave and hide them far down the back where nobody had been.
Thus he'd negotiated with the boss that 'Zita' and the very fertile 'Lotte' would remain in Borneo and cooked up the idea to swap them. That was why he'd had to go back to the mainland to pick up some bits, buy two new dresses for the girls then call in at Chiefy's island for supplies for the residents. He hoped Charlie wouldn't mind, after all he'd been a willing accomplice in the initial salvage of the first lot of treasure.
Take-off went smoothly and he banked the Albatross towards the peak, doing the flypast of Rosie's former home and he stared...and smiled before turning the machine North-West for the last time.
The cage occupied by a hysterically weeping 'Lotte' The girl having woken up barely ten minutes ago to find herself thinking she was dreaming. Sat on top of the island in a prison cell, just inches from a precipice. Still dressed as before but with veils and a tiara too. Perched on a throne, chained by wrist ankle and neck, the lass reading the horrifying briefing note Walter had taped to her lap. All the things she'd have to do to earn the natives devotion each morning. Basically just sit there regally and accept the offerings that would keep her alive for the next few years. The girl looked round the place and saw how the door was secured, its position against the rock face and Miss Warren's brain soon worked out the utter hopelessness of her situation, breaking down in tears again.
"Nooo..." she wailed as the aircraft went past then vanished. Charlotte cursed it with every word she could think of. How could Rosie do this to her? Yes she said she'd be 'getting her own back' but this was way over what Char had done to the lass on the ship. "Bitch, I hope you suffer the worst things that anyone can do to you from now on!" she growled as the engine note faded.
As indeed she was. Barely a thousand feet separated the girls but you'd never know. Charlotte on top with the wonderful view, Rosie deep under the mountain but equally distressed at the outcome as she too read a note, by torchlight in her case. Her 'new' quarters being in a cave, locked in the cage Timms brought from the mainland very early this morning, the pilot dropping it off to the waiting natives. The locals helped him assemble it, kitting the place out for their guest before he'd flown over the island and landed in the normal place at the correct time thus hiding his tracks.
The former Goddess now usurped by the fertile 'Lotte' as the chief himself had proved last night. 'Zita' banished to the caves to spend her days in darkness, though they were instructed to feed her as often as before but not to worship, or communicate with her if she tried to say something. The boss told all his people that any resultant screams would keep the water clear of sea monsters and safe for the fishermen to ply their trade so they were not to worry.
It was much smaller than the one holding Charlotte but equally effective. She could reach the bars in all directions, the tiny bed wedged behind her throne. The collar, that horribly tight belt clamped round her waist and those familiar steel shackles on both ankles holding the girl. A heavily padlocked door facing the wall, with chains as well just like last time. The tinkling wind chime teasing her ears as the breeze gently rocked the 'd ring as it swayed from the hook mounted on the nearby rocks. All the keys just agonisingly out of reach of her grasping fingers. Six inches maybe but no way could she get to them.
Water was flowing a few feet below, coming from round the corner then past the ledge her cage was parked on, out to the ocean somewhere to her right where the faintest of daylight was. Facing her was the forbidding rock wall that she'd shone the torch over and the girl was sobbing as she sank back into her seat to relieve the weight from the neck chain, staring at the heavy bracelets on her wrists, tugging pathetically then slumping in defeat. "Why Charlotte, why have you done this to me?" she screamed the noise of the crashing waves outside drowning her cries to anyone.
Up in the aircraft the men finished the fruit and Charlie went to 'Unpack the treasures'. Walter smiled and watched his buddy unstrap the crates, pull the latches up then flip the lids open.
Professor Charles Warren stopped and stared in amazement, then turned and looked back at his partner in crime. Dipping a hand into the bullion and running a few coins through his trembling fingers then looked at the diamonds and stuff. There must be tens of millions here. He put the lids down then returned to the cockpit, sat down looking at the pilot.
"Well, chief won the 'Lotte', and everything looks more 'Rosie' than before don't you think?" Timms said as the guy sat there.
"Indeed dear boy, both Charlotte and Rosita admitted they were never good at gambling..."
He smiled at last and they shook hands, "...My round tonight Walter and dinner for two..."
"...Sorry girls"
Part Three - Rescue (added: 2015/10/11)
The first tsunami wave almost killed Rosie Wright... the second saved her life.
She'd just finished storing the latest offerings from the natives when the girl realised she could not hear the waves outside the cave as usual. The normal swish... roar... swish and roar that Rosie had listened to for weeks on end had suddenly stopped, and it puzzled her. From her time as one of Oxford's premier biologist-explorers Miss Wright knew this island wasn't in a tidal area.
Rosie had been here for... well it seemed like years now. Her time doing the project, then the six months spent as a captive on top of the mountain thanks to Walter bloody Timms and her old boss. Professor Charles Warren being the man in question, setting her up to the natives as a Goddess while he and the pilot had stolen million pounds of treasure from right under their stubby little noses.
Then she'd been surprisingly freed when the Oxford man brought his sister Charlotte out to see the island for herself. The two girls getting the project completed, using some spare time playing bondage games... before Miss Warren had seemingly betrayed her, just like her brother had done, locking the girl deep underground in a cage like the one she'd been incarcerated before.
But to now and suddenly Rosie, her ears twitching as she strained to hear anything, came the roar once more. She sighed, pleased it wasn't her mind going nuts, but then the noise got much louder. Like being in a train entering a tunnel Miss Wright felt the air pressure changing rapidly and her ears went pop. The limited light that shone from the hidden cave entrance faded as a wall of water surged round the corner. Rosie screamed in terror as the torrent came closer and she thought 'this is it' as the cloud of spray enveloped her. She gripped the bars, stupidly begging the tide to go away as it got higher, then her voice cracked as it flowed over the ledge and into the cage.
Panicking now she felt the water tugging at her dress, the black gown she'd been forced to wear by Timms, the material getting heavier as the level rose up her legs. Rosie heard the clattering as the water swept away the box of food and probably everything else the pilot had left for her, including the torch that she treasured more than anything else. Using it once a day to check the keys still hung...
"OH GOD NOOO..." she wailed, struggling as the water level rose to her belt, pushing her against the bars and the pressure was growing. Her dress was acting like a dam as the torrent tried to push between her limbs. Had her ankles not been manacled she could have opened her legs and lifted the frock to around her waist and relieve this agony. If it got much higher the keys would be swept away and that would doom her for eternity. If Walt ever came back he'd look for those, and if they weren't there he surely would abandon her.
It got to Rosie's neck and she was praying like she'd never done so before it seemed to slacken. That enormous pressure on her body eased as the flow began to drop and the water started heading back to the sea. Noise too was dropping as she broke into relieved sobs. Within minutes it had virtually gone back to normal and Rosie tried to take stock of what was left.
The answer was devastating. Her throne was a shattered wreck against the bars, the bed had vanished along with all her food. All that remained inside was the chair... and a crying girl. Knowing that if the wave had done this much damage in the cave, what had it done elsewhere on the island. The natives' camp had only been a few feet above the river. If this monster had hit on that side of the place, going up stream then it might have wiped them out... dooming her to starvation.
"Why!" she screamed over and over again, bashing her fists into the bars. Tugging pathetically on the pillar that her collar was attached to. But naturally there was no give and she lost it. Hurling herself across the cell towards the side where the keys...
Were they still there, she thought and her body slammed into the bars as she stared across... to see the hook... and the key ring still where they should be. Her heart leaped and she broke into tearful gasps of thanks. Standing there she jumped up and down, then grabbed the bars as the cage suddenly gave a big lurch and dropped a little towards the edge.
Rosie Wright screamed in terror before the cage stopped moving. The thing wobbling as she moved back towards the pillar. This was intolerable and the girl sat down, her back resting against the door. This was like the coach in the Italian Job, teetering on the edge with... "Well the bullion's already gone thanks to THEM" she grumbled, trying to see a way out... OUT.
The girl stood up carefully again, looking where the keys were. Only a few inches away across the space, the water below her, now burbling again as if nothing had happened. Her eyes now clearing as she tried to work out if... Yes it might work. The cage was too big to go over the edge and fall in. It would topple forward but rest on the opposite wall. But that meant she could get it closer...
Rosie broke into sobs, wondering if she dared to try. If the cage flopped down as well as forward it could knock the keys off the hook before she could grab them. For ages Miss Wright paced her cell, the cage rocking on the base as she tried to steel herself to try. By the time Rosie decided to go for it, her dress and all the rest was dry.
She crouched down and with some difficulty removed her shoes, cursing the manacles once more. If she did get out of this and miraculously escape, then no way would she ever allow herself to be placed in bondage again.
The girl said a last prayer, then pressed into the door before launching herself forward. The pain as she hit the metal made her scream as she bounced off, falling backwards and with her wrists chained could not stop herself landing painfully on the wreckage of the chair. Wailing as shocking pain roared into her head and she blacked out.
Coming to Rosie shuddered, trying not to shake too much as the headache beat any alcoholic bender she'd ever put her body through. Her back was jammed against the bars and the girl struggled to get to her feet. But the floor was all bent up to one side and that was puzzling. Until her eyes got clearer and she looked up... to see those keys hanging right next to the cage.
Miss Wright quietly wept as she reached through the bars, her fingers almost too afraid to touch the keys in case they fell away. Easing one hand underneath she raised it up, the other just above and then came that magical clink as they rested in her sweating palm. Lifting higher she saw it come off the hook and quickly Rosie came back into the middle of her cell and kissed the saviours of her life. Tears were streaming down her face as the girl struggled to decide which one of her bonds to unlock first!
"GET A GRIP!" she screeched to herself and within minutes the shackles were a pile of metal on the sloping floor. Rosie got onto both knees and prayed, then having done that headed for the door. The padlocks were undone, chains pulled inside and Rosie pushed. Forgetting it was still locked and her heart froze before she scolded herself again. Carefully she pushed the key through the bars and round into the lock. That last click muffled by her sobbing as the door popped open... by about an inch.
Rosie was stunned, pushing harder against the bars but there was no give and she looked down. Seeing in the dim light that the cage was still resting against the wall at the bottom, meaning...
The girl lost it big time, worse than before, screaming in frustration. She'd been SO close to freedom and it was too much to comprehend at first. Rosie repeatedly threw herself against the door, and while it wobbled there was no give and she gradually knew... knew it was all over. Returning to the middle she flopped down again in tears, beating her hands into the floor.
At one point she hit one of the manacle sets and the pain made her wince. Rosie stared at the thing as her mind went crazy instead. For so long she'd hoped to be free and had almost succeeded.
But as that had been denied her, the girl just wanted to be bound again!
Miss Wright thought long and hard before deciding how it'd go. She grabbed the key ring then headed for the door. Slamming it closed and locking it, wrapping the chains as before and securing all three padlocks. Then Rosie took the collar and snapped it round her neck. Jabbing the right key and twisting it, smiling as she felt the lock engaging with the clunking sound. Next she applied the heavy belt then stopped... wondering... Yes. Reaching under her dress Rosie grabbed a bundle of material from one of the petticoats and gradually ripped it off in strips. Stuffing one lot into her mouth, as much as she could fit, then another load to secure it. Next her shoes were reapplied, the ankle shackles locked on and the feelings in her pussy were starting to get interesting.
She looked round... for the last time then arranged the material for her blindfold. Tying it tight then remembering how Charlotte had headwrapped her afterwards. This was done the same way and Miss Wright was smiling as she shuffled onto her knees for the best bit. The left manacle was locked onto the wrist, the key being placed into the other before she paused. Rosie took the d'ring off the keys and attached it to the rear of her belt. Reaching around with her free hand she got the wrist cuffs clipped onto the link. Just one more lock to do, her left hand holding the only part of the right manacle just by the key. Miss Wright placed her wrist into the loop then pushed it closed against her back. The left hand automatically twisted the key and Rosie's heart surged as she felt the ends engage and tighten.
Wiggling her arms rapidly she suddenly heard the clunk as the keys dropped out of the lock and she knew it was done as she stood up. Tapping around she trod on the key ring and before Rosie could think straight she kicked it as hard as the leg chain allowed her. The screeing as they slid across the metal floor made her pause and she listened for the splash as they went over the edge. But all there seemed to be was a little tinkling instead. She sighed, disappointed that they must have hit a bar instead and were still in the cage to torment her. Rosie took stock of how she was.
Bound, gagged, blindfolded and utterly helpless now, Miss Wright got herself lying down on the floor and began to sob, hoping that it'd all be over soon as she tried to fade away.
She tossed and turned for ages, trying to get comfortable, both physically, but mentally too at what she'd just done to herself. Placed her body in inescapable bondage and for a moment the girl almost smiled... before basic survival instincts overrode her wishes. SHE HAD TO GET OUT!
Rosie began to struggle against the metal, squealing frantically through the gag, her sightless head thrashing around as a bout of claustrophobia tore through her body.
After several frightening minutes she managed to calm herself, reasoning that the only way possible was to find those keys. And so began the most fraught experience of her life as she humped, grappled and slithered round the cage. It would have been a lot easier had she not put the cuffs onto the belt, nor her arms behind her back. This really meant she had to slide on her ass all the way, the fingers carefully running down each bar till they reached the bottom.
Miss Wright started at the door, recognising the thickness of the frame and the lowest of the padlocked chains, inching round, her heart plunging at each negative result. After she reached the fourth corner Rosie was sobbing again, there must only be a few bars left before she returned to the door. Perhaps during her thrashing about, they'd tipped over the edge after all, that thought making her scream in anguish. This getting even louder as the girl felt that chain once more. They just were not there.
The girl tugged again at her wrists, pathetically crying now. This lasted a while before she wondered. Was that tink the keys bouncing off the bars and actually back in the middle of the cage again. Her heart surged with hope and cautiously Miss Wright got to her feet. Now it was the ankle manacles and these stupid heels she cursed as the lass tip-toed all round the edge, using her elbow tapping the bars to guide her. Still no keys and Rosie really was starting to believe they'd gone as she turned inward and collided with the collar pole nose first.
Screeching in frustration she turned away and slumped against it. Resting her back she eased herself down onto the floor, promptly gasping in both pain... and relief as one of the keys poked her right in the ass. It must have bounced off the pole rather than the bars and Rosie cried with joy as she edged forward and her fingers grasped the ring.
Rosie Wright wept buckets as they nestled in her shaking hands. All she had to do was to somehow get the wrist manacles undone. Easy... not, she grinned tiredly, remembering that with at least six or seven keys on the ring it was a case of trial and error.
Very trying on her nerves and it must have been half an hour later, surely the third time she'd tried the rough metalled one, rather than the smooth ones that it suddenly slipped further into the lock than it'd gone before. Rosie's heart froze and her eyes blurred as she took a breath and tried to turn...
Followed by another clunking moments later as her head leaned against the pillar while she wept again. This time able to rub her eyes as by now she'd freed both wrists, ripped the stuff off her face then got both hands up there. Kissing them... and the keys so tenderly. NEVER would she be so stupid again and the girl smiled grimly.
Reaching for the collar, undoing that, the belt and lastly her ankles before the chains and door were unlocked. She secured all the bits to the doorframe, leaving the keys wedged into the hardest lock she'd struggled with before. By now it must be getting toward sunset, the faint daylight she'd become accustomed to was less than normal.
Then the second wave came in, the girl alert enough to hear the noise decreasing beforehand. She was ready and braced herself, legs apart, dress hitched up to her waist as the water smashed into the rocky face more powerfully than the first one. No point in screaming, if she opened her mouth then it'll fill with salt water. The cage vibrated like a tuning fork as the torrent battered it. At one point she thought it was overturning as the floor kicked at her feet and she closed her eyes as the river reached her neck. Why she hadn't removed her heels Rosie didn't know but eventually she felt the strength fading, the level began to drop and within a few minutes her feet were no longer covered. Coughing in the spray Rosie took a look round as she let go of her dress.
"YES!" she screamed, seeing that the cage had moved, by at least six inches, the bottom that had been against the edge, now wasn't by a little and she hurried across. Pushing the door Rosie cried as she tried to push it further. But no joy and she looked back at the pole. "Not being beaten yet" she grunted, sitting down, leaning against the post and sticking her feet through the door bars. With all her strength Rosie pushed, and just as her effort seemed wasted the cage floor grated... AND MOVED.
Quickly onto her feet Rosie got to the door and tried again. Sobbing as the metal frame swung back and hit the rock, but surely with enough space... Breathing out Miss Wright forced herself into that gap, almost passing out from the pressure then suddenly she was through. The door swung back but she no longer cared.
Rosita Wright had escaped.
"Well not really," she murmured, trying to work out which way to go. The natives always came from further down the cave so there must be a passage out of there, but their eyesight must be phenomenal in the dark. But the other way was too rocky, so this way it was. Almost immediately Miss Wright was in trouble. Her shoes might look sexy at a party. Girls love heels as it shows their legs off, but struggling over bare rocks was ridiculous, especially with her dress on too. Shedding them all she tried again.
Mrs Shhh and the other must have iron soles, she cursed having taken a few steps and stopped. This was intolerable and Rosie cried in frustration. Retrieving the heels she had an idea, starting to bash them against the wall. Finally after a few minutes of effort both stiletto points snapped close to the base and Miss Wright sighed. She had looked at them before in the cage, now if she ever got out of this she'd have to buy a pair of Christophe Weiss's, these were almost indestructible as the new 'flats' were applied. Much better and Rosie grabbed her dress and got a fair distance along the ledge, starting to slope upwards then her left foot trod on something that made a slight crack.
Reaching down she shrieked with joy as her fingers grasped her torch... and it still worked!
This got a gentle kiss and a happy biologist cracked on. Up by some distance and she almost admired the natives who'd come along here to feed her. The girl paused, thinking for a moment about the locals and it made her shudder. Perhaps if she emerged, they might blame her for the waves and do harm, put her back in the cage perhaps? That almost made Rosie turn around, but sanity prevailed as she carried on.
Another fifty feet and she found large parts of her food box and the girl checked for contamination, ate a lot of it then collected as much of the rest as she could carry.
Smiling now Miss Wright carried on, noticing the stream had gone and the passage was starting to descend again. Walking along minutes later the girl shone her torch around the walls, realising it was opening out then promptly tripped over something and landed face first thankfully on a very soft but damp surface. Shining the beam down Rosie gasped at the fact she was lying in the drying remains of the natives' sex-pit!
Managing not to scream she carefully got up and slowly inched along. But a scan of the now moonlit cave revealed nothing, no natives, the food coffin or the other stuff that she remembered. Thankfully there weren't any bodies lying around either.
Though it meant Rosie was alone she was actually a little pleased that they wouldn't attack her. Going to the entrance she walked outside, her shoes brushing against lumps of trees and other flood detritus. By goodness it was great to feel a breeze on her body.
It must have been terrifying for them as it was for me she thought. The moon was full, quite bright for the girl to deal with and she needed to be careful when the sun rose tomorrow. She thought the torch seemed to be fading and the girl shut it off and returned to the safety of the cavern, lying in the sexpit having tossed a few chunks of wood out first. It was so cool on her skin and Rosie smiled as she toyed with a rope, wrapping it round her wrist. "Not now honey, later maybe" and a few minutes later the girl was asleep.
Birdsong awoke her next morning and Miss Wright emerged blinking, her eyes struggling to adapt even in the dawn. This was going to be harder than she thought but the girl persevered. By the time it broke over the hill and flooded the valley full strength she was acclimatised and out, gathering fallen fruit that had been washed down by the torrent. This wasn't too bad and Rosie munched her way to feeling almost bloated. An examination of her body found a few bruises but no cuts to get infected. That was a huge relief, but all her nails did need attention. Sitting there she wondered if any of her stuff like the clippers remained up at the old cage and able to be retrieved. She didn't remember Walt taking everything out.
The next day found the naked girl going up the path, just her shoes on as she trudged along, seeing the coconut grove was intact, the other fruit trees later on were bursting with goodies, so the lass was very happy. She'd never run out of food, and while it might get boring being alone, she was alive, and free so be thankful. "Girl Friday without her Robinson" she giggled, munching away.
Emerging from the forest Rosie saw her cage in the mist as the clouds were down. The girl shuddered, remembering the tortuous months she'd spent locked inside. It made her stop for a while and almost run away... before her brain starting telling her something that should be impossible.
The cage was occupied!
A ghostly white clad figure standing much the way she had done with her limbs shackled together. The girl watched as its body swayed side to side, trying to ease muscles becoming weaker by the day. Rosie was shocked... then realised that it could only... only be Charlotte Warren. Creeping closer as the girl was facing the other way Rosie saw the raven black ponytail... it was her friend after all.
"CHARLOTTE, my Charlotte" she screamed, breaking into a tearful trot as the girl jumped and swung round. Her eyes widening as she realised that Rosie Wright was now dashing towards her. "ROSIE" she wept as the blonde girl arrived, crashing headfirst into the bars, her hands reaching through and by barely an inch their fingers touched.
They must have stayed that way for ages, the sun breaking through the mist as both girls cried buckets. It was Miss Wright who let go first and headed round the front, Charlotte continuing to sob as those hated keys were lifted off their hook and passed through. Slowly she unlocked her wrist manacles, did the collar and was about to rush to the door before Rosie reminded her to undo both feet. That made them smile briefly before Miss Warren did so. Now she came closer and they cried as the pair reached through the bars and tenderly kissed each other.
Charlotte Warren had been devastated as days progressed into weeks. She found it so hard to be nice to the natives but her survival depended on it and did her duty regardless. So when she saw the first of the huge waves sweeping across the ocean the girl knew that it would surely shatter the calm of her life and all those who lived here.
From her vantage point she watched helplessly as the water surged up the river, the flow ripping huge trees out like matchsticks, flinging them around and the girl knew trouble like no other was about to happen.
She was almost convinced the whole island shook as the rest of the wave passed by either side, before vanishing behind the peak. The roar faded away and once more the birds began to sing. Charlotte had noticed the wildlife had fallen silent before the maelstrom had arrived. "Who says animals are thick," she'd murmured.
But her fears about the natives proved true as she heard running feet and a whole bunch of them came tearing up, both men and women. Spears waving they crowded round the terrified girl's cage, the chief amongst them and as expected he took the lead. Making a long rambling speech in gibberish before chanting of 'Lotte' began. Louder it got as they grabbed hold of the bars, really shaking the cage and she wailed for them to stop it before they all fell over the cliff.
For the Goddess to actually SPEAK to them, having just seen a wave sweep into their cave and wreck the place was way too much. The chief bellowed at her, she stood up and screamed back and that was enough. He stopped, gave an order and the women came forward, including Mrs Shhh. They began to shove more food than she'd be able to eat through the bars until the floor was covered. Then the chief spoke again.
Banging his spear against the bars before they all suddenly ran off. Charlotte broke into tears of relief as the noise faded to be replaced by the call of the birds. She did her best to store the food but was stuffed full hours later when she saw the natives canoe heading down river, then two smaller ones appearing and follow it. Charlotte screamed for them to come back, guessing by the number of people aboard that this was the entire group... abandoning their Goddess for good as they vanished round the point. Not long after they'd left she saw the second wave and her heart crashed to her feet.
She was doomed. Once this food ran out, that was it and Miss Warren soon found herself praying for anyone to come and save her. Two mornings later she was having a yawn and stretch, when that hope was answered by the last person she'd expected to be here.
The two broke their hug and stared at the other. Then Rosie spoke first, telling Miss Warren the real truth about what had happened. The other girl was appalled at what the men had done. While she knew about the Intrepid's value, they'd even made Miss Warren a millionairess, she didn't know it had come with such cost.
"Well, love, that's what we were dealing with. If your brother ever comes back here, I'm going to kill him. But he hasn't the balls," Rosie said forcefully. "So I'm going to escape the island and travel to England to confront him anyway..." and that made Charlotte smile. "Yeah, but before you go pet..." she tugged her bars and the pair hugged and kissed again, tears on both sides.
It seemed hopeless though. This cage far heavier than Rosie's. Also the gap between the rock and lock meant Charlotte would remain secure inside until it was moved. But any amount of shift could send it crashing over the edge. Only after another bout of tears did Miss Wright remember how the natives had rotated it and which way. She got Charlotte to pass out the chains and Rosie looked up... and smiled. "In all the time I'd been incarcerated in this love, I never knew there was a hatch up there," pointing to the little barred gate above them.
Miss Warren stood on the throne and shoved, not surprised it was locked and her face fell. But Rosie reassured her friend with a kiss before shedding her shoes and clambering up, banging her head on the rock. "Please be careful up there honey" she begged as Miss Wright secured some chain to give herself leverage. Miraculously on tugging hard, the door popped open. Charlotte screamed with joy then froze, just in time to stop Rosie from jumping down into the cage. "No wait, if it locked again," she said and that made them pause. She folded it back, Char locking it with her wrist manacles then stripped off the dress and her underwear. "Never going to wear THAT again, told you bridal gowns bring bad luck" she quipped and Rosie laughed with her.
Naked now it was easy to climb up and OUT of her prison. Dropping down the side into Rosie's arms, the pair now weeping as they held the other. "All the things I cursed you for, not knowing you were caged below, please forgive me honey." Charlotte said and Miss Wright did just that. She now revealed the real reason she'd come up, Char saying yes, the cage had been fitted with that stuff, for the goddess to keep herself tidy.
Rather than going back up they managed to slightly turn the cell enough for the door to be unlocked. Rosie went in and retrieved the boxes, plus more food and it was a happily singing brace of Europeans who headed down the track. Charlotte struggled in her high heels and looked like 'Bambi on the piss' before her Weiss's got the rock treatment.
Lying contented that night, together in the sex-pit the pair discussed what they should do. Try to make a raft and escape, make signs on the beach to be rescued... "Or just live out our days with no stress!" Charlotte said laughing. Rosie leapt on her, reaching for the cords and before Miss Warren realised she had the lass' wrists bound. Sitting alongside she began to rub fingers over those breasts and Charlotte groaned. "Is that what we should do? Just chill out forever" and the girls looked at each other.
"Yes!" they chorused and Rosie got to work, Charlotte squealing as her body was given a going over. They swapped over and at the end, both free and out in the river, the girls decided to do just that. Over the next few hours they tidied up the cave floor and re-laid the sex-pit with fresh bedding to make it more comfortable. The pair still tied each other up then a day later Miss Warren admitted how turned on she'd been when her brother had tightly bound her in the casket.
"Me too love, shame it didn't end right" Rosie laughed, the pair's trauma seemingly fading faster than they expected. "Metal does feel good if it's done the right way. I think it's better than using cord." That sparked a discussion about bondage that led to Miss Wright taking Charlotte through the cavern to see her cage. "Oh my goodness, you poor love" Char exclaimed on seeing where Rosie had been held.
"It must have been frightful" and the lass agreed. They shoved the cage round and the pair went inside. Miss Warren shuddering as Rosie explained how the water had acted. Fingering the manacles that now hung from the bars where she'd left them,
Charlotte saw this and smiled, asking the girl did she want to take them back to play with? A long thought and she agreed, unlocking the belt, the cuffs and undoing the collar from the neck chain. Miss Wright wondered how Timms and the natives had got this here. "Perhaps its a flat pack. You know, a DIY special, easy to assemble prison cell, single occupancy only," and that cracked Rosie up. Squealing with mirth as the pair had a kiss.
Shining the torch round the girls found this to be true as the light was flashed. Small winged nuts in all the corners and quite easy to turn by hand as Charlotte undid one. "I know it's crazy love, but I think we could take this apart and put it in our cave. A play cage perhaps?" Miss Warren was amazed but knowing what they'd discussed earlier nodded. "OK love, will take a couple of trips, maybe five or six, you sure about this?"
Rosita nodded, "Well it'll give us something to do with our lives," and that settled it. They set to work and were soon heading back, carrying one of the barred walls between them. Charlotte grinned as she saw Miss Wright had put the collar and belt on herself already, the cuffs hanging off the back with the keys on their d'ring. "Bondage slut" she chuckled as they struggled up the path. It was hard labour, and they paced themselves but five trips spread over two days brought success. The later runs taking longer as Rosie gradually allowed herself to be restrained. By the last trip to the site she wore the black dress and everything else, cuffs, collar, her ankles shackled too.
The cage was assembled and Rosie did the inaugural 'locking' of the door. Then Charlotte watched as Miss Wright did her feet, belt, collar and wrists in front of her before passing the keys out. "There, all done? Right I'm off for a nice refreshing swim," Charlotte said with a grin, leaving the ring just out of reach.
She heard the expletives as she ran off giggling, diving into the water, startling herself as her head just missed a rock. That sobered her up a little. Had she been hurt it could have put Miss Wright in peril again.
On returning she found Rosie flat on the floor bringing herself off. "Slut" Charlotte teased as Miss Wright came, but they laughed all the same. Then Miss Warren admitted what had happened outside and it made them pause. "OK, we'll be more careful love," she said, getting a hug and kiss as reward.
Swapping over and generally having a good time. "Shame this is too small for us both to play together. You in metal, me with cords, though there aren't any here apart from the pit. To bind myself properly I'd need so much more. The natives stuff must have been swept away," she said with a regretful tone. "Char love, I guess there'll still be plenty on the Intrepid. It's only a two hour trip each way on foot!" Rosie replied.
Next morning found the two girls heading for the ship. Charlotte still naked as her skin never seemed to burn. Being part Egyptian, and having lived there for most of her teens she was used to hot sun. Rosie was more cautious, fair-haired people have to watch themselves.
With no sunscreen to slather on she did the next best thing. Pulling the black gown apart at the bottom, the new skirt between ass and thigh length, but good enough for now. "I've worn shorter frocks during Fresher's week" she'd grinned doing a twirl. Charlotte noticing that Rosie was wearing her waist belt again and teased her.
Securing both wrists behind her back and frogmarching the girl all the way there. Hats made of leaves sufficed for both and they were at the Intrepid before it got too hot. Though Rosie did squeal when Char said she'd left the keys at the cave, before producing them with a grin. "Cow. I'll get you for that!"
Spending the steaming midday part playing at sailors, fighting with swords on the main deck and enjoying their freedom. Though each endured a session tied to the mast at their request! Enough cord to bind an army was loaded into a casket and the girls were in high spirit as they sang their way to the cave. It took longer because this time Charlotte led the way, wrists bound behind her back by rope, Rosita following, hers chained to the front of her belt.
Back 'home' Charlotte showed Rosie what could be done with cord and the girl was impressed. The black petticoats were ripped apart to make blindfolds, gag and head wraps. At one point they helped tie the other up in the cage together, though this time their faces were clear. With wrists behind their backs it was a slight struggle but a few minutes of Charlotte picking at the other girls' knots Rosie was freed. "We must be more careful love...again" she chided, having seen Miss Warren was a little stuck. Rosie was not confident about ropes, worried she might have been tightening them instead.
It was too cramped in Rosie's cell so two days later the girls were up to the mountain, examining the bigger cage. The construction used in the nineteenth century was harder to figure out. Pins instead of wingnuts but a little prodding with sticks finally brought results. They had to be careful though, Rosie tying ropes round her midriff, anchored to the pole as they dismantled 'Lotte's' former home. This time it took them a week, one trip per day to carry the bits downhill but eventually the new cage too had a 'Grand Locking' ceremony. Miss Wright on her throne, bossing Charlotte about.
Miss Warren's knots and suchlike were becoming a work of art, really making Rosie helpless so one day the girl challenged her. Could Charlotte get herself secured with her ropes quicker than the other lass could do with metal. "Easy, it's too easy" she chortled so the rules were set. When Char said go, she had to get into her seat and lock everything down, then say 'done' when complete. Rosie too thought that too simple so suggested she be blindfolded and head wrapped. No gag because she'd need to say done of course. "Fine. We'll go for a dip and dump first, then have five minutes or so with eyesight to prepare. Each of us will do the others blindfold then go for it... in turn of course."
They shook hands, kissed then used the river. "Poor fish" Charlotte said once they'd finished, coming back in for some juice first. Rosie went into her cage to organise her chains while Miss Warren piled all her cords into coils on the floor between the cages, as the rock was smooth there. The younger lass saw Char frowning as she looked at her wrists. 'Not going to quit already?' she thought as the girl went to the casket and retrieved the knife that they'd used to carve up the fruit. "Good idea hon" she said seeing Miss Warren lay it close to the ropes. "Not daft love, so ready to try?" Rosie nodded and both girls gave each other a rub before doing the blindfolds and head wraps.
"OK love, go" Charlotte said and Rosie moved, not to her cage but making a beeline for the dresses hanging off the wall. But on getting there she could only feel the long one instead of hers. Surely Miss Warren was still by the cages waiting? She fumed, grabbing the gown and slid back, reaching to take the keys she hoped were on the casket. Finding them right there Rosie headed back, her arm brushing the big cage. To teach Charlotte a lesson she quietly locked the door before getting to her own, using Char's grumbling about knots to navigate there. Getting inside she secured the door and stepped into the dress and zipped it up. Found her throne, plopping down then starting to do things the way she'd intended. Twisting and turning till the last lock was secured.
"All done Charlotte, I'm fully locked down," she said triumphantly.
There was a shocked sounding gasp from Miss Warren. "You're joking love, already... oh... bloody hell" she said at last and Rosie smiled broadly behind her head wrap as she heard a thumping, another groan then a long but rather quiet 'nooo... damn it' as the scuffling continued.
Rosie sat there on the throne smiling at Charlotte's obvious annoyance. Listening to more grumbling, the odd curse and so on. The girl and all her ropes was never going to beat me, Rosie thought. Her arms however ached from the position and finally she asked Miss Warren, was she ready to admit defeat and free her? Then she could show Rosie what she'd planned to do. "Come on pet, get your blindfold off and have a look at the victor" she teased. "Yeah, well there'll be a slight problem there hon," she heard her friend say, and wow, the girl sounded really pissed off with herself.
"Why's that Charlotte, you haven't got yourself in a pickle trying to work out how to do it, yes?" she teased. Miss Warren sighed, "No, I was having a few ideas... and got a little carried away. Hoping to beat you out of sight" Rosie smiled, typical Char. that competitive nature was one day going to catch her out. "Go on, tell Auntie Rosita what you'd planned. I'm looking forward to hearing this."
There was a long pause then Miss Warren began. "Well, I'd planned a crotch rope round my waist and running underneath, give me a treat while I struggle, which is something you cannot do, get my ankles roped towards my thighs, bind my knees as close as possible. Then get my wrists crossed the way Mrs Sssh used to tie us. They ended up in the small of my back because when I went forward onto my chest the slipknots pulled them tight to the waist rope" Rosie nodded, it sounded OK. "Hmmm, like to see that done love. Now if you'd just get me free we'll check, yes?"
"That's the problem Rosie. I've worked out that the bloody knife is out of reach because I cannot roll over. There are more ropes that go off to the sides from my waist, another pair from under the armpits and over both shoulders that link up to the wrist ones. That's how they ended up crossed as I'd planned. Finally there is one from the back of the collar that also pulls the wrists the other way from the belt and stopped them moving at all."
"So how are you planning to get out Char?" Rosie commented, it sounded rather more complicated now and she was a little concerned. "The knife sounds like it'll be in front of your face. Nowhere near your hands. If they're linked under the waist rope as you say, you'd really find yourself in trouble."
"Yeah," she said slowly and Rosie, sitting there realised that Charlotte shouldn't sound this upset about losing the bet... unless. It slowly began to dawn on Miss Wright and it made her heart seize.
"Please Charlotte. Just answer me honestly, no beating around the bush love. I've just cottoned on that you changed tense partway through discussing your plan." Rosie wincing as the dreaded question was asked of her friend...
"You've tied yourself up the way you intended, and you're seriously stuck this time... aren't you?"
"I'm so sorry Rosie love... but the answer is yes. Very... very stuck. I cannot move a bloody thing, arms, legs. All done tightly," came the reply she feared. The sobbing from Miss Warren starting immediately. Followed a few moments later by Rosie as it struck home, that they were both in inescapable bondage, each expecting the other girl to have waited her turn... "But Char you said I'd..." Rosie wept, realising that wasn't entirely true. They'd agreed... in turn... but not said who was going first!
Gradually the crying stopped, mainly because the tears were stinging their eyeballs. Both the girls were experts now at doing the blindfolds, add the head covering and they were in a world of hurt. Rosie was still trying to figure out what Charlotte had done but convinced there must be a way to get free.
"Char love, I've got an idea. I'm assuming the side ropes are just placed under the caskets nearby. If you can wriggle around a bit then surely they'll pop..." But Miss Warren broke in, begging her to stop it, her voice so trembling now and naturally it shut Rosie up. "They are not," she said at last, "Each one is tied to the bars..." Now it was Rosie's turn to interrupt "Whoa Char, what do you mean bars? Oh my goodness, please tell me you are not in the big cage love! Last I saw, you were between them," she squealed. The pause told its own story.
"Yes, so you might as well know the rest" she replied sadly. "My legs are wrapped around the pillar with my ass hard up against it. Ankles sticking up the other side, crossed-tied together. Knees, I've got rope there as well. Add the stuff from the sides and the head one and that is it. One very stuck Charlotte Warren, so now you know why I cannot roll over, nor do any... anything. I guess if I tried hard enough, pulling on the wrist cords it might go. But because that other one goes to the loop on my neck collar I cannot risk jerking. Unless you really want me to try it?"
Rosie sat there speechless at the sorry tale of woe. She didn't want it to get any worse, but the news she too had was devastating.
"No, don't try it for the moment. I'll have another go at my keys. For a start we have to do it this way," she said having thought it through. "Why? If I can get my wrists out, then it'll..." Charlotte said, only for Rosie to start crying. "No... no it wouldn't pet. You're not the only one who did something stupid. If by some miracle you did escape it won't matter... I'm sorry Char, I knew my keys were on the casket by the cage. So I went over there to get them, plus my dress but it was gone. So to teach you a lesson for using it without asking... I didn't want you fiddling about in there..."
"I locked the cage door Charlotte honey... I swear I didn't hear you going inside," she wept as Miss Warren also burst into tears at this news. Whatever they did, if Rosie failed to get her keys... they were doomed.
This appeared to be the case, the trembling Charlotte heard the cursing, the clinking as Rosie tried to flick the keys up, so many times she heard the 'damn' or words similar and then the horrid clink as the d'ring dropped them away again. This went on for ages, her own body revolting now as the ropes dug into her skin. Then suddenly she heard a gasp... "GOT IT" and she screamed for a moment, hoping that it'd be OK as Rosie said she now had them in one hand. Miss Warren listened intently as... as...
"NOOO....." she heard at last, Rosie's voice at least two octaves higher than ever before. Screams and curses degenerated into sobs as Miss Wright broke down. The girl needing to break the news that despite them being in her hands, the flexibility of the d'ring, that had helped her secure the manacles in the first place, now stopped her getting even close to inserting the key and unlocking it. Miss Warren froze as she heard that initial clinking once again, meaning Rosie had given up and let them go.
"Char love," she said softly after far too long. "This isn't gonna work. I cannot reach far enough round. Because my hands are too far apart. It's... well at least six inches away. I'm so sorry love," she wept.
Now it was Charlotte's turn to try and think rationally. She knew Rosie was on her throne. If the girl could stand up she could surely clamber onto it, flip her wrists over the top of the pole. She hadn't mentioned using any wrist to ankle cuff chain. It was only four feet high and thus reach the keys that way. However this question proved useless as Miss Wright told her why.
"Nice try pet, but I thought I was being so clever, guess we've both got it wrong so I'll tell you exactly what I'd done. The collar chain was too long, so I took the loop off and fed it under the back bars of the chair then upwards. It's also attached to my waist belt, through that link at the back before I put it level with my neck. Fixing it into position with the spare d'ring... so I cannot even lift my ass off the chair. That's why I locked your door, so you'd not find out I'd used extra bits. My feet are tucked tightly right underneath the front because I wound that one round the post first. The bloody wrist manacles are wrapped round a chain that encircles the pillar and joins the rest at the back of the chair." Charlotte listening in shocked silence as the tale emerged and it was worse than her own by the sound of it.
"I worked out that I could get myself sat in the chair then do it in this order. Lock my feet, then do the belt, reach round and secure one wrist. The manacle was partly closed but not locked, so I wriggled my hand into it using the slack, because I could lean to one side as my neck was free and do it. Got the key in and secured it. Then did my neck before stretching the other way so I could get the key into the other one, though I assumed I'd solved any potential problems as I'd clipped the 'd ring between the cuffs."
"That was almost as far as I'd planned, my thumb could only just reach the key barrel once I'd got my wrist inside, then I turned it. I felt so bloody smug when I heard the click... but like you I got carried away. I shook the manacles to check they were locked and forgot about the keys. Somehow they fell out, saved by the d'ring mind, but because my hands are that far apart I cannot get it back in. So that's it love. I'm stuck just as badly," she said, waiting for Charlotte to start ranting or crying.
But there was nothing at first, just laboured breathing as she tugged at her ropes. "OK Rosie, thanks for levelling with me. I guess... I guess we're BOTH bondage sluts, yes?" and despite the predicament both the girls raised a brief smile behind the head wraps.
Silence fell across the cave, neither girl wanting to say anything that might distress the other anymore. Charlotte stopped her efforts. Her wrists were really burning now, tingling in her fingers getting worse and she knew that if this lasted much long she'd suffer serious nerve damage. Lizzie had warned her about this sort of problem. But her headstrong daughter had once more failed to listen to the sensible advice from someone who'd also learned the hard way.
Rosie sat there, wondering whether to try again. She was shocked to hear Charlotte start snoring. How the hell could she drop off like that? But any attempt to flick the keys just bought the same frustrating results and she lasted an hour before quietly crying again. She couldn't even shuffle her ass, the belt gripped her so firmly and her buttock cheeks had gone numb. Eventually Rosie dried up... then her ears... picked up an amazing sound, but was it imagination? Or forlorn hope as it rose, faded then got a little louder before dying away... surely like she'd heard it before. Behind her blindfold Miss Wright wondered if she should wake Charlotte up yet... and tell her. If the noise came back shortly... then she'd do so and once more Rosita prayed for divine intervention.
"CHARLOTTE... CHARLOTTE, for goodness sake WAKE UP HONEY!" she screamed as indeed the noise began again. That gentle murmuring starting to echo round the cave then suddenly die away. "What's up love," Char said at last, startled out of a snooze, the girl wincing as she accidentally tugged on her ropes. All she could hear now was Rosie sobbing, but this too sounded a little different. "Rosie love," she said a lot louder now, "What the heck is the matter with you?" as the tears rolled on... before a relieved Miss Wright told her...
That she thought Walter's plane had just arrived outside!
Charlotte didn't know whether to cry, or just curse her friend for making such a sick joke at a time like this. Why on earth would he come back? He hadn't since the day they'd been betrayed, so why now and she was just about to let rip when...
"HELLO... anybody home!" came the pilot's voice and her heart like Rosita's leapt higher than Everest as footsteps came clattering up the cavern.
"What... what the fucking hell's going on in here?" Timms said as his eyes took in a totally unexpected sight. Two cages parked where there had been none. Both seemingly occupied so he shone a flashlight over the bodies, realising by their size they were Europeans then he heard hysterical female sobbing... in stereo.
Charlotte AND Rosie were STILL alive!
Walter Timms had often thought about the events on Chalka Island after the tsunamis wrought such havoc over the wider Borneo area. Though he'd again cheated the girls out of what Charlie once said was their inheritance he still thought about them every day and deeply regretted what they'd done.
Those jewels and stuff now invested like the rest and he could afford anything he wanted, using a lot of the money to actually pay for rescue missions to ease his conscience. But the guy did have humanity and when he'd discovered a day or so ago that the other natives had survived, but abandoned Chalka to its fate he decided he had to go back. Assuming sadly that Rosie would have drowned in the cavern, there was still Charlotte left up on the hill. If he rescued her...
Ringing Charlie Warren, who surprisingly said he'd come along, if the pilot could wait two days longer then he'd also be there. "Don't know what we'll do if she is alive mind Walt. The guys over here declared her missing presumed lost, same for Rosita. But we'll still check the place over though. Plus I've got a feeling from what Martin was saying, that the 'ol Intrepid has not yet given up all her secrets, so if you don't mind I'd like to cover that base as well," he said and the flyer agreed.
So having picked the Oxford man up, the pair had flown out in the Albatross, not stopping at the chiefs own island as normal. Looking down even from here the men could see the massive devastation these waves could do. They remembered the location of the camp at Chalka and flew over the peak first to see if... Walter frowning as they shot passed, sure that was the place where Charlotte had been caged. The overhang didn't seem different from months ago, but there was no sign of the girl or her prison. Another sweep down the side and he checked, in case somehow the thing had fallen off, but the jungle below the cliff edge made it hard to see if it was down there.
They landed and Charlie too could see how the wave had swept upstream, carrying all before it. The guy guessing that if the natives had left directly after the tsunami then no way would Char still be alive. He knew from what Walter had said she'd been left with a maximum spaced food supply under the bed. That might last her a couple of weeks at most. Plus anything the natives were supposed to give her during their devotions. So really they'd just come back to find the two bodies and bury them then finish the Intrepid work.
For once Professor Warren was annoyed with his buddy. Yes they'd made their fortunes... but at a cost. His older brother had taken Charlotte's disappearance badly and they were no longer on speaking terms, if he found that his sibling had been involved in the girl's supposed demise then all hell would break loose.
Finally Walter reached the area where the camp had once been, though he could see how far the wave had come up. Definitely as far as the cavern and looking at the piles of tree shite and other debris by the entrance it had got in there too. No wonder the natives had left. Timms got the anchors secured and the two men boarded the canoe and paddled over. The pilot now carrying his pistol in case any of the locals had remained after all. He'd been told that everyone had survived, and left but he wasn't taking chances. They beached the boat and wandered round, getting their bearings before Walter grabbed his flashlight and went inside... to find the most surprising sight of his life.
"OK girls," he said, staring in amazement at what condition they were in. He didn't know who'd put them inside and he fingered the gun. Surely some natives must still be here to have imprisoned them. "Who the hell did this to you?" he asked at last. A long silence as the crying ceased, before the white dressed one, who was sat on Charlotte's old throne, admitted they had... done this to themselves. This sounded like Rosita talking and he almost smiled for a moment.
"Please Walter, for goodness sake get us out of here!" she said, thinking for a moment he might leave. She heard him walking around her, then felt the cage shake, his hands rattling the chains round the doorframe. "Right, where are the keys?" he asked,
"Surely you had some way of freeing yourselves... no?" Rosita laughed bitterly then told him where the key ring was, admitting what had occurred and he chuckled briefly, hearing the quiet sobbing from the other girl lying in a very weird position on the floor in the bigger cage. Neither of them knew he took a whole series of photos on his phone first. No way would Charlie believe him unless he saw these for himself.
Miss Wright nearly died when she felt vibrations on her cuff chain as Walter unclipped the d'ring. She thought he'd undo those at the same time... but no. She heard him come round the front and start to open the padlocks instead. "Walter, sorry but stop there, I know this sounds daft but you'd better undo Charlotte first. Her wrists and the rest have been roped too tightly for ages now. Just leave me till she's done, please. You'll need the grey key for her door. But of course I guess you know that," she said with a slight edge in her voice.
He obeyed and within a few minutes a crying Miss Warren was free and sat on the cage floor. Walter massaging her wrists, the guy appalled at the angry red welts all over her arms and legs. Charlotte was so exhausted she didn't even think about attacking him for what he'd done to her last year. "Thank you buddy, oh thank you," she wept as he continued working on her. He managed to avoid giving her a kiss but then she snuggled up against his body, her tearstained face heading for his... until a voice came up the cavern. "Walt, you down there mate?"
Suddenly, with a scream that made the pilot wince, Rosie jump, and probably heard all over the island Charlotte staggered to her feet. "CHARLIE!" she yelled, seeing her brother come round the corner and stop dead. The girl patted Walt's shoulder then hobbled out of the cage, rushing as best she could into her siblings' arms and the pair broke down. The Oxford man ruffling her hair as she once more buried her head into a shoulder. Timms smiled and turned away, grabbing the keys and starting to unlock the other cage, the guy fascinated as he looked at what Miss Wright had achieved.
Within five minutes he too was getting smothered in hugs and kisses as a weeping Rosita held tight. It was too soon to have a go at the guys, it was just a relief to be free, when they'd thought that so beyond them.
Never did it feel so good to have the sun on their faces as the men led both girls outside, though they did shield their eyes at first. They'd stopped crying now and Walt had his arm round Rosie's midriff, the lass still dressed in the white gown,
Charlotte in the skimpy remains of the black one but at least the marks on her ankles were fading. The guys got them sat by the canoe and plied the pair with juice and sandwiches they'd brought from the mainland.
Both Walt and Charlie were still on guard though, mindful about what they'd done to the girls. But during the month they'd spent free together on the island Charlotte and Rosie had talked it all through. Saying that if the guys ever did come back, as long as they admitted what they'd done was wrong, then take the pair home, then they'd just do their best to forget it. "A few bucks might not go amiss though" Rosie grinned. But they now had to put that promise into practice.
Charlie told the girls why they'd returned. Forgetting of course Charlotte had seen the natives leaving. Not long before the second tsunami had struck and her eyes rolled.
"Right, so you made a few million, now you want even more, what the hell is the matter with you two? I spent a month in that cage, Rosie a lot longer, cause she had two doses, thanks to you. Once she'd escaped from the cavern, freed me and assured me that what had happened was not her fault we chatted on. I learned the truth about her initial time upstairs. I always wondered why those samples had slowed down. But guys' this sounds crazy, we got so chilled out being here, nothing to worry us, we finally agreed to do something you might find impossible to believe. I made Rosie promise, on bended knee too," she grinned as Miss Wright smiled. "That if you did deign to come back. As long as you freed us both, with no bullshit and suchlike, we'll forgive you."
The two men stared at each other. This wasn't what they'd expected had they found them alive. A pair of raging beauties with reasons to kill them more like and Rosie grinned on hearing that. "It did cross my mind but Char's made me promise..." and everyone laughed as the girl fiddled with her dress.
Eventually the men asked for a moment alone to talk, the girls agreeing and they both stripped off and went for a swim while the guys headed out of earshot. This chat took place deep in the cave and lasted longer than Rosie expected. For a moment she was fearful that somehow... somehow she'd end up in the cage again. Charlotte came and sat next to her mid-stream to comfort her friend, the girls having a long kiss and cuddle before helping the other sort their hair out. They'd just finished when the men came out and approached them.
"OK girls. Walt and myself... have agreed. If you promise not to grass on us, then we'll consider what happened here as a mistake." The girls smiled and hugged each other as Charlie raised a hand and both froze for a moment.
"However, there is one slight problem with you two... going home," he said.
Explaining how the pair had both been 'written off' by the authorities in England. "So if Rosie Wright and Charlotte Warren suddenly popped up then serious questions are gonna be asked. It's going to be rather awkward," he said. The girls now holding each other tightly, Charlie seeing Rosie start to shake. "Now listen, we're not going to leave you here, that's a promise. Walter says... well he's..." and the pilot broke in. Telling the girls his mansion on the mainland was proving to be a headache to keep clean. He just didn't trust local 'hired help' and this was proving problematic. So was Charlotte interested in living in the place and acting as housekeeper? Plus doing the accounts and stuff for his aircraft as well, thus applying her financial skills to their best ability.
"As for you missy," Charlie said, giving Rosie a cuddle, doing his best to calm her down. "The news for you is just as exciting. Before I flew out I discovered an article about the University of Singapore. Their Borneo campus are building a new bio-research laboratory, doing exactly the same analysis of the fieldwork you've been sending back to us at Oxford. I personally know the guys who are involved, so now you are alive and safe I'm going to apply to run this place." The girls smiling as he carried on.
"Also because I'm fed up with all the politics in England and want out, I don't think Professor Walton will object. Walter's got a suite of spare rooms at his place to put at my disposal if I get the job. But crucially I'd like you Miss Carter, as you'll be known from now on, to be my assistant. When you're not out in the jungle, you can live with us. So what do you say folks?"
The girls smiled at each other. This was more than they dreamed of. Charlotte didn't actually want to return to England. Rosie had hardly been there for more than a few weeks each year. "OK, I think guys... you have a deal. On one condition mind," Charlotte said, seeing Miss Wright's eyes flicking to the cavern a few times.
"Assuming we don't find a full planeload of treasure down at the ship. Any chance you could... take some of... our stuff with you?" she grinned, wrapping a hand round her wrist like a rope. Rosie doing likewise, but in her case simulating a collar. Walter Timms smiled and nodded. "Yeah, there are at least two rooms in the basement. I've never decided what to do with them. One cage per chamber fits fine I guess. You saucy pair of minxes" he chuckled as Charlotte reached over and kissed him full on the lips. Professor Warren just stared at the pair, Rosie tapping him on the knee, "Leave them alone love," she whispered with a smile.
Now that was sorted the foursome headed down to the ship. Walter saying it was unlikely there could be much left there. "More whisky perhaps?" Charlotte giggled and her brother gave her a poke. They arrived and got to work in the bilge bay. Walter did eventually find a few bits in another hidden area but really he didn't mind and it barely filled a small box. He couldn't spend all the stuff he'd banked last time without drawing attention. With the prospect of Miss Warren moving in, hopefully to become the second Mrs Timms in years to come, then things were looking up on the personal front too. When he was away, the girls could play, though he'd have to make sure they didn't get stuck again.
Both the men wanted to know how they'd got trapped last time. Walter showed his phone to the others and the girls blushing furiously as next morning they got lectured about safety. "But you did look good. Now we're here will you show us?"
Charlotte smiled and went to sort her ropes out. Rosie too grinning, moving her chains about as Walter passed over the keys. The guys sat there amazed, Charlotte too watching Miss Wright doing her stuff as she was going first. Though she couldn't talk as Charlie sorted a blindfold, then surprised the girl by tightly gagging her before applying the head wrap. She'd trembled for a moment before a comforting stroke got her calmed down. The naked girl was led into the bigger cage, then waited for a moment as Mr Warren left... but he quietly slipped back inside as she closed the door and locked it. Blundering around she headed for the chair and sat down. The Professor grinning, indicating to Charlotte not to spill the beans as they came and stood nearby. Walt busied himself filming this on camera.
Now Rosie got to work, click... twist... turn and Miss Warren was amazed at how quickly her friend got herself locked so tightly. The odd grunt as she twisted about then after barely five minutes came that clink and the others saw the keys drop out of the manacles and Rosie squeaked that she was all done. Charlotte saw her demonstrating how far the keys had been from the locks and it made her shudder. If the guys hadn't come back...
"That's why you HAVE to learn to play safely... love" Walter whispered as he rubbed Charlotte's waist. His fingers lightly moving over her skin and he felt the lass trembling. Not knowing she wanted it to be him getting her hot and bothered somewhere and soon. Charlie didn't see the pair start kissing again as he moved closer to give Rosie a treat. Nor did he noticed the pilot quietly showing a length of cord to Charlotte. The girl smiled and nodded, crossing both wrists behind her back, freezing as the first cord went round. She was so turned on at the prospect she let him finish. "That's lovely," she murmured as he started on her body.
Rosie waited for them to say anything and she said things through her gag. But nothing happened then she jumped, as fingers just brushed her nipples. She squealed before Chas whispered shhh.... to her as he began to gently poke and prod the squirming lass. When his fingers began to slide onto her legs the girl froze, then sighed as he brushed where it mattered to her most. The others outside seeing her hands opening and closing as he began moving in and out. She was tugging at her chains, her feet trying to move as he stirred her to the limit... before she erupted and squealed long and loud into her gag as he kept going till she came again. The Oxford man let her settle at the end, Walt quietly freeing a blushing Charlotte at the same time.
Once they'd swapped over Rosie was appalled at how tight Miss Warren tied herself and the lass got a scold at the end. But all along they knew it was time for them to pack up and leave Chalka. They had a last lunch of freshly gathered fruit, plus fish caught by Mr Warren then the four did a last walk round before boarding the canoe.
She was rather sad, having been here so long and when Walter took off, the plane fully freighted with both the dismantled cages, the caskets and other stuff she held Charlotte's hand and the pair were quietly crying.
Three hours later and Charlie came back to see them. He seemed on the verge of grinning and they were wondering what was up. "Walt's just thought of something," he said, accepting a glass of juice. "We left the airfield just him and me, we're going to be arriving back with you two as well. But as I see it... you're slightly underdressed for the event," Charlie said, the girls both flushing, naked as all they'd had were the two dresses. "Walt got plenty of Mary's old stuff at his place which will fit until you two go shopping. But nothing here and he doesn't think the guys at the 'field will keep quiet seeing you like that. I know I wouldn't," he quipped as Charlotte gently slapped his leg.
"Well, the gowns are a bit over the top, especially mine as I wrecked it. So perhaps we should..." and Rosie grinned and looked at the caskets. Miss Warren seeing this and rolling her eyes... then nodding all the same! He agreed and went back to tell the pilot. Walt turning in his seat and shaking his head but chuckling. "What a pair you are, yes go on then. You've got thirty minutes to get ready"
The girls swung into action once they'd used the little chemical toilet. Rosita making a beeline for her black frock, just getting there ahead of Charlotte. "Cow," she said taking the white one. "OK, this time I'll rope you rather than using any of your metal locks. See if you can hack it!"
Rosie paused but agreed, Charlie sitting there watching these beauties playing. He was amazed as Miss Wright virtually leapt into her casket, certainly there was no sign of claustrophobia now. She settled herself as Charlotte came with a huge pile of cords, even the pilot, looking back to see what they were doing, looked startled.
Miss Warren soon had Rosie's wrists and ankles done tight. Then got the girl blindfolded and gagged, mainly because she'd asked! But then she sprang a surprise once her friend was kneeling, as a rope belt was applied, with a crotch cord going underneath the short hem of her frock. Miss Wright squealed as it was drawn right up and tied off, she hadn't budgeted for this!
"See, if you'd worn the white gown..." Char intoned, getting a 'You f#####g cow!' type of groaning as the rope began rubbing right on her pussy. More rope went from wrists to ankles once she was folded down. This making the crotch one push even more.
Lastly, a cord was wrapped over the neck loop holding that shut. "See, no locks but I can do it" she said, rubbing a trembling ass as the lid was pushed down. Two black nails being knocked shut and the job was complete. "If Rosie denies having an orgasm, she's a liar."
Charlie got up and gave her a rub, pushing his sister towards the other casket, helping her into the gown and zipping it up, the pair feeling the plane start to descend. A quick look out of the window confirmed they were almost there. Within five minutes Charlotte was secured inside her crate having had a long smooch first. "No bullshit this time, promise. Walter won't admit it but he wants you far more than just being his housekeeper, he was devastated when Mary died. Also don't think I didn't notice what he did in the cave love," he said, seeing she was nervous. But she smiled, already knowing this to be true and allowed herself to be locked down. The nails, grey in her case so the men knew which box they had. Shortly after Timms made a textbook landing and the girls sighed as vibrations decreased.
Rosita Wright was convinced the rough handling of her casket was deliberate as she was unloaded. The crotch rope was giving her hell, the edge just rubbing where she did/didn't want it. The girls listened as Timms told Charlie to take them home in his car, get the pair unpacked, cleaned up and dressed, saying where Mary's clothes were, also could someone prepare dinner. He had at least a couple of hours work to do here, but he'd be ready for Charlie to be back by six and collect him. The cages and stuff could wait until later, he'd borrow Barry's van and as it was Saturday tomorrow nobody else would see them.
Mr Warren did as bidden, getting through the horrendous traffic with ease, used to Oxford drivers he cut up rickshaws, swerved round carts and made it there in twenty minutes despite the state of the road construction. Though he did smile on finally hearing a squealing as Rosie succumbed to the inevitable. "Nearly there ladies" he shouted then moments later arrived at Walter's gate and used the guy's keys to get in to the mansion.
It was a lovely place and he knew the girls would enjoy living here, though he suspected that they were going to spend a fair amount of time downstairs in their cages. "What a pair" he chuckled as he parked up in Walt's garage. Getting the jewel box inside he sighed as the air conditioning dropped the level of humidity by half. Off came the bush jacket before he got to work unloading the caskets.
Walter hadn't said who was in which room, but Charlie grinned as he checked the nails, putting his sister into the master one straight away. The pilot had made no secret that he fancied the girl, but the professor had caught the two giving each other a loving look this morning when Timms had bound her wrists in the cavern, then spent the next few minutes working her over.
So it was Rosie's turn... Charlie carrying the casket into the other double, with a grin as he put it down with a thump, hearing another groan. He popped the lid up, seeing her hands twitching and the ropes dug rather too deep into the skin. "OK love, mind yourself" he said as the neck was first to be freed. Miss Wright was helped out and she looked round, relieved to see where she was before stripping off and heading for the bathroom, though she did come back to face him.
"Charlie... love," she said as he stroked her arms. "Thanks for coming back," he smiled and the pair had a smooch before she said he should free his sister while she had her first bath in ages. He agreed and left, arriving moments later in the master bedroom. Charlotte was groaning, her body wanting nothing more than to be straight. The professor opened the lid and clasped her fingers, she gripped hard then grunted an apology as he smacked her bottom. "Right, I'll just get the..." he stopped, patting his shorts pocket... thinking that Timms had passed over house and car keys but not the ones to free Miss Warren!
Now one of the most gifted bio-scientists was stumped as his sister began talking louder. No doubt asking him why he wasn't freeing her. "Hang on pet, bit of a problem" he said and saw her hands start to shake. Though she could feel cool air, that meant they were inside a building, what was he doing? "Sorry Char," he said, rubbing her back, "Walt's still got your keys... so you're gonna have to wait!" She really squealed and snorted, her fingers clenching into fists, but being totally helpless she had no choice so the girl relaxed as Charlie calmed her down. Talking to her over the next hour or so, getting the odd hum or thumbs up when he needed an answer.
The only thing he could do was to remove the head covering, blindfold and the gag having thought more about it. If he got a glass and straw down the side she'd at least have a drink to refresh herself, so he said that's what he'd do. Reaching in he touched the knots by her hair, but stopped when she jerked away, twisting her head. He waited then tried again with the same result. "Oh sorry, you want to stay properly bound then?" the guy amazed when she gave a thumbs up! Charlie smiled then reached down, sliding his hands around her arms and started groping her torso, finally getting to her breasts, kissing the base of her neck at the same time.
A couple of minutes of that was enough and she suddenly shook and squealed, her hands flapping like anything as the orgasm struck. He grinned, then stopped hearing a quiet chuckle from the doorway. He turned and saw a vision of blonde loveliness standing there, the smiling explorer wearing a stunning long patterned blue dress and a pair of matching killer heels. Rosie glided in and he stood up, seeing the girl's eyes looking down and silently questioning why Miss Warren was still boxed.
She grinned as he quietly explained what had happened, Rosie taking his place and starting to play with her friend. "Easy honey... soon be your turn... for a nice... comfy refreshing bath!" she teased. Telling the girl what she was wearing now, also there was a mint green outfit laid out for Charlotte to use. The late Mary had wonderful styling and several packed wardrobes. "You'll feel great swishing freely about the place. If you're ever let out of course!". The bound girl shouting lots of curses as those nimble fingers squeezed and prodded. "Besides, I said you owed me a session, this'll be one off the what, ten still in arrears?"
The lassie freezing as Miss Wright lifted the hem of Charlotte's dress above her ankles and gradually wriggled her hand towards the knees and pulled the material back. It moved just enough for Rosie to get a finger between the legs and plant it right on Miss Warren's pussy. Now she really did squeal as a nail just began to tap-tap so sensitively on the nubbin. "By heck she is soaking wet down there" she grinned as Charlotte begged her not to. "But you do want it?" Rosie asked and Char's head nodded as best she could.
Ten minutes after Miss Warren succumbed to an explosive orgasm Charlie and Rosie were downstairs having a snog. The box once again closed and nailed because Charlotte wanted it that way. Mainly so they'd leave her alone and stop tormenting the lass!
The two prepared the meal, joking about the lack of raw fish but Rosita seemed happy to play act the domestic goddess as the stuff was loaded into an impressive cooker. "Better than Fertility then," she grinned as Charlie came back for another kiss. The guy once more apologising, Miss Wright seeing how hard he was kicking himself.
"Thanks, maybe you and Walter will take your turns in the cages, while we blow some of your...our money!" and they laughed. She blushed as he admired her calf-length dress, the lass admitting she had the full works on underneath, this time including knickers. Rosie said at least now she knew where Walt had got the others from.
"Right, well I'll be checking later," he said, giving her ass a squeeze. "Yeah, sure... I'm hoping you will" the lass replied with a twinkle.
Time was ticking and they got the meal finished, storing it in the fridge before Charlie grabbed his jacket to go fetch the pilot. It swung round and clunked loudly against an open cupboard. The professor frowned and dug into the pocket and Rosie saw him start. "Oops, sorry Charlotte," he grinned, pulling out the other key ring, jangling them before Miss Wright burst out laughing. He gave the girl a long kiss and rub, then told her to free Miss Warren without teasing her anymore. "Promise?" and Rosie nodded as he said he'd be back soon.
He departed and Rosie hurried upstairs, coming in to see the box silent as usual so headed into Walt's en-suite to run a bath. She returned and undid the nails and told the girl what had happened, getting a thumbs up once she'd jingled the keys. A few moments later an exhausted but smiling Miss Warren was helped out of the crumpled gown and led next door.
With the two of them working it took one hour for Charlotte to become an angel once her dress was zipped up and shoes applied. "Hmmm, collar, belt, cuffs?" she was asked but the girl grinned 'not yet'. They were back downstairs and quaffing fruit juice when they saw Walter's car heading up the drive. By the time he whistled the pair were back, the girls were laying the table and about to serve the meal.
"Right Walt, Chas, twenty minutes for the pair of you to get washed and changed or Rosie and I will start without you!" Charlotte said once he'd kissed her, Charlie doing the same to Miss Wright.
"Bossy broads, Charlie old lad, change of plan... go fetch the cages, right now," he said as the others laughed. They were back in fifteen minutes and a superb meal was demolished. Followed by drinks out on the veranda as the heat wasn't oppressive now the sun had vanished. They talked things out a lot more about what the girls had done during their free month on Chalka. This time it was Walter who was apologetic as he sat on the sofa, his arm firmly wrapped round Miss Warren's waist.
Finally it was bedtime and the foursome cleared up together before a slightly wobbly tramp up the sweeping staircase. "Just as well I'm not shackled Walt, these bloody heels" Charlotte slurred as they reached the top steps. They bid each other goodnight, kisses for the girls and handshakes between Charlie and his mate. Then both men led their lady to her room and the scene was identical once the doors were closed. Within twenty minutes the girls were stripped to their sexy underwear and being screwed senseless, it seemed and for once neither cared that they hadn't been bound.
A clean up in the bathroom followed, teeth brushed before both returned to their partners. Rosie got changed into the slinky nightdress and clambered into bed, Charlie joining her for a last kiss before lights out. Walter did much the same, waiting for Charlotte, swapping over while she changed into hers. When he emerged she was there, a faint smile on those kissable lips... as she handed him a length of cord then held her arms out.
"Behind your back, and cross them too young lady," he ordered. The girl sighed as her wrists were done. Then the pilot helped her into bed for a nice romantic cuddle, if that was possible bound like that, having asked for her ankles to be secured too. "Good girl, want the rest?" and Charlotte smiled, then opened her mouth to accept the gag. Blindfold and earplugs followed with the tightest of headwraps to finish her off.
Next door Rosie was telling Charlie what she bet Char had probably asked for. As he reached for the switch she spoke. "Walter's agreed to teach us the lingo here and guess we all need to learn..."
"I wonder what is the local expression for 'bondage slut'!"