Author's Note: I sincerely hope you enjoy this story. If you'd like to know more about my writing, directing and storytelling in the mediums of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Erotica and Absurd Humor ... Please look me up at www.pup-stc.com
Before allowing Angelika to leave his apartment, Sam had dressed his slave doll in a white cashmere baby doll sweater and a tartan skirt that barely covered the tops of her white fishnet stockings. The nature of her outfit made it necessary for the girl to be incredibly cautious and take very small steps as they walked from his car to the elevator and then from the elevator to the Doctor's office. Even though Sam has her wearing what he refers to as "fuck me mules" that have five inch heels and offer almost no ankle support, Angelika hasn't dared sit down at any time during their consultation with the plastic surgeon. Allowing the tips of her garters to be seen by anyone other than Sam would be cause for her Master to keep Angelika severely restrained and in total darkness, completely isolated in the apartment's hot and stuffy storage closet for at least 24 hours.
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"I want it to be absolutely obvious that she's had a boob job," Sam says as he stands behind Angelika and cups his hands in front of her to give the impression of the girl having incredibly large breasts. "The surgery that was done in Vienna only helped her be a modest D cup. It needs to be clear as daylight to anyone who looks at my Angel that she has big fake tits."
As he steps away from Angelika, Sam delivers a stinging smack on her ass with his left hand. She winces for just a moment but manages to keep her reaction as mild as possible. The Doctor doesn't need to know that Sam had severely punished her the previous evening by forcing her to stand in ankle twisting stilettos while he mercilessly whipped her bottom with a riding crop. Angelika is fully aware that she deserved every single moment of the cruelty and degradation. She'd made the mistake of chilling a red wine that should have been served at a temperature of at least 70f or above.
If the Doctor does need to see any portion of her skin, it should only be an examination of her breasts to determine the size of the implant that would be inserted into each side. After this consultation, they can make an appointment and return in three or four weeks to have the surgery done. By then, Veronika's body will be completely free of any flogging or whipping marks. She'll have to put her foot down and insist that Sam must be an absolute gentleman during the last two weeks before the procedure. And if he tries to pull rank on her, she'll politely inform her Master that he can just divorce her, send her back to Hungary and start searching the internet for another mail order sex doll. After all, it only took him four and a half years to find Angelika.
"The information sheet says that you're five foot four. One hundred and five pounds . 32D - 22 - 33," The Doctor says to Angelika. "Is this correct?"
"Yes, Doctor." She finally says after taking a few moments to mentally compare the numbers he's given her to the metric ones that she's grown up being used to. Even after five months of living in the United States, the girl still encounters a bit of difficulty when it comes to measuring everything in feet, gallons and fahrenheit instead of using the much more reliable metric system.
When the shopping service had delivered the groceries the previous morning, the delivery driver had informed Angelika that the wine would best if served at a temperature of about seventy fahrenheit. Hastily attempting to convert his advice to a metric number, she'd mistakenly come up with nine celcius instead of the proper calculation of twenty-one celcius. This error in her perception of the proper temperature had caused Angelika to place the wine bottle in the beverage chiller for four hours instead of simply leaving it on the kitchen counter.
"With her body being the size and shape that it is, we can actually take care of everything this afternoon," The Doctor says to Sam, after taking a decidedly long moment to ogle Angelika's legs.
"This ... afternoon?" Angelika hesitantly asks as she looks directly at the Doctor.
"Yes my dear lady," He responds as he turns his attention towards her. "I was afraid I'd have to take legal action against an erotic model who was expecting her husband to pay for a new and much larger set of implants for her twenty-fifth birthday. When she discovered he was filing for divorce, she canceled her appointment and I was left with a package of special order product that I thought I wouldn't be able to use. If you and your gentleman want to do the procedure this afternoon, I can give him a very good deal on the price. At this point, I'm simply trying to not lose money."
"What do you say, Darling?" Sam says as he flashes Angelika a smile that lets her know he's ready to accept the deal.
"How ... big?" She says to the Doctor after a moment of hesitation?
"Your current implants are four hundred and fifty centiliters per side," He responds "The ones that I have on hand will more than double that at one point two five liters each. If this were a first installation, I'd advise a girl of your body size to stop at something like seven hundred or seven-fifty. But you've already had the four-fifty's in for more than two years and they've created a nice little sag that looks almost normal. Removing the originals will provide a pocket large enough to accept the new ones if we under fill them at about nine hundred. After they've been in for seven or eight weeks, I can begin to inject additional fluid into each side and you'll quickly be up to the manufacturer's recommended size in less than six months And the beauty of this particular model of implant is that I can easily overfill each side by as much as one third so we don't have to stop at twelve-fifty. If Sam wants me to, I can pump you as large as one point eight liters per side. At that point, you'd be something like an L or an M cup."
"If he wants you to ..." Angelika thinks to herself. "Have we completely stopped caring about what I want?
Taking a moment to look into Sam's eyes, Angelika can see that he would seriously like to proceed with this extreme augmentation. From their initial face to face meeting, when he'd flown to Budapest after chatting on line with her for almost three months, the man had made it clear that he was looking for the one who understood that her proper place in life was to be little more than an object that existed for the pleasure of her owner.
On that first date with Sam, Angelika had already understood that she needed to be in a relationship where she'd be taken care of by someone who would both adore and control her. After finishing secondary school at seventeen, she'd spent a little more than a year trying to make a living in the business world. The situation had involved almost fifteen months of constant panic attacks and increasingly excessive drinking. When it finally dawned on Angelika that she'd spent the previous two months depending on prescription drugs to make it through every single day, she'd decided that a change of course was most certainly necessary. She'd already run across at least a dozen men who had expressed an interest in being nice to her in return for her granting them certain favors. Why not allow this to be an opportunity to pay the bills in the short term while she set down the groundwork for something more long term and emotionally fulfilling.
"This man who might want to be my owner," She'd said to Sam on that first evening of dinner and dancing. "Does he understand that he must be careful to never damage his toy?"
"If I were foolish enough to break my toy, I'd no longer be able to play with it." He'd responded.
His comment had brought a smile to her face. Five days later, as Sam was preparing to board his plane back to New York, Angelika had informed him that she had five more weeks of obligations in Hungary and Austria. After that, she would be happy to join him in America for up to ninety days. If he wished her to stay longer, he would need to marry her.
With Sam being thirty-five and her being nineteen, Angelika had considered the two of them to be a very good match. He'd fit her particular needs in terms of both income and age. Wealthy enough to properly care for her. Young enough and healthy enough to share his life with her for many years. She did not want to adapt her life to a man, only to have him fall over dead less than five years later.
The wedding is scheduled to take place in eleven days. Angelika had expected that she would be Mrs. Sam before having to endure any type of body modification. She's emotionally comfortable with the idea that he'll want to improve her and make her more to his liking. A tattoo here. A piercing there. Various forms of cosmetic surgery as they both get older to help keep her looking lovely and exciting. But she does need to feel that he's not simply changing her for the enjoyment of proving that he can.
As his wife, Angelika would have a bit of leverage but now the situation is completely reversed. If she says no to the procedure, the girl faces a very strong possibility that Sam will simply send her back to Hungary and begin a new search for a personal sex doll.
"I believe we should do this, Darling." She finally says to Sam, after what has felt like an eternity of hesitation and uncertainty. Glancing at the clock on the wall, Angelika realizes that it only took her about thirty seconds to provide the two men with an answer.
"Splendid!" The Doctor says to Angelika. "Now, why don't you step into the outer office and allow me to discuss the business terms with your fiance.
"That was a really slick move on announcing the limited time offer," Sam says to the Doctor.
"Just a little trick I learned when I was selling cars and appliances to help pay my college expenses," He replies.
Well, it seemed to really do the job and back her into the proper corner." Sam continues. "I'm pretty sure Angel wouldn't be agreeing to something this extreme if I allowed her a few days to think about it.
"Domination and manipulation are often a matter of proper timing," The Doctor responds with a sly grin on his face.
"How are you going to handle my special request?" Sam says to the Doctor. "The one that your office guarantees will provide me with a completely fulfilling relationship?"
"It's a relatively simple matter to take care of," The Doctor says to Sam. "When we install the young lady's new breast implants, we also place a thin sheet of micro circuit webbing between the two lobes of the brain. This webbing will begin to selectively disrupt any thoughts or notions that run contrary to your preferences."
"And how long before I begin to notice positive results?" Sam asks.
"Within four to six weeks, Angelika will have become a completely obedient sex doll." The Doctor states. "Her life and her body will completely belong to you."
"Lovely," Sam says with a slight smirk.
Alone in the outer office, leaning over the receptionist desk and listening to the intercom, Angelika finds herself incredibly stunned by the conversation she's overhearing. How can a man who professes to love her more than life itself have such intentions to violate her body and her trust in this way? Reaching for her cell phone to call the police, Angelika is horrified to discover that the battery appears to be dead.
"I'm afraid I had to switch phones on you this morning, Darling" She hears Sam's voice say from behind her. She turns and sees him standing beside the Doctor.
"The phone you're currently holding looks just like the one I gave you several weeks ago but it's never been charged or activated," Sam continues, with a very unsettling grin on his face. This is not the face of the man who brought her to the United States and asked her to marry him. This version of Sam looks more like someone who'd be on a wanted poster at a police station.
"Why do you do this?" Angelika says, in a tone of voice that sounds half frightened and half angry.
"Just trying to fulfill a specific set of requirements, Darling." He calmly states. "I need someone in my life who will do whatever I tell her and never resist me in any way."
"But I have been training to be that for you," Angelika protests as she backs toward the door to the tenth floor hallway.
"I know, Darling." He calmly replies. "But you're still resisting in just a few too many ways. This coming Friday, I'll need to sign the papers that ask the government to let you stay here as a permanent resident. And I just don't think you could ever be what I truly want if the Doctor doesn't do this procedure first."
"Please!" She exclaims. "I will try much harder. I will listen carefully at each lesson you teach me. I will happily wear whatever costumes you choose for me. I will kneel in front of your chair and be your foot stool for an entire afternoon and evening if that is what you wish of me."
"I'm afraid it's a touch too late for that, Darling." Sam replies. "A truly obedient slave doll wouldn't have even thought to press the monitor button and listen to our conversation on the intercom. You've proven that you'll always have that small streak of insolent brat in you so now it's time to implement plan B."
Angelika reaches for the door to the hallway and discovers that its been locked. She and Sam were in the Doctor's private office for almost forty-five minutes. Plenty of time for an associate of the Doctor to take care of this little piece of business and leave her unable to escape the trap they've set for her.
Sam grabs the much smaller Angelika and pins her body against the hard wood door. Moments later, she feels a needle being shoved into the side of her neck. In less than fifteen seconds, the girl is feeling very sleepy and disoriented.
"I honestly do love you, Angel." She hears Sam's voice say to her as everything starts to fade into darkness. "You mean the world to me and I do plan on taking complete and perfect care of you for the rest of our lives. This one simple procedure will make everything so much easier for the both of us."
Angelika opens her eyes and realizes that she's on her back and bound in a four poster fashion in a very dark room. How long she's been here, the girl isn't sure. It can't have been more than just a few hours, the flesh of her bottom is still sore from Sam's intense use of the riding crop and the brain control device the Doctor was talking about doesn't appear to be affecting her thoughts at this time.
If its going to take five or six weeks to completely conform her thoughts and feelings to his will, Sam will have to keep her hidden away until the process has run its course. As long as she has control of her own mind and body, she'll do her best to try and escape. Unfortunately, she's not going to be able to depend on someone else missing her and asking the authorities for help. Angelika only speaks to her older sister in Szolnok about three or four times a year and they'd had a forty-five minute telephone conversation less than two weeks before her appointment with the Doctor. No reason for Panni to even thinking about contacting to her younger sibling again any time soon.
The girl isn't quite sure of what frightens her more. The fact that she'll completely lose control of her own thoughts and feelings or the possibility that she won't even be able to care about what has happened to her. Will she even remember any of this or will the device the Doctor placed in her brain completely blank out her memories and leave her nothing more than an empty shell? Just this robot like thing that Sam can program to fulfill his most extreme sadistic desires?
As she struggles come out of the sleep and be fully awake, Angelika thinks she hears the sound of shoes walking on a hard wood floor. A few moments later, she can smell the scent of bacon and a light comes on in the room. After her eyes have adjusted to the sudden brightness, she realizes that she's in Sam's guest bedroom in his New York apartment. The man is standing in front of her and is holding what appears to be a breakfast tray.
"You weren't kidding," He smirks. "You do really do sleep like a log when you're four poster on your back. What is it about this that relaxes you so much?"
"What?" Angelika replies.
"You told me yesterday that if I really wanted you to get a good night of sleep, I should tie you four poster on your back." Sam says. "You wanted to be at your best when we went to see the plastic surgeon."
"The plastic surgeon?" Angelika says, having a problem focusing on the confusing situation she now finds herself in.
"Yes Darling," He says. "We're going to see the Doctor and have her show us a few options for the replacement of your breast implants. Neither of us is all that happy with the job that guy in Vienna did a couple of years ago."
"Yes, Angel." Sam says. "I might have forgotten to inform you that the Doctor that was recommended to me is a woman. We've been so busy with the wedding plans and everything."
"We're going to see the Doctor this morning?" Angelika asks.
"Yes, Darling." Sam replies. "Is something wrong? You seem a bit disoriented."
"No, Master." Angelika replies, with a sigh of relief. "Everything is looking very good."
Three hours later, Sam opens the car door for Angelika. As they walk towards the elevator that will take them to the Doctor's office, the girl checks her cell phone and is very happy to see that it has a full charge and a strong signal.