- Author - Painslut Nadia
- Rating -
   [ 3.36 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2117 of 2955
- Story Codes - MF-f, consensual, analplay, bondage, electricity, extreme, humiliation, slavery, torture
- Post Date - 3/28/2011
Author's Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize in advance for bad spelling and grammar. The first part of the following short story is a fantasy, that I've had for a long time. Part two is real, but not that interesting. Part three will come, should anyone want to know more about me, my life or sick mind. critics are most welcome! http://painslut24-7.webs.com
Part one: "An extreme fantasy"
I'm blindfolded and heavily gagged, kneeling on a hard concrete floor, with my knees spread wide and locked to two rings on the ground.
One "H" shaped metal frame is running just below my stomach, so that my thighs and stomach are forming a 90 degrees angle. Another slightly taller is placed so that the horizontal pipe is pressing painfully against my lower back.
My arms are severely locked together; a pair of thumb cuff and two dozen pairs of handcuffs from wrists to upper arms via elbows. In addition my arms are shackled to the lower frame, leaving my upper body almost vertical, adding considerable strain to my lower back.
My hair is gathered in a ponytail, and forcefully pulled back and tied to my elbows with a leather cord, so I'm facing the ceiling.
Four strong alligator clips are attached to my pussy lips and two more to my nipples. All six are connected to a computer controlled box, which is designed to deliver powerful electric shocks.
Five powerful floodlights directed at me, causing me to perspire heavily.
I can hear people talk, drinking and having a good time, but besides of turning random shock setting on, they ignore me completely.
After awhile I start moaning and shaking due to both the current and increasingly cramps, people start shouting at me. Mostly words like "shut up cunt" or "our toy is getting horny" and things like that.
My pain is getting more and more intense by each passing moment now. My knees hurts since they've been taking most of my weight on a hard floor, my upper arms and shoulders are a mass of aching muscles, my lower back which I'd been arching for hours, my neck due to the strain, my jaws cause of the big penis gag, my nipples and pussy lips which had been clamped not to mention shocked repeatedly for hours, even my stomach muscles since I'd been flexing them to take a little strain off my back or knees. Only my hands are painless but perhaps that's because I lost feeling there some time ago.
Things starts to get more interesting now, one person begins to slap my face, spitting on me and calling me degrading names. Another whip my breasts mercilessly while I'm getting brutally raped in my ass. Somehow a fourth person manages to get room to whip my stomach.
Every now and then one or another get tired, but are immediately replaced. It turned out later that twenty people had their time with me, but of course I was unconsciousness in the last part.
I wake up in a small cage battered and bruised with marks all over my body. I can barely manage to lift my head, but still, with a smile is on my face.
Part two: "My background"
I was born January 1989 in a small village in Eastern Europe. That's about all I know for sure, since I was placed in an orphanage for reasons I do not know.
At age fifteen my current interest for bondage began. One evening I really put the patience on the staff to a test. Making all kinds of trouble I finally was placed in a straitjacket and attached to my bed.
In the beginning it was really annoying but as the night went on my body began to respond in a way I never experienced before, at first I was afraid I'd wet myself which would have been very embarrassing but now I know that it was only nature that designed the female body that way.
From that night onwards I became the most annoying, naughty, wild girl at the whole orphanage.
When I became seventeen, my body had developed into the one of an adult female. Not tall, nor the one of a classic beauty but still well-proportioned.
Firm pert breasts with almost constantly erect nipples, flat stomach, hips that have the exact same measurement as my chest, slim toned legs and small narrow feet. My butt is nothing to brag of, but since I am dipping it looks rather round. My face is kind of 'V' shaped with curious green eyes and a mouth that often is slightly open due to my constant amazement of the world.
With a weight just below 100 pounds I look a bit skinny, but then again, I'm only 5'5" tall so...
One day in June 2006 I was told to take a shower and then get dressed in the clothes which would be on my bed. Wondering what I did this time, I quickly did as ordered, cause my buttocks were still sore after the caning the night before. Stepping naked out of the shower an elderly woman named Sonya was waiting to help me get dressed.
It turned out to be fortune since it was the first time I wore stockings, gather belt and a thong. It was so tiny! And the way the string on the back continued to creep up between my buttocks!
Anyway, on it went along with a short red dress. My long brown hair was put into pigtails, which I found ridiculous because it was something young girls had.
Once dressed I was informed that if I really could show some good behavior, maybe I could be so lucky that a generous man would help me get started with a life in the real outside world. My excitement instantly raised unimaginable heights. Almost shacking I followed Sonya to the matron's office, with uneasy steps in 3 inch stiletto sandals.
A man was waiting for me, and I heard nothing of the conversation between him and Sonya. His charisma was overwhelming! He was tall, at least 6 foot something with an athletic build body and minimum twice my weight of pure muscles, I was immediately intimidated. His face looked old to me but as I later discovered he was just in his late 30's at that time. His eyes were staring at me with a solid hard look in such a way, that my first thought was to kneel, the second to lower my head.
That evening I saw the inside of a car, not to mention the mansion at our destination.